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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  January 28, 2014 1:00am-2:01am PST

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good evening, everyone. tonight, my interview with state senator creigh deeds of virginia, whose son stabbed him multiple times, and how he says the tragedy could have been avoided. also tonight from here in washington, what more can you say? with three years left in a second term-the state of the union address be president obama's last chance to shape his agenda? we'll look ahead to the event. and what is it like aboard the latest nightmare cruise ship where only the germs appear to be going first class. i was in richmond, virginia, speaking with a father whose face and body bear the marks of a fatal attack that happened in november. the pain for this father is still raw. virginia state senator creigh deeds was slashed, stabbed and almost killed by his mentally ill son, gus, who then took his own life. he talked about it a little last
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night on "60 minutes," but tonight we go in-depth in a way he's never spoken about before. >> people have been so kind to me. they reach out, and you know, they don't understand sometimes that i just, i've got to be left alone, because i've got to focus on the good things. you know, these pictures and the facebook page set up for gus, there's so many good pictures, there's so many good memories, and that's what i have to focus on, you know. i'm determined that gus not be remembered just for his illness or what ended his life. i mean, that's nothing. he was such a good boy, a good man. he had a good heart. he loved people. >> gus was senator deeds's only son, loved deeply by a father who did everything he could to try to get him the help that he so desperately needed, but this man, a senator, no less, could not get that help. the system, he says, failed his son, and he's speaking out tonight because he wants you to know about the boy he loved, about the young man with a
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bright future, a future that was taken away by mental illness. early in the morning on november 19th, police received a 911 call, news of a violent attack in bath county, virginia. the victim, virginia state senator creigh deeds. deeds was stabbed repeatedly around his head and torso with multiple slashes across his face. the attack happened on deeds's property, just outside his home. the assault alone was shocking enough, but the identity of the attacker was beyond comprehension. it was deeds's son, gus, who turned a gun on himself after the attack. >> senator deeds's son, gus deeds, age 24, also of millborough, was found inside the residence suffering from life-threatening injuries associated with a gunshot wound. despite efforts by troopers and first responders there at the residence, he died at the scene. >> senator deeds was found by a cousin on the highway in front of his home, critically injured,
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deep in shock and unaware that his son was dead. >> with that, we keep working, we keep fighting. >> reporter: deeds is a well-known democratic politician in virginia. in 2009, he launched a campaign for governor with his son, gus, on the campaign trail with him. the two were close, gus the only boy in the family. they lived a seemingly normal, happy life, but at some point in his early 20s, gus began to change. his parents feared he was bipolar, maybe even schizophrenic. a month before the attack, gus dropped out of college. on november 18th of last year, creigh deeds took his son to the local hospital for a mental health evaluation. a magistrate had issued an emergency custody order, which meant they found gus to be homicidal, suicidal or unable to care for himself, but the hospital had no psychiatric beds available for gus and released him. under virginia state law, six hours is the maximum time a person can be held in emergency
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custody without a bed. the next morning, gus attacked his father. since the attack, three area hospitals confirmed they had beds available but said no one had called them to check. >> my son. >> creigh deeds still lives at the same house where the attack happened just over two months ago. he's mostly recovered from his injuries, though he is visibly scarred, and he's returned to his seat in the state senate with a new purpose, mental health reform in virginia, to help fix the system he says failed him and failed his son. well, that's the motivation for the state senator. as we saw in sandy hook, the need extends beyond virginia. there is so much stigma around mental illness in this country. people speak about it in hush tones, if at all. tonight we want you to hear creigh deeds. we want you to hear about the son that he loved, the son he lost and the pain that too many families in this country face, often all alone. what do you want people to know
