tv Fareed Zakaria GPS CNN November 24, 2013 10:00am-11:01am PST
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leg to stand on. but again, i think people need to acknowledge that the sanctions brought us to that point. >> bill, you get the first worth next time. thank you guys. and thank you all for watching state of the union. i'm candy crowley in washington. if you missed any part of today's show, find us on i-tunes. fareed zakaria d -- >> this is gps, the global publ public square. i'm coming to you from bali, indonesia. we have a very important show for you today, starting with the iranian nuclear talks in geneva. we have reporters and experts help you make consistency of it all. then we'll take you to mars, one of the most innovative minds says we need to get there.
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also on the furor over the safety of his electric cars. >> what the heck is going on? but first, here's my take. if you're trying to figure out what to think about the deals in iran, here's a suggestion, imagine what would have happened had there been no deal. in fact one doesn't have to use much imagination. in 2003, iran approached the united states with an offer to talk about its nuclear program. the bush administration rejected the offer because it believed that the iranian regime was weak. iran had 164 centrifuges operating in 2003. today it has 19,000. had the geneva talks with iran broken down this week, iran would have continued expanding its nuclear program. yes, they are now under tough sanctions, but they were under sanctions then as well.
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yet the number of centrifuges grew expone nen nene shally. benjamin net tan y'alla -- keep growing in size and scope. it's a strategy that assumes either iran is headed for collapse, or that a military strike would take place that would permanently destroy iran's nuclear program and it wouldn't bet rebuilt. the agreement that the major powers have gotten in geneva, essentially freezes iran's program for six months and rolls back some key aspects of it while a permanent deal is negotiated. in return, iran gets about $30 bill i don't think of sanction relief. it's oil and banking sectors stay fully in place. this is a sensible deal, signed off on by france, britain,
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germany, russia and china. but this is just an interim deal. and that's why scotch of the opposition to it is misplaced. washington has many points of disagreement with tehran, from its opposition with israel, to its funding of hezbollah, to its funding of iraqi militias. two wary adversaries that are finding some common ground. many countries in the middle east from israel to saudi arabia, have legitimate concerns about iran. but many of these countries have also gotten used to having a permanent enemy, focusing kmes tick attention, garnering support. the middle east is undergoing so much change, perhaps this is one more change. perhaps iran will eventually come in from the cold. for now, though, it's just one
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step, not a seismic shift. but it is a step forward. for more on this, go to and you can read my commentary for "time" magazine this week. let's get started. now let me and you over to wolf blil blitzer in washington for the latest news and some analysis. i'll be back later in the show. >> fareed, thanks very much. lots of breaking news here t historic deal as you have been pointing out between iran and the international community, slowing it's nuclear program at what could be, could be a potential first step in preventing the country from on tining a nuclear weapon. president obama announced the break through in a live television address late last night. the secretary of state john kerry spoke with our ownen candy crowley this morning, his
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message, trust but verify. >> we do that with eyes absolutely wide open, we have no illusions and we are convinced over the next few months, we will really be able to put to the test what iran's intentions are. >> but not everyone is cheering this deal, including one of the united states's most critical alis. israel, benjamin netanyahu is now calling the deal, and i quote him now, a historic mistake. we're getting reactions from key players all around the world including here in washington. what's the reaction inside iran? >> reporter: well, iranians didn't get much sleep last night wolf because word of this deal came around 5:00 a.m. local time here in tehran. but the overwhelming reaction has been positive. we haven't talked to one person
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who hasn't been pleased that an interim deal has been hammered out. iranian s are savvy people, they're not ones to be duped. so they're cement skeptical. but when you look at these negotiations in what could happen in the second stage, if there is a final be all, enall agreement, and this nuclear issue is resolved. it's the iranian people who can benefit the most. it's the iranians that can benefit the most. but if you come here to iran, you can easily see that this is a very young, sophisticated extremely educated population but they suffer through years of economic sanctions, they see this interim agreement as a golden opportunity to improve relations with the west and improve their lives, wolf.
