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tv   Piers Morgan Live  CNN  January 16, 2014 12:00am-1:01am PST

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former defense secretary robert gates was also in the room as the white house watched the raid that killed osama bin laden. tonight i asked him about the resurgence of al qaeda and what may finally be the truth about benghazi. his take no prisoners book is rocking washington. he's here to explain himself. also the beautiful jacqueline
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bissett. i don't think any of us had any real idea what she was talk about in that memorable golden globe speech. >> i think it was 47 years ago, the hollywood foreign press gave me a promising nomination -- promising newcomer. >> wonderful stuff. tonight i'll ask her, jacqueline bissett is here exclusively. we'll get to my interviews of roberts gates in just a moment. a first disturbing story out of iraq today against the backdrop of today's deadly violence. the u.s. military is investigating a series of shocking photographs published by tmz. photographs that appeared to show american marines burning the dead bodies of insurgents in fallujah in 2004. i must warn you these photographs are very graphic. cnn's brian todd joins me with more. brian what can you tell us about these pictures? >> reporter: piers, tmz says they are believe to have been taken in fallujah in 2004.
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they say they have 41 photographs in total but they've only posted about eight of them. we have aired three of the photographs. that speaks to just the graphic nature of these. we can go over the ones that we're airing. in one of the photographs, a military member what appears to be a marine is seen pouring some kind of liquid over the body of what is believed to be an iraqi insurgent, likely some kind of flammable liquid. in another photo you see it there there's a marine kneeling by the remains of a human skull. that's at the bottom of that picture. and in a third picture you see that one body in flames. that's the same body we believe that is there in that photo that the marine is pouring liquid over. again, very very graphic stuff. the marines and the rest of the u.s. military, the pentagon, tells us they're investigating this. it is a crime, piers, in the military to burn human remains or to take, possession or distribute personal photographs of human remains in anything other than an official capacity. so these men could be in some trouble.
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but one thing that the marines and others are going to have to determine is what unit they were in that's not clear. and what the identities of these men are, piers. >> what is the defense department saying about all this? >> reporter: they've issued a statement. commander bill speaks issued a statement a short time ago. he said "the actions depicted in these photos are not what we expect from our service members, nor do they represent the honorable and professional service of the more than 2.5 million americans who have served in iraq and afghanistan. the marine corps is currently investigating the veracity of these photos, circumstances involved, and if possible the identities of the service members involved. the findings from this investigation will determine whether we are able to move forward with any investigation into possible wrongdoing." and again, piers, trying to
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determine the identities of these marines if indeed they are marines and they are believed to be, trying to determine the identities of them will take some time. and a lot of these guys may not be in the military anymore. so that raises a question of whether they can actually be prosecuted. we've talked to military law experts all day on this. they're not clear about it. >> does the statute of limitations apply in the case of war crimes, generally? >> reporter: it would apply in the case of war crimes. but the pentagon specifically told me earlier today they don't believe that this is a war crime under the geneva conventions and the more traditional definitions of war crime. they don't believe it raise rises to that level especially if the marines came pop these bodies, they were already dead and there's a chance experts say they may have been burning them for hygienic purposes. again pentagon reiterating this is not acceptable, still a crime in the military to do that. whether it rises to war crime a pentagon spokesman told me earlier today they don't believe it does. but again it could be a very serious crime. and it's not clear whether these men would be prosecuted in a
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civilian federal court or in a military court. that's got to be worked out yet. >> brian todd, thank you very much indeed. as defense secretary to presidents george w. bush and barack obama, robert gates knows more about america's military than just about anybody else. his in book is "duty." thank you very much for joining me. >> my pleasure. thank you. >> if i may start with your reaction to those images we've just seen which are pretty horrific whichever way you look at it. on the assumption they're genuine images, we haven't independently verified them, what would your reaction be to american troops behaving in that manner? >> well, there have been some rare instances of u.s. forces, u.s. troops in both iraq and afghanistan behaving in ways that are not sanctioned by the united states and are contrary to military regulations and uniform code of military justice. so i think that what the pentagon has announced is exactly the right way to go, which is to investigate, see if they can identify the
