tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN November 26, 2013 4:00pm-5:01pm PST
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florida congressman allen west. i want to thank you all of you. >> that was brutal. so the debate will have to continue online at as well as on facebook ask twitter. from the left i'm van jones. >> from the right, i'm newt gingrich. join us next time for another edition of "crossfire." erin burnett "outfront" starts right now. >> outfront. a travel nightmare. a killer storm sweeping across the east coast. potentially ruining the hospital for millions and millions of americans. plus, prosecutors want amanda knox to spend 30 years in prison for murdering her roommate liflt happen? and the affordable care act headed back to the supreme court. will the contraception debate be what actually derails obama care? let's go "outfront."
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good evening, everyone. i'm erin burnett. "outfront" we begin with the win weather travel nightmare. trens rains, wet snow, even tornado warnings. the killer storm making its way east wreaking havoc for millions of americans trying on get home for the ultimate family holiday of the year. the southeast right now being pounded with heavy rain, snow and sleet are starting to disrupt travel in the north. as you can see. more than 40 million people will be traveling. 3 million of them by air. and a few airlines are planning for the worst tonight. delta and u.s. airways already saying they'll offer refunds for canceled flights and waving some fees for destinations up and down the east coast where some of the most horrific delays are anticipated. we've got the storm and travel details covered from all angles. i want to begin with chad myers in the weather center. you've been watching this storm when it came from the west,
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oklahoma. now it's in the east and the south. when and where do you expect the worst? >> it is doing exactly what we thought. and very few storms ever do that. it is getting colder as the sun sets and now our map is filling in with this pink which is essentially an icestorm. it is sleet, rain, 31 degrees. it is ugly out there. we're talking, that's catskills. this is binghamton. that's almost bergen county, new jersey. and all of central pennsylvania getting covered with ice and it is only 7:00. we have hours to go before the sun rises and it warms back up again. this entire area will be an icy mess by morning. so buffalo, pittsburgh, central pennsylvania, down into west virginia, even here toward hagerstown picking up some ice. that is where it will be the worst tonight. now tomorrow, the winds start to blow and airports, this will be an ice event for planes on the ground. we can see cancellations because
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of this. this is what the flight board looks like. american airlines to cleveland, delayed. express jet to montreal, delayed. 30, 40 minutes, not big delays but almost every plane now is getting into this pattern because the cold air is in place. the moisture is here. it is beginning to ice up. it is getting very, very windy. the wind doesn't stop until thursday or friday for that matter. >> obviously, people think about the tomorrow and yes, it is about that. but the wind even more so. how difficult could it be for those 3 million people who are flying? when you talk about that you're seeing delays everywhere cascading. >> here's the issue. this is what the airports, this is what the airlines look like. there are 5,700 airplanes on this map. if you canceled 10%, all of a sudden you have 500 planes that don't go off tomorrow. you multiply that time 100 people, or 150 that should be on the plane. there is no capacity for to you get on the next plane. because that next plane is
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completely sold out. there is not a seat for you on it. and all of a sudden you have thousands of people sitting in airports waiting for the next available seat and it goes downhill from there. and people just don't get to grand ma's house. if you don't have to travel tomorrow, don't do it. the train is the best bet. absolutely should be on time tomorrow. if anything is on time, it will be the train. why these happen at the worst time, it just seems terrible. as chad sets the stage for how bad it will be in the airports and the cascade of delays, it will be a lot about that. airports sxum down the east coast bracing form storm. making plans for the cancellations and delays. tom, it is amazing. you hear chad talk about the cascading delays. it gets worse and worse. it is exponential, right? >> you hit it right on the head.
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while tens of thousands of travellers are being slammed by the bad weather, many more will be hit by the ripple effect. these are people hundreds of miles away in what will be sunshiny airports tomorrow. to understand, this let's take a look at one hypothetical plane. let's say it is a regional jet based in cleveland. and tomorrow it is supposed to fly on new york, then to grand rapids, to chicago, louisville and then back to cleveland. the airline would like to keep all of these routes intact. there is a simple principle at work. keep as many planes and passengers flying as possible. so when the weather forecast says this area is in trouble, as chad was talking to us, what they could very easily say at the airline, look, let's kansas they will part in and this part out. what they're trying to do is keep as many flights outside the zone as possible. and have as few planes and passengers stranded inside the
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zone. but what that does mean is out here, every flight, every passenger that has anything to do with the affected zone starts rippling out and affecting other things. in a day with massive capacity issues like we'll see tomorrow, that's when it multiplies and multiplies and multiplies by all the planes and that's why you can be sitting in arizona saying, the sun is shining. it's a beautiful day. why can't we fly on time? it is because of the ripples coming from here. >> so what are passengers supposed to do to avoid the ripple effect? usually when you're there, you try to run and be the first person to think, the delta flight from phoenix to boston is canceled. i'm going to look at u.s. air and get on that one. you try to bet on that one airline. you want to get where you want to get. >> you want to get where you want to get and if you are flying into the heart of it or trying to get to this area, you may have somewhat limited options. if you're not going into the teeth of this whole thing, there are thing you can do. escape options.
