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tv   New Day  CNN  January 1, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PST

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would react if you were in their shoes. i'm anderson cooper. thanks for watching. >> and i'm robin meade. thank you so much for joining us. happy new year! it's the first of the year which means new laws and big legal challenges to come. the nsa, same-sex marriage, obamacare. we'll break down the year ahead. the president's challenge, 2013 was a rough one for president obama. can he turn it around in 2014 or will the republicans gain ground? our experts weigh in. >> new year, "new day," new you. you've made the resolution but will you keep it? the secrets you need to know to follow through on those life-changing promises. your "new day" and year starts right now.
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♪ oh, good morning. welcome it a very special edition of "new day." let's call it "new year." shall we? it's january 1st, of course, 6:00 in the east. happy new year to you. a warm welcome to all of you as we kick off 2014. can you believe it? >> i know. >> so much to look forward to this year. we'll bring it to you all this morning. we're talking about what's happening in politics, highly anticipated movies hitting theaters and what you can expect to see in the tech world. >> for a lot of people, the start of the new year means it is time for a new you, from die tote exercise. we'll share with you tips to get healthy and how to keep it up. >> 0ing that brings us to that annual tradition, making a new years resolution. we'll share with you some of ours and look at why some folks can't seem to keep them and why some refuse to make them in the
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first place. >> that would be me. >> plus, some of the best must-see moments, we're showing you some of our favorites. >> let's get a check of the headlines making news this morning. let's head over to the newsdesk. >> i'm anna cabrera. happy new year. new york's times square, supreme court justice sonia sotomayor pushing that button that dropped the big crystal ball. take a look at the celebration in new orleans. cold and rain could not keep thousands of revelers from hitting the streets, rocking out to oar and the tradition live on in key west, sushi, the female impersonator headlining this annual shoe drop at the bourbon street pub. a new year brings new hope for peace in the middle east. secretary of state john kerry heading to jerusalem and ramallah today. he'll meet with benjamin netanyahu and mahmoud awas.
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he was a proposal to present, outlining what a final mideast peace process an agreement might look like. the secretary of state is hoping to negotiate a deal by april. overnight, pope francis celebrating mass at the vatican, ringing in the new year. he's delivering his message in several different languages. he has an ambitious agenda in 2014. he plans to visit the holy land in may with stops in tel aviv, the west bank a. just hours before the stroke of midnight she issued an ordinary temporarily exempting two catholic church groups from the contraception mandate in the new health care law. sotomayor is giving the obamacare administration until friday to respond to her order. new coverage plans kick in today for americans who signed up for obamacare. the administration says 2.1
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million people have now enrolled. the original target was 3 million. former first lady barbara bush is in a texas hospital this morning. the 88-year-old is being treated for a respiratory related issues, according to a family spokesman. cnn's affiliate in houston says this is connected to early signs of pneumonia. a hospital spokesman says mrs. bush is in great spirits. she's been visited by her husband and other family members. a memorial today for the sole victim of last month's shooting in colorado, the school shooting we're talking about. 17-year-old claire davis died about a week after she was shot by a fellow student at arope r high school. also in colorado, history-making day. the state becomes the first to allow the sale of recreational marijuana, about 30 stores throughout colorado will be open for business. 18 of them in denver.
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more than 100 additional licenses have been issued by the state. but some of those store owners are waiting to get approval from their local jurisdiction. you must be 21 to buy pot in colorado. you cannot smoke it in public and there is a hefty fine for anyone caught trying to take it out of state. utah is asking the u.s. supreme court to stop same-sex marriages in the state while it tries to overturn a judge's ruling that made them legal. hundreds of same-sex couples have already married in utah in the week since the federal appeals court declined to halt their weddings. the state's appeal to the supreme court calls the legal recognition of gay weddings an affront to the people of utah. well, more trouble for target. the retailer admits that an undisclosed number of gift cards were not activated when they were purchased. and this, of course, after target revealed 40 million debit and credit card accounts of customers of theirs were hacked. let's check the forecast this morning. it is a cold start to the new
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year. especially for the eastern united states and the midwest. currently 24 in new york, 21 in boston. overnight temps dipped below 20 degrees in chicago. look at minneapolis, negative 6 right now. we could see a major snowstorm hit the midwest and the northeast, thursday into friday. so we're watching that winter advisories are also in effect from kansas to new york. those are your headlines. i'm ana cabrera. again, happy new year. from same-sex marriage to recreational marijuana, 2013 was a banner year in the courts but 2014 promises to be even more banner. joining us now with the top legal stories we'll be talking about in the new year, cnn senior legal analyst, former prosecutor, ladies and gentlemen, mr. jeffrey toobin. >> we need a round of applause, everyone. >> what do you think will be the big legal issues in 2014? start us off. >> same-sex marriage will continue to be a big issue.
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one thing to keep an eye on is, in america people move. and there are lots of same-sex couples in states where it's legal who will move to states where it's not legal. that's just the way americans live. what happens when they want to get divorced? who gets custody of the children? how are their legal rights dealt with in those states? those cases will start to work their way through the federal courts. and those might be the cases that lead to same-sex marriage taking place in the whole country. >> they're building off the two big cases before the supreme court this past year. >> yes, correct. also, the people who object to same-sex marriage on religious grounds are going to say, we don't want to do -- we don't want to do the wedding photographs. because we object to it on religious grounds. how will the courts deal with that? is that discrimination that the courts will allow or is it religious freedom they'll allow? >> let's bring our your crystal ball. 2014.
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health care, do you think this will play into 201 in a big way? >> certainly, again, the religious dimension will be important. there's a big case in the supreme court about the hobby -- >> hobby lobby. >> you know, you can tell i'm not a crafty guy. i don't spend a lot of time at hobby lobby. i have to admit. >> it's been a long night for the toobs. >> they say they have a religious objection to meeting the requirement of obamacare which says you have to provide birth control. all forms of birth control to women. they say that some forms they will not subsidize. that's going to be a big case and in all sorts of religious objections to the birth control component of obamacare. it's a huge law. there are lots of complexities. certainly lots of cases will be in the courts about obamacare but sort of the underlying law has been approved and that's not going anywhere. >> mich said crystal ball.
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this is low-hanging fruit. putting that requirement that all forms of contraception has to be covered screams out for a challenge. >> it certainly does. the law does have an exception for religious institutions, like the catholic church does not have to pay for contraception for their employees' insurance. the question is private businesses, for-profit businesses? my guess is the conservatives on the supreme court will say they don't have to provide that insurance. >> all of this happening in an election year. this has been a big issue. you can describe a war on women, depending on what side. this is one of the main issues that democrats took on saying that republicans had a war on women when they took on this issue. >> you know, the politics of it, i think, are complicated and difficult to shake out because president obama in the 2012 campaign made a big embrace in planned parenthood. we believe in women's health. a lot of people, especially catholic voters who tend to be swing voters say we don't want
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to be told what to do when it comes to matters that are covered by the church doctrine. i don't know how the politics of this shake out completely. >> as we now added time to the big stories
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this is how the politics plays into it. there are two new judges on the d.c. circuit. two obamaç appointees who may play a role in this. >> the irony, the republicans finally allowing appointees and they may have wound up appointing the judges that wind
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up working against them in this all-important case. >> fasten your seat belts for 2014. >> i'm ready. >> that crazy, kooky thing called law. >> happy new year, jeff. >> happy new year to you all. >> the year ahead in politics. things the budget compromise put an end to the partisan bickering? think again. there's a major battle coming in just weeks and even more is at stake. >> 2013 was a great year but got to have winners. what did the top five must-see moments? >> there's some good ones. >> we'll show you our favorites. [ male announcer ] alka seltzer plus presents the cold truth. [ coughs, sneezes ]
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[ sniffles ] i have a big meeting when we land, but i am so stuffed up, i can't rest. [ male announcer ] truth is, nyquil cold and flu liquid gels don't unstuff your nose. they don't? [ male announcer ] nope. they don't have a decongestant. really? [ male announcer ] really. alka seltzer plus night fights your worst cold symptoms, plus has a fast-acting decongestant to relieve your stuffy nose. [ inhales deeply ] alka seltzer plus. oh. what a relief it is.
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[ male announcer ] can't find theraflu, try alka seltzer plus for fast liquid cold and flu relief.
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i've quit for 75 days. 15 days, but not in a row. for the first time, you can use nicorette... even if you slip up... so you can reach your goal. [ male announcer ] now, quit on your own terms with nicorette or nicoderm cq.
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welcome back to "new day." coming this up year in washington, the closely watched midterm elections and a looming debt ceiling fight. what can you expect? cnn political analyst and executive editor of the daily beast john avlon is here. >> good morning. >> big political stories coming in the new year. it's midterm elections through the lens through which we have to view every story when this midterm year, what do you think? >> happy new year. it's an election year. we're back. this is -- it's going to affect every fact on capitol hill. this is a fundamental fallacy of people in politics saying we'll wait till next year to get it done. in an election year, it is infinitely more difficult. >> both parties looking at real pressure in taking control of the houses of congress. democrats in the senate, republicans in the house. >> let's talk about the balance of power, then the issues.
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how does the balance of power look, republicans need a net gain of six in the senate? how is it looking? >> both parties are within striking distance and playing defense to hold on to their lead. my guess is the margins will shrink. democrats are under real pressure, three southernç democrats, okay hagen, mark pryor and mary landau. republicans see though as big pickup opportunities. they'll make a lot of money and effort into demonizing those democrats. on the republican side of the aisle, the tea party wave has crest. even though republicans have a built-in advantage because of the rigged system of redistricting that allowed them to build up their lead in the house, democrats can't really pick up swing seats. the republicans will be looking to hold on to their lead, 17-seat margin. it's a longer haul. >> sometimes your fringe groups are just the first ring in a
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storm. think about occupy, the tea party. we are in 2014 but there was a lot of violence at the end of 2013 that hurt both parties. it makes me wonder, did they use that ammo too soon? and they can't go into straight obstruction mode again because it cost both already. >> that's a great, important point. the republicans definitely feel the scars of that shutdown strategy. they were dragged into by the activist groups pumping basically a fool's gold saying we can shut down the government benefit politically. 16-day shutdown hurt republicans, they know that. that's one of the things that drove paul ryan to make a deal with patty murray. we have a debt ceiling fight looming in february. watch out, folks, we'll go through that all over again. >> republicans think they're on very different footing when it comes to the debt ceiling fight. even mitch mcconnell said you can get the president's attention to start trying to talk about, cutting here, cutting there, tackling some of our deficit and debt issues.
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do you think that argument is going to work? >> i wouldn't hold your breath on it. here's why. paul ryan and mitch mcconnell are saying we'll fight over the debt ceiling basically as a way to coral conservatives to support the budget deal that just happened. here's the problem. where's the leverage? the president said he's no longer going to play this game. >> so does he just inherently end this fight when you're talking about holding something up, he has the upper hand? >> yes. politically if republicans want to run towards this clip, the problem is we're all hanging in the balance. the president says he's not going to negotiate over the full faith and credit. because it didn't go through a grand bargain what's the incentive for both sides negotiating on something big? watch out, february is when the debt ceiling -- >> election year. >> you know you have a false end here. >> popular. >> i'm big on it. >> me, too. >> here's why. they know now, people know, this debt ceiling is just to pay for things already spent.
