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tv   Early Start  CNN  December 10, 2013 2:00am-3:01am PST

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explain the national anthem. it's in three different languages. >> it is essentially a call to prayer for africa but it is a mixture of the old and new. >> thank you very much. president jacob zuma, deputy president makalnta and former president bnaki. thank you, thank you, thank you. former president f.w. de klerk.
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leaders of countries who have come south africa. the mandela family. the leadership of the ruling party, the african national congress. and the leadership of various other political parties, religious leaders and everyone else who is here, i welcome you in the name of our president jacob zuma and the mandela family.
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my name is ramposa. i have been asked by president jacob zuma to be your program director. we trust that you will work with us. >> the audio in the stadium is not so great. i'm told for our audience at home. >> he is introducing all of the current and former south african presidents, including f.w. de klerk. the last white president of south africa. he got a very respectable cheer from the crowd. you see the anguished faces of the mandela family. eventually we will start to hear the tributes and hear from the family members. we will hear from president zuma and president obama. a huge cheer went up when the chinese vice president came in.
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i think he is here representing china. the chinese have invested so much in africa. >> all across south africa. >> they have taken over if not taken over u.s. influence in the investment here. >> from a foreign policy perspective this country and much of africa has been turning east and they are very acutely aware for themselves that the financial and diplomatic clout that they look to in the future comes from china. >> one person not here is the dalai lama. government here said they didn't have time to process his visa basically. the real reason is they didn't want to insult china. >> that has happened before because the dalai lama was also defected from going to his 80th celebration a few years ago. the authorities have used this excuse essentially of visa processing to avoid a rather
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sticky diplomatic question. >> there is archbishop tutu. >> kofi annan. >> a monitor here that is difficult to see. >> they are from the same neighborhood as nelson mandela and extraordinary leader in the anti-apartheid movement. >> absolutely. i think they became the voices of the struggle while he was away. remember also desmond tutu is still very much seen as the moral voice and often taken on the mental of mandela as he got sicker. desmond tutu has come out. very critical of anc, the liberation movement that mandela led in the last few years and essentially accusing them of
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deviating from mandela's original vision. so it has been transferred or continued still through arch business bishop desmond tutu. >> when we lay him to rest knowing that our memories of him will endure. >> outside the stadium, still people streaming in. no doubt it's going to be full in an hour or two even though the rain continues. >> you know what is extraordinary as we watch some of the formality? the military band playing the national anthem. obviously, blacks are in the military. the last years before mandela became president, the ministry was about instigating civil war the head of the security force, his name was -- i'm sure i'm not pronouncing it right. he was going to instigate a civil war as a way to forget
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this, you know, effort to dismantle apartheid. mandela got wind of it so the story goes, invited this man to his house, asked him he would like tea and he bought him tea. asked him if he wanted milk. he poured him milk. asked him if he want sugar and put the sugar in and stirred it. this is a man who was going to instigate civil war. already violence oversouth africa. streamists and whites. it was just a disaster. people say the fact the election went off at all in '94 was a miracle. mandela disarmed this man by having him over for tea. he left. no civil war, mr. mandela. >> we have spoken about how mandela learned the language of the oppressor and got into the mind of how africaners think and said with you may win the battle but not the war. look back at your history.
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>> a sense he learned it when he was a boy in those rural hills. he used to stick fight with his friend. there is a story about how in those stick fighting games as a boy, barefoot, he learned to win but not dishonor your opponent. it was that kind of analogy that he took through and he used it to great effect over and over again. our colleague is just outside the stadium watching all of these people come in. isha, what is it looking like out there? >> reporter: hi there, christiane. the crowd is continuing to come into this area and make their way to the fnb stadium even though the rain is pouring down. one of the remarkable things is despite the fact it is range so heavily when you see the large groups come down this walkway and make their way to the entrance, they are still singing andpausing in
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the rain. we know singing and dancing is so important to the south african culture and how they celebrate when they are happy and when they are sad. that is part of today. they want to sing, they want to dance as one as they make their way to the memorial. quite incredible scenes that you aren't really seeing people running for the entrance for fnb stadium. in large part still dancing together and singing together and they are wearing their colors of south africa, carrying the flag. also draped in a lot of fabric that has the face of nelson mandela on it and all unit as one and living in the rainbow nation and seeing it play out as people stream down this road own make their way to the stadium behind me. christiane? >> everywhere the last several days we have seen people selling nelson mandela t-shirts and sarongs with his face on it. let's listen in more. >> of the christian faith to
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give us prayers. please go ahead. >> keep full of compassion. god the spirit of all flesh in whose sands are the souls of the living and the dead, receive in your great loving kindness the soul of nelson mandela who has been rathered unto his people. remember him for the righteousness with which he has done. remember alone how he exemplified about his. we read in your hebrew bible.