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first, go around it. if you're flying to los angeles to new york or something like that, and you're connecting through cleveland, call your airlines. see if you can go through houston or atlanta or houston or somewhere that is legislation likely to have thought pressure on it. second, speed up or slow down. either go right away. get ahead of it wherever you're going. that may be too late right now. or slow down. would you rather sit in the airport all day thanksgiving eve or wait and go thanksgiving morning on a normal flight. yeah, it is the day of. but you don't waste hours and hours getting angry. and let your airline help you will these airlines do not want you sitting in the airport or on the ground any more than you want to be. many are offering travel waivers if you're going into the teeth of this that would allow to you change your ticket no matter what kind of ticket you bought. look at what the airline is doing. contact them. they only make money if you're moving and their planes moving
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and they want to it happen as quickly as possible. >> wow, airlines and help. some might say that's an oxymoron. i'm glad you used it without jest in the same sentence. thanks very much to you, tom, appreciate. that it shows they are responsive to what people need despite all the complaints that so many people have constantly about them. still to come, america and china on the brink. two u.s. bombers. b-52s flew through china's air space and they did it without permission. now china is about to respond in a big way. has the huge story. we have that for you. plus, a prosecutor wants 30 years for amanda knox. what does it mean for the american if she is convicted? and the obama administration tings to sell the united states on the iran nuclear agreement. but one problem, iran now says the white house is lying about what's in the deal. the state department comes "outfront." it's donut friday at the office. and i'm low man on the totem pole.
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america and china, assumer powers on the brink. the chinese navy is confronting the u.s. after the americans flew two b-jrue bombers and did it without permission and on purpose. is this the start of a new showdown? there has been at love tension between and u.s. china over this part of the world. the south china sea. what are your sources telling but these b-52 aircraft carriers?
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>> what they're saying, erin, they don't expect a military could not frontation with china but and a very big but, tensions are escalating. already secretary of state john kerry, defense secretary chuck hagel have weighed in. the u.s. on monday flew two b-52 bombers from gauam. they flew right through this air exclusion zone. stayed about an hour in the area and then flew back to guam without notifying the chinese as the china he's demanded themselves didn't file a flight plan, didn't radio the data. nothing. it all passed without event but that may be small comfort for now. tensions in the area center around who controls the air space. whether china or japan controls some islands out in this patch of the east china sea. everyone is claiming that they
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control them. this is far from resolved. expect to see more flights by the u.s. through this area. making the point that china can make its demands but in international air space, the u.s. military will travel as it sees fit. >> thank you very much. a crucial development for the u.s. especially as it is dealing with what's going on in iran and we have much more on that. there is a huge development on that iran deal later in the program. our third program. 30 years for amanda knox. that's the sentence an italian prosecutor wants knox to serve for what he says is the murder of her british roommate. the original conviction was overturned in 2011 because of a, quote, lack of evidence but italy's supreme court decided to retry the case. it said the jury didn't consider all the evidence. paul is "outfront." we've talked about this but originally she was sentenced to 26 years. she served four years. but now they're saying they want her to go and serve the rest of this. first of all, based on the
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facts, what is the likelihood that the court come to the conclusion she should, she is guilty and should serve 26 more years? >> i wouldn't rule it out at all. you have to bear in mine she was convicted once in front of an italian court. the prosecutor decided to prosecute in the first place and the italian supreme court when she was acquitted by this intermediate appellate court sent it back and said retrial. in other words, maybe she is guilty. so a lot of italian judges have looked at this and said there is enough evidence to convict her including the italian judges on the supreme court. she could be reconvicted. >> she is obviously not there. the u.s. didn't extradite her to be in court so she is in the united states. if it is upheld. if she is convicted, 26 years in jail. the united states would have to extradite her, right? and this is a crucial question. a lot of peel saying no way. this could never happen. but it could, right? >> well, you know, extradition lawyers are kind of split on this issue. and i would say a majority
