tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN January 3, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm PST
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will be tough to play robin hood. people cling to their power and their money and bill de blasio ris risks alienating both sides. good luck. america is watching. "ac 360" starts now. if you've been snowed under, iced over, kept home, it's not over yet. get ready to chill out. the latest on a snowstorm turning into a cold-blooded monster. and a major development in the heart breaking case of jah jahi mcmath. declared dead by the coroner but very much alive in the eyes of her family. the high speed finally to actor paul walker's life. that, a debate on how physically fit women should be if they want to be marines, the price of pot in denver and a whole lot more. but i want to begin with the
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big freeze. take a look outside, 360 headquarters in manhattan and the sign says it all. look closely as we focus in, wow. yeah, 13, 13 fahrenheit and dropping, dropping like a rock. it will be one degree later tonight and that's down right toasty compared to other places around the country. in boston, they are expecting six below zero. and that doesn't factor in the windchill. the frosty second act of a storm that cost a dozen people their lives. more from 360s gary tuchman. >> reporter: it's not just the snow. it's not just the extreme cold. it's the snow combined with the extreme cold. >> it's nasty out here. very nasty. i could have stayed home, i would have stayed home. >> reporter: and in the east, the midwest, the upper midwest and the plains, gail forced
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winds added to the mix. >> treacherous. >> reporter: in the long island new york area it was shut down for hours by the governor. >> there is one thing we learned from super storm sandy, we can never be too prepared. >> reporter: drivers on other rods had white knuckle experiences. >> doing not too bad with the roads on the main roads but side roads are horrible. >> reporter: in new jersey a passenger bus slammed into the building. >> i heard a loud boom. i thought it was a dump truck or a salt truck with the plow falling and then i hear loud screams. >> reporter: fortunately, nobody was seriously hurt. there have been more accidents than anyone can keep track of. a school bus slid off a hill and into a ditch in springfield, missouri. ca cars overturned in vermont and this tractor trailer jackknifed severely tieing up traffic on the interstate. in new york city, more than 2400
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plows and salt trucks hit the streets and grave concern over the homeless. the new mayor of new york city was shoveling snow in front of his modest home. >> i want to encourage thoughtful questions during this. >> reporter: later the mayor bill de blasio did take questions and gave answers. >> if you do not need to travel today, please stay home. >> reporter: farther north in the boston area, even more snow and more cold led to mystery and lead to evacuations in coastal areas. south of boston looked like the north pole. so did another new england coastal community, hampton beach new hampshire where drivers are going to a local garage for jump starts. >> the first time i had to jump start it. the coldest it's been i think. >> reporter: in nebraska, south of omaha, a building housing multiple businesses caught fire. it was so cold the water from the fire hoses froze instantly. >> our main concern right now is with the water flowing and slips and falls, because everything is
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turning interest ice right on the sidewalk. >> reporter: airports all over the country are affected with more than 2400 flights cancelled on friday alone. thousands of people camped out in terminals, including these soldiers at laguardia trying to get back. >> trying to get back' soon as possible. >> reporter: for some the weather was an excuse to have fun and this family in maine took boiling water and made it become snow. >> here we go. >> snow. >> reporter: there is more where that came from because another storm and colder weather is on it's way. gary tuchman, cnn. >> not exactly surprising and certainly not good, all the same. to get a better idea how bad it is and how cold it's going to get and what is coming next, let's g to the expert, alexandria steel. lay it on me. how bad is it going to get? >> all right. let's just look at what we have. this is what we've seen. boston computer models nailing
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this. 14.5 inches in boston, even in albany, six philadelphia as well as in central park. there were really big numbers, too. you can see in places like massachusetts, tops field north of boston, 19.5. willi ing ton, delaware pickingp 9.5 inches. it's cold out there tonight. the cold air behind the nor'easter is in place. tonight at 11:00 in new york it will feel like eight below. it will feel like 18 below in boston and we're going to get to even colder air tomorrow morning, as well. still, windchills almost 10 to 20 degrees, ashley, below zero. >> why did i hear it will get worse next week? >> it is. the coldest arctic outbreak in the past two decades, coming. the heart of the outbreak monday and tuesday. so this is not even it. what we have now, now that temperatures are cold but the winds have been so strong, that's keeping the windchills really quite memorable. but with this outbreak, the air
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itself is a lot colder. so, minnesota schools already closing for monday. why? a high, too cold for school. high 15 below, windchill 50 below. kids are staying home in all of the state monday. chicago we're expecting the coldest air in 17 years and what we're going to see is the historic subfreezing stretch. below zero sunday to wednesday for chicago. so, how cold? take a look at minneapolis. high temperature monday 14 below, temperature actually, i know you know these numbers, almost 25 belee, straight temperature. chicago, that's the high, 20 below is the low for temperatures. but this one actually will move into the northeast, and what is so dramatic monday to tuesday. watch boston go from 50 to 15 and new york go from 47 to 11. >> ouch. >> so some very cold -- it will be so dramatic to drop 30 degrees in a day.