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joseph, the son of jacob. the son of isaac. the son of abraham was thrown into a pit with snakes by his brothers. full of hatred and jealousy towards them and then he was sold into slavery and compiled from his father and from his home for 22 years. many of which -- >> i think he was more a methodist if i'm not mistaken but a man of strong religious faith out wardly. >> no. his family told me he wasn't a man of faith. he believed in infinity. what is key about mandela when you look to him and his sense of himself and where he got his strength from, where, in fact, he got his spirituality from was the rural roots, his african traditional existence. we will say it over and over
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again. his childhood was filled with rituals and ceremonies and that still was very much in the way he thought even as he, you know, emerged as a modern man, you know, with a law degree and he became president. this is why there is this wonderful mixture of faith that is more deeply rooted in these ancient traditions of africa. >> we have to take a break. i want to talk about the name melissa mandela when we come back. not his given name at birth but a fascinating story how he got the name nelson. we will be right back. our coverage continues from here at fnb stadium. avo: the volkswagen "sign then drive sales event is back. which means it's never been easier to get a new passat, awarded j.d. power's most appealing midsize car,
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where are welcome back our continuing coverage of the nelson mandela memorial service. the name nelson mandela, nelson was a name given to him his first day of school which was come on practice then? >> absolutely. his given name was holy slasla which a literal translation means troublemaker. i think he was proud of that. he liked the idea of seeing himself as a troublemaker. he was a rebel in spite of also being an aristocrat and a statesman. i think that name, in a way, probably identifies with him more when you look back. >> a sense of the owe pregs in the country at the time that a black child with an african name on his first day of school the teacher assigns him a name that she is more comfortable with, nelson. even when people went to trial, judges often, if the defendant had name that was hard to
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pronounce, they would say for the purposes of this proceeding, we are going to call you john, which gives you a sense of the level of impression of people's names weren't their own. >> i wonder whether he took to the name nelson. mandela had great fondness of -- >> ed he was -- >> yes, he did. i spoke to prime minister david cameron. we grabbed him for an interview about what this day means to him and what the relationship was and is between mandela, south africa, and britain. take a listen. what does it mean for you to be here, first of all? >> it's tmeans a lot because it's really to say good-bye to an extraordinary man and to commemorate someone who did so much not just for south africa but also for the world in terms of the inspiration that he gave. most of all, i think, the fact he was able to forgive those
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that had done so much wrong to him. he set an example to leaders and politicians and leaders in the world that doesn't have a parallel. >> the queen elizabeth was saddened by his passing and he had several visits to buckingham palace and he had a difficult relationship with britedan during the anti-apartheid time. margaret thatcher was not probe to sanctions. tell me the evolution of the relationship between south africa and britain. >> always said he had an amazing relationship with the queen. i think he is the only person who can get away with calling her elizabeth is so is the story what i'm told. britain has very close ties and history with south africa. i think everyone in britain opposed the apartheid regime and called for mandela to be relieved but there wasn't an argument about sanctions in the 1980s. i've written in the past and not sure the consecutive party took the right call but i think
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everyone was saying apartheid had to change and it had to go and we needed a multiracial democratic south africa. i think what no one quite believed was that it could come about as peacefully as it did and that really was down to mandela. we shouldn't also forget what f.w. de klerk did the fact he made some very brave moves but really the struggle of mandela followed by the grace and forgiveness of mandela is what gave this country an extraordinary chance i think to be one of the success stories in the 21st century. >> much of africa has gone democratic since he was relieved but people are concerned about the anc, the corruption, incoming inequality. south africa's economic stance, where do you think the hope for the future lies? >> there is, obviously, a lot of work to be done but i'm an optimist. if i look across africa you can see some democratic success
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stories now. you can see some economic success stories and south africa has the opportunity to be the economy that is the engine of south africa and i think if they follow the example of mandela and remember in politics, it matters a lot what your recent history, what your institutions are, what examples you choose to live up to. all of the people here have got the most amazing icon for their future politicians to try and live up to. whether they win or not is a matter for them. it does matter. like british politics. when you have massive figures like winston churchill that have sat in the chair you now sit in, it doesn't mean sadly you're like them but it does mean that you've got heroes to try and live up to, the people of south africa, indeed, all of africa in mandela have a circle i think is looking down at them in the future and they will be looking up to him and hopefully,
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emulating and treasuring his memory. >> thank you. cameron a young man very moved by the mandela experience. >> absolutely. he mentioned the queen and their relationship. there was sort of a charming relationship between mandela and the queen. besides the fact he can call her elizabeth because she is a rather stickler for protocol. >> i wonder how that went down the first time he did it? >> wouldn't have cared because she called him nelson and he thought i'm going to call her elizabeth. once when he hadn't seen her in a while and arrived at buckingham palace, elizabeth, you've lost weight! >> really? >> yes. i don't know how many people have managed to say that. he had a wonderful way with words. >> as this ceremony continues, many domestic nations are here and we will take a break. did you know more coffee drinkers
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welcome back to our continuing coverage of the memorial for nelson mandela. the celebration of his life, remembrance of his remarkable leadership of this country. i'm joined by robin curnow and chief international correspondent christiane amanpour. an extraordinary event. the stadium is filling up. still more people arriving.
