tv New Day CNN November 6, 2013 3:00am-6:01am PST
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the big winner, chris christie who gives a speech to the message to the entire country. you'll hear from him in an exclusive interview. this as the tea party loses two key races. are the moderates on the rise? we break down the dramatic electoral shifts and what they could mean. stunning admission. the mayor of toronto, north america's fourth largest city bluntly admits he smoked crack and this bizarre press conference where he vows to stay on. the question is, can he? your "new day" starts right now. >> announcer: this is "new day" with chris cuomo, kate bolduan and michaela pereira. good morning. welcome to "new day," it's wednesday, november 6th, 6:00 in the east. kate is bubbling with anticipation of election
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results. we have them, tea leaves to be read, returns to be understood. political outcome of making what is into what will be. chris christie won big in new jersey in a really no republican's ever won like he did, 20-point spread. it's how he fared with women, latinos, blacks and the young that must be analyzed. we will do that. virginia went for terry mcauliffe. he got big-name help campaigning from president obama and president clinton before he won. in that heated race he topped ken cuccinelli, sending strong signals for midterms and 2016. new york city, not a governor's race but important. why? a democrat is in for the first time in two decades. bill de blasio won by a three-to-one margin. it's the issued that mattered in the race that could mean big changes for the big apple. we will explain. let's start with the
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governors races we're looking at so closely. athena jones is live in arlingt arlington, virginia with more on election 2013. good morning, athena. >> reporter: good morning, kate. here in virginia the race for governor was much closer than expected until votes were counted in heavily democratic districts. in the end, terry mcauliffe won back the statehouse for his party, beating ken cuccinelli, virginia's attorney general and a tea party favorite. in new jersey, governor chris christie easily won re-election catapulting him to the front of the gop pack for 2016. christie put his audience on notice. >> how about this, new jersey? >> reporter: and those listening in washington as well. >> i did not seek a second term to do small things. i sought a second term to finish the job. now watch me do it. >> reporter: christie defeated
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state senator barbara buono. his re-election in a traditional blue state fueling more speculation that he will make a presidential run in 2016. >> i will not let any one, any thing, any political party, any governmental entity or any force get in between me and the completion of my mission. >> reporter: making clear that his mission is to ensure that everyone in his state fully recovers from superstorm sandy. christie drew criticism in the wake of the storm from some republicans for working alongside president obama. those same critics also question whether christie is conservative enough. christie said he has no plans to stop working across the aisle if it helps him meet his goals. >> we stand here tonight showing that it is possible to put doing your job first, to put working together first. to fight for what you believe in yet still stand by your principles and get something done for the people who elected
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you. >> reporter: in the battleground state of virginia, a very different picture. democrats scoring a big victory in a bruising governor's race. former dnc chairman terry mcauliffe beat the tea party favorite, attorney general ken cuccinelli by less than 60,000 votes. >> i know this has been a hard-fought race. i think every single person in virginia is glad that the tv ads are now over. obama won the state in 2008 and 2012. hillary clinton decides to make a run, he'll be a big ally in the state. >> make no mistake, the people of this city have chosen a progressive path. >> reporter: financially strapped detroit elected its first white mayer in 40 years
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and boston elevated a state lawmaker to replace its longest serving mayor. back to you, chris. >> the elections matter. for what happened last night, what happens in those places, what it means beyond. let's take a closer look at the votes behind the victories. john king live in washington. great to have you. we start with terry mcauliffe's victory in virginia. how is it run? what does the victory mean beyond his own position? >> this one will be studied because this race was so close. virginia is the governor's race and virginia is a tug of war. evenly divided on the big major issues. let's start by looking at all this red. if you glanced at this map you would think the republican won. terry mcauliffe owes his victory right there, just like president obama in 2008 and 2012, the more populous washington suburbs, the fastest growing part of the state, more moderate voters, younger voters, a rising teenage population. that's why he has narrow win,
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all due to big support in the washington, d.c. suburbs. let's take a closer look at how he did it. i'll explain what i mean about the tug of war. the electorate, 51% women, 49% men. women were the majority of the electorate and a majority of those women just barely went for terry mcauliffe. this mattered hugely. a slight gender gap. helping him despite this. look at this. here's one thing changing in virginia. we used to think of this as reliably red, a conservative southern state. 44% of the electorate described themselves as moderate. support among moderates and lib rats but terry mcauliffe just barely over the top. chris, over the top despite very strong opposition to the president's health care plan. 53% oppose obama care in the state of virginia. this is what kept ken cuccinelli close at the end. look at this, 81 president of obama care opponents supported the republican for governor. this is what kept this so close,
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closer than most of the late polls. the recent opposition to obama care hurting the democratic candidate. the president is under water in virginia and yet the democrat won just barely. the president's disapproval rating. here's how. terry mcauliffe told the people of virginia that ken cuccinelli was part of the tea party crowd that shut down the government. virginia voters blamed the republicans more than the president. those who blamed republicans for shutting down the government, remember how close, especially northern virginia is to washington, d.c. a big factor there. lastly, terry mcauliffe made the point, not just on tea party issues but controversial issues like gay rights, abortion. half of the electorate thought ken cuccinelli was too conservative for the state of virginia. of those voters, look at that, that's your margin of victory, push them on the tea party, the social issues, get turnout in the northern virginia suburbs. that's why terry mcauliffe narrowly will be the next
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governor of virginia. people will study the exit polls looking ahead to 2014 and 2016. >> very interesting. seems to reflect they had the right issue with obama care but didn't go about it the right way. let's go to jersey where it's different there. it's really all about the man. how did you see what it means for governor chris christie? >> rand paul, ted cruz, some of the tea party guys are with the republican base. the way you validate yourself in politics, you win elections. look at that. this has been one of the bluest of blue states in america. chris christie filling in everything except urban newark with red. i'm sure this will hang on his wall somewhere and mail this to republican activists all around the country saying look what i did in my state. let's move over to the new jersey exit polls. a sweep. he's running against a female democratic candidate, chris christie not only wins men, he
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wins women and both big. of course chris christie republicans tend to win the white vote but remember, chris, what happened to john mccain among african-americans and latinos in 2008, what happened to mitt romney. let's look at this. barbara buono did win african-americans but chris christie will brag about this. look at this number here, 21% of african-americans voted for their republican governor to re-elect him. he more than doubled his take from four years ago. have you seen that in a long time? that's red. 9% of the vote in new jersey is colored red because chris christie carried the latino vote by five, six points there. 51%. remember what happened to romney and mccain in florida, nevada, new mexico. this a powerful message for chris christie. it's clear the people of new jersey like their governor but
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you want to talk about 2016. i'll leave that one for you. superstorm sandy 84% -- 84% of the people said he handled sandy well. that was a big personal factor for him. now we go to 2016 to see if chris christie can make the case as he travels the country. >> here's the segue. you showed the numbers there. last night, the governor won with women which was surprising, showed strength but however when we talk about the woman, hillary rodham clinton, the story changes. even though a man named john king told me to listen for what you don't hear said. what do we see? >> it's a close race. the state hasn't gone republican for president since 1984. it's a close race. hillary clinton ahead by four points. chris christie's message to republicans can be i can guarantee new jersey but if he's competitive in new jersey he's competitive in places like
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pennsylvania and ohio as well. these are the races up in 2014 republican governors. iowa that's up, there's a place called ohio that's up, there's a place called south carolina that's up. you know where i'm going here. he'll get a chance to test his appeal in the states that matter most when we pick presidents. >> very interesting, john. thank you for breaking it down on a night he just crushes it. it's a race before the race begins. >> a lot to learn from those exit polls. a closely watched republican primary race in alabama has gone to the establishment candidate, former state senator bradley byrne beat dean young in a runoff that was considered a test of the tea party following the government shutdown last month. >> lots of interesting ballot questions, too. two dealt with marijuana. portland, maine has been the first east coast city to legalize pot for anyone over 21.
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voters approved a in you tax on recreational marijuana in colorado by a wide margin but a vote in 11 counties to secede, still too close to call. stay tuned. we'll have jake tapper's exclusive interview with chris christie, the re-elected governor of new jersey coming up next hour. lots of interesting stuff in there. we have headlines to look at away from the election results. health and human services secretary kathleen sebelius going before the senate finance committee today. last week she told members of the house she was sorry for the obama care website debacle. newly released documents show the site had even more problems than first reported. the brother of the new jersey mall shooter says his family still does not know why he did it. kevin shoop says his brother richard didn't plan to hurt anyone but himself. a friend of the shooter said he sent him a message that said they needed to talk but he was
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already asleep and he did not respond. new details in a mysterious plane crash last week. preliminary ntsb reports says the pilot, michael kallen filed a flight plan showing a short trip within canada. he did not talk to air traffic control at the nashville airport before he crashed. the wreckage was not spotted until some six hours after the crash. two oklahoma inmates who escaped through a prison shower ceiling are back behind bars this morning. they were picked up at a home not far from the prison. they were part of a group of four inmates who made a clean getaway last month climbing out of a shower. they were found days later, less than 20 miles away. i want to show you chilling images from a truck accident that killed a police officer. the entire thing caught on dash
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camera. the driver 30-year-old jorge espinosa was browsing his facebook page when he suddenly barreled into emergency vehicles that were stopped for an accident. he's pled not guilty to 20 felony charges including second degree murder. this is an unfortunate and tragic reminder of the impact of distracted driving. >> to see it taking place there. horrible situation. let's get over to karen mcginnis. she's in for indra petersons. she has the forecast for us. >> we are looking at a frontal system, very vigorous. it's produced as much as 8 inches of snowfall across portions of the midwest. it marches towards the east. places like detroit, st. louis and dallas, the frontal system makes its way towards the eastern seaboard, new york, boston, atlanta, you're due for wet weather and here it comes in the form of the frontal system
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with much colder air moving in behind it. in the meantime for this afternoon, those temperatures will be fairly mild, running a little bit above normal. you could see potentially heavy rainfall from the ohio river valley down towards the tennessee river valley. a couple of inches of rainfall expected across that region and behind this weather system we'll also see pretty gusty winds. maybe on the order of 25 to 30 miles per hour. here's what that wet weather will, toronto, chicago, st. louis, eventually making its way to new york city, charlotte and atlanta, coming up for thursday and moving out by friday. chris, kate, back to you. >> thanks so much, karen. talk to you in a bit. coming up next on "new day," a big city mayor admitting after months and months and months of speculation he did use drugs and he was caught on camera smoking crack cocaine. he says he wants to keep his job, though. of course the question is, can he? >> boy, did you hear about this? remarkable find in a german apartment.
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hundreds of priceless art masterpieces stolen by the nazis. wait until you hear what they're worth. but did you know there's a cereal that's recommended by doctors? it's post shredded wheat. recommended by nine out of ten doctors to help reduce the risk of heart disease. post shredded wheat is made with only one ingredient: one hundred percent whole grain wheat, with no added sugar or salt. try adding fruit for more health benefits and more taste in your bowl. it's the ideal way to start your heart healthy day. try post shredded wheat. this has been medifacts for post shredded wheat. his day of coaching begins with knee pain, when... [ man ] hey, brad, want to trade the all-day relief of two aleve for six tylenol? what's the catch? there's no catch. you want me to give up my two aleve for six tylenol? no. for my knee pain, nothing beats my aleve.
