tv Piers Morgan Live CNN December 11, 2013 12:00am-1:01am PST
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>> that's good news. it looked i can st night. congaslations on a triumph ending to this. how difficult was to find them and in the end, what was the key breakthrough? >> theifficulty in finding them, piers, is putting the right resource in the right area using both community resources and trained resources aroundhe state, putting them in the right spot at the right time to find them. the most difficult part of this, basically, fighting the weather and the chances that they may not have come out as well as they did. >> in terms of what we think happened, paul, can you take me through the chronology. the family went out to play in the snow. what happened next? >> some period of time during the course of the traveling through these dirt roads and snow in some pretty rural areas, the vehicle got caught in a ditch and gravel pit and rolled. the vehicle rolled on the top
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and couldn't go anywhere. as a result, rather than try to escape or walk away, they sted together. one of the passengers decided to make a fire. they try to keep each other warm and kept fluids in them and that's the point they survived from. >> and we believe, i think, paul, the man james glanton was inginnous. he lit a fire and put a warmed up rock to keep the car interior warm and therefore the children inside. >> i have to tl you, i've never heard of such a thing but it thought it was pretty clever of him to heat something up to retain the heat, give it to the children. they in turn would stay warm and everybody in the vehicle stayed warm. to the extend he was ingenius about it, that's one for the books. >> quite extraordinary. you know james.
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you know the family here well. does it surprise you that he was so quick thinking and possibly saved their lives? >> hey, he's a smart guy. that's all i got to say. him and my son ran around together in high school, and my grandson and his oldest boy ran very smart guy.. very smart guy. i'm not surprised at all. i'm very, very proud of him. >> and so you should be. paul, we understand the condition of everyone is good. everyone's health appears to be stable. no frost bite and exposure and a bit of trama for the kids. are they, as you understand, expected to make a full and speedy recovery. >> i would expect they make a full recovery. of course, i'm not a doctor but i've been through countless searches and i'm very surprised, very pleased with the outcome. makes a great christmas story. >> in terms of your advice, paul, who may be exposed to similar conditions, the first
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bit of advice is if you can avoid going out and stay home, but if y are out and get caught like this, what is the recommendation? >> they did the exact thing they should, they stayed together. their survivability increases dramatically if they stay together. the other thing, it's dry in spite of the cold. for them to retain fluids, make sure they have plenty of water, if ty can and of course, staying warm and by staying together, staying warm and staying in one place, it helps everybody find them quicker. >> terms of the cell phone, we believe there was a signal but not strong enough to make calls out but strong enough to track it, is that right? >> that's correct. we use the term called cell phone forensics, a science behind the cell phone signal determining wh towers will work and there is a lot of technology around that. basically through the air force
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rescue coordination center, they are able to track the cell phone, give us additional data to help search by. >> a certain irony with the debate at the moment about privacy and nsspying o americans, the very same technology, i guess,hat led to them being identified in terms of their location. >> well, certainly this is a good use of that technology and certainly, it helped us pinpoint a little better where they were. >> joe an, obviously, i know you'll be looking forward to speaking to them all, but terms of the reaction from all the rescue people involved, it was a huge community effort, wasn't it? you were part of this. did your fears start to increase as the hours went by that you may not have a happy ending to all this? >> well, i never would have thought -- nobody wanted to think that at all. i just -- you know, my thoughts with the prayers, all the people that were helping and i truly
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believe, i don't know about anybody else, there was an angel in the sky watching over them and we weren't going to give up. there wasn't a thought in my mind that would be the scenario. it christmastime. >> it's a very joyous -- yeah, it's a very joyous christmas story. tell me more about the family. what kinof family are they? >> well, they are a young family, you know, like i said. he was a good friend of my son in high school, and they are still friends, just a close knit family, you know, all the kids, they do everything together, you know, they are good people with good hearts, you know, and they are close to their family and at was the important thing. that's what got them through, i think. >> paul, obviously, it's ended in a fantastic way on this occasion. it could have been a complete disaster. if you were being critical at all, and now is probably not the right time but you're a guy that will be in the thick of this again and again in similar situations, is it sightly
