tv Reliable Sources CNN November 24, 2013 8:00am-9:01am PST
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host eric deggans will begin shortly and for international viewers, global exchange is coming up with breaking news out of iran. first we want to bring you the latest that we have here. united states and five other world powers have reached a diplomatic breakthrough with iran sealing a deal to slow iran's nuclear program. iran wins an easing of sanctions in exchange for limitations on its nuclear activities. president obama strongly welcomed the deal. >> substantial limitations, which will help prevent iran from building a nuclear weapon. simply put, they cut off iran's most likely paths to a bomb. >> tehran is celebrating but there are warnings from congressional critics and israel's prime minister who says the deal makes the world in his words much more dangerous. the secretary of state john kerry tells cnn the deal should make israel safer. >> we believe very strongly that because the iranian nuclear
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program is actually set backwards and is actually locked into place in critical places, that that is better for israel than if you were just continuing to go down the road and they rush toward a nuclear weapon. >> we have full coverage including reaction from around the world. cnn's reza sayah standing by in iranian's capital of iran. let's go to jim sciutto. let's look ahead briefly. what's next as far as this deal is concerned? >> reporter: well, this is an interim deal. just lasts six months. in effect they hit pause on iran's nuclear program on some of it and some on the sanction regime and they'll get into the harder process of deleting some of these programs.
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will iran dismantle some going forward? are they going to convert a facility into something more peaceful and in this agreement they agreed to stop building it and stop upgrading it. the next stage of these talks are arguably more difficult because they are talking about long-term but certainly a tremendous agreement today because if you and i were talking a few weeks ago, a couple months ago, with he couldn't have predicted an agreement with this severe restrictions on both sides. >> they didn't really wrap it up in geneva until around 3:00 a.m. geneva time. they worked for days on this and well into the night. secretary of state obviously very pleased but the critical reaction coming in from some in washington, members of congress, not only republicans but some democrats, critical reaction from israel, from some of the -- saudis for example, how are they dealing with that? >> reporter: that's going to be a problem going forward. it just seems that this
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administration, u.s. administration, has accepted it. they're going to disagree with two of their arguably closest allies in the region, saudi arabia and israel lobbying against this deal leading up to it and now as you saw today netanyahu saying the world is a more dangerous place today than it was where kerry says the exact opposite. it's safer. u.s. officials keep going back to the talking point that this is just a tactical disagreement with israel but it's a fundamental tactical disagreement here because in effect the u.s. is saying we can make a deal with iran. we can if it's verifiable trust iran and iranians and saudis saying the opposite. you can't trust them. that's a serious disagreement. you don't see how they reconcile that going forward so you know administration going through this next phase, longer term phase, is going to face similar harder opposition. >> real source of tension right now between the united states and israel. obama administration and government prime minister netanyahu. jim sciutto in geneva. thanks very much. let's go to tehran right now.
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reza sayah has been getting reaction from folks on the street and others inside iran. i take it, reza, they are happy about this easing of international sanctions? >> reporter: they are. they know it's an interim deal. they're not quite sure what the long-term implications are. the overwhelming reaction here is a positive one. many iranians are happy that iran sat across from the world powers and managed to hammer out a deal. for many iranians this was a roller coaster of emotions. three rounds of talks at about 5:30 a.m. this morning word came that an agreement had been reached. the big sanctions that are really impacting the lives of iranians here are the ones on oil exports, banking restrictions, they are still in place. iranians believe this is a positive step. a golden opportunity to get to those sanctions and to get to a place where those sanctions are going to be lifted.
