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tv   Crossfire  CNN  November 15, 2013 10:00pm-10:31pm PST

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smoking crack, sleeping with prostitutes, consorting with gang members, stunning allegations against the mayor of toronto. rob ford has yet to be charged
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with anything. if this is where appearances can be everything why is he still appearing for work every single day? im ashleigh banfield. welcome to cracked, the taunton mayor scandal. after days of locking horns with the embattled mayor, an angry city council is taking action to rein him and. in an unprecedented move, the council voted to strip him of his ability to govern in case of an emergency. it also cut his ability to appoint and dismiss his senior staff. defiant as ever, he dismissed the moves. warning that the legal fight to follow is going to cost taxpayers an arm and leg. that would be his legal fight he plans to bring. andy has unleashed yet another outrageous tirade. we'll get to that in a moment. first, these developments. they plan to begin a new show on
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monday hosted by the mayor and his brother. entitled ford nation. the same brother that was a council member. and also now sort of in a turn of events is his own brother to take a leave of absence. along with the rest of city council, it seems. also the ontario premier, like can governor of the state. she says she is willing to step in if needed to assist the city council in toronto in resolving this crisis with the mayor. more now on his latest bombshell and i've got to warn you, these remarks are unbearable and graphic. >> i have to take legal action against the waiter that said i was doing lines at the market, those are allies in that is not true. it hurts my wife when they call a friend of mine a prostitute.
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she is not a prostitute. she is a friend and that makes me sick, people are saying this. unfortunately, i have no other choice. i am the last two to take legal action. i cannot put up with it anymore. litigation will be starting surely. i have had enough. that is why i warned you to be careful what you wrote. i have never said that in my life and i would never do that. i am happily married. i want to apologize for my graphic remarks this morning. yesterday i mentioned it was the second worst day of my life except for the death of my father. for the past six months, i have been under tremendous, tremendous stress. the stress is largely of my own making. i have apologized and i have tried to move forward.
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this is proven to be almost impossible. the revelations yesterday of cocaine, escorts, prostitution, has pushed me over the line. and i used unforgivable language. these allegations are 100% lies. when you attack my integrity is a father and as a husband, i see red. today, i acted on complete impulse in my remarks. i fully realize in the past i have drank alcohol in excess. i wish you to know that i am receiving support from a team of health care professionals. i am taking accountability and receiving advice from people with expertise. i do not wish to comment on the
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particulars of this support. i am accepting responsibility for the challenges i face. i would ask you please, please, respect my family's privacy. >> okay, so little explaining. all of those threats you heard in just mentioned about legal action, that is not the threat of legal action he talked about today. that was yesterday. wants to see his former staffers who made allegations of criminal activity it came out in an affidavit. today he is starting to take his city council members to court because they are reducing his power and it does not seem to end. nic robertson joins us from toronto. i hate to use hyperbole when i asked for a comment from a reporter covering a story but this is jaw-dropping it does not seem to be a day when there
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isn't a bizarre development. >> there was another bizarre twist here not just this idea of the process of stripping powers from him that could cost taxpayers a lot of money. clearly the defense they are trying to put up. his brother is also a counselor here. this whole idea that he will be left without any power, he is fighting that but the extraordinary thing was he stood there and said i was in your shoes i would do exactly the same thing. is in his shoes and he will do what he wants to do. he understands that it will go down as his own. >> as he has been doing up until now, if you can believe it. a reality tv show is in the office with his brother.
