tv New Day CNN November 14, 2013 3:00am-6:01am PST
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fears and for a way to address the millions of americans who have been dropped by their insurance carriers. let's give to jim acosta, live at the white house where they're still reeling from those low enrollment numbers from this past october. >> reporter: we may well hear from the president on these discouraging numbers. the white house after this first rough month for obama care appears to be saying they have nowhere to go but up. it's not just the numbers that are in, for the first month of signups for obama care, so are the reviews. >> just another day in a series of messups in obama care. >> reporter: it's not jest republicans who are giving the october enrollment period a thumbs down. >> i don't think anyone is satisfied. the promise of the affordable care act is worth fighting for. >> reporter: of the roughly
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100,000, less than one quarter did so on the federal marketplace on the troubled website. >> we have every reason to expect more people will enroll. >> reporter: a website embattled health and human services secretary kathleen sebelius claims is now improving daily. >> first of all, i'd say, it is running right now, every day people are coming through, every day people are getting enrolled. >> reporter: mark your calendars for november 30th. the white house says it will be working for, quote, the vast majority of users by the end of the month. >> it is our conviction that we can, with the fixes being implemented reach that goal by november 30th. >> reporter: the administration is under pressure to work fast. a bill by mary landrieu would allow americans to keep their insurance plans, an idea they worry could undermine the whole program. >> does anybody have any idea how much all this is going to cost us in the end? we've spent $600 million
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already. >> reporter: white house top officials including chief of staff dennis mcdonough are expected to head up to capitol hill to talk to senate democrats about some of these proposals that would allow americans to keep their insurance plan if they like it. i had a chance to catch up with mcdonough in the driveway of the white house yesterday afternoon, after those enrollment numbers came out and asked for reaction. he said he is not satisfied yet. kate and chris. >> they say they're not surprised that the numbers are low but what are they going to do to fix it now. >> that's right. >> let's break down the numbers further, though. christine romans is here. what are you seeing inside the numbers. >> when you look at the numbers, the administration said they expect 800,000 people to sign up, choose an insurance plan by the end of november. that will be a hard goal to reach. as you know as of november 2nd, 106, 106,185 people have selected a plan. some republicans are equating it to putting a plan in their
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virtual shopping cart without buying. how does this number break down? when it comes to the state exchanges, 79,391 have selected a plan. any good news for the administration in the numbers? well, people are interested, apparently in obama care. had 26.8 million unique visits. the obama care phone line got over 3.1 million calls. "the washington post" reports that in the first month of romney care, only 123 people signed up, but by the end of the first year, 36,000 total had enrolled. there's hope of an increase in the enrollment rate. it's a 26-week open enrollment period. health care economists expect the big, big push to come late but the website problems have really been bad pr for the whole process.
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you have 48 million people uninsured. these kinds of numbers, very small in the whole global number of people who need health insurance, guys. >> christine, thank you. you have a website problem, you have cancellation problems. they have more problems than nonproblems at the moment. thanks so much. michaela? we want to bring you up to date on the relief efforts arriving in the philippines. the "uss george washington" have arrived with 5,000 sailors. it's hope the arrival will help speed up food and water to the people. there's looting in hard-hit areas and is dragging on with people looking to survive. an investigation is under way into an incident that killed four marines at camp pendleton in southern california. they were doing maintenance on a range used for live fire exercises, referred to as zulu black.
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it is possible that an unexploded ordnance detonated. two supervisors under allegation for alleged sexual misconduct. the internal investigation started back in may after a senior supervisor allegedly tried to re-enter a woman's room after leaving a bullet from his service weapon behind. that led to a search of his blackberry. sexually suggestive e-mails were apparently written to a female employee. princess cruises says closed-circuit tv showing an american woman intentionally going overboard. the coast guard is helping with the search about 700 miles northeast of hawaii. alec baldwin's alleged stalker led away in handcuffs. genevieve sabourin was held in contempt. she later testified.
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she faces aggravated harassment charges. she claim they were lovers while baldwin denies there was a relationship, testifying tuesday they went to lunch once with a mutual friend back in 2000. really heated exchanges there. we followed it yesterday. we'll bring you up to date later in the show. >> can't wait for that. let's get over to indra petersons. other than the political storm clouds gathering over the nation's capital, what do you see out there. >> the last few hours of cold are this morning. after this, empg will feel better as we will be warming up. nonethele nonetheless, it is cold right now. new york city barely above the freezing mark at 33. pittsburgh in the 20s, detroit, right now you're in the 20s. it's warmer in minneapolis right now than it is for many in the ohio valley and the east coast. this will quickly change, though. keep in mind, into the south, same thing. look at these numbers and the 20s and temperatures below freezing. atlanta, 30 degrees right now. with that, yes, we have freeze warnings. again, it should be the last day
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they this. the reason for it, the dome of high pressure, bringing the cold arctic air. with that we pull in all the warm air from the gulf and the temperatures will rebound nicely. a good 10, almost 15 degrees warmer that we saw yesterday, especially into the northeast and even into the south, things will feel better for you. here's what we're talking about temperaturewise, we're looking for 30s is what we saw yesterday for the high in new york city. yesterday 39. today we're going back to the 50s. that's the big change here. cincinnati also seeing 50s, atlanta also feeling better, 58 degrees. i think i'll make more friends out there today. other changes, not a big one. yes, since we're pulling some of the stuff out of the gulf, we're pulling moisture out of the gulf. we'll see light showers around the gulf. nothing major. i love this. no one can complain, everyone is warmer and dry for the most part. good day, guys. >> warm and dry. >> perfect. coming up next on "new day," explosive new allegations
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against rob ford, including accusations of escorts in city hall. and what do you think? $3 billion. that's what we offer for your company. we're facebook, we have tons of cake and you say nope. and you're just 23 years old. we'll tell you about this ceo who is holding ut for more. what does he own, anyway? sales go down, i'm not happy. merch comes back, i'm not happy. use ups. they make returns easy. unhappy customer becomes happy customer. then, repeat customer. easy returns, i'm happy. repeat customers, i'm happy. sales go up, i'm happy. i ordered another pair. i'm happy. (both) i'm happy. i'm happy. happy. happy. happy. happy. happy happy. i love logistics. ♪ hooking up the country whelping business run ♪ ♪ build! we're investing big to keep our country in the lead. ♪ load! we keep moving to deliver what you need. and that means growth, lots of cargo going all around the globe. cars and parts, fuel and steel, peas and rice, hey that's nice!
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drug use and abusive behavior. paula hancocks is joining us from toronto with more. >> this is from a man who said he had nothing to hide. clearly, even in speaking to the mayor earlier in the day, he knew the other shoe was about to drop on him and his behavior outside of the mayor's office. >> allegations have come forward of driving drunk. >> reporter: never a dull moment at city hall as the mayor of toronto faces fresh allegations of drug use, drunk driving and maybe even escorts. >> be careful what you write. >> reporter: that was his comeback after accusations of a sordid night of binge drinking and drugs detailed in interview with his staff. all this after an inquisition that became a public flogging. >> you're answering but you don't want to hear my answers. >> you're not being truthful.
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>> reporter: ford made confession after confession. >> have you purchased illegal drugs in the last two years? >> yes, i have. >> thank you. >> reporter: this from one of his allies. >> mr. mayor, do you recognize there are few of us that really do want to help you? >> reporter: but ford denies being a drug addict. >> the reason i drank or did drugs was not because of stress. it was out of sheer stupidity. >> okay. >> that's all it was. i'm not going to blame something. i'm not going to use an excuse or a cop out. i take full responsibility for my mistakes. i don't know what else i can say. >> okay, okay. >> reporter: at one point, ford introduced a motion calling for all city council members to be tested for drugs and alcohol. >> i don't want to move this moti motion, but i have to move this motion. that city council direct all members of council -- the only
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thing that can prove, at least to clear me, i'm not going to start pinpointing people because i think we all know stories about each other here. >> if you're willing to lash out at the mayor in a public forum like this, then you should do a blood test yourself. >> reporter: it didn't matter what he said. fellow counselors voted overwhelmingly for the mayor to take a leave. the truth is, the vote didn't matter either. no one can force the mayor to quit. >> i know i've done a great job running the city, saving taxpayers money and putting us on the right path. i'm going to continue doing that. there's nothing else to say, guys. i really f'd up and that's it. >> reporter: doug ford, the mayor's big brother says, he's staying put. when the mayor said i smoked crack cocaine, what kind of an example is that? >> it's not a good example. it's not.
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and he's admitted it. there's going to be a point in life that you have to say we accept his apology, time will tell. the people will decide. >> has something come out that you're planning to sue about? >> reporter: as you can see, kate, the mayor himself still basically saying that although he doesn't have anything to hide that he himself has at times been so inebriated that he can't say for sure, kate, his big brother doug telling me, he doesn't know exactly what other allegations police may be disclosing in the coming days in court. kate? >> paula, that's what really matters, not so much what he says but what the proof is. let's bring in investigative editor and senior reporter, mr. kevin donovan. thank you for joining us. >> good morning. >> are we looking at political misconduct or is there clear
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proof of addiction and out-of-control behavior? what do you know from the record and the documents? >> well, the police have amassed a fair number of pieces of information from former staff of mayor ford, showing addiction, drinking and driving, allegations of cocaine use in restaurants. massagenist behavior towards a female security guard. a record that may be quite embarrassing to the mayor and his family. >> he hasn't been charged with anything. from what youian see and are hearing from inside the police force, is there more? >> well, the police are still investigating. as is the "toronto star" which started this many months ago. the next thing that will happen in this story, related to the police, there is another chunk of this large document, which is a search warrant document, which
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we're fighting to obtain. that relates to wiretaps which are not normally disclosed in canada unless with a judge's authority. we don't know what's on these wiretaps but there's a big chunk of this document that indicates that the police had wiretapped surveillance on people around ford. the question for us, is mayor ford caught on the wiretap saying anything and what does he say? >> obviously we're in the u.s. observing this going on in canada. usually the police move quickly here, even on public officials when there's these types allegations. we're watching this process unfold. let me ask you this. it seems to clear what the situation is. we're calling that meeting yesterday an intervention. is the feeling there you have legitimate questions about whether or not this man has problems that need treatment or is it about how you get him to get help for the treatment? what's the dialogue you're having up there? >> well, the dialogue is certainly that, that he needs
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treatment. that's what person around him say. it's something we have heard since he joned the mayor's office three years ago. he's had a number of situations that he has been called out publicly for doing something that anybody else would think is related to addiction and then later on he apologizes and tries to move on. his family has said he has a weight problem. his brother suggested maybe he should just drink in the basement. these are evidence of watchers say, of a family and mayor in denial. >> was it anything more than just a spectacle yesterday? short of criminal charges against the mayor, is there any way that the community can get him out of office? >> well, yes, criminal charges and a conviction would do it but that would be quite a ways off.
