tv CNN Newsroom CNN November 16, 2013 8:00am-10:01am PST
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here nex week to discuss the school district's proposed changes. as the school board superintendent says, he hopes to have the issue behind him before christmas. after all as one school official says, this it is california. facelifts happen here all the time. casey wian, thermal, california. >> that will do it for us today. thank you for watching. >> keep it here. there's much more ahead in the "cnn newsroom." we turn it over to our colleague fredricka whitfield. >> that's one way of putting it, facelift. that's a nice gentle way of having that conversation. all right, you guys. thanks so much. you've had a great morning. a lot on tap all day long. it's 11:00 eastern time right now. now. the "newsroom" starts right now. -- captions by vitac -- hello, everyone. here are the stories we're watching right now. a princeton university is facing an outbreak of a rare type of meningitis. hear what the federal government is doing to help stop the spread of this potentially deadly
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disease. the toronto mayor has admitted to smoking crack, buying drugs and drinking himself into a stupor. now rob ford is dealing with the political consequences of his shocking behavior. and in this country, revolt within the ranks? dozens of house democrats vote with republicans to gut a major part of the president's signature health care law. find out how the president tried to head off the embarrassing defection, and what he may have to do to repair the damage to his second term. all right. first up, the cdc, the fda and the state of new jersey all working together to contain an outbreak of a rare type of meningitis on the campus of princeton university. officials have confirmed 11 cases of type b meningitis at the ivy league school. there is no vaccine for thatiñ
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strain here in the u.s. and that's why the federal government is stepping in to help. alexandra field is live for us right now at princeton university. alexandra, what are government officials doing to make this vaccine available to the university? >> reporter: hey, fred. well, the fda has given the cdc the clearance it would need to bring the vaccine to this country in exploratory drug program. as you mentioned, the united states does not have the at approved vaccine to protect against meningitis b but there is a vaccine called bex sarah used in europe and australia. now it's up to trustees on the princeton campus to decide whether or not they want to make it available here where there have been seven confirmed cases of meningitis b. they're scheduled to decide that sometime this weekend. we asked students whether or not they would be interested in using this vaccine if it came here. here's what they had to say. >> i think i would first see what they decide and do some more research on my own. >> i trust the vaccine as long
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as it's approved in europe and australia. it gives me confidence in the fact that it works i guess. i probably wouldn't get it at the moment. i'm not too worried about the meningitis outbreak yet. so if princeton starts activating students, i don't know if i'd be first in line for it, but it's an interesting option. >> reporter: if bexsero comes to princeton university, it would be made available to all students on campus. the vaccination would not be mandatory. >> what about the seven people who have gotten sick? what are their conditions? what's next for them? >> reporter: we know that one is still hospitalized. that's the most recent case diagnosed just a week ago. the first case was back if march. those six cases are people have all recovered we're told. we're told six are students and one was a visitor to this campus. health officials have been trying to figure out the link between the infected people and haven't come up with one specific link that would connect the seven cases of meningitis b.
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>> alexandra field, thanks so much from princeton university. now to the health of millions of americans under obama care. the president met with insurance company ceos yesterday to discuss his proposed fix to the affordable care act. the tweak would temporarily reinstate policies that were dropped because they didn't comply with obama care regulations. the white house calls the meeting productive but hasn't related any details about possible solutions. on the same day the president suffered an embarrassing setback when dozens of house democrats voted for a republican plan that would gut his signature health care law. our chief congressional correspondent dana bash has that. >> fredericka, the prospect of losing this vote in a big way is what drove democratic leaders earlier in the week to plead with obama officials to do something to fix the canceled policy problem. the president's mea culpa and his new plan softened the blow but for the white house it still stung. 39 house democrats, one-fifth of
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the caucus, defected and voted for a republican bill allowing people to keep canceled health policies. democrat ron barber in a tough re-election campaign next year was one of them. >> i've been home and meeting with constituents. this has been a topic of concern in conversation. so i wanted to vote yes to let my constituents know that i heard what they had to say. >> that despite warningsing from democratic leaders that the gop bill would dismantle obama care by not only allowing consumers to keep canceled policies but also letting people sign up for new positions that do not meet new benefit requirements. >> that idea that it was helping consumers was sort of the trojan horse whose underbelly is poisonous with in terms of the health and well-being of the american people. >> your leadershipeyb says th your vote would undercut the entire obama care law. >> well, i don't see it that way. i think any fix we can make, particularly when a problem
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arises, is good for the people back home. and truth of the matter is look, i'm accountable to the people who sent me here. >> the prospect of this gop vote is the main reason the president came out a day earlier with his own plan to reinstate canceled insurance policies. democratic sources admit without that, many more democrats would have defected. but the gop bill still got the significantpy partisan support and they were eager to pour salt on the president's political wounds. >> ask not what your country can do for you. the only thing we have to fair, down this wall. and our current president will be no different. if you like your health care plan, you can keep it, period. >> the president issued a vote toe threat but it probably won't get that far because in the senate, although there are a fair number of democrats who also want to push legislation to show their scientists they're fighting to fix their problems, democratic leaders are holding
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off for now because they want to give the president's plan a chance to work. >> the latest on the mayor of toronto. the city council said it has had enough. members voted to strip mayor rob ford of some of his key powers an unprecedented move in that city. this comes after ford admitted to smoking crack and going on drinking binges and even though he's an us cooed of associating with prostitutes and even made lewd epule comments in front of television cameras this week, ford's wife is standing by him. >> no. >> do you think he should take a leave of absence. >> that's why we have elections. >> do you think he should at least take some personal time? should he at least take a little bit of personal time? >> no. >> okay. so what's next for mayor ford? senior international correspondent nic robertson is in toronto today. so nick, you spoke with rob ford's brother who is also a
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toronto city council member. what does he have to say about all of this? >> one of the things that's important for the family at the moment is just how much is being brought up about the mayor and how much that discredits the family. so the family's always looked up to the father who had a short but fairly popular political career here. that's the family's legacy. i asked the mayor's brother doug, what is all of this doing to the family's legacy? >> i think our legacy is going to be pretty solid based on how rob performs. you're going to look at a family that doesn't need to be doing this, that has actually sacrificed massive amounts of time, money, their business to serve the people. >> are you worried about his health with all this additional stress? not just the public, not just the counselors, but the families here too. >> well, i'm confident that the people that actually know us understand what we've done for our community.
