tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN December 11, 2013 1:00am-2:01am PST
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this economy moving. details could be an issue as could getting it through congress. we'll have more on that shortly. first, we have a story that's good news with no strings attached whatsoever. two adults and four children rescued after two days stranded in the bitter cold of northwest that upside down in a ravine is their jeep which skidded off the road on sunday for all intents and purposes were arctic coitions, 21 below. we have a survival expert on the program to talk about how they made it. in a moment one of the rescuers. he and his partner were the first to reach the scene. before we do that, let's get the latest from stephanie elam in nevada. stephanie, we know the family was rescued earlr today. what's their condition right now? >> reporter: what we are hearing is that the family is resting comfortably. there was no frost bite issues. apparently the adults here did a good job of keeping these childrenarm. we hear they started a fire outside the car and warming
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rocks and bringing them into the car. all of them resting well right now here in this hospital in pershing county. >> this was a huge rescue effort with several hundred volunteers involved, not to mention pple in the air as well. how exactly in the end were they found? >> reporter: it's pretty amazing how they were canvassing looking for this car. what at the end helped them out is the fact they were able to look at cell phone forensics, some specialists in this area were able to ping where they st got a signal from their phones and were able to then change their search from air and from land about the same time. they said they were able to spot the car and able to rescue this family after two days in this bitter bitter cold out here in northwestern nevada. >> that is simply astounding, stephanie elam, thank you so much. stephanie is at the site where we're expecting a news conference with doctors at the hospital where the family is. we'll get the latest update on their condition. in meantime i want to go next to one of the rescuers, chris montes who joins us by phone.
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>> chris, you were one of the first people to get to them. what kind of condition were they in when you first saw them >> great. they were all in perfect condition. >> perfect condition. th must have been such a relief after this search that involved smany people for so long. tell me about the kids ages 10, 4, 4 and 3. it must have been such an ordeal for them to go through this. >> they didn't seem too bothered. they were in good spirits. they just figured they were camping. >> and what did they all say when they first saw you? >> they just -- the littlest girl started telling me about a cartoon that she was watching the other day. and the boys were just hanging out asking me if i knew their mom and dad. >> obviously deeply concerned about the ordeal that they'd been going through for awhile now.
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you do know this family, correct? >> yeah. >> and do they know how to behave out in the outdoors in the wilderness like this? obviously it seems they did almost everything right t there. >> yeah. obviously they knew what to do. they kept those kids safe for 48 hours in s zero temperatures. >> now, when youeached them, were they hungry at all? i understand there was a candy bar that you had or your team had with you that was passed around to just about everyone there. >> i gave the kids a granola bar. they ate that. they had food yesterday. they were just running out today. >> when you were searching over the last day, how did you keep hopehat you would find them? we've been talking about this since yesterday, the 21 degrees below zero out there. it seemed to so many people that the chances were -- for survival were so small. how did you maintain the hope? >> oh, this is just really a tight-knit community.
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and everybody was involved. nobody was going to give up until they were found period. >> and that site, how far away were you when you first caught sight of that vehicle which was overturned? we're lookg at a picture of it right now. it's just completely turned over. >> oh, we were probably out 500 yards from it. >> and it looks honestly it looks like the type of thing no guarantee that people would sush survive a flip like that. how soon after you first saw it did you know that all six of them were alive and okay? >> not until i was probably 20 yards from them and i could actually see them all and you count 6 of them moving around. >> that must have been an incredible relief when you first had that vision. >> yeah. because i wasn't expecting the best. >> in your community now, you say it is such a tight-knit
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community and there were so many people involved with this search. what now? a giant party indoors perhaps? >> yeah. definitely indoors. >> all right, chris montes, thank you so much for being with us. congratulations. we are so happy for you and everyone involved here that this ended the way it did. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> again we're waiting to go hear any minute now from the hospital where this family is recovering. and by all indications surviving sub zero temperatures in a wrecked car with young childrennd no indication how long you will be stranded, this is a situation no one expects to find themselves in. here to talk about what this family did and what anyone can learn how to do if it comes to this, former green beret and special operations veteran and
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survival expert joseph todai host of discovery channel's "survival." it was 20 degrees below zero sunday night into monday morning. that seems like no margin for error here. >> you're absoly right. one of the things about a winter survival situation is that mother nature will not allow you to make too many mistakes at all. >> and it seemlike they did a whole lot of things right. heating rocks, bringing them into the car. was that a life-saving move? >> absolutely. i got to tell you, this guy made all the right decisions. and what's really crazy is we did an episode last year on survival almost exactly what these people went through. and i can tell you, it's not the one big decision that he made for his family, it's all those little decisions that lead up to that big decision. staying with the vehicle, letting people know where you went, staying warm, making a fire. he made all the right decisions. and even more so, he didn't panic. because if he would have panick, i can almost guarantee you he would have done what the people in the scenario that i
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was involved in did. left his vehicle. that's not what you want to do in a situation. and he didn't. >> don't go looking for help seems to be the adce you have. look, you were on the special forces. one of the things you do not have to work with in special forces at least out there in the field, 3 and 4-year-old kids. there were four kids here, 10 years old and younger. how difficult do you think that must have been to deal with? >> boy, i got to tell you, salute to this guy. i'm quite sure his kids were more than a little alarmed for their ages. i think they were between the ages of 3 and 10 from what i read. but what i do understand about his family is this wasn't their first time out in the snow, which definitely helped and increased their chances of surviv without a doubt >> no, this family clearly knew what they were doing. we're so glad they're all okay. joseph todai thanks for being with us. appreciate it. >> thanks, man.
