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tv   New Day  CNN  November 8, 2013 3:00am-6:01am PST

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remember you get to 100 miles an hour, it becomes a hurricane. 235 miles an hour we're hearing. now we're looking at the pictures now, the wind is already blowing. we'll try and find out more about this. we have kathy novak who's in manila. it's tough to get communication out of an area like this. we believe she's on the phone. can you hear us? can you hear us? >> i can hear you. i'm not sure if you can hear me. it's starting to get rainy and windy where i am here in manila. i'll keep talking and hopefully you can hear me. i can only imagine how bad it is down south where the winds are the hardest. we're starting to get a few more pictures on local television, the scene facing the people down south throughout the day.
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trees have been uprooted, debris flying through the air. we heard fishermen telling local media they've lost their boats. an incredible picture of a large barge that's turned on its side. and there were people on board that lost their lives. the communications have been cut off for so many of these reasons. several areas were hit very hard last month. people having difficulty getting information, even as far as what's going on there. we heard of people being evacuated. the evacuated centers themselves have had to be moved. it's a fluid situation. as i say here in manila, it's very loud here.
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>> all right, kathy, we'll let you take some cover right now. if this is the tail of the storm, it's only worse to come. we'll check back in. this is unprecedented scientifically and also from a human perspective. >> absolutely. >> we'll keep watching this. it's just the tail of the storm. about a half hour from now we'll get perspective and keep you up to date with this storm. they are calling it a super typhoon. we've not seen one of this combined strength before. >> people throw the word historic around a lot. this actually is. this is reality the philippines is facing right now. let's get back to washington. president obama saying he's sorry. in an nbc interview, the president is apologizing to americans. the response to what people call his broken promise that people could keep their insurance plan if he liked it. his team is looking at a range of options to try to help and
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he's confident the site wit be even better by the end of the month, in his words. athena jones is following the story this morning. >> reporter: the president is heading to new orleans to talk about the economy. but he's still dealing with the fallout over and the news that millions of americans are getting these cancellations letters from their insurance companies because of obama care. president obama is apologizing to americans losing their health insurance under the affordable care act, despite his frequent promises they'd be able to keep plans they like. telling nbc news -- >> i am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me. >> reporter: about 5% of americans buy their insurance on the individual market and some are losing their plans as insurance companies cancel policies that don't meet tough new obama care standards. >> we weren't as clear as we needed to be in terms of the
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changes that were taking place. i want to do everything we can to make sure that people are finding themselves in a good position, a better position than they were before this law happened. >> reporter: the president said most people getting cancellation letters will be able to get new plans at the same price or cheaper on the new marketplaces. he stuck to his latest promise, that the website will be fixed by the end of the month. >> it's better than it was last week, certainly better than october 1st. i'm confident it will be even better by november 30th and the majority of people will be able to get on there and enroll. >> reporter: obama's apology come as a bipartisan pair of senators filed legislation thursday to delay for a year the fine to be levied on people who don't buy health insurance by the end of march, citing the problems with the website. west virginia democrat joe manchin and illinois republican mark kirk say this common sense
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proposal simply allows americans to take more time to browse and explore their options, making 2014 a true transition year. now, health and human services secretary kathleen sebelius will be in atlanta today where she'll announce new regulations requiring insurance companies to treat mental illness like any other illness. i should tell you, this rule -- these rules were put in place back in 2008, this requirement that insurance companies treat a mental illness like any other illness. they've been waiting for regulations on how to do so. that's what we'll be hearing from kathleen sebelius today. >> athena, thank you for the update. let's talk more about this, the interview and what it means going forward with john king, joining us now. what do you make of the president's interview, the apology and also what more he is saying about obama care and how they're trying to fix it. does it help the administration's case? >> we'll see by watching the senate democrats. as athena just noted, joe manchin is part of one piece of
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legislation that would delay the penalty for not signing up. mary landrieu is among those pushing a new law and the house republicans want to do this as well, forcing the insurance companies to re-issue the policies that have been canceled and there are more and more proposals coming. what the president is trying to do is slow the panic among his fellow democrats. we know republicans want to make more runs at changing this law if not getting rid of this law. the problem for the president is democrats in the senate who are up next year, ten and perhaps even more of them now deon madding changes. the president said his team is trying to fix some things. those democratic senators want to be able to go home in this tough political environment and say i force the president to change the health care law. this is just the beginning. the apology is not going to stop it. >> john, let me ask you something. you looked at the transcript of the interview. he didn't say the words way deep
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into his answer. he kept getting pushed in that direction. i understand why any reporter would want that sound bite. it creates headlines and buzz. he was not apologetic, he said there are real reasons we made these decisions, we are trying to fix these problems. he had real reasons for things. how much is this playing into the politics of the situation versus him just staying the course of what he believes. >> you make a fascinating and important point. the president did not fully apologize. if you go back and look at the time line, the president essentially said if you're mad at me, i'm sorry, however, we think we were right and i think in six months or a year you'll see that this was a good law. that might be the case. the problem is, the problem of the moment. you have the competence question about the rollout plan including the website and the credibility on the side that the president said consistently, not once, not twice but dozens of times if you like your doctor, you can keep
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your doctor, period. chris and kate, the administration was told it knew in the summer of 2010, as it started to write the regulations that as many as two-thirds of the people in that insurance market, as many as two-thirds of them would lose their plans. that was in 2010, the summer. remember the campaign in 2012, more than two years later, the president was sticking to this, when mitt romney was criticizing him and saying you'll lose your doctor, your plan. he was saying, no, you won't. his own people on paper were telling him that almost two-thirds could lose it. he was saying no, you won't. >> what should the president do about the latest move by house republicans? they'll move next week to follow up on what they said they were going to do, that does just that, calls his bluff. is that x booing the president in? it appears on the surface that
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it's going to make the administration like disingenuous if the republicans say we're trying to fix it and they're not letting us. >> that is the problem. speaker boehner saying mr. president, thanks for the apology, now prove that you mean it. let's change it for these people. that's on the republican side. that's important to watch. they want to do this on the senate side as well. the democrats are more worth watching at the moment. the only way the president can push back against the republicans is if he knows the democrats have his back. survival is the strongest instinct the in politics. those senators on the ballot next year are running for a six-year term. they want to be in office long after president obama is gone. when he says be facial, give me time, their answer at the moment is sorry, mr. president, no. that's the dynamic. the president himself in that interview said we need to make some changes, my team is looking at that. he has now opened that door. >> isn't that the problem, though, is that you finally get the president if you are the
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opposition party into a position where he's saying, yes, we have to fix these things. now it's seen as a sign of weakness. this is what you say you want it, he says it, now it's a sign of weakness. the white house is paralysis by analysis. you're left with the same problem, john. the question becomes, this bill they're going to put forward on the republican side may be in both houses, hey, you get to keep your plan. who does? what plan? what if your plan stinks? what if they're going to gouge you on price the following year? now you'll put a band-aid on it that may make you bleed more. if you play to the politics do you wind up losing what is really important? >> isn't there potential it could ruin the law that was passed? >> that's one of the white house concerns, whether you agree or disagree with the law, their concern if you start changing the rules you give more people to sign up, for example, they need the healthy young people to sign up. they wanted the new regulations
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to make the plans broader to get the coverage they insisted that the president insisted you would get under the new law. every change you make, you factor in what does it do to the law in general. this debate, even if they pass new laws next week or tonight even you'll watch them roll out, watch them be impacted and lick you're seeing here, when you make such big changes you get some things wrong. this has become the all-consuming debate in washington. from a political standpoint and a policy standpoint. if you're the president of the united states, it's not just what is happening but when it's happening. this is a dangerous point during his second term. he did not close the door with this partial apology. >> great to see you, john, thank you so much. >> thank you. a lot of news we're following this morning. good morning to you at home. making news, new developments out of talks on iran's nuclear program, there are signs that a deal could be close. iran's chief negotiator telling
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cnn a breakthrough agreement could happen today. secretary of state john kerry has changed his plans and is now joining the talks in geneva. a state department official says he'll help narrow any differences. last month's government shutdown cost the can't big time to the tune of $2 billion. new government report says that was the value of time and productivity wasted when 800,000 federal workers could not report to duty. that's just part of the equation. another 500 million was lost in related spending, that includes tourists who canceled trips to other sites, among other slowdowns. a wisconsin girl missing for nine years has been found in mexico. connie mccallister was 16 when she disappeared. she is 25 now. she claims her boyfriend drugged her and took her to mexico against her will. mccallister met an american missionary who contacted police in wisconsin and now she is hoping to move her family to the u.s.
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twitter's first trading day, quite a big hit, the initial public offering price was $26 a share but by the time trading ended that stock surged more than $70 to nearly $45 a share,ing abouting one of the internet's most valuable properties. a story now that may restore your faith in humanity. a tennessee mother and daughter on vacation in daytona beach, florida, walking on the beach find a purse that has $13,000 in cash and thousands of dollars worth of jewelry inside. what did they do? they turned it over to the authorities who tracked down the rightful owner in maryland. so on this friday, we show you, there's goodness. >> who has $13,000 and jewelry in a purse? >> i don't. just for the record, if i leave my purse i'd still like it back. it's not going to have jewels and $13,000 in it. >> if there is you and i are going to be hanging out quite a bit more. >> a lot of intrigue there.
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karen mcginnis, in for indra petersons. boy do we have weather on the watch this morning. what do we know now? >> the temperatures are about 20 degrees cooler this morning than they were yesterday morning. very mild air out ahead of that cold front. now that the cold front has moved through, we'll start to fill in with that much colder air coming in from the west and the northwest. we start the morning out with 30s and a few 40s here and there. along the eastern great lakes you're seeing a little bit of snow, not a lot, just flurries. some areas may see a rain/snow mix. temperatures across the midwest in the 20s and 30s. we haven't seen the coldest air yet as you would expect. certainly lake-effect snow, especially across the eastern great lakes enaskeding from rochester to buffalo into syracuse. maybe a few light snow flurries expected across the upper ohio river valley as well. well, temperatures will bounce around a little bit, going into the next several days. but after that, another funnel system will move through and by
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late in the day on monday and then going into tuesday, temperatures are going to be much, much colder. how much colder? well temperatures will struggle to be in the 30s in chicago and teens overnight. back to you guys. >> karen, we'll check back in with you, watching the weather here, watching the weather in the philippines. a lot going on. coming up next on "new day," he says it was not just hadzing. a lawyer for jonathan martin, who left the dolphins team, he says his client was harassed by fellow teammates. transfats are unsafe, kind of. we'll take you through why and whether it's the right call, especially for the government to make. re for your heart, but did you know there's a cereal that's recommended by doctors? it's post shredded wheat. recommended by nine out of ten doctors to help reduce the risk of heart disease. post shredded wheat is made with only one ingredient:
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one hundred percent whole grain wheat, with no added sugar or salt. try adding fruit for more health benefits and more taste in your bowl. it's the ideal way to start your heart healthy day. try post shredded wheat. this has been medifacts for post shredded wheat. try post shredded wheat.
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welcome back to "new day." we have food news for you. the food and drug administration is on at tack against artery-clogging transfats. they're saying not only are they unhealthy but they're unsafe at any level. so they're ordering the food industry to phase them out. chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta is at the cnn center to help you understand this. great to have you, doc, as always. let's set perspective. one, how did this happen? why was it allowed in food and if it's so bad, why are they phasing it out? >> it's one of those interesting things. i think it's been well established in the medical community and the food industry that these transfats are a real problem.
