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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  January 24, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm PST

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know what happened to this particular video what is going on there. clearly you see the yellow lamborghini out front and a red ferrari behind it and police cars after that. there is a new video. we'll be playing it for you on chooj on cnn. i'm don lemon. thanks for watching. "ac 360" starts right now. good evening, everyone. i'm john berman sitting in for anderson. tonight her case divides opinion, her story can break your heart. now a court decides the fate of a brain-dead woman being kept on life support against her and her family's wishes because she's pregnant. also tonight, new threats to the olympics. a new warning to americans and new word on plans to mount a military response if worse comes to worse. and later, this is just in. dramatic new video of the kind of driving that landed justin bieber in police custody. there's that. we have extreme surfer laird hamilton and a real-life exorcist and more. don't get to say that often.
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but we are going to begin in texas where a judge has ruled in the case of marlise munoz. she is brain-dead. and her family says she never wanted to be kept on machines like this. but because she is pregnant, the hospital has kept her on a ventilator. late today her husband asked a court for permission to disconnect the machine and the judge said yes. ed lavendera joins us now from dallas with what was said in the courtroom and what went into this ruling. e ed. >> reporter: well, john, it was an incredibly emotional experience for eric munoz and the parents of marlise munoz. after the arguments to the judge they were sobbing intensely, waiting for the judge to come back with his ruling. when the judge ruled in their favor, they continued the crying. eric munoz so emotional he could not even speak to reporters as he left the courthouse this afternoon. but essentially what the judge has ordered is for john peter
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smith hospital here in ft. worth to declare marlise munoz dead and to turn over the body to eric munoz and her family by 5:00 p.m. central time on monday afternoon this. would give some time for attorneys for the hospital, john peter smith hospital, to file some sort of appeal. at this point we have reached out to the hospital and lawyers representing the hospital. so far they are not making any comments. so it's not clear if the hospital will try to appeal this ruling or just simply move on. >> ed, we've heard for some time about the family and their wishes. the family has claimed for some time that marlise was brain-dead. so did the hospital's attorneys explain their rationale for keeping her on these machines for so long? >> reporter: this has been part of the emotional part for this family. all along we've only been able to hear from the munoz family who said that marlise was brain-dead and the fetus isn't viable. part of what made today so emotional today the hospital
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acknowledged she is brain-dead. there is no chance she would have ever been saved at any point, and the condition of the fetus is simply not viable. there is no way this fetus would survive on its own. it was rather graphic and gruesome testimony to hear the conditions of not only marlise munoz but the fetus as well. the hospital says they had no case law, no legislative history, anything to rely on. they say they were following the statute which they believe was intended to protect the life of the unborn. and lawyers say that had the law said that all of this would have been terminated if the patient or the woman were to be dead, then they would have followed that. but because the law specifically didn't have those words, they followed down this path. >> they were look for some kind of legal clarification. the question is did they get it, ed lavendara, thanks so much. this raises so many questions. it is time for equal justice now. reaction from our legal team. sonny hostin and mark geragos
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two legal professionals who do not see eye to eye on this one and dr. sanjay gupta. sonny, you said last night on this program that the issue were the rights of the fetus. the judge didn't say anything about the fetus here. he was talking about marlise, the woman here. and he said the issue here is simply settled by the fact that the hospital says she's brain-dead. >> yeah. and i think this was a real missed opportunity for this judge and for the court. i've said all along when looking at this case, the law is unclear. the law is murky. that's what you heard from the hospital's lawyers. there is no legislative history, because i looked for it. i researched to find out debate on the legislative floor. why did they put this in? there is no definition as to whether or not the intent, the legislative intertent intent is to protect the second patient the child. we're still in the same place, john. this happened in 1999 in texas and the judge also found that brain-dead woman was dead and that the fetus didn't have a e
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fetal heartbeat and the judge ruled she should be unplugged. you have the situation now just happening again in 2014. and we just don't have any guidance, any clarity. and it's just -- i think it's heart breaking, i think it's tragic. we're going to see this case again and again and again in texas. >> mark, you're shaking your head here. let me put this to you. not only did the judge agree with the family and now apparently the hospital that marlise is brain-dead but that the hospital also said something which frankly surprised me. they came out and agreed that the fetus wasn't viable. and it made me wonder, what has everyone been fighting about then for the last few weeks? >> well, john, if you've been watching the show, i've been saying for every show that we've been on that this was just -- and i'll let sanjay talk about the science -- but this was just outrageous what happened here. there was no chance whatsoever. and this idea that sonny who she may not often be right but she's never wrong. >> oh, thanks, geragos.
