tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN December 13, 2013 5:00pm-6:01pm PST
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response is to go immediately to the threat and eliminate the threat. the deputy that is assigned as the school resource officer did exactly as he was trained and as he's expected to do. from the time that the deputy called out the incident until the time that he discovered the shooter's body, was with -- was within five minutes. the deputy did his job, school security did their job, and the additional responding deputy sheriffs that made up an active shooter response team did their job extraordinary well. i believe their quick response and their reaction saved lives in this particular incident. i have no way of knowing, nor will i have a way of knowing, but i believe the shooter knew that deputy sheriffs were immediately about to engage him, and i believe that that shooter took his life because he knew that he had been found.
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i also wanted to ensure that all of you understand how grateful i am for the unbelievable response of resources, and individuals from public safety entities across the south metropolitan area to this incident. the men and women that responded to this incident acted courageously and exactly as they were trained and collaborated in the best interest of the public safety of our community and most importa importantly, the student body of arapahoe. we evacuated the school quickly but deliberately. while we evacuated the school, no student, no staff, no members of the community were injured and that's a very, very marked comment because the evacuation was done in an organized and very thoughtful and deliberate
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manner, so that we ensure there were no other injuries to anyone while they were being evacuated. we now have closed down centers, one at the euclid middle school. all of the students that were in the school today during the tragic incident have been reunited with their family, and with their friends. we know that they are all safe. i'm sad to tell you that we have two students that were injured. one student suffered a minor gunshot wound, was treated at the hospital, and within the last half hour has been released to parent -- with parents. sadly, i also must inform you that a 15-year-old student who suffered a significant gunshot wound is currently listed in critical condition in a local medical facility.
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as i mentioned at our last meeting, our thoughts and our prayers are with that dear young lady and with her family. our investigation continues, and our investigation will go forward for the remainder of the weekend. we anticipate arapahoe high school will be closed as a result of our investigation at least through sunday and possibly longer. we have a very detailed and a complex investigation to conduct. we have a great deal of evidence that we need to evaluate and collect. we will do it right. we won't do it quick. our purpose now is to ensure that we serve our community so that the end of our investigation, our community and those that have interest will understand exactly how this happened and we are hopeful that we will be able to identify why it happened. that will take some time. we currently have crime scene
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investigators from the arapahoe county sheriff's office, from the colorado burro of investigation and the federal burro of investigation inside the school. they are beginning to design their plan to collect and evaluate evidence. that is a process that will take some time, and it is a process that will be done extraordinarily well because of the men and women assigned to those responsibilities. we're fortunate to have very, very best, most talented, most experienced crime scene investigators with us tonight in that school and conducting that particular piece of the investigation. there have been some questions about releasing the property of the students, and also releasing vehicles from the west parking lot. the west parking lot is the main parking lot used by students. at this point in time, we don't have a time frame where we will release those vehicles to the
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rightful owners. however, our goal is to try to accomplish that around 2:00 to 3:00 tomorrow afternoon. and again, that time is an estimate. it will depend on the evidence we find, and the work that we have before us to do the job that we need to do. >> you're listening to the arapahoe county sheriff on today's high school shooting outside denver. the gunman, a student at arapahoe high is dead after targeting a teacher that managed to escape and shooting two other students, wounding one of them serio seriously. that student a 15-year-old female is still in critical condition. with what the authorities say was a significant gunshot wound. police say the gunman shot himself. the images similar to other school shootings, sanity hook, columbine down the road. tragic and traumatizing for
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those who live it. i want to go to anna cabrera outside the school. tell us the details we know thus far. >> reporter: well, good evening, anderson. one of the main points that sheriff robinson made is he believes quick action and response but the law enforcement who were on scene, almost imminently likely saved lives. you know, since columbine, since that shooting, there is extensive training how to respond to an active shooter situation inside a school, and the law enforcement officers locally and on a state level are trained to go in and immediately -- not to wait, to immediately identify the threat and to stop that threat. and so they responded immediately and within five minutes, he said of the initial call for help, they had identified the shooter who had already found had taken his own life. so just to recap, there are one person whose dead, two people who are injured, the person who died, the officials tell us is the shooter himself, a student
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at the school. the two people who were injured, one remaining in critical condition, a 15-year-old girl who had surgery for a very serious gunshot wound and a second student who was injured but they called it relatively minor injuries, that student has been treated and released from the hospital. this was a scene of chaos for several hours this afternoon. behind me, it's quiet now, but this was the scene where all the parents and students eventually were reunited and again, a process that took several hours. this school had trained for a situation like this, and so the evacuation of the students, their reunfa case with parents went smoothly and as a result of that, it went so smoothly, there were no injuries. we spoke with several students while shaken who said they believe their teachers respond in a great way in terms of guiding them through the process and what to do to make as you were no other student was injured, anderson? >> anna cabrera, appreciate it.
