tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN November 20, 2013 8:00pm-9:01pm PST
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plus new details about the state senator stabbed more than 10 times by his own son. police knew there was trouble in this home. >> this is just a tragedy. a young man's dead. a family can never get that young man back. as a society, i don't know what it's going to take for us to pay attention to this issue. >> could this tragedy have been avoided? and george zimmerman facing new charges. what his girlfriend says about zimmerman and guns. >> the gun that he just smashed all my stuff with was a shotgun. >> let's go "outfront." good evening, everyone. i'm erin burnett "outfront" tonight president obama is about to speak live. we are waiting for the president to deliver remarks momentarily. it's at the presidential medal of freedom dinner. we're going to bring that to you live as soon as it begins. it is a critical day and moment for this president. so far today, there's been
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plenty of pomp and circumstance for the white house. this morning, president obama awarded the presidential medal of freedom to 16 people. those included former president bill clinton and oprah winfrey. the obamas and the clip tons then together made their way to arlington national cemetery along with some of the members of the kennedy family. and there as you can see the laid the wreath at the grave of john f. kennedy. this of course is two days before the formal 50th anniversary of kennedy's assassination in texas. but behind the photo ops, president obama is struggling. his signature piece of legislation, obama care, is on life support. we want to begin our coverage tonight with john king. of course, john, this speech tonight is a very important speech, right? he's going to be trying to sort of be in the shadow of jfk, somebody who he's been -- when he first ran for office he was compared to frequently. he spent the day going from ceremony to ceremony looking very presidential, trying to
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make that mantle. but inside the white house there are a lot of problems. >> there are a lot of problems. but this is a day for the president to step away from them. if you talk to past presidents they'll tell you when you're a bit of a ditch it's helpful to have days like it where you're the important, leading important ceremonies. tonight he will pay tribute to jfk and public service. remember when caroline kennedy and ted kennedy endorsed in 2008, caroline kennedy said the excitement about then president obama reminded her about her dad in 1960 when he ran for president. can he get a little personal juice and adrenaline ouf out of this sure. is one day away from obama care from a 37% approval rating going to solve those problems? no but it can't hurt. >> the latest numbers are in. as you know they've been grim from polling institution after polling institution. but the latest, cbs news reporting the president's approval rating is now 37%.
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that may sound on an absolute basis horrible, and it is. but a month ago it was 46%. so it gives you a sense of how dramatically it's dropping. just for comparison since we're talking about jfk tonight, and again that's going to be the center of what he's talking about, president kennedy had a 56% approval rating when he was assassinated. that was the low for his presidency. >> he served 2 1/2 years in the presidency. so all of the hope and the optimism if you read the history books that accompanied the beginning of the new frontier, the beginning of camelot as some called it, this president obama is in his second term. a lot of that hope and the wishful aspirational speeches are gone and he's in the anytni now. the signature accomplishment of his first term is the albatross of his second term. he's had the double whammy, taking a hit on his confidence, rollout of obama care and his credibility, people don't find him honest and trustworthy.
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it's hard to change those numbers. you have to start somewhere. this president steps away from it sometimes. try to keep your sense of humor. a lot of talk in the white house, the president himself has said he's mad the didn't bring the warnings about the web site and other problems directly to him. there's talk of a possible staff shakeup inside the white house. the president's big hope at the moment is when we go into the next budget negotiations with republicans, the possibility of the debt ceiling we have to deal with earlier in the year the republicans give him an opening. maybe not another shutdown but a political environment like the shutdown that he can benefit from and have a rebound. >> john king, thank you. john's going to be back with us. as we said the president is slated to begin speaking in just a few moments. we are going to bring that to you live. this is a crucial moment and crucial speech for this president as he tries to get away from so much of the agony he's been experiencing over obama care. by the way, the polls on obama care even worse than the polls on the president personally in terms of the drop. because of the approval of the new health care law now 31%. that is down 12 points in just
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one month. outfront tonight democratic strategist and republican strategists good to have both of you with us. hillary, that poll we're seeing for the president personally he's dealing with tonight as he gets ready for this speech and the numbers we're seeing for obama care, the signature health care law, these are pretty terrifying polls if you are in the white house. >> well, president obama's not running for re-election. so i think the poll really is only relevant for one thing, which is as this program gets fixed and as the work of the country continues, do people still perceive that the president is going to be able to solve the problems of the country. that's what the care about. i think that they're less worried about his popularity and more worried about does he continue to maintain some political clout. and further to that, we really are not -- we're so overdramatizing the impact on the obama presidency, i think, of this health care rollout.
