tv CNN Newsroom CNN November 10, 2013 1:00pm-2:01pm PST
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we have much more in "the newsroom" and it all begins right now. >> looking at the top stories we're following this hour, see the horrible conditions on the ground and find out why the government response hasn't been faster. the lineman accused of bullying, hear what rich incog knee tee has to say. and a bizarre bet between husband and wife. the loser gets shocked by stun gun. the winner? goes to jail. around this breaking news right now concerning that typhoon, typhoon hiyan, is substantially
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weaker than when it hit the philippines. the national committee of the red cross says it is very realistic to believe that 10,000 people have been killed by super typhoon hiyan. bodies are littering the streets. there's very little food or water. and then medical supplies are simply running out. the president toured some of the hardest hit areas today, including the coastal city. he's facing growing out rage over the government's slow response to the disaster. the town's mayor says he hant spoengen to one person who hasn't lost a love ds one in the store.
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people prayed as the wind howled outside. listen. they used mattresses to push people to safety in waist-high water. just a desperate situation there. do officials believe that the death toll will be about that 10,000 mark? >> indeed. in fact, there's that new line of reporting saying that it believes it's quite possible the total death toll across the storm soenl will reechd 1ach 10. it is 5:00 a.m. in the morning here at the philippines. no aid flights during the night because on the ground, there's no power to light up the runway. so we're waiting for that moment later this hour when the flights ask resume and to wring aid to
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the people who desperately need it. they need the essentials, food, water, medicine, shelter. and because of the reports of lawlessness and looting, they need security, as well. the president of the philippines visited on the ground there. he pledged that there would be food as a top priority for the sur vie involves as well as shelter for the tens of thousands of family who is need it. if terms of the scale, the government has said 4 million people have been affected. in terms of the number displatsed? it's startling. the need here is immeps and people are also helping out. back to you. >> and so, you know, you talk about these aid flight that is will be landing while they may create space or there is space for the landing of those aircraft. and then you've got to get to people. how in the world is that going to be orchestrated.
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>> the storm surge wiped out the key logistical lirngs. wiping out roads and the power of the runways it's very, very difficult for all of these agencies to get to the ground. there's a number of agencies mobilizing across the region. but the problem is they may have the aid, the pledges are coming in. they sknt reach the survivors. the government has said that they are trying to clear up the roads.
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so the typhoon survivors say they need that help right now. their homes are in shambles. >> carrying all they could from their devastated lives, a steady stream of typhoon high-end victims keeps arriving. looking for food, water and escape. regina fernandez is desperate to leave on the next military plane. >> get international help to come here now. not tomorrow, now. this is really, really, like, bad, bad -- worse than hell. worse than hell. >> as the president of the philippines arrives to assess the damage, fernandez passes on her anger. >> we need to get the word out. >> we can't do it alone. >> there's also a breakdown. especially in the local government. too many of them were also
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affected and did not report to work. >> people here were convinced that it looked like a tsunami. >> the mayor almost lost his life. he admits a death toll as high as 120,000 is mos. >> i have not spoken to anyone who hasn't lost someone, a relative or close to them. now, we're looking for as many as we can. we're still trying to retrieve so many people. >> faces here tell a story of horror. >> many of the people here have been working through hours through the devastation to get food and water from the military themselves. many of them just say that they were too disparate to wait for help to get to them. >> the young, the old and the injure injured all board a military c-130.
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>> aid anyogencies are mobilizi to help victims of the typhoon. police in houston are hunting for two isn'ts after gunfire at a party left two people dead. 22 people were injured as people ran for their lives after hearing gunshots. some people in the house broke windows and jumps from the second story to escape. police were looking into whether alcohol was served at that party. he believes a teammate on the miami dolphins. incognito opened up. he insisted the two men were friends and he never meant to hurt him. incognito also said that he wished he had known how martin felt. >> john never showed signs that football was getting to him, that the locker room was getting to himment my actions were coming from a place of love.
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no matter how bad and how vulger it sounds, that's how we communicate. that's how our friendship was. those are the facts and that's what i'm accountable for. >> incognito has been said he's still a good person. >> one of the most powerful storms to ever hit the planet. one ochl our reporters who was there when it hit shows us exactly what happened. >> all arnds us, you hear the sounds of wip does breaking, the sound of large oblts passing through the floor. underfoot, it is just a dell yuj. if you look behind me, i don't know if you can see it. the staircase behind me is now base clidically a waterfall.