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welcome back to "new day," everyone. toronto mayor rod ford has come clean. he says he won't step down after admitting he smoked crack cocaine. experts say he won't have to. paula newton is here with this story. >> reporter: this guy put it all on the table, confessed, remarkable, though, despite everything you're about to hear,
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keep in mind every time something like this happens, his poll numbers are resilient. he says he's running again. take a listen. >> these allegations are ridiculous. >> reporter: after months of bold-faced denials. >> i did not use crack cocaine nor am i an addict of crack cocaine. >> reporter: toronto mayor rob ford's confession was as riveting as it was blunt. >> yes, i smoked crack cocaine. >> when, sir? >> do i? am i an addict? no. have i tried it? probably in a drunken stupor about a year ago. >> reporter: there it was, the sordid truth that this mayor could no longer outrun, months of secret police surveillance of ford was made public last week in connection with the arrest of the mayor's friend and part-time driver. he faces drug offenses as well as extortion charges. but police say so far, the mayor isn't charged with anything. police did confirm they have the video, the one that allegedly
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shows mayor ford smoking crack cocaine from a pipe. >> i don't recall there being a tape and individual yes. i want to see the state i was in. >> reporter: mayor ford says he's put it all out there, he's looking for forgiveness. >> i have nothing left to hide. i embarrassed everyone in this ci city, and i will be forever sorry. >> reporter: he had a lot to say except the words i'm stepping down. >> i was elected to do a job. and that's exactly what i'm going to continue doing. >> reporter: he intends to run for mayor again next fall. our thanks to paula newton there. let's bring in a canadian political commentator, she's covered the ford scandal since the beginning.
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thank you so much for joining us. new york recently saw a controversial scandal involving the congressman from new york. he eventually stepped down. a lot of people were thinking if this had happened in the united states this would be political suicide for a mayor to make this admission. what is it about canada that a politician can survive this kind of thing? >> reporter: you know, to be fair, i don't think this has anything to do with canada, it has to do with torontoens, which we refer to ford nation. his support doesn't seem to waiver no matter what the scandal is. >> let's talk about that ford nation. he's talk about the fact that he's against the establishment, if you will. i want to read to you, actually, a full screen we have from a colleague up there. a journalist in toronto who says the people that swourt him are a ground swell of hardworking beer-drinking people rallying around an ordinary guy.
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how far do you think this regular guy, ordinary guy thing can go for the mayor? >> reporter: you know, he's been riding it so far. your guess is as good as mine, i suppose, at this point. what's interesting is that the fords come from a lot of wealth. so he's not even a regular guy, aside from being mayor, growing up very privileged. it boggles everybody's mind how he manages to come off as an average joe. >> what's also interesting, too, this family has had their share of challenges. there's been -- he's been in the headlines a lot for controversy in recent years. >> reporter: yes, absolutely. "new york" magazine ran an excellent piece. before gawker released the whole crack-gate, if you will, they came up with 21 things we should know about rob ford. ford, before the crack scandal, had 21 things worth talking about that were controversial.
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>> he says he's not going to resign, saying he'll probably run again. his approval rating has soared. how do you explain that? >> reporter: i know. i guess it has to do with the suburban and downtown divide here in the greater toronto area. the suburbanites care about is stopping taxes and he has sort of a tag line is stopping the gravy train at city hall, which to some degree he has done to much of his credit. >> we know there's a move afoot, one of the city councilmen floated a motion to take many of his powers away from him. how likely is that to happen? and have you heard that movement and motion is gaining support from politicians there? >> reporter: absolutely. i would say the word inside council and around city hall is that there is a lot of support for this movement. how can anybody realistically get anything done when the mayor admitted to smoking crack cocaine? >> we want to say thank you to our political commentator in
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toronto and joining us from toronto. we want to hear about this from you at home. sound off, tweet us, us use #newday. >> quite a story. coming up next on "new day," the dust is settling from the election. big wins for new jersey's governor and leader in virginia. what do these results tell us about 2016? our political gut check is coming up. and we'll know what twitter is worth. the stock is about to go public. that's coming up. i love chalk and erasers. but change is coming. all my students have the brand new surface. it has the new windows and comes with office, has a real keyboard, so they can do real work. they can use bing smartsearch to find anything in the world... or last night's assignment. and the battery lasts and lasts, so after school they can skype, play games, and my homework. change is looking pretty good after all.
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welcome back to "new day," everyone. time now for our political gut check of the morning. the results are in but what do these offseason elections tell us about what matters most to american voters? cnn political analyst and executive editor of the daily beast, john avalon here with all the answers. you wrote a great article, a great piece in the daily beast, looking at, as we like to say, the cross-tabs going deep into the exit polls what are your big takeaways from last night? >> christie's win is monster. it cannot be underestimated that
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a republican won new jersey across the demographic divides and the fact that he won the latino vote outright. we're not talking about someone who bridged the gender gap, we're talking about someone who reversed it, against a woman. a strong showing by chris christie and that itself is a big memo to the gop. virginia, a lot closer than people expected. still in ken cuccinelli's loss, there's something historic. >> in your piece you write this is a revenge for rinos. you write extremism alienates, moderation matters. it was a close race in virginia. >> it was closer than expect. keep in mine for the last almost three decades virginia has always voted against the party of the president just elected. history would show that republicans would carry this.
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terry mcauliffe, a deeply flawed candidate, he's a former dnc chair, clinton fund-raiser. ken cuccinelli's extremism, his social conservatism alienated the swing voters he needed to win. four years ago, bob mcdonald was able to win women by eight points. that was simply not in the cards. when you look at christie's margin, you see the outlines of something the gop needs more of, an ability to appeal outside the base. that's why this election matters so much. >> pretty clear in his acceptance speech that he is looking beyond the new jersey borders. not subtle. >> and i guess that's okay. >> christie specifically pushed back in an interview to jake tapper on issue of the suggestion that he's a moderate. he said i am a conservative. is that a challenge for him going forward when he's getting outside of new jersey if he's approaching a presidential primary? >> you know, chris christie spt a subtle guy. i do think his speech last night
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put the cards on the table pretty clearly where he wants to go. he understands the lessons of other candidates like rudy giuliani who i worked for. he understands that, look, the republican party is a conservative party. his challenge is to broaden the definition of conservative. he's not going to get stuck being called a rino when it really matters. he doesn't strong away from a strong center right style leadership. he talks about the importance of being able to build broad coalitions. that's the line he'll have to walk. is he going to expose himself on his right flank unnecessarily? no. he's going to really lead this fight, lead this debate inside the republican party which has these deep disputes between the center and the far right. christie is someone who might be able to square the circle and he's not going to make the same mistakes previous candidates have in the past. >> you see both candidates were campaigning to the middle, mcauliffe was campaigning as a
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moderate as well as obviously christie. they won last night. there's a message in that. we can dig deeper for days to come but there's a message there. >> you can. terry mcauliffe did it very well with a big money advantage. democrats can look to bill de blasio and say the new left is resur resurging. >> good point. >> there's nothing subtle about chris christie's mammoth win last night and that's something to really pay attention to across the nation because it says a lot about what we're going to be dealing with going forward as a country in our political debates which is fun. >> politics, elections, they're back. great to see you. >> you too, guys. >> michaela. a teacher wounded during the shooting rampage at l.a.x. is going public. ryan ludmer was shot in the leg and used a sweatshirt to stop the bleeding. police officers later found him, got him into a wheelchair and hustled him through the
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terminal. the suspect is in critical condition. the parents of a nevada boy who wounded two students, killed a teacher and himself last week said they had no idea rather that their son was so angry. jose and lillianna said their son was teased and was working on a speech problem. his parents say they hope everyone can move forward with their lives. michelle knight saying the love for her son helped her survive years of cruelty. castro tied her up with an extension cord, chained to a metal pole for days with a motorcycle helmet on her head. castro punched her in the stomach with a barbell when she became pregnant. 86-year-old joy johnson passed away in her sleep in her new york hotel room a day after
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crossing the finish line. johnson stumbled during the race and hit her head around the 20 mile marker but managed to finish the race anyway in just under eight hours. it was johnson's 25th time completing the new york marathon. surveillance video catching a ten-point buck making an unexpected trip to a supermarket in cedar rapids, managed to follow a man through the front door. charging down the produce aisle. customers clearing the way. ran into the stock area in the back of the store and then we're told he walked right on to a delivery truck. the deer was then driven to a park and released. >> it was released. >> cut out the middleman. >> do you know what it was looking for or no? >> i cannot wait to know. >> did we interview the deer. >> yes, we're getting word. i believe it's probably hunting season there which means they released it, a ten-point buck, there were 50 sights trained on it.
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>> what makes them ten points? >> a big deal. >> that's a big deal buck. >> big deal, big trophy. coming up on "new day," it was a rachelleable find, hundreds of priceless paintings in a german apartment, stolen by the nazis. how did they get there? will they get returned to their rightful owners? this happens more than you think. we'll talk about it. everyone's atwitter this morning. are you buying into twitter? its stock goes on sale in just a few hours. many are lining up to get their chance. what is in it for you? >> tweet me.
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let's go around the world now starting in israel. secretary of state john kerry is there trying to jump start peace talks twin the palestinians. >> john kerry meeting with israeli and palestinian leaders to push forward u.s.-brokered peace talks. the talks have been stalemate since they started three months ago. the issue of borders in a future palestinian state, the status of jerusalem, all among the core issues in which the two sides remain far apart. secretary kerry saying he is determined to work through the issues. and is at least publicly still expressing confidence that an agreement can be reached. back to you, kate. >> thank you so much. in china, explosions rocked a communist party building there leaving at least one person dead. david mckenzie has that. >> a series of explosions rocked northern china early wednesday. outside the communist party
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headquarters. in a city there, the authorities say that they found ball bearings and electronic circuit boards on the scene. at least one person was killed. several were injured. and it comes just over a week from that dramatic incident at tiananmen square where a jeep plowed into tourists and caught on fire. the communist party calling that a terror attack. kate, back to you. >> all right, david, thank you very much for that. it's being called the biggest artistic find in modern history. nearly 1,500 works of art taken by the nazis, found in a german apartment, including previously unknown works by mattiace, chagall and dix. give us an idea how unprecedented is this? >> nothing like this has ever happened. it's like the demonic forces of history have conspired and this thing, a 1,500 works of art, that's three times more than
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hang in the museum of modern art right now. >> wow. >> have been found. all of it missing, lost, a lot of it possibly tremendous history changing. >> in one apartment it was founded? >> we're not sure where the work is exactly. >> okay. >> it may be spread out. a lot of it isn't in frames. a lot of it may be in storage, wherever it is, the shock of this will wear off and a greater shock will start which is where will this work go? >> right. that's what i want you to give us perspective on. this will be the biggest of its kind to date. this is the story we don't hear about, people who lost artwork, want to get it back and it's often very difficult. >> it's very hard. the reparations is what it's called, are in place. laws for it, except say there's three or four sides of your family that wants a painting that your family sold in 1938 to get out of berlin fast.
