tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN December 23, 2013 5:00pm-6:01pm PST
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the media. so what do you think? which tweets do you think cross the line? does freedom of speech extend to twitter? should users be forced to apologize for offensive comments on line? well, let us know what you think on twitter @donlemon. don, thank you, a lot of people are asking what just hit us and what is next? we have answers to all the questions, also next, duck dynasty's phil robertson has more. and later the fallout of the epic credit and debit card breach at target. and how easy it is for hackers to do it again. we begin with the kind of introduction to winter that depending on where you live has left people iced over, snowed under, and parts of the east are totally baffled by the spring-like temperatures. and just about everywhere but
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the rockies, you see signs of winter. more now from cnn's randi kaye. >> reporter: it is as if mother nature couldn't make up her mind. dropping snow, ice, rain, and tornado force winds across dozens of states. in hughes, arkansas, a tornado chewed through this barn, the same storm causing the mother her home and all her christmas gifts. but she managed to save her children. >> i threw my body weight over my 16 month-old child and saved his life, and my daughter, i flung her to the bathroom to save her life. >> reporter: in mississippi, another tornado took a man's life, after blowing over his mobile home, trapping his tree and mattress. the fire chief spent hours trying to pull his friend out. >> we pulled christmas presents out of this trailer home all day. we pulled a body out and
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presents today. >> reporter: in charlotte, north carolina, the rain was not nearly as deadly but sure soaked this fan at the panthers/new orleans saints game. in some places there was so much rain this was the result. streets turned into rivers in parts of illinois. and in ohio, some residents got around in kayaks instead of cars. the water got so high this woman had to be rescued by boat from her retirement village. rising water is to blame for the loss of three lives in nelson, kentucky, five people in the suv tried to cross a small bridge but the river was too much. >> it appears they tried to turn around and dropped the front edge off the front of the bridge and it just swept it away. >> reporter: two inside the suv managed to escape but could not pull the others to safety. elsewhere, like des moines, iowa, green bay, wisconsin, and
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wichita, kansas, it was not rain but snow that was the problem. causing horrible accidents on the roads. and there was ice, too. at this outlet mall in oklahoma city, sheets of ice slowed down holiday shoppers a bit. in upstate, new york, ice knocked out power to thousands, even further north in toronto, canada, ice froze power lines leaving nearly 200,000 customers in the dark. possibly until christmas. officials are calling it a catastrophe. transformers are exploding like firecrackers. just trying to get the word out proved dangerous for this reporter. >> with that, i'm going to send it back inside. oh -- there goes! that just landed on a toronto truck. that just landed on a toronto hydro vehicle, and the wires are
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down, you hear the cracking, listen for a second, the cracking, we're sending it back inside and are not going to stand here anymore. >> reporter: it seems one of the few places spared all of this nasty stuff was new york city, where just days before christmas folks enjoyed a record high of 71 degrees over the weekend. >> i love it. it feels like it is may in december. >> reporter: too bad winter has only just begun. randi kaye, cnn, new york. >> you see a big mess for a lot of people in a lot of places, for more on what is causing it, let's talk to chad myers, this is a crazy december, many of us, i went to baltimore for a football game. it was like spring, but maybe not for long? >> no, not for long, just outside your door. it has been warm up and down the coast, the jet stream has been
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up and down canada. cold in the west, but not here along i-95 for the past couple of days. we'll see all of this go away. we'll see this entire system go away as this cold front slides on by. this jet stream will move to the east, pushing the warm air and it will be gone. finally we'll change the warm, warm air to cold, cold, cold. right now there are temperatures in parts of the dakotas that approach 25 degrees below zero with the wind chill. there is 27 below in fargo. and guess where the air is moving? right to the southeast. and that will move right through new york and philadelphia and d.c. you were 70 degrees a couple of days ago. the morning low in 36 hours is going to be somewhere around 20. that is a 70, 70 degree shift, john. >> how much those -- how about those of us who would enjoy a white christmas? the cold weather going to bring some snow? >> well, some, parts of of the
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northeast tonight, this will be covered with snow in parts of new england. but the accumulation will be in parts of michigan and buffalo. not a place that is unusual to get all that much snow. we'll see some snow, but probably not as much of a white christmas as some kids would like. >> chad myers watching all of this throughout the christmas day. stay with us. and a fresh reminder, the controversy not withstanding, it is truly a duck dynasty. and the cracker barrel restaurant chain reversed its decision to stop selling products from the show. you told us you made a mistake and you were not shy about it. nor is phil robertson, not backing away from a statement he made, suggesting that homosexuality could lead to bestiality. he says he is only repeating
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lessons from the bible, saying i just read what was written 2,000 years ago, those who live like that, will not inherent the kingdom of heaven. will payne was with him when he said that at the bible study. he joins us tonight. >> so will, you had this up-close look and say that robertson doesn't seem fazed by this in the least? >> not at all, he believes in what he says and has steadfast religious believes that will not be affected in any way, and he doesn't see it as anything hugely controversial. >> he doesn't think it is at all controversial? >> well, i mean, obviously he is aware of what has been going on around him and has seen the media reaction. but from his perspective he is simply saying what he believes. and he is spreading the word of a higher power.