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more on who the shooter was. i spoke a short time ago with a student. he saw the teacher in question and knew the gunman, as well. so frank, when you got back to the school, you realized somethings going wrong. what did you see and hear? >> i just saw a bunch of cops swarm into the school, the parking lot, the side streets, everything, and they blocked off the intersection leading to the school and they forced me off the road into the local grocery store, where i met up with a librarian and janitor at the school. >> they had already left the school and the librarian, was that the teacher allegedly being targeted by the gunman or requested by the gunman? >> he was the one who was shot at, yes. >> so what did the librarian tell you? >> all he could really tell me were the same two or three statements over and over. he just kept telling me that the gunner asked where is he, where is he, and he kept searching for
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him and all he could tell me is his name and about the speech and debate team. >> obviously, don't use his name, what about the speech and debate team? that has something to do with the motive? >> we believe the gunner was on the speech and debate team. he is on the speech and debate team but he was demoted a certain position and i'm told that's what led him to snap. >> did you know this -- the alleged gunman, and if so, what was he like? >> i did know him. i've known him since my freshman year of high school. he was the last person i expect to ever shoot up a high school. he was honestly incredibly humble and down to earth. he was a little geek ki but in a charming way, so i don't conon who hates him, really. it came as a surprise to me, at least. >> did you have any indication in the last couple of days that there was anything going on with him, anything wrong with him? >> i heard from a few friends
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that -- and i believe it was a spanish class on wednesday that he showed a few outbursts that were fairly violent. >> do you know any more details on that? >> he went out to get water, i believe, or something from his locker, and when he came back the door was locked so he started pounding and screaming and cursing at the teacher apparently. >> and that was something unusual for him? >> right. >> how were -- are you and the other students doing? it's one thing to see this kind of thing on tv and have it happen somewhere else, but to have it happen in your school? >> it's one of those things you see all over the news like that will never happen to us. but, it happened four hours ago, i think, and i'm just now texting my friends and they are telling me it just now hit them they just realized this is a real thing. so still trying to get over it, you know.
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>> yeah, thanks for talking to us. glad you're okay and your friends are, as well. thank you very much. >> thanks for having me, appreciate it. >> you can follow me on twitter. we'll have more late developments throughout the hour and speak with another student inside as the gunshots rang out. also, the parallels with columbine and frankly, the differences. ...are the hands that do good things for the whole community: the environment, seniors, kids, and animals. that's why we created the share the love event. by the end of this year, the total donated by subaru could reach 35 million dollars. you get a great deal on a new subaru. we'll donate 250 dollars to a choice of charities that benefit your community. it feels good to be a helping hand.
