tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN December 13, 2013 1:00am-2:01am PST
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been executed. he wasn't just a traitor. he was kim jong-un's mentor. is now being called a traitor to the nation. a murder trial screeches to a halt before closing arguments even begin. why the newlywed accused of pushing her husband off the cliff eight days after their wedding cutting a deal with prosecutors.
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we begin keeping them honest with new details about the miscarriage of justice. 16-year-old ethan couch, he killed four people while drunk driving back office no prison time and all. his lawyers argued in the judge agree was a victim of his family's wealth. the victim of something that the doctor called affluence. we now know is a completely basically made up term. let me repeat. killed four strangers on father's day weekend and left a friend in a coma paralyzed. eric boyle lost his wife and daughter and here is what he told me last night. >> the primary message has to be that money and privilege can't buy justice in this country, that it's not okay to drink and drive and kill four people, wound and severely injure another and not have any consequences to that. that's not the -- that's not the american dream that we grew up to participate in, and i just don't understand it. >> while eric boyle and other families try to put their life together, the young man couch will be hunkered down in a very expensive rehab facility in california.
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more on that later. we invited couch's lawyer scott brown to join us on the program, but after agreeing, they later canceled. the invitation stands. we learned about another case involving an african-american teenager that came before the exact same judge with much different results. randi kaye has more on that and new details about the night of the crash. >> reporter: it's two minutes until midnight on june 15th when a terrified teenager calls 911. >> we need some ambulances. it's bad. we flipped and -- oh, god. >> okay. were you involved? >> i was in the truck. >> reporter: the truck was being driven by 16-year-old ethan couch and the 911 caller is his friend, one of seven friends in the pickup. the group had been drinking heavily before couch plowed down four people on the side of the road. multiple 911 calls capture the chaos. >> listen to me, is it just one vehicle?
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>> no, there was four or five. there's another child in the ditch. they are gone! >> and how many people need ems? >> ma'am, i'm telling you, it's dark. there's or five kids, there's kids laying in ditches and streets! >> come with me, come here, come here, come here. >> oh, my god! >> come here, i need you to sit here and i need you guys to stay. okay? >> reporter: in the end, four people were dead and two of couch's friends thrown from the bed of the pickup, including sergio molina who is now paralyzed and had been in a coma. his parents we learned are suing ethan couch, couch's parents and the cleveland business that
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owned the ford f350 pickup truck couch was driving. sergio's parents are seeking as much as $20 million to care for their son in the future. the complaint points out, couch had a history of arrests. including one where he pleaded no contest to charges of possessing and drinking alcohol. that court date was just three months before the fatal wreck. we also got our hands on notes taken during couch's manslaughter trial. they belong to the attorney for eric boyles who lost his wife and daughter in the crash. according to that attorney, witnesses testified that ethan couch was caught fleeing on foot, about a quarter mile from the accident scene. he could be heard at the scene the attorneys' notes say yelling to one of his passengers, quote, i'm ethan couch, i'll get you out of this. in the end with four people dead, all ethan couch got for his actions was a slap on the wrist. judge jean boyd sending him to alcohol rehab with ten years probation. >> randi kaye joins us. do we know what this judge jean boyd accepted the affluenza defense before or anything like this?
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>> anderson, it's hard to say much about her time on the bench because she's a juvenile judge and those are sealed. she's presided since 1995 in texas and recognized and received awards, in fact, for integrity and courage. still, there is one case from 2012, anderson, some folks brought to our attention and a bit surprising given the current case of ethan couch. in that case of 2012, a 14-year-old boy admitted to killing a man by punching him in the face, that man fell to the ground, hit his head and died. the judge in that case sentenced the 14-year-old to ten years in a juvenile defense center. all we know about him, because of the sealed records, is that teen is african-american. we don't know if his family is wealthy or not or anything else. while it might be hard to compare, what does stand out is one teenager from the same judge got ten years for killing one man and another, while ethan couch gets probation for killing four people.
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it's a snapshot into the judge's history but it is, anderson, certainly curious. >> appreciate the update. dick miller is a clinical psychologist who testified for the defense. he maintains affluenza is a syndrome of sorts, even though it's not a medical diagnosis. to a lot of people, though, it does sound like a lot of bunk. dr. miller joins me tonight. he's going to a facility that is anything but -- there's no punishment in this facility. this is a top of the line rehab facility. i mean, i went to their website. they have ek equine therapy, one-on-one martial arts, cooking classes -- >> you haven't been there, anderson -- >> i invited you to go. >> i would love to go. >> it's not what you apparently think. >> i looked at the -- >> the people at the network think. >> i looked at the website and his schedule is going to be every day of the week.