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>> who doesn't quite understand that this was crystal clear. the statute is crystal clear. >> it is not. all the lawyers for the hospital were unclear. >> the lawyers for the hospital -- let me explain something to you, sonny. if i were the lawyers for this young man who had to sit and watch his dead wife there, i would turn around and sue this hospital for intentional inflection of emotional distress. >> that's ridiculous. >> this statute, you don't need to go a basic rule of statutory construction is you do not need to go to legislative history if the statute is clear. the statute was clear on its face. >> it was not clear on its face. >> keep yelling, sonny. it doesn't do you any good. you lost. you were wrong at every turn. this was outrageous what they were doing with this woman. and obviously and sanjay can back me up, there was no way that this fetus was viable at any point. and the state had no business doing what they did. >> we don't even know what this means. >> let me try to get a little
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bit of science in here with sanjay. sanjay, the judge agreed now with the hospital and the family that marlise was brain-dead and legally speaking in texas in many states, most states in the u.s., brain-dead is dead. but again now the hospital and the family are both saying the fetus was not viable. when do you imagine they were able to make that determination? and what went into it? >> well, i read the documents pretty carefully. let me say it's interesting the way they've worded this. they say that at the time of this hearing the fetus is not viable. and we actually already knew that, because fetuses typically do not become viable until about 23 or 24 weeks. so it was unclear from the documents were they saying this fetus is not viable or would never be viable? that just isn't that clear. as far as never being viable, they can do tests. they can look if there's a catastrophic heart problem or catastrophic problem within the brain they can say there is no way this fetus will ever be able to live outside of the womb. and that's what that means. but again, it was a little bit
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unclear. but i think again to mark's point, reading ruling here, they say you cannot provide life-sustaining treatment to someone who is dead. and this woman is dead. and that's really where the judge sort of came down on this. >> and i want to also add to this -- >> hang on. i want to make this point. >> sonny go ahead. >> when you look at the one-page order what the judge said i'm also not ruling on the constitutionality of the law. and then i feel like we're in sort of stage one again. because it is unclear, the constitutionality is unclear. >> the judge did say brain-dead is did here. that seems to provide some clarity. do you think the hospital will appeal? do you see any grounds for appeal? >> you know, i think there are grounds for appeal. because one, i don't think that the judge addressed some of the really important issues here, which is viability, because we don't know what the court determined. >> you don't need, to sonny. >> i also think that again this
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law is so unclear and open to interpretation that we're going to see this same tragic situation again, mark, just like we saw in 1999. and the judge needed to provide clarity and failed to do so. a missed opportunity. >> the judge gave clarity. he didn't have to write an extensive opinion. because other than you, sonny, and a couple of other people who apparently can't read the english language -- >> a lot of other lawyers for the hospital. >> the lawyers for the hospital were getting paid because the hospital is billing away and is going to -- they may appeal because are going to continue to bill away. >> oh, come on. >> we heard last night that the billing department said are going to engage in the normal course of trying to collect moneys in this case. >> the hospital was unclear as to what the law was and continued to try to follow the law. >> this has nothing to do -- >> it's not about money. >> it's all about money. >> i want to give sanjay the last word here. sanjay, medically speaking -- >> this is such an important point. i think people -- this idea of
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brain death somehow being co-mingled or confused with things like coma or vegetative state is not only a problem, it's potentially dangerous. this to me was pretty clear. and i think to the doctors who were even caring for this patient, marlise, it was clear to them as well. you can't provide life-sustaining treatment to someone who is dead. and i think the term brain death -- >> what about the fetus? >> the patient is this woman who is brain-dead. and maybe the term brain death itself has just become a bad term. it's just confused people too much. it's confusing. >> we should just say the person is dead. >> what about the fetus? >> the situation is this. monday at 5:00 the judge has ruled that the ventilator can be removed. we will wait until then to find out if the hospital issues any appeal. dr. sanjay gupta, sonny hoss that, mark geragos appreciate it. they might have been the president and first lady under a different scenario. now they are co-defendants.
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we will look at the shopping list of corruption charges against virginia's former first couple and the lavish, lavish gifts they received. later, after the rant and the racist tweets about the rant, the truth of what he said to his on-field opponent and the story of his straight a life. there is yet another twist in the richard sherman story that yes, people will be talking about. stay with us. ♪ [ male announcer ] what kind of energy is so abundant, it can help provide the power for all this? natural gas. ♪ more than ever before, america's electricity is generated by it. exxonmobil uses advanced visualization and drilling technologies to produce natural gas... powering our lives... while reducing emissions by up to 60%. energy lives here.