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they're used because they're a cheap way to actually extend the shelf life of food. but people have known for a long time it's a bad problem. who's been silent has been the fda up until now. it's an ingredient in a lot of our favorite foods, microwave popcorn, cookies, cakes, frozen pizza and much more. transfats. they increase shelf life and they add flavor to processed foods. but the fda is now saying they are not safe and wants to ban them. it's a move they say would save thousands of lives. >> we think it's time to address and really phase out the remaining uses of transfat in the diet so we can reduce the incidence of heart disease and deaths resulting from heart attack. >> reporter: you see, transfats, lower good cholesterol. and they raise bad cholesterol. what we're trying to avoid is this. ldl or bad cholesterol building
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up as plaque in the blood vessel walls. because that plaque buildup is what can cause heart attacks. the cdc says ditching transfats would prevent up to 20,000 heart attacks a year and as many as 7,000 more deaths from heart disease. new york city banned transfats from restaurants in 2007. and many companies, and popular chains around the country have already phased them out. the grocery manufacturers association says that it looks forward to working with the fda to better understand their concerns and how the industry can better serve consumers. i should point out, again, our society as a whole has done a pretty good job when it comes to transfats. in 2003, the average american ate 4.6 grams a day and sort of voluntarily, it's now down to about a gram a day. a lot of it because of the leadership in new york, under mayor bloomberg, banning those in restaurants. >> if this happens the way the
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fda wants it to, how will the food land escape change? >> well, it will be interesting. there's a 60-day comment period before this can happen. most people expect that will be smooth sailing because the industry has already started to adopt some the changes. what the interesting thing is you eat a lot of transfats without knowing it. it's in a lot of processed foods. people won't consciously be aware but they'll start eating less transfats because it just won't be in a lot of those foods they'll still consume. >> so what's your take on this aspect of it, sanjay? is this bad enough that it warrants the government telling you what to eat or is this a decision that should still be left up to you? >> i think people will still have options, they'll be able to read the labels. but i think with regard to transfats, the industry itself, the fda is endorsing this, the industry itself is saying we don't need to have transfats in foods. there are other options that are available that are much healthier options.
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they may be more expensive. we may see an impact there. but i think in terms of what someone can eat they'll have a lot of choices but they'll have to read labels to understand it. >> this is late in coming but probably the right move. >> everyone agrees on it, yes, chris. >> thank you very much, doc. have a good weekend. we have los of new details this morning in the miami dolphins bullying scandal. jonathan martin who says he was forced to leave his team is finally speaking out through his attorney. we're also learning more about his alleged tormentor, richie incognito, was reportedly the subject of a police station investigation in in an unrelated case. what does this mean? andy scholes has the bleacher report for us. >> the hits keep coming for the dolphins and richie incognito. his character is being called into question after another incident has come into light and jonathan martin is claiming he tried to befriend his teammates but they continuously harassed him. for the first time since
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jonathan martin left the team, we're hearing his side of the story. martin's attorney releasing a strongly worded statement bashing his teammates saying in part, jonathan endured harassment that went far beyond the traditional locker room hazing, beyond the well publicized voicemail with its racial epithet, he endured a malicious physical attack on him by a teammate and daily vulgar comments. he also slammed any claims that martin wasn't tough enough for the nfl locker room saying jonathan has started every game with the miami dolphins since being drafted in 2012. at stanford he was the anchor for jim harbaugh's smash mouth brand of football and he protected andrew luck's blind side. >> if you had asked john martin who his best friend on the team was, he would say richie incognito. the first guy to stand up for jonathan, richie was the first
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guy there. >> if there was a problem, jonathan martin didn't show it. and i've been here long enough to know that off the field, that those two guys were thick as thieves. and that they went out together and hung out together. they did a lot of stuff together. if he had a problem with the way the guy was treating him, he had a funny way of showing it. >> they were good friends, best friends. >> reporter: martin's attorney attempts to smack down those claims saying for the entire season and a half he was with the 'do dolphins, he attempted to befriend the same teammates. the attorneys end the statement one of the taunts too vulgar for us to repeat, allegedly threatening sexual assault against martin's sister. the attorney did not say who made those threats. other accusations are surfacing. he was at the center of a molestation investigation last
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year. this comes by a new report by wplg. the report claims incognito was accused of harassing a female volunteer at the golf tournament. she claims he was acting inappropriate, among the claims she says he fondled her with a golf club, leaned against her with his private parts and emptied a water got until her face. no charges were ever filed. cnn has reached out to incognito's attorney and the dolphins but we have not gotten a reply. coming up next on "new day," a massive super typhoon, half the size of texas is what we're talking about here, is slamming into the philippines this morning. it's one of the biggest in reported history. we'll be talking to an expert on these storms for what you need to know, coming up. >> going through the philippines, may hit vietnam and china. also, toronto's mayor, a political storm. he's in trouble again. the new video that's raising more questions about whether he
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welcome back to "new day,"
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everyone. we're keeping a close watch on the massive supertyphoon that slammed into the philippines last night. take a look at this view we have from space. these are the video from the ground. there are reports of catastrophic damage. the repo the storm is likely to be one of the strongest ever with sustained winds at 235 miles an hour. we bring in mr. horton, a climate scientist. where does it get this intensity? >> this is a record-breaking storm. this is up there about as high as anything we've observed in the record. incredibly strong winds, a lot of damage on the ground. it means storm surge. the winds are piling up water on land. and very heavy rain and mountainous terrain.
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we can't underestimate the severity of the storm. >> even though the philippines is used to getting hit by storms, because of the difference in magnitude of this one, what can we expect on the grounded there and how far do we expect this storm to travel into vietnam and southeast china? >> this storm has so much power, there's so much energy spinning that it's not going to dissipate, it's not going to weaken really quickly. as i mentioned earlier, it's passing over regions that are vulnerable. there's been deforestation in some of the mountain areas that could cause rain and flooding to happen more quickly than it otherwise would have. as that storm emerges past the philippines, it will still be a typhoon. expect gradual weakening. there's another landfall coming in a populous area, the southeast mainland of asia and look for serious rainfall flooding, especially, in a lot of those areas. >> you look at that and that is ominous looking. give us an idea of the conditions that created this. is climate change the finger we
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have to point at? >> when you look at any individual storm we can't link it to climate change. what we can say about this storm, it's passed over a region within warm waters and very warm waters extending to depth. this is a part of the world where we have that energy source. warm water is the energy source for those storms. the philippines gets hit with eight typhoons or so a year. this one is particularly strong but this region gets hit a lot. as we look to the future and try to link this to climate change, there are several things to talk about. the clearest connection is related to coastal flooding. sea levels have risen global by by 8 inches or so. that's due to a 40% or so increase in carbon dioxide, other greenhouse gases have gone up as we put more fossil fuels in the atmosphere. s so you raise the sea levels you're increasing the baseline. within a storm comes along it's going to put that flood, that
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water, higher up. it's raising the floor. you're raising the floor of a basketball court, you'll get more slam dunks in the form of coastal flooding. that is a very clear connection. between climate change and coastal flooding. >> when you talk about the conditions that are leading to the super storm, does that tell you, could the u.s. ever see something like a super typhoon like this? >> in the u.s. we have had storms of comparable intensity. i think it's too early to tell if we've had storms quite this strong. people talk about hurricane camille in 1969. very strong winds. in terms of how the storms themselves might look like in the future. research suggests with a couple feet of sea level rise this century, which doesn't sound like a lot, many areas could see flooding three times as often, three times as frequent coastal flooding because you're raising the baseline. that's even if storms themselves don't change at all.
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what might happen to storms, that's the next question really. here the research and jury is out on tropical storms. we talked earlier about a warm source of water. we do expect climate change to warm those upper ocean temperatures more but that's not the whole story. what's going to happen to winds in the atmosphere, what's going to happen to at availability of dust, temperatures profiles in the atmosphere, here it's much less clear whether the changes we see are going to be conducive to more or weaker tropical storms. for other types of extremes, like heat waves it's clear that we'll see more frequent or intense if the future. >> terrifying to see it play out right now. thank you for coming in. >> we'll keep following that. if the situation changes, radley, we'll ask you about that. those hundred-year storms we seem to be having them every other year. the latest news here, we'll start with the apology from president obama. he says he's sorry that
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americans are losing health insurance plans that he repeatedly said they could keep under obama care but in the interview with nbc, he stopped short of apologizing for making those initial promises. he also said his team was working to close some of the gaps that are causing millions to get cancellation notices. "60 minutes" now says it is investigating discrepancies in a contractor's story of what happened during that deadly attack on the u.s. diplomatic outpost in benghazi. he gave two different accounts of what happened and may not have actually gone to the compound himself to fight off attackers. "60 minutes" says it wants to know if it was misled. museums and family heir staking claims to a treasure trove of artwork taken by the nazis. german prosecutors have so far resisted international calls to publish a complete inventory of those works. boston prosecutors want whitey bulger put away for life
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and then some. court papers show they want to sentence him it two life terms plus five years. the 84-year-old was convicted in a string of murders and extorgs in august after 16 years on the run. bulg bulger's lawyers have yet to submit their sentencing recommendations. a hearing is set for next week. i want you to keep an eye out for this brightly painted cow, maybe on ebay or something like that. houston investigators trying to figure out who stole it. someone swiped the fiberglass bull statue, 6 feet long, 150 pounds, from a houston business. it was the company's mascot. you can probably see it from space. employees called the bull then der. now they say someone stole their thunder. jokes aside, they want their bull back. >> don't try to buy it on craigslist. >> don't look in our apartments. just don't. >> new artwork to display? >> when i find the time. coming up on "new day," rob ford. you know him now.
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he's the mayor in toronto. he's had a bad stretch of admissions, smoked crack while he was raging drunk. now, a new video that seems to be a cry for help. he is threatening to kill someone. why? we'll take you through it. also coming up, twitter is a hit. investors started buying the moment its stock went public and it's worth an awful lot this morning. but without a profit yet could twitter be just another tech bubble? >> why do you have to hate. >> i'm not hatin'.
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♪ i want to be rich
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♪ i wanna be rich i was just getting down but we'll talk money. that's more important. twitter opened, surging on the new york stock exchange. poppy harlow has more. >> some of the twitter users rung the bell. >> yes, some of the biggest users. that was cool. great for company who got in at that initial offering price. this was a company that was offered at 26 bucks a share. of the day, closes near 45.ddle- a huge premium for twitter. very different than the facebook ipo we should say. it's interesting to watch this company because an ipo is a bet on the future, right? a bet on the future of how this company is going to do. not on the past. everyone is talking about they're not even profitable. to give you perspective at $45 a share, this values the company at $25 billion.