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the whole idea is we'll limit how muchç we can spend doesn't make sense to people anymore. they're savvied and i don't believe the president can stand on his it's not negotiable anymore. i think the democrats have to negotiate on everything. >> look, i think two things. first of all, the president has a credibility gap based on the stuff. he's in a less strong position. i would not bet, unfortunately, even though people should realize the debt ceiling is refusing to pay a credit card bill. >> they're saying it's an opportunity to refocus attention. >> the deficit is going down. the debt is still a big problem. all the forces are aligned to have another major impasse and nobody looks good in that. again, the economy hangs in the balance. if our political leaders are going to play chicken which they send to do, watch out, we'll be here again, sooner than you think. >> president obama also a big political story of 2013. a little rough for him. >> a little bit. >> john king has been saying recently, what does he -- what
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can he do, what does he into ed to do in 2014 to turn it around or are republicans going to keep gaining ground on him? >> one of the big questions is the open question of immigration. republicans realize they have a problem. the base is hostile to immigration reform. will the liberation of john boehner calling out these conservative groups lead him to do what he knows is right politically? >> there's an opening. >> definitely an opening. >> that is one of the biggest questions. both parties realized there's more to gain in passing immigration reform in whatever form. >> in an election year in i don't have the hope it would happen. >> watch out. lindsey graham and other republicans have been clear on this. that fundamental diversity deficit will get bigger and bigger. will long-term strategy prevail or will something else dominate? immigration reform is the big open question here. >> a new year, new hopes. i believe they have learned a
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lesson. one thing will be guaranteed, these midterms will have no turnout. no turnout. here's the republicans. there's the democrats in certain jurisdictions as well. >> here's republicans most being primaried from the right. >> that's exactly right. that took a big blow from mr. boehner, thank you to him. >> keep hope alive, chris. i love where you're coming from. one of the things to watch is how mitch mcconnell's kentucky primary ends up affecting national policy. republicans are terrified of that low prime rate and fight for the right. whether they continue to stand up will be an open question to watch in this coming year. >> that's one of the big races to watch. >> 100%. >> thank you, john. >> happy new year. coming up on "new day," can you guess what the number one new year'sç resolution is? you don't have to guess. we have the answer and tips on how to keep it. and bet you can't guess what our resolutions are. here are the hints of mine. it involves time and expanding my cultural knowledge.
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i thought i was going to -- >> i need a new chair for 2014. >> you need some oil. >> welcome back to a special edition of "new day." it's january 1st, start of 2014, 2014, coming up, we'll talk about how you can get in shape this year. but first we'll give you a check of the headlines, let's head over not newsdesk. >> hello, again, i'm ana cabrera. 1 million people braving bitter cold temperatures in
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times square to ring in 2014. what a party there. and take a look at dubai. the boy scouts of america will accept openly gay members. the new policies are controversy. some churches even severing ties with the scouts. millions of college football fans kicking off the new year on the couch, the gator bowl starts at noon eastern, nebraska takes on georgia and it's wisconsin and south carolina and the capital one bowl. iowa versus lsu in the outback bowl, stanford against michigan state in the rose bowl. also, central florida meets baylor in the fiesta bowl and history will be made in pasadena when an openly gay couple gets married on a float. those are your headlines on this new year.
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i'm ana cabrera. welcome back to "new day." it is not just a "new day," it's a brand new year. why not a new you. what better way to get healthy than by giving your diet and exercise routine a restart, reset, overhaul? john fehr dr. coddle has come with her top four tips to help you keep your weight lose resolutions. weight loss is the biggest resolution. >> i think it's not a bad idea. >> why not reset. >> why not. we often talk about the obesity epidemic. if there's time to get started it's in the new year. >> you have to be realistic. how do we do that? >> one of the first things to keep in mine, weight loss shouldn't be a quick fix, okay? studies showed losing weight, 1 to 2 pounds per week, slow and study, it's a lifestyle change. they tend to keep off weight much better than those who do
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extreme and drastic measures. be real iistic and understand. this is not an overnight process. >> diet, the word means every day. people want to get it all done at once and think it's going to stay off. they're kidding themselves. >> i think they are. it's also important to have a plan. people wake up on january 1st and say this is the day, i'm going to lose some weight. they have no idea how to approach that. you may want to think how to do that, it may include a nutrit n nutritioni nutritionist, your doctor, a trainer. >> i hear a lot of people talking about these cleanses. will you finally tell me -- >> to cleanse or not to cleanse. >> i'm afraid of them. do they have a benefit? >> i'm not a fan of any extreme form of weight loss. many different types of weight
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loss, extreme diets and cleanses can have adverse effects. i don't think they're wise to do. weight loss is really about what you put in, calories in versus calories out. it's a simple equation. it's hard to do but it comes down to calories in versus calories out. the way to do this is not by extreme measures. this is not the way to lose weight but rather by eating a healthy diet, making sure there's moderate exercise, making sure you're getting your blood pressure and cholesterol and things like that in check and you're under medical care. >> indra, you are very good about getting your exercise in. >> everyone asks me all the time, why are you weight lifting? i wish people knew, the more muscle you have on the body, the faster your metabolism is. if you burn cardio, you'll only burn calories while you're running. if you're weight lifting, you burnç calories over time.
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>> does she have something there, doctor? >> in addition to cardio, weight lifting can be a very important and good addition to a workout plan. for a lot of patients i see, january 1st. but for years and years they haven't been to the gym. the idea of my patient who hasn't been to the gym but rather been on the couch talking about going to the gym working out every day for 90 minutes, not going to happen. some people start small, okay? that can be a very important thing. take the stairs. walk around your neighborhood. just as small as that. do things you love. >> don't you need to start very, very big with the promise to yourself, because isn't the mistake to say i'm going to lose weight. >> right. >> i'm going to change my life, isn't that what you mean? six months from today that that person isn't up weight from their low point if they don't change everything about how they live their life and take care of themselves. >> you talk about commitment.
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this is the day to decide to lose weight, get healthy and eat right, it may not be easy but you'll stick with it. this is the day. >> make a goal, make it whatever you want. >> work out and do this with friends. >> get friends involved. >> have people around you that are not going to want to take you out to fast food restaurants all the time. >> sabotage. >> it's also about your health. when you talk about heart disease and how it is the number one most preventible disease. >> sure. >> that we face. this is one of those things. this could save your life. >> even five pounds of weight loss can make changes in your blood pressure so much in the office i can check your blood pressure and tell you've lost weight because your blood pressure is lower. five pounds can change your blood pressure. >> she's making it a manageable plan, new you, new day. >> very dangerous, turn around
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the big iron. >> thank you, dr. coddle. coming up on "new day," we all make new year's resolutions, of course we do. almost all of us don't keep them. >> so true. >> also ahead, the best stuff. you voted and we're counting down the top three good stuff of the year. so you can see like right here i can just... you know, check my policy here, add a car, ah speak to customer service, check on a know, all with the ah, tap of my geico app. oh, that's so cool. well, i would disagree with you but, ah, that would make me a liar. no dude, you're on the jumbotron!
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whoa. ah...yeah, pretty much walked into that one. geico anywhere anytime. just a tap away on the geico app. abreva can heal a cold sore in as few as 2 1/2 days when used at the first sign. without it, the virus spreads from cell to cell. unlike other treatments, abreva penetrates deep to block the virus, to protect healthy cells so cold sores heal fast. as fast as 2 1/2 days when used at the first sign. ♪ learn more at don't tough it out. knock it out! fast. [ female announcer ] only with abreva.
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oh, my, what a night last night some of you had. welcome back. many people marked the new year with more than just champagne and toasts and such. they also keep an annual tradition making a new years resolution. we're no different or are we? we thought we'd talk to you and share and allow you to be a bit of a fly on the wall with our
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resolutions. do you make resolutions? >> never. i'm such a debbie downer. >> if you want to do something, do it every day. >> have you ever made a resolution? >> no. >> i feel like there's a story we're not being told here. >> anybody you may consider? >> indra. >> you make them every ten minutes. >> i break them every four. >> i will never let that happen again. >> i will never talk to chris ever again. >> that's not one of them. >> i often break them. resolutions in the past have been a source of actually -- i used to be a bad nail biter. i finally stopped that once i said it out loud. this year we'll probably follow our new years resolutions.
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>> american keep us on it. >> two resolutions. one would be i'm going to give more of my time to charity. i'm sick of hearing my own excuse, i want toot help out, but i'm so busy, i don't have the time. this one, this is a long-term goal. i would like to learn a new language. i studied spanish throughout my whole life but i would like to learn a new language. i bought rosetta stone for a friend, to learn french. it's still sitting on my ipad. >> i wonder what language chris might try. >> they're both bettering yourself. >> yes. >> i like that. we'll support you. >> thank you. >> i like spanish. >> every new years day i used to have the same resolution when i was younger, which is never
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again, never again. we're past that phase. now i think back wistfully and think, why did i stop? i think for me, yes, i make resolutions. i believe in them. i think settingç goals is very important. accepting the failure of those goals is equally as important. you will fail at most things you try in life. it's the nature of life. we all know that. think about it. think about your successes in life and how much you learn from them versus from the things you haven't done well, the latter have been more instructive in my life. one of the things i'll try to do better this year, i have easy room for improvement is have perspective on what happens to me, especially in this business. very often things happen -- >> i support this. >> you don't appreciate them because we're failure averted. got to be better, enjoy it. life doesn't give you blessings
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all the time. >> the thing is at our house, my guy -- in our house, my guy came up with this idea, instead of a resolution, he picks a theme. this year -- in 2013 my goal was to simplify. i got a new job with cnn. i might want to go the opposite. balance is going to be my theme. think of it in every aspect, right? >> everything. >> diet, exercise. >> we'll stop calling you and e-mailing you at a certain point every day. >> if you want balance, don't eat your rum balls. >> i made rum balls for the crew. >> indra, if you believed in resolutions, what would your resolution be. >> i'm a complete slob on the weekend.
