tv Around the World CNN January 3, 2014 9:00am-10:01am PST
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welcome to "around the world." i'm suzanne malveaux. people who live in snowy parts of the country know it's coming every year but this winter storm hitting is brutal. even for those tough folks out in new england. this was the morning commute in the boston today. most people wisely following city leaders advice to stay home. about 15 inches of snow accumulated in boston. it was twos feet deep. that was north of the city just overnight. a lot of problems with the big snowstorms, this being a major one. airline passengers, thousands of them, going nowhere. that's right. new york's laguardia airport
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broke out the could thes, blankets. a lot of folks are stuck there all night long. we are all over the east coast. the nor'easter moving on right now but the winter emergency is not going to go away this weekend. marguerite connly is in boston. brian stelter is in long island. poppy har local in laguardia and alexandra steele at the cnn weather center. margaret, you covered boston for many years. those folks, all the snow and the winter mess they've got, they are hardy but they're still impacted by all this today. >> hardy and they can endure, suzanne. some parts of massachusetts got up to two feet of snow. we were showing you this measuring stick yesterday. we saw only about 2 inches yesterday and it's well over a foot today. this is also an area that's been plowed but up to two feet in other areas. the snow is expected to taper off this afternoon. there's a lot of wind and a lot
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of chill. winds are expected to be up to 35 miles per hour. that's a windchill advisory out from the weather service. that's extending till 9:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. now, thaks windchill advisory, windchills can be low as low at 25 degrees below. the big concern here is travel. there's a lot of winds and very light snow and that's causing visibility concerns. logan airport stayed open. but their flights have been closed flights were canceled from 8:30 p.m. till noon today. we're not too far from logan airport. we've been keep agear out for flights going. i just got a call saying my flight tonight at 6:30 has been canceled. >> margaret, i think a lot of people don't realize what it takes. it looks so pretty. you're standing out in the snow. there's a lot of hard work behind the scenes. sometimes it's so code you can't even speak in the weather. how are you guys doing out there? how are the crews managing it
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today? >> well, suzanne, we all know when we're doing these live reports for a long extended time, the most important thing is access to a bathroom. and we've been very very lucky. there's a church right behind us. this is a parking lot for a church. they have been so kind. they've kept the door open 24 hours so we can sneak down into their basement and use the restroom. our truck also, i don't think you can see it from right here but the engineer has been working for 33 hours straight. he only took one hour off just so we could keep the show running >> margaret, that is tough duty. i don't think people can appreciate what you guys are going through. i remember we just had -- we were at the mercy of people who had come out and give us hot chocolate for free because they felt so badly for us out there. hang in there. we'll get through this. we know the public schools in new york city are closed. the governor has urged people to stay in their homes to be safe. brian stelter is live from new york on long island.
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we've been seeing you in a mound of snow throughout the day. explain what the mound of snow is all about. >> we're at a marriott. we have access to a bathroom thankfully and the hot chocolate being mentioned. we're out in the elements when we can. because we've seen plows going by, both private plows here at the hotel and out on the streets, you get these giant mounds of snow to make the storm look bigger than it actually is. i'm walking through a drift at least a foot high because the wind has been up 25, 30 miles per hour sometimes gusting to 40. . when it kicks up as it is right now, definitely stings your face and makes you wish you were anywhere but here. this is a day off for a lot of school children but it's just too cold to be out sledding. it's just too nippy to be out there. this snow will be sticking around for a while because we're going to have cold temperatures for days. maybe as it warms up, maybe next week, the kids can take advantage of all this.