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>> more than? >> more than hershey, more than delta or alcoa. people are betting that advertisers are going to buy in huge. the amount of data if you think about what they get, it's incredible. they know what we like, where we are. they collect so much data and that is so useful to advertisers. that's what people that bought into this stock are betting on the future of this company, not the past. >> i spoke with randy zuckerberg, mark's sister. she said her only advice for everyone in silicone valley, they're building something big for the future. >> yes. >> that kind of anticipating there could be bumps along the way and dips in the stock. what are investors -- what are analysts saying long term for this? this doesn't sound sustainable when you're talking about how big they're valuing this right now. >> that's a great point. i talked to a lot of analysts about this yesterday. a lot of people think they know twitter but do they understand it? don't just invest a company because you know it and use it
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every day. really dig into it, understand the fundamentals, what is the business plan here. we don't know a lot about the advertising and what exactly their goal is. we know they have a tv strategy. we know they have different goals but what exactly is the advertising plan here? i think that's a really big question. and just because you know it, and there's a lot of hype, you don't just buy into it right away. >> i'm a buyer and i'm going to be a quick seller. this is one of those stocks that wreaks of trader play. if you watch the curve poppy\put up, it gave you a big pop off the ipo place but traded down six points by the end of the day. they're in and out. these guys love volatility. >> there were a lot of day traders. >> it doesn't have a good story to date in terms of fundamental investors like warren buffett. >> when you look at the company's numbers, in the first nine months of this year they've
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lost $134 million. they made 422 million. yes, they could take all their profits and put them on paper so that that looks good to investors. what they're doing is spending the money, re-investing, hiring people, et cetera. so they do have losses across the board here but there's just so many questions and a lot of day traders are in this. the average person couldn't get in at 26. that's all the big banks. >> the future of twitter is the question mark. it's social media. >> people are having a hard defining what is the twitter. >> if you have a tough stomach for risk and volatility, jump in. if you don't, this isn't it for you. >> thanks, poppy. we'll keep watching it. coming up next on "new day," more trouble for rob ford in an explosive, strange new video. he's talking about murder. what could it mean for his future? and one gal is not letting surgery get her down. in the face of what could be a devastating diagnosis, she gets her dance on.
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it's our must-see moment. >> i respect the moves already. i started part-time, now i'm a manager.n. my employer matches my charitable giving. really. i get bonuses even working part-time. where i work, over 400 people are promoted every day.
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healthcare starting under $40 a month. i got education benefits. i work at walmart. i'm a pharmacist. sales associate. i manage produce. i work in logistics. there's more to walmart than you think. vo: opportunity. that's the real walmart. customer erin swenson ordebut they didn't fit.line customer's not happy, i'm not happy. sales go down, i'm not happy. merch comes back, i'm not happy. use ups. they make returns easy. unhappy customer becomes happy customer. then, repeat customer. easy returns, i'm happy. repeat customers, i'm happy. sales go up, i'm happy. i ordered another pair. i'm happy. (both) i'm happy. i'm happy. happy. happy. happy. happy. happy happy. i love logistics. (dad) just feather it out. (son) ok. feather it out. (dad) all right. that's ok. (dad) put it in second, put it in second. (dad) slow it down. put the clutch in, break it, break it. (dad) just like i showed you. dad, you didn't show me, you showed him. dad, he's gonna wreck the car! (dad) he's not gonna wreck the car. (dad) no fighting in the road, please. (dad) put your blinker on.
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(son) you didn't even give me a chance! (dad) ok. (mom vo) we got the new subaru because nothing could break our old one. (dad) ok. (son) what the heck? let go of my seat! (mom vo) i hope the same goes for my husband. (dad) you guys are doing a great job. seriously. (announcer) love a car that lasts. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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welcome back to "new day." toronto ose mayor has problems. he's admitted to smoking crack, excused it by trying it because he was really drunk. this time there's a video out that doesn't cast the mayor in the greatest light and on the heels of these other admissions, the question is, how much longer
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should he be in office? should he be getting help? zoraida sambolin is following the story for us. >> like the drama sounding rob ford couldn't get crazier, this shows him in a drunken rage threatening to kill someone. it's turned the heat back up. this has surfaced in the wake of ford admitting to smoking crack cocaine, an act allegedly also caught on camera. while cnn doesn't know the full context of this latest video, what is clear is the toll this week is taking on ford's already tarnished reputation. >> reporter: another video, another problem for toronto mayor rob ford. this time he's caught on camera in a violent tirade. >> no-holds-barred, he dies or i
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die, brother. >> reporter: this jaw-dropping footage first posted by "the toronto star" on thursday shows ford making threats toward an unknown person. it's another blow to the embattled politician's reputation after the shoking confession earlier this week. >> yes, i have smoked crack cocaine. >> when, sir? >> do i? am i an addict? no. have i tried it? probably in one of my drunken stoopers. >> reporter: this new video appearing to show a very intoxicated ford. bringing on another public explanation. >> i was very, very inebriated. it's extremely embarrassing. the whole world's going to see it. you know what, i don't have a problem with that. it is extremely embarrassing. >> reporter: reporters pepper ford with the question on everybody's mind.
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>> is it time to come out and ask for help? >> reporter: his behavior now raising concern about not only his work but his life. >> i am so fearful that it's going to end with this man's demise. he ishas a very serious conditi. this guy is an advanced alcoholic. >> reporter: the mayor's sister and mother declared their public support on cp-24. >> robbie is not a drug addict. i know because i'm a former addict. >> he made a mistake. he's admitted to the mistake, not a nice one, but he's done it. if people want to say he's ignoring his job at city hall. he isn't. >> reporter: while ford defiantly says is he not stepping down, his future is quickly becoming as tumultuous as this video. >> there's renewed calls to ask the province to have him removed. it's still quite unlikely. at this point everything is changing so fast and there could be more videos out there. there are certainly more revelations coming. it's hard to know how this is
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going to end. >> reporter: on tuesday mayor ford said he planned on staying in office and running for another term. even after admitting that he smoked crack cocaine. he's not yet commented about his political plans after this particular recent revelation. so we're waiting to hear more. what we don't know is when that video was taken. we don't know if that's months old, years old, not certain about that. >> i don't know the legalities in canada but one thing we have to remember, life with mayor bob filner out in san diego, it's not easy to remove someone from office. usually you have to resign or have a new election, a special election. it can be time and process. it comes down to him. i don't know this should be covered up there as political scandal. this is a man who has an obvious problem to any observer. and that's really the issue that has to be there. it's not can we catch you? i think the truth is obvious. >> the city council weighed in and what he said was look, what you need to do is step away for a while, take a leave of absence and go into rehab.
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because this is a very serious personal problem for you. >> thanks, zoraida. >> from that to something inspiring. we'll share our must see moment. hardly what you expect to see before a major operation. i love what debra cohen did. debra, her family and her team of doctors get down to beyonce's "get embodied." debra is a doctor herself. she underwent a double mastectomy on tuesday. we're told she is doing great. the key to this, joyful going into it, takes your mind off of it. zoraida -- >> i wish i would have done this. i'm looking at it, thinking that is precisely what you need. it puts you in the right mental state heading into that surgery.
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>> isn't that great? >> good for her. >> under the category of completely missing the point, the moves were strong. taking on cancer, the positive, that's all great. the moves are strong. >> dancing in a hospital room. >> which leaves a little left to be desired in the back. >> she rocks it. >> i respect that. >> she had the double wrap. >> she's good. >> she was prepared. >> she planned this out. she is a doctor. she knows a hospital room. >> i love that. thank you. >> the best part, the surgery was successful, she's doing well and that is the best news of all. let's take a break on "new day." we're going to keep tracking a massive, historic super typhoon that is hitting the philippines right now. it struck it overnight. what you're looking at is 300 miles wide. winds faster than anything we have seen in years. maybe in recorded history. we'll track it for you throughout the morning and bring you the latest after the break. and could it be a huge breakthrough in the u.s.
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relationship with iran? talks today could end with a deal over iran's nuclear program. former congresswoman jane harman will be here to talk about all of that. as your life changes, fidelity is there for your personal economy, helping you readjust along the way, refocus as careers change and kids head off to college, and revisit your investments as retirement gets closer. wherever you are today, fidelity's guidance can help you fine-tune your personal economy. start today with a free one-on-one review of your retirement plan. ♪
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nthat's why they deserve... aer anbrake dance. get 50% off new brake pads and shoes. this would stop iran's nuclear program from advancing for the first time in a decade. new this hour, there's word of a deal with iran to cap its nuclear programs. we have reporting on the likelihood and the impact. is there reason to believe the u.s. and iran can work together? not safe. the fda calling for all transfats to be banned.
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what does this mean for your health and, of course, the price of your favorite foods? >> under fire, the late night video that's gone viral, parents teasing their children by pretending to eat all of their halloween candy. psychologists crying foul. is this damaging our kids? your "new day" starts right now. >> announcer: what you need to know -- >> i'm the president. this is my team. if it's not working it's my job to get it fixed. >> announcer: what you just have to see. >> he's on the mondavia gravel road. >> announcer: this is "new day" with chris cuomo, kate bolduan and michaela pereira. >> good morning. welcome back to "new day," friday, november 8th, 7:00 in the east. super typhoon haiyan, that is what's making breaking news. it's blasting the philippines and not letting up. it's been 16 hours already and
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the worst has not yet come. check out the pictures. the island nation is getting socked by the storm right now, massive in size and strength. what you're looking at is 300 miles across, about the length of florida's entire east coast. easily historic, perhaps the worst we've ever seen. again, the worst could be yet to come. how many people? 10 million in this storm's path, hanging on in the face of winds gusting -- get this -- 235 miles an hour. that's stronger than katrina and sandy combined. we have someone there. kathy novak in the philippines, getting us up to date with where we are right now. kathy, what do we know? >> what we know is this is for sure the strongest typhoon we've seen in the world this year. as you say, stronger than sandy and katrina combined. and just pummeling more than two-thirds of this country. so far, officially we can only confirm three dead and seven wound but that is largely because the government agency that is dealing with the risk
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and disaster did not have the official data because communication lines are down across the country. the secretary of interior had gone to the area worst affected and the government cannot get in touch with him because the power and communication lines are down across that whole region. what we also know, part of the area that's being badly hit just got hit by an. >> quake last month. more than 5,000 people left homeless, more than 200 killed. those people had been spending their lives in tents and now they're being moved to evacuation centers, hoping they are safer but as we hear, this storm continues to pummel the area. >> kathy, thank you for the report. police stay safe, just to highlight what's going on here. we'll keep following it throughout the morning. the worst is unknown, many of the areas being hit hard currently are remote. 5,000 people already displaced from an earthquake living in tents. imagine the exposure they have. the next thing as it goes over the sea of china it won't slow
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down much. then you have vietnam and southeast china. the people in its path, huge numbers, huge potential here. we'll keep following throughout the show this morning. stay with us for that. >> millions bracing for impact on this. let's turn to what could be a stunning turn in and of itself in iran's relationship with the west. negotiations over its nuclear program have reached a tipping point with secretary of state john kerry jetting off to geneva and iran's nuclear investigator saying they could reach a deal by the end of deal. jim sciutto is in washington with the latest. what are you hearing, jim. >> reporter: the outlines of the most significant nuclear deal with iran in more than ten years. the spokesman saying secretary kerry going to, quote, help narrow the differences in negotiations but you have the british, the french, the german foreign ministers joining kerry in geneva along with the iranian foreign minister. these very strong signs that they are getting close here.
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we have the broad outlines of what they're describing as an interim deal, an initial step over six months with both sides offering confidence building measures, iran agreeing to a suspension, a partial suspension of uranium enrichment in exchange for the relaxation of some economic sanctions among the possible relaxing as the west considering unfreezing some of iran's assets overseas and allowing iran access to international gold markets. they're saying this would be the first stage, lasting about six months while the sides continue talks for a longer term, final status agreement for iran's nuclear program. if it does come together today, kate, significant progress here. >> could be significant progress. all along the way, israel's leaders have been critical and skeptical of these negotiations, of talks with iran. again, that happening just today. another statement from benjamin netanyahu this morning. what does that mean for these negotiations? >> it's important. iran, a close partner of the u.s. there. clearly, benjamin netanyahu will
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not be joining the others in geneva for these talks. he had a hemeeting with secreta kerry yesterday, a difficult meeting, netanyahu had strong words, iran got the deal of the century, the international community got a bad deal and israel utterly rejects it. he said that's a feeling shared by many others in the region. u.s. officials have said from the beginning and when i was back in geneva, they're going into this with open eyes they need convincing, too. they caution here that this is an interim deal and most of the severe economic sanctions will stay in place while the sides negotiate a more formal, long-term agreement. still, this is a big step. both sides giving something up here and in effect, kate and chris, both sides taking a risk here. >> thanks for the reporting this morning. this is about practicalities and politics. we have something with us who understands them very well. jane harman, former democratic congresswoman from california.
