tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN November 20, 2013 5:00pm-6:01pm PST
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arborest from stanford to look in the future as climate change happens, will these trees be adaptable. that's the level of detail they are looking at. >> reporter: the mayor points out while apple's prod duucts m it easier to work outside the office, it is in person hands on collaboration. the spaceship is expected to land in 2016. dan simon, cnn, california. thanks for watching. anderson starts now. erin, than. the presidential medal of freedom and president john f kennedy who created the award 50 years ago, they include president clinton and the original honorees and poll raid inventor. that ceremony was held by president johnson two weeks
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after the killing of the president in dallas. tonight, 50 years later, president obama paid tribute to jfk and the vision he had for this country. >> this is a legacy of a man who could have retreated to a life of luxury and ease, but who chose to live a life in the arena sailing sometimes against the wind, sometimes with it, and that's why 50 years later, john f. kennedy stands for prosperity as he did in life, young and bold and daring, and he stays with us in our imagination, not because he left us too soon but because he embodied the character of the people he led, resilie resilient, rest lute, fearless and fun loving, defiant in possible of all odds and to make
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the world a new one, not settling for what is but later what might be. >> the clintons and obamas laid a wreath at the grave. it's the first time since the tell all put a strain on their relationship. it really was a full day honoring the president. >> it was and a chance for president obama, if you will, to not anal take part of this history, late john f. kennedy and step away from his political problems, 37% approval rating, all of the fighting over obama care, the signature achievement of the first term. anderson, if you talk to bill clinton, and george w. bush they say sometimes it's good to be c events with where you step up and give a speech and perhaps it will help this president reset the clock a bit.
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>> it's a remarkable scene. i don't recall ever really seeing a current president, a former president, a potential future presidential candidate certainly all together honoring the memory of a former president. >> it is a fascinating moment, and to go there to this site, this historic site where you have the former president, you also have bobby kennedy, senator ted kennedy, the three brothers and jackie kennedy, the former first lady buried -- >> they are there with ethyl kennedy. >> you see ethal there as they go up the stairs. bill clinton has the iconic photo as a boy's nation event when bill clinton was a young pan and bill clinton always loved that photo and used it and made the personal connection. president obama of course was a young man when this happened. his wife was born after president kennedy was assassinated but the kennedys were critical. that was when the clinton obama
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race was atogger head and a big question mark. both of these presidents, clinton and obama have a connection to the kennedy family that is important to them politically and they thought it was important to do this today. >> i heard you say the political history of the u.s. is in many ways the history of kennedy family. >> if you look back, if you think about it, we talk about expectations of the moment. well, when jack kennedy ran for the presidency, it wasn't supposed to be him but his older brother joe. when jack kennedy was assassinated the torch passed. from a legislative perspective and republicans that served with him don't disagree, the most accomplished legislatively senator in the lifetime of anybody watching the program tonight. the kennedy family has been with this country politically and the forefront, whether civil rights, gay rights, president obama mentioned in that brief speech
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tonight, ted kennedy's fight for affordable health care. it's hard if you look back at the political history, jack kennedy served in the cold war days and the post 9/11 days and a young congressman kennedy now, again a kennedy in the united states congress and a caroline kennedy as ambassador. it's still in someways, fewer of them with us, sadly, but still the royal family of american politics. >> i want to talk about that when we come back. we'll be joined by douglas brinkly to talk about the legacy, including the controversial argument that jfk should not be seen as a fallen liberal. first, friday will mark the day 50 years ago president kennedy was assassinated, 50 year s that spawned countless theories about what happened that day. those 50 years do not blunt the impact the nation felt when they learned the leader was shot. the moments were raw, obviously and still rest nate today. here is an excerpt from the
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"assassination of president kennedy". >> if it's a conspiracy, the president was hit, the governor was hit, who knows if the next shot would be lyndon johnson. johnson's car pulls into the emergency bay at park land hospital. four agents reach in and grab johnson and pull him out and start to run him down a corridor looking for a safe place. >> mr. johnson, his whereabouts are being kept secret for security reasons. if anyone knows where mr. johnson is, it is not us at this moment. >> there was a signal moment in our cultural history, suddenly it occurred to us the right thing to do is turn on television. >> the reports continue to come in, but in a confused and flag monitory fashion. >> president kennedy has been given a blood chance fusion in an effort to save his life. >> it was odd because there were no commercials. it was just a continuous