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>> it's a little dramatic you had a minus 50 on the screen, alexandria. >> that's why kids aren't going to school monday. this is days from now. >> i'll remember growing up like that, minus 40 below windchill -- >> you went to school, though, right? >> i did. never a snow day. >> no jacket, no coat. >> no, i dressed like kenny from south park. >> get on that bus, kid and go. >> we walked, alexandra. thanks for the great news alexandra steel. i want to switch gears to the late breaking developments in a story we've been following. it's heart breaking no matter how you look at the story. the emotionally charged legal battle over jahi mcmath. she suffered complications of a counsel removal. her doctors and a judge have declared jahi brain-dead. under california law that means
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she's legally dead and to under score that today a county coroner issued a death certificate. that's fine but her family believes she's alive and could get better, and they are doing everything possible to keep her on a ventilator and move her to a facility where she'll get the care they say she needs and deserves. this afternoon, they and the hospital agreed on what to do next. and dan simon is in oakland and joins us now with the latest. so what was that agreement? >> reporter: well, hi, ashleigh. in court where this tragic case started. the two sides reached an agreement an outside medical team could come in and take jahi mcmath's body. that may sound simple but according to the hospital you're dealing with a deceased human and they say certain protocols
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need to be in place. on the other hand, the family says she's very much along and wants to take her to a long-term facility. this is what the family lawyer had to say outside of court. >> what we needed to know is that when all of the balls are in line, that we could move quickly and not have to then have any impediment so that we all understood what the protocol was and there would be no argument about how it would proceed or no unplease sentries at the hospital. this say victory in terms of getting us one step closer to move. >> so dan, the family sees this as a victory, but there are other serious issues at play. >> reporter: yeah, there is a big problem as far as the family is concerned because in order to take her to a long-term facility, certain procedures need to take place to be in that facility for an indefinite period of time, including inserting a feeding tube. now the hospital will not perform these procedures because they say it would be inappropriate to do so on what they say is a deceased person.
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and the judge is not going to compel them to do so and it's unclear if the family can get an outside doctor to do these procedures. as for the hospital lawyer, he said this outside of court and said he has one wish for this family. >> personally, it's horrible that this child has died. it's also horrible that it's so difficult for her family to accept that death, and i wish and i constantly think that wouldn't it be great if they were able to come to terms with the terrible tragic event and that i didn't have to stand here in front of you-all time after time. >> that was the hospital lawyer getting choked up at the end. this is such a difficult case, ashleigh. they said jahi is brain-dead, which is synonymous with being dead. >> clinical and emotional, dan
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simon, thank you for that report. coming up next, the marine corps broken new years resolution. they are delaying a mandate that female recruits do at least three after these, pullups. question is, what does that do with fighting and your ability to fight? anything. we'll ask two warriors, one male and one female. exploring the new economy of that. legal pot. recreational pot, and we're going to do this with someone that enjoys a novel job title, pot editor of a major american newspaper. ♪
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core, pull. i guess the core don't get theirs. >> full metal jacket private pile can't do it, either, three p pullups, that is part of a fitness requirement supposed to take effect on new year's day. instead, the marine core is delaying it. what is it exactly? why is it being delayed? >> they tested this new requirement at boot camp last year and the thing is so few female marines were able to do the three pullups, that officials started to get worried that if they put this standard into place, it was going to drive women right out of the core, they would get bad marks on fitness tests and have to do remedial training. it wouldn't look good for advancement and that wasn't the purpose of all this. so here is the basic. minimum they would have to do three pull ups but because so