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>> the conditions that sent that jeep sliding off road in nevada were part of a storm system still tormenting a huge swath of this country. before bringing in chad myers, i want to show you video of a huge pileup in germantown, wisconsin. this happened on sunday. a traffic camera caught all of it. just awful picture to see. the cars skidding off the road. others slamming into one another. dozens of cars and trucks were involved. by the time it was all over, one person was fatally injured. from there as you probably know too well, the storm has en dumping more ice, more snow, causing more havoc all the way to new england. chad myers as always is on top of it all. so, chad, a lot of the places around the u.s. dangerously cold right now. >> yes. >> but what's the latest? >> well, you know, even if you get down to like 10, 15 degrees, if you look at those pictures of that wisconsin crash that was a idge. i can't believe people didn't fly off of that bridge. you get that cold even salted n roads will refreeze. the arctic air mass right down
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where that family was here in nevada all the way down to texas and arkansas and even toward the northeast. remember this map. i will get back to it in a minute. lo at the lows tonight, minneapolis, 14 below. many people aren't even ready for this. this doesn't even feel like we should be this time of year just yet. we shouldn't be this cold. you're not ready. your car is not read maybe the anti-freeze isn't ready. take all those things into consideration for tonight. rapid city down to 13, wind chill factors much colder than that. the animals feel this wind chill. your face feels it. your car windows, house, don't feel the number. but i tell you what, if you were outside or your pets are outside please take care of yourselves and your pets tonight. because they can't take care of themselves. make sure they have some type of shelter from this wind chill. wind chill advisories all the way from international falls all the way down to the south. please keep at least half a tank of gas in your car. even though this car was upside down, they didn't get tose it. if you're stuck in the snow and all wheels are down, you'll be
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able to use that fuel, at gasoline. to keep yourself, keep the car running, keep yourself warm and make sure the snow doesn't get near that exhaust pipe. there's the map i started with. here's the next storm system. you don't want to see this. this is saturday, another icy mix, snowy mix and rain down to the south. that's the big cities again saturday into sunday another storm coming, john. >> i think the scientific term for the storm that hit us today was sort of -- we didn't get much today. breaking news on a deal that could prevent another government shutdown mess. also president oba's deeply personal tribute to nelson mandela. and later, his handshake at the ceremony with cuban president raul castro. there it is. it's setting off a storm back home. but can you really compare this as john mccain did to aking hands with hitler? stay with us.
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big news. breaking news if you like washington actually getting something done welcome if you prefer democrats and republicans compromising rather than fighting. potentially good news if you believe all the forced across the board budget cuts known as the sequester are choking the economy. not so good news, though, if you're one of an army of americans looking for work who will be losing jobless benefits soon.