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well, is that painting legally or illegally confiscated? the nazis took tens of thousands of works of art. if they took it from your family, do you have claim on it? which side of the family? i'm very sad to say that the big winners in this may be lawyers. lawyers. and the opportunist auction houses who may come in and just try to sell this stuff off and cash in. there's a tragic side repeating itself. >> is that also what's behind why -- we hear that this art was discovered, like a year ago. why are we just finding out about it now? is it because of the lawyers? is it because of the lawsuits? >> i'm really sad that it worked out this way because you usually in germany when they find something you hear about it right away. they're very sensitive to this. >> right. >> but to wait a year or two,
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it's very dicey. you don't like the idea. it makes suspicion rise. the bottom line is, what will happen with this work? it would be really nice, say, if a billionaire built a building and another billionaire gave all the money and spread it out to families and this work could be kept together as a kind of a memorial to an incredible tragedy. >> you're talking billions. what are we talking about the value of the works that were found? >> maybe $1.5 billion. >> shocking. >> it even goes beyond that. it goes to a chunk of history, most of which went up the chimneys in auschwitz. as europe self-emulated. we lost a generation or two of creative people as well to the holocaust. this is about annihilation being denied. but annihilation could happen again if the lawyers and the
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auction houses and the conflicting people get their way. >> it's valuable stuff, obviously. it's even more valuable to these families. they want it back because it's now being kept from them and it was a chain of legacy that was taken from their families. >> i hope these families get their work back. >> jerry, we appreciate you joining us. >> it's amazing when you think about the scale of it. >> we'll keep watching this. >> it probably won't be as smooth as you think it should be. coming up on "new day," we'll talk twitter. i use it all the time. let me tell you, that is risky. the question is will be it risky to invest in the stock in it gets priced today. that's the final stop before going public. we'll tell you the latest on a potential share price and expectations. >> i think bowling is hard. apparently so does this guy. oh, wait. when you come back, you'll see how hard bowling is for him. >> the back swing. farmer: hello, i'm an idaho potato farmer.
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welcome back to "new day," everyone. twitter's initial public offering, price is set to debut today and the company's founders and investors are poised to probably not surprisingly, strike gold. even some celebrities are getting in on this windfall. chief business correspondent christine romans has been looking at it. the ipo itself is interesting. the celebrity element makes it sexier, i guess. >> twitter was popular among celebrities looking to burnish their reputation, using it as a
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way to talk to fans and grow their influence. also their investors who people and celebrities who invested in this company. richard branson, for example, a celebrity in the business world, his rep confirming that he is an early investor in twitter. we're hearing that ashton kutcher, no surprise. ashton kutcher, for example, this is someone who -- i don't mean to have a love affair with his money moves. he's made some great moves, he's invested in uber, spotify. we're hearing big international investors are in on this. if you look at the founders, ev williams, 1.4 -- that is a "b" on your screen. jack dorsey, 586 million. biz stone. he's not listed on the original list.
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and the ceo, dick costolo. >> how much are the celebrities going to make? >> there are various. some of the venture capital firms will make hundreds of millions of dollars. >> assuming it sells through when it hits the market. prepricing it -- do you think the revenues, the story of the stock will get it through the facebook fiasco. >> i don't think you'll have the facebook fiasco. is this facebook or google? remember google you waited at the open of google and went up and up and up and now is above $1,000 a share. can this company prove it can make money? by selling sponsored advertisement. our young people, young people will still be such avid twitter fans or are they going to find other things to do? it reminds me of bono. he was one of the original savvy tech investors with elevation partners, a took investor there.
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there's a lot of money going around to what could be the future of twitter competitors from some of these stars. >> what are we thinking the initial offering? >> $23.50 to $25 a share. >> it was in the teens. >> for the rest of us, real people, do you buy it tomorrow? all these people i'm telling you about are going to make a fortune right now from investments they already made. they invested in twitter before it was a public company. now it's your turn to decide. warren buffett says he doesn't buy initial public offerings. >> what does he know. he's in nebraska, what does he know. >> what does warren buffett know. >> got me pondering what i'm going to do. >> let's distract ourselves with our must-see moment. if at first you do not succeed, try, try, try again. he's going for a strike. first try doesn't pan out. adds more power. whoa!
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did that go through the creeling? his buddies caught it all on tape and you know they're going to work him for this. >> if you've been bowling a long time as an avid bowler, your fingers can swell as the game continues. >> swelling in the ball. >> what? >> he put it through the ceiling. >> that was a move. >> poor guy. >> #epicfail. >> don't look at my bowling game. >> ditto. >> wow. in the defense -- coming up on "new day" -- the elections are over. chris christie won big. how he did it and what he said may be more important about the win itself to his political future. jake tapper talked to him. you'll want to hear it. he joins us next. and the nfl player at the center of that bullying
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nthat's why they deserve... aer anbrake dance. get 50% off new brake pads and shoes. richie incognito incognito no more, breaking his silence, adding to what has been a one-sided story. andy scholes has more in this morning's bleacher report. what does he say, what does it mean? >> incognito has remained quiet on the allegations against him while the nfl investigates the accusations against him made by martin. they caught up with incognito in a parking lot and got his first comments on the scandal. take a listen. >> how are you?
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>> doing well. >> what do you have to say about this storm you're in? >> i'm trying to weather the storm right now. this will pass. >> new twist to this came out yesterday. according to the "sun sentinel" incognito was asked by dolphins coaches to toughen up martin last spring. according to a source, incognito took it too far. one of the top stories in the lineup section is why i have my body guards keep my fans at arm's length. according to "usa today," ryan lochte suffered a torn mcl and sprained acl when and overzealous teenage girl in florida attempted to jump into his arms. they both fell, lochte hurt his knee. he's now expected to miss some time. this is an example of why you should not always embrace your fans. >> i know you have that problem all the time, andy. i know. >> yeah, i have my body guard
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ready to take me back to the office right now. >> carrying you. thanks so much. we're at the top of the hour which means it is time for your top news. >> the only greatest honor and privilege than being a one-term governor of new jersey is to be a two-term governor of new jersey. >> the winners, chris christie wins but his victory message is the real news. we have an exclusive interview with the governor. and this question, is the tea party last night's big loser? tough losses for conservatives. has the movement lost its edge? we are covering it all this morning. chance for freedom. he was imprisoned ten years ago for a murder he says he did not commit. every witness admitted to lying. will he finally be set free? >> your "new day" starts right now. >> announcer: this is "new day" with chris cuomo, kate bolduan
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and michaela pereira. >> good morning. welcome to "new day," wednesday, november 6th. 7:00 in the east. we had an easy win for governor chris christie. big margin, 20 points. big message. it may be what he did not say that means the most. question, how long will chris christie stay in the governor's mansion? >> and in virginia, long-time democratic operative terry mcauliffe came out on top in what was surprisingly a nail biter to become that state's new governor, beating out ken cuccinelli, leading many to wonder what this all means for 2016. >> and here in new york city, so-called bloomberg fatigue paid off big for bill de blasio. the city's public advocate becomes the first democrat to win the race for mayor since 1989. back to the big race. the new jersey race for governor, what it means for chris christie. jake tapper is live from asbury park, new jersey. bruce springsteen's land of hope
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and dreams. jake tapper will help us break this down. a new day for new jersey's governor. >> it is. although it's clear that the governor said that he was focused on just this race and being re-elected governor here, his possible presidential ambitions were no secret. i spent the day with him yesterday. all sorts of voters kept coming up to him with joking vice presidential suggestions, including judge judy. this race as far as governor christie sees it was about more than re-election. it was about seeing what the national republican party, national republicans could see about what he's able to do here in terms of winning over traditionally democratic voters. >> i heard criticism from a democrat about you and actually more about the media and the public, which is that if christie wins in their view, this democrat's view, it's a triumph of personality over policy. is that a fair criticism?
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>> i think that voting is much more visceral. people say can i trust this person? if you're looking for the candidate you agree with 100% of the time, take a look in the mirror. if we demand that of candidates they'll lie to you. i don't think people want that. i think that's why i've gotten some leeway from people in new jersey about areas where we disagree because at least they know i'm telling the truth. >> i was thinking about your style and president obama earlier today because the president is trying to explain what he meant in 2009 and 2010 when he said if you like your plan, you can keep your doctor. if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. obviously that's not entirely true for millions of americans. what advice would you give him? >> don't be so cute. and when you make a mistake, admit it. if he was mistaken in 2009, 2010
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on his understanding of how the law would operate, just admit it to people. you know what, i said it, i was wrong. i'm sorry. and we're going to try to fix this and make it better. i think people would give any leader in that circumstance a lot of credit for just, you know, owning up to it. >> what did you think of president obama's leadership during the government shutdown? >> i didn't think he showed much. you know, he kind of was sitting back, letting things happen. i thought it was very political. i think everybody was playing politics. because you're the executive. if you're waiting for congress to lead, you're going to wait for a long time. the executive needs to lead. >> god bless you. >> thank you so much. >> that a way, emily. >> in the final hours of his re-election campaign, christie stopped at this diner where i asked him about his personal and highly publicized weight loss battle. >> a couple people back there talking about you look great. how is your health? >> i feel good. we're a little bit more than halfway to my goal.
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in the last eight months. that's really good. it's a great feeling and it's hard work. but i feel like for the first time i've got a pathway. which is really nice. >> now, chris, the case that christie wants to make to the national republican audience is one that was very, very impressive in terms of his exit polls. he won women, though he was running against a democratic woman. he won democratic leaning counties such as the one near trenton and princeton. he won latino voters. he made inroads with african-americans, doubling the percentage he got four years ago. he is going to be able to make the case. this is what i can do in a blue state. the question is, is he pure enough as a conservative for the party faithful, chris? >> i'll tell you, it's interesting, jake. you got a lot out of him. he got context and detail to how he feels about matters going
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forward. he told you about his weight. i see a clear path going forward. maybe metaphor about what he sees for his future politically. what does he make, what do you make of the numbers, him versus hillary in his home state? >> well, i didn't ask him about that. because that exit poll hadn't come out before i interviewed him. but i will say, that it is a long way to 2016. it is a democratic state. so it's not a huge surprise that there would be people who would say i'll vote for him for governor but i'd rather have hillary clinton as my president. >> sounds right, jake. i have to tell you, it's an important interview to watch. people are measuring him. you covered a lot of ground. thanks for bringing it to us this morning, jake. >> of course, chris. thank you. >> beautiful morning behind jake as well. get a lot more of the interview we were just sampling, jake every day on at 4:00 p.m., "the
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lead" right here on cnn. >> if you like it, you can keep it a simple big but promise made early and often by president obama, a promise that should have come with an asterisk. it's adding to the damage control facing the white house over obama care. let's get to brianna keilar with more on the continued fallout from that one line, brianna. >> a lot going on when it comes to obama care as we are inching closer to the release of that enrollment data. we're expecting that to come next week and today, it is the senate's turn to hear from hhs secretary kathleen sebelius. >> when health and human services secretary kathleen sebelius testifies before the senate finance committee today she'll get tough questions. even from democrats. like chairman max baucus. this is what he told sebelius in april. >> i tell you, i just see a huge train wreck coming down. >> he may resist saying i told
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you so but republicans surely will not. tuesday on capitol hill, the obama administration finally made public how many people they are currently aiming to enroll in obama care. >> i think that we were looking at between october and november, i think that number was around 800,000. >> reporter: that's the goal. officials say 700,000 have signed up, though firm numbers won't be released until midmonth. >> how do you not know how many people have enrolled? >> chairman camp we'll have those numbers available mid-november. >> reporter: not soon enough for republicans. dave camp, the chairman of that committee issued a subpoena demanding data by this friday. ed -- the administration seems unlikely to comply. now the president is dealing with another health care headache, his own promise. >> if you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan. >> reporter: it has run into reality, policy cancellations for many on the individual
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insurance market. now he's saying this. >> if you have or had one of these plans before the affordable care act came into law, and you really like that plan, what we said was you could keep it. if it hasn't changed since the law has passed. >> reporter: a huge caveat, tack on to the promise we heard for years now. >> if you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan, period. >> reporter: critics have seized on the change. >> the new promise is, if you want health care, go find it. on a website, that the administration says won't be working properly until the end of november. >> reporter: and president obama is expected to hit republicans specifically texas governor rick perry who has blocked an expansion of medicaid in his state under obama care as president obama heads to dallas today where he will be meeting with volunteers who are working to enroll americans in obama care, chris and kate.