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if that happens, you can look at it in a number of ways of who the winners are. certainly the iranian people could be the biggest winners. remember, this is a very young, educated population who suffered through years of economic isolation. these crippling sanctions. they voted in hassan rowhani back in june and gave him mandate to improve the economy and best way to improve the economy was to ease some of these sanctions and they believe this is the first step in doing that. >> it's interesting, reza. as you and i are speaking, the white house just released the official text of the document. the u.s./iranian agreement called a joint plan of action. let me read the first two or three sentences. i'll get your reaction. the goal of these negotiations is to reach a mutually agreed long-term comprehensive solution that would ensure iran's nuclear program will be exclusively
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peaceful. iran reaffirms that under no circumstances will iran ever seek or develop any nuclear weapons. this comprehensive solution would build on these initial measures and result in a final step for a period to be agreed upon and resolution of concerns. reza, that's pretty specific. iran according to agreement signed in geneva, it says it will never develop a nuclear weapon and as you know iranians have always maintained their nuclear program is designed for peaceful purposes but now they stipulate that directly in this agreement. how is the reaction going to be over there? >> reporter: for iran this is not a new position for them. that's what they'll tell you. they'll tell you that repeatedly they have said they're not building a bomb. they'll tell you that no unbiassed objective, credible organization or government has ever made public any evidence that they are actually making a
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bomb. not even the iaea. so this is an agreement they are happy with and they believe there are steps that western powers can take to verify that they're not making a bomb. what's been fascinating to observe over the last several hours is how politician leaders on both sides have cranked up their pr machine and spun this agreement in a way to make themselves look like the winner. and that's no surprise because there's so much at stake for iran politically, domestically and of course washington and western powers, internationally and domestically as well. >> the iranians know if they don't live up to this agreement, the text is right here. the u.s. and other international powers can ramp up those sanctions once again making life very, very miserable for the iranians. all right. reza, thanks very much. let's go to jerusalem right now. cnn's ian lee is standing by. the prime minister of israel says this deal is bad and makes the situation even more dangerous. though interesting, the
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president of israel was much more open to this agreement. there seems to be a little bit of a split there. is that what you're getting? >> reporter: well, it's definitely what it appears, wolf. the president elderly statesman someone widely respected in israel said the success or failure of the deal will be judged by results and not by words and he said i would like to say to the iranian people you are not our enemy and we are not yours. there's a possibility to solve this diplomatically. it is in your hands to reject terrorism to stop the nuclear program and stop development of long range missiles. they prefer diplomatic solutions and that's a lot softer approach than we heard from other officials in the israeli government that came out strong especially the prime minister who said that this is an
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historic mistake and when you talk with officials in the israeli government they have things set out that they believe would have been better and that is dismantling of centrifuges and enriched uranium be taken out of iran. this would have been a deal that they would have liked to have seen. president netanyahu has said that it's either all or nothing in his eyes that either iran gives up their nuclear program and gets relief of sanctions or the sanctions continue, wolf. >> ian lee in jerusalem. reza sayah in tehran. jim sciutto in geneva. guys, thanks very much. we'll be following the breaking developments involved in this historic international nuclear deal with iran throughout the day here on cnn. "reliable sources" will begin right after the break for our domestic viewers. the fallout from the
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controversial comments made by the msnbc anchor martin bashir will be a focus of "reliable sources." for our international viewers, "global exchange" coming up next with much more on iran. [ laughter ] ♪ [ female announcer ] each one of us is our own boss. ♪ and no matter where you are in life, ask your financial professional how lincoln financial can help you take charge of your future. ♪ the price you see is the price you pay? yep, best prices of the year. i can't see. honey. [ laughs ] brad. yeah? what are you doing? uh... hi. hi. [ male announcer ] it's the chevy black friday sale. during the chevy black friday sale,
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let's take this puppy over to midas and get you some of the good 'ol midas touch. hey you know what? i'll drive! i really didn't think this through. brakes, tires, oil, everything. (whistling) good morning. welcome to "reliable sources." i'm eric deggans, tv critic at npr. martin bashir kicked off criticism when he discussed a