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>> your brother's health. >> that's right. the priority obviously is health. health comes first over anything. you don't have your health, have you nothing. so we're confident that rob's going to move forward. and only time will tell. if i sit here and tell you 100% rob ford is going to be perfect, i can't tell you that. >> that's a very telling comment coming from his brother doug who has advised the mayor to step stage if the mayor will be able to pull through. there seems to be a lot of concern in that family about mayor rob ford right now. >> and then, nick, looking ahead to monday, are there more special council sessions planned? >> oh, you bet. the council isn't done stripping powers from the mayor. friday they took away his power to sort of rule during a state of emergency. his powers to hire and fire senior staff. on monday, they're going to take money away from him, give more
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powers to the deputy mayor and even take some of his staff away from him and put them under the deputy mayor. it's not going to be left with much more than a vote at the moment here, fred. >> nic robertson, thanks so much. we're not done talking about mayor rob ford. later on this hour, much more about how in the world he is planning to recover from all of this. all right. part of a mystery solved. more than three years after being reported missing, the bodies of a couple and their two children have been found. so many questions, police say joseph and summer mcstay along with two bodies believed to be their sons were buried in a shallow grave in the desert near los angeles. officials say all were killed but didn't give any more details than that. the mcstay family vanished are their san diego home in 2010, leaving bowls of popcorn out in the house. their car was found near mexico days later. all right. lewd public comments, admissions of crack smoking and binge drinking all by the mayor of
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toronto. so is there any way this mayor and the city can salvage their reputations? i'll ask the man who wrote the book on crisis public relations. la's known definitely for its traffic, congestion, for the smog. but there are a lot of people that do ride the bus. and now that the buses are running on natural gas, they don't throw out as much pollution into the air. so i feel good. i feel like i'm doing my part to help out the environment.
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all right. after admitting to drinking binges and smoking crack, you'd think toronto mayor rob ford would have a hard time shocking people again. well, guess what, he has. paula newton looks at what he said on live television that caught a lot of people off guard. >> outright lie. that is not true. you know what? whatever hurts my wife when they're calling a friend of mib a prostitute. she is not a prostitute. she's a friend and it makes me sick how people are saying this. >> what he said next in the most vulgar of ways hit like a bomb
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live on canadian tv. the mayor denying he ever said he wanted to oral sex with a former staff member. >> olivia [ bleep ] i've never said that in my life to her. i would never do that. i'm happily married. >> his crudeness hocking too for his wife renata who made a rare appearance at his side just hours later as her husband tried to make amends. >> ladies and gentlemen, i want to apologize for my graphic remarks this morning. >> mayor ford then disclosed that yes, he's getting help. >> i have been under tremendous, tremendous stress. the stress is largely of my own making. i have apologized and i have tried to move forward. this has proven to be almost
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impossible. >> all right. that was paula newton. thanks so much. with incidents like that, can rob ford ever save face? can toronto regain its reputation as a city of polite canadians? i'm joined by frazier sitell, the author of "rethinking reputation." all right, frazier, so mayor forward remains defiant. can that kind of boldness help him rebound from this colossal embarrassment? >> i will tell you, he has violated every rule in my crisis management handbook. the thing he should have done six months ago, people like me would say, resign immediately. seek help. and then if you want to many could back after you're rehabilitated, come back and do it. what he's done instead is he's lied, he's covered up. he smoked crack. he paid for crack. he's vulgar, and is he now on top because he's become a sympathetic figure and as you say, it's the city of toronto that's suffering the credit be the problem.
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it's absolutely astonishing >> except in the end he still has the advantage. he can't be fired. yes, they've removed certain powers but he continues to be mayor and that's what he wants. he says i have apologized and that he has tried to move forward, but other people won't let him move forward. so what next for him? it seems as though there's either a lot of the forgiveness in that town or perhaps it continues to be there's a lot of fodder for entertainment. how do you see this playing out from this point on? >> well, part of it is that he has become a cult hero. he's a rock star. he got his own tv show on friday. he's been on jimmy kimmel. he's now a household name in the united states. his bobblehead doll selling for $400 on ebay. i mean, in terms of public relations, he is, you could argue, he's winning. however, what he has to do, what i would say right now, what his brother has alluded to, he has to take a leave of absence. that would be acceptable to
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toronto. the spotlight would be diminished. he needs help -- obviously. >> if he were listening, wouldn't he ask why? he does seem like he's winning. he gets to keep his job. yes, some of the powers are taken away. he's already done his sort of mea culpa. but why would he disappear? >> here's the answer. the answer is twofold. number one, what i would say to him, look, mayor, in your own behalf, the pressure is unbelievable on you. nobody likes to be the center in a spotlight like that. get help. go out for 30 days or whatever. then come back for the city who you purport to represent, this would be the best thing because if he stays in power, make no mistake. as long as he has a mouth and the reporters have cameras, toronto will continue to be a circus. >> all right, frazier sytell,
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we'll see if maybe he was listening to you and is going to take your advice. something tells me not. thanks a lot, frazier. >> thank you. all right. president obama, he seems to be dealing with one crisis after another these days. especially when it comes to obama care, right? now, members of his party are siding with the gop on one issue. how defecting democrats could affect the president's plan for the next three years, next. hey, i notice your car yeah. it's in the shop. it's going to cost me an arm and a leg. you shoulda taken it to midas. they tell you what stuff needs fixing, and what stuff can wait. high-five! arg! brakes, tires, oil, everything. (whistling) waiting for your wrinkle cream to work? neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair has the fastest retinol formula. to visibly reduce fine lines and wrinkles in just one week. neutrogena®. customer erin swensone lines aordebut they didn't fit.line.
