tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN December 11, 2013 4:00pm-5:01pm PST
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edition of "crossfire." erin burnett "outfront" starts right now. -- captions by vitac -- i'm jake attempter in for erin burnett. back lash against the budget deal. not everyone in washington is jumping on the bipartisan bandwagon. the first crucial test comes tomorrow when the vote is set in the house. speaker boehner is doing everything to keep his party in line. he lashed out at conservative groups urging republicans to vote against the deal. >> they're using the american people for their goals. this is ridiculous. if you're for more deficit reduction, you're for this agreement. >> earlier today i spoke with one of the architects of the deal. the chairman of the budget
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committee paul ryan. i asked how the two sides were able to find common ground and compromise. >> what's the secret allowing yourself more time to deal with each other? setting low expectations? never going on bed angry? what is it? >> all of those are pretty good pieces of advice. we decided from the outside, number one, to talk a lot. get to know each other. keep our emotions in check. the other thing was we wanted to make sure that we didn't demand or insist that the other person had to violate a core principle. we would instead look for where the common ground exists. we took our budgets. kind of overlamb them all and then looked through that prism to see where the common ground existed. then we looked to see where we could get common ground. add that up and see what that could do with respect to replacing the sequester. they're having an across the board approach. we think that's crude. we wanted to see if we could
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find smarter spending cuts. and there's a lot of government on auto pilot spending that has not been attended to by congress and that's where we got the additional spending cuts. basically we came up with $85 billion of savings from what we call mandatory spending to pay for $63 billion of some relief from the sequester. we still keep the fiscal discipline, we keep on track and this will result in more deficit reduction. that's very important to me, my republican colleagues, patty got a lot of what she wanted and neither of his to give up a core principle. >> so peg of your republican colleagues, you just met behind closed doors at the republican study committee which meets every wednesday where you tried to sell this plan. these most conservative members of the house republican congress. how did that go? >> it went very well. they willery well with not onl aot l of them wer very excited and please that had we have an
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agreement. we found a way to make this divide government work. we would like to make it work. this prevents future government shutdowns from happening in january or october. and what a lot of my members, my colleagues were pleased with is that we're taking the power of the purse and bringing it back to congress. when we pass these continuing resolutions every year like we've done the last three years, wee basically seeding the law-power to the executive branch and rethat. that we think is a very good step in the right direction. that allows congress to prioritize spending. something we haven't done for like three years around here. those were very, very attractive to our members. the fact that we have excessive savings which results in net deficit reduction and that there isn't a single tax increase in this is what made most of our members very pleased. >> still a the love criticism from people like senator marco rubio, senator rand paul. it doesn't sound like mitch mcconnell will support this. are you going to ultimately have the votes to pass it? >> we will. we feel good about that.
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we're in the majority. we have to govern just like patty murray is in the majority and she who is the govern. you cannot get everything you want but you can get things done if you focus on that common ground area. i'm be going to begrudge anybody these things aren't perfect. we have laid out our vision very clearly. our budget which balances the budget and pays off the debt is our vision. ultimately where we want to go. we know in divide government we won't get that. the question that we're asking is, can we get a stem in the right direction? i think this is a step in the right direction. others would like us to go farther in that right direction. i don't begrudge them of that. i think this is a step in the right direction and that's yith this is very important that we do this. and show that we can make this government work a little bit. >> when you talk about, you want to go farther in the direction of deficit reduction, a lot of critics out there, the conservative groups say this kicks the tough decisions down the road. i don't think you would even dispute that necessarily in