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i go to the gym and stay in it all weekend long. the only people that know me well. >> more personal cleanliness on the weekend? >> well, well. >> indra wants to have better personal hygiene. >> just look a little bit more girly, maybe. >> being girly, clearly a struggle for you. >> we can did it. >> my other resolution is we keep doing and do more of the good stuff every chance we get. i say we begin the resolution right now. time for the good stuff. this is actually the best stuff. we asked you in a poll on what your favorite good stuff was this year. today we'll couldn't them down. at number three, florida mother down on her luck with three hungry kids, no money, made a bad choice, she went into a grocery store, loaded up aç ca and tried to walk out without paying. nothing good about that. the police officer called in, a
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veteran cop, vicki thomas had to make a choice as well. listen to the one she made. >> i asked her why would you do that? what would make you do that? she came out and asked do you have food at the house? i looked at her, in her face and i told her, no, i don't. >> i made the decision to buy her groceries. arresting her wasn't going to solve the problem with her children being hungry. >> thank you from the bottom of my heart. thank you so very much for doing this for us. and i'm very thankful. >> the only thing i asked of her when she gets on her feet she help someone else out. and she said she would. >> now, the officer didn't let it go. don't obsess on that part of it. since that time, because of the notoriety of it and the attention from vicki, she landed a job as a customer service rep. she says there are no words to
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say how thankful she is to officer thomas, that generosity, people finding out about her story, catalyst for change. that's the good stuff. >> what's the time you say all the time. >> not a hand out but a hand up. coming up next on "new day," roll the video. why are the three of us holding shotguns? >> never good idea. >> it's all part of a little secret you might not know about me and you're about to learn. if you happen to miss them, don't worry, you're in luck. our favorite must-see moments of 2013. this should be good. [ male announcer ] winter olympian ted ligety
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can't take a sick day tomorrow. [ coughs ] [ male announcer ] so he can't let a cold keep him up tonight. vicks nyquil. powerful nighttime 6 symptom cold and flu relief. ♪ [ bell dings ] [ coughs ] hi. yo. cold? nasty cold. dayquil severe. nyquil severe. thanks, dude. [ female announcer ] walgreens. get in. get out. feel better. select dayquil severe and nyquil severe two for $14 at walgreens. there's nothing like being your own boss! and my customers are really liking your flat rate shipping. fedex one rate. really makes my life easier. maybe a promotion is in order.
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good news. i got a new title. and a raise? management couldn't make that happen. [ male announcer ] introducing fedex one rate. simple, flat rate shipping with the reliability of fedex. i've quit for 75 days. 15 days, but not in a row. for the first time, you can use nicorette... even if you slip up... so you can reach your goal. [ male announcer ] now, quit on your own terms with nicorette or nicoderm cq.
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welcome back to "new day" once again. when we kicked off this program, each of us shared a piece of our world with each other, it gave a window into who we are and where we came from.ç we wanted to share that with you once again. starting with something i've done since i was a little girl. take a look. >> there's a special bond between father and daughter. in a family of four daughters, one of us was destined to be the tom boy. that was me. probably when i was 6 years old i would sit in the duck line with my dad when he was hunting. as i got older, this is our thing. i was with him a week ago and we were shooting together. >> look at these pictures from our last hunt, surrounded by
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nature and i get to spend time with dad. >> it's our special time. i have a lot of sisters. we're always together and everyone's talking. this is our quiet time. >> there's nothing like quiet time when people are firing weapons. let's not kid ourselves, it's a huge adrenaline rush. >> like a kid in a candy store. >> there's nothing more natural than a woman and her gun. so what better way to bond than to take these two shooting. >> feels good, doesn't it? a little taste of gun metal and great outdoors. >> i want you to lose and i want to win. >> as you'll still see, chris could use a cannon and he'd still miss. so let the competition begin. >> that was nice. i want to be kate. >> first, some tips for the rookie.
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>> what? >> can you handle it? >> what, what? >> whenever they're ready to listen. >> i can't hear anything he's saying. >> it's amazing. these are cuomo-proof. >> safety is always number one. never point gun at anyone. always point it at the ground. safety's on. then, line up. don't aim it at this because it's moving. >> don't shoot where it's at, shoot where it's going to. >> finally, just relax. >> she's funny. >> yes. >> here's a gun. spot that thing. don't stress about it. >> for michaela, it's her first time even holding a gun. so getting comfortable is no easy task. >> can i close one eye? the two eye thing does not work. i feel like i'm cross-eyed. >> pull. >> i didn't -- i didn't even know where that went. >> as for chris, he has his own
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set of challenges. >> let's see it, cuomo. >> pull. >> man, i thought he was on. stop thinking so much. you see aç green target, shoot it. >> pull. pull. >> like i said, cuomo could have used a cannon. >> my pride hurts. >> but before long, chris and michaela can't get enough. >> go get a coffee. i'm going to be here a minute. >> we're not going anywhere until daddy hits one of these. >> oh, my goodness! >> i'm proud of you. >> oh, my god, i'm still thinking. >> it's so much fun, such a great challenge. >> it's a great that seems to prove too great. >> pull. pull. i'm nowhere near it. >> until we're ready to call it a day. >> pull. >> yay! >> with that, my work here is done. >> bring it in. bring it in. bring it in.
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i'm a man! i'm a man! >> a passion i learned from my father now sharing with my tv family. >> that is -- i'm a man! >> it's been six, seven months now, there are some things that have not changed. >> you are part of the team. i bet you would have shown -- >> indra said she would not use the weapons unless we shot at real people. >> that's not what she said. >> my parents went every weekend. yet i have no game. kate, you can teach me. >> that was a lot of fun. >> good hunting season this year, too, i will say in ohio. very good hunting season. >> all the animals come out when i hunt. >> that's why i bring you along. whoo-hoo! >> you'll see a little bit more in the next couple of hours. >> this is something we've done as a regular feature, must see moment.
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2014. we want to give you a look at some of the ones in 2013 that topped our must see moment. this volvo commercial isn't only epic, it got more than 6 million views, it's epic because of juan claude van damme. >> stretching the gern. >> driving backwards. you've probably seen this. it inspired other hollywood celebs. >> he looks so good. >> i like that he's on projector cartridge. >> he's flexible. let's see how far he goes. >> is it make it mike? >> magic mike. how did i know that?  him? >> this is what you sound like. >> little did you know -- just kidding. that would be hilarious.
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>> this is as far as i can go. i'm old. >> this is one of kate's favorites, my favorite as well, the cutest and coolest costume in 2013. zoe, 22 months old showing off her awesome new costume created by dad. even did a tutorial. it cost like 50 bucks. honestly, is that the cutest little thing? why are you running from me? >> look at it again. >> power of the dad. >> the girls in the make-up room love it. >> i love it. >> this is another little one, very, very special video. you couldn't forget this, the 6-year-old orphan from columbia stealing a show when pope francis met with people at the vatican. this little guy hugs him, tugs on his robe and climbs up on his lap. the pope seemed to encourage it. apparently a security guard tried to lure the guy away with candy.
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no, he was resolute. >> a favorite for anybody that likes the marching band. ohio state university's marching band, apologies to kate. >> their band is good. michael jackson's "bad" album. they even do the moon walk, people. >> that's strong. >> that tops it off. they are known for pulling off outstanding formations, just impressive. >> this in a word is sick, a monster wave to remember in october. parts of portugal being pummeled. my goodness. no match for these pros, though. preliminary estimates suggest that carlos may have topped the record for the biggest wave ever surfed. >> remember, he didn't do it until after his surfing
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companion had gotten almost killed. >> he went and saved her life. >> must see, must hear. >> must never try at home. >> it doesn't look real. >> we'll see more fantastic videos. must-see moments in 2014. coming up next on "new day," from a looming fight over the debt ceiling to midterm elections. what you need to know about the year ahead in politics. and this morning, headlines, colorado, goes to pot. will other states jump on the recreational marijuana band wagon? this morning,ç colorado many hungry people, soon to be hungry. >> nutter butters. >> is it good? is it funny? should we be joking? is it going to spread? what does it mean?
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so there i was again, explaining my moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis to another new stylist. it was a total embarrassment. and not the kind of attention i wanted. so i had a serious talk with my dermatologist about my treatment options. this time, she prescribed humira-adalimumab. humira helps to clear the surface of my skin by actually working inside my body. in clinical trials, most adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis saw 75% skin clearance.
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and the majority of people were clear or almost clear in just 4 months. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. make the most of every moment. ask your dermatologist about humira, today. clearer skin is possible.
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i have a big meeting when we land, but i am so stuffed up, i can't rest. [ male announcer ] nyquil cold and flu liquid gels don't unstuff your nose. they don't? alka seltzer plus night fights your worst cold symptoms, plus has a decongestant. [ inhales deeply ] oh. what a relief it is.
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unisom sleeptabs help you fall asleep 33% faster and wake refreshed. unisom. a stressful day deserves a restful night. happy new year. welcome to 2014. if you're waking up in colorado this morning, you can get high legally. do not adjust your set. the new marijuana law and what it means for the rest of the country. out with the old, in with the new chemical products. some of your favorite cosmetics and home cleaning cleaners are changing their formula. one major retailer has forced them to. and let oscar season begin. all the big contenders are out in theaters.
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tom hanks, sandra bullock and what she can see today. >> your "new day" starts right now. >> announcer: this is "new day" with chris cuomo, kate bolduan and michaela pereira. >> good morning. welcome back to a special edition of "new day." again, i say let's call it new year. it's january 1st after all, 2014. 7:00 in the east. we want to begin, of course by wishing you and yours a very, very happy new year. now, we've already seen fireworks usher in the new year, right? how about political fireworks in 2014? the big player, the big issues everyone is going to be talking about, we'll take it on right here. >> and recreational marijuana is now on sale legally in colorado. washington state is expected to follow suit at some point. will other states follow their lead? how soon could that happen? we'll discuss. we're also going to take take look at the future of medicine. we're expecting to see major
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advancements and important changes to the products we use.ç and telemedicine may be the big thing in 2014. >> the year in film. we preview the new movies and sequels. >> that and much, much more. first a quick check of the headlines this morning over at the newsdesk. i'm ana cabrera. thanks for waking up early. here are your headlines. cheers, cheers and tons of confetti. 1 million people packing new york's times square to ring in the new year. supreme court justice sonia sotomayor pressing that button. in key west, sushi, the female impersonator dazzling the crowd at this annual shoe drop tradition at the bourbon street pub. to dubai now, an incredible pyrotechnics show officially gu.
