tv March of the Penguins CNN January 2, 2014 8:00pm-10:01pm PST
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that's when the sun is out. it wasn't always like this. antarctica used to be a tropical place, densely forested and teaming with life. but then the continent started to drift south. and by the time it was done drifting, the dense forest had all been replaced with a new ground cover, ice. as for the former inhabitants, they'd all died or moved on long ago. well, almost all of them. legend has it that one tribe stayed behind. >> perhaps they thought the change in weather was only temporary, or maybe they were just stubborn, but whatever
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their reasons, these stalwart souls refused to leave. for millions of years, they have made their home on the darkest, driest, windiest and coldest continent on earth, and they have done so pretty much alone. so in some ways, this is a story of survival, a tale of life over death, but it's more than that, really. this is a story about love. like most love stories, it begins with an act of utter foolishness. the emperor pension rain is technically a bird, although one that makes his home in the sea. so if you're wondering what he's doing up here on the ice, well, that's part of our story. each year, at around the same
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time, he will leave the comfort of his ocean home and embark on a remarkable journey. he will travel a great distance, and though he is a bird, he won't fly. though he lives in the sea, he won't swim. mostly, he will walk, but he won't walk alone. ♪ it is march, summer is over, and another long polar winter is about to begin. the birds have been feeding in the ocean waters for three months. now, their bellies full, it is time to find a mate. ♪ >> their breeding ground can be up to 70 miles away. to get there, they will walk day
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the ice on which the birds travel never stops shifting and changing. new road blocks will appear to baffle them every year. we're not exactly sure how they find their way. perhaps they were assisted by the sun or the stars, or maybe having taken this march for thousands of generations, they are guided by some invisible compass within them. they never stay stumped for long. eventually, one of them will pick up the trail and the journey continues. ♪
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>> theirs is usually a graceful parade, but not always. ♪ ♪ >> each day the temperature drops a little further, and the sun will set earlier. the weather becomes noticeably hasher, almost by the hour. by now, similar caravans are approaching from every direction and finally, often on the same day, even around the same time, they will arrive at the place where each and every one of them was born.
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>> here, they will mate in relative safety. they are now far from the water's edge where most predators lurk and the large ice walls will offer some protection from the harshest winds but the real reason they have chosen this place lies beneath their feet. the ice is thicker here. it will stay solid until summer keeping their young from accidently falling through into the freezing ocean. and so, having arrived, they begin to pursue their journey's purpose, finding a mate. we don't really know what they are looking for in a partner. we only know that they are, in fact, looking. we also know when they have found what they are looking for.
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emperor penguins are monogomous, sort of. they mate with one partner per year, which means every new season all bets are off. because there are fewer males than females here, hostilities among the ladies are inevitable. a taken male instantly becomes an unavailable male, so occasionally a female will attempt to interrupt a courtship. the men don't seem to mind. they just wait for the fight to end, and take the opportunity to preen. they are not that different from us, really. they pout. they bellow.
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♪ for the next eight months, these two will participate in an ancient and complicated affair. there will be tenderness, there will be separation, there will be reunion, and if their partnership is successful, there will be new life. for now, they wait. for the egg and for the brutal winter, which will do everything in its power to destroy that egg. ♪
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♪ >> by may, the light will nearly have disappeared from the sky, and the temperature continues to drop. and for those who begin their march too late or have fallen behind because of weakness or hunger, hope of survival is now remote. the lone penguin has no chance against the winter's cold. he will simply fade away, absorbed by the great lightness
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the snow is falling, the wind is blowing and temperatures are plunging as this monster of a storm rages on it's making travel extremely difficult in many places both on the ground and in the air. the storm has caused more than 2200 flights to be canceled. these are travellers stuck in cleveland, ohio at the moment. the hardest-hit airport is chicago's o'hare. besides travel hazards, the storm brings dangerously cold air. it was a bone-chilling, look at that. 40 below in far northern minnesota on thursday. all told, the storm is affecting nearly 100 million people across 22 states. as we said, it is a monster. the snow is piling up. right now in boston that's where we find our fred pleitgen out in it for us. hello, fred. >> reporter: hi, natalie. we're feeling more and more like we're part of the march of the penguins. this place is feeling more and more like the south pole. the temperatures are really plummeting here. the winds as you said are picking up and the snow is
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piling up. i want to show you how high it's actually gotten. it's probably gotten over 7 1/2, maybe 8 inches. the snow is really powdery. this is one of the things that's making it so difficult for the road cruise here. if you look around some of the cars you can see how the snowdrifts are starting to engulf these cars. a lot of these people will have to do a lot of shoveling in the morning. keep in mind it will keep snowing another seven or eight hours as hard as it is now if not even worse. so there is going to be a lot more snow piling up. it's very bad here in boston, actually even worse on the massachusetts coast where in some places about 18 inches of snow have already fallen. some places are expecting up to two feet of snow there. so certainly road crews around massachusetts are going to be working overtime tonight. the same is the case for pretty much every state in the northeast, especially new york also getting hit very hard. there's a lot of emergencies in place in many places in new york as well. so certainly the conditions here seem to be getting worse by the hour. as you can see, the snow here is
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piling up, natalie. >> absolutely. most people hopefully inside not out marching in it like you and our crew. thank you so much, fred. stay warm if you can. we will continue to bring you updates on the storm. i'm natalie allen. for now we'll send you back to "march of the penguins." as winter descends, the tribe's only defense against the freezing cold is the group itself. it's almost as if they create another organism all together. the huddled animals form a single moving mass, one designed for the soul purpose of sustaining warmth. winter's first storm is upon them.