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and you know, the fundamental issue is that from my limited experience down there, it seems as though the vast majority of the local population concurred with him and agreed with him. >> you say concur and agree with him, give us a little more insight. you say the people in church actually refer to this controversy as a blessing? how so? >> well, they're a hugely religious community, firstly. and they see this as an opportunity to spread their message. their message that they firmly believe in. and it has given them a forum and a platform by which to spread the word of god as they see it, anyway. >> i want you to take us inside. you're invited to attend a small bible study group led by robertson there at the church. take us inside that room. >> i was showing up to a small classroom, i suppose you could describe it as. and mr. robertson was there in full camouflage gear.
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and several of his friends were there, also fully bearded with camouflage on. they were incredibly friendly, welcoming, interested to know what i was do there and where i was from, et cetera. and then after ten minutes of preliminary conversation, and he started this bible study group. and which went on for about 45 minutes, referencing me on a number of occasions. and it was interesting. >> referencing you on a couple of occasions. he also said this at the end. >> i will not give or back off from my path because you conquered death, father, so we're not worried about all the repercussions. so talking about a bible reference, but himself as well? >> well, it was a prayer, something that they do a lot of these things on an ad hoc basis. and that was a prayer that was obviously specific to what had happened the previous week. obviously it has connotations
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beyond that. but i think it was in reference to the controversy and the fire storm of last week. >> and so after the bible study class, robertson joined the congregation, about 30,000 people. he was taken out through a back door about ten minutes before the service ended, you think to avoid the media? >> well, i think so obviously i was invited in. by the same token, they seemed to be taking measures to avoid him from being accosted by the media. i think also they were potentially concerned about protests or anything like that. from a known situation, where he said some things and people were upset. but it was a concerted effort to get him away before he could be spoken to by anybody else. >> does the daily mail pay for the interview or access of any kind? >> no, we didn't pay in any way, shape or form.
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if you ask me why he spoke to me specifically, i think with all of these things as i'm sure you're aware, luck and timing, plays a part. but i think as i said at the very beginning, mr. robertson is steadfast in his believes and not ashamed of what he said, because he believes it to be true. so therefore, why would he be scared to talk to me or the media, he is confident in what he said and pro actively wants to get the message out there. >> will payne, thank you so much. >> no problem, thank you. and a lot happening, a war zone in south sudan, marines getting ready in case they are needed. and also, on the credit card breach, the security expert has the lowdown when "ac360" continues. ♪
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>> cnn new year's eve, with anderson cooper and kathy griffin starts at 9:00 eastern. >> i love it. help is on the way for americans trapped by violence in a fractured country now edging on civil war. they're stuck in sudan, along with the rest of the civilian population, some 40,000 refugees receiving help in u.n. camps. >> let me be absolutely clear, the world is watching, in all areas of sudan, attacks on civilians and the u.n. peacekeepers deployed to protect them, must cease immediately. >> in response to the secretary general, they're calling for 58,000 people in addition to the troops on the ground already. some of the attacks were regarding a mission to air lift troops to safety. one mission had to be scrubbed.