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about gus? >> with gus, gus was a sensitive kid. he was sometimes overly sensitive, you know, and very -- he was the kind of kid that sometimes kept count of rights and wrongs and who got what. you know, he was very conscious of that growing up, but he blossomed as a teenager. and then when he was 20, after the campaign didn't work out, gus was kind of just astray. he decided i'll sit out another semester of school. his mother called me one morning and said, you know, i woke up this morning with nothing but a note on the table from gus that said i've taken a ride. and a couple days later, she got a text of a road sign in wyoming. you know, he had taken a cross-country trip. he came back a little bit changed. significantly changed. but he came back a renewed commitment to faith. i mean, it wouldn't be too much to say that he was probably over
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the top with it in many respects. >> was that the first indication to you that there was something wrong? >> well, i didn't really know that anything was wrong. it's easy to react to something like that and say something's wrong with him, but my children have been raised in church. >> sure. >> they had been raised in faith. he came back with a renewed religious interest, and i thought it was a little bit strange, considering, you know, past conversations with gus that he was that almost fanatical, you know. he was distant. he started making knives out of strap metal. i think his mother had him in october of 2010, late september, had him in a halfway house near charlottesville, run by the community service board, and he was there for a week or two, and he came back and he, basically, we got him a job at the homestead washing dishes. this kid with unlimited intellectual capacity was really just kind of doing menial work. >> he was adrift. >> he was adrift. he came to live with me twice in
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the summer of 2011. you know, he said things that made me -- i mean, he said, he admitted that he was considering killing himself. and so, i didn't take that lightly. >> for a parent, that's a horrific -- >> that's devastating. you can just imagine. you know, gus was just kind of -- he had unlimited ability, and it was just every day for the last few years has been, just been very tough. >> it's also, i mean, it's terrifying for a parent to suddenly start to see things in your child at that age, especially in a child who's so accomplished and has had -- >> well, and the thing is, once they're 18, you lose a lot of control as a parent. >> so, you really didn't even know -- >> no. >> -- anything he had been diagnosed with because of privacy laws. >> i never had access to any of that. after he came to live with me, when he admitted suicidal
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thoughts twice, i went to magistrate, twice i had him committed. so, i was the bad guy. but i kept him alive. >> did you suspect he was, perhaps schizophrenic? >> you know, in the reading i've done, i'm convinced that he was schizophrenic. i'm not a professional in the health care field. i don't know, but it certainly -- what i've read about schizophrenia, i think he was schizophrenic. >> and it's certainly the age that people start to exhibit signs of schizophrenia. >> yes, absolutely. he went back to school in the fall of 2012, and he was dean's list again, fall of 2012, spring of 2013. when he came home, i was a little bit worried that perhaps he wasn't taking his medicine. i confronted him about it. he said, you know -- >> his thoughts were kind of racing when he was -- >> well, he was just a little more distant, a little less open. and then in early october, he started posting things on facebook about the teachers or
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the professors, you know, combining forces against him or consolidating, you know, they were -- >> plotting against him. >> -- plotting against him, yeah, yeah. and i just, i sent him a message on facebook. i said, said gus, what's going on? is there anything i can do to help? and he said, this will pass, don't worry. the next day he called me and he wanted to come home. >> my brother did the exact same thing. he one day all of a sudden called up my mom, was like, i want to come home, came home, and when i heard that, i was terrified. >> i got on the phone with a friend of mine, a psychologist, and i told gus, i said, buddy, you and i need to work on our communication skills. we need to develop, work on our relationship. and we need to sit down with this lady. >> so, you were hoping by involving yourself in it, that that would get him to at least be able to talk to a psychologist. >> right, absolutely. and we went and talked, spent an hour with her, and you know, later on, that was like a
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saturday morning. later on, she called me and said, you know, gus is delusional, i'm really worried, you know. and on the first of november, i went to ireland. while i was in ireland for two weeks, he never responded to an e-mail, he never picked up the phone when i called him. gus's whole attitude, his delusions had taken over, and his whole attitude just changed toward everything. >> would he express the delusions, or -- >> well, he was just -- you know, delusions of grandeur, almost, that he was a demagogue, almost, i was a slave. >> so a religious -- people have delusions of different ways, his had a religious tone. >> it did. so, i looked in his book and i saw things in there that concerned me, that made me understand that he was looking around for -- that maybe could be concerned about guns. and i -- >> a journal he had been keeping. >> yeah, the journal.