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reckless of a family when temperatures are so cold and the blizzard is so strong to venture out looking for thrill seeking in this situation? >> you know, certainly, piers, people go out for all kinds of reasons, i'm certainly not in a position to criticize or praise their activity. our job is to make sure if people do go and get in trouble, there is community resource, the local sheriffs agency, state resource and even federal resource that was involved in this search. our job is to recover them, bring them back as best we can. i've never been in a position, nor would i even begin to put myself in their position and criticize what they have done. they did good things that caused their survival a ended up making them survive through what was a terrible ocho deal. i'm just happy that he used his own ingenuity and the community
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was able to come together, provide resource for us, provide resource for the sheriff here who did a tremendous job and the sheriff would probably be here, were he not exhausted and he did a tremendous job for this community. >> a that moment, palm, when you heard that it was good news and they were alive and well, that must be one of the most satisfying parts on your job, isn't it? >> it's what we call the psychokick income. it's t thing we get that doesn't matter how little or how much i'm paid. the fact is that's what makes this such a good job. it can be tragic but today was a great outcome and we live with that. >> i want to congratulate you, paul, and your team. they did a spectacular job. last night i spoke to the mother of one of the children who was obviously extremely anxious and she can now have a great christmas with her little girl and everybody involved can have a great christmas and i thank you and applaud you and the team for the tremendous effort you did to save their lives and
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joann, when you speak to them, tell them i would love to speak to them. i would love to have them on the show. i'll use you to deliver the message. okay with you? >> okay. no problem. i can do that. thank you very much. that would be great. they would love that. >> i would love that. i'm pleased for you joann and the friends and family that took part in the search. great to see it end this way. thank you both indeed for joining me tonight. >> thank you for caring. >> thank you very much. >> great end to what could have been a horrible story. tonight dawn lemon looks at the extreme weather coast-to-coast and a socking suicide in the middle of a crowded mall. it was caused by too much shopping? zçjzmó
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a man jumped to his deh from a mall balco after fights with his girlfriend over her endless shoe buying. it seems like a remarkable tory, did this g get sick and tired on hours of shopping and deliberately take his life? >> we may never know the full story but it hay be the pressures of holiday shopping contribute to the tragic and fatal decision last sunday to jump off the seven floor balcony.
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people over heard this man arguing with his girl friend about shopping expenses, before making the decision to make this fataleap, and there has been a here in china about this case. people lamenting materialism and pressures that may have helped drive this man to make this terrible decision. the sad irony, here, piers is that christmas isn't really traditionally a big holiday in china. it doesn't compare with the chinese new year but you wouldn't know it walking around the chinese cities because shopping malls and businesses have christmas trees up and merry christmas signs and lots of the music and t colors of christmas and the marketing and the sales of that, and it does appear in this case, which we
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don't know a whole, whole lot about, idoes appear some pressures may have contributed to this terrible tragedy lt sunday. >> quite extraordinary. thank you very much. in the news another story of retail therapy, lululemon after the founder chip wilson's ill advised comment blaming the comment's ill fitting pants on his customers. he said some women's bodies actually don't work. not a good idea, mr. wilson to ever even think that. joining me now ielizabeth, a writer and former lululemon employee and robi ludwig and chief eative officer of yummy. that's a great name for a company. let's get into this and talk about the chinese situation for moment. lioupersuaons.hes was th
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the pressure, a man and woman and he's sick and tired of shopping andakes crazy drastic action. this scene is replicated all over america, isn't it? not the suicide but the tension and stress and arguments. >> it's so identifiable,ight? we go to the mall, men don't really love shopping. women love it. it's like a sport. we see a lot of men hanging out on couches. >> w do women make men go shopping. >> i don't know. i think a bad idea. >> no man i know enjoy it. what woman wants their man to trail around a mall for five hours looking for a shoe. it would be a death sentence. >> i leave my husband at home when i shop. it's n pun for him, so it makes it not fun for me. i have business to do when i shop, i got to get my job done.