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so with that and the possibility of another benghazi, the pentagon wanted the marines to move closer to the region. barbara starr has more, the pentagon seems to be taking no chances, what is the latest on their movements and the american civilians they may have to evacuate? >> good evening, john, about 150 marines are on the ground there in the nation. heavily armed, waiting for orders. if they get the orders they will go in. they have two possible missions, to reinforce to provide additional security for the u.s. embassy in the capital there, or to evacuate the rest of the people there. the problem is right now, the fighting is so bad, so vicious, so severe, the state department is not even sure if they're on the lookout for americans who
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may be hiding in hotels, in their homes, anybody who wants to get out they want to be able to provide that air lift to get them out in the coming days. but this is very tough going, as the u.n. warned today, the concern is the fighting is spiraling out of control. >> tough going, barbara, how much is the response anyway to what happened with the stakes here, and how much is the ghost of a possible benghazi. >> we have to tell you, the u.s. military was very open about it when they announced the marines on the way. they say this was one of the lessons learned of benghazi. that when you have americans at risk in areas of the world where they may not be u.s. military for forces at the ready, you have to put the military force there. as everyone will recall in benghazi, there were no nearby u.s. military forces, nobody to come help at that compound. this time, the pentagon taking no chances. putting the 150 marines into the region, even before there are
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orders to go. they don't want this to happen again. >> and barbara, what is the latest you hear about the u.s. personnel wounded over the weekend? >> yeah, this is both sad and happy news, john, three of the four navy seals are expected shortly as in the coming hours, as a matter of fact, to land at the u.s. military hospital in germany. the very hospital that has treated thousands of wounded from iraq and afghanistan over the years. one navy seal remains behind in hospital in nairobi. he was very seriously hurt. he is expected to make it but his injuries were so serious the military flew a special surgical team into nairobi to provide a medical team and they have a military plane equipped on standby, to bring him out if needed. >> our thoughts and prayers go out to everybody. and again, this is a very dangerous time to be a american in that part of the world.
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rob mckee is a private security manager for the firm, warrior security. rob, your security firm has about 3300 guards throughout the country, what is your situation now and what do you make of reports about movement by u.s. marines? >> yeah, as you said, we're unique in that we have security in all ten states. i think it is an interesting development. we heard what happened in bore the other day with the osprey being shot at. so clearly the united states is taking a very active role in what seems to be a blossoming conflict here. >> the authorities say this is short of a full-blown civil war, how much would an american intervention help at this point? >> it is tough to say, i've been here in south sudan, and warrior security is a firm that has been
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here, it is a very, very large area. the security is difficult to fathom unless you were on the ground here. so any type of campaign by the united states would have to be concentrated in specific areas. i mean, politically what is happening right now is we're seeing the army defect along tribal lines. and we have more reports on the ground with more warrior security personnel, that the charges have in fact taken the oil fields. he has released a plan about how heavy wants to divert that oil money and deal directly with the oil companies. things are shaping up here in a very complex way. and will u.s. military intervention work? not sure, will it even happen? i can't say. what i can say is the conflict here is taking an ethnic direction, and spiraling out of
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control. >> well, help to put us in context, the violence, the gangs, does that match what you're seeing? >> yes, we have military personnel on the ground in bore and other places that have witnessed or seen, or heard you know, killings and you know, pretty much right outside of the gate of some compounds. so those reports of looting are definitely true. the reports of killings are definitely true. trying to document them and prove that they're happening is the job that the united nations and other missions will handle. but we're there to protect life and property and provide taylor-made security solutions. >> you say a helicopter was hit with small firearms over the weekend? tell us what happened? >> well, yeah, there is confirmed reports of one aircraft being downed and a second aircraft going in and
