tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN December 12, 2013 1:00am-2:01am PST
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being called a fraud and fake but south africa's death community. they are outraged over the peace of history they missed and are demanding answers. we begin with a sentence handed out in a texas court that stunned the families of four people killed by a drunk driver six months ago. it was father's day weekend. the young woman with car trouble young woman was stranded on the side of the road, the mother and daughter had no idea that the decision to help out the stranded driver would prove fatal. neither did the youth pastor who also stopped to help. but a teenager who had been drinking heavily plowed into the group with his truck, that is the teen there. his lawyer didn't deny he was drunk when he mowed them down. they didn't contest any of the facts that the prosecutors presented. what they argued instead was surprising. their defense, the 16-year-old was a victim of his family's wealth. the judge agreed, and the teen that faced up to 20 years behind bars got no prison time at all. here is randi kaye. >> reporter: he got drunk and
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jumped behind the wheel of his pickup truck and plowed down four people, so he is too young to drive in any alcohol in his system. so why isn't he in jail? in this case his blood alcohol measured 4.24, three times the legal limit in texas, eric boyle's wife and daughter were killed. >> we had had over 180 years of life taken, future life, not 180 years lived, but 180 years of future life taken, and two of those were my wife and daughter. >> investigators say that tapes show couch and friends stealing beer from a walmart store in june, then they got drunk at a party. leaving there, police say couch gunned his pickup, going nearly 70 miles an hour in a 40. just about 400 yards down the street, he slammed into holly and shelby boyles, who had
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stopped to help brianna mitchell fix a flat tire. the youth pastor, brian jennings was driving by and had also stopped to help. all of them were killed. he was tried as a juvenile. >> in one of the most bizarre strategies we ever heard of, attorneys for couch blamed the boy's parents blamed their son's behavior that night, all because of how they raised him. a psychologist and defense witness testified the boy suffered from something called "affluenza." he cited one example, couch, 15, was parked in a pickup with a naked 14-year-old girl passed out. couch was never punished, according to the psychologist. he also testified that couch was allowed to start to drink at a very early age, even drive when he was just 13. prosecutors fought for a 20-year
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sentence, but the defense argued couch needed treatment, not prison. the judge agreed. and gave couch ten years probation, plus time and alcohol rehab, no prison. she told the court she believes that couch can be rehabilitated if he is away from his family and given the right treatment. he will likely end up at this pricey rehab center in newport beach, california. his father has agreed to pay the 500,000 or so that it will cost. >> taking him away from his family and teaching him to be a responsible citizen, that is a consequence. >> a consequence? for killing four people? not even close, says this woman, whose daughter, brianna mitchell, died in the crash. >> he will be feeling the hand of god, definitely. he may think he has gotten away with something, but he has not gotten away with anything. >> randi kaye, cnn, new york. >> as you just heard, eric boyle's wife and daughter were
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killed in the car after boyle slammed into them. the most seriously hurt remains hospitalized. he remains paralyzed. eric boyles tells us he is now ready to talk. mr. boyle, thank you for talking to us at this unimaginable time for you. i'm so sorry for your loss. when you heard the sentence that was handed down, that this young man received only probation for killing your wife holly and your daughter shelby, as well as two other people, what went through your mind? >> i was unprepared for the sentence that was delivered. i knew we were talking -- i knew we were in juvenile court. we had hoped it would be treated as an adult. so we knew there were some restrictions. and we knew that even with a 20-year sentence, that he would be eligible for parole in a couple of years. and frankly, you know, i was disappointed. i would have been disappointed
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even at a couple of years eligible for parole, because when you consider the victims that night, you consider four lives taken with 180 years of future life, not present life, future life. >> do you have any idea that if this young man did not come from a rich familiar, he had come from a poor family, that the outcome would have been any different? >> oh, absolutely, absolutely. my request to the court, my request to ethan was that, you know, he came from a life of privilege. his -- it's interesting, one of his -- one of his psychologists used the term affluenza which has been basically given -- he had been provided anything and everything in life that you
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could ask for and that even when presented with difficult circumstances, or had been previously in trouble, this level of affluenza, money will take care of it, was addressed. so i, as well as other victims, expressed that look, we understand he's a juvenile. we understand rehabilitation has to occur, but let's face it, there needs to be justice here. >> let me tell you, as you know, the defense attorney said, and i quote, there is nothing the judge could have done to lessen the suffering for any of those families. that is just not true. >> and here is where i disagree. for 25 weeks, i've been going through a healing process, and so when the verdict came out, i mean, my immediate reaction is i'm back to week one, okay? we have accomplished nothing here. this -- my healing process is
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out the window. >> does it seem to you that he is, in fact, getting away with murder? i mean, he's going to a $450,000 therapy facility, which sounds kind of like a spa. >> but it -- and that is -- cooper, that is exactly the issue. but it's been that way all along. every time, every time the family has faced some level of adversity to ethan, they have either removed him from that situation, or they have indeed -- somehow money has taken care of it. when the teacher confronted him for driving at 13, his dad pulled him out of the school. so, you know, ethan, from 13 to basically 15, is just sitting there. he's -- by his parents' own admission is alcohol. there is drugs. >> that's the incredible thing. he has prior experiences with alcohol and the law.