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the wheels of justice tend to turn quite slowly. tomorrow, friday, at city council, they are going to vote to strip some of his powers. if there's an emergency in toronto, he would not be able to delegate, have authority on that. he would also -- remove his powers, they say, to get rid of people on his executive council. they seem to be trying to shrink his powers. there's no rule in toronto that allows them to actually show him the door. >> as odd as it is to watch the media up there and the politicians good after this like it's just another scandal, there's interesting poll numbers that shows the acceptance of maybe not of the politicians but the acceptance of addiction. 60% say he needs help and should take a leave and do that. they say if he were to do that, he would win re-election. what does that mean to you? >> mayor ford has a very large
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body of support that he refers to as ford nation. he has massive parties for them once or twice a year. they are stalwart supporters. it's a bedrock for him. i think it's about 30%. and what we saw in the last election, there was not a viable candidate that came forward that could attack him. he runs on a record of, he says, of saving a billion dollars of taxpayers money. we've shown in the pages of the toronto star that's not true. he keeps saying it. with these simple messages every time he repeats them, he gets at least -- shores up his bedrock of support and perhaps even increases it. >> all right. appreciate the reporting from you. please, come back to us as the story moves forward. we're going to be following it. >> thank you. as we all know in these situations, even the family, the weird thing about this, we've seen situations like this, they
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just never play out in public. when someone is confronted about their addiction, they deny it, saying you're the one with the problem. the family has a hard time with it. >> never seen anything like this play out in public, that's for sure. >> am i totally off? what should happen here? tweet us, #newday. coming up next on "new day," the "uss george washington" finally arriving in the philippines. it looks like democrats are hoping a lack of political backbone is covered by obama care, because they are scrambling to heal themselves from the rollout fiasco. the question this morning, can president obama fix the mess? can he get his people in line? but i am so stuffed up, i can't rest. [ male announcer ] nyquil cold and flu liquid gels don't unstuff your nose. they don't? alka seltzer plus night fights your worst cold symptoms, plus has a decongestant. [ inhales deeply ] oh. what a relief it is. i don't miss out...
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welcome back to "new day." it's time for our political gut check. growing dissent between president obama and democrats. the house is facing a vote tomorrow that takes on the president's broken promise that americans can keep their insurance plans if they like them. and a growing number of democrats are indicating they may back the gop bill. cnn's chief national correspondent john king is here as always. good morning, john. >> good morning. >> as you've said all along, that's what i was thinking this
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morning, what the president needed to do is ensure more democrats did not revolt. it seems they're running out of time. >> they are running out of time. that's the political question, stot the revolt. the way to stop the revolt is to prove you've dealt with the policy problems. the administration hasn't done that yet. you have proposals put forward by the republicans in the house. there are proposals in the senate to deal with what they believe are the biggest problems. the idea he said if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, if you like your plan, i don't you can keep it. prove to us you're going to deal with this so we don't have to support a republican bill to change your legislation and the white house has not yet said how the president will deal with. i checked with a senior administration officials who said, quote, we're working on it. are you going to do this administratively? do you need help from congress? all i got was wait. democrats are impatient.
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they're saying, no, mr. president, we need to fix this fast. >> we're on the day eve-- ballo every day, john. i felt like i knew this was going to happen. by the way, the whole key are the young people who are healthy. it will wind up costing them money and there are penals. how much of the 5% are these people and are the democrats frozen by the politics right now instead of arguing the case? >> i think they're frozen by the politics. that's a great point. they're frozen by the politics because of what the president said repeatedly. he didn't say it once. he didn't say it back when they were debating the bill in 2009. he said it from when they were debating, passed the bill and through the campaign period. if he said a small percentage will have to change, we'll be in a different political environment. you have the policy problems causing a huge political issue
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for the president. unless he gives the democrats, the fellow democrats a clear path out, they'll suggest it for him. as you can see, that's pretty messy. >> isn't the policy -- put the politics aside for a second. the policy problem is a real one. they need a pool of people to make the insurance plans for the sick and the people who would normally have a much higher premium to make it more affordable. that's a policy problem. how i wonder are they going to be able to fix with this such little time left. it sounds like you're asking for more trouble. when you pull one thread, doesn't the whole thing start falling apart. >> from a policy standpoint, you need people to sign up, healthy people in the pool. that's what helps you offset the cost of dealing with people who have serious illnesses. young people if they logged on in the first place, the president said this would be like booking an airline ticket or logging on to facebook. he said it may be easy. many people may have tried and said never mind.
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there's the threat of the penalty out there, that you have to sign up eventually. again, over the long-term horizon whether they have to extend the deadline or wave the penalty for a few months, the administration says they're confident they will get there eventually. but they're starting from way behind. republicans are saying this is not only proof they couldn't build a website, it's proof the program is flawed. you have democrats worrying, some panicked. the president has to show them how he's going to chart a path out and he hasn't done that yet. >> why isn't it as simple as saying we have to find out how many of these 5% are people who shouldn't be able to keep their plans. and the law changed and they need to buy up and extend the deadline. what's the cost of extending the deadline? >> well, the cost of extending the deadline is if you open the door to on making changes, how many other changes will they try to make? to your other point, again, if the administration essentially
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in writing the regulations was trying to get rid of what they believe to be substandard plans, if they go back now and say never mind you can keep them, what does that do? how many changes do you make? it's the domino effect. in this political environment where the president's numbers are in the 30s, end of the first year of his second term, democrats are starting to worry about themselves, not about him. if you make one change, the question is do you have to make two, three, four or six or eight? >> with all that in mind, today is the make or break day, the white house, the administration to say something to offer democrats some cover. that vote tomorrow in the house will be a tough one that will stick with house democrats in the next election. >> you're absolutely right. remember, that's on the republican house. there are senate democrat watching, too. the democrats control the senate. they have the responsibility there. the ones on the ballot next year, kate, you know it from wandering the halls, they get jittery. >> not a good way to be. >> i'm being polite.
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>> thank you so much. >> kate was listening to macklemore this morning. he has a line in his song, change the game, don't let the game thank you. the democrats need to listen. >> very good point, chris. >> that's a tasty lick, that song. >> do you have more rap lyrics for us. >> i heard it. i heard it. let's take a look at the headlines. secretary of state john kerry pressing congress to hold off passing a new wave of economic sanctions against iran. nuclear talks with iranians resume in a week. a confirmation hearing today for fed chair nominee janet yellen, she is expected to tell senators that the fed must do more to help the economy recover. in written testimony, yellen says unemployment is still too high. that inflation is running below the goal of 2%. that justifies continuing aggressive monetary policies.
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>> an air force colonel has been acquitted on charges that he groped a woman in a virginia parking lot. lieutenant colonel jeffrey had been the chair of the air force's sexual assault prevention program after serving tours in iraq and afghanistan. his lawyers say it's unclear what the verdict means for his clients career in the air force. >> a pair of teen girls in florida are accused of stealing jewelry and other items from a classmate's house and then burning the home down. police say one of the girls laughed about it when she was confronted, both of those teens are in jail now and charged as adults with burglary and arson. >> want to show you video of a firefighter in arizona. look at how close he comes to falling off that balcony. the charred railing apparently gave way after he slipped and fell. thankfully his boot got stuck on the ledge. and that's what kept him from landing on his head. his fellow firefighters were able to get to him and we're told he is okay.
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i'll say it again, ice in your belly when you see something like that happened. those boots saved him. >> remember, they do this every day. >> every day. >> they'll go out tomorrow and do it again. >> they never know what it's going to turn into. coming up on "new day," have you ever seen a roll cloud? that's what's forming in the skies over texas. indra knows all about it. also ahead, you're about to find out why a 23-year-old ceo just said no thank you to a $3 billion offer from facebook. #problems we wish we had. forefront of innovation. when the world called for speed... ♪ ...when the world called for stealth... ♪ ...intelligence... endurance... affordability... adaptability... and when the world asked for the future. staying ahead in a constantly evolving world.
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how is it looking now? >> it's the last couple of hours we have a chill out here. you have a feel for what it feels like. let's compare this, minneapolis feels like 37. we're a lot cooler than even minnesota right now. chicago you feel like you're in the 20s as well and even into the south atlanta right now. 30 degrees. they are below freezing. we do have freeze warnings in effect. it should be the last night they see this, though, because temperatures will be quickly
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rebounding. regardless, though, what are they feeling? jackson city 25. atlanta 30, charleston 34. here's the change. high pressure is moving offshore. this time that is good news. we're pulling in the moisture off of the gulf and the warm air off the gulf. temperatures rebounding pretty much for everyone. even into ohio valley, straight down to the south. temperatures a good 15 degrees warmer than what they were yesterday. i do want to show you video. this is impressive, not something you see every day. about a week or so ago from amarillo, we saw this guy. what is this guy? the easiest way i can tell you, a cold front was making its way across. cold air wants to sink, warm air wants to rise. as the cold air was making its way across, it rolled that cloud. voila, pretty impressive if you catch one of these. >> science. >> i love this, that's
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impressive. >> he was caught off guard. >> making a transition, a more difficult story. >> we have to tell you, it has been a week without adequate food, water, shelter or medical care for far too many in the philippines. it is not getting better fast enough. a crumbling infrastructure is slowing delivery of supplies and everything people need. they are taking matters into their own hands, desperate acts that are raising security risks. nick walsh is in the tacloban province. >> behind me that darkness, that is tacloban city where the storm hit the hardest. very little signs of life. at night, people still living amongst the debris. today we saw signs that aid is starting to come through but it's very slow and far too little. desperate hands are at last being filled while thousands
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flock to tacloban's airports begging to escape. in the storm's wake, a massive humanitarian crisis with the u.s., germany, israel, all spending reinforcements. >> we plan to build a hospital in the philippines. we have all the facilities, all the necessary professionals. we can operate there. >> reporter: the pope leading the faithful in prayers for the victims, some seeing their prayers answered. >> its wa the most beautiful sight i've ever seen. god bless the usa. when i saw the american flags on the uniforms, i knew we were going to be taken care of. >> hundreds of u.s. marines are on their way to the region expected to arrive by week's end. the u.s. military making its footprint with the cargo planes bringing in aid and evacuating residents. this elderly woman on a remote island taken to safer ground by the u.s. army, getting supplies to the most devastated parts
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remains a challenge. the u.s. government pledged $20 million in aid as the u.n. appeals for hundreds of millions more. >> is the food enough? >> no. >> reporter: in the meantime, security tightened outside, supply depots, after eight people were killed and a stampede in a government food warehouse on tuesday. at this makeshift clinic inside tacloban's airport, hope for a way out. the philippine military reading names off a list of people who get to be evacuated. and yet the nightmare is far from over for most. >> we were holding at the time our daughter. she was 1 year and 5 months old at the time and then my 2 years and 9-month-old, they died. >> reporter: there are some glimmers of hope, baby haiyan, a newborn named after the storm, now a symbol of the resilience
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and strength the philippines will find. >> before this darkness fell behind me, i drove through the town, saw for the first time a large government truck handing out food directly to people. a big cue forming in the street for that. the first sign, too, i saw of the government collecting the many corporations littering the road for days. people keep bringing out new ones every morning but we've seen the same ones on the road for a long period of time. that cleanup finally under way. task enormous behind me, just carrying away the debris from the storm will take months. back to you, chris, kate. >> nick, thank you for the reporting from the ground. we'll take a break on "new day." go to to help out in the philippines. now, who's this young man? 23 years old. ceo, can $3 billion ever not be enough? well, he's saying exactly that to facebook. we'll tell you why. maybe if zuckerberg threw in a
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hoodie. >> we want to introduce you to a little fellow who means business. he measured up when he took the field with a high school marching banned in florida. he's part of our "must see moment" today. without all the calories. think sugar, say splenda™ raspberries, strawberries, working at your enamel, once it's gone, you can't get it back. i would recommend using pronamel. pronamel will help to reharden the enamel, i use that every day, twice a day, and i know that i am protected.