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few were able to do that, the marines are now allowing them to choose instead to hang on the bar with a fixed arm for about 15 seconds and still pass without doing any pullups. >> so is there a big difference between the women have to do and men had to do? i thought they both had a minimum of three. >> you're absolutely right. at the lower level, no difference. the men have a higher bar to get a perfect score and the men don't have an option of the fixed arm, the hanging. the marines will admit that doesn't measure and build the kind of strength you need to haul heavy gear, to climb over walls, the things that a pull up can measure and build. >> so are they still looking into this? i mean, could we actually see this change? is there some data that they will be able to determine maybe this doesn't matter? >> i don't think that's going to happen. the pull up is basically here to stay. what they are going to do is
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basically look for ways to train women to do this pull up better. i talked to a former marine officer that said at one point she could do five and the first one was the hardest because she had never done it before. when girls are in gym class in school, they don't have to do pull ups. when young women start working out, many of them, quite hard pull ups are not really in that mix. they are not trying to build those big pectoral and upper body muscles, so pull ups aren't in the mix. i think what the marines are going to do now is dive in and figure outweighs to teach women how to do pull ups to get that number up, because it's obvious that women are capable of doing pullups, just many women haven't done them before in their lives. >> thank you for that. for more on the connection between gender, fitness and fitness to serve, we're joined
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by form erer marine captain vernice. let me start with you, if i can. you've been through boot camp and you're not surprise that more than half of the women couldn't actually do the three pull ups, why is that? >> well, if you look at the average age of the women coming in, it's after high school. when i first went to college, i wanted to get into body building and working out. i majored in exercise science. i couldn't do a pull up. i couldn't do a chin up. i had to work hard add it. it didn't surprise me when the stud decame out knowing over half couldn't pass. at a certain point when i worked on my pull ups, i got up to 16 dead article hang pullups but i was vigorously working. it's going to go back to the training. women have more slow twitch fibers in the upper body. how we train women, ten weeks isn't enough to get women up to
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three pullups. >> if what captain armor is saying is true, it's a training issue, captain jacob, you've been doing training and worked in that field. do you think women can change up the training and be up there with men? >> i served in the marines for ten years, four years enlisted and six years officer so i went through boot camp and the officer course and i was a company commander to an integrated training unit where half of them were women. you train your marine as a team and you train as you fight. i required my females in the unit to do the same types of exercises the males did, which included pupups. i had women that couldn't do a single pullup, some women could do five or six and we sent them to the gym and all of them were eventually able to do four to five. if you set a standard and if
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they set that, they are achieve. >> some others disagreed and said it's not about training but it's about dna. it's about how you were born and women carry fat in different areas and men carry muscles in a different density. let me go back to you for a moment about this. others have said it's more about images of beauty. women have always looked at their arms as something they don't need to script as perhaps to areas that are more challenging. is there a social bias against women building up their bodies? >> there is a traditional aspect. when women first came into the military, we totally did a complete different regular minute. just thing when michelle obama came on the scene and wearing the sleeveless dresses and everybody saw her arms. all of a sudden it became sexy to have semi-muscular arms and more women paid attention to that and it was more acceptable. when it comes to the military,
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like i said, when i first went through officer candidate school, i was able to do about nine to ten pullups. at the end of my 13 weeks, i could do less than when i first started because in the beginning, that training regular minute really breaks the body down. they are building you up endurance wise but strength-wise women need more time to build the upper body strength. the pullups are one way to measure upper body strength. >> and to measure overall fitness, as well. so with that in mind, captain jacob, back in the day of teddy roosevelt, there were recommendations that, you know, an officer had to ride 90 miles on horseback, what is the fair measure of a good soldier in today's warfare? do you have to do pullups to be a good soldier? >> it measures your ability to lift and carry yourself, as well as your mobility, which is important in combat situations.
