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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  November 22, 2013 6:00am-8:01am PST

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and actually wound up doing some good, that's the good stuff. >> it could also affect other people. >> certainly their families, certainly their families. >> beautiful. what a great good stuff. >> all right, time for "cnn newsroom," we head you over to john berman and christine romans. hello my friends. >> have a great weekend. . you deserve it. it is friday and "newsroom" starts right now. -- captions by vitac -- you are a looking at live pictures of eternal flame lit commemorating the life of president john f. kennedy, assassinated 50 years ago today. that's a live picture of arlington national cemetery in virginia. we're remembering jfk's life throughout the day here on cnn 50 years later. good morning, everyone. i'm christine romans. >> i'm john berman. carol costello is off today. >> we're going to have more on the jfk remembrances later but first a 22-year ban now getting a second look and that means
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talking on the cell phone while flying just might become a reality. >> this goes in the worst idea ever file. whether you consider this idea annoying or if you're the one person on earth who thinks it's convenient, the fcc will consider a proposal at its next meeting in december to allow fliers to make voice calls in flight. >> back in 2004 the ban was considered being lifted but they changed their minds after opposition and uncertainty over the technical details. cnn's alexandra field is live outside lag ward in a airport in new york. my personal unscientific polling this morning is that no one thinks this is a good idea and everyone thinks it's a way for someone to make money. what is going on here? >> reporter: at the same time, though, christine, we've long heard travelers grumbling whether or not it's really unsafe to use their cell phone in the air, that's been the big complaint from people for a long time. the fcc is finally saying there is technology that can make it perfectly safe to use your phone
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in flight. airplanes just need to be equipped with an antenna that would eliminate the possibility of dangerous interference. as you do point out, passengers are very much worried about another kind of interference, that guy sitting next to you talking loudly on the flight from new york to l.a., that's the problem that a lot of people here have. at the same time we know there are plenty of business travelers out here, they say they don't want to be forced to disconnect, so this is something that has people a little bit split. most people think that they'd like to use their phone, they do it courteously, they're worried about the person next to them. here is what travelers are saying at lag ward inaguardia t morning. >> i'd allow it short and to the point. >> the problem is i might want to talk but you might want to talk about in a loud voice every problem you have in your family, blah, blah, blah, blah, right? >> reporter: a lot to consider here. we know the flight attendant's
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unioning loudly, the situation is not only unwelcome but unsafe. that's how the flight attendant's union is weighing in and a lot of travelers speaking their minds about this, too. christine? john? >> that's the flight attendant's union. i'll speak on behalf of the people who want to sleep on a flight union. i'm not sure it's a great idea and makes me wonder if this is really all about money. i have to believe that the airlines are going to find some way to make some money on this. >> $19 extra for a quiet seat in the back of the plane. can you imagine that? >> it's something we've seen before on people who take the amtrak, they can sit in the quiet car, there's no additional charge but we do know that car fills up pretty quickly, people who don't want to hear what other people have to say. christine, john? >> we'll have to see how it technically will work, if for example roaming charges would apply like when you're on a cruise, how would that work?
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alexandra field thank you. president obama waking up with a new low in his approval ratings, just 41% of people in our polling say they like the way he's handling his job, that is the lowest it has ever been in the cnn/orc polling. >> the biggest drop in june from 53% in may to 45%, during new reports of the nsa spying and the irs targeting conservative groups. obama care may not be the biggest factor in these falling poll numbers. >> timing there really interesting. i want to bring in candy crowley joining us now live from washington. candy i want to shift gears a bit. today it is 50 years since the death of president john f. kennedy. we were just talking about president obama's poll numbers. let's look at president kennedy's numbers 50 years after his death, 90%, 90% of the people in our polling say they approve of his handling of the job. just 7% disapprove. is this all at this point just a function of nostalgia?
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>> well, that and the fact, this is a man who was not president even for three years. i think it was like november two years ten months basically, had he been president. so you know, in four years people can sour but in general i also think that history has a way of softening things. you look back, this was you know, was billed very shortly after his death, camelot and that time of hope and innocence in america. there's been a lot of legacy building since his death, and at the time he had not yet really had time to build a huge presidential legacy, because two years and ten months as you know is not a huge, long time in history. >> when you talk about the perspective, candy, george w. bush hit 25% in at the end of his second term and 42% today. in a way once you leave office,
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sometimes you're remembered differently. >> oh, yeah, absolutely. obviously nixon numbers, he left office during a scandal, and so i think those numbers probably will stay there. george w. bush at 42%, it is interesting, we'll see how that plays out over time. he's not yet kind of history. he's still been very present, it's been only five years so yes, i think as the years go by, i mean jimmy carter was defeated for a second term and now people talk all the time about jimmy carter and how he had a better post presidency than presidency so yes. we all know this from our own lives. history tends to soften the edges and make things look better. you get that kind of gauzy look at history. >> my numbers are way big with people who went to high school with me. >> absolutely. >> for president obama is there anything he can do to boost his numbers during his second term here or does he only have
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nostalgia to look forward to? does he have to leave office before he can get above 41% again? >> oh, no. if we get past the website and if next year you hear more stories about what a great thing obama care is, stories about wholly cow sticker shock, holy cow people can't keep their doctors. the cost curve has not been bent. to me, when you look at it, certainly next year when you look at mid terms, that is the key talking point for republicans. if obama care turns out to do what this administration hopes it will do, says it will do, that's going to turn his numbers around. >> thanks, candy crowley, thank you so much. of course everyone watch "state of the union" sunday 9:00 a.m. eastern time. >> those nixon approval ratings, 31%, he has a higher approval rating than congress. this afternoon in dallas president will toll in remembrance of president john f.