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this is not -- >> that is correct. >> this is not his first offense, so you have a multiple offender who has killed four people who is not going to spend any time in jail, simply because, i mean, it seems to me his family has money and is able to convince a judge, well, you know, he's -- he doesn't -- it's not his fault. he's not responsible because the parents are responsible. so he doesn't have to take responsibility, oh, and by the way, they got so much money, they are going to send him to a nice facility to get years of therapy. >> exactly -- exactly correct. so ethan's dad didn't see anything the matter with him. he made the indication, he's a great driver at 13. so he gets to 15. there are absolutely no consequences for what occurred that day. the primary message has to absolutely be that money and privilege can't buy justice in this country, that it's not okay to drink and drive and kill four people, wound -- severely injure
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another and not have any consequences to that. that's not the -- that's not the american dream that we grew up to participate in, and i just don't understand it. >> neither do i. >> the term came up during this whole thing of affluenza and you first have to listen, did i hear what? because i've never heard that term before, but after it was used several times, i think it's either a perfect for webster's dictionary. you're just talking about an indication where money, power, influence, affluenza has taken place through this whole process. >> seems like nobody on that side is taking responsibility for it, not this young man, not his parents certainly. and i know it's difficult, obviously, for you to talk about holly and shelby. what do you want people to know about them?
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because i don't want them to get lost in all of this, focusing on this criminal. what do you want people to know about your wife and your daughter? >> well, i think it's worth mentioning that, you know, there were five real victims that night. you still have mr. molina who still is in -- who is paralyzed and receives daily care. no longer in a hospital, basically, in his parents' home, his mother has quit work. his father is -- excuse me, his grandmother quit work to take care of him around the clock. you have breanna mitchell who lost her life that night. she was the original car that was stranded there. but holly and shelby, along with brian jennings, who was a youth minister, you know, holly and shelby went out first. i went out with them. was probably out there 30, 40 minutes with them. >> to help this stranded motorist?
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>> that's correct, and helped, you know, breanna. it wasn't a simple matter as changing a flat tire. if that had been it, that would be a different circumstance. it was clear the car was going to have to be towed. her mother was on the way. police were probably going to need to be called. you know, holly and shelby, were strong in their faith and their family and their friends, and they were givers. there are some people in life that are givers and takers, and they were truly givers. it was clear that night that they wanted to make sure that breanna, who was 24, who was a little shook up. she was a little shook up about what had happened, and they were providing comfort to her, just like -- you know, i had two daughters.
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just like you would hope that someone would do for my family, my daughters as well, and ultimately, they gave up themselves. we're proud of them for being the good samaritans that they were and ultimately they gave their life. >> mr. boyles, i am so outraged and sorry and i'm just -- i appreciate you spending some time with us tonight. thank you. >> thank you. >> eric boyles, whose wife and daughter were killed by a young drunk driver. a lot of issues to discuss, joining me now, dr. drew pinsky, and mark garragos, and sunny hostin. mark is a criminal defense attorney and sunny is a former federal prosecutor. drew, let me start off with you. have you heard of affluenza as a defense?