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>> if we need to extract our citizens, we will have appropriate arrangements with the russians to do this. >> so that's defense secretary chuck hagel talking about extraction plans, not for s.e.a.l. team six but for thousands of americans competing at or attending the winter games sochi. we've seen bomb ngz russia, the threats for more bombings, possible hunt for female black widow bombers and a flood of security forces into the troubled region where the games will take place. now on top of all that, new warnings to americans and a new threat to the olympics. here's nick payton walsh.
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>> reporter: less than two weeks to go and the threats keep coming. a jihadist forum friday quoted bin laden implying someone might fly planes into a city on edge. this militant video first reported by cnn friday prominent in the media added to the daily drip of worry. it compares putin to hitler and says locals can only breathe on moscow's orders. fear felt here of all places in ralph lauren's striking new look for team usa in sochi's winter games. american athletes warned by the state department they'd be safer not wearing these uniforms when they venture out of the ring of steel set up to protect them. >> the u.s. olympic committee, i think, had discussed with its athletes as part of sort of how to stay safe and things to look out for as part of the games this issue about just being careful about where you wear u.s. logos or things like that.
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this isn't unique to russia, to be clear. >> reporter: remarkable that athletes should hide being american. especially a state's tourist warning for sochi says americans aren't specifically targets. the worries mount, but the countdown doesn't stop. even if the heavy snow up in the hills makes you feel like it might. hurried workers and a lot left to do here. here is gorky plaza being readied in a hurry they hope for the tourists supposed to start arriving here in the thousands shortly. but here inside one of the buildings you see the scale of the job still ahead for people trying to work here. this building far from ready. i'm just asking when it will be ready. [ speaking foreign language ] >> reporter: everything he said will be gone and this will be ready by tomorrow lunch time. now under two weeks to go and
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still a feeling of anxiety rather than anticipation. the kremlin is doing all it can to try and lighten the atmosphere. and it emerged friday that a man called platin levdev left jail early. he's a business partner of a key putin critic, securities the main issue. there's a ring of steel here. the real question, can all of southern russia for over a decade now go through the next two weeks without some kind of incident. nick payton walsh, cnn, sochi. >> thanks to nick for that report. back in the united states. how is this for a comedown? four years ago almost to the day, former virginia governor bob mcdonald was giving the republican response to the state-of-the-union address. back then he had good reason to think that one day he might be the one standing before congress
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and occupying the white house. instead, today he stood before a judge facing the possibility of an extended stay at a very different kind of federal residence. he and his wife are charged with taking gifts from a local businessman. this guy on the left right here. supplement company executive johnny williams. in exchange for using the governor's position to help his company. the indictment reads like a neiman marcus cat rig, a silver rolex engraved with governor of virginia, two sets of golf clubs, two iphones, two gold oscar de la renta dresses, who a armani jacket, louis vuitton purses, $15,000 loan and $15,000 wedding gift to the mcdonald's daughter. it all adds up to about $140,000 of cash and prizes or gifts in this case. the question now, will a jury decide that this also adds up to corruption? more now from joe johns.
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>> reporter: bob and maureen mcdonald walked into the courthouse holding hands and prayed with a priest in the hallway. it may be too late for divine intervention. a source familiar with the criminal case said the former governor had been given an opportunity to spare his wife from federal charges but refused to take a plea deal, a move that now forces her into court with him. >> there have been several points in this process, even before an indictment was returned, that it appeared the governor was throwing his wife and his family under the bus. >> reporter: former prosecutor holly hughes said plead or we'll charge your spouse is a chess game that gets played with high profile defendants because the conviction the government wants is from the guy who held high office. >> you want to go after the politician. because the politician is elected by the people. that is a position of public trust. and so if the public can't trust him to do the right thing in his business dealings, then how are they going to trust him to look out for their best interests?