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>> as you mentioned, another big day for the secretary of health and human services today on capitol hill, brianna. >> that's right. >> michaela? let's take a look at the other headlines making news. the egyptian government's ban on e muslim brotherhood will stay in effect for now. a court has thrown out an appeal that would allow the political group to return. the party of ousted president mohamed morsi had its assets frozen and was prohibited from taking part in political activity. an 18-wheeler out of control taking out a bridge and a second big rig slammed into the bridge debris. no reports of injuries but crews will be working for white a while to get this mess cleaned up. the faa announcing new rules for pilot training to avoid and recover from airplane stalls that can lead to crashes. this all stems from the fatal crash of an airline plane in
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buffalo. it's the biggest change in pilot training in the past 20 years. illinois becoming the latest state to approve same-sex marriage. lawmakers voted in favor of the change yesterday after extensive lobbying from both sides. governor pat quinn says he intends to sign the bill which is expected to take effect june 1st. illinois joins 14 other states in legalizing same-sex marriage. an attempted robbery thwarted by an ax-wielding victim. an intruder tried to steal her watch off her arm. she awoken and immediately reached for the ax beside her bed. she happens to be a former ax-throwing competitor by the way. yes. the startled robber, a 22-year-old fled, and was later arrested by police. certainly picked on the wrong victim. >> that robber had no idea what he was walking into. i'm glad she's okay. >> who needs a gun when you have
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an ax next to your bed. very nice. let's get a check of the weather. karen mcginnis in for indra petersons. >> we are looking at wet weather in detroit and chicago, extending down to st. louis. the i-95 corridor, you're 12 to 24 hours away from many some of this wet weather moving in your vin the. a couple areas of low pressure right along this frontal system. the wet weather out ahead of it. for new york, extending down towards washington, d.c. and into charlotte, i think for the most part, that rainfall will be half inch to about an inch. there could be locally heavier amounts. area of low pressure and that vigorous frontal system making its way towards the east. behind it much colder air. temperatures running 5 to 10 degrees below where they should be for this time of year. as we look at the precipitation forecast, as i mentioned, could be heavy in spots. the further south you go, tapping moisture, 1 to 2 inches
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possible. if you're headed to the airports, be careful tomorrow. it may be slow going. we'll talk about some of those airport delays coming up then. back to you guys. coming up next on "new day," is syria really coming clean on its stockpile of chemical weapons? new u.s. intelligence suggests the answer is no. we're live with important new details, just ahead. plus, the text message received too late. i'm going away for a very long time. you want my car? that and more, emerging about the 20-year-old new jersey mall shooter. we'll bring you the latest. we gave people a sticker and had them show us. we learned a lot of us have known someone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed much is the official retirement age. ♪ the question is how do you make sure you have the money you need to enjoy all of these years. ♪
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welcome back to "new day," everyone. new classified u.s. intelligence suggests syria might be trying to secretly hide some of its chemical weapons. cnn's pentagon correspondent barbara starr is in washington with the very latest details. some great reporting by you, barbara. what's the latest? >> well, kate, should anybody have believed bashar al assad in the first place in is maybe not. there's new classified intelligence being reviewed at the highest level of administration that indicates assad may be trying to hide some of his chemical weapons stockpile. a u.s. official familiar with the information tells me, i just want to quote, he says there are various threads of information that would shake our confidence. they've done things recent that i suggest syria is not ready to get rid of all their chemical
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weapons. why might assad be doing this? well, israel is next door with nuclear weapons. assad needs a power hedge inside his own regime to show he's tough against the israelis. the belief is that is why he may be up to this. what does the u.s. do if he's trying to hold on to chemical stockpiles? do you go back to the russians, get the russians to help? no political appetite for military action. this puts the administration potentially in a real box. chris? >> barbara, a story that cannot be ignored. thank you for staying on it as will we. that mall in new jersey where a gunman opened fire is re 0ing today. alexandra field is here with more. >> police have said that richard shoop left a note indicating that the end was near and now his closest friends are saying that in the days and hours
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before his death, they received a series of text message messag. looking back, they wish they had been able to read more into some of the messages. >> reporter: cell phone video captures the mayhem indecide the garden state plaza mall as hundreds of shoppers ran for their lives after shots rang out monday night. everyone escaped unharmed except for the gunman, 20-year-old richard shoop who took his own life. the suspect's brother is expressing the family's grief. >> this was something that none of us saw coming. we're not sure exactly what caused him to do this and we're -- i mean, we're all devastated. >> reporter: as police continue to comb surveillance video for clues, those closest to shoop are wondering why he went on this suicide mission. >> he texted me sunday night saying i need to talk to you. it's very important. i was asleep already. >> reporter: that was the last time jordan connohan heard from his best friend, around the same time, shoop was sending similar
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messages to bonnie benedict. he writes i need to tell you something really important. call me. i'm going away for a really long time. do you want to have my car? at 5:55 in the evening, bonnie gets one last message. sorry. bonnie says she saw shoop monday morning but never responded to the texts that came later that day. he was really lonely. >> benedict and connahan said he knew he was in trouble with the law. >> he just sadly decided to make an act of -- an act of, i guess, self-indulgence by taking his own life publicly. >> reporter: police say shoop entered the mall dressed in
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black and wearing a motorcycle helmet. they believe he was motivated by suicide or dying at the hands of police. in the days before his death, shoop's closest friends say he just didn't seem himself. >> he was getting real paranoid about everything. he thought cops were following him. >> reporter: on monday afternoon he sent bonnie this message, cops have been watching my house for the past four days now. i only have maybe one more day before they come for me. his friends now wish they had somehow reached out to him. >> the signs were there, yes. it makes sense. it's just someone that you never, ever in a million years would think would be the one to do this. you know, he's always so happy and positive. >> reporter: shoop worked at a local piz local pizzeria. but his bosses say three days before his death he simply
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stopped showing up for work. >> his friends say he didn't seem right in the days leading up. you never think your friend could do something like this. >> they didn't expect it from this kid. they say he reached out to friends. he was friendly with other people. he had a lot of people in that inner circle. while he was saying things looking back that do seem alarming, again, they didn't expect it from him, kate. >> they'll have to live with this legacy. very tough for them. a simple promise that started back in 2009 is turning into the president's big headache in 2013. is obama care turning into his read my lips moment? we're having that debate, coming up. the story of justice denied. plus, we'll hear more from michelle knight, captive for 11 years, opening up about the horror she experienced. what can we learn from what she went through? what will ever make it right? that's coming up. ecodiesel engine...
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welcome back to "new day," everyone. let's get you caught up on the results from the big election. chris christie, the big winner new jersey re-elected for another tamerlan -- term by more than 20 points. new mayors have been elected in detroit and boston. martin walsh will take over in massachusetts largest cities and labor activists.
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in detroit, mike duggan is set to become the city's first white mayer in nearly 40 years. chris? >> all right. let's dig into these results with two very strong political commentators. will cain, a columnist from the blaze and mark lamont hill who's from the huff post live. let's stick with virginia and new jersey, shall we? virginia, race as metaphor. what do you think as the message of why terry mcauliffe won? what happened there? >> i don't know the story, chris, is why terry mcauliffe won but why he won by so little. i told kate yesterday that i think virginia is about virginia. it's about scandal, two conflicted personalities that aren't very popular. here's the story to me. it got so close late last night. what was the final, several thousand votes, 1 percentage point. why did ken cuccinelli get so
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close? it's obama care. because we saw the polls in virginia switch, what, in the last week, in the last moments. cuccinelli picked up. why did that happen? because he banged on obama care over and over. if i'm a democratic candidate across this nation, i'm very nervous about a year of republicans talking about obama care. >> however and speak to this, professor, there was also something seen in the numbers in virginia that they may have the right issue. the way they went about it was very wrong. those who felt that voted cuccinelli down in a big way. >> i think it means we have to keep a focus on the way in which republican extremism is their death nell. as long as there's a moderate republican, democrats are vulnerable on the obama care issue. cuccinelli lost ultimately because he was too extreme. it's a reminder to democrats that the tea party is not gone. >> newt gingrich was on the show talking about his book and the juxtaposition, newt gingrich,
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the best-known, hard were yores of politics is saying you have to be positive, have better ideas. what does that message translate into when you look at virginia? cuccinelli could have won but he didn't. what's the message for republicans in that? >> bang on obama care. >> how do you bang on it? do you just say it sucks, it sucks, it sucks? >> no, you don't have to. it's being exposed itself. kathleen sebelius will be before congress again today. >> what about a better idea. >> the problem with enpresenting aa solution, the solutions are going to be antagonistic to republican ideas. we believe the free market will bring cheaper health care to americans that means we must unwind the government's involvement. that will be very, very difficult. very honestly, i don't know how you propose a solution to obama care at this point. >> there really isn't one. i don't think you can start talking about unwinding government with regard to -- >> medicare is what, 50% of the
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health care market you had on obama care? another 15%. it will be very difficult. republicans have presented ideas. health savings accounts. these things inject market force back into health care. they're not going to be as appealing as pre-existing conditions, we're going to give you health insurance anyway. >> do you they can beat you without a plan? >> i don't think they can win without a plan. once this blows over, two months ago people would have said syria is a deal breaker now people are saying health care is a deal breaker. the way the cycle moves, in three months they won't be talking about it. >> if that race in virginia were next week and not this week, would ken cuccinelli have won. >> absolutely not. >> another week of obama care news. >> absolutely no not. i ignored the point. part of what happened is because we decided, crowned him the winner and there were a lot of those who didn't turn out. people thought he was vulnerable, more voters would
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have lost on the left. >> that's nonsense. >> many people didn't show up. >> chris christie, he wins women, 55% or better. wins latinos. gets a significant percentage of blacks in a state where usually goes heavy blue, he wins it, the whole map is him. are you afraid? >> not at all. i'm afraid of chris christie, yes. i think chris christie is an incredible candidate. if i were a republican he'd be the guy i want. he's the guy i'm scared of. i'm not scared of him taking the female vote or the minority vote. in a national election, it will probably be hillary, i think she has that locked. >> do you think he can beat hillary. >> yes, i do. this is about the man. this is a compelling personality who knows how to win over voters. you shouldn't be afraid of christie. >> he's definitely a model for other republicans. he shows what happens when you're moderate. extremism isn't working.