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experience. >> two priests have entered the emergency room at park land hospital where he rests after the assassination attempt, which now was about a half hour ago. >> what are your feelings right now, ma'am? >> i am shocked, stunned. we have the same birthday, and i am just crazy about him. >> who would want to shoot the president? did he do? he's been doing so much for the country. somebody shoots him? >> a flash from dallas, two priests when were with president kennedy say he is dead on bullet wounds. this is the latest information we have from dallas. i will repeat with the greatest regret, two priests who were with president kennedy say he has died of bullet wounds. >> malcolm, the asisz tablet
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press secretary was filling in and had to draw himself up to give the most fateful announcement that a press secretary might have ever had to give. >> all the cameras were rolling, and i remember he put his fingers like this on the desk, and pressed very hard to stop his hands trembling. >> john f. kennedy died at approximately 1:00 central standard time today here in dallas. he died of a gunshot wound in the brain. i have no other details regarding the assassination of the president. >> the people standing here are stunned just as all of us are beyond belief.
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but the president of the united states is dead. >> all over the world, people are going to remember all their lives what they were doing when they first heard that president kennedy had been killed. >> the crowds are standing around in silence and sorrow in the rain. the strange thing is you don't even notice it's raining, and if you do notice, you don't care. >> i just can't believe it. i feel like a -- someone in my own family is dead. i just can't believe it. >> ma'am? >> i can't -- >> like a daze, you don't know what's going on. why? why did it happen? who would have done such a thing is the question? >> in the first minutes and hours, chaos and confusion was radiates out from the scene. >> secret service agents thought
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the gunfire was from an automatic weapon fired possibly from a grassy null. >> i saw police run up and i thought they are chasing the gunman. i ran with them. >> the report is that the attempted assassins, we hear it was a man and a woman. >> i got to the top, looked around and a policeman went over the fence so i went over the fence, too. there was nothing there. >> the television news man said that he looked up just after the shot was fired and saw a rifle being with drawn from a fifth or sixth window. >> it originally thought the shots came from here, and now it's believed the shots came from this building here. >> as a police officer is running back towards the texas depository building, they will continue searching in that building for the would be assassin of president. >> the down ton dallas is in seeing. they are combing the floors of the depository building to find the suspected assassin.
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>> in the building on the sixth floor, we found an area near a window that had partially been blocked off by boxes of books, and also, the three spent shells that had apparently been fired from a rifle. >> crime lab lieutenant jc day came out of the building with a british 303 rifle. >> a 7.65. >> a high powered army or japanese rifle of . .25 caliber. >> a 30/30 rifle. >> much of the first things you hear will be wrong and to some degree you're trying to separate out what seemed to be a fact. >> in dallas, a dallas policeman just a short while ago was shot and killed while chasing a suspect. >> j.d.tippe text a good experienced police officers shot three times in the chest in
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ocliff section of dallas and the manager of the shoe store saw the suspect walk into a texas theater. >> someone has been arrested in a downtown theater. they don't know if it was the man that shot the policeman or the person who actually shot president kennedy. >> police suddenly jumped this man and started to drag him out of the theater. hustled him out to the car as the crowd broke and mauled the police officers, and grabbed this man trying to run with him. they shot and the officers hustled him into the car and got away as fast as they could. it brings it all back, very real. follow me on twitter @andersoncooper using hash tag at 360. it wasn't just a young bill clinton who met him and shook his hand, we'll tell you about another handshake. you'll meet someone else who on that fateful day in texas shook his hand and made a 50-year
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impression. should president kennedy be remembered as a conservative and not a liberal? the congressman caught with cocaine, his day in court today, his journey into rehab and charges he may be getting off easy because of who he is. i got this. [thinking] is it that time? the son picks up the check? [thinking] i'm still working. he's retired. i hope he's saving. i hope he saved enough. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. whether you're just starting your 401(k) or you are ready for retirement, we'll help you get there. for all those who sleep too hot or too cool,
