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tv   Around the World  CNN  November 8, 2013 9:00am-10:01am PST

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an accident, you would get the benefit of the defense. racial profiling totally complicates the situation and puts the homeowner in big trouble. >> it goes to animus. if you determine it's profiling, it goes to to whether or not you were acting for that purpose. >> appreciate that. and thanks for watching. we're tracking the typhoon over the philippines right now. around the world with suzanne around the world with suzanne malveaux. -- captions by vitac -- welcome to our international viewers around the world. this is the biggest storm of the year hitting the philippines right now harder than any storm has ever hit anywhere. just take this in. this is super typhoon haiyan. the view from space monstrous. its cloud cover alone takes up two-thirds of the each asian island. haiyan first roared into sumar
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in the central philippines with winds clocked at 195 miles per hour. worse yet, it was the dead of night. the waves from just what may be the strongest storm ever left some of these poor oceanside communities under ten feet of water. because of its speed, the initial impact was overquickly. but the morning light shed light on just how destructive this storm was and what people inland still have to fear. >> all the power we have now total brown out. all roads are impassable due to the fallen frees. >> this video is from cebu which is more than 100 miles away from landfall. proving its packing a punch and leaving misery hinds. tens of thousands spent this day in evacuation centers. as haiyan rolls on, authorities are warning people across the country to prepare for flash
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floods and even landslides. haiyan is expected to leave the philippines in the next few hours. only to head out to the south china sea toward vietnam. >> there are literally millions of peep feeling an the impact right now. one of the strongest storms ever, ever to make landfall. just watch this. we are just getting started here. super typhoon haiyan, it is hitting the philippines with a force that is comparable to a strong, very strong category 5 hurricane. that is winds gusting up to 235 far, three people have been he damage and the impact of this, as you know, it is really the middle of the night, early morning hours when the sun comes up, that is when we are going to
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see what this impact, what this has brought here. we spoke to one man who says there is so much damage and this comes just three weeks after an earthquake that hit there. >> there are lots of houses that have been destroyed. their roofs are gone. and here this has been a quake-hit area. for the past three weeks, people are still experiencing aftershocks. >> joining us on the phone from manila, this is 1:00 in the morning, paula hancocks can give us a sense of what is taking place. we know already, preliminary results the information coming in this thing is 300 miles across, so powerful that will 1 million folks had to be evacuated ahead of the storm. already getting reports of extensive damage. you're on the phone. tell us what you're seeing and hearing. what's taking place on the
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ground right now. >> well, suzanne, here in manila in the capital, it's actually quite well protected. it hasn't been hit hard by this typhoon. further south, it's definitely not the same situation. we're hearing from officials they do believe there is clearly going to be flooding. they know there's going to be extensive damage but don't know the just how widespread this damage is. this super typhoon was huge spread across a very significant amount of area. they don't know what the damage on the ground is. the communications are down. this is one of the first things that went when the super typhoon hit. also, there have been blackouts across the country. many areas have seen the electricity pylons fall and roads being blocked because the serious winds have buffeted these trees and they've block odd the road. so at first light, that's one of the first jobs that some of the military are going to have to do to try to clear the roads so they can get to the areas where
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people may have been quite badly affected. we understand that at first light, as well, the military going up into the air so they can try and get an aerial view of exactly what the damage is. and then at that point, they can figure out which parts are worst hit and which parts need the immediate help of food, water and medicine. suzanne? >> help us understand this because the philippines is made up of 7,000 islands. people need to be evacuated from the hardest hit areas. how do they do that and where do they go? >> well, we understand from officials this afternoon who are talking on local television, they said there were about 700,000 people who were evacuated. and, of course, many of them would have gone into shelters, about 600 shelters across 29 provinces. schools were opened up as shelters. any -- basically any buildings that looked like they could withstand these kind of winds. but of course, this is for people who are in bigger cities