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a new year brings new hope for peace in the middle east. secretary of state john kerry heading to jerusalem and ramallah today. he'll meet with benjamin netanyahu and mahmoud abbas. he has a proposal to present, outlining what a final mideast peace process an agreement might look like. the secretary of state is hoping to negotiate a deal by april. coverage plans kick in today for obamacare for americans who signed up for obamacare. the administration says 2.1 million people have enrolled now, short of the original target of 3 million. along with obamacare, about 40,000 other new laws went into effect at the stroke of midnight. starting today, adults without
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health care face fines and insurance companies are required to cover immunizations and preventative care. also in colorado, history-making day. the state becomes the first to allow the sale of recreational marijuana, about 30 stores throughout colorado will be open for business. former first lady barbara bush is in a texas hospital this morning. the 88-year-old is being treated for respiratory related issues according to a family spokesman. cnn's affiliate in houston says this is connected to early signs of pneumonia. the spokesman says bush is in great spirits and has had lots of family at her side. apple denying it works with dhe nsa to create a back door that would let the agency target iphone users. newly leaked documents revealed
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the software. it would allow the nsa to go through text messages, listen to voicemails, turn on the phone's camera as well as obtain contact information. apple says it had no involvement or knowledge of this program. while the minimum wage goes up today in 13 states and 4 different cities affecting about 2.5 million low-income americans, workers in new jersey will see a dollar increase to $8.25. connecticut, rhode island and new york will also see bumps. nine other states see some increases thanks to annual cost of living adjustments. markets are closed today. stocks ended 2013 with more record highs. the dow finished at an all-time high for the 62nd time, closing at 16,576. the nasdaq closed at 4,176. the s&p settled at 1,848, again, a record high. let's check the weather this morning. it will be brutally cold for
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much of the eastern united states over the next couple of days. currently 21 degrees in boston. people in the northern plains and the great lakes waking up to a little snow and single digit or even negative temperatures this morning. we're also tracking a big snowstorm. right now it's on track to hit the midwest and the northeast thursday into friday. thanks for joining us, happy new year. i'm ana cabrera. do you think 2013 had political ups and downs? brace yourself for 2014. can't even say the year because it's too explosive. it's a big deal plus we have the debt ceiling battle looming. a major obamacare deadline on the horizon. the president trying to get his second term back on track. legacy time. we must be walked through it and see what we can expect. see what the flash points may be. let's bring in cnn political commentator and republican strategist anna navarro on the right and cnn political commentator and host of huff
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post live, mark lamont little on the left. can i get a shout out for how well and quickly i got through your titles. >> we apologize to the people of america for talking politics on new years day. >> nothing says hangover -- it's hangover treatment. >> just continue drinking, guys. get that cheese burger and whatever greasy food you need and watch this. >> there goes the resolution. >> we were talking about this with john avlon as well. what do you think is the biggest political story of theç coming year? >> of the coming year, hillary's every move, everything she does, whether she buys a cheese burger, who she speaks to at a meeting. is she going to run for office, that's all anyone cares about. >> i think it's what happens with obamacare. does it get better? does it get worse? how does it play out in 2014. i also think who ends up running. i think we'll hear a lot of
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announcements after the november elections from folks on the democrat side and folks on the republican side who we've been waiting to hear from. >> wouldn't you agree that obamacare is a huge political story in 2014. president obama, that basically ruined the end of his 2013. >> absolutely. he has a lot of grounded to cover in 2014 if he wants to submit his legacy in the short term. he's struggling right now. one of the challenges is going to be in october when changes happen with obamacare and people have to look for new coverages and things like that. he's right back in the bullseye. it's a great time for people to beat up on democrats. >> i wonder if the sands shifted with all the calls that came for, all right, obamacare has trouble, problems, fix it. i wonder if that shift -- do you think there's more pressure on not to beat obamacare like a pinata but figure out solutions you can get through. >> i don't know what to tell you, chris, in an election year,
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this is what 2014 is, things get complicated and things get more political than we thought it was in 2014. this obamacare is a political hot potato. it's going to hurt a lot of the red tape democrats. a lot of them are nervous about this. let's see how the corporate mandate, when it goes into effect works out in october, right around election time and let's see what kind of willingness the republicans have to either fix it or not. >> i'm cynical, chris. i don't think fixing it -- >> no. >> don't smile so much. >> but i don't think it matters whether republicans come up with solutions. i think their strategy of blame, blame, blame, blame, obstruct, obstruct, obstruct, it works, it just does. it became a gold-plated watch. >> it works for both parties except until and when it goes against the real popular vibe. that's a dangerous thing. we've seen it in politics again and again. >> absolutely. election state and national.
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and a lot of it starts with the media. i do know, we're talking new years resolutions here. i believe the media should resolve, it will be close to our hearts here, to chase and attack these positions that are doing nothing butç sustaining politil leverage and not doing the work of the people. >> that is a heck of a resolution. >> you look great. the political parties look much worse. >> we are talking about, people hate to hear it, we're in an election year. nothing is going to get done. do you think there is possibility that significant legislation, immigration, actually tackling our debt and deficit could happen? >> i think we'll take a -- my friends being cynical again. i think we'll have a shot at immigration reform. >> piecemeal. >> i don't think john boehner of the house knows what it's like
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to look like yet. >> i think they're in the process of trying to crack their own plan, their own deal and strategy. >> they're going to talk about it until june and then all table it because nobody wants to deal with this in an election year. you'll see budget resolutions that would have never happened a year ago. nobody wants a shutdown in october or september or november. it looks bad. immigration, not a chance. maybe 2016. >> at the end of 2013 we saw a new and unplugged john boehner. do not underestimate what john boehner wants to get done. >> i don't underestimate what he wants to get done, it's what he will get done. >> let's talk about that. one of the next big battles is the debt ceiling yet again. don't roll your eyes. it's back. i'm sorry. we had this bipartisan spirit at the end of 2013, patty murray,
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paul ryan. those symbolic in terms of a budget deal. can they carry that bipartisanship? can you carry that to the end? >> no. they see nonstarters as they're reasonable. >> who's the unreasonable one? >> paul ryan. i'm being nonpartisan right now. >> really? >> when you talk about pension benefits for veterans, talk about unemployment extensions, these are things people want. to me they're nonnegotiable. >> that's the problem. the nonnegotiable part. really, i think that if paul ryan and patty murray showed anything -- patty murray is progressive. paul ryan is a conservative with credibility in the base. they sat in a room, not doingç
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public posturing with, not arguing in front of the cameras, not yapping their gums all over the place. they gave a little, they took a little. we have forgotten in washington that is what deal-making looks like. >> no coincidence the people who got it done are in the spotlight right now. the spotlight comes with too much hype, too much posturing. >> these two can take the heat. if anybody can take the heat, it's paul ryan and patty murray. they have support of their caucus. >> they can get the work done. here's what i think, by metaphor, when do the kids clean the house? they're afraid of what will happen to them if they do not. i think that's what happened on the budget. i think that's what happened going forward on the debt ceiling. you can say, i believe it's polyannish. i believe the democrats research shows i will not negotiate on the debt ceiling did not help them or the president. everything is negotiable and
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must be. >> i think the shutdown in october -- october of 2013 was a game changer. people got fed up. >> yes. >> including people in congress. got fed up with letting a small minority kind of wheel them all around the place and try to get them to do their will, even though there was no purpose or end to it. people are fed up in america. people are fed up in congress. >> only with certain issues. there's no public clamor in terms of how it affects the voting. >> true. >> that's what people care about and that's what you'll see change on. >> true. >> i think there's more public clamor on immigration than you're thinking. >> from voters? >>hispanics. there are a lot of hispanic voters. >> no pun, they better get their irish up. >> very hard to translate, cuomo. >> help me out. they have to show --
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>> get your cuban going. >> they have to show hostility, if you don't act on this, we will punish you. >> i know they care about it but are they willing to leverage their votes for it? the answer is probably not. >> they did it in the runup of the 2012 election. why do you think president obama issued the executive order for the dream act? >> follow the template. >> or did he feel the pressure from those disappointed? it needs to happen again. >> in june both sides sat on their hands. >> is there something specific about june. >> we start getting close to re-election. >> just wanted to make sure, what am i missing? >> theç tides of the moon, the phases of the moon. >> you measure the election year in months until summer. in june you get a slide right through to the fall. >> we'll be seeing a lot of you
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this year. >> this is going to be a good one. >> lord willing. it's good for the american people. >> we need it. we need it. >> love you guys. coming up next on "new day," rocky mountain high. today, selling marijuana becomes legal in colorado. will other states follow? and the year ahead in film. a look at the movies you won't want to miss. i'm high on life! >> i love you two. when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. i needed a new laptop for my pre-med classes, something that runs office and has a keyboard. but i wanted a tablet for me, for stuff like twitter and xbox, so my downtime can be more like uptime. that's why i got a windows 2 in 1 which does both -- works as a laptop and a tablet.
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so i can manage my crazy life, and also have a life. [ beep ] gotta go. ♪ healthy diets are hard on your teeth. the truth is a lot of healthy food choices are still high in acidic content. if your enamel is exposed to acid and is in a softened state and you brush it away, you know, then it's gone. i would recommend that they brush with pronamel. pronamel is formulated to strengthen enamel and counteract the effects of acid erosion. they don't need to cut out those foods because they are good for them. but you can make some smart choices.
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all right. starting today, selling recreational marijuana is legal in colorado. hundreds of weed dispensaries
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are slated to open across the state. what does this mean and will more states follow suit? joining us more is jeffrey toobin. do we believe the basis of the colorado state decision is repeatable in other states. >> well, washington, too. washington state, too. >> there's our answer. >> it's happening there. this is a big american experiment. the states are the laboratories for democracy, they're going to be the laboratories of weed, these two. i think there's a lot of curiosity. if you look at public opinion polls, there is growing sympathy. >> 58%. >> of legalizing it. but you know, it's very complicated. >> right. what's allowed and what's not allowed? people have to be reminded of this. >> in colorado they're working on an alcohol model, that stores, dispensaries will apply for permits from the state. you can only buy a small amount,
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an ounce or less. obviously children can't buy it. and everybody will watch and see, what about driving? are there going to be accidents in the drunk driving mode? are children going to get it? ks@%quájjuo create social disorder or is it going to create a situation where people who were perceived to be criminals are just living their lives in an ordinary way and it will not -- and of course the state will get tax revenue from it. >> compared to washington, is it the same -- is it an exact replica of what's going on there? >> no. washington is not fully implemented. they have a much more broad -- much broader program. they're going to be producers who will be regulated there. they're going to try to do it on a bigger scale but they haven't put their laws really into effect yet. >> you've been talking about how it's part of a grand experiment. he with were hearing this in the '70s in a way. we tried this legalization out
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before. >> not to this extent. you had decriminalization of small amounts. that's different from legalization. >> decriminalization and legalization. >> legalization means there are stores. decriminalization means if we catch you with a small amount of pot we're not going to prosecute you. >> i do not believe in most of the states of this country you can get elected by saying, i want to legalize marijuana. cultural taboos, the stigmas. they wanted to decriminalize personal use in the state legislature. >> i think that's why colorado and washington are important. there are a lot of people in this country who smoke pot. and i don't think most of them think of themselves as criminals. if colorado and washington have an experiment where you don't see social disorder, you don't see a lot of car accidents.
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you don't see kids getting more in trouble, kids of course now still smoke a lot of people. it's not like they'll suddenly be introduced to it. >> stigma is not always about proof, though, is it? >> it's not but as michaela said, the stigma is changing. 58% -- >> 58%. gallop says 58% support legalization. >> they don't want to process the cases. >> you want to talk about a racial issue. the big dispute about stop and frisk. black kids get arrested for pot on a much more widespread extent than white kids do. you have all these black kids who wind up with criminal records for doing something that white kids do. i think it's an under the surface civil rights issue. if you legalize it, you even out law en!orcement in a way that would, i think -- i think that's
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a good argument for it. >> you have a grand experiment beginning today. you talk about will you have to wait and see exactly what happens, especially in colorado and washington? how much time do you think allows before people say this worked or this is a disaster? >> that's a good question. i don't know. i assume it will not be obamacare. the website doesn't work on day one, everybody knows it's a problem. >> there is no it works. that's the problem. it will be nonexistence of a fact. >> california has legalized -- has had medical marijuana with a very generous definition of medical. >> very generous definition. >> they have found that with a lot of more -- a lot of pot being smoked legally in california, there has not been a lot of the social problems people expected. >> that's true. >> one of the problems here that cuts against it, there is newer research now and not the regular
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old pot but the new hydroponic, chemically infused pot, does she in research -- >> in younger people. >> that it does have addiction issues. >> the more it's regulated, the more they can control it. >> the issue of kids will be a big issue. if parents find kids are using fake i.d.s to a great extent and buying pot, that's the kind of thing that could kill this experiment. >> the chance that that doesn't happen is very small. >> fake i.d.s are not exactly unprecedented in american history. >> none of us ever had one. >> i was known as jeffrey toobin. >> it's so weird within, so was i. >> my names with mclovin. one name. >> jeffrey is very smart. you have to use a different name.