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it's cooking classes, one-on-one nutritional counseling, mixed martial arts, gym, equine therapy, he gets to ride horses, yoga, medication, gym access, beach access if he's on good behavior, television access. how is that punishment in any form for killing four people? >> i'm not interested in how much punishment he gets. i'm interested in taking away things that are important to him and replacing them with things in his best interest. >> you work with criminal defense attorneys all the time. you testify in court. it's a big part of what you do. you are concerned about the justice system. you live in this community. is this justice -- i mean, i know maybe the kid won't have his xbox, but i would love to go to a facility for a year and do meditation and yoga and cooking skills and have one-on-one nutritional counseling and ride horses. that sounds great. but to the man who lost his wife and his daughter, and sees this young man who killed -- who has ruined his life, killed his wife, killed his daughter, killed two other people, as
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well as ruined the lives of a number of other people, as well. what consequence, what consequence is there for him telling four people? >> for ten years, the judge will have the discretion at any time she chooses to send this kid to the penitentiary. >> this same judge sentenced a 14-year-old not affluent african-american to ten years after punching someone and knocking them down and hitting their head. this judge sent that 14-year-old to the texas juvenile department for ten years, and that kid is going to be in there until they are 19 years old, and if they violate their rehab program while in there, they may go to the adult justice system. so why is that okay for a 14-year-old poor kid, but for a 16-year-old well off kid, they get to go have equine therapy? does that seem fair? >> there actually are black people who have money, anderson. i don't know why you continue to
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make this a racial thing -- >> i'm not saying black people don't have money. >> i said all races. >> i'm saying this judge previously recently sentenced a 14-year-old who did not have money to the texas juvenile justice system for killing one person for ten years. so you're telling me that there -- >> i trust that judge, and i don't know what the conditions were, anderson. >> uh-huh. >> so you don't believe there is separate -- this is a prime example that there is a separate system of justice if you have money? >> i don't agree with you on that, of course. i do believe that just like you and i talked yesterday, if you have a lot of money, you get people with more skills. you get a better singer. we have you tonight. i'm sure that, you know, you make more than the local guy here. that's just the way the world works, and there is some good things about that, some not so good things. >> you've talked about affluenza
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as being kind of like a virus of wealth, something that this kid is a victim of, this his parents, you know, never gave him consequences to his actions. by giving it this term, affluenza, by kind of implying there is kind of a medical or psychological reasoning behind his actions, isn't that sort of trying to deny responsibility for his actions? i mean, he killed four people. you can call him -- >> i -- >> sorry, go ahead. >> we went over this earlier. i think, anderson, i do believe we used to call these people spoiled brats. i wish i hadn't used that term. everyone seems to have hooked on to it. i think we all suffer from affluenza, not all of us, about 80%. i think my daughter, i think my daughter and i -- when i had enough, i got a little fancy and bought her a car. she didn't want that car. i found out later, it was something i wanted her to have. so i -- i gave her things, and i
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did that too much. i'm not rich. i'm not part of the affluent society. but i think we all have done that. the people who are obese and feed you and offer you food, you got more food than you need, let's eat it. we have a culture of doing that, anderson. it's a real problem and i agree with you. >> isn't this making excuses? you said the vast majority of people then, you know, want too much, spend too much, eat too much, but if you commit a crime, if you kill four people, you can't use that as an excuse, can you? >> no, and the term -- when you use the word kill and people out in america hear that, it implies that there is some -- that motive, that the motive was not good -- >> are you -- >> he -- >> he didn't kill four people? >> yes, he did not murder four people. it's a legal term. >> okay. but he slammed his truck -- >> first-degree homicide and
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involuntary manslaughter are different things, anderson. >> he killed four people, yes? >> four people died. >> well, no, four people didn't just magically die. he slammed his vehicle into four people, correct? >> but you're implying -- there was a little bit there, anderson, that says he -- like did he pick them out like bowling pins and run over them? >> no, he was too drunk to do that but he slammed his vehicle at high speeds at four people and paralyzing someone else in his vehicle and injuring seven or eight other people. >> and he pled guilty to that. >> it's interesting you seem unwilling to say he killed four people. you say four people died. i'm not sure i understand the difference. >> as a result he run over them. they died. he -- they died. as a result of his action, they were killed. that's true. he didn't murder them, anderson. >> but he killed them? >> yes, they died, yes. >> i'm just -- i don't understand -- >> we need a lawyer. you need to discuss these terms with a lawyer.