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for the rocky roll out of obama care this week, saying "it's on me." but he said he knows all democrats feel the blow. >> there is no doubt that our failure to roll out the aca smoothly has put a burden on democrats, whether they're running or not. because they stood up and supported this effort through thick and thin. >> yesterday, 39 house democrats crossed party lines to vote for a republican proposal. it would let people keep their insurance plans through 2014 even if they don't match the obama care requirements. and, of course, it doesn't have
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much of a chance in the senate. and the president says if it does make it to his desk, he will veto it. but the big question remains, can the president recover. i'm joined now by political commentators will cane, marc lamont hill and cnn senior political analyst david gergen. good to see all of you gentlemen. david, you first. how damaging is it for president to have some democrats revolting? can he recover? >> it's deb tate stating but it may not be fatal. we've seen other presidents in the past, ronald reagan notably in his second term had iran-contra. he recovered from it because he had an extraordinarily team working on damage control. bill clinton had had monica lewinsky, got impeached but he came back and had several balanced budgets in in a row and got other things done, he got several with reform done and other things. so you can come back. but it's a long road. it's uphill and it's something very precious has been lost for
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president obama now. >> that whole credibility thing, trust? >> trust is a precious, precious asset for a president. even if people disagree with you, as long as they think you're telling it to them straight, then they're more likely to go along with you or at least say okay, it's okay. if you really want to do this, i don't like it but if they think they've been bamboozled, that's what americans feel today then they get really angry and it's hard to regain the trust. >> will, do you agree with that in do you think people in general, are they blaming the president or the president and those around him who helped craft this health plan? >> well, i can't agree with that for one big assumption we're baking into the question. i think it's amazing to hear david cave compare this to iran-contra or monica lewinsky. the difference in this situation, why i have to take exception to the assumption and the question is we're not done
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with this crisis yet. you can't recover from something that is not yet over. the president has used the analogy of fumbling the football. a better one is investing. warren buffett described compound interest as the eighth wonder of the world. it means your investment compounds upon itself and gets larger. we have here in the aca a compound problem. the website compounds into this problem of people getting off their plan. but the fixes then compound another problem and that is skyrocketing premiums and a higher risk pool. we'll do the same they think a year from now when you have the employer mandate. this isn't over. it will continue to be a problem for president obama. >> mark, do you agree? >> i agree partly. part of this certainly isn't over particularly if we see legislative solutions or responses to this christmas which push obama care further to the young insurance holders to stay with their plans. obama care is going to be cut off at the knees. that part's not over. the part david talked about is
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essentially over. that's the trust piece of this. when i say it's over, i mean that's a fine nightism fixed period of time. the president has an opportunity to recover from that. the website can be fixed. even skyrocketing premiums can be addressed. but the fundamental question of did the president tell us something that simply wasn't true is thing that's already happened and now he needs to get into damage control mode. my concern is it he doesn't always play defense well. >> how does that happen? how would this president and white house try to recover, retain, recapture that credibility that according to the polls is long lost now? mark? >> you pick the football up and you keep running. he's offered theó[ mea culpa. he said this stops with me. he didn't throw anyone in his administration under the bus. all of those things are admirable. now he must move forward as david said, balanced budgets help things out. if that's your position. he needs progressive policy that makes americans satisfied. >> i wonder, david, do people
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want him to throw somebody under the about us? is it the kathleen sebelius? someone does have to be blamed for the president. the president says the buck stops with me. it's on me. are people fatigued of hearing that? do they want to see the president say this person is to blame and it's not just the buck stops here? >> i'm not sure they want to fire somebody, but they sure as heck want the government in better hands. and they want some serious adults who are in charge of things who are accountable that they can looking to with some sense of okay, we're in a much better place. let me go back to the reagan example. you know, he brought in a whole new team after iran-contra. he brought in howard baker as his chief of staff, ken duberstein as a deputy. brought in colin powell to be his national security advisor. he brought in a new lawyer who was we respected. in that case, the president
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understood -- it's not a question of firing people. it is a question of showing that the government, you can trust the government. he's got a fresh team. i think this president needs to bring in a couple of people, one who's got the managerial capacity and the technical knowledge you know, has done startups, the kinds of things, david cutler, the economist who was an architect of the plan was recommending all along. and i think he needs someone really trusted by the congress. i believe tom daschle would be a good candidate. >> we're going to take a short break. on the other side, you can give us a thought on that. will cane, lamont hill, caved gergen back with me. we're going to talk about president obama's second term. what is next? it hasn't been smooth sailing but what does this do to his legacy? more when we come back. [ female announcer ] we eased your back pain... ♪ ready or not. [ female announcer ] you can be up there. here i come! [ female announcer ] ...down there, around there... and under there for him.
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but now it seems like it's a big nightmare. the president didn't even mention it in his weekly address today, despite a week of problems. so will this ruin his second term? our experts are back, cnn political commentators will cain, marc lamont hill and cnn's senior political analyst david gergen. will, you first. i know you wanted to comment on what david was saying. perhaps a new team in the white house could repair some of the damage done? >> here's the problem again with the comparisons to reagan and clinton. we are treating the aspect of the aca as if they were a mistake. what the public is revolting against is the intended aspects of obama care. mark understands this, as well. will you to have a risk pool that evened out. so what president obama is dealing with is the unpopularity of a plan working at intended. outside of the website. now, the question then is, you asked about democrats in your first question to david. what were they voting for?
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this is working, that biggest controversial aspect as intended. so what are they revolting against? what were they voting for three or four years ago? >> mark, you know, this is i guess a moment. this is a moment -- i'll let you comment on that and i'm wondering too if you think it it is fair to make comparisons that president obama's handling of this situation to president george w. bush's handling of hurricane katrina. there have been some parallels that people are making >> absolutely not. even if we take the worst case scenario, and obama's kind of in the ignoble position of having to decide to say he was either dishonest or simply unaware of what was going on. neither is a great place to be. but even if we take the worst case scenario and say he was dishonest, he was dishonest in getting people in terms of encouraging people to go into a new health care plan which would likely have better benefits, will meet consumer protection standards and in the long-term better for the financial vitality of the nation.
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that's a different circumstance than president besh bush's indifference to the people in new orleans which led them to lose their homes, culture and livelihood, be different than con trap scandal. president obama may have lied and i don't defend that at all. overall, this is not a -- i'm saying the project itself was not dysfunction na at the core. 95% of the people who are connected to the health care issue are benefitting from it, getting cheaper premiums, better coverages, getting covered longer. they're benefiting from this, and even the people ticked off getting their policies canceled most likely have a better alternative in the market. so david, regardless of what parallels there may be, this white house to any other, we do know that at least based on some of the recent polling, trust, he's lost a lot of trust. that was perhaps one of his biggest assets of his presidency. now we're talking about 52% of
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those who are polled say they don't believe this president is honest or even trustworthy. so given that he may have lost his most you know, important asset right now, how damaging might this be for the next three years of him trying to accomplish anything else? >> look, i this i it can be very damaging. let's go back to -- these analogies of the past do matter. i'm sorry. history does matter. you learn something from it. you can ignore it at are your peril. ronald reagan essentially lost the trust. it snapped something in his presidency. bill clinton was seen as lying. george w. bush's administration was seen about lying about weapons of mass destruction. can you come back? yes, you can. it's an uphill fight. all these presidents especially reagan and clinton didtom back. this president has other things going, he's got an economy strengthening more than people thought just a few weeks ago. that could help him. if he gets a deal with iran, that could help him.