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you use your name it's a felony. use their name it's a misdemeanor. >> a one-named organ donor from hawaii, mclovin. >> jeffrey toobin, can't top that. coming up next on "new day," the doctor will see you know, remotely. the cutting edge medicine coming in 2014. >> they say a bad day fishing beats a good day at the office any day. i decided to share my love of fishing with kate and michaela. you are invited. i'm going to call you michaela. but they live so far away. i've been thinking about moving in with my daughter and her family. it's been pretty tough since jack passed away. it's a good thing you had life insurance through the colonial penn program. you're right. it was affordable, and we were guaranteed acceptance. guaranteed acceptance? it means you can't be turned down because of your health.
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you don't have to take a physical or answer any health questions. they don't care about your aches and pains. well, how do you know? did you speak to alex trebek? because i have a policy myself. it costs just $9.95 a month per unit. it's perfect for my budget. my rate will never go up. and my coverage will never go down because of my age. affordable coverage and guaranteed acceptance? we should give them a call. do you want to help protect your loved ones from the burden of final expenses? if you're between 50 and 85, you can get quality insurance that does not require any health questions or a medical exam. your rate of $9.95 a month per unit will never increase, and your coverage will never decrease -- that's guaranteed. so join the six million people who have already called about this insurance. whether you're getting new insurance or supplementing what you already have, call now and ask one of their representatives about a plan that meets your needs.
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so, what are you waiting for? go call now! we'll finish up here.
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welcome back to a special edition of "new day." it is january 1st, 2014. we're going to look at the future of medicine. first let's get a check of the headlines this morning. right now at the newsdesk. >> i'm ana cabrera. thanks for starti ining the newr with us. about a million people packed times square to ring in 2014. check out the fireworks in las vegas. this display launched from seven different rooftop locations including planet hollywood. london, another dazzling fireworks show, kicking off the new year complete with choreographed banana flavored edible confetti for the crowd to snack on. rescue efforts to free the stranded passengers in antarctica are still on hold. they'll have to wait until thursday for weather conditions to hopefully improve to try for a rescue attempt which will likely be by helicopter.
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meanti meantime, the 74 people on board ringing in the new year, you can hear with their own special celebration. singing and dancing. more fallout, though, from the government, "fast & furious" firearms operation. american agents sold the firearm, suspected gun smugglers between 2006 and 2011 hoping they could track the weapons to high profile mexican drug traffickers. those are your headlines. thanks for being here on this new year. i'm ana ka rare bra. we wondered what changes 2014 might bring to the world of health and medicine. we invited elizabeth cohen to join us, to bring out the crystal ball. there are a lot of new fda regulars that came out in 2013.
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what do you see in the new year? >> i think we'll be looking at a tougher fda. in ç2013 they got so much tougher. for example, they said we want transfats out of food. we're going to take steps to get antibiotics out of animal feed. we're going to take steps to have tougher tester on antibacterial soap. having seen this, it's like, they're not usually this aggressive. this seems like a new fda, obama is in a second term, maybe he's feeling like he can take some risks. >> let's talk about the innovations we'll be seeing in terms of technology. is it true we may not have to see our doctor face to face? >> yes, if you don't want to, you probably could avoid it in 2014. telemedicine has been around a while but seems to be reaching new heights.
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obamacare alone has millions and millions of dollars for rural health care for people with mental illness. $50 million for telemedicine so a doctor can talk to someone in a rural area who needs psychiatric help. you also see this in the private sector. the cleveland clinic, everything is done electronically. i think we'll be seeing more of that. there's even a thing they can put down your throat with a camera on it. >> a medical professional is on the other end, right, i'm not trying this in my own garage, right? >> no, no, no. >> just to clarify. you can have a skype or facetime visit or consultation. >> i visited a clinic where they had a nurse doing things like putting this instrument down your throat but the doctor was in a totally different city looking at it.
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or people's tests these days are almost all digital. your mri can be sent to someone else. your doctor has seen the tests. you can skype with each other. it's really terrific, especially for people who live in remote areas. >> all this medicine talk is making me paranoid. i'm getting symptomatic right now, elizabeth. i'm going to switch topics. the word was there would be tighter restrictions in some of the chemicals in the products we have in our homes right now. >> this may be a case where the regulations don't make the change but where industry itself is going to do that. surprises in 2013, one of them was that walmart said there are ten chemicals that are really high priority for us to get out of things like cosmetics and cleaners and personal care items. so in 2014 we'll be learningç more about these chemicals they want to take out. they're likely chemicals associated with hormonal
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problems. if walmart is doing it, the suppliers will likely have to reformulate their products and nearly everybody would be selling altered products if that's the way this is going to go. we may be seeing some chemicals that advocates have been worried about for years coming out of our products in 2014. >> this goes right along with what we're talking about, our new years resolution, staying healthy, getting fit. now you can see your doctor remotely. >> check out all the weird chemicals that messed your hormones. >> thanks, elizabeth. >> thanks. the "new day" team is going fishing. see you later. you're invited. guess who reels in the most and who gets in maybe over their head a little bit. >> pull up, pull down. >> push back maybe. >> the second one.
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>> i'm just watching like you at home. i love these stories. this is not just the good stuff but the best stuff of the good stuff. we asked you to vote and you did. you're looking at your winners right there. i was mesmerized. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that parker. well, did you know auctioneers make bad grocery store clerks? that'll be $23.50. now .75, 23.75, hold 'em. hey now do i hear 23.75? 24! hey 24 dollar, 24 and a quarter, quarter, now half, 24 and a half and .75! 25! now a quarter, hey 26 and a quarter, do you wanna pay now, you wanna do it, 25 and a quarter - sold to the man in the khaki jacket! geico. fifteen minutes could save you... well, you know. [ sniffles ] i have a big meeting when we land, but i am so stuffed up, i can't rest. [ male announcer ] truth is, nyquil cold and flu liquid gels don't unstuff your nose. they don't?
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[ male announcer ] nope. they don't have a decongestant. really? [ male announcer ] really. alka seltzer plus night fights your worst cold symptoms, plus has a fast-acting decongestant to relieve your stuffy nose. [ inhales deeply ] alka seltzer plus. oh. what a relief it is. [ male announcer ] can't find theraflu, try alka seltzer plus for fast liquid cold and flu relief.
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welcome back to "new day," new year. let's get to a taste of the retroof this here. we gave a little bit of a surprise of ourselves. kate let us in on the world of hunting and the buell full feeling it is to never hit anything when you're shooting targets. i wanted to let them know something that mattered to me. it was fishing. take a look.
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>> we all have a happy place. mine is the sea. specifically fishing in the ocean. it is at once exciting and relaxing. and for me, it's all about family. >> my brother he taught me all about this growing up, about respecting the water and understanding how to catch fish and now i'm passing it on to myç son. it's such a great way to get away from things. and so it was deep sea fishing i decided to share with my new sisters, kate and michaela. today was perfect, the sun in our faces, the wind at our backs. one with nature. >> tight lines, tight lines, that's what we say when we're fishing. >> we talked about family. >> i have told you the story of my baby sister. >> fun was being had by all. >> that's fantastic. >> everything seemed exciting, even birds. >> they're those whatever sea birds. >> like pelicans.
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>> we got down to the business of fishing, starting with bait. >> you want to match the hatch. use what is being born and coming into an area at that time. >> if we don't catch anything, quid is fantastic grilled with a little lemon juice. >> oh, my god! oh, my god! >> i'm sorry, cuomo. >> i want to hang on to it. touch it. grab it. >> it's beautiful. >> you killed the fish. >> is that red snapper? >> are the poles supposed to be doing that. >> we were anchored in a hot spot. the little tugs kept coming, lighting up michaela's face. >> do you have another fish? for crying out loud. >> not that we're keeping score or anything, but i think that's
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five, my lucky number. >> this is where it got salty of. i don't mean the ocean. >> she can fish in the bucket, kate. the happy times started to turn. >> let's have our special shake of people who catch fish. we'll do it like this, a fishy shake. >> i got another one. look at this. >> everybody's catching fish. everybody that is, except, i always win, that's what i do. >> i pulled an old fishing trick out of my bag. >> i will bite one of the squid in half. >> no, you can't. >> i'm just going to bite it for the novelty of it. >> i do it every time. >> that's a lay. i never bite into squid. >> oh, you did it? >> you don't have what it takes to do it. you don't have what it takes.
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>> how much should i çbite? >> what do i do, bite a little bit off and spit it out? did you really do it? >> what do you think that was, my tooth? >> wait, don't do it yet. >> i can't overthink this. >> no, that's right. i don't want you to do it. >> i'm going to do it. >> i don't want you to do it. >> who knew kate was so tough. i had to fess up. >> imagine if you had done it? >> i hate you! >> maybe it was kate's bravery on the high seas or her complete disregard for her health. whatever it was, the sea god finally smiled on her. >> thank you, god! >> and then the fish threw up on us. >> get it off my hand, quickly. >> a perfect end to the perfect day. >> it still makes my finger
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itch. >> what was it? >> sea lice. >> it crawled out of the gill. >> there's a bug that crawls inside of the fish, takes the place of its tongue and it has -- >> on her hand. >> this thing comes flying out, alive on her hand and i was frozen. >> you were frozen. there was a lot of this going on. >> at that moment, when mich caught her first fish, i dropped it. >> he threw my second fish in the water. >> i'm like you always do that with your first fish. indra wasn't there yet. she said she only catches fish with her teeth. she couldn't take the time out of the gym. >> the only thing i haven't been perfect at. >> at least you got the sea lice story. >> that was something. >> that's an experience i missed out on. >> i think we should do more team bonding. it's fun for us. >> and more good moments for you at home.
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>> except for the sea lice. there is better stuff coming. we do the good stuff every day but this is the best stuff. we asked you in a pole at, what's your first good stuff? we'll couldn't the them down. we did number three. now number two, a 2-year-old undergoing chemo. >> it was a joke. they thought nothing would come of it. a picture of the message wound up on the site and before long, pizza after pizza started showing up. >> she wokeç up from her nap t the tons of pizza in her room. she end up having three slices. there was music playing. she had a great time. it brought us hope and
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encouragement in such a time of despair for our family. >> time of despair indeed. >> little hazel was overjoyed. there were so many pizzas, the hospital had to respectfully ask that they stop. since we first aired this story, hazel is still going strong. she's in rehab after successful surgery. she's been in the hospital for more than 70 straight days. her mom says they can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. >> if you'd like to help, instead of pizza, visit hope for hazel on facebook. >> hope for hazel. >> look at that smile. >> what we learned from the good stuff is the collective strength about caring for each other. it happens all the time. we just need a reminder. >> you're our reminder. >> love it. coming up next on "new day," hollywood is ready for the new year. a look at the movies coming in 2014. >> i'm still behind. >> i'm way behind. way behind. way, way, way.