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>> it's not a legal term and you're not a lawyer and i'm not a lawyer. i'm asking as a human being, he killed four people. if i slam my vehicle into four people and they die, i've killed four people. it doesn't necessarily mean i wanted to kill four people or set out to kill them, but i have killed them, yes? >> i think semantics are important, anderson. >> okay, you're a doctor who has been treating this young man and you won't even say that he killed four people? >> he did. his -- he drove a car into the people there and they -- yeah, they were killed. okay. that happened. anderson, i don't want -- i can't change that. >> i can tell you what the parents want to do with him, they would like him to do some jail time. they would like him to face repercussions for his actions. i talked to the father who lost his daughter and the man who lost his wife and he would like this young man to do some prison time, even if it's only for two years.
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>> we have a system of justice in the united states where we don't take the people that have been offended and have them string you up or lynch him or whatever you want to choose to do, whatever they choose. because it sounds like they want some revenge, and we take -- >> i think they want justice. >> -- who had experience and we sometimes do a jury, sometimes a judge, and that's the way our system works, and it worked this time, i think. >> dr. miller, i do appreciate your perspective and i appreciate you coming on. thank you, sir. >> thank you, anderson. we'll put the whole interview online because it actually went longer before it went on air as we taped it. joining me now is cnn senior legal analyst mark geragos and jeffrey toobin. what did you make of dr. miller and affluenza?
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>> this whole case is like a of everything wronged with criminal justice system, you have race, the difference of wealth and poverty and junk science of -- to a degree that is so shocking, the idea that this guy was allowed to testify in court at all, you know, the supreme court 20 years ago said we're going to try to establish some rules that not everybody can pretend to be an expert. a famous case called daubert. this guy should never have been allowed -- >> he's a practicing psychologist. he sees patients. worked with this young man for six months. >> you have to use techniques that are peer reviewed. there is no such thing as affluenza. there is no disease that 80% of us have. that was a disgrace, that guy. the idea he was allowed to testify, much less have a judge believe him and rely on him is really pretty shocking. >> mark geragos, what is your take on this? >> well, look, the -- he clearly can testify, jeff knows that. he's a clinical psychologist. remember something, we're not
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talking about the context of adult court. we're talking about juvenile court and juvenile court and i don't know why somebody hasn't brought this up. we do make a distinction in the u.s. between juvenile court and adult court. adult court is for punishment and juvenile court is for rehabilitation. by all accounts, this judge is very well thought of. i went online today and did some research on her. she is not -- this is not somebody who is thought of as a wing nut or somebody on extremes. we were not in the courtroom. unfortunately, we don't have transcripts, and even more unfortunately, the only thing we're able to at least in your package show were notes taken by the attorney for the father who is currently suing here. so i don't know that we're getting an accurate rendition of what happened in that courtroom. i'll tell you, however, jeff is absolutely spot on when he says this is a petri dish. jeff discovered the case where
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somebody else got ten years in a juvenile facility and we mentioned last night, anderson, all too often in the criminal justice system, the color of your skin determines what will happen to you in a courtroom and whether or not the color of your money and how much of it determines whether or not you'll get a skill set that's going to be able to get you of the best possible defense in a case. i understand that. i mean -- i'm not out there saying -- because i said last night, i don't know that you necessarily say we're going to throw this guy into a state prison. there has to be something else that could have been used in this case. >> but that's only because he has money, his family has money. i mean, if he is a defendant who doesn't have money, he does get put into the juvenile justice system which does have rehabilitation programs that may not be as effective as this expensive and nice facility. >> this place in newport costs $450,000 a year, which his family is going to pay. i mean, think about how many families in this country could afford something like that.