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but, you know, the training that the infantry goes through is job specific training that's geared towards developing the skills necessary to survive on the battle field. pullups and running and crunches are a measure of overall fitness. the two are related but i never filled out a mission profile and picked a guy to go on a mission because he could do 14 pullups and the other can do ten. >> there are issues like scaling a wall and climbing up ropes, lifting and carrying heavy ammunitions and theater. those are all real challenges that in war men and women have to function properly. >> absolutely and women have been doing it without the minimum of three pullup standard and to transition the women to the three pullups, i go back to the training.
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he had everybody jump on the bar, women couldn't do it. i do cross fit. many women are doing cross fit now. they couldn't do buildups in the beginning, now they are pounding out the pullups. our mentality have to shift and people saying women aren't capable or can't do it, it's crazy, it's trash. women are capable, women have been doing it and we have to push women harder, especially the ones that don't have as much body mass up top. we have to build them up. we're more than capable and it's been proven. >> good to talk to both of you. thank you. >> thank you. >> for more go to lots of great information on it. just ahead, new highs for pot prices in colorado. the marijuana editor at the denver post and yes, that is his job title. he's going to walk us through a brand-new economy and some sticker shock, as well. plus, how one woman's jealous rage got tangled up with
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the chemical weapons treaty. it is a toxic love triangle that is now all the way up and before the supreme court. overmany discounts to thine customers! [old english accent] safe driver, multi-car, paid in full -- a most fulsome bounty indeed, lord jamie. thou cometh and we thy saveth! what are you doing? we doth offer so many discounts, we have some to spare. oh, you have any of those homeowners discounts? here we go. thank you. he took my shield, my lady. these are troubling times in the kingdom.
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recreational pot shops have been open for three days in colorado with keep bademand dri prices up and driving stocker shock. retail prices are expected to be a big revenue boom for the state. each transaction carries a hefty tax. it's a new economy that's being measured in ounces and eighths of ounces but buying
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recreational pot is not an unrestricted exercise and capitalism. far from it. there are rules about how much you can buy, how much you can stockpile. ricardo snagged one of the new jobs, he is the first ever marijuana editor at the denver post and joins me now. it's surprising to see you're the marijuana editor, but you're exactly that and there is a whole host of information that goes with your territory. but i would love for you to give me a state of the union. >> state of the union, on my way here i drove past a place on south broadway and there is still a line. 100 people and i don't think the line has stopped in three days. >> has the price skyrocketed because of the long lines? >> we're hearing various reports but we confirmed on january 1st,
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one of these shops was selling eighths for $25 a piece and later that day they were selling the same eighth for $45 a piece. so we're certainly seeing some of that and seeing some demand being questioned, another dispensary slash pot shop downtown denver started selling their pot in smaller amounts, so they could extend it and serve more people. >> so what happens -- as i understand it and correct me if i'm wrong, the places that are selling the weed now had to have been selling it prior to it becoming legal for recreation as medical dispensaries, so it's one big part and parcel as you go into the store. how do people that need it for medicine jump the line or avoid the line or the trumped up prices? >> i haven't seen it happen specifically, but i heard if you have a red card, which is the medical card that you do jump the line. if you don't, you have to wait in the line and then there is a different tax structure for
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those with red cards, as well. if you're buying medical pot, you're basically paying city and state sales tax normal as you would on a case of beer. if you're buying it retail, there is a host of other taxes including 15% excise tax the business takes care of and an additional 10% sales tax that you as the individual pay in audition to the local taxes. >> and of course, it's not just the weed for smoking, it's also the marijuana that's baked into, you know, baked goods and candies that are for sale. i'm a mom of two kids, eight and six years old and had me thinking how on earth do you package this stuff to make sure a child in a house doesn't see a lollipop and go for it? >> right? i will say that all pot and that you buy on a retail level comes in this very sealed almost aluminum looking bag. i interviewed someone and asked
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if we could do a what's in your bag feature and it was fascinating seeing him try to open it. an adult male struggled with it. in addition to that, there are sincere differences in terms of how edibles are packaged. they actually have to be marked very, very clearly, as for adults only. >> one last question, when i read the limitations for colorado residents is an ounce a day, it got me thinking an ounce is a lot of weed. i want to show a picture, if i can, for our audience. that's 1/ 8th. why is the amount so large because that's almost dealer level, isn't it? >> i have no idea how they came up with those amounts. i know it's an ounce for in state residents and a quarter for out of state, and there is also, it's like going in and buying a bottle of whisky at a liquor store. your identity isn't tracked for
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your purchase. so if you buy as an out of stater, a quarter here, a quarter is the next shop, there is no tracking it. >> i think we'll do a lot of interviews with you. i love your job. i think it would be fascinating. hi, ricardo, nice to meet you. >> a quick program note, because this story has so many important different fast sats to it, 360 will explore much more "gone to pot". susan hendrix with the 360 bulletin. >> the top seeker over government surveillance that collects data on near he every phone call in the u.s. the three-month renewal comes in the wake of conflicting court opinions on whether the program exposed by edward snowden is legal or not.