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terms of the big budget items causing the national debt and the annual deficits. does your having work with patty murray give you any confidence that those big decisions that would probably necessitate both of you violating core principles, that there is any solution there to be had? >> i'm going to focus right here on this at this moment. getting this done. making this congress work. the reason i hesitate to even speculate is because the president and the senate democrats have never once ever proposed to balance the budget. let alone reduce the debt. our budget does pay off the debt ultimately so we are so far apart on that issue. you have to deal with entitlements. the big entitlements like medicare and medicaid. the primary drivers of our debt, let alone obama care. you have to reform those programs to korprevent a debt crisis. we simply do not have much
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interest from the other side to do that. i don't know if there's movement on that side to bridge that gap. you can't tax your way out of this fiscal problem. you have to reform entitlements to do that. we've offered entitlement reforms in every way we can conceivably do so. there doesn't seem to be much take-up and interest on that. i don't want to make that spoil this moment. which is just getting to us common ground. >> sorry to be such a spoiler. that's kind of my role. >> let me ask you about some criticism. many democrats are balking at this deal. they say that's 1.3 million people who face being cut off at christmas. why not include it? >> there are a lot of things people wanted that aren't in here themselves want farm bills them want a stimulus spending themselves wanted atta tax increase. they wanted things we couldn't do. we're putting in what we can agree to. there was no offset requested for that. that's $20 billion that would
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have shot a hole through our deficit reduction. there are a lot of things that are not in this agreement that people wanted. that's the way compromise and common ground works. >> another criticism from the left. this package does not include closing a single tax loophole but it would increase tsa feels that all americans face. so how would you respond to a critics the next time you're at a town hall in wisconsin that says why are you in favor by any other name. >> a user fee. >> pretend i'm joe blow. >> a ten-year wisconsinite and i'm in a town hall meeting. before 9/11, the person getting on an airplane paid for all their security when they paid for their ticket. they covered all of it. since 9/11 that person is paying for less than 40% of their security and the nonflying public, the nonflying taxpayer is six diesing the rest it.
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we think that the user should pay for the services they're oourgs instead of making some hard working taxpayer that never uses those services pay for it. here's what this fee does. it says if you have a connecting flight, you pay $5. if you have a direct flight, you pay $2.vifl do five across the board. and then there was a tax on airlines that was distributed in a very strange way. not treating them the same. and we got rid of that tax. and that is added to the fee. so $5.60 a ticket whether you're connecting or flying direct. and it hems defray the costs of security. and even with this, jake, that general fund taxpayer who never gets on an airplane is still six diesing the person who does get on the plane. >> if other i am a wisconsinite, i will take that. it is obviously easier to say no and criticize a deal like this. are you at all concerned that this deal could hurt you with
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grassroots republicans should you ever need grassroots republicans to support you in the future? >> yeah. people ask me that kind of question all the time. if you compromise, isn't that going to hurt your personal contrary? if i think like that, we'll get nothing done. i was elected by people in wisconsin to solve problems here. i'm the cheryl of the budget committee so my colleagues have asked me to be a leader solving problems. if i cloud my judgment by what is good for me politically or not, how does this juxtapose me against somebody else, that's not right in my opinion. i'm going to do what i think is right. what my colleagues asked me to do and i'm not going to let any personal political consideration down the road cloud that judgment. i quite frankly don't think that's right. with respect to future i'll let the chips fall where they may and i'll sleep really well. >> my thanks to congressman paul ryan. still to come, not all republicans are happy with his deal. a republican congressman who said he will vote against it
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will join us tonight will. plus shock and outrage. was the sign language interpreter at nelson mandela's memorial a fake? plus, a person driving drunk gets probation because apparently he had bad parents. my customers can shop around-- see who does good work and compare costs. it doesn't usually work that way with health care. but with unitedhealthcare, i get information on quality rated doctors, treatment options and estimates for how much i'll pay. that helps me, and my guys, make better decisions. i don't like guesses with my business, and definitely not with our health. innovations that work for you. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare.