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ago tonight. you can see why jfk's tough minded brand has partisan appeal for so many. >> that understand bending belief that the power to make grade a nation is found in its people, and in their freedom. that was his philosophy. that is his legacy. and it's the legacy told in villages around the world who have clean water or a new school and a steady friend in the united states, thanks to the volunteers of the peace corps. it's the legacy found in the courage who all that serve under our proud flag willing like president kennedy himself to pay a price and bare burden for survival and success. >> that's from president kennedy's inaugural roll. you saw this at the top of the progame, it is remarkable perhaps only bill clinton knew it at the time, a handshake he says really sparked his life of
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public service and will go on of course to be a central politician, a young roger williams would be a tea party conservative but shaking president kennedy's hand and hearing him talk helped shape his political destiny. dana bash reports. >> reporter: roger williams was a 14-year-old boy in latin class when he learned john kennedy was assassinated. >> the president of the united states is dead. >> principal came into our class and whispered something in mr. hennings ear and put his head on his desk and started crying. >> one word to describe the picture here, that's grief. >> reporter: it was a scene students experienced all across the country but for williams, it was different. he had just met the president that morning. >> i couldn't fathom it, frankly, because i just seen him an hour ago. >> reporter: his dad was a car dealer in fort worth texas where the president started out. his dad told the local
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congressman he would supply carps on one condition. >> he said the only thing i ask for congressman, is that my wife and my son can meet the president. >> reporter: and that's exactly what happened at the texas hotel after what turned out to be the final speech of jfk's life. >> this is a very dangerous and uncertain world. we would like to live as we once lived, but history will not permit it. >> reporter: no one took william's picture with kennedy but it's in his memory. >> she came around the corner in the pink dress and shook my mother's hand and shook my hand and stood right next to me and here came the president. and the president had a cigar in his mouth and took a puff and put it in the sand earn and came around the corner and i remember what kind of shoes he had on. he had black cap toe shoes, which men weared to and shook my mother's hand and shooked my hand and did not let it go and
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looked back at my mother and said it's a pleasure to meet your son. >> he was one of the last people kennedy would meet. >> i literally was the last person to shake his hand as he left that hotel that day. >> now williams is a member of congress and encounters his meeting with jfk with his interest in public service. >> it's hard to describe, sometimes gets emotional. it eventually empowered me to do something for my country. the idea i'm here today in the united states congress, a lot of it started in that day. >> reporter: unlike the liberal jfk, he's a conservative, a house freshman elected with help from the tea party. still, he argues his ideals are a lot like kennedys, especially his belief in america as the greatest country on earth. >> he touched my heart and soul and i believe on that moment, on that moment the world changed. >> reporter: dana bash, cnn capital hill. >> fascinating, imagine being a young boy shaking the hand of
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the president who goes on to be assassinated an hour later. where does jfk knit fit on the political spectrum? >> "jfk conservative." john, what do you think it is about jfk that fascinates people 50 years on? >> what if? if he finished his team. where would the saifl rights debate go? a lot of pop say what would have happen to vietnam. would jack kennedy be more hesitant and much more reduck tablet to escalate into vietnam? i think the mythology and what ifs, what would have happen are part of it but on the liberal conservative debate, you don't hear it as much now buzz we hah had a two-term clinton presidency but you did hear a lot of times republicans would criticize democrats saying i
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just want to lower taxes like jack kennedy did. rona ronald reagan used to use that line. he's not a liberal with that. it's not a new part of the debate. >> ira, you've been writing that kennedy had a profound influence on democrats and claim him as a breaken of liberal. you say he was conservative. explain that. >> my argument in the book is by the standers of his time and ours, kennedy was a conservative and it's the tax cutting you talked about before, the military buildup and the peace corps and the moon shine can be looked at in the cold war context -- >> you -- >> yeah, kennedy was deeply religious and he saw the cold war as a battle between america and the godless ter knee of the
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so soviet union? >> what do you make of it? >> he showed a great deal of restraint if you go back to the cuba missile crisis, the military establishment wanted kennedy to bomb the sites in cuba and you see the restraint of kennedy saying no. in berlin, the military establishment of his day was saying this is the challenge, you can't let them build the wall. kennedy let them build the wall and used rhetoric to use -- used the wall as a symbol against them but didn't leap to war, and things like the environment. i mean, here is rachel carson silence spurring the most controversial book of 1962 and kennedy backs her action and goes after polluters and the ddt and has a nuclear test ban treaty. eisenhower and are you pub cans in the 1950s were testing nuclear weapons constantly and kennedy said no, i have public health concerns.