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>> certainly is an opportunity there, let's see what happens. cri christianne, you have studied this subject for a long time. what do you think, during this next six-month interim period, can they achieve the elimination of an iranian nuclear military capability? >> reporter: well, this is an interim deal and i would quibble with the word historic deal. in 2003, 2005, the entire iranian program was frozen. this is not bad, but it is, according to intelligence people i have spoken to, it is being described as significant roll back, significant freezing, of the iranian nuclear program. to put into context t sanctions
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relief was about $6 billion or $7 billion. it is the toughest sanctions regime ever enacted. and here's the thing about sanctions, and this is critical. yes, president rowhani in iran was elected in order to try to get sanction relief, and to give the iranian people a better deal, a better life. but intelligence people and you have seen that sanctions, even in the toughest in the world has not brought iran to cry uncle in terms of its nuclear program. in other words it has nod causeder rang to cap pitch late or surrender. so the ultimate goal for iran is to how that will be recognized by the arrerest of the world. a and that is after six months, it's going to be the real hard negotiations. >> is this shift from
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ahmadinejad is the -- >> i would say so, look, ahmadinejad as we all remember was a contemptible fellow and a contemptible figure. he said the worst things in public, that simply, you know, threatened israel, he was anti-semitic, he was aggressive about the nuclear program. he was just absolutely contemptible. no u.s. official or european official could hold their head up seriously and have a conversation or even a negotiation under ahmadinejad. he's gone. now there's a new president who has made it very, very clear that sanctions relief and a different iran, it's not just sanctions relief. he has said we want anner rang with no -- so what's really changed is a rowhani who's come
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into office, i know many people poo-poo this and the israelis call him a wolf in sheep's clothing. but nevertheless, it has shifted the debate on the ground. he has been able to bring -- what it's the press, whether it's the parliament, whether for now the revolutionary guard to back these negotiations. so in that regard, it is a big change in the negotiating ability from iran. and i think from the u.s. perspecti perspective, this administration does not want the alternative and that is another war in the middle east. so this administration has shown and has demonstrated by not intervening in syria is not open for business when it comes to military action in iran. so a deal is what's -- is the alternative.
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>> thanks very much. much more ahead on this land mark deal that's been announced overnight. benjamin netanyahu calling it an historic mistake. ♪ my friends, they do surround me ♪ ♪ i hope this never ends ♪ and we'll be the best of friends ♪ [ male announcer ] the 2014 chevrolet traverse... all set? all set. [ male announcer ] ...with three rows of spacious seating for up to eight. imagine that. chevrolet. find new roads. getting the right nutrition isn't always easy. first, i want a way to help minimize my blood sugar spikes. then, a way to support heart health. ♪ and let's not forget immune support. ♪ but now i have new glucerna advance
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welcome back to gpk, i'm wolf blitzer in washington. we're following an historic deal between the united states and iran over it's nuclear programs. joining us now the spokesman for prime minister benjamin netanyahu, thank you for coming in. what's wrong with giving diplomacy a chance to deal with iran's nuclear program, isn't diplomacy a better option than the military option? >> of course we want to see diplomacy succeed, of course we would like to see a peaceful collusion. israel more than any other country laz an interest in a success fi diplomatic outcome. we're the first on the front line. but we want to a good deal, a
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deal that has the able to sustaining itself, that actually does disman. al the iranian military program. we're concerned that this deal that came out of geneva is a bad deal and duds not actually attaina goal. we want to see the iranian military program dismentanltled and. >> the resolve of the united states will remaining firm, as will our commit mfblts to our friends and allies. ultimately only diplomacy is bring about a durable solution to the challenge posed bier rang's nuclear program. >> and secretary kerry today told our own candy crowley that israel will be safer as a result of this interi deal right now.