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kennedy 50 years after his death, the exact time of his assassination the city will hold a moment of silence. the first time dallas is officially commemorating jfk's death. >> in washington you're looking at the eternal flame as it burns in arlington national cemetery, just moments ago there was a wreath laid in jfk's honor. let's go back to dallas. cnn's ed lavandera is live there at the scene of where the ceremonies will be today, ed, what's going on there right now? >> reporter: good morning, john and christine. the surrealness of the moment that which will see later, they're starting to play a slide show of pictures of john f. kennedy doing sound checks and this sort of thing, and it is an incredible slide show of pictures that the crowd here of 5,000 will see later today. it's surreal because it is some 30 feet away from where jfk was assassinated here 50 years ago today or in the sma doughs of
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the sixth floor museum in the school book depository from where lee harvey oswald assassinated the president. the banner of jfk just went up, that is main street. the presidential motorcade came down that street that day, made a quick right and turned down elm street and this is where it all ended. 5,000 people expected here today, the city organizers say this is the first time that the city of dallas has hosted an event to honor president kennedy, and this is a city that has struggled mightily over the last five decades how to come to terms with what happened here. city organizers say what they want to do today is not focus on how the president died and all the conspiracy theories and the controversy that surrounded the assassination but focus on john f. kennedy, not how he died but how he lived. >> ed lavandera for us in dealey plaza in dallas. it's got to be an incredible experience to be there and such a moving place to be on any day
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and on this day i have to believe it's even more powerful. >> and in a city where as ed points out for a long time they've grappled with it was the place where he died and how do you come to terms with that as a city. don't forget to set your dvr of course for the assassination of president kennedy a film you'll see on cnn tonight at 10:00. let's take a look at some of the headlines right now in the news for us right now. flooding, violent winds and one dangerous river ride. the rescuers coming up as wild weather stretches across the country. you're watching "cnn newsroom." great. this is the last thing i need.) seriously? let's take this puppy over to midas and get you some of the good 'ol midas touch. hey you know what? i'll drive! i really didn't think this through. brakes, tires, oil, everything. (whistling)
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welcome back, everyone. checking top stories, george zimmerman's estranged wife shell e shellie says he has become a monster. >> he was arrested for allegedly abusing his now girlfriend. shellie said it's made her question everything including the night trayvon martin died. >> i think when people hear of all these incidents following the trial, it does cast further doubt on his actions that night. >> sure. >> do you feel that way? >> yes. >> does it cast further doubt for you? >> further doubt, yes, absolutely. >> but yet? >> it casts a lot of doubt, like you said. because like i have said, i don't know the person that i've been married to, so of course i am going to have questions and doubts but i wasn't there that night. >> george zimmerman denies
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abusing his girlfriend. he's out upon bond until his next hearing. starbucks baristas must now share their tips with their shift supervisors. federal appeals court handed down the ruling thursday saying the supervisors spend most of their time doing the same job as the baristas and an attorney for the baristas says the ruling allows starbucks to subsidize the pay of supervisors with money that should go to lower earning workers. take a look at a drug suspect who maybe should have invested in a plunger. members were searching a home when they found the suspect trying to flush four pounds of marijuana down the toilet. so not surprisingly it didn't work and the man was booked into jail where he's currently being held without bond. look at that. yeah that didn't work too well. good news for colorado motorists, the governor's office says the last of the highways damaged by september's massive flooding will reopen tuesday,
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that beats the december 1 deadline for reopening all 27 highways, total of 485 miles of highway damaged or destroyed by all that colorado flooding. >> that is amazing. we have dangerous weather to tell you about going on now in riverside, california, where several people had to be rescued from a rushing river. >> firefighters spotted a man clinging to a tree, four other people stranded on an island down river from him. helicopter was called to pull them to safety. indra petersons is here with more on the crazy weather moving across the country. good morning. >> good morning. it's something we call the pineapple express, there's so much moisture fueling into the southwest, i'm going to zoom you out wide and you can see the source came from hawaii, hence the name pineapple express. never a good thing. it means a lot of rain in a sort period of time. look at the current rain heading in towards the phoenix area, that is the concern, the same thing that was out in the high deserts in california and looks like that will be the threat as we go through the weekend as the system sags to the south. there are two parts to the system, one is going to be the
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heavy rain and look at this. they're expecting another three to five, even six inches of rain possible t may not sound a lot to you but in the desert southwest where the ground is drier, that is too much rain so flood warnings will be out as we go through the weekend. also about two to four inches there around the four corners. so that's the first side of the system. the other is the heavy amounts of snow where it is cold, one to two feet possible colorado, and flagstaff, in through areas of arizona. the other system making its way across the country bringing lighter rain, that's going to be making its way into the northeast, kind of tailing there out through the gulf over the next 24 hours or so. when i say rain, we're talking about light, maybe only about an inch, possibly two to three inches when you talk about mississippi or arkansas today, but that's not why it's going to be a big story. it is the temperatures, look at these 30s, that is going to be spreading into the northeast, temperatures are going to be good, 20 degrees below normal by sunday with even a chance of snow.
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pretty impressive weather across the country, guys. >> impressive is one way to look at it. >> that's what a meteorologist calls really nasty weather, impressive. >> indra petersons, thank you so much. >> happy friday, thanks, indra. we have news just in to cnn in virginia, state senator creigh deeds has been released from the hospital. earlier this week deeds was in an altercation with his son. the state senator was stabbed including in the head several times. he was in critical condition after the altercation. his son took his own life with a gun. of course this followed a period where he had been evaluated for some psychiatric issues. he was not admitted to the hospital because of a lack of beds in that part of the state. creigh deeds has been recovering in the hospital. at first his condition was critical but obviously officials there now think it is okay for him to leave. he has been released. the news right now from the hospital in virginia. >> certainly wish him well. women held captive for 30 years, how they were inspired to escape after watching a
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documentary on television. that's coming up. ♪ morning, turtle. ♪ my friends are all around me ♪ my friends, they do surround me ♪ ♪ i hope this never ends ♪ and we'll be the best of friends ♪ [ male announcer ] the 2014 chevrolet traverse... all set? all set. [ male announcer ] ...with three rows of spacious seating for up to eight. imagine that. chevrolet. find new roads. i use my citi thankyou card to get 2x the points at the coffee the office, which will help me get to a beach in miami and they'll be stuck at the cube farm. the citi thankyou preferred card. now earn 2x the points dining out, with no annual fee. go to [knock] no one was at home, but on the kitchen table sat three insurance policies.
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from td ameritrade.
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all right, three women are now free this morning after allegedly spending decades, decades in captivity. london police calling this the worst case of modern day slavery they've ever seen. police say the three women have been brainwashed emotionally and physically abused, held in a london neighborhood with no real exposure to the outside world. >> except for one thing. apparently a documentary by itv called "forced to marry" after seeing it, one of the women called the freedom charity and
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asked for help. the group's president spoke to cnn international. >> they called our 24-hour help line. it's manned by professionals and once one of them made the call we took that call seriously. we treat every call at the charity as if it's a last chance someone can call us, and then we started to get involved in very delicate negotiations on how they would be rescued and when that would happen. >> wow, that rescue then happened yesterday and their two alleged captors were taken into custody but have since been released on bail. atika shubert following the story from london. what are investigators saying about this? >> reporter: they're saying this say unique case. they haven't seen anything like that before. it's not domestic servitude or forced labor, but that there were invisible handcuffs and that's the term they've been using on these women that they
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were under severe emotional control, suffered both emotional and physical abuse. they won't say why the women are being held. there doesn't seem motive of exploitation or even of labor at this point. we simply don't know. the police aren't giving any more details and we don't know even the relationship between the suspects and the victims, except, and this is pretty remarkable, the police say that any outside people who encountered them would have thought of them, seen them as a normal family, but apparently inside there was this intense control over the lives of these women and they had these overwhelming fear of the suspects, and this is why police are looking into this as a possible case of slavery, christine. >> the suspects have been released, atika? do we know why? >> reporter: they were released on bail overnight. they are expected back for questioning by police in january, but they have not been charged. what this allows the police is
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basically to continue with their investigations. they obviously don't think this couple, a 60-year-old man and 67 woman who are not british citizen also flee at any point but they are not back at the house. they're at another location. so we don't have any more details other than that. police are continuing to look at the house, got 55 bags of evidence but won't give any other details of what was happening inside. >> fascinating. mystery we'll continue to follow. atika shubert in london, thank you. two lives lost in a horrific crash. >> the shocking tweets sent by the person accused of causing it, right after the break.