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regulating industries of today is born out of kennedy's new frontier. >> ira, what about that? >> well, i write about the cuban missile crisis in my book. in fact, liberals within administration told kennedy to do nothing. they argued americans would be just as dead if missiles were launched at us from cuba as if from russia. the u.n. telling kennedy to just leave the missiles there. that was nuclear brings men ship. same with the berlin crisis, the issue was that russians wanted to take overall of berlin, not just the soviet sector and kennedy sent tanks in to stop that on the environmentalists stuff, i mean, i've been up at the jfk library looking at the oral histories. maybe kennedy cared about the cape code seashore, beyond that he wasn't interested in environmental list m. the epa didn't start until the
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nixon administration vags. >> doug, it is interesting how people of all political persuasions can see something in kennedy that rest nates within. we just heard from the tea party congressman who was so influenced by that handshake as a young man with kennedy, though, his -- though, much of his politics are very different. >> for the reason i said, anderson, he wasn't a liberal or conservative. he was down the middle. that's where most of the american people are. i mean, kennedy, the problem that people of then talk about the kennedys and yes, come parred to ted kennedy who was a hyper liberal, john f kennedy does look conservative, and bobby kennedy was quite conservative in '62. he changes and by '68 he's fighting the war on poverty and meeting cesar chavez. it comes from ted and bob kennedy. he's a prague mat tick cold
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warier but somebody who had liberal instincts when he needed to. >> john, what do you make of this debate? >> it's a debate you have because our times changed so much and when bill clinton was the democratic president after walter monodell lost 49 states, he said he wanted to be a different democrat. the conservative movement has gone and now you see the tea party. there are things ronald reagan did the tea party members would call liberal. as the times change and as movements become ascending, you put them into the context and language of today and today's politics are messy. i don't think it's fair to anybody, anybody in history to take from today's mess and look back and try to find them a place. >> doug, what do you think is the league see? do you think he will be most remembered for in another 50 years? >> well, i like to think of going to the moon. what a big moment in american
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history that 1969, we lived up to the promise and neil armstrong goes to the moon and planted a flag. that cost taxpayers $250 billion. if you want to talk about big government and yes, it was done to be a race with the soviet union but kennedy believed in government. he was a student of franklin roosevelt's new deal and probably would embrace what happened in the great society of lyndon johnson, medicaid medicare, legislation that kennedy was fighting for. on the environmental front, he was pushing for the wilderness act, which johnson signed in '64 but kennedy signed 1957. we have wilderness areas today. i would put space and going to the moon as being what people will remember 100 years from now. >> interesting discussion. great to have you on the program. for more go to new details about the
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undercover drug bust that netted this man, a u.s. congressman. how the string went down and the sentence he's going to serve. plus breaking news tonight, an american family's nightmare, an 85-year-old california man dragged off his plane as he was about to leave north korea. that was three weeks ago. i'll talk to his son ahead. hey kevin...still eating chalk for heartburn? yeah... try new alka seltzer fruit chews. they work fast on heartburn and taste awesome. these are good. told ya! i'm feeling better already. [ male announcer ] new alka seltzer fruits chews. enjoy the relief!