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>> i love the fact you're buying shoes and we're the beneficiaries but i don't want to be part of it. >> this man could have said i'm done, i need to go home. >> this is clearly the straw that broke the camel's back because there were other issues and i wonder if killed himself like self-attack as a way to not kill his girlfriend because he was so fed up with her, a way to punish her. >> we may never know, a sad story but indicative of the rising tensions around holidays. let's turn to the extraordinary lululemon sty. you're a former employee of lululemon. this guy chip wion is not great with talking about women, which is bizarre, he was running a company that catered almost exclusively to women. >> no, he reallyhot himselin the foot with the comments this he made, and also, the apology that he issued, wasn't really an
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apology, not i'm sorry for isolating groups of customers or bo shaming women, i'm just sorry i said somethingtupid and that my company is going to suffer the consequences. >> now, you worked there. let's listen to what he had to say first of all, which wasn't really an apology. listen to this. >> some women's bodies just dot work for it. it's about the rubbing through e thighs, w much pressure is there over a period of time. >> that obviously wasn't the apology. that was the offending comment and all it's inglorious nature. you worked there. was it actually the realty? was there a policy by the stores, the lululemon stores to detour larger ladies from coming in? >> well, the story worked at, lululemon makes a size 12 which is the low end of plus size and they were not displayed with other sizes on the store wall.
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they were actually kind of tossed into a team on a table used to fold all the other pants. so it was a big do for plus size customers to come in, request their size, the employee would then have to dig out the size, and since they were, you know, under picked, they were never current styles. so the customer who was plus sized had a very different shopping experience thanhe customer who was pa teeth, and its -- >> yeah, let me turn to heather because obviously you're involved in this game. you do spanks at yummy and i'm very up to speed on spanks and yummies. is there a wider truth beneath the ugly comments? is this what people do in this gape? are they targeting the yoga pants at a slimmer woman, perhaps? >> certainly not a yummy by heather thompson.
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high brand is exclusive, it's inclusive, not exclusive to one body type of shape. it's not what size pants you wear, it's your body. my thighs rub together and i'm a size four. it depends on yourody shape and you're looking for. my brand is built and designed confidence to women. we have pressures out there and it's sad -- american women, over weight women, make up 60% -- >> girls come to me. i got you covered. my brand is extra small to 3 x. >> he made an error in judgement. we have now got his apology, which wasn't really -- let's watch it anyway. >> i'm sad -- i'm really sad. i'm sad for the repercussions of my actions. i'm sad for the people at lululemon who i care so much
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about who faced the blunt of my actions. i take responsibility for who >> we're all sad you were a sad fattest. let's move on. let's show this picture from the mandela memorial. this extraordinary selfie picture. is it getting huge attention around the world. manyeople thinking it's not really appropriate at a memorial service to be posing for selfies if you're a world leader and michelle obama seems to be disgusted. >> it's very real. it makes them -- we do selfies and they do selfie they were singing and dancing so it might be a different cuure
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their optimistic, ambitious, hard working but they want t know their hard work will pay off. >> ev longoria at the democratic nvention. closest to her heart is education and working with howard buffet. howard's new hope is "40 chances." eva is honoring howard here in new york and they both have joined me today. how are you both? >> great, great to see you. >> no offense, howd, but this is kind of beauty in the beast and i'm not looking at you with the word beauty in my mind. >> that's not the first time i heard that. >> what brought you two together? >> well -- >> let me start. >> i can only take howard in doses. >> we -- it started with immigration many, many years ago and i was interested in the topic and he was going to arizona and a mutual friend said you should go to howard.
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he's pretty lit rid on the subject. we're on opposite ends of the struck trum. howard is a farmer. we went down there to talk to the boarder patrol. we rode along the border. we talked to farmers on the american side, mexican side. we talked to everybody. we touched the fence. we walked across the dest. we went to the morgues. we saw how many people dying trying to come to this country. it was the first time for me, howard has went many times. that's how we met. >> howard keeps boasting but the last time you were on my show you spoon fed me guacamole. >> i did. that was on my book tour. >> you've never been spoon fed guacamoel.