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welcome back, everyone. you're looking at live pictures, arlington national cemetery, that is the eternal flame, lit to honor the life of president john f. kennedy. >> he was assassinated 50 years ago. we're remembering his life throughout the day here on cnn. it's an emotional place to be on any day, but especially today, 50 years later. good morning, everyone. i'm christine romans. >> and i'm john berman. we are at the bottom of the hour right now. another story in "the newsroom" the dow which is opening above the 16,000 mark for the first time ever this morning, right now employees may
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be looking to go higher with the 41st record of the dow this year. alison kosik what are you expecting? [ bell ringing ] >> as the bell rings, 16,000 and above, this is the 40th record high of the year, today could be 41 if the dow closes higher. stop a minute, stop to consider how amazing this is. you probably see it in your 401(k) especially with the dow, the nasdaq, the s&p up anywhere between 22% to 31% this year. you look historically a more normal return is about 8% so that's huge, the gap there, and it's broad-based, not just concentrated in a few areas. you look at the dow, only two stocks of the 30 are down this year. only about 50 of the s&p's 500 stocks are down, and investors are loving it. stimulus is flowing, interest rates are low, inflation is low, but we all know there's this disconnect. economic growth is weak. earnings growth is slow and you're seeing some big ceos warning about the economy, and black friday, christine, just a
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week away, expectations aren't high for consumers getting out there and spending a lot this holiday season so some are saying you know what? the market may have got a little ahead of it self, maybe so as actually the dow opens a little bit lower. christine? >> a little bit lower, we'll continue to watch it throughout the day. alison kosik at the big board, thanks. >> let's look at some of the top stories of the day. three college students are charged with a hate crime against their black roommate. >> justice! >> no peace! >> the case of racial bullying has triggered demonstrations on the campus of san jose state university. prosecutors say the students decorated their four-bedroom suite with a confederate flag, nazi symbols and a white board with the requests n" word scrawled on it. the three are also accused of chaining up the 17-year-old with a bike lock. >> three roommates took a u-shaped bicycle lock and the
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three of them forced it around his neck and once they had it locked around his neck, they forced him to remain in it, saying that they didn't know where the key was. >> the chain around the young man's neck, that's something that can be, that's not forgivable to me because that represents the oppression that our people have gone through. >> prosecutors say the defendants face a maximum sentence of one year in jail if convicted. this is a shocking story and we'll have a live report from san jose in the next hour. thousands of child abuse reports in arizona have been ignored, that's according to the state's welfare system director. governor jan brewer released a statement regarding the report saying "the most urgent priority is to ensure that each one of the children involved in these cases is safe." every case must be investigated, no exceptions, no excuses." the cases date as far back as 2009. the state director says it is unknown if any of those children are still at risk. a hearing is under way this
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morning this hour for a massachusetts teen accused of killing a teacher, a grand jury indicted 14-year-old philip c s chisholm yesterday. ical lecnn has been covering th story from the beginning and pamela brown is covering the case. >> you're right christine and john. i was in danvers right after this teacher was murdered and it really stunned the community and now we're learning more horrific details in the story. we have obtained the murder indictment, we obtained that yesterday for 14-year-old philip chisholm. he'll be tried as an adult in superior court for that charge and we're also learning he faces two additional charges for aggravated rape and armed robbery. as of now he's charged as a youthful offender for those. the armed robbery indictment alleges that chisholm armed with a box cutter robbed her of her credit cards, cash and underwear. he sexually assaulted her with
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an object, this is new information we're learning and this story from the beginning has been so devastating, so horrific, and it's just -- >> it's a teacher that everyone really loved and a community where no one thought something like this could happen. that sounds cliche but that's exactly what so many people who knew her were saying. >> it doesn't make sense to anyone. she was a beloved math teacher, so enthusiastic about her job, everyone i spoke with truly loved her and philip chisholm was a quiet student in her math class, apparently didn't talk much but no one thought he was capable of allegedly doing something like this, and what we still don't know is why he did it, the motive. >> that's what i was going to ask. the more details that come out, more and more deeply troubling but authorities give no reason what may have triggered it. >> no, and honestly they don't have to give a reason in court. i spoke to the d.a.'s office and they said we may never find out what the motive is. >> do we know anything about the moments leading up to this attack? >> well we know that he was in
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class with colleen ritzer, last math class of the day. i spoke to the student who saw the two together about an hour after class ended, 15 minutes late ear cording to a source, chisholm followed ritzer into a regular girls bathroom on the second floor and he allegedly beat her and assaulted her with a box cutter before putting her body in a recycling bin and dumping it in the back of the school. >> there's video surveillance the police have gone over. >> and combing through and they have spoken to him and he apparently has incriminated himself in some of the interviews he's done, with police which we learned in the beginning. we don't know whether he admitted to why he did. that's not publicly available at this stage. >> we may knnever know. thanks so much. "hunger games" the film's sequel in theaters and living up to its name. >> "catching fire" is already a hit with teens and their parents and we will hear from star
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jennifer lawrence like one of the biggest stars on earth, coming up next. [ sniffles, coughs ] shhhh! i have a cold with this annoying runny nose. [ sniffles ] i better take something. [ male announcer ] dayquil cold and flu doesn't treat that. it doesn't? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus fights your worst cold symptoms plus has a fast-acting antihistamine. oh what a relief it is!