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individuals involved and the unit they're from, and then carry the investigation forward from there. >> another emerging story today is 37 air force officers in charge of maintaining and operating the nation's nuclear missiles have been implicated in a drugs and cheating scandal, which just the headline alone is enough to fill everyone with vague terror. what did you make of that story? >> well, this is very troubling to me. because when i was secretary in 2008, because of various problems in the nuclear force, i ended up simultaneously firing the secretary of the air force and the chief of staff of the air force as a matter of accountability because of mishaps associated with our nuclear capabilities. this is one of those capabilities in the military where there's no room for any error, no room for any misbehavior or sloppiness at all. zero defects as you would say. so i think that having this kind of behavior among those that are responsible for some element of
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the nuclear arsenal is extremely troubling. i'm glad that the pentagon has taken strong action. but i think that it does raise the larger issue of whether the systemic shortcomings and problems we identified in 2008 have been corrected as i thought they had been, or whether there is still significant room for improvement. >> there's another big new story today which is absolutely in your old wheel house, which is iraq, 61 people at least were killed and scores wounded in the latest wave of attacks in baghdad and across the country. it looks from the outside as if iraq is teet ering into real civil war here with the double problem of al qaeda now apparently running fallujah and other areas in iraq. when you look at it in totality, is it possible to conjure up any impression that this was a successful mission for america and the allied forces there? >> well, i think that we succeeded in the mission in 2008 and 2009 being able to turn over to the iraqis a fragile but real democratic government, a
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democratically elected government, as well as security and stability in the country. we basically handed them their future on a silver platter. my own view is that you can't freeze history in place. i think we accomplished our mission, and we withdrew in a way that was not a strategic defeat with global consequences for us. i think two things have happened since we left. one is that prime minister malaki has continued to be hostile to the sunni minority in the country. he's tried to arrest his sunni vice president and other sunni officials in the government. he's essentially made no
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investments in the sunni areas of the country including anbar which is where fallujah and ramadi are. so the sunnis have little reason to believe that the government in baghdad is something that they want to support. my sense from what i've read in the last few days is that this has served as a wake-up call for maliki and he is beginning to reach out to the sunnis and see if he can't restore their role in the government and get them back on side in terms of the government. the other problem that you alluded to is that over which he really doesn't have much control is the spillover from the syrian civil war. and that has clearly increased the level of violence in iraq. so far we don't see the shia extremist groups that we had to deal with in 2007 and 2008 coming out of their quiessence and getting involved in the violence. but if al qaeda's violent attacks on shias and others in the country continues, we may
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see that. so there are these two very serious problems about iraq that are going on in iraq. my hope is that maliki will, as a result of these -- of all this violence, begin to do what he did when he went down to basra and took on the shia extremists. he'll reach out to the sunnis and give them a reason to believe that the success of the baghdad government is important to them. but as far as we've we're concerned, i believe we accomplished our mission in stabilizing the country and handing over a fragile democracy. what they do with it is really up to them in the long run. >> i mean i suppose if you're living in iraq and you're an iraqi you're saying are we really any better off now than we were under saddam hussein, brutal though he was and despotic though he was. when he got 61 iraqis killed in
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a single day, this follows an ugly pattern that's been going on for quite some time, do you not think there is an argument to say that the americans should never have gone into iraq in the first place? that it was an issue that the iraqis should have resolved themselves? >> there's no doubt in my mind there is a certain percentage of iraqis who always considered us to be occupiers and were against our being there in the first place and against our staying. and i think that that sentiment was one of the reasons the iraqis in the end were unwilling to agree to a residual u.s. military presence in the country. there just wasn't broad enough support. on the other hand, i think that for most iraqis, life is in fact significantly better than it was under saddam hussein, both in terms of in economic terms but also in terms of their own personal safety and security, despite the violence that's been going on. >> so let's take a break, mr. secretary. come back and talk about the
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extraordinary and controversial revelations in your new book about president obama and afghanistan and what you think about afghanistan right now. what you see is a man that i've come to know and respect, a humble, american patriot, a man of common sense and decency. quite simply, one of our nation's finest public servants. s that can help remove some cholesterol, and that's heart healthy. ♪ [ dad ] jan?