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thinks she won't be extradited baux substantial number say yes, she will be. we have an extradition treaty with italy. and what happens when a terrorist goes to italy or a mafia hitman goes to italy and we want them back? we signed an extradition treaty. what do we say? >> you didn't give us amanda knox. why should we give you that guy? >> it only counts for hitmen but not girls from seattle? you have to make a distinction. if we're saying the italian system of justice is a joke and it is not fair, as supporters of amanda knox of said, at least the way it is handled in this case. what will happen with the relationship with italy in so it is a political question and the secretary of state john kerry is the one who will have to make the decision ultimately comfortable he risk rupturing our relationship with italy? or is he going on apply the rules of the extradition treaty and send her back? >> or is he not going on extradite her because of the american court of public pinch no offense, i think we would argue we don't know all the
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facts. why is that court more viable than the real court? >> we signed an extradition treaty. when we sign an extradition treaty, we say we recognize your justice system. if you convicted and give somebody a fair trial, we're going to send them back to you. and we expect you'll send criminals back to us. we didn't to have sign the treaty and we don't sign with countries like china and russia. >> we're plenty happy there. >> this will be a tough one. >> thank you very much, paul. let us know your thoughts on that. a pretty interesting take. she could end up having to serve 26 years in jail in italy if this goes in the conviction direction. still to come, the obama administration working, iran has said the foreign ministry put outing a statement saying they reject the white house interpretation of the deal. they get to enrich uranium, they get to continue what they're doing at key sites. for real? the state department is "outfront" will plus the latest
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from a story we brought you yesterday. a woman falls more than 40 feet at an nfl game. tonight you're going to meet the man who broke the fall with his arms. >> next thing i know, she is dropping. i went into action to try to catch it and break her fall. car insurance rates arde side-by-side, so you get the same coverage, often for less. that's one smart board -- what else does it do, reverse gravity? [ laughs ] split atoms? [ flo chuckles ] [ whirring ] hey, how's that atom-splitting thing going? oh! a smarter way to shop around -- now that's progressive. call or click today.
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yesterday. the woman is still in critical condition but she is alive because of this man. and he spoke to our "outfront" dan simon. >> you don't think about yourself. you just take care of the situation. >> reporter: as he former marine and he has the battle wounds to prove it. only this one came 40 years after leaving the service. a rabid oakland raiders fan, he was leaving the game on sunday when he saw a young woman. apparently suicidal about to jump from the upper stands. >> i really didn't know what intention she had but it looked to me she was going to do something. >> reporter: that's when he said his marine corps instincts kicked in rushing to get in position to try to break her fall nearly 50 feet below. >> what i did was i intended my arms out. and what i was going to do was when she hit, i was going to
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lock. so when we fell, we fell together. and she wouldn't take the impact. i would. but unfortunately, she bounced off and she handed several yards from me. >> reporter: the woman is said to be in critical condition at the hospital. her prognosis isn't clear but authorities say she wouldn't have had a chance at all if not for 1/2 dad's quick thinking actions. obviously there is something inside of you that made decide to do that. to rick your own life to save this woman's. >> i couldn't live with myself if it happened. knowing i could have done something. >> reporter: pretty remarkable. >> well, that would have been etched into my brain and my mind for years. >> reporter: his act of bravery handed him on the front page of the local paper and the raiders awarded him the game ball. but navidad's thoughts are
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elsewhere with the woman whose life he home he saved. >> i would ask her why. why? why did you do it in. >> reporter: for "outfront," dan simon, cnn, stockton, california. >> an amazing story. when you look at his arms and see that he held her, incredible. obama care heading back to the supreme court. here's the question. could this be the blow in can the affordable care act survive the contraception debate? an "outfront" debate. plus, china will launch its first lunar model ever. and an out of this world story from florida. a father believes his son was hit by a meteorite. wait until you see the scar and the blood and the proof. what you wear to bed is your business.