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extracting that crew. as we know from the reports, they have seen widespread fighting. i know casualties in that. in the past there was a u.n. helicopter that was downed by some type of weapon, you know, an rpg or surface to air missile is not confirmed. but i think that the precedent has been set. that whatever forces are on the ground and whoever it is, they're willing to take down a u.n. aircraft and clearly from what we saw the other day, they're willing to fire at u.s. aircraft. so it is taking on a dangerous dimension. >> dangerous and sober assessment. rob mckee, thank you so much. >> my pleasure. >> as this develops you can find more on coming up, the lawsuits piling up after hackers hit 40 million customers' data and credit card debit information. how does this happen? also ahead. even as more people sign up public support for obama care is a at an all-time low according
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to a new cnn poll. we'll crunch the numbers. to help communities recover and rebuild. for companies going from garage to global. on the ground, in the air, even into space. we repaid every dollar america lent us. and gave america back a profit. we're here to keep our promises. to help you realize a better tomorrow. from the families of aig, happy holidays. ♪ [ male announcer ] the parking lot helps by letting us know who's coming. the carts keep everyone on the right track. the power tools introduce themselves. all the bits and bulbs keep themselves stocked. and the doors even handle the checkout so we can work on that thing that's stuck in the thing. [ female announcer ] today, cisco is connecting the internet of everything. so everyone goes home happy.
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it looks like the backlash is just beginning, that after hackers targeted target. the 40 million customers' debit and credit card information was hit during the busiest shopping time of the year. now many banks are monitoring them. j.p. morgan chase is temporarily limiting atm withdraws and purchases for customers whose accounts were at risk. now, lawsuits already in the works in california and oregon, accusing target of not taking steps to protect percentasonal
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information. we want to know how easy it is for the hackers to get to your sensitive information. gary tuckman reports. >> i could teach you in an hour to have a limited attack against somebody and get into their system. >> get their financial information? banking information? >> sure, yeah. >> adam myers is the vice president of intelligence at the security company called crowd strike. and he is about to show us how relatively easy it is for people to hack businesses to get to their credit card information. myers says the way they sometimes start is by just going on google and typing in "how to hack". >> what do you want to hack? facebook, instagram? wi-fi? >> i want to hack a bank, that is where the money is. >> how to hack a bank account, a bank. this is automatic, what people are searching for. >> youtube video on how to hack credit card information.
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>> this is not any dark secret, how people learn stuff like this. they can just do it in ten seco seconds. >> criminals can easily find software information, often they go to underground forums to buy a so-called builder's software which builds the malweare. >> when used effectively's criminals can hack into the computers of retailers and steal your bank information when you swipe your card at checkout. >> so basically this code and knowing how to do this and learning it, and often learning it from the internet and google search can lead you to being able to steal millions of dollars. >> right. >> this mallware is called zeus, and they say with other types and different variations? >> they are now at a position when somebody puts in their financial information and it comes to them, too. >> exactly.
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>> the criminals actually have a score board of sorts. it is a management system where the bad guys keep track of their vict victims. right now it says zero, but possibly it could say 8,000, that means you're controlling 8,000 people's companies and computers. >> absolutely. >> and you could do whatever you wanted to their computers? >> absolutely. >> if the united states had more widespread help like europe, they could cut down on it. in the meantime, companies have executives like myers, where many crooks are nailed, because they're not bright enough to not leave their fingerprints. >> it is not about how smart you are to do it, but about how good you have to be not to get caught. >> frightening listening to this. up next when it comes to obama care, it is all about numbers, the numbers are a little stronger, but the poll numbers, well, they have never
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after a rocky start, and boy is that an understatement, the pace is picking up as the obama care deadline approaches. more than half a million have signed up for obama care insurance, and the deadline has been extended for people who need coverage by the first. the senior white house correspondent joins us, brianna
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k keiler has more. >> reporter: this has gone from bad to worse, what we see now on the most recent cnn poll, 35% favoring the president's signature health care reform program. 62% opposing, that eroded from just last month when 40% favored, 58% opposed. the big problem here is john, a lot of women now, their opinion of this is going down. obviously, many of them do make health care decisions. and one of their primary concerns, it appears, is that their health insurance costs are going to cost more. it is a big problem for the obama administration. and this is a trend that we already saw getting worse before the problem of the rollout of obama care and it has gotten only worse after the fallout on the website.