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it's very few. i think, mark, i'm going to disagree with one thing, the whole idea of the juvenile justice is rehabilitation. there is also protection of society. i mean, what is the lesson this guy is going to learn after killing four people and getting away from it? what is the lesson he's going to get about, you know, the effect of drinking and driving? so -- and, you know, what about the rest of us out on the roads where this kid will have access to a car? i mean, it's different. >> well, look, jeff, i understand that and that's one of the reasons the protection of the community is one of the reasons the laws have changed so that there is now direct filing or there is a filing against juveniles in adult court where your main concern is punishment. look, i've been practicing long enough to remember when we started practicing, duis, there wasn't a blood-alcohol level. you didn't have the per se statutes. it's become progressively more
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stringent and strident against drunk drivers. i think the psychologist was trying to make a distinction of somebody that goes out and commits malice as opposed to charged with vehicular manslaughter. the result is the same. somebody is dead. it's whether or not you've got the mind set, whether you've got the malignant heart as we in the law say which means you're depraved basically, and that was the distinction he was trying to draw. >> i get there is that distinction but he said he wasn't using the terms this young man killed these people. whether or not he meant to or wanted to, he -- he killed these people. i mean, mark, yes? >> right, and the law is made into distinction for 200 years, if not more, between acts that require a mental state and acts that don't. >> right, no, i get that, but in terms of a doctor and trying to
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get a person to accept consequences for their actions, you would want that person to acre knowledge this young man killed these people. they didn't magically die. >> he was obviously playing semantics with you. the legal system has come down very hard on drunk drivers who commit even a fraction of what this guy did, and i think one reason everyone is so outraged about this case is just how different his sentence is from so many other people. >> we got to leave it there. we got to leave it there. >> jeff, in california -- >> guys, i'm sorry, we got to leave it there. we are really tight on time. appreciate it. we'll talk more about this when we come back. the rehab facility where we think couch is going to go is obviously top of the line. it's got high marks from everybody who has looked into this place. i'll talk to the co-founder of the rehab facility himself, a former addict from a wealthy family. dr. drew will also join us. also ahead tonight.
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plus $100 in extras including postage and a digital scale. go to and never go to the post office again. ethan couch, the texas teenager killed four and paralyze another teenager while driving drunk, will spend the next year in a rehab facility instead of the prison bill. his dad is paying the bill that may cost $500,000. he's expected to get treatment in california. they called it the most beautiful treatment facility in the industry. it's clearly a top of the line facility. treatments, there is equine assisted therapy, yoga, meditation, cooking skills, chef. martial arts. to a lot of people may not sound like punishment.
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the co-founder of the academy joins us now with the host of dr. drew on call, dr. drew pinsky. first of all, your facility nobody is in any way saying anything other than really nice things about your facility. i looked at it on the website. it looks like top of the line and looks like an amazing place. ethan couch was diagnosed with so-called affluenza by his psychologist. have you ever heard of that term? do you buy that diagnosis? >> actually, anderson, i don't buy that diagnosis. i don't believe in the term affluenza. what i would like to do is take a step back, and that's a very, very short statement that was made in that courtroom, and as we said earlier, we don't have all of the notes from the courtroom. there were reporters in that courtroom, and i was in that courtroom. other things that dr. miller described was that a child that has been diagnosed with a substance abuse problem, alcoholism and addiction, someone who grew up in a dysfunctional family system with verbal, emotional and physical abuse, and a kid that started
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using substances at 13 years old, and so i would like to take a step back and say, you know, in a country where we allow alcohol and pharmaceutical companies to advertise and promote the use of drugs and alcohol, i really think we have it backwards if we keep sending kids to jail if they are simply acting in the way the popular media in this country is telling them to. if someone truly has a medical diagnosis and because of the mental health parody act, we do know that alcohol and addiction are diseases, then i firmly believe that treatment is a right and not a privilege, and that everybody should have access to treatment, if they truly have a diagnosis of substance abuse, and so -- >> look -- >> but in this case, real quick, like we said earlier, you know, yes, he did kill people, but if this child would have not been under the influence of alcohol, this accident would have not happened. right. so i'm not contesting that this child may have a problem with alcohol.
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whether he is an addict or not, i have no idea and i'm not sure anybody does. but in terms of what actual treatment he will get, you see this then as the treatment he's going to get as alcohol-related or drug-related treatment. because my understanding from your website, you've never actually treated somebody for a year. you've never had somebody like this who is basically going to be at your facility for a year. it's usually a 90-day treatment, correct. >> that's correct. the opportunity to treat someone for a year is very appealing, seeing the data shows the longer someone stays in treatment the higher the success rate and the better the outcome. >> to those people, again, your facility looks beautiful, you know, equine therapy, horses on site on like six acres, you got one-on-one cooking skills, you've got mixed martial arts lessons, a gym. honestly, sounds like a place i would like to go to for a year and get intensive therapy. i think everybody could use that.