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also not good news if you wanted to see some entitlement cuts. but there has been a bipartisan budget deal hammered out by gop congressman paul ryan and democratic senator patty murray. it touches on all the above. dana bash joins us with what is in it and how it came about and i suppose the big question whether it stands a snowball's chance of actually becoming law. dana, tell us what is in this deal. >> well, it is modest, but it is a start, as you said. anytime we're talking about compromise in washington, is a breath of fresh air, frankly especially somebody who covers congress and not used to using that "c" word, "compromise" very often. it is two years and sets the budget levels for two years. and what it does is it takes away some of those arbitrary or forced spending cuts and replaces them with different cuts. that is something that pleases some conservatives, for example those who don't want arbitrary defense cuts, and some liberals who don't want arbitrary cuts to
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social spending programs. but then on the flip side it makes some conservatives who want deficit reduction and want those forced cut caps in place unhappy and some liberals also unhappy because they don't like the fact as you alluded to, hn, that umployment nefits are not extended as part of this package. >> so there has not been a for this, ovation yet the white house has already come out and indicated it is supportive of the deal but marco rubio has said he's against it on "crossfire" earlier today. congressman adam schiff not so sure where he would stand. democrats and republicans both murky at best on this. is it a sure thing thought gets through? >> reporter: is it a sure thing? no, nothing is a sure thing. i think the best way to answer that question at least the first step is going to be to look at what happens tomorrow morning in a meeting of house republicans. are going to get together and go over this and see how much resistance there really is first and foremost ang house republicans. paul ryan said tonight that he feels confident it will pass, as
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a conservative he feels comfortable with this. but we are seeing grassroots group after grassroots group comi out before this deal was announced, john, and bombarding conservative members who they have a lot of sway over saying this is not the way to go. yoshould not support this. and you're certainly seeing to a lesser extent some of that opposition on e democratic side. but you know what, that's what compromise is. >> well, don't get too used to compromise. because even if this does go through, the debt ceiling discussion passing a hike on that still by no means guaranteed that would be in february. dana bash, thank you so much on top of this as always. appreciate it. president oba heading home from south africa tonight. memorial services today for nelson mandela bringing heavy rain, the tears of heaven one man said. south africans and dignitaries from all arounthe world attending. president obama made it personal.
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>> over 30 year ago, while still student, i learned of nelson mandela and the struggles taking place in this beautiful land. and it stirred something in me. it woke me up to my responsibilities to others and to myself. and it set me on an improbable journey that finds me here toy. and while i will always fall short of madiba's example, he makeme want to be a better man. he speaks to what's best inside us. how many people around the globe watched the ceremonies though. when a free mandela concert was televised 20 years ago an
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estimated 600 million people tched. how many eyeballs saw this next moment is for now impossible to say say. this is it. president obama and cuba's president raul castro. that, folks, was a handshake. also a smile in there as well. the white house is calling it unplanned and uncomplicated. others reading much more into the gesture. to cubans, a sign of hope. there were smiles and proval on the streets of havana. to some cuban americans, though, it is a sign of surrender. today on capitol hill a prominent cuban american congress woman let secretary of state kerry know it. >> mr. secretary, sometimes a handshake is just a handshake. but when the leader of the free world shakes the bloody hand of a ruthlessictator ke raul castro, it becomes a propaganda coup for the tyrant. raul castro uses that hand to sign the order to repress jail
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advocates. as we speak cuban opposition leaders are being detained and being beaten while trying to commemorate today which is international human rights day. they will feel disheartened when they see these photos. >> sarizona senator hn mccain went even further, all the way back to munich i1938. >> why should you shake hands with somebody who's keeping americans in prison? i mean, what's the point? neville chamberlain shook hands with hitler. >> chamberlain met with hitler three times and gave away a chunk of czechoslovakia. that did not seem to happen on stage in south africa. we should note that winston churchill shook hands with stalin. president reagan shook hands with fidel castro, so did bill clinton. ronald reagan shook hands with gorbachev.
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presidents always take heat for kissing sheiks and shaking hands with dictators. anna hunt, political analyst david gergen. anna, you are from florida. you are no fan i know of the castro regime. but what do you make of senator mccain's comments comparing this to a hitler moment and also of congresswoman ros-lehtinen? >> don't think john mccain was comparing it to a hitler moment. his question was what is the point? you can shake hands with dictators, you can shake hands with tyrants, but that doesn't mean they're going to change their ways. people need to understand for this, john, for this community this cuts very very deep. there were a number of political prisoners, cuban political prisoners who served even longer than mandela. 30 years, 29 years, 28 years. today is international human rights day. and as ileana ros-lehtinen said,
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there are dissidents being jailed, getting attacked in cuba today. so people need to understand, this is something that the cuban community feels deeply. this is a community that has felt this pain now for 55 years. this duo of brothers are going to have had an iron grip tyranny on cuba for 55 years come january 1st. do i think a handshake is going to be hearall over the world? is it going to lead to policy changes? is it going to lead to change within cuba? i don't think so. and i think we should focus on the big picture and the big fight. what's happening in cuba today. >> i don't think anyone questions the depth of the feelings in florida and of many cuban americans, anna. also, it should be noted that president obama, while he did shake raul castro's hand, in his speech seemed to include words that were at least indirectly very critical of the cuban president.