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welcome back to the second half of "outfront" this tuesday. the pope is releasing a bold manifesto for the role an catholic church. an 85-page document and it is the first official papal document written entirely by frags it is himself. in it he challenges the church to embrace the modern world and let go of some of the longheld traditions. he writes in one part, some of these customs may be beautiful but they no longer serves as
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means of communicating the goms. we should not be afraid to reexamine them. you might want to debate what those are with you did he call for catholics to stop obsessing over culture war issues. one he mentioned, divorcees being prevented from taking holy communion. i didn't even realize that was part of catholic church but certain things like abortion still very firmly off the table. not on the table on this manifesto. we're still learning what happened the night a police officer, tonight the san antonio police say there is some proof to back up the 19-year-old's claim that the officer named jackie neil came to her house and threatened her. around that time police say they received a disturbance call from her neighborhood. >> when officers responded, they found officer neil in the area, driving erratically is what was
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said. why the attention was brought to his vehicle. >> neil tells cnn, the allegations are false. a story that is out of this world from florida. a 7-year-old was out playing outside his house, right? he was bleeding from the head. parents were worried but the first instinct was maybe horseplay or, i don't know, a chestnut dropped from a tree or whatever it might have been in florida. it wasn't big enough to be a coconut. but according to cnn affiliate, the boy's father thought a bird might have snapped at him. then he found little fragments of rock and thought his son was hit by a meteorite. you might say this is crazy but hole. on the father had the rocks checked out and researchers at the university found out they all meteorologist i don't remember i'd criteria including magnetic pool. these are things you never thought you needed to be afraid of for your children. is not that scary? for those just joining us, the top skoir interesting killer
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storm moving up the east coast causing huge travel issues for many millions of americans. wet snow and ice in the north. more than 40 million people are going to be traveling and 3 million by air. david mattingly is outfront at the nation's busiest airport in atlanta. what is the latest there? hartsfield, i am injecting my personal opinion, never really a pleasant experience. on a night like, this can be really, really awful. >> reporter: i don't know. i've been flying out of here for about 20 years now and this place really knows how to move people. this is busiest time of the year for the world's busiest airport. by the time this week is over, there will be 1.5 million people coming through here. and so far, so good. you don't see a big crowd of people here behind me. i want to show you the boards here. all these blue boards up here representing flights going out tonight. about 300 of them in the next couple of hours. there is only one night listed up there as canceled so far.
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what everyone is looking for, that ripple effect we were talking about earlier in the hour. they're waiting here, bracing to see how big that ripple is going to be. with the destinations up north. we're still going to have a quarter of a million people coming through here tomorrow. just tomorrow. and a lot of them going to places up north of here that's being affected by the weather. right now, here in the world's busiest airport, not so busy. the security check lines just ten minutes right now. smooth sailing for everybody leaving out of here. part of the reason for that was that the airlines were proactive. canceling some flights ahead of time to make sure that passengers had plenty of time to rebook before this storm actually hit the destinations they were going to. if your destination is up north and you want to be there tomorrow, you're going to have to pay attention. watch the water reports and stay in touch with your airlines to find out what is happening with them. information is going to be your friend tomorrow and if you are
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flying, bring a big bag of holiday cheer with you because you just might need it. >> i wish everybody would bring that when they travel this time of year. even when they're just traveling down sidewalk to go shopping. thank you. now our fifth story, obama care heading back to the supreme court. today the top court in the united states says it will take up another dispute over the president's signature health care law. now this time it involves coverage for contraception specifically. the specific issue is this. can businesses refuse to offer birth control coverage based on religious objections? it is a church versus state debate. "outfront," our political director mark preston. i guess the question i had all day was trying to understand this. when you hear about obama care going to the supreme court, you get a flash back and you think the entire law itself is at stake. if the supreme court strikes down obama care's mandate to include contraceptives works that mean obama care overall is dead? >> no. the bill would stand on its own as it is currently written. the big question would be how
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would the obama care administration deal with it. would we have to see companies who did not want freeway this type of protection for contraception in the cost of it, would they then to have apply for it? it would not take down the whole bill. but it is a huge political football heading into the mid-term elections. a huge political football. why is this such a big deal? it is. >> it is a very big deal for a lot of reasons but it is a big deal because it mobilizes the two political bases. we've seen republicans and conservatives come out in support of hobby lobby. we've seen it all along but they came out in droves when they heard the supreme court agreed to take case. we saw democrats come out including the democratic national committee. let's take a quick look at this e-mail they single out to their supporters today. in many ways, a call to arms when it come the women's reproductive lights. they have a picture of president obama and some of the things they say is that if the supreme court rules their way, it could set the stage for employers to be able to decide which medical