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>> maybe by monday. brian, i know it's cold. it's windy out there. it's hard to talk. there is a street behind there you. are there a lot of streets closed off at this point or how is the traffic? >> no longer. overnight the long island expressway right behind me here was shut down from midnight till 8:00 a.m. in order to help the plows treat the roads. turns out salt, which is usually used on these rods isn't really effective out here. it's too cold. so there is some sand being put down to try to create some traction. some of those usual steps for clearing roads aren't effective today. the road's open. the highways are open here. traffic is moving pretty much at speed. but there's not many cars out here because thankfully, most people are staying home. >> brian, try to stay home if you can. parts of new york, massachusetts it under blizzard war. more than 2,000 mites have been
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cancelled. poppy harlow is live at laguardia airport. we have learned i think just one runway has reopened at jfk. is that right? there are flights being able to take off and go? >> that's exactly right. the way you have to look at this is step by step, progress is being made. one runway is open at jfk out of four. we're told they're trying to get a second open shortly. we'll update you in the next hour. overall 2,094 flights in and out of the united states canceled today. you see all those yellow are canceled flights here at laguardia, the bulk of them coming at newark. over 300 at laguardia, over 200 at jfk. about 2300 flights were cancelled in all of yesterday. we're almost to that number already today. it's ticking up literally by the minute. how are they dealing with this? more than 200 pieces it of equipment are on the runways trying to clear them at the major three airports in this
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area. at the same time, the progress i mentioned at the top is that all of the airports along the northeast are the open in some way or another after we had a ground stop at newark overnight. we had zero visibility at jfk. so limited basis in terms of flights in and out of these airports. here at laguardia, flights trying to come in here in the early morning hours were diverted we're told because of visibility was so poor. that was because of the condition of the snow being so light and flaky, it was being chipped up by high winds, did i verted to other airports. things are looking better now. for so many passengers it doesn't feel better at all. >> poppy, i noticed that you've got folks behind you. they look like they're hanging in there. they're not too discouraged, at least smiles and joking going on behind you. talked to other folks earlier today who were in pretty long lines but were not so happy. >> i mean, incredible the way they're dealing withing this impreys me. we'll show you the video we took
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of this line. when i walked in here this morning, i said what is this line? it's the line for just american airlines for all the folks that have cancel the flights trying to rebook. so we went to the front, we met luciana rodriguez ho had been waiting in that line for three hoursivity having new york from brazil. here's her take. >> how long have you waited in in line? >> three hours. >> three hours? >> yeah. >> from brazil trying to go where? >> chicago. >> you just got called. >> i should let you go. >> okay. >> how difficult has this been for you, just to get to chicago? >> well, probably we were leaving on monday. >> not leaving until monday. that is the best hope for her. so many people facing it. i spent time talking to the airport workers here. one of the gate agents told me she said i haven't been home since yesterday. there were three of us here this morning. we're trying to get as many workers to come here and help all these people but they're
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having a really, really difficult time just getting here. >> yeah. i can imagine. poppy, i don't know. i don't mean to give her a hard time. if i lived in brazil, i would not be headed to chicago right now. i'd stay in brazil. >> i know. i felt stow bad for her. >> i lived in chicago. the storm impacting a lot of folks. about 100 million people in 22 states. alexandra steele is at the cnn weather center. i'm starting to feel guilty just being inside seeing how people are roughing this. >> suzanne, poppy talking to the people out there working for a day or two, haven't been home, compare that to the people in antarctica stuck on the ship in a week. the storm was a quick hitter. models just nailing this forecast. so all of the snow is gone. a little snow here on the cape. other than that, it's the winds and the cold certainly. how much did we see? kind of right on the money if we compare this to our forecast. it's spot on.