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he criticized people who stood on the stage to honor nelson mandela but also repressed people back home. i do think that message got out too. >> i do, too. i agree with you. and i think it's an important message. and i ink part of honoring mandela is frankly remembering what he stood for in the latter part of his life. freedom, democracy, equality, justice. and i think those are the things that we have to aspire to today. and if we're going to honor mandela we need to aspire for those conditions being so everywhere in the world, including places like cuba. >> did, it seems to me that this was inevitable, that sooner or later they were going to shake hands onhat stage. sooner or later there wereoing to be people who were upset about it and it was going to create a controversy. how does the white house deal with this? was there any way to avoid it? have decided as jimmy carter did some years ago that he would not go to a funeral, tito's funeral, in that case because he didn't want to shakhands with brezhnev after the russians invaded afghanistan. but, listen, a couple things. first of all, it was not
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rehearsed but i'm sure it was intentional. the white house scripts these things out. it knows there's a good chance the president is going to shake hands with raul castro. also no question that the castro regime, the cuban regime, engages in odious practices that will have to stop if it has any hope of restoring relationships with the united states. but in due respect to my good friend ana, it is fair to point out for every cuban american who feels deeply aggrieved there are a lot of cuban americans who feel the isolation of cuba has not worked. and they would like toee an easing of tensions, like to see a different approach. the council of foreign relations released a report earlier this year that poind out that the majority of cuban americans, cuban americans, believe the sanctions embargo hasn't worked and would like to sean easing. >> ana, do you want to respond to that? >> yeah, look, i think david has a good point. there is some change going on within the commuty. however, the cuban americans
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that are in congress, including the guy who chrs the foreign relations committee in the u.s. senate, are all against lifting sanctions unless there are democratic elections. so i would tell you i know bob menendez quite well. if conditions do not change in cuba, if political prisoners are not released, if democratic elections are not scheduled, i think you're going to have to go through the cold dead body of bob menendez to get policy change. and that is the reality. >> that's not true. that's not true. hold on just a second if you don't mind. listen. she's right about legislation. this congress is not going to lift the embargo. that's absolutely right. but there are steps the obama administration has already taken to ease some travel restrictions, and they can take steps and i think they've signaled their plan to take steps before he leaves office. john kerry and barack obama ha both given speeches signalling they're going to move toward a thaw in relations. is that a good idea or bad idea? we can debate that, but i think that's the direction in which the direction is moving.
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>> i guess one thing is clear -- >> i think david is right. there e modest steps that the administration can take. the embargo used to be an executive order but it was codified into law under helms burton. so now lifting the actual embargo requires an act of congress. and i think that is going to be a very difficult road for any administration while cuba continues doing the things it's doing. >> i think any handshake that elicits this kind of discussion, it's clear, it's more than just a handshake. ana navarro, david, thanks for being with us. another reminder we are waiting to go hear from the doctors treating the family rescued in nevada. that's the hospital we're looking at right now we'll go back to the news conference as it begins and speak to another key figure in the rescue. next, new details about the terror attack inside a shopping mall in kenya. why officials say there may have been only four gunmen and how they may have escaped alive.
