tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN November 27, 2013 5:00pm-6:01pm PST
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bird, no. there is one interesting side note. we found one president interested, a great president who didn't pretend he was a turkey savior. that brave president was gerald ford, he never let the american people forget what he really believed. believed. "ac 360" starts now. -- captions by vitac -- i'm john berman filling in for anderson tonight. we'll check in with chad myers in the weather center in a moment to find occupant the latest on the prethanksgiving storm that snarled traffic and made air travel a challenge for so many, the scenes not as bad as it could have been but there are extreme weather conditions to tell you about. take a look. winds lashed parts of the east coast today as the massive winter storm trudged north.
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road and power crews in the boston area struggled to deal with the downed trees, keep cars moving and keep customers with power. today, the massive thanksgiving storm affected much of the eastern seaboard. in south carolina, flooding tuesday and wednesday made the roads a nightmare for some holiday travelers. in north carolina, heavy winds turned into an ef 2 tornado with speeds of 135 miles an hour. it was powerful enough to tear the roofs off, uproot trees and leave thousands without power. two people were injured but luckily, everyone survived. >> heard it coming so i dashed through the bathroom and the front of my apartment exploded on me and i was hanging onto the door frame and literally off the floor. >> reporter: further inland today the state was dealing with snow and flood warnings. in virginia, high winds caused this tractor trailer to flip on to its side on interstate 77.
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traffic backed up for miles. areas north and west continued to be hit by snow. in michigan accumulations from the storm reached nearly a foot in some areas, causing hundreds of accidents and at least one death. and in ohio, parts of that state are dealing with half a foot of snow dumped by this storm. and now the big concern is the northeast, beyond the snow, much of the region is getting hit with extremely heavy rains that are expected to freeze as temperatures drop overnight. authorities are concerned that black ice could be a major problem for tens of millions of road travelers tomorrow. as for air travelers, high winds threatened cancellations throughout the region, leaving millions of americans wondering if they will see their loved ones this thanksgiving. so let's get the latest on the storm from chad myers in the cnn weather center. let's start with airports and
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roads, what is going on out there? >> i can tell you the most often said comment today or question, are we there yet? because i have an 8-year-old and i can't tell you how many times i've heard that. 5,200 planes still in the air at this hour. and let me tell you, that's a lot for the day before thanksgiving, that's a lot for any wednesday because planes aren't where they need to be just yet. a lot of delays still in philadelphia. at least a couple hours for most of these planes, cancelled, cancelled on a couple planes there and we get to the word delayed and page after page of page and now we're just to the point where planes aren't coming in on time so there is no way the next plane is going to go out on time. laguardia, jfk, newark and month yell, clearing the way because it's snowing there, as well into atlanta and canada seeing quite a bit of snow. this is the deal you just talked about. what happens when all of this
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rain, that's a puddle on the side of the road way, freezes tonight? if you look and you're driving home and you see a puddle, john, just assume it's frozen because that's what is going to happen when the temperatures dip below 32. that's where they are going now because the temperatures are falling with the sun just going away, skies are actually clearing in some spots, and that's a bad thing because i can show you what it looks like -- this is atlanta. what a beautiful shot of atlanta right through there. the ferris wheel, temperatures down to 20 degrees in a lot of georgia tonight. that ferris wheel might have been a lot more fun today with the winds blowing 40 miles per hour. 38, the highest gust in new york city right now. the big story, the big question, what is it going to be tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. or 10:0 0 a.m.