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boston 147.6. albany, new york, at 7. worcester, massachusetts, 6.2. philadelphia at 6. central park in new york at 6. want to show you some of the greater totals. boxford, mass, 23, tops for north of boston. 19 so certainly you get the picture. so this has been the storm from my perspective with the radar. take a look at the storm from your perspective. some of these i-reports. thank you so much for sending them. we'll things off and show you what we've got in terms of new york city. we've seen all of this. six inches of snow and also from new york to chicago. we've been getting incredible i-reports coming in. you can see the graffiti around from tyson's corner, virginia, beautiful pictures of new york. lincoln park at the zoo also. you can see this is what happens. look at the danger of that. people out there enjoying withgologies and skiing from new york to tyson's corner to washington and to the zoo, 10 inches in new york at central
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park and lincoln park zoog 10 inches. just an incredible amount. also what we've seen, so the snow has fallen kind of on spot what we expected. look at these beautiful pictures but believe it or not, the cold is coming. suzanne, and even colder. look at this. next week, colder, colder arctic air moving in. places actually in minnesota, they've already canceled schools for next monday. in chicago, we could see some of the coldest air in 17 years. cold morning temperatures. these are morning temperatures. these are not even windchills. 30 below. we've got an incredible -- what a winter this is turning out to be. extreme is the new normal. we certainly know that and an certainly the beginning of this year is no exception. >> i feel very lucky we're inside today covering this amazing it story. but our intrepid reporters out there from all angles. thank you very much, margaret, brian, poppy and alexandra, we'll bring all of this to you
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as it develops. just below here, this is where we're using every square inch of the screen to bring you all the latest information it, the current conditions, forecasts, closings, want to keep you up to date throughout the day. please stay watching. it's going to be a very important day to watch the weather. here's more what we're working on. a bomb exploding in germany. officials think it could be one that was left over from, if you believe this or not, world war ii. also, the winter olympics, they are only a few weeks away. security still a big concern. up next, russian president vladimir putin arriving in sochi to inspect the venues. plus, it is not just for smoking anymore. there is a whole world of food marijuana. everything from candy to coffee to tea. >> want a protein packed pot fix? try the peanut butter. gluten free? no problem.
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and ask us all about our auto features, like guaranteed repairs, where if you get into an accident and use one of our certified repair shops, your repairs are guaranteed for life. so call... to talk with an insurance expert about everything that comes standard with our base auto policy. and if you switch, you could save up to $423. liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? we're bringing you extensive live coverage of the powerful winter storm that is slamming the northeast but first want to take a quick look at other news
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around the world. secretary of state john kerry is intensifying his push for a lasting peace deal between israelis and palestinians meeting with mahmoud abbas after talks yesterday with israel's prime minister. benjamin netanyahu expressed fresh doubts whether palestinians are committed to peace. while the palestinians accuse account israeli lead ear of sabotaging peace talks with a recent announcement of new settlements. world war ii ended nearly 70 years ago but it might still be claiming victims. a construction worker was killed and at least 13 others hurt in an explosion in germany. officials think the blast came from a bomb left over from the world war ii era. it is believed there already many unexploded bombs still in germany that were dropped by allied forces. three members of a bomb squad were killed trying to defuse one back in 2010. cambodia, demands for better pay have now turned deadly.
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military policed open fire today on garment workers protesting for higher wages. at least three people were killed, sell more were hurt. police made dozens of arrests. the rallies began last week but have gotten more intense in the last couple of days with demonstrators throwing rocksen an setting a big fire in the streets. workers want their wage doubled to $160 per month. the government has offered them $100 per month. russian president vladimir putin is in sochi today inspecting olympic venues just weeks before the city hosts the winter games. jill dougherty is joining us. is this just a symbolic move or is he really going from place to place checking stuff out? >> you know, i think it's both. but there's a lot of image control going on. i mean, think of the last few days. we've been reporting almost every day about those bombs that
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took place in volgograd and the images on tv both around the world and in russia have been death and destruction and a lot of fear about what's going to happen at those olympics. so look at the video from today. president putin goes down to the region where the olympics are going to take place. the skies are blue. look at that snow. he has a great snow you know ski outfit on. he looks very vigorous. don't forget, this is mr. ma cho image that we've been seeing a lot of this. he didn't have a bare chest but he had a great snow jacket on. i think all of these images are important. number one, he's going to the scene that everybody's worried about. he's going to sochi. number two, he looks vigorous. he doesn't look scared. number three, he's going around to the locations where not only the sochi olympics will be taking in place but in june, the
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g-will be taking place. so very important venue and very important for him to send that message that everything's okaying >> jill, i mean, how likely is it that you know, he leaves the venues that this might be the place where it would be a lot easier to actually have some sort of terrorism attack when he's not around? >> well, i think that if you talk to experts and you really look at what's going on, they are going to be covering that venue which is the downtown sochi area as well as the resort where the ski jumps, et cetera, they're going to be covering that with security. and so far, it looks as if they have, well, let's say, i don't know enough. but let's say a massive show of security. what's going to happen is, are you still have the possibility that in outside of sochi, outside of that area in that region, which is really you'd have to argue, a war zone, that there could be activities such as the vo go grad bombings and
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it could happen unfortunately in moss quo's st. petersburg and other cities. so that i think is what we're going to be dealing with. if the terrorists can't get to the olympics which you know they want to do, and they've said they do, then they're going to try to get to other plays, unfortunately. >> jill, thank you very much. we appreciate that. this is one day after airlifting 52 people from this ship that was stuck in the antarcti antarctica. well, now, an interesting twist. the rescuers might need rescuing. we've got a live report on new trouble for the crews there at the bottom of the world. that straight ahead.