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slave owner. he made a suggestion about how to respond to sarah palin who critics said had trivialized slavery by clairie i comparing u.s. debt. >> she confirms that if anyone qualified for a dose of discipline, then she would be the outstanding candidate. >> a wide range of critics condemn the remark including one of bashir's co-workers, joe scarborough. >> he has every reason to be ashamed for saying it. >> bashir apologized but critics aren't ready for drop the discussion. is an apology enough and at what point do we have to move on? we have amy holmes and eri
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erik wemple. martin bashir apologized for his comments. he reached out to the palin family. is there really an issue being made out of? ing that already passed? >> like most americans, i don't watch his show. it's a low rated show. his remarks as joe scarborough said were deplorable and they were planned. there was malice of forethought and for a tv host constantly attacking the president's critics as racist, he cast himself in the role of a vicious slave owner who wanted to meet out this dehumanizing punishment on this public figure. what msnbc decides to do is completely up to them. let's reflect back that in 2008, david shuster was guest hosting for msnbc, and he made a remark that was offhand and distasteful
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about hillary clinton and her daughter, chelsea clinton. he was put on suspension and eventually after acrimony, left the network. >> i would like to pushback just a bit and note that glenn beck accused president obama of being a racist. later reconsidered his words. apologized. people moved on. shouldn't martin bashir get the same sort of consideration? >> i don't think the remarks compare. i can't speak for glenn beck. you can make your decision about what you think about the president's racial outlook. what martin bashir did was cast himself in the role of an 18th century slave owner who suggested that sarah palin be treated to what we agree is vicious, vulgar punishment. >> erik, you said his apology should be enough and went to a book signing by chris matthews and asked him to comment on it. he wouldn't talk about it. if that apology isn't coupled with some kind of punishment or
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suspension, is it really enough? >> my point is in media we apologize a lot because we screw up a lot. this dance of screwing up big-tybi big-time and apologizing is something we do a lot. there's controversy about whether martin bashir browrote own apology but it seemed sincere and contrite and a good media apology needs to be celebrated at some level. it appears he's regretful about what he said and he'll learn and more on from this. as newsbusters itself which is conservative media website has shown, bashir has done a lot of bomb throwing in the past but never gotten this vial, this terrible in the past. i don't know whether more is needed. i will say that i do think that the continued pressure that this hasn't gone away is not just a partisan thing. there's always a tipping point in these stories.
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at some point that tipping point is at which it either fades away or it has the fuel and has the fumes to keep going. i think that this one somehow does. i don't think you can just contribute that to people who already hated martin bashir. i think what he did was really, really wrong and bad. >> sarah palin spoke with fox news sunday this morning earlier this morning and implied that the channel took the issue less seriously because he was criticizing a conservative woman. let's watch that clip. >> as for the networks condoning those type of statements because there's been no punishment of the fella who said these words, that's hypocrisy. that's a given when a conservative woman says something that they take offense. they usually just kind of pooh-pooh it and laugh it off as no big deal. >> in a statement to cnn, msnbc says martin bashir has taken responsibility publicly for his offensive commentary and has
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also personally apologized to the palin family. msnbc is handling this matter internally. is palin overlooking a sincere effort to apologize? >> well, you know, martin bashir's sincerity, only he knows what's in his heart. the question she was raising is what is the accountability and i think ecik wemple knows other journalists have seen their careers go down in flames for far less. he had every intention of saying every single word that he did. it wasn't an offhand remark. it wasn't an offhand remark. it wasn't political punditry going awry. a lengthy story about an 18th century jamaican slave owner and he said that sarah palin ought to be treated in that precise way. >> i know you want to respond. i want to throw in quickly that
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several news outlets reported that sarah palin canceled an interview with nbc's "today." can you talk about the ramifications for nbc news beyond msnbc? >> i don't think this whole notion of preplan versus off the cuff remarks makes a difference in large part because often when you make offhand remarks those are closer to your heart and soul than preplanned remarks written by committee, may have been written by a producer. i don't think that is dispositive or important here at all. i think the important part is a full apology was brought to air. >> i don't read what producer write for me without reviewing it. >> we're not talking about you. we're talking about what may have happened here. >> i do have to step in. i do have to step in, guys. guys, i do have to step in. i do have to step in. we have run out of time.