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what you see is a man that i've come to know and respect, a humble, american patriot, a man of common sense and decency. quite simply, one of our nation's finest public servants. >> president obama awarded the medal of freedom to robert gates in 2011. since then the former defense secretary has written a no holds barred book, and robert gates is
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back with me now. talk about afghanistan and the current state of what is going on there. clearly american troops are due to come out. but there's leading pressure now from the leaders in afghanistan to keep a military presence from america longer. is that a good idea, do you think? >> i think it's actually essential. we turned our backs on afghanistan after the soviets left at the end of the 1980s. and within a couple of years, civil war in afghanistan brought the taliban to power and a safe haven for al qaeda. so i think that having a residual force there of 8, 10, 12,000 u.s. and allied troops not only is a signal to the taliban we're not abandoning afghanistan, but also i think will give confidence and heart to the afghans themselves. it's also a message to the neighbors such as pakistan that we're not going to walk away. the pakistanis have been afraid all along that once we tired of this war that we would leave the region and they would have to
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deal with the consequences of this long war. so i think having this residual presence and the strategic agreement that the president and his team have negotiated with the afghans is exactly the right thing to do. >> the book has got a lot of controversy attached to it. it's a major work. it's got 600 pages or more. and i'm sure you would say some stuff taken out of context. in terms of essential criticism, many people feeling that you revealing that president obama himself doubted his own strategy in afghanistan was pretty disloyal and pretty damaging to morale of troops on the ground there who were still fighting for their country. what is your reaction to that? >> well, i don't think it would have any impact on the morale of the troops still fighting there, because the reality is the president has made a number of decisions with respect to afghanistan. and he has stuck to those
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decisions. and i agreed with all of those decisions, including as i just mentioned his willingness to have a strategic agreement that would prolong the u.s. military presence or at least some small number of u.s. forces beyond december of 2014. all the policy decisions with respect to afghanistan have been made. the draw down schedule is set, and we know what will happen. so i think that what i have said in this book really is that i agreed with all of the president's decisions. there were two things about afghanistan and our debates on afghanistan that troubled me. one was the fact that the politics became part of the debate in the way that it did. but another -- and another was his suspicion of the motives of senior military officers in trying to get him -- persuade him to add additional forces. and i guess there would be a third, which is that although he made these courageous decisions with respect to afghanistan, he seemed unwilling to ever go
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before the public and say why this war was necessary, why the cause of the servicemen and women was noble and just, and why their sacrifice was worthwhile. and it was that lack of passion, that lack of open conviction about the importance of success in afghanistan that troubled me. because the troops out there in afghanistan know the score. and they know that they're not hearing that message from the commander in chief. his reservations, that i talk about, i think as much as anything were not so much about the military campaign as they were a number of other aspects of the strategy that weren't working. and that was part of the strategy was to try and get pakistan to stop its hedging. in the event we would lose or leave afghanistan, to try an get the karzai government to be more competent and less corrupt, to get more civilians from the u.s.