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>> it's not personality, not in moderation. >> he may be the man. >> maybe. >> he thinks he is. >> he's been thinking that for years. >> that's an important part. reagan was so strong because he knew he was the man, he knew he should be the one to lead. >> ted cruz probably thinks he's the man, rand paul probably thinks he's the man. >> only one of them made an announcement speech last night. >> that's one thing he didn't say, he never said he'd stay for the full term. >> thanks, chris. half past the hour. making news now, the pilot of a small plane that crashed at a nashville airport last week parentally wasn't supposed to be in the u.s. at all. a preliminary report from the national transportation safety board shows that pilot michael kallen was not in touch with air traffic control at all. he was the only person on board. he was killed. three inmates who served time with martin macneill have
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now testified in his murder case. they say the utah doctor told him how his wife died but not that he was the killer. the doctor is accused of giving his wife, michelle, a lethal combination of prescription drugs sew could be with his mistress. that mistress will be back on the stand today as the prosecution wraps up its case. the massachusetts police sergeant who leaked arrest photos of boston bombing suspect tsarnaev. his retirement comes after 25 years on the state police force. federal officials blaming the city of midland, texas and parade organizers for a fatal veterans day crash last year. four people died and 11 people were hurt when a train slammed into a tractor-trailer pulling veterans on a parade float. the driver didn't notice the flashing signs or warnings at the crossing. federal officials say organizers did not get a permit and that
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the city was lax by letting the parade go on. it was once the most impressive indoor sports stadium in the world. but now the iconic houston astrodome apparently headed for demolition. voters nixed a plan to turn that nearly 50-year-old building into a joan the convention and events center. a judge says the final decision on what will happen to the dome will be up to the county commissioners. the demolition could cost nearly $80 million. a whole lot of money to bring that building down. iconic in its day for sure. kate? >> no kidding. now to more revelations of unspeakable horror but also incredible strength. michelle knight is 0ing up about her 11 years of captivity inside the cleveland home of ariel castro, sharing even more of her story of survival. martin savidge has been following the story from the beginning. he has more on that. >> reporter: the interview is so powerful, it's uncomfortable. michelle knight's words don't just tell us, they take us
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inside the torture rooms of a cleveland home. >> i hated him. >> reporter: knight's the first victim to talk in detail in the aftermath of a multiple kidnapping case that's horrified and spell bound a nation. speaking to tv psychologist dr. phil. >> he already had it set up to where he could tie me to the -- i think it's like a clothesline. >> reporter: knight was kidnapped by ariel castro in august of 2002 and wouldn't go free for 11 years. >> he ties me up to a pole, with chains wrapped around it. the chains were so big and he wraps it around my neck. he sits me down on the floor and he says, this is where you're going to stay until i can trust you. now if i do it too tight and you don't make it, that means you wasn't meant to stay here. that means god wants to take you. >> reporter: she was chained, starved and left maked in a frigid, dark basement for days.
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then came the sexual abuse. when she eventually became pregnant, knight described how castro beat her into a miscarriage. >> i was standing up and he punched me with a barbell. he took the round part and went like this. and he made it go up so it could hit the lower area of my stomach. i fell to the floor. >> reporter: knight says castro would show leniency, once giving her a puppy, the comfort that ended when the dog snapped at him and he killed it before her very eyes. >> picked him up, tornadoed his neck. all i heard was a yelp and he was gone. >> reporter: the torture went on and on. then one day, knight says she realized she was no longer alone. meeting a girl who had gone missing, whom she recognized from the news. amanda berry.
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>> sometimes she would cry. and i'll tell her everything will be okay. and that one day we'll get home. we just have to, you know, wait it out. >> reporter: it was just the beginning. martin savidge, cnn, atlanta. >> thank you, martin, thank you so much for that. incredible story of strength when you hear what she has to say. just unreal. after nearly ten years in prison is freedom on the horizon for a missouri man convicted of killing a sports writer? his story and the very big legal hurdles that he still faces, coming up. and proof as if you need it, that you can't believe everything you see online. country star brad paisley and his wife, the latest victims of a big old hoax. we'll tell you what it was. ♪ they got canadian baking on their pizza pie ♪ i'm beth...
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and i'm michelle. and we own the paper cottage. it's a stationery and gifts store. anything we purchase for the paper cottage goes on our ink card. so you can manage your business expenses and access them online instantly with the game changing app from ink. we didn't get into business to spend time managing receipts, that's why we have ink. we like being in business because we like being creative, we like interacting with people. so you have time to focus on the things you love. ink from chase. so you can. [ dog ] we found it together.upbeat ] on a walk, walk, walk. love to walk. yeah, we found that wonderful thing. and you smiled. and threw it. and i decided i would never, ever leave it anywhere. because that wonderful, bouncy, roll-around thing... had made you play. and that... had made you smile. [ announcer ] beneful. play. it's good for you.
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welcome back. hope your morning's going okay. we have a stunning reversal to tell you about in a decade-old murder conviction. 29-year-old ryan ferguson was sentenced to 40 years for the 2001 killing of a sports reporter. ferguson always maintained his innocence and now witness after witness has admitted they lied on the stand. and yet after ten years in prison, ferguson isn't out of the woods yet. here's cnn's david mattingly
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with the story. >> reporter: arguing a case for their son's innocence since20 2004, ryan ferguson's cautiously believe his fight for freedom will be over. >> he never changed one syllable of his opening statement since the day he was arrested. he's always maintained that. >> reporter: ferguson was convicted and sentenced to 40 years for the murder of kent hiteholt. it's up to prosecutors to decide if they will try ferguson again, after it came out that evidence was withheld. >> common sense would tell anyone when you don't have evidence, someone should not continue to be locked up. >> reporter: just a teenager at the time of the murder, ferguson was implicated by a former friend who claimed he had dream-like mem memories of committing the crime. another man, a janitor, claimed he saw ferguson at the crime scene. last year, both men told the court they lied. i spoke to ferguson about it
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less than a month ago. in the prison where he's been held now for almost ten years. they lied and you're still in prison. >> i wish i could explain how that works but it's beyond my comprehension. you cannot use logic. the moment you start to use logic is the moment you'll drive yourself crazy. >> reporter: the family of kent hiteholt declined comment. the county prosecutor has two weeks left to decide if ryan ferguson will be charged again. if not, he's a free man. david mattingly, cnn, atlanta. >> david, thanks so much. let's bring in cnn senior legal analyst, jeffrey toobin, to talk more about this. the facts of this case and convince are pretty amazing, jeff. what do you make of the fact that the judge has thrown out this conviction? >> first of all, this is a story, an unusual one, in that the news media is a good day, cbs in particular, aaron
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mariorti, they've been after this story for years. eyewitnesses, accomplice testimony, it can be just wrong. what's especially interesting about this case, this is an exoneration of someone that's not about the use of dna. dna is not used in this case. there are other ways you can show someone in prison is innocent. >> what's behind the judge's decision? >> the heart of the decision is that the prosecution covered up problems with their own witnesses. the main witness was this janitor who claimed to have seen ferguson at the scene. and he had all sorts of problems in his background that prosecutors knew about and didn't disclose to the defense. that was at the heart of the government's -- the judge's ruling. and, again, that's another whole family of problems that infects a lot of cases that this case is a very good example of. >> you take just a step back and just the facts we know now, a
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lack of physical evidence pointing to ferguson, the eyewitness, the alleged accomplice recanting their stories, not much there. why is this guy still behind bars? >> the way the legal system works, this judge and the court of appeals, all she could do is overturn the conviction. she can't say you're free. it returns the issue to the prosecuto prosecutors. they have no now decide do they agree to let him out on bail and more importantly do they try him again? based on the way i see the evidence, i don't see any way they could possibly try him again. it seems frankly, outrageous to keep him in prison even a day longer. i anticipate that the prosecution is just going to throw in the towel in the next couple of days. >> you think about what it's been like for him but also for the family of the victim who now will be trying to figure out who actually killed their loved one. if they would retry him, wouldn't that be very difficult to have a fair and complete trial more than ten years after the crime? >> what makes this situation even more perverse is that there
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is a co-defendant also in prison, also serving 25 years, and the case against him is very weak as well. so as always in these cases, it's not just about the defendant's families who suffer and the defendant, as you say, it's the victim's family who have to live with the uncertainty, have to relive all this. that's why it's much better for the criminal justice system to get these things right the first time. >> right. but hopefully they'll get it right one way or the other in the end. >> right. one thing that's interesting about this case, it relates, i this i, to -- there's a gallup poll is said support for the death penalty is at a dramatic low. juries all over the country are saying we're not sure, we don't know if we're getting this right. that's why support for the death penalty is going down. death sentences are down, executions are down. it's a big change. >> even though the death penalty is not an issue with this case, you're talking about that, just
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the fact that we don't know if they got the conviction right in the first place, that leads to that discussion. jeffrey toobin. thank you. a lot to talk about this case. tweet us, #newday. brad paisley and his wife falling for an online scam, the perpetrator preying on their sympathies and the paisleys are talking about it, next. later, five guys, a lot of booze, a one confused llama. what happened at my 40th birthday? no. it's not about me. it's a story you have to hear if evenly to find out what happened to that poor llama. (knochello? hey, i notice your car is not in the driveway.
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yeah. it's in the shop. it's going to cost me an arm and a leg. that's hilarious. sorry. you shoulda taken it to midas. get some of that midas touch. they tell you what stuff needs fixing, and what stuff can wait. next time i'm going to midas. high-five! arg! i did not see that coming. trust the midas touch. for brakes, tires, oil, everything. (whistling) i have a big meeting when we land, but i am so stuffed up, i can't rest. [ male announcer ] nyquil cold and flu liquid gels don't unstuff your nose. they don't? alka seltzer plus night fights your worst cold symptoms, plus has a decongestant. [ inhales deeply ] oh. what a relief it is.
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because what you don't know, can hurt you.urance. what if you didn't know that posting your travel plans online may attract burglars? [woman] off to hawaii! what if you didn't know that as the price of gold rises, so should the coverage on your jewelry? [prospector] ahh! what if you didn't know that kitty litter can help you out of a slippery situation? the more you know, the better you can plan for what's ahead. talk to farmers and get smarter about your insurance. ♪ we are farmers bum - pa - dum, bum - bum - bum - bum♪
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♪ welcome to the future appropriate. >> everyone, we all remember the manti te'o scandal. did you know about brad paisley being caught up in a catfish scandal? the rocker and his wife recently admitted they were caught in an online hoax by the fake mother of a dying daughter. nischelle turner is here with more on this crazy, crazy story. what is going on? was it sort of a financial motive we're looking at here or what's going on? >> that's what we don't know yet what the motive is. this story fascinating on a couple fronts, first of all there's this big hoax at all, second of all this celebrity couple is admitting we were caught up in this. you mentioned brad paisley and his wife kimberly williams paisley. this woman said her daughter was
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dying of neuroblastoma, a pediatric cancer often-times fatal. the woman reached out to kimberly and said that my daughter is dying, her dying wish was for me to connect with you and i kind of forgot about it in all of the things that we were going through, but now i remember and now i want to reach out to you, and kimberly has a heart. >> absolutely. >> believed it, started exchanging e-mails and texts with this woman, talking to her over the next couple weeks and got caught up in this hoax of the little girl, whose name the woman said was claire. >> how did they realize this was going on then? >> it's a good question. because apparently the woman sent them an e-mail and said claire has passed away. so of course the paisleys, they had been talking to this woman, they had sent, the woman had sent them recordings of the little girl singing songs they said was for them so they wanted to do something when they heard the little girl had died so they asked where can we send flowers? the woman wouldn't provide them with an address and she sent
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them this terse and weird e-mail saying i don't want to you pray for me, i don't need you to pray for me it doesn't seem like god hears prayers these days. kimberly said at that point every one of her red flags went off. something is not right if i can't ask a simple question and she won't provide us with an address, that's when they put the pieces together of the catfish hoax. >> turns out they weren't the only ones. >> no, apparently this lady targeted a bunch of celebrities, the dallas cowboy cheerleaders, little big town, john henson, host of "wipeout" natalie grant, carmen hope toms, kate gosselin, jill wagner, mandisa, all of these people caught up in the same hoax. >> we're sure it's a hoax. >> no question and they're telling their story to "nightline" natalie grant also spoke to "nightline" and nobody knows what the motive is.