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or bigger towns. those in smaller villages would find it very difficult toef find an area or an infrastructure that would be able to be withstand this. >> all right, paula, thank you so much. >> many in the lower lying areas and close to the coastline where the storm surge would have happened were told to evacuate, and the hope is they heeded those warnings. >> we certainly wish for the very best. it is going to be a rough road for a lot of people there. thank you so much. i want to bring in chad to talk about the power of this storm, absolutely unbelievable. i heard a report earlier today. when you take a look at the wind gusts of this typhoon, it is greater than hurricane katrina and hurricane sandy. superan storm sandy combined. >> well, and it's the storm surge that paula just got to we haven't talked about because we focused on this wind. this is going to have a surge three to four times bigger than sandy. when sandy got in new york harbor, the winds were pushing
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70, 60 miles per hour, but the surge was 12 feet. the surge here will be 40 to 50 feet. everything around those islands, 50 feet and below, will be washed away. all the trees in the path will be gone. if they're still there, the bark will be gone and the leaves will be gone. not one building standing. >> there's not going to be one building standing in america if we get winds to 235 miles per hour let alone how these buildings are put together. the only way to survive this storm would be to evacuate. we hope everybody did get out of there. you had to get out of this path. if your you were anywhere between ten miles from one side to the other where it went through, you're in big, big trouble. you had to go north or south. many people that were on the islands couldn't move at all. they were stuck there. by the time they knew they had to go, there was no place to go because they couldn't get in their boat to go anywhere. the waves were 50 feet high. >> youed cha, we're going to get to more details and get back to
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you throughout the hour. we've got someone on the phone here. this is chris ducker in cebu city about 400 miles south of manila. chris is amazingly sending us some pictures of the heavy rainfall, the damage. i want to bring chris into the conversation here. it's about 1:00 in the morning where you are. first of all, are you safe? are you and your family safe? tell us how you're doing. >> yes, we are safe, suzanne. thanks for asking. it's been quite a harrowing day, to say the least. but everything is you know, pretty much back to normal weatherwise now. obviously we're in the middle of the night here. the family is very much tucked up in bed. and hopefully, tomorrow morning, will give us a little bit more of a clearer understanding in ards regards to what sort of damage has been done city-wide. it's going to be an interesting first couple of hours once the sun pops up for sure. >> walk us through, if you will, what it was that you saw and the
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pictures that you captured when this thing first landed. >> yeah, i mean i woke up to it, quite frankly. and so you know, the first thing i noticed straightaway as soon as my eyes opened was the howling of the winds around the house. i have almost a 360 degree view of my house. i'm slightly up in the mountains in a private residential community. you know, luckily we don't have any electrical lines or anything like that above ground. all the internet, the cable can underground. so we didn't have to worry about that sort of stuff. all i could hear is winds. i've never experienced winds like this in my entire existence. i've lived in this country for 13 years. and i've been through a few earthquakes. i've been through plenty of these storms we get here quite regularly with storms as you probably already know. but yeah, this was something else. the rain, when i looked out of the window, the rain wasn't
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falling. the rain was being pushed almost at 100 degree angle in front of our house. it was pretty incredible. >> you talk about the fact that it was so powerful, you heard the sound of what it was like. the wind and rain coming through. cebu has got more than 2 million people in the city in which you live. what are you houses like? can they stand up to anything like this? >> a lot of them absolutely not. no. i mean, like i said, i'm in a slightly more you know, slightly more built up community and everything. weep had no major damage to my house except for a little bit of an issue with part of our roof which got ripped off a little bit. and we've had a little bit of a leak. but no, the very large majority of the residential, you know, the average working class residential it will type of residence here would certainly take an incredible pummeling after today for sure. >> chris i'm so glad you and
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your family are safe. let us know what you see when you emerge from your house. it's about five hours or so before daybreak. we imagine there's going to be a lot more to sort through and potentially incredible amount of damage on the ground in your neighborhood. thanks, chris, for checking in with us. we appreciate it. if you're impacted by the storm, we want you to know that we welcome any kind of pictures and videos that you can bring to us to tell this story. we want to make sure you are safe, that your family is safe, you do not put yourself in any danger capturing your pictures. if you can send them to us, we will tell the story from all angles including your own perspective on ground. visit cnn ireport for more. we don't know the extent of the damage in the philippines but we'll bring the very latest to you. coming up, how the philippines is one of the most disaster-prone countries in the world and how it is coping with a devastating typhoon on top of
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recovering from a recent earthquake. this is our special coverage on "around the world."