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i want you to respond to what the president and the secretary of state has been saying. >> we all share the same goals, israel, the united states agree that this iranians cannot be allowed to a chief or build nuclear weapons. we are concerned that a deal in which you give the iranians up front sanctions relief, and they are getting relief that amounts in the billions, we're afraid that you're removing from the table an important leverage on the iranian regime. i was following the wise, and iranian currency has already bounced up. in th in the iranian economy is ---if the sanctions are going to be
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eased, what motivation does ayatollah have, that is actually dismant d dis3457b9ing ow-heavy water reactor. that is further down the line and if you're now reducing the pressure, what motivation do they have to make those difficult decisions? >> the motivation they have, if you believe the president of the united states and the secretary of state and the other members of the u.n. security council in germany, is those sanctions that are being eased right now, they can be reinstated overnight. the architecture is in place. and additional sanctions could be imposed, making life even more miserable for the iranians and the new president rowhani presumably doesn't want that.
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th that's the leverage they have over the next six months. >> as the president said, we're skeptical as are our allied neighbors. we all agree it's crucial to keep the pressure up on iran. it's crucial that thor rainians only get sanctions relief in our opinion, is if they actually take tangible steps. they have taken cosmetic steps, which are not really significant steps which they can reverse in weeks. the west, that the international community is actually lifting sanctions in a way that can start a process which is not reversible. it's like having that small hole in your tire, a small hole in the sanctions regime. in the end, like with your tire, you'll get a flat. we're concerned, we believe the pressure should be maintained on t the or
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th th th th thor rafbians, against iran's nuclear facilities is off the table at least during this six-month interim agreement? >> israel will always reserve the right to defend itself, to protect our people. and this regime in tehran, just last week, the supreme leader, atoll la khamenei spoke about israel disappearing. this is a regime that has consistently talked about wiping israel off the map. we would be irresponsible not to take those threats seriously, and my prime minister would be irresponsible in not taking the necessary steps to protect the people of israel. >> so the option remains on the
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table, a military strike between now and the next six months? >> we of course would like to see a diplomatic solution. we would like to see a peaceful dismantling of the nuclear program. but israel always reserves the right, as president obama has said, the right to defend ourselves by ourselves against possible threats. >> thanks much for coming in. rmgs we're going to have much more on this historic deal. just ahead a panel of experts standing by to weigh in. # my employer matches my charitable giving. really. i get bonuses even working part-time. where i work, over 400 people are promoted every day. healthcare starting under $40 a month. i got education benefits. i work at walmart.
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at the brookings institution. also a former cia officer. thanks so much to all of you for coming in. we just heard the spokesman for the prime minister of israel. he's not ruling out the possibility of the israeli military option if you will, the strike over six months of this interim deal. >> what was concluded in geneva last night is not a historic agreement. it's not a historic -- it's not made the world a safer place, like the agreement with north korea in 2005. this agreement has made the world a much more dangerous place. >> is he right, kareem? is the world a much more dangerous place because of this agreement? >> i think this is not the
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agreement for few youra--and the sanctions regime largely remain inge tablgt. and i think when you're looking at these deals, there's a big difference between what's ideal and viable. >> what do you think? >> i think we're definitely in worse shape, i think the most important gathering last week was not in geneva, it was actually in tehran where the -- that speech was ferociously anti-american. i think rowhani said -- to believe that we're actually staring at the possibility that they're going to give up their nuclear aspirations, and what has to be remembered is right now we're at the high water mark of our leverage. and this is all we could get, i
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think in six months time we're going to discover we don't have much at all. >> he did call israel the rabid dog of the region. no room, is there a real difference between rowhani and the foreign minister on the one hand and the supreme leader, the ayatollah on the other. it's a system that remains dogmatically -- but he said nothing that he hasn't said in the past. what we do see is that he's really -- tactical constraint on the iranian nuclear program. and that does leave the world safer today. >> what's your prompt line assessment, as far as the deal is concerned, does it make the world a safer place or a more dangerous place. >> i think it is a somewhat safer place. i don't think we should go over board and it's -- how much it