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interpreter at the memorial yesterday. many are calling him a fake interpreter who was in fact not interpreting at all. according to the deaf federation of south africa, they say he was simply making up jibberish as he went along. my west and marlee matalin. she went on to be the youngest act rhett. she currently appears on switch at birth. thank you so much. both of you for being here. >> thank you for having us. >> what was your reaction when you saw this man signing at the memorial? >> in fact, when i first saw it, and for the very first time i saw it at home. i thought there's an interpreter there. i was happy for the fact because it is great for the world and people in south africa to be able to watch and participate through the benefit of having a sign language interpreter so they wonderful miss anything. so they can participate and they can celebrate the life of nelson
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mandela. and then i looked at him a little bit longer and i kept thinking, this is hard. i've been to south africa before and i could understand some south african sign language. i thought to myself, wait a minute. this isn't anything. it was almost like he was doing baseball signs or whatever they do, i was appalled. i was appalled. and i knew that at any moment, the entire world, whoever was watching, there would be so much noise. would it create an explosion and it did. >> i want to play a clip from the memorial. mandela's granddaughter reading part of a poem with the so-called fake interpreter. we've add subtitles of what she is actually saying. >> you are lodged in our memorandum rimpls you tower over the world like a comet leaving streaks of life for us to follow. >> so knowing what she is saying and watching that, can you tell that he's faking it?
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>> you can tell. i can tell and i can tell that he is thinking to himself, oh, no, how should i do this? well, let's see what i just did. i'll do it again. >> one of the other signs is that he wasn't making any facial expressions. that's not normally how it is done, right? it is important for someone. >> that is exactly a giveaway. sign language involves, of all kinds. let me emphasize is that sign language is not international. so each country has its own sign language. but in this case, each language shares something which is facial expressions as part of the grammar. to see someone standing there without any moofl of his body. without any facial expressions that one incorporates into sign indicates that he has no understanding of the culture or the language. i knew right then and there that he was not authentic at all and it was offensive to me. >> your show, switched an episode recently that was done
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entirely in sign language. it was called one of the best tv els of 2013. that must be give you hope that there is growing awareness and appreciation of the challenges that deaf people face and also in embracing of that community. >> absolutely. it has been a long time coming clearly when shows like what you just mentioned, switched at birth, in television history can broadcast an entire else without any sound. maybe a little musical cues and focus entirely on the beauty of the language. this is something that everyone can see. and understand and appreciate that sign language is a legitimate language. it is part of deaf culture and now with a new generation coming into play, a lot of people want to learn sign language. they want to be able to talk with deaf people. and we've been oppressed for too long to have something like this happen again. push aside.
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put into the corner. it is important that interpreters, we should understand that interpreters are part of our lives. we need them on create access to our lives to make advancements in the world. to be able to go to school. interpreters need and are important parts of our lives. we need to put them in every part of our lives to interpret. interpreters have a tough job and they are trained and they need to be certified they need to be able to work in environments such acourts, such as in educational settings and that is why this situation is highlighting this. >> thank you sore interpreting. and i've been a fan of yours ever since children of a lesser god. keep up the great work and thank you. still to come, a shocking story out of texas. a teen killed four people while driving drunk. his sentence did not include jail time at all.
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the rich kid defense. a 16-year-old drunk driver from a wealthy family is avoiding jail after killing four people of he was going 70 miles per hour on a rural road with a blood alcohol level that was three times the legal limit. he was facing up to 20 years in prison but the texas judge gave him just ten years probation because, get this, his lawyers argued he was suffering from
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affluneza and was never taught right from wrong. >> looking at the crime, eth couch was 16 y old when he left aarhhree times the blood alcohol level that is allowed in his system driving a high rate of speed. he plowed into the side of the road where a group of people had gathered to help a stranded motorist. his truck was also full of other teens. he killed four people in the side of the road. two people in his truck also remain seriously injured. but when he went before the judge, his attorney was arguing that he was the product of an affluent but totally dysfunctional home. he was never given supervision or taught the meaning of consequences for his actions themselves put a psychologist on the stand in the defense who described this as affluenza.
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apparently the treatment is intense therapy away from his parents. the judge listened to this argument, agreed with it so he won't see jail time. instead he will to go a private facility where he will get this intense one-on-one therapy but see no jail time. here's what his attorney had to say. >> taking him away from his family and teaching him to be a responsible citizen, that is a consequence. >> the prosecutors in this case were seeking the maximum. which could have been 20 years behind bars. they argued unsuccessfully that this teen would still be able to get some kind of therapy behind bars as well. the judge didn't go along with it. and now you have the outrage that comes from this kind of ruling. >> what has been the reaction from the victims' families? i can't imagine what they're feeling. >> it was very emotional in the courtroom toward the end of the proceedings where they were allowed to address the court. say what was going on with them.