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also was the ranking democrat on the house intelligence committee from 2002 to 2006. now the director, president and ceo of the woodrow wilson international center for scholars. thank you for being with us this morning. >> good morning. >> let's get right to this. the big concern is there's a lot of this, a lot of talk from iran and not a lot of action to substantiate any faith. what do you make of that? >> the terms of this deal as jim sciutto just said are stunning. this is way beyond the initial, initial deal that people speculated about. because they're freezing their capacity to enrich above 20%. they're making unusual some of their stockpiles of fuel and agreeing not to use the iraq reactor for plutonium. that's a big thing, if it happens. it's true the israelis are skeptical. of course they'll be skeptical. they have to be able to protect themselves. john kerry has 25 years of experience dealing with benjamin
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netanyahu, who is not the only leader in israel who has an opinion about this. lots of others think this is a good first step. if this can work, if they can get to this agreement today, i see advantages for other issues pending in the middle east, like syria. if iran could cooperate to help move bashar out, if iran could cooperate to stop funding terror groups like hezbollah, which has been a terror arm of iran, attacking lebanon and israel, this would be an enormous change in the tectonic plates of the middle east. >> don't you need israel on board? don't you need saudi arabia on board? that's what some of the main players are saying. >> it would be good to have israel or the prime minister of israel. i think a lot of israel and a lot of the israeli public is on board. it would be very good to have a thaw in the chilly relationships with saudi arabia. we have to see how this moves.
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yes, it would make a big difference. and i hope that john kerry, who seems to be highly skilled at this, and katherine ashton, the prime minister of the european union, let's give her kudos. >> what are you watching for to see if iran is working with us? >> i want to see what they do. assuming there is full transparency, and that has to happen, let's see if there is a partial freeze of enrichment, let's see if they render their stockpiles obsolete. let's see if they stop and dismantle what's beginning on with plutonium in iraq. everyone will be looking at this. >> right. >> and the iaea will hopefully be able to get in there. it seems to me while the deals are not exactly connected the iaea needs to get back into iran and check this out. >> the situation is somewhat obvious. it's all about what they do. talk isn't going to be respected by iran at this point in the game. nobody will get behind it. >> let me say one more thing. >> please. >> also about what we do.
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we have promised we will make some changes to the sanctions regime. this has to be two days. we have to show respect for iran if iran is doing the fair thing. >> fair point. >> otherwise this won't work and the sanctions, most them are still in place and congress is poised to enact tougher sanctions. the sanctions have brought us to this point. >> also arguable, giving them the deal is a step. we have to see what reciprocity is for it. that's a tbd. at home we have a situation that's not a tbd. we need to know where the line is. when we're talking about nsa, spying or gathering information here at home, the question has become where is the line, jane? other than the fourth amendment and all the law and privacy that's come from it which gives the government a lot of power, what is the line about what's okay and what isn't is thisen >> i predict that if we have another boston marathon bombing or we have a shooting in a mall
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the way there was a shooting in nairobi, everyone will rush to enact even tougher programs. the program we have, the metadata of phone collection program, the one that is targeting foreign terrorists was designed by -- was put under a legal framework by congress. wasn't designed by congress. that framework is working. there is an issue about how much metadata should be collected and where should it be and for how many years. but there have been few or no abuses of the program because congress exercises effective oversight and the foreign intelligence surveillance court reviews what's going to happen and americans whose phone calls are listened to have to be reviewed by the fisa court and individualized warrants, the fourth amendment, have to be issued so their content can be listened to. >> what do you think has to change. >> what snowden did was despicable but the debate we're
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having is commendable. and i think we shouldn't conflate all this. the telephone metadata program geared at foreign terrorists is one thing. congress has a couple of approaches to narrow it. i don't think it should be eliminates because i think it will be back bigger than ever if we get attacked. there's a separate thing, an executive order. i write about this in today's "washington post." >> it's a great piece. >> thank you very much. it was issued by president reagan and has been updated a couple of times, that authorizes our government to listen, to learn foreign government's intentions. that's where this alleged cell phone stuff comes from. that stuff order doesn't have the force of law. congress could review that, too. congress knows about it. i surely knew about it. and narrow that as well. the point i make in the "washington post" and i think you would all agree, is about crisis management 101. i won 17 elections for the house. >> get in front of it. >> get in front of it. primary and general elections.
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i was there for nine terms. get in front of it. our government knows the colossal amount of information snowden has. we know awhat it means. get in front of it. explain what's going to come out, what it means if there are any things in it that are an oops, apologize and fix them. >> isn't that easy to say from the outside, jane? you know how the game is played from the inside. we talked about earlier this morning, you get analysis paralysis. all i care about as your opponent is that you did something wrong. i'm not going to do a real review. i want to blame you and say that you're weak. >> i get that. >> it all gets caught up in politics. >> it works for most politicians. those who take the advice to get in front of bad news usually win. >> completely different topic. talk about getting in front of it. what do you think of the president's apology, the handling of the rollout of obama
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care. should they delay the law at this point? >> no, they shouldn't delay the law but this has got to get better fast. it's a long-term program. i voted for it in the house. it could have been a better law if there had been bipartisan support for it. sadly, initially there was bipartisan support. >> fair point, it never went to committee the way a lot of big laws do. >> the bill on the floor is not the committee bill. it was negotiated by leadership. >> regardless it will come back to the president. you know that. >> well, yes. the president's -- i commend him for stepping up and taking responsibility. this is his administration after all. and taking responsibility means trying to fix this. and should the law be amended over time? you bet. i don't think it should be scrapped. in the end, i don't know when the end is, people will be pleased we did this. >> thanks, jane. >> great to see you. let's take a look at our headlines at this hour. we're hearing this morning from
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miami dolphins player jrm eer martin. his attorney released a statement saying he underwent stuff that went far beyond hazing. bipartisan budget talks in washington have apparently hit a snag, triggering fears the house senate panel won't be able to reach a deal by next month's deadline. republican senator lindsey graham says negotiators are, quote, stuck. the 29-member congressional working group has asked to find a bipartisan solution to prevent another government shutdown when funding runs out in january. it appears edward snowden used pass words from colleagues to get some of the information he leaked about american spying. reuters is reporting the one-time nsa contractor persuaded about two dozen employees to give him their log-ins. he told people he needed the
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pass words to do his job as a commuter systems administrator. those employees have been removed from their assignments. in a story we have been watching on "new day," three men are in custody this morning, arrested in the deadly and mysterious shooting of university of michigan medical student paul dewolf. police are not releasing the names of those men arrested but say they have a connection to dewolf or the school. they do not have a connection to dewolf or the school. dewolf was found shot to death in his off-campus house last july. we are expecting more details from police about the suspects and a possible motive later today. you might say a tennessee preacher known for his sermonizing with snakes is having his faith tested. state wildlife officials have confiscated some 50 venomous snakes from his home and church. he was cited for possession of wildlife inherently dangerous to humans. he appeared on the natgeo
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reality show "snake salvation." 50 of them. i'm not sure i'd want that the task of having to go in and confiscate them. glad there's somebody professionally doing that. >> not your job. >> not my job. >> good to note. good to note. this morning we are following a story that literally cannot be exaggerated. there's a super typhoon hitting the philippines right now. we don't know where it's going to go or how bad the devastation will be. karen mcginnis is in for indra petersons, following what's going on. what's the latest? >> it is a record-breaking storm. it has never been recorded, a storm this strong when it made landfall across the central philippines, it had supporting winds, sustained winds of 195 miles an hour. to put that in perspective, the takeoff speed of a 747 is between 160 and 180 miles an hour. this has sustained winds of 195 miles an hour.
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with gusts up to 235. right now, it has moved along the eastern edge of the philippines and prior to it making landfall, which was early morning their time, there were reports this was going to be of epic proportions with downed trees and power lines. the water sources will be affected. the electricity will be affected across this region. they're saying tens of millions of people are going to be affected, already a number of fatalities. there are still assessments of damage and destruction to be made as well. into the northeast, it is cool going into this weekend. pretty nice. chris and kate, it looks like by tuesday, much, much colder. back to you. >> we'll be keeping an eye on that. thank you very much, karen. again, as that super typhoon moves across the south china sea, it's hitting into vietnam, heavily populated areas of southeast china. we take a quick break.
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hydrogenated oils are no longer recognized as safe. that's their words. what affect will this have on your health and wallet? let's talk about it. great to see you both. thanks so much for coming in. >> thank you. >> doctor, first to you. what do you think of this move? why are transfats so bad and should be the fda be stepping in. >> it's a great move. transfats are shown to increase heart disease by increasing your bad cholesterol, the ldl cholesterol. >> why were they ever allowed in the first place now that they've become generally recognized as safe no more? >> they help manufacturers keep their foods on the shelf longer, basically help oil stay stable for a longer period of time. they're basically adding hydrogen. that's why they say partially
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hydrogenated oils. they'll have to make changes and it's going to be tough on the food industry. >> here are some of the foods you're talking about. >> i think it will be shocking to a lot of emto realize the bad transfats is in a lot of the foods we have in our pantries. >> most of our pantries, correct? >> a lot of the companies have been actually trying to get the transfats out of their -- >> transition from. >> transition from the transfats. thank you. but it's going to take a lot of manpower and sometimes depending on the company, that cost might be taken -- put on to the customer. so what you'll see a little bit of a bump in price-up with some of these products in 2006, new york transitioned out the transfats and mcdonald's started transitioning out the transfats from its oil. it's definitely doable. in the short term we might see a bump-up in the prices. >> what kind of bump are we talking about and what companies will be hit the hardest by this
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decision? as you mentioned there have been city, states, certain companies that started this transition. >> sure. we're talking about a couple cents difference in the price. if you're watching your budget that might have a huge impact on your overall grocery bill. hormel, for example, general mills, a lot of these -- we're talking about conagra. also cargill is one of the companies that's providing mcdonald's the different oil. >> it's good for some. >> right, on the revenues. >> here's an immediate concern. price we talked about. they're going to find something else to allow them to make things last longer, keep their costs down. what else is out there, doctor, that may replace partially hydrogenated whatever. but if will be equally as bad five years from now. >> that's a good question. they are talking about what can they substitute. it might be going back to old
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school things like butter. there's not one component of your diet that will make you healthy or truly unhealthy. this is one piece of the picture. >> that's an important thing to note. >> absolutely. this doesn't mean now that it's out of the cookie dough, the cookie dough is great for you, no. you have to be smart and look at the labels. these are products that sometimes healthy people will eat. i eat microwave popcorn sometimes. i didn't realize it was in there. you know about mcdonald's and french fries. >> you can still have popcorn but maybe get back the old air blower we used to have. >> right. the air popper. >> this was born out of convenience. when moms started having to work, et cetera, and chose to work. >> right. >> they got -- >> the frozen pizzas. >> the quick, ready to make foods. >> yes. >> that's what this came from, isn't it essentially what started it all. >> true. >> historically they were saying transfats were in products starting in the early 1900s.