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the forecast for winds is low enough for balloons to fly. there is no good answer to the question are we there yet? the big question is whether the balloons, the balloons will fly in tomorrow's macy's thanksgiving day parade there are straight rules and regarding this. in 2005 a balloon drafted out of control injuring spectators. it was scary. not the first time something like that happened. gary tuchman a few blocks away from the studio, gary has the latest on the balloons, what's the latest word, gary? >> reporter: one of the best kept secrets for the thanksgiving day parade, those who want to see the balloons in person, the parade is not the best place to do it, right here gt right now the night before where they inflate them. thousands of people come out every year on a night like this they are out here to enjoy seeing the balloons being blown up and i'm next to the oldest
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balloon in the parade, 40 feet tall, snoopy and woodstock, they have been flying it since 1976 and hopefully they will fly it tomorrow. you talked about what happened in 2005. in 1997 something even worse happened. five blocks from where i'm standing, a cat in the hat balloon hit a light pole and the light pole fell on top of a woman, she survived but krcritil in a coma for a few weeks. this is not one of the 16 big balloons. this is a pumpkin, this will fly because it's small. behind the pumpkin, i'll take you back here, sonic the hedgehog here. i'll tell you about the rules. if the winds are sustained at 23 miles per hour or more and gusts are 34 miles per hour or more the balloons are not permitted to fly. the nose by itself. the nose by itself is 5 feet long. that shows you how big the
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balloons are. if those conditions are not met, if the winds are higher, bat loons are not allowed to fly but it appears the winds will be lower and the balloons will be able to fly. one more look i want to give you something else interesting i bet you do not aflac duck and it's tall. it's a balloon that will ride in a vehicle and therefore the affleck duck will be in the parade no matter what because it's a balloonicle. >> pumpkins and balloonicles no matter what and we're kuncounti on the wind conditions. if they do fly, there is safety procedures, cops walking with each balloon and the like. >> reporter: well there are 70 to 100 handlers for every balloon. do the math.
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16 balloons times 100, that's 1,600 people that watch them carefully. it's orchestrated and very careful. this morning, we didn't think the balloons will go and the expectations are the balloons will go because the forecasts are more optimistic. >> you have the best seat in the house tonight. thanks for being with us. macy's retired the under dog balloon a few years ago but chances are we know a true life under dog. what you may not realize is it can actually be powerful. up next, anderson's interview with malcolm who says there are advantages to being among the disadvantaged. a new delay for obama care raising more questions about the website. 3w4r5 7 wrap [ male announcer ] introducing new fast acting advil. with an ultra-thin coating
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. so while you're waiting for your turkey to cook, here is something to debate with family and friends. does the under dog actually have the advantage in life? have we been getting it wrong all along? malcolm glad well thinks so. >> when we look at battles between lopsided parties, we exaggerate the strength of the favorite and we under estimate the strength of the underdog. >> reporter: malcolm gladwell believes under doggings win more than we think because limitations force them to be creative. david couldn't slay ga lie yoth
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and there is plenty of modern research to explain why. >> i had a conversation with this ballistics experts who had done the math and pointed out that the projectile, the rock from david slain was moving at about -- would have hit ga lie yit with the speed of a .45 caliber handgun. >> how do you find an israeli boll li ballistics expert who had done this study? >> there was a paper about seven years ago -- >> how did you hear about international ballistics conference? >> if you're as much of a nerd as i am, this is the kind of stuff you get interested in. >> this is what you do? >> this is what i do. >> what he does made him hugely popular and very wealthy. his new book, david and gollath
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topped the new york's best sellers list. >> there is no way to do a dual of swords and feels em bollened to try something outside the box. that's a pattern you see again and again with under dogs that because they can't do the thing they are required to do, they look for alternate routes. >> reporter: he wrote about the successful strategieiestrategie. what interested gladwell wasn't software but how he coached his 12-year-old daughter's basketball team seen in white even though he didn't know anything about the game. growing up in india, did you play basketball? >> i never touched a basketball in my life. >> reporter: never touched one? >> never touched one. when i went to coach my daughter's team, i never touched a basketball. >> reporter: his lack of knowledge wasn't the only obstacle.