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and our allies in there to help with development projects and help make the government more effective. these things weren't working very well. and military strategy, the military campaign was taking longer than the military had told the president it would. and people may remember the campaign around marja where we talked about the afghans coming in with government in a box quote unquote. and so that went slower and then the campaign against kandahar went slower. so i think those were the foundations of the president's reservations that i refer to. but the fact remains he took the decisions that were important. >> right. robert, here would be my obvious question, i guess. you're absolutely entitled to have your opinions about this. but given that you were serving in his administration and given he's still the president, and given the conflict in afghanistan is ongoing, shouldn't you have really waited
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until president obama had seen out his term of office and u.s. troops had come home before putting this all in the public domain? is it really a patriotic duty to do this before those two things have happened? >> i think it is important for americans and particularly our men and women in uniform to understand the debates that went on in washington and to humanize and personalize those debates so that they know that these issues were debated seriously, that there was a lot of passion involved, that the president asked hard questions. people are concerned about my talking about presidential conversations. but the reality is in the book virtually all the president's conversations that i describe in the book are positive in terms of what they reveal about both president bush and president obama in the respect that it shows these presidents asking hard questions, pushing back on the military, and asking the
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kinds of questions that americans would hope their commander in chief is asking. >> it is. but to actually say publicly in a book as his former defense chief that the president of the united states doesn't believe in his own strategy with one of the most important wars the country has ever been engaged in, many see as being flagrantly disloyal. >> well, i don't think it's being disloyal. and i think that again the book makes very clear that i agreed with all of the president's decisions on afghanistan, and i supported those decisions. i believe they were the right decisions. and he has continued to adhere to those decisions whatever reservations he has. i also describe earlier in the book president bush's reservations about the strategy
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in iraq. and that his reservations led to reviews of strategy in iraq and a change of strategy in iraq. so i think in both cases, what i'm trying to show is that presidents have reservations when they've committed military forces, and they ask themselves hard questions and they ask those work for them hard questions. >> let's turn to another gripping part of the book, which is you're one of the people who was at the white house in the situation room watching the
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we see you there lower right in this picture we're looking at now. >> when the raid began, we were in the larger situation room. and the president disappeared. and when we inquired where he'd gone, there was a room across the hall where there was a video feed where we could see what was actually going on in the compound at abadabad and could hear the team communicating. so that's the room where that picture was taken. and i think clearly there was a huge amount of tension in the room. when we got -- we were able to follow everything until the s.e.a.l.s entered the house. but once they entered the house we really didn't know what was going on for perhaps 15 minutes, which was probably the longest 15 minutes in any of our lives. and then we heard the statement from the s.e.a.l., geronimo, enemy killed in action. so i think there was a great sense of relief that the mission had been successful in extracting justice from this terrorist, but there was no high fiving, there were no cheers or anything like that.
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first of all, because the s.e.a.l.s still had to get out of pakistan and that was another hour or so. and we still needed to get osama's remains and all the intelligence we had collected out of pakistan. but i think there was just a quiet sense that those americans who had been killed on september 11 had been avenged. >> you seemed perturbed in the book that having had a pact between all of you in the room not to talk about any of this publicly, people immediately did within a few hours. >> well, saying i was perturbed would be putting it in the most polite possible terms. as we began to break up at the end of that meeting, i said now look, we use these tactics and techniques in afghanistan and elsewhere virtually every night. and if we go out and start talking about how we did this, the details of this mission, it will put future special operators in jeopardy. and everybody -- so i said we need to take a blood oath among ourselves that we won't -- all we'll say is that osama bin laden has been killed. and we will not discuss the operation itself. that lasted -- and everybody agreed. and that lasted about five
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hours. and it was very disappointing for all the reasons that i just described. >> let's take a short break. come back and talk about what you really think about hillary clinton and joe biden.
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with me now the former defense secretary robert gates, the author of the book all washington is buzzing about. i better ask you about your neck brace. a lot of views i'm sure thinking what's happened here? >> well, i wish i could
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attribute it to some adventure in the back country or some sporting injury. but i can only attribute it to clumsiness. and i fell at my -- i tripped and fell on a rug at my home on new year's day and broke the first vertebrae. so i'm sitting here with you with a broken neck. >> well, i'm sitting here with a broken rib from a cricket injury. so we can share each other's pain, mr. secretary. let's turn to other revelations in the book. it's a good juicy, meaty read. and you don't hold back on some of your colleagues. joe biden, for example. the vice president. you say that he's a lovely guy, down to earth, funny, profane, humorously self-aware. but you also go on to say which i think is a fairly damning indictment of the vice president. biden's been wrong on nearly every foreign policy and national security issue over the