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and so, the next morning, on monday, the 18th, when i got to work, i called, after they were opened, i called the csb, and i talked to a fella there who, i explained to him the problem. he said, you need to get to the magistrate and see if you can get an eco issued. and i said my frustration with that -- >> eco is? >> emergency custody order. i said my concern is he's only held for 48 or 72 hours, then he comes home and i've got the same problem again. and this guy said, don't worry, we'll try to work with you to get a long-term placement in western state. and that cuts to the core when you hear that your son, your pride and joy, might need to be hospitalized long term. but at least he'd be alive. at least where there's life, there's hope. and i went to this emergency strait, i got the thing issued, eco. i went to the house and i sat
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with gus. he was sitting in the living room playing the banjo. and i sat with gus while he was playing the banjo. he was surprised. deputy sheriffs came about 20 minutes after i got there. they picked gus up. and -- >> was he angry about that? >> he was surprised. he was very -- he was frustrated. and i could -- as the day wore on, you know, i knew that he was upset. the csb worker was to -- you know, he didn't think gus was suicidal, you know. he's trained in those things. i'm not. his plan -- he said they had space for gus at this crossroads halfway house, crisis center intervention in charlottesville, but they were a little concerned about his behavior. he needed to be a little more stable, and they thought he would perhaps be more stable in the morning, so the plan was to bring him to the csb in the morning and then bring him to charlottesville to the halfway house. >> and he was very agitated? >> he didn't sit down all
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afternoon. he would pace the floor, he'd stop and hold his chin, hold his hand -- or his chin in his hand and look at me and smile, just this little closed-lip smile. and then he'd pace some more, and pace a little while. then he'd look at me again. as the time slipped away, i knew there would be a confrontation. i had no idea that it would be violent. i had no reason -- i mean, gus and i -- i just had no reason to think there would be violence. >> the csb where he took his son is the community services board. when we come back, senator deeds talks about the attack that nearly killed him. >> when i turned around, i could see he had something in his hand that was coming at me, but i had no idea what was coming. it was in his left hand. i couldn't tell, you know, i thought it was a screwdriver. i had no idea what it was, and stuff, and i said, "what's going on?" and i said, "gus, i love you so
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much. don't make this any worse than it is". he just kept stabbing. wow, this hotel is amazing. oh no. who are you? who are you? wrong answer. wait, daddy, this is blair, he booked this room with priceline express deals and saved a ton. yeah, i didn't have to bid i got everything i wanted. oh good i always do. oh good he seemed nice. express deals. priceline savings without the bidding.
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before the break, we were talking to virginia state senator creigh deeds about the son he loved and when things started getting bad for him. he spoke about the help he tried to get for gus. now in part two of our conversation, he describes what happened next. so when he came home with you that night -- >> well, that night, i stopped -- i needed gas to get home. i stopped for gas, and i said, bud, i'm going to get something to drink, bottle of pop and a candy bar. can i get you anything? and he just said -- he liked coke and he wanted a snickers bar. then down the road, i thought against it, well, we don't really have anything to eat at the house, why don't i stop and get a sandwich, and he said, just get a sandwich. i thought if i could get hem in the restaurant, that would at least defuse the situation, allow us time to talk, but he didn't want to come in the restaurant. so, i got a sandwich, and he ate
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it, a lot of it on the way home. when we got home, i sat at one end of the dining room table, he sat at the other end. i ate my sandwich. he was writing furiously in his journal. and after i ate my sandwich, i said, "night, gus," "night, bud." he said "goodnight," and he was still writing away. and the next morning, gus, you know, gus was stronger than me. you know, he's better looking, he's stronger, he's smarter. he is everything that you would want in a son. and if gus were rested, if gus were rested and had his heart 100% into something, he could, you know, i would have been toast. >> he could have killed you. >> oh, he could have killed me. he could have killed me, yeah, no question about it. >> if that's what he really had wanted. >> he had that gun. he could have shot me across the yard if he wanted to.