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his daughter's team has absolutely no talent. >> the girls on your basketball team, they weren't tall? >> no. >> could they dribble? >> couple of them. >> could they shoot? >> not very well. >> did they have a long experience playing basketball? >> no. >> so he relied on mathematics talent and divisioned a computer program that turned out to be a winning formula for his girls. the strategy, force the other team to turnover the ball. >> he says, look, we're not going to bother practicing shooting. it's pointless. we're not going to practice dribbling. i'm going to teach them to runaround like this the entire game and play the best defense known to man and score and by shooting the ball and shooting layups, that's it. >> it didn't matter my girls couldn't shoot as well. if i could get the ball under the basket and if i could win the turnover battle, then i could win the game. >> his girls played a never
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ending full-court press. they won every regular season game. >> your daughter's opponents weren't used to playing basketball like this? >> no, no, in fact, their coaches were not used to playing that way. >> they didn't like it. >> they didn't like it. one guy, big guy was so upset, he said he wanted to meet me in the parking lot after the game. >> he wanted to beat you up? >> he wanted to meet me in the parking lot, so. >> ron's under dogs made it all the way to the state championships. >> you clearly started to like basketball after that? >> i did. i did. i ended up falling in love with the game. >> and you're still a software ceo of the multi-billion-dollar company but i understand you made a big purchase. >> i did. i bought the sacramento kings. >> you bought an nba basketball team? >> i did. >> an under dog's disadvantage can be converted into an advantage and believes that's just as true.
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gary cone is one of his favorite examples. >> i was a troubled student as a young child and at that period, this is the early '60s, the world of dyslexia isn't developed as it is today. i don't think anyone knew how to diagnose the problem. >> couldn't do school, acted up in class, got kicked out, his mother thought he would graduate from high school. when he graduated from high school, his mother cried. why? because it was a day she thought would never come. >> reporter: he has difficulty reading but figured outweighs to work around his disability, skills that led him to the president's office at goldman sachs. >> an incredible high percentage of successful entrepreneurs is dyslexic. you go into a room of very successful business people and show of hands on who has a learning disability, half the hands in the room go up.
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it's fascinating. >> reporter: although dyslexia remains a challenge for many, he figured out a way to overcome it. he's a good listener and unafraid to take chances. >> people that can't read well, we tend to build a great sense of listening. we also tend to build a great sense of being able to deal and cope with failure. >> this is not something you would wish on anybody else? >> no, i would not. >> reporter: gladwell is obsessed with people who force their own path. he's a staff writer for the new york magazine but doesn't have an office. he writes in small caves in new york and does research in a library where he hunts out academic papers and minds them for interesting counter fewtive ideas. he's called an original. >> there are people that cover science. there are people that cover business. there are people that cover
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trends, but this strange reading academic journals, interviewing ordinary people, thinking, story telling, this is something that malcolm really, that was a territory he carved out for himself. >> what do you think he's interested in achieving? is that he's got an opinion and wants everyone to agree with it? >> actually the opposite. i think what he's interested in is pressing and testing against received wisdom. most of the time what we think of our ideas about the world, it's received wisdom. we've read them. we've assumed it's correct. we don't have time to test everything. >> gladwell's testing made him a goliath. not a particularly strong student, his upbringing in canada was a bit odd. >> we had no tv. we had no stereo. we never went to the movies. we never even went out to
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dinner. i think we -- we once went out to dinner like in sort of the mid '70s, found the experience not to our liking. >> not to your liking. what you're describe sg a childhood from the '30s. >> i read a lot of books. i thought i had a fabulous childhood. i mean, i would sometimes get board and my mother would say it's important to be board. you're giving your brain a rest. >> reporter: his jamaican born mother is a family therapist and his english father a math teacher. being biracial and feeling like an outsider gives him a perspective. >> we moved to england and moved to canada and i moved to america where i'm an outsider. i feel like i've constantly been in the situation of shaking my head and thinking, this is a strange place. >> reporter: gladwell finds america's obsession with ivy league colleagues strange. he argues the schools can
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actually be disadvantages. he went to the university of toronto and says he's better off for it. >> i have a massive chip on my shoulder. i went to a state school in canada. i come to new york and people that went to harvard and yale are mentioning that in every second sentence. it drives me crazy. i have taken it upon myself -- >> reporter: i went to yale. >> you haven't mentioned it to now. >> reporter: i never mention it. i don't. he says the assumption students should go to the most prestigious school is wrong. >> if you go to a school where the other students in your class are brilliant, you run the risk of mistakenly believe yourself to not be a good student. >> reporter: even if. >> even if you are, right? if you're last in your class at harvard, it doesn't feel like you're a good student, even though you really are. it's not smart for everyone to want to go to a great school. >> reporter: so if you had a child, would you want them to go to harvard? >> no, to a state school in
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canada where tuition would be $4,000 a year. if harvard is $60,000 and university of toronto where i went to school is maybe 6. so you're telling me that an education is ten times better at harvard than university of toronto? that seems ridiculous to me. >> reporter: he doesn't like to talk about money, but gladwell earns millions from books and lectures. in person there is little sign of his wealth. he lives alone on the top two floors of a walk up brown stone. the self-described hermit, he doesn't even have a doorbell. >> i don't want a doorbell. i don't want anyone ringing my doorbell. it seems to be intrusive. >> reporter: when people come visit, what do they do? >> call me on their cell phone. >> reporter: for all his success, on the streets of new york he's nearly invisible, his signature curls bobbing above the crowd. >> people assume with my hair long is i'm a lot cooler than i am. it's a misconception.
