tv The Situation Room CNN November 18, 2013 2:00pm-3:31pm PST
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>> mayor rob ford saying what goes around, comes around. saying that removing his powers is one of the single worst things you can do for democracy. bill weir joining us for these last few seconds. your special airs tonight at 8:00. >> yeah, we have so much with him and more on that, his brother vowed they will use their own candidates to take out everybody on the toronto city council. unbelievable. >> that airs in a couple hours. thanks. welcome aboard. that's it for "the lead." i'll be back at 6:00 p.m. eastern to anchor "the situation room." for now, i turn you over to jim sciutto filling in for wolf blitzer. happening now, death and destruction in the heartland. we'll talk with a tornado survivor who never stopped praying even as he captured images of the storm that leveled his neighborhood. we'll go into the midwest disaster zone. george zimmerman busted again. we'll take you live to florida where police talk about his latest brush with the law after his acquittal in the shooting death of teenager trayvon martin. medical news you need to know. experts scramble to untangle the
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confusion after problems are discovered with new cholesterol guidelines. wolf blitzer is off today. i'm jim sciutto. you're in "the situation room." we're following breaking news right now. george zimmerman acquitted in the shooting of teenager trayvon martin has been arrested. you're looking at a live picture from sanford, florida. we're waiting for police to talk about his latest arrest. we're also watching the news out of toronto, where mayor rob ford, who admitted to smoking crack, is defending himself. we begin with the latest developments on the aftermath of the deadly tornadoes which have left a trail of death and destruction in the midwest. shock and grief in the midwest. the full extent of the damage is now starkly apparent a day after tornadoes and thunderstorms tore through several states. illinois was hardest hit. six people were killed there, up to 200 hurt. in the town of washington,
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hundreds of homes were destroyed by 190 mile an hour twister. one of them belonged to steve buccer, who dashed into the basement just as the storm hit. >> in the next minute and a half we're either going to be in heaven or we're going to be in the hospital or we're going to walk out of here. completely in the lord's hands which of those three things were going to happen. >> let's go straight to cnn's brooke baldwin, who is on the scene there in washington. i know you have seen this kind of thing before. how does this compare? >> reporter: it's tough to really compare any kind of disaster like this, jim. you know that. you've covered things like this. but it's almost like you sit there and you watch it on television, but to stand here in front of just utter devastation, it takes your breath away. and in talking to multiple families, all of whom survived this ef-4 tornado here in washington, illinois, they are certainly breathing a sigh of relief tonight but i have to be honest, they admitted to me they are still numb.
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but when you look at the number of fatalities here in this town of about 15,000, i'm talking one death, they all know this could have been so much worse. when the tornado hit, there was nothing anyone could do but stare and scream, hope and pray -- >> our father who art in heaven -- >> reporter: -- and run and hide. now there is so much hard work ahead, so much pain, so much loss. danielle showed me what's left of her home. this was the master bedroom. does it feel real? >> i'm numb. numb. i have breakdowns every time i walk in here. >> reporter: as many as 400 homes are in shreds here in washington, illinois, ripped apart by an extremely powerful ef-4 tornado, packing winds nearing 200 miles per hour. the path of destruction cuts
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from one side of the town straight to the other. i traveled about 70 miles from here to diamond, illinois, where i met danielle and her husband, and they told me they huddled in their basement when the storm hit with their three children and one of their friends. how do you get through this? >> i don't know. i have no idea. i haven't done really anything because i just walk around. i don't know what to do. i don't know where to start. i don't know. >> reporter: we are hearing stories just like that and seeing scenes like these across a huge chunk of the midwest. assaulted by ferocious thunderstorms and dozens of tornadoes. in lebanon, indiana, the storm flipped a car outside of a starbucks, trapping customers inside. in peoria, illinois, a news team left the anchor desk during their broadcast just to find shelter.
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>> we need to go off the air. we will be back when we can. >> reporter: all across the disaster area, people are picking up the pieces. danielle and her husband are thinking ahead to thanksgiving, in just a matter of days, and why they still have reason to be thankful. >> we'll make it. nobody died. >> nobody died. >> in our neighborhood. >> reporter: what would you say? >> we're going to get through it. >> reporter: they are going to get through it. hundreds of others will get through it here in washington and beyond. 400 homes here in this city, gone, but that family you just heard from in diamond, illinois, they told me as they were leaving their home after the tornado hit, their home may be a total loss but they made sure to grab those gifts because their kids may not have a home but they said those kids will have christmas. jim? >> incredible, the things you save in those moments. thanks very much to brooke baldwin in washington, illinois. residents didn't know about it
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at the time but the tornado that hammered washington had winds up to 190 miles an hour. as his family huddled in terror, cnn ireporter anthony corey started praying but he kept his camera going. >> our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. >> anthony corey, who took that stunning video, joins us now by telephone. anthony, thank you so much for joining us. we are glad you're in one piece. i have to ask you as you were praying there, did you think you were seeing your own final moments? >> i mean, i wasn't really afraid. i come from a very devout catholic christian family and
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when we pray to god, i just -- he calms my nerves and gives me strength and gives me courage. >> incredible strength in that moment. you're watching through that window as we're seeing now that tornado tearing up your neighbors' homes. you must have been worried about their wellbeing. have you been able to locate them since then? do you know that they're okay? >> yes, they are all good. they are fine, thank god. >> thank god for sure. another thing, too, i can imagine your fear even with that confidence of praying, what gave you the presence of mind to take out that camera and film, capture those incredible powerful scary images? >> i mean, as soon as i was in the living room with my family, and you know, my dad thought he heard a helicopter and we look outside and see this massive black tornado completely destroying everything in its path, and then i just -- we all
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ran downstairs and i just looked out my video camera, started recording and we started praying as a family. >> we are seeing pictures from aerials that show the destruction. when you did emerge from the basement, what did the scene look like to you? what did it remind you of? >> you know, it's something you just see in a movie. you know, i grew up in washington, i lived there for 16 years, you know, it was always a peaceful town. i never thought something like that would ever happen. this is something, just felt like something in a movie. i never thought i would ever experience something like this. >> i have to think that neighbors in the area, they need help now. do you see that help coming in quickly or are the neighbors coming together to help each other? >> it is coming very quickly. there are so many people, you know, that are just trying to come together and help out. they want to, you know, they want to do anything they can.