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says the iranians back or this or that. at the end of the day, there's a different way to skin a cat. neither side should trust the year. but each side is saying that we understand what you're going to need in a final deal and we're -- we're willing to go down this path. we don't know what's going to happen the next six months, we're going to see if the iranians are actually going to live by this deal, just as they're going to see if we are. at the end of the six months, if it's still intact, there's a good chance of going forward. >> if use ease the sanctions by 6 billion $6 billion or $7 bill is what the iranian -- spokesman for the prime minister very easily. you can't turn them back on, what's your response? >> we really haven't lifted the
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sanctions. we unfroze about 10 billion of iranian assets. there was some very minor skangations really. but the reality is, six months from now, iff iran decides it wants to renig on these agreements -- what i was saying is that if it took a marathon diplomacy to reach only an interrim deal, to reach a final resolution to this conflict is going to remember an ultramarathon through mine fooelgds. >> the argument is, i guess, in simple words is why not give peace a chance? >> i think we have been giving peace a chance. the europeans have been trying to get the irans -- guess what they discovered it really didn't work. >> there's a different president, rowhani that is very different from ahmadinejad. >> his memoirs are how proud he
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is of maintaining the nuclear regime. the differences between us are so stark because their ideology is so clear. i don't think confidence building measures matter all that with the supreme leader, and barack obama may have gotten himself into a pickle because six months down the road, i think he is going to discover that the first stage in this agreement is basically the ir iranian's final stage. he's going to have to decide what is next, he's got a binary choice, he either punts or he goes to a pre-emptive strike. >> i think the sanctions are proving incredibly effective. we have more in our arsenal in terms of putting economic pressure on iran.
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and clearly the two stage aspect of the deal commits iranians to make the big concessions, they want this morning we do and rowhani needs it in many respects more than the international community does. >> everybody understands why the israelis are not happy with. but the saudis, they hate it as well. the emirates, the other gulf states, they're not happy with what -- explain why they don't like this deal? >> it is fundamentally different from where the israelis are. the israeliings could accept a dislow mattic solution. that's not the case for saudi arabia and the arab gulf states. they believe they are locked in a region wide war. they want american participation in that war against iran and it's proxies. what they're afraid of is going to cause the united states to say we have taken the iranian nuclear issue off the table and
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we can go on doing domestic politics or they think this is going to be -- that is going to take us off of saudi arabia's side and put us on iran's side. the saudis hate iran in part of the iranians wanted to kill the saudi ambassador here in washington in a restaurant here in washington a few years ago, that's just one example of why they simply will never truster rainians. >> saudi arabia and iran are fighting a proxy war throughout the middle east. iraq and syria, and lebanon, skaush looks at the middle east very much through sectarian lenses, they are the sunni power, they look at iran as the sunni -- the united states and iran are not going to be allies tomorrow. the united states and saudi
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arabia are going to remain allies. this is potential nuclear detente. >> the fact that iran is still on the state department's list of countries that are state sponsors of terrorism, does that have any impact in this direct face to face associations between the secretary of state and the foreign minister, very quickly? >> i think what it tells you is that we're really at the first stage of what is a very long and difficult road to any real rehabilitation between iran and the international community. >> good discussion, thanks to a all of you for coming in. fareed is going to be back on gps in a moment. he has an interview with the ceo of space x and tesla on why we need human colonies on mars and his response to the uproar to the recent fires. it's estimated that 30% of the traffic in a city
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is caused by people looking for parking. that's remarkable that so much energy is, is wasted. streetline has looked at the problem of parking, which has not been looked at for the last 30, 40 years, we wanted to rethink that whole industry, so we go and put out these sensors in each parking spot and then there's a mesh network that takes this information sends it over the internet so you can go find exactly where those open parking spots are. the collaboration with citi was important for providing us the necessary financing; allow this small start-up to go provide a service to municipalities. citi has been an incredible source of advice, how to engage with municipalities, how to structure deals, and as we think about internationally, citi is there every step of the way. so the end result is you reduce congestion, you reduce pollution and you provide a service to merchants, and that certainly is huge.