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joining us now from toronto is city councilor. this has been so unbelievable to watch and i am sorry that you're going through this. need to ask you what exactly were you able to do with the motions against the mayor. paulsonite. >> today we have done is we have taken away his power to appoint anyone on the executive committee or remove them outside the cabinet. we have also taken away his ability to leave the city in case of an emergency. those of the things we can't control. monday, we will be discussing it and how fully implementing measures to take away the majority of this budget as mayor and reduce his budget to that of a counselor. and taking his staff away from him and only allowing a limited staff. he has been abusive to his staff and he has been hiring and
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firing. we're going to create stability and we're doing everything except -- heard me? v.a. so many of these allegations have yet to be proven and no charges. one of your fellow councilman said with regard to what has been done is still symbolic. the big question people want to know is you have the ability to go to the province effectively like they did in the americas. or premier in ontario, ask them to do something to get him out of office, whether to call an early election, called the office vacant, do something. will the council do this or are you to a free to set a president and they would have too much power over you in the future. >> i believe that the measures we are taking at city hall are half measures and we need to go with the province or your version of the state and as the governor or the premier to take
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measures to have it removed. the statutory powers he continues to keep include serving and promoting the city nationally and internationally. presiding over functions. these are the very things i think the residents of the city of toronto don't want him to do because he's been an embarrassment. >> horribly embarrassing and here i am reporting on this daily. have a question for you about what the mayor is asking you to do daily in that council chamber. respect his privacy and his wife's privacy and his family, all while she is standing beside him in his apology sessions and making bold or comments about what he does to his wife at home. how does anybody reconcile this in toronto?
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>> we are all disgusted by it. it has reached a tipping point. i believe he has to go into any measures we can to have him removed. cannot do that ourselves. i am there and i believe many from toronto are there. the rest of counsel is not there as they are hiding behind this idea of president. might idea is if you are going to declare president, this is the time to do it because this is a remarkable situation where you've got someone who's admits to crack cocaine, buying drugs, involving guns and gangs. using the most bold language that you can think of in front of his office. what more do you need? >> i was going to say, what more do you need. i will give you one more, threatening to take you to court
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for trying to reduce his power. extraordinary circumstances and we will watch to find out if the city goes to the province and request this and within and to him being mayor. thank you. it has been nice to talk to you. how did rob ford coming to power in the first place? what made him liable to so many people in toronto. when we come back, you won't believe how forgiving some of those canadians are. farmers presents: fifteen seconds of smart. so you want to drive more safely? stop eating. take deep breaths. avoid bad weather. [ whispers ] get eight hours. ♪ [ shouts over music ] turn it down! and, of course, talk to farmers. hi. hi. ♪ we are farmers bum - pa - dum, bum - bum - bum - bum ♪ store and essentially they just get sold something. we provide the exact individualization that your body needs. before you invest in a mattress, discover the only bed clinically proven to relieve back pain and improve sleep quality. when we actually lower the sleep number setting to
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when you consider all of the allegations against rob ford, the mayor of toronto, you think the residents of that city would be ready to tar and feather him or at least run him out of town are real. definitely the opinion of some as certainly not the opinion of all. more on a mayor who is either tough as nails or in total denial or maybe both. >> it is hard to find politicians who are unintentionally funnier than the comedians. >> were you getting this? >> rob ford is unlike any politician anywhere. >> i was very, very inebriated.
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>> this is canada. in place so friendly that 1 matheson's crack is a sound made in hockey. >> is a canadian crack maple flavor? how is a different? i am the wrong guy to ask. >> walking into toronto city hall, there are no metal detectors, no security. you can stroll in and go past the records and join the scandals ground. a few feet away they are giving away free health care. >> even to pass the americans. >> do you get a lollipop? yes, you did. >> how much you pay your doctor? >> $75. >> while we are shocked by the mayor he shocked we have to pay for a flu shot. >> you got yours free on canada. >> canadians are far superior human beings. have you heard that today?
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>> how did a guy like him get elected at a place like this. in the late 1990's, the bustling metropolis downtown of sort to the blue-collar suburbs into city elections. after almost a decade of liberal rule, rob ford ran as a physical hawk who which of the bicycle loving, free-spending liberals downtown a thing or two. >> it is time to stop the gravy train. >> while he stay on message it was not a massive campaign. >> had a conversation with a drug addict query was prepared to buy him more. >> she ran the communication and she was stunned when after every scandal his poll numbers went up. >> people were tired of the tax-and-spend liberal mayor appeared the wanted him. >> he is a guy you want to have a beer with. >> or of you. >> while he turned city hall
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into a global punchline imagine what it is like to be the runner up. >> i was at the highest moment of the tea party. >> everyone knew him as the openly gay deputy premier which reigned over a plan to modernize the health care system. sound familiar? the evening news one of the same contractors that brought us >> the right wing would tell you there is a conspiracy and none of that is true. >> here is the ironic part. when smith and end admitted addiction to party drugs in the 1990's, the ford said powders house. >> that is the most stinging bit for me on a personal level. >> for some of the proud citizens of ford nation, fitness for office is a relative term. >> would you vote for him again if this lure? >> i think so.