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today a drastically different picture of the kenya mall shooting came to light by the new york police department. how different a picture you ask? well, in "360" terms about a 180. according to the report,ust four gunmen, four, not 15, may have pulled off the attack that left 67 people dead. this surveillance video shows some of the suspected gunmen holed up in a storage room in the west gate mall. the report says some attackers may have gotten ay, possibly
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all of them. there's also new tantalizing information about the female terrorist known as the white widow. the nypd sent two detectives to nairobi to investigate the assault and analyze the response. before questions much of what kenyan officials said about the siege including claims that hostages were held. susan candiotti joins me with the latest. susan, this account of the attack, is hugely different than the one we've been hearing for the last few months. why so many discrepancies here? >> reporter: a lot of it has to do with the passage of time. they've had time to analyze this videotape, among other things. there's human intelligence. but there are still a lot of questions out there. all these new questions and findings are coming and being raised by the nypd and u.s. federal law enforcement and it's hard to forget all this riveting mall surveillance video you're seeing that shows terrorists almost casually firing their weapons and talking on their cell phones while cutting down, shooting down
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innocent victims. evidence now appears to show the tack was pulled off by only about four to six terrorists using ak-47s and rocket-propelled grenades. not the 15 to 20 originally thought to be involved. and it's entirely possible some escaped. >> we dot know. agn that wasention in the presentation. we're not certain if people got away. we're not certain of the total number of people killed. because it was shown in the presentation rpgs were used, rocket-propelled grenades. and we believe that people certainly were injured and perhaps killed as a sult of the floor collapsing. >> the kenyans suggest they have dna evidence that four attackers are dead. but my sources tell me that evidence may not be complete. one source wondering whether mangled guns were retrieved from the rubble of the of collapse, and if so why didn't they show those. other sources saying during and after the attack the mall perimeter had giant holes in it and it's entirely possible
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suspects could have slipped through those cracks, john. >> it is such a different picture. so what about the so-called white widow, the british woman who at one point was suspected of perhaps being involved? >> reporter: that's right. she's samantha luthewaite. her husband was a suicide bomber in london's 2005 subway attack. lewthwaite had been living in kenya and first suggested she was at the mall and on video. the nypd and kenyan officials suggested she was at the mall and on video. but fbi sources say it appears she did not actively participate at the mall itself or that any women took part in the massacre. but the jury is still out on whether she helped plan the attack. and she's completely disappeared. so interpol has a red notice out for her capture, john. >> susan candiotti, thanks so much. a vastly different picture from what we've been told for so long there. coming up the woman accused of murdering her husband by pushing him off a cliff eight days io their marriage. at the trial today testimony about the alleged lies she told
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police and her friends and the fake e-mail account th investigators say was created to support these lies. also ahead the latest on our breaking news tonight, a family of six rescued after being stranded for two days in the frigid mountains of nevada. i will speak with someone from the civil air patrol about how they were finally found. that when "360" continues. (train horn) vo: wherever our trains go, the economy comes to life. norfolk southern. one line, infinite possibilities.
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in crime and punishment tonight, day two in the trial of a woman accused of murdering her husband just eight days after they got married. jordan graham pushed her husband while they were at glacier national park and he fell off a cliff. that much is known. the defense says she pushed him in self-defense and that his death was an accident. the prosecution says it was murder. one problem for the defense is that itially graham lied about what happened and went to pretty dramatic lengths to cover her tracks. those lies took center stage at the trial today. kyung lah reports. >> reporter: jordan graham walked into what would be damaging second day for her defense in her murder trial. prosecutors played video of police interviews where the jury
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saw and heard graham lying to police. in the first video, graham was matter of fact and unemotional as she tells police a story, that her husband cody johnson took off from home in a dark c with washington plates. johnson had been missing for two days. police were searching for him. the reality is graham knew her new husband of just eight days was already dead at the bottom of the sheer cliff at glacier national park because she watched him fall. sergeant chad zimmerman says on video to graham "i'm getting the feeling you're not being 100% honest with me." the very next day police videotape graham again. she went to police because she received an e-mail dated july 10th, three days after her husband's death. the e-mail came from a mysterious friend named tony. it reads "hello, jordan. my name is tony. there is no bother looking for cody anymore. he is gone." the e-mail claims johnson died during that car trip. the office who are saw the
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e-mail says to graham "seems kind of sketchy" because it was. the e-mail traces back to a computer at graham's father's home. a fake e-mail created to support graham's story to police. she also lied to friends like jennifer torrent who was clearly shaken after testifying. >> what it was like to be in that courtroom and see jordan? >> it was very nerve-wracking. >> reporter: graham also lied to her own 16-year-old brother. he testified that graham brought him to the cliff to discover johnson's body. the teenage boy son sobbed saying she told one lie was asked to tell the truth. she said it again. she had to keep adding more lies to cover it up. graham even lied to her best friend and matron of honor kim martinez. she testified that before johnson's death, graham claimed her new husband would grab her and had a terrible temper. that was hard to hear for johnson's friends who call it another lie. >> he's a great friend of mine.