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thank you for joining us. this is a spirited discussion and we'll continue it later. these days, missteps in politicians personal lives almost never escape the media's watchful eye. so why didn't journalists in mission report that a city council candidate was also a kwin convicted murderer until after he won the election. we'll explore that strikeout next. la's known definitely for its traffic,
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unless you live in flint, michigan,'s fifth ward, you may not have heard of wantwaz davis recently elected on the flint city council. even if you follow local media, there's something about him you may not have learned until after the election. davis is a convicted murderer. his criminal past wasn't revealed in a local television and newspaper reports before the election including this article in the flint journal titled "everything you need to know about the fifth ward plenty city council race." how did the media miss this fact and is this the inevitable result of cutbacks in local newsrooms around the country? joining us now from east
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lansing, michigan, vincent duffy, chairman of the radio television digital news foundation. and here in washington, richard prince who covers news about journalists of color in his online column. so, as journalists, i think we're used to politicians becoming convicted felons after they get elected so this is kind of an unusual thing. vince, you wrote about this for the newsletter. what happened here? >> well, this was really a problem of the newspaper to begin with. they just didn't cover it. they had a questionnaire that wantwaz david filled out and sent in and that's the basis of everything you need to know article that they had. after mr. davis was elected, the day after, they accomplish publ story throughout flint telling voters that he was a convicted killer something voters may have wanted to know before the
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election. >> his conviction was in his google results, the first page. why didn't they just at least google his name? >> i don't know. the editor of the newspaper apologized in an article and said that they didn't do a good job which is a bit of an understatement. this wasn't heavy investigative work to figure out that he had this conviction and had done prison time. if you google his name, the lawsuit comes up right away in google. there was also a debate that he participated in where the debate moderator introduced him and included this information in his biography and there was a reporter there at the debate that didn't pick up on it then. >> there is one website that has said that blame black voters for elected two black men with criminal records. if the local media didn't really report on this, how can you blame the voters? >> you can't blame the voters. as a matter of fact, the voters don't blame the newspapers.
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they already knew about this as vince pointed out. this is good that this segment is coming up after our segment about martin bashir. what's important is not the apology but what you're going to do about it. the voters elected somebody who had a criminal record. they understood the criminal record and in fact if you look at the comments on some of the stories, some thought this was a good thing because he would be able to relate to his constituents better. >> now, vince, they didn't just make a mistake with wantwaz davis. another felon was elected and two other people with bankruptcies who were elected who weren't covered. does it say something about the city that so many officials with legal problems are getting elected and are journalists making too much of this? >> you know, i don't know what it says about the city. the city is under emergency manager because of financial problems so the state really has control of it and at the moment city council doesn't have a whole lot of power so that may have diminished the number of people that wanted to run for those offices.
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i do think that it's a symptom on the newspaper side and on all of the local media side of what's happening at many small markets and media markets around the country where you have staff cuts at the newspaper and staff cuts at the broadcasting outlets and reporters being asked to do a lot more these days than just report the news and they are putting up websites. they are responsible for taking photos. they have to be on twitter and facebook. there's a lot that smaller newsrooms are asked to do and my concern is this is a symptoms of news falling through the cracks. reporters are acting fast and there is information falling through the cracks. >> does it present another opportunity for another news outlet? isn't this something like aolpatch were created to address in the first place? >> i think one of the other problems aside from the cutback in staff is the cutback in the experience level of the staff. and the story i was talking about that i think would be fascinating is why is the black
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community electing people like this as that racist website pointed out. we had a situation here in washington, d.c. where barry was elected again after his felony but apparently this is not a concern. this is actually an asset to people who say we've got problems in the black community and flint is majority black city and why is this happening? what is going through voters' minds? that's a tremendous service not only to people of flint, michigan, who need to be introduced to the people in the wider circulation area but those around the country picking up on the story. >> thanks very much for joining us, vincent duffy, richard prince. we really appreciate having you here. >> the web side buzzfeed takes a serious turn in the coverage that may narrow the gender gap and reporting on international issues when we come back. anyone have occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating? yes! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues