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>> people don't sign up because they need the numbers to make the program work. just today, the administration extended the deadline to sign up by a day. why this change? >> they're saying they're not really extending it, that the deadline is today. but the truth is if you go on the website up until the end of tomorrow you're still supposed to be guaranteed to have coverage by january first. this is supposed to be a bit of a buffer, because they say there will be increased interest. a cnn spokesperson said they anticipate high demand and many are enrolling for health care. we have taken steps to make sure those selecting a plan through tomorrow will get coverage for january first. and the way they're trying to pla explain it, john, like if you're going to vote on election day, if you get in the line to vote, if you're still standing in line you're going to be able to vote. and that is really what they're talking about here, if you go to sign up on the website and get
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queued and told hey, the website is not available. as long as you're trying to sign up you should be able to do so. >> not quite sure how tomorrow equals today but we'll just let that go and count the numbers tomorrow. explain this to me, the white house says the president himself signed up for obama care. i'm guessing he didn't wait in the queue on line, or on the hold call for the center, did he? >> no, he didn't, an unnamed staffer actually went to sign him up personally for the d.c. exchange because obviously he does live in d.c., but because of his unique circumstance, the his being president thing, he couldn't have it handled on line. his personal information, he couldn't go through the on-line process, this staffer did. >> as you know, obama care was the thread woven throughout the year in politics. anderson takes a look back. >> reporter: 2013 kicked off in
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washington with the start of president obama's second term. >> i, barack obama, do swear. >> and the hope to push grid lock. >> for now, we cannot afford to delay, and mistake absolutism for principle or substitute spectacle for politics. >> but soon after, the spectacle of politics began, congress drew even deeper partisan lines that either no one could or wanted to cross, starting with congress's failure to stop the federal spending cuts that went into effect in march. then the big one. >> at midnight last night for the first time in 17 years, the republicans and congress chose to shut down the federal government. >> the october, the federal government partially shut down after another failure by democrats and republicans to pass a spending bill that would have kept the government up and running. the source of their disagreement, obama care. >> do you like green eggs and ham? i do not like them, sam, i am.
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i do not like green eggs and ham. >> tea party hero ted cruz took to the senate floor for more than 21 hours before the protest to shut down the obama care, saying the government should shut down rather than spend federal money on the new health care rollout. but the shutdown didn't prevent the rollout. and many saw cruz' speech wita n stunt, even within his own party. the president suffered, as well. >> if you like your health care plan you can keep your health care plan. >> this broken promise by the president didn't help his standing with the public, after hundreds of thousands of americans were dropped from their health care plan. and potential problems with the website,, made the rollout of the plan an unmitigated disaster, the republicans slammed the plan as a disaster. >> that is on me, we fumbled the rollout on this health care plan. >> the 2012 attack on the
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american consulate in benghazi was the subject of politically charged hearings on capitol hill this year, with former secretary of state hillary clinton under fire from the republicans on the misinformation following the attack. >> the fact is we had four dead americans, was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided they would go kill some americans? what difference at this point does it make? >> clinton left her posts soon after the hearings, furthering speculations she would make a presidential run. and although the next campaign is years away, they will see hints and teases from both sides. >> digging deeper, anderson also spoke with our political panel about the year that was. >> joining me now, david gergen, and andrew sullivan, political commentators, charles blow, charles is an op-ed columnist at
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"the new york times." what do you think stands out? >> one, i think republicans really did go to the edge of the abyss and looked down it. and maybe decided maybe not jumping into the ted cruz vortex is the right thing. and i think maybe we see a recalibration of the republican party, and more reinstructed government. on the other side, the president starts -- ends the year nearly ten points down from where he started. and the health care rollout was i think, an absolutely terrible display of what can go wrong with liberal government. but i would say this. at the end of the year it is still true that 2013 will be the first year that americans and the united states had universal health insurance, or close to it. that is, in terms of the historical timeline, that is a big deal. >> well, for me, it was the october surprise, october was a surprise from start to finish,
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beginning with two very bad weeks for republicans, and ending with two very bad weeks for the white house and democrats. the first weeks, the shutdown. after the government got off the screen it became about the debacle of the launch. i think it reminded us in politics things can change in a nano second and did. and i think it is leading to the re-calibration of the republican party. we have seen an emboldened john boehner. and had he has had it, he is fed up and fighting back. we're seeing a moment where more main stream republicans are saying you know what? this was a political suicide, we went down a cliff, hell, no, we're not going to take it anymore. >> we talked a lot in the last few years about polarization, and now we're adding factions into the mix.