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we are closely watching what might be the strongest storm ever, ever to hit land, pummelinging the philippines right now. take a listen and just watch. >> whoa. o oh. >> more than a million people have had to escape. this is ferocious winds. we've spoken to a couple of
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people describing what they're seeing out of their windows as you have this super typhoon named haiyan ripping through at this point, devastating a country that gets more of its share of disasters. in fact, hundreds of thousands of people in the path of the storm. they're still recovering from a powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake that just hit last month. 200 people were killed in that quake. homes, roads, bridges, you name it all damaged or destroyed. september, this was the scene after another category 5 typhoon slammed the philippines. still hard to know the full extent of the damage from this typhoon. we're trying to sort it all out. daybreak in five hours or so. joining us by phone from the philippine island of baho is joseph curry with the catholic relief services and the president of the philippines has described did the situation as catastrophic. that is what his country and the
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7,000 islands are going to go through. what are you seeing? >> it is catastrophic, the strength of this typhoon and the way it's crossed the country, it's made landfall numerous times on different islands. it's just so powerful. information is hard to come by now. we expect it will be very bad. >> describe for us where you are you specifically. what are you seeing and hearing? >> i'm on the island of bohol where we had the earthquake three weeks ago. today we had heavy winds. there are reports of storm surges around the island here. fortunately, we didn't get the brunt of the storm. it was a bit outside the path. on the southern side. but at the same time, there are 350,000 people. temporary shelters and tents in bohol because of the earthquake. there's a lot of concern what to do with them and how to move them to safehousing >> and it's your job as catholic relief services to get those
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folks to safety. how have you been doing? what are have you encountered so far? >> we've been distributing relief items, water, sanitation, hygiene kits. emergency shelter items. we still have a lot of relief moving out in the next couple of weeks, but at the same time, we're mobilizing to respond to this next typhoon. >> are you seeing, are you mostly dealing with families here, with young children? or who are the people that you've actually come into contact with on the island? >> these are predominantly rural areas. rural meaning lots of farmers, fisher folk, all sorts of different kinds of people you meet, school teachers, government workers. these are areas that are working class poor. it's an area of the world where housing is fragile. people live on very small
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incomes. sometimes just a few dollars a day. so recovering from a disaster of this scale, it's going to be a big challenge. it's going to take quite a lot of time. >> joe, i can't imagine the spirit of the people who are there that you're dealing with because an earthquake, right, hit just weeks ago. a lot of people died in that tragic situation. and now they are having to run for their lives literally as this typhoon barrels its way across. what is the sense of the spirit of the community there? >> it is resilient. people dop re rely on their churches, their neighbors and friends and especially their families. people do come together during times of crisis. that's what we've seen during the last few weeks. of course, it's a time of great stress, too. >> joe, we appreciate it the efforts and everything that you and your organization does on the ground. extraordinary work. i know it's going to be
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difficult in these next 24, 48 hours as the sun comes up and you get a sense of the damage and the community there. please keep in touch with us. if you'd like to be one of those people who would like to help, i want you to do this. check out our, site and see how you can help because there is a way that you can make a difference here. c reaching those who desperately need help in the philippines. >> what we are very worried right now are those aid workers world mission aid workers and people in eastern visayas and western vis say yas because we don't have any contact with them as of the moment. >> surviving. super typhoon haiyan. we're going to bring you an update how people are doing on the ground and where is this
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storm headed next. farmer: hello, i'm an idaho potato farmer. and our giant idaho potato truck is still missing. so my dog and i we're going to go find it. it's out there somewhere spreading the good word about idaho potatoes and raising money for meals on wheels. but we'd really like our truck back, so if you see it, let us know, would you? thanks. what? jbut when it comes to investing, things i prefer to do on my own. i just think it's better to work with someone. someone you feel you can really partner with. unfortunately, i've found that some brokerage firms don't always encourage that kind of relationship. that's why i stopped working at the old brokerage, and started working for charles schwab. avo: what kind of financial consultant are you looking for?