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if he can get this thing up and running and muddle throughpç on health care, maybe it won't be such a disaster. i tend to agree with will that this is going to be an ongoing problem because there are some real flaws in this program. i want to go back to one thing. let us not excuse what the white house did because, well, they've put people on a better plan. therefore, it's fine. look, this bill passed the congress and got -- it was signed into law based on a fraudulent set of representations about what would happen under the bill. had they told the truth in the beginning, it might have been a much closer call. so does matter that there was this misleading quality about it. >> we're going to keep it right there for now. david gergen, will cain, marc lamont hill, thanks so much gentlemen. appreciate it. >> carrying on her famous father's commitment to public service, caroline kennedy takes up her new role as u.s. ambassador to japan. she tells us why it's such a special honor for her right
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caroline kennedy starts her new job at u.s. ambassador to japan. she is the first woman to serve in that post and her father's legacy is part of what she brings to her new challenge. we have the details. >> welcome to japan. >> the daughter of one of the most famous u.s. presidents arrives in tokyo to become the first woman to be as u.s. ambassador to japan. it comes half a century after caroline kennedy's father, john f. kennedy was an sass nayed. before heading overseas, kennedy was sworn in by secretary of state john kerry. >> i'm also proud to carry forward my father's legacy of public service. he had hoped to be the first united states president to visit japan. so it's a special honor for me
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to be able to work to strengthen the close ties between our two great countries. >> reporter: kennedy has no formal expertise on japan, but she has president obama's ear, having supported him in key moments during his campaign for president. for japan, her closeness to the u.s. president is an important sign of washington's commitment to the country. >> translator: her father is certainly one of the most famous and anticipated u.s. presidents in japan and as new ambassador, she has also said she wanted to further tighten our bilateral relationship, so we, too, are looking forward to her. >> the 55-year-old will manage washington's relationship with the key ally as the administration looks to assert its military presence in asia, and as tokyo faces a host of challenges, including territorial disputes with regional power china. >> japan and the united states share a commitment to freedom, democracy, and the rule of law. >> at her washington swearing
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in, kennedy was accompanied by her 20-year-old son who closely resembles her late brother. many kennedy watchers are wondering if he will be the next to carry on the kennedy political legacy. cnn, atlanta. >> and be sure to watch tomorrow night for a cnn film "the assassination of president kennedy." part of cnn's special look at the '60s ayers at 9:00 p.m. eastern time. survivors of a deadly typhoon in the philippines are desperately trying to find medicine, and loved ones. the nightmare touched a family in the u.s. who couldn't reach their brothers in the philippines for three days. anderson cooper has the story of how they found him in this american journey. >> good job, guys. >> for 72 hours after haiyan struck, the philippines siblings barely slept. >> when i saw the pictures of what happened, i assumed the
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worst. >> assumed the worst because while they were safe in san diego, the last time they heard from their brother jim, he was in tacloban. daysyer, jim had e-mailed them not to worry as he is of, his wife, and three kids planned to ride out the storm in their two-story house. but as the storm devastated the city, all communication was lost. collette and cedar's imaginations began to get the better of them. >> a really difficult time just kind of thinking what's happening. we tried calling. we tried texting, e-mailing and there was no response so it was really difficult. it was a difficult time for us just not knowing and just thinking the worst things. >> jim was alive, but shaken. he watched from the second story of his house as the water rose quickly. >> now we're a riverfront resident. >> the travel agency on the ground floor was destroyed. over four days with barely any food or water, he and his family made their way to the tacloban
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airport and got on a flight to manila. he eventually got word to a relative who replayed the good news to his desperate family back in san diego. but it wasn't till wednesday night when everyone could finally breathe a sigh of relief. >> jim. >> jim. >> paul let and cedar were able it see their brother for the first time and made sure everyone was safe. >> how is the family? >> the family's good. julia's here. >> did you get some -- oh, is she awake? julia. >> and jim told them about how he had survived the deadly storm surge that flattened tacloban. >> if we didn't have that house, we would have been, you know, flushed away. the water was like ten feet high. it was like a tsunami. >> although a face-to-face reunion might not happen for weeks, paulette and cedar are shipping boxes full of supplies to those who lost everything. >> my brother had told us that his worst experience there was at nighttime, there was like no
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light. so we're trying to get a bunch of glowsticks and flashlights and gathering as many. like mosquito nets and bake survival equipment to go there as soon as possible. >> for jim, anything helps. they'll go back to tacloba, determined to rebuild, refusing to give up. anderson cooper, cnn. $p >> a new study says there are great jobs still to be had in america. in a minute, we'll tell you where you should start looking. i'm beth... and i'm michelle. and we own the paper cottage. it's a stationery and gifts store. anything we purchase for the paper cottage goes on our ink card. so you can manage your business expenses and access them online instantly with the game changing app from ink. we didn't get into business to spend time managing receipts, that's why we have ink. we like being in business because we like being creative, we like interacting with people.
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apologizing for shouting a gay slur at a photographer this week, but that apology wasn't enough to keep msnbc from actually suspending its friday evening show for two weeks. on thursday, just hours after a canadian actress was found guilty of stalking baldwin, he simply lost his cool outside his manhattan apartment almost like he did during a confrontation yesterday. baldwin shouted a he apologized last night, saying, quote, what i said and did this week as i was trying to protect my family was offensive.
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this undermines what i support. the economy is tough out there. there are some great jobs there, and they're hiring. christine roman says cnn money has a new survey that helps you figure out where to start looking. >> fredricka, in a weak economy with 7.3% unemployment, millions out of work, the list of best jobs in america takes on more importance. these are jobs with big growth, great pay and satisfying work, all appearing on some of the sectors that dominate the list, health care. traditionally does well in any economy, weak or strong, and good paying jobs make of 6 of the best 25 jobs. tech makes up 10 of the top 25. you have facebook, twitter, linked in, other big companies going public the last few years. they are doing a lot of hiring. there are talent wars in tech. also in oil and gas.
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a strong showing on this list, three of the top 25 slots. what are the top three jobs? top three best jobs in america. number one, biomedical engineer. 61% job growth between 2010 and 2020. $87,000 a year for median pay, they design and create peace makers, mris, artificial joints. number two, clinical nurse specialist. big story, three and a half million jobs in this field. $86,000. why are they so important? one word, obama care and push to control health care costs. these nurses figure out how to make health care systems more efficient. you need post-graduate level training in a nursing specialty. number three on the list. software architect. the first six figure salary on the list of best jobs. the median pay here, wow, $121,000 a year. a lot of opportunity because pretty much every sector of the economy has software architects.
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they're software engineers that also understand business. they get a company's problem and solve it with technology. there's a lot of other jobs on the list. video designer, hand therapist. the highest job with median salary $288,000 a year, i am going to send you to to find it. fredricka? >> that's one heck of a cliff hanger. thank you so much, christine. appreciate that. let's talk sports coming up, the action is supposed to be on the field. well, in miami the spotlight is on what's happening off the field. the nfl is asking dolphins players about harassment in the locker room. investigators talk to jonathan martin for almost seven hours. find out what he said next. ♪ man: [ laughs ] those look like baby steps now. but they were some pretty good moves. and the best move of all? having the right partner at my side. it's so much better that way. [ male announcer ] have the right partner at your side.
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banquet. >> this is a weird story. we're hearing two to five football players from virginia state university allegedly beat up winston-salem state's quarterback in the bathroom at a football luncheon yesterday. >> why? >> this happened during a football luncheon. >> that's kind of ridiculous. >> maybe because the two teams were supposed to play today. since the incident happened yesterday, they decided the two teams that would play in division ii, they cancelled that game and cancelled a volleyball game between the two schools as well. a lot of people missing out on what would be a big day today. >> sending a message. >> yes. one player from virginia state arrested on criminal assault charges. >> you've got players, you've got families, you've got fans that are in town that were looking forward to what they thought would be an exciting weekend, and those plans have all gone awry now. >> the person that got beat up in the bathroom is rudy johnson.