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the tiny beating heart within the shell cannot survive much more than a moment's exposure to the freezing air. ♪ >> from now on, the couple has but a single goal, keeping their egg alive. the hungry mother must return at once to the sea to eat, but before she leaves, she must entrust the egg to its father.
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over, the long march in vain. with no reason to stay, they will wander back to the sea. other couples have lost their egg, as well. as for the others, the partnership is about to change. with unending patience, the pair rehearses the steps they will need to transfer the egg from the mother to the father. they practice this clumsy ballet dozens of times, if need be. and then with great care, they will dance it. ♪
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>> and now begins one of nature's most incredible and endearing role reversals. it is the penguin male that will tend the couple's single egg while the mother feeds and gathers food to bring back for the newborn. it is the father who will shield the egg from the violent winds and cold. he will make a nest for the egg atop his own claws, keeping it safe and warm beneath a flap of skin on his belly. and he will do this for more than two months. ♪
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♪ >> having passed the egg, the exhausted female must depart quickly. she must eat soon, or she will die. as the winter progresses, the father will be severely tested. the mother will be tested, as well. her return trip to the sea is considerably more difficult than the original march to the nesting ground.
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it is colder now, and she will have lost almost a third of her body weight producing the egg. she is literally starving. of course, the fathers are nearly starving, too, but for them, a meal is far off in the distance. by the time their vigil atop the egg is over, the penguin fathers will have gone without food of any kind for 125 days and they will have endured one of the most violent and deadly winters on earth, all for the chick. ♪
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as the fathers settle into their long wait at the breeding ground, the winter's second storm arrives. the temperature is now 80 degrees below zero, that's without taking into account the wind, which can blow 100 miles an hour. though they can be aggressive during the rest of the year, at this time, the males are totally
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docile, a united and cooperative team. they brace against the storm by merging their thousand bodies into a single mass. they will take turns, each of them getting to spend sometime near the center of the huddle where it's warmer. as they move about, the fathers will balance their eggs like tight rope walks.
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>> they can hold their breath for over 15 minutes, and dive to a depth of 1700 feet. approaching the sea floor itself to feed on fish, krill and squid. ♪ >> they will also skim along the ice just below the ocean's surface searching for any fish that may have lodged there. while the mothers finally fill their empty bellies, the fathers cling to life on the surface trying to keep the eggs safe and warm.
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the wind will occasionally bring snow to quench the males' thirst. they have been without food for over three months. each day brings them closer to exhaustion and starvation. eventually, some, usually the older ones, will simply fall asleep and disappear. (typing) ♪ we are now in a position to look at the other worlds
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of our solar system. ♪ our values call upon us to care about the lives of people we will never meet. ♪ we realize the importance of light when we see darkness. ♪ peace, democracy and freedom for all. ♪ age is sinking in for david beckham. ♪ for my mother. ♪ when you finally get to that point of acceptance there's nothing more beautiful. ♪ say my name. ♪
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♪ with the snap of its jaws, the leopard seal actually takes two lives, that of the trapped mother and that of her unborn chick who will never be fed. by july, the females know it is time to return to their nest. and so for the third time and so for the third time this year, the mothers take the long walk. only this time, they walk in the dark.