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past four decades. that is a pretty as i say damning verdict on the vice president. >> well, in the context of the book, one of the interesting things -- first of all i stand by that statement. but what is interesting in retrospect and what i make clear in the book is that on most of the major foreign policy issues in the obama administration, the vice president and i actually agreed. whether it was how to handle the downfall of mubarek in egypt or our opposition to intervening in libya and so on. we did disagree, and we disagreed deeply on afghanistan. and i did resent the vice president stoking suspicion of the senior military with the president. but when i go back to the early 70s through the end of the cold war, vice president voted when he was a senator voted against assistance for south vietnam that was going to be the lifeline as we left that
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country. he voted against virtually every element of president reagan's defense buildup and strategy toward the soviet union, including most of the mainly weapons systems, the b 1, b 2 bombers, the mx missile and so on. and he voted against the first gulf war, when president george h.w. bush was in office. so i think there's a pretty strong case there that on a lot of the big issues he was mistaken. >> is it good for the united states of america that the vice president according to the most experienced defense chief of the last four, five decades says he's been wrong about absolutely every foreign policy issue in that entire period? >> well, frankly i don't think any of that's particularly a secret. and i don't think it's new news to most people who follow these things closely. >> let's turn to hillary clinton, you're very favorable about her. smart, idealistic, pragmatic, tough minded, indefatigible, funny, a very valuable colleague. and a superb representative of the united states all over the world. today "the attacks on benghazi were preventable, based on
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extensive intelligence reporting on the terrorist activity in libya. attacks against western targets and given the known security shortfalls at the u.s. mission." that would put pressure on hillary clinton to try to explain why if that is the case this ever happened. >> benghazi happened after i left office. so i'm not familiar with a lot of the details associated with it except for what i've i've been able to read in the newspapers. from my standpoint looking at it from the outside, it seems to me that the critical questions and perhaps these have been answered by the senate intelligence committee, is what were the requests of the ambassador for additional security assistance, where did those requests go in washington, what happened to those requests, and if they were turned down, who turned them down and why. those are the kinds of questions that i think need to be answered.
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>> let's just talk about congress quickly. because you call it truly ugly. have you in all your time dealing with washington and congress, have you ever known it to be so obstructively divisive to the american national interest? >> american politics, including the american congress, have always been very rough and tumble. and the political fighting has always been severe going back to the very beginning of the republic. what is different, what is changed in the last i think 25 years or so, is that despite all of the political noise and the background, something really worse has happened, and that is that this polarization has led to the congress being unable to perform its role in government. has led to an inability to get the people's business done. part of it is that for a variety
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of reasons over the years the people that i always called the bridge builders, those in the center, center left, center right, for example in the united
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of the political debate in the united states. we've always had that. what's different, what's changed is that the congress now simply cannot get its work done. >> let's end by talking about the more personal parts of the book, which is very moving in many ways. there's a line here you say every evening i could not wait to get home, get my office homework out of the way, write condolence letters to the families of the fallen, pour down a stiff drink, wolf down a frozen dinner or a carryout. the "washington post" reported that more than 3800 american soldiers and marines died on your watch in iraq and afghanistan. a huge human toll as a direct result of many decisions that you and the teams that you work with took. and obviously that burden weighed heavily on you. >> it did. and it played a role in my decision that it was time to stel down and retire. i was at war every day of the 4 1/2 years that i was secretary.
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in which they lived. i would go to the funerals. and as you mentioned, i would write the condolence letters. and over time, that did begin to have a cumulative effect on me. and i began to realize, particularly in the last say five or six months, that i was in the job, that protecting the troops had become my highest priority. it was one of the reasons i opposed intervening in libya. our forces were tired. i said in the situation room, can i just finish the two wars i'm already in before we go looking for a third one. and i began to realize that my preoccupation with protecting the troops was probably clouding my judgment and my objectivity and the advice i was given the president on national security issues. and that played a significant role in my decision thought was time to step down. >> secretary gates, it's been a pleasure talking to you. the book is called "duty, memoirs of the secretary after war" it's a fascinating read whether you agree with all of it or not i would commend people to
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get into it and see what led to all these decisions that you and your team took. i appreciate your joining me. >> thank you very much. coming up next, the world is abuzz over her golden globe speech. now jacqueline bisset is here to explain. she's in the chair with me live. >> i said like my mother, what did she say? she used to say go to hell or don't come back.