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more details will emerge from this story. the biggest story in the nfl is the richie incognito and jonathan martin case. they spent hours with martin. he detailed the abuse he says he suffered for a year and a half with the dolphins. despite all of the controversy that surrounds him, he did say in a written statement he does want to play football again. he told reporters in the written statement that was prepared, you see him in the video, he is committed to cooperating with the nfl investigation, that he will speak directly with steven ross, the owner of the dolphins and the dolphins organization and plans to do it soon. he is looking forward to working through the process which we expect to be a long process, but he plans to resume his career somewhere in the nfl soon. then you have richie incognito. what's going on with him. he is suspended for his part in the alleged scandal, but filed a
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grievance to resume his salary. basically what's going on, incognito believes he is due $1.2 million salary. that would be the pay he would receive while suspended. they could suspend him four games for misconduct behavior. he is saying i want to get my money for the time i am suspended because i don't understand why you're suspending me. the dolphins say we can deny that because your conduct was detrimental to the team. that's why he filed a grievance. >> post suspension, we don't even know how long the suspension will last. for richie incognito, players wanting to play another team, what are his chances of playing for another team if the dolphins say we don't want you playing for our team any more. >> 30 years old. last year of a contract with the dolphins. the dolphins have a decision to make as of december 2nd. cut him or release him. as far as jonathan martin is concerned, highly unlikely he will play with the dolphins this season, given the circumstances, he is probably not.
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we heard scenarios of going to the colts and joining andrew luck or going to the 49ers and joining jim harbaugh. unknown at this point. a lot more to come. >> both young players, one a veteran, incognito, martin clearly a rookie. hopefully they can both rebound. still a lot of unanswered questions, right? thanks so much. joe carter, appreciate it. >> you bet. much more still ahead in the newsroom. and it all starts right now. hello again, i am fredricka whitfield. here are the top stories we're following. an ivy league school scrambles to skop the spread of a rare, deadly disease and they may import vaccines to do it. a live report is minutes away. and we now know the fate of a california family that vanished from their home. hear the conclusion to a three
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year mystery. and after toronto mayor admits to smoking crack cocaine, more embarrassing accusations surface. how he is responding to allegations and what he is doing to stay in office. we begin on the campus of princeton university where officials are trying to contain an outbreak of a rare type of meningitis. officials confirmed seven cases of type b meningitis at the school. there's no vaccine for that strain here in the u.s. that's why the federal government is stepping in to help. alexandra field is live for us from princeton university. alexandra, what are government officials trying to do and how are they going to make a vaccine that is available overseas available to this university? >> reporter: what happened is the fda cleared the way for the cdc to import the vaccine under the experimental drug program
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but it is up to the trustees of the university to decide whether to make it available to 8,000 students here. princeton university officials are meeting this weekend to discuss possible vaccinations on campus to combat an outbreak of meningitis "b" which can cause life threatening illness. new jersey department of health says the first case developed when a student returned from spring break in march. after additional cases were reported, an outbreak of the disease was declared in may. a total of six students are linked to the outbreak. the latest case diagnosed last week. that student is still hospitalized this morning. >> i remember it was pretty incident, she went from feeling almost fine to next minute 103 fever. >> reporter: bacterial meningitis is rare, and the strain causing this outbreak is very rare in the united states. it is not included in currently available vaccines. the bacteria can cause infections of the lining of the
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brain and spinal cord. symptoms include headache, fever, vomiting, rashes, stiff neck. those infected need to be treated right away. even those that recover can suffer serious complications like hearing loss, brain damage, limb amputations. >> treat it quickly. so a community that may have other cases has to be aware of the symptoms because the quicker you put someone on antibiotics, the more likely they are to recover. >> reporter: to combat the disease, the cdc has fda approval to import the only vaccine for meningitis "b" as an experimental drug. it is called bexsero, approved in australia and europe but not yet in the united states. if university and health officials agree to offer the vaccine, it will be available on a voluntary basis, something students will likely consider. >> i think a lot of people are concerned from the fact it didn't go away over the summer after everybody left. >> reporter: we spoke to a number of students this morning
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that say they're waiting to make the decision about whether to take the vaccine until after the trustees make the decision whether or not to make it available. they say since march when the first case was detected, the university has been keeping it up to speed as more cases come to light through a series of e-mails. fredricka? >> thanks so much, alexandra field. part of a mystery solved, more than three years after being reported missing, the bodies of a couple and their two children have been found. police say joseph and summer mcstay with two bodies believed to be their sons were buried in a shallow grave in the desert. all were killed. they vanished from their home in 2010, leaving bowls of popcorn out in the house. the car was found near mexico days later. joseph mcstay's father is taking the news very hard. says he is still not sure he can believe this. dan haggerty of kgtv spoke with
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him. >> reporter: patrick longed for the day he would see his son's family again. his oldest son joseph, wife summer, two beautiful grandsons. that faded this week after a discovery in the mojave desert. >> it hasn't really sunk in because something in the back of my mind keeps saying i will get the call sorry, we made a mistake, it is not them. i keep that glimmer of hope there, you know, but then the other side is tapping me on the shoulder saying no, no, that's not it. >> reporter: investigators suspected the family left on their own, used this to prove that. surveillance video showing what was believed to be the family crossing into mexico. their car found nearby. >> i have been consumed with knowing something happened to them, that this was not, you know, that the san diego sheriff's department was out there only doing whatever they felt they could do that would fit with their little theory and
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prove that they voluntarily walked away, because the only thing you ever heard out of them or you ever saw was that. >> reporter: patrick mcstay always thought foul play was involved. he even gave sheriff investigators three people that may have had something to do with the disappearances. he said he was ignored. >> all i been screaming for is a thorough, competent investigation, taken out of their hands, because they're corrupt and four years telling everybody. >> reporter: memories are all patrick has left. >> if you can find one person on earth that was better and more loved than my son joseph, i sure as hell would like to know who they are. >> all right. now the latest on the mayor of toronto after mayor rob ford admitted to drinking binges and smoking crack, the city council said it's had enough. members voted to strip ford of some of his key powers, and there are new allegations that he abused his power and even
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associated with prostitutes. but through all of this, ford's wife is standing by him. >> do you think he should take a leave of absence? >> that's why we have elections. >> do you think he should at least take personal time? should he at least take a little person time? >> no. >> we have a live report coming up from toronto in a few minutes. we will hear from the mayor's brother, plus our legal guys will look at what kind of legal challenge the mayor can make against the city council. now to a troubling case out of alabama where a convicted child rapist is not going to face any jail time. surprisingly, the victim is shocked and outraged. nick valencia has details. >> i don't understand. like i still can't even process it. >> reporter: baffled.
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courtney andrews says there's no other way to describe how she feels, after hearing the man convicted of raping her repeatedly since she was 13 will somehow avoid jail. this week an alabama judge sentenced her attacker, austin clem, to 30 years behind bars, but he suspended those sentences, opting to give him community corrections, equivalent to house arrest. he still has to register as a sex offender. >> i just don't want him to hurt anyone else the way he hurt me. and he gets to stay home with his three little girls and it scarce the crap out of me. >> you're scared for their safety? >> because what's been done to me is done, but i don't want anybody else being hurt. >> reporter: clem has a history of sexual assaults, according to his attorney was sent to a juvenile facility for a sex abuse case before he was 15. frankly, the attorney said, i think the judge's sentence was surprising to most everyone in the courtroom.