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room. the typhoon just made land fall again. its winds have died down since pummelling the philippines. a cnn crew ended up being a rescue team wile there. anchor andrew stevens and producer tim schwartz helping people out at their hotel. and then they went back to cover the storm and its aftermath. >> it struck with terrifying and deadly forth. a city's shattered landscape. it was not the wind that did it, it was a storm surge, reports of a five meter wall of water that engulfed the coastal strip and spread through the city. the cnn crew was shulterring about a kilometer from the shoreline. the zurj was waist-deep and powerful.
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>> all around us, you hear the sounds of windows breaking and the sounds of the large objects falling and crashing to the floor. underfoot, it is now just a dell yuj. if you look behind me, the staircase is now basically a waterfall. >> but that didn't compare with what happened here. >> the storm surge was the most destructive part of this typhoon. we're about a hundred meters or so and you can see the damage caused these houses, these are all rough-built houses, completely flattened along the shore. thousands of people live along a stretch of several kilometers. you can see behind me just how bad it must have been. authorities had pleaded with people to leave. many did, but many stayed. we all tried to leave, but it
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was too late, i got separated when the water started rising. i don't know what happened to them, he tells me. the devastation leaving a trail of destruction. this is now a city on edge. no power. food and water running out and medical supplies almost gone. if hospital, we're told, is the only functioning medical facility in the city. they can't admit anymore patients. there's no room. just first aid in the most difficult of conditions. we hardly have anything left to help people with. we have too get supplies in desperately. >> this is one of the few stores
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which is left own. as you can see, the clouds have been rolling in. everything is coming out of these stores. >> another straight away, people are climbing up a lamp post to get to a second floor of a department store to grab anything they can. it took a full day before help arrived. and even though the storm was predicted days in advance, the response, so far, has not been nearly enough. this was nature at its most frightening. a display of force that has smashed the lives of so many people. authorities are still waiting to hear word from. fred, supplies are trickling in now. it's been three days since this storm hit. most of it is still coming in by held kopter. and when you see the extent of
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the destruction here, you get a sense of the monumental rebuilding task that is facing officials here. >> andrew, thank you so much, president barack obama has issued a statement. he says the united states is already providing significant humanitarian assistance. our thoughtings and prayers go out from the millions affected by this storm. chris christie says he's only focused on being governor and not at all at the white house. ♪ nothing says, "you're my #1 copilot," like a milk-bone biscuit. ♪ say it with milk-bone.
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after pulling off a landslide victory, new jersey governor could make a run for the white hougs in 20 16. christie even told abc news that he didn't know if he would finish out the full four-year term as governor. i want to bring out a cnn political commentator. rich gaylin, good to see you, as weld. chris christie is flattered
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about all the presidential questions, but is focused on the job of being governor. who believes that? >> can i call you that? >> for sure. two people in the world called me richie, my younger brother and the former president of the united states. here's where they're doing. if they haven't hired a ghost writer, the staff is hiring a ghost riter to write the book. governor christy is going to be the next chairman of the republican governor's association. that means he gets to travel all over the country, including southern states and will be able to see how he is received there. also gives him access to a lot of big-time fundraisers and check writers. he dubts have to make his decision now. if he does decide to run, he
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just has to turn his -- >> people will be evaling him as he chris crosses the state t. constantly looking at him to see if he is presidential. if he blaifs in a presidential manner. >> i'm not sewer what that means. >> i was going to say, i think it's more than just weather he's president shl or not. it's an arguable that new jersey re-election campaign. was much more style than substance. you really push him back into the republican conservative camp that he's not going to be able to come across independence and, you know, leading democrats as a moderate. he's anti-choice. this is a guy who is a conservative. >> rich, i'll let you talk.
