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tv   [untitled]    January 2, 2014 3:30pm-4:01pm PST

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conway who worked for none other than our own newt gingrich. now, listen, you have to look at the numb% and tame them seriously. i am imagining we're hoping obama care fades a bit and we can go after you guys on minimum wage. why don't the republicans just vote on this stuff right now, get it out of the way? why will you stay on the wrong side of the economic issues? >> obamacare just started to be implemented in full yesterday. so we didn't cause that, van. not a single republican supported obamacare, so he owns this. there are certain dates that are fixed in the system. they'll keep rolling it out. we hit a sad milestone today, where we have more people in this country who have had their plans canceled than successfully
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enrolled in obamacare. women are the chief health care officers and they don't like obamacare. >> see, this is it, you want to beat the drum -- >> it's the law -- >> i'm asking you a sophisticated question, you're a sophisticated pollster? you guys are standing in the way on the minimum wage increase. americans deserve a raise, you guys are against it. we want to do something about the active job seekers, you guys are against that. aren't you just handing us the economic tools to beat you up? >> i don't think so, and i think it's overbroad to say an entire party or population is against things. it makes a great sound bite, but substanchtively it's also false. we're for employment. i think all those people have unemployment benefits extended would prefer employment. obamacare is an economic issue. i think that's where the president and his proponents
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really, really underestimate the american population, and they look at this as higher premiums, canceled plans, lack of quality, not being able to keep your plan or your doctor, and now for many women they see you're trying to insituate big government and uncle same between them and their doctors. >> we'll get into that -- >> i want to get into the economics if you want to. >> good enough. >> the census map shows you how to create jobs. the green counties are the once that have had a increase. 9 purposing a substantial drop. north dakota has doubled its per capita income since 2000. they don't talk about minimum wage, because you get paid $18 at mcdonald's, and will pay you a bon us. it's interesting on that map, there are counties in
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pennsylvania that have gas and are producing jobs and creating jobs. right across the state line in exactly the same geography, the new york democrats refuse to allow their farmers and rural new yorkers to earn the kind of money they are earning in pennsylvania. isn't it a fact that we a pro-growth party, getting everybody a chance for cheaper gasoline and cheaper heating oil, actually trumps things like minimum wage. >> you mean if i can't frack in my backyard, i can't -- there are plenty of people without that ability. ultimately if you're looking at this from a political perspective, which party is sounding like they care about people's jobs? like they understand where people are coming from? that they said to make sure that people feel their anxiety and concerns are taken serest seriously? i think for a lot of people
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they're not sure if any of their leaders in washington feel that way. when you hear these fights over the minimum wage other unemployment or s.n.a.p., food for hungry children, it leaves people wondering, maybe people in washington don't fee the sends of urge are sill. >> why did it take him five years. five years later it's the issue of our times? i thought gitmo, afghanistan -- there's always a new issue of our times. if it's so important and he says, you know, if you don't have a good education, then we'll never bridge income inequality, why are all these leading democrats against charter school choice? 2% of charter school -- are black and hispanic? why would we be against expanding those opportunities? >> there are plenty of democrats around the country, leaders and
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of coursers who support charter school. >> not the president and the mayor of new york. >> this is something -- look, you're right, there are democrats that get split on this, but ultimately a lot of people are focusing on investing in education, infrastructure, all of these things that republicans say we shouldn't be spending this money. democrats want to improve that. >> listen, charter schools, all of those issues, you have a branding issue. i don't think that people believe you when you say you -- let's take an issue like immigration here ease an issue that a majority of americans are saying, 57% of americans say right now, let the people here who are not documented apply a become citizens, yet your party is struggling, stumbling, why is
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it so hard for republicans to be with the rest of american on immigration? >> news flash -- we control one third of washington. where is the president's leadership on immigration? >> we just passed a great bill through the senate. >> it's not a great bill. >> the republicans voting for it, you say they did a bad thing? no. 67 they want fairness to those who are here, fairs in to those going -- and waiting to come here and fairness -- and they're being squeezed out jobs that they need to feed their families by people who are here illegally. >> i think everybody in america is for fairness. i think -- we're tearing families apart, deporting moms away from their kids. we could do something about it right now. why wouldn't republicans do something? here's a way, if you care so
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much, to look like you care. >> speaker boehner said today he's committed to immigration reform. i was working for newt gingrich who had the best immigration policy. i think what cost mitt romney votes, but also the compassion votes, he lost 81-18 in the exit polls in "the washington post," which -- it's because he talked about self-deportation. newt talked about not allowing, you know, lots of smart republicans talk about not allowing a grandmother who's been here 25, 30 years, who you see at church, the library, to somehow go back home? it's against the american ethos. >> speaker boehner has indicated he wants to move immigration forward. i think chairman will move six or eight bills, and then xwaskly work with the senate.