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but is it right for somebody who has killed four people to be sent there as -- to be sent there after killing four people? >> right, so, you know, if i put 20-foot walls and barbed wire around the property, would that change someone's opinion? what you're talking about and other people are talking about is treatment versus incarceration, as well. regardless of where someone gets treatment, the kid is not going to jail. that's what people want, an eye for an eye. they want justice from a -- >> but there are plenty of other kids in this country who have committed similar crimes or even lesser crimes who do get sentenced where there are rehabilitational programs but are clearly not able to pay for a program that's not in the juvenile justice system. >> true, actually. unfortunately a lot of those rot with more crime and corruption and actually in a letter from the assistant attorney general in the state of texas to governor rick perry, one of the
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texas juvenile detention centers documented over 1,000 youth on youth assaults in 2005 -- >> right, i don't think anybody believes that these are great facilities, but it is the reality for the vast majority. i do want to bring in dr. drew on this. what do you make of what jamison is saying? again, this facility seems like a very nice facility. that is not being contested. >> it's a no doubt high quality facility and unfortunately, it's a place he should have gone before he killed other people. listen, when i'm dealing with addicts and alcoholics, which i did for 20 years, i ran a program similar to mr. monroe's. these are good programs. they have great outcomes. it is true, the longer the treatment, the better the outcome. here is how i would speak to him had i had my hands on him before the terrible accident. hey, something horrible is going to happen as a result of your alcoholism and crappy attitude! you have to do something about this! i don't care what your parents say, you need to get into treatment and god help you if
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you do something awful as a result of your disease and when that comes down, it will break my heart but i'll stand back and let that ax fall. we must do and that's where everyone is so outraged. there is zero, zero justice in this and zero ability to say that sort of thing to anybody in the future because, guess what? before or after the horrible events, he'll get nice treatment either way. >> drew, that did not happen, given that four people have been killed now, just to play devil's advocate, isn't it better to send this young man to get rehabilitation, intensive therapy and rehabilitation for a year or two than it is to send him to a prison, i mean, that's what -- that's what his lawyers are arguing? >> yes, better potential outcome for him in terms of there being a potential of him being rehabilitated. i actually agree with that. the problem is i don't know if this kid is motivated. we have no idea if he's remorseful. six months of treatment, 12 months of treatment may not be nearly enough. you heard the interview the
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you did with the psychologist that the judge can pull them and put him into prison at some point. i throw down the gauntlet and hope this kid is resistant, you will do exactly that and report that to the judge because you cannot mince around with this. if this kid that killed four people, let's not mince words here, he killed four people because of alcoholism and his disorder and he suffered from some syndrome where his money had an influence on the fact of this terrible case, but if he does not motivate, does not participate, he needs to go back to prison. >> jamison, what will happen? you see him staying there how long? >> if, in fact, he comes to newport academy, what is prescribed by the courts and psychologist is at least a year in treatment, and i really appreciate the comment about the fact two years in rehab, everyone can agree is better than two years in prison, right? >> i'm not saying it's better -- >> one could argue --
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>> -- if you're looking at rehabilitation rather than punishment. if punishment, if you believe punishment should be part of this, as a lot of people do, they would argue it is not better. >> for any kid coming to us on probation, i mean, first of all, we have strict guidelines and rules. people can't do what they want to when they want to. people have to follow our schedule and abide by our guidelines. ethan, if he were to come to us, will have significant conditions placed upon him, not only by the court but by newport academy. if he doesn't appreciate the opportunity he has and abide by those conditions, he'll lose that opportunity and we'll be responsible to report that to the court -- >> somebody that looks at the program, wow, one on one nutritional counseling, mixed martial arts, you get a horse, you get to care for the horse, you get to do yoga and meditation, it sounds spa like. >> yeah, nothing about this will be easy. what you're dealing with is a kid that has severe emotional trama prior to this accident and
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now it's exacerbated. nothing about this will be easy. newport academy experience it's not to pamper but to positively reinforce a new pais way of living to have sobriety and inform this child to be a contributing member of society and hopefully make a living amends for this atrocity. >> hopefully. >> i appreciate both of your time. we have breaking news. north korea is reporting the execution of kim jong-un's uncle. he was a traitor for the ages, he's called. breaking developments ahead live in report. the plea deal for the bride that pushed a groom off a cliff days after their wedding.