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is the libertarian wing of the party going to nominate somebody like a ted cruz or more importantly, a rand paul? or will it be a chris christie or jeb bush? we don't know. they will fight it out here. you're beginning to see something of the same thing happen in the democratic party. something that is spreading, especially in urban areas. >> boston, new york, elsewhere. that populism is also supporting elizabeth warren and calling for her to run. there are an awful lot of people who feel that -- really just as strongly as people feel about rand paul on the right, they feel that way about elizabeth warren. and i don't think she is going to get in right now but i think she will pull hillary to the left. there will be a lot of pressure to pull her to the left. >> let's stay on this hillary question, you say pull her to the left. i'm not convinced anybody knows where hillary is? >> i think -- >> i think you're right -- >> she will have some polls --
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>> now, now, now. >> any particular moment -- >> i thought you wanted to see more of the center. >> this is what happens when on the right you have a chris christie who seems to be high in the polls. >> right. >> and nobody really knows what chris christie is all about other than he is blustery. and people say he tells it like it is, there are a lot of youtube videos. >> but if you're on the right, that actually tells you that it will affect and deal with people with pre-existing conditions. for example, i would like to hear that argument -- >> but here is the problem on the left, what will be the hillary position other than the democratic position? what will be the position other than "i can win." it is really hard to know what is the hillary clinton platform. if you're going out on the street and ask people, what does hillary clinton stand for politically, what would they say? i'm not exactly sure. >> rescue.
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>> and -- let me tell you what i think chris christie stands for right now after winning his election. he stands for a republican who can bring others, groups that are beyond the base into the tent. the republican who can win -- >> a uniter, not a divider. >> something like that that is a familiar line. >> and do you want to see -- >> regarding anything -- >> i'm just saying you have to take the next step, to do what. currently, there is very little out there. >> and listen -- >> well, david -- >> i think you're absolutely right that the republican party has to be a party of ideas again. it just sort of had one basic idea of cut government and taxes, almost everything. they have to come up with a much more constructive view, what do you do about jobs? how do you get growth going again? what do you do about the economy? chris christie has been trying
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to get legislation passed and has actually been a reformer on education and has gotten things done. he has never played in national -- >> is it -- >> i think people -- i think winning a nomination would be tough for him. but i think in terms of winning pick public support that would help him with the nation, i think -- he is a tough guy, he talks straight. >> people usually do, when they have an incumbent. they want somebody not quite like him who fills in the gaps of the current president. he is a non-obama. >> you're right on that one. >> and the democratic left will run against the legacy of the conservative president, barack obama. >> all right, thank you so much, david gergen, charles blow. next, a federal judge has
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almost that time again, yes, that time again, when all eyes are on times square to see if yes, if it will be the year that kathy griffin gets anderson cooper fired. yes, they have hired lawyers for the coverage. now, if you have a calendar, you know new year's eve is still more than a week away, but already a snag in kathy's plans. here is anderson and kathy.