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world's most inknow valtive minds. he runs two companies that -- aerospace with space x. and automobiles with tesla. tesla is making luxury all electric cars. cars that have had a bit of controversy of late. currently, space x is essentially an intergalactic trucking company, taking loads back and forth from the international space station and bringing satellites up to orbit. in the future, it hopes to carry humans too. we met on a balcony overlooking the space x factory floor. it was buzzing. literally and figuratively, the workers were preparing for an important launch on monday. pleasure to have you on. >> thanks for having me. >> this is the dragon that goes up into space and is going to go into space on monday, correct? >> it's version one, which is capable of taking cargo to and
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from the space station, including biological cargo like fish and mice and that kind of thing. >> when do human beings start going up in it, do you think? >> we expect to complete version two of the dragon which will have actual transport capability in about two years. >> most of what you do now is send satellites up into space, right? >> yes, exactly. >> but you want to do something more ambitious with space x. >> the long-term aspiration is to develop the technologies necessary to transport a larges number of people and cargo to mars in order to create a self sustaining civilization there. >> to create the possibility for life on other planets? >> yeah, exactly. i mean, it's sort of started off when i was thinking about what to do after pay-pal. and i had always been interested in space. but i don't think there's anything that an individual can
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do in space. it steamed like the province of large governments. but i sort of started looking into it. and i went to the nasa website to find out when we were going to mars. it seems like obviously that is the next thing after the mooning. and i couldn't finding anything. so, i'm like, wow, this seems very strange. initially i was under the impression that we had lost the will to do that. and i later came to the conclusion that i was quite wrong about that. i think the united states in particular is a nation of explorers. >> so you decide you want to try and do this. a and do you look at it as -- why did you see transport was the thing? what about living on mars? >> that's the relatively easier thing. >> yes, absolutely. >> we could live on mars, it's just getting there is the problem? >> yes. right now getting to mars is impossible. so, like it doesn't matter what
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you do when you get there, if you can't get there. so the first order of business is to figure out how to get there. and it needs to be in a way that enables large numbers of people and cargo. it didn't just be like a handful of people. because that's obviously not going to create a self sustained civilization. and apollo was inspiring to humanity. but the last time we went to the moon was in 1973 or 1974, i believe. if we just have one mission,a will also be a super inspiring thing, but it's not going to fundamentally change the future of humanity. >> so you have this grasshopper rocket which unlike most rockets, which can't -- which are not reusable, this one gently comes back downing in a kind of a vertical land.
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>> the fundamental breakthrough, going back to the point of, that developing a mars transportation system, it has to be affordable to go. it mean it can't just be like billions of dollars per person to go to mars. there's no way you could establish a base on morars at tt cost. we have to develop rockets that are as rapidly and as close to reusable as possible. as an example, the falcon 9 costs about $60 million, it's sort of like a jet. but the cost of the propel lant is only about $200,000. so it's just like, you can imagine how expensive it would be if you had to buy a new plane ever time you went somewhere, very few people would lie. but refuelling a plane is pretty easy. >> you once talked about airplane travel, i asked you why
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it is with all this technological improvement over the last 30 or 40 years, the one thing that doesn't seem to have improved is jet craft service, flying from new york to london. it takes about as long as it took 40 or 50 years ago, in fact it takes longer. >> it actually does take longer because the -- my favorite sort of commercial airliner is the 747 because it actually goes quite fast. it's actually incredible that the first iteration of it was designed in the '60s. i mean since then, i don't think we have exceeded the 747 which is nutty. >> i think -- >> well, for the commercial airliner business, you have a duoplity between -- they're quite expensive and if you're
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the ceo or manager of one of those countries, it's a safer bet to just aim for little incremental improvement than to aim for a radical improvement, if you aim for a radical improvement and you're wrong, you get fired. >> why not work on the fastest jet plane in the world. >> we have to focus on rockets. >> when do you think you'll be able to realize the as picture ration of taking people to mars? >> i think we can probably send the first person in about 12 years. >> will you be their person? >> only if i'm confident that space x will be finie if i die. you know, if i was confident that the mission would continue if i wasn't around, then i would do it. >> lots more ahead from him, including his response to all the headlines about tesla's cars