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>> it goes that far back. >> yes. >> shows how hard it might be to get it all out. >> there are naturally occurring transfats. they're not going to get them out completely but these are the ones considered bad for you, the artificial kind. >> i looked at my coffee creamer this morning. i'm telling you. >> thanks, ladies. let us know what you think. treat us with #newday. >> he's called america's pastor, the reverend billy graham, now 59 years old and preparing what he calls his final sermon. we'll take a look at his life and his legacy with his son whom you're looking at right there, franklin. also coming up, "60 minutes" raised some serious concerns about what happened in benghazi. but now they are apologizing for their source in that story. new information on that developing news, coming up. farmer: hello, i'm an idaho potato farmer. and our giant idaho potato truck is still missing. so my dog and i we're going to go find it.
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it's out there somewhere spreading the good word about idaho potatoes and raising money for meals on wheels. but we'd really like our truck back, so if you see it, let us know, would you? thanks. what?
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welcome back to "new day." let's take a look at your headlines. it may be the most powerful storm ever to make landfall and the philippines has been slammed by super typhoon haiyan. it's a massive category 5 storm, wind gusts at 235 miles per hour. it's about half the size of texas. it is now making its way into the south china sea. in its wake, flooding, outages and evacuations. we'll keep you posted on that story. fast-moving developments from iran's nuclear talks. word is they may be nearing a
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dael in jae deal in geneva. so much so, secretary of state john kerry changed plans in order to deal there. president obama saying he is sorry some americans are losing their health coverage because of the affordable care act even though he said they would not. the president says his team is working to close the holes and gaps in the new law. in the meantime, two senators, democrat joe manchin and republican mark kirk have introduced a bill that would delay by a year the penalty for those who choose to go without insurance. just when you thought it couldn't get more bizarre up in toronto, the mayor rob ford there, well, this video of him has surfaced, him making violent threats. unclear we should point out, who his tirade is aimed at. in it he says he'll rip that person's throat out, poke out his eyes and make sure the person is dead. ford already admitted earlier this week to smoking crack cocaine but says he will not
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resign. a date has been announced for the release of the next "star wars" film. episode 7 will hit theaters for holidays, right around the 18th of december, 2015. mark your calendars. details of the film are being closely guarded. there are reports mark hamill, carrie fisher and harrison ford will reprise their roles. filming set to begun in london this spring. we just had a nice visit with harrison ford which you might get to see. kate? a milestone birthday for the reverend billy graham, he was 95 years old. that was celebrated with a huge party and hundreds of guests in attendance. he's releasing a new video being called his final sermon. in it he reflects on his ristry of preaching and religion an what's needed in the world
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today. franklin graham is son and president of the billy graham evangelist association. thank you so much. good to see you. >> thank you. >> quite a celebration last night for america's pastor. what was it like? what did that mean to him? >> well, you know, of course at 95, he's just happy to be able to get up in the morning. it was a great celebration. he saw a lot of friends he hadn't seen in a long time. people came from all across the country and to attend it and honor him. what's so wonderful about my father, his message at 95 has not changed. with all of his heart he wants america to know the truth, that jesus christ is god's son who took our sins and died on a cross and god wants to forgive our sins. he'll heal our hearts but the only way we can do that is by accepting christ by faith, that he died for our sins and that god raised him to life. we can invite christ into our
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heart and he can change our lives. my father's message in all these years has not changed. it's marvelous to see him at 59 committed to this message as he's ever been. >> he has changed so many people's lives. you know that even without seeing the celebration of his life last night. he's ministered to multiple presidents. what does he say today is his legacy? it's quite an honor to be able to have the ear of presidents and be able to advise a president but also to have millions that follow him. >> well, i think his legacy is he's been faithful. he's been faithful to the gospel message of jesus christ. he hasn't changed. when he's with a president, he says the same thing as if he was sitting with you and me. he doesn't change his message. it's the same. he wants people to know about god's love and forgiveness. all of us are sinners. we've all been separated from god because of our sin. the only way we can approach god
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is through christ. christ is the only one that came to this earth that was sinless. he never sinned is. he was god's son. he died on a christ for you and me. that's my mother's message if he was with a president or if he was standing talking to you or me, it's the same message. you know him better than all of the people that follow him and love him. what was it like for you to experience that celebration last night? >> it was a lot of fun. and daddy, of course, he was just overwhelmed that people would come to celebrate his 95th birthday and at 95 he thinks people have forgotten who he is. he doesn't think anybody remembers him. it was a lot of fun. he was just thrilled. >> i'm sure you were thrilled as well. i have a grandmother who just turned 100 years old. we call it 100 years young. we will celebrate that. he is 95 years young. we celebrate his life as well as
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the love you have in your family. thank you very much for your time, franklin. great to see you. >> thank you. >> of course. chris? coming up on "new day," cbs is admitting their "60 minutes" story on the benghazi attack was wrong. what did their source really see that awful night and what are the legitimate questions about what happened at benghazi versus just political posturing? we will talk benghazi when we come back. and what jimmy kimmel did to kids may make you laugh but it's making some people squirm. why? is this too pc or is there something in here that is bad for kids? we'll discuss and get your take. d and you brush it away, you know, then it's gone. i would recommend that they brush with pronamel. they don't need to cut out those foods but you can make some smart choices. mmm! this is delicious katie. it's not bad for canned soup, right? pfft! [ laughs ] you nearly had us there. canned soup. [ male announcer ] they just might think it's homemade.
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try campbell's homestyle soup. i don't miss out... you sat out most of our game yesterday! asthma doesn't affect my job... you were out sick last week. my asthma doesn't bother my family...
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welcome back to "new day," everyone. there are new developments in that controversy over "60 minutes" report on what happened the day of the deadly attack on the u.s. diplomatic outpost in benghazi. as we've been reporting, a contractor told that broadcast that he fought back militants at the compound, but he said something else to investigators. we're now learning. and now cbs is admitting that it made a mistake. >> we no longer had confidence in our source, and that we were wrong to put him on air and we apologize to our viewers. >> that's laura logan, the correspondent on that piece. joining us to talk about this is a columnist and a politics editor at business insider. thanks to you both.
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thanks for coming in. >> thank you. >> joe, what do you think of the "60 minutes" report and the apology we just heard from laura logan? >> that was awesome. that's what every news organization should do. we made a mistake. it was fog of war, we trusted a source and we're sorry. this is why "60 minutes" has been on the air for 45 years. it's a top ten show. because they make mistakes, they own up to it. you know, media today, there's a lot of mistrust. it's at an all-time high when you look at polls. "60 minutes" when they say we made a mistake and we're sorry, the audience will forgive them. >> politicians could learn there from that apology. americans are forgiving everyone says over and over again, if you mess up and say you're sorry. >> criticism that you were too eager to have a gotcha and you wound up going with something that was shaky. is that fair criticism in this situation or no? >> because there's a lot of appetite for stories on how the
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obama administration screwed up in benghazi. when you have a light presence you expose yourselves to things like not being able to respond quickly. "60 minutes" have experience from ten years ago with the texas air national guard memos. remember the story about george w. bush not being present when he was supposed to be during his time in the air national guard. it turned out that the memos were written in microsoft word 30 years after that. there were all these blog posts going back and forth trying to match up the fonts and figure out they couldn't have been written on a typewriter. it was another embarrassing error for them. i think they learned that you need to own up to these things quickly. >> this apology is happening. you have the lingering questions of what really happened that day in benghazi. we've been talking about it, i think this just adds to the fact that the narrative around this tragedy is so convoluted. there are still lingering questions. you have republican senators like lindsey graham that jumped
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on this report to say we need answers and we need testimony from the folks who are on the ground. do you think this diminishes their request to request that? >> this story ain't going away. it's not because we don't have all the answers right now. >> maybe it shouldn't go away. >> no, maybe it shouldn't. there are still a lot of unanswered questions. here's the thing. hillary clinton will probably be your democratic nominee in 2016. she was secretary of state at the time. what difference does it make what happened. it will be played over and over again on this show and everyone else. >> that's where the media comes in. is this a story that has the legs that it should be reaching into this far unknown or is this political posturing? >> i do not think this is a scandal that's broken into the mainstream in the way that, for example, the problems with the obama care website or something that both conservatives and people across the political spectrum are upset about. i think the right has been desperate for something to fit its narrative that obama is a weak president on foreign policy. he surprised both the right and the left by continuing so much of george w. bush's foreign
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policy and having big successes like killing osama bin laden. and look, four americans died. this is terrible. but it was a war. i mean, you know, we had a war in iraq and a war in afghanistan with a lot more deaths on our side and way more deaths on the other side. things like this happen in wars. people are expecting an excessive level of success when you say we're never going to have any deaths. >> i agree with john. >> the people think it was preventible, if there were real security concerns. >> sure. we're talking in a bubble right now. i swear to god if you go to i aparty and ask normal folks, people that don't work in journ journalism, peopwhat do you thi about benghazi, oh, that club on the upper west side? >> when you use negativity as a proxy for insight you get into trouble in this business. you may get people giving you wattage because we love to hate but you can also get into trouble.
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that is the concern with benghazi. also, the cover of "time" magazine, the elephant in the room and it's chris christie. is this a fat joke or do you think they're going for spectacle. >> this is absolutely a fat joke. this is fat shaming at its very worst. "time" magazine, kudos to you guys for not ush pushing this under the rug. because time warner owns "time," time warner owns cnn. >> we do? >> yes. >> that's a big problem now, isn't it? if you did talk about his weight you would learn that reportedly he has lost 70 pounds since he got lap band surgery. >> doesn't happen overnight. >> he's the next al roker. as far as looking like a guy that looks to be fit enough to be president. you're trying to sell more magazines, create controversy, talk about it here on cnn.
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guess what, four days later, someone will do a reader, you'll say "time" magazine has sold more of this edition than they have in three years. >> welcome to today, though. it is a bit of the reality. they need to sell magazines just like -- >> it's how you do it. >> we need people to watch the show. >> it's how you do it. >> chris christie has to get used to it and he is used to it. >> he can handle it. >> there you went again. >> i'm not making a joke. that's people reading into something i'm saying. >> you know, i think he just got re-elected with 61% of the vote. this hasn't been a big problem for him in new jersey. i don't think it will be a big problem nationally. i think he knows that. he knows people will comment on his weight, even with his lap band surgery. he's still over weight, not as much as before. it's something voters don't think about enough. >> fit enough to be president. define it and does that change
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now? >> one of the big concerns about vice president cheney. >> what about hillary clinton by the way? she fell and hit her head, was hospitalized. let's see both sides. by the way, elephant in the room means something you don't talk about. with chris christie, that's all we've been talking about. >> the play was on elephant. >> it's amazing, a double whammy. >> no voter in history said i agree with this candidate on the issues and i think he's the bet leader but i'm not going to vote for him because i think he's underweight. >> are they trying to say he's fat so you must not like him as much? that's why it becomes an ugly think worthy of debate. glad to have you here. >> stick around. take a little break. tweet us #newday. here's another one for you. jimmy kimmel's halloween prank, made parents laugh, made me laugh, made children cry. is that always bad? how the joke could have lasting effe effects. is that true? we'll talk about it.