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i'm not opposed. thank you for buying six books. >> reporter: at 50 malcolm gladwell reached a level of success not many others will. the first book was published 13 years ago but remains on the new york time's best sellers list. his fans fill lecture halls and companies pay big money. >> how do you get to be the big person who is indifferent to what everyone around you is saying? you get to be that person if you have been through the absolute worst the world can throw at you and come out fine, right? >> reporter: while readers find his writing accessible and per september ti septembertive. >> i'm not afraid of the obvious. i think the really obvious questions are the great ones. >> reporter: you're a super star in the world of publishing and you have a lot of people gunning for you, a lot of people would probably like to see you fail
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with a book. you don't feel like a ga lie yet? >> i try not to think too much what has happened in my career and draw 20 conclusions about it. i think it's best if you pretend you're exactly the same as you always were, and i'm perhaps as befuddled by my success as my critics are. in that sense, i see eye to eye with them. when they say i can't believe he did that. i can't believe hi did that other. how on earth can that happen? >> it has to be a wonderful surprise. to heaven and back, a woman who claims she died, left this world and then returned. what she says she saw. but first, another setback for obama care, a new change for the health care law. stay with us. ♪ ♪
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female announcer: sunday's your last chance sunday's your last chance to save big during sleep train's triple choice sale. through sunday, thanksgiving weekend, save hundreds on beautyrest and posturepedic. or choose $300 in free gifts with sleep train's most popular tempur-pedic mattresses. you can even choose 48 months interest-free financing on the new tempur-choice with head-to-toe customization. the triple choice sale ends sunday, thanksgiving weekend. ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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let's get caught up on developing stories. stephanie has the 360 news and business bull ton. the philippine government says more than 10 million people were impacted by the super typhoon earlier this month. the death toll is over 5,500 and 1700 missing. another delay for obama care. small businesses won't be able to purchase coverage for workers through the website until next year, november 2014. instead, they have to use a broke r or agent. that comes just days before the website is supposed to be running more efficiently after a
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decemb disasterous debut. a massive come met. at the white house the annual tradition, the turkey pardon. >> the office of the presidency, the most powerful position in the world brings with it many awesome and solum responsibilities. this is not one of them. 80 turkeys on john's farm competed for the chance to make it to the white house and stay off the thanksgiving table. it was quite literally the hunger games. >> well the honor went to a bird named popcorn but fear not, the runner up named caramel, was also spared. voting took place online. across the pond, a royal rock jam, prince william steps up to the mic to sing living on a prayer with john bon jovi and
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taylor swift. it took place at kensington palace, get on stage and rock out if you want to. >> wonder if he takes requests? i like him to do neal diamond. >> that's what you would want to hear? >> i want to hear prince william singing a due wet with someone like celine dion. >> i like your beautiful mind, i like the way it works. >> thank you so much. up next, people who claim they had near death experiencing seeing heaven and feeling the presence of god only to return to this world. the stories truly are fafascina a new man starts in america. he works for the u.s. military as an interpreter and for that a price was put on his head.