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but with his track record, andrews was convinced clem would be sentenced to years in jail. instead, he will avoid seeing the inside of a jail cell all together if he follows the judge's orders. even still, clem's defense attorney says the sentence is too harsh. it doesn't appear from her actions she was saying no, he said of the victim, saying the relationship was consensual. this is a case with two sides to the coin. the evidence was not clear and convincing. now 20, andrews won't hear any of that. she says she was manipulated by him for over six years and stayed in his life because she felt threatened. >> and i know the truth of what happened and i have people that love me and are going to support me and back me up, all those people that would think that, then they have a problem of their own. >> reporter: prosecutors say they're looking into options to get the sentence overturned. the defense is also considering an appeal. as for judge james woodruff, he did not return cnn's calls for
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comment on the ruling. andrews says she needs an explanation. >> it is like saying it is okay to hurt people, it happens in alabama, it is okay to rape someone and rape other people multiple times and it is okay, you can still walk the streets. >> extraordinary case. nick valencia with me now. is this sentence legal, you talk about options being explored. >> andrews isn't the only one scratching her head over this. the prosecutors question the legality of the judge's decision, saying the community correction is reserved for nonviolent offenders. rapist a violent offense. according to defense, state department of corrections can supersede the judge's order if they determine the rapist has violated the order, but she's terrified not just for her safety but the three little girls, the attacker has children, three little girls under the age of seven. >> he is a registered sex offender. how can he still live with his own children in the house? >> he will be responsible to
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abide by megan's law. so this is what's leaving the prosecutors scratching their heads. they don't understand how the judge came to the sentence, and locally a lot of people are raising eyebrows because the defense attorney and the judge went to high school together and are high school friends. a lot of people think that that might have had something to do with it. >> a lot being reevaluated now. thanks, nick valencia. appreciate that. more than a week after a typhoon slammed into the philippines, aid is still finding its way into the hardest-hit, most remote areas. the death toll is now above 3500. and people who initially survived are dying because they don't have access to proper medical care. the american red cross says it raised about $11 million and so far u.s. numbers show about $33 million have been raised for typhoon relief. to find out how you can help, go to there you can find a list of charitable organizations that are helping and links where you
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can donate. could the president fumbling of obama care hurt his chances are getting other things done in washington? we will look at the possible fallout from his rough health care rollout. [ male announcer ] if you have a dream of owning a business, find out why over one million businesses have trusted legalzoom to help them get started.
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the president insists he is confident obama care can and will work, despite the rocky rollout. members of his own party aren't so sure. in an embarrassing set back yesterday, 39 house democrats voted for a republican plan that would gut his signature health care law. on the same day, the president met with insurance company executives to talk about his roe proposed fix to the law. here is athena jones. >> reporter: hi, fred. obama care continues to be the focus at the white house and the president met friday with insurance company ceos to sell his plan to keep offering health plans to existing customers for the next year, even if they
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don't meet the affordable care act requirements. here is what the president said at the top of the meeting. >> i appreciate these folks coming in. we are going to be soliciting ideas from them, there will be a collaborative process. we want to be sure to get this done so in the years to come every american is going to have the kind of affordable health care that they all deserve. >> reporter: insurance companies are concerned about the change to the rules. they say it will be really difficult to reinstate plans that are already shutting down and they worry this could raise premiums and undermine the insurance market. florida blue says we will allow customers to keep plans in that state, but no way to say how many companies and how many states will go along. and an update on, the teamworking on the site made 200 fixes to bugs on the site and hope to make 50 more priority fixes next week. but the list of problems that need fixing keeps changing. we also learned from cms, centers for medicare and
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medicine case services which manages the site they managed to bring the error rate down to 1% from 2% last week, and 6% a few weeks ago. fred? >> thanks so much, athena. so will the president's mistakes on obama care hurt his chances are getting other key legislation through congress? i put that question to cnn's wolf blitzer. >> the president is trying, he wants to get comprehensive immigration reform, got it done in the senate. the house speaker, john boehner, the republican majority of the house, they're not taking it up this year. we will see what happens next year, election year, mid term election. all members of the house up for re-election, a third of the senate. we'll see if anything can be done with that. there's a lot of financial issues, the economic issues are out there. his big problem right now is making sure the affordable care act, obama care, works. and that's going to take an enormous amount of energy. there have been so many problems since the rollout october 1st. many of those problems are still
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around. the president was sort of opening up and acknowledging how disappointed and frustrated and angry he is about the way this unfolded. that's going to be his priority. if he can't get that done, all these other issues may be in deep, deep trouble in the second term as well. >> and clearly president obama is trying to be transparent by saying he didn't know there were problems with the website, and reiterating some of the going back to the same health care system, he says is not the way to go. has this political fight gotten tougher? >> yes, it is an enormously difficult political battle under way in washington right now. indeed, around the country. there are many benefits to the affordable care act, but enormous amounts of problems. the president acknowledged that his repeated statements years ago when he said if you like your health care plan you can keep your health care plan, if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, didn't turn out to be accurate. didn't turn out to be true and he feels bad about that. that's why he was making
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changes, if you will, to try to fix it. it is unclear if it is going to be fixed, but he is working hard. if he can't get that fixed, the political acrimony in washington will only intensify. it is going to be ugly this next year between now and mid term elections. let's see how he does. >> wolf blitzer, thank you very much. >> thank you. let's head to canada, shall we, where city council is moving to strip toronto mayor rob ford of much of his power. in a minute, the legal guys are weighing in whether he has a fighting chance in court to perhaps block the moves and keep his power. first, each week we are honoring cnn's top ten heroes. today a woman in africa fighting for young girls, they're often not allowed to go to school. she's making sure they get an education. >> i avoided the ceremony as far as i could.
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most of the girls mutilate when they're 12. i really liked going to school. i knew once i go through the cutting, i am going to be married off, and my dream of becoming a teacher was going to end. my mind run away, i had to face my dad and say i would only go through the cutting if he let's me go back to school. it was done in the morning using a rusty knife with no anesthesia. i can never forget that day. eventually i was the first girl in my community to go to college in the u.s. i am determined to start a school for girls so they can achieve their full potential. when girls start at our school, very shy. over time, we see them very confident. they're doing very well. it is the most exciting thing.