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there are a lot of folks in new jersey who, you know, rightly were appreciative. i'm from new jersey so i'm empathetic to that. but that doesn't mean that that same coalition of voters that he was able to put together in new jersey are going to be interested in him being president. >>. >> hillary just argued both sides of the argument. on the one hand, she said this is style over substance. on the other hand, she said the people of new jersey appreciated his hand ming of the economy. so you can't have it both ways, hillary. >> well, i can have it both ways, in this regard, which is that i think that when people really are campaigning for president, it's as much about the issues and the president, that in a national campaign and
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in a primary, he's going to be able to just get away with being the leader. he's going to have to come forward and differentiate himself on issues. where right now, i don't think where he is is where the country is. >> here he is on the heels of this win, you know, reelection. and then you've got the time magazine cover. so how does chris christy try to up stage that whole elephant in the room cover. the magazine, the reporter saying that that headline has more to do with his differences of conservatives in the party. but does it instead say that his weight may be an easy target. >> >> oh,yes, that's crap to say it had nothing to cowith that. by the way, they would not have done that if he were black, if he were a woman, if he were gay. any other subgroup that you're not allowed to make fun of. but a white christian male you
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request do that to. >> does it really underscore that weight, his size, is inescapable? >> i think rich is right. it's a terribly rude and bad taste. i think he has dealt with this for several years. here's the other thing that's kind of bugged me. he ran for re-election for months and months and months, coasted along, had a nice ride, was very cooperative. he always talked about how he likes to work with the other side, because, avenue all, new jersey is a democrat-leading state. one week after his election, he's trashing president obama.
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>> why was that necessary? >> because he is going to differentiate himself from dechl cat democratic voters. he's going to run in a republican primary before he ever gets to a general election. the president, by the way, is sitting in the low 40s in popularity. there ice really not much downsize risk, especially when it comes to the health care issue. >> there might not be a downside risk, but i do think it says something about his personality and his willingness to sort of be a little bit bullying and play come back to haunt him. >> all right.
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we will see, thanks so much to both of you. i apreernuate it. happy sunday. >> a 2,000 pound satellite runs out of gas. and now it is set to crash to earth within the next few hours. will it happen? and, if so, where. details ahead. peace of mind is important when you're running a successful business. so we provide it services you can rely on. with centurylink as your trusted it partner, you'll experience reliable uptime for the network and services you depend on. multi-layered security solutions keep your information safe, and secure. and responsive dedicated support meets your needs, and eases your mind. centurylink. your link to what's next. [ passenger ] airport, please. what airline? united. [ indian accent ] which airline, sir? [ passenger ] united. whoa taxi! [ british accent ] what airline, then? [ passenger ] united. all right. [ spanish ] what airline? [ passenger ] united.
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jim changed his routine. ask your doctor about xarelto®. once a day xarelto® means no regular blood monitoring -- no known dietary restrictions. for more information and savings options, call 1-888-xarelto or visit now, back to that destruction caused by super-typhoon miyan. its winds are equivalent to a weak category 1 hurricane as we know it in this country. that's much weaker than when the storm slammed into the philippines on friday. the destruction in that country is overwhelming in the philippines, as we just said, up to 10,000 people have been feared dead.
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thousands of survivors are going without food and water. thomas, what is your group able to do right now? how are you able to help the typhoon victims? obviously, what's going on right now in the philippines, you had a massive need at the same moment where you had a big destruction and loss of supplies and personnel. so trying to make sure that the information is solid that with oor getting the materials there. and, thankfully, we had a 1.5 ton shipment that was en route that will arrive tomorrow with kind of an all-hazards emergency module for woundcare, infections and the types of things that we're most concerned about. >> so while that plane might be able to land, do you worry about how those supplies will be disseminated sf how they will
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get to those, you know, in greatest critical need? because it's a logistical fight mare. >> yeah, and this is not uncommon. i think the clogging of the distribution artery is something that's often the case in emergencies. so we're working very closely with our partners in the philippines. we've been asked by the philippine red cross to make sure that not only that we can bring in material, but it's the right material that they understand and have asked for it. and it will get to where it knee to be used. so i think all of those places need to be put in place. we've been working throughout the week epd, day and night, the time difference is a built of a challenge, but a team is leaving today from a group here in southern california.
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>> there's other teams that are en route. >> what are your friends telling you about the situation, the need, you know, the -- really, what it's going to be like to try and get to people to help them. i think the big challenge is getting good information on which you can act. just the sheer devastation, tsunami-like. injuries that have had a huge potential loss of life and understand that there are a lot of communities that no one has been able to get to you, are inaccessible at the moment. so the deep concern at the first phase is always the search and rescue to find the people who can be saved. so that takes the priority for the first three or four days. so really, the priority is at the same time trying to mobilize the relief efforts to scale it to the right side of how much medical material, how much shemter support. how much food and water.