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15-year-old student is in critical condition. the student that shot her is apparently dead by his own hand. the images steering, tough to watch, some like parents this afternoon hugging kids or at least a relief to see, so is hearing from survivors, i spoke with courtney just before air time. so courtney, first of all, how are you holding up? i know you got real shook up with what happened. >> i'm okay. i've definitely been better, but i mean, something you got to stick out, stay strong for everybody else around you. >> explain when you realized something was happening. >> we were just -- i was sitting in yoga class and working on a school project. it was actually our final for the class, and i just heard this bang, bang and it was like -- i thought somebody was just upstairs messing around, like with a vending machines because a lot of kids, like the vending
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machines get stuck and kids kick them and stuff like that, and the next thing we know, one of the girls that was actually upstairs, comes running down screaming help, help, there's a shooter, there's a shooter and she had blood on her shirt and our teacher, ms. bradley, she brought -- kind of freaked out for a second. she calmed down and counted everybody as we walked in the room to make sure everybody was in there safe and took this young lady with us, and we went into like a couple back rooms they have down there in the basement, and we all sat down there and our teacher checked out the young lady that came down screaming and nothing appeared to be physically wrong with them, but you can definitely tell she was shaken up. >> this may be a dumb question but you said she had blood on her. where did the blood come from? >> her friend she was standing next to was actually one that had been shot, and her friend --
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i didn't really get the full story, but i guess her friend had fallen on her, and i guess her friend kind of just fell, and that's where the blood came from because she was standing right there when it happened, when her friend was shot. >> you must have been incredibly scared at this point. >> yeah, i was more angry, i guess, at first, to like sit there and think how could somebody possibly do this? it's the holidays. it's christmastime. this doesn't happen to people -- this just doesn't happen. this hit way too close to home. this doesn't happen to arapahoe high school. it just doesn't happen, and i guess i wasn't really scared until swat came down, and they were like it's swat, it's swat, it's the police, stay calm and they were just really yelling and i guess that's when it became a reality for me, and that's when i started to just freak out, and i just lost it. >> how long were you with the
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other students waiting for the police to come? >> i was one of the three girls. there was two other girls that sat and were comforting the young lady that had came down the stairs screaming for help. we sat there and comforted her, and the rest of the students were in a separate room. we probably were there for about 15, 20 minutes. our teacher actually has a brother in swat and texted him and let him know where we were. that's when they came down and got us and had to make sure everything was secure and stuff like that. >> without obviously using any names, did you know the alleged gunman and if so, what was he like? >> i knew of him. i maybe talked to him two, three times. he was a really sweet kid. like, no one ever really expects that from anybody. he ran track. he was on speech and debate.
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he was a really smart intelligent kid. really had a good life ahead of him, and it's -- that's really all i can say about him at this moment. >> courtney, i'm so glad you're okay and that you were able to comfort this other student at that time is a really wonderful thing you were able to do and appreciate you talking to us tonight. >> yes, thank you for having me, appreciate it. just ahead, we've been talking about the drunk driving rich kid that killed four people but only sentenced to rehab, including possible equine therapy. the idea of him being a victim of something called affluenza brought up in court. we'll get reaction to the sentence, one of the people that barely survived that wreck, another teen paralyzed. later, that bogus interpreter, was a guy with a history that includes murder charges. he was just inches away from the president of the united states and dozens of world leaders. how did that happen? details ahead.