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we've had some pretty heavy know in the united states this week and had around the world. there are several photos that caught our eye, as well. this is in chicago. they will of course, having some fun, taking van of all the snow. families enjoying the snow holiday by sledding down the icy hills. this is homewood park. there are some parts of chicago that have been hit with more
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than 16 inches. chicago's a really fun place to be. in new york, firefighters digging out their firehouse. this is in brooklyn. this is after 8 inches of snow. new york city schools, they were forced to close today. long island expressway also shut down. take a look at this. this is india. we've been experiencing heavy snowfall. this is since tuesday. i love that snowman. this guy had to climb up a ladder to actually carve out the huge snowman. it's that big. even added some hair and look at that little smiley face there. got to love it. we'll be back with much, much more. ♪
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responsibility. what's your policy? these guy ooze capital get a break. just when you thought it was mission accomplished for the rescuers at the bottom of the world. think again. now it appears the rescuers themselves may need to be rescued. we're talking about the chinese ship that provided the helicopters that ferried 52 people from this research ship that was stuck in the antarctic
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ice. matthew chance has been following the twists and turns of this. this is just amazing. he joins us from london here. we've been seeing videos of people dancing and having a great time all week. now you've got rescuers now stuck, right? they're just stuck. are they as happy and optimistic they're going to get out of this thing? >> i can't imagine they are. in fact, one of the crew members on board the ship where those 52 passengers were supposed to be being taken back to dry land has told us that you know, everyone feels really sorry for the chinese crew because they only came to lend what they thought would be a helping hand. they've ended up getting stuck themselves. and they're going to be there though for apparently just for a couple more days. the pack ice around their ice breaker, the snow dragon has frozen solid, making it impossible for them to get out of it themselves. they've got plenty of food looking on the sup side. they're not in any immediate danger. but everyone's getting a much
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longer white christmas, suzanne, than they bargained for. >> social media has played a role huge role in the story. people were making video journals and blogging about the whole thing. we had a sense how they felt about all this. what about the rescuers? are there any stories emerging from where they are? >> i think for the rescuers it's been much less fun, put it this way. the passengers, the scientists, tourists on the expedition to the and and t -- antartic and celebrated the holiday spirit, as well. for the rescuers, it's been much more of a chag. there have been three separate attempts from ice breakers from three different countries to reach these individuals. they finally called off all attempts, abandoned all efforts to try to get to them by sea and got there by helicopter instead after the winds had died down.
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there are ferocious antarctic blizzards. they finally got them off and they were hoping they were going to be taking them home, but now they've got to stay there and do more work. >> all right. matthew, keep up with them if you will. we've got to follow this to the very end. we hope they're going to be all right. appreciate this. >> we have. >> all right. >> well, one winter emergency comes and goes. there's another one that is right behind it. watch this. >> this is libertyville, illinois near the shore of lake michigan. now, they got slammed with snow overnight just in time for the temperatures to start dropping. we are talking about dropping a lot. forecasters say the lows around chicago this weekend will drop below zero and stay below zero for several days. ted rollins is in naperville, illinois and rene marsh in washington, d.c., you guys are brave. ted, i lived in chicago.