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extraordinary stories of some who claim they died, left this body in this world, crossed into another world to return. one person randi speaks to is an orthopaedic surgeon. in 19 99 she got pinned under water without oxygen for say minutes and drowned. here is a preview of what she tells randi kaye what she experienced. >> i could see the sand on the river bank. i could see them pull my body to the shore. i could see them start cpr. i had no pulse, and i wasn't breathing. one fellow was yelling at me to come back. >> you were unconscious so how do you know this was happening? >> i felt my body break free, and i felt my spirit break free, and i was greeted by these people or these spirits. i could be with them and be going down this incredible
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pathway, and simultaneously look back at the river. when i saw my body, i will say that was the first time that i actually thought, well, i guess i am dead. i guess i really did die. >> in the book you write about dancing with them. were you celebrating something? >> yes. >> what? what were you celebrating? you had just died? >> it was a great homecoming, and i was really surprised by the fact that i had no intention of going back. >> you didn't want to return? >> no, and i had all the reasons to return. i had a great life. i had a great job. i had a great husband. my children are wonderful and i loved them more than i could ever imagine loving something on earth, but the love that i felt for them in comparison to god's love that was absolutely flowing
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through everything was just pale in comparison. and then at a certain point, one of the people or the spirits told me that it wasn't my time and that i had more work to do on earth and that i had to go back to my body. then they took me back down the path and literally, i sat down in my body. >> your friends, they thought you were dead? >> i woke up, i saw them, and then i could hear yelling, and their faces were interesting. because it was a mixture, i think, of absolute shock and the sense of oh, now what do we do? we're in the middle of nowhere. when they looked up, two chilean young men appeared. they actually never said
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anything and no one said anything to them but they picked me up and put me on top of a kayak to carry me and one picked up the boat and another guy chopped a path through the bamboo. when they emerged from the bamboo to the dirt road, there was an ambulance waiting there. >> not a common sighting in that area i take it? >> no, there are no ambulances. >> you write in the book, it wasn't just one miracle, it was a constillation of miracles. >> the fact is, when you line up every single coincidence, you start to realize that you can't write everything off as a coincidence. i was in the hospital for five or six weeks. i absolutely felt like i was neither here nor there. i then, again, felt myself back
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in heaven and god's world. i was in this incredible field. again, it was the same experience of intensity, but i was having this conversation with jesus. >> so if i'm hearing you correctly, you're having a conversation with jesus? >> uh-huh. >> what are you asking him? >> we talk more about reasons i had been sent back. it had to do with my husband's health. so, when a couple of our friends died from unexpected causes, i then pushed my husband to have his heart checked, and it was on this heart scan that they ended up finding this lung legion that was malignant. >> how serious was it? >> had it not been found, he probably would not be here. >> so one person who was not
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part of our special report on sunday, but who claims to have had a near death experience is marry joe. a psycho therapist who formally worked as a hospice nurse. in that role she attended patients that claimed they experienced heaven or god. she thought they were hallucinating but marry joses her life changed profoundly when she suffered a severe brain aneurysm and she joins us. marry joe, you say you had a near death experience ten years ago. what happened? >> first of all, there is a light and it's -- it was in my right hand far side corner, and its an unusual light. it's not a human light. it was quite small and grew larger and before i knew what was really happening, i was in it, and it's a limited area, many refer to it as a tunnel and i think the reason is because you're aware that it is limited. it was very warm, very loving,