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>> i sent that to piers. he can one up me many times. >> howard, there are many 15 million americans, according to feeding america, 16 million childrenechnically hungry in the united states. a really staggering and suppressing static tick. you devoted much of your life to tackle this. how difficult is it to make real enrods into that level of hunger? >> it's extremely difficult but the difference between the work is doable in the united we states. you'll nev get it down to zero but a low single digit in this country. people don't see hunger in this country. it's pretty well hidden and we have a society where people don't want to ask for help. they don't want to be seen asking for help. it's a big challenge. the big part of it is awareness. >> the most portant thing, there is a key link between kids who are fed well and performance at school. >> absolutely.
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i mean, look, we got this school -- there's a chapter in the book talks about decatur, we have the largest corn plant, imagine that -- >> lunch -- >> that's -- [ laughter ] >> that's a lot of corn, piers. even you and i together codn't do that. you know, it -- you can go into schools and have 92, 94% of the lunch program.or free or reduced people should be disgusting we're as powerful and rich as we are and have millions of kids that go to bed hungry. it's just not right. >> we also in america there's a real problem, as i've said before, as there is in britain, with the way america is falling behind many of the foreign countries, all piling away in science and math and stuff like that. what is happening with the american education system, eva, that's letting itself fall so far behind and future would be
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super power rivals? >> right. you know, a lot of it has to do with. there is a lot of ten dents to education reform, whether it's effective teaching, parental engagement, curriculum, social economic status, which is also for latinos over laps with culture. there is a lot of problems with our system, and i -- my foundation in particular helps with the parental engagement program because if a parent is engaged in a child'sducational journey, they are more likely to succeed. effective teaching, what we're teachingur kids in school has to be cultural relevant. >> i had jack dorsey on last night and he said how many schools have computer science, for example, seems ridiculous with every kid i know has a mini computer or two. >> all day long. >> it's a crazy system that doesn't make computer since part of the key elements.
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>> these kids live in poorer areas. i mean, when you talk about minorities, whether african american or hispanics, proportially live in poorer communities which have poor resources, which can't afford the technology and can't afford the effective teachers they need. so it's a dono effect. if you put on top of that they are hungry and not eating -- >> it's a poor education, it's hunger, it's poverty, all those things. they are estimated by 2050, latinos will make up 50% of the population. you're taking over. single handily led by you. it's scary, 27% -- >> it's incredible -- oh, oh. >> that statistic is encouraging. what is scary is 27% of latinos lives belothe poverty line and 15% hold college degrees. >> right. >> so you'll have a vast population. >> we're the largest growing population --
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>> so -- >> a large uneducated group. >> what is the single most effective ting. >> educaon is the single most important thing because it's the key to economic mobility and you have many points of inrvention. so if somebody falls behind or is left behind, you can catch them at another stage. i mean, obviously, you want ds to learn math and read by third grade or else they are not going to graduate high school but if they don't they can go back and read and learn and that's one thing with education is trying to find what's the most effective intervention we can do to make sure that we're not only a lae grp but an educated group. this is the future work force of our country. >> absolutely. that's -- >> howard, i mean, you've obviously been plowing quite literally on this for a long time. how helpful is to it to have ms. longoria who is appealing to the media.
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>> well, it's not just that. we can -- >> we can start with that. >> piers, i hadn't noticed. [ laughter ] >> star power can be great. if it's used well -- >> if it's used for good. if it's used for good and not evil. >> easier to say that because eva is sitting next to he. she's very smart, very well read, studies the subject, knows what she's talking about. that makes a dference. when you talk about a serious subject and close to her heart that has to do with her heritage is an advantage. we're doing this great program in texas where it's a -- it's not even a dent probably in what the whole -- the whole issue but we're trying to find latin that women fo insecure and have the ability to get a small loan and start a business. i mean, the truth is, if you put somebody to work, you end their issue with poverty.