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it was very emotional. one parent actually looked at the 16-year-old and said, we forgive you. but it was not a very forgiving mood in that courtroom among the families. and now you can listen to some of their comments. they're having difficulty moving forward from here. >> he'll be feeling the hand of god. definitely. he may think he's gotten away with something but he hasn't gotten away with anything. >> we had over 180 years of life taken, future life. not 180 years lived but 180 years of future life taken and two of those were my wife and daughter. and unfortunately the wounds that it opened only makes the healing process that much greater. much more difficult. >> no comment from the family of the teen in this case. it has been reported that there has been one civil suit filed in
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this case. david mattingly, let's get to cnn's legal analyst. i have to say, i'm stunned. have you ever heard of such a thing as affluenza? >> i've never heard of it. it sounds like junk science. the bottom line, what is so striking to me about this particular sentence is that it really flies in the face of what we in the judicial system believe that punishment is for. sentences are for. certainly there is that rehabilitation that is necessary. especially when you have a juvenile. but there has to be consequences for actions. that usually, you know, results in some sort of prison sentence. we're not only talking about the fact that he killed four people. we also know that he injured nine other people. two of them critically. and so when you look at that, this doesn't teach this young man anything. it only teaches him that there are no consequences to his actions. >> exactly. it feeds into the syndrome this
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affluenza that apparently he suffers from. i can think of, i grew up in philadelphia. there were plenty of kids who committed crimes who were raised in dysfunctional homes who maybe weren't taught right from wrong and ended up taking out actions and not realizing there were consequences. the difference is they were poor. they weren't rich. i don't understand why the wealth, the affluenza plays into this. how does this even pass legal muster? >> it doesn't seem to pass legal muster to me and i will submit to you, the prosecutors in this case should challenge this sentence. and it is something that is not typically done. i will tell you that. but there have been instances when prosecutors have appealed a sentence because they feel it is too lien yenlt or programs outside the law. recently we had that teacher that raped one of his students and he got a 30-day sentence in montana. the prosecution in that case appealed the conviction and
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that, rather sentence, that sentence was changed. this is a prime example of when the judicial system needs to kick in to correct something that a judge did. a judge sentencing someone to even a 15-year-old or a 16-year-old to ten years probation when four people are dead and nine people are injured is just so beyond the pale of what our system is supposed to stand for. i suspect this is not the end of this case. i suspect that the government will certainly appeal this sentence. and rightfully so. >> i suspect you're right. thank you so much. i appreciate it. still to come, a bipartisan deal finally reached. some people are not happy about it. we'll hear from one congressman who says he cannot vote for this plan. plus the latest from the asia crash that killed three people. we have dramatic new video. la's known definitely for its traffic, congestion, for the smog. but there are a lot of people that do ride the bus. and now that the buses are running on natural gas,
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>> in terms of unemployment benefits, the president feels strongly that those unemployment benefits should be extended. >> still, the president says he will sign the bill if it passes through both houses of congress and lands on his desk but will it get that far? congressman, thank you for joining us. you likely heard the warning today. if you're for more deficit reduction, you're for this agreement. i presume you're for more deficit reduction. why are you against it? >> let's go honest. this is a spending increase. the only way you can concede that it is a deficit reduction measure is somehow believe that eight to nine years from now, congress is going to maintain the cuts. what they're trying to undo is the agreement, a ten-year agreement and replace with it another one. at the end of the day they aren't maintaining sequester. it is more spending, both sides have agreed to raise it. and it will increase fees ask
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taxes and at the end of the day it is not good for the american economy or the american people. >> i spoke earlier with your fellow republican congressman paul ryan, the house budget committee chairman who crafted this bill along with democratic senator patty murray. here's what congressman ryan told me. >> we have laid out our vision very clearly, our budget which balances the budget and pays off the debt is our vision. it is where we want to go. we know in divide government we won't get that. the question that we're asking is, can we get a step in the right direction? i clearly think this is a step in the right direction. others would like us to go farther in that right direction. i don't begrudge them of that. i think this is a step in the right direction. that's why i think this is very important that we do this and show them that we can make this government work a little bit. >> congressman, his basic, aeux it is divide government. there is a democratic controlled senate, a democrats controlling the white house and it is better to let it work a little bit