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jacqueline bisset, "dancing on the edge." [ cheers and applause ]
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>> i think it was 47 years ago the hollywood foreign press gave me a promising -- a nomination -- promising newcomer! >> jacqueline bisset and the golden globes on sunday that. speech got more and more interesting as it went on. hard to steal the limelight when you upstage matthew mcconaughey and jennifer lawrence but you did just that. after she won for her role in "dancing on the edge" her acceptance speech had everyone talk and wondering, what on earth was she talking about? well, jacqueline bisset is with me now, legendary actress and golden globe winner. you're even making me speak in a strange way. jacqueline, it is a great pleasure to have you. >> i was bonkers. >> you pointed out tweeted "bonkers" i meant that in the most delightfully british way charmingly eccentric. >> it was delightfully confusing to me as well. >> what were you trying to say?
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>> first of all, i didn't know i was going to be on then. i was so taken aback. i was completely -- all i was thinking about was why didn't they get me any food toate. next thing i know i hear my voice peripherally. i said, why is that guy -- you know i stepped onto a magic carpet. i walked down that thing. my dress kind of went like this. and i just sort of floated. i said one thinks of these things in your life. if you're a little girl you think if i ever won an award or something what would it be like. i did not expect -- >> 1969 the hollywood foreign press nominated you as the most promising newcomer for your role in "the sweet ride." four more nominations and you finally win. >> i sort of had given up. >> never thought you'd have to make a speech? >> no, up didn't. >> did you have a couple of alcoholic tipples to get you in the mood? >> no. no. >> we can rule that out. >> yes. i'm not on drugs either. >> were you wildly excited? >> wildly excited and terrified.
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i was on a magic carpet as i said. i floated down the -- saw jon voigt, stopped for a quick kiss. >> you're god mother to angelina jolie. >> i am. >> it must be a wonderful moment. forget all the reactions to the speech. >> you feel the people there. you know quite a lot of them. there's quite a few good vibes coming towards you. and you think, god, i'm here! god! and i wanted to give love. and i wanted to put out the good vibes to people. and then i forgot my most important person, the director of this wonderful miniseries. and that was the back of my mind i thought i've missed the [ mute ] entry into that. everything just went -- a twist. >> when it finished and you walked off did you think it had gone well? how did you feel about the speech? happy that it was over. and thrilled to have that golden globe in my hand.
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and we wafted back into the press room and everything. everybody was very friendly and congratulations. i didn't think anything of it. but fairly quickly after that, people said, there's a lot of twittering going on and there's a lot -- for some reason you've you've gone viral. i said what does that mean really? what does it mean? gone viral. then suddenly anxiety. and i knew that word. >> absolutely fabulous. you and emma thompson who then reeled up with a drink in her hand, took her shoes off. just delightfully british and eccentric and weird. americans thinking these brits really are as crazy as we always say they are. >> but you know, this country and the world is so hypocritical. it really is very hypocritical. that world i said is not a big deal, is it? >> no. nothing you said was a big deal. i thought it was fantastic. >> i was made to feel very naughty the next day. very naughty. and it took me until the day after to realize. and i plunked the golden globe down in the kitchen right when i
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got home. i thought oh, i've messed everything else. what the hell is going on? can i say that? >> of course you can. >> and it wasn't until all the next day and the next morning i saw it there. and i thought, i've won a golden globe. >> let's take a look at why you won it. this is a clip from "dancing on the edge" the miniseries that got you our award. >> are you a journalist? >> blimey. is it that obvious? yes i am. >> i have nothing against journalists. i just never talk to them. certainly not at funerals. >> of course. i understand that. but actually we might bump into each other later on today. you're kindly allowing the band to stay on your estate. and well, i've always wanted to meet you. and just in case we run into each other later i just thought i'd say that. >> and now you've done it. and at considerable lengths. >> it's a fabulous role. and it's a fabulous series. did you think when you made it you were doing something quite special?
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>> oh, i did. i had heard habit steven poliokoff and seen his work. i thought this man is really brilliant. he's going to be tough and demanding but he's charming and he's twinkly and he's a little bit effervescent at times. >> when you go to parties, do you get leo dicaprio coming up saying you were fantastic the stars? >> so many people haven't seen it. the foreign hollywood foreign press have seen it probably because it played in london, in england. and it got good viewing in london. but i don't think that it's had a very broad -- it's now on starz. and i checked it out yesterday. it's there until the 31st of january on starz on demand. so i hope people see it. because it would be really weird to be an actress who's got a golden globe and no one has seen the show. >> there are two amazing things about you. one is you've made over 50 movies since your debut in 1956.