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with federal prosecutors in a statement yesterday, radel apologized saying he struggles with alcoholism. he's only been in washington for over ten months, apparently long enough to establish drug connections. he was busted during a string operation after a dealer ratted him out. joe johns has details. >> reporter: saying nothing, the florida congressman headed in to face charges, his guilty plea weeks after trey raid l was caught in a sting operation in october. the drug enforcement administration setting him up after learning about illegal activities from an arrested drug dealer. a law enforcement source said here on due month circle in the heart of washington d.c. radel told the men he had drugs back at his apartment and invited them over and they declined. the undercover officer said he had drugs to sale. they agreed on a price and came here on the street. price he paid for the drugs
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$260. after the charges were revealed, radel said i'm profoundly sorry to let down my family, particularly my wife and son and the people of southwest florida. i struggle with a disease on alcoholism and this led to an extremely irresponsible choice. >> look, in my short time here, i love what i did. >> reporter: he's developed a reputation of a man who likes to let loose. talking points memo had pictures of him tridrinking and living large. he's considered a hip-hop critic. public enemy's song fight the power to deal with congress. the republican house leadership was careful saying radel needs to focus on his family and get well. melanie sloan of the citizens for responsibility and ethics washington says he needs to go. >> trey radel needs to resign.
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members of congress uphold the law, not break them. >> is it true he's a republican that voted for drug testing for food recipients on a bill that passed this september? that would seem hypocritical. >> it is drew. congressman radel did support that. it's an amendment to the farm bill to allow states to give drug tests to applicants and after his arrest, he finds himself under attack for having one standard for himself and another standard for americans who need food stamps. nancy pelosi said it could humanize this issue for some in an interview with "buzz feed." >> see if he gets the help he needs. there is a lot more happening tonight. anderson, sources tell cnn virginia state senator deeds was stabbed more than ten times by his 24-year-old son who then killed himself. the tragedy happened hours after the senator tried to get psychiatric help for his son under an emergency custody
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order. deeds was released when no beds were found but three area hospitals said they did have beds monday night. joseph paul franklin was executed this morning in missouri. that's after the u.s. supreme court cleared the way for it. franklin killed up to 22 people in the late '70s targeting jews and african americans, among the victims flint who survived but would never walk again. franklin tried to stop the execution because he's against the death penalty. the faa is requiring over weight pilots to be tested for sleep disorders. this is after reports of pilots falling asleep at the job. up next, breaking news, an 85-year-old american tourist was dragged off a plane and detained in north cokorea for more than three weeks.
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a family missing for three years, baurry in shallow graves, the strange way they disappeared and who might have killed them when we continue. is my patient. i spend long hours with her checking her heart rate, in shallow graves, the strange way they disappeared and who might have killed them when we continue. u in shallow gravese strange way they disappeared and who might have killed them when we continue. t in shallow graves the strange way they disappeared and who might have killed them when we continue. i in shallow g the strange way they disappeared and who might have killed them when we continue. in shallow gr the strange way they disappeared and who might have killed them when we continue. in shallow gre strange way they disappeared and who might have killed them when we continue. r in shallow graves the strange way they disappeared and who might have killed them when we continue. i in shallow g the strange way they disappeared and who might have killed them when we continue. e in shallow g the strange way they disappeared and who might have killed them when we continue. d in shallow g, the strange way they disappeared and who might have killed them when we continue. thank you, from johnson & johnson.
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breaking news tonight, an 85-year-old american tourist detain in north korea for more than three weeks. he had travel arrangements but escorted off the plane. this is the second american held by the north korean government. he was arrested this time last year and sentenced to 15 years hard labor. kenneth is still being held. the newman family is in a similar flight. jeff newman joins me on the phone. thank you for talking with us. i can't imagine how worried you are about your dad. explain what he was doing in north korea. >> he went on a trip with another traveling companion, another resident from the retirement home where he lives, and went through a tour company
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and arranged a tour, two tourist, my father and another gentleman and they were accompanied on their nine-day trip with two north korean guides the entire trip. >> do you know why he wanted to go to north korea? >> a couple things. he's a curious cat, and he's had a long-standing and tremendously respectful interest in the korean culture and the korean people, and in like, the world war ii vets who have had an interest in going back to normandy, my dad wanted to go back to the northern part of the peninsula. he had been to the southern part of the peninsula before and this was a life-long dream of his. >> i love you said your dad is a curious cat and at 85 living out these dreams and traveling around the world. you got word about this.