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it's going to get better. it's inevitable. frankly i think we've hit the bottom here. and so there is a long way to go. and he's still the president for three more years. >> terry, what about the point hillary is making? but the context i want to add is it's not just his overall approval it's the very things he used to score so well on. do you like him? do you trust him? he has seen those numbers drop precipitously. those numbers are the hardest to get back once you lose them. >> when you lose the personal attributes of strong leadership and credibility, you have a really hard time gaining it back. and i fundamentally disagree with hillary. we haven't hit bottom yet. as far as this health care law goes, it's just a web site today. the young people that don't sign up for it are going to be the next wave, the next nightmare for the president. and then wait until seniors find out how much change and how much
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potential harm to their coverage could come from this. and the president's problem is that this is the only thing he's got. this is his signature accomplishment. and right now it's in serious trouble. >> and hillary, let me ask you a question about that. we spoke to one young woman today. she's a freelance writer. kind of trend we've seen around this country. more and more people freelance or working for themselves don't have the health care from big companies. she is very informed, researched extensively. she said look, i found out -- i was so excited about obama care and it's just cheaper for me to pay the penalty than signing up. here are the numbers, hillary. her annual costs, penalty plus medical costs she just paid out of her pocket, $960 a year. under obama care, premiums plus deductibles over $6,000 a year. those numbers whether you like the concept of health care or not, those numbers are never going to add up. >> you know, it was an interesting story. and it came down to about $30 a month difference that she said she didn't want to pay.
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but the studies showed that seven out of ten young adults are going to be able to get coverage for around $100 a month or less. the reason why she didn't qualify, actually, was because she made more money than the subsidies would provide for. so what we have here are people who overwhelmingly actually understand that health insurance is a good thing. it is true that young people feel more invincible and are going to require more incentive and more encouragement to sign up. [ overlapping speakers ] >> it's those young people that are required for this program to they're toast. >> just a couple million. we don't need all of them. we just need some of them. we have an aging population. >> we're going to get there. we're going to get there. >> you're asking young people to carry a huge load. >> they're not carrying any extra load. they're providing safety and security for their own health. >> they're opting out of the
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program. and paying a penalty. >> a lot of of them say look i get that moral imperative. i should be paying for this. i want to help the elderly. i want to do my part. but i don't have the extra money to do this. even when the premiums look okay per month, the deductibles are sky high. and the just say, look, i'm just going to pay the penalty. i'm going to go without insurance. again, that can't happen and have this work. how is that going to change? >> i don't think this is a moral imperative. i think that what people are going to find as kaiser studies have shown, independent studies, the administration's done theirs, kaiser has done a study. more than 15% of people 18 to 34 actually want health insurance. the want that security that even with a higher deductible they're still getting more coverage and more security than the have currently. and when we have this further analysis that says, seven out of ten young people will be able to get policies under $100 a month, that's going to be attractive.
