tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN December 17, 2013 5:00pm-6:01pm PST
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you buy a painting by george zimmerman? let us know on twitter out don lemon or out front at cnn. thanks for joining me so much. join me tonight at 11:00 for the 11th hour where we'll discuss words that get people into a lot of trouble like the "n" word. should you be allowed to say it? is free speech. is free speech. ac 360 starts now. -- captions by vitac -- don, thanks. good evening everyone. tonight two breaking afghanistay survivor of another horrible chapter in the war and the afghan hero who risked everything to help him. in nevada, gunfire at a reno hospital complex. the crisis over the questions just beginning. later, some answers to the question so many people have about the report that takie ing multi vitamin and supplements won't not only not help you but might hurt you. the deadliest single
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incident for americans in began stan since the summer last year. a black hawk helicopter down. it happen in southern afghanistan. even though we don't have a full picture, it's beginning to come into focus. barbara starr, what do you know. >> good evening, anderson. at this hour military investigators are trying to fir gur what happened. the helicopter, the black hawk went down due to mechanical failure but once it hit the ground, were any of those six military members still alive? they are looking at a report that the helicopter once crashed came under mortar fire from taliban forces in the immediate vicinity. so what they need to determine now, did the six members die in the crash, or is it possible, possible that they were alive when they hit the ground, that there was a mortar attack and
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they perished in that. investigator tors are talking to members of another helicopter that was flying in the immediate vicinity. they are trying to see what they can learn. we are told from one -- the one survivor of the crash for six u.s. military families, terrible news on this holiday season, but this has been a big issue up and down the pentagon hallways hall day, anderson, constant meetings about what did happen and we know defense secretary chuck hagel is looking for answers. >> and the taliban is claiming responsibility for the attack? >> they have claimed, interestingly enough, they shot down a u.s. aircraft today. these are the kind of claims they often make most of the time obviously not true. proaganda, but this is also raising the question clearly was this claim that they shot it down related to the report that it came under a mortar attack? >> and this comes, i mean, at a backdrop of afghan president
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refusing to sign an agreement with the white house over long-term troops in afghanistan. >> that's right there are now 42,000 u.s. troops in afghanistan. they want to get this agreement for a number of troops, probably about 10 thousa,000 to remain a 2014. the job of the u.s. troops will be to train and assist afghan forces and do the very dangerous work of continuing to go after terrorist targets in afghanistan. he hasn't signed the agreement and the u.s. is getting increasingly frustrated with him, given especially the price that u.s. troops are paying. >> yeah, all right. barbara appreciate the update. thank you. more than 12 years long, this is america's longest war. another siring chapter. the story began when a four-man navy seal team found themselves badly out numbers in a long and vicious fire fight. one sale sueal survived. his name is marcus. this is his account of a mission that went wrong after he says his unit was surprised by of all
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things, goat herders and their goats. they weren't the only american casualties a. chapper with 16 special operations forces to help latrel was shot down. this was the largest loss of life in one day for naval special warfare since world war ii. jim mcguire told us that no seal will ever forget that terrible day. was that the toughest day for you as a special forces commander? >> yes, you know, most people of my generation, they ask the question, you know, do you remember when kennedy was shot? well, i remember that, as well, but much more moving day for me and one more defining is the 28th of june 2005 when that helicopter was shot down and three of my men were killed. >> reporter: 19 men lost their lives. joe mcguire was head of seal training at the time. >> you would have to go back to world war ii to have had one day where we experience that many
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casualties at one time. >> reporter: mcguire says the entire seal community was devastated. it's a commune day marcus latrel and his twin brother decided they wanted to be part of when they were teenagers. >> he had in his head, this is what we'll do. it will be great. jump out of airplanes, shoot guns, blow stuff up, scuba dive and there is an 80% chance we're going to die. i'm like sign me up, man. >> reporter: he became a seal at the age of 25 and says receiving the special warfare insignia was the proudest accomplishment. >> do you remember getting the try dant put on your chest? . january 22nd, 2001. >> you remember the date? >> like my birthday. >> reporter: out of 86 people that started out, only 20 graduated. it's that sort of rigorous training that vice admiral mcguire says prepares seals for