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great. this is the last thing i need.) seriously? the last thing you need is some guy giving you a new catalytic converter when all you got is a loose gas cap. what? it is that simple sometimes. thanks. now let's take this puppy over to midas and get you some of the good 'ol midas touch. hey you know what? i'll drive! and i have no feet... i really didn't think this through. trust the midas touch. for brakes, tires, oil, everything. (whistling) ♪ nothing, that's what? that's why i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. 'cause it gives me a big fat zero heartburn. woo hoo! [ male announcer ] prilosec otc. the number one doctor recommended frequent heartburn medicine for 8 straight years. [ larry ] you can't beat zero heartburn. and best of all, it means i can enjoy all the foods i love. oh, zero heartburn is awesome. just like zero cutlery. ♪ [ male announcer ] prilosec otc. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn.
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♪ i want candy thank you. ♪ i want candy >> that's not tvery kind. >> "that's not very kind." a halloween prank from jimmy kimmel, literally taking candy away from babys. parents tricking their kids into believing they ate their candy, they're damaging them. >> the candy monster strikes again. >> last night, we ate every bit
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of your halloween candy. >> no! >> no! it took all day! >> funny, yes, but are these parents taking a joke too far, damaging their children, scarring them. that's why we have a psychologist here robi ludwig. >> great to be here. >> mother and a psychologist. >> yes. >> what do you make of this? >> it's funny the first time i showed this video my 14-year-old showed it to me because he thought it was funny. oh, mom, what are you talking about ruining anybody, it's funny, don't you get the joke but i think it's very different if you are a parent who is tricking a child videotaping the reaction, and actually putting it on the air, or trying to get it on the air. it really shows impaired judgment that you would do that to a child. >> is it a matter of putting it
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on the air that you take issue with the most or the fact you're playing pranks on your kids. >> as a parent you're a role model so you're showing your children how they should behave. what do you want to show your kids? i think it's a bit sadistic. there is that sadism i'm going to see my kid cry. >> sadism directed toward your child? >> how could any parent in the morning who is overwhelmed? it could happen. these elements are there, is it going to send a child into 20-year analysis, does it mean the kid is going to have to be on medication, no but the potential to shame or humiliate a child is certainly there, and what are you doing it for, to get 15 minutes of fame? it is not the wisest decision a parent can make. >> i don't think anyone can really with a straight face jump, too, like you are ruining your child for life if you do this but what are you doing it for which makes me wonder, what is jimmy kimmel doing it for.
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>> he's a comedian. >> it's funny. >> i wonder would he do this to his child? >> i would be afraid what my kids would do to me if i were to mess with their candy. i think it's funny because i have kids and of the dependence on the candy. that's why it's funny to me as a parent, look how much they care about the damned candy. >> you care about the candy. >> i don't think it's damaging them and showing them their candy, here's your candy, relax. >> spiking your fear and anger and letting you down that's an unnecessary spike. >> it's called life. >> the poor judgment is misleading to get that 15 minutes of fame. that's what i take issue with, not pretending you took your kids' candy. >> i believe that salt would turn green if it wasn't passed along the table with a pepper. my parents played those jokes to teach us manners. >> my sister told me a grilled cheese was called a girled cheese, i did that until 24
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that's not the only reason i'm in therapy. >> look at how healthy you are. >> this generation of children are going to be putting things on social media and so what message are you sending? these kids whatever they put up is going to leave a technological footprint that's going to follow them. this all needs to be put in context as a parent. >> i was winning with the pc then you took the high ground of what you put online and on that i give you, it never goes away. >> you are the best, robi. >> thank you. >> that was dirty pool with the whole putting it online. >> you left me no choice. >> she speaks the truth. >> i thought it was a topic change but i'll give it to you, i'll take the loss. >> we'll take a break. i need it. coming up on "new day" a massive, historic storm the super typhoon slammed the philippines with punishing winds at 235 miles an hour. millions of people are in the path of the destruction.
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we'll get an update coming from manila right after this. mine was earned orbiting the moon in 1971.
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rk vk -- captions by vitac -- i am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me. >> the apologetic president, a new layer of regretful explanations for the struggling health care website, promises to
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make it better and to help people who want to keep their plans. we look at whether parts of obama care will be delayed after all. breaking news, what may be the biggest storm ever to make landfall now pounding south asia. hundreds of millions in its crosshairs. the storm stronger than katrina and sandy combined. caught on tape the mayor of toronto inebriated, threatening to kill people. will this finally force him out? >> your "new day" continues right now. >> announcer: this is "new day" with chris cuomo, kate bolduan and michaela pereira. >> good morning, welcome back to "new day" everyone. it's 8:00 in the east, friday. super typhoon haiyan unleashing its wrath on the philippines. the storm is massive covering much of the island nation, too early for reports of damage but the devastation is expected to be widespread.
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the wind gusts reaching historic levels, about 235 miles an hour, for perspective that's stronger than katrina and sandy combined, so what is the storm doing now and where is it heading next? kathy novak is in the philippines with the latest joining us on the phone. kathy what are you seeing around you now? >> reporter: kate, i am in in a mill laand the storm has been passing through here. we've had strong winds and rain, one of the small mercies is the storm is passing quickly, came through manila and went, that is the situation we've been seeing throughout a lot of the country the storm is stretching across two-thirds of the philippines, it is ranked as a five because it doesn't go any higher. sandy was a category 2 storm. it made landfall five times throughout the day, many areas are cut off no, power and phone
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services and government agencies have been struggling to get information out of the areas and the death toll stands at three but the fear is that is likely to climb as information starts to emerge and this is expected to remain in the philippines before it moves on to vietnam with the strong winds. >> kathy, thank you so much. it's that element of being cut off for that many hours you don't know the damage, destruction and death this could bring. thank you, stay safe. >> it's far from over, going across the sea of china, vietnam in front of it, southeast china, huge population areas. we'll keep going because we're not sure how much it will slow down. when they go over land versus water there are different dynamics. stay with us here. also new this morning an apology will president obama saying he's sorry to the millions of americans losing their health insurance because it is now "substandard" at least as defined by obama care and promising to try to make it right.
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athena jones is live at the white house. good morning. the question is will the apology be enough with what's going on politically? >> reporter: good morning, chris. that is the question. the president is heading down to new orleans today to talk about the economy, but as you know he's still dealing with the all-out over and millions of americans are getting these cancellation letters from the health insurance companies because of obama care. president obama is apologizing to americans losing their health insurance under the affordable care act, despite his frequent promises they'd be able to keep plans they like. telling nbc news -- >> i am sorry that they are finding themselves in the situation based on assurances they got from here. >> reporter: about 5% of americans buy their insurance on the individual market and some are losing their plans as policies don't meet tough new obama care standards. >> we weren't as clear as we needed to be in terms of the
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changes that were taken place and i want to do everything we to make sure people are finding themselves in a good position, a better position than they were before this law happened. >> reporter: the president said most people getting cancellation letters will be able to get new plans at the same price or cheaper on the new marketplaces. and he stuck to his administration's latest promise that the troubled website will be fixed by the end of the month. >> it's better now than it was last week and certainly a lot better than it was october 1st. i'm confident that it will be even better by november 30th and that the majority of people are going to be able to get on there, they're going to be able to enroll. >> reporter: obama's apology comes as a bipartisan pair of senators filed legislation thursday the delay for a year the fine to be levied on people who don't buy health insurance by the end of march citing the problems with the website. west virginia democrat joe merrill lynchin and illinois republican mark kirk say "this
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common sense proposal simply allows americans more time to browse and explore their options making 2014 a true transition year." kathleen sebelius will be down in atlanta today where she'll announce new regulations requires that health insurance companies treat mental illness like any other illness. the government never wrote regulations detailing how to implement that requirement so that's what we'll hear from secretary sebelius today. >> athena, thanks for that update. we want to tell you about a stern warning about a very common food ingredient. the fda says transfats are a threat to public health and they're taking the first step in getting food manufacturers to get rid of them, saying it's a matter of life and death. chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta is at the cnn center with more. >> it's a big deal. in the medical community they've known for a long time that transfats are problematic. they really increase your risk
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of significant diseases including heart disease. even in the industry they've recognized this but the fda has been largely silent on this issue up until now. it's an ingredient in a lot of our favorite foods, microwave popcorn, cookies, cakes, frozen pizza, and much more. transfats. they increase shelf life and add flavor to processed foods but the fda is now saying they are not safe and wants to ban them. it's a move they say would save thousands of lives. >> we think it's time to address and phase out the remaining uses of transfat in the diet so that we can reduce the incidents of heart disease and deaths resulting from heart attack. >> reporter: you see transfats lower good cholesterol. and they raise bad cholesterol. what we're trying to avoid is this, ldl, or bad cholesterol building up as plaque in the
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blood vessel walls, because that plaque buildup is what can cause heart attacks. the cdc says ditching transfats would present up to 20,000 heart attacks a year and as many as 7,000 more deaths from heart disease. new york city banned transfats from restaurants in 2007, and many companies and popular chains around the country have already phased them out. the grocery manufacturers association says that it looks forward to working with the fda to better understand their concerns and how the industry can better serve consumers. kate, let me give you good news in all of this as well. back in 2003 the average american was eating 4.6 grams of transfats every year. now it's about a gram per day instead, so we've reduced a lot of it on our own. the fda wants to basically make them go away all together. >> it sounds like a hefty proposition to phase them out all together. how soon do you think this could happen? >> most immediately there's a 60-day comment period so this
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isn't set in stone yet. people can put in their questions or concerns but most people expect that to go well. like i said the industry has already started doing this. i think shortly after that, the existing products on shelves will still be sold probably but it will start getting replaced by products that have no transfats in them. i should point out kate, where you are in new york they've been doing this for several years and seems to have gone well. new yorkers barely noticed the changes in a lot of foods they were eating. >> from the medical perspective how big of a difference do you think this will make in the health of the people across the country? >> pretty significant. i really do think this. heart disease remains the biggest killer of men and women alike in this country and the thing about transfats, most people don't really look at that content. you shouldn't be eating more than a percent of your total calories in transfats so 2,000 calories a day means 20 calories from transfats a day. you don't notice it, pay attention to it, it will be done
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for you so the same foods you're eating just won't have the transfats in them anymore and i think that will make a big difference. >> great to get your perspective. have a great weekend. >> always shop the outside of the grocery store, right? >> that advice still stands true. >> i'm going to try. >> shall we look at that line? we start with this breaking news an apology from cbs news for "60 minutes" report on the attack on the u.s. diplomatic compound in benghazi, libya, they now know a source used in the story is unreliable. chief national security correspondent jim sciutto joins us with breaking news from washington. >> these are startling revelations about the star witness in a story that reignited a bitter debate here in washington over the administration's handling of the benghazi attack. u.s. official tells cnn there are some discrepancies in the accounts, this contractor, dylan davies, gave to the fbi and what he said to cbs. the "new york times" has reported his account to the fbi matched what he told his own company and that is that he
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never went to the benghazi compound the night of the attack, and never saw the ambassador, chris stevens' dead body as he claimed to cbs and in his new book. lara logan was just on air now and here is what she said. >> that was the moment for us when we realized that we no longer had confidence in our source, and that we were wrong to put him on air, and we apologized to our viewers. >> i reached his co-author just now, damian lewis, who told us earlier in the week that davies never changed his story, he had full confidence in him. to be clear the doubts do not address davies broader claim that security was insufficient to other witnesses made that same point. the star witness losing his credibility and michaela, cbs says it will apologize to its viewers again on its "60 minutes" broadcast this sunday
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night. >> thank you so much for that. a deal may be close on iran's nuclear program. iran's chief negotiator telling cnn agreement to come as early as today. secretary of state john kerry is heading to geneva to hammer out the deal. new allegations against miami dolphins lineman richie incognito accused of harassing jonathan martin. he was investigated for allegedly molesting a female volunteer at the dolphins annual golf tournament last year. no charges were filed. jonathan martin's attorney says the player endured harassment from teammates that went far beyond traditional locker room hazing. the irs wripd off by identity thieves. the agency paid out $3.6 billion in fraudulent tax refunds last year, one big payout went to an address in bulgaria listed on more than 700 returns. the report says the irs is
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getting better at catching fraud, the agency paid out more than $5 billion to thieves the year before. and let me tell you if a plane, a train, a car, a bike or horse seems too fast you could always take your get to across the country. steve westcott of seattle is walking his goat. i want you to recognize the goat's name, leroy. he's walking leroy and trying to raise $200,000 for christian orphanage in kenya and says the only reason he gets the attention, weirdly, is because of leroy. >> that's not weird. >> sorry. >> he's not on the goat, he's with the goat. >> that's what i said. >> seattle man heading to new york "on goat." >> with goat. >> all these don't ride goats people were like i can't believe he's riding a goat in this day
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and age. >> he's carrying his lunch. >> thank you for not sticking to the point i'm the most gullible person in the room. thank you for moving on, chris missed it. >> do you think if i care if it says on or with. we have a lot of serious weather we're following this morning, in for indra petersons. looks like we're having technical issues. let's take a break, coming up next on "new day," more bizarre behavior from the toronto mayor rob ford, an expletive-filled rant captured on video. we'll look at the fallout what it means for the man and his job.