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they want to donate money, they want to come, you know, come and help out the families who lost their homes. >> we are looking at images like this from the philippines just last week, now we're seeing it on our home shores as well. can you tell us what people need most at this point? there are so many americans watching now, they see this, they want to help. what is most needed there now? >> i believe they can use all the prayers they can and also, you know, just all the hands and the people come together, donate money to all those who need it the most. >> anthony, i know a lot of people will want to reach out. we are very happy you and your family, your neighbors are okay. thanks so much for sharing your stories and also those powerful images. we are going to leave illinois now and go live to sanford, florida, where a press conference began moments ago. the seminole county sheriff's office with the latest on
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today's arrest of george zimmerman. >> the easiest way to describe it is rather passive. clearly he's had the opportunity to encounter situations similar to this in the past. offered no resistance and cooperated the entire time. >> did you think it was accurate, acquitted of trayvon martin's murder, he's got an invincib invincibleity complex? >> i'm not going to speculate on those type of questions. [ inaudible question ] >> well, looking at a search warrant, we want to make sure that everything is handled in this particular case properly and quite honestly, we have the house secured right now so we would rather go and take the extra step to obtain the search warrant than proceed without it. it just makes the case stronger and it's a safer way to address that. >> how many weapons do you believe are in that house? >> we believe that there are at least two weapons inside the house but again, that would be something that is hopefully revealed as we have the opportunity to execute that
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search warrant once we have it in hand. >> did you take many calls prior to this one today to that same residence dealing with this? >> not that i'm aware of. there has been no prior calls involving these individuals at that particular residence that i'm aware of. >> based on similar scenarios, how likely is he going to get a bail bond tomorrow? is he going to get out of jail? >> that's entirely up for a judge to decide. theud or she will determine whether or not probable cause existed for the arrest, take all aspects of this into account and make a determination whether or not a bond is warranted in this particular case. if it is, again, we have requested electronic monitoring not in lieu of, but in addition to normal sanctions that somebody would face as conditions of a bond. i got time for just a couple more questions on this. >> does he have any kind of representation at this point? >> we don't know. we don't know. he has clearly the opportunity to access attorneys. we provide him with the opportunity to access
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telephones. so he will make those decisions as this progresses but i don't know the answer to that question at this time. [ inaudible question ] >> yes. the alleged victim's name is samantha scheib. [ inaudible question ] >> i don't, but that information will probably be released in the arrest reports that we publish to you shortly after this news conference. >> by the time you guys got there, he was passive. what was she like? >> she was obviously concerned. she was on the phone with our dispatch, communicating as much information as she could so that the deputies were prepared. and obviously, this is something that is going to shake her up. i have not had the opportunity to speak with her personally but i know that our domestic violence investigators are working with her. she has been provided a notice of her rights and we will be sitting with her in the coming days to make sure that she knows
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all of the things that are entitled to her as a domestic violence victim. >> are the charges misdemeanors? >> one of them is a felony. the aggravated assault with a weapon is a felony charge. >> was she in fear of her life? did she relay that message to deputies when they responded? >> she did. one more question. >> if the domestic violence charges end up getting dropped when the victims don't want to cooperate any more, will she go forward with it? >> she is cooperating to this point. there is no reason why we can believe why she wouldn't be. obviously, she's shaken up over this incident, like any of us would be. so she's cooperating, she's working with the deputy sheriffs and we will do everything we can do to protect her. thank you. >> you said she was in fear of her life. what exactly did she say about that? >> you know, the investigators are still with her now. so her exact disclosure, what exactly she said, i don't have those particular details. but obviously, she was very concerned for her own safety, especially having the weapon
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pointed at her, then being pushed out, barricaded out and then damaged property on the other side of the house. no injuries that we could see. again, nobody was in the house, no visible injuries. we're basing a lot of this information off of her sworn statement and report that she provided. >> do we know who owned the gun? >> don't know any of that now. we will get it for you. i don't have it right here. heather smith's in the back. she can provide all of that information to you. she's right there. >> do you know who was instigating the breaking up? >> i don't know. anything really further than this would probably be speculation on my part. and we're not prepared to do that. we want to be transparent, we want to keep you informed what's going on, but with that, we want to be fair. we want to provide information that is accurate and any of those things will probably be less than accurate information at this time. heather smith is in the back. she can provide that information
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for you. >> the other two charges, misdemeanors? >> yes, the other two charges are misdemeanors. it's a battery, the battery is the pushing outside, and then the criminal mischief is the destruction and breaking a table inside the house. thank you for your time. >> was the shotgun loaded? >> we don't know at this time. >> you have just been watching a press conference live from sanford, florida. the sheriff there announcing new charges against george zimmerman. that's a new mug shot of him taken today, arrested earlier today in a verbal dispute with a woman. he accosted her with a long barrel shotgun, not being charged with aggravated assault. we bring in cnn senior legal analyst jeffrey toobin to comment on this. i have to ask you, what do you make of this, how serious are these charges? >> it's very serious. this is a felony and two misdemeanors. the first question that has to be dealt with is the question of bail. will he get out on bail. he is going to have to establish that he's not a risk of flight