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>> no. it's disgusting. it's disgusting! there is no such term. you can't open a diagnostic manual, it is a cute, clever twist of a phrase. the psychologist should be ashamed for bringing in the courtroom -- for bringing it in the courtroom, and more shameful is the judge falling for that nonsense. come on now, that's ridiculous. by the way, just because we in mental health understand the environment as parenting in -- as cause sayings in certainly syndromes plates, it is not a justification. justification. once a person gets to the point they are harming other people, just must be what is applied. not some nonsense about pseudoscience that caused it. >> dr. drew, tomorrow i interviewed the therapist who came up with this term, and i'm going to play something he said earlier just before air time. we'll interview him more extensively tomorrow, because i think it's only fair to let him express his opinions on this.
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what this is what he said earlier, just before air time when i spoke to dr. miller. this is what he said about it. >> the things that are most important to this kid are instantly taken away. he will not have, and i send these people -- i've got many, many examples. i send these people to facilities if people can afford it, and i wish everyone could afford this. i think it's a very, very good system that i know about. send them to places where they don't get women, these boys, they don't get xboxes. they don't have computers. they don't have the freedom to go where they want to go and have to work all week to watch a television program on the weekend. >> drew, what the doctor says is he wishes everybody could go to these facilities that needs treatment rather than sent to prison. >> absolutely. i don't disagree, anderson, with one word of that. you go to treatment before you kill people, not after! after you kill people, god help you it's up to the justice system at that point or at minimum, within the confine of say a prison and for extended periods of time like on the order of five to ten years, not one year. this is ridiculous. this is a travesty.
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>> sunny, what do you think of this as a former federal prosecutor? because there are plenty of people, teenagers with prior run-ins with the law as this young man had. >> sure. >> who get sent to jail as adults. >> yes. they suffer from forenza, like when i grew up in the south bronx. i think there is something wrong with a system that works this way. the system failed in this instance. it actually flies in the face of everything that we believe in, in the justice system. because there has to be consequences to actions, and this young man -- >> but what the doctor is saying this young man is a victim of parents being irresponsible just giving him everything he wanted and no repercussions. >> anderson, that's an explanation, not a justification. that's an explanation. >> i certainly agree that there is parental responsibility, and i've been a proponent of parents being held responsible for their children's actions. >> you're saying the parents may be -- >> absolutely.
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if you let your kid drink in your home, you should be responsible if they do something. but let me say this, anderson. i believe that this sentence is borderline illegal, too lenient, unjust, and i suspect the prosecutors will appeal the sentence. it's something that is rarely done, but i suspect it will be done in this case. >> does this defense make sense to you? is it legitimate? >> i hate to rain on everybody's parade here and i know i'll get angry e-mails and everything else. the prosecution has no basis to appeal this. >> that's not true, mark. >> let him finish. >> they have no -- start yelling, sunny! look, everybody is going to agree with you tonight, sunny, so you don't need to yell. okay? i'm going to take a position that is not going to be popular, but i'm going to tell you -- >> we have you here. >> that's why i'm here. >> sunny, i'll yes. it's okay. >> right. and drew can yell in the other room -- >> explain yourself, mark. >> drew, just wait for a second
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here and take a deep breath! the judge used the affluenza similar to dan white used in california many years ago, the twinkie defense. that's not the defense. that's not the legal defense. there is no such thing as the twinkie defense and there is no such defense as the affluenza. what there is, a judge that took a look at this kid. this kid is too young. i wouldn't put him into a prison system where he wouldn't last 95 seconds. i'm going to put him into rehab. >> he killed four people, mark! he killed four people! are you kidding me? >> i understand that sunny, just keep yelling that. >> the fact, mark, you always -- >> i would finish the point but it will just be a prosecutorial gang bang. i know what i'm getting into. >> mark -- >> how about extended course, five years, three years, why one year? >> mark, on this program you often argue that the criminal justice system is inherently racist, is inherently --