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another day, another incriminating video of toronto mayor rob ford, days after admitting to smoking crack we see this video, the mayor of north america's largest city, gesticulating loudly, blabbering incoherently, threatening murder. listen to his rant. mayorial behavior we ask? ford said he was inebriated and embarrassed. we bring in peter shankman and robi ludwig. peter, first of all, i can
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imagine a crisis management team is pulling their hair out, every time they try to get around this situation, it's getting worse. >> you never thought you'd find someone in politics that would make anthony weiner look good. this is an amazing story and it gets worse every single time yet he refuses to leave. we see that a lot in politics with celebrities, they think it will blow over. something else will happen. you've threatened to kill someone, you're high on crack. we have no problem with drug addicts, people going to rehab. crack is a different world. for some reason when celebrities, politicians, look at marion barry, when crock comes into play it's no longer he'll get help it's you're an addict. he's not helping himself by teasing reports you didn't ask the right questions and i never lied that's like the high school boyfriend no one liked. >> that's what an addict would say and one of the reasons we asked robi to stay here. my concern is this is being
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treated like political scandal and that's not really what it is. do you need any more proof this man has a legitimate problem that he will deny it like most? >> right, you're absolutely right and this say man wis a ma russian roulette with his life. the problem with crack is it's highly addictive. even if somebody doesn't have a genetic inclination to be an addict there's something highly addictive about this drug. it's not something you can do once a year and give it up and it's always or usually done with another substance. here is a man clearly out of control and putting his life in danger. he needs help and hopefully this video and this coming out in the public can be an intervention of sorts. >> because it does look like we are watching and not just political suicide, we are watching a man's life falling apart before our eyes. >> self-destruct. >> isn't there someone around him who can't say it is time to go. >> him, lindsay lohan, surround
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themselves with yes men, people who say it's everyone else's fault, you're not doing anything wrong. when lindsay imploeds, a celebrity imploeds, a baseball player imploeds they're not affecting -- this man has power. this man is the mayor of the largest city in canada. he appoints people to benches. what if he appointed the person who handles adoption and owed a favor from a drug dash -- there are a lot of repercussions and he was elected by the commuters. he wasn't elected by the rich or elite of tosh toe and when you have one critical error like this that snowballs into another you have people coming out of the woodwork, enemies you didn't know you had. i have a feeling this is just the first. we're not seeing the end here. >> we showed some sound earlier his mother and sister saying he doesn't have a problem. his sister admitted she is a recovering addict and she would recognize an addict and he doesn't display that behavior
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and you're talking about yes men. >> that is disturbing and that's enabling. he could put people around him who do enable him and we've seen that with celebrities they put so many people around them who can't tell them what to do, left to their own devices they really self-destruct. this man also has the potential to turn things around at a very powerful way. >> for his career? >> i don't believe for his career. what he needs to do, first of all we can't miss someone and can't want someone back until they go away. he needs to go away right now. let him be in rehab and quiet for six months. in rehab he won't only get rid of his addiction he'll drop some weight, that's a dangerous combination. crack, weight loss he's a walking time bomb. if he comes back six months later here's what i learned and spend time volunteering, helping other people perhaps in that situation. keep in mind he was elected by the common people of toronto, not the elite. he's not going to manage a career to come back but he could still have a voice and that
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voice could be powerful and help people. >> if he behaves the right way. >> if he behaves the right way. >> robi made the perfect point to end this segment, you don't get rid of an addiction, you manage addiction and the reason that's so important it reinforces this isn't weakness it's illness, one of the biggest misunderstandings, we analyze the tape why is he threatening to kill somebody? because he's sick. >> he has to get a handle on that first. >> and that's also the drug on his brain. >> you don't like to see somebody coming undone like this before our eyes. >> disturbing. >> it is. thank you, robi ludwig and peter shankman, joining us this morning on "new day." get on twitter, use #newday. coming up on "new day" the mistress brought back on the stand as the martin macneill trial comes to a stunning end. the woman he allegedly killed his wife for, will she be the one they can use to put him in
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prison? also ahead a fresh look at the unemployment rate, the monthly numbers due out in moments, we're going to bring that to you and give you the context of what it means. first we want to you know that this sunday at 9:00 p.m. eastern anthony bourdain parts unknown visits the motor city. take a look. >> maybe the worms started to turn here, the packard automotive plant, opened in 1903, it was considered the most advanced facility of its kind anywhere in the world. huge, evenically proportioned, i mean 3.5 million square feet. now, one man lives here. al hill. >> my name's alan hill. welcome to my home. this room here is the forge room, it was a former packard motor car company. i started living here seven years ago.
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at that time i was semiapprehensive about the place and the goings on here. it's about as peaceful as the north woods and not having a credit card or a mortgage payment or a car payment is a real blessing. two nails here. >> yes. >> that's what happened here in detroit is unfortunate but it's a sign of the times. we find out that not only does it take a village to raise an individual, it takes an entire world to support one city. one city is suffering or one community is suffering, the entire world should pitch in and help elevate it instead of set there and stare at it. waffle bars... fancy robes... seems every hotel has something to love... so join the loyalty program that lets you earn free nights in any of them. plus, for a limited time, members can win a free night every day. only at
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welcome back to "new day." it's time for the five things you need to know for your new day, number one a massive, super typhoon has slammed into the philippines packing over 200-mile-per-hour winds, that storm is said to be causing catastrophic damage. president obama says he's sorry for americans getting health care plans canceled despite assurances it wouldn't happen and also says people are working to close gaps in obama care. secretary of state john kerry heading to geneva in hopes of getting a deal done on iran's nuclear program. tehran's chief negotiator telling cnn an agreement with the west could come as early as today. the fda is phasing out transfat. in its move it could prevent 20,000 heart attacks and 7,000 deaths every year. at number five cbs
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apologizing for a report on benghazi that claimed a contractor was able to reach the compound and fight the attackers. now says that source was unreliable and they were wrong to use him. we update the five things to know, go to the latest. the trial of martin macneill the doctor accused of killing his wife with a deadly cocktail of prescription drugs so he could be with his mistress. the state called 46 witnesses over 13 days. the defense called only four. the question is, will that be enough? have they made the case that this is a horrible man or a murderer? here's cnn's ted rowlands. >> go on the record in the matter of state of utah versus martin macneill. >> reporter: dr. martin macneill's fate will be in the hands of a jury this afternoon after crucial closing arguments. prosecutors are expected to push their theory that the doctor had an elaborate plan to kill his wife, 50-year-old michele
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macneill, first convincing her to haves could metdic surgery and then using her medication he drugged her so he could drown her in a bathtub. >> it is complex, a number of facts that need to be tied together. that's what we're attempting to do now. >> dearest when your letter arrived -- >> reporter: the motive was macneill's girlfriend, prosecutors say, gypsy willis. she was brought back on the stand thursday as the state's final witness. prosecutors had her read portions of love letters she and macneill sent each other while both served time in federal prison for lying to investigators after michele's death. willis says their relationship was over but the letters were comforting. >> i found myself in prison for two years as a result of being with this guy and that was terrifying to me. >> miss willis isn't it fair to say that you appear to be minimizing your relationship with the defendant? >> i don't believe so. >> reporter: the defense case consisted of just four witnesses, the most significant an ergonomics expert testifying
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that macneill likely could not have pulled his wife out of the bathtub without help, something prosecutors believe he lied about. macneill's defense team says the rest of their case will be tide together this morning in closing arguments. >> i think closings are very important. this has been what is turning out to be a four-week trial and there's a lot of information that's been presented and we've done our job in the system and before long it will be the jury's turn to do theirs. >> reporter: ted rowlands, cnn, provo, utah. >> thank you so much, ted. breaking news, we're finding out how many jobs were added last month. poppy harlow, what are you hearing? >> this is a huge surprise to the upside. this economy in october added 204,000 jobs and the unemployment rate stands at 7.3%, that's just a slight tick up in unemployment, but 204,000 jobs added is a lot. economists told cnn money they predicted 120,000 jobs added and
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looking at this year so far, 204,000 job gains is actually looking at the second best month we've had in all of 2013. the big question, guys, we were talking about this, is when you look at the government shutdown, there was a lot of concern that that was really going to skew these numbers and unemployment rate may tick way up and that would be skewed because when people were surveyed they'd say i'm not working but went back to work when the government reopened. it doesn't look like that happened here. it might have happened a little bit and may be why it ticked up from 7.2% to 7.3% but 204,000 jobs added is a lot. we'll look at things like labor participation rate, how many americans are working that want to be working, we're also going to look at hourly wages and when you head into the holiday season this is very important. >> what this means for consumer confidence. for now 204,000 is higher than what we were talking about, a lot of the expectations. >> absolutely. >> thanks so much. coming up on "new day," more on the bizarre case in georgia
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where a teen ends up dead in a rolled up gym mat, his name is kendrick johnson. his parents always maintained something there isn't right, they believe there's foul play and now they believe there's proof of that as well. they join us to talk about it. almost 50 years after the kennedy assassination a new film depicts the events surrounding that day, the star, rob lowe, joining us, to talk about "killing kennedy." [ female announcer ] right when you feel a cold sore, abreva can heal a cold sore in as few as 2 1/2 days when used at the first sign. without it, the virus spreads from cell to cell. unlike other treatments, abreva penetrates deep to block the virus, to protect healthy cells so cold sores heal fast.