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i know it is rough going there. but they will have pride. i mean, they deal with the cold, severe cold winter after winter. did they expect this? >> well, yeah. definitely expect it coming. you hope it doesn't. a couple winters ago, we had a great winter. there was hardly any days like this. it happens. we were down to 10 below here in the naperville area just west of the city of chicago this morning. it's starting to warm up now. it's going to warm up through tonight into tomorrow. then we are going to get hit with a doozy. it's going to be arctic blast time we're talking about temperatures with minus 6 being the high during the day, going down to minus 20 in some areas in the chicago area. and that's not just in the illinois. it's the midwest in minneapolis, they're talking minus 30 without the windchill. in fact, the governor of minnesota has canceled school on
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monday for the entire state. we're talking about dangerously cold weather coming starting sunday night into morning with a little bit of break tomorrow. so i think people here and around the midwest are going to be out tomorrow doing everything and huddled up on monday. sitting by the fire with a nice warm cup of coffee. >> yeah, today is a good day to run the errands before the real chill hits. tell us about o'hare real quick. are the planes moving? >> yeah, getting much better. midway had a stop going on with southwest airline this morning. that has stopped. they're back flying at midway, as well. o'hare has picked up on the backlog. much better situation today than it was yesterday at both airports here in chicago. >> last two days, more than 4,000 flights have been canceled because of the storm. many highways closed because of the blizzard conditions wreaking havoc on a lot of people trying to get around. rene, what does it look like from washington.
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>> here's a snapshot. more than 2,000 cancellations so far today and nearly 3,000 delays. you saw ted out there. it looks miserable. if you're traveling it's miserable too, especially if you're going by air and in the problem areas. this is flightaware's misery map. very fitting title. if you look at new york city, large percentage of cancellations and delays, same thing with d.c. same thing in massachusetts. this map is only looking at a four-hour block. at this hour as i speak to you in realtime, in chicago, they are seeing the most number of cancellations and delays. 2378 delays, 31 cancellations and this shows you the red and orange lines where you're seeing all of the problems. going to dallas, going to atlanta, going to new york city. and if we look at specific airlines again, this is from flightaware, we can kind of drill down a little bit. we can tell that you southwest at this hour has roughly 260
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cancellations. american airlines about 152 cancellations. so this is what the story looks like. it makes a lot of sense because they have to get those runways cleared up and have to make sure that it is safe for these planes to come in and take off. suzanne? >> rene i usually travel over the weekend to the d.c. area. glad i'm staying it put this weekend. a lot of schools have been canceled in many different cities. are people still going to work at this point or are people basically hunkered down for the next couple days? >> we can tell you, new york, we saw a shot there. l.i.e. was shut down. the i-87 in new york was shut down. they have since reopened. however, they are saying just because these roads are open doesn't mean that people should be on them, that blowing snow is still making it tough to see if you're drive. we did see that will new jersey's governor tweeted out roads are looking better in boston, they're saying they're getting their roads cleaned up.
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but still they are stressing they do not want people on the roads. we did a little digging and when p we saw out there in new york when it's this cold, the salt doesn't necessarily work that well. so one county in philadelphia in pennsylvania i should say, what they're doing is they're using beet juice with the salt and they say it's actually working. it's helping to make that salt melt the icy roads. >> beet juice? who thought of beet juice? >> they're testing it. and they say that it it is actually working. a chim cal in the beet juice mixed with salt is speeding up the action of that salt melting the ice. so hey, you got to get creative when you have a situation like that. >> it's good for you too, beet juice. good in many different bapz might, as well give it a try. ted rowlands, rene marsh, thank you very much. just a reminder to all of you, check out the bottom of your screen throughout the day. it has a lot of information where the nor'easter is headed,
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temperatures, road closings as well as airports and the like. keep up with the news throughout the day. people in great britain are hunkering down, as well for some severe weather of their own. a storm system will hit the country with heavy rain and strong winds. could batter the island for several days. forecasters saying conditions along with high tides will trigger serious flooding in towns and villages along the coastline. government officials are telling folks and power companies expect the worst. 2013 was the deadliest year for iraqi civilians since 2008. that is right. now we're hearing that militants with al qaeda ties are threatening to take over two major cities. is the government losing control? we're going to talk to the former u.s. ambassador to iraq coming up next. 0000000000000000 we do? i took the trash out. i know. and thank you so much for that. i think we should get a medicare supplement insurance plan.