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with manti te'o they still don't know why they did it. >> this is all online and why? >> the woman said her name was -- >> they'll find out. >> exactly. >> always a fingerprint digital or otherwise. >> celebrities are always so guarded. when they let their guard down and something like this happens. >> that's tough. >> paisley is a feeler, though. i don't know a lot of the people on the list but he's a good person. >> he got on the phone and sang "amazing grace" to this "little girl." who does that to someone. >> thanks for bringing that to us. can i share a story with you? >> please. >> about some drama involving a llama. i said it. >> it's got to be good if it rhymes. >> go tell your mama. it happened in france when a bunch of teens took the animal on i guess you could call it a joy ride. erin mclaughlin has our story. >> reporter: like a stunt
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straight out of "the hangover". >> there is a tiger in the bathroom. >> reporter: or the sequel for "hanger 3. >> my name is alan and i bought a giraffe. >> reporter: except this time it was a llama, and it happened for real in france. group of five guys got together for a night out, had a few too many drinks and stole a llama named serge. they posted the photos on twitter. mathieu said they broke into a circus and loaded serge on to the first tram out, paraded him through the streets of bordeaux before they were eventually caught by french police and this has happened before. australia, 2012, after a drunken evening spent swimming with the dolphins at sea world, two guys stole a penguin named dirk. >> just woke up and near panic, went to get changed and there was a penguin in my coat. >> reporter: in the end they were fined about $1,000 each.
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the guys in france were lucky, no charges were filed, no fines. the llama is back at the circus. his owner says no harm done. that is, until the next big bachelor party. erin mclaughlin, cnn, london. >> she was able to track that with a straight face. penguin named dirk and llama named serge >> this is what happens when you have a bachelor party. >> it's not often i'm speechless and i'm sitting here like why? how? when? >> a long way to go, a match taking mike tyson's tiger. >> we missed the headline, nischelle turner is speechless. >> what is that? >> that lasted a nanosecond. >> belov you. >> to be continued in the break, coming up on "new day," miami dolphin, richie incognito breaking his silence. we'll tell you what he said, there may be more to this story. when our little girl was born,
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we got a subaru. it's where she said her first word. (little girl) no! saw her first day of school. (little girl) bye bye! made a best friend forever. the back seat of my subaru is where she grew up. what? (announcer) the subaru forester. (girl) what? (announcer) motor trend's two thousand fourteen sport utility of the year. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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-- captions by vitac -- if we could do this in trenton, new jersey, maybe the folks in washington, d.c., should tune in their tvs right now, see how it's done. >> decision day, christine romans triumphs, virginia goes blue, and the tea party is licking its wounds this morning, a big night in politics, huge implications we break it all down for you. back in the hot seat, kathleen sebelius returns to capitol hill facing new questions on obama care and what the administration knows about losing coverage, this on the number of how many people signed
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up. the mayor of toronto said he smoked crack but he was too drunk to remember it. he's refusing to step down, a bizarre scene unfolding in america's fourth largest city. >> your "new day" continues right now. >> announcer: this is "new day" with chris cuomo, kate bolduan and michaela pereira. >> good morning, welcome back to "new day" everyone, it's 8:00 in the east. new this hour the biggest winner, republican christine romans, cruising to re-election in the deep blue state of new jersey. he says he wants to finish the job he started in new jersey but will he? christie's second term do be his first step for the 2016 presidential bid, a big win for terry mcauliffe, the long time democratic operative is govern-elect of virginia. the morning after election analysis straight ahead. there is more to the alleged bullying involving miami dolphins lineman richie
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incognito. his first public comments since being accused and his teammate fellow offensive lineman jonathan martin leaving the team as a result. will the back story, if true, change your opinion? and the people versus martin macneill, the state wrapping up its case with prosecutors, three prison inmates to help convince jurors the doctor killed his wife so that he could be with his mistress. we'll start with the election of 2013, two big races for governor, that matter today, and maybe even more one and two years from today. athena jones is live in arlington, virginia, with the details on two big wins, one republican the other democrat. good morning, athena. >> reporter: good morning, chris. it was down to the wire for terry mcauliffe here in virginia, and it was heavily democratic counties like this one, arlington county, that helped put him over the edge in this traditionally red state. new jersey governor christine romans easily won re-election in the traditionally blue state of new jersey.
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and so the piece was very, the race was very, very close until the very end here in virginia, it was the voting count for heavily democratic counties like this one, also fairfax county, terry mcauliffe won by about 70% and won in fairfax county by the high 50s, just under 60% and this is washington, d.c., suburb, so these are counties that often go heavily democratic but the race was closer than expected because of the shutdown and obama care, and the race was tightening towards the end, let's hear more from the story now. ♪ signed, sealed delivers i'm
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yours ♪ >> reporter: christie put his audience on notice. >> how about this, new jersey? >> reporter: and those listening in washington as well. >> i did not seek a second term to do small things. i sought a second term to finish the job. now watch me do it. >> reporter: christie defeated state senator barbara buono. his election fueling more speculation that christie will make a presidential flun 2016. >> i want to promise you tonight, i will not let anyone, anything, any political party, any governmental entity or any force get in between me and the completion of my mission. >> reporter: making clear that his mission is to ensure that everyone in his state fully recovers from superstorm sandy. christie drew criticism in the wake of the storm from some republicans for working along jng side president obama. those same critics also question whether christie is conservative enough. christie said he has no plans to
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stop working across the aisle if it helps to meet his goals. >> we stand here tonight showing that it is possible to put doing your job first, to put working together first, to fight for what you believe in, yet still stand by your principles and get something done for the people who elected you. >> reporter: in the battleground state of virginia, a very different picture, democrats scoring a big victory in a bruising governor's race, former dnc chairman terry mcauliffe beat the tea party favorite ken cuccinelli by less than 60,000 votes. >> i know this has been a hard-fought race. i think every single person in virginia is glad that the tv ads are now over. >> reporter: obama won the traditionally republican state in both 2008 and 2012. if hillary clinton decides to make a run, mcauliffe will be a big ally to help her carry the state, and voters elected new mayors in several cities, bill de blasio becomes the first democrat elected to lead new
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york city in more than two decades. >> make no mistake, the people of this city have chosen a progressive path. >> reporter: elsewhere, financially troubled detroit elected its first white mayor in 40 years and boston elected a delegator to serve as long standing mayor. >> if you like it, you can keep it, that's a simple promise made early and often by president obama as it relates to obama care but the white house is learning there's not much simplicity when it comes to health care. that promise is now becoming a pretty big liability. let's go straight to cnn's senior white house correspondent brianna keilar with more on this. good morning, brianna. >> reporter: kate, good morning to you. this is the promise that most americans can probably we cite from memory, if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. if you like your plan, you can keep your plan. president obama has added a bit of a twist to that here this week, sort of a huge caveat, i guess you could say, that what
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we said is you could keep it if it hasn't changed since the law is passed. you can imagine republican critics are seizing on this. it's very likely that this is going to come up today on capit capitol hill when kathleen sebelius before the senate finance committee. it is led by democrats but we expect she'll be getting some tough questions from both sides as well and probably press for those enrollment numbers those mid month enrollment numbers we're expecting to come out next week. meantime obama heading to dallas today, visiting with volunteers enrolling folks in obama care, we also expect that he will ding republicans specifically texas governor rick perry, for blocking the expansion of medicaid under, as part of obama care in his state. chris? >> brianna, thank you very much. let's talk about the specific issue obama care and figure out what it means going forward in general elections. we have with mr. bill burton, former deputy white house press
5:07 am to for president obama and is the executive vice president and managing director of the global strategy group. bill, you're very busy. thank you for being able to join us this morning. >> good morning, thank you for having me. >> let's deal with this specific. this language about what plan you can keep and what plan you can't does smack of what chris christie describes it as, being too cute. your take? >> i don't think it was a matter of being too cute. there's no doubt there was some communications issues, and the way that this was going to unfold for americans who had subpar or bad plans perhaps wasn't as clear as it could have been but i think that now that we are entering a phase where people are getting insurance, people with preexisting blocked from getting insurance are getting smoorns ainsurance and everybody's insurance is going to get better and the cost curve will go down for rising health care costs. it is a net positive for the american people but there are
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clearly some communication issues that still need to be addressed. >> you're not able to get to the message that you just gave me there because you keep messing with this one thing that seems increasingly inaccurate. so the president keeps saying it, now he qualifies it, nobody can move past it, don't you have to suck it up at some point and say look you may not get to keep it, you may not get to have your doctor, forget about if the law changed or the same, it's too confusing. here is the real deal i overstated it. is it time to suck it up? >> i clearly think there are some ways this can be communicated better. it's no small issue to say if an insurance company changes your plan. your plan is changing and so yes it may be getting better, yes the costs may change but overall people are going to have better access to more health care and this is going to be a great thing for the country and all the people who are able to participate. >> yet let's look at virginia, because what happened in virginia means that this issue
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matters and when you say you can keep your plan and you can't because the law change can mean for a lot of people maybe millions of people that the plan that you want you can no longer have because it doesn't meet the legal standard so you're not going to get to keep it, you have to get a new plan which may cover more but you may not like it, too bad. that has to be communicated and hasn't. >> chris you're right if you look at virginia that this issue does matter. it is something people are thinking about. if you look at the exit polls out of virginia last night, voters in virginia were basically split on whether or not they supported it or opposed it but ultimately the majority of americans want it to work and that's what i think republicans don't get, and at a time when voters are angry at washington what was different last night is that thatager is dissipated between the two parties. it's not all focused on the president's party, and it's not all taken out on his party at the polls and that i think is what republicans are missing about what happened last night. democrats won because they were fighting for the things that matter for middle class americans. republicans lost because they
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got caught up in this ideological fight that americans don't want to have. >> why? >> they want to have functioning health care system in this country not just the same old partisan bickering in washington. >> i'll take that last point, though, because i wonder what the message is coming out of the state. cuccinelli had the right issue, people don't get obama care, worry it will be too expensive and maybe they don't have the idea of suffering a little more for the betterment of others and maybe as a democrat you should look the attack ticks that those who felt that the tactics employed by republicans were too harsh, too extreme really voted cuccinelli down and lifting mcauliffe enough to win, maybe you not saved by tactics rather than substance. maybe the left has to look more what they're doing with the law and get to the table and fix, no? >> i actually think in almost every campaign tactics matter and they can matter right around the margins. governor-elect mcauliffe won by about three points, outside of
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the margins where tactics matter. ken cuccinelli ran as a conservative right wing candidate and something that the people of virginia rejected and even when he tried to make the issue obama care, folks in virginia still picked terry mcauliffe. if you win by one point or ten points it's still a win and virginians choelz the guy who said let's support obama care, let's fix it but let's focus on issues in virginia that matter to virginians, not that panopoly of right wing issues people don't want to have the same old fights anymore. >> bev a new round of fights coming. bill burton appreciate the perspective. thanks for joining us on "new day." >> thanks for having me, chris. a lot of other news, let's get to michaela. >> as first reported on cnn classified intelligence indicates the syrian government may be looking to secretly keep some of its chemical weapon s
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stockpile. peace conference to end the civil war is being delayed. diplomats from the u.s., russia and the u.n. failed to agree on a date. blast in damascus today is said to have killed eight people. two oklahoma inmates who escaped through a prison shower ceiling are back behind bars, james mendonca and triston chino were part of a group of four inmates who made a clean getaway last month climbing up through a shower and through a pipeway. dylan ray three irons and prime brown were found days later less than 20 miles away. in connecticut a hearing may determine mr. michael skakel will be released from prison awaiting new trial. his conviction for the murder of martha moxley was thrown out last month. new concern over testosterone treatment, a veterans affairs study cites the
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link between medications to treat low "f" and heart attack, stroke and death. researchers found older men taking testosterone have a 29% greater health risk, the second major study to suggest a public health danger associated with taking low "t" supplements. a bold, new ad campaign for breast cancer awareness, look at this, a bald mona lisa. the italian company says it is designed to show there is dignity in fighting the disease and the value of your life does not change just because you are battling cancer. full rollout of the campaign will start in the coming months. >> very interesting take. i like that. >> which makes me laugh. karen maginnis is in for indra petersons with a check of the forecast. >> the potential for delays not today but into tomorrow across the northeastern corridor from washington, d.c., into new york, philadelphia, boston because of the wet weather taking place
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across the great lakes extending down into the midwest. some places behind this weather system have already seen two to five inches of snowfall. on top of the rainfall, gusty winds expected coming out of the west and northwest, blowing in, in some instances as much as 40 miles an hour. here is the weather system right now an area of low pressure situated across the great lakes, frontal system draped to the south with plenty of gulf moisture coming out ahead of it but we'll see those temperatures fairly mild today but then by thursday here comes that wet weather, cold temperatures through the great lakes and those temperatures running about five to ten degrees below where they should be, so watch us tomorrow, we'll tell you about what happens in that northeast, as we see the low visibility, the rain chances go up, we could see about a half an inch, maybe as much as an inch of wet weather expect there had. back to you guys. >> karen, thanks so much for that update. coming up next on "new day" he finally admits to using crack cocaine but now can toronto mayor rob ford ride out the storm as he wants and stay on
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the job? and the question, did richie incognito bully jonathan martin because somebody told him to? he's speaking out as we're getting stunning new developments, may change how you see this story. stick with us. this is the quicksilver cash back card from capital one. it's not the "fumbling around with rotating categories" card. it's not the "getting blindsided by limits" card. it's the no-game-playing, no-earning-limit-having, deep-bomb-throwing, give-me-the-ball-and-i'll-take- it-to-the-house, cash back card. this is the quicksilver cash card from capital one. unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere, every single day. so let me ask you... what's in your wallet?