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'sup the more you know, the better you can plan for what's ahead. talk to farmers and get smarter about your insurance. ♪ we are farmers bum - pa - dum, bum - bum - bum -bum ♪ welcome back to "new day." a new video raises even more questions about whether kendrick
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johnson's death was an accident. take a look, that's kendrick johnson seen walking, disappears. other students appear with no explanation. what can we learn from this? joining us this morning are kendrick johnson's parents, jacqueline and kenneth johnson and attorney benjamin crumble. thank you for being with each of us this morning. >> thank you. >> let me ask you, mr. and mrs. johnson have you heard from the sheriff, have you heard from federal authorities? are they keeping in touch with you? >> no. >> and how do you read that? do you believe you should be in the loop, that there should be more communication here? >> yes. >> yes, it should. >> and explain why. >> because they should keep us informed of what's going on in our son's case. >> and mr. crump, if we can go to you, the attorney for the family, mr. crump, how do you read the actions of the larger
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investigation that's going on now? is it to your satisfaction? >> chris, i think everybody who sees this case believes that there is something awfully suspicious about what happened to kendrick johnson. they do not accept the sheriff's conclusion that he climbed into a wrestling mat, got stuck and died, and now the release of these videos, it raises even more questions, because out of 36 videos, 36 angles, only one of them is distorted, one of them is blurry, and that is the one that was facing the corner where the wrestling mat with kendrick johnson's dead body inside it. that's the only one corrupted. >> the implication is it is corrupted. let me ask you, have you had the chance to review other video from that cam camera, does it ever have a clear shot of the area in question? >> it does not, chris, and that's the problem, because all
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of the other 35 videos are sunny and clear, and there's no problems, but this one video is distorted, and so just like this whole case, it just adds to the mystery. this is a real life murder mystery, unfortunately, this is their child and it's real and we have to solve this murder mystery. >> i just want to make very clear that we know this isn't about mistake, that this may be about potential misdeed or misfeasance in the investigation. i'm asking you, mr. crump, have you ever looked at any other shots from that camera that shows clear video of the area to show the camera was functioning properly as opposed to being manipulated? >> yes. >> okay. >> when his body is discovered you can see that the motion sensor camera picks up when he's discovered so why isn't there any coverage when kendrick was placed into the mat or how he arrived there, if it's motion sensor it should pick up any
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movement and also there is time stamps on the photos that we were given from the freeze frames of the video, but what we received from the sheriff's department yesterday has no time frame, so that again raises even more questions and puts more doubt into this family why they can't get to the truth. >> are you getting any straight answers about this area you're discussing now, 36 different angles but mostly jump cuts, as you said, some blurry images. it seems as though it's edited. is that a fair criticism? is there any response on that? >> well, attorney king and i looked at it very kiflly. we looked at it with different officials, and there is no explanation as to why there were time stamps on the freeze frame and there are not on what they released. they have not answered any questions to us on that issue in detail, but it's commonsensical when you look at this video, two plus two does not equal four on this video, and everybody says
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it doesn't make sense. >> the other thing that raised a lot of suspicions here was the, what happened with the body of this boy. to. tut as sensitively as possible. are you getting any clarity on explaining that process? and again, mr. and mrs. johnson i'm sorry to have this part of the discussion in front of you but i know that the answers are very important to you, and this is something that does require an answer and i know you're looking into it, mr. crump, is there anything there? >> yes, as we've said it is so mysterious that his fingernails were cut back, his vital organs were missing when his parents had to exhume him. his clothes that would have valuable dna and valuable blood evidence on them as missing, so why, that we can't get clear answers, why is it so hard for them to get the truth. it's been 300 days now, they stood on street corners with
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signs saying, will you help us find out who killed our son, because the sheriff's department has only given them the manner of cause of death as an accident, and they know that is not true. >> for all horrible reasons, kendrick's life has been a function of how he died, and the investigation into it. mr. and mrs. johnson, it's every bit if not more important that people remember about this young man and his life and who he was and who he wanted to be. can you, please, remind us of what was lost in this situation, can you tell me a little bit about your son, to remind people of who we're talking about here? >> yes, kendrick, you know, he was an average teenager. he had a dream. i mean, he was a kid that knew wh where he wanted to go in life, he wanted to be somebody and you know, we never had a problem out of him, and he was just a joyful child. i mean, we don't understand why
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this had to happen to such a good child. you know, he never gave us any kind of problem, and you know, he just had his head screwed on tight. he had a dream. he wanted to be somebody. he was determined to be somebody. >> we know that you've been doing sit-ins, you've been pushing every way you can to get answers, certainly a situation that begs too many questions at this point, mr. crump, mr. and mrs. johnson thank you for joining us. please, stay in touch with us about the continued search for answers here. if there's no clarity in how this was conducted and what really happened, there will be no justice in this situation. so please, stay with us and thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you, chris. >> thank you. >> kate, over to you. >> chris, thank you. each week we're shining a spotlight on the top ten cnn heroes of 2013. as you vote for the one who inspires you the most at today we take to you camden, new jersey, one of the most dangerous cities in the u.s., where 42% live under the poverty
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line. tawanda jones is on a mission to turn that around. ♪ >> it's very hard for a child growing up in camden today. it's dangerous. you can hear gunshots almost every other night. these kids want more. they don't want to be dodging bullets for the rest of their life. my name is tawanda jones and my mission is to empower the youth of camden, new jersey, through the structure of drill team. what i try to do in order for them to get on the right path is simple you instill discipline. drill team is the facade to bring these children in because it's something they love to do, once i have them, i introduce them to the college life, and camden, the high school graduation rate is 49%, but in my program, it is 100% graduate. we have never had a dropout. we need to take back our city
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and most importantly take back our youth, let them know we really care about them. i don't think people really understand how important it is to have these children succeed. ♪ when you do this, you get great rewards. it's better than money. >> it's not a bad choice in there. they're just so many doing extraordinary things. >> it's very tough. coming up on "new day," rob lowe. you hear a lot about how he looks but as handsome as he is, his looks mean something very different in the role that he plays as former president john kennedy, and talk about owning a role, wait until you hear what rob lowe did to prepare for his new movie "killing kennedy." when our little girl was born, we got a subaru.
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it's where she said her first word. (little girl) no! saw her first day of school. (little girl) bye bye! made a best friend forever. the back seat of my subaru is where she grew up. what? (announcer) the subaru forester. (girl) what? (announcer) motor trend's two thousand fourteen sport utility of the year. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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healthy diets are hard on your teeth. the truth is a lot of healthy food choices are still high in acidic content. if your enamel is exposed to acid and is in a softened state and you brush it away, you know, then it's gone. i would recommend that they brush with pronamel. pronamel is formulated to strengthen enamel and counteract the effects of acid erosion. they don't need to cut out those foods because they are good for them. but you can make some smart choices.
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♪ generations of americans know exactly where they were when they found out that president john f. kennedy had been assassinated. new film based on the book by bill o'rye lie looks at the two men who intersected on that day and the months leading up to it. actor rob lowe is tasked with portraying the president. >> they're ready for you jack. >> this was supposed to be joe. he was the oldest. father always thought it would be joe. and he was shot down and we were all stunned. i didn't think this was the way
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it was supposed to go. it wasn't supposed to be me but it is. it was always supposed . >> it was always supposed to be with you. >> mr. rob lowe is here with us. what an uncanny resemblance you strike. it's unbelievable. >> thank you. he's one of my heroes, so to have an opportunity to bring him back for a brief shining moment was pretty fun. >> because somebody is why you are hero that adds a certain amount of personal pressure to you assen aactor i can imagine. >> it does. he's arguably the most recognized face of the century, and people have a very definitive take on bhae soundwh sounded like and looked like and meant to them. you have to honor that and make it your own. it was definitely a challenge. >> and this man and the event of killing kennedy has been an event that has been analyzed over and over again, that brings a great challenge to taking it
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on again. how was this portrayable different? >> i look at it like this, if shakespeare alive today he would have written two or three plays about the kennedy family and actors would play jfk like hamlet or king lear, and people have played jfk and they'll play him long after i have. the question becomes what do i bring to a classic shakespearean character that others do. i was interested in the details of him as a man and not as a martyred icon. as a husband, a father, a brother, a son, with hopes and dreams. he was just a man at the end of the day and how do you portray that? >> now, the movie is based on a book by a man named bill o'reilly. do i have it right? >> apparently he's on television. >> he's basically a straight line reporter not known for much outside of that. >> that's right. >> when the project came to you and you knew that bill was
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attached to it, what was your first present sense and how did that develop for you over time? >> the first thing i looked at was i couldn't believe how successful this book was. >> right. >> i thought wow, this has got a built in audience of people which in today's world is just such a great thing to have, because you got to break through the clutter, and then i read the book and ridley scott who produces the movie and i had a conversation about how we wanted to handle it because it really is an historical look. it's not a sugar coated version, but it's also not one of those ones that's looking to be overly provocative. >> right, not highly conspire e to yial conspiratoial. >> at this anniversary i thought it was important. >> did bill say you don't have what it takes, lowe! >> there was a lot of finger pointing and a lot of "lowe, let
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me tell you," did. >> you talk with him? >> i was had women at the d.c. premiere. i don't really want to cross bill o'reilly so much. >> i wonder why. >> he's been great. >> when you were here for "behind the candelabra" that film changed you, you had a great time making it. this say different film and different kind of role to sink into. and you had your own opinion going into this about the events of that day. did it change how you felt about that day in a way or about the man or the family? >> i was i think what it did was it re-underlined how i felt going in. you can't believe the amount of wit this man had, to study the press conferences, it's like jay leno doing a monologue. sounds like a laugh track has been pumped in. reporters were literally rolling in the aisles for him.
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he was the first telegenetic president but that was organic to him. he wasn't studying old footage of john kennedy. he was that man. at the end what i came away with, what an amazing love story he had, in spite of its complications with jackie. it was truly one of the great american love stories i think. >> "killing kennedy" national geographic channel, it's a role that i think we all can't wait to see you in. this is going to be a tremendous film. thank you for joining to us talk about it, rob lowe, your sophomore visit to the "new day" set. >> and you guys are holding down the fort very well. >> thank you very much. >> didn't inch it up too much since you left. >> can't until it's paid for. coming up on "new day" this little boy is about to stun you. but it's not what he does, but what he believes about life that is so important for us all to hear. the good stuff, coming up.
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♪ we come to the good stuff, friday is feel the love day and feel you shall. 13-year-old tyler bain from texas loves only one thing more than football his own pine tree junior high pirates. he can't play, a car accident when he was 3 left him paralyzed but he's still very much part of the team as the manager and we would become in my opinion the mvp. final game of the season, team facing its biggest rival, he
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showed the team there is no challenge you can't take head on giving them a surprise they will never forget. >> well they have in their mind we can't beat them, we can't do it. if i walk onto the field i'll tell them if i can walk, anything is possible. you all can beat these guys. >> he had never done that in public before. >> oh my goodness! >> he had been driving it in private. he had worked for ten years for that moment. >> my goodness. >> not a dry eye in the house but more important because more than the action here is the message, you are not your limitations. >> i have my up and downs i admit it but i don't quit and the next day i get right back up and say hey, i can do this. you got to work hard, but you can do it. you can do anything you set your mind to. >> my goodness. >> that is the message. did they win the game? nope, and you know what?
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>> who cares, doesn't matter. >> doesn't matter. that was the best moment you could ever hope for having your kid play a sport to learn that lesson of resilience. tyler, you are the man. we love you here at "new day." >> no other way to say it. >> best way to go into a weekend. >> that's it for us. before you begin your weekend, "newsroom" with carol costello begins. >> all three of you are going to be sitting there watching me so i appreciate that. i love that. thank you. have a great weekend. "newsroom" starts now. -- captions by vitac -- tthp the philippinthe phil or one of the biggest happening now in the philippines getting pounded by one of the biggest storms. jonathan martin has been the only one targeted by teammates. plus this.


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