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the u.s. state department is urging americans in south sudan to leave the country immediately because of the worsening security situation. evacuation flights are underway and they reduced the staff. as of saturday, there will be no consecular services available for u.s. citizens. in western germany, a bulldozer struck what authorities believe was a world war ii era bomb causing an explosion that killed the driver. at least 13 others were injured too critically. for those looking for hard numbers on the popularity of pope francis, visits to the vatican tripled last year. more than 6.6 million people flocked to events led to the new pope since march. no doubt he's new popular. >> that's bono. >> it really is. >> thank you for that. coming up, a toxic love triangle. a woman found out her husband got her best friend pregnant but
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then provideed to try to poison her. should she be charged with violating the chemical weapons treaty? the prosecutors say yes and others say no. we'll look into that next. the final coronecoroner's r in the death of "fast and furious" actor paul walker. what it shows about the fatal crash coming up. but i wanted a tablet for me, for stuff like twitter and xbox, so my downtime can be more like uptime. that's why i got a windows 2 in 1 which does both -- works as a laptop and a tablet. so i can manage my crazy life, and also have a life. [ beep ] gotta go. ♪
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with that and violating a chemical weapons treaty. not kidding. randi kaye has the story. >> reporter: when carol ann bond learned her best friend was pregnant, she was thrilled. it was 2005 bond and her husband were living outside philadelphia but her joy would turn into a jealous rage when bond's friend admitted to her that the baby's father was bond's husband. in a matter of months, this case turned from a domestic dispute in small town, pennsylvania to something much, much bigger. here is what we know. bond's lawyer says her husband's cheating ways sent her into a psychological tail spin. she developed asthma and severe depression, started having panic attacks. bond decided to strike out at the other woman, merlinda haynes. bond's lawyer is paul clemment. >> she was trying to make her life quote unquote a living
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hell. >> reporter: here is where things get ugly. bond, a micro biologist stole a company from her company and combined it with something she bought online at both chemicals within lethal. bond attempted to poison her friend at least two dozen times in 2006 and 2007. sprinkling the chemicals on the handle of her car door, mailbox and apartment doorknob. her lawyer says she wasn't trying to kill her friend but after haynes burned her thumb on the chemicals, she became suspicious and called police to report a strange, bright orange powder. haynes alerted her mail carrier so the u.s. postal service arranged a sting to see who was behind this setting up 24-hour surveillance cameras outside the home. those cameras caught bond in the act. bond's lawyer told me his client made one fatal mistake, in
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audition to using the chemicals, she stole mail from her friend's mailbox. that mail theft changed the course of this investigation bumping it up from a state level to the federal level. and then this bombshell, federal prosecutors accuse d carol bond of violating the 1993 chemical weapons treaty n. 2007 they charged her with two counts of violating an obscure federal statute passed. put simply, she was charged with unleashing a chemical weapon. she admitted trying to harm her friend and was sentenced to six years in prison for breaking international law. her lawyers appealed all the way up to the u.s. supreme court. >> is that something that really violated an international treaty that really implicated international law? we would respectively suggest that is not the case. there were no protest lodged by foreign nations, no other nation
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said, oh my goodness, somehow there has been a deployment of chemical weapons in pennsylvania. >> reporter: bond served her six years. if she had been convicted on a state level, she likely would have served nine months to two years. today she's back living in pennsylvania. trouble is, she can't find a job. nobody wants to hire someone convicted of deploying chemical weapons. randi kaye, cnn, new york. >> and joining me now are cnn legal analyst and criminal defense attorney mark geragos and senior legal analyst and former federal prosecutor jeffrey toobin and both of them are grinning ear to ear. i'll start with you. i don't know where to begin, jeff, but i'll go here. at first blush, this sounded ridiculous that a prosecutor would go this route. is it ridiculous? >> well, i don't think so, but it's a tough case, and you know, it's really a lot like, believe it or not, a lot like the obamacare case before the sup