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again, this is a long-term play. there's a lot of misinformation out there. like terry doing what he just did before, screaming about seniors and about to get hurt, which is just silly. >> you don't think seniors are going to have huge changes in their plans? >> no. >> seniors are covered under a completely different plan. >> i would submit some of the changes, fundamental change. >> you're giving republican talking points tactics for no good reason. >> i'm sorry. i was trying to address the policy ramifications for medicare, for medicare advantage, for other programs that other people are involved with. we talk a lot about the seniors. but the way this thing is implemented over the next 18 months or so, it's going to be expensive for average people. they're doing the kitchen table math. and then once we start doing the actuarial math, what it's going to take to support this program if it ever gets stood up, it's just going to break the bank. that's what republicans have been saying all along. it's not a talking point it's
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just math. >> look forward to having both of you back. of course as we know even those president's speech tonight he hopes that it will turn eyes off the obama care issue, eyes will not turn off of it. we'll have more of our coverage of the presidential medal of freedom dinner. the president is expected to speak at any moment about the legacy of jfk. and we'll be taking that live. that's the room where the president is going to to be speaking in just a few moments. we of course will be going there with you. plus new information about the senator stabbed ten times allegedly by his own son. his son there who had been on the campaign trail with him. we'll find out whether that attack could have been avoided. and george zimmerman faces charges for pointing a gun at his latest girlfriend's head. what she says about his relative with guns. [ male announcer ] this is kathleen.
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new developments tonight in the stabbing of state senator creigh deeds. sources are telling us deeds was stabbed ten times inside his home. he stumbleded down the driveway bleeding. his son went inside and shot himself with the rifle. we're learning the sheriff was called to the house on monday before this happened, brought gus deeds to the hospital for a mental evaluation. he was released after officials failed to find him a bed. we can report, though, that cnn has learned there were actually beds available. chris lawrence is in charlottesville, virginia, to begin our coverage justout front. >> this chapter is closed but the next chapter is yet to be
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written. >> reporter: virginia state senator creigh deeds never seen far from his son gus. there he is smiling behind his dad's right shoulder. and again on the campaign trail with his bluegrass banjo. >> upon arriving at the scene, the deputies and troopers found gus, the son of mr. deeds, deceased inside the house. from aparent self-inflicted gun shot wound. >> how did this father-son team end up like this? the son allegedly killing himself after stack his own father in the head and chest ten times? >> i know that as a father he had had a lot of concerns about his son. >> reporter: he's not the only mentally ill person who did not get help in time. james holmes killed 12 people in a colorado movie theater. adam lanza shot 20 children and six adults at a newtown, connecticut elementary school. liza long created a firestorm last year when she compared her own son to lanza saying she lived in fear of what he might do because of his mental
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illness. >> as a society, i don't know what it's going to take for us to pay attention to this issue and to be able to help children and families get the services that the need. >> reporter: gus deeds was brought in for a mental health evaluation monday. a magistrate issued an emergency custody order. mental health officials told cnn that meant he had been declared homicidal, suicidal or unable to care for himself. but that didn't guarantee he'd get treatment. liza long fought to get her son medical help, but he was also turned away from a medical hospital because the were out of beds. >> but this story is actually incredibly common. parents who are not sure where to turn, not sure how to solve this issue for their child and who are living in fear. >> reporter: gus deeds was apparently sent home, a practice the inspector general called streeting. a 90-day audit in 2012 found 72 individuals determined to meet the statutory criteria for
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temporary detention were denied access to in-patient psychiatric treatment. the report said that streeting places the person and his or her community at risk. that practice was supposed to stop after a mentally ill virginia tech student killed 32 people. virginia gave mental health officials four hours to make a case for involuntary hospitalization. cnn found three hospitals in that state that said the could have taken in gus deeds. but officials won't say whether the failed to search hard enough or the clock just ran out. >> a tragedy happens, the legislature reacts. you see this in other states. and then over time that money is chipped away and these services are unavailable. >> reporter: tonight i spoke with a law professor who was brought in by the state to help reform its mental health facilities and the mental health care system. he says he advocated for alternatives toers today hospitalization following the virginia tech shooting, things like crisis centers, things like