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welcome back to "new day." moviegoers are excited what will be hitting the theaters. one person i need to ask to know the movies our lovely nischelle turner. >> huge, big. >> pretty woman. >> i'm talking movies, come on. i was doing too much, trying to be too cute. >> with the most anticipated movies, two, sequels this year?
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>> that's what hollywood has been doing. studios get scared to do original material. the viewers like see sequels because we feel safe with it. come up in 2014 we'll see a lot of buzz about sequels, franchises. >> you like them. >> number one, "x-men: days of future past." this is for kids and adults. they get the old x-men and new x-men back together. the old x-miles per hour will reunite with their younger selves and the premise is we have to change the past in order to preserve our future so you're going to see patrick stewart back. >> "x-men: confused." >> "the hunger games: mockingjay
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part one." the third one begins the revolution so this is what everyone wants to see and in the book, there are three books but they made four movies so there's mockingjay part one and part two. part one comes out in november of 2014, highly anticipated. of course indra mentioned it, "dumb and dumber to," t-o. as highly anticipated as it is, it's taking a little bit of a risk. eddie murphy said he'd never do a sequel to "coming to america." we loved this movie. i don't know, 0 years ago. >> man, i'm old. >> i don't know how i feel about this one. i'll see it of course but sometimes i feel like leave it alone. >> you mentioned books, one that everyone talks about "unbroken." >> angelina jolie her second directorial project.
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she's also starring in her first film after the double mastectomy, "malifiscent." also another big year for miss jennifer lawrence, all highly anticipated movies she's in every one of them. >> in 2013 i feel that was the year of jennifer lawrence. every time she made a speech at an award ceremony it went viral. what other actors and actresses will be big? >> which one? >> i like jennifer lawrence. >> first of all her, jennifer lawrence will be big again, i mentioned angelina jolie, look out for this movie "the monument man." it's george clooney, matt damon, kate blanchette, it's newsworthy. >> and blanchette can run with those guys, too.
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>> yes, she can. >> tell us the premise. >> there is this group of curators and museum curators, i'm looking for the word i'm looking for, curators, directors that ban together in a platoon and go and try to find this artwork the nazis have taken and taken it back to their rightful owners. they call it the greatest treasure hunt ever. >> it's huge. >> absolutely. >> and look at the cast. >> the best story i've heard in all of this, that "unbroken" is one of the most rich stories you've ever read in my life. >> true story. >> and angelina jolie is not afraid to take chances as a director, she's not afraid to go out on a limb so everyone is excited to see what she does with the story. >> paul walker "fast & furious" lost him far too young, they were midway through production,
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half way through. what happens to the franchise? a lot of fans of the franchise. >> this is interesting. no one knows what they're going to do, it was slated to be one of the big summer blockbuster movies summer of 2014 but now it's up in in the air. there are rumors what they'll do with their character. there's been a rumor maybe his younger brother could step in as a body double but we don't know if that's going to happen. for me that would be a big surprise if that happens. it could happen but we don't know if the film is going to be released in 2014. >> they had trouble with this franchise. they did one without the named people, they had their battles along the way. >> six was so profitable, almost $1 billion box office made. >> i was thinking about how they ended 2013 just was stellar movie wise. it makes you think 2014, what you got?
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>> it's interesting we see the big blockbusters that are highly anticipated but we won't know what the great movies are until fest ufl season starts in january, sundance starts and you start to see some of the good movies of the year. some of the best movies, independent films "12 years of slave" physician philomena" "rush" "nebraska." >> get your dress ready for awards season. >> i'm ready! >> i'll get my jammies. call on me i'll come over your house and lay it all out for you. >> time for a break. coming up on "new day," the holidays are over but the bills have just begun. now is the time to get a handle on your finances. we'll tell you how. >> and out with the old, in with the new from faster internet to better phones, a look at what you could expect from the tech world in 2014. welcome back. how is everything?
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there's nothing like being your own boss! and my customers are really liking your flat rate shipping. fedex one rate. really makes my life easier. maybe a promotion is in order. good news. i got a new title. and a raise? management couldn't make that happen. [ male announcer ] introducing fedex one rate. simple, flat rate shipping with the reliability of fedex.
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progressive direct and other car insurance companies? yes. but you're progressive, and they're them. yes. but they're here. yes. are you...? there? yes. no. are you them? i'm me. but those rates are for... them. so them are here. yes! you want to run through it again? no, i'm good. you got it? yes. rates for us and them -- now that's progressive. call or click today. ♪ [ male announcer ] the parking lot helps by letting us know who's coming. the carts keep everyone on the right track. the power tools introduce themselves. all the bits and bulbs keep themselves stocked. and the doors even handle the checkout so we can work on that thing that's stuck in the thing. [ female announcer ] today, cisco is connecting the internet of everything. so everyone goes home happy.
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♪ [ ding ] i sense you've overpacked, your stomach. try pepto to-go. it's pepto-bismol that fits in your pocket. relief can be yours, but your peanuts... are mine. ♪ i've quit for 75 days. 15 days, but not in a row. for the first time, you can use nicorette... even if you slip up... so you can reach your goal. [ male announcer ] now, quit on your own terms with nicorette or nicoderm cq.
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--mcaptions by vitac -- now, uwww.vitac.comn terms happy new year, 2014 could not come fast enough for president obama, finishing up a very pad year in 2013. the request he is will he turn it around this year? are the republicans finally on their game? is it their turn? the next generation, just when you think your tablet couldn't get any petter, brace yourselves for the latest models coming out this year. and are you ready for some football? everything you need to know about the college bowl games, kickoff just hours away, we have why you are ultimate guide
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straight ahead. >> your "new day" continues right now. >> announcer: this is "new day" with chris cuomo, kate bolduan and michaela pereira. >> good morning, and welcome back to a very special edition of "new day," it is january 1st, if we must remind you, 2014, 8:00 in the east, happy new year everyone. we're ushering in the season of resolutions and the season of breaking them just as fast and many folks making resolutions about their finances from paying off credit cards to saving up more. we'll help you start 2014 off on the right foo fot. >> the hollywood awards season is upon us, a preview of which movie shows, tv shows and stars could be honored. we've showed you a special piece of our lives, we went fishing with chris. i'm going to share something with you that is very close to my heart. we've been counting down all
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morning bringing you the best stuff, the number one good stuff story you guys chose. you have to see this. first let's get a check of the headlines. >> hello again and happy new year. i'm ana cabrera. here are why you are headlines, 1 million hardy partiers ringing in the new year at new york's time square. supreme court success sotomayor had the honor of pushing the button to drop the mall. sushi the female impersonator headlining this shoe drop and in colorado, the state becomes the first to allow the sale of recreational marria aal marijua. 30 colorado stores are expected to open for business, 18 in denver. that's where we find casey wian. is it craziness like some people were predicting? >> reporter: not yet, ana.
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lot of folks were predicting that when marijuana sales became legal for recreational use there would be huge lines in anticipation of the sales which begin in less than two hours. outside of this dispensary, four folks who have lined up, not quite the big crowds but we have two hours to go. logan and chrissy robinson have been here since 2:00 in the morning, why was it important for you guys to be here so early and be first in line? >> because we're pioneers, we want to be the first. >> we're under the impression there was going to be a lot more people, we weren't ready for -- >> the lines. >> yeah, with he thought we would be there, and we didn't have any clue that we'd be first. >> reporter: what do you think about colorado's new law? >> i like it, i've been waiting 34 years, it's good for the law and the schools and bringing money into colorado. if we take it responsibly i think it will work. >> reporter: the big question,
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ana, whether there will be responsible use and sales. authorities watching that very closely. these businesses have been up all night getting ready for the first sales, it's an historic event less than two hours. >> when the doors officially open. casey wian in colorado this morning and tracking the marijuana recreational sales today. a critical ruling on obama care happeneded down by supreme court justice sonia sotomayor, exempting two catholic church groups from the contraception health care debate, giving the obama administration until friday to respond to that order. new coverage plans kick in today for americans who signed up for obama care. 2.1 million people have enrolled, the original target was 3 million. new york city's new mayor sworn in overnight, bill de blasio is now the 109th mayor of the big apple, the first
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democrat in more than 20 years. he took the oath of office outside his home in brooklyn and later today he'll take the oath at city hall this time administered by former president bill clinton. de blasio takes the reins from mayor michael bloomberg. it will be freezing cold in the eastern united states, over the next couple of days temperatures dropping into the teens tomorrow in washington and new york and on friday sub-zero temperatures in boston and a major snowstorm will hit the midwest and northeast starting tomorrow, about 70 million people could be in its path, this is expected to impact travel. those are your headlines, happy new year. buzzkill betty here. it's new year and try to get your finances under control from managing your credit to paying down the rising debt or saving up for your future, alison kosik is here to help and that's what we're going to do is help. we don't want to stress people
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out. >> we're not preachy. >> but we have pointers to reap rewards down the line. >> we think about our finances this time of year it's also good to start thinking about the future. one thing to think about is come up with an emergency fund and there are a lot of schools of thought of how much will go into this emergency fund. it depends on what you do for a living, how much money you make. some people say they want to put away three to six months of expenses. others want to put away three to six months of what they make in that time frame but it's up to you. you don't want to cheat yourself. lot of financial planners say the emergency fund is for the times when you have a medical emergency, something unexpected comes up. those are easier to deal with if you've got money in the bank. another thing to do is pay down debt and here is an interesting way to do that. financial player alexia von topel said take your card and put it on ice in your freezer because you don't want to wrack up that credit on your card.
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>> unless you put it next to the ice cream. >> true but maybe you'll reach for the ice cream instead of the card. don't pay for anything you know you can't and you'll keep rolling over on your credit card or use your debit card because that takes it out immediately. one other thing, max out your 401(k). most companies match some of what you contribute it's a great benefit and tax deferred package. one more thing as well, 529, open up a 529 account if you've got kids and you're going to send them to college, it's not can he deductible on your federal tax return but this is tax deferred so it is about that future benefit to set money aside for your kids. >> you talk about the future your long-term financial stability but we do live in an instant gratification system. is there any tip for something you can do now, like can pay off quickly? >> refinance your mortgage, look at your situation, see if
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refinancing makes sense to you. you are going to wind up paying for refinancing and the closing costs but it may make sense to go ahead and refi before the rates go up because they are ever so slightly going up every little bit. also a lot of getting control of your finances is about taking control and that means knowing what your credit score is. you want to be above 760, they run anywhere from 350 to 850, like your grade in school. if you know where you're sitting financially, you could sort of feel empowered. also get your credit report. this is a lot like a report card, you can check your credit report on and check for mistakes and if if you see any mistakes you can get them corrected at no cost. there are three nationwide credit agencies reporting companies, those are equifax, experian and transunion. one more thing, do online banking. >> it does help. >> it really does, it's convenient, easy.