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procedures women and employees have access to. this has come down to the political issue over a woman's right to choose and a woman's right to choose which medical procedure she chooses to have and not her employer. that's how democrats are trying to frame it. >> every one has their angle on it. now "outfront," host of cnn's "crossfire's" van jones, mark is saying this is a big headline. polls like the one, registered voters' choice for congress. the big story next year. look at this. since october, plus 7 points, republicans. this was back in okay when everyone said, oh, my gosh. the gop, tea party, they're dead, they're gone, they've lost the mid terms now. it is turned around and democrats have dropped three appointments. could obama care cost democrats all the gains in the house and even control of the senate? >> well, what i will say is we do not know. and i think the crazy thing is, all of us involved in politics,
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this is most upside down, thomasy turvy turbulence environment. you go back 2004. the republicans had the house, the senate, everyone said the democrats were dead. we say republicans are dead. then tea party comes back 2010. democrats are dead. obama wins 2012. republicans are dead. obama overreaches on syria. he's dead. then republicans are back. now obama care. we are not in a left wing period. we're not in a right wing period. we are in a turbulent volatile period and anybody who says they know where we're going to be in the fall is fooling themselves wefl no idea. and michael, should you be betting on obama care? people like are you hoping for republicans to gain ground if not control. what if the numbers start coming in and they are not terrible on obama care next spring. then everything will turn around again. >> i think van is right. we a very did i havide country.
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obama care for a younger generation of people will have the same impact i believe that vietnam had for my generation. i know you were too young, van burk the point about this is you can't ignore it. when people get their own -- >> that is a big statement though. >> it is a very big statement. and people are getting mobilized. people gregt ticked off. the most striking thing about the poll that you cited, which is a cnn poll, not some conservative poll. republicans are almost 20 points ahead among independents. what that means is that a lot of the independent who's lean more conservative are coming back to the republican party as long as we talk constructively. not just to block obama care, not just to get rid of it, not just to repeal it but to fix it and replace and it to keep the good elements that all americans want to be there. people want to have some provision for folks with preexisting conditions. they do. they just don't want to pay for it. that's the problem.
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>> i do want to yeah with my colleague. the question is who will get the good stuff at obama care? there is a ton of good stuff. even with the broken website. everybody watching the show, if you're a woman, you can that be discriminated against right now. that's obama care. if you're a young person under the age of 26, you can be on your parents' plan. that's obama care. if you have any preexisting condition. asthma, high blood pressure like i've got. that's obama care. who gets blamed for the tougher stuff and can they fix it? that's the big question. >> i have to ask you this before we go. as you all know, baby "outfront" is coming and is late. so i'm a little obsessed with this. we saw this poll and caught my attention. having daughters makes parents more likely to be a republican. in the case of you two, it is true. michael you have girls. you are representing from the right although you are way too peaceful only the. van, boys, and you are on the left. so do you think this is true?
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>> i have two girls and a boy. >> right. but your first born was a girl. this was a first born. >> first was a girl, second was girl, and then we have a 21-year-old son. but yeah. look. i think that one of the things that i would like to think is that a conservative outlook is a balanced outlook. when guys have girls -- >> you should tell the tea party that. >> what do you make? is the conservative outlook balanced out? the president, they are saying he's for women and republicans have this war on women. if you have daughters you're going to be a republican. >> i don't know. there's something called correlation, not causation that we might want to talk about. i will say if the republicans and being conservative is a balanced outlook, i hope somebody sends that memo to the tea party. as far as i can tell, they didn't get the memo yet about balance. >> the one thing that generally, the more children you have, the more likely you are to be republican. that again is correlation, not necessarily causation.
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it means the people who really value big families and children in the next generation, conservative. >> well, we shall see. all right. correlation, not causality or not. please, viewers, weigh in with your birth order and your party. still to come, china sent to launch its lunar module. and president obama has been desperately to get america on board the iran nuclear agreement. in particular, john kerry, full-court press on democrats to get them on board. only the though, iran with some shocking news saying it rejects iran's interpretation of the deal. [ male announcer ] this store knows how to handle a saturday crowd.
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♪ [ male announcer ] the parking lot helps by letting us know who's coming. the carts keep everyone on the right track. the power tools introduce themselves. all the bits and bulbs keep themselves stocked. and the doors even handle the checkout so we can work on that thing that's stuck in the thing. [ female announcer ] today, cisco is connecting the internet of everything. so everyone goes home happy.