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was this a smart move by the photo messaging app company? let's start with brett, for the old fogies like us, explain what snap chat is and why this technology is so sought after. >> i think what happened was he waited ten seconds and the facebook deal went away. >> oh! >> i think he's waiting around to see who's going to bring the better deal. snap chat is this explosively popular messaging service that lets mostly teenagers communicate in short messages and photos and videos that only last for ten seconds. if i send you a picture, you'll see it for ten seconds and it's gone. it disappears. >> that's what they love about it. >> young people don't want something that potential employer, their parents can look at and see, so it's this kind of -- >> that's progress.
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>> private. young people is what facebook needs, young people. that's why it was a multibillion dollar offer. >> facebook you would think would make an offer you could not refuse. $3 billion sounds like an offer you can't refuse. why did he refuse. >> if he wants to give me $3 billion cash, i'm find a way to make teenagers interested in facebook. >> where does the number come from? what's the argument this ceo could hold out? what's the number? >> they must think they could get more or they're going to do another round of funding that will give the owners and the founders more of a stake. >> are there comparables that give this sanity. >> if they could eventually go public, maybe they could get even more money than this. >> is there a chance this guy is making a bad business decision. >> they have 300 million exchanged photos now, that's what they're up to, in a short period of time. they have several million users. the users that translate into lots of eye balls on a product. >> how do they make money,
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though? >> it's another company that has new revenue stream. >> let me ask you a question. we know in business things kind of move at lightning speed. you flinch, somebody else has similar technology and can come in and take your space. >> this is where it's a little risky for snap chat. it wouldn't be difficult for facebook with the kind of money they have after going public, $100 billion of value, it wouldn't be difficult for them to create a similar product, appeal to the facebook users. >> you have brand identity. they have infrastructure in place. you have that they have a buyer base, a customer base in place. lightning speed, you want to get it done now. that's why they'd acquire. are there comparables out there that justify this ceo saying, look what they got, look what this was worth. >> this is all new territory. they don't make any money. it's 2 1/2 years old. >> he had to go to a board an they had to say okay. who's made more with this kind of product.
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>> they are at a beach front bungalow in venice beach, california. these are like fraternity brothers. >> was offered a billion. >> we thought that was crazy money for a billion. now you're talking about 3 billion for something 2 1/2 years old. >> how cool is this snap chat. >> very cool with kids. 300 million messages. >> how long has this been around? >> a little more than a year. that's what's crazy about it. they got their first round are funding in february. >> another thing that's troubling about this space, we're talking about teenagers and technology. it's a fickle combination. >> yes. >> six months from now, they're on to something else. >> if they start to see ads, will they be turned off and go to something else? this is the trick trying to socialize media. >> especially now, if you tell me it's going to disappear in ten seconds. >> chris is signing up for an
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account as we speak. >> what if you take a picture of the video i just sent you. >> the other person gets a notice saying that that has been a screen grab of that. you know if someone has kept the message. look, the idea is these are consenting, not adults, kids who are trying to have off the record conversations. they love that. >> if everyone starts using it, the growth question is a problem. if everyone starts using it, that's why teenagers started moving away from facebook. >> is it worth $3 billion? >> i would have taken it. >> we're talking about kids. i want to show you good kid vide video. never too young to live our dreams. this 5-year-old made his debut at drum major this weekend. this is during halftime. boy did fellow put on a show. he started mimicking the steps. the banned director says he
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picks up the moves quicker than some of his high school students. it's exuberance. you have the fire in your belly and you want to dance. look at him go. >> 5 years old. >> he's no joke. >> he makes the suit look good. >> i know he does. >> kids of that age like to wear those costumes on off days. he'll be wearing that to school. >> i can't wear it? >> they spend most of their day examining what comes out of their nose. that is amazing what he's able to do. >> he can multitask. >> 5 years old? he's a phenom. >> parents of little boys understand what you're talking about. >> i'd offer him $3 billion. >> guess what, he does not have it. coming up next on "new day," another black eye for the secret service, unfortunately two agents taken off the president's detail. we'll tell you what one of them left behind in a woman's hotel room. >> and the obama care numbers are out. and they ain't pretty. why does one high-ranking democrat think the law will help the party?
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jim, i adore the pool at your hotel.ver had to make.ndly. anna, your hotels have wondrous waffle bars. ryan, your hotels' robes are fabulous. i have twelve of them. twelve? shhhh, i'm worth it& what i'm trying to say is, it's so hard to pick just one of you, so i'm choosing all of you with a loyalty program that requires no loyalty. plus members can win a free night every day only at
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for atrust bufferin, the only non-steroidal anti-inflammatory pain reliever formulated with special buffers so it's gentler to your stomach. rob ford, the mayor of toronto who was recently caught smoking crack has been uninvited to the city's christmas parade. yeah. ford said too bad i was going to bring the best snow. a member of the mayor's staff claims he saw him on st. patrick's day last year with what he believed to be a prostitute and later that night a waiter at a local bar said he witnessed the mayor snorting cocaine. the only shocking allegation you could make about mayor ford at this point is that he was caught eating a salad.
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>> a fat joke on top of the addiction jokes. only the comics can get away with it. last night, the clippers and the thunder, almost came to blows. nobody fights as badly as nba players, even with matt barnes in the middle of all of it. an andy scholes has this morning's "bleacher report." >> matt barnes is no stranger to getting into it on the court. he's known as a bit of a hot head. what he did on and off the court is actually going to cost him some money. second quarter is when it all went down. blake griffin and baca. he serves ibaka. on the way out of the tunnel barnes grabs his twin boys, he says let's go home, boys. he says i love my teammates like
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family but i'm done standing up for these [ bleep ]. he's likely going to get fined for being ejected, tweeting midgame and for what he tweeted. there may now be someone tougher than chuck norris. that's russian president vladimir putin. while in south korea recently putin was awarded the highest rank in tae kwon do, giving him honorary grand master status within the martial art. he has a higher ranking in the sport than chuck norris. but guys while he might have the higher ranking, he's definitely the legend that chuck norris is. he's already been to mars. that's why there's no signs of life. >> thumbs up, chuck norris. >> that's strong. look how much andy likes his joke. >> chuck norris is the reason wall dough waldo is hiding. >> look at andy. >> i saw him looking at something. i'm sure it was chuck norris jokes. >> chuck norris has counted to
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infinity twice. i can go on forever. >> he's the most interesting sports guy in the world. >> he is the most interesting sports guy in the world. what's your favorite one? think about it. we'll get to it. we're now at the top of the hour which means it's time for the top news. new just this hour, two secret service agents under investigation for misconduct. a bullet left in a hotel room, sexually suggestive e-mails and more details that seem right out of a spy novel. the health care enrollment numbers are out and it's not looking good for the white house. democrats are losing patience but they are turning against the president now. >> a class-action suit filed by actor rob brown alleging that racial profiling is part of doing business at macy's, he says he was targeted for shopping while black. he insists he's not alone. he joins us live. your "new day" starts right
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now. >> announcer: this is "new day," with chris cuomo, kate bolduan and michaela pereira. >> good morning. welcome to "new day," 7:00 in the east. here is a look at what happened while you were sleeping. desperately needed manpower, resources, finally reaching the people of the philippines. the "uss george washington," it is now in the gulf in the area and that is helpful. it brings with it 80 aircraft, 5,000 sailors, all ready to deliver food, water and medicine. it's been a week since that typhoon. people are desperate. it cannot come soon enough. people in the devastated city of tacloban, still waiting for the first delivery of food and water. the official death toll right now 2,357 lives lost. so difficult to measure. it's an emerging situation. 3,800 more people are injured. all these numbers within 77 missing, they're just going to go up. we know that. >> an investigation is under way this morning into what killed
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four marines at camp pendleton in california. base officials aren't saying much but do tell cnn it happened while the marines were clearing an area where various bomb strikes were during training exercises. and a military spokesman said it could have involved artillery suddenly detonating. the incident comes eight months after a mortar blast killed seven marines during a training exercise in nevada. >> new this morning, we want to show you amazing live pictures. a sink hole swallowing up part of a home along florida's gulf coast. right now you're looking at an image of a boat that is literally teetering on the edge of that sink hole. we're told first responders are on the scene. local media reporting that homes in the immediate area have been evacuated. utilities have also been shut down. just in case. thankfully no injuries have been reported. you might recall last year, earlier this year, a sink hole opened up under a home about 30 miles away in florida last february.
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that sink hole opening below a man's bedroom and essentially swallowing him up. new this morning, another scandal rocking the secret service. two officials charged with keeping the president safe now accused of misconduct. the allegations involve everything from sexually suggestive e-mails to a misplaced bullet. this comes as the agency is still trying to rebound from that prostitutionen xadle last year. let's bring in joe johns, live from washington with more. good morning, joe. >> reporter: good morning, chris. it certainly is a troubling new issue for the u.s. secret service at a time when they're trying to get past all of the issues serving cartagena and questionable conduct there. it stems from an incident at washington, d.c.'s exclusive hey adams hotel. it involves two of its supervisors, perhaps most troub troubling. they work in the detail that protects the president. sources confirm to cnn two
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secret service agents are now under investigation. that investigation got started after an agent removed ammunition from his weapon. and apparently left a bullet in the room of a guest he had been visiting there at the hotel. he parentally tried to get back into the room to retrieve the bullet and at that time, the hotel notified the white house. investigators followed up by taking a peek at the agent's blackberry. at that time they discovered what appear to be sexually suggestive messages that were sent to another government employee. so those two supervisors now have been disciplined to some extent. they both have -- one has been re-assigned, another has been removed from his position. chris? >> we're going to have to wait to see what the response is here. but let's look at the future as a function of the past. whatever came out of that scandal in colombia, joe? any sweeping changes in how the secret service operates or picks
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their men. >> there's certainly a lot more sensitivity you can say at the agency. it named its first female director julia pierson and that came just about seven months ago. there was also a lengthy inspector general's report that was put into play here. still, i think you can say they're very good at investigating allegations of sexual misconduct involving their agents but not clear just how much systemic change has come as a result of what happened in cartagena, chris. >> appreciate the reporting. beale keep watching this one. >> thanks, joe. it's the democrats who seem to be getting fed up to the obama care fiasco. tomorrow, the republican-controlled house will be voting on a bill to allow millions of americans who have been dropped by their insurance companies to keep their policies if they like them, a promise that came from the white house. this is leaving the white house scrambling to offer their own plan before democrats choose to break ranks. >> joining us now is
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congresswoman debbie wasserman schultz, the chair woman of the dnc. great to have you here. >> great to be with you both. >> let's deal with what is on the table. where is the backbone among your party members? why with these numbers that you should have expected with the rollout not going well, you should have expected because you talked about it, you should have expected all these problems. why all this talk of revolt. >> let me correct the record. one is that the vote tomorrow on the upton bill in the house of representatives would go much further than simply allowing people to keep their plan if they like it. what it would do is allow new policies to be sold that would allow insurance companies to drop people or deny them coverage for pre-existing conditions, allow insurance companies to charge women double because because they're women. so it would set up two completely different tracks and
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further undermine the implementation of the affordable care act. >> that might be the case that that is what the bill does but still, democrats are threatening -- >> that's right. >> in the house of representatives that they're going to have to vote for the republican plan because it's going to put them in a bad political position if democrats don't offer something better. what's the alternative that you, democrats or the white house is going to offer up? >> kate, tomorrow when that legislation comes on the floor, i'm confident that democrats are going to stand as we have in unity to continue to support fully implementing the affordable care act. we do all believe that we should make sure that folks who like their plan can keep it. i know i'm confident that president obama and his administration is working diligently to come up with a fix for that problem. but let's also recognize that the people who have faced losing their coverage that they like currently, most of them, the overwhelming majority will be able to go on that website, because of the improvements in
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the website, shop for coverage that's better in ben pits and lower in cost. i'll give you a perfect example. carolyn newman, a breast cancer survivor got a letter from her insurance carrier, blue cross, that said that the plan she had now, $1,270 a month was now, with the new coverage that would be made able would only be $604 a month, saving her $7,000 a year. that is really significant when it comes to someone who wasn't able to get insurance coverage as a breast cancer survivor in the first place. >> you're caught up in the optics though, right now. reality is perception you have the president, he says if you like your doctor, your plan, you can keep it. >> the overwhelming majority of americans are able to do it. >> you're talking about 10 million people. that's not something to sneeze at. >> we're not sneezes at it. >> it seems like, congress womg, you're losing the argument, the narrative at least on two levels. one, you said you can keep it
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but you can't. there may be good reasons that you can't keep your plan that you're not making arguments for. you're not defending your own bill. what's going on here. >> i'm deceiving the implementation of the affordable care act. let's look at what's happened since 201. millions of young adults can stay on their parents' insurance until they're 26. annual caps are a thing of the past so people don't face medical bankruptcy and lifetime caps will be a thing of the past beginning on january 1st. women can get access to li life-saving preventative care. i had so many women under insind come up to me and i had breast cancer and i had to choose between the chemo and the radiation because i couldn't afford the co-pay or deductible on both. with every passing month, we will see millions more people sign up for coverage.