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may the odds be ever in your favor. i've been dying to say that. katniss everdeen is back as "the hunger games" head to theater this weekend. >> you don't have to destroy her, just her image. show her that she is one of us
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now. let them rally behind that. >> "catching fire" the second film in "the hunger games" trilo trilogy. easy to take the top spot in the box office. she has become, five years ago we didn't snow who she was. she's the top grossing heroine. >> we were here talking about it, wow, wow. the odds are in favor this movie will clean up at the box office this weekend. the film could potentially bring in over $150 million domestically, $300 million plus worldwide over the weekend. that's crazy. exactly. >> no one is going hungry. >> no one is going hungry for "the hunger games." most had 8:00 last night screening very well. the first made $152 million in its opening weekend, back in march of 2012. the first movie in all made $691 million, it also made miss
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jennifer lawrence a superstar. she is the "it" girl in hollywood, only 23, already has a best actress oscar and according to "forbes" she's the second highest paid actress. made an estimated $126 million and for this movie she said $10 million. >> pay for performance, baby. >> that's wide a raise. as far as loving the lime light she is still trying to figure all of that. we talked about that when i sat down with her last week. listen to this. >> literally the days movie was released i had no idea i was famous yet or anybody had seen it. i don't think i knew the movie came out that day. whole foods i had to call the police and had to go down the cargo elevator and i was crying, it's really sad. >> geez. whole foods makes me so happy >> i saw my ex-boyfriend and
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really bad, he was like the worst. >> that fellow still looking at her saying "how's your life." she's also the mace of miss dior, the handbag, different from regular dior but this reportedly an eight-figure deal. she's money in hollywood. you know if you're money in hollywood that's gold. >> she's 23 years old so she's got to be so smart about what she does next the film she picks, the endorsements she does. at 23 she has a very long multimillion-dollar career. >> she has the "x men" coming out, the next movie is going to be another huge blockbuster, reuniting with david o'russell and bradley cooper, she won the oscar with them for "silver linings playbook," "american hustle" comes out in december and amy adams and christian bale. >> she's talented also. >> she lets her work speak for herself. she's candid and refreshing, that's what hollywood loves
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about her. she says i don't diet, she talks about issues with the paparazzi, she has anxiety when she goes out, trying to come to grips being okay saying no. she's refreshing and that's what people love about her. she's from louisville, kentucky, a regular girl, got a great family that has definitely supported her, she was just with her brother at "david letterman" the other night and seems like a very grounded girl. >> there's two ways you can go when you strap on that rocket, you can go right to the top and your personal lives falls apart and be yourself and make a lot of money and enjoy it. >> she's doing okay. >> i've seen the movie twice by the way, guys, it's good. >> is it? >> very good. >> nischelle turner, thank you. all right, so moving on now, it has been locked up and hidden from the public, how the pink suit that jackie kennedy wore the day that john f. kennedy was assassinated how it won't be made public for 100 years. >> this as we remember jfk's life 50 years since his assassination on cnn today.
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ya know, with new fedex one rate you can fill that box and pay one flat rate. i didn't know the coal thing was real. it's very real... david rivera. rivera, david. [ male announcer ] fedex one rate. simple, flat rate shipping with the reliability of fedex.
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his day of coaching begins with knee pain, when... [ man ] hey, brad, want to trade the all-day relief of two aleve for six tylenol? what's the catch? there's no catch. you want me to give up my two aleve for six tylenol? no. for my knee pain, nothing beats my aleve.
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became big business overnight? ♪ like, really big... then expanded? ♪ or their new product tanked? ♪ or not? what if they embrace new technology instead? ♪ imagine a company's future with the future of trading. company profile. a research tool on thinkorswim. from td ameritrade.
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46 minutes past the hour checking top story this is morning, police say a bomb was put inside a child's teddy bear and left in a north carolina neighborhood. according to cnn affiliate wsoc a man on a paper route found the bear, took it home and called the cops when he saw wires were attached to the toy and said it smelled like gasoline. police are investigating. >> disturbing. a safety warning for parents, 600,000 baby monitors are being recalled after two infants were strangled to death. government watch group says cords on the angel care movement and sound baby monitor can be dangerous if a child pulls it into the crib and wraps it around the neck. consumers can contact the company for a repair kit. $290 million, that's how much a jury has ordered samsung to pay apple after samsung was
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found guilty of patent infrin infringeme infringement. the tech giants are locked in a series of lawsuits, on top of its $640 million samsung owes apple from an earlier settlement in the same suit. both sides will likely appeal. prosecutors are appealing a ruling granting a new trial for michael say kel. he walked out of a connecticut courthouse after being granted $1.2 million bail. he spent more than a decade in prison for the 1975 murt of martha moxley. judge overturned the decision ruling he was poorly represented. first lady jackie kennedy 50 years ago today dressed up in a bright pink suit as she accompanied her husband on what would be a fateful trip to dallas. now the suit is an iconic image of not only what happened in dallas but her grace in the face of unspeakable tragedy.
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>> cnn's candy crowley has more on where is that thank suit is on. >> reporter: in the words of john f. kennedy she looked smashing in it, which may be why he asked her to wear that watermelon pink suit to dallas, november 22nd, 1963. >> the usual welcoming kennedy presents mrs. kennedy with a bouquet of red roses. >> reporter: the suit was a knock off made in america. the first lady had worn it at least six times before that fateful day. here she is in 1962 awaiting at rifle of the prime minister of algeria, that's john jr. in her arms. in dallas on november 22nd at this ft. worth chamber of commerce breakfast, the president even joked about his wife's fashion sense. >> nobody wonders what lyndon and i wear. >> reporter: later this day, president kennedy would be dead, and the first lady's stunning pink suit stained forever with her husband's blood, would begin
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a long and mysterious journey. when aids suggested she change her clothes after the shooting, she refused. philip shenon wrote a book about the kennedy assassination. >> her remark and i think she made it more than once "no, i'm going to leave these >> reporter: hours lairt, mrs. kennedy continued to wear the suit during the emergency swearing in of lynn don johnson as president. >> that whole scene is obviously just surreal. she aarrives in the cabin of air force one in these clothes covered in the president's blood. >> reporter: mrs. kennedy was still in her suit when she arrived later that evening at andrews air force base in maryland. the president's brother at her side in the middle of the night. once at the white house, her personal maid put the suit in a bag so mrs. kennedy wouldn't have to look at it.
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then, sometimes in 1964, the blood-stained suit arrived here, at the national archives building at the nation ago capital. it came in a box along with a handwritten note from jackie kennedy's mother. it read, simply, "jackie's suit and bag, worn november 22nd, 1963." all this time it's been forbidden from public view and will makely stay that way for a very long time. in 2003 after her mother's death, caroline kennedy gave the suit to the people of the united states with the understanding that it wouldn't be put on public display for 100 years. and even then the kennedy family must be consulted before anier effort is made to display the suit. and it's believed only a handful of people, maybe only as few as two, have seen the suit since.