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the state department says that south sudan has now got on too dangerous, and it has evacuated more staff from the embassy there, all americans left in the country are being urged to get out. as of tomorrow, the embassy won't be able to help any u.s. citizens still there. fighting between ribbebel force and government troops has gotten more intense. the government forces are about
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to retake a town from the rebels. peace talks to stop the nighting are under way in ethiopia. there's a lot of pressure for both sides to figure out how to deal with about 200,000 people who have fled the violence. there is now some alarming news coming out of iraq. "the new york times" is reporting that sunni militants with ties to al qaeda could take over two major cities. we are talking about fallujah and ramadi. the times says the milt tants set fire to police stations, taken over mosques and fallujah you might recall is the city where many american troops died trying to defend defense ministry of baghdad says iraq's air force has been carrying out military strikes in the area and killing terrorists. to sort all of this out, i want to bring in christopher hill, former u.s. ambassador to iraq. appreciate this. you and i have talked many times
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about what on earth is going on in iraq. it seems to be a hot mess now. explain how this is related to the civil war in syria which is now turning into a regional war that has spilled into not only lebanon but now iraq. >> you've got it. it has turned into a regional war. it is not to say that there aren't internal issues in iraq. but i think the prime issue is you have syria becoming a kind of magnet for every sunni islamist to come and fight. and certainly one of the great struggles for the sunnis in that region of the middle east is the fact that the shia now control iraq. and a few years ago, the u.s. military did a lot. they first of all, helped seal the border to prevent foreign fighters or to linlt foreign fighters from coming into iraq. secondly, they worked with sunni sheikhs in the anbar area where the two cities are located to
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turn them and get them to support the government in the baghdad. so that is proving much more problematic right now. and many of those sunni sheikhs are really afraid to strike out against the al qaeda elements. so it's very discouraging news for people who have worked so hard to try to stabilize that country and certainly i think dangerous. >> chris, you're talking about sunni militants. they're angry the way they're being treated by the shiite government of nuri al malakar. and now they're an ined with al qaeda. how do you stop something like that? >> you know, i mean, i realize esthere's certainly a body of thought that somehow the shia-led government under nuri al malaki has not done enough to be inclusive of the sunnis and that this has led to some frustrations but i would encourage the viewers to understand this problem is embedded in a broader region,
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namely in the sort of met tas ta sized is syrian crisis. to be sure, malaki could do better. i don't deny that for a minute but i think right now, to kind of blame the shia for this kind of level of sunni violence is to some extent really to blame the victim. so i think alla can i -- malaki going to have to see what he can do to meet this challenge militarily. he's going to have a challenge keeping shia groups from reforming into militia from keeping a more radicalized shia population. it's going to be tough. >> chris, i've got to ask you this. it certainly seems this has escalated since american troops pulled out at the end of 2011. president bush went in there saying this was going to be some place of peace in the middle east, that this was going to be some sort of model. do you see where the u.s. got involved at all? is there any success here or is this just really ultimately a
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failure? >> well, i mean, certainly the question of iraq and the invasion is something that history books will look at for a long time. obviously, a lot of good things have happened. certainly one can't spend ten minutes in the country without thinking it was a good thing that saddam hussein is gone. but the notion that the united states or specifically the u.s. military could deal with some of the political, the underlying sectarian and political issues, those are issues that need to be sorted out by the iraqis and it's going to take some time. >> would you advise the obama administration to start bringing american troops back into iraq if things just simply turn into turmoil? i mean, it is the mess that the united states in some ways created. >> well, first of all, i don't think we created the mess. i think the sunni/shia problem has been there for a long time. we will may have underappreciated thinking the real fault line in iraq was somehow between those who is believe in democracy and those who is believe in dictatorship. i think the real fault lines have to do with the fact that