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catching fire. >> new technology should have a spot light on it, but it should have a laser on it. when you have diabetes like i do, getting the right nutrition isn't always easy. first, i want a way to help minimize my blood sugar spikes. then, a way to support heart health. ♪ and let's not forget immune support. ♪ but now i have new glucerna advance with three benefits in one. including carbsteady ultra to help minimize blood sugar spikes. it's the best from glucerna. [ male announcer ] new glucerna advance. from the brand doctors recommend most. advancing nutrition for diabetes. morning, turtle. ♪ my friends are all around me ♪ my friends, they do surround me ♪ ♪ i hope this never ends
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get a lot of sleep these days. he is also ceo at product architect at tesla. they produce luxury electric vehicles. they have been in the news after some sedans caught fire. during the week the national highway transportation safety board announced an investigation after two of the incidents. lis ep into moten into more of w with him. >> you heard the tests. let me give you a chance to get it off of your chest. >> three cars caught on fire, what is your response? >> so, the international news headlines dedicated to the fires that caused no injury is greater
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than all of the gasoline fires that occurred in the united states. >> with all of the other cars. which from mid last year to today is a quarter million gasoline car fires which caused a million deaths and our three non injuryfires than a quarter million deadly gasoline car fires. that is mad. what the heck is going on? i realize new technology shouldn't have a spotlight on it. but it shouldn't have a laser on it. >> we are minuscule. but yet way too much attention. >> and your market cap is as
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much as these car companies. do you think it is crazy or do you think it is an appropriate indication of future growth? >> i have said that i thought our valuation was more than we deserved. we did our best to fulfill those expectations and i thought that over time the value significantly exceeded where it is today or where it was at a relatively high point a few weeks ago. but it would be silly for me to assert that tesla is worth $22 billion and we'll have some where over $2 billion in sales this year. that is an enormous amount of credit. >> the heart of tesla is that it
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is not a compromise. a hybrid is somewhat of a compromise. and here you can do it cleanly. but batteries just aren't that powerful enough and they don't seem to improve enough to imagine a world powered by batteries right? >> i can see that. and my opinion is that all transportation with the exception of rockets will be fully electric. >> even planes? >> yes, everything. >> yes, planes, trains everything. >> by when? >> we still have staem eam engi. but a pretty hypigh-percentageh. people will look at it like we look at the staem era today. >> you have solar panel?
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>> yeah. do you think solar energy is the future? >> absolutely. in fact, if you think about it, the world is almost entirely solar powered already. we would be a frozenize ball at three to four degrees without the sun and the sun powers your entire precipitation. the eco system and the agriculture tiny number of exceptions and almost all life is solar powered. explain how it would work. it is new york or boston or la to san francisco, i get into a cube. and it is almost like air hockey. the way it works is i strap myself into a seat. >> it would actually feel maybe like the space mountain ride at
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disneyworld. and it would be less than what people experience space moup ta mountain. if you can handle that you should be able to handle this. it will feel super smooth. it would use air skis, like an air hockey table. but on the pod side instead of the tube side. it would be smooth as glass. >> ten years from now what will car travel look like in america? >> ten years from now. i think there will be a lot of electric cars in the world. more than there are now. >> driverless cars? >> in the adoption of electric cars. >> do you think they are a transition? >> sab luabsolutely. there was a role from amphibians
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11:00 am
thank you for joining us today for this special eyedition of gps. months ago you would have been laughed at if you said a deal would have been close with iran. we'll watch how it continues to play out in washington and jer roo uselam. newsroom is next with cnn's frederi fredericka whitfield. >> hello everyone. these are the top stories right here this hour in the news room. after years of distrust, suspicion and angry rhetoric with iran. >> for the first time in a decade. we have halted the
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