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>> reporter: both mcdonalds pleaded not guilty and were allowed to remain free pending trial. the former governor has repeatedly asserted that he did not break the law. and the 14-count indictment suggests serious wrongdoing on the part of maureen mcdonald. in 43 pages, her name appears roughly 125 times. in an e-mail asking for help because the family was broke. asking for dresses for her daughter's wedding. the indictment says tens of thousands of dollars in checks were made payable to maureen mcdonnell. she is even accused of obstruction of justice for promoting a lie about returning designer goods to this man, johnny williams, former ceo of a dietary supplement company who is said to have showered the couple with as much as $140,000 in loans and gifts in exchange for helping promote the company's products. sources have said the former governor's lawyers tried to convince government prosecutors they would not be able to prove their case at trial even if it came to that. mr. mcdone el has said he was not aware of some of his wife's alleged dealings. our calls to lawyers for the
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couple on friday were not returned. joe johns, cnn, washington. >> so now having heard all that, you might think that this would be a slam-dunk for the prosecution. not necessarily. it's complicated. which is why we like to keep senior legal analyst jeffrey toobin around. >> so the list of gifts weis we', black and white louis vuitton shoes, purses, wallet, the list here very fashionable. it is staggering but in and of itself it doesn't prove corruption. >> john, i've read a lot of legal documents. the indictment in this case is the juiciest, riveting, fascinating legal document i've ever read because it does read like these people who spent their lives as the mcdonnells did in the military, in government service, suddenly getting access to all these riches. and they jump in with both hands. but as you point out, it is not
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illegal under virginia law or even under u.s. law to receive gifts unless you do something in return. and that's the legal controversy at the heart of this case. did governor mcdonnell do anything in response to getting all this money. >> so how do you prove that? the legal term i believe is quid pro quo. >> your latin is very good. the government charges that he the governor and the first lady had a series of meetings promoting star scientific this, dietary supplement company, in a way that was different than they would have done otherwise had they not received all this money and gifts from the company. but basically promoting the company. >> let's talk about maureen mcdonnell, the wife here. you read the indictment, these 43 pages, it's more about her than the go. her name seems to come up much more than former governor bob mcdonnell here.
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wouldn't a viable legal strategy be, you know, this was all her. and she wasn't elected to anything. so there was no public corruption here. >> here you get into very interesting issues of male-female dynamics, husband-wife dynamics. because it certainly does look like from the evidence laid out in the indictment that maureen mcdonnell was the person pressing for more and more money from the owner of this company. but how does it look for the governor, former governor, to stand up in front of the juror have his lawyers say oh, it's all my wife's fault? >> it may look awful and this whole list of gifts looks awful but they have to prove what in terms of their relationship here? >> well, the central charge is conspiracy. she's also charged with making false statements which is a separate, more simpler issue. but the government will have to prove that this was a coordinated effort to get money and give benefits. >> one last thing here. there was apparently an offer of a plea deal. where the governor would be able to plead to a lesser charge that wasn't even dealing directly
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with public corruption per se. and the wife, maureen mcdonnell, would have to plead to nothing. she would get off completely. why do you think he rejected it and what does that tell you? >> that struck me, given these facts, as a pretty sweet deal for the two of them if he gets off with a relatively minor charge and she gets a walk. >> did he throw her under the bus here? she could have gotten off completely. >> you know, i suspect since they're still married they talked about this and they decided that this was not the right thing to do. but she's taking a big risk. and if they are convicted across the board, i don't see how a judge can avoid giving both of them at least some prison time and that's a big deal. >> jeffrey toobin, great to have you. have a great weekend. up next, the dangerous deep freeze gripping much of the country is spreading south. and here in the north we're getting ready for more snow. chad myers here with the forecast. and there is one benefit of the winter weather. we're talking huge waves breaking off the california
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coast drawing big wave surfers from all over the world. legendary surfer laird hamilton joins us straight ahead. ] your. even at a distance of 10 miles... the length of 146 football fields... they can see the light of a single candle. your eyes are amazing. look after them with centrum silver. multivitamins with lutein and vitamins a, c, and e to support healthy eyes and packed with key nutrients to support your heart and brain, too. centrum silver. for the most amazing parts of you.
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get the most highly-recommended bed in america at closeout prices. plus, get interest-free financing and free same-day delivery. why wait for the new models? sleep train's year end clearance is ending soon. superior service, best selection, lowest price, guaranteed. ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ . icy weather remains a deadly problem across a big part of the country tonight, especially in places that rarely see it. texas and louisiana taking the brunt of this. state authorities there closing down parts of interstate 10. at least two people have died so far on slippery roads. meantime, more snow is forecast up north for tomorrow. and get ready for more scenes like this one out at the site of super bowl xlviii in the new jersey meadowlands.