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talk to us today.
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pictures here. a moment of silence is being observed right now at airports across the country. let's pause and just listen for a moment. this is live pictures out of
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los angeles international airport. this moment of silence is in honor of tsa officer gerardo hernandez killed in that shooting rampage you might recall at l.a.x. just a week ago at this very moment. and across the country at airports around the country, there is a tribute being paid to him. the shooting rampage marks the first time that a transportation security administration officer was killed in the line of duty. authorities say that officer jarred doe hernandez was shot at point blank range. as he stockholders near his checkpoint near terminal 3. he was 39 years old. had a wife and two children. he took pride in serving the american people his wife says. james spear and tony grigsby were wounded in the shooting and are recovering at home. that's what we understand. and a traveler, brian ludmer was shot in the leg. he is still in the hospital.
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police a they still don't have a motive for the shooting but do have a suspect. he is identified as paul see and say. he's charged with murdering a federal officer. ciancia is in critical condition after being shot by police officers. the fbi says he set out to kill tsa employees. his father in new jersey asked police to check in on his son after the family got disturbing text messages including one indicating that something bad might happen. but police officers showed up at ciancia's apartment about 45 minutes after he left for the airport. and we're going to take a quick break. when we come back, we're going to have more on the typhoon potentially the biggest storm on the planet now in the philippines. ♪ norfolk southern what's your function? ♪ ♪ hooking up the country helping business run ♪ ♪ trains! they haul everything, safely and on time. ♪ tracks! they connect the factories built along the lines.
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you're watching "around the world." i'm suzanne malveaux. we want to welcome our international viewers. millions of people are now feeling the impact right now, one of the strongest storms ever to make landfall. just watch. you can hear the winds, as well. this is supertyphoon haiyan hitting the philippines with a force comparable to a strong category 5 hurricane. that has winds gusting up to 2358 miles per hour. so far, three people have been killed. seven injured. it is expected that that will go up as the hours unfold. we will know the full extent of the damage, but it is still early. it is dark there now. paul lal hancocks joining us from manila. it is now 1:30 in the morning, paula. millions have evacuated ahead of the storm. what are you seeing? >> reporter: as you say,
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suzanne, it is 1:30 in the morning. we understand the sun comes cup at about 5:00 a.m. still that time, officials don't know what they have to deal with. now, the second the light comes up, we're told by the military, they will be getting helicopters in the air to try and find out exactly where the worst hit areas are. and obviously, where the most remote places are, as well and where people need food, water and medicine. now, ahead of time, they have actually gone to some of these more remote areas and had given some basic supplies, thinking that maybe they would be cut off once this super typhoon hit. certainly there's a hope that has helped the situation. schools were shut today. offices were shut. the hope is many people would have gone into these evacuation centers. the hope, as well is that these centers would have been sturdy enough to withstand the sort of winds we saw with this super typhoon. certainly in some of the smaller areas and some of these small
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villages, these houses may not have the stood a chance. they are not rich areas. it's not a particularly rich country. so certainly some of these houses would have been battered. we've seen the footage of roofs flying off from some of the less well off houses. we're seeing trees falling across the roads. so the roads have to be cleared before some aid can get to where needed. we are also seeing flooded areas. so it really is a case of waiting until the sun comes up and then the search and rescue can operation can begin. >> considering this is a group of 7,000 islands that makes up the philippines, you talk about people evacuating. how does that work and where do they go? >> well, certainly in some of these areas, there wouldn't be anywhere to evacuate to. if you're on a tiny i land, you have to leave that island. there's not necessarily a more substantial area to wait out the
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storm within a tiny area they would have been on. there's only a handful of islands that are actually populated. so the officials are hoping they put enough groundwork in beforehand to make sure that these areas would have been evacuated. they made sure people weren't going to stay in that your houses if they were right on the beach. we have some houses destroyed by the storm surge and flimsy houses being taken away by the waves. so certainly the hope is that those people moved on. people in low-lying areas were encouraged to go to higher areas because of that storm surge. and i think there was enough warning certainly from the president, as well. he gave a televised speech which is fairly unusual. so the philippines is no stranger to typhoons. hopefully they realized this one was going to be very deadly. >> please be safe. we understand the president said the country is facing a calamity. it is that serious of a situation there.