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well, we have breaking news, the local sheriff saying two cocktails found, one was detonated, one was not. it spurred comparisons to sandy hook a year ago tomorrow and columbine 14 years ago, a few miles separate the two. the images, some uncan'tly similar. thankfully, the outcome is very different for a variety of reasons, including how authorities responded. here to talk about it is dave collins, who wrote the book on "columbine, an extraordinary
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account." i highly recommend it. how much of that was flat out wrong, and it makes me think about we just got this report about moll tov cocktails and previously, people said he was targeting one teacher, so maybe that's not correct. >> right, exactly. right, with columbine, we had it so figured out the first week. two loaner out casts, goths on a tirade targeting jocks to kill them and everybody knew that and still people believe that. every single bit of that is wrong. i do a lot of events at high schools and colleges and the first thing i do is ask people, okay, what happened at ca columbine? i ask how many people know about it and they all do. almost every still thinks all those things. they are all wrong. and today, yeah, it was like a minute ago we just heard the news about the molotov
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cocktails. the first thought, that may or may not be true, although, with things like that that probably is. if the cops find a physical device, they are probably not going to mistake that -- >> the story up until a minute ago, they said he was targeting a specific teacher perhaps because he was taken or demoted from the debate team but if you bring molotov cocktails to a school, that seems more destruction planned. >> and more planning and you usually don't target a single person. i was skeptical about the target. you never know but, you know -- >> i follow you on twitter and we discussed the idea of not naming the shooters, which is something i believe in strongly and have tried to do in all the reporting, not just obviously tonight but in all these instances. why do you think that's important and what role does extensive media coverage, pa particularly media coverage play a role in? >> it's a huge impact. sometimes when i talk to people,
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they don't understand that because they say obviously a person doesn't just think, oh, a school shooting and i'll do that. that's not really getting it. so to understand how most of these people do it and deeply depressed, it's sort of at the end of their rope and trying to lash out and have some sort of impact. they usually don't know what. they don't necessarily have -- they are not clearly defined with goals and not trying to become famous like being on the tonight show, they are trying to be heard and have an impact on the world and don't know how to do it but see the coverage of these things, oh, it's sort of like a model. well that's kind of working. that guy is being heard. everyone is hearing his name. i think we give power to that individual and make it seem like wow, that sort of does fulfill this need i'm in search of. if we take that away, we've sort of silenced the person, we really sort of denewted them and made them this voiceless person and take the power away.
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>> you can report on motive and you can try to learn things that will help the next time -- >> i'm all for that. >> without using the person's name -- i just don't think -- >> the perpetrator, the gunman -- >> they shouldn't remember those peoples' names but the victims, the lives forever changed. and the other point you make, which is that these schools are really kind of centers of community life. so the impact of a shooting at a school like this goes far beyond the immediate students who were involved and has rippled throughout the community. >> it is. every area usually, there is private and local high school, and in this area it's particularly great because of the suburban flight when they came together. and most of those like columbine, there is no down -- they are unincorporated jefferson county. this wasn't unincorporated arapahoe. they have no main street. there is no county courthouses, not even symbols where the
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center of town is. there is no town. the high school becomes the town, and people when you ask them where they are from, they will say they are from like columbine or dakota ridge or whatever the high school is is how they think of their identity of their group. you shatter the symbol of what the community is. >> again, the book is "columbine" -- >> that is the correct title, right. >> yes. >> it's truly -- i read it. it's such a good book, and if you think you know what happened at columbine, you have no idea. i had no idea until i head your book. >> thank you very much. thanks for having me. the texas teenager that drove drunk and killed four and is getting no jail time. they used the word affluenza. we'll hear from another teen ieg ager that survived the crash but his life changed forever and we'll look if the affluenza defense makes any sense. is that a medical term? right now i'll tell you it's
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not. revelations about the interpreter that caused outrage in the deaf community essentially signing gibberish, aports of an alleged criminal past he has when we continued. . i heard about progressive's "name your price" tool? i guess you can tell them how much you want to pay and it gives you a range of options to choose from. huh? i'm looking at it right now. oh, yeah? yeah. what's the... guest room situation? the "name your price" tool, making the world a little more progressive. so i got the windows nokia tablet. it's, well, impressive. it's got the brightest hd screen, super-fast 4g lte, so my son can play games and movies almost anywhere, and it's got office for school stuff. but the best part? i got the lumia 928 for my daughter for free, with the best low-light smartphone camera
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welcome back. tonight a new perspective on the case of the 16-year-old drunk drive there caused a cash that killed four and got in jail time. in a moment you'll hear from the family of a teenager hurt in the crash but details of the case. a judge in texas sentenced that young man, 16-year-old ethan couch to ten years probation for the july crash that killed four people. the defense used was something called affluenza, the theory that couch isn't to blame for his actions because his rich parents never set limits for him and he never learned about consequences. maybe hard for a lot of people to wrap their brains around. last night i spoke with dick miller, the psychologist that testified for the defense and used the term affluenza. in the course of our discussion, he took concern with the term he killed four people. take a look. if you commit a crime, if you kill four people, you can't use that as an excuse, can you?