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>> he has done what he said he would do. >> some close their support anonymously. >> would you rather have somebody take your money and lying to the people are just having somebody like that? >> you should say good-bye, i'm sorry, and go home. >> the call for his exit on a top national newscast and tears from the federal finance minister. >> at the end of the day, he has to make his own decision. >> only leaving office on a stretcher and in handcuffs, i think. >> roger released more and there are the men in that notorious crackhouse picture. two were shot in march, one killed and another about to go
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on trial. >> they are members of the game called the dixie city bloods which operate around these apartment towers. home to a lot of us. >> when you meet the kids who lived here, the easy crack jokes sticking your throat. >> he came campaigning here, knocking on doors? >> yes, yes. >> this organizer says the mayor asked for his vote in the hours before the last election that he did not give it. he has to scramble for donated computers in just ask someone to keep these kids away from the gangs and the crack pipe. >> the last thing the mayor of toronto needs at this point or is asking for is the intention. why we he and his brother
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starter reality show next week. i am not kidding, more on that in a moment. customer erin swenson ordered shoes from us online but they didn't fit. customer's not happy, i'm not happy. sales go down, i'm not happy. merch comes back, i'm not happy. use ups. they make returns easy. unhappy customer becomes happy customer. then, repeat customer. easy returns, i'm happy. repeat customers, i'm happy. sales go up, i'm happy. i ordered another pair. i'm happy. (both) i'm happy. i'm happy. happy. happy. happy. happy. happy happy. i love logistics.
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liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? on the one hand the toronto mayor is asking for privacy. on the other hand he is about to launch a reality tv show monday. this is your brain child or early something you are responsible for and i got to ask you this mayor looks -- how shall i say it? he looks like he is a man in trouble. the thing to reality show is the right thing to do? >> reality shows may be tongue-in-cheek, is a continuation of a weekly show the mayor and his brother had
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hosted in toronto every sunday. it was canceling some of these allegations erupted and we have offered on monday night to have an episode of that show air that we will be taking in the studios. not a reality show could close my like the others, is a news program will that they will have an opportunity to get their points-point across to people around the world and people in your network will be watching. >> no doubt they will be watching. it will be highly rated. what i am asking you is this the morally right thing to do? >> i don't think there is any moral high ground with the media to coverage of politicians or the story of a particular. it is more morally right and chasing children down the street during halloween. or putting the pauperize the on
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someone's lawn. we have not engaged in those practices. offering the mayor an opportunity to explain his plan to view. >> you are the former director of communications for the canadian prime minister pierre de think he would be proud of these new works? >> i don't discuss these things with former employers, i have no idea what he thinks. are i do think there is an issue around this story that a lot of people feel. many people in the city and the country, feel strongly that he is an embarrassment and they all like him. there are people that do like him and want to hear what he has to say. in terms of our network, is split. >> i have to cut if there, i will watch these developments. thanks, we will watch for the
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show monday. >> also coming on monday, more emotions from fellow council members to strip him of his duties or possibly, maybe an effort to get rid of him altogether. one thing is for sure, let's hope at the very least this man stays safe and healthy. again, at the very least. thanks for joining us, i am ashleigh banfield. i'm beth...
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tonight on "unguarded with rachel nichols." uninhibit. hall of famer john elway reveals peyton manning's quirky side and the upside of being a boss. >> there is anything about your job now that you like better than when you were playing? >> the fact they don't get hit. >> unafraid. >> there was a bone sticking out of your leg. >> near months after that gut-wrenching broken leg. guard kevin ware of louisville is back. unguarded. kevin ware's coach, rick pitino, shows a side you've never seen. >> he said i learned humility too late in life. i wish i had that at a younger age. >> i was just in my own world between the lines, and nothing else mattered or existed. and that's a


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