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new international women's rights correspondent. it's a bold and necessary move given the way many media outlets undercover women's issues. according to a media report, an article discussing women's rights 64% of quotes are from identifiably male sources. 27% feature identifiably women but there are complications to covering sensitive subjects like rape, abortion and sex trafficking. here to discuss the challenges involved in new york, lauren wolfe, director of the women under siege project at the women's media center and miriam elder who hired the new women's rights reporters. i'll ask you first. why did buzzfeed think it was important to have a women's issues correspondent? >> aside from the fact that you stated women's issues tend to me willfully under covered where we're trying this new report to international news where you have regional coverage and we
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find that you can explore places that might feel alien to many american readers by going in through something that they are interested in such as women's rights. if someone is interested in women's rights in america, the bet is they'll be interested in women's rights abroad and it's willfully undercov covered and hope to join into that space. >> you have do >> do few news sources cover these issues? >> if you look at the status of women in media report that you just had up there, you can see even on sunday talk shows like this, 25% of the guests are women. at the top levels there's maybe 15% of women on major media boards, there's just not representation across the board that's equal. we're still fighting what goes on in mainstream society in the media itself that there's more interest in coverage of men's issues. >> now, i'm going to toot our own horn a little bit. in this program, we're going to
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have more women than 25%. >> excellent. >> at least we're getting on the right page. i remember "the new york times" columnist had a great book and documentary series called half the sky saying that a portion of women is the biggest issue of women that need to be addressed. why do american media outlets seem to move so slowly in covering this story. >> i think a lot of it has to do with the fact that men tend to be in leadership positions. i think the way you phrase that question is also interesting. what we're trying to do is oppression of women is a majorly under covered story but whale try to do with our foreign reporting is give agency to women so rather than come at it with a male perspective of these women who aren't really achieving anything, try to focus on the places where advancements are being made and also places where women aren't just doing things you would expect and that is under covered because men
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tend to control the narrative. >> lauren, one of the big challenges in a job like this would be interviewing victims of sexual assault and gender based violence, featuring their stories in ways that don't retraumatize them. how do you do that particularly here in america we're very careful about naming victims of sexual assault and gender based violence. how do you cover these stories in ways that reveal problems without retraumatizing the victims? >> right. you know, i certainly have come across that in my work where i'll be looking to interview maybe a survivor of rape at the syrian border and i'm told she's already been traumatized by reporters who have come through. i do think it's important that buzzfeed is taking the step that all media outlets really move forward in covering these issues because women don't culturally want to speak to men in a lot of parts of the world. it requires a woman to go in and do this hard work. you know, i also think it requires a new perspective from the media that involves all
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readers. you know, men have empathy for violence against women. it involves their family members and their community members and it's time to include men in this conversation as well and it's a great chance at buzzfeed to do that. >> we only have a little bit of time here. one thing that some activists on these issues here is that western media and westerners don't understand the cultures in places like africa or india where this might be a problem. can you give a quick answer on how this will be covered and respecting local customs as well. >> she has a lot of experience reporting out of africa in particular for a really long time. it's precisely what you said attuned to the local government and taking into account the concerns of people that are around you. we're not trying to come in and say, you know, the american way is the right way or the way the u.s. media covers this is the only way. it's all about an exchange of ideas and listening to the concerns of the people on the ground. >> lauren wolfe and miriam elder, thank you for joining us
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on "reliable sources." coming up next, is bloomberg news afraid of the chinese government? customer erin swenson ordered shoes from us online but they didn't fit. customer's not happy, i'm not happy. sales go down, i'm not happy. merch comes back, i'm not happy. use ups. they make returns easy. unhappy customer becomes happy customer. then, repeat customer. easy returns, i'm happy. repeat customers, i'm happy. sales go up, i'm happy. i ordered another pair. i'm happy. (both) i'm happy. i'm happy.