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look, let's not discount that 500,000 people have been able to sign up for coverage and we've had a million more go on the website, register and are now shopping for coverage. we will have more improvements over time. >> quick question about the politics of it as a chairwoman of the d in. c. >> sure. >> you told candy crowley democratic candidates in 2014 should be and will run on obama care. because that -- that will be a centerpiece of their campaigns and that they should run on obama care. karl rove wrote in "the wall street journal" this morning, that republicans should pray every night that democrats take obama care their centerpiece. respond to karl rove. >> let's look at the contrast. ken cuccinelli, essentially staked his campaign on obama care and said, you know, if you want obama care to be implemented vote for the other guy, terry mcauliffe.
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if you don't, vote for me. guess what, terry mcauliffe will be the state of governor in january. when we have every passing month, they're contrasting between republicans who were willing to shut the government down over denying people access to affordable health care, and democrats who want to focus on creating jobs, getting this economy turned around, investing in education and insuring that if we never again can take the piece of mind away, you're darn right, our candidates will run on the advantage that obama care will be going into the 2014 election. the choice will be very clear. >> what i hear you saying is bring it on, karl rove. >> darn right. darn right. i'm ready. we'll be ready. >> he's the least of your problems. congresswoman, debbie wasserman
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schul schultz. thanks for joining us. >> great to see you be you. >> too. can they hold it together in the face of the political storm in she made the case well there. she needs the rest of the party to do the same. >> very good point, chris. >> let's get over to indra petersons. watching the cold go by. not feeling good about it, sleeves this morning. how's it look? >> easy to run to the car in the morning when you have sleeves on. temperatures cool in the morning for one more day. after that, things will rebound. regardless, right now a lot of us below freezing. 20s and 30s are out there. pittsburgh 27. detroit right now 29 degrees. we want the change. and that includes the south. look at their temperatures. we're talking about jackson 26. atlanta below freezing right now at 31. even stretching back into texas, we are currently seeing the 30s. so for that reason we do have freeze warnings from texas all the way in through georgia. this should be the last night you deal with this. behind this we'll be talking about the warming trend. all thanks to the high pressure, moving off to the east. with that, you start to pull the
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wind off of the gulf where it's warmer and all that warm air makes its way up into the northeast. that's why temperatures will feel so much better. i mean a big jump in a short period of time, pittsburgh, 12 degrees warmer, nashville, 13 degrees warmer today. you get the trend, 5 to 15 degrees warmer for the entire eastern half of the country. what does it look like for you? d.c. 55 is your high. boston is doing a lot better. instead of feeling like the teens, today you're getting 50 and charlotte goes up to 58. the best news of all, as we go towards the weekend we'll continue this warming trend. for once instead of talking about debby downer for the weekend, we're talking about rain or snow at this time warming up and beautiful this weekend. >> thanks, indra. >> sure. >> coming up next on "new day," drug use, abusing his staff. many more new bizarre allegations surrounding the embattled toronto mayor rob ford but are they enough to push the mayor out of office? are they enough for him to go get help? unclear. under the topic of wild, how
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about the court battle between alec baldwin and his alleged stalker. she got tossed in jail, contempt of court. he compared her to a hitchcock film. what really went on between these two? we'll unpack it when we return. . [ both ] chicken pot pie diet! me too! [ male announcer ] so indulgent, you'll never believe they're light. 100-calorie progresso light soups. you'll never believe they're light. more shopping. more dining out. more traveling. and along with it, more identity theft. every time you pull out your credit card, shop online, or hit the road, you give thieves a chance to ruin your holiday. you can't be on the lookout 24/7. but lifelock can. protecting your identity, your bank accounts, even the equity in your home. when lifelock detects a threat to your identity within their network, they'll alert you by text, phone, or e-mail, protecting you before the damage can be done. act now and we'll protect you 60 days risk free.
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in denial. take a listen to some of what happened. >> mr. mayor, have you purchased illegal drugs in the last two years? >> be very careful. >> yes, i have. i can assure you, i am not an alcoholic. i am not a drug addict. have i drank? have i done drugs? yes, i have. the reason i drank or did drugs was not because of stress. it was out of sheer stupidity. that's all it was. >> i think i've said everything i really could say today. there's not much to add. apologizing and saying sorry, you can only say that so many times. there's nothing else to say, guys. i really f'd up. and that's it. >> or is that it?
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of course someone can abuse substances and not be an addict but new documents this morning detailed more alcohol, drug abuse and erratic behavior. let's discuss it. let's bring in cnn political commentator anna navarro and jane velez mitchell. this feels like an intervention. it is an intervention, right? >> yes. >> what do you think needs to happen here? we're looking at this politically but really this is more than personal. >> forget about the city council intervention. he needs divine intervention. he needs to get sanity into him and realize this is a huge problem, it's not going to get away, it's growing, not getting smaller and the best thing he can do is leave the public scene, go into rehab. deal with his issues. he has legal issues, addiction issues, all sorts of issues. deal with them and leave the people of toronto refleelect a
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that can do the job. >> what do you see here? >> this is a case study. it's actually very educational. it shows the world when an addict alcoholic is in denial about their disease, there's nothing you can do. nobody else can force you to hit bottom but yourself. take the horse to water but you can't make them drink. that's an internal calculation that happens some people have to lose everything. they have to lose the house, the car. they have to end up in the gutter and sometimes then they still don't say that they're an alcoholic. this is really sad because his entire family is enabling him. they're classic co-dependents, the mom, the sister, the brother, they're saying nothing to see here. they're minimalizing, justifying, rationalizing. that's the enabling that creates the safety net that allows the alcoholic addict to continue their behavior knowing the family is going to catch them.
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this is a dysfunctional, sick family. they all need to go into therapy. >> furthering it is that there's no -- it doesn't look as though the police are going to get involved. there's no charges in the offing. he's polling well. he doesn't think he has a problem. he's digging in his heels. the city council sounds like they're helpless. there isn't much to be done. it's like they're at a standoff. >> there's more police reports coming out, more issues that came out overnight. i think he may have a set of entirely new issues to deal with. >> the police have to step in. that's their only recourse at this point. >> this is what i think should happen. there seems to be no imimpeachment process. >> the toronto police have the video of him smoking crack. they should release it asap. that will add pressure. apparently they have other videos of him behaving badly. they should release that. they should find the drug dealers. he admits that he bought drugs. illegal drugs within the last two years. find those drug dealers.
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make a case against him. and throw the cuffs on him. and start the pro kugs. start the prosecution. let's check his handlers. there's been reports that they've been involved in shady dealings. have them fired or prosecute them. >> the research i've done, city hall, forget about the counselors, city hall can take away powers and basically make him impotent in a way that will make him unable to function. 60% say this is conditioned on his getting help. the cut against it, i wonder if doing it publicly is making him dig in and making him use his support system, foe as though it may be, his family, and making it less likely he'll do something if it had been done a different way. >> voters will give you a second chance. you have to see you're in the
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mode of getting help. >> this is one of the most extreme cases i've seen in politics of things going badly. this is like -- like one of those films. instead of girls gone wild, this is mayors gone wild, between the guy in san diego, mayor wannabe weiner here in new york, even this guy makes those guys look like prince charming. we've seen it with marion berry in washington, d.c. >> i think this illustrates the double standard that our culture, united states and canada, has about drug addiction. if you're on the street doing drugs and you fit that stereotype, i think you know what we're talking about, suddenly you're a gang banger, lock 'em up, throw away the key. >> very good point. >> if you're a middle-class guy, suit and a tie, we're give you a second chance. we have people locked up doing hard time for nonviolent drug
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offenses, we have to look at our cultural hypocrisy on this issue. let's be fair to everybody, not just mayors and prominent people and people who have fancy jobs. >> if you are on the street doing drugs, you're probably not on tv and we wouldn't be discussing you. >> i want to get your take, to chris's point, what do you make of this public intervention? do you think that it maybe it depends on the person and their addiction? do you think this is helping him or hurting him? where he's kind of getting into fighting mode more. >> alcoholics and addicts are defiant. that's a hallmark of addiction. we are also terminally unique. the rules don't apply to us. we're special. we're different. we feel like our case is unique. and he even says that. he says he has a zero tolerance for any drug users except of course for his own drug use. he says he's 100% in favor of the cops but of course i'm not going to cooperate with the police investigation into me.
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that's just classic alcoholic thinking. >> you add power and you know, his office to it, it's kind of a recipe for disaster. >> it's a spectacle and it's also very sad. >> i like that it's getting attention but what are we going to take away from it? addiction is so serious. when he said you should all take tests, everybody is like whoa, whoa, whoa, these are problems everybody has or someone you know. that's what i want to make sure doesn't get lost in the political spectacle of it. >> there were several instances where people were bursting out in laughter which i thought was rather sad. the entire thing was just sad and pathetic. >> no matter what the vote was, it had no tooth. it was a public shaming, public intervention and nothing more. >> other people who have problems, they may say i can relate to this embarrassing
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situation. i'm going to get help. >> addiction is often an issue that gets misconstrued and misunderstood. let's keep the conversation going. tweet us @newday. it was bizarre yesterday, bizarre earlier, it's getting even more bizarre now. we'll tell you how the woman accused of stalking alec baldwin handed up in handcuffs. you all know rob brown. he's here to tell his side of the shopping while black lawsuit against macy's and the nypd.