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>> yeah. >> unequal, unjust. isn't this a case that -- >> and i would love to -- >> -- that argues in your favor on this one? >> yes, and i would love to finish my point if i don't have sunny screaming in my ear he killed four people. >> yeah. >> go ahead. >> i can show you, i was about to get to, i can show you case after case after case where if this kid was not wealthy, if this kid was indigent, and had some first year, god forbid, overworked public defender that just got into juvenile -- this kid would have been deemed probably fit for adult court who would have been put into a prison and killed within a year. that's what most people want and that's what they would have gotten. i'm telling you, i understand this completely. i've defended cases like this. on more than country occasion. >> but is it just? >> there is nothing just about the criminal justice system. if you're looking for justice, you don't go into the halls of justice. it doesn't happen there. you go in there because all we do in the criminal justice
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system is we just man -- we move people in and out. that's all we do. we warehouse people. >> well, he's not being warehoused. he's not being warehoused and he should be. >> warehouse in a nice place in newport beach. >> that's wrong. >> it can be wrong -- >> unjust. >> unbelievable, a judge who actually looked at the case, a judge who was familiar with the case made a decision. if you're going to say the judge was corrupt, then have some ammunition for that. but some judge listened to the facts of this case. >> mark, doesn't this -- you this case. know, there is so much commentary how there is a separate system of justice. if you have money -- >> there is. >> isn't this a prime example of this? >> yes. >> you not only get better lawyers and doctors, you have your own defense which is being rich -- >> made up. understand something. i agree with you anderson and you're right, i always argue this and say it. there are two levels of playing
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fields, so to speak, it's not a different defense. this is just something that's cute that the media catches on to, just like the twinkie defense. all this is is a way to characterize what the kid's problem is, that the kid has never had any consequences. >> and he still doesn't have any. >> and still -- sunny, if you let me finish, i'll get there. >> you've been talking for awhile, a long time and saying the same thing over and over again, mark. which really doesn't make sense. you're saying, in a sense, that this is just, that this kid kills four people and gets away with it. >> i didn't say it was just. i told you you're not going to get justice in the halls of justice. >> this system is designed to make sure -- >> in the halls of justice -- >> there are no consequences -- >> what about -- >> this is sending a terrible message to other kids that suffer from affluenza and kids that suffer from poorenza that there is this inequality. and you can get away with murder and you're wrong! >> sunny, you should know better than to just put out that. that is not the message that's being sent.
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>> sure, it is! >> there was a judge. there was a prosecutor there, who were there the whole time. obviously this judge, they have elected judges in texas. you think this judge is going to do this because he felt like oh, this is going to enhance my election prospects? >> she's retiring. she is not running for re-election. >> she's in her federal term. >> drew, to the doctor's point, and, again, we will talk to him more tomorrow, it's not like the jail system is ideal for any treatment. >> this whole discussion is so demoralizing. i got to tell you. on the other hand, let me propose something otherwise, which i've seen patients in other states, mark, i know you're primarily here in california. i have somebody i was involved with in indiana. drug problems, behavior problems, ends up in prison and in prison has a five-year addiction treatment program, that's outstanding, a model program and she's suffering real consequences. she has prison guards on her
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24/7 and making great strides. going out to the beach is not my idea of punishment. >> drew, it happens all the time. >> drew, you don't have that in texas and you don't have that in california. you have a crippled system in california. you have a crippled system in texas -- >> are you saying people -- >> you guys are making me -- you're making my heart hurt with the story. but the fact is -- let me say, whether we're advocating poorenza, affluenza i don't care, get help before you harm yourself or somebody else. there can be things in your life, you can have mental illness, things can happen. it could be poor family, bad parenting. i don't care what it is. get help! before you injure somebody else! >> why not just give the 16-year-old the death penalty? i forgot the supreme court said you couldn't do that. >> maybe not the death penalty but certainly consequences for killing four people. >> you put this kid in prison, he is going to get killed. >> he killed four people. >> okay, we got to go. we'll discuss it more tomorrow and we'll talk to the therapist who came up with this idea,
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aflew affluenza. thank you. let us know what you think on twitter @andersoncooper. up next, new information about what was happening in the cockpit moments before the asiana crash in san francisco and i talk to a pilot about why sunglasses may have had something to do with the crash. and why the pilot said he wouldn't wear sunglasses because they were impolite. we will explain that. the sign language interpreter at nelson mandela's funeral not an actual sign language interpreter. what he is doing? it's gibberish. i'll explain. take care of the things that matter most. join today.