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cracked and he'll stay the leader of this city. cnn's paula newton reports. >> these allegations are ridiculous -- >> reporter: after months of boldfaced denials. >> i did not use crack cocaine nor am i an addict. >> reporter: the toronto mayor's confession was as riveting as it was blunt. >> yes i have smoked crack cocaine. >> reporter: when, sir? >> but no, do i, am i an addict, no. have i tried it, probably in one of my drunken stupors approximately about a year ago. >> reporter: the sorted truth this mayor could no longer outrun, months of secret surveillance of ford was made public in connection with the arrest of the mayor's friend and part-time driver, who faces drug offenses and ex-portion charges. so far the mayor isn't charged with anything. police did confirm that they had the video, the one that allegedly shows mayor ford smoking crack cocaine from a
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pipe, and mayor ford says he wants to see it. >> i want everyone in the city to see this tape. i'd like to see this tape. i don't even recall there being a tape or a video so i want to see the state that i was in. >> reporter: mayor ford says he's put it all out there, he's looking to are forgiveness. >> i have nothing left to hide. i embarrassed everyone in the city. and i will be forever sorry. >> reporter: he had a lot to say, except the words "i'm stepping down." >> i was elected to do a job, and that's exactly what i'm going to continue doing. >> reporter: he intends to run for mayor again next fall. paula newton, cnn, toronto. >> paula, thank you so much for that. we're hearing from the miami dolphin lineman suspended this week for what he allegedly did to a teammate. some say richie incognito has a pattern of abusive behavior that
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goes back years. here's john zarrella with more. >> reporter: leaving the doctor's office, richie incognito had little to say about the firestorm over allegations he bullied a miami dolphins teammate. zblim auto he >> i'm just trying to weather the storm and it will pass. >> reporter: in his first comment about the controversy he was calm, even tempered. >> [ bleep ]! >> a far cry from the shirtless richie incognito screaming racial slurs and profanities at a south florida bar. >> who let the [ bleep ]! >> reporter: at one point he hugs mike pouncey who seemed unfazed by the slurs. what you see here is an example says former dolphin channing crowder who likely happened in the team locker room. >> there's nobody there to tell him what is too far, no other alpha males to stop him and he's running crazy.
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>> reporter: crowder now a radio talk show host played with incog pheno. he says strong personalities on those dolphin teams kept him under control until now. the nfl is investigating whether incognito bullied another player, jonathan martin, into leaving the team. incognito's reputation goes back to his college days a decade ago suspended twice at nebraska and dismissed at oregon. tony dungy, then the coach of the colts says incognito was not on his draft board in 2005. >> behad the category dndc, do not draft because of character, richie incognito was in that category for us. >> reporter: controversy follows incogni incognito, last year on a miami radio show he talked about getting then rookie quarterback ryan tannehill to buy him and pouncey jet skis. >> this is how it works. you're going to buy us a gift because we protect his butt. >> reporter: but here is the irony. if either inkcognito or martin
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play again crowder believes it's martin who will be shunned by teammates. >> he goes to nfl team the word "snitch" will be thrown around regularly. you made a fellow frat member, as we are a frat, you made him lose his job. >> reporter: john zarrella, cnn, miami. >> more facts, now does it change your opinion? tweet us, use #newday. coming up on "new day," what does chris christie's monster re-election victory say about his political future? is he the man to bring bipartisanship back to with washington? we'll explain. plus they are counting on the testimony of prison inmates to help convince a jury macneill killed his wife. our legal experts weigh in. 1ñp
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♪ we are farmers bum - pa - dum, bum - bum - bum - bum♪ all right, it is time for the five things you need to know for your "new day." at number one, reelected governor chris christie cruises to victory in new jersey, a possible precursor to a 2016 presidential run, in virginia, democrat terry mcauliffe defeated ken cuccinelli to become that state's new governor. kathleen sebelius going before a senate panel this morning, she'll be asked about the obama care website debacle, newly released documents show the site had more problems than first reported. new u.s. intelligence first reported by cnn that syria may not be looking to declare and destroy its entire stockpile of
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chemical weapons. officials are trying to confirm that and figure out if everything has been turned over. the brother of new jersey mall shooter richard shoop says the 20-year-old didn't plan to hurt anyone than himself. his body was found hours after he opened fire. number five federal officials say the plane that crashed at nashville's international airport without anyone noticing for hours was not supposed to be in the u.s. flight plans show the pilot was set to travel within canada. we're always updating the five things to know, go to for latest. kate? >> thanks, michaela. as michaela mentioned the big win for republican chris christie in the blue state of new jersey, and a closer race than predicted in virginia, but what more do these results tell us about the larger races around the corner, the big cahuna, host of "state of the union" candy crowley in studio. >> hello. >> late night for you. >> absolutely.
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>> when you look at new jersey and virginia is there one big message the parties are taking from these results? >> to a certain extent the parties take out of it what they want that will propel them forward. i think one of the things we learned sort of separately in virginia is thatby ma care, the affordable care act, makes a difference, because cuccinelli was double digits behind. this was a much closer race in virginia. the democrat won, mcauliffe, but he had an enormous money advantage, he had bill and hillary clinton coming in, he had everything going in his favor, and yet it was down to three or four points. why? at the end cuccinelli went after obama care, very powerful. i think chris christie is a one-off in terms of message. the message is chris christie is a big player, watch for him in 2016. >> his brand works for him. >> his brand works for him and there's a place for him in the 2016 race should he so choose. he's keeping his options open. >> alex costianes said his
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speech was not an acceptance speech, it was an announcement speech last night. is there any doubt in that anymore? >> well, i think in some ways it's a little bit like hillary clinton, that maybe in his mind he hasn't put a period on i will run, but he's widely keeping his options open. certainly when he looks in the camera and says washington ought to look at new jersey and see how well we do things, that's kind of a big old hint and let's remember he's now going to head up the republican governor's association, which means he can travel oh just about anywhere. >> and not have to make any excuse for it. that's part of the on. >> exactly. >> he said something interesting yesterday, pushing back at this suggestion that he is a moderate when he was talking to jake tapper saying i'm a consev conseverative. is he or isn't he? >> the republican is seeing a split of the two factions, the tea parties and moderates.
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chris christie like most smart politicians don't like labels. he has an argument he's a conservative, he's fiscally conservative, he's anti-abortion, he has done in social issues he's conservative. he's got an argument to make. it is his working with democrats that has given conservative republicans some pause, but i have to tell you that i don't think i've ever covered a race in the primary season that didn't come down to electability, and last night was my big old speaking of electability, i got women, i got minorities, that kind of thing. >> it also speaks to his presidential aspirations the fact he is sensitive to those labels at this point, conservative or moderate. another person who has presidential aspirations in 2016, rand paul. i want to get your take on what's happened over the last week, taking a lot of heat for some plagiarism that has been uncovered in past speeches and
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he was asked about this by wolf yesterday. take a listen to what he said. >> i never have intentionally ever presented anyone's ideas as my own or tried to pass off anything. did we make mistakes, yeah. i'm the first to admit that i'm imperfect but at the same time i do get offended when people are trying to cast aspersions on my character because i'm honest, i never try to mislead people. >> makes a good point and also thinks he's held to a different standard than others. what do you make of it? >> it's good to get it out early and handled it well in the sense of okay it's my job, i'm responsible for what goes on in here, let's remember vice president biden had a whole plagiarism thing going on when he ran for the senate as well as for vice president and for president. so this, too, shall pass. i'm not sure this is a different standard. this is clearly things were lifted out of which cof wikiped other places by whoever is
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writes the speeches. if this passes, rand paul has been i think pretty smart in positioning himself. he does not have the lightning that a ted cruz has, which means he's not attracting bad stuff either. he's popular in the libertarian wing of the republican party and acceptable, he's working with mitch mcconnell so he's got inroads in the establishment so i think this is a blip for him, but and he's probably lucky it happened in, you know, the course of elections and other things going on. >> one silver lining can he take from it, people are looking at him closely so people care and people will be looking into it, a taste of what's could tom. >> welcome to the big leagues. >> great to see you, thank you so much. check out candy every weekend sunday mornings. candidates who say they want to help someone but someone who is already impacting his world. gary sinese has made veterans
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him. >> thought i'd try out my sea legs. >> you ain't got no legs lieutenant dan. >> long before he played lieutenant dan in forest gump he was a passionate of the military. >> starting with the relationships in my own personal family my dad served in the navy, my two uncles were in world war ii, my grandmother served in world war i. >> reporter: wounded veterans began to identify with sinise. he formed the lieutenant dan band and entertained troops around the world with the uso. the actor says his call to action became very clear after 9/11. >> when our men and women started deploying to iraq and afghanistan, started getting hurt and killed, having veterans in my family it was troubling to think our men and women would come home to a nation that didn't appreciate them.