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and not a danger to the community in light of the seriousness of these charges. it's not at all clear he will be able to do that. i assume bail will be set at some point but it could be a great deal of money and then of course, we have to look at what the evidence is. he's just been charged, we don't know anything more than that, but this is his second serious brush with the law since he was acquitted in the death of trayvon martin. he was involved in an altercation with his wife from whom he's separated since september, no charges were filed there. he's been stopped for speeding a couple of times. so he's been in some trouble but now he's in some very serious trouble. >> tell me about aggravated assault. this is a felony charge that he would face in addition to the two other charges the sheriff mentioned? >> right. this is just an initial charge. this is something that was up to the police. this will never then go to the district attorney and they will decide what kind of charges ultimately he will face in court.
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but the police have a lot of latitude in an initial arrest situation and the fact that they thought it was serious enough to rate as a felony, and that will be the charge that the judge will have to deal with the question of bail on. it suggests this is a very serious matter. a gun was involved, apparently there was some breakage in the apartment. i didn't get to hear the full press conference so i'm not fully up to date on what was on the entire nature of the evidence so far, but just the fact that you have a gun, the fact that you have an act allegedly of some violence in the house means this is a very serious matter, and domestic violence is something that increasingly district attorneys and police take seriously, as they should, and he's in a world of trouble. >> no question. so multiple charges now, new charges against george zimmerman. jeff, we will ask you to stay there. we will go to a break and have
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more updates on george zimmerman's story and others coming up after this. my mantra? family first. but with less energy, moodiness, and a low sex drive, i saw my doctor. a blood test showed it was low testosterone, not age. we talked about axiron. the only underarm low t treatment that can restore t levels to normal in about 2 weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18 or men with prostate or breast cancer. women especially those who are or who may become pregnant and children should avoid contact where axiron is applied
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for many, relief is at hand. ask your doctor about nexium. welcome back. we're following a breaking story here on "the situation room." in florida, george zimmerman arrested again after a verbal dispute with a woman. he accosted her with a long barrel shotgun. just moments ago, the sheriff in seminole county, florida, had this to say. >> at 12:30 this afternoon, seminole county sheriff's deputy received a report of a disturbance call at the 1300 block at top fuel court. that is the home of george
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zimmerman's girlfriend. when we arrived, the victim in this particular case indicated that she and george zimmerman were having a verbal dispute and at that time, she alleged that he had broken a table and at one point, pointed a long barreled shotgun at her. she was able to work her way to the front door of the residence on her cell phone and called 911 to make contact with authorities and at that time, he actually pushed her out of the front of the residence and then barricaded the door with some furniture from the inside of the house. we had constant communication and within three minutes or a little over three minutes, seminole county deputies arrived on scene and were able to make contact with the victim on the outside of the residence. she provided responding deputies with actually a key to the home and deputies were able to open the door, push away the furniture that was barricading
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the door, and confronted george zimmerman as he sat there. at that time he was unarmed. he offered no resistance to deputies as they responded and he was immediately taken into investigative detention at that time so they could gather additional information from our victim in this particular case. as that case continued to evolve, they made determination that they had probable cause for george zimmerman's arrest and he was arrested and booked into the seminole county correctional facility at 1:00 this afternoon, where he currently is. >> you'll remember that george zimmerman was arrested in 2012 in the shooting death of 17-year-old trayvon martin. he was charged with murder at the time, but acquitted in july of this year. we're joined again by cnn senior legal analyst jeffrey toobin. to be clear, he's been arrested before, he's been charged before but he's never been convicted. >> right. that's a very important
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distinction, of course, i think most people remember that he was charged with second degree murder in the death of trayvon martin and that was a trial that was televised, we covered it certainly extensively here at cnn. and he was acquitted and that was of course very controversial. everyone including the president of the united states had something to say about the verdict in that case. but he has no criminal record. he has a history of involvement with law enforcement. just a few months ago in september, he was -- the police were called to his house and he was involved in some sort of altercation with his then wife. he's now separated. that did not result in any charges. he's been stopped for speeding several times since his acquittal and now he's in very serious trouble, because he's been charged with a felony and two misdemeanors. he will certainly spend tonight in prison. he will be assigned a lawyer. mark o'mara who i think a lot of people remember was his lawyer, now a cnn contributor. he has said he is not representing zimmerman in this
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case so he will either retain a lawyer, he will be assigned a lawyer, and he'll have his first appearance in court tomorrow, but he will spend tonight in the jail in seminole county. >> his checkered legal past even goes back before that 2012 shooting. restraining orders, et cetera. you're a former federal prosecutor. can you as you're prosecuting a case like this, bring up any of that past? >> let me draw an important distinction here. on the question of bail, it will be relevant because the question of bail always involves two questions. are you a danger to the community, and if you have a record of arrests and not convictions, that's something a judge can take into consideration. also, are you a risk of flight. those are the sorts of issues a judge has very wide discretion on what to consider. if this case goes to trial, the jury will not be able to consider his acquittal in the trayvon martin case. that's a much more tightly controlled issue of the rules of evidence.