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the asiana crash, the new video shows the plane skidding on the runway in san francisco after hitting a sea wall and then the crash landing. new information released by the ntsb shows that the pilots had warnings that the plane was descending too fast in the minutes before the crash. >> reporter: this null released video shows the asiana airlines crash in san francisco, now we know more about what was happening inside the cockpit. it is clear the plane was descending too quickly, and today we learned one of the pilots realized it. the cockpit voice recorder show 52 seconds before the crash, a relief pilot in the back seat of the cockpit called out "sink rate," warning that
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the plane was drooping too fast. yes, sir, the pilot responded. and the warning was repeated twice, once in english, and finally in korean. the pilot at the controls was a trainee on the triple 7 but had substantial experience in other aircraft. he told investigators he was not confident in understanding how the plane's auto flight system worked and felt he should study more. he also said it was difficult and, quote, stressful to land the plane visually without an instrument approach to guide them. but he felt pressure to do it because other pilots were. >> we do have an issue in aviation that needs to be dealt with with respect to automation and performance when it comes to the interaction between the aircraft and the human being. >> investigators questioned if the pilots relied too much on technology. the pilot flying thought the auto throttle, which is similar to one in a car, was engaged, but it wasn't. dramatically slowing the plane. >> automation is a tool.
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ultimately, the pilots must make sure you have a safe flight path and you're responsible for that no matter what happens. >> reporter: crash survivor, ben levy, took these photos immediately after the plane went down. like most passengers, he didn't attend the hearing, saying he wants to focus on family and work. but he still hopes to find out what caused the crash. >> i have got a sense of what happened. i just want to get to the bottom of it and everything that went wrong that day. >> reporter: the ntsb investigation will continue for several months, a final determination of the causes of the crash will come next year. >> that was renee marsh reporting for us. and no one except a pilot can understand what it is like to be at the controls when something potentially catastrophe happens, and when the captain sullenberger landed a plane on the hudson, everybody made it out alive. he joins me now. captain sullenberger, some
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surprising evidence that came out of the crash. one of the co-pilots warned three times the plane was dropping too fast, no one noticed it was going too fast just before impact, how did something like that happen? >> they had help, which is to say they didn't have help. and that is one of the mysteries that the ntsb is going to have to answer for us, what other factors were in play? what will they do to widen the scope of this investigation on how the pilots were trained. how did the culture and their society, how did that play a part? how was it that a professional crew could get to the point where literally seconds before impact, and no one has effectively intervened. because ultimately the pilots are always responsible for what happens, they should have a path that is appropriate and safe. and they should be able to manually land the plane, and if not they should go around and land the plane again. >> according to investigators, korean culture deference is
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given to somebody, whether something is wrong. the pilot wouldn't wear sunglasses despite possibly being reflected off of runway, because it is considered to be impolite to wear sunglasses. is this a problem that has cropped up before with korean pilots? or with other pilots? >> absolutely, yes, there were a number of accidents where this has been noted. so what has to be done to change the cockpit culture is to teach them how important this is. in fact, we fought a similar battle in changing the cockpit culture at american airlines, the united states american airlines about 25 or 30 years ago, where i along with other pilots in other airlines developed, implemented a leadership and team-building course to teach captains to be inclusive, to build a team, to listen to others to make decisions, to not be isolated. not be autocratic. i don't know to what extent the
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foreign airlines are trained in these procedures. i also don't know if they even are trained. does their culture allow them to be used in practice that way? >> it is shocking, if the captain of the plane i was on had thoughts of well, i should be wearing sunglasses but it would seem impolite, or there is a senior instructor on board, so i will defer to them. even though i have issues. as a passenger, that seems outrageous. >> and what we have to do and what has been done before, you have two sets of societal rules in cultures like this, where the hierarchy is so extreme. in general population it is appropriate to behave in certain ways and we understand that. but for safety reasons when you come to work and you get in an airplane, you have to do it this way, you have to be more inclusive. you have to listen to even the most junior person if they're bringing up a concern, and the most senior person, the captain, has to effectively act on this information and that didn't
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happen it seems in this case. >> the pilot told the investigators, and i quote, that he was very concerned about making a visual approach on this runway, something he had not done on this aircraft before. are pilots becoming too accustomed to autopilot? >> these concerns have been appearing anecdotally for many years, but it is shocking to hear such a frank admission in a public hearing like this. what is interesting to me, the pilots may not be getting the type of training they need, and not enough chances to manually fly the airplane. and they lack the confidence, which then makes them reluctant to quickly intervene when the automation isn't doing what they expect. >> good to have you on, sully. thank you. >> for more, go to and the translator at nelson mandela's memorial service.