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and before i -- as i was going toward the tunnel, i remember looking back at -- over my shoulder, i, you know, your eyes work differently and i saw my body. i just wasn't attached to it. i didn't -- i didn't have any regret. i was loved. i was secure, and then i came into this other room, and it was incredible. i was in the presence of what i believe is my creator. it was intelligence and held me and called me by my name and it said you can't stay. those are the very first words, and they, you know, i didn't see god's face, but he talked to me, and i protested. i wanted to stay. i felt really bad and i asked why not? and this being said let me ask
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you thing, have you ever loved anyone the way you've been loved here? and the love there is not this love. it's not a human love. and i responded no, it's impossible. i'm a human. and it held me very tight and it said you can do better. >> what do you say to skeptics out there? because you know people will look at this and say look, it's been in the movies, it's been in books, people seeing the light, the tunnel. maybe it was a dream. maybe you dreamed something you heard before repeatedly. >> well, what i say to the skeptics is i embrace you. i am a skeptic. i was a skeptic. i -- i'm trained in the sciences. i'm a nurse, i'm a psycho therapist. i'm married to a physician. we risk -- i risk my credibility having this happened to me. it's not a dream. i'm hoping i'm on the team that researches these things, that
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tries to understand them, and i know they want to call it a dream. i know they want to call it high pox si, maybe you don't have enough oxygen in your blood or maybe that part of brain was stimulated, yes, maybe, but at the same time when you talk to everyone who had one, including me, who i'm very -- i'm scientific in my thought, i'm professional, i'm telling you, it is a real thing. >> mary jo rapni, thank you. heroism in afghanistan in service of the u.s. army but that service nearly cost a young man his life when the taliban put him on a kill list. that's when american soldier sprang into action to help. honestly, i'm not looking for five-star treatment. i get times are tight. but it's hard to get any work done like this. then came this baby -- small but with windows and office. it runs my work stuff. ...and i can use apps like flipboard for news,
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or xbox video to watch the shows i'm never home to see... and i can still get work done at the same time. excuse me, do you mind if i... yep. ♪ honestly, i wanna see you be brave ♪ the price you see is the price you pay? yep, best prices of the year. i can't see. honey. [ laughs ] brad. yeah? what are you doing?
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they served together in afghanistan. janice worked as captain zeler ice interpreter and at one point saved his life. when zeler returned state side he vowed to help him secure a visa to stay here. janis found out he was on a taliban kill list so it was imperative for him to leave but he almost didn't get here, due to a trick played by the taliban. anderson recently spoke to the two men. >> i think this is such an important story because this has happened to so many people have worked for the united states in afghanistan and iraq. it happened to folks who worked for the united states in vietnam and back then, you know, we said this will never happen again. we'll take care of those people who helped the united states and yet again, we're not taking care of people who helped us in iraq and afghanistan. take us back.
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>> my 15-man unit and i got ambushed by the taliban and pinned down, an hour in the fire fight i ran out of grenades and bullets and i thought this is it, i'm going to probably die on this hillside. sort of out of a movie script, a quit reaction force, the cavalry arrived and he was in the first vehicle. i didn't know it but he actually jumped out into the fox hole i was in. i felt someone next to me but i didn't realize it was him and i heard the unmisstickble sound of an ak-47 going off next to my head and i turned and it's janis shooting these two taliban fighters dead. if he wasn't there covering my back and didn't have my six, i wouldn't be sitting here talking to you. they would have shot me then and there. >> what happened once matt and the team left? the taliban came for you. >> yeah, when matt's team left afghanistan, literally, i found out that my name was added to the taliban kill list.