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if by september, the congress has actually passed substantial immigration reform, isn't that in a sense the democrats' worst nightmare? we will have taken off the table the one issue you were counting on? >> well, a few things, first we want to see immigration reform. van is nodding he wants to get things done. the second thing is it's going to take more than immigration to solve rep issues, because latinos care more than about immigration. there's i think this myth here in washington that this is a latino issue that only latinos care about, that will solve problems for republicans if they check some box on immigration. and neither of those things are true. even republican voters, a majority of them say they support a path to citizenship with a variety of requirements.
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>> if they pass that, hasn't that eliminated one of the talking points in your compare? >> then we're back to obama, care, of course. >> actually we have a lot of things we can talk about, including the economy. i was happy to see two special gists at the mayor's swearing-in. next what bill and hillary clinton already know and would it should make democrats very, very happy. when we get back.
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out there in the world, so we do everything we can to be there for them when they need us. plus, you could save hundreds when you switch -- up to $423. call... today. liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? welcome back. in the "crossfire" tonight wells margie omero, and kellyanne conway. the year started with bill deblasio being sworn in as the mayor of new york. i love this guy! he is not afraid to say that america's middle class deserving
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a bigger share of the pie, plus the clintons were there front and center. those two can read the polls. this is the bottom line. progressive economic solutions are hugely popular with all voters, and the clintons know it. so raise the minimum wage, grow america from the middle class out. if hillary clinton sticks with those things it could be a happy new year for her and for the democrats. so to you, i think if you are a republican, are the republican pollster her, you've got to be looking at this democratic party, we're becoming united, left, middle, right of our party, standing now with the kind of ideas that bill deb element asio ran on, and then your party is split all over the place. you can't pick between a ted cruz or chris kris yik. aren't you concerned the divisions will give us an opportunity to run up the middle? >> you call them divisions, i so
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el it as diversity. we have a party that welcomes both in the same party. you name for me five prominent pro-life democrats in this country? there are none left. you pushed them out. you're not unified, the democratic party is monolithic. there's a difference. you've squeezed out pro-life democrats, no more boll weevil democrats, 12 blue-dog democrats. in 2007 there were over 50. there are 12 left. >> so now you're saying that your party is welcoming -- >> no, no, what i'm saying -- the new agenda -- >> the welcoming party in the united states? >> yes. everybody is worried about a primary challenge. everybody they do leaves them open to a primary challenge. people who are the most conservative, they get primary
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challenged. that's a diverse party. >> that makes my point for me, actually. >> no. the republicans have gotten the most coverage in the last six weeks is chris christie. it's pretty hard to argue the guy that got half the latino vote. >> 57% of the women. >> but let me give you a slightly different view than van. i watched the clintons yesterday -- see, i watched the clintons there like watching people rushing onto the "titanic." bill deblasio -- >> a campaign manager. >> she didn't endorse him. >> he's a very liberal person in a very liberal city just as the other great joy, elizabeth warren, all hail, all hail. >> from arguably the most liberal state. what's interesting is he's not courageous progressive. listen to what he said. i think this was perfect.
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>> those earning between $500,000 and a million a year, for instance, would see their taxes increase by an average of $973 a year. that's less than $3 a day, about the cost of a small soy latte and your local starbucks. >> years ago we used to talk about sort of the chablis and volvo liberals in the suburbs. this gives us an example the soy latte. a genuine radical like van, who said i want to hit the -- i want a large one here. a cautious would are said i'm -- i'm not using the starbucks terms, but i want a medium size,
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but no, his example is i will change the city in new york and rich people will not pay more than a small soy latte. you know how hard it is for those of us in the business of trying to characterize liberal to have somebody jump you will and say soy latte. how do you ridicule somebody who already says -- >> in manhattan, he has serious decisions to make. >> but let me ask you a program question -- is there a single red state democratic senator up for reelection who could embrace soy latte liberalism without getting defeated? >> well, he's the mayor of new york, so of course he's going to have a different tony and use different imagery than mary landrieu. that's just as true for republicans as it is for democrats. look, i think bill deblasio provides an opportunity to talk about some of this is issues, which by the way, people also
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support, but also it's unique to new york. i think the other thing that makes him exciting in new york is that he reflects a changing demography of our country, a changing electorate. does that mean that progressives are winning around the country are going to look exactly like bill deblasio? no. >> isn't the gap between all the hype, and a small soy latte charge comparable to obama running around saying i'm going to radically change health care, but not yours? >> but the thing is, i think -- obviously i see this very did ily, first of all i think conservatives you are overreacting. he's saying in a city with literally thousands of millionaires, he will raise taxes a bit toss universal pre-k for kids. that's a bridge too far?