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all of those things have to be brought through a very narrow distribution channel through a triage of an entire system. what they've found has been, you know, very alarming and suggestive of a much bigger situation. so to find out how you at home can help the victims of the typhoon, go to >> so here's a very perplexing scenario. a man wins a bet with his wife. what's the reward? a stun gun is involved. the police disagree with this one and now they can get six years in prison. is that fair? we'll ask our legal expert to weigh in after this.
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gives you a long-lasting fresh breath feeling. so you have the courage to jump in... go in for the hug... or make sparks fly. for a fresh breath feeling that lasts up to 5x longer, get scope outlast. after weeks of testimony, dr. martin mcneil has been found guilty of murdering his wife, michelle, in 2007. tears of relief from his daughters after the guilty verdict was read. they've been fighting for justice since their mother died. cnn correspondents sat dount with one of them, alexis summers. >> i thought i knew him. now we've really come to understand who he really is. he's a skal collated, cold murterer.
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>> what will you tell your children about their grandfather? >> i don't know. i don't want -- i don't know if i want to tell them about him. he doesn't deserve to be a person in their lives. >> wow, incredible. all right, good to see you, ladies. it is heartbreaking. it's just hard to envision what it would be like to be the daughter in that situation. but, clearly, their testimony was very compelling and very credible because, in large part, mo, that's what led to his conviction, right? >> sure, i'm very proud of this jury because i'm glad they took some sketchy evidence. are they going to really be able to sit through all of this and come back with a guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. i'm so glad that the daughter's testimony was so important to that.
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that emotional connection to look what he did to my mother. i thought it was impactful and i think it made all the difference in the world. >> i agree. and i also think that the prisoners that he was housed with, their testimony, for me, was more persuasive and credible than most prisoners testimony just because those prisoners were sprated in time and space, they were prisoners that were at different facilities with him. and they had pretty much the same story. >> and at least one testifying that dr. mcneil said i got away with murder. >> right. and another prisoner testified to exactly how dr. mcneil killed his wife. he said he held her underwater. >> that leepds to a not guilty. >> oh, sure, it's very trouble some. the first thing i started thinking about all the cases
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that, wow, what made this jury get into that jury room and decide that they could take this piece and this piece and this piece without any sort of, you know, just big thing that was the bullet -- the thing for them. and put it together and find them guilty. >> i think because he was so unlikable. his family turned on him and said this guy was a murterror. he was our father. we believe he's a murderer. testimony came in that showed he was in prison. this was a guy that shipped his daughter off to the ukraine after he adopted her. i think that the unlikability of this guy really led to his conviction. >> and then the what's next. we're talking about sentencing scheduled for january. is it likely that we might hear from dr. mcneil? >> abslooutly. he can certainly speak in sentencing.
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>> why would he want to? >> a lot of times, they seek to show that there's some aspect of their character or that people sympathize with in some way. >> 18 years to life is what he's facing. okay. let's talk about something else. we saw the tease video of the craze out of wisconsin. so now what? whempb you're talking about a
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consensual deal, why should there be charnls? >> they're both real stupid to make a bet like this. but it's still illegal. even if you make a bet and you both consent to it, it's still illegal. so what happened was they got caught. doing something illegal, he now faces in wisconsin it's illegal to have a tazer gun. he had no license. >> what if he says i don't want to press charges? >> i've had defense cases that involve domestic violence and the wife says i'm not going to press charges. but that's not the story here because he's actually been charged with violating the law by having a stun gun without a license. and there's nothing that the wife can say about where he has a license or not. >> some people are allowed to have that, law licensed in that state. >> but not for a layperson just to have a stun gun and decides
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to make a dumb bet. >> that's a good way of putting it. >> thanks so much, mo. karen, thank you so much. we will see waps. all right, the fda now taking major steps to remove transfats from the food you eat. and our professional chef jeff henderson has the pain about that. he's joining me right here in the studio next. ♪
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a big announcement from the fda that could soon affect the food that you love to eat. the fda has proposed a ban on artifici artificial transfats. it's no longer recognized as safe. tranz fats can be found in many processed foods including desertings, frozen pizza and coffee creamers. they have been linked to an increased risk of heart disease. a very special guest joining me now for more on this sublt, new york times best-selling author and professional receive. they call him chef jeff. chef jeff henderson with us now. if you can see it, you can be it. 12 street smart recipes for success. he found his gift for cooking