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you're not going to be overdue on your bills because you can date them in the future when your bills are due so you don't have to pay those late fees. there's no excuse to not do online banking. convenience is key and saves you money in the long run. >> you're thinking about the best way to be financially responsible. assume you have all the responsibilities you can think of. isn't paying down credit card debt the number one thing people should do? >> you think of the interest rate you're better off putting that money into something else and having that revolving credit continually go around, say you bought a cup. that cup will wind up costing you hundreds of dollars if that is revolving and you're paying interest every month. >> little places with he can start to sort of make ourselves more, i don't know, financially responsible. >> a rot of people are living right on the line and every little advantage helps. people think if i save it's better than using the money but think about how much you're getting charged for the credit cards. >> it's stunning.
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and credit cards are putting what that balance is, what it's really going to cost you in years to come and when you see that now it makes your eyes pop and you think maybe i will pay a little bit more this month or try to pay off the credit card to not have that interest continually revolving. >> the most expensive money we borrow, more than a house, more than a car. >> start today. >> thanks, alison. coming up on "new day," from a looming fight over the debt ceiling to the midterm elections, we have what you need to know about the year ahead in poll techs. also ahead, top tech trends of 2014, it's a brave, new world, folks, and we are your tour xwids. a subaru... ...are the hands that do good things for the whole community: the environment, seniors, kids, and animals.
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that's why we created the share the love event. by the end of this year, the total donated by subaru could reach 35 million dollars. you get a great deal on a new subaru. we'll donate 250 dollars to a choice of charities that benefit your community. it feels good to be a helping hand.
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welcome paback to "new day." out with the old and in with the new especially with tech stuff. faster internet, smarter tvs and advancements in your car, really? what do we have to look forward to? brett larson is here to talk about what's going on next week, have we completely lost the consumer electronics show? >> you'd be one of seven women there. it's like crawling, it's all businessmen. it's a very unusual thing. >> good tvs? >> good tvs, probably a lot of new stuff for the car, nice smartphones, tablets, the ush.
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i have a feeling they'll pull back the curtain on good stuff we'll see and go ooh, wow. >> you said 2013 was the year of the tablet. >> right. >> what is 2014 going to be? ? they'll steam roll us into the world of tablets in 2014, get better and faster and we'll see wireless internet get better. efb everybody's getting on this. >> you'd be upset if a place didn't have internet access and now we're upset if they don't have to wifi. >> and you have to pay for it. >> in other countries they have wifi everywhere, we should have it everywhere. >> i must say brett larson we hear they have wifi better in other countries and i get sent from country to country and the wifi stinks everywhere. >> what country are you going to? >> all. >> you go everywhere, you are a world traveler. >> yes. with no e-mail.
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>> you are literally that guy who has the auto responder that really means i have no access. >> i got to tell you, my tv is smarter than everything else in my house combined. >> you actually know, i don't know what a smart tv is. >> it's the best thing in the world. >> i actually have to say i didn't think smart tv was going to take off. i saw it as just a gimmick. consumers love smart tv. >> it's a tv that's a computer is what it is. >> that's what it is. >> you get the net flix there, a health hub, i've been on one and they're great. you go on there and it's all right there, you get a menu. games. >> you can sync it with your photo and music, have upon dar r
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pandora playing in the living room. >> is it expensive in. >> they're not that pad. >> 4 k. the three-day gimmick did not tack off all. 's p espn said we're not doing it. 4k is. it's four times the resolution of high definition so it's like a retina display on your monitor. you can see every foot of the crow's foot. >> do we buy it yet? >> no, give it another year. netflix has jumped on the band wagon and all of their original programming they're shooting in 4k but you can only stream it and that takes a large pipe of internet to stream 4k. >> do they really pepper you with every issue? >> i love it. what else? who needs to program their vcr. >> why do you want to see me that clearly?
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>> my vcr still says midnight so it's right at least twice a day. >> overall it's going to be a tablet year, a webiified tv year. >> definitely. >> cell phones? >> i think we'll see movement, something that's coming up a deal in 2015, the fcc will go to local televisions and say would you like to give us your broadcast license back so we can sell it to at&t and verizon and get faster internet. cars we're starting to see internets show up on the dashboard. it's a good thing and a bad thing but the last thing you need is the ability to surf the web from your dashword. and cravidriving. >> we care about this stuff. >> brett larson!
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>> phones get bigger and cars will get smaller? >> that's not what he said. say no. >> no, i think phones will get lighter, they're going to get bigger in capacity but i don't think bigger in size. do you really want to talk on this? >> look at the galaxy phone, those people want to do more on their phone. >> when i fly to vegas, if it someone's on my phone on the airplane, hey, what's going on? snap, talking on my ipad. i'll give you the exclusive and make sure i shoot a video. thanks, guys. >> thank you, brett. >> we're going to talk a break, coming up next on "new day," 2013 is a rough year for president obama. can he get his second term on track in 2014? and hollywood is toasting its top movies and stars.
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who will get an oscar. [ male announcer ] the wright brothers started in a garage.
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amazon started in a garage. hewlett packard, and disney both started in garages. mattel started in a garage. ♪ the ramones started in a garage. my point? you never know what kind of greatness can come out of an american garage.
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introducing the 2014 motor trend car of the year. the all new cadillac cts. ain't garages great?
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welcome back to a special "new day," it is january 1st, brand new year, we'll get a preview of all the drama in washington ahead. first a check of what's making news this morning. head over to the news desk. >> i'm ana cabrera. is million braving bitter cold temperatures at times square to
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ring in 2014 and this year supreme court justice sonia sotomayor pushed the button to drop the ball. country singers, fireworks helping to ring in the new year there. in dubai an incredible pyrotechnics show setting a guinness world record for the largest fireworks display ever. pope francis delivered his new year's message in several different language s urging people to accept their differences. he plans to visit the holy land in may. they're continuing to monitor news out of texas where barbara bush is waking up in the hospital. the 88-year-old former first lady is being treated for respiratory related issues. cnn's affiliate in houston says she may have early signs of
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pneumonia. she's said to be in great spirits, spending time with family. here is a look at your new year's forecast, it's going to be freezing over a lot of the eastern united states, over the next couple of days temperatures dropping into the teens tomorrow in washington and new york, and the midwest and northeast are expected to get walloped with a major snowstorm tomorrow into friday so brace yourself as we head into the new year. i'm ana cabrera. those are your headlines. between the midterm elections and a debt ceiling fight on the horizon, 2014 could be a nail biter and what about president obama, what can we expect as he tries to get his second term back on track in the new year? let's talk about it with senior white house correspondent brianna keilar joining us with much more. hi, brianna. you know "the washington post" said 2013 was the president's kind of worst year yet. clearly they're trying to swing the pendulum and regain momentum. what do you expect to see in 2014 for the president to get
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back on track here? >> it was a really rough year, kate. is he trying to get back on track for 2014, president obama is going to try for a big push on immigration. you know that's going to be a heavy lift he faces a divided congress but he's still going to try for it, and he's also talked about climate change in the economy being important for him, he talked recently about income equality, wanting to address that and when it comes to climate change and the economy he'll try to circumvent congress but when it comes to immigration you could see a hard-fought battle there. you mentioned a potential debt ceiling fight, that he's something that could push some of his priorities to the side early in this year, which he really doesn't need that. >> i think maybe he probably hopes what happened in 013 doesn't happen again in 2014, he didn't dictate his agenda.
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it was this bricnksmanship battles he had to deal with or self-inflicted wounds like we've seen the president's reaction is staff changes at the white house but didn't really think staff changes in and of itself would fix their mojo. >> reporter: john podesta, a lot of democratic poobservers say is about time he came in, former chief of staff for bill clinton, nope for cracking the whip, something a lot of people will hope president obama turn some things around. he'll focus on climate change and got a lot of experience when it comes to capitol hill. there is a thought that perhaps that could help but a lot of folks think maybe it's too late that 2013 was an important year and the president's trying for a reset at a difficult time. >> right around the corner on the horizon as you mentioned is that debt ceiling battle. we're hearing already deja vu, the president saying he will not
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negotiate around the debt ceiling, republicans saying there have to be conditions accompanying it before they agree to raising the debt ceiling. how do you foresee this one playing out? is the dynamic any different? >> reporter: we still don't know exactly but it does have this feeling of regifting, doesn't it? if you give me this in 2013 and now you're giving me a debt ceiling battle in 2014? paul ryan has said that after the holidays, republicans are going to get together and going to talk about what they want in exchange for increasing the debt ceiling. what is that going to be? is that going to take to us brinksmanship? we're not sure. some democrats are saying paul ryan is penciling in manufactured prices. if you look back to the debt ceiling battle of this late fall, one of the things they came to an agreement on they're going to have a budget deal coming out of this. the white house might be amenable to attaching something like that, that increases the debt ceiling and puts in place something that has to happen.
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obviously this is vague so we have to figure out what that's going to be. we don't know exactly but it could happen. >> you mentioned immigration, i want to get your quick take. this has been elusive immigration reform for more than a decade at this point. do you think a midterm election year is the white house confident this is a legislative item that they can pull off? >> i think they know it's very hard, kate, but the thinking is this, the primaries are going to be tough, because you've got a lot of republicans who could be facing challenges from the right. are they going to want to weigh in on immigration, maybe not. maybe once you get past the primary republican candidates can maybe moderate when you get past the primaries in texas in border states that there may be a little room for this, the speaker has said this is a priority. the real question is what is imxwrags reform, if it gets done going to look like. you see the senate pass a comprehensive bill. the house may take up piecemeal legislation. are they going to focus on border security or a pathway to
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citizenship? those are the unanswered questions what 2014 will bring us. >> critical questions the answers will tell us will this piecemeal work, will they pull it off? happy new year, brianna, we'll talk to you. >> reporter: you, too, kate, happy new year. >> i say the magic word, football! i catch it in my time zone. all ball games are not created equal. there are six games today, the most at stake, we'll let you know what you need to know. as long as it's above 35 degrees. you voted and now we'll tell you the number one good stuffs of 2013, it's the best stuff folks, after the break.
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the good stuff, it is time, not just for the good stuff but it the very best stuff. >> best of the year. >> yes, you voted on and told us your favorite good stuff of the year and at number one, drum roll, please, a buffalo bus driver turned into a hero when he spotted what surely was about to be a suicide. no one else was stopping, people were literally walking by, but he did. cnn's pamela brown has the story. >> reporter: this surveillance video shows a woman who appears to be on the brink of suicide, standing outside the railing on a narrow ledge over a highway in buffalo. watch at bystanders obliviously pass right by her. >> it didn't seem real because of what was going on around, traffic going slow mo, pedestrians going by as normal.