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the fire fight marcus found himself fighting in the mountains of afghanistan. >> these are unremarkable men who do remarkable things. it's a warrior class spar rid and they are extremely talented individuals, and, you know, there is -- this story that's come to light because marcus survived, and marcus feels like he survived in order to tell the story. >> reporter: on june 28, 2005, petty officer marcus latrel wasn't sure he was going to survive. he was badly wounded and didn't conon was trying to rescue him. >> my back was broke. i had frag laying everywhere. i called into this rock embankment, took dirt and put it in my wounds so i wouldn't bleed to death. >> so you had no medical care? >> gone. >> compass? >> gone. >> i didn't have pants on. >> you had no pants? >> it was completely ripped off
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me. >> he had been fighting for hours. his three seal brothers were dead or near death. petty officer danny deeds from littleton, colorado had been in charge of communications matt, ax for short, a petty officer and sniper. lieutenant mike murphy was the team leader. they were part of a larger mission called operation red wings. their job was to locate this man, the four seals have seen in grainy photographs. he was aligned with the taliban. >> who was amad shaw? >> he had a group called the mountain tigers and creating havoc, killing marines, army, you name it. >> reporter: latrel was outside cobble and his team had no idea how many fighters shaw had with him. >> i remember telling the guys, you know, grab extra rounds, we
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may need them. >> reporter: it was pitch black when the team were dropped by chopper a couple miles from where amad shaw was believed to be located. they hiked for hours through snowy, steep and treacherous terrain. as day came, they laid down so they wouldn't be detected. that's when everything went wrong. suddenly, they were surprised not by gunmen, but by a goat herder. >> i was laying next to a tree, probably 60 feet long. come walking down it and when he jumped off it, he jumped over the top of my gun. >> he didn't see you at all? >> he had no idea i was there. and i had no idea he was above me. >> reporter: did he say anything? >> not one word, just a look, that's all he would do is look. i know that sounds funny, but there is a way somebody looks at you when you cut them off in traffic and they are mad or who not and there is a way someone will look at you when they want to kill you and when it happens
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to you, you'll never forget it. >> two more herders showed up with 70 goats. the seal's mission was compromised. >> you hear the bells jingling and come up every side of it. >> reporter: go aheads. >> goat goats. >> reporter: he tried to call back but couldn't get through on the radio. the team had to decide on their own what to do with the goat herders. run through the options you talked about. >> talked about zip tieing them, zip tieing the goats, zip tieing and taking them, zip tieing and leaving them or just executing the goats, talked about and eliminating the threat, the human threat. >> talked about killing them? >> yes, and the last one was turn them loose. >> reporter: u.s. military personnel are required to operate under formal rules of engagement that specify when deadly force can be used. a commander has the authority and obligation to use all necessary means available the
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rules say to defend his unit from a hostile act or demonstration of hostile intent. but the goat herders who surprised the team were unarmed. >> we knew they hated us, and they weren't on our side, and if they had the chance, they would like to see us dead. that's the feeling we got. >> reporter: and you had every reason to believe if you let these guys go, they will run down the mountain and tell -- >> but you can't justify that feeling to our superior in a court of law. >> reporter: the seals knew that other u.s. military personnel had been court marshalled and inprisoned for violating the rules of engagement. >> you were concerned if you killed them, you would be charged with murder. >> absolutely. >> reporter: that's something you talked about? >> absolutely. >> killing them was really not an options, because were non-combatants and unarmed. >> reporter: he said the only options the seals had were to take them captive and try to get
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evacuated by helicopter or let them go. >> you don't shoot innocent people. you don't shoot unarmed people unless, of course, they pose a threat. >> reporter: even if those goat herders will run down to the village and compromise your location? >> that's correct. you don't kill innocent people. >> reporter: latrel told us they discussed what to do and were divided. he was criticized by saying they took a vote, something that's not supposed to happen because it's up to the team leader. what did mike decide to do? >> cut them loose. >> reporter: what did you feel? >> i got this sinking feeling, this is bad. everybody did. >> reporter: a couple times you said, looking back on it, you wished you had made a different decision. you wish you killed them. do you still believe that? >> sure. got my friends back? i mean, who knows what the outcome would have been.