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so yes for bail but no if this case ultimately goes to trial. but that's certainly a long way down the road. >> one thing we noticed the sheriffs mentioned they want to hold him in a single cell. this is a high profile case. we read about it, millions of americans know about it. are there concerns for his safety while he's in that cell from other prisoners? >> i'm sure there are. this was a very notorious case. a lot of people have very strong feelings about it. it certainly led to a big conversation about race in america, as i'm sure many people remember. trayvon martin was black, george zimmerman is white, and the question of that was very important in the public reaction to the case. so all of this leads to i think a very prudent decision on the part of seminole county authorities which is keep him separated for at least one night and then we'll see what the judge does tomorrow about bail, and then everybody can reconsider what their options are. >> recapping for our viewers for a moment, george zimmerman now
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charged with three potential crimes, aggravated assault, battery, criminal mischief, after a verbal dispute with a woman in which he accosted her with a long barreled shotgun. we're told by police in seminole county, florida, that he will be kept in a single cell tonight out of fears perhaps as our own jeffrey toobin saying there for his own safety. a very high profile case. so thank you very much, jeffrey toobin, for joining us. certainly a case we will be following in these next hours and days. coming up, dick cheney's daughters are involved in a messy public spat over same sex marriage. now the whole family is caught up in the feud. and medical news you need to know. experts scramble to untangle the confusion after problems are discovered with new cholesterol guidelines. you're in "the situation room."
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between their daughters over same sex marriage. it started when daughter liz, who is running for the senate, said she supports the traditional definition of marriage even though her sister mary is in a same sex marriage. >> i love mary very much. i love her family very much. this is just an issue on which we disagree. >> that led to a heated response on facebook from both spouse. it all got very personal. joining me now, cnn political analyst, gloria borger, chief political analyst. david frum, political commentator, contributing editor for daily beast, and peggy nants. thanks very much for joining us. how did we get here? this is a political family. why didn't they work this out? >> that's a really interesting question but family dynamics, as we all know, are a very tricky thing, even in politics. look, liz cheney is running as an ultra-conservative in the state of wyoming. that's a good thing to be when you're a republican. for some republicans, she's not
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to the right enough on the issue of gay marriage. as she said on fox news on sunday, she said look, i don't support gay marriage but i believe it's an issue that should be left to the state. that is what her father said going back as far as the year 2000. but after she said that, for some reason, the facebook messages started flying. her sister's spouse called her view offensive, then her sister got on and said -- on facebook and said my sister's on the wrong side of history, then the parents, you know, you have children, tried to break up the fight. just kind of a mess. >> politics and sibling rivalry. you don't want to get that started. let me read a statement from dick cheney today. they weighed in. it seems to me that he was coming in a little on liz's side. liz has always treated her sister and her sister's family with love and respect exactly as she should have done. compassion is called for even when there is a disagreement about such a fundamental matter and liz's many kindnesses should
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not be used to distort her position. is he taking sides here? >> i think it's indicative of an argument that's going on across americans getting ready to sit down at thanksgiving tables and there's division within families, neighborhoods, capitol hill, you name it, on the issue of legalization of same sex marriage. we know that the polls show a split within the country and yeah, they love liz and i'm sure the sister, they love each other, they need to learn to speak respectfully to each other as we do when we talk about this issue. this is a very important issue. we need to be able to talk about it with each other respectfully and both sides agree that we each have a voice in this issue. that it's okay to disagree, it doesn't make you a bigot or make you mean, that your faith dictates that marriage is traditional marriage, not same sex marriage. >> you mentioned a disagreement. there's disagreement within the republican party. david, you have written that you were wrong on this issue and you have come around to support it. >> the way opinions change is exactly the way opinions are
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moving within the cheney family, through conversations one-on-one through intense -- >> or through facebook. >> well, that's part of it that makes you feel kind of bad. i don't like being inside the cheney family's internal discussions and all families, including former vice presidents of the united states and their kin are entitled to work things out privately. so it's odd being on television talking about this. however, here we are on television talking about it. i think one of the things that is back of all of this is whether liz is sincere or whether she is making an estimate about wyoming. i think she's wrong about the politics. if she is going to present herself as a new kind of republican and challenge an established incumbent, she needs to look at where republicans under 50 are on this issue. >> that's what her sister said. her sister said exactly the same thing about -- >> that's not the case at all. >> republicans over 50 already have a perfectly satisfactory representative in mike enzi. if you're going to replace mike enzi --
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>> liz cheney has strong opinions on defense, has strong opinions on life and is able to -- >> then she can't complain if she has such strong opinions when she meets resistance. >> here's what's going on in the state of wyoming. want to talk about -- she wants to win this race. don't forget she's in a primary a year from now, long way. but there is a conservative pac outside money running ads. can we play a little clip for a second? >> i fought for example the state department decision to extend benefits to same sex partners around the world. >> liz cheney, wrong for wyoming. >> there you are. so that's clearly what she's reacting against. >> you're not suggesting this was the family trying to help her out to make her look more conservative, are you? >> could be. anything happens in politics. >> i don't believe that. i think she was asked about this and she gave her opinion and then she was slapped down for it. >> i don't know the answer to that question.