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welcome back to "new day." want to the show you some of the stories making headlines right now. obama care driving a wedge between the president and his own party. white house officials at the capital today meeting with senate democrats after a heated meeting with house democrats. tomorrow the house will vote on a republican proposal to let people keep their health care plans. updating you now on breaking news along florida's gulf coast. amazing live picturesive asink hole that swallowed up part of a home. there are concerns about a boat on the edge that it might fall in. first responders are on the scene. no injuries yet have been reported. a sink hole opened up under a home about 30 miles away in seffner, florida, last february, killing a man. in the philippines, the "uss george washington" aircraft carrier and a fleet of other american ships have arrived,
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carrying 5,000 crew and 80 aircraft, including helicopters to help deliver desperately needed food, water and supply. and medical personnel to hard to reach areas decimated by typhoon haiyan. florida state star quarterback jameis winston under investigation for sexual battery. an attorney says winston is named in a sexual assault complaint filed last year with the tallahassee police department. he's not been questioned or charged. florida state is ranked second in the nation. school officials say there's no change in winston's status for saturday's game against syracuse. and check this out. a camera shy elk who really didn't want his picture taken. a photographer in the great smokey mountains national park sitting by the road when the curious creed yur tried to head butt him. nothing worked until a park
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ranger came by and the elk was scared away. >> looks like a dangerous situation. >> i might leave. >> that he handled -- >> i don't get it. was he trying to take pictures or was he frozen and not knowing how to get away. >> apparently he was trying to take pictures still. >> apparently it must not have been hurting him that bad. otherwise it could be crazy. >> maybe it's a little bit of both. let's turn now to fireworks in the case against alec baldwin's alleged stalker. she took the stand after being handcuffed and ordered to jail for contempt of court. so what is going on? and where do things go from here in this wild case? nischelle turner you were in court. what did you see? >> i've been doing this for 15 years and have seen bizarre things but i'm not sure if bizarre is the adequate description to describe what played out in court yesterday. it was almost as if sabourin was unaware she was supposed to be answering questions.
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she sighed, cried, rambled on for hours, telling a tale of what she says was a relationship gone wrong. >> he's hurting me right now. >> another dramatic day in court for alec baldwin's stalker sabourin who again put on theatrics for the press on her way in. >> i'm in jail since the beginning of this process which is nearly two years. i paid everything i ever earned in my life. >> reporter: before she took the stand the judge sentenced sabourin to 30 days in jail for contempt of court. exasperated by her repeated outbursts during tuesday's proceedings. she was handcuffed and surrounded by four bailiffs as they broke for lunch. her testimony rambled on for hour. she shared the details of an alleged phone sex conversation they had. she says he told her to take off her boots and that he was taking off his tux. >> what is fascinating about her defense in my mind is that it really is no defense.
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her defense is we a romantic relationship but that doesn't at all mean that she didn't harass him and that she didn't stalk him. >> baldwin has denied they had a romantic relationship and scores of bizarre e-mails sabourin sent have been presented with the evidence. i need to start my new life with my new name, in my new country. the announce of your engagement is too feignful for me and so destructive, i just died. the building's doorman testified in court sabourin was angry the actor did not want to see her. she has confirmed she did keep showing up at baldwin's homes in new york city and east hampton. but she says it was always merely in search of closure. >> and if that wasn't enough when the judge dismissed court for the day yesterday, and ordered her back to her jail
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cell, she had a breakdown of epic proportions because she says she left her dog alone in a cabin upstate. she's afraid it would die without her there. the judge could not delay the contempt sentence a day. that caused her to go into hysterics. meanwhile, both sides have rested. closing arguments begin this morning. if found guilty she could spend a year in prison. that's the serious thing. >> concern for the dog is the only rationale part of what i just heard. >> i couldn't have said it better myself, chris. and i sat there for seven hours yesterday. >> i thank you for that. breakfast tomorrow is on me. when we do our friday brunch thing. it's on me. >> thank you. >> coming up on "new day," actor rob brown did nothing wrong when he walked into macy's and bought a watch for his mom. so how did he end up in a cell for 45 minutes? simple, because he's black, he says. he's filed a lawsuit because of it. he says he's not the only victim of this kind of treatment, not by a long shot. he's here to make the case. who makes a better boss, a
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card fraud and was told he could not make such an expensive purchase. he happens to be the star of hbo's "trame." he's shining a big old spotlight with what he calls shopping while black. he's here with his attorneys. rob, first off, let's start with you. you're an actor who has stayed out of the tabloids, done your own thing as a serious actor. this is putting you in the spotlight now. that's a big decision to make. why did you do it? >> well, at the time i realized this event can't happen again. to anyone. and i was just thinking from a personal level. then trayen christian came out, learned about other instances and now that i'm here, i want, hopefully, i'm hoping that other people will come out and talk about their stories and hopefully employees come out and talk about possible goings on in the department store that
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they're privy to that no one knows about. i think that's the main focus right now is, like you said, put the spotlight on it and to, hopefully, get more people to talk about it. >> what was your experience? we've read a lot about it. what was your experience? what was it like going through that when you were in macy's. >> it was infuriating. it was humiliating. it could have been avoided completely. there was no reason for it. and there really isn't any reasonable explanation for it other than i was a black male buying an expense watch. >> you have to understand, these laws that are passed that we are now bringing this lawsuit, were actually passed after the civil rights era, after slavery was abolished. we're in the shopping season right now. to say that rob's dollar isn't worth the same as my dollar, that he can walk into macy's and be stopped and be watched and other people like him is reprehensible. what we're seeking to do in this lawsuit is put an end to it, not
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only at macy's but other department stores and hold the nypd responsible as well. they're turning a blind eye. >> your allegation is more than that, right? the store, this could be a culture, a code of behavior with how they treat their shoppers. the nypd, you're alleging specific wrongs in procedure. >> that's right. when people are stopped the police have onable gabligation sure there's probable cause for the arrest. the security guard is saying this guy was shoplifting, processing people and putting them into the criminal justice system. a lot of these people don't have money to hire defense lawyers and taking pleas they didn't commit to. it's the nypd, we've been hearing about the stop and frisk, this is obviously shop and frisk. they have an obligation to make sure the security guards are doing their job. >> can you explain how the nypd came into this case specifically in people may be confused about the security that stopped you, then the nypd was called in?
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>> i'm not sure who stopped me originally. they were in plain clothes. i demanded i.d. someone flashed a badge. i don't know what it looked like. it happened fast. there's a police report. someone there was a police officer. i don't know if the rest of the guys were private security or not. then once i got up to the holding cell there was a supervisor and he clearly was a police officer. >> the other thing they told rob as well when he tried to make the purchase, they told him somebody from macy's called the police. we know they're working together, both macy's and the nypd. it's a joint effort. we're seeking to do, is hold them responsible for it. >> rob, you're a smart guy. what are you saying to, no matter who it was, nypd or an employee of macy's, what are you saying to these folks. >> i'm telling them i had plenty of i.d., which i did. i happened to have my passport and birth certificate. i is hesaid i just used this ca buy the watch.
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it didn't occur to me that buying the watch was the whole reason they approached me. >> did you show i.d. >> the first time anyone saw i.d. i was behind bars. now they're trying to get an explanation about all my i.d.s. they drove me to my mother's graduation. >> that's because they realized rob is a famous actor. >> do you think this has something to do with the fact that you're a famous actor? >> no, no, what i'm trying to say -- >> the fact that they ended up driving you to the graduation. >> absolutely. >> specifically, one of the officers asked a question about an address that i have in new orleans. i have a condo down there and he asked if that address was on the west bank. i said no, it isn't. that alerted me you know something about new orleans. maybe you recognize me from "treme." now you drive me to graduation. >> if he wasn't this famous actor, what would have happened, he would have been put into the
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system, into the criminal justice system. >> in the middle of manhattan, waiting to get a quick procedure. let's deal with what the elephant in the room is. okay? when you go through the litigation, the store will say we don't have procedures in place, we do it. however, we do have undercover people, plain clothes and they do wind up checking for activity that winds up leading to how we get things stolen in our store and more often than not the people we catch are black. is that a legitimate explanation? >> doug, if i can. >> yes. >> one of the reasons we involve thompson and doug wigder in this case is because this is not the first time that macy's has been involved in this kind of procedure and policies. in our research, in my research, in investigating this type of racial profiling in department stores and macy's, we came across that mr. wigder had aa case against macy's, class-action, for racial profiling in 2003. i pulled the complaint from the
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federal court and some of the facts in the complaint were staggering, that something to the effect of 90% of people stopped in macy's at that time were people of color. which was unbelievable. now, mr. wigder for being under a situation where he has confidentiality agreement, we know the case was resolved. the facts that i've gotten from the complaint which is public is unbelievable. he has a lot of experience as leading discrimination attorneys in new york. from his experience, this happened before. >> are you going to shop at macy's again? what does that mean to you? >> no. the thing about it was, i thought to go back there initially to take the watch back and protest. >> yes. >> but it was like why risk getting arrested again, number one. number two, my mom likes the watch. so that's the last thing -- >> that's enough right there.
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>> we should point out we reached out to macy's yesterday. they said they cannot comment on litigation but macy's does not tolerate discrimination of any kind, including racial profiling. the nypd told us they do not comment on pending litigation. gentlemen, rob, this is a big bold step for you to take this step, to make sure this kind of thing doesn't happen again. we appreciate you joining us, gentlemen. thank you you for joining us on "new day." we'll take a break, coming up next on "new day," drag racing on duty cost an alabama police officer his job after a biker posts this tell-all video. is the punishment pit the crime or is it too harsh? a new shot fired in the battle of the sexes. who makes a better boss? a man or a woman? and who's saying so? the answer might surprise you. find out, straight ahead. [ female announcer ] you get sick, you can't breathe through your nose...
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♪ highway to the danger zone oh, perfect song, "highway to the danger zone." welcome back, this is alabama motorcycle copout of a job after being caught on a video drag racing while on futury. local biker asking if the cop wants to race, a go pro camera on his helmet. cop is enthusiastic, bragging about his bike and they peel off from the stoplight and biker posts the video and says the officer was trying to have fun doesn't think he should have lost his job and that's what you're watching right now. if you can see it look at the speedometer on the right-hand side of the motorcycle, goes to the 30s, 40s, ends at about 53 miles an hour. figure the speed limit is probably 45. the question becomes was this really breaking the law?
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probably, yes, but was it really so serious that the guy should have been, lost his job, maybe get criminal charges? >> maybe a suspension. >> for traffic enforcement. >> maybe some talking to, that's not the right way to go, not safe. >> everyone has a helmet camera these days. >> everything goes online but i just feel like it's wrong. why? well, you know, cops should be held to the same law. if you get caught doing that by the way, yes, i know you could get hurt. motorcycles are dangerous. my wife won't let me ride one anymore, segue into the next segment about her being the boss but it seems harsh. you think about all of those when they don't lose their job. >> he should be suspended or face some desk duty. >> i wasn't impressed by the speed. motorcycle accelerates really fast and gives the illusion. when you looked at the speedomet speedometer, 20s, 30s, 40s. the speed limit has to be at least 45. what do you think, tweet us.