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you can't -- yes. i wished i would have is the answer to your question. >> reporter: latrel says it was only about an hour the first enemy fighters appeared. they were on a ridge above where the seals dug in. >> we had to break out shovels and use our boots and build these shelves to stand in and when we were done we leaned against the mountain like this. the first guy had an rpg and ak-47 and 30 or 40 guys in line with him. >> reporter: had they seen you? >> not yet. my rifle right here. i just cradled it and rolled up and shot him in the head, the game was on then. [ gunshots ]. >> reporter: according to latrel they moved in to out flank the seals. we obtained this video from an american writer and photographer with military sources. the date stamp and scenes too grew some indicate it was recorded the day of the
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fighting. [ gunshots ]. >> reporter: this is how the fire fight is portray in a new film called "loan survivor" based on a book marcus la trel wrote. he says the captures the intensity of the battle. the enemy fire was continue use, ak-4 ak-47s, rocket propelled grenades. when the rounds started coming from both sides, it broke the sea seals' position. >> that shelf that i had made, crumbled and fell apart and just like somebody opened up a trap door underneath me and i fell, and i started tumbling, and then i hit mikey, and i busted him right off his little perch he was on. >> reporter: you're basically tumbling down the mountain? >> yes, sir, yeah. i landed on my back and broke my back and mikey landed on his
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face and crushed his face. >> reporter: the four seals continued to fire on advancing fires but repeatedly fell or were forced to jump down the mountain. >> every time you fell you broke something. i mean, an hour and a half into this, danny has been shot three times. i was dragging him, set him up, we would fight for awhile. i'd drag him somewhere else. >> reporter: after danny was shot multiple times and you were dragging him, he was still firing. >> yes, sir, the best he could. we got to an area i was telling him there was another way to fall and when i put my arms underneath him, i put them under his shoulders, when i spun him around i spun him into a bullet and hit the back of his head and killed him. >> reporter: danny deeds was the first seal to die. now it was latrel, and two others alive. >> i caught up with mikey. he asked where danny was. he is dead. we tried to go get him but once you fell a certain distance, you
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can't get back up the way you came. too steep. was. working. >> reporter: what happened then? >> ax walked off behind the rock, i almost shot him. he sat indian style against my left hip and leaned against my right leg. he said i'm sorry, bro, i can't help you, i'm blind. they shot me in the face. >> reporter: the seals were surrounded. they hadn't gotten through on the radio so he says lieutenant mike murphy decided to move to a completely exposed position to get a signal on his satellite phone and call for backup. >> mikey pushed out under this boulder out in the middle of the draw in this wide open, no cover, on a satellite phone. >> reporter: latrel saw his lieutenant make the call, the call mike murphy knew would cost his life. >> took two rounds to the chest because he spun like a drop ato dropped him. i tried to make my way to him. he's my best friend, and i had
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already lost danny, and i knew axle was dying. i didn't want to lose him. he started to crawl left. i was out in the open, waving my hands like come down to me, that's all i wanted him to do is come down to me, and i heard his gun go off, and a lot of gunfire in his area. i was trying with everything i had to get to him, and he -- he started screaming my name. he was like marcus, man, you got to help me, i need help marcus, it got so intense i actually put my weapon down and covered my ears because i couldn't stand to hear him die. all i wanted him to do is stop screaming my name, and they killed him. i -- and i put my weapon down in that gunfight while my best friend got killed so that makes me a coward. >> reporter: how can you say that? >> say what? >> reporter: why do you think that? >> what? >> reporter: putting your weapon
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down makes you a coward. >> that is a coward act, putting your weapon down in a gunfight. they say every man has his breaking point. i never thought i would find mine. the only way to break a navy seal is to kill us. i broke there. i quit there. >> reporter: still, marcus latrel says he managed to pick up his weapon and found matt axleson, the only seal alive. >> he was below me and crawled underneath this rock over hang. i said we're going to die man, we're going to die right now. >> reporter: you said that to ax? >> uh-huh. >> reporter: i made my peace with god a long time ago about dying, but most of the time, we don't know what we're going to die. they just shut our light off, and so it's a weird feeling when you know the reaper is at the door. >> reporter: matt axleson was badly wounded but latrel the team medic said there was nothing he could do.