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services that could be provided in someone's home where perhaps the could be stabilized. now, the one bright spot if you could even call it that tonight, erin, is the fact that creigh deeds has been updated to good condition in the hospital right behind me. >> that's a miraculous outcome. thank you very much for your reporting, chris lawrence. so many people talk about this. in this case it's sort of incredible. you have a knife used and a gun used. in 1955 there were more than 550,000 psychiatric beds in the united states. in 2010, there were fewer than 45,000. that is a plunge by any measure. but keep in mind the population of the country has also nearly doubled since 1955. so you can get a sense of how astoundingly horrific this number is. this is a situation dr. charles sophie deals with every day as a psychiatrist and director of children's services for the county hospitals of los angeles. dr. sophie is out front. this was a state senator, a prominent family who ran up against a systemers couldn't get a bed for his son. a connected guy who knew what he
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was doing. if he couldn't get access what does it mean for people who are not as fortunate, who are dealing with children who could be horrific problems and be a risk to themselves an others? >> it's a reality is the unfortunate thing here. because there are no beds. when there is a bed the criteria to get into that bed of a danger to yourself, danger to others or inability to care for yourself, that criteria is so stringent that it's very difficult to even get to that criteria there are many barriers to getting a child some help. those are the things we're seeing. no matter what you are as you see with this instance it doesn't matter. >> we hear these mental issues happening again and again. some people point them as why guns are used, why emphasized in this case it was a gun and knife. auro aurora, colorado, the navy yard in washington, d.c., we hear it happening again and again. mental health involved every single time. so who could do something to stop it? >> well, i this i what can be
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done to stop it is really looking at the whole system in general and being able to work with insurance companies and the criteria and the ability to pay for a really good solid evaluation, access to those evaluations. it really takes a whole community and a hospital system and insurance system to be able to look at the issues. because if we can't evaluate we cannot treat. we have to be able to evaluate. >> thank you very much, dr. sophie. we want your feedback on this issue as well. still to come, president obama expected to speak any moment about jf krkk's legacy. the ceremonies have already begun. this gentleman is going to speak and then president. plus george zimmerman accused of pointing at a gun at his latest girlfriend's face. she's been communicating with a reporter for weeks who comes "outfront."
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aggravated assault as well as misdemeanor counts of domestic violence, battery and criminal mischief. the girlfriend he's accused of assaulting has reportedly been talking for weeks of eric s sandoval of a cnn affiliate. i'll quote one of the text you received "things have gotten hotter on her end. he's shown up two times already on her house so we need to move sooner rather than later so she stays safe." what else did she tell you about george zimmerman? >> for instance, she said he's been very suicidal over the last few weeks. she basically says he's a changed man, especially since the verdict a few months back that basically acquitted him of murdering trayvon martin in sanford, florida. this is a woman who's been in george zimmerman's life for at least 12 years now. she met him when she was a teenager. she actually dated him a little
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bit back when she was a teenager and he was in his 20s. now she's come full circle with him. he's basically a different man, she says. at the start of this relationship -- >> eric, i'm sorry i have to interrupt you. i'm interrupting you for the president of the united states who's just begun speaking at this jfk event. my apologies to you. let's listen to the president. >> michelle and i are so pleased to join you tonight to honor the legacy of an american leader in a building dedicated to the preservation of our american history. and we are thrilled to be joined by so many people whose accomplishments helped write new chapters in that history. this morning i recognized 16 brilliant, compassionate, wildly talented people with the presidential medal of freedom, the nation's highest civilian