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preep court. the obamacare case was can the federal government force you to buy insurance or make you pay a fine? can the federal government prosecute you for putting poisonous chemicals on your neighbor's doorknob under the current federal law, which is this implantation act for the chemical weapons treaty. it's certainly a stretch -- >> you think? >> and this is the second time this case will be before the supreme court and the first time over a procedural issue -- >> i'll get there. >> just seemed very suspicious. >> i'll get there in a minute. first to you mark geragos, this just streamed of a state case period. why am i wrong? >> you're not wrong, ashleigh. this is precisely why people think the criminal justice system lost it's mind. the idea these prosecutors are prosecuting this woman and she served six years for a violation
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of the chemical treaty, a u.s. treaty -- >> the implantation. let's be real clear, theres the treaty the issue with other countries and congress's effort to make the united states go along with the treaty, implantation act and that's what she's accused of violating. >> the idea of somehow this is going to reach the u.s. supreme court twice when they had at all times a state statute that they could have prosecuted her under is precisely -- if this is the law, the law is an [ bleep ]. >> i don't entirely agree with that -- >> as a former federal prosecutor, i'm surprised, jeff. >> but think about it. this woman could have killed he her romantic rival. >> but jeff -- >> let me finish. >> let me ask you one thing, in pennsylvania they have an at temped murder statute?
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she could have done harm. they could have charged her with things on the state level. why are they making a federal case? >> because this is an incredibly serious crime with a dem mission of chemicals that is unusual to say the least, and the federal government doesn't allow you to pick and choose what you get charged with. the government picks and chooses what you get charged with -- >> right, and that's pre sicily -- >> you take your chances. too bad for her. >> can i jump in on the details of this. and the devil is always in the details, let's be honest, gentlemen. the poison was bright orange and she smeared it on places where the victim could see there was something a foot and the worst that happened is i think the victim got a rash like burn on her thumb. with that in mind, you two talk about attempted murder and the rest. look, i'm no lawyer but that doesn't sound like attempted murder to me, jeff.
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[ overlapping speakers ] >> mark, hold on, i want -- >> the fact that she maybe was not the most clever criminal in the world and the fact that the victim managed to extra tra kate herself without more serious injury, i don't think that helps ms. bond, the defendant. this -- when you do something this awful, you know, you take your chances, and you deserve to be prosecuted. now there is a question of what you should be prosecuted for -- >> jeff -- >> i don't feel a great deal of sympathy for ms. bond. >> really? it's hard for me to believe that somebody thinks that this is an appropriate use of the federal -- the majesty of the federal government to bring a federal prosecution against a woman that is obviously unhinged. >> let me highlight that because jeff eluded to it, the justices themselves upon hearing the first arguments were propledged
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they were in the room. highlight things the justice -- >> justice kennedy said what is really unbelievable in this case is that you brought it at all. and so -- >> right. >> certainly justice kennedy was reflecting what mark was saying here. some of the other justices, again, were more sympathetic to the government. >> remember -- >> saying this is up to the government to decide how to bring their cases, but, you know, i don't pretend this is an easy case but clearly -- >> it is an easy case. i'm going to tell you now, this is an incredibly easy case. >> you always think they are easy cases. >> they threw it out unanimously and rebanded it back to the court of appeal last time justice kennedy wrote that. i predict you're going to get a unanimous opinion from the u.s. supreme court, have you lost your mind? the idea only somebody -- only somebody like jeff who is a former federal prosecutor who
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sits up there at the supreme court and listens to this stuff would believe it's an estate case and -- >> the conversation is not over and jeffrey toobin, this should be a toobin and ger ra goes show thank you to you both. coming up next, answers to lingering questions in the death of actor paul walker and some of those answers released today. also, proof that inspiration comes in all sizes. and there you have it right there. nine years old, climbing one of the tallest mountains in the world and you're about to meet him.