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>> he was blew on top of me. i remember how loud it was and how white it went. when i pushed him off me, it blew me one way, blew him another, never saw him again the rest of my life. >> reporter: marcus isn't sure how many hours they had been fighting but as darkness fell he was all alone. how did you get through the night? >> it was rough. it was the longest night of my life. sun went down, dark, pitch black, i'd fall and knock myself out. i'd come to, keep crawling, i just kept doing it. >> reporter: the next day despite still pursued by enemy fighters, shot twice, three cracked vertebra and bleeding but the biggest concern to find water to drink. >> people wouldn't thirst being a big deal but it becomes all you can think about. >> that's it. all i could concentrate on, all the wounds i had, my broken
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back, nothing, all i cared about was the thirst. that was it. i mean, i was willing to deal anybody or anything or do what i had to do to get water. >> reporter: when he finally found water he didn't get to drink long. he was surrounded by a small group of afghan men. >> i found a water fall, took my gloves off, leaned into the water fountain and got two sips before a guy was screaming at me. i had my gun at my hip and my safety was off. >> you had a grenade, too. >> i pulled the pin, i said if you try anything, i'll kill us all, i had enough. >> he had enough. the second time marcus had to decide were the men in front of them civilians or enemy fighters. he didn't know an american rescue operation had been mounted and went terribly wrong. we'll have those story when is we come back.
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the breaking news out of a hospital complex after a gunman goes into a head kill office and opens fire. /úññ [ female announcer ] there's one thing dave's always wanted to do when he retires -- keep working, but for himself. so as his financial advisor, i took a look at everything he has. the 401(k). insurance policies. even money he's invested elsewhere. we're building a retirement plan to help him launch a second career. dave's flight school. go dave. when people talk, great things can happen. so start a conversation with an advisor who's fully invested in you. wells fargo advisors. together we'll go far. the #1 selling pain reliever, in one cold medicine. advil congestion relief. it delivers a one-two punch at pain and sinus pressure with the power of advil and a nasal decongestant in a single pill.
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times and was missing. desperately thirsty, pursued but enemy fighters, marcus just found water to drink when he was surprised by several afghan men he thought were members of the talib taliban. >> when i first got to the water fall, i was looking around think thing is a pretty good place to lay down and die. >> you were ready to die? >> i knew i was dying. >> that's when an afghan man appeared. >> he came over this rock ledge and screamed at we american, american and i swing around on him. i had my finger on the trigger, safety off and he started walking at me like okay, okay and he lifted up his shirt and showed me that he didn't have a weapon. he was like okay, okay, okay. i lowered my weapon and i pulled a grenade, and pulled the pen and i was saying i'll kill all of us. >> you were prepared to blow yourself up along with everybody else? >> yes, i wasn't going to get
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taken. >> why do you think you didn't kill him? >> i can't tell you. i don't know why. >> for latrel, mohammed was not a member of the taliban. >> he gave me water and then he rolled me over and seen where i had been shot and i was bleeding real bad. three other guys with him picked me up and started carrying me down to their village. >> seal commanders didn't know what happened to marcus latrel and his three team meats. danny deets was dead and axle son was wounded and separated and mike murphy was killed after making a satellite phone call for help, retired vice admiral joe mcelderry gierp tells us how much he admires murphy for making that call. >> they are in a life and death situation. he's been shot, matt has been shot, danny has been shot. he finished the call and at the end he said we can really use your help, help is on the way, mike finished the call with thank you.
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>> even though, i mean. >> thank you, yeah, you know, he went out there and he gave above and beyond to do that. >> and he knew going out on that rock -- >> probably wouldn't have come back. >> as a result of the call, two chinook helicopters like these raced to the mountainside where the four seals had been fighting. the chinooks went in without the apache gun ships that usually provide cover. >> it was the pilot and task unit commander that made a conscience decision, okay, we're going to press and get there because we have to make a difference. to me, when people ask what would you say would sum up the greatest mess stake in military operations to me, it's just simple two words, too late. >> as pourtrayed in the new movie, one of the chapin nooks was hovering that's when a rocket propelled grenade was fired into it. all special operations forces on board, eight seals and eight army night stockers were killed.
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>> it hit hard and we lost all souls on board. >> marcus wouldn't have made it if it weren't for mohammed. he was in the village for four days being moved between different houses and a cave to prevent him from being captured. he was finally rescued by u.s. forces. they had been looking for you? >> right, as long as i was missing. they were beat to hell. >> what that was feel when you saw the first american in the village? >> i was out of it pretty hard. i mean, my head was down. they were carrying me. i just remember lifting my head up barely because he was screaming my name, marp cut is that you? i was like yeah, right here, bro. >> marcus latrel the loan survivor was going home but returning to regular life in america hasn't been easy. you spent time with marcus, what was it like for him coming home?
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>> rough, very rough. >> pete burg who directed the movie let him after reading his book. he was shocked by his condition when he went to visit him in his house in texas. >> i went in there and it was almost like living in a shrine. nothing but pictures of his dead brothers and flags and helmets and momentums and pieces from his dead brothers and on the middle of the living room floor was basically the tombstone with the names of all of his brothers that died in that operation, and marcus would sit in that house in that -- in that moment, in that experience, in that gunfight. he was almost living inside of it when i first met him. >> reporter: marcus latrel suffered emotionally and physically but his family and friends say he's getting better. he has a service dog who never leaves his side and he got married. he and his wife melanie have two children.
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latrel pieced together what happened when he was badly wounded on the mountain in afghanistan including details in the role saving his life. eight years later the two men are close friends and gluab fries from afghanistan to his family's ranch in texas to visit. >> i love you. [speaking foreign language]. >> he said i love you, too. he says i came for you, my brother. >> me wanted to know why he was willing to risk his life to help a complete stranger. he said it was because of a triable code of honor. explain. >> >> translator: it's a respect, a respect for a guest that comes knocking at your door and even if he is in need or imminent danger, we must protect him. i knew i had to help him to do the right thing because he was in a lot of danger. >> you knew they could come for
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him? >> translator: they did. the taliban came and sat down with me. i said no, i will not hand him over to you. >> what did they threaten? >> translator: they told me you will die, your brother will die, your cousins will die, your whole family will die. it's not worth it. give us the american. and i said no, i will protect him until the end. sg >> he suffered. his house was burned down and a cousin killed. in afghanistan he went into hiding with his wife and ten children. latrel is hoping to get him a green card so he can settle at least part time in the united states. >> we're a family. >> you consider him family? >> we're brothers in blood. we bled together. he very well could have left me laying there on the side of the water fall and let me die, but he didn't. >> for his bravery marcus was awarded the navy cross in a white house ceremony matt and danny deeds were awarded the
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navy cross. for sacrificing his life to make that telephone call, lieutenant mike murphy was given the medal of honor, his parents accepted it. it was the first time the country's first military honor was awarded for service in afghanistan. shaw, the man's his team was looking for was killed in a separate operation in 2008. after retiring, joe mcguire runs the special operations warrior foundation that provides support for veterans and families. marcus latrel created and raises money for a similar group, the loan survivor foundation and latrel visited families of his brothers. you traveled around the country to do that? >> yes, sir. >> what's that like? >> it sucked. think of it like this, if you had a son out on that mountain, if one man had to live, your son or me? every time they look at me, i'm the one who made it out and
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delivered the news of how hard their son fought, but i'm also the one who lived and their son died. why? why did you live and why did my son die? i don't have the answer to that. >> story of such remarkable bravery. breaking news to report today, a deadly shooting at a hospital complex in reno, nevada. the developments ahead. multi vitamins, are they a waste of money? we'll talk it out with dr. sanjay gupta and dr. travis stork. this is for you. ♪
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nevada. this happened at renowned medical center where a gunman opened fire at a neurology office. it killed one person and injured two others before dying of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. what do we know, joe? >> two dead, two injured is the count authorities have given us in reno. the suspect turned the gun on him sell. the motive is not clear right now. the good news is that the lockdown that had been imposed at the center for advanced medicine has been lifted. by the way, it's not the hospital but a building next to the hospital. police are shifting from the business of trying to stable lietz the scene and account for all the people who were in the building and getting down to the investigation. alittle while ago the deputy chief tom robinson of reno police talked about what the officers did when they got there. >> immediately, our team started entering the building, started a systematic search.
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on the third floor they located two people down and a couple injuries. officers immediately evacuated the injured parties and got them medical treatment and then we began the process of evaluating all the other people that were inside the building. >> do we know, anything, joe about the victims yet. >> very little anderson and the concern is for the victims. what we did hear at the outset very early in all of this was that at least one female health care professional had been injured on the scene. we've heard nothing more from authorities on that so far this evening. >> thanks very much. up next, new information about the colorado school shotteshot ers's plans to kill and the fire in california. incredible pictures to show you. a medical journal takes the strongest stand against multi vitamins, if there is no proof they don't help, why do so many people take them. dr. sanjay gupta and travis
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stop wasting money on vitamin and supplements including the most popular kind multi vid vitamin ms. nearly 40% of u.s. adults use them but the editorial sees no health benefits from taking them and other studies found some dietary supplements may be harmful. john say gupta is here to sort it out and dr. travis stork, co-host of "the doctors." you say a multi vitamin is useless unless you're deficient in something? >> i think there is a lot of evidence out there that people who are taking multi vitamins may very well be waisting money. i don't think there is a lot of harm in it so based upon these studies i wouldn't tell people that love doing it they have to stop but i've always told patients if you're going to supplement, discuss it with your doctor first because unless
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you're deficient in something, you're probably wasting money. >> sanjay, could they be dangerous? kind of risks are people actually running? i read in this article there may be dangers. >> certainly, first of all, people taking and it thinking they don't have to eat as well because of that, there is some danger in that. as travis said, it's largely an unregulated industry, as well. you're not always going to get the same thing in every pill or bottle, but there is potential danger with mega dosing. if a little bit is good, more is better. vitamin e for example, a lot of hope around there. the national cancer institute found prostate cancer rates went up in people taking high doses of vitamin e. there can be potential problems with the mega dosing of those things but largely, people, if they think they take it as a substitute, they don't have to eat right, that's a problem. >> that's the message, people
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should get neutrients from a healthy diet and working out, not thinking this pill, multi vitamin can do it? >> we struggle as doctors because we need to get the right message out to tell people what to do to live the longest healthiest life. hey, if i take some supplements off the shelf and bring them home and take them every night that means i'm going to be healthy. as doctors we want to tell people that is not what will make you healthy. i do agree with sanjay, the biggest issue i have is when people mega dose with a specific vitamin or mineral. they are meant to operate in this perfect balance in our body. too much is bad and too little is bad. >> sanjay, among the groups that use multi vitamins most frequently are people with healthy lifestyles and diets and lowered body mass indexes, not really the people you think need them? >> that's always part of the
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limb taklip takes. the people that need them, don't and the people that don't take them and take too much. this editorial was interesting. this took it a step further than what i read before. they basically said look, for anybody who is getting enough of a good diet, it doesn't mean they are not eating a lot of junk in audition but not mall nourished and suffering from sure -- berry, berry, they do have deficiencies or whatever reason, maybe an operation on their stomach or intestines there would be a benefit. that's a very small percentage of people. i should say the idea more is better is simply not true. the antioxidants, you could throw it off the ratio dramatically and that could cause harm. there are books about this. that is a legitimate concern. >> travis, why do you think then people still continue to take
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them, if in pacfact, don't have benefit. why do people do it? is it advertising? >> it's been embed in our culture and with so many people taking them and them so readily available, that's why people do it. they take it as insurance. i think what these studies are hopefully highlighting is that -- there is really no basis to that claim. >> dr. sanjay gupta and travis vehic stock, thanks very much. he shot 17-year-old claire davis in the head but we're learning the colorado high school shooter planned to kill many more. firefighters battling a massive firefighter burning homes at california's coast. ♪ ♪