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>> no, and the term -- when you use the word kill and people out in america hear that, it implies that there -- that motive, that the motive was not good. >> are you saying -- >> [ overlapping speakers ] >> he didn't kill four people? >> yes, he did not murder four people. it's a legal term. >> well, okay, but he slammed his truck -- >> first-degree murder and first-degree homicideanderson. >> he killed four people, didn't he? >> four people died. >> four people didn't just magically die, four people were killed by this young man. e ethan couch crashed his vehicle. sergio malina was riding in the back of that young man's vehicle. in the back of his truck in the back of couch's truck. he survived the accident. his life will never be the same, not for him or his family.
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>> reporter: this is the way sergio malina used to be a happyson son and bother who loved playing soccer. this is the way he is today. 16-year-old sergio with his mother. he can't talk and respond. it's what happened to him after he flew out of the back of the pickup just outside fort worth, texas. >> they told us that basically that's as much as he's going to rehabilitate, that that's -- that's all we can hope for is how he is right now for the rest of his life. >> reporter: the family hopes and prays that is not true, but in the meantime, they deal with realities. in the six months since the accident, what have your medical bills totals so far? >> over a million dollars. >> reporter: a million dollars. >> over a million dollars. >> reporter: sergio's family piled a multi million dollar
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lawsuit against ethan couch, his family and his father's company because it was the company-owned truck eaten was driving. a family attorney said the judge made the appropriate disposition in the case but sergio malina's family says testimony in the trial revealed the teens in couch's truck pleaded with him to slow down and drive safer before the accident occurred. >> and how many people need ems? >> ma'am, i'm telling you it's dark. there are four or five kids, kids laying in ditches and streets. >> reporter: sergio was one of those in the ditch. his brother was in court during the trial, and says when he heard the affluenza defense being used, he thought it was nonsense and upsetting. when the verdict came and you found out he wouldn't spend time in jail, what went through your min mind? >> just a regular anger,
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disappointed, so outrage usely angered, i can't say anything. >> reporter: the family is currently retro fitting their home with money they say they really don't have to accommodate sergio. his mother maria said it was e mobilely hard for her to talk on camera but she wanted to give it a try. tell me about sergio, what kind of boy he is. >> he was the best. he was that kind of boy with a lot of dreams. he was -- well, his first dream was to be a soccer player. he was sweet. i mean, it was -- >> reporter: he's lucky he has you. you need to hear that from people like me, outsiders. do you realize that? >> yeah. >> reporter: he's lucky he has
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you and siblings to take care of him, right? >> yeah. >> reporter: the memories of surgery before the accident sustain this family. the picture of him on the left with two of his other brothers, his soccer uniforms and relationship with his dog pinkie. >> that's my life. if i have to become a scientist to go and fix him, that's what i'm going to do. that's how much i love him. >> gary tuchman joins me live. what's the status of the civil suit the family filed against this family of ethan couch. >> sergio's family lawyers say that at this point, they would like to see a settlement before it gets to court. they want to spare the family more drama. they will ask for a deposition from ethan couch. during a criminal trial, as you
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know, a defendant like ethan couch does not have to testify, that's his right but during a civil case like this he can indeed become pelled to testify. >> gary, heart breaking what that family is going through. joining me live, brian weiss, cnn jeffrey toobin and brois watkins, co-founder of "your back" brian, you believe the judge in this case did the right thing sentencing ethan couch not to a juvenile justice facility but instead to a top of the line rehab facility that his family is going to pay for in california. why do you think that is appropriate? why is that justice? >> because, anderson, this is a veteran juriest, probably nobody more respected certainly in tarrant county, maybe in the great state of texas. since 1985, a woman that's done nothing but hear these kinds of