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we will get back to you as soon as you have more. the light of day hours away. we'll get a better sense of what's taking place, the damage on the ground. google has set up an online tool to help locate people missing from the typhoon or separated from their families. what it is, it's called person find finder rather. it's set up specifically for this storm. so if you've got information about somebody or looking for somebody, want you to go to this website to launch the person finder. you've got to type the address all in lower case. that's important. person finder through google to get connected to your loved ones there. and this, incredible rescue video coming in, the philippine coast guard. had to save at least 14 crew members in the original life jackets. these were aboard two cargo barges off the island of bohol. strong waves pushed the vessels off balance. one crew member jumped into the sea. that crew member is still missing. you can imagine when you see the
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waves how dangerous that situation is. there is now a rescue operation going on right now trying to find that will person in the water. i mean, this is just a tough situation all around for a lot of people over there in that that part of the world. coming up, the philippines now dealing with the aftermath of one of the strongest storms ever to hit this year. it begs the question, is this all about climate change? that's yext on "around the world."
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in the philippines, chilling message. this is the message. airplane ruined. need assistance. that is the last communication that was heard from the airport as a result from the super typhoon haiyan after it hit. there are widespread power outages and not even authorities are able to figure it out to contact some people in various areas. they're concerned that she the metal roofs ripped off houses are turning into flying weapons. it is now night in the philippines. daylight begins in a couple of hours. likely to see a lot more damage and destruction as the light of day begins. listen to the country's secretary-general of the national red cross, what he said about the popular tourist resort of bora cay.
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>> we were told about 90% of the infrastructures and establishments were heavily damaged. we have sent some video clips and photos of what happened on the ground. the wind was very strong and there was a storm surge in tacloban, or the place where the typhoon made landfall. >> many of these provinces have no electricity and the communication has been cut. some of the electricity has actually been cut off by the storm itself and some was preventively shutoff. even authorities are having trouble reaching counterparts in the badly hit regions. a total blackout of people in bohol and about 5,000 people are still living in tents in bohol and they've been experiencing after shocks since last month
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and now sheltering in evacuation centers. we heard on the radio here the civil aviation authority of the philippines hasn't been able to make contact with badly hit areas including tacloban. the last message was airport erpt ruined, need assistance. >> right now, at least one airport apparently wiped out in the philippines. . it's only going to get worse and heartbreaking when you think of the type of damage we'll see when the sun comes up. chad meyers will talk about where the storm is actually being tracked. these are 7,000 islands that make up the file means. as paula said, a lot of these are not really inhabited by folks. where are the people located ar where is the storm headed? >> most of the philippines down south in the central islands republican sparsely populated. i'm going to say, you know, cities and towns of 100,000,
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10,000, because that number increases so dramatically when you get from manila northward. this is the population center here that did not receive the eye. that's the only good news coming out of this entire thing. let's go back to when it made landfall right there. this whole side of the islands here had storm surges of at least 60 feet. we know that. there's nothing left of any of those communities that were on water. they're completely washed away. let's talk about katrina and compare katrina to this storm. katrina making landfall at 1:25, haiyan at 185. that seems like 70-mile-per-hour difference. here's the thing. because the power of wind increases by the cube, you know, that little thing back in high school you x to the 3 power? you have to multiply this out. hurricane katrina, the power of haiyan was 3.7 times the power
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of katrina. if there was actually the wind gusts that they were predicting at 2:35, that would make haiyan's wind gusts six times more powerful than the entire storm of katrina when katrina made landfall. you can't put your head around 3 or 6. how can something be three times worse than katrina? that's what these people are still dealing with now. the storm has moved away, it's getting better but it's moving into the south china sea and right into the vietnam and taking a little bit of a turn here at ho chi minh city but finally losing power as it gets closer to vietnam because it's going to get over land. >> it's hard to imagine. you talk how huge this thing is. every time there's another storm, super storm sandy, katrina, you think can it get any bigger. this is an extra narrowly big storm here. does this have anything to do with global changing? you can't blame one storm on