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thousands of more people still outside. as you see, people dancing outside despite the rain. there is a great sense of celebration and there really has been, for the last several days. >> really has been. i think the rain, everybody will acknowledge, has played a little bit of a dampener role in the logistics because of the nations buses were put in disposal. free rides. >> let's listen in to what the crowd is hearing. ♪
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[ speaking in foreign language ] >> welcome back to our continuing coverage. president obama is in south africa. he arrived earlier. we have some video actually of the arrival. it's not just president obama. the first lady michelle obama as well. former president george w. bush is with the president. hillary clinton also arrived on air force one, along with here is the arrival. former president bill clinton came separately as did former president jimmy carter. there you see george w. bush.
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former first lady laura bush. >> both michelle obama and barack obama have said how much he inspired them when mrs. michelle met him last year. >> let's listen in. >> we were talking earlier about the name nelson mandela. the name also madiba. explain that because many refer to him as madiba.
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>> it's better than mr. mandela or mandela. he actually preferred to be called madiba and i think people didn't know how to refer to him. the sense he was a father figure or a grandfather played in and he was radooted to his south african traditions. a lot of people just blankedly referred to him as tata which is father. when you talk about tata only one really father and the father of a nation but that personal intimate. no, he is my father too. i know when i've spoken to his personal assistant she didn't know what to call him. she said mr. mandela felt too form willal and mr. president was too formal and felt madiba was informal. >> i know you find that too. >> she called him grandfather.
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this sense of how they embrace him. >> rick stengel who co-authored mandela's biography, "long walk to freedom." did mandela like the first name given to him first day of school? >> of all time i spent with him, i don't remember everyone ever calling him nelson except for the queen and i wasn't there when that happened. it's funny. you were talking about it before. pfs a methodist school near qunu. had he a white african teacher. to go back to him growing up there. one of the reasons he had such great awareness with african history is his youth was not affected by any white powers or white government. he didn't experience any
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prejudice when he was growing up and one of the things that gave him great confidence. when i was with him, people almost always referred to him as madiba. it was a local name of a tribe in that particular region of the eastern cape. it was for an elder. oftentimes when we would take walks early in the morning and he would introduce himself as madiba even when people didn't know who he was, they understood what a madiba was. >> rick, there was really an interesting process just as nelson mandela as a young man came to johannesburg. many came here to find work. that urbanization is something that really began to kind of break down some of the barriers between klans and between ethnic
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groups and something that was an important part of kind of overcoming the white efforts to keep groups divided. >> that's exactly true. there was a great migration to cities in the '40s and '50s in south africa. it was the thing that radicalized and revolutionized nelson mandela. one of the kind of parts of the evil genius of apartheid was a system which was basically trying to move africans out of the cities and back into these remote rule areas where the government was trying to re-create these areas. it was something he hated and it sprayed families but urbanization as you said really broke down a lot of the traditional and tribal differences in different parts of south africa. >> for mandela, that was critical in order to see himself not just as a member of the timbu chan but to see him as a
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south african? >> yes. i think as he writes in "long walk to freedom," he never experience racial prejudice until he left as a young man to go to johannesburg. had he a very privileged upbringing unlike many other members of the anc. he went to boarding school and there he felt the first lash of prejudice and it really changed him. it radicalized him and made him attractive to the anc. he met water sulu a great leader of the anc and his mentor a man he spent all of those years with on robben island. walter said he was looking for a leader of the anc and he said one day a mass leader walked into my office and it was nelson mandela. >> we are going to take a short
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break. we expect president obama shortly. we will take a break and bring that to you live. mine was earned orbiting the moon in 1971. afghanistan in 2009. on the u.s.s. saratoga in 1982. [ male announcer ] once it's earned, usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation because it offers a superior level of protection and because usaa's commitment to serve
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welcome back to the memorial for nelson mandela here at fnb stadium in soweto outside of johannesburg. not as many crowds or people here i think as expected. stadium is by no means full. is seats 90,000 people and tens of thousands of people here but it's certainly not full.