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along with the suit and also hidden from view in the new archives in maryland, the blue blouse mrs. kennedy wore in dallas, her stockings, blue shoes, and blue purse. what they don't have is her pink pill box hat. >> the hat is a mystery. it goes initially to the secret service and they turn it over to mrs. kennedy's private secretary and then it disappears. it has not been seen since. >> reporter: the archive is making every effort to preserve the suit. it's stored in a windowless vault and an acid free container where the air is changed every 20 minutes or so. it is kept at a temperature of 65 to 68 degrees, which is best for the fabric. the suit story, a perfect ending for a first lady who krafd privacy after so much pain.
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randi kay, cnn. >> we'll continue to remember jfk throughout the day as we mark 50 years since the as nation. do not forget to watch our document terry, "the as nation of president kennedy." that starts tonight at 10:00 p.m. >> in criminal cases, putting thousands of convictions at risk. and now she may be headed to jail. we're going to have the latest in this stunning case coming up. customer erin swenson ordered shoes from us online but they didn't fit. customer's not happy, i'm not happy. sales go down, i'm not happy. merch comes back, i'm not happy. use ups. they make returns easy. unhappy customer becomes happy customer. then, repeat customer. easy returns, i'm happy. repeat customers, i'm happy. sales go up, i'm happy. i ordered another pair. i'm happy. (both) i'm happy. i'm happy. happy. happy. happy. happy. happy happy. i love logistics.
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>> two teams going in very different directions showcased on thursday night football. dr drew brees and the saints. >> good morning. before this season, it was the falcons, not the saints that were the super bowl favorites. but second quarter last night jimmy graham is going to haul in a 44 yard touchdown. but he's going to accidentally bend the post. stadium workers had to come out and fix it causing a brief delay. and the new orleans offense didn't put up huge numbers but
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they did enough to beat the fall cons. a-rod's grievance hearing wrapped up yesterday. this comes just a day after the yankee's third baseman angry storm out the hearing and decided not to testify in his own defense. a-rod's lawyers are already vowing to challenge the ruling in federal court if it doesn't go their way. turning on bleacher report, it happened again. for the second straight day, a fan hit a half-court shot winning $20,000. and he's the fifth fan to knock down the shot this year. and he's the only one that got to celebrate with jay-z and beyonce. gillette teechls up with people to shave their beards and auctioning off the razor along
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'with the facial hair. and this is a ball of hair from victor reno. big papi's beard right now is at $4500. and it has over 100 bids. and half of them are by a j. berman. >> there's something so gross and so awesome about this all at the same time. i don't know how to react. >> you need to buy a locket. next hour of cnn "newsroom" begins after a real quick break. all right. i lied. we're back right now. i'm christine romans. >> and i'm john berman. carol costello is off today. and this morning everyone cross the country remembering the moment when president john f. kennedy was shot and killed r50 years ago today. flags at half staff this hour. this, a picture of the white
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house live right now. >> and for the first time ever, dallas, the city of dallas will officially commemorate the assassination. the bells will toll at dealy plaza. and there will be a moment of silence. >> meanwhile, at arlington national cemetery, a wreath laying at the graveside of jfk. and today, cnn, has a new snapshot about how americans today are remembering the president. >> a new cnn orc poll shows he has a 90% approval rating today among people, far higher than any other president in the last half of the century. >> let's go live to dallas right now where a lot of the activity will go on today. cnn's ed lavender is there. good morning. >> good morning. >> reporter: we're seeing the crowd beginning to fill up.
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5,000 invited people. you have to have a ticket to get into the plaza. all the streets are cordoned off for the ser money. this is the first official ceremony for the city of dallas commemorating this day. and city officials are quick to point out is what they don't want this day to be about is the way he was assassinated here on the streets of dallas. they want this to be a celebration of his life. the sound checks have been going on in preparations for this event. you've seen the images played out on the large screens out here in the blaz za. imagines of camelot. the video images of john kennedy and jacqueline onassis. the archival photographs playing here just feet away where president kennedy was assassinated on elm street. we're standing over just in the
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shadows of the sixth floor window. we'll hear from the mayor of dallas and historian david mccullough who will read experts of speeches that president kennedy gave over the course of his life. and then a moment of silence and bells will toll across the city of dallas. and then there will be a new monument dedicated here in memory of john f. kennedy as well. and it will be inscribed with the final paragraph of the speech he was on his way to give that afternoon. a speech where there was a room full of people waiting for him to arrive. and it was just the motorcade whizzed past that billion because he had been shot. and parkland hospital was just across the street. and the moment that will be dedicated here today will have the last paragraph of the speech that he was supposed to give
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that day. >> there was so much shock and horror inside that room when they heard that the president would not be coming because of what happened. and today is a really important day in many ways for dallas. as you said, it's the first official commemoration of this day. and they want it to be about president kennedy's life. protests at this site where you're standing right now yesterday. >> reporter: yeah, we saw a little bit of that yesterday. what's interesting here, is on the grassy knoll which is just off to the right over here, this is where the conspiracy theorists. people from around the world, john, still flock here. and they come here and you see them every day standing on the streets. they look up at the sixth floor window. it's like if they're trying to imagine what it must have been like to be here on that day. but on november 22nd, every year, mostly conspiracy theorists, they observe their
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own moment of silence. they're not allowed in the streets today. a lot of these folks will be getting together. and the apology showing how popular he still is today. a lot of that polling, same polling, say that the majority of the americans don't believe that lee harvey oswald acted alone. >> thank you so much. in dallas today. and of course, cnn will have live coverage of the events when they begin, sometime in the noon hour today. and tonight, cnn puts you on the ground as the shooting happened. and the report from the warren comission. you can watch "the assassination of president kennedy" it begins tone at 10:00 p.m. eastern. >> a ban may come to an end
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about talking about on you are why kren phone. >> it will consider a proposal to allow fliers to make voice calls in flight. >> back in 2004 they introduced the ban. we're live outside the laguardia airport in new york. and boy, someone is going to make some money, i just know it. hi, alexandra. >> reporter: that is the big question this morning. we're out here and asking people what they think about a policy that would allow them to talk to their heart's content on board a flight. and i think one passenger put it perfectly. he said yes, i want to be able to use my cell phone during flight, but no, i don't want you to be able to use your cell phone. beyond that, some passengers wonder would they be tagged with extra fees on the idea of talking.
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here are what the passengers are saying at laguardia. >> i probably would choose to sit in a quiet section. >> reporter: if you had to pay more? >> yeah, even if i had to pay more. >> i don't like the rudeness of people on cell phones. and when you're trapped on a plane, i don't think it's correct to listen to everybody talking on at phone. >> too many people talking at one time in a confined area. >> it's good for an emergency or something. >> reporter: so the fcc will be talking about the proposal during a meeting scheduled for december. after that there could be a public comment hearing. they say any situation that is loud, divisive and possibly disruptive is not only unwelcome but also unsafe. so you know where they stand on this one. >> we've discussed whether tktd be really annoying. my question is would it become a revenue stream for the airlines?