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climb change. you just made a reference to so many. can you reference sandy, katrina, wilma, gilbert, this thing, can you put climate change on the menu? certainly when you've got that many things. you can't blame one storm on climate change. any climatologist will tell you that. when you start adding up everything, you hit me so many times with a hammer i'm going to tell you to stop. that's what we're facing now, the storms are the biggest, the deepest, can whatever. something's to blame. >> this could be the biggest ever. thank you, chad. appreciate it. if you are impacted by the storm, if you are in an area where you are seeing things and you want to share your story because we'd like to tell your story from your perspective on the ground, please send us your videos or your pictures. make sure you are still safe while you're doing this. please visit cnn ireport for
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the verge of a break-through with iran over their nuclear program. now, kerry dropped all plans today to rush to the talks and so did top diplomats from france, britain and germany. now, a deal on the negotiating table in geneva would ease some sanctions against iran if, only if the country takes some pretty big steps like freezing uranium production and getting rid of the uranium it already has. want to bring in nick burns, a lifetime diplomat, professor at the international relations for harvard, a former u.s. ambassador to nato. good to see you. all things here on u.s. and iran, it's extraordinary when you think about it. john kerry, secretary kerry in geneva right now. the eu calling these talks rather intense. do you see a potential break through? >> i think, suzanne, it is a potential break through. it's 34 years since we've had a sustained conversation. it's been 7 1/2 years since the bush and obama administrations have been trying to negotiate. today is a day where the
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administration could achieve what they're calling a partial or limited deal. iran would suspend peb its current enrichment efforts in return for which the united states and other countries would lift not all the sanctions but some limited sanctions. i think it's a sensible way for the administration to proceed. we'll see if they can get the deal and the negotiations under way right now. >> how important is it for israel to be on board? we've heard very strong statements from benjamin netanyahu calling it a monumental mistake. does israel need to be on board to make this happen? >> it doesn't need to be on board but it's desirable. a lot of people are sympathetic to the concerns israelis have. if iran gets nuclear weapons capability, it's a threat to the israelis. it's better to argue in private not in public. when prime minister netanyahu went public in such a wolde way
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when he separated himself from the united states, it did hurt the cause. it's better for the united states and israel to be standing together. i think the prime minister went too far because this deal hasn't even been finished yet. it hasn't been announced. and israeli interests would be to support the united states in trying to leverage iran and we'll do that much better with israel beside us, not arguing with the united states. >> you and i were at a dinner last night in which henry kissinger spoke about this. he said if you take the nuclear problem off the table, there will be no problems between the united states and iran. do you think it's true? >> i do think it's true if this problem can be resolved. it's going to take months to do. then the understand and iran have a lot to talk about in afghanistan, in syria, and iraq and there's a promise that we could go far forward and finally having some kind of sensible relationship with iran. but the iranians need to make it possible by making these
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compromises today and in the future in geneva. >> all right, nick burns, good to see you as always. appreciate it. we're going to have more on super typhoon straight ahead. plus, just days admitting he smoked crack cocaine, toronto's embattled mayor now explaining more bizarre behavior. we're going to play the video up for you up next. retirement plan. i started part-time, now i'm a manager. my employer matches my charitable giving. really. i get bonuses even working part-time. where i work, over 400 people are promoted every day. healthcare starting under $40 a month. i got education benefits. i work at walmart. i'm a pharmacist. sales associate. i manage produce. i work in logistics. there's more to walmart than you think. vo: opportunity. that's the real walmart. life could be hectic. as a working mom of two young boys angie's list saves me a lot of time. after reading all the reviews i know i'm making the right choice. online or on the phone,
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it's hard to imagine a rougher week for the mayor of a major city, rob ford final fessing up that he actually did smoke crack cocaine after months of denying media reports that he was actually caught on camera doing just that. he told reporters that he smoked crack during what he called a drunken stupor and now the mayor of toronto is trying to explain more bizarre behavior. watch this. >> [ bleep ]. you think so, brother? but when he's down, i'll rip his [ bleep ] -- >> this video obtained by the toronto star newspaper showing mayor rob ford staggering around, ranting and swearing and threatening to kill some guy. nobody actually knows who he's talking about. and his response to this tape has been, i was drunk.