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when he was locked up in federal prison. when he got out of jail, a famous she gave him a job as dish wear ber. when he left there, chef jeff is here to talk about transfats, your new book and your new project and your life that you're looking forward to. good to see you. >> likewise. glad to be here. >> let's talk about transfats. this is something that you eliminate pr your recipes from your kitchen, your household period. but help us understand. what is it, really, what is this thing that ends up in donuts, frozen pizza,s set ra, that seem to be unavoidable. >> it's a scientific term for a compound that's infused with liquid vegetable oil. you'll find it in many of your fast food restaurants, frozen pizza. it's added flavor, inexpensive, they don't have to change their oil as often. >> but you can have fast food or frozen food without transfats
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and it still tastes good or has the shelf life or is fresh? >> well, you know, many restaurants, instead of using the transfat, they're infusing a lot more spices and herbs. so we just have to begin to look at labels when we're shopping. >> what are we looking for? >> you're looking for transfats, you're looking for anything that -- >> will it say that? >> they'll say hydrogenated oils. many times there's terms and then terms under those terms. your book, if you can see it, you can be it. it is really a play on words. what is the key ingredient that you feel has really led your life to success. >> well, you know, fred, after spending ten years in federal prison, i knew i had to reinvent myself and figure out my greatest gift.
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and coming out of prison, i knew i had to make the felony stigma go away. so i discovered these things about myself in prison. i combined 12 street smarts over the 17 years i've been out of prison to help people find their place and way of life. >> and that prison sentence involved your involvemented with trafficking of drugs, right? >> yes, there was a part of my life when i was young i got caught up in dealing drugs. j and too often, things happen, you go to jail, you have a conviction hanging over you. it is difficult to ever leave that. it's difficult for you to ever get a job. people don't want to trust you. so what was that thing that help ds you breakthrough all of that? that allowed you to find someone to trust you to give you a job to earn a job to earn your way. >> you know, it was a process. understanding my strengths. understanding my weaknesses. i had had to identify what it
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was i wanted to do when i got out of prison. i knew the key was reinvention. and what i talk about in the 12 street smarts in my book is reinventing yourself. discovering that extraordinary thing about you. i had to clean shave my face, took my wife's make up, covered up my earring hole. all of these things had to say brand, brand, brand. and now we look forward to seeing your life story on the big screen. now they're trying to come up with a script for you, chef jeff. nice to see you. >> like wise. >> all right, each week, we're shining a spot light on the top ten cnn heroes of 2013, as well. you can vote for one who most inspires you. this week's honoree is a surgeon who devotes medical care of
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cameroon. and he's doing it for free. >> for a country of mine, people like to dripg, to dance, to enjoy the life. but they cannot enjoy their life. if i can help two or three people, tald be great. >> we should get together to help people. >> they can live 60 kilometers around. >> and in afternoon, they are
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tomorrow, we take time to honor all of those who served this country as we celebrate veteran's day. and that's where we start with the week ahead. world war i ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11 month, 1918. signed a bill officially proclaiming november 11th as veteran's day. the ruling went into effect off dawn brancohe's death. on wednesday, a judge will sen tebs james whitey bulger in boston. he could spend the rest of his life in prison. he was found guilty on 32 counts, including involvement in
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eleven murders. ron burgundy fans. on thursday, the mu sooemt in washington opens anchor man, the exhibit. you'll be able to see the iconic burgundy business suit worn by the fictitious news karlgter. plus his mustache, brush, jazz flute and license plate which reads i'm number one. the new movie comes out next month. on friday, play station four goes on sale. and this is huge for fwamers, but there's more. users will have access to netflix, hulu, amazon, instant video and red box instant streaming. all right. a big week ahead. that's going to do it for me. martin savage is in for don lemon tonight, taking to the helm here. you're a big gamer. >> i am. i live vicariously through my son. >> oh, that's fun. good to see you, too.
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>> thank you very much. get out there and enjoy what is a beautiful day. >> i know, it is. we are going to start overseas right in the middle of a natural disaster that is growing more tragic every hour. i'm talking about the philippines. in every part of that country right now, people are struggling for food, safe drinking water, medicine and shelter. it was just the second day since a monstrous typhoon tore the fiphilippines apart. in some parts of the philippines right now, the power could be out for months. entire homes flattened. hopts are trying to deal
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