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you reduce pollution and you provide a service to merchants, and that certainly is huge. does your mouth often feel dry? a dry mouth can be a side effect of many medications but it can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath. that's why there's biotene. available as an oral rinse, toothpaste, spray or gel, biotene can provide soothing relief, and it helps keep your mouth healthy, too. remember, while your medication is doing you good, a dry mouth isn't. biotene -- for people who suffer from dry mouth. man: [ laughs ] those look like baby steps now. but they were some pretty good moves. and the best move of all? having the right partner at my side. it's so much better that way. [ male announcer ] have the right partner at your side. consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan,
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widely criticized after suspending a hong kong based journalist. michael forsythe working on a series about several chinese leaders but multiple media outlets reported that forsythe's story might spark retribution from chinese officials. bloomberg denied reports saying in a statement to cnn "as we have been very clear, it's absolutely false that we postponed these stories due to internal or external pressure. and these stories were not there yet." forsythe said he left the company and critics fear that there could be a larger problem for self-censorship of business news. you just got back from china and
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you were telling me you think maybe this incident might be coincidental to the chinese actually cracking down on visas for journalists. >> it's related in time. it's part of one big concern that is connected which is chinese government at a time when its opening economic reforms at home is much tighter on foreign criticism of all kind. there's a sense which the bloomberg story seems to fit into of the fear of self-censorship and biting tongues on the part of foreign media and universities too. >> if this story is true, does it turn western media outlets into an adjunct? >> bloomberg is a financial services committee that has a side business. we viewed that as a good thing for bloomberg journalism because they can support this
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investigative work. this suggests that if the main business operations in china are threatened, journalism could be sacrificed. we should note that bloomberg denies this although so far denials have been strong but vague. meanwhile, we have normal news organizations that feel as if they have to keep fighting to do their stories and to get their visas. >> and that denial, let's bring in another source here. joining us by telephone from china we have a reporter for the financial times covering the story. so as we saw, bloomberg insisted that you and "the new york times" and other news outlets got this wrong and held the story for more work. are they lying? >> let me put it this way. i had several e-mail conversations and i asked in a conference call that he had with reporters and editors in hong kong, he apparently said that bloomberg would be kicked out of china if they ran the story.
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he said the communist party made it clear that writing about the wealth accumulated by the relatives and the friends at the top chinese leaders was a no-go area. he also said that he compared the situation to nazi germany when media self-censored to stay in germany. he wrote back and said it would be inappropriate to discuss internal conversations. it suggests to me that they don't have any strong evidence to refute the story as jim said. they are saying the only problem was that it wasn't ready to run but they're not tackling the claims made by the reporters and editors that were working on the story. >> you're there in china now. what are the hazards that you face in reporting and what's your sense of boundaries that you have as a reporter in china to report stories without facing the fear of expulsion? >> in recent years there have been very few expulsions.
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one or two cases. what's more common that jim alluded to a second ago is that these organizations that fuall out of favor where difficulty getting visas for their journalists. bloomberg has problems. "the new york times" has that problem. one reporter in hong kong spent a year trying to get into the mainland where his family are and so i think that's one problem. also bloomberg and "the new york times" are blocked in china. you can't access their websites. so there are ways the authorities try to make your life more difficult but in terms of actual expulsions, its an aggressive move in the communist party holding back from doing that because of negative press that they will receive. >> jim, you want to jump in. give us your response. >> the biggest picture here is from western perspective chinese communist government is hurting itself by making it hard for reporters to travel there. the unbalanced picture from inside china is more positive
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than negative but we have a clash one from china and one from the western world. >> thank you very much. we appreciate you guys joining us. it's looking like a banner year for movies with mostly nonwhite cast. is hollywood and the media unfairly marginalizing those films by focusing on the race of the actors? that's next. ♪ [ female announcer ] can you bridge a divide with a fresh baked brownie? ♪ yes! yes you can. bake the world a better place with nestle toll house. bake the world a better place i started part-time, now i'm a manager.n. my employer matches my charitable giving. really. i get bonuses even working part-time. where i work, over 400 people are promoted every day. healthcare starting under $40 a month. i got education benefits. i work at walmart. i'm a pharmacist. sales associate. i manage produce. i work in logistics. there's more to walmart than you think.