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the first game day forecast is out. we're talking about shades of the frozen tundra of lambeau field. for more on all that let's check in with chad myers. chad, i know it's january and it's winter and it's supposed to be cold. but i peeked ahead at the forecast for mid next week. we're talking really cold. >> now, remember, that's still nine days away, okay? i can't make a great forecast more than five days away. some people say they can, but i look at their forecasts. at ten days out it's a 50-50 shot. do i have a forecast though for you coming up. this will be cold for the rest of the week and probably even for a couple more weeks. the jet stream doigs that. that allows a big h right there. hot weather in the west and all the cold weather in the east. it also makes for very good clipper weather. one storm after the other will roll through from the north from canada down along that jet stream. clipper there goes one, there goes two, there goes three. and we could have one right in time for the super bowl, if you
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really want to know about it, john. >> i do really want to know about it, chad, despite the fact the patriots aren't playing. they're playing that game here in new york in the northeast. controversial. so what will the weather be? >> and it's outside, right? that's the issue. we have two different models that will go this far. one you know from hurricane season called the european model. the other the gfs or american model. they have slightly different opinions although not that bad. they both have low pressures close to new york on that sunday. and so therefore when that happens there's a chance of precip. now, for the european model it says rain-snow. the gfs american model says all snow. below normal flurries and winds for sure. cold flurries and windy that's our forecast. and if you look at it, this is the biggest deal you can think about the wind. the past five years, john, 28, 15, 36, 33, 34. those are miles per hour. and that's what the wind has been the past five years at the meadowlands for the super bowl day. >> this will be a first. weather not usually a factor at
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the super bowl. chad myers, thank you so much. appreciate it. >> you're welcome. up next, the nfl puts a price on that incident involving seattle seahawks cornerback richard sherman. how much he will have to pay for taunting coming up next. also, the justin bieber you don't often hear about. not the pop star but the son. he's certainly not the first teenager to drink and drive fast. but he's not just any 19-year-old. we have new video of that drag race. also ahead, meet a man you will not soon forget. a modern-day exorcist. he says he drives out demons from the possessed, and sometimes he does it over skype. . and our giant idaho potato truck is still missing. so my dog and i we're going to go find it. it's out there somewhere spreading the good word about idaho potatoes and raising money for meals on wheels. but we'd really like our truck back, so if you see it, let us know, would you?
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thanks. what?
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we have more break news tonight. the nfl has put a price on seattle seahawks cornerback richard sherman's taunting incident from the nfc championship game against the san francisco 49ers. a nfl spokesperson telling cnn the league has find sherman $7875 for taunting. we'll we'll hear more about exactly what the fine was forein just a moment as you know, sherman got a lot of attention after the game for calling out 49ers receiver michael crabtree in an interview with fox sports erin andrews. takes a look. >> i'm the best corner in the game. when you try me with a sorry like crabtree that's the results you're going to get. don't you ever talk about me. >> who was talking about you? >> crabtree. don't you open your mouth. >> and joke, back over to you. >> all right, so last night a new video showed what happened with crabtree before that.
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watch this. >> crabtree takes a snap. going for the end zone. [ inaudible ]. >> hell of a game. hell of a game. >> hell of a game. then got pushed off. cnn sports rachel nichols spoke with richard sherman in an exclusive interview after the incident, and rachel joins me now. rachel, first let me ask you this. what exactlies the fine for. was it for the erin andrews interview or was it for this the choke sign that he gave to colin kaepernick? >> just for doing that to me i'm going to charge you 8 grand just like the nfl did. no, i'm kidding. it is for the choke sign. you can't get fined for what you say in the interview, certainly not for taunting. was the nfl thrilled with the fact that sherman went and followed crabtree after the play? yes, he stuck out his hand and
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said hell of a game hell of a game. but crabtree certainly took it as him being taunted. that's not why he was find. he was find because after that he also stuck up his hands in the choke sign at colin kaepernick, the san francisco quarterback to intimate that of course he had choked on what would have been the game-winning play. what's interesting about that, sherman said he was inspired in that by reggie miller who of course gave the famous choke sign at madison square garden to spike lee. i worked with reggie on a tnt basketball broadcast earlier this week. he told me richard sherman has shot up to his number one nfl player. >> he shot up for a lot of people, too. some look at him and say he may be the most interesting man in the world. you sat down with him. what struck you most? >> it's so fascinating to follow the wave of reaction to richard sherman after this incident and after that interview he gave on the field. first there was a huge backlash against him. then there seemed to be a backlash against the backlash. a lot of people strongly coming out and saying they supported him from lebron james to hank aron. when i talked to richard -- he's so smart.