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he's a really od guy. agic situation we'ren right now. just want some closure. >> reporter: the night of johnson's death, graham texted martinez. dude i'm freaking out. i'm about to go for a walk or something ju off a freaking bridge. idk -- meaning i don't know -- i've lost it. dude you better work those sweet moves. although you are pretty amazing already. her friend relies, yeah, i think i'm a pretty good dancer. i think i'm the best dancer i know. graham text, whoa, whoa, too far homey. those texts sound immature because detectives say graham is exactly that. a naive, socially inept sheltered young woman. just 21 at the time of her husband's death. the fall says the defense was just a terrible accident. graham says they were fighting. he grabbed her. she pushed him away and he fell. so why the lies? the defense argues graham was an awkward young woman who married the popular guy in town, and she
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feared no one would believe her. >> kyung lah joins me now live from montana. kyung, you were there in court. they're playing these tapes of jordan graham lying to police. her brother breaks down crying. what's she doing through all this? >> reporter: well, let's start with watching herself on videotape lying to police. throughout this trial she's been very difficult to read, john, almost like a statue, stoic. that was the same when sheas watching herself on those tapes. but it did change when her brother started sobbing into the microphone. it was heartbreaking. many of the people in the courtroom, john, were moved that. includes jordan graham. it does appear at least she did wipe a tear away. so that's about the most emotion we've seen from her. >> kyung lah, what a day and still more to come. thank you so much from montana. let's dig deeper now. joining me now live cnn legal analyst and criminal defense attorney mark geragos. cnn anyst anfoer
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prosecutor sunny hostin and -- and forensic scientist lauren codlinsky. mark, i want to start with you here. videos showing graham lying police. bogus e-mails. her brother sobbing on the stand. this seems to be tough for the defense. >> well look, it's not easy when you're charged with murder in any case. so there is always a reason why they charge you with murder in this case it's because they didn't have much physical evidence that proved it but they did have all of these changing stories. so the defense, i think,id a pretty good job about fronting all that with the jury. she's got a plausible explanatn for why she was saying this. and ultimately i think -- i'm going to make a wild guess here -- th she may te the stand in this case. >> taking the stanalways a drastic measure. you say they have a plausible defense. that's essentially that she was nervous she would be misunderstood for what happened there, they wouldn't think it was an accidt. sunny, you think this is more of a am-dunk in this case.
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however, no one saw it happen. there's video camera footage of her pushing him off the mountain. is that tough for the prosecutio >> you know, it isn't. it isn't. i ner like to say a case ace slamdunk, and i nogueira goes s nogueira goes is going to come back at me and say i'm being crazy. but this is the kind of case where you argue who does that? who behaves this way? when the jury looks at the kind of behavior she exhibited, she pushes her husband off the cliff withoth nds she says and then just leaves him there. he could have be suffering, anything. leaves him there, drives home and th starts lying. starts making all of these things up and then leads her friends to his body but t still lies about what happened. the arment that it's an unbelievable, so so incomprehensible that i can't imagine that a jury is going to get her get away with it. and if she takes the witness stand, mark geragos, you've got to admit this jury has watched her e not once, not twice, but
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seral times to friends, to police offic how does she get on the witness stand and be credible? they're never going to believe her. >> sunny, when you say can't believe the jury is going to let her get away with it, doesn't that assume that she did commit the crime? >> she admitted it. >> she admitted that he grabbed her and she pushed him back and he fell. if this was such a slam-dunk i'd ask you why do they need 35 witnesses and why did they need forensics. >> let's bring in the scientist here for a second. lawrence, we know juries love the science. they love the facts. they want to grasp onto something here. but where is the science in this se? there's no footage there. can a coroner prove whether the push was intentional, it was murder or was about accident? >> these types of cases are very complicated for a medical examiner to diagnose. however, i think thease will turn on whether the prosecution can demonstrate that cody johnson went over that cliff face first.