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our work is about empowering the girls. these girls are saying no to being cut. they're dreaming of becoming lawyers, teachers, doctors. nursing. my daughter will do better than my son. why should you go ahead to achieve your girl? i came back so girls in the community don't have to negotiate like i did to achieve their dreams. that's why i wake up every morning. 1ñp
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in toronto, the city council made its move against mayor rob ford. members voted to strip ford of some key powers, after the mayor admitted to binge drinking and smoking crack cocaine. the mayor says he, however, is going to fight. senior international correspondent nic robertson is there today. you spoke with rob ford's brother who was on the same city council as the mayor. so what does he have to say about all of this? >> reporter: well, i asked him if he felt that all of this was this sort of whole theater, that his brother's performance in front of the camera, the
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allegations, the admissions about drink, everything happening inside city council. i asked him if all of this was humiliation for his brother. >> just imagine if you took the ceo out and said every one of you folks have the same power as the ceo, it wouldn't work. >> isn't it humiliating for your brother to be put in that position? >> this whole issue is humiliating. >> this is what he will be remembered for. >> well, he is going to be remembered by doing a great job. he is going to be remembered if he fails to move in the right direction, and he's going to be remembered as the come back kid. >> reporter: if he fails to move in the right direction, even the mayor's brother there not sure that the mayor actually can make it through this very difficult period that he is facing, but the mayor says he is going to fight the moves by city council. he is going to do this in the court, even if it means dipping into his own pocket to pay for
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it. your brother the mayor said he will fight some of these issues in court, won't be public money, it will be his money. how much is this going to cost you? how long can you go on fighting it? >> we spent close to probably a million dollars fighting on all the other court cases, three of them. you have to keep in mind, this battle didn't happen right now. this started three years ago when rob ford said he was -- we have taken on bigger guys, too. >> reporter: how deep are you in this? >> short pockets. >> reporter: short pockets. >> very short pockets. >> reporter: you'll have to stop the fight quickly? >> we're never going to stop fighting. >> reporter: he will never stop fighting, he says. monday it is expected that city council here will vote again to take more powers away from the mayor, powers, essentially take staff and money away, hand over powers to the deputy mayor, fred. >> all right, nic robertson,
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thank you so much. they will never stop fighting, that means in court as well. let's bring in our legal guys to talk about this, avery freedman, good to see you, and hln legal analyst joey jackson from new york, filling in for richard herman this week. avery, you first. the mayor was already stripped of major powers of the city council, plans to take action monday as you heard nic explaining to relieve him of other duties. what are the options in court. you heard the brother say there are three big legal fights they're willing to take on. what are the chances? >> right. well, i mean, the brother also, doug ford said they're going to spend a million dollars. he is a public official. i don't know where they're going to get a million bucks to fight this, but the legislature controls the purse, and they control the purse to the extent that if there's policy in toronto, then what they have the right to do is control where it
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goes. the only argument i think that rob ford is going to be able to make is that it is an abuse of legislative authority. i don't know that that's going anywhere, but you know what, he's turned into matt foley down by the river. i just don't know how he's going to be successful in this kind of challenge. if a court buys that the legislature, city council abused its authority, he may get it back, but there's not going to be decision in the near future, and i think this is going absolutely nowhere. >> he has something like another five years until the end of his term. maybe that's part of it. he is going to continue with the fight until he voluntarily walks off the job. so joey, if it is not ford challenging the legislative powers, then mayor ford says he is going to go after those who he thinks mislabeled him by saying he had relations with prostitutes, et cetera, and so maybe we're talking about some sort of defamation kind of case? >> well, here's the problem, fredricka. in order to establish
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defamation, you have to establish that the statements were not true, an absolute defense to defamation is truth. and from what goes on seemingly every day, something else is coming out about him, which is less than honorable. ultimately i agree with avery's proposition that it is going to be a heavy lift for him to establish this was an abuse of legislative power. the mayor, it is not about the individual, the office is bigger than that. ultimately you have to govern for the people of toronto. so for a court to say they were not acting properly in order to gain control of that city, and to get people in power who can move the city forward, i think ultimately is something that will fail in the court. it is time to resign. >> what will his legal fights be that the city council unlawfully is removing him of his powers, that he can continue to maintain his job because this is not a job he can be fired from, he has to walk off the job, voluntarily
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leave the job of being a mayor in toronto. so avery, is he challenging, you know, city council that no matter what, he cannot -- his powers cannot be removed from him? >> the legislative branch, fredricka, cannot remove executive power, but i don't know that anyone has talked about this yet. certainly it is a common practice in the united states. i don't know what the people of toronto, what are they, torontorians, tarantulas. aren't they going to rise up by way of a referendum or something like that and say we're not going to hold onto this guy five more years. i actually think there will be a ground swell within the community to say this guy really has to go. >> okay, we will see. it looks like he and his brother are going to fight to the end. you heard him say it.
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all right. >> better have very deep pockets. very deep. costs money. >> big money making representation. joey and avery, we will be right back. we will have you tackle another controversial case. this one involving a man that claims his wife was worked to death and takes this case to court. he says his wife was so overworked she crashed her car, then died. will the hospital where she worked get the blame? it's hard to see opportunity in today's challenging environment. unless you have the right perspective. bny mellon wealth management has the vision and experience to look beyond the obvious. we'll uncover opportunities, find hidden risk, and make success a reality.
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her death, beth jasper's unit at the jewish hospital in cincinnati was regularly understaffed and that that caused some nurses, including jasper, to work through breaks and pick up additional shifts. jim jasper says the hospital knew what was going on. >> i mean, they knew. they knew that these staffing levels, something like this, they were told something like this could happen. they're compassionate about patients, don't want to make a mistake, but you know, when you work under those conditions, it is going to happen. >> our legal guys are back. avery freedman in cleveland, joey jackson in for richard herman, joining us from new york. avery, let's start with you. jim jasper is arguing his wife's death was a foreseeable consequence of her working longer shifts. does he have a legal argument in that state? well, you nailed the legal standard. was it foreseeable for the employer to expect this would happen. and let me tell you something.
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i love the theory. i think americans are overworked, they're suffering. the fact is except for california, none of the other 49 states has a law that protects workers. at the end of the day while i think it is very creative and we suffer for this family, of course, i don't think this case is actually going anywhere, and that's unfortunate. >> so joey, this family at the least does say that it wants to make hospitals change their policies so that nurses aren't overworked, don't have these kinds of long hours. what are the chances that a lawsuit like this can help bring about new legislation or at least hospital policies. >> there, fredricka, there's an opportunity for that to be brought about. i think the lawsuit doesn't even make it to a jury for a number of reasons. one, as a policy matter, there are a lot of people that work hard, not taking anything away from nurses, mom, my sister, people work hard. but there are so many other
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professions. anchors, fredricka, you're working hard. should cnn be held accountable, business professionals, lawyers, everyone works hard. as a policy matter, if you allow this, the flood gates are open for everything. as a legal matter showing that but for you working long hours, this would not have happened, i think it fails there. but to the larger point, and it is also about personal responsibility. not to put onus or blame on the victim here, it is unfortunate, but the reality is take a nap, do something, stop putting yourself in danger. what i see as a large matter, i think fredricka, you're right. policy could be effected by the hospital so it doesn't happen again. >> you know, in the case of a lot of hospitals, some hospitals actually allow employees to sleep at the hospital because they expect the long hours are definitely going to take a toll, and there's such a tight turn around in a lot of cases as well. again, we're not sure where this
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will go. we don't have comment from the jewish hospital in cincinnati. i am sure the jasper family will be hearing from the hospital by way of their attorneys. all right. thanks so much. avery and joey, good to see you this saturday. thanks so much. catch our brilliant legal minds every saturday about this time. thanks so much. all right. sony launching a new playstation this week. lots of people rushed to get their hands on it, but competition is on the way. we'll tell you how soon. ♪ (train horn) vo: wherever our trains go, the economy comes to life. norfolk southern. one line, infinite possibilities.