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liking your flat rate shipping. fedex one rate. really makes my life easier. maybe a promotion is in order. good news. i got a new title. and a raise? management couldn't make that happen. [ male announcer ] introducing fedex one rate. simple, flat rate shipping with the reliability of fedex. the day building a play set begins with a surprise twinge of back pain... and a choice. take up to 4 advil in a day or 2 aleve for all day relief. [ male announcer ] that's handy. ♪
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each day, more eggs will hatch but this check is hungry. he needs the food in his mother's belly. but his father is hungry, too. he has not been in nearly four months. if his mate doesn't arrive soon he will be forced to abandon his child and returned to the sea to feed himself. he will have no choice. ♪ but there is one secret weapon
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against the newborn's hunger. the father coughs up a milky substance. despite his own hunger this tiny meal has been relegated to a small piece of his throat just for this moment. this little ' will keep cit alive for a day, perhaps to . hopefully long enough for the mother to arrive. for some, it is already too late. ♪
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as the chick enjoys his first real meal, the father prepare es to sever the bond between them. it's not easy to do. the fathers have gone without food for over four months. they will have lost as much as half their weight. but still they must walk for over 70 miles. this leg of the journey may be why there are fewer males than females. each year, some of these new fathers will not make it back to the sea. ♪
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i've got a big date, but my sinuses are acting up. it's time for advil cold and sinus. [ male announcer ] truth is that won't relieve all your symptoms. new alka seltzer plus-d relieves more symptoms than any other behind the counter liquid gel. oh what a relief it is. adt can help you turn on a few lights... ♪
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i'm at the cnn weather center with the powerful storm battling the northeast right now. more than 1,000 flights have already been cancelled for friday and more can be expected. the hardest hit is chicago o'hare and boston's logan airport has stopped its flights until later friday morning. live in boston and you have been
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out there a few hours, i suppose you have felt the temperature dropping. >> we are feeling the temperature dropping and the winds picking up, we are also feeling the snow coming down and this no accumulating here on the ground. we have a ruler and if you recall the last time it was about two hours ago and we had seven inches of snow. i will put it in and we are just under ten inches. we are close to ten inches and for boston the forecast is 14 inches and we are still expecting it to snow for another couple of hours. five or six hours. it is bad in boston and worse and other places especially along the east coast. cape cod and the area around there some place is expecting two feet of snow. some counties already have 18 inches of snow that have come on the ground. we are seeing there are a lot of
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snow plows through the streets but they are having a difficult time. you can see this note piling up. it is because this note is very light, the snowflakes are light and the draft a lot. a lot of wind and difficult for the plows to keep up. this is the weather you have all around and it will make things very difficult for international travelers and, of course, for the residents of these areas as well. >> absolutely. take care. we will bring you updates on the storm. for now we'll send you back to "march of the penguins." of the t at 1406 35th street the old dining table at 25th and hoffman. ...and the little room above the strip mall off roble avenue. ♪ this magic moment it is the story of where every great idea begins. and of those who believed they had the power to do more. dell is honored to be part of some of the world's great stories. that began much the same way ours did. in a little dorm room -- 2713.
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there's nothing like being your own boss! and my customers are really liking your flat rate shipping. fedex one rate. really makes my life easier. maybe a promotion is in order. good news. i got a new title. and a raise? management couldn't make that happen. [ male announcer ] introducing fedex one rate. simple, flat rate shipping with the reliability of fedex.
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as spring arrives, the ice packs near the ocean's edge begin to melt, shortening the distance between the sea and the breeding ground. it isn't long before the fathers return, their bellies heavy with food. the chicks will gather at once to meet them and sound their calls. the returning fathers will circle the excited newborns and listen. until he hears his chick call.
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some will never find their change. the newborn will have died from cold or hunger or at the hands of some predator. but for those that do find their young, the reunion is a joyful one. and very quickly, the young chick's belly will be full again. for the next several months, the parents will take turns shuttling back and forth to the sea for food.
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by september, the ice has begun to thin and crack. the sea gets closer, allowing the parents to go back and forth more frequently. the chicks' new coat of feathers is now thick and full, enough to protect them on their own. and by november, the ocean is within a few hundred yards of the breeding ground.
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the couples, locked for the past nine months in their ancient ritual of coming and going, will now part for the last time. and as their newest members look on, the tribe returns to their home at last. for the next three months, they will lavish in the rich and warmish waters of their short summer. they will feed and they will play, and in all likelihood, their chicks will never see them again.
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but third of the nation in the path of a norse storm. >> the temperatures are extreme and that is a hazard not just for ice conditions but the impact on human beings. >> air travel snarled, thousands of flights cancelled and communities at a standstill. classes are canceled, offices closed, highways shut down. >> the wind is crazy out here. if you d k
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