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>> very disrespectful to her. >> you said something that was very important. one -- the theory of the race, is why do you need to replace mike enzi. the answer is because liz cheney is a much more combative personality. leave aside whether we need more of that. enzi is very conservative. the point is as you just said, she's much more aggressive and confrontational than he is. leave aside the question of whether or not we need more of that in washington. i don't think we do. but leave that aside. the point is, you start confrontations, people are going to confront you back. this is a little taste of what this kind of rough method, you invoked a very gentle mode of discussion and i think that's appropriate but that is not -- >> you think she started this discussion. they asked her on fox news her opinion and she gave it. she gave it in a winsome, kind, loving way and somehow because she said it she was the villain' th they beat her up for it. >> her sister did.
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there was also an interesting dig that heather poe, her sister's spouse, took at her which said i can't help but wonder how liz would feel if as she moved from state to state, she discovered her family wasn't protected because they call her a carpetbagger. >> you have the local race but you also have the debate within the republican party, the larger issue of how does a big tent republican party appeal to a broader swath of americans in 2014 and of course, in 2016. >> i went to -- i was in a discussion shortly after the 2012 election and i was asked what's your view on what republicans need to do first. my answer was insult fewer people next time. >> right. >> i think that a big tent party, you try to add votes. you don't start saying these are the votes we don't want. you say these are the votes we might try to get. one of the questions republicans have is as a party of enterprise, how is it that if you have a partner in an accounting firm or somebody who runs a business and because they live in a different way you say we're not interested in your support or we're not going to make it easy for you to join us.
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conservative parties throughout the world, germany, canada, britain, australia, which are successful have included these issues. >> we have to go. i will give you the final word. can the party be a big tent party opposed to gay marriage? >> the majority of people still support traditional marriage and the republican party, the majority of primary voters do, and whether it's life, whether it's marriage, these are issues that deal with faith and deal with morality and we have a right to have an opinion. >> the party has changed. it used to be you had to support -- >> the numbers are still -- >> we have to leave it there. fantastic discussion. thank you very much. glad to be part of it. coming up next, medical news you need to know. experts scramble to untangle the confusion after problems are discovered with new cholesterol guidelines. and why did these police officers fire into a van full of children? we have details of what led up to these disturbing images. i got this.
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we're covering a number of breaking stories now, and now breaking news out of toronto, where embattled mayor rob ford has been stripped of most of his powers by the city council. the latest fallout from his admission that he smoked crack cocaine during what he called a drunken stupor. cnn international correspondent nic robertson is in toronto for us. nic, tell us the latest. >> reporter: jim, just high drama here. the mayor in his last speech to council there right before the vote comparing this to the invasion, saddam hussein's invasion of kuwait, saying this is like saddam hussein, i'm going to fight you, you have sinned, i'm mad, we are going to get even come the next elections and really strong stuff. it's been periods of drama and farce that we've seen here in the city council today. at one point, the mayor
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barreling through the desks in the council chamber, knocking over this small elderly counselor, female counselor there, picking her up later, apologizing. him and his brother screaming and shouting at hecklers in the public gallery inside there and inside the council, the legal drama as well here. counselors unprepared for this, bringing in legal counsel who weren't prepared either. one just said i got this brief an hour and a half ago. really making it all up on the fly here, breaking down all the different elements of the powers that they wanted to strip away from the mayor. ultimately, a vote, 36-5, the mayor loses significant powers, budget, staff, powers go to the deputy mayor. so really now, pretty much mayor in name only. he says he's going to continue to fight. his brother says it's unconstitutional, just like a third world country. jim? >> incredible. please stand by. i will bring in bill weir, who
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interviewed mayor rob ford just on this saturday. bill, any of this surprising you? comparisons to saddam hussein? you can't make this stuff up. >> no, you can't. if you think there's something on tv, you should see him live. we hung out saturday night with the ford boys and doug actually hinted at this. he said that he and his brother are declaring thermonuclear war against all their political opponents. they think they have enough true believers in the ford nation, fiscal conservatives like themselves, that they can run in each ward around the city using their style of populist retail politics and unseat everyone who voted against them. they actually got three allies on this last vote, in the last vote last week, to strip his emergency manager in powers. it was 41-2, rob and doug were the two. so from the outside, these guys seem like complete political outcasts. when you follow them around the so-called ford nation, you can
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see where they get their courage. they are beloved in housing projects, in blue collar neighborhoods, even in some rich fiscally conservative neighborhoods as well. but this is unlike anything we have seen. >> bill, we will hear more of you after this break. coming up next, medical news you need to know. experts scramble to untangle the confusion after problems are discovered with new cholesterol guidelines. for over a decade