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i guess that remains to be seen. >> reporter: right. we're going to have to see as time goes along. but passengers are pointing to the fact that we're already paying baggage fees, fees for extra leg room, food. and they're certainly wondering if they will have to pay more either to sit in a section of the plane where they would be allowed to talk or in a quiet section of the plane. but it's up to the airlines to even decide if they want them to be used. >> thank you so much. >> all we're saying is give peace a chance. that's all i'm saying at least. >> is there no -- >> republicans today outraged over senate democrats after they launched what's known as the nuclear option which ends the power to filibuster. harry reid defended the change saying that it was needed to end
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the washington gridlock. >> so this is not just about republicans versus democrats. this is about doing what is right for this institution to evolve and remain responsive to the needs our country has. and we have not been doing that. >> republicans warn the move will hurt bipartisanship and. and the myriad of problems plaguing the obama care rollout is -- the troubled launch, billions of cancelation notices going out in the mail. some democrats feel that the fallout could hurt them in the 2014 mid-term election. >> cnn's athena jones joins us from washington. what can you tell us about the plan to capitalize on the obama care mess? >> reporter: well part of this
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effort is set to kick off right about now in north carolina. they're holding a field hearing with voters to talk about the sky-high insurance premiums they're saying because of obama care. a new 17-page house republican playbook reveals the strategy behind sustained attacks republicans have staged around the health care law and it's error plagued website. >> it's now obvious that the ealty incident match the promises that he made to the american people to sell it. >> reporter: more than seven weeks away, congressional republicans continue to exploit it. >> young adults are now witnessing the increase in the health care cost. >> it is taking away our health care plans. >> reporter: their goal, a
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gamble they hope will pay off in next year's mid term elections. >> it looks like any democrat in a serious -- >> reporter: the playbook aims to keep the focus on what they say is a bad law and keep the pressure on the white house and democrats in congress. it calls on gop members to use social media, digital fliers and videos to share talking points about rising premiums and americans losing their hith care and access to their doctors. they're collecting obama care horror stories. >> they do not have a playbook to create jobs. they do not have a playbook to build infrastructure. they do not have a playbook to reform immigration. they don't even have a budget. they don't have a playbook to actually fix a broken health care system. >> reporter: president barack obama continues to suffer in the polls.
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his approval rating plummeting to 41%. an all-time low in cnn polling. now, there may be some light at the end of the tunnel for the administration, at least in some states. california health officials say that 10,000 people a day were signing up for health insurance on that state's exchange as of last week. on the flip side, californian health officials also voted on thursday to reject the president's fix that would allow insurance policies that don't comply with obama care to keep them. california is not going to allow them to do that. >> still to come, a massachusetts state chemist faked test results and now she may be headed to jail. >> and we continue to on the late john f. kennedy. he was shot and killed 50 years ago today. and that arlington national
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cemetery, the eternal flame, stands at the site of his grave to remember his life. ♪ (train horn) vo: wherever our trains go, the economy comes to life. norfolk southern. one line, infinite possibilities.
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15 minutes past the hour. virginia state senator creigh deed has been released from the hospital this morning. he was stabbed during a fight with his son earlier this week and was admitted to the hospital in critical condition from those stab wounds. his son was later found dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. >> good news for the colorado motorists. the last of the highways damaged by september's flooding will re-open on tuesday. that beats the december 1st
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deadline. a total of 485 miles of highway damaged or destroyed by the massive flooding there. and some dangerous weather from overnight to tell you about. in riverside, california, several people had to be rescued from an overflowing river. a man clinging to a tree and four other people stranded on an island down river. >> a helicopter was called in to pull them to safety. indra petersen is here to tell us more on the crazy weather. >> you can see a big swirl here. thoot the low pressure system that's bringing all the rain into california. and look at arizona. let's talk about why they're getting so much rain when this is not the beginning of the rainy season. that's hawaii. this is been fuelling into the region for the last several days. you can see the heavy rain. phoenix has already broken the record for the amount of
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rainfall today. all thanks to a system dropping farther down to the south. and so heavy rain with that in the south. and another three to five inches possible in through arizona. that is a big deal. this is an area that doesn't see this kind of rain in a sort period of time. flooding concerns are high for that region. and the opposite side is a winter storm warning. one to two feet of snow into colorado and northern portions of new mexico. and that's one of the systems. the other one that's going to affect pretty much everyone else is going to be the one in the midwest yesterday. today it will be trailing across into the mid atlantic and northeast. we're talking about temperatures a good 20 degrees below normal as we get into sunday and even possibly a little bit of snow.
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>> i refuse to process any of that information. >> refuse to accept that. >> prosecutors say a san jose state university freshman was tear ridesed by his roommates. >> this is a shocking story. let's get the details from cnn's dan simon. good morning. >> reporter: why can't you just -- police report. you just want to shake your head. it's absolutely unbelievable. police say the victim in this case endured what could only be described as an extreme form of racism and taunting. and this went on for a few months. he had a bike lock placed around his neck. one of those u-shaped bike chains. and there was nazi pictures in the dorm roochlt and the "n"
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room was stribled in the dorm room. and he was referred to as 3/5. and the university official officials have apologized for what happened but they haven't said what if anything could have been done differently. take a look. >> stunning to me that it would be able to continue for a period of time without somebody saying this just isn't right, it just doesn't make sense. whether that's a student in the room, whether it's a student down the hall. >> reporter: now, the student in this case, the alleged victim, tried to stay below the radar. but when his parents came to visit him in the dorm room, they saw the ugly stuff on the walls and they alerted housing officials who then alerted police. this is how some of the people on campus are talking about it.