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award. and that was intimidating enough. tonight i'm facing dozens of you. to the presidential medal of freedom recipients of this year and years past, it is a great honor to be withio you for this great anniversary celebration. to wayne coff, thank you for hosting us. and to the smithsonian for ouren riching our heritage. i'm sure the new ambassador to japan will be pleased. to all the members of the kennedy family, we are grateful for your presence. and your enduring contributions to the life of our country. for centuries, words have existed for military valor. and 50 years ago, president john
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f. kennedy established a way to award extraordinary civilian virtue, contributions to our country, service to our democracy. dedication to our humanity that has advanced the common interests of freedom-loving people both here at home and around the world. since its creation, the presidential medal of freedom has paid tribute to the creativity of writers and artists and entertainers. we've recognized the leadership of elected officials and civil rights organizers, the imagination of scientists and business leaders, the great determination of our astronauts and our athletes. because there's no one way to contribute to the success of america. what makes us great is that we believe in a certain set of values that encourage freedom of
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expression and aspiration. we celebrate imagination and education, and occasional rebellion. and we refuse to set limits on what we can do or who we can be. in other peoples and other times have marked their history by moments of conquest at war by dominion over empires. but in the ark of human history we stand apart. our triumph is not simply found in the exertion of our power. it's found in the example of our people. our particular genius over 237 years has been something more than the sum of our individual excellence, but rather a culmination of our common endeavors. it's a truth that resonated with president kennedy when he said, "i am certain that after the
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dust of centuries has passed over our cities, we will be remembered not for our victories or defeats in battle or in politics but for our contribution to the human spirit." and that unbending belief that the power to make great a nation is found in its people and in their freedom, that was his philosophy. that is his legacy. and it's a legacy told in villages around the world that have clean water or a new school and a steady friend in the united states thanks to the volunteers of the peace corps. it's a legacy found in the courage of all who serve under our proud flag, willing like president kennedy himself to pay any price and bear any burden for the survival and success of our liberty. it's a legacy on display in the
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arts and culture that he and jackie championed as part of our national character, a legacy planted on the moon that he said that we'd visit and that we did and the stars beyond. but also in the breakthroughs of the generations of scientists that has audacious promise inspired. it's a legacy continued by his brothers and sisters who have left this a more gentle and compassionate country. jean a medal of freedom recipient herself and diplomat in every sense is with us tonight. bobby, who's wife ethel is one of my dearest friends. as jack noted, we'd be celebrating bobby's 88th birthday today. eunice and pat were devoted
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advocates for americans of all abilities. and teddy, the youngest brother with the biggest heart, he was a happy warrior who never forgot who we were sent here to serve and waged a decades-long battle on behalf of those folks who sent us here for workers rights and immigrants rights and the right to affordable health care. tonight our sympathies are with the love of teddy's life, vickie, as she mourns the loss of her father, judge edmond reggie. and it's all told a legacy of service that the kennedy family continues to this day, from caroline who's already drawing crowds of her own as she settles into her role as ambassador in japan, to his great nephew, and massachusetts' newest congressman, joe kennedy, to the school of public service that bears the family name and teaches its young leaders how the too might one day pass the torch to a new generation.
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this is a legacy of a man who could have retreated to a life of luxury and ease, but who chose to live a life in the arena, sailing sometimes against the wind, sometimes with it. and that's why 50 years later, john f. kennedy stand for positi posterit y as he did in life. young and bold and daring. and he stays with us in our imagination not because he left us too soon but because he embodied the character of the people that he led. resilient, resolute, fearless and fun-loving, define the in the face of impossible odds, and most of all determined to make the world anew. not settling for what is but rather for what might be.