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cases, and the family code tells her that she has got to act in the best interest of the child, that rehabilitation unlike vengeance and deterrence in felony court is job one. after hearing three days worth of testimony, which is virtually heard of in juvenile court, this judge decided that this was the appropriate sentence considering the facts of the case -- >> so let me ask you, though, why, though, just because this young man comes from a rich family and his dad can pay $450,000 a year for a rehab facility that has equine therapy and daily yoga classes and counseling and mix the marshall arts classes, why somebody that's rich pay for a fancy rehab facility, why should they not go through the same juvenile justice facility most other people who don't come from rich
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parents go through. there was a 14-year-old boy who punched somebody, and that person fell down, hit his -- hit their head on the sidewalk and died, this same judge sentenced that young man, whose african american and 14 to the juvenile justice facility, which also has rehab in it, but is a juvenile justice facility. why should there be a accept pretty system for rich people? >> first of all, that young man that cause the the death of another youngster, knowingly and intentionally, first of all, may have had a -- >> actually, let me stop, you sir -- [ overlapping speakers ] >> you're misstating the facts. this young man punched somebody, and that person fell and hit their head and died. you're saying that person intended to kill somebody. you have no evidence -- >> no, not at all -- of course not, ender son, the act of the punch itself was intentional. the bottom line, there are a number of distinctions, none of which anybody on this panel
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tonight can be aware of. there may have been a plea bargain, there may have been a history of misconduct. >> there was a history of misconduct with ethan couch. >> this man had a minor in possession back in february -- [ overlapping speakers ] >> he was found with a girl half undressed and was belligerent with police. >> under texas law that's not a criminal offense. the fact that everybody believes he's going to this $450,000 lockdown facility in california -- >> sir, let me stop you there. it's not a lockdown facility. there are no locks, there are no chains, there are no fences. we're looking at pictures. it's the nicest facility you can possibly get. jeff toobin, do you think this makes sense? >> no, this is outrageous. if the case every juvenile prosecuted in texas or anywhere else, the only golfs rehabilitation, then perhaps this would be justified but if you look at people, how people are sentenced and how the law is
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interpreted in the real world, of course, people are punished, young people are punished. they are kept separate from the rest of the people to protect the rest of society, and that's the rule for everybody else and what outrages so many people including me about this case is that this kid got special justice because he's rich. >> boyce watkins, do you think he got special treatment because he's rich? this rehab facility, he'll be there for a year and probation for ten years, but if you get sent to a juvenile justice facility, you can be there until you're 19 years old before you're actually released. >> anderson, just yesterday i talked to a man who received a 40 year prison sentence for possession of one gram of crack cocaine. he studied the law and he's as brilliant as any professor i know. when i look at him and this kid, the question is who is a greater danger to society, this person who works so hard to better
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himself, or this kid who has this disease, affluenza, which makes him think it's okay to get drunk, get behind the wheel, drive 30 miles over the speed limit and kill innocent victims. so, i think that this case is -- i think it's clear cut. most people watching understand how ridiculous this is, and we also have to remember this is one judge who made a decision that i don't think most judges would have made, but i think the reason it struck a cord with so many people around the country is because they see this kind of i'm balance justice, this accept pretty and unequal way of doing things that exists all throughout america. so as a person who didn't grow up with affluenza, i'm offended and as an african american i'm offended. >> boyce, as someone who lives in this community, would you be concerned with having someone like ethan couch go to rehab for a year in this facility and be on probation but be able to come back after completing therapy for a year, therapy which they
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never even had somebody for a year in this facility, they only do 90 days but they will wing it. they think they can help this kid over the course of a year. isn't there a concern about him coming back, and though he's on probation being able to drive again? >> well, let's think about this. i mean, if you say he has after fl -- affluenza -- >> sorry, i was asking boyce -- brian, i'm sorry, brian. >> sorry. >> anderson, first of all, having talked to the defense team today, it's not even a certainty that this young man is going to california. judge boyd has got to find a suitable facility that she believes is one that is ultimately going to be in which this child's best interest to achieve what the family code requires. this notion he's going to the e kw kwoin facility with great food. >> that's what his lawyer and