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and apparently he was a fake. south africans are outraged. davey residents are outraged they missed out on a key part of the memorial. >> reporter: he seemed to be gesturing with authority, signing to keep pace with the speaker. >> side by side, dreaming the same dream. >> reporter: but this sign language interpreter at nelson mandela's memorial, was apparently a fake according to the deaf community in south africa. they claim he had no training, the signs he used were not african language signing. and he never used facial expressions. the federation says there are established signs for famous people in south africa. >> i think he even signed help, because this is a sign for help. or help someone, so who is being helped, it is not known, because the speaker has said the former president thabo mbeki.
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and nowhere does the sign for him appear. and he should know that. >> the deaf community in south africa is outraged. >> he is a fake interpreter, and he has just been signing arbitrary signs. >> reporter: a deaf member tweeted during the ceremony, he is just making up. get him out of tv sight. if this man was a fake, was he a security risk? he stood inches from president obama and other world leaders. the white house seemed uncomfortable talking about it. >> i would refer you to the south african government about who the person was and what their responsibilities were. >> reporter: who is he? it is a mystery. the south african government won't comment, a spokesperson said the host nation provides everyone in the inner perimeter to the secret service 48 hours in advance so names, backgrounds can be checked. but? >> being bad at your job is not a concern of the secret service. the concerns are is he someone
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that shouldn't be there because he has bad intentions? he is known to law enforcement? he is a security risk. >> reporter: johnson says it looks to him like those red flags did not show up in the background checks. did the secret service vet him? the agency tells us the agreed upon security measures between the secret service and south african security offices were in place during the ceremony. the secret service says the host country was in charge of the interpreter. brian todd, cnn, washington. >> that is incredibly. we will try to find out more how he got on the stage and who that person is. let's get the latest news now. anderson, breaking news tonight, nasa says there is a problem with the cooling system on the international space station. and a nasa spokesperson tells cnn's john zarella that one of two cooling pumps has failed. the spokesman says they are working on the problem and the crew is not in danger. there are child porn accusations today against senator lamar anderson's chief of staff. the senator's office says jesse
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ryan larscon has been put on unpaid leave after his house was searched. in a statement, senator alexander says he is stunned and his office is cooperating with the investigation. the house has passed a bill that would take $13 million a year set aside for political conventions and instead use it for pediatric research at the national institutes of health. the bill is used for 10-year-old activist gabriella miller, who before she died urged congress to work together to support child cancer research. pope francis has been named with an eclectic group, including miley cyrus and senator ted cruz. >> i don't know if those two names were said in the same sentence. up next, "crime and punishment," day three of the newlywed murder trial, a woman accused of pushing her husband off a cliff just days after they were married. a friend on the stand said she may have blindfolded him on that day.
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in "crime and punishment" tonight, day three, the trial of the woman accused of killing her husband, just eight days after they were married. she was accused of killing her husband, cody, the defense says it was an accident, the prosecution says it was murder. graham changed her story about what happened. the prosecution's theory was that graham blindfolded her husband on that cliff. today, several of johnson's friends took the stand. kyung lah has more. >> reporter: cody johnson's friends arrived for the third day of his murder trial, with their grief visible and still raw. they testified jordan graham was not an overwhelmed newlywed who accidentally pushed her husband of eight days off a cliff, but a regretful bride out to kill. one friend said he asked to go golfing, he said he couldn't because "jordan says she has a surprise for me." three witnesses testified the same thing, including graham's own stepfather who said his new son-in-law also mentioned the surprise to him.