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there are some troubling new developments in a story we brought you when the american heart association released new guidelines on who should take cholesterol-lowering drugs. it also released an online calculator to determine a patient's risk, but now we're learning there may be a problem with that calculator. elizabeth cohen is here to explain. a few days ago we were hearing one thing, now something
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different. break it down for you. >> what happened today is two doctors from harvard played around with the calculator and said, wait a minute, we think this calculator is -- it a staten that they do need it. so the doctors go in, fill in information about the patients on this grid we skee here. the american heart association stands by its calculator. they say the calculator is doing the job well, and they say look, when you go in and use the calculator, it's not dictating who should take a staten. it's suggesting that certain people talk to their doctor about possibly taking a staten. but some people feel like they guidelines just haven't gotten it quite right and the heart association needs to tweak them. >> thanks very much, elizabeth. as you say, if in doubt, talk to your doctor. coming up. several people killed, we'll take you live to the disaster zone in illinois. next, why did these police officers fire into a van full of children? new details of what led up to
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shockic images of a family vacation gone terribly wrong. we show how it begins to unravel with a speeding tickets, and ends with police firing at a van full of children. miguel marquez has the story. >> reporter: how in the world does a routine traffic stop turn into this? in that minivan oriana and her five kids, one as young as 6-year-old from memphis, on vacation in northern new mexico, pulled over for doing 71 in a 55 zone. farrell and the state police officer argue over a ticket, farrell pleading with the officer. . what happens next, shocking, farrell takes off. please chasing her down, she
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gets out of the van. they argue again. when the officer trying to arrest her, she heads for the door. >> turn around and face this visible. that's when farrell's 14-year-old jumps out of the van. he struggle with and distracts the police as his mother jumping back into the van, then he does, too. backup arrives, tension escalating quickly and violently. police tail a batten to the window trying to extract the family members. farrell takes off again, then this. three shots fired into the minivan. breaking seemingly every rule in the traffic book. finally she stops at a hotel in taos, new mexico where she and her son were arrested, both for fleeing, child abuse and battery. they are now out on bond. her remaining four kids in state custody.
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miguel ma questions, cnn, los angeles. that's it for me. "the situation room" continues in just a moment with my colleague jake tapper. breaking news, george zimmerman arrested again. he's now facing new charges, allegedly involves a gun. plus the heartland hammered by a tornado assault. cnn is live at the disaster area, bringing you very personal stories of survival and of loss. and toronto's crack-smoking mayor stripped of his power just a short while ago. he's talking to cnn, and still sounding defiant. >> i'm not an addict. i'm not an alcoholic. i'm not a drug addict. wolf blitzer is off today. i'm jake tapper. you are in "the situation room."
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glue we begin with the breaking news. george zimmerman's new brush with the law. the man who walked free from his trial in the death of trayvon martin arrested, jailed, and charged once again. cnn's elena ma chaddo is following this story for us. >> reporter: george zimmerman is facing a felony count of aggravated assault and two misdemeanors stemming from an incident at the home he shared with his girlfriend. the seminole county sheriff's office said the girlfriend called for help after she says she was pushed out of the house during a domestic dispute. take a lick at what authorities say happen next. >> when we arrived, the victim in this case indicated she and george zimmerman were having a verbal dispute, and at that time she alleged that he had broken a table, and at one point pointed a long-barrelled shotgun at her.
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>> now, deputies arrived at the home, they said they made their way in then charged with the charges that we mentioned. this is not the first time that george zimmerman is masse news since his trial. this is george zimmerman in a new booking photo. he was arrested just hours ago after police responded. that's less than an hour from where the former neighborhood watch volunteer first made headlines for killing an unarmed teenager in 2012. today's arrest is just the most recent in a series of bizarre run-ins the 30-year-old has had with police since acquitted this summer in the shooting death of 17-year-old trayvon martin. >> in september, he ways briefly held by police after his estranged wife called 911.
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>> he tunnelly has his hand on his gun and keeps say step closer. . >> shelly claimed her husband had punched her father in the nose and smashed he ipad. lake mary police investigated, but decided no charges would be filed. zimmerman has also been stopped twice for speeding, once in texas where he told police he was carrying a gun. >> with a warning, okay? >> reporter: the second in lake mary, florida. >> stopped you for speed. >> reporter: where zimmerman was given a ticket and fined $256. now, zimmerman is being held tonight without bond. he is scheduled to go before a judge tomorrow afternoon. jake? >> thank you, elena. now to the tornado disaster, at least seven people are dead,
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hundreds injured, entire communities have been flattened. more than 70 twisters were reported across the region. washington, illinois was the town hardist hit, but the full force of a devastating ef-4 twister packing winds up to 190 miles an hour. many people were at sunday services, suddenly finding themselves praying for lives. >> thy kingdom come, they will be done on earth as it is in heaven. give us this day or daily bread and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. amen. we're in brookport, illinois. brian? >> jake, there are shell-shocked residents. this is what's left of the h & h feed store here in brookport.