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psychologists recommended. >> until the judge signs off on it, no. the only other alternative was to second him to the texas youth commission, which is juvenile prison where he will receive absolutely nothing substantial in terms -- >> sir, that's not true -- >> before he's ultimately sent onto the texas department of criminal justice. >> i read an article about this 14-year-old, african american child who was sent by this judge to the texas juvenile justice facility and they said there is rehabilitation in the texas juvenile justice facility. i have no doubt it's nowhere near as good as this kid will get in the rehab facility, but why should somebody just because they don't have access to money and got attorneys and psychologists who work for these attorneys, why should they go to you' juvenile justice and somebody who can pay, not go to juvenile justice? >> this judge had to fax a sentence that she thought was appropriate for this offender,
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and while this 14-year-old boy ultimately went into the texas youth commission, again, we don't know what the back story was because of the nature of you' juvenile proceedings. as you said and you make a great point, anderson, whether he had a lawyer that dropped the ball. at the end of the day you'll only get the kind of justice as the the lawyer -- >> nonsense. that's a separate issue. the one fact we haven't talked about here, the 14-year-old kill wasn't just sent to jail, he was sent there for 10 years. 10 years when couch got nothing. >> yeah. >> i mean -- >> and again, one person died, four people were -- died and this young man, a friend of his is paralyzed as well as other people had their lives forever changed. boyce, do you believe this
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confirms what a lot of people feel about an injus system, a separate system for the rich or for people who have privilege? >> if you want to understand what is going on in the criminal justice system, start with the state of texas. it's a lot like slavery. if you look at the sentences people receive, particularly in the state of texas, it's unbelievable and outrageous. i would say this particular judge has absolutely no credibility, particularly they ever sentenced any person poor or of color to a sentence hasher than this kid. i think that we're -- i think even the attorney whose arguing in favor of what happened here, i think deep down even he knows that this is ridiculous, and i think that if you want to draw a picture, imagine -- >> i'm going to object to what you think i know, boyce, with all due respect -- [ overlapping speakers ] >> i'll give you a chance to respond. >> let me finish. i respect the fact you're going to argue your case. that's what good attorneys do and god bless you for that.
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right is right and wrong is wrong. we know this kid got drunk, got behind the wheel, killed four people and they are not coming back. the idea there somehow is any reason he shouldn't be punished and held accountable for what he did is silly. affluenza says he's an irresponsible rich kid who didn't know the consequences of his actions. so the best cure is to send him to prison, deprive him of wealth and in four or five years after he did time, he'll affluenza. if you want to rehabilitate, that's what you do. >> brian, i want you to respond. >> this is not a situation where i got a dog in too this fight. >> i understand. >> whether or not the judge made the right decision is the voters of tarrant county will have to conclude. she's not running for reelection they don't have that luxury. this judge helped write the case low and codes that govern what they do every day. texas is no better or worse than
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any state. the kind of justice you get will be dependent on who you hire and walk into court with guys. >> i appreciate your perspectives. always good to have you on, thank you gentlemen, good discussion. the story that keeps getting sadder. the new information about the sign language interpreter called as a fraud. details about his possible criminal past and how did he get on the stage? a and a massive storm baring down on the country. details ahead. t a thing at all? it's lots of things. all waking up. connecting to the global phenomenon we call the internet of everything. ♪ it's going to be amazing. and exciting. and maybe, most remarkably, not that far away. we're going to wake the world up. and watch, with eyes wide, as it gets to work. cisco. tomorrow starts here.