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>> what i'm going is when is the last time that money committed for x went to x, and you know there's going to be no direct revenue stream from the taxes. and that presupposes they people aren't already most taxed in the country. they are. this also presuppose it is that fund before -- >> this is what i love. this is the best talking point you guys have. and it turns out when they pulled those thousands of millionaires, they're for it. they don't mind contributing back. >> i won't be one of them. >> rather than help poor kids -- >> i help them plenty. do i work with charter schools. i can't believe a man like that will go after charter schools first and foremost. it makes no sense. i care about kids. i have four of my own. >> well, good. i have two of my own.
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here's the deal. you know and i know that the democratic party is split over the question of charter schools. i know it is not the position that i and others have. honestly i think you guys are missing something here. these issues, these economic themes around the minimum wage saying that americans deserve a raise. they play in red states and blue states aren't you center they'd gel out on these point and democrats will finally break through and say we're trying to give americans a raise and make sure you can feed your family. >> it is not about social i. i can't imagine that they are going to be running on the minimum wage. they won't run on the minimum wage or obamacare. they can go first. then i'll follow. >> i hope you leave that issue first. minimum wage, you know, you're not looking at the unintended victim of minimum wage. minimum wage jobs are
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predominantly people who want upward economic mobility. people don't stay in minimum wage job on average. they tend to be under 25, they tend to be part time workers myself first job polling job was for minimum wage. that is a true fact. i worked for ronald reagan's pollster. i now own my polling company. that's the american dream. i don't look at him and say you've got more than me. that's not fair. >> minimum wage is worth more than it is now. >> minimum wage was once worth b 11 in today's dollars. >> we should talk there is a cost to everything. we can't just say reform and the money will fall from the sky. >> if you would, stay here. next, the final question for both of our guests. we want you at home to weigh in on the fireback question. who should fear 2014 elections more? tweet democrats, republicans or
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we're back with margie and kelly. it is time for the final question. on my part, margie, if the democrats have three or four more months with obamacare as bad as the last three, doesn't that sort of trump every other issue in the campaign this fall? >> well, i don't think that's
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what's going to happen. people have been reto what they think obamacare is. now they're actually going to have experiences with it. they're going to the doctor, they'll have coverage they didn't have before. they'll be, not be prevented from getting health care because they had a preexisting condition. all those things that are now changing. and they're going to be responding to their own actual experiences. that's an easier thing to wrap your mind around than the thought of obamacare and its discussion in the news and what they have heard. it might include. so i think you're going to have, and you already see some reflection of it in the polls and gallup in december. but i think you'll see voters respond better to obamacare as the months go on. this has always been true. everybody here knows this. the specifics of what's included in obamacare have always been popular. >> very popular. let me get my question in. we know what's very popular is
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extending unemployment insurance for active job seekers right now. you are a pollster. you're trying to get people reelected. is it your advice that you don't need the votes of unemployed active job seekers? >> it is not that linear or simple. what this country needs is for those active job seekers to stop seeking and start working. it's been five years in the meantime. the failure to really fully recover from the economic downturn, the failure for growth, for job creation by this administration has meant we have too many job seekers and too many people who are no longer looking. they're discouraged. >> would you advise republicans to vote against it. >> i would advise republicans to vote their conscience on that issue. >> thank you. >> you can to go facebook and twitter to weigh in on our fireback question. who should fear the 2014 elections more? 50% say the voters should be
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afraid. the debate will continue online at as well as facebook. join us tomorrow for another edition of "crossfire." erin burnett "outfront" starts right now. up next, 100 million americans could be hit with heavy snow and frigid temperatures tonight. plus, a beloved catholic priest found murdered in his church. a new development in the case. and a major announcement from the team behind "duck dynasty." what they have planned for gun lovers in 2014. let's go "outfront." good evening, every one. i'm don lemon in for erin burnett. winter has arrived bng


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