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>> i have a lot to talk to you about. >> oh, really? >> yeah, i think you know what i'm referring to, you have hurt somebody's feelings. >> i don't know what you're referring to. >> i think you do, i think you know that ryan seacrest and i have been trying to face time you, and i never thought i would say this, i am now team seacrest instead of team cooper, what is going on? >> how have you possibly teamed up with ryan seacrest, he has been your nemesis for years. >> that is right, you mess with me, cooper, i bring out the big guns, i actually have an e-mail exchange between ryan seacrest and myself, it is, good to see you, let's figure out dinner with coop, how should we loop everyone in? anderson says, it is awful to see you, then i give out his e-mail, i don't have carson daily's, i wish i did. he is the most solid of the
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bunch. oh, sorry, i didn't think you would see that, and then dinner, are you guys up for dinner before the shows? then anderson cooper says, and i hope that all of cnn can see this. hey, i'm not sure if i can do dinner, i get back on the 30th, but i have to be on air that night until 11:00. looking forward to see you, that is a blow off. ryan seacrest is sobbing, in times square right now, spiking his hair, getting a mani-pedi, reaching out, just wants a hug, i don't even know if you can count on me this year, i may just march over to ryan this year and spoon. >> i'm looking forward to being teamed with you again,/dreading it a little bit. >> okay, the slash was really not necessary, because they're very different things, usually a slash means things that are grouped together. so of course you're looking
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forward to being with me, i mean, of course i'm looking forward to being with you. >> help anderson cooper and kathy griffin ring in the new year in times square, tune in live on cnn. let's get caught up on other stories that susan hendricks has. >> and former nba star dennis rodman has left korea where he spent four days helping to set up a basketball game for kim jong-un's birthday. the players will not be named yet. dennis rodman did not meet with kim jong-un during this trip. and today, a federal judge blocking his own decision allowing same-sex marriage in that state. the gay couples have been lining up to marry since utah's governor struck down that law. and apple has a potential pull of more than 700 million cell phone users now that it reached a deal with china mobile. in china, the iphone 5 costs
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more than $500. and in honor, rachel washburn honored on the field. turns out the bronze star recipient who served two tours in afghanistan was also a cheerleader for the eagles for three seasons. well deserved honor there. >> well deserved for her, and great for the team, as well. you're right. susan, thank you so much. and your choice for number four on our countdown, of the top five ridiculists of 2013.
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just by talking to a helmet. it grabbed the patient's record before we even picked him up. it found out the doctor we needed was at st. anne's. wiggle your toes. [ driver ] and it got his okay on treatment from miles away. it even pulled strings with the stoplights. my ambulance talks with smoke alarms and pilots and stadiums. but, of course, it's a good listener too. [ female announcer ] today cisco is connecting the internet of everything. so everything works like never before.
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certain internet sensation just galloped her way into anderson's heart. >> tonight it is time for the ridiculist, and this is called the prancer-cise. it is described as springy, rhythmic way of moving forward similar to a horse's gait, and induced by elation, which is what one feels when they watch joanne rohrback use this way to exercise. >> so let's stop talking and do some walking. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> i mean, i thought this was a saturday night live skit. it is not.
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you can prancercise anywhere, if you dare, on the sidewalk, a path in the woods, even on "the today show". >> rhythmically o-- and -- >> uh-huh. >> wow. this is fantastic. >> very ugly -- >> you know, i'm surprised i never came up with this myself. >> since the prancer-cise video has been getting popular on live tv, here is the shocker, not everybody is a fan. but here is what joanne does, she takes it in stride. here is what she told to cnn. >> you know what? i'll take everything, because hey, that is what getting famous is about, right? >> don't i know it. the harsh, the goof, one big ball of fame. i happen to think joanne is way
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ahead of her time and developed prancecise in the '80s. may i remind you what was the exercise of the moment in the '80s? ♪ ♪ i had my hair really long in that video. one other point i would like to make, is that viewers are well aware, this is already popular in other parts of the world. are we going to show this again? are we really? the korean fitness machine? take a look. [ speaking in a foreign language ] >> i watch that daily, but with
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prancercise, you don't need equipment, but just a spring in your step and music in your heart. ♪ ♪ ♪ i don't care what anyone says, prancercise rocks! >> well, we ask you to stay tuned on this edition, and anthony bourdain, parts unknown, starts now. chances are you haven't been to this place. chances are this is ace
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