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so, the next morning, you know, i got up. as i said, i was a little nervous, because i knew the job of taking him to lexington was going to be tough, and i knew there would be some, you know, confrontation. i didn't think there would be any violence. i knew there would be discussion. i got ready, went ahead and got ready, went out to the barn to take care of feeding the equine, and i was feeding them, i had some of them in the barn. i had another big feed tray in my hand for this old blond thoroughbred that belongs to my oldest girl. and he was coming across the yard. i said, "hey, bud, how'd you sleep?" you know, i had to wave my hand because i had feed in my hands, and he said "fine." and i turned my back, and i took it twice in the back. >> he stabbed you twice in the back. >> yeah, yeah. >> did you know instantly what was happening? >> no. i had no idea. no idea. i mean, when i turned around, i could see that he had something in his hand that was coming at
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me, but i didn't really -- you know, i had no idea what was coming. it was in his left hand, nothing coming -- i couldn't tell, you know, i thought it was a screwdriver. i had no idea what it was, and he just kept coming at me with stuff. and i said, "what's going on?" you know, and that's when i told, i said, "gus, i love you so much. don't make this any worse than it is." he just kept stabbing. and i think he either knew that i was disabled enough that i couldn't interfere with whatever else he wanted to do. he decided at some point, maybe after i said that i loved him, he decided that i didn't need to die after all, or he thought from the amount of blood that he had already done some damage. the first blow to my back was pretty, you know, pretty close to a spot where he could have drawn a lot of blood. and the second one punctured a lung, you know, so it's possible that -- but i don't -- there was a good bit of blood. but you know, i like to think
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that gus at some point in that attack, the old gus came back. i like to think that, want to believe that. >> because he certainly wasn't himself when he started. >> no, no, he wasn't himself, no. >> that's not your son. >> no. i mean, whatever took my son -- well, you know, the bipolar disorder, the schizophrenia, whatever mental illness there was that took my son and worsens in the last few months, because he was on medicatiwasn't on med wasn't keeping appointments, and there was little i could do to turn that around. i had done everything i could the day before. i had taken him to the med -- you know, it's not like he's my son so i can automatically enroll him in a hospital somewhere. he's an adult. >> right. >> everything i had done the day before, you know, we tried and had been rejected. my son was allowed to suffer.
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>> and he was suffering for a long time. >> he was suffering for a long, long time. i mean, that's -- at least he's at peace now, but it's a price to pay. >> so, you know, i think -- i always feel like if somebody has cancer, they're suffering from cancer, somebody's suffering from, you know, leukemia -- >> that's it. i mean -- >> people -- you get help. >> there's a real disparity in this country between mental illness and what we consider as physical illness. and physical illness we treat. mental illness we hide behind the cause of, we sweep it under the rug. >> there's still such a stigma about it. people don't talk about it. >> they don't talk about it, they're embarrassed about it. people that are mentally ill don't, you know, they don't want to be considered -- they don't want to be considered ill people. they have mental illness in their family oftentimes, want to look the other way and pretend
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it will go away. a lot of people in my own situation would say, well, gus will grow out of it, it will work out just fine, gus will be all right, because he had so much ability. but you know, the problem is, there's -- you know, he wouldn't -- he needed treatment, he needed medication. >> it's also, in this society, it seems like, seen as like a defect, as opposed to something that has taken your son. i mean, it's not -- people don't view cancer as, oh, that person's guilty or they've done something wrong or they're weak, whereas mental illness, there is still that belief. >> yeah, there is, and that's too bad. >> because to me, the strength of somebody who's fighting mental illness, the strength of gus to just get through a day is extraordinary. >> and he had such talent and
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such love inside of him that this illness was nothing voluntary. it wasn't like he did something to deserve this sort of condition. and as a society, we need to genuinely look at the way we treat the mental illness, you know, because it's in my view one of the great problems of our age, the inequity between the way we treat physical illnesses and the way we treat mental illnesses. i mean, i read somewhere that mental illness is another physical illness, it's just a chemical imbalance in the brain. and that's another way to look at it, that mental illness is a physical illness. >> yeah, it is. after the attack, did you -- how did you hear about what finally happened to gus? >> well, see, gus was just slashing away. and i, you know -- and then,
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suddenly, he just turned around. and i think he thought that i was bleeding enough, i don't know. and so, i staggered through the barn along the top of -- along a ridge, climbed a gate, because i just, i didn't have much, and i still don't have much strength in my right side, but my arm was pretty much disabled. so, i didn't open the gate. i climbed it and i staggered out to this road. my cousin was, you know, taking some hunters back to the national forest, and he saw me coming through the field bloody, and he got his hunters out of the truck, put me in, took me back up to his house. his wife is a nurse at university of virginia hospital. they got a rescue squad and helicopter and with instructions for me to go to the uva hospital. either in the rescue squad or the helicopter, i heard a scanner report that there was a
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second victim with a gunshot wound to the head. well, at that point, i was worried about gus. when my cousin took me up to his house, there was a trooper up there. and i said -- he was going down to the house, because i told him i thought that's where gus had gone back to. and i said, please don't hurt him. you know, because i had no -- you know, honestly, i didn't know even at that time that gus was trying to kill me. i just couldn't believe, you know, i didn't want to think that. and i certainly didn't think he was going to hurt himself. i said, please don't hurt him. and when i heard that on the scanner, you know, i worried about -- i was worried about gus, but i knew there weren't any bullets in the house. so, there was no ammunition for that .22 rifle in the house that i was aware of, and so, i didn't think it was possible for it to be gus. so, when i woke up, you know, got to the uva, surgery and
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stuff. the next afternoon some time when i woke up and i got that thing out of my mouth, i asked, i said, "gus?" because i didn't have any voice. and they told me then what happened. >> you know, one of the things that i think is so horrible about suicide is that, at least for me, i often get stuck thinking about how, in my case, my brother ended his life, as opposed to how he lived his life. and i'm wondering if you -- do you think about that? >> you know, i do. and you know, people have been so kind to me. they reach out. and you know, they don't understand sometimes that i just, i've got to be left alone, because i've got to focus on the good things. you know, these pictures and the facebook page set up for gus, you know, there's so many good pictures, there's so many good memories, and that's what i have to focus on, you know.