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>> reporter: so he started his own charity dedicated to veterans, the gary sinise foundation helps build muss tomized homes for the severely wounded and helps vets find civilian careers. >> i have met hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of wounded veterans who continue to not let their circumstance get them down. countless lieutenant dans out there that inspire me every day. >> well said, well said. >> good stuff. coming up next on "new day," the mistress back on the stand in the murder trial of utah dr. martin macneill, charged with drugging and killing his wife to be with her, the mistress. is this the system prosecutors hope will bring them the guilty verdict. the latest in this blockbuster case coming up.
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welcome back to "new day" everyone. the prosecution's case against utah dr. martin macneill is drawing to a close with a familiar face on the witness stand, he's charged with dr drugging and killing his wife to be with his mistress. ted rowlands has more. >> reporter: prosecutors plan to wrap their case against martin macneill today but first bringing back his girlfriend gyp gypsy willis who they say is the reason the doctor killed his wife, 50-year-old michele macneill, in 2007. they admitted they were having an affair, testifying she even took seminude selfies in front
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of a mirror to sext macneill the day before michele died. >> exposing my back. >> below your back as well? >> one picture it's suggestive. >> showing your buttocks? >> yes. >> reporter: tuesday three federal inmates took the stand for the prosecution, their identities kept secret so they wouldn't get killed. >> i've seen snitches get killed, isolated, stabbed, raped. >> reporter: the inmates met macneill when he was serving time for fraud for lying to investigators after his wife's death. one said he got to know macneill in the chicken coop an 18-man cell and macneill told him he'd never be convicted. >> he was like no, i didn't murder my wife, if i did, they don't have any evidence. >> reporter: another inmate claimed he use the the "b"
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talking about his wife. >> i said what did you do? he said the [ bleep ] drowned. >> you understand by informing on somebody while you're in prison has the potential to reduce your sentence? >> reporter: macneill's defense tried attacking the credibility of the inmates' testimony by insinuating they could get something in return for helping prosecutors which they denied. >> why are you here? >> because i got something to say and it's the truth. >> reporter: two more inmates are said to testify before gypsy willis, when court resumes this morning, then it is on to the defense case, which is expected to be short, in fact the jury could start deliberating dr. macneill's fate by the end of the week. ted rowlands, cnn, provo, utah. >> all right, ladies and gentlemen, you just saw it, it was supposed to be the knockout punch but did it miss its mark, let's bring in danny cevallos, criminal defense attorney and cnn analyst and mr. vinnie polit politan, host of "after dark" and ducking me, feigning being
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on vacation, but now you will, mr. politan, thanks to both of you. you bring inmates two, three and four and don't get it done, they don't even say he told them he killed his wife. what are you doing? >> i'm going to bring gypsy back, bring back the mystery and try to finish with an exclamation point. i think it was one, two, three strikes you're out with those three witnesses, did not help a i don't like calling inmates. the bottom line they don't have credibility and i don't like to taint my case with it. gypsy is back on the stand today. >> not even a my goodness, he's going to rely on snitches, get stitches. danny cevallos you look too comfortable and you shouldn't be because inmate number one is coming on and he's going to say that your client told him that he killed his wife. how do you handle that? >> inmate number one, this is probably someone that the
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prosecution before has said is such a detriment to society that we're going to put him in prison, but jury, just on this one issue, we want you to believe him. and oh, by the way, all this benefit that they're talking about, the state prosecutor doesn't have any jurisdiction over the federal bureau of prisons. there is a benefit there somewhere. these guys don't testify out of the goodness of their heart and that is why snitches have been attacked as so inherently unreliable. they would do anything to get out. >> but they're not always unreliable and they can be telling the truth about certain things, they may be believed especially by a jury desperate potentially to believe something that helps them make a decision of guilty on this man, and so vinnie politan, what do you do with gypsy willis? what do you do with your remaining time to help push your burden? >> two things, one, you've got to have her give her own alibi. every night on "after dark" we have our in studio jury and two
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every night think gypsy did it, that could be happening in utah. you got to get her up there to give her alibi for the time of the murder and have her talk about their plans for the future, how he proposed to her and they were going to spend the rest of their lives together, and not downplay it but play it that she was moving into the house to become the new mrs. dr. martin macneill. >> your tie matches your eyes yet i am uncompelled vinnie politan which takes me back to you, danny is he va close, why are you putting on three witnesses, why are you putting on a case here? >> you have to put on some case to refute, one of the biggest things you have to do is defuse the system about what macneill did at the scene of the incident. once you raise some doubt in that area he appeared to act suspicious for a doctor that's what they're going to attack, they also may or may not choose to attack the science and whether or not he could have lifted her out of the tub, but overall, they don't need to call too many witnesses. >> but what about one other thing that vinnie hasn't brought
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up yet bus i'm so to busy joking about his tie. they may bring up another forensic expert who says what happened in the bathtub doesn't square with anything your client said. could that be enough, danny, you worried about that? >> they could but ultimately the science is on the defense's side, three medical examiners for the prosecution testified that this individual may have died from cardiac arrhythmia. that is a pretty good situation so like i said they don't need and they shouldn't risk putting on too much hefd that could be subject to attack. >> let me ask you something, n vinnie politan, having followed this, this is the crescendo. the defense case will be an afterthought you have to believe. what do you think the chances they've made the case that the doctor is a murderer, comma, not just a bad man? >> if this jury applies common sense to all the circumstances, it is a guilty verdict. if they're going to get hung up on the science because you don't need the science, it's not an element of the crime, what you
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need to do is look at all the circumstances if they look at the total picture on what he was doing and why he was doing it, it leads to a murder conviction here. >> danny is cevallos dare i sayu begin your final point with a my goodness. >> my goodness mr. politan i tell you why. you see prosecutors say look at the whole picture. that is code for why don't you drag in the fact you don't like this guy and use that to influence your final situation. this guy is a cad. he's bad news, but that doesn't mean he killed his wife and i don't think the prosecution respectfully to mr. politan has made their case. >> danny cevallos, vinnie politan thank you for your perspective. vinnie you went on vacation, hurt my feelings so that's my perspective. >> moral of the story do not take vacation unless chris approves it. a controversial new cnn film "up "pandora's promise" airs
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thursday night on cnn we'll dig into the issue, provocative questions when we come back. life with crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis is a daily game of "what if's". what if my abdominal pain and cramps come back? what if the plane gets delayed? what if i can't hide my symptoms? what if? but what if the most important question is the one you're not asking? what if the underlying cause of your symptoms is damaging inflammation? for help getting the answers you need, talk to your doctor and visit to get your complimentary q&a book, with information from experts on your condition. chantix... it's a non-nicotine pill. i didn't want nicotine to give up nicotine. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking.
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[ male announcer ] more room in economy plus. more comfort, more of what you need. ♪ that's... built around you friendly. ♪ welcome back to "new day" everyone. nuclear energy is a fiercely debated topic and there say major development this week, four of the world's top environmentalists have written an open letter calling for more nuclear power they say it's the only way to reverse climate change. this comes as a new cnn film
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"pando "pandora's promise" that supports nuclear energy is set to remere thursday night. we wanted to talk about both sides of this debate. with us is oscar nominated documentary filmmaker and the director of "pandora's promise" robert stone and michael brum, executive director of the sierra club. great to see you. thank you for coming in. >> great to be with you thank you. >> hi, kate. >> robert, why take on this topic? it's controversial, provocative. people are stuck in their positions. why did you want to take it on? >> i'd just become increasingly alarmed over the last decade or so that everything that we environmentalists have tried to do to tackle climate change has failed and we need nuclear energy, advanced better nuclear energy in order to power a developing world where energy sus skyrocketing and to stop putting co2 into the atmosphere. >> michael, i know you very much
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disagree with that. the website of ciara club calling it pandora's false promises. why? >> look, while robert has been working on this film the world has passed him by in the nuclear power industry by the price of solar has dropped by more than 75% in the last four years. the price of wind has dropped by more than 50% in the last four years, and so what's happening in the u.s. is that we're beginning to displace coal fired power plants with clean energy. the united states has reduced its greenhouse gas emissions more than any other country in the last five years. in fact we've reduced our greenhouse gas pollution to levels not seen since 1992. and the reason for that is that we're accumulating huge inventories of clean energy so this film it's a good infomercial for the nuclear power industry but it's not really relevant in today's electricity markets. >> what do you say to that robert? >> that's absolutely not true.
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what's replacing coal is natural gas, not renewables. it would be nice if wind and solar was replacing coal it's simply not true. >> michael let me ask you a quick question, why not consider their position especially when you have the letter coming out from environmentalists that said there's no credible path to climate stabilization that doesn't include nuclear. >> i think we all have the same goal that we want to create a society where our emissions are stabilized, where we're not plunging our country and the planet into severe storms or droughts or wildfires, so we solutions will actually work to solve the problem. and there's a whole range of different energy choices, from fossil fuels to nuclear power, solar, wind, geothermal, et cetera. robert didn't invite a single wind advocate or a single solar advocate into his studio on his film because nuclear power can't even compete in the marketplace for ideas. >> robert respond to that.
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are you drowning out the other voices that oppose your view on this. >> no. >> what with the big elephant in the room the safety issue. you don't have to look further back than fukushima to know the concerns with nuclear power. >> nobody myself or the scientists who wrote that letter are advocating building 1970s era nuclear reactors. we are excited about the next generation reactors that can be produced in factories on assembly lines with passive safety with the physics of them prevent them from meltdowns and this kind of thing and they consume their own waste. >> the debate clearly does not end here today but it actually is a very interesting debate and you both raise provocative questions. robert stone, michael brune, great to see you and thank you for coming in and talking about it. >> thank you very much. >> thanks, kate. >> provocative questions and a provocative documentary. "pandora's promise" premieres this thursday, november 7th at 9:00 p.m. what does a fresh coat of paint, new plumbs and some
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[ chicken caws ] [ male announcer ] when your favorite food starts a fight, fight back fast with tums. heartburn relief that neutralizes acid on contact and goes to work in seconds. ♪ tum, tum tum tum tums! ♪ ain't that america, something to see, baby ♪ john cougar has it right. time for the good stuff, the greatest jebration, we owe them a debt that is sometimes overlooked. sam patterson, 93 years young, world war ii veteran lived in
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the same house in south florida for some 60 years and after all that time of course, florida weather, sam's house needed a lot of work but of course sam's not the type to ask for help. >> i just don't want to be a burden to nobody. it needed it, i know, bad, besides the paint, the sinks and the bathroom and all, you know. >> reporter: but you're not a burden, you're a blessing to your family and all those you helped keep free. there was a group of volunteers that recognized that and so they brought in a crew 30 strong including members of the miami dolphins. new plumbing, fresh paint, whole new bathroom and coming soon a new roof. the guys who volunteered say they got more out of it than the house or sam did. >> it was a blast, man. honestly it was humbling for me because i feel like giving your time is one of the most important things you can do. >> you don't have no idea what
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it feels like. it's hard to explain. renewed by faith in human nature. >> oh, boy. and of course sam is a reminder of our faith in the greatest generation, and so nice of people to reach out and do the right thing, the good stuff. >> way to go. >> that's it for us today. time now for carol costello and "cnn newsroom." >> hi kate. have a great day, everyone. "newsroom" starts now. -- captions by vitac -- happening now in nst "the newsroom" election night is over and' new era is just beginning. landslide victory for democrats in new york city, bill de blasio and his family celebrate with a snackdown, the de blasio signature dance. >> make no mistake, the people of this city have chosen a progressive path.
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