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let's talk about boss, shall we? would you rather your boss be a man or a woman? do you ever think about it? how about this is itter yo typical female boss in "the devil wears prada." >> i don't understand why it's so difficult to confirm appointments. details of your incompetence do not interest me. >> a new gallup poll shows the majority of people, including men and women, prefer to have a man for a boss over a woman. why is that? kelly wallace, cnn's digital correspondent has been looking into this. >> trying to look on the bright side here and there is a bright side. while more people still prefer working for a man that gender gap is shrinking. back in 1953, when the question was asked 66% said they want to work for a man, versus 5% for a
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woman, that's down to the 35% to 23% gap so it's really come down. it shows that we're making gains. the goal i think we all should agree is there's no preference, equally happy to work for a man or a woman. we're clearly not there yet. >> what's the reaction been? you go online and ask for reaction to some of these provocative questions. what is the reason behind the closing of the gap and the reason people still prefer a man? >> it's funny the reaction. we did a story a couple weeks ago the impact of having more women in leadership positions on a company's bottom line and overwhelmingly the comments were i would much rather work for a man versus a woman. when you look at the comments again you still get some of those passions, and when you talk to experts a lot of people saying they much rather work for a man versus a woman. we talked about stereotypes in the top. the woman put the differences between a man boss and female boss, a man boss is assertive, a
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woman boss viewed as bossy, a man is holding his emotions together, a woman is cold. man is looking at the details, a woman is picky. i think there are stereotypes built in, in terms of how we view that same behavior on the part of a man versus a woman. >> i believe fully not everybody should be a manager. it's a certain skill set. my dad, shout out to pops, he was a really good manager but not everybody is meant for it. that aside i wonder if there's correlation between whether a woman is trying to be a woman in a man's world as a boss. do you understand what i'm saying or just going to be a woman as a woman boss. do you see the difference? >> 100%. if you look at, you get that sense if there's only one female leader in an organization, is that woman going to be as collaborative, as helpful, some people say no because it's such a competitive slot. other women are fighting for that slot. it's when you have more women in those positions that some of that fwhbehavior, some of that
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>> is there anything pointed that goes beyond the stereotypes why people choose, want a man instead of a woman? >> we talked about the sense of having fewer women in those positions and also the sense is that i was writing the story, i said my worst boss of my career was a woman. my best boss of my career was a woman, so that factors out. >> i'm with you. >> right. >> it's all about managerial style than about their sex. >> and how many male bosses have you had? if you have a bunch of male bosses and one that was crummy but fewer female bosses you might remember and think i'd much rather work for a man because i had that one female boss. >> should have asked who would rather have no boss. >> someone tweeted that, "i'd much rather work for myself." >> well the silver lining is that gap is closing. things are changing. >> and 41% say they had no preference so the day we get to the place where we don't, if
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gender is not part of it, you want a good boss with clear objectives, good goals, good management style. we all have that now. >> exactly, thanks, boss. that's the final note. thanks so much, kelly. to read the article and more about the men versus women as bosses go to to read more. next up on "new day," in the basement, obama care enrollment numbers are out and they are not good for anybody, especially they're not good for democrats who appear to be very scared about them. we'll give you the latest. and after ten years in prison, ryan ferguson was freed when a judge ruled prosecutors withheld evidence. the question now should those prosecutors be held responsible. we'll ask for legal analyst jeffrey toobin ahead. okay, listen up! i'm re-workin' the menu.
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-- captions by vitac -- [ bottle ] ensure®. the promise of the affordable care act is worth fighting for. >> the number ares are in and they are too low. obama care enrollment in the first month is causing democrats to get squirrely. will there be a revolt in is the president going to have to make a major change to his landmark plan? "we are going down" passengers aboard a southwest jet claim they fear their lives followed by a 30,000 foot nose dive. we have chilling 911 calls from the big cat mauling in oregon and the moment he discovers his employee's body is gut wrenching. >> your "new day" continues right now. >> announcer: this is "new day" with chris cuomo, kate bolduan and michaela pereira. >> good morning and welcome back to "new day" everyone.
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it's thursday, november 14th, 8:00 in the east. six days after super typhoon haiyan, much needed aid is finally arriving on the shores of the philippines. the challenge now, getting it to thousands of people who are stranded without food, water or shelter. the looting we've been talking about is more widespread now, people there just resorting to any means necessary to simply survive. nick paton walsh is live from the tacloban province. good morning, nick. >> reporter: kate, behind me is what you should normally see the lights of tacloban city but it's totally dark obviously because of the destruction brought by that typhoon. people living in the debris, trying to light fires to keep themselves going in these conditions. we've seen appalling devastation in the past five to six days, and only now really today when i drove through in the remaining hours of daylight a sign the government giving out food and finally the government
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collecting bodies from the streets. we've seen a trickle of aid build up in pace in the past few days and now the "uss washington" a monumental size aircraft carrier arriving in the region, there are 5,000 sailors on board, and dozens of aircraft, that brings in their capabilities to get aid moving perhaps faster but bear in mind the tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of people in need across this entire region, they need the philippine government to step in, they need an almost industrial level of food, debris removal on the ground, that's to keep disease at bay, that's to stop people from going hungry in the immediate short term. you talked about looting. there are fears security can get worse across this region, fears of disease setting in to people really looking to see how fast aid can be delivered upon. back to you, chris. >> all right, thanks, nick, appreciate the reporting. back at home, democrats are starting to break ranks over obama care, specifically the
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rock bottom enrollment numbers we just found out about. are they bad enough to make democrats back a republican plan to change the health care law so millions who lost their insurance can get it back. that's the political question right now. jim acosta joins us at the white house with a look afor the answer. >> reporter: it could happen and the president has an event in cleveland, ohio, later today. we may hear the president talk about those discouraging obama care enrollment numbers for the month of october. over at the white house officials seem to be saying after that rough first month for obama care that they only have to go up from here. it's not just the numbers that are in for the first month of signups and obama care, so are the reviews. >> just another day in a series of mess-ups in owe boo bama car. squlr it's not just republicans giving the october enrollment period a thumbs down >> i don't think anyone's satisfied but the promise of the affordable care act is worth fighting for. >> reporter: of the roughly
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100,000 consumers who signed up for obama care during october less than 27,000, about one-quarter did so on the federal marketplace on the troubled website. >> we have every reason to expect more people will enroll. >> reporter: a website embattled health and human services secretary kathleen sebelius says is now improving daily. >> i'd say first of all it is running right now, every day people are coming through and getting enrolled. >> reporter: mark your calendars november 30th. the white house says it will be working for "the vast majority of users" by the end of the month. >> it is our conviction that we can, with the fixes that are being implemented reach that goal by november 30th. >> reporter: the administration is under pressure to act fast, with frantic democrats rushing to support a bill proposed by senator mary landrieu that would allow americans to keep their current insurance plans, an idea white house officials worry could undermine the entire program that has yet to deliver. >> if we spent $600 million
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already, does anybody have any idea how much this is going to cost us in the end? >> reporter: as for those relations between the white house and nervous democrats, white house chief of staff dennis mcdonough is expected and will be headed up to capitol hill to meet with various roh posals to fix the obama care program and we do know, we can report administration officials are now saying that the president will unveil some kind of proposal to address many of these concerns out there "sooner rather than later" that means perhaps as soon as today but no firm schedule as to when that proposal may come out. kate and chris in. >> all right, jim, i guess they have to deal with the politics before they deal with the problem. a sink home has swallowed part of a home along florida's gulf coast, six homes have needed to be evacuated.
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the owner of the first home that started all this, name is mike dupuis, can you hear us? >> i can hear you, good morning. >> what makes this more frightening you're 35 miles away from where jeff bush got swallowed up in his bed, the story we all had broken hearts about earlier this year. what happened this morning? >> my daughter woke us up said there's somebody trying to get into the house, there's banging on the door, i looked around and saw the back room that the screen room is just sticking out about three feet from the ground so i knew the sink hole opened up, so we just got out of the house as fast as possible. >> i hear that the hole is 30 feet deep, may have swallowed two houses. how did you get out? what happened next? >> we ran out, called 911, sheriff's department and fire department arrived, they helped us try to get a few stuff, important belongings out of the house, the sink hole was getting
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bigger and bigger, it started affecting the neighbor's house. the pool broke down, my boat sunk into that crater. it's a nightmare. >> that's your boat the one on the screen with the evanrude etech on the back of it? >> that's probably mine and they were working on the house to get that sink hole fixed, we're back and forth with the insurance company, they just wanted to do a droughting fix, a different engineer said it needs more fixes done, more efficient work, after the incident we decided well we're scared to sleep here, let's get it fixed the way the insurance company wanted it and they started two days ago and, well, that's the result. >> wait a minute, let me make sure i understand what you're saying. you're saying that this wasn't a complete surprise, that there was some type of risk involved here that you had been dealing with this situation with an insurance company?
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>> that's correct. we had small holes we saw two years ago. the insurance company sent an engineer out, they did test sporings and told us there's a little sinkhole activity on that house and we should grout it. a different engineer looked at the results and he said no, we should have done more. this is not efficient what they're offering. it was just back and forth with lawyers and as i said, after the other incident we came in, told them go ahead, fix it the way you think it should be done but if something happens afterwards, we will come back, you know, because we don't think and the other engineer thinks it's not efficient. >> thank god you can come back. you're saying you caved in to the lawyers but literally now your house is caved in. how much of it is gone? >> i cannot tell. i'm in front of the house. i can just peek to the backyard. i don't see what really is gone.
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i know that the florida room seems to be gone, i know our neighbor's pool is gone. >> do you have a place to stay? do you have family in the area so you can take care of the family? >> yes, we have lots of friends here and i think we're going to be okay for the next few days. >> it's hard to judge by the video we're watching right now. to your best knowledge, is the hole continuing to grow or has it settled for now? >> i think it's still growing. that's what i heard, and just from educating yourself after two years, dealing with things like that, usually they keep growing over the next few hours. >> luckily -- it's terrible that you had suspicions about this and you got what seems to be bad information about what needed to be done but at least you escaped with your lives and now you're going to have to figure out how to move forward. i'll let you go to get back to deal with this situation but we're going to get your information and let us know how it goes with the insurance
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company to make sure your accommodations for the family moving forward is done the right way. >> i will and thanks for offering that help. >> good luck and thank you for talking to us this morning. >> thank you. >> wow. >> the boat hanging right there, it's unbelievable. >> it was a preexisting risk? that's a really bad situation. >> that's a bad situation. we want to tell you about another bad situation yesterday, some stories making news right now, tense moments on board a southwest flight this week, now the actions of the pilot are coming into question, the flight was on its way to north carolina when the plane suddenly lost much of its altitude and the pilot's message to passengers sent a chill through the cabin. >> it's what you don't want to hear at 41,000 feet, he says "we're going down" and everybody's looking around like is this a joke, is he serious? and then you felt the nose dive. >> reporter: those are the words one passenger heard from the cockpit from tampa to
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raleigh-durham southwest flight 3426 late tuesday. >> that i was going to die and that's what everybody on that plane thought, that we were all going to die. just by one word of the captain. >> reporter: that was followed by a steep dive from 41,000 feet to just 9,900, in about ten minutes. communications between the pilot and air traffic control confirms the sudden descent. an imagine alert was sounded, tripped by an irregular cabin pressure reading, and then the harrowing descent. southwest airlines disputes the account by shelly wills, it insists the report from this customer wills is not accurate, that the pilot never uttered those terrifying words but another passenger on the flight, gray stroud tells cnn the cap
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take says he heard clearly "we're in trouble, we're going down" he thinks it was something they weren't supposed to hear. she said there was a flight attendant calling asking them to deploy oxygen masks. >> you think of your kids, your family. i think they just have could have handled it a little bit differently. >> reporter: thankfully the flight made a safe landing two minutes early and the issue that caused the entire deal took only an hour to fix but shelly wills prepared for the worst shelly sent this text message. >> i love you. alyssa, my plane is going down. >> the captain was communicating his plan with the flight attendants and inadvertently activated the p.a. system. we regret the confusion caused by the situation and the faa is now investigating that incident.