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when you bring up the size of the numbers, the scale, it's pretty amazing. we better start doing something about it now or we're going to have a big issue later. >> let's take a break and come back and talk about the minimum wage war and eva, would you consider runni for office. many think she's a smart cookie, never mind acting, time for the big role.
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overhe last three years, he worked if reform our immigration system to give everyone a fair shot at the erican dream and fighting to make sure people brought here as children have the opportunity earn a path to citizenship and contribute to what they know is home. that's what the selection is about. >> stomping for president obama. she's with me with howard buffet and feeding america's hungry children. let's talk about minimum wage for a moment, eva, because a big problem is so many people in the particular poverty hunger lack of education trap that we've talked about fall below the him mum wage. >> people have full-time jobs that live in poverty.
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that's ridiculous. recently the fast food workers walked out and wt on a strike, and i worked in the fast food industry. i worked at wendy's for four years. i remember, that was like an extra job in high school. some people, that's their full-time job to feed their families. so, yeah, i think minimum wage solutely has to change. as inflation goes, as the economy is. but also, when we talk about wages, and we talk about agriculture, you know, there's a lot of people in this huge sector offing a culture and immiation, they don't have a wage. they don't have a minimum wage that have a slave wage, and they have, you know, it's an exploited industry and labor for this backbone of our country. >> so howard, you limp along struggling on the minimum wage, as everyone knows with your father. >> i bet i get paid less than you, piers. >> what's the answer to this particular part of the puzzle, this minimum wage issue?
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>> let me back up and say ultimately the solution to pulling peep out of poverty and make sure they are fed is ha them working. that's the long-term real exit strategy if you want to solve a problem. raising the minimum wage is a debate that you don't know the facts, because i'm all for raising the minimum wage, but there is a balance -- and i really am, but there is a balance between how much you raise it and what impact it has on business decisions. i don't buy into the fact that you can't raise it. okay? but i do think there is a balance, and so -- and there is unfortunately not a way to know what that magic number is. >> let's turn to president oba. you've always been supportive of him, evidence va, you stumped for him and spoken on this show about him but you've taken a few shots recently many would say are justified about the catastrophic rolut of obama care, which should be this great
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policy and legacy but is turning out to be a mill stone. what is wrong at the moment with obama incorporated? >> in regards to obama care, nothing is wrong with obama care, what went wrong was the access. we need to make sure people will have the access to health care in this country. it's a big problem. >> are you disappointed it was done so badly? >> of course. i think it would be a lie to say you're not disappointed in the rollout of it. i think he's brought in someone who can hopefully help fix the accesso it. i mean, for it to be something as trivial of a website failure and obama care is bad, that's misdirecting, that's what ink. >> i want to shoa picture of you on a tractor to keep the longers with us longer. >> all right.
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>> that's you and howard in a tractor. >> that's a combine. >> that's a combine in the corn field. >> yeah. >> did you get your hands dirty, eva? >> i grew up on a farm and tracto and i grew up on a ranch. we did it for fun. howard does it for a living. i've never seen a combine like that. you get in it and it's automated, you push a button -- >> [ overlapping speakers ] >> no wonder -- >> if you come visit me, i'll make sure you have hard work. >> when i landed in decatur, illinois, tony blare was leaving and he was on that combine. >> he was? >> yeah, tony ran a little corn over. eva did okay. >> tony was horrible. >> i was amazing. >> that i can believe. >> people look at you and see eva longoria actress to a point but see a great political activist, fun, eloquent, funny, you look great, it prompts the question, when will you run for office?