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and in his idealism, his sober, square-jawed idealism, we are remined that the power to change this country is ours. this afternoon, michelle and i were joined by president clinton and secretary clinton to pay tribute to that proud legacy. we had a chance to lay a wreath at the grave site at arlington where president kennedy is surrounded by his wife and younger brothers, and where he will rest in peace for all time. remembered not just for his victories in battle or in politics but for the words he uttered all those years ago. "we will be remembered for our contribution to the human spirit." how blessed we are to live in a country where these contributions overflow in ways both heralded and not so
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heralded. the thousands of people in san francisco who just helped a little boy recovering from cancer live out his superhero dreams. that's part of that spirit. the marines deploying relief after a devastating typhoon all across an ocean. people checking on their neighbors after a tornado. the families across the country who will spend thanksgiving day cooking feasts so others less fortunate might eat. that's part of the spirit. that's who we are. a people whose greatness comes not by settling for what we can achieve in our own lives but also because we dare to ask what we can do as citizens to contribute to this grand experiment we call america. and that's what our presidential medical of freedom honorees embody. each and every one of them who are here today, and those who we remember posthumously. that's the living legacy of the
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kennedy family. and that is the responsibility we all welcome as americans for our lifetime on this planet. we are extraordinarily blessed to be americans. because we have the opportunity to serve in ways that so many of you have served. because we have the opportunity to touch lives in the ways that so many of you have touched lives. god bless you all. and god bless the united states of america. [ applause ] >> and of course that was the president of the united speaking at the presidential medical of freedom dinner. that award was established by jfk. john king, we were talk earlier about what an important moment this was for this president.
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this is a president who has been compared many times by the kennedy family, which i'll share in a moment, kennedy family itself to jfk who has become an idealistic, sunny, lionized figure in american politics. in that speech, did he measure up? >> reporter: he was very subdued in this speech which i thought was quite interesting. but that's the tone he decided to strike because i think he's reflecting on the legacy of president kennedy, even though this dinner ace celebration of the medal of freedom winners. but he talked about being in the arena, as a man of privilege he could have remained there but decided to seek higher office. t teddy kennedy seeking affordable health care. being in the arena has its peaks and its value his. president kennedy only served 2 1/2 years. he had some valleys this. president is in one right now. when you're in a valley i think sometimes it helps maybe to step back and reflect on the peaks.
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>> a deep valley. i think it's interesting as you point out, john, the subdued tone that he took. i think maybe that surprises a lot of people. john aftvalon, the past couple days we've seen caroline kennedy in japan with all the pomp and circumstance. she was the one who wrote an op ed when barack obama was running for president saying "a man like my father." the next day she endorsed him with these words. >> over the years i've been deeply moved by the people who have told me that the wish the could feel inspired and hopeful about america the way the did when my father was president. this longing is even more profound today. fortunately, there is one candidate who offers that same sense of hope and inspiration. [ cheers ] >> and i am proud to endorse senator barack obama for
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president of the united states. [ cheers ] >> but it is, john, that was an incredible moment. and it showed how the kennedy family wanted for the first time to say not to the clclintons, t obamas you are the new camelot. >> that was such a decisive moment in the 2008 campaign. it's easy to forget. but when the kennedys gave their imprimatur to barack obama instead of the clintons saying this is the candidate of generational change. jfk was the candidate of generational change. that's why he was such an inspiring figure. that's the way president obama presented himself also a young candidate, senator in his 40s running for the highest office. that moment, that endorsement, that association was pivotal. >> nick, can this president get back that halo, that jfk halo? we all do remember that moment with caroline kennedy. ted kennedy talking about this president barack obama. and now president obama going through what might be the
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toughest part of his presidency. jfk didn't have to do that. he didn't even get through one term. maybe part of this is the luck of timing. but can president obama get back that jfk comparison and all the great things it brought to him? >> it's a good question. it's difficult. i think mario cuomo once said you can't paint in poetry. you govern in prose. i think the president has learned that the last five years. campaigning is about -- governing is hard work. it's about the minutiae of policy, about choices. not a lot about inspiration unfortunately. do i think you make a good point. it would be nice if the president got back to kind of thinking about our better angels, our long-term future. feeling like it's a campaign in talking about bigger issues, bigger ideas. i don't know if he can put the genie back in the bottle but he should try. >> john king, what about the moment he took? to contrast this is the sort of