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now to the other stories that are making news, four marines killed at camp pendleton in california, their deaths under investigation. the victims were working on a firing range used for weapons training but that the death did not happen during any live fire exercises. military spokesman says explosive could have suddenly blown up. a woman reported overboard during a cruise in the pacific ocean northeast of hawaii, princess cruises says the 54-year-old woman did it intentionally. the cruise line says witness accounts were confirmed by closed circuit cameras, this happened on the third day of a 15-day cruise on the "grand princess" sailing from san francisco to hawaii, a serve for her turned up nothing. the fbi and police in oregon seeking a possible serial bomber after an improvised explosive device blew out windows and started a fire in a prosecutor's office in medford, oregon, wednesday. two similar devices were found
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inside a church and another at a vietnam war memorial. police released a composite sketch of the person believed to be in the vicinity of the church when that ied was found. comprehensive immigration reform is dead in the water on capitol hill, speaker john boehner says the house will not negotiate with the senate to work out differences in their respective immigration bills. democrats want a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants. republicans are avoiding that issue and instead working on several piecemeal bills dealing mostly with immigration informants. those are your headlines. chris, kate? >> thanks, michaela. indra petersons is keeping track of the cold. where is it? how is it in. >> it gets better every hour, the cold leaving the area and as the sun comes out we warm up just a hint more and we need it. temperatures have been chilly out there, a lot of 30s's sp eshlly in the mid-atlantic and northeast and even into the south but we add in the winds out there and the windchills in
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a lot of places feeling like the 20s this morning. tough in the south, temperatures in many places below freezing. memphis 31. mobile 36. they have a freeze warning out there extending as far back as texas in through jrk. tonight should be the last night or morning which ever way you want to look at it. the big change is taking place today. the high pressure that brought the cold air is pushing offshore. you're on the back side of the high and you warm up, moisture and the warmth out of the gulf so with that temperatures warm up not only in the gulf but it goes all the way back up into the northeast and things start to recover for really everyone, and look at the change, almost about 15 degrees warmer, really notice boston about 12 degrees warmer, yesterday you were feeling like 18 in the morning, it's going to feel better in the afternoon when we start to see the 50s in there, in fact close to 60 in atlanta today, so huge difference and the best news of all of course as we go towards the weekend, we're going to be talking about temperatures warming up each day just a
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little bit more so upper 50s, maybe some people will be lucky and get some 60s this weekend which means i'm going outdoors. we're going out. >> thanks, indra. coming up next on "new day" a decade behind bars and ryan ferguson is free, a judge said prosecutors hid evidence so now should they face a judge? legal analyst jeffrey toobin will be here to weigh in. remember that secret service scandal in colombia? two high ranking officers not protecting the president. we'll tell you why.
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wout of landfills each year? plastic waste to cover mt. rainier by using one less trash bag each month, we can. and glad forceflex bags stretch until they're full.* so you can take them out less often. but it sure feels that way. because with power ports... and wi-fi... and in-seat entertainment, for everyone on board, now when you fly, time flies too. (flight attendant) sir, we're about to land. (vo) we're adding a brand new plane, with all this, every week. it's just one way we're building the new american.
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welcome back to "new day." ryan ferguson walked free tuesday after spending nearly ten years of his life in prison from the age of 19 to 29. ferguson's conviction overturned last week when a judge ruled prosecutors withheld evidence that could have helped the defense. we have the opportunity to speak with ferguson yesterday just hours after his release. take a listen. what did it mean for you to have to grow up big years, 19 to 29, inside? >> you know, you can't even put that into words because you know, they've taken my 20s, and i'll never have that back, you know, nothing in this world can get that back to me, and those are amazing years, obviously. that's when you're an adult, so thus far -- i'm 29 but i've literally never really lived as an adult in the free world.
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>> it was the wrong result. the question becomes as ferguson begins the process of rebuilding his life, who should take the fall for the time that he lost? let's get some perspective and bring in cnn senior legal analyst and former federal prosecutor mr. jeffrey toobin. great to have you with us as always. in these situations the motivation is to make this right. what are we looking at from a conceptual standpoint of how this can be the prosecutor's fault, what could be done about it? >> the custom to the extent there is one has been to compensate the unjustly accused financially, some states have laws that allow for some compensation, there are lawsuits and that's usually the way it works. recently, though, there has been an effort in some places notably in a famous case in texas where prosecutors have been held personally liable. there's an extraordinary case, a lot of people may be familiar with it, in texas, a man named michael morton went to prison
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for 25 years for a crime he didn't commit and this past week the prosecute your ken anderson agreed to give up his law license and serve ten days, a small amount, for contempt in court. >> what do you think of that model? are we talking about a larger problem right now prosecutorial misconduct or are we seeing just some very high profile cases? because i remember in local news days, i covered the duke lacrosse case and what happened for the da mike nifong there. >> who was disbarred. no, sir prosecuted although it was close. but he got disbarred. >> humiliated. >> pretty extraordinary. this is all the result of dna evidence. the revolution in law enforcement, because before dna came out, we could never really say with great certainty that innocent people were in prison, even though the ferguson case wasn't technically a dna case it
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all comes out of the investigations that have come up by the innocence project and others. lot of people are saying it's not enough to give people a few thousand dollars or even $1 million for all those years. we have to create incentives for prosecutors never to engage in this kind of misconduct. >> ferguson was saying in your conversation with him yesterday he wants to make sure this doesn't happen to somebody else. he lost a he widecade of his li. he has his life ahead of him, a wonderful thing. how hard is it to get these guys pour prosecutorial difficult? >> it's so difficult, it's hard enough to open the cases in the first place and get these people out of prison. the legal system talks about the importance of finality, prosecutors hate going back 10, 20 years to try to figure out what happened. frankly, let's remember, most people in prison are guilty, but there are of course these cases, so the first thing everybody wants is to get out of prison,
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and then we have to start dealing with the implications, including possibly criminal liability for the prosecutors, but it's really unlikely. >> you have to make sure it's the wrong result but found the right way. how does that play out? in this situation you didn't turn over evidence. why not? well we didn't think it was that important. okay, that's about your discretion, there's going to be some kind of immunity because you're just working the furtherance but what about when it's not? you mentioned duke. what about when i'm making it up, lying about what was told to me. >> how do you prove that? >> we did at duke lacrosse. >> we did in duke lacrosse because you had some of the best defense lawyers in the country swarming into that case, most defendants don't have those kind of options and i think you make a very important point. prosecutors like journalists, like everyone else they make mistake. those people are not and should not go to prison. what you need to do is discourage the intentional misconduct, the lying, the making up evidence, but again,
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it's often hard to draw a distinction and identify those people with precision. >> a counter intuitive question and i could be completely wrong on this, is there any kind of a chilling effect how a prosecutor would handle their side of the case if there is this lingering threat, could there be a counterproductive result from this flet. >> thatreat. >> that's one of the arguments made against these cases. frankly i'm not persuaded by that. >> do a good job -- >> we're not talking about doing a good job, don't intentionally violate the law. >> it's to find exculpatory evidence and that's ignored. cops and prosecutors are supposed to look at a situation and say here's why jeffrey did it but this is why jeffrey wasn't the right guy and that's often ignored. >> there is a legal requirement a famous supreme court case, brady versus maryland in 1963 which said the prosecution is
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obliged, is required to turn over any evidence that tends to help the defendant. that was what was violated in the ryan ferguson case, why he was freed because the prosecutors didn't comply with their brady obligations to disclose helpful evidence to the defense. that's the kind of thing that really does suggest you might want to have some sort of liability and the prosecutor in the ryan ferguson case, kevin crane is now a judge in that community. that often happens with prosecutors they move on to being judges which makes this all that more difficult because judges tend to be pretty off limits in the legal system. >> thanks, jeffrey. that was a good discussion. i learned a lot. coming up next on "new day," something you also might want to learn about, a sexy e-mail, a d.c. hotel room and a bullet, mix them all together and what do you get? another big problem for the secret service. we're going to talk about it. and just days before the 50th anniversary of the jfk assassination we will hear from someone very close to lee harvey
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oswald. what was he like, his relationships, and the big question, did he act alone? people don't have to think about where their electricity comes from. they flip the switch-- and the light comes on. it's our job to make sure that it does. using natural gas this power plant can produce enough energy for about 600,000 homes. generating electricity that's cleaner and reliable, with fewer emissions-- it matters. ♪
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what if you didn't know that you might need extra coverage for more expensive items? and what if you didn't know that teen drivers are four times more likely to get into an accident? 'sup the more you know, the better you can plan for what's ahead. talk to farmers and get smarter about your insurance. ♪ we are farmers bum - pa - dum, bum - bum - bum -bum ♪ >> announcer: you're watching "new day" with chris cuomo, kate bolduan and michaela pereira. >> welcome back to "new day," this nurse, november 14th. coming up you'll hear the frantic 911 calls made by the owner of a big cat sanctuary in oregon as he finds the mauled body of his head keeper, all while more big cats are closing in on him, on audio, coming up. plus we're going to be hearing from a friend of lee
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harvey oswald. he's got a lot to say on this anniversary, you see a little bit of him right there. we'll hear much more from him and the relationship with the kennedy family, much more on that ahead. but first another scandal unfolding at the secret service, two supervising agents removed from the president's detail there are under investigation for alleged sexual misconduct. the incident in question taking place at a hotel just steps from the white house. cnn's joe johns is live in washington, been following all of the latest developments so what do we know? >> kate, there's new information coming in on this. it is a troubling issue for the u.s. secret service, the latest concern for the agency stems from an incident at washington's d.c. hay adams hotel and most troubling for the service, it's gotten the names of two secret service supervisors who work with the president's security detail involved. sources confirm to cnn that there is an investigation in a situation that was first reported in "the washington
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post" on wednesday night. the investigation got started after an agent removed ammunition for a weapon from apparently left a bullet in the room of a guest he had med in the hotel bar. he apparently knew that guest for some time, apparently tried to get back into the room to retrieve the bullet. the hotel notified the white house after he essentially let them know he was a secret service agent. investigators followed up by taking a peek at that agent's blackberry, and discovered that the supervisor had allegedly left sexually suggestive e-mails to a female employee. the first supervisor was removed from position and the second supervisor reassigned, not clear if that was disciplinary. back to you guys. >> thanks so much, joe. michaela? it's time for the five things you need to know for your new day. number one the obama care debacle, senate leaders meeting
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with white house officials today trying to help millions of americans who have been dropped by their insurance companies. the "u.s. george washington" in the philippines to help those get aid after the typhoon. britains sending its biggest navy ship to assist in recovery. whity bulger to be sentenced in boston for murder and other crimes. prosecutors want the 84-year-old locked up until he dies. later this morning, federal reserve chair nominee janet yellen appears before senators at her confirmation hearing telling them the fed must do more to help the economy recover. number five, ron burgundy invading the newseum, newly opened exhibit dedicated to the parody. the new film opens next month. be sure to go to for the latest. guys? >> thanks, mick.
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911 calls don't get much more desperate than this, the owner of a big cat sanctuary in oregon trying to save his head keeper after she had been mauled by a cougar, all the while shooing more big cats away. stephanie elam has the audio and the story. >> reporter: before the harrowing 911 call even connects, you can hear the caller is breathing hard. >> i need an ambulance. oh my god, please hurry. >> sir, are hurrying. >> reporter: that's michael toller in clackamas county, oregon, a last hope resort for captive born wildcats. he discovered the body of his head keeper renay chapman. >> i think she's dead. >> reporter: the owner sounds hysterical as he works to recover chapman apparently shooing away the cats in the process. >> oh my god, renay, oh my god,
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renay. get! oh my god, oh my god. >> sir, are you in a safe position to go in by yourself? >> i'm here. >> we don't want to you get injured. >> i hear what you're saying. get out of here! get! go! go! go! oh, my god! oh, my god! >> reporter: dispatch tries to assess the situation. >> sir, can you tell what injuries she has? >> oh, my god, oh my god. damt, renay! >> the caller realizes he's too late. against policy the sanctuary believes chapman was in the enclosure alone. >> is your friend still in the enclosure? >> i got her out. >> can we try cpr? >> no. no. >> sir, you think she is beyond
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help? >> that's a [ expletive ] we do ask, but yes, i do. >> the sanctuary says it's hired an outside expert to investigate the incident and review its safety protocols. the state is also egt hainvesti. stephanie elam, cnn, los angeles. >> a desperate situation. my goodness. >> every time something goes wrong in one of the places it can be devastating. our hearts and thoughts go out to the family and the loved ones. we'll continue ofollow the story. coming up next on "new day," food allergies and children, the new law that could save lives at your children's school and why it's such a personal issue for president obama. and a look inside the mind of leeharvey oswald, the fascinating talk with the man who says he knew him well. (dad) just feather it out. that's right. (son) ok. feather it out. (dad) all right. that's ok. (dad) put it in second, put it in second. (dad) slow it down. put the clutch in, break it, break it. (dad) just like i showed you.