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what do you feel should happen to the people charged? >> there's no tolerance for any of that kind of action. i think they should be kicked out of the university. it's something that shouldn't be tolerated at all. >> reporter: hearing the allegations, what went through your mind? >> honestly, anger. i'm pissed. what hurts me is that this kid felt like there was no outlet for him to express what was going on. >> reporter: as we've said, the three students have been charged with battery and hate crimes. if convicted, they could face up to a year in jail. of course, right now they've been suspended from school. >> the allegations are just shocking. and again it raises the questions as that student said, how could this go on for so long? dan simon, thanks so much. appreciate it. >> in just a few hours it will
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be exactly 50 years since president john f. kennedy was sas nated. >> today we're remembering the man and legacy. coming up we're going to ask, where would he fit on the political spectrum today? so if ydead battery,t tire, need a tow or lock your keys in the car, geico's emergency roadside assistance is there 24/7. oh dear, i got a flat tire. hmmm. uh... yeah, can you find a take where it's a bit more dramatic on that last line, yeah? yeah i got it right here. someone help me!!! i have a flat tire!!! well it's good... good for me. what do you think? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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will be exactly 50 years since president john f. kennedy was shot in dallas. and the people there and across the nation are commemorating his death. after all, jfk is the most popular president of the last half century. with 90% of people today proving of the job that he did. >> but some historians and experts say he lacked a substantial legislative record. how does he shine so brightly? as david greenburg writes, i would submit that kennedy's hold on us stems from the way he used the presidency. his commitment to exercising his power to address social needs. his believe that government could harness expert knowledge to solve props. in short, from his liberalism. >> a very provocative piece. is the message that he was a big government liberal, that's why
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he's remembered fondly? >> something like that. that's a phrase that has come to us after years of conservative backlash. so he probably wouldn't have used exactly that phrase. but there are lots of statements are kennedy speaks enthusiastically about the power of the federal government to address social problems and inequality. problems that no other institution in american life besides the federal government can address. and he believed in that. >> what are the policies that he embraced that have lived on beyond him? >> legislatively, he did not get most of his agenda through. he had a block and conservative democrats who were standing in the way of a lot of his agenda. but he put it on the table. he was the one first talked about a war on poverty. he was the one who first introduces the landmark civil rights bill. again, it's passed under
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johnson. he introduces a radical economic stimulus bill that puts hands in the money of the middle class to get the economy moving after the eisenhower years. so jfk launched these things. he didn't see them through to completion. but they were part of his philosophy. part of his agenda. >> these days have been analyzed so much and you have people coming down on both sides of almost every issue. people saying he was conservative on more than policy, liberal on foreign policy, he was a tax cutter, he was a spender. what's your view? >> i think the view that the fact that everybody wants to claim him as their own says something special about kennedy. there are arguments that he's a conservative. i don't buy them he did cut taxes but not a demand side.
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on foreign policy, he was a woeld war liberal. we sometimes think liberals were all soft and squishy on the cold war. absolutely not. the mainstream liberal position was strongly anti-come my nift. and he was well within that mainstream. but compared to nixon, who wanted to go to war to defend two tiny islands off the coast of china, he said in that 1960 debate that that would be an irresponsible use of american power. so he believed in certain limits in how far we could go in using the military to fight communism. and above all, he kind of continues to hold out this inspiring ideal. a notion that government can be used for a positive good. right now, trust in government, these surveys, do you think government does the right thing most or all of the time? 19%, 17%.
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under kennedy, it was up in the 70%. >> but his death probably contributed, was the beginning of the down fall, i think, in some ways of the trust in government. >> right. i think in some sense i think the kennedy assassination was looked back on as a time where everything kind of went off the rail. there were the accomplishments in johnson's presidency immediately after kennedy's death. but when we look back from watergate ten years later and we ask where did this high promise of the '60s go wrong? the assassination seems like the hinge of history. >> we have to let you go. appreciate you being here. cnn will have live coverage of the events in dallas when they begin. that happens in the noon hour today. do not forget to set your dvr. state up and watch our special presentation tonight at 10:00 p.m. you can see it only here on cnn. [ male announcer ] this is jim,
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begins with back pain, when... hey pam, you should take advil. why? you can take four advil for all day relief. so i should give up my two aleve for more pills with advil? you're joking right? for my back pain, i want my aleve. you're joking right? ♪ (train horn) vo: wherever our trains go, the economy comes to life. norfolk southern. one line, infinite possibilities. good morning everyone. i'm christine romans. >> and i'm john berman. carol costello is off today. republican lawmakers say they're outraged by yesterday's
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historic rule changes let by the senate democrats. the nuclear option means that they can end debate with 51 votes instead of 60. democrats can now end what they see as republican blockage of president obama's political appointments. since then, majority leader harry reid defended the change saying that it was needed to end washington gridlock. >> this is not just about republicans versus democrats. this is about doing what is right for this institution to evolve and remain -- to the needs our country has. and we have not been doing in a. >> but what does this mean for future negotiations in washington? republicans warn the rule change will hurt bipartisanship. joining us now is our panel. will this change, will it create
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a freeze on bipartisanship? >> not that there's much going on anyway. >> that's exactly right. the nuclear winner is coming. but the point is the bipartisanship has been broken for years now. and the reason that harry reid pumps this is because the filibuster has gop gotten out of control. the number blocking obama nominees are over 80. is this going to make it worse going forward in the near term? absolutely. trust has been broken even further. detonating the nuclear option is a big deal in an already fractured senate. but the reality is the things were already bad. >> now, there are warnings from republicans i'm not sure are looking out for the benefit of the democrats, but they're telling them that what goes around comes around.