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graduated from stanford. this guy is not only analyzing what's happened to him but to society at large. he said that he was most surprised by some of the tweets and reactions he got. yes, he got some things that had the n word or words like monkey, really offensive language. but it was the racially coded language that really bothered him the most. people calling him a thug, intimating he was a bad person or violent person because he was loud and boisterous. he talked about that with me. >> people like with muhammad ali and the backlash that he got, people were uncomfortable with not being able to expect things. not being able to control things. not being able to put people in boxes and them stay in those boxes. maybe i'm a kid from the inner city that they wish wouldn't have gotten out of the inner city and expressed himself in this way. >> richard sherman is from compton, los angeles. it's not going to surprise you when he was seven or eight he discovered the films of muhammad ali and he likes him.
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>> i cannot wait to see this entire interview. thank you, rachel nichols. for more of rachel's interview "unguarded" with rachel nichols at 10:30 eastern on cnn. you know there are winter sports happening right now that you can do at the beach. that is if you've got nerves of steel. namely we're talking about professional surfing and the mavericks international which started off the coast of half moon bay south of san francisco. look at this amazing pictures. the event includes 24 of the best surfers from all around the world riding 30 to 40-foot waves. which is big. these are the biggest waves we've seen in a long time. and the biggest waves we see in decades also drew surfers to hawaii's north shore this week. surfing legend laird hamilton says he saw waves well over 50 feet. anderson spoke with laird about what it's like to surf them. >> laird, i understand the waves are expected to be 40 to 50 feet. what did you see out there?
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>> well, we've had surf that's been well -- locations in hawaii right now well over 50 feet. there could be 60, 70-foot chases or more in certain areas. >> how rare is that for this area? >> you know, it's become more and more rare, not as rare as in the past. i feel like the changes in the weather patterns and some of the stuff that's been happening on the earth has affected it. but it's not rare that we can have 80-foot, 70 to 80-foot bases during our winters in hawaii. that can be as common as once or twice or even five or six times a winter. >> what does it feel like to be out on these kind of waves? what does it feel like to ride one of these waves?
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>> well r, it's one of the most kind of consuming experiences that you can ever have in your life. i think not only does it make you feel very alive, it also makes you feel very insignifica insignificant. it reminds you how little you are. it's a humbling experience. and an awe-inspiring one. i said if dinosaurs were alive and you could see one, that's what these waves are like. it's like hey, it's like seeing a dinosaur where it's hard to believe sometimes that these waves can be this big. >> dinosaurs could crush people. these waves can as well. if you fall under one of these waves they can keep you down underwater for awhile, can't they? >> they've kept some of us down for long enough that that would
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be the end. so there's that possibility. we try to be as safety-conscious as we can be given the risks that we take. we're wearing floatation devices and we have jet skis and we're trying to be cautious about the waves that we choose. but it's the inherent nature, the danger of the sport. and no risk no reward. but consequences, yeah, they can be fatal. >> when you're out on a wave this size, what do you hear? i mean, is it a deafening roar or are you in a zone where you don't hear it crashing? >> no. i mean, the sound is great enough that you feel it. and i guess it's kind of like standing in front of a speaker at a concert. you feel the sound, not only do you hear it.
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there's a roar. the bigger the surf is the deeper the roar. there's a rumble that you can hear from a distance, and then there's a consuming rumble that when you're into close proximity, when you're on one you can definitely -- you're consumed not only by the visual but by the sound. >> well, it's awesome to watch. laird, i appreciate you taking the time to talk to us. thank you. >> anderson, my pleasure. >> some amazing pictures. up next for us, new video of justin bieber's drag race. . plus it sounds like something out of a movie but it's real and it's happening right now. we will take you inside a modern-day exorcism. >> die lucifer. the old dining table at 25th and hoffman. ...and the little room above the strip mall off roble avenue. ♪ this magic moment it is the story of where every great idea begins. and of those who believed they had the power to do more.
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dell is honored to be part of some of the world's great stories. that began much the same way ours did. in a little dorm room -- 2713. ♪ this magic moment ♪ ♪ this magic moment my dad has aor afib.brillation, he has the most common kind...'s not caused by a heart valve problem. dad, it says your afib puts you at 5 times greater risk of a stroke. that's why i take my warfarin every day. but it looks like maybe we should ask your doctor about pradaxa. in a clinical trial, pradaxa® (dabigatran etexilate mesylate)... ...was proven superior to warfarin at reducing the risk of stroke. and unlike warfarin, with no regular blood tests or dietary restrictions. hey thanks for calling my doctor. sure. pradaxa is not for people with artificial heart valves. don't stop taking pradaxa without talking to your doctor. stopping increases your risk of stroke. ask your doctor if you need to stop pradaxa before surgery or a medical or dental procedure. pradaxa can cause serious, sometimes fatal, bleeding. don't take pradaxa if you have abnormal bleeding or have had a heart valve replaced.