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rather than not at all. >> the sequester is the law of the handled. it is a small limited amount of cuts. conservatives opposed it because we didn't think it was robust. wasn't targeted enough. it didn't deal with entitlement reform and what we could have with doing nothing is all of the qwest. this is a step backward, not a step forward. that's why conservatives are upset. it is making promises about cuts sometime in the future with spending increases today. which is what usually happens in december. the washington winter wonderland. i understand if you cannot get it done but to say it is a great thing, a deficit reduction package is very misleading. >> i think it was call the worst least option even those who are saying it should pass are not saying it is a great deal. paul ryan's argument is, this is the best that can be done right now. you know that appropriate raters, both democrats and
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republicans and a lot of people who are on the military lady committees, obviously the pentagon and those in the defense industry really hate those sequester cuts, that there was going to be something of a rebellion and his argument is this is the best we can. do do you think you could have negotiated a better deal with patty murray? >> doing nothing maintains the sequester. it is to undo the limited spending cuts of the sequester. if the leadership was really committed to the sequester which they claim to have been for three years, or two and a half years. then the crowning achievement of republican control of the u.s. house are these limited cuts. that's what they're traigd away. it was just a couple months ago where the democrats were demanding a clean ch and they were demanding a clean cr. the conservatives said okay, we agree. hopefully we can agree to a continuing resolution spending levels for the remaineder of the fiscal year. this is a step backwards in my
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opinion. >> last question. paul ryan seemed to indicate some optimism. he thinks there will be the votes. he said we will. we feel good about that. at the end of the day, do you think votes are there to pass this? >> when you increase spending in washington, that's, youly a bipartisan deal. my guess is it will pass. it depends how many americans are find bougt the spending increases in washington and they're not focused on washington this time of year. they're worried about holidays about, christmas and doing other things. this happened last year. usually bad deals happening in washington in december and another one likely to happen tomorrow. >> merry christmas to you. new details in the deadly crash of asiana flight 214 in san francisco. the national transportation safety board just released this chilling video of the plane as it approaches the run way. you can see the moment of impact when the plane breaks apart.
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the july 6 crash killed three people. an all-day hearing in washington to determine what caused it. rene, what are the key findings from the hearing today? this hearing that's still going on right now? >> the new details pittsburgh the pilot at the controls didn't fully understand how the plane's automatic flight systems work. hard to imagine. most passengers trust that the pilot knows what they're doing in the cockpit. here are the highlights. a relief pilot in the back seat of the cockpit called out sink rate three times, twarng plane was descending too fast. the pilot flying acknowledged he heard the warning but he tried and failed to make the right moves to correct the problem. the pilot at the controls admitted he was uncomfortable landing the plane visually and he wasn't confident. he knew all he should about the plane's automatic systems. in fact, investigators said the pilot misunderstood how the automatic throttle worked.
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he thought even in idle, would it kick in speed if it was needed but that is not how it works. take listen to captain sully sullenberger's tape on today's revelations. >> right now airline pilots are not getting enough indepth training and bg these complex systems. and it is also important they know how to monitor them and be ready with well learned manual flying skills and able to quickly and effectively intervene when it is not doing what it should be doing. >> all right. investigators are also digging into whether korean culture played a role in the bungled landing. when asked if he thought about aborting landing, the pilot at the controls said, in his culture the higher level person would make the final decision saying it would be very hard for the first officer or a low level person to make that call. >> very interesting. the culture angle is one that we've discussed at cnm before.