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>> in lone reporters are saying perhaps a combination of concerns, not just the weather but the traffic snarls, the transportation, the pickups. but also people probably would be concerned about what they thought might be massive security for these 91 heads of state and apparently two other stadiums that were meant for overflow and they are not full but, of course, people will watch on television. >> this is south africa. a huge, huge story. the nation thab transfhas been and come to a stand still. president obama expected shortly. we bring you his arrival when it happens and we expect to hear from a nephew of president mandela and really the first time we will hear from a family member of mandela and we bring that to you. we haven't been showing you all of the speeches because frankly there is a lot of audio and video issues. >> due to the rain. >> so this is a pool camera, not
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our camera so we have been dipping in and out whenever possible. >> just to give our audience some sense. this is one of the few surviving original of the rivonia trial for trying to overthrow the government. >> this is the trial that sent nelson mandela to prison. >> but they were expecting the death penalty. when they got life imprisonment i suppose a sense of relief was one thing but also at that famous when mandela took to the dock and he said, this is a cause from which i am prepared to die and i think he really acknowledged in 1964 that he was willing to die and i think an extraordinary gift south africa got that really we're only celebrating his death all of these decades later. >> i think, you know, he made that incredible speech and richard stengel said an idea he
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hoped to see but was prepared to die for because he thought he was going to get the death penalty. >> i interviewed an attorney for mandela and bezos, upon hearing what mandela was going to say, counseled mandela. maybe you should say if need be, because he didn't want mandela to be antagonizing the judge and sort of provoking him for a death penalty. let's listen in. >> all of those who are here to mourn him deeply. right now, we would like to call general to mandela to come and pay tribute on behalf of the family.
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>> the first cities in our country, president zuma. presidents, royal highnesses and ladies and gentlemen, be charged with raw emotions. anguish. allow me to respectfully -- officials and protocols have been already expressed on this solemn occasion. we come here and dedicate venue
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in communities around south africa and via television, world wide web. to mourn the great man, but also to celebrate a glorious life lived. today, more than any other, feeling hope is to last that wonderful life. on behalf of the family, we take this opportunity to extend our sincere gratitude to the religious communities and various other communities around the globe for they are taught prayers and messages of similarity and so which they have extended to our family generously. indeed, our pain and sorrow is
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daily being lessened by the outpouring and international faith for our father and elder. we always been mindful we share with the rest of south africa, africa and the rest of the world. indeed madiba was a great man but was humble in all things. his soul, his greatness and what it means to dominate. >> if you're watching at home ae and you're thinking, gosh, it's kind of hard to hear what he is saying. it is ten times harder to hear what he is saying for people in this stadium. it's not as if everybody in this stadium is sitting here actually able to hear what the speakers are saying. people are kind of hanging out and not many listening to what the speaker is saying. >> you wonder does it matter for them? they are here. they don seem to be bothered. there is a sense of quietness
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and they are enjoying being here. of course, it would be great if the sound i think was worked out a little bit better and perhaps they have sound people working on it. but people seem to be relishing the fact they are here. >> it is a historic and extraordinary day and a day in which this nation has paused to watch. we will take a break. avo: the volkswagen "sign then drive" sales event is back. which means it's never been easier to get a new 2014 jetta. it gets an impressive 34 highway mpg and comes with no charge scheduled maintenance. and right now you can drive one home for practically just your signature. sign. then drive. get zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first month's payment on any new 2014 volkswagen. hurry, this offer ends january 2nd. visit today
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the way aleve® or even advil® can. but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. tylenol®. we have no option except the power of the president mandela. >> welcome back to our continuing coverage of nelson mandela's memorial service. i'm anderson cooper and i'm joined by robin curnow and christiane amanpour. we have a speaker here but it is hard for the people to hear what he is saying. >> they have come to sing and dance and this is a politician who is going to be missed.