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. movies featuring a cast of black or latino actors is nothing new. holiday nearly beats thor as race themes soar, striking off a heated debate about the difference between a movie with an african-american cast like the best man holiday and a movie focused on race. such as steve mcqueen's 12 years of slay. the damage had already been done. so when did movies featuring black or latino actors become a genre.
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aliyss alyssa, you wrote about this, what's wrong with calling a movie with a precodominantly blk cast a black movie? we would never think of calling a movie with a predominantly white cast a white movie. we would never call them race themed movies even though they're more about race like the best man holiday. >> i'll push back a little bit because don't we think if we have a movie like best man holiday that as -- we're seeing dynamics about family, about african-american family that we wouldn't normally see in a film with all white characters, so
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doesn't that kicnd of make it a black movie? >> treating a movie like a best man holiday that inflects interaction that all of us have with race doesn't make that movie primarily a heavy movie about race in the same way that something like 12 years a slave was. african-american living out their daily lives isn't actually strange, it didn't make a genre picture that we treat it that way, i think drives audiences who should like those movies away from them. i think that's unfortunate. >> vivian, earlier this year we saw a film that became the highehigh est grossing spanish language screen -- why didn't hollywood see this coming and what can they learn about its success? >> it says a lot about the -- what's really interesting about
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this is you know, the media certainly television and movie is centered in hollywood. that's in l.a. which is arguably one of the most latino, particularly mexican-american communities in the country and that is leading all kinds of firsts. you see mayor villaraigosa, you see leatinos in positions of power, in the hollywood -- the higher up you go in the power structure, it's increasingly white, it's increasingly male, so it's not just a question that these agents, these executive producers, these studio heads aren't reading the u.s. census data. i kind of do that every once in a while but i'm a little bit unusual in that sense. it's the fact that they're not seeing the world around them. >> i don't think you have to
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read the scensus data. every time you go to the movie that's aimed at -- i think there's a real investment in seeing those movies as flukes and seeing the kind of actors who carry these movies like kevin hart as flukes because then you don't have to invest in that audience and you don't have to go looking for talent in different places. treating these movies like surprises is a way of keeping certain processes and certain assumptions in prays. >> i was going to ask about that because the hollywood reporter had an interesting story about the fact that black centered films have huge wide audiences. >> sure. >> and we saw even a year ago, black films that didn't do so well. so is it that white audiences are coming around too? so what's flipping the switch here? and is it just a fluke or sit
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something that's going to continue future? >> i think it would have been interesting to see that piece take a little bit more of a historical -- but you know i think that people have underestimated the extent to which white audiences have an interest in movies about black issues. when a young man like oscar grant is shot in a bart subway platform, that's an issue that concerns all citizens. it's not just white people who have an interest in grab -- it's not african-american audiences who have a sole interest in gapping with the -- it's as much about whiteness as it is about blackness. these are movies that serve all of us. >> so then the question becomes, how outdated, how retro is the -- are the people in positions of power that are deciding what movies get green
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lighted, what casts are formed and how is this advertised? where are movie theaters being built, for example. >> i was going to ask about that. because if population trends continue, we're going to see the prime demographic for advertisers be mostly latino in just a few years. how can media reach this group? how can movies and television reach this group? >> i think going forward, i am a big believer that if there are opportunities that are given at the very top, if we're able to create pipelines in executive suites for example, if you're able to create pipelines to make people of color get them behind the camera as directors and executive producers, if you start making those decisions now, creating that pipeline, it's going to create, it's going to have to create and yield results in the very near future. >> viviana, hurst, thank you for
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joining us on reliable sources. that's it for this edition of reliable sources. if you have any suggestions or comments, you can tweet us at cnnreliable, use the hash tag reliable. join us here next sunday morning at 11:00 a.m. eastern. state of the union with candy crowley begins right now. good morning from washington, i'm candy crowley. six world powers including the united states have sealed a deal designed to slow iran's nuclear program. >> these are substantial limitations which will help prevent iran from building a nuclear weapon. simply put, they cut off iran's
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