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>> they knew what you had done. you knew you were working with americans? >> yeah, he was the intelligence officer and investigating them and i was translating and at that time i didn't cover my face and everybody knew me. >> some translators cover their face. >> most of them, i didn't because i'm not squacare from t and i want them to scare from me. the intelligence officer, he personally told me that my name was added at the taliban kill list and i have to leave. when i came to there, the taliban came to my house and my father told them he's not at home. the next morning i called my wife and my son to leave home and stay with my father in law for a couple days until we solve this problem. >> it wasn't just an empty threat. they were calling you, leving
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letters. >> yeah, in each letter, they were trading my life and mentioning in each letter that all the interpreters, they are trader of islam and not islam people and if they catch us, they will kill us. >> you were approved to come to the united states but in the last minute that was stopped. >> yes, after two years of fight on september 2013, my visa was issued. after two weeks, when i sold everything, i went to say good-bye to my family members, to my relatives. i got a call from the embassy and they told me you cannot fly to the united states. >> they sat on his visa for almost two years and do this to try to compel them to do the right thing we went to the press and start an online petition to get notice and the press said this hero interpreter got his visa. let's get him to the u.s. the taliban read that and tried
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to kill him and they realized they would miss the opportunity and the only way to keep him in afghanistan they called in a bogus tip alleging he was a bad guy and it took two years of back work and tossed it out on one anonymous tip. >> two years of facing death threats to you, probably to your family, as well for this -- for the u.s. government to make up its mind and toss it out. so how did you finally get here? >> a lot of people told me that's it, he'll never get to come here. i'm maybe too stubborn and refuse to accept no for an answer and quite frankly, i owe him. he's like another soldier. he saved my life. i have to pay this back. so i went back to the media but i also then contacted members of congress. in order to definitively prove he's not a bad guy the cia polygraphed him twice in afghanistan; which is unprecedented. >> there is going to be other involvements and places where the united states needs people
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to help and needs support and every time we fail to follow through in our promises helping people, it makes it harder the next time. >> i mean, after it took five years to get him here, that's not the right standard. >> what do you think of the united states? >> it's very nice. i feel very safe. no more fear of taliban. >> were you able to bring your family? >> i'm with my family, my wife and my two kids but i have some family behind. >> but you were able to bring your wife and kids? >> yeah. >> okay. >> yeah. >> i'm glad your here and i wish the process had not taken so long and i wish it wouldn't take so long for others and thank you for your service. >> thanks for having us, it's an honor. >> janis and his family came here with the clothes on their back. a fund is set up to help them get established. if you want to make a donation, go to the web address at the bottom of your screen. good cause.
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t"the ridiculist" is next. hoo-hoo hoo. sir... i'll get it together i promise... heeheehee. jimmy: ronny, how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? ronny: i'd say happier than the pillsbury doughboy on his way to a baking convention. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
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families gather together in gratitude for one another and if we're very, very lucky, jose gets pulled over with diaper wearing goats in the back of his vehicle. this is a thanksgiving miracle. so the former baseball star actually posted this on twitter a couple weeks ago, quite just got pulled over with goats in the car, the cop laughed at our poor goats. awesome. let's start with the diapers shall we? yes, everyone my girlfriend layla and i bought fainting goats and they were in the car with diapers so they don't [ bleep ] and [ bleep ] everywhere. it does make perfect sense when you go and get your fainting goats, you got to pamper them. but see, this is a prime example of how jose canseco's feed is a riddle, a philosophical black hole every answer leads to
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another question. for example, extra exactly is a fainting goat? i never heard of it before but it is indeed a thing. i'll let the experts at national gee graphic explain. >> fainting goats are indigenous to north america because they never lose consciousness when they keel over. a genetic condition causes their muscles to lock up, but it only lasts a few moments and then they are back on their feet. until the next time they are spooked. >> so i guess that's solves the mystery why jose canseco wanted fainting goats, because they are awesome. also apparently jose and his girlfriend have somewhat of a small zoo. they already have four dogs, turtles and the fainting goats named cocoa and chapin neil. whatever, i'm hung up on the fact there is a goat that falls over when it's startled and gets right back up again. i always thought it was only
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reporters that do that. >> the goats will be here through saturday and they are friendly. linda carson, abc 7 -- would you not eat my pants. [ laughter ] >> what a wonderful world we live in. happy thanksgiving, everyone. to reporters on the county fair, to goats both fainting and regular and especially so jose canseco, his girlfriend and cocoa and chanel, happy thanksgiving from us all on "the ridiculist." that does it for this edition of 360. thanks for watching. thanks for watching. piers morgan live starts now. -- captions by vitac -- this is "piers morgan live." welcome to the viewers in the united states and around the world. tonight, the undisputed champion, the last man you want to bet against in or out of the ring. that was then. mike tyson is getting ready for the next round of his life, telling the truth about everything. >> i
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