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>> much more than that. >> more than 50? over 50. do you know how many? >> it's about 90 something. >> is it really? >> about 90 projects at least. >> for movie and tv? >> yes, about 90 projects. >> amazing. that's even more extraordinary. secondly i hope you don't mind me saying this, because i think they would be so i a mazed. you're you're 69 years old. about to be 70. you look about 50. >> do i? >> yes. >> well, that's a variable. it's a variable. >> and the third most extraordinary thing, when we come to this after the break, you've never got married. >> uh-huh. >> i want to find out why. >> really? >> and i want to ask you my signature question. how many times, jacqueline bisset, you ever properly in love. hold your answer. it's an easy question. wow. we'll find out. more jacqueline bisset after the break. anything could happen here.
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i almost drowned.
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i almost drowned. >> i almost drowned. >> a clip from 1977's "the deep," a film that launched the wet t-shirt craze. >> thank you very much. >> made $50 million, a huge amount at the time.
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i'm back now with jacqueline. >> somebody said to me the other day, yesterday, they said, you know, it will always be jacqueline bisset, the golden globe nominee. >> you were telling me a lovely story about sophia, that you beat for the nominations. tell me what happened. >> i just went to say hello to her afterwards. she was so nice. so warm, so embracing. and that was first. then later on, we were down seeing the different people in the party. she said, let's pretend we're fighting. she grabs the orb, whatever, and we have a scuffle. it was adorable. >> she's very sweet and talented. you're nearly 70 years old. >> yes. >> you're one of the great beauties of the world throughout
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this entire time of your life. you've managed to avoid getting married. you've had many relationships with some great men. you've never taken the plunge. why? >> i could never see -- you know, it's probably because my parents were not happy. they were together for a very long time. i couldn't see any advantage. they were both good people. but they didn't get along together. it was a dead feeling. i only saw my father kiss my mother once, because he was going on holiday. he had been given a car, he was a doctor. but a patient had given him a car. he got his cashmere sweater on
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and came up to my mother and kissed her on the cheek, and he headed off to scotland to play golf. and i thought, i adored my father, but i thought golly, that's not very cozy. >> how many times would you say you've been in love in your life? >> i've been in love, absolutely. >> how many times? >> i've had like five major relationships. i've had people i adore. my heart is very selective, i think, and it goes -- it doesn't waver, it just goes. i'm not somebody who has sort of, you know, quickies. and i seem to pick guys who seem to go into their long-term sort of thing. i don't know if it's me or them. >> you're a good cook. but you've also co-starred with some of hollywood's biggest leading men, dean martin, anthony quinn. if i could plant you on a desert island with one of those leading men, who would you pick? steve mcqueen, dean martin, anthony quinn. >> i think paul newman, because he had a great sense of humor, and he looked like he would be practical.
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i made hamburgers with him once, and i can't say i did that with anyone else. we put a party together once, and we went shopping to the market with him. it was quite something to go to the market. >> was winning the globe the best moment of your career? >> one of the best moments, yeah. but there have been lots of good moments. >> i'm thrilled to have had you on. >> is it over already? it's not possible. >> your next project is "welcome to ny," i can't wait to see that. you can find "dancing on the edge" in february. it's been fabulous. >> thank you very much. >> we'll be right back.
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tomorrow night, new year, new you. the one thing that everybody needs, money and advice.
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i've got just the man for that. dave ramsey will be here answering your questions about saving for retirement and avoiding the top money mistakes. that's live tomorrow night. that's all for us tonight. good evening, everyone. tonight, new, up-close video of that san francisco plane crash reveals that first responders didn't give a survivor a second thought until her tragic, accidental and totally avoidable death. that's actually her on the ground. we're "keeping them honest" tonight. plus, a woman who said she had an earlier run-in with the killer in the movie theater and his claim of self-defense. later, whether you get it by prescription or over the counter, new recommendations about painkillers containing acetaminophen. the information could save you from potentially deadly complications. we begin tonight "keeping them honest" with a unique window into the fiery moments


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