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some have said for the first time in recorded history, a political leader is going to be missed and i think it's really important to state over and over again that he was elected and he stepped down. >> that san extraordinary thing. >> so many african and east asian leaders do not. he gave an example of what democracy is and how you have to have a peaceful, you know, rollover of democracy. >> he could have easily stayed for a second term. >> he didn't want to. >> but he turned things over to thabo mbeki. it wasn't what he wanted but the party of power wanted. >> he had a deep sense of timing and he knew it would give such a great message to africa and the world. he knew when it was over, it was over. >> by the way, we have neglected to say today, december 10th,
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1996, is the day that nelson mandela signed the south african new constitution so it's a very important day today. >> i want to talk to rick stengel about that transition and what mandela said about it. mandela was very conscious of setting the right tone for his successor. >> absolutely. he was never the great administrator. >> mbeki, his successor really ran the day-to-day. >> people have worried in the post mandela er democracy will somehow be threatened. blacks and whites say his legacy have discovered a democracy. >> and a constitution which is
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the blueprint and foundation of mandela's world. >> think think this country is on solid ground. many other challenges the economy and poverty and. >> corruption. >> and all of that. >> i think when we do talk about corruption and i think when south africans have been out there celebrating, pausing to consider what has he meant to them. i think the stopping and thinking are south africans on the right road? is the anc portraying that vision? when you look at president zuma's track record it seem to have went from corruption scandal to corruption scandal. i think many are sick of that because mandela was very materialistic so a very interesting comparison, i think, between the kurn presidency where you're talking about huge upgrades to mansions and houses and huge blue light brigades and mandela did things very simply. i think south africans look to that as the man who just his
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post presidential house was built as the same model. he got the architectural plans of the last house he stayed in when he was in prison, the warden's house and he got that rebuilt. so that gives you an idea of the kind of man and presidency that he had. [ speaking in foreign language ] >> we are talking about the world leaders who are here. it is an unprecedented collection of world leader and family members here now are taking the stage. these are the younger generation of the mandela family, the grandchildren. >> there they are. >> let's listen in. >> on behalf of the family, i would like to thank all of the heads of state who are here. thank you. madiba struck by lightning bolt in the dead of night.
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days that disoriented and gap grappling with emotion. what do i do? caught in the whirlwind. what do i do? when sadness and celebrations comingle, the body shatters and shakes and implodes. and winds blow memories, the lands dream of a future of madiba. you are lodged in our memories. talk tower overall the world like a comet. my madiba. god. [ speaking in foreign language ] [ speaking in foreign language ]
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message of peace and love and reconciliation. shall we walk in these foot steps? madiba, they say you are a brilliant man. they say you're a wise man. you remind him of a wise man too. they say who is first or charming too. they say you are resilient. was not more resilient? you reflect mind and heart and rejoice. people reflect as lenders of our
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dream and taught us that a group of trees break the limb but the tree that towers above the rest is broken by the wind and challenge of the wind of the land. child of dreams of a future where black and white rich and poor and men, women, and children must live side-by-side dreaming a safe dream realizing that the time in our land we salute you. >> thank you very much. here i ask that we should show discipline. the same level of discipline that madiba exuded. when applaud, let us applied as someone who has spoken. behind me here, i know that.
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>> there is the president and first lady. >> the crowd erupting right now. president obama from the united states up on the screen with first lady michelle next to the polish prime minister. >> the danish prime minister there. >> the crowd went wild. they also have been very different reaction there. >> i now ask the secretary-general of the united nations, mr. ban ki-moon, to come and pay a tribute on behalf of the united nations.
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>> thanks. president of south africa, to the mandela family, your highnesses and head of state and governme government, ladies and gentlemen, i am deeply honored to participate in this memorial service for nelson mandela. we join together in sorrow fand
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celebration of mighty life. a wondrous display of this rainbow nation. in nature, rainbow emerges from rain and the sun. it is the symbol of -- that i feel today. i hope you will be able to see the rainbow soon. through the rain and sun of celebration, a rainbow is our hearts. on behalf of the united nations, i offer my deepest condolences to the mandela family, and to
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the many here, and the people of south africa, this is a great continent and, ladies and gentlemen, this stadium holds tens of thousands of people, but even as big as african continent could not contain our pain today. south africa has rose to hero. they have lost a hero and father. and friend and mentor. nelson mandela was more than one
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of the greatest leaders of our time. he was he was one of the greatest teachers. he taught by example. he sacrificed so much and was willing to give up everything here for freedom and equality, for democracy and justice. his compassion stands out most. he was angry at injustice. he hated hatred. he showed awesome power and -- with each other and with the true meaning of peace.


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