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i'm determined that gus not be remembered just for his illness or what ended his life. i mean, that's nothing. he was such a good boy. a good man. he had a good heart. he loved people. gus. i ran for statewide office twice, and neither time i won, but gus was kind of a constant on both those campaigns. he nicknamed all the kids that worked for me. he loved those kids and they loved him. he'd entertain them with the banjo or the harmonica. and you know, he named all the ca ca cats. you know, we have a barn, so there are lots of cats that come in there. and you know, i've been known to not turn them away. and gus loved the cats, too, and dogs. and we had just about every kind of animal. and gus always named the animals, he nicknamed people.
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he's just so full of love. and i'm just determined that he not be remembered -- >> that way. >> -- by the end of his life, but that he be remembered by all the goodness. he was just this unbelievable guy. he could sing, he could dance. i mean, he could shake his booty like nobody else. and he would entertain people with just his dancing. as a young man. and when he was in high school, he got the spirit award a couple of times, and he was senior, got a senior award -- >> he was valedictorian of his class. >> he was valedictorian of his high school. gus was something special. all my children are. >> for me, it was a long time before i was even able to talk about my brother. the fact that you're able to talk about him is so nice. >> i've got no choice, you know. life goes on. now there's a little bit of focus on mental illness, and if i can make a difference, if we can make a change that's going to save lives, we have to do it. you know, we have -- i've got no choice, you know.
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and besides that, you know, i've got to work, i've got to keep going, you know? life is short. >> the only way to break the stigma of mental illness in this country is to break the silence that too often surrounds it. as painful as it is for senator creigh deeds to talk about what happened to his son, we want to thank him and we hope it effects needed change that those facing the horrors of mental illness get the help they desperately need. among the things the state senator is trying to do for the commonwealth of virginia is extend the period of time a family can keep somebody under observation. right now it's 4 to 6 hours. he'd like to extend it to 24 hours. and perhaps most importantly, he's trying to get a database, so that if somebody is taken to a hospital and is in need of hospitalization, health workers can look online and find out what beds are available right now. it's an antiquated system that health workers actually have to call around to different facilities. as the state senator says, it's like something out of the 1950s. if it was an online database, they could see instantly where a
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bed was available. the state senator was told there wasn't a bed available for his son. we've later learned it seems there were at least three beds available in the commonwealth of virginia that day. we'll be right back. ale announc] if you have yet to master the quiet sneeze... [ sneezes ] [ male announcer ] you may be an allergy muddler. try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. zyrtec®. love the air. [ sneezes ] ♪ yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! ♪ we are one, under the sun ♪ under the sun... [ female announcer ] fiber and protein. together as one. introducing new fiber one protein cereal. for aveeno® positively radiant face moisturizer. [ female announcer ] aveeno® with soy
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welcome back. we of course are going to be here in washington tomorrow night for president obama's state of the union address. here's some behind-the-scenes pictures posted online, the president meeting with advisers getting ready for the speech. joining me with true politics, senior white house correspondent jim acosta. the president may have tough words for congress, i understand, tomorrow night. what have your sources been telling you? >> reporter: that's right, anderson, they're still working on the speech, but he will have tough words for congress.