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and that they may one day be in the minority. do you think the democrats made a calculation that when the time comes if they are in the minority that the republicans would have ultimately used the nuclear option? >> certainly they've considered that. but what they also have considered is that elections have consequences. if they happen to be on the wrong end of that balance of power, they'll accept the consequences of the elections. the problem is over the last five, ten years, especially the last five, the republican party hasn't wanted to accept the consequences of elections. they have held up on the d.c. district court of appeals nominations, three nominations because they don't want too many democrats on the court. they're not accepting the consequences. this is a necessary step. it's not good public relations for the democratic party. but at the core, because the
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republican party has used the filibuster in the way it wasn't attended, they left harry reid with no choice. >> john, what is this change now for the president's agenda. what do you think he will be able to do over the next two years that he would not have been able to do before? >> in the near term, he'll get more point ease. so that gridlock will be broken. but the key question is at what cost. you know, right now there's a bipartisan committee trying to deal with the budget to avoid another shutdown in the new year. this makes it necessary to get anything done in divided government even more difficult. clearly part of the gamble is that the democrats believe that they can fulfill the president's agenda in a narrow sense and win the next election. that is a big "if." and so this will make it even more difficult for the president
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to get anything done outside the nominations unless -- something deeply necessary, but probably even more difficult. >> john avalon, mark lamont hill, thank you for joining us. >> and a lot of budget -- that was a very good point with budget negotiations and how poisonedst atmosphere is washington. still to come, a drug lab scandal rocks the massachusetts court system. and now the fact of the chemist who started it. her fate will soon be revealed. . that's it? i mean, he picks up the tab every time, which is great...what? he's using you. he probably has a citi thankyou card and gets 2x the points at restaurants. so he's just racking up points with me. some people... ugh! no, i've got it. the citi thankyou preferred card. now earn 2x the points on dining out and entertainment,
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welcome back, everyone. a former massachusetts kmem mist who admitted to faking test results for thousands of criminal indicates will learn her fate today. >> it's shaken the massachusetts justice system calling into question some 40,000 cases will she may have either mishandled drug samples or lied about test results all in a bid to move her career forward. >> cnn national correspondent susan candiotti. they call her tragic, unbroking and undone by her own ambition. yet it sent people to jail even if it was done unwittingly is described as catastrophic. annie due can is expected to go
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to jail after putting hundreds behind bars illegally. she admits falsifying drug tests, for example, by adding cocaine to samples. when she was finally caught last year, she allegedly tampered logs. the result? look at all of these faces. a fraction of the tens of thousands of people for the evidence she handled. 300 convicts set aside in boston alone. >> her actions totally turned the system on its head. >> reporter: a review of ever case from 2003 to 2012 is still under way? in the court system the fallout is staggering. according to special counsel report more than 40,000 cases have been reviewed involving more than 86,000 drug samples and annual sit of more than 5
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million documents. at a cost of $7 million and climbing. >> when you throw a stone into a pond, there is a ripple effect. >> reporter: arguely the worth ripple affect felt by the district attorney. in 2009, a cocaine conviction put this man behind bars for five years. but when the lab scandal exploded, hood was set free. she had lied on the stand about her credentials claiming she had a masters decree in chemistry. eight months later, he allegedly shot and killed a man in this parking lot in a fight over drugs. >> there's no bigger pain than somebody being released that goes out and kills somebody. >> reporter: for cops on the beat, frustration. >> it's like they beat the system once. they think they can beat it again. >> reporter: which brings us to
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why. why did she do it? she declined our request to explain. but the lawyer says the mother of a disabled young son oenl wanted to help her career, never krring the consequences. >> the further thing from her mind is that this is going to cost millions of dollars and throw the entire massachusetts criminal justice system into a tail spin. >> reporter: and why nearly every day more cases are back in court. as massachusetts tries to restore faith in its criminal justice system. afternoon her sentencing, she is expected to head straight to prison. her parents will take care of her 7-year-old disabled son. massachusetts will continue to spend millions to undue the mess created in its courts. >> the scope of this is outstanding. what steps does massachusetts take to make sure it doesn't happen again? and how do you unwind what's
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been done here? >> some of the steps they're taking include the massachusetts state police is now taken over all forensic testing in the state. and from now on, all evidence has to be stored indefinitely. in some cases when they went to retry some of these people to fix it, they couldn't. because there wasn't enough room to store everything, evidence was destroyed. and we haven't even talked about the people who already served their time, were freed and now they didn't even get to try to repair what happened to those people if they want to go back and clear their name. >> this is a big question of supervision. how one person could do so much damage without the supervision of superiors and finding this out earlier. >> and the state police have taken over everything. >> thank you. to say the rollout of obama care was a shaky one? that might be an understatement. but about the birth of social
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take a look at top stories right now. police say it was a bomb that was put inside a child's teddy bear and left in a north carolina neighborhood. according to affiliate wsoc, a man on a paper route found the bear and took it home. he later called the cops when he saw that wires were attached to if and it smelled like gas. police are investigating. >> checking top stories. thousands of child abuse in arizona have been ignored. january brewer released a statement regarding the report, saying the most urgent priority to make sure that each child is safe. and the state director says it's unknown if any of those children are at risk. >> prosecutors are appealing a ruling for granting a new trial tore michael skakel. he walked out of a courthouse
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after a $1.2 million bail was granted. a judge overturned skakel's verdict last month ruling that he was poorly represented. >> $290 million that's how much a jury has ordered samsung to pay apple. the two tech giants locked in a series of lawsuits over smartphone technology. this latest judgment on ton of a 640 million dollars samsung they already owe apple. both sides will likely appeal. >> starbucks baristas must share their tips with supervisors. the attorney for the baristas says this allows the employer to subsidize the pay for supervisors that should go to lower earning workers. >> and to call the obama care
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rocky would be giving it a little too much credit. it's calling it one of government's big mistakes. i want to look back at other government plans when they were just starting out. >> stop this broken law. >> this is a train wreck. >> the rollout of the barack obama care has been a fiasco. >> we fumbled the rollout on this health care law. >> reporter: but nearly 80 years ago the birth of social security wasn't much prettier. >> it was not popular. i think you could say unpopular when it started in a time of deep depression. this program was taking money out of people's pockets. >> reporter: but eventually the public embraced it. >> you have people who were used to get nothing and all the sudden they were getting something. >> reporter: today, social is one of the government's most popular programs. so is medicare. but a 1962 gallup poll shows
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that was not always the case. >> you and i are going to spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it once was like in american when men were free. >> reporter: but with harry truman at his side, lbj signed medicare into law. it rollout a year later was smooth. perhaps never accepting mobilizing for war has the government made such extensive prep operations for such an undertaking. >> what the johnson administration was trying to do was much simpler administratively. >> not to mention, technologically. >> we are so beholden to computers and have such faith in technology to solve our
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problems. >> reporter: also more complex, americans view of the government. >> in 1935 and 1965, people were much more willing to accept the fact that the government was a be never lant force working on their behalf. in today's world, there are many people, maybe a majority of the people, who just don't believe that. >> reporter: a disastrous rollout of president obama's signature achievement certainly isn't helping. >> so was it the planning or will time make this a very different kind of endeavor the way it did for social security? we just don't know. >> and the political environment has made the rollout more difficult. the big laws like social security and medicare, they were tweaked. there was no tweaking to obama care because of the gridlock in washington. >> there have been a few tweaks where they put the employer mandate by a year. and now -- >> no legislative tweaks. >> you're absolutely right. we'll see how history will write
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this. but social security was politically not very pretty, just like this isn't. honoring the late president, john f. kennedy. he was assassinated 50 years ago today. an eternal flame stands on his grave at arlington national cemetery. we'll have special coverage beginning at 12:30 eastern today. stick with innovation. stick with power. stick with technology. get the flexcare platinum. new from philips sonicare. have hail damage to both their cars. ted ted is trying to get a hold of his insurance agent. maxwell is not. he's on setting up an appointment with an adjuster. ted is now on hold with his insurance company. maxwell is not and just confirmed a 5:30 time for tuesday. ted, is still waiting. yes! maxwell is out and about...
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i want to thank you for joining us today. i'm john berman. >> and i'm christine romans. "legal view" is next with ashleigh banfield. >> lout the morning we've been honoring the life of president john f. kennedy. it's been 50 years since he was shot and killed in dallas. and just a few moments ago, there was a remarkable and emotional tribute, "taps" as it was played on the day. we want to leave you with that this morning. ♪
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♪ today, we pause to remember the moment that forever changed our nation, honoring president john f. kennedy on the 50th anniversary of his tragic assassination. it's friday, november