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dad, you didn't show me, you showed him. dad, he's gonna wreck the car! (dad) he's not gonna wreck the car. (dad) no fighting in the road, please. (dad) put your blinker on. (son) you didn't even give me a chance! (dad) ok. (mom vo) we got the new subaru because nothing could break our old one. (dad) ok. (son) what the heck? let go of my seat! (mom vo) i hope the same goes for my husband. (dad) you guys are doing a great job. seriously. (announcer) love a car that lasts. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. don'neutralize them odorand freshen.ash. with glad odorshield with febreze.
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okay he's getting the hose. alright, let's go. [ male announcer ] talk to a state farm agent about car loans that can save you hundreds. that's borrowing better. welcome back to "new day." november 22nd marks the 50th anniversary of president john f. kennedy's assassination. tonight cnn will air a special film called "the '60s, the assassination of jfk." it explores the tragic death of president kennedy and its effect on the nation. today there is still heated debate about whether the shooter, lee var see oswald acted alone. now we hear from someone who knew oswald personally. in a recent "new york times" magazine piece "lee harvey oswald was my friend" author
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paul gregory gives us a fascinating inside look into the mind of oswald. paul joins us from the west coast. thank you for joining us, mr. gregory. really intriguing and fascinating insight into this man. tell us about how your relationship even formed. >> lee harvey oswald in june returned to ft. worth from russia in june of 1962. this is one of lee's many attempts to start a new life. he figured that with his experience in russia and his knowledge of russian, he could move up in the world to a white collar job that used these skills. lee came to visit my father to get certification that he's fluent in russian, he invited us over to robert's house, his brother, and at that point i met lee and marina oswald. we agreed that marina would give
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me russian lessones. i spoke russian but i could use some improvement, so the next month or so i spent a great deal of time in their house driving them around ft. worth and getting to know them. >> she's an important character in this. give us some insight into their relationship between marina and lee. >> tfsz a more difficult relationship than i as a 21-year-old at the time would have recognized. there were some incidents of spousal abuse that i saw. they were living very, very poorly. he earned very little money. i took them shopping. all i can say is that he and she were good parents. they loved their child. so as far as i could see, this is a rather unusual couple living on the edge of
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subsistence. >> you had mentioned something in your article that was pretty extraordinary, being in their living room as a friend would, you noticed a copy of "time" magazine featuring jfk as the man of the year on the coffee table, and i also noted in the article you mentioned that marina was sort of quite taken with jackie o.'s style, et cetera. as for lee, did he seem obsessed with the president? do you get any sense of rage the man had towards him? >> the exact opposite. marina very much was enthralled by kennedy, by jackie, by the kennedy children. "time" magazine on the coffee table allowed us to talk about the kennedys a number of times and on all occasions, the comments were very favorable. >> 50 years later, are you surprised that there is still fervor around the debate, there are new conspiracies that seem to pop up all the time, john
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kerry even recently confirmed that he felt oswald didn't act alone. are you surprised by any of this? >> i'm not surprised. i think 25 years from now there will continue to be controversies. the problem is that if you look at the sequence of events that led up to the shooting of jfk you find most people find it very difficult to believe that these could have happened by chance, and that is the reason for all the conspiracy theories in my view. i personally never doubted that lee did it, from the moment i saw his face on television in the dallas police headquarters on november 22nd, 1963. >> let me ask you, because this was a really compelling article you wrote, what was important for you to say? why did you feel compelled to write this article? >> i felt compelled to write the
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article because what i witnessed is a part of history, and if i don't write it, that history will be lost. so what i really attempted to do was give this personal portrait of lee and marina. >> it's an intriguing article in the "new york times" magazine, it's entitled lee harvey oswald was my friend, its author, paul gregory. thank you for joining us and giving us insight into that time, that experience and that relationship. >> you're welcome. i have pleased to do it. >> be sure to tune in tonight for "cnn films: the '60s, the assassination of president kennedy" tonight 9:00 p.m. eastern only on cnn. chris, kate, back to you. >> thanks, michaela. coming up next on "new day," dangerous food allergies threatening schoolchildren, what you need to know about a new law that could save children's lives, and why it's an issue that president obama cares so much about. this was the hardest decision i've ever had to make.
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you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec-d®. powerful relief of nasal congestion and other allergy symptoms -- all in one pill. zyrtec-d®. at the pharmacy counter. welcome back to "new day" everyone. it's a common threat facing many children dealing with food allergies, students who suffer from a severe allergic reaction without the medicine that they need in sight or in close reach. now, after children in illinois and virginia died after eating peanuts at school, obviously had an allergic reaction the president signed new incentives for schools to keep what we know as epipens on campus, the issue
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hitting close to home after he revealed his daughter malia suffers from the same allergy. for more let's bring in dr. jennifer cotle to talk about it. >> nice to see you. >> this is the first time the president talked about the peanut allergy malia has. it seems that more and more children are having more and more severe allergies. are you seeing that walk into your office? >> yes. absolutely. we knew that in the u.s. about 4% to 6% of children have food allergies, but we also know that this number is rising, and in fact, the cdc reported that between 1997 and 2007, the prevalence of reported food allergies increased 18% for children under the age of 18. so yes, it's a widely held belief that food allergies in particular are increasing. >> why is that? that's frightening. >> it is quite frightening and raises a lot of questions how we manage it and things like that. why is this? you ask a great question. food allergies and allergies in general allergic reactions are complicated and generally
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involve an interplay with the environment and what we're exposed to but immunology, how our immune system works and gentlem genetics and family history. >> those who say that we just recognize it more, you know, like i didn't grow up, i never heard of a peanut allergy, now you got them in every classroom my kids are in, that is naive, it is actually going up, this is real, it's not just more awareness? >> the numbers are going up. we're seeing more and more food allergies. we are more aware, too. that's a good thing. i think that's one of the things that this law is going to help us do. remember when we talk about allergic reactions and anaphylaxis, that's what we're talking about making schools safer for kids with allergies. anaphylaxis we're talking minutes. children are exposed they can get shortness of breath,
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wheezing, nausea, vomiting, passing out and death, that can occur within minutes. >> today i had a multigrain waffle with peanut butter, what if the people in the car with me are allergic and i haven't asked. it makes you thoughtful of the fact that it can just be in the atmosphere, correct? >> it really does make you thoughtful and rails as wareness about this. keep in mind that young people, all people don't just have to have anaphylactic reaction to food allergies, bee stings, medication, even latex. this awareness we're having about allergic reactions and epipens is not just food. it extends beyond that. >> this fascinating case seeing stories about this 10-year-old boy fighting leukemia, gets a bone marrow transplant and part of his treatment, but a surprise result is also secured of a severe peanut allergy that he had obviously before the surgery. have you ever heard of this before? >> i think it's fascinating, and we're starting to see a few case reports pop up here and there about either transplants or
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situations like this, where allergies have either come or gone after the surgery. >> is there any easy science behind that, that we non-doctors could understand? >> easy science, no. doctors, we're still trying to understand this, but i think this is really interesting and it's fascinating and hopefully is going to give us researchers clues about how we go forth. >> i've heard people say i used to be allergic to something when i was a child. do we grow out of them? >> that's a great question. i get this question a lot in my office, people wonder or i have had some adult patients come in recently that have developed allergies to fruit in adulthood and never had them before. you can grow out of certain allergies. some do, some don't. it's up in the air who does and doesn't but you can develop allergies later in life as well. >> especially seasonal ones and external things as opposed to food allergies. >> food allergies as well. you can develop food allergies later on in life and children can sometimes grow out of certain food allergies as well. it happens with food allergies as well. >> all right. >> all allergies annoying and
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horrible to say the least. thanks, doctor, great to see you. >> appreciate it. coming up on the show remember the guy who went to washington with the mower and rake during the shutdown he's finally getting the thank you he deserves not just the good stuff today, the better stuff, coming up. the secret is out. hydration is in. [ female announcer ] only aveeno daily moisturizing lotion has an active naturals oat formula that creates a moisture reserve so skin can replenish itself. aveeno® naturally beautiful results.
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i get bonuses even working part-time. where i work, over 400 people are promoted every day. healthcare starting under $40 a month. i got education benefits. i work at walmart. i'm a pharmacist. sales associate. i manage produce. i work in logistics. there's more to walmart than you think. vo: opportunity. that's the real walmart. ♪ i'm a magic man it's a good song, magic man, fitting. welcome back. it is not just time for the good stuff but the better stuff. chris cox is his name, south carolina man, wood carver went to washington with a lawnmower and rake to look out after our national monuments when our government wouldn't, becoming one of the old good things to come out of the government
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shutcounsel. >> there's no reason we can't have our open air memorial. as far as i'm concerned it is open, we have the tourists, we have security, we have our veterans, and if i have anything to say about it, we have maintenance and security. and i'd like to encourage all americans to come forth and to find a memorial to bring a trash bag and a rake. >> he got a lot of respect and finally the thanks he deserves. fund-raising drive to buy chris a riding lawnmower so he can do his work in style, they raised more than $1,900. chris refused the mower, said it was too much, but he did take a new chainsaw to help with his carve business, he accepted it yesterday in front of lincoln memorial. the money left over, what does he want to do with it? give it to the veterans to keep his memorial militia movement alive. >> how about that. >> good man, did a good thing, that's the good stuff. the stories come from you, and we want more of them. please go to the cnn ireport
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campaign and catch all of your good stuff there, put it there and we'll find it. logon to for the good stuff. >> i want to see one of his carvings. >> let us hope that we do not have to deal with another closed memorial because of a government shutdown, be it partial or fully shut down. >> although it is oddly reminiscent what we're seeing down there now. you remember during the shutdown the democrats happy to watch the republicans with a low in their own incompetency and now the favor is being returned. >> ahh, politics. >> the pendulum swings by the day. >> you'll start hearing more of it that they don't want to talk about immigration, it's all off the table and they're going to stay in their own caucuses. you don't have to compromise, when one party has the momentum they feel like they don't have to play with the other side because they forget about the rest of us. we do not here on "new day," that's why we will cover the issues for you.
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now it is carol costello's turn to take the mantle of just reporting. >> fantastic, thanks, chris. have a great day call of you. "newsroom" starts now. -- captions by vitac -- happening now in "the newsroom" terror in the sky. >> i thought i was going to die and that's what everybody on that plane thought, that we were all going to die. >> a southwest plane in a harrowing descent, plummeting almost 30,000 feet. >> he says, we're going down. >> reporter: a conversation between a pilot and his flight attendant broadcast to the entire cabin. this morning southwest tells its side of the story. also, ads pitching obama care, college kids doing keg stands, flirty girls talking about getting birth control, and then there's this. >> you can keep your plan, you can keep your doctor, lower premiums for everyone! >> reporter: is this really the best way?
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