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he'll basically issue a challenge to lawmakers that says, listen, if you don't work with me, i'm willing to work around you. so, you're going to hear the president tomorrow night, officials say, announce a whole series of executive actions that he plans to take over the coming year. officials here at the white house do caution, anderson, that the president will still call on congress to pass a few items, legislative items that are on his priority list, namely, immigration reform and boosting the minimum wage, but there are two basic reasons for all of this. one is, look at what happened last year. congress did not move much on his legislative agenda. remember gun control. the other part of this is essentially political, anderson. keep in mind, you have democrats and republicans, a lot of them running scared this year because they're running for re-election and they don't want to cast votes that may come back to hount them. that is why officials say more than you've heard the president ever before in previous state of the unions, he's going to be talking about executive actions tomorrow night. >> is there a theme for this speech tomorrow? >> reporter: well, they're talking about expanding opportunity, they're talking about jobs, they're talking
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about the economy. this is going to be a lot more focused on domestic items than on foreign affairs, officials say. and in recent weeks, anderson, you've heard the president talk about how he wants to combat income inequality. he mentions some of this in a vine video today, a quick, six-second vine video. the words are changing a little bit here at the white house. they're really talking more now about expanding opportunity for all americans, but you're going to hear, officials say, the president outlining some solutions tomorrow night aimed at this issue of income inequality. some of those execute actions will be on job training and retirement security, but there is a political danger, a political risk in all of this. i was talking to presidential historian douglas brinkley about this earlier today. anderson, there is a risk if you call for a year of action and there's not much action, at least in the minds of the american people, by midway this year. people may start tuning out, they may start looking to 2016. and so, there is a lot at stake for the president tomorrow night. >> all right. jim acosta, thanks very much.
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>> reporter: you bet. >> reporter: remi. >> reminder, coverage of the state of the union address starts at 7:00 p.m. eastern. up next, is it too dangerous for olympians at the winter olympics? what some athletes are saying about keeping their families home. also, latest on the cruise ship with hundreds of sick passengers it
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keep more presidents in your wallet. sleep train's presidents' day sale is on now. superior service, best selection, lowest price, guaranteed. ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ welcome back. new threats and deepening concern tonight for u.s. olympic athletes in sochi, russia.
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latest terror threat posted on an islamic militant website coming as the olympic flame arrived in russia's capital, dagestan, under very tight security. today's threat comes on top of a string of prior warnings, promising more blood shed and attacks like the recent bombings in volgograd which took 34 lives. in addition, a number of suspected so-called black widow bombers remain at large, despite a massive search by russian authorities for them. and american athletes have been warned against wearing their uniforms outside olympic venues. as for their families, many will go and some will not, depending largely on how they see the security situation. the wife of a cross country skier says she was planning to attend the games and bring their 6-year-old daughter. >> we were all on board, but then we continued to talk about what our plans were, where we were going to stay, and i could just tell by the look on his face and just his reaction, and i finally just asked him, look, is this going to stress you out for us being there? and he just immediately said yes. >> well, joining us now with
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more on the new left and other late developments, nick paton wal walsh. the latest terror threat, the group who posted it referenced the volgograd attacks. what more do we know about it? >> reporter: those in dagestan were behind this online warning and part of the reason people are taking it so seriously, is this is the same group which posted the video with responsibility for the bombings in volgograd late last year. in fact, showing the men who probably most likely carried out the suicide attacks themselves. this particular warning, it's lengthy, it's in many ways rambling. it's not specific in actually mentioning the olympics at all. its title is "russia has been warned." it mentions the volgograd bombings. it says that, in fact, one of the reasons that it targeted that town is because some of the kind of riot police who operate here in dagestan hail from there, so it's their response, perhaps to what militants see here as police brutal tactics in dagestan itself. it provides even justification, it says, from inside the koran for some of the violence they've