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tone you might vex pecked tonight. might have been more similar to the sort of excitement you felt when ted kennedy talked about barack obama and how barack obama was so much like his brother. here's ted. >> there was another time when another young candidate was running for president and challenging america to cross a new frontier. it's time again for a new generation of leadership. it is time now for barack obama! [ cheers ] >> john king, what made the president make that choice to seem so subdued tonight? frankly i actually thought he looked a little exhausted. >> i don't know. and i don't read minds. so i'm always careful right after a speech to say why did anybody take the tone that the took. i would say in part because he was paying tribute to the late president kennedy on this 50th anniversary of the assassination. that is a large part of it. but it's interesting when you play the bite from ted kennedy, teddy, the became great partners in the united states senate because ted kennedy was so close to the clinton family and had
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developed such a good relationship with then senator hillary clinton, that's why john avalon noted it was a surprising moment. but what this president misses at the moment. consider what he's doing. he's spending the first year of his second term defending the signature achievement of his first. all of his energy oxygen is going into fighting to protect the law that had passed, not add to his legacy by passing new laws. one of the people, the type of people he misses is somebody like ted kennedy who knew how to work with republicans, who also knew how to rally, would had so many legislative initiatives that were given up for lost and gone that someho revived themselves. that's the kind of advice and help and morale boost this president could use right now. >> just to add to that point. jfk needed an lbj as well. there is that contrast between the idealistic leader and the guy who could twist arms in the background and get things done that. together created the democrat party's heyday in the 1960s. barack obama is a more cerebral figure. he campaigned as this idealistic
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figure. sometimes you long for that lbj in washington right now, someone who had the real muscle and the connections to be really able to push through an agenda. that's missing right now. in that twilight between the two that barack obama seems stuck at the moment. >> nick, what about whether this president can recover from where he is now before we go? a 9-point drop in his approval rating according to the latest poll in just one month. in independents, the center of this country, now one of the biggest voting blocs dropped from 41% approval to 29 in one month. a drop of ten points in women in just one month. these numbers are stunning. can he come back? you're the historian. well, i think john makes a good point which is he's defending his first term right now. it's hard to come back when you're defending what was already passed. i think for him -- he's not thinking about short-term polls. i think like president clinton you start thinking about legacy soon into your second term. i think he needs to pick a couple more signature items before mid terms to build a
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legacy. he can't be defending what he did in the first term. he needs to start thinking about big picture for the second term. >> you got to pray that's the budget if you're the white house. still to come the florida congressman busted for cocaine possession apologizes, but we will have that full story coming up after this. ♪ ♪ here we are, me and you ♪ on the road ♪ and we know that it goes on and on ♪
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now to some of the other stories we are following tonight. trey radle the florida congressman busted for cocaine possession has been sentenced to a year. he pleaded guilty today for a misdemeanor and apologized to a judge for what he's done saying "i think in life i've hid a bottom where i realize i need help." he's checking into an in-patient program. he was charged after paying an undercover cop for 3 1/2 grams of cocaine in washington, d.c. at dupont circle. and a-rod out of control. the new york yankees player stormed out of an arbitration meeting over his suspension after learning major league baseball will not be coming in from milwaukee to testify. the commissioner, that is. shortly after the hearing a-rod explained his outburst to wfan's mike francesca. >> i lost my mind. i banged a table and kick add briefcase and slammed out of the room and just felt like the system -- i knew it was
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restricted and i knew it wasn't fair, but what we saw today is just -- it was disgusting. and the fact that the man from milwaukee that put the suspension on me with not one bit of evidence, something i didn't do, and he doesn't have the courage to come look at me in the eye? >> rodriguez was one of 14 players accused of using performance enhancing drugs. he refuses to participate in further in the process which he called a quote unquote farce. major league baseball meanwhile says it's committed to finding a fair solution. after laying low in recent years, form president george w. bush made a rare appearance on "the tonight show" with jay leno last night. bush is happy to be out of the spotlight, if only because it keeps him out of leno's monologues. >> now, president obama is kind of getting all the late night jokes now. >> better him than me. >> since being out of office the former president has also become quite a serious painter.