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this town sunday the most losses. three dead here, and for many of those who survived there is almost nothing left to build on. chastity is trying to salvage anything that's left, but also trying to absorb it all. when she gets a moment to describe what happened to her --. >> unreal. just terrifying. >> you just don't think that things like this will happen. all day i said it's just going to rain, it's going to be fine. and it's not. it hits just -- i don't know. >> taker got out of her mobile home in brookport, illinois, along with her fiance and 14-month-old daughter just minutes before the tornado hit and took shelter in a gas station. >> reporter: is there anything left? >> no. no.
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pictures, yeah, i have my baby bracelets when she was born. my grandfather's chain. there's just nothing. >> reporter: five people live in jason's home. only with us was here. his faernt who jones says survived, despite being thrown out of the home. jones' daughter risks her life to go inside and try to collect valuables. jones says there's one possession he's desperately tries to recover. >> i have a son who passed. i had a shirt put into a picture frame. it was just sent mental. just little things. something to make me, you know, get back up every day. >> reporter: residents through outbrook port tell these stories. three people debt, all from blunt force trauma as a tornado ripped across their mobile
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homes. in new minden, illinois, one of the strongest tornadoes, as ef-4 leveled joseph hoy's farmhouse and killed hoy and his sister. greg woody, came by to rescue a swan, a goose and other exotic animals hoy collected. i asked him about the lost of his friend. >> you don't like it one bit, but it's part of life. at least he's not laying around suffering anywhere. >> reporter: scenes like this all over the region. >> reporter: do you want to come back here and live? >> no. >> reporter: why not? >> i'm too scared. i just can't do it. >> reporter: for those who do want to stay, there's a lot of rebuilding to do. officials say that either
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damaged or destroyed. . >> john clay, the mayor told me he was in his car when the tornado hit, it spun his car around, ply out the windows, tipped the car to one side. he thought he was not going to survive it, but he got out of the car. he said he was determined to get home and save his four grandchildren hiding under the staircase. >> still ahead, a family feud over same-sex marriage. plus the toronto marriage talk about thinks crack-smoking controversy and why he won't step down. is this how he's trying to redeem his image? >> i was sick of these allegations. that's all it is [ bleep ] sorry.
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6. dib cheney's daughters are at odds over same-sex marriage, very special for one sister, with political ramifications for the other. >> >> reporter: sure, dad is one of the most controversial vice presidents in american history, but today it's the cheney daughters, mary and liz, who are causing a stir. in one corner, mary, who did outreach to the gay and lesbian community, who married her longtime partner. they have two children. in the other corner, liz, the older sister, former state department official and current contender in a senate race, who realy announced her opposition
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to same-sex marriage. i asked her dat about the possible tension. will that be an awkward christmas table conversation? >> well, my position on that issue is well known. in the 2000 debate. i think we ought to do everything we can to tolerate and accommodate whatever types of relationships enter into. i'll let my daughters speak for themselves. >> reporter: and boy are they. liz cheney states her position. >> i love mary very much, i love her family very much, this is just an issue on which we disagree. >> later, mary's wife heather responds -- when mary and i got married, liz didn't tell us to have her now say she doesn't support or right to marry is offensive, to say the least. she even took a vail shot -- i
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can't help by whander what liz would feel, she discovered that her family was protected in one, but not the other. and almost immediately after heather's post, mary jumps in for feather rufflings of her own. >> you're just wrong, and on the wrong side of history. it should be noted that liz by opposing a federal amendment has a more liberate point of view than the one george w. bush held when mary worked on those campaigns. they were criticized for using opposition as a way to rally conservative voters to the polls. mare,explained to david letterman that was tough for her. >> i actually came very close to quitting the campaign in 2004 over this issue. my issue was as a campaign staffer. quite frankly, i think it's inappropriate for campaign
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staffers to be issuing their own public policy statements. >> reporter: though parent not tough enough. >> the important thing in 2004, the important issue was national security. >> reporter: i reached out to liz cheney, and she said i love my sister and her family and have always tried to be compassionate. i believe that's the christian way to behave. >> the former vice president and mrs. cheney released the family statement -- this is an issue we have dealt with privately for many years and we are pained to see it become public. since it has, one thing should be clear. liz has always believe, and always treated her sister and her sister's family with love and respect. compassion is called for even when there's disagreement. liz' many kindnesses should not be used to distort her position. up heard t. toronto's mayor stripped of power amid increasingly erratic behavior. cnn's bill we're talks to him
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next. check out saturday night live's take on this. >> imam sorry for how i've been acting. its not indicative of my position as mayor in this great town of toronto. >> hey, man, i've got some -- [ laughter ] >> let's do it under the desk. >> great. >> don't say what it is. don't say -- >> i've got your stuff right here. >> whoa, that's a lot of crack!