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have you heard anything from the north koreanens why he was taken off the plane and why they are holding him? >> we haven't heard anything. we worked through the state department from the day that he was supposed to depart, initially through the contact was made by his traveling companion to the u.s. embassy in beijing. that started the diplomatic wheels turning, but we've heard nothing. >> i know his traveling companion was allowed to leave and he's the one that alerted authorities once he landed in beijing. i understand there was a discussion the day before your dad was to leave about his service. do you know anything about that? >> what i've heard is from his traveling come wpanion, who was in the meeting, one of two tour guides who was with the tourist the entire time went to a
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meeting where there were one or two other korean authorities. the korean war was discussed and my dad's role in the service, and the meeting concluded. i understand that my dad was a bit bothered, but really didn't go into any detail with his traveling companion. they went to dinner. it was friday night. next morning, they got up, checked out of the hotel, went to the airport, got on the plane, apparently five minutes before they were ready to depart, an authority came on the plane. looked at my dad, asked to see my dad's passport and he was asked to leave the plane. >> well, jeff, i know you've been trying through the swedish embassy which has representation there to get your dad medication because he has a heart condition, which you're concerned about, he didn't travel with enough medication to stay this long. you don't know if the north
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koreans have passed on the medication the sweet dish were able to get to him. we'll follow this and wish your dad the best and you the best and we'll continue to talk with you. thank you. >> thank you. >> stay strong. up next, "crime and punishment, "a california family found murdered buried in shallow graves in the decembsert. is george zimmerman mentally depressed? more on his arrest. you can get great discounts on oh... [ male announcer ] roadside assistance from allstate, and avis, budget and budget truck. all in one place. popcorn. [ male announcer ] find offers from regal cinemas, walgreens, and kellogg's... they're great! [ male announcer ] ...and on exciting entertainment [ taxi whistle ] come on, guys, the millers just got their cards, too! [ male announcer ] check out the possibilities.
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in "crime and punishment" tonight, the case of a missing family. a case drenched in mystery the whole way through. it's been four years since a california couple and their two kids went missing. one that got more co-founds as investigators looked into the disappearance. now the bodies of the entire family have been found but so many questions unanswered. candy k randi kaye investigates. >> reporter: in the california desert north of victorville, a grusome discovery by a motorcycle rider. two shallow graves, inside two adults and two small children. after noticing human bones in the dirt, the rider calls the sheriff. the sheriff's department is stumped. who is this family, and why would anyone murder them including their two small children? and why bury them here in the middle of the california desert? an investigator with the
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coroner's office reaches out to the justice department asking them to check their records for any missing family of four. it isn't long before the justice deputy tells investigators here to look at the mcstay family case. this is joseph mcstay his wife summer and their two little boys. four years ago, february 4th, 2010 they vanished from their home from fall brooke, california. investigators enter the home for the first time. there are no signs of forced entry, and nothing seems to be missing, that is, except the family. inside investigators find a puzzling scene. bowls of popcorn in front of the television, eggs on the counter with a banana, outside another surprise, the mcstay's dog tied up in the yard. did the family leave in a hurry
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thinking they would be back or something more sinister? did someone perhaps they know and trust force them to leave? >> do you think there is a possibility the home and the scene inside the home was staged? >> that's one theory and of course, we've looked at that. we don't see anything like that. we don't have any hard evidence to indicate that, but we keep that in the back of our mind. >> reporter: adding to the mystery, it appears the family had no plans to run away. summer mcstay was making plans for her sister to visit and the couple just spent $4,000 on brand-new flooring in the home. investigators don't find any unusual withdrawals or deposits in the bank accounts, either. a neighbor security camera catches the trooper driving away from the home at 7:47 p.m. the night they disappeared. seven-days later it's towed from the strip mall, just an hour's
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drive south of the family's home. the vehicle offers few clues, the only fingerprints on it match the mcstays. why park at the boarder? had the family run off to mexico? on surveillance video, investigators are shocked to find what appears to be a family of four matching their description crossing into mexico the same day the vehicle was towed. that video is just another piece of the puzzle. another audition to this massive case file, which holds tips from indiana to burbank to baja, california. a waiter in mexico says he served them dinner. a bartender says he served them cocktails. nothing checks out. >> that's part of the huge puzzle. what happened here? that part staged? did they cross into mexico? we think there is a strong possibility that they did. when did they come back? were they under duress?