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the ntsb said they're at every factor. >> certainly in any cockpit, in any country in the world, there are cultural issues and the ntsb, what our job is to be very fair and to base our information and our investigation and our findings and our recommendations on the facts. >> cnn's kyung lah has more with this part of the story. >> to the passengers who are injured and to the families who lost their loved ones, we are deeply sorry. >> reporter: for the south korean airline, the day began with an apology. the passenger of flight 214 and a promise for the future. >> our committee is doing everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again. there are man behind the controls was captain lee cook, a
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trainee making his very first landing at san francisco international in a 777. the ntsb said he had just 35 hours in that aircraft. far more junior than his supervisor who had landed with no distress calls before handleding. the ntsb looked closely at possible cultural issues. when he was asked if he considered aborting the landing at 300 feet and doing a go-around, he said that's very hard. in korean culture, em, higher level pilots make the decision to do ago around. when asked if he wore sunglasses in the cockpit, he said norg it would have seemed inpolite when flying with a higher level pilot. and he has studied culture in cockpits for two decades. in the 80s and 90s, korea's largest airline suffer a series
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of accidents including night 801 in 1997 and the airline was criticized for the culture in the cockpit. in 1999, the plane plunged into a village. they failed to speak up before it was too late. social hierarchy and deference to elders is paramount in korean culture. while korean aviation today has safety standing dards rated among the highest in the world know he said hierarchical cultures can lead subordinates to stay quiet even in the face of safety problems. >> if you have that cultural norm, it is not conducive, you cannot have an appropriate level of a questioning attitude which is a requirement for salt culture. >> reporter: the unspoken rules of korean culture may explain this mysterious comment by the
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flight attendant. immediately after the plane stopped skidding after the contract, lee web to the captain. i knocked on the cockpit door, she says. the captain opened it and i asked, are you okay, captain. and he said yes, i am okay. i asked should i inform an evacuation. and he told no wait. for "outfront," cnn. and our thanks to kyung lah. still to come, who is the real person of the year? plus, president obama gone wild? why that claim might not quite add up. so you can see like right here i can just... you know, check my policy here, add a car, ah speak to customer service, check on a know, all with the ah, tap of my geico app. oh, that's so cool. well, i would disagree with you but, ah, that would make me a liar. no dude, you're on the jumbotron! whoa.
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one line, infinite possibilities. who is afraid of edward snowden? he was named runner up to the pope for time's person of the year. it is not the first time he's fallen short. does the pope really trump the long term impact of snowden's leaks? or would there have been a back lash against time if he had gotten the top spot? gentlemen, thanks for being here. appreciate it. i'll start with you. time went with what the editors say is the most inspiring, controversial and fascinating figure of the year. is the pope that person?
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>> inspiring, yes. is he controversial? is he fascinating, forgive me, father, i think i'm about to sin. no, unfortunately not. if you look at the actual definition of what "time" magazine's person of the year is, it goes to the person who shamed events most over that entire year. and the pope, yes, he did say some things that caught people's attention. but edward snowden would be the most bold in this case. more and more journalism is a business. it is more stuff to watch, if you're goal is to sell more companies of something then i think the pope is the way to go because of seasonal synergy. two weeks before christmas, person of the year, that will sell more copies than edward snowden which a lot of people may not understand. they may not understand the impact. that we're just talking about a business decision, time went
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with the pope because he will sell more companies. >> noteden has been in the press almost daily since june. here are a few examples. >> what snowden has revealed has caused irreversible damage. >> he has caused terrorists to change the way they operate. >> 29-year-old edward snowden risked everything to steal some of america's biggest secrets. >> do you think he is a traitor? >> i know he damaged the country. the obama administration will deal with it. >> snowden also didn't make the top spot on barbara walters' list of the most fascinating people. is there possibly some fear of back lash. why reward a bad guy with an honor like this? >> he is my most fascinating person of the year. i don't know if he is time's person of the year. you can make a strong case for
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the pope. this raises an issue in journalism. whether the press has taken edward snowden as seriously as he should be taken and giving him the respect he deserves. a lot of people view him as a whistle blower. he is such a polarizing figure, time is being spun off next year. maybe "time" magazine decided he was too polarizing for the cover. as a journal. i, i think he is at the top of the list. >> let's have you make the case for the pope. some people have compared the poem getting this award with president obama getting his nobel peace prize. maybe someday he will deserve it but not right now. why does he deserve this? >> i'm kind. baffled that there would be any question. world peace, feeding the thered be any question.