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is china reaching for the moon? china's space am wigss launching its first lunar probe. officials say it will have a rover. the public vote determined the name of the lunar rover. who said it is not a democracy? they're calling it jade rabbit. david, what are you hearing about this mission? >> reporter: well, it is a pretty secretive mission.
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definitely very significant that they're launching their first lunar probe. they're going to put this buggy on the ground, on the surface of the moon. they hope sometime in december. the jade rabbit will do some investigations on the lunar surface. certainly it is a big deal for china in terms of pride and the latest move in a very accelerating space race. >> what can you tell us about whether the space probe is a threat to the united states. this is coming on a day when they're putting an aircraft carrier to confront the u.s. because the u.s. flew some b-52 bombers over what china believes it's territory. >> reporter: they have gone from putting the first out in space and they hope to put a space station and even put an astronaut on the moon by the end of the decade. they're certainly taking this very seriously. it is a point. national pride here in china. the chinese say it is nothing to do with any conflict that this is a peaceful process, they want
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to share their technology. but the u.s. defense department has repeatedly said they need to watch the chinese space program very closely. and they do believe china is looking to flex the muscles on the world stage and also, of course, in outer space. >> thank you. by the way, enjoy that sunny day. i rarely have been in beijing or seen you in beijing with, you know, glorious sunshine like that. usually a lot smoggier. enjoy it. now let's check in with john berman with a look at what's coming up. >> we are staying on top of the breaking news. the nor'easter hitting just as travelers get started on what is shaping up to be a long thanksgiving journey. also, the knockout game if you believe it is a trend, people randomly assaulting strangers for fun. we'll talk to one victim struck while riding her bike. she has a strong message for those behind the attacks and it is a message that could surprise
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you. also, remember this picture? so amazing the. the pope embracing a severely disfigured man. it is an image that became a symbol of this pope's compassion. ben tracked the man down and found out he has one more thing he would like to say to the head of the catholic church. that is all ahead at the top of the hour. >> all right. we're forward to all of that. now our sixth story, iran lashes out rethe united states interpretation of the nuclear deal. you might be scratching your head, right? according to a spokeswoman for iran's foreign ministry, what has been released by the website of the white house as a fact sheet is a one-side interpretation of the agreed text in geneva, which is not true. at the same time, secretary of state john kerry is going on a full court assault to sell the deal's talking points to his own party, sending them a video, outlining the particulars and calling them for one-on-one consultations. what does the obama
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administration to have say about the accusation that it is lying sf this zeal a crucial topic in this country and moments ago, .with the state department spokeswoman. what does rhetoric like that make you think about this deal? >> reporter: well, one, i would encourage anybody to go look at the actual agreement and the plan that is on our website, that has been provided that the white house has sent out. the state department has single it out and anyone can read for themselves. a common practice as you know in the united states is providing fact sheets that are summaries of details for average people to understand them. who maybe won't read through an entire plan. so i haven't seen those comments previously but you know, we did feel that there was a negotiation that happened and an agreement that happened in good faith and the question, of course, is implementation from here. >> and obviously, that coming from the foreign ministry and iran's semiofficial press television follows up saying, according to the iranian foreign
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ministry, the deal that you made allows iran to continue its activities at iraq, which of course is a highly controversial, heavy water facility at ara can k, fordow and natanz. is that accurate? >> this is a first step. there are specifics agreed to in terms terms. related to monitoring rerg-related to halting the progress being made, in terms of developing a nuclear weapon. that is what iran agreed to. and again, anybody can go to read the fact sheet and read the agreement on the white house website. of course. >> and you know, it is interesting. what is happening here, what you're hearing out of iran, the latest that we have, we're trying to figure out what they're trying to do with these headlines, plays into something senator carl levin talked about. he weighed in on trusting iran and here's what he said.