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these are questions we want to find out. >> reporter: and now after nearly four years, the answers my be closer than ever. within days of finding the remains in the desert graves, they are identified as joseph and summer mcstay and their two little boys. investigators say they were murdered. but it's unclear how, nor do they know who killed them. late today, mike mcstay came to see his brother's shallow grave for the first time. >> you see how this is sunken down? it gives you cover from the road. >> someone had to know the area, had to know you needed a four-wheel drive. >> reporter: this man wrote a book about the mcstay case. he's long doubted cartels are to blame. >> cartel hit doesn't work this way. the graves were 2 feet deep, joseph and summer in a shallow grave 50 feet off the road. a cartel buries them, they will never be found.
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this was armature. >> reporter: mike mcstay wants to know who did it and wants them to pay. >> you guys are cowards and all of america is coming after you, and you're going to find you, and we're going to prosecute you, and i'm going to be there every step of the way, and i'm going to be there when it's -- when you meet your fate. >> randi kaye joins me from victorville, california. what are investigators saying about the homicide investigation? >> reporter: anderson, this case is now being handled by the san bernardino sheriffs deputy. the good news in a horrible case like this, they have a crime scene, clues, evidence, they will go through that. we don't know exactly what they found in the desert a little ways behind me but we know there was a weapon involved, there was something buried in the shallow graves with them. we're not getting clarification on that yet, either. but at least the sheriff has something to go on. this sheriff's department is not going to be relying on that
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theory this family ran away to mexico. you saw the grainy footage of a family that matched their description crossing into mexico. they will crack this case wide open, start from the beginning. they will talk to friends, family, business associates, anybody they can. the last time they have been through this, they interviewed 300 people and will go back through that, anderson, and hopefully find answers this time around. >> it's been so long, incredible. appreciate the reporting. we'll continue to follow that. new and troubling questions about george zimmerman's state of mind these days. i started part-time, now i'm a manager.n. my employer matches my charitable giving. really. i get bonuses even working part-time. where i work, over 400 people are promoted every day. healthcare starting under $40 a month. i got education benefits.
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tonight new details about the state of mind of george zimmerman in charges he assaulted his girlfriend, he posted bail and long before she called 911 she was talking to the local affiliate how disupon danlt he has become. >> reporter: depressed and suicidal is how george zimmerman's girlfriend samantha scheibe described him with texts and phone calls during the negotiation for an interview. wkmg is reporting she told them zimmerman spiralled into a very deep depression in the months after his acquittal spending quote days in bed refusing to get up and refusing to take his medication.
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but when cnn made contact with scheibe's hot mother, mason, sh said it's lies. it's the media it's hearsay until she speaks publicly. that's what it is. on monday scheibe calmed police and accused of zimmerman of pointing a gun. police arrested zimmerman and monday night while he sat in a jail cell, his wife shelley used the opportunity to serve him with divorce papers. a judge set zimmerman's bond at $9,000 and told him to stay away from scheibe and firearms and to wear a monitoring device and stay in florida. >> i saw the look of he seemed very disupon dant. i took it upon my initiative to say, let me do something nice. >> reporter: a former neighbor paid just under a thousand dollars to help zimmerman post
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bond. hours later, zimmerman walked out of the correctional facility with a bail bonds man. >> did you have any contact after you posted the bond with zimmerman zimmerman? >> no. >> he didn't call to thank you? >> no, i know he's grateful. >> reporter: samantha declined an interview and zimmerman's location is unknown. he's not commented on the allegations published. the department of justice has not made a decision whether to file federal rights charges against george zimmerman in the connection of the shooting death with trayvon martin but officials said a decision could come soon. anderson? >> thanks. that does it for us. see you an hour from now, 10:00 p.m. eastern. p.m. eastern. "piers morgan live" starts now. -- captions by vitac -- thncht is -- this is
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