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he take lessons once a week. here he is talking about it. >> she said, what's your objective? i said there's a rembrandt trapped in his body. >> right, wow. wow. >> your job is to find him. >> a rembrandt. bush has painted a portrait of his late dog barney. that's pretty good. the barney story, though, bet one he told involves russian president vladimir putin. >> i introduced barney to putin. >> okay. >> and he kind of dissed him. >> really? >> yeah. he's like you call that a dog. a year later -- >> you call that a dog? >> he didn't say it his body language did. a year later putin introduces me to his dog. a huge hound. >> oh, yeah. >> bounding across the lawn. he says, bigger, stronger and faster than barney. >> leno went on to joke about putin saying you should have quote unquote nuked him. it's one of the big.
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days of the year in the magazine world. people announcing sexiest man alive. leader was adam levine, the lead singer of maroon five and judge on "the voice" he has his own fragrance and clothing line at k-mart. he was able to fend off the likes of justin timberlake, jimmy fallon to claim the crowd. there have have been 26 previous winners of this prize. johnny depp and george clooney each won twice. you can check them out at we don't get to say number one is our number. the sexiest man alive issue is people magazine's number one franchise and one of its best-selling issues every year. the winner is always more about sales than sexiness. because adam levine is very popular, sexy to some perhaps, not to off. let's just be honest. not to all. not like george clooney, you know. not necessarily. anyway, 28 years after "people" magazine launched its list, every other magazine has jumped on the bandwagon. the all feature people, men and
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women. and they are all the most popular issues released every single year, despite the fact that the winners aren't always the hottest or sexiest people. in that case the probably are the one you're looking there. but anyway, we want to know what you think. who is the sexiest man alive? or the sexiest woman alive? let us know on twitter at outfront cnn. steve job's spaceship is about to land. this is actually a real thing you're looking at right here. we have a special report. i'm beth...
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dan simon is "outfront." >> reporter: this is a spaceship from hollywood. this is a spaceship in silicon vail. it is apple's future headquarters in cupertino, california. as these artist renderings reveal, it is as sures to iconic as the company's products. >> i think we do have a shot of building the best office building in the world. >> reporter: steve jobs first showed it off to the city council in 2011 in what turned out to be his last public appearance. he approached the project with the same meticulous attention to detail for which he became legendary. its cafeteria will have retra retractable walls. the new campus will have its own transit center. and check out the striking lobby to a pavilion where apple will hold its famous events to unveil new products. the new headquarters is going here, on 176 acres of property that at one time was owned by
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hewlett-packard. when it's finished, the complex will be so big that you'd be able to fit a nfl stadium right in the middle of it. >> we've seen these office parks with lots of buildings. and the get pretty boring pretty fast. so we'd like to do something better than that. >> reporter: it is nearly 3 million square feet, four stories high, and will be built with an unprecedented volume of curved glass. >> we've used our experience in making retail buildings all over the world now. and we know how to make the biggest pieces of glass in the world for architectural use. >> reporter: the outdoors was just as important to jobs. he wanted the building's center in its outer perimeter to be filled with trees including apple trees, of course. >> i've heard it describes an as a man-made forest? >> it will be. i think they're planting 7,000 trees. a lot of trees will have to come down for the building but they're replanting 7,000 trees. they've gone as far with an arborist from stanford to look
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at in the future as climate change happens these trees going to be adaptable to climate change. that's the level of detail that they're looking at. >> cupertino mayor points out that while apple's products help make it easier to work outside the office, the company specifically designed the structure to foster in person, hands on collaboration. the spaceship is expected to land in 2016, a piece of architecture for the ages. dan simon, cnn, cupertino, california. >> thanks for watching. >> thanks for watching. piers morgan is next. -- captions by vitac -- t-in-class 30 mpg highway and 730-mile driving range... for all the times you dreamed of running away from home -- now you can. with enough fuel to get back. this is the new 2014 jeep grand cherokee. it is the best of what we're made of. well-qualified lessees can lease the 2014 grand cherokee laredo 4x4 for $359 a month.
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