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seek immediate medical care for unexpected signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. pradaxa may increase your bleeding risk if you're 75 or older, have a bleeding condition or stomach ulcer, take aspirin, nsaids, or blood thinners... ...or if you have kidney problems, especially if you take certain medicines. tell your doctors about all medicines you take. pradaxa side effects include indigestion, stomach pain, upset, or burning. if you or someone you love has afib not caused by a heart valve problem... ...ask your doctor about reducing the risk of stroke with pradaxa.
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justin bieber busted. tonight we have new information about the pop star's arrest on suspicion of dui. bieber was pulled over after miami beach police saw him drag racing in a residential area early yesterday morning. cnn affiliate wfor got this homeowner surveillance video showing bieber's yellow lamborghini and some other cars followed there by police cars. police say bieber admitted to not only drinking but also smoking pot and taking prescription pills. after he left jail yesterday, bieber climbed on top of his car and waved to cheering fans, in a scene often reminiscent of a certain other pop star's
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behavior, a reference that was not lost on bieber himself. here's what he posted on instagram today. here's bieber on the left, and on the right michael jackson waving at fans after leaving court during his child molestation trial. bieber's caption was "what more can they say." so now that we seem to be witnessing yet another downward spiral of yet another young star, there is more scrutiny than ever on the people in his life, particularly his parents. >> justin bieber's parents were just teens when he was born. his mother, patty molette, raised justin largely on her own. >> from the time justin was two years old his mom was raising him pretty much as a single mother. he had a relationship with his dad throughout the years but she did all the heavy lifting and she was the driving force of supervision in his life. >> when her son was 12, she helped the aspiring singer load videos of himself onto youtube. by 14, he was meeting with usher and had his first record deal.
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♪ >> around son spoke to her on his talk show about wanting to shield her son from fame. >> you didn't want him to, i heard, when he first was putting stuff on youtube, you were worried about it. >> i didn't want him to know it was even an option to come into this industry. i had heard all the horror stories. but the more open doors there were, i thought, well, i'd better give him the opportunity. >> molette has written about her own battle with drugs and alcohol. she spoke last year to the "wall street journal" about working to ensure her son didn't follow the same path. >> and i want him to learn from my mistakes instead of doing his own. but kids have to learn themselves as well. he's 18, and just got to let go and hopefully he'll learn from my past. >> oh, my god, justin just got pulled over. >> after bieber's arrest early yesterday morning, he allegedly told police he had been drinking, smoking marijuana and
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taking prescription drugs. cnn has since learned from police sources that bieber said those prescription drugs came from his mother. bieber's father is often photographed palling around with his son. >> by all appearances, jeremy seems to be more of justin's friend than really acting like a father figure right now. but according to sources, both of his parents really feel like now that he's 18 they can't really control him anymore. >> what role if any his father played yesterday is unclear. police tell cnn reports of jeremy bieber being at the scene of his son's alleged drag race are unconfirmed. but he was with him in miami earlier in the day. he was also seen at the correctional facility where bieber was briefly held. following his son's arrest, jeremy wrote on twitter, "i can protect my kids, but i can't protect them from you and your lies. believe in the truth, not in the lies of the enemy." >> first case this afternoon is
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justin bieber. >> nor can he protect justin from facing justice. >> see more tonight in our special report, justin bieber's wild ride at 10:00 p.m. eastern right here on cnn. another story people are discussing right now, you are probably familiar with the double homicide this week in maryland. a mother allegedly kills two of her children in what authorities believe was an attempted exorcism. the idea of exorcisms in this day and age certainly sound strange and unusual, but the fact is they do happen. here's gary tuchman. >> reporter: bob larson is an evangelical christian, a reverend, a man of god. he is also -- >> say i go. >> -- an exorcist. >> say we the people of god agree. >> we the people of god agree. >> reverend larson says this young man, esau, is possessed with a demon. another exorcism. larson says noella is also possessed by the devil.