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state run media spared no love for the uncle saying despicable human scum jang worse than a dog perpetrated these cursed acts of treachery in betrayal of such -- they wasted no time he was executed. paul hancocks joins us now. the korean central news agency said the crimes of this man included attempts to over throw the state, do we know exactly what the regime is claiming he did? >> well, anderson, we have the longest article from kcna that i have seen in the years i've been covering north korea. it is a litany of crimes he is accused of. he is accused of overthrowing the government, denying party line, squandering assets and money and also womanizing, using drugs, gambling, eating in expensive restaurants. the crimes is extensive.
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you had that very interesting quote there. that's the entire article. that is the way that it is written, showing humiliating this man and showing that he absolutely had to be executed. now they say that the uncle was admitted to the crimes and had little choice in the matter, and he was executed that same day we believe. we can see photos from kcna of him being led out of the courtroom by military personnel. he's handcuffed, his head bowed and eyes shut. it's a very clear case of trying to overthrow the government as far as kcna is concerned and kim jong-un. this is the only information we get from north korea, so it has to be taken at face value. >> it's probably this is a purging of somebody who had a lot of power in the inner circle and this could be an attempt by kim jong-un to, you know, secure his power because this guy helped kim jong-un consolidate power after his father died. >> that's right.
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this was an incredibly powerful man. as you say, he was number two in the country. he has been around for decades. he was working with the founder of north korea, kim il, and kim jong-un's father. he's been around for a long time. he was put in the power position after kim jill died and the young leader took over to help him consolidate and lead him. he was considered to be the power of the thrown. so it could be consolidating power by kim jong-un. >> thanks very much. more happening tonight, susan hendricks has the 360 bulletin. a pennsylvania prosecutor says charges are likely in connection with the death of new york city college freshman who allegedly died during a fraternity ritual. the incident involving brute
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college students happened at a house. two days before the one-year anniversary of the deadly school shooting in newtown, connecticut, the national cathedral in washington hosted a service for victims of gun violence. many that spoke called for more gun control. in the skies over south africa, a rainbow after tens of thousands of mourners lined up for a second day to pay respects to nelson mandela. certainly a sight to see. a note of support from the 43rd president to number 43 to the alabama kicker kate foster. foster missed field goals and had a bluff. bush wrote life has its setbacks, i know, however, you'll be stronger with time. i wish you all the best, sincerely another 43. he says he's framing that and will put it on instagram. >> thanks, susan. a dramatic development in the murder trial of a new bride. she was accused of pushing him off a cliff. the fake interpreter at nelson mandela's service said he is schizophrenic and seeing angels when he was signing signs that didn't make sense to millions of people.
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accused of killing her husband eight days after kill her husband. she pushed her husband cody johnson and he fell to his death. kyung lah reports. >> reporter: jordan graham entered court a free woman, she left today in handcuffs. in a stunning about face, the 22-year-old newlywed changed her plea for second-degree murder to guilty. gram stood before the judge and said this was the truth about what really happened at the cliff at glacier national park. she and her husband of eight days got into a heated argument. graham said she told her new husband she wasn't feeling like a happy newlywed. facing the cliff, johnson grabbed her arm, she said let go, then she pushed him, one hand on his shoulder, one hand on his back, face-first off the cliff. i wasn't thinking of where we were, graham told the judge, it was just a reckless act. i just pushed.
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graham says she left her husband dead at the bottom of the sheer cliff without telling anyone because i was so scared. in your opening statement, you said this was a young girl who made poor choices. do you still hold that belief? >> i do. >> reporter: graham's attorney says he still believes in his young defendant, that she made a series of mistakes and just dug herself in deeper by trying to cover it up, lying to friends and police saying her husband was missing when she knew he was dead. >> for us, i think it's been emotional from the drop of the gavel. >> reporter: an emotional final day in court as johnson's family and friends watch the couple's first dance in the wedding. the happy smiles here drew sobs from johnson's mother. prosecutors believe johnson's death was premeditated and graham plotted to kill her. just as lawyers were about to present closing arguments, the defense got offered a deal from the prosecution.
