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tv   New Day Saturday  CNN  February 1, 2014 3:00am-6:31am PST

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♪ i had no knowledge of this of the plan, the execution or anything about it. >> what did he know? and when? that's what many are asking this morning after a new letter challenges the about kraefs some the governor chris christie's comments in that two of hour news conference. the implications ahead. and a lot of you consumed with party planning but law enforce meant has a laser focus on protection. did a white powder scare show us now massive the security presence and threat really is?
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>> i will never go willingly back. but amanda knox may not have a choice. a u.s. treaty with italy means she could serve 28 years in prison or create an international firestorm that pits nation against nation. your "new day" starts now. well, it's 6:00, i hope you're not waking up to an alarm clock. saturday should be a dave no alarm. >> just when a little birdie sits on your shoulder. a tweet in your ear. >> i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. 6:00, this is "new day saturday." >> we want to with new allegations of the new jersey bridge scandal threatening governor christie's second term and really, his future here keels were be getting worse. >> it centers around this man. the former new jersey port authority official who carried
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out a christie staffer's order to close lanes to the bridge. now, his attorney is suggesting that christie knew about the incident as it was unfolding, although, christie said in public on several occasions that he did not. >> erin mcpike is live in washington, what have you learned, erin? >> well, christi and picturer there's tricky words in a three-page letter sent to the port authority yesterday. evidence exists as well tying will christie having the knowledge of the lane closures during the period when the lanes were closed contrary to what the governor stated publicly in a two-hour press conference." now, we should stress here, this doesn't say christie knew about the underlying reason which is political retribution to the may of ft. lee for not endorsing christie last year. now, it doesn't say that he knew in fact directly about the lane
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closures, specifically, ahead of time. it simply says evidence exists that ties christie to knowledge of it. and that's what makes the latest revelation murky. christie administration responded saying mr. wildstein's lawyer confirms what they have said all along, he had absolutely no prior knowledge of the closures before they happened. as the governor set in a december 13th press conference he only first learned lanes were closed when was reported by the press and as he said in his january 9th press conference, had no indication that this was anything other than a traffic study. and he read otherwise the man of january 8th, the gore denies mr. wildstein's lawyers other assertions." >> i knew nothing about this. and until it started to be reported in the papers about the closure. even then, i was told this was a traffic study.
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>> now, in case anyone's forgotten it was christie's deputy chief of staff bridget kelly who e-mailed time for some traffic problems in ft. lee to david wildstein, a christie appointee at the port authority. and wildstein replied, got it. up to this point, