tv CNN Newsroom CNN December 23, 2013 10:00am-11:01am PST
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-- captions by vitac -- right now, it's deadline day for people looking to sign up on the health care exchanges. get it done today or start the new year without coverage. and right now, retailer target is facing lawsuits and a possible federal government investigation over the $40 million credit and debit card numbers stolen in a massive security breach. and right now, taking sides in the "duck dynasty" controversy. one retailer that said it was trying to do the right things gets hammered. now it's changing course. hi there i'm brianna keelner washington. wolf blitzer is off. we start with today's deadline for health care coverage.
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you have to enroll today in order to get coverage beginning january 1st. our joe johns can joining me now. so how many people are we talking about here. >> a little bit of news first off the top. the centers for medicare and medicaid services just put out a statement saying that anticipating high demand, which they're getting right now through the website. they've programmed their systems to make sure people who enroll through tomorrow will get coverage starting on january 1st. see a little bit of a tweak there can to the system giving people just a little bit more time. now, it as to the numbers, of course, that's always been, as you know, a moving target. it the magic number has been 7 million enrollments through next year but that number can slip as long as the program gets enough healthy consumers signed up to offset the unhealthy ones. if site visits to are any indication, a surge of interest is occurring and administration officials said there were at least 750,000 site visits just over the weekend.
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>> let's touch back on that december -- today is december 23 leonardo dicaprio. this has been a huge deadline for the administration. it's now we're learning the deadline is actually december 24th. >> right, exactly. the deadline apparently is december 24th. just because they're getting such a surge of interest into the program as they always expected when you finally start getting close to that point where you have to be signed up to be covered on january 1st. >> it shows you how things kept sliding because so many issues of the website, then it was mid-december, now it's tomorrow. let's talk about some of the excepti exceptions. there was recently a hardship waiver i have announced for some folks. >> there have been a number of exceptions. that's the new ones. the exceptions include the homeless, people evicted, people filing for bankruptcy and the most notable exception is people
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recently notified their plan has been canceled and say they also consider the alternatives unfordable. the administration says it believes there will be fewer than 500,000 people who fall into that coot goer but the industry thinks that number can go much higher. >> we're seeing new numbers where the support is for this program. >> the polling is very interesting. support for the affordable care act has dropped to an all-time low. only 35% of those polled say they favor the law according to the latest cnn/orc poll. most increased opposition apparently comes from women, 43% say they oppose the health care law because it's too liberal but 15% say they oppose it is because it's not liberal enough. 42% say they will personally be worse off under obamacare with 16% saying the law will help them and four in ten saying it will essentially have no effect. >> they've lost people sort of on both sides of the debate. joe johns, thank you so much. we'll have much more on the polls an how these numbers have changed in the past year later
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in the hour. just to highlight that headline, that the deadline of december 23rd for signing up for obamacare has now been pushed, it appears, to tomorrow giving folks another day to do that in a deadline that keeps sliding. we'll be following that story and bring you more on exactly why that happened. one of the country's biggest banks is putting new safeguards in place after that massive security kurt breach at retail giant target. it affects shoppers whose jpmorgan chase debit card numbers were compromised. target says the customers who may have been exposes can now get free credit monitoring, perhaps that eases the minds of some. george howell is outside a store in warrenville, illinois with the latest on that. >> so you talk about bad timing on this, be some shoppers are shopping elsewhere. we know sales are reportedly down at target stores. all of this right before the
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christmas rush. >> some last minute christmas shoppers may be frozen in their tracks because of the massive security breach at target. jpmorgan chase, the nation's largest bank has temporarily placed limits on those customers potentially impacted by the hacking. chase clients who shopped at u.s. target stores between november 27th and december 15th can now only withdraw $100 a day from atms, their daily total spending now capped at $300. with 40 million credit and debit card accounts now considered compromised, irate customers took target to task online. one tweet reads "my bank account got hacked and no, i can't finish christmas shopping at target. anything to help? another chimed in, the moral of this story, target hacking and chase bankcard limits have a backup plan, cash, paper checks, gift cards, one other bankcard.
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and other hacked customers are asking why it wasn't noticed sooner. >> they purchased six gift cards at $200. as the person at the bank told me, they went for a seventh and it was denied because they didn't have enough. i think that would have been suspicious. >> richard blumenthal and chuck schumer are now demanding immediate federal investigations to prevent a breach liking this from happening again. >> we could get to the bottom of how target's in-store payment security was compromised in order to make sure that will target in the future and all other stores adequately protect consumers from this kind of devastating theft. >> some customers in california have already filed what could become a class action lawsuit against target. saying the chain "failed to implement and maintain reasonable security procedures and practices." target said on sunday it notified millions of affected customers via e-mail and is
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working with the secret service and financial institutions to resolve the problem. they also offered customers 10% storewide discounts this weekend as well as free credit monitoring. so no doubt, this has a lot of shoppers frustrated about what happened with target. the question people are asking though, will we see more of this? according to the national retail federation the answer is yes. simply because of those magnetic strips on the back of cards, the same technology they say that you see in cassette tapes. it's easily compromises and can be copied. s are. >> apply goodness, incredibly alarming. george, thank you so much. you know, as if the holidays weren't stressful enough. this week the weather may be adding one more headache. this was the scene in michigan this morning. a plane slid off a runway in detroit. luckily no one was hurt there, but over the weekend, it was a different story. at least ten people were killed during the extreme weather in
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traffic accidents, flooding, as well as in a tornado. in canada, the storm brought ice that toppled trees and led to transformer fires. 250,000 people in toronto alone republican currently without power. and much of the country is in for temperatures well below normal. dangerous windchills they'll be facing, as well. that's not all. chad meyers will break it all down for us. this isn't a sort of merry christmas when we're talking about weather. >> no, when you don't have power and you have a windchill factor of 25 degrees below zero outside, that's not christmas at all. so maybe help out your neighbor if you know of something like this going on. 11 below, this is the air temperature in fargo. 6 below in sioux falls. when you blow the wind and it touches your face, it feels like 16 degrees below zero going from your car to the mall can be a real jolt. we are still seeing' little bit of rain across the east coast. jfk, layardia and philadelphia a little bit slow. nos as icy.
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parts of maine still getting an ha ice storm there. the rain does clear out tonight. the problem is, we had 70 degrees in central park just a couple days ago. it's going to be 30 by tomorrow morning. yes, cold air is sinking in. the cold air will be pushing off to the east because i'm going to new york to report there and so the bad weather follows me. >> of course. >> poor weather flying today. that does get much better by tomorrow afternoon, for sunshine, much better flights tomorrow. >> that's good news at least. thank you for that. we'll check back in with you. explanations but no apologies. one of the "duck dynasty" stars has more to say about his controversial comments. we have that next. [ sniffles, coughs ] shhhh!
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stimulus. trading expected to be light this week because of the christmas holiday, as well. now to the growing controversy over the show "duck dynasty" and comments by one of the stars about homosexuality and race. phil robertson, of course, was suspended. you probably know that. that started the whole debate over free speech here and what to do with this wildly popular show. after pressure from fans, one retailer is reversing its decision to pull some duck dynasty merchandise. nick valencia has been following the story. what's happening here. >> it's about face. reversing their decision. initially they decided to pull items off the shelves only to cave to local fan support. lots of vocal support for phil robertson, this reality tv star. this is a statement that cracker barrel had to release. they said when we made the decision to evaluate certainern duck dynasty items we offended many loyal customers. our intent was to avoid offending but that's just what we've done. they went on to say you told us
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we made a mistake and told us we were wrong. we listened. today we're putting all the products back in the stores. you know this it, lots of people watch this show. 12 million people on average watch "duck dynasty." $400 million merchandising base. >> wow. so "duck dynasty" back at cracker barrel. what a back and forth there. separately nick, since the news of the gq interview broke, we've heard nothing from phil robertson. >> this past weekend he led a bible study in his hometown of west monroe, louisiana. the british busch tabloid the daily mail was there to listen in on it. he's not backing down from his comments. he said he's a lover, not a hater of humanity. he said i'm just reading what was written over 2,000 years ago talking about the bible. those who live like this will not inherent the kingdom. all i did was quote from scriptures but they didn't know it.
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whether i said it or they read it, what's the difference. the sins are the same. humans haven't changed. not only are people supporting him but thanking him for saying these comments. very controversial comments about race and homosexuality as you know. >> and nick, also several politicians have expressed their support for the family. the louisiana lieutenant governor is also speaking out? >> yeah, despite the nationwide controversy, there's a lot of vocal support specifically in louisiana where the show is filmed. the lieutenant governor is the latest to interject himself into the middle of the controversy saying that criticizing a & e saying they're jeopardizing the state's tourism. duck dynasty draws a lot of people into the state and a lot of people want to see where it's filmed. by suspending the patriarch of the show, it's cutting na money. that's what this is all about. $400 million estimated merchandising base. and lots of viewers on the show the. lots of people i'm sure that
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watch cnn might watch this show, as well. despite his comments, is he getting some support in louisiana and beyond. brianna. >> nick valencia, thank you. holiday shoppers at a massachusetts walmart got an amazing deal friday, but not from the store. singer beyonce knolls handed out thousands of dollars worth of gift cards. but was the giveaway a veiled jab at retailers refusing to stock her new album?
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now, we are learning more today about the u.s. military's potential plans for possible military involvement in the conflict in south sudan. the violence there is prompting the u.s. and other countries to evacuate their citizens. over the weekend, four u.s. troops were wounded when their aircraft came under intensifier from the ground. it's not clear who the attackers were. the oil-rich country has numerous armed groups fighting for power. barbara starr has been following the story. she is at the pentagon for us. barbara, what is the military planning to do in light of this incident? >> well, brianna, there have been some developments today, mainly that the u.s. is going to accepted about 150 marines from their base in the mediterranean to a nearby country in africa, the nation of djibouti, and they
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will be there be ready to move in to the south sudan if the violence gross worse and there is a decision to either oo fully evacuate the american embassy or send security forces to reinforce it. and protect it. the violence it literally is spinning out of control as you see, thousands of south sudanese trying to seek refuge. u.n. camps. the fighting growing more fierce. there are about 100 american personnel at the u.s. embassy. so after what happened over the weekend with the four troops getting hurt, they want to take no chances. so there will be this heavily armed marine corps force in next door djibouti ready to move if ordered. this is just one of the latest indications of how serious the u.s. believes the violence is and how out of control they are worried it may grow. brianna? >> and barbara, it's not clear who these attackers were on this incident over the weekend. do we have any more information
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about it? >> we do. what we do know now is the four troops that were hurt were all u.s. navy s.e.a.l.s. they had done gone on this mission to try and evacuate americans and they were going to provide security as the americans moved to the aircraft to be flown out of this very particular troubled region that they were going into. they all were shot from the ground while they were sitting in their aircraft flying in. shot in the legs and the thighs so what we understand from that is these bullets came up through the bottom of the aircraft. this is extraordinary. all three aircraft but of bullet holes, four troops now wounded. one of the navy s.e.a.l.s seriously wounded, bleeding out if you will. they were au all able to fly 500 miles with the wounded full of bullet holes back to the nearest safe landing zone in uganda. this was a very tense situation,
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we understand as these aircraft landed and they tried to get help to the wounded s.e.a.l.s as fast as they could. >> you can only imagine. barbara starr, thank you. there were no hugs or handshakes for dennis rodman this time from the north korean leader. former basketball star wrapped up his third trip to the country without meeting with kim jong-un. he annive rooed at beijing international airport on his way home. he's been training the north korean national basketball team and is trying to schedule the team in an exhibition game with former nba players on kim jong-un's birthday next month. rod man said he'll see the north korean leader he calls his friend for life when he returns. in russia, two members of the punk rock band bussy band are free. they were released two months before their prison sentences were due to end. if you remember, they were jailed for using a revered
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russian cathedral as a protest site. their target, russian president vladimir putin. their release was part of a sweeping new amnesty law. nasa says a second emergency space walk is set for christmas eve tomorrow night. strohns will try to finish work on a broken cooling pump on the international space station. without it some of the station's important electronics have been shutdown. the walk today was delayed because of a damaged space suit. alexanderchedder field has more for us here. this is fascinating, alexandra and certainly not how the astronauts thought they would be spending christmas eve. >> certainly not. a very memorable christmas eve for them. the issue that's delayed this space walk is a problem with the space suit's cooling system. you'll hear one of the astronauts in the video coming up saying he feels cold. nasa says he was never in any danger. there was no harm that could have been caused by this issue
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with the suit still. they want to swap suits before the astronauts head back out. >> just want to verify there are nor exposed, correct? >> astronauts on a mission to make repairs at the international space station spent 5 1/2 hours saturday on a high stakes space walk and will do it again christmas eve. >> we're got d good with that. >> if you thought your holidays had high drama, it doesn't compare. >> i don't know if guys believe in miracles but i got the lynchpin on the first try. >> that's awesome, rick. >> it's sort of like a really complex ballet with only two performers. >> the astronauts mick mastracchio and michael hopkins have already successfully a faulty push needed to cool equipment on the space station. >> i got it. >> nice work, rick. >> a new pump was supposed to be installed today but will be delayed until tomorrow after a potential problem with nas trackio's space suit was discovered saturday. >> the only issue that i
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personal liam having is it's very, very cold. >> one of the suits showed maybe a sign it got a little water on the flash evapitier which cools the suit when you're outside. >> nasa sa says the astronaut wasn't in danger and that the issue with the suit isn't related to what happened in july when italian astronaut luke cag parmitano nearly drowned after water leaked into his helmet, a reminder of the dangerous work being done 220 miles above heathering >> astronaut is off structure. >> what do i do? >> the recent hit movie "gravity" puts a highly dramaticized science fiction on the risks of space work, risks every prey astronaut on every mission understands. >> the movie is a good move but you probably don't want to watch that when you're in space. >> maybe not. mastracchio will have a new space suit when they head back out tuesday. >> good job. >>en an it's worth noting that these space suits are 35 years
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old. nasa only has 12 space suits used for space walks. crew up there has a spare suit with them right now. that the suit is being customized and refitted so that mastracchio can head out it tomorrow. >> that is scary stuff. let's talk about the part they're trying to fix tomorrow. is nasa pretty confident that they can fix the problem? >> well, you know, we have no, no indication they would send the astronauts out if they were anything less than confident in the quality of suit they are swapping to. they have said the previous suit worn on saturday didn't put him in harm's way. this is something you want to be really certain about. we also know that since the incident back in july, nasa has also taken steps to just insure the astronauts' safety once again. those steps include putting pads in the back of their helmets so they can tip their heads back and see if there's moisture coming into the helmets. they did not report feeling any moisture in their helmets on saturday. the astronauts now also have
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snorkels they can use if water did get into the helmets. >> snorkels. who would have thought. alexandra, it's an interesting time for the international space station in the post shuttle era. what's next for the iss? >> well, brianna, right now we know this space walk, an important space walk designed to replace this faulty pump was supposed to include three different space walks. it looks like they'll be able to get it done in two. we know the u.s. sent up a bunch of spare parts. they had to send up spare parts because you can't send them now when needed. the pump was there and will be replaced and the working go on. >> good to know they were prepared. thanks so much. and there's a change to the health care deadline. we've been talking a little bit about it today. the government giving a little more time for people to sign up. our mark preston will take a look at why next. to help secure retirements and protect financial futures. to help communities
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well, we have some breaking news now on president obama. the white house says the president has signed up for health care through the affordable care act. through the washington, d.c. marketplace. so let's bring in our political director mark preston. was he required to sign up here, mark. >> he wasn't required because he is one of the 85 -- he's part of the 85% of american who's actually get health care through their employer. he gets his health care through military.
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wherever the president moves, he's always accompanied by a doctor or by an ambulance. so he wasn't required but this is a very symbolic move in very many ways because at this point, they need to get more people signed up, as you know, and had he not signed up, can you imagine the criticism. >> exactly. it sort of reminds me when he voted electronically, right? and trying to show people this is how we want you to do it in advance to vote absentee or whatever. also today, this is something that just broke, the federal government today was supposed to be the big deadline. and they're saying it still is. but really it's not. the deadline is now really tomorrow for signing up for obamacare. >> the deadline is tomorrow. critics will say they're moving it the goal post when you need to sign up. >> to be covered. >> to be covered by january 1st, 2014. however, we have just learned now in the past couple hours that in fact, you have until midnight christmas eve to actually sign up. part of the reason why they say
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this is so is they say they're accounting for different time zones which you would have to think about, didn't they consider that before, but you're accounting for different time zones for perhaps so much traffic to the web site that people aren't able to get on right away and accounting for any problems they might have, any technical glitches. >> they're trying to say it's like saying if you're in line for voting on voting day and then it goes to past midnight, if you're in line to do it, you're still going to be able to vote. that's the rational it sounds like the administration is saying. this is pretty interesting. new poll numbers about the affordable care act. what are we learning here. >> a new cnn/orc poll out that shows that support for the affordable care act is actually collapsing. it's getting worse right now. look at the numbers right there, 6% of americans oppose the health care law. that's an 11-point drop from this time last year. and what it's it's problematic
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for the administration is that we've seen a drop by six points within women. just in the past month. last week you were covering it at the white house is that they brought moms in. they were making this big push to try to get parents to try to get their children to support it the health care law. look at this number, as well. this is just as disturbing at this point and maybe the reason why we're seeing the drop in support. 63% of americans think that it's going to cost them more money, this new law is going to take more out of their pocket. it all comes down to your own pocket. >> they do want to target women because oftentimes, it's women who are making the decisions for their whole family. on health care. it was interesting i saw some on the left saying you know what, there are some people who they point to the fact that there are people who disapprove of obamacare and yes, the number is growing but they say it's because a lot of people feel like it doesn't do enough. is that significant? >> it is significant. that's something i've been
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heralds when you say people opposing obamacare, there's 15% of them who didn't think it was liberal enough. however, what we have seen now is we're looking at about 55% of americans who either supported it or didn't support it because it was not liberal enough, probably 55, 56%, that is now at 50%. we're seeing a precipitous tus drop in support for the law. this all comes down to one thing, the rollout has been a disaster and i think people are very frustrated by it. >> definitely. we're certainly seeing that. mark preston, thank you so much. some of the president's high profile supporters are demonstrating today. that's right. that's exactly right. i'll tell you why they are actually protesting some of the president's recent moves. we'll be hearing from one of them next. [ male announcer ] the new new york is open.
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some of president obama's strongest supporters gathered this morning to oppose his nominees to the 11th circuit court of appeals. civil rights leaders including congressman john lewis and the reverend joseph lowery held a news conference at ebenezer baptist church. the reverend martin luther king's atlanta church calling on the president to withdraw nominees saying they lack diversity and a step in the wrong direction.
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>> mr. president, the lies to the people of this state -- lives of the people of this state are hanging in the balance. we question whether this is the kind of legacy you want to leave in the state of georgia. we believe it is not too late to turn this train around. do we want the first african-american president, the first attorney general african-american to have this on their mark? martin luther king jr., if he were here this day, he would tell the president not to make these appointments. it runs right in the face of justice of fairness, of equality, of what is right for all of god's people. >> we've come too far, marched too long.
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prayed too hard, wept too bitterly, bled too profusely and died too young. let anybody turn back the clock. on our progress to a just society. god bless you and god keep you, mr. president, hear us. >> but the white house is pushing back and pushing back hard pointing to the 1% of confirmed judges who are african-americans. and joining me live to talk about this is the senior pastor of ebenezer baptist church, the reverend raphael warnock, the author of "the divided mind of the black church." thank you so much for joining us. we see that he civil rights leaders are clearly upset about these nominees. what is the main sticking point here? >> thank you. it's great to be here with you. you point out rightly that diversity is part of the issue, but it's really deeper than representation in terms of race
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or gender. really we are concerned about the ideology and the voting records of some of these appointments here to the 11th circuit. president obama in a real sense is the product of the greatest movement for civil rights and human rights we saw in the 20th century. i think it is remarkable that that movement as represented by the likes of the reverend joseph lowery and c.t. vivian and congressman john lewis, all veterans of the civil rights movement, all supporters of the president, all recipients of the presidential medalf freedom as given by president obama stood up today and clearly said we reject this slate of nominees to the 11th circuit northern district.nd to the we are saying that the citizens of georgia deserve better than this, the nation deserves better than this, and we believe that our president, a president whom we support, can do better than
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this. some of these nominees have a terrible record when it comes to voting rights, one of the nominees here in the state of georgia mr. mark cohen, was a fierce defender of georgia's voter i.d. law. we have the unhappy distinction of sort of leading the pack here in the state of georgia with these repressive voting laws, this effort, this draconian movement to push back voting rights at a level we haven't seen since the civil rights movement. much of that got started in georgia and mr. mark cohen was the person who defended that law. it's quite ironic that we have these nominations. >> so that's -- it seems like it's twofold. we're hearing the diversity argument and we're also hearing because it has to do with voter i.d. laws. let me ask you about something the white house is saying. they are saying a couple of things. one, they're trying to say that president obama has a pretty good record when it comes to
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appointing a diverse crowd to the bench. they have put out statistics that 1% of the confirmed judges the president has put forward have been african-american, compare that to 8% under george w. bush, 16% under president clinton. the other thing they say, reverend, is that the members of the house who obviously you have on your side in objecting to this relate to the game that this is a process that is played out over months. there is a painstaking negotiation with republican georgia senators who objected to some of his nominees and that's how some of this was worked out and that at the time, the house delegation didn't i guess make their opinion heard then and they're way late to the game doing it now. what do you say to that? >> they have been engaged in the process since 2009. and many of them i know them very well. and part of what we're concerned ultimately, brianna, with the
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outcome. if you look at this outcome, there isn't the diversity present in this slate that we would like to see and again, some of these nominations are nominations that are quite scary for those of us in the state of georgia, and if those who are watching across the state of -- across the country we should all be concerned about these nominations. one of these nominees supported or pushed back against a law to remove the confederate flag over the state of georgia. so both in terms of substance and symbol, we believe that this is a very discouraging move. again, we support the president. we support his progressive agenda. but the irony is, these appointments will undermine the very progressive agenda that we feel that he represents. and america represents at its best. >> and reverend, you look at the 11th circuit. it services the south. do you feel like president obama
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should have better reached out to his civil rights supporters on these decisions? >> well, these appointments to the federal bench are for life. these judges will be here long after the president leaves the white house. we will be stuck with them. we elect our congress persons, we elect our senators. we elect our city council persons. but these judges, these federal judges are appointed, they are there for life. and we believe that, yeah, in i an real sense, the south still is the place, the battleground where many of these issues are being fought out, and we can do better than this. open up the process, we say. mr. president. hear the voices of the people, hear the voices of those who have been his heroes who opened a way for the obama presidency. we believe that we can still turn then train around, that it's not too late. that we can still be engaged in a process that will reap a better outcome for all
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georgians, white and black and brown and for men and women. we believe that we can do better than this. >> rechd raphael warnock, thanks for taking the time. we really appreciate it. >> thank you so much. and we will be right back. i'm nathan and i quit smoking with chantix. when my son was born, i remember, you know, picking him up and holding him against me. it wasn't just about me anymore. i had to quit. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. it reduces the urge to smoke. chantix didn't have nicotine in it, and that was important to me.
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beyonce fans at a massachusetts walmart got a special treat. the singer and media mogul beyonce knowles pushed a cart through the aisles like the other shoppers but she did more giving than buying. doling out $50 gift cards to 750 people. do the math there, that totals more than $37,000. zain asher are joining me now to talk about this. because this isn't perhaps just an act of generosity, right, zain? you look at this and you wonder if maybe it wasn't a jab at say target or amazon. >> you know, brianna, it is absolutely from where i'm standing it is absolutely a jab at target. it does look like this. target i wonder now if they have any regrets. their argument is they didn't want to stock an album already already available exclusively on
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itunes. if i was a retailer i think beyonce is the last person i would ever want to make an enemy of. there are two winners first of all walmart, great publicity for them. one of the biggest stars in the world essentially encouraging people to shop at your store. i wonder how many people used that gift card to buy her album and also obviously, apple doing very well. if target and amazon don't stock beyonce's album, that means more downloads on itunes. apple has said this is the fastest selling album ever, 800,000 download in the first three days. i think target may have shot themselves in the foot. >> that's right. beyonce saying i'm going to release my well, when you look back at the highlights from the year in sports, there was as much action off the field as on it.
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bleacher report's vince has our top ten moments. >> the year in sports included the gruesome, as in the horrific leg injury suffered by louisville's kevin ware, and the gullible, as in notre dame linebacker manti te'o and his fake twitter girlfriend, but our look back begins with the plug pulled in super bowl 47. the superdome in new orleans was blanketed in darkness when a sensor monitoring the electrical load cut off power. for 39 minutes, they were put on hold. >> with one second remaining, it appeared as though number one alabama and number four auburn were headed to overtime. what happened next is a play for the ages. >> 56-yarder, does not have the leg. chris davis takes it in the end of the end zone. davis is going to run it all the way back. auburn is going to win the football game!
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holy cow! oh, my god! auburn wins! >> lbj, lbj, lbj! >> lebron james has sepbrated himself as the greatest player in pro basketball and a worldwide brand as evidences by a aappearances like that one in china. back home, he made good on the promise of multiple championships for miami when the heat won back-to-back titles. they were both miami dolphins, yet one felt more tortured than teammate. when jonathan martin accused rimpf richie incognito and other of bullying, a voice mail using a racial epithet and i'll kill you, was released. we're re-examining the pro football work place. intimgration and aggression are a fabric of the sport, but where
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does the locker room end and real life begin? >> he was an american hiro. cancer survivor, a seven-time tour defrance champion, but lance armstrong could no longer deny the allegations of a doping scandal. >> all seven of your victories, did you take banned substances or blood dope? >> armstrong was stripped of his titles, lost endorsements and was banned for life from cycling. >> gay athlete have long participated in major team sports, but did so in silence. jason collins has emerged as a voice. he said he spent a lifetime in secrecy but had to be true to himself and others. a free agent, he may never again play in the nba, but his announcement is a contribution far more important than points and rebounds. >> it's been a stain on america's pastime. the steroid era. former mvp alex rodriguez was
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among 14 players linked to a clinic which dealt in performance enhancing drugs. rodriguez has denied the accusation and has appealed a nonprecedented 215-game ban. while baseball judges a-rod today, time will ultimately determine his place in history. >> the troubled past of aaron hernandez. >> aaron hernandez charged with first degree murder today. >> oscar pistorius, a south african olympic star accused of murdering his girlfriend. >> the man known as the blade runner wiping away tears. >> how does a successful athlete get charged with murder? the blade runner, oscar pistorius, claims he mistakenly shot his girlfriend in his south african villa and will stand trial in march. and aaron hernandez, who not long ago signed a $40 billion contract, is also awaiting trial. prosecutors say he orchestrated the execution-style shooting of an acquaintance. an accusation hernandez denies.
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>> a $765 million settlement between the nfl and ex-players over concussion-related injuries was a good first step. next is saving the game. the league hopes committed millions to research and implementing new rules promoting safety will ease concerns about head injuries in a sport that will always be violent and never risk-free. >> in april, a boston tradition turned tragic. the bombings challenged a city and a baseball team to move forward and they did. the slogan boston strong was a rallying cry, and five day after the bombing, red sox slugger david ortiz said what many were thinking. >> this is our [ bleep ] city. and nobody is going to take our city. stay strong. >> a world series victory showed us all just how strong. >> that was a good number one.
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we also have a late add now. i'll take our list to 11. it is peyton manning setting a new nfl record yesterday with his 51st touchdown pass of the season. that breaks tom brady's record from a few years ago. >> new single-season mark. and he spends his days cooking up barbecue for happy customers. up next, i'll tell you how he turns that experience into life listens for kids who need a helping hand. ñk =
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i'm beth... and i'm michelle. and we own the paper cottage. it's a stationery and gifts store. anything we purchase for the paper cottage goes on our ink card. so you can manage your business expenses and access them online instantly with the game changing app from ink. we didn't get into business to spend time managing receipts,
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that's why we have ink. we like being in business because we like being creative, we like interacting with people. so you have time to focus on the things you love. ink from chase. so you can. in today's american journey, we're taking you to a barbecue joint in washington with a sauce that goes beyand your taste buds. tom foreman reports. >> where there is smoke in d.c., there is inspire barbecue, a small restaurant that is making a big impact by teaching struggling young people the basics of working life. how to show up on time, balance a checkbook, take and give fair criticism. >> we're not giving out our
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secrets. >> jeff who grew up here, cooked up the idea. >> how do we get out of poverty? you get out through work. you get out of poverty through doing a good day's work every day, and looking at the goodness of what you produce rather than what you don't have. >> over the past three years, inspire has taken in hundreds of young folks, ages 16 to 23, to work and learn for a period of time. some have trouble with the law. some with drug abuse. some like daniel, with education. he graduated high school but quickly failed out of college, and by the time he found inspire -- >> all the money i earned, it was kind of wasted. it was just like, where do i go now? where do i go next? do i find a job? do i go back into school? >> this place had to be like a god send. >> it was. >> today, he talks confidently about his future and his ideas. >> you're learning how to do everything so you can transition into a permanent employment. >> these are life skills. >> life skills.
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>> in the end, this food is not just fantastic. it truly is inspirational. tom foreman, cnn. >> i better try another taste. washington. >> you better. well, that's it for me. i'll be back at 5:00 eastern on "the situation room." "newsroom" continues right now with brooke baldwin. brianna keilar, thank you so much, my friend. i'm brooke baldwin. great to be with you on this monday, this holiday week. and here's what we begin with today. hackers stealing debit and credit card information from millions of target shoppers. perhaps including you. forcing them to change pin numbers or get new bank cards. and now, in the name of preventing more potential fraud, at least one bank, specifically chase, has but a skwiez on those same customers. here's the deal. mandatory spending limits on chase debit cards that were used at target. those same chase customers now have a
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