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used, particularly against women and children, and goes on, of course, to say that they will punish russia. nothing specific about the games, but really, it comes in the frame of that broader threat, broader warning from the same group that did volgograd. so, i think that's what's got people on edge, even though this is simply online, these people have a track record of bringing those threats into reality because of volgograd, anderson. >> the olympic torch did make it safely through where you are in dagestan, the area known for islamic insurgency threats. what's the security situation like there? >> reporter: it was a bizarre event this morning in many ways. you know, torch relay's supposed to be festive, streets lined with people waving their flags. this was under lockdown. i mean, the torch wasn't even seen until it arrived in a maximum security stadium, flown into the airport. no one saw it there. whisked under convoy armed guard into the stadium itself. the spectators allowed to see the event were bussed in separately on roads that had been shut down, lined with
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police. police checkpoints across the city. normal people inside the capital of where i am, the province, not involved at all. the torch didn't go through the town. it went straight into the stadium. there was a very loud and kind of festive display there where people stood in the rain, some said thousands attending that event. but the key signal really from it was the kremlin's defiance of what they see as the terror threat down here. they know there's an issue with the insurgency here, and despite knowing there's a risk, they still wanted that event to go ahead to show their ability, i think, to secure this area, but also their defiance of the threats they've been hearing. anderson? >> all right, nick, appreciate the update. joining me now is congressman peter king. appreciate you being with us. i know you've said in the past that you can't guarantee 100% safety for u.s. athletes. beyond that, though, you're on the intelligence committee, how concerned are you about the threats? i mean, how real do you think they are? >> i have real concerns. this is a very deadly area, and
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my main reason for concern is that the russians have not been cooperating as far as sharing intelligence. and going back to previous olympics, the greeks did in 2004, the chinese did in 2008 -- >> is that because they were afraid of sort of revealing sour source's methods or afraid of losing face? >> one is they're afraid of losing sources and methods. they think we can trace the information back and find out what their methods are. that's number one. number two is the pride putin has of not admitting he needs help from the outside. >> mike mccall from the homeland security committee, your colleague, said if the threats continue to increase, perhaps there should be talk of canceling the games. do you agree with that? >> i don't think we're at that stage yet. i think we should do the best we can, monitor it very carefully, do all that we can as far as our intelligence gathering in advance, but you know, again, there's a lot of factors there. for instance, there's a lot of immigrant workers in the area, primarily muslims who come from countries like serbia, acer
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bijan, who have been treated badly by the russians, so it's fertile ground to be used as terrorists in the attack. then you have these well-organized terrorist groups over there. and despite the 40,000, 50,000 troops and police that putin says are going to be there, there are still going to be venues within the olympic site which cannot be fully protected, and we have to assume that the terrorists know that and they may try to take advantage of it. having said it, though, i would not say we should consider canceling the games yet. >> would you, if you were a civilian or even an athlete, would you go to the games? >> if i were an athlete, i would go, i'm almost certain, but as a spectator, i would not. >> and would you recommend that to others? >> let's say tomorrow, if my family and i were given free tickets to go to the olympics, i would not go. >> because you believe the threat is that real? >> yeah, too much of a risk. odds are there not be an attack, but the odds are higher than they've been for any other olympics that there will be an attack, probably less than 50/50, but that's pretty high when you're talking about a terrorist attack.
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>> is your concern an attack in sochi itself or somewhere else in russia? we saw twin attacks in volgograd, you know, somewhere in the pipeline of tourists getting to sochi. >> there's certainly a real chance of an attack outside the olympic venue, but also even within the area of sochi. for instance, there are locations where there are going to be olympic events, which i've been told could be vulnerable to terrorist attack. it's just too difficult to give them the type of protection that putin is implying that he's giving. >> if there was an attack and americans or anyone was killed, would you put part of the blame on russian authorities because they haven't shared intelligence in your opinion? >> right now i would say you have to at this stage, considering the fact that, all my understanding over the last several days is we are not getting any intelligence from the russians. it is not being shared and they are refusing to do it. so, yes. >> congressman peter king, appreciate your time. >> thank you. >> good to have you on the program. up next, a nasty sickness strikes a cruise. more than 600 people fall ill. it's happened again. the suspected culprit, ahead.
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and a deep freeze sets in across much of the united states from minnesota, new orleans and points farther east. update ahead. life could be hectic. as a working mom of two young boys angie's list saves me a lot of time. after reading all the reviews i know i'm making the right choice. online or on the phone, we help you hire right the first time. with honest reviews on over 720 local services. keeping up with these two is more than a full time job, and i don't have time for unreliable companies. angie's list definitely saves me time and money. for over 18 years we've helped people take care of the things that matter most. join today.