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himself, saying he was trying to protect his family, but it was offensive and unacceptable. and a volvo add featuring jochb clawed van dam has a lot of folks saying how did he do that? watch as he does an incredible split between two moving trucks that appear to be driving backwards. not bad for the 53-year-old actor. not bad for anyone that can do that. volvo says that stunt is real. and playstation fans lined up to by the ps 4. fans came out by the thousands to grab one of the new consoles. the new system focuses on the social element of game play, features a redesigned controller that you can use with a touch pad. folks as sony love the attention they're getting from the ps4 launch, but also said preparing for the competition that is soon to come. lori siegel has more on that. >> reporter: hey, fredricka.
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gamers are excited. let me tell you why. for the first time in seven years, two gaming rivals are going head to head. friday sony released playstation 4. let me put it in perspective for you. the last time sony released a playstation, the iphone didn't exist, it was 2006. needless to say, there's some major improvements. we are talking better graphics, social integration, you can press a button on the controller, share clips of games with friends in real time. and there's also more access to music, video, web. that means apps like netflix, amazon hulu plus. they're saying it is no longer just a gaming mechanism. with the new launch, sony is playing up the idea of personalization. the idea that your gaming experience can be catered to you and only you. ps4 is not cheap, $399. 20 games will be available. i will say this, it is not a
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good release without competition. ps4 will have it. coming out this week, microsoft x box one. for hardcore gamers, this is the rival to beat. last version came out in 2005, a long time ago. you can imagine they're bringing their a game to this launch. if you're an hbo, espn fan, apps are available on that x box 1. the price is $499, includes the kinect camera, a lot of folks excited about that. we spoke to andrew house who says competition is a good thing. listen to what he said. >> i think it creates enormous excitement for our category. it gives people a sense of choice, options. but we're very confident that playstation 4 delivers great value, and also a great lineup of experiences. >> reporter: so competition may be a good thing, but sony has quite a bit riding on this launch, gaming a huge part of
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their business strategy, and it is no secret the company has been struggling. so to put this in perspective, these launches are a very big deal in the gaming community, they have been a long time coming. fredricka? >> wow, big bucks at stake. thanks so much. it is a game of another sort as stocks spent most of the past week in record territory, not quite making the milestone. this comes with a nomination of new head of federal reserve. >> reporter: the dow hit all-time highs monday, wednesday, thursday, and friday. s&p 500 hit record highs 36 times this year. something we haven't seen since 1999. it came as federal reserve nominee janet yellen testified saying she intends to keep stimulus flowing into the economy because unemployment is
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too high. if i dealt says the average balance is up 11% from last year. people are saving more and stocks are at all-time highs. snap chat reportedly turned down a buyout offer from facebook. 23-year-old evan spiegel and 25-year-old bobby murphy said no to $3 billion. you can send pictures that self destrict. a strong following for teens. that's a market facebook is struggling with. the u.s. air, american airlines merger took a big step forward. they agreed to sell facilities at seven airports so other airlines can buy in. the justice department sued to block the merger saying it would reduce competition. gamers lined up for playstation 4 ahead of the friday debut. it is the first new gaming system in seven years. analysts expect it to sell out before christmas. sony will have more competition.
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microsoft x box 1 hits shelves friday. that's the week on wall street. >> thank you so much. 50 years after assassination of john f. kennedy, people are still asking did lee harvey oswald act alone, or was there a larger conspiracy? we're breaking that down next. the american dream is of a better future,
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conspiracy theories will not go away, on the 50th anniversary of the president's assassination, there are still books being written on the subject. people asking if lee harvey oswald acted alone. randy kaye finds out more. >> several thousand enthusiastic texans are on hand. >> reporter: 50 years later we're asking, did lee harvey oswald act alone? a "the new york times" reporter is the author of a cruel and shocking act, a new, revealing book about all of the questions that to many remain unanswered. >> on the warren commission, they called oswald the pip squeak, that this pip squeak with a $21 mail order rifle could bring down the most powerful and glamorous man in the world in a mill second. it was better to have a grand conspiracy of a man behind closed doors doing this. >> reporter: evil men like fidel
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castro whose name is often connected to the assassination. oswald's possible connection to cuba is at the center of his book which details oswald's trip to mexico city seven weeks before the assassination. there, he says, oswald met with cuban spies, castro sympathizers that wanted kennedy dead. >> how likely they were working with cuba's revolutionary government. >> it appears he made the statement in mexico city i want to kill president kennedy, i am going to kill president kennedy. at that point in the cold war, seems somebody might have whispered in his ear to do it if he got a chance. >> reporter: some believe the man on film opening and closing his umbrella was to blame, suggesting he was either signaling the shooter or shooting a poison dart at the president. it's also been suggested by some conspiracy theorists that the
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vice president, lynn den johnson, ordered that hit on his boss. it was johnson that set up the warren commission in part to put an end to the chatter that he was responsible for the assassination. but the chatter continues. especially since as sheenan found, so much evidence was destroyed. >> president kennedy dies friday. on saturday, his original autopsy report and notes from autopsy room are pushed into one of the doctor's fireplaces where they're turned to ash. the next day you have fbi agents in dallas shredding a note oswald left for them a few weeks earlier, a handwritten note. we will never know what was in that note and it was flushed down the toilet. over time, more and more evidence would disappear from government files. >> which only feeds the conspiracies. >> absolutely. there are so many conspiracy theories created by the government supposedly trying to combat them. >> reporter: randy kaye, cnn, new york. >> be sure to watch tomorrow night that cnn film, the
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assassination of president kennedy. this film part of a special look at the '60s airs at 9:00 p.m. eastern time. comedian andy kaufman was known for quirky humor. he also joked he would fake his own death one day. so did he? we do some digging next. [ male announcer ] if you have a dream of owning a business, find out why over one million businesses have trusted legalzoom to help them get started. when you're ready to open the doors to your business, we'll have a personalized legal solution that's right for you. start your business today with legalzoom.
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they say legends never die, so when it comes to comedian andy kaufman, there's a rumor he is still alive. a woman has come forward claiming to be kauffman's daughter. his brother also said he had gotten a letter from the comedian saying he faked his death in the 1980s. is it just a hoax? miguel marquez did some digging. >> reporter: his comedy,
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seriously funny. andy kaufman from episode one of "saturday night live." and there he is being beaten in the world of wrestling. funny to a bizarre degree. his brilliance, the line between comedy and reality never clear. the kaufman, lawler played out on the david letterman show. so the news that he might be alive? the documentary, the death of andy kaufman, a serious study of whether he faked his own death, it is a possibility kept alive since he was buried. so when a woman claiming to be
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kaufman's daughter, along with his brother made a convincing bid he might be alive, the rumor mill turned again. according to his death certificate, andy kaufman died may 16, 1984 at cedar sinai hospital in west hollywood, california. when asked if there was any chance he faked his own death, the l.a. coroner put it bluntly andy kaufman is dead. his comedy lives on. we'd like to think he does, too. miguel marquez, cnn, hollywood. >> all right. we're going to hear from andy kauffman's brother tomorrow at 3:00 eastern here on cnn. we have much more straight ahead in the newsroom and it all starts right now. i'm fredricka whitfield, here are the top stories from the cnn
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