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you look at the body, the body was found at the bottom of the cliff face down. and basically the mannequin of equal dimension, size and weight to cody johnson and tossing it over the cliff and seeing how it lands, i think that's going to be some suggestive physical evidence that will support the prosecution. >> that's what it's going to take. pushing a mannequin off a cliff? >> i think experimentation is part of the way we do things in forensics. and yes, that probably will have to be done. >> all rig, lawrence kabalinski, mark, sunny, thanks for being with us. appreciate it. >>got more now on our breaking news. we have just heard from the doctor treating the rescued family in nevada. you will hear from him next. tri. [ babies crying ] surprise -- your house was built on an ancient burial ground. [ ghosts moaning ] surprise -- your car needs a new transmission. [ coyote howls ] how about no more surprises?
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once a day xarelto® means no regular blood monitoring -- no known dietary restrictions. for more information and savings tions, call 1-888-xarelto or visit a quick update on the nevada family rescued after two days in sub zero conditions. two adults, four young kids. just moments ago, their doctors spoke to reporters. >> the mother and father and four children are all doing very well. remarkably well considering how cold it's been and the fact they've been outn the elements for these past two nights. i think as you guys have already been briefed earlier, that they did a lot of things right by staying with the vehicle, and
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they did have food and water available with them. and as soon as the vehicle suffered this slow rollover accident, the father jumped into action, knew they had to stay warm. the first thing he did was built a fire. he was able to keep that fire going the entire time while they were out. and i think that really prevented any serious medical problems for them to develop. they dhave some exposure and understandably dehydration issues. it's very hard to stay very well hydrated out here in the elements. the air is very dry even when it's very cold it's very dry. but in general they're doing very very well. no evidence of frost bite which is of course what we would have expected. we were obviously braced for much worse considering the cold temperatures we've had. but they're doing very well. >> terrific news. also in their favor, he says they weralready dressed for a day outdoors in the snow. so they had that going for them. joining us now, another key figure in the rescue, major justin ogden of the civil air
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patrol and lead cell phone forensic expert for thair force rescue coordination center. major ogden, you did get a key clue through the cell phone that belonged to christina macate. this happened 2:00.m. what was this clue you got? >> good evening, john. we had a clue that came in that showed the phone was used about 2:00 a.m. monday morning. that was a key clue for us that once we found that out we knew at the vehicle had to have been stopped by that time. wherever they were at 2:00 a.m. monday morning had to correspond to probably where they're at right now. and that shifted the search area quite a bit for us when that clue came in. >> you say it shifted the search area. we're all used to watching "24." the cell phone didn't ve you an exact pinpoint gps location, did it? >> that's right. we don't get a dot on a map. we get a big are we draw a big shape on the map and say this whole area might contain them we got to search the whole thing. >> in one sense ruling out areas was probably the most effective
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and efficient for you. >> that's right. it gets played together with a bunch of other clues coming in, eyewitness reports and what they told the family where they were going. and that's just another piece to the puzzle. this clue helped move the search area from where it was going on to 20 miles further to the east. >> how comprehensive was this effort? we know there were hundreds of people on the ground searching. we know there were air resources also deployed. how big was the search? >> this search was massive. there was a great presence there by a bunch of different agencies. state and local resources, federal resources like civil air patrol and aircraft. they were flyi. were in there.y helicopters that neighboring counties were bringing in their assets to help out. teams on the field, coordination the sheriff's office. coordination by the big czar coordinator. amazing effort. clues coming in from the cell phone team. people all over the country working on this search.
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>> be honest with us here. and you guys are vergood at ope what you do but were you surprised when they were found? >> there were a lot of us that were surprised. yeah, we really were. this search went on longer than any of us would have liked to have seen. we see too many of these end with a bad outcome. and we're so excited for a great outcome for all six. >> i think everyone's excited. major ogden, thank you so much. congratulations. great work with everything you did there. >> thank you. up next, remembering nelson mandela with photos representing his legacy, his extraordinary life, and today's extraordinary tribute. is the best.
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in south africa and throughout the world it was a day for cebrating the life and legacy of nelson mandela. there's a song called "senzenia" translation "what we had done" it was an anthem during the anti-apartheid movement and is often sung at funerals and demonstrations. we leave you this hour with that song from the capetown youth choir. ♪ ♪
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what a smile, what a life. that's it for this edition of "360." thank you so much for watching. an amazing story of survival, a family stranded for 48 hours. all the right decisions they made that kept them alive. theast coast smacked again by a powerful winter storm. the damage done and what's in store for people today. and the tribute continuing in south africa for nelson mandela this rning. the public given a chance to honor a legend. we are live there. >> good morning, everyone. welcome "early start." i'm john berman. >> john berman who never
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