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they would drop the charges of first-degree murder and lying to federal authorities in graham agreed to plead guilty to second-degree murder. >> my role in that process is not something that i can comment on. all i can say is that the ultimate plea that was entered was ms. graham's choice. >> reporter: when graham uttered the word guilty, her former mother-in-law wept. her parents remained silent, leaving the courthouse and their daughter in the custody of u.s. marshals. officers cuffed jordan graham in the courtroom while johnson's friends held hands and shook their heads in satisfaction. they left the courthouse saying few, but powerful, words. >> god will take care of it. >> kyung lah joins me now. so what is next in terms of sentencing? >> it's a sentencing, which will happen in march and at that hearing, there will be a chance for her to speak out. there will be a chance for the victim's family to speak up and
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those words will be important and here is why. the judge has a lot of leeway. the minimum here, anderson is 19 and a half years, the max life. >> interesting. appreciate it. thanks. a truly bizarre story got more bizarre. the interpreter called out as a fake by south african's deaf community. he says he was having a schizophrenic episode. what he says he saw and heard on the stage on a 360 followup next. 3nhj
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the interpreter accused of signing essentially gibberish is speaking out and defending his work. he said he's been doing the job for many years, and claim, quote, he's a champion, unquote, of signing. he's saying he got into this line of work for a special reason. listen to what he told cnn david mckenzie. >> i'm disabled as they call, and anything about disability, it's a part of me and what drove
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me into interpreting is that i would like to see the people with deaf disability been accommodated as much as i want to be accommodated. >> reporter: what sort of disability do you have? >> i'm suffer from schizophrenic, which is controllable, and i'm under treatment. >> well, he told the associated press that he has been -- that he's been violent in the past and hospitalized in a mental facility for more than a year and told the associated press and other media he was hallucinating at the mandela memorial and seeing visions of angels and hearing voices while on the stage with president obama and other leaders. they are looking how he got a security clearance for the job and how qualified was he. he got defensive when david mckenzie asked him to sign for him. watch. >> reporter: can you show me some of the signs?
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>> what are you referring to me to? >> you say -- >> you tell yourself that people that was interpreted for them for all these years, they said i'm not -- i'm like -- i'm -- i'm speaking rubbage, but if i speak rubbage and nothing been done and now something has been done and i must again make another signs. you want to tell me what? you tell -- do -- me, you want me to call me what? >> no. i'm just asking if you can show me some signs? >> no. . let's be realistic. >> that didn't make sense. he refused basically. many are wondering who he is and how he got the job. robin curnow joins us with more. the bizarre interview the interpreter gave today raised more questions than answers. he wouldn't answer simple questions about qualifications and i know the south african government issued a statement
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today. what did they say? >> reporter: well, they admitted that there had been mistakes, but they refused to say he was a fake. essentially saying the reason for all of this confusion is that the interpreter was speaking in a different dialect, however, this minister in the cabinet did say that they were trying to investigate the security vetting procedures, and they had tracked the company from which they had hired him, however, the minister, the deputy minister did say that the people who worked for this company had vanished into thin here and that's a direct quote. >> i mean, we've heard from people in the south african deaf community who said that this wasn't just a different dialect, that even the words, the names of, you know, nelson mandela or oliver tambo, the signs for those names, he didn't use or
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didn't use facial expressions. the government says the company has been providing substandard services for years. did they say why they hired this man? >> no. and i think that is the point. there seems to be a lot of blaming going on. the government not giving a lot of answers at the press conference where this minister was speaking, really probably also confused a lot of us more than it should have. there really is a sense that there is finger pointing going on. i think a lot of questions why the government hired a freelancer for this huge event, when apparently, there are some deaf interpreters on the government books as full-time employees. so i think really, as you said earlier on, a lot of questions, not a lot of answers. >> and the deaf community in south africa showed outrage and said they complained about this interpreter before. >> absolutely. they say -- and they have given a number of instances where they say this guy wasn't up to their standard. they say he's not part of the deaf community, they don't know who he is and obviously from
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that interview with cnn, this interpreter, not being very forthcoming about his qualifications. the deaf community saying he was meaningless, his hand signals were out of link with the words but the real key give away, the dead give away, he didn't make very many facial expressions, which is very much part of communicating here in south africa with the deaf community. they are outraged and say something should be done and find it an embarrassment. >> robin curnow, fascinating. thank you very much, robin. we'll be right back.
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that's it for us. thanks for watching. "early start" begins now. another massive wointer storm. it is set to drop sleet and snow and ice and expected to wreak havoc on so many communities. indra petersons is tracking it all for us. >> it actually passed the house at least. what is next for the budget plan that has rocked washington. north korea's leader accusing his uncle of treachery and having him exexecutcuteexec. welcome to "early start."
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