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and he says her demons change her voice. >> go now. >> go where? >> go now. go now. >> nobody's taking me out of this home. >> reporter: you may not believe it exorcism. >> say i, lucifer. say i, lucifer. >> but the practice is prevalent among many religions, including bob larson's evangelical christianity. >> simple terms in exorcism is the process of expelling a evil spirit from an individual who has become somehow invaded or demon idaho or possessed by that being and sending it back to hell and freeing the person. >> reporter: and now in this day and age, exorcisms are done over skype. >> i'm going to reach out across the miles and annoint you in the name of the father, the son, and the holy spirit. >> reporter: the exorcist says this man, david from norway, is possessed by four demons. one of the demons, says bob larson, is sarcastic and
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mocking. >> are you bob the builder? [ laughter ] >> you have mocked the servant of god. you will be struck with judgment for mocking the servant of god. >> reporter: another demon, says larson, is named leviathan, who is dangerous and mean. >> out of the way, leviathan. >> take you down down down down. >> you're not take me anywhere. you're the one who's going down. >> we will tear you apart bit by bit and dogs will eat your flesh. >> i call the hounds of hell to come now and begin to eat your flesh. >> reporter: tomorrow these exchanges could be seen as dramatic performances, or conversations better suited
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between a psychiatrist and patient. either way, it's hard not to be disturbed while watching. >> say we break the curse. say it, leviathan. >> we will make the curse ten times worse. >> judgment strikes you. judgment strikes you. >> we will kill everyone. >> reporter: it took over an hour, but the exorcist said he was successfully able to rid david of his demons for now. >> god bless. >> yeah. bye bye. >> bye bye. >> before david says bye, we ask if we could have a few words with him. >> do you think you'll be able to get rid of the demons that you believe are inside your body? >> i'm not sure if more are left, but time will show. and if there are, we well pluck them one by one. >> with all due respect, some of what we just watched seemed like a very disturbing nightclub act. what's your response to that? >> it isn't.
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it's real. there would be no need to theatrically stage this for any reason. why would anybody do that? i have no idea. >> reporter: bob larson says he has done more than 20,000 exorcisms. and he's certain there will never be any shortage of the devil's demons. gary tuchman, cnn, scottsdale, arizona. >> something to see. coming up, an inspiring story of making every day count. a teacher with an inoperable brain tumor turns his terminal illness into a life-affirming american journey. being carried in your arms. but after a morning spent in the caribbean playing pirates with you in secret coves and afternoons swimming with dolphins, finished with a movie watched against the setting sun, she won't exactly be short on memories.
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princess cruises. come back new. ♪
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journey inspired by a thought-pro jokie advocating questio -- provoking question. what would you do if you found out you had a terminal illness? tom foreman reports. >> reporter: in the city that care for god, it's hard to find anyone with fewer worries than david menashi. >> at times i have felt a lot like huck finn. just floating down the river free. >> reporter: odd, because for seven years he's had an inoperable brain tumor. so why is he happy? because his terminal illness has led to the adventure of a lifetime. >> well, that's one of the perks of being told you're going to die. you don't have a lot left to be afraid of. >> reporter: menasche was a teacher who loved literature, poetry and shaping young lives. but illness made him wonder if he had really made any difference. so he set out to visit as many former students as he could
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through 8,000 miles of buses, planes, trains, hitchhiking. >> some were amazed. i repeatedly got the question, what are you doing in seattle? how did you get to san francisco? oregon, illinois, new york, pennsylvania, florida, georgia, louisiana, alabama. >> a lot. >> a lot. >> ladies and gentlemen, the pacific. >> reporter: the adventure became a book "the priority list" the friendships became a new reason to live. >> even in this state, mostly blind and crippled, i'm alive. and i'm doing things with my life. and i'm very happy about that. >> what did you learn? >> i did make a difference. and i'm very proud of that difference and the people that they have become. >> there was no cap for the shampoo bottle. >> reporter: some of his old students now help him get to the doctor, run errands, read books. >> to be honest there was a time
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in high school where i didn't think he'd be there to see me get into college and graduate and know that i'd be a teacher. >> this was all more than you've expected? >> absolutely. >> we're all going to die. we both know this. it is an inevitability that if you just spend your time dreading and mourning, then you miss out on the good stuff that happens before then. i am very much about living. >> reporter: and still, he pushes on, not to the end but to whatever comes next. tom foreman, cnn, new orleans. >> whattan inspiration. that does it for this edition of 360. thank you for watching. "piers morgan live" starts right now. this is piers morgan live. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. the tonight the movie that's raunchy, raw, and some people say crosses the line. >> stop. safety first. safety is first. >> i don't want to get


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