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>> [ bleep ]. >> holy christ. yellow 80. >> so despite admitting that he smoked crack, despite admitting that he's prone to drunken stupors, the mayor rob ford says he's not stepping down, he is staying exactly where he is, staying put. so we've got the perfect guy to talk about all this don geld berg ran damage control at the white house during the monica lewinsky scandal. i remember covering that, it was a bizarre time to be covering the white house. but the president survived it, he moved on. he's doing very well. is there a difference here. >> how would you counsel this guy compared to bill clinton? >> the president clinton had his issues but a lot had to do with he could admit the relationship he had with women including lewinsky. the problem with the mayor of toronto is you don't know what's going to happen next. while it's great theater as a crisis management person, it's a very difficult situation to get your arms around.
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you don't know what's going to happen next. >> he is admitting to everything, right? i mean. >> finally, yes. >> president clinton didn't admit to in up in the beginning. >> this guy is admitting to everything. does that help or hurt him in his cause? >> you could argue an that it helps him. the issue is, what does he do about it now? he's got to show compassion and contrition. what's the path forward? he can't or at least he hasn't shown any willingness to go into any kind of counseling or rehab. he's got his family members, his mother out there talking. none of this is good. in president clinton's case, the issue is how are you going to handle the cover-up and lie. this is a much trickier situation. we think he's told what's happened so far so that's a step in the right direction. >> i'm a little alarmed by the last video you saw. i don't know what to make of that. should people. be afraid of him? should they think he's violent? should they take him at his word
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that he wants to hurt somebody? >> i couldn't tell what was going on either. he clearly has anger management issues and probably some substance, alcohol issues. as a society we've become more tolerant of drug use but smoking crack is not a good thing. if you take those all together, yeah, this is a character you probably don't want as your mayor, quite honestly. >> and at this point, how long does he survive? how long does this go? does he need -- does something else need to come out to be a smoking gun? you think using crack and threatening people would be enough. >> yeah, i don't know. he clearly has shown no willingness to want to step down. his attitude essentially is let the constituents, the voters tell me whether i'm a good mayor or not. he seems to have some support there, at least from voters, not from the any of the observe sers. if anything else comes out, he's going to have to get out of there. i think he's holding on for dear
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life. >> rob ford, thank you so much. we'll be following this story and see how it goes. that is it for "around the world." have a great weekend. have a great weekend. "cnn newsroom" starts now. -- captions by vitac -- >> right now, millions of people are feeling the wrath of a monster typhoon, possibly the strongest storm ever to make landfall anywhere on earth. we'll show you remarkable images from space and the storm zone. also right now, we are just moments away from president obama, he's live in new orleans. will be in just a moment. he is scheduled to give a speech on the economy and infrastructure. but he may also have more to say on problems with the affordable care act. right now on wall street, the dow is up. today's jobs report shows an unexpected surge in hiring last month. still the official unemployment rose supply thely to 7.3%.


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