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>> i love the trust but verify, i've never understood it. i think the right slogan is don't trust. i don't trust the iranians. [ applause ] and by the way, they don't trust us. >> i simply play that because obviously, you know, now you have possibly iran saying some fa sailties don't part down and iran will control access to a lot of other sites. how can you verify what is promised, what you agreed to when you have this situation with injectors? >> one thing we do -- not many things we agree on is it's not about trust. there is a long history of mistrust and in this case, that's why you have an unprecedented monitoring effort that will be put in place to make sure that iran is abiding
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by what they agreed to here. again, this is not about -- this is not an all inclusive deal here. this is a first step, which will be over the course of six months, leading to a comprehensive agreement and that's what our goal is, but let's take a step back here, and i would say this to any member on congress. this is the first time iran agreed to halt and rollback the progress toward developing a nuclear weapon. the alternative is they would be making progress. we need a deep breath. >> that's a totally fair point but on the issue of inspectors. you use the the word unprecedent unprecedented. i heard secretary kerry say that. when it comes to the super secret military site, the deal would -- >> that's right. >> -- to fill sill tate past and present concerns, that sounds like a lot of words. will you be able to go and see
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what they are doing in every room whenever or not? >> erin, let's remember we're talking about daily access to a number on these sites. being able to evaluate, whether they are abiding by commitments, the international monitoring group is important here because obviously, they are going to take a close look at it and believe me, if they are not abiding by their commitments, we will be running, leading the charge for more sanctions but we have the opportunity and responsibility to give this a chance to succeed. >> the bottom line on what the foreign ministry out of iran is apparently saying tonight, what you have released, the white house released is not true in terms of the talking points. you think you can deal with people like that, work with people like that and get the verification that you need? >> look, we never thought that we were never naive about the challenges here, whether working with iran, whether it's moving toward a comprehensive agreement, whether it's winning over opponents. the alternative is allowing iran
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to take steps toward developing a nuclear weapon. it's diplomacy or war and we choose diplomacy. >> all right. and our thanks to jen. out front next, an amazing story, one man's idea allows paraplegics to stand and even walk. boyfriend has a lot of can't-miss moments. i checked out the windows phones and saw the lumia 1020 has 41 megapixels. so i can zoom way in even after i take the picture. and i can adjust the shot before i take it so i get it exactly how i want. so, i went with a windows phone. maybe i just see things other people don't. ♪ honestly ♪ i wanna see you be brave ♪
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approximately 250,000 americans have spinal cord injuries and half ocho pare pa c paraplegi paraplegics. one man's idea is going to allow them to do that and so much more. >> i have one hand on the wheel, one hand on the piece extending towards it and the ladder gave and that's when i fell. >> reporter: it is nothing short of amazing that 51-year-old gene is walking. he spent more than 12 years confined to a wheelchair, paralyzed from the waist down. >> once they give you the news and you think about it, how will
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i do this? how will i survive? >> reporter: at 6'4", he's been tough. he served in the u.s. military and earned his living as a welder. and when his accident took away his ability to walk, he thought the world had come to an end. >> you know, i field helpless, what can i do? >> reporter: more than a decade after the accident, a cutting edge idea called rework is giving him the use of his legs back. it's an exo skeleton to help paraplegics do what they never thought was possible, stand up and walk again. >> i'm looking at the watch and he tells me time to press. i didn't want to press that yet. i want to stay here for a moment because it's been so many years. >> reporter: the man who invented rewalk has a story of his own. he is himself a quad dra pa lee
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gik. it didn't take long until we questioned the outdated wheelchair. >> i was wondering how come wheelchair is on the solution? why. people land on the moon. >> reporter: in that moment, his idea for robotic trousers came to life. rewalk says the device is currently being used in europe, israel and 23 rehab centers in the united states but comes at a lefty price. more than $70,000, a price rewalk ceo says he hopes will fall with fda approval. >> we have done a lot of work on the level of medical benefits we see with the product, and there is clearly a cost reduction with medications and a great cost reduction in reduced complications. we're gathering data and learning what the amounts are, but this product seems to be a product that pays for itself in just a couple of years. >> reporter: he says whatever the price, it's worth it. the look on his son's face the
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first time he stood up, priceless. >> as i went up, his jaw went down. he is like -- and this kid is the type of kid, he's not -- he always has something to say very quick comment. he had nothing to say that day. >> amazing story. anderson cooper 360 with john anderson cooper 360 with john berman starts now. -- captions by vitac -- thanks so much. i'm john berman filling in tonight. the storm that's causing a holiday travel mess in so much of the country. it's been updated to nor'easter status but the national weather service and looks like it will get worse before better. they will get brutal winds tomorrow, which i'm sure you're told is the business els travel days of the year. this could cause a major domino effect if airports in new york, philadelphia and boston s
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