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welcome back. a royal caribbean cruise is being cut short because more than 600 people on board have
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gotten sick with a gastrointestinal illness. the cruise line says that after consulting with the cdc, they made the decision to bring "the explorer of the seas" back to port two days early and thoroughly sanitize the ship. the cause of the illness has not been pinpointed for sure. the company, however, says the symptoms are consistent with norovirus. senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen joins me now live. so, the fact that this spread so quickly, i mean, more than 600 people sick in a matter of days, is that part of what's making medical experts think it's this norovirus? and exactly what is a norovirus? >> right, anderson, that is one of the things that's making them think this. so, norovirus is a really common gastrointestinal infection, and you know, many of us have probably had it, although you didn't know what to call it, but you knew that it was unpleasant. so, the symptoms look like norovirus, the fact that it spread quickly looks like norovirus. and i was just on the phone with an expert who said he wouldn't be surprised if this is a relatively new strain called the sydney strain, because a lot of people don't have immunity to it, so he's thinking that might
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be one of the reasons why it spread so quickly. >> i read also that this norovirus can actually live on surfaces of things for days and that things like alcohol sanitizer don't even work that well. is that true? >> yeah, this is kind of a weird bug in that way. usually, sanitizers work just fine, but for this one, you really want to wash your hands. sanitizer does not work all that well, and it does live for a very long time on surfaces. >> and ships, i mean, are inspected. their scores are kept on the centers for disease control website, and this ship, i understand, scored pretty well. so, it could pretty much happen on any ship then, right? >> they did, anderson, they scored great. they got a 98 on their most recent test. and here's the thing, you can have a perfectly ship-shape ship, but if someone's sick walks on to it, you can have an outbreak like this. in some ways, it doesn't really matter that much how clean the ship was to start with. >> so, someone, one person with a norovirus, it can just -- that's how it can be spread, and then it just stays on a surface or something like that? have right, it can be. it could just be one person. i'm not saying that's what
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happened here. >> right. >> but sure, one person can really start getting things going, especially if that person is a crew member and is preparing food. again, i'm not saying that's what happened here, but if you have a crew member who's preparing find didn't wash their hands properly, that's a problem. >> so, what's the ship line? what's royal caribbean saying about what they're doing to get people medical attention and eventually back home? >> right, so royal caribbean says they're doing several things. one of them is that they're bringing in additional equipment, they're bringing in additional personnel, and actually, anderson, we just talked to a passengr, and she said they made another interesting change, no more buffets. said you can't, you know, buffets where everyone's sort of handling the same serving utens utensil, no more of those. everything is table service. plus, if you are sick in your room, they will bring you ginner ail or your beverage of choice and make you feel better and get you hydrated. >> elizabeth cohen, thank you. susan hendricks is here with the "360 news and business bulletin." susan? anderson, a big chill has set in across much of the south.
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new orleans' mayor has declared a state of emergency with freezing rain expected on tuesday. much of the midwest and northeast is also shivering. it will feel like negative 30 in chicago tomorrow when you factor in the windchill. a 360 follow now. a texas hospital has followed a judge's order and ended life support for a brain-dead, pregnant woman. the family of marlise munoz says she may now rest in peace. the hospital said state law required them to keep munoz on life support since she was pregnant. well, the mother of a 19-year-old man accused in this weekend's maryland mall shooting says she doesn't think her son knew the victims and that he was sweet and gentle. police say the young man killed two people with a shotgun before shooting himself. the motive right now is unknown. the faa is ordering inspections of boeing 767 commercial jets. the faa says there are potential rivet problems that could cause a loss of control of the planes
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that has not been cited in any 767 crash, but the faa and boeing have been looking into the problem since 2000. the airlines have six years to comply with this. and avalanches have cut off the only road in and out of valdez, alaska. officials say the highway will stay closed for about a week. the town's website says food and fuel can be brought in by barge if it is necessary. >> wow, that's incredible. >> amazing. really is. >> susan, thanks. we'll be right back.
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that's it for us. thanks for watching. "early start" begins now. "early start" begins now. have a great day. -- captions by vitac -- the record-shattering cold. you will not believe the latest target. millions and millions frozen in cold, snow, treacherous conditions. cities and towns imploring people, just stay home! indra petersons is tracking this historic storm for us. what is the state of the union? the president attempts to right his ship with a high-stakes speech to the nation. we're going to tell you what he will say hours before he even says it. major security concerns in sochi. could one of the most popular sports in the olympics pull its athletes from the games? we're live with the latest. good morning, everyone. great to see you this


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