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condition for the blaze. dan simon joins me with the latest. wildfires are on the west coast as we know, this is the first one i can personally remember that happened in the middle of december, and as you pointed out, the reason we're seeing it is because of the dry conditions out here. this is one of the driest years on record where this particular region and it's what causing homes to burn. there is no official numbers but it's believed approximately 15 homes have been lost. in terms of the ache rage that's been charred, we're talking about 550 acres. that's not a huge fire in the context of what we typically see on the west coast with these wildfires, but what makes this especially note worthy is it's happening in an iconic place like big sir and happening this time of year. >> these pictures are incredible, and i understand firefighters are running into obstacles to fight it. >> it's happen income a steep area, largely inaccessible and
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that's why helicopters could be so important in battling a blaze like this. we should point out that weather is also a concern, always a concern with wildfires, but the weather is supposed to worsen in the next couple days, so they really want to get a handle on it as quickly as possible. >> is there any sense of the scope of the damage at this point? >> as i said, right now, we're talking about 15 homes or so, those numbers can change, of course, once crews can get in there and survey the seen, and right now, the acge ridge at 55 acres. >> our best to the folks fighting the fire. let's get caught up on the rest of the stories we're following with susan hendrix. >> according to investigators, the colorado high school shooter wrote on his arm plans to attack five areas of the school and the die has been cast. he shot a classmate claire davis
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in the head before killing himself on friday. a 360 follow, a harp vard sophomore is charged with making phony bomb threats to get out of the final exam. the student e-mailed the threats to the campus police and officers. the subject line in the message read quote, bombs placed around campus. and there is a bidding war on ebay for a painting done by george zimmerman that depigts an american flag with the pledge of allegiance on it. he was acquitted in the death of trayvon martin in july. he told a judge last month he's $2.5 million in debt. the jackpot for tonight's mega millions lotto drawing sores to a near record $363 million. the odds of winning not too good, the drawing is at 11: 00 p.m.'s skpern if it reaches a billion, they need bigger billboards to fit that number in. >> i'm in the office poll. >> i'm in, as well.
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home, santa is white but this person is arguing that maybe we should also have a black santa, but, you know, santa is what he is and just so you know, we're debating this because someone wrote about it, kids. >> that was last week and the debate began. >> there are a lot of people out there that automatically assume that santa must be white. >> santa claus is black, he just is. >> santa is black, santa is white, santa is red. >> ms. kelly is correct, santa was a white person. >> santa claus to me is a black man. >> the point is that santa, if you believe in him, which many of us do, is a function of what you grew up with. >> my jamaican santas and haitianen santas and cuban santas. >> we wanted to avoid the speculation. just ask santa himself what race he is. the problem is we were unable to get ahold of him. we couldn't do it. i suppose because it's his busy season. we had other questions to ask like what about regular re
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ligen. i like to think he's a presbyteri presbyterian. it's going to come pail in comparison if it happens he's a whiken. do we know where he was born? where is the birth certificate? this debate is confusing. what about the nine ladies dancing and eight mads milking? are they white. is frosty the snow man white? i don't know if i'm white. i just want my life back. >> humor is a part of what we try to bring to the show but sometimes it's lost on the humor list. the knee jerk by so many to race bait and assume the worst in people, especially people employed by the powerful fox news channel. >> bam. now we can get to important issues like is santa a democratic? merry christmas to all and to all a good night.
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hey, that does it for us. we'll see you an hour from now at 10:00 p.m. for another edition of pierce 360. "piers morgan live" spotarts no "piers morgan live" spotarts no -- captions by vitac -- this is "piers morgan live." welcome to the viewers in the united states and around the world. a 13-year-old girl goes into the hospital for her tonsils taken out and something goes horribly, horribly wrong and the hospital is fighting to keep her on life support. the woman that sits down with presidents, dictators and infamous, and tonight she's sitting down with me, barbara walters, who are the most fascinating people of 2013. speaking of fascinating, one woman could say never trust, an koulter, a prechristmas present. can't wait to catch up. i want to bring in the woman whose covered every big story
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