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en will you do this for a living? >> i'm not. >> don't say never. >> howard -- >> as your campaign manager, don't say never. >> campaign manager. >> do you think she should? >> i think every person who has something to contribute and eva has a lot ocho contribute should keep an open mind to the right opportunity to the right time and the right place but that doesn't mean it will happen but never say never. >> i never want to triflize th work they do. what they do is hard. i think the most powerful point in the political process is a citizen and i've always said that to be politically involved, you have to partipate as a citizen and that's how i for -- participate. >> if we had a hispanic candidate -- >> i don't vote for people
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because of their race. >> what about barack obama for african americans, would it be a great moment for the latino community, even if it wasn't your side of the fence? >> same reason i wouldn't vote for palin because she was a woman nor would i have been proud to go yeah, she -- i don't agree with where she stands on that, so i wouldn't necessarily just be proud in that moment because it was hispanic. >> but you would like a latino which brings me back, howard, to the obvious candidate. >> i see we have to rk on this together, piers. >> democratic women latinos who can run for office. >> i know one. [ laughter ] >> el. >> great to see you both and good luck tonight with your award, massivelyell deserved. howard buffet the book, "40 chces" and cck out eva
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i want to be the first woman to play a tournament at augusta because women are as good as boys. >> when i get on the green, everything turns gold and i'm not nervous. >> a clip from the documentary, aid of the world's best junior golfers, kids vying for the next tiger woods. joining me now is some of them. pano, right? >> pano. okay.
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let me get them right because one of you may be the next super star of sport in america. how are you all? >> good. >> you're four of the best young golfers in word, right? ho is the best? >> obviously me. >> definitely me. >> definitely me. >> do you play each other, boys >> in tournaments, it's september separate but when he practice, i play against him and i take him down. >> that's seven times -- >> just because she maybe beats me in the practice rounds, i beat h in tournament days every time. >> alexi you say eve time i hit the ball, it turns on a light switch in my body and
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south africa. and i know he is. and he was a very good man. when he was in jail for 27 years, he gave peace and freedom to our country. >> and are you proud to represent south africa at go? >> yes. >> do want to be the best in the world? >> mm-hmm. >> do you think you can be? >> yes. >> so i thought we'd have a little test. given the girls think they're better than you boys and you boys think you're better than the the girls and i think i'm better than all of you, we have a little putting green set up. after the break i'm going to take you on. one putt each, winner takes all. you up for it? >> yep. >> ready to lose? i'm very good. bubba watson can tell you that.
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and off the rst tee allen rips his drive 175 yards right onto the green. >> short game launches this thursday on netflix. a little test here because you four fancy yourselves at golf. i fancy myself at golf. we're going to get one putt each, three yards. if you fluff it too bad. allen you're on. off you go. pretty good. oh, he's got it in. wasn't planning on that. zena, off you go. i need some of you to get this wrong. >> excellent. alexa? come on. i need at least two or three of you to miss this. make me look better. nice aion.
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oh, unlucky. okay, sky? that is a great putt. >> wait wait wait. don't putt with that old piece of junk. >> what's this? oh, my god! this a special club for me, is it? that's very cool. that's very kind of you guys, thanyou very much indeed. this for the championship. >> oh, okay. allen, you win. well-played, man. great to see you all. good luck with your careers. you'll be better than me whatever happens. that's got to feel good, right? >> yes. it always does. >> tomorrow night i'll sit down with a man who knows his way around the golf course, the one and only donald trump. that's all for us tonight. "ac 360" starts right now. there is breaking news from the capitol tonight on a deal to head off another government
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shutdown and everyone pes keep this economy moving. details could be an issue as could getting it through congress. we'll have more on that shortly. first, we have a story that's good news with no strings attached whatsoever. two adults and four children rescued after two days stranded in the bitter cold of northwest that upside down in a ravine is their jeep which skidded off the road on sunday for all intents and purposes were arctic coitions, 21 below. we have a survival expert on the program to talk about how they made it. in a moment one of the rescuers. he and his partner were the first to reach the scene. before we do that, let's get the latest from stephanie elam in nevada. stephanie, we know the family was rescued earlr today. what's their condition right now? >> reporter: what we are hearing is that the family is resting comfortably. there was no frost bite issues. apparently the adults here did a good job of keeping these childrenarm. we hear they started a fire
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