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the defense downplayed him. and graham said the surprise was just a barbecue with friends, but later that night, johnson plunged to his death off the steep cliff at glacier national park. graham's lawyers call the death an accident, that the couple was fighting on the cliff. johnson grabbed her. she pushed and he fell to his death. prosecutors have a different version. they say that graham wanted out of the marriage and plotted to kill her new husband. computer coroner testified down stream from johnson's boted body, he found a black cloth. prosecutors raised the theory that at the cliff, graham blindfolded her husband, possibly with the black cloth, before pushing him in the back with two hands, face first to his death. the prosecutors argued how the cloth was handled by the police, alleging contamination of evidence. prosecutor say graham spun a web of lies, lying to one of the groomsmen who said in court what he told cnn this summer. >> she actually changed her
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story and stated she was at the house when cody left and that she saw him leave in a dark colored car. so between the two days, the two completely different stories. and at that time, that is when i became suspicious and then actually went to the authorities. >> reporter: where she continued lying to detective corey clark. have you had many people lie to you? >> i don't want to talk about that. >> reporter: but he did talk on the stand, testifying graham created a fake e-mail account so she could send e-mails that would cover her tracks. jordan graham continued the lies to police, family and friends, until the fbi interrogation where she was shown this image. it's a snapshot off the surveillance camera at the entrance to glacier national park. at a high resolution picture, it is clear graham is a passenger in the car sitting next to her husband, putting her at the
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scene of the crime. >> kyung lah joins me from montana. so that surveillance picture shows her and her husband in the park in the car, that last time he was seen alive. what was the reaction from the defense? >> well, it had to have hurt. i mean, even though they knew it was coming because it was in the evidence file, just because you are braced for the punch doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. what this does is it really shows two sides of the same person. the jury just yesterday actually saw her lie seamlessly to two different videos. today, a totally 180 from her, so it is very difficult for the defense to recover from that. we spoke to the defense attorney who said he is looking forward to presenting her side. and stay tuned, today, we honor the people killed at sandy hook elementary school. 3nhj
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well, this saturday marks the first anniversary of the day that changed life forever in the community of newtown, connecticut. on december 14, 2012, a gunman entered the sandy hook elementary school and opened fire, as you know, killing 20 children and six adults. tonight, we'll have a special report honoring the people of newtown, one year later. it examines the legacies of those left behind, honoring the first graders who died. >> i was sure she was going to walk out. i did not understand the magnitude of the situation until about 2:00 in the afternoon. >> i was at work, and was driving back, and calling her. asking for information.
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they said we don't have information. i'm like why am i getting better information from news radio than you, you're standing right there. i was about a mile from newtown when they came out and said 20 children were killed, six adults. and it struck me, and thank god it was only a mile from there because if i had had been driving on 84, i would have run the car off the road because it was such a disturbing, disconcerting moment. >> i answered the door, there was a s.w.a.t. team, they grabbed a hand or two and we fled out of the back of the school. >> kate and her 15 first graders all survived. three of the five first grade classrooms escaped unharmed that day. and the other two, a different story.
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>> they finally said if you're in this room and you're waiting, there is -- you know. >> you're loved one is not coming back. >> among the 20 children and six educators who died that day. ♪ >> i think there is not a minute, not a second of any day that goes by where somewhere in my head i'm thinking i don't have my daughter, aviella, she is gone. that is always in my head. >> it is every second of every day that she is not with me, and that is enough. >> literally days after we lost her, we said we have to do something. it is just in our nature. >> it may have even been that very day. i remember asking why would somebody walk into the school and kill my child? i need to know that answer. i have to have that answer.
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>> do you think there is always a why? >> because we don't know the answer doesn't mean there is not a cause. >> yes. >> even before avielle's funeral, her parents set off on a mission to honor her by searching for answers. they were not the only ones. >> you know, we can't go back in time but we can take what we have learned and honor our daughter by doing something with it. and there was no question. thank.
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"early start" begins now. cold, cold! and cold! much of the country waking up to bitter freezing temperatures and that is not all, folks. a big snowstorm targeting the east coast. indra petersons is out in the cold tracking your winter forecast today! >> she is sampling the elements for you this morning. a budget battle waging in washington but this time it's not between republicans and democrats. it's all within the republican party. the harsh words speaker john boehner had for some of his colleagues. chaos on the streets. the nation stands on the brink as protesters battle with police demanding their president step wn
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