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poll follow up to the south african interpreter that had a record of murder, attempted murder theft and more. you may recall yesterday the interpreter said he suffers from schizophrenia and under treatment. he refused to do signing. this raising serious security questions considering the interpreter shared the stage with president obama and other world leaders. this guy, the fake interpreter, he was charged with how many crimes we know about? >> six, anderson, and that's according to this document obtained by a local channel here from senior police source. they include murder and rape and shows he was found not guilty.
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he was found guilty of theft in 1996, three other charges withdrawn. it's unclear why they were withdrawn. when he was asked about these charges by the local network, he didn't deny them. he wouldn't comment further and then asked how this network was able to get their hands on this document, anderson, when cnn went to the courthouse to see the pages, we were told they were kept at a separate locations. massive charges about this. the government launched an investigation but they are hitting road blocks announcing thursday when they try to reach out to the company they hired him to, they vanished, up and left. when we went to the address on his business card, people there said it's not a real business at that location. so massive questions this weekend before mandela's funeral on sunday. >> he interpreted a number of other events and there have becobee been complaints from the deaf
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community. nobody heeded that? nobody cared? >> according to the deaf federation of south africa, yes. the only reason we're paying so much attention to this man is because of tuesday's high profile event. he was steps away from president barack obama, the secretary general, the brazilian president and more. deaf federation of south africa complained about this man back in 2012. they said the government didn't do anything and said they are highly qualifyed to do these types of instep tragss. people saying corruption is rap pant and people succeed because of who they know. why didn't we know about it? why wasn't he properly vetted? it's a public holiday monday. we'll work our sources but those answers are elusive at the moment. >> why did the secret service not catch the past criminal record in vetting who would be standing next to the president of the united states. >> indeed. susan hendrix has the 360
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bulletin. >> the white house says an american who vanished in iran seven years ago was not a u.s. government employee. after news reports bob was working for the cia in iran. you're looking new at the last proof of life video. officials say it was sent from a cyber cafe in pakistan in 2010. more snow could ruin weekend plans for millions of americans. the storm will cover 1,000 miles. it arrives in the forth eanorth tomorrow. there are ex piece takes of 10 inches of snow. at least three people were stabbed after the broncos, chargers game in denver. it was linked apparently to a traffic altercation. one suspect in custody, two others released pending further investigation. if you got a ticket for tonight's mega millions latte, the second largest jackpot.
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the odds not so good, 1 in 259 million. anderson? >> thanks very much. we'll be right back. every day we're working to be an even better company - and to keep our commitments. and we've made a big commitment to america. bp supports nearly 250,000 jobs here. through all of our energy operations, we invest more in the u.s. than any other place in the world. in fact, we've invested over $55 billion here in the last five years - making bp america's largest energy investor. our commitment has never been stronger. is what makes us different. we take the time to get to know you and your unique health needs. then we help create a personalized healthcare experience that works for you. and you. and you. with 50 years of know-how, and a dedicated network of doctors, health coaches, and wellness experts, we're a partner you can rely on -- today, and tomorrow.
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that's why we have ink. we like being in business because we like being creative, we like interacting with people. so you have time to focus on the things you love. ink from chase. so you can. . quick update on the breaking news in colorado, a 15-year-old girl in critical condition and the shooter dead. much more on this throughout the night. that does it for us. "piers morgan live" is next. this is "piers morgan live." welcome to the viewers in the united states and around the world. breaking news tonight, it's happened yet again, another school shooting. this one in centennial, colorado, eight miles from combine and 16 miles from aur a aurora. on the eve of the anniversary of sandy hook, two wounded, one seriously, a student at arapahoe high school took his life. many against illegal guns say it's astonishing. e
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