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iraq is one of these countries sort of on the edge between the arab and persian world, between the arab and turkish world. it is one of these countries that will always have these kinds of issues depending how well they're able to deal with it. right now with a completely unmitigated situation disaster situation in syria, i don't think there's a lot of iraqi government, even if it were god's gift to governments i don't think they would have an easy time. >> do you think it would help to bring back american troops? >> no, i don't think that is a realistic prospect. certainly i don't think there's a lot of stomach for it in this country. i don't think it's really what the solution requires. i think it's going to have to involve a lot of political work. and some security work to be sure by the iraqi government. >> all right. ambassador chris hill, thank you as always. good to speak to you. we'll be following that story as it develops. certainly a lot of problems taking place and it is very
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worrisome. chris, thanks again. really appreciate it. people are scrambling right now at big airports, midwest to northeast. take a look at this. this is actually the line at laguardia. there is a window of time between major storm part one and part two. that is right. flights being canceled left and ride today. travelers. stay for an update. we'll have that next. [ male announcer ] this is betsy. her long day of pick ups and drop offs begins with arthritis pain... and a choice. take up to 6 tylenol in a day or just 2 aleve for all day relief. all aboard. ♪
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the french hospital where michael schumacher lies in a coma. today is the racing legend's 45th birthday. he injured his head on sunday in a skiing accident. today he's being said to be in critical but stable condition. we wish him the very best. a huge drug bust in china. authorities say three tons of crystal meth were seized. more than 180 people arrested. the raid took place in a village in southern china's gong dong province. more than a fifth of the households were suspected of having ties to the production or trafficking of drugs. the operation involves some 3,000 police and pair ral military sources who swooped in using helicopters, speed boats, trucks and vans. governor of minnesota has already said no school on
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monday. it is just going to be too cold. this is the first time since the mid-'90s that the weather has closed every school in the state of minnesota. but that is days away. right now, more than 2,000 flights have been canceled all over the country today. they've got deep snow, ice, heavy backlog of flights that couldn't get out yesterday. they're throwing the travel plans for a lot of folks into chaos as you can imagine. richard quest tell us what kind of mess the winter storm is covering and causing the airline industry. i imagine, this is impacting what, airports all over the world? >> yeah, and this is flight board. you probably can't see it closely. but this is flight board. this shows you all the cancellations that are currently taking place just at newark. the ones in red are cancellations. and the delays and the list just goes on and on. particularly to those flights that are going into the midwest region. and what you have to understand is what is now happening in aviation.
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have you conflicting different priorities. first of all, you've got the airlines that want to get some key flights out. long haul. hong kong, london, singapore. you want to get your big international flights gone because they will create more problems for you because you haven't got as many frequencies. then you've got to get the runways and taxiways clear. you've got to the ensure the safe operation of the airline. but also, you now need to start proactively canceling flights on saturday. sunday, maybe even into monday so that you can rebuild the schedule as fast as possible when conditions can become normal again. that's what the airlines are absolutely expert at doing. they've done this many times. it's a sophisticated complicated operation. look, suzanne, no doubt about it. if you're sitting at lagardia,
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o'hare, minnesota, detroit metro, jfk, it looks chaotic to you. i promise you, the airlines are playing three dimensional chess at the moment. and that's what they're about. trying to get people as many people to their destinationing >> richard, i know one of the big things they do, they desize the planes. that's a big part of this. i think we've got video. you were part of de-icing a plane at one point? >> i went to oslo to learn how the real experts do it. i not only got a chance to clear a runway but to desize a plane. this is another reason why it takes so long because not only do you push back from the gate before you can take off, the wings, sometimes the fuselage, sometimes the rear of the aircraft has to be desized for safe flying. it all takes time. and that is why these delays start to mushroom. the more they mushroom, then the airline has to create this fire break by saying all right, we've
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got to get that plane over there, that crew over there, those passengers over there. let's cancel 30 flights here so that in three days time, we're in a better position to get ourselves flying again. it's not pretty. i promise you that. but it works. >> as much as i love you, richard, i would not on that plane after seeing you de-icing it if you were at the controls of the de-icer. you can do a lot of things, but de-icing a plane? >> neither would i. >> i can imagine. let's seats how everybody travels over the weekend here. good to see you as always. marijuana people can sink their teeth into this one. we are talking about candy, cookies, all sorts of other treats made with something extra, the growing edible weed industry up next.