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world peace, world peace and feeding the hungry, i don't think there is a debate here. first of all, the pope interjected himself in the war in syria. he has done more on the global stage right now e certainly than anyone i can think of and nsa contractor who stole documents and fled the country or refused to be prosecuted for it. so if he's so convinced he did something noble, civil disbead yens says come and take care of it. the people i talk to are not that concerned that peep's privacy is maybe sometimes breached, but what they are concerned about is they get protection from terrorist and many would say the nsa is justified in what it does. i'm not taking that position, but normal people i talk to, my parishioners say they are not that concerned about edward snowden. it doesn't affect their daily lives. people say pope francis does affect their lives. >> father, i would say with all
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due respect, the award doesn't go to the guy that did the most great stuff. i'm not here to disthe pope, particularly two weeks before christmas but in terms of shaping news and somebody that had the most influence doing that, i would make a case, even though an out liar, trayvon mart and george zimmerman because that was probably the biggest story this year -- >> but edward snowden -- >> it's how much did he influence the news -- [ overlapping speakers ] >> and one could make the argument bashar al-assad impacted the world more, not for good. you have to go to 1979 to see time magazine give thing honor, as joe points out, supposed to go to the person who shapes the world the most -- >> whoever you name -- >> it puts a spotlight on that, and they could have used the
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spotlight and put it on as sod to remind the world what is going there. >> in 2001 osama bin laden was clearly the choice for the person of the year. an unfortunate choice and "time magazine" would face backlash for. they went with giuliani before. that was a problem because they experienced negativity there. they shied away from that. sometimes not the best guy in the class necessarily will win the award. suspe sometimes the guy that make s the most news good or bad. >> appreciate it. still to come, world leaders gone wild or is there another angel to this story? stay with us. i have very well fitting dentures. i like to eat a lot of fruits. love them all. the seal i get with the super poligrip free keeps the seeds from getting up underneath. even well-fitting dentures let in food particles.
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finally from us tonight, it's been said that a lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes and that was said before the internet, believe it or not, which brings us to the subject of the selfie seen around the world. to and two others teamed up for a photo yesterday. critics complained it was an
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inappropriate move. that's up to you, i suppose. what caught our notice is some in the heed ya concaughted. the male based on some let's be kind vif rid imaginations suggested that the president got a little too friendly with the danish prime minister which much to the first lady responding with glum looks on her face. did the select photos show the whole story? earlier today i asked the man that took the photos just that. >> she was, you know, talking with cameron and the danish prime minister. they were together in a group and talking. michelle obama minutes before this happened was having a long conversation with cameron in a group. so, yeah, the fact that she's kind of looking serious in the picture, i think she was just, you know, wasn't involved with that moment. >> he called the meem
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misleading, so not as controversial as some thought or at all, really. reminisce ent of past compromising shots this showed president obama checking out a woman going up the stairs seemingly damming and ultimately false. when you watch the video, you see the president helping another woman down the steps and then there is all of these other shots of president obama taken from compromising angels, sometimes it appears he's the instigator or other times like he's trying to stay out of the way, and it's not just president obama of course, here is president clinton enjoying kelly clark and president bush watching a volleyball game. mitt romney, well, to be honest, i'm not exactly sure what is going on in this one. some of these people are some of the most photographed people on the planet and as a result,
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sometimes they get caught in less than flattering lights, sometimes in lights that aren't real. a picture may tell ahousand wo b suspects a picture used improperly, well, it tells lies. thanks for joining us. thanks for joining us. "ac 360" sorts right now. -- captions by vitac -- :. stunning testimony fool the -- from the cockpit crew. why were warnings ignored as the jet descended too fast. plus, the cyanide interpreter being called a fraud and fake but south africa's death community. they are outraged over the peace of history they missed and are demanding answers. we begin with a sentence handed out in a texas court that stunned the families of four people killed by a drunk driver six months ago. it was father's day weekend. the young woman with car trouble was stranded on the side of the road late at
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