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it was a raucous meeting, apparently almost knocking down -- let's bring in cnn's bill we're. >> i did, i did. i got a bit of that bra vando. in which he compared that vote, and he vowed to req -- you know, back in gullett -- it's unbelievable. we think here's a guy hanging on by a thread, and he must be willing to resign, but o new york city, when you see him in suburban toronto, he's a guy that thinks he with remake toronto city haul despite all the fauxpases. >> a lot of people are worried
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about rob ford these days, worked he'll never leave out. you know who is not worried? >> i'm not an alcoholic. >> in the hard of ford nation, they believe him. >> you think he might have been said up? >> yes. >> he admitted to smoking crack. >> have you purchased illegal drills in the last two years? >> he may be a pie rya, and punch line on "saturday night live." >> whoa, that's a lot of crack. >> out of this suburban housing project, he is, no pun intended, a rock start. he may be a slash-and-burn fiscal conservative, but out here, they say he's the bleeding heart they call when the eviction notice comes. >> people keep saying his a --
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he's a huge massive social -- >> councillor doug ford invited is here. almost everyone is thrilled to see him. >> these folks love you. do you recall how you're perceived around the rest of the country? >> they can make fun of me, laugh at my all they want. these people have known me for -- i was born and raised here. >> why did you decide to finally admit you had smoked krask. i'm not going to have someone try to blackmail me. and hold it over my head. i've just had enough, sick and tired of all these allegations. and that's all it is. sorry, kids. i shouldn't swear in front of kids. i make mistakes, i drank too much, i smoked some crack sometimes. what can i say? i made a mistake. >> reporter: you can't you see
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why someone -- >> you know -- >> no, i didn't say that. they had, do you smock crack? >> no, i don't smoke -- i don't smoke crack, i haven't smoked crack in over a years. you guys are all cut from the same closest. >> you know what? >> at this point he tries to call his brothers. >> when you come and accuse me of being a crack addict, no, i don't. have i? yeah. i don't like people attacking my integrity. >> reporter: couldn't you ben emore effective if you were healthy? >> i'm trying to lose some weight. i'm not perfect. >> reporter: why not see an addiction specialist? >> you guys can spend it, these
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people know i'm not. that doesn't matter. here's the thing. i don't look at myself as the mayor. i look at myself as a normal, regular person. >> this is -- you know, that's enough. so guys i'm passionate. sorry. >> reporter: one more question, this is the one that gets it for me. i know a lot of people who would party their brains out, but the parents -- i'm sure you're insulating your children from what's going on. >> absolutely. i'm the best father who come around. >> reporter: they'll google their dad. >> and i can explain. you just -- i don't walk away from anyone. they're perfect, they don't do nothing? they're the biggest crooks around.
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>> we support you. >> not only are they vowing to stay and fight. enough ford nation believers to unseat every political enemy from downtown. there's a couple key moments in there, he says he doesn't consider himself -- or doesn't consider the leaders to be held to higher standards. the guys they represent get ham are on friday night, and still do their jobs on monday morn. you can write a psychology thesis about this guy, but it's -- who knows whose going to happen next, jack? even when we think this story is played out, he does something else. stay tuned, i suppose. we have so much more tonight. >> i can't wait to see it. the full interview airs this evening on anderson cooper "360" at 8:00 p.m. eastern, 5:00 pacific, only on cnn.
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bill ware, thanks so much for joining us. welcome aboard, of course. >> thank you, jacob. you can follow us. just tweet the show. "crossfire" with guests donna brazil and tim pawlenty, that starts right now. tonight on "crossfire", jockeying for the 2016 -- one ref says no officers insiders need apply. look who is talking about the most likely democrat? on the left, van jones. on the right s.e.cupp. in the crossfire, donna brazil, a democratic strategist who was al gore's campaign manager, and tim pawlenty, a former governor and presidential candy. all eyes on 2016. who has the early edge? tonight on "crossfire."
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welcome to "crossfire." i'm van jones on the left. >> i'm p. p on the right. to help us look ahead to 2016, we'll start with hillary clinton. she's everywhere these days. today at a conference in florida last friday at georgetown university, she's everybody's inevitable nominee, but to me she has tli big obstacles. one elizabeth warren, will a charismatic progressive and liberal darling pressure clinton to move farther left two, barack obama, will secretary clinton have to defend her old boss's record? or will she admit she would do things differently than the guy currently in the white house? finally three, remember this guy? >> give me a break. this whole thing is the biggest fairy tale i've ever seen.
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>> jesse jackson won south carolina twice, and he ran a good campaign, and senator oembalma has run a good campaign. i personally believe if it -- the president should honor the commitment the federal government made. >> van, show are just three of bill clinton's not so helpful moments. i'm calling bill clinton, warren and obama the tricky triangle which my fellow nascar fans will get. >> we call them global icons, with this much genius. >> but only one of them can be president. >> true, and her name will be hillary clinton. >> we've got donna brazil. welcome to you both.
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