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marijuana for foodies. that's right. possibilities endless as entrepreneurs look for ways to cash in on the growing weed industry. business now picking up. now that it's legal to buy recreational weed in stores across colorado. anna cabrera takes a look. >> reporter: hello, gange gourmet. >> forget about smoking a joint. >> we have all the edibles you can imagine. >> we're not just talking pot brownies. >> this is a 70 milligram
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pumpkin pie. >> today the world of marijuana edibles is reaching new extremes. >> hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of different products. >> you're inside denver's gange gourmet, once a medical marijuana restaurant. now a pot product supermarket of sorts specializing in marijuana infused candy, cookies and crispy treats. >> if you have a sweet tooth, that is a good way to go. >> plus coffee and -- >> chamomile tea. >> there's something sure to make everyone happy. >> try the peanut butter. gluten free, no problem. diabetic? how about a sugar free sucker? but why edibles. >> and the reason can i choose edibles because i'm not into the whole smoking. i'll do it every once in awhile but i cough a lot more. >> easy on the lungs, odor free. some say it's easier to control dosing >> how do you know the dosage is what you say it is?
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>> we make our hash oil. that's the base of all of our products. if the hash oil tests out at this percentage of thc and this percentage of the other ca nab ba noids, then we can actually dottie quayions and math to break down what i want. >> morgan is in the business of making marijuana edibles. cultivation uses hash oil to create cannabis infused candies. >> what do you call this place. >> this is the lab. >> iverson is one of dozens budding edible businesses part of the estimated $1.5 billion marijuana industry which could quadruple in just a few years. >> we like our back lava here. >> the often is busy baking up back lava, a top seller netting $3,000 a month. >> buttery goodness. >> here it's all about the can na butter.
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the results a hypoenttency thc product is baked into each treat. >> how many different items do you guys make? >> we have about 44 different products. >> in three years her customer list has grown from three dispensaries to 40 and that's just for medical marijuana sales. >> what do you anticipate with ache creational satisfactorily marijuana? >> craziness. >> yet, state and local regulators are working to keep things under control. while marijuana edibles aren't currently regulated by the fda, colorado marijuana infused food producers will have to follow new rules in the new year. >> one of the new rules with marijuana edibles has to do with child resistant packaging. meaning it has to come in an opaque package and it has to have a two-step process to opening it. >> keeping people even safe especially children is a high priority for this industry sunday scrutiny. the world is watching. >> we consider ourselves pioneers in the end of
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prohibition. >> as cannabis focused kitchens take a bigger bite out marijuana market. >> thanks for watching "around the world." have a safe and good afternoon. have a safe and good afternoon. "cnn newsroom" starts right now. -- captions by vitac -- right now, look at that, boston, new york, washington, the snow is letting up but high winds and freezing temperatures, they're sticking around. cnn covering every angle. right now, it's a balmy 6 degrees at lambeau field in green bay. the forecast for sunday's game 8 below zero with windchills down to 30 below. you heard that right. packer fans and players are bracing for the coldest games since the 1967 ice bowl. bart starr was the packer quarterback during that game. we'll join us today to talk about it. and right now, u.s. marines are forced to del
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