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tomorrow marks five weeks since the death of "fast and furious" star paul walker, 40 years old anded to saw the final release of the coroner's report that killed his business partner and him details from casey. >> reporter: millions of fans of paul walker's "fast and furious" movie series were shocked in november when a car crash killed the actor. the final autopsy report showed walker's death was grew some and swift. he was the passenger in a high performance car. the driver was driving a red posh cabrera gt at 100 miles plus per hour. >> when they passed us, there were no other cars around them at all. >> reporter: the driver lost control, struck a sidewalk, tree and light post. exclusive video shows the moment
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of impact and a full minute later, the car bursting into flames. >> there is nothing. we tried. we went for fire ex wingers. >> reporter: concerned they may have been alive the entire time said both bodies were found like a boxer perhaps bracing for impact. walker was burned so badly only his back, lower buttocks and feet were unchamped. only a scant amount of soot was found in his throat indicating he wasn't breathing for long. the body of the driver was in a more grew system condition. he died instantly. >> in reality, we do have to be concerned. we have to be concerned this could happen to any of us. we got to follow the rules, follow the speed. reality can't be too fast, too furious. >> the ruling on the cause of death, an accident. walker lives on on film.
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the seventh installment of the "fast and furious" franchise that was partially shot at the time of walker's death was scheduled to be released next year. just ahead, a nine-year-old boy that you have to meet. he dreams big and then he makes those dreams come true. like climbing one of the world's tallest mountains, not kidding. this is the quicksilver cash back card from capital one. it's not the "limit the cash i earn every month" card. it's not the "i only earn decent rewards at the gas station" card. it's the no-games, no-signing up, everyday-rewarding, kung-fu-fighting,
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complete the climb. tyler, you must feel and this will sound crazy, but on top of the world to summit this mountain. how was it for you? >> it was amazing. >> i'll bet it was amazing, but honestly, weren't you scared? >> no, because we took the right classes, and i was well-prepared for it. >> kevin, were you at all hesitant to embark on this project? >> i was a little hesitant just because i was not a climber before tyler began this endeavor when he was young, and so i've had to kind of learn and take classes with him, so that i could make sure that he would be okay, but as far as this climb itself, no, tyler trained so hard for this climb, and i watched him prepare that i knew that he could do it safely. >> it's just so hard to believe you said that, that you're not a climber. most people would think you're the climber, you trained your son to come along. did you have any close calls at
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any point? >> no, there were no close calls. we took a non-technical route up the mountain just for safety purposes. we had professional guides with us, as well. our professional guide to make sure that we were doing everything properly and safely. >> something tells me that won't be the last headline. i think i read somewhere, tyler, that you have your sights set on that incredible climbing goal, for those technical climbers in the audience, summiting the seven tallest summits on the continue nants. >> if i try to do all of them, i have to train even harder because most of the mountains that will be harder for me, aren'ts technical so i have to
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train for the curves and the cold and it will be super cold and the glaciers, so i have to be super prepared. >> is this leading up to the big one, mount everest? >> i don't know yet, but probably. >> kevin, i wanted to ask you on the technical side of things, i understand when your son set out to do these climbs, he didn't just want to climb mountains but raise money and awareness to find a cure for a disease, a muscular dystrophy. do you think you might be able to persuade the chinese to get an earlier permit to summit everest if that's what he wants to do? >> i honestly don't know. he does climb for the disease and i think that the reason that tyler does all these things is not for the records. he does it to help others, and i think that's what the argentina government recognized, and
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provided tyler this opportunity is because he's doing it for others, not just for himself. >> how did you choose duchenne? >> they are not my family. one time we went to a barbecue and i wanted to runaround with the boys, and when we came -- when we went home, i asked my dad how come they couldn't runaround with me? my dad told me the disease they had and i asked my dad can i help them in any way? then i started helping them and now i did this climb for them. >> it's unbelievable you did that at age eight, right? >> yes. >> you're amazing, kid. i wish i had half the strength of you. good luck and keep us posted. >> thank you very much, we really appreciate it. that does it for this
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