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>> thankfully she caught the eye of darnell barton, he pulled his bus full of passengers over and attempted to communicate with the woman. >> ma'am, are you okay? >> reporter: when she didn't respond he walked over and put her around her, coaxing her off the bridge, brought her to safety. >> she was distraught, distant, i. you the my arm around her, you want to come on this side of the guardrail? >> reporter: kneeling on the sidewalk with the woman he gave her words of comfort until others arrived to help. >> i wanted to convey whatever it is, i'm going to help her through whatever it is and it's not as serious as jumping off of the 198. >> reporter: when bar to be returned to his bus a well deserved round of applause erupted. barton says he pleefz he was driving by at that moment for a reason. >> i felt like i did what i was supposed to do at the time. i'm a football guy, you sit on the bench, the coach calls your number, you got to go in there and make a play and do what the
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play calls for and i think that's what i did. >> reporter: pamela brown, cnn, new york. >> great turnout, wow. >> amazing human being. >> just an amazing thing, it's funny, my family watches the show once a month, my 7-year-old says to me, hears me about i'm angry for somebody and he says yeah, but there are good people, too. 7 years old, it's something we forget in life. that's why we do the good stuff. remember these stories come from you. we want more of them because we need the reminders, we get engrossed with the bad. cnn ireport campaign can catch your good stuff. logon to to find out how. >> see that picture? that's going to play into something later, wait for that. >> arguably not the good stuff that particular scene. you'll see. there was some controversy. all right, 'tis the season for the good stuff and 'tis the
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season for resolutions and college bowl games, six games on tap, less than a week away from a bcs national title game, florida state versus auburn. >> chris berman is so good. >> i love berman i can't lie. i love whether andy scholes the best teeth on television with "the bleacher report" break it down, my brother. >> happy new year. plenty of big matchups with the biggest taking place this evening in pasadena, california, the 100th edition of the rose bowl, featuring michigan state, big ten chance against stanford, best in the pac-12, michigan state making its first trip to the granddaddy of them all since the 1987 season. stanford are looking for back-to-back rose bowl wins. expect a smashmouth battle, both sides running the ball and playing great defense. the fiesta bowl in glendale, arizona, featuring the baylor
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bears taking on the florida central golden knights, baylor coming off their best season ever, won the big 12 for the if, time in school history and ucf jumps to the front of the american athletic conference with wibz against louisville and houston, the knights avoided upsets to claim the only bcs bid and today will be your last chance to catch gamecocks star jadeveon clowney, likely a first round pick. he plays in the capital one game bowl at 1:00 eastern, two games quick off at noon eastern the gator bowl, nebraska versus georgia and i don't know about you guys but my plan is are this, go home, get on the couch and watch football all day. >> how do you choose, andy? kickoff is at the same time.
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>> that's why you have that button on the remote that goes back. >> andy scholes clearly had a night of excess, couldn't remember the word. >> the dvr. >> red eyes there, buddy. >> i had to do three years in a row with the rose bowl with the badgers, i couldn't take another loss, it's a good thing they're not there. >> chick-fil-a bowl hangover. >> fiesta bowl is a great name also. little bit away from the bcs, who wins it? >> got to go with auburn. >> auburn. >> they find a way to win games whether it be a crazy catch or a crazy field goal return for a touchdown. >> that's true. >> i wish we could play that video, it was the tale of the two announcers, the auburn announcers, he did it, he did it! that was so good. >> dancing on the sidelines, what a play. >> great to have you here with
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us own the first day of the year, andy scholes. >> pleasure as always. have a good one. >> you, too. come up next on "new day," michaela schools all of us, take a look as we learn about a group of wonderful kids who are near and dear to her heart.
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ask your doctor if humira can work for you. this is humira at work. i'm here to get the lady of the house back on her feet. [ all gasp ] oj, veggies -- you're cool. mayo? corn dogs? you are so outta here! aah! 'cause i'm re-workin' the menu, keeping her healthy and you on your toes. [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of great-tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and 9 grams of protein. i see you, cupcake! uh-oh! [ bottle ] the number one doctor recommended brand. ensure®. nutrition in charge™. welcome back to "new day."
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this morning you've seen some crazy things and fun things. kate took us out shooting, something close to your heart and your family, going fishing, also some questionable results, just saying, but maybe we learned more about each other than we wanted to know. now it is my turn, give you a look at our trip back to california when i introduced the gang to my family and l.a.'s best. it's 3:30 in the afternoon in downtown los angeles, is exactly where i want to be. i know a talk a lot about kids. i don't have any but these are my kids. my kids are the best in l.a. sure every parent thinks that their children are the finest in their city but mine literally are thanks to an afterschool enrichment program aimed at giving imer city kids the support they need. lot of times the kids don't have parents at home because parents are working and need somebody to help them plant seeds of
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education in their mind. these kids are my heart. are you good? today my parents have come to my home away from home. mom, a retired school teacher who spent 35 years in the classroom and dad, a retired civil servant, are the reason i care about kids. i spend time with the children of l.a.'s best because every kid counts. i was just three months old when the thompsons chose me to join their family, the second youngest of five adopted girls, but still my mom's baby. >> what do you think of your daughter? she's part of our family which means we're part of your family. >> we don't have a son yet so come on over. >> our first stop the classroom. >> what word is that? cloud, very good. >> where the kids are hard at work, it's homework time after all. we have a math jeepious. >> two plus two.
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three plus nine. >> nice. >> oh my gosh. it's wrong. >> are you kidding me? >> clearly i should have the no passed first grade math. thankfully our sound man's boom mike proves much more entertaining. ♪ la, la, la, la, la, la >> reporter: let's go play some soccer. bye, guys. you did a great job. i wish you were coming with me. >> ready? >> i'm going to go ike this. so now i'm on a mission to prove i've got soccer skills. >> michaela! >> i don't want to tell anybody because i feel like i'm giving an excellent effort. do you have any idea what team i'm on? clearly when it comes to soccer and math, kate has no problem
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adding up her goals. >> i'll tickle you, i'll tickle you! yes! all me. score again. >> oh, no, don't let the applause fool you. >> chris, chris! >> i have a teammate. >> not everyone on the soccer field feels they can count on chris. is he helping or making it worse? >> we're having a little problem right now. >> talk to your man. talk to your man. >> score! run! >> i'm glad you guys came out here today, kids in l.a.'s best program are my hearts. when i have a tough day, usually this is the best place for me to come. anybody in here have their front teeth? they're trying to do their best and these kids are so full of life and love. >> any kid that's given a chance can be great. >> they're so beautiful and so fun. at the end of the day, when i still have no clue about which
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team i've been playing for, i was reminded of something i know for certain. >> we learned when you're with these kids don't you leave feeling like you got more than you gave. >> i may not be as agile as the star kicker or cool as the math genius but when it comes to me and my kids look at these smiles, i can't take it! showing these kids what matter is what counts the most. i needed that. i miss them. i miss them very much. the teeth. >> one thing i don't think we saw enough of in that, there is real hostility between chris and that little boy. >> i'm letting it go in the spirit of 2014. i'm there. >> he looked right up to the the 6'2" frame and said you got to get out of here. >> life is long. i'll be back. he had the gloves on. >> he meant business, dude. the one thing i loved most about
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you, the more love you have to give. >> you're sweet. >> are you going to see them when you go back? >> i'm hoping to. there's a connection to new york, these afterschool programs are such an important resource especially seeing so much money going away from education. i encourage you to see if you can find one in your community, it's a great way to get back to your community. >> really warms your heart just being around them. you were right it makz yes you l better. >> it takes so little time. you think you'll have to take out a new job, not so. you go there and literally an hour makes such a difference to somebody who feels that nobody cares about them. >> we had a slam dunk contest afterward. >> who won that in. >> shockingly i did not. that was fun. i'm xwlad we got to show these, it was a great bonding experience. next time we'll get her up i'm
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afraid of what she'll have us do. >> polka dance. >> that is not what i was expecting. >> something you don't know how to do. >> we lrnd a lot of things about indra today. >> 2014 will be interesting. >> you're wearing the outfits. >> i'm not saying you don't have the outfits. >> this is getting more and more interesting. >> who knew? all right. let's tackke a wreabreak. preview of the hollywood award season coming up.
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♪ that music from last night, i can never get enough, "auld lang syne." who and what films do you think will be nominated, which actors are expected to take home the glory of the golden globes and more importantly the academy awards because they're coming up next and you better get your dress ready, nischelle turner is here with a preview. we'll talk about all of these award shows. they're precursors to one another. golden globes first january 12th. >> yes, and i like to give that one a krisic icacrystal ball th year. >> crystal ball.
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>> yes, it does. so let's talk golden globes. we saw the nominations, two films emerged as what could be front-runners, precursors, "12 years of slave" and "american hustle" both got seven nominations. the globes break them up into drama category and comedy category. these two films won't be going head to head because they're in different categories but we could see what will be shaeping up oscar nomination morning, four days voting the. hollywood forum press small group of forum journalists so when you think they'll zig, they always zag and throw something interesting in for you. the golden globes i was surprised, lee daniels
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completely shut out, the movie got nominations for the s.a.g. awards. the golden globes like to throw in the little known film sometimes, we saw greta gerway. her performance was good but everyone was like hmm what's that? >> not all american appetites are interested. >> they have leonardo dicaprio, the "wolf of wall street" was shut out for screen actors guild because the voters got the screen play too late. >> is the general wisdom more often than not what wins the globes is not going to win the academy awards? >> because the globes there are so many awards, break it up into two categories, woods nominated interest, we can write down and say okay, we'll probably see this, probably see this, probably see this, more than likely we won't see anything other than what we saw at the
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golden globes except this year maybe "the butler" might get some love somewhere in their director, fellment, just maybe. >> can we get any predictions f globes? >> "12 years of slave" is a phenomenal film and everybody pretty much said in the drama category they think it's. >> it's not your favorite. >> "the wolf of wall street" is probably my favorite film of the year, it's up in the musical or comedy category. everyone says you're wrong, it's going to be "american hustle." the man to beat, although bruce dern gave a great performance in "nebraska" black and white comedy from the george clooney, not grant hetzlaf, alexander
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paen did this film. bruce could sneak in and surprise everybody. female said cate blanchett. small film, great film. i look at her like i did with meryl streep in "eastern lady" the movie overall was good but she was phenomenal so she's a front-runner as well as emma were toson playing p.l. traverse in "saving mr. banks." >> thank you. i want to hear about the campaigning how overboard they get, the behind the scenes stuff. >> we've seen some creative campaigning. we do. the studios they come in and they say sometimes they have a bunch of films that are really good and could be nominated, they have to decide what are we really going to push? sometimes we see actors campaigns, sometimes they say i'm not going to. remember when jamie foxx won for "ray" he was like heck no, i'm campaigning and embracing for
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this, i'm nominated for an oscar i want to win. >> leonardo dicaprio takes a step back and the question is are he need to be more assertive. >> the thing about this film, it's three hours long so it could turn people off, i don't want to sit that long or invest all that time, that's' lot of time to sit in the movie theater and watch a film but it's worth it. >> i get it, my work should speak for itself, i can understand the frustration, but got to play the game. >> look out for jonah hill in "wolf of wall street" but he's also up against the likes if he was nominated for like michael fastman in "12 years of slave" he was evil and maniacal. >> ellen degeneres. >> i thought she was phenomenal.
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she got mixed reviews the first time. >> strong point, let's end it on that. that is our special edition of "new day" also known as new year, we want to wish you and your family a happy and safe new year. from our hearts to yours, happy new year. -- captions by vitac -- happening right now in the "cnn newsroom," former first lady barbara brush hospitalized with signs of pneumonia, spending new year's eve with her family which her bedside watching football. ♪ and a busy new year for u.s. supreme court justice sonia sotomayor, just hours before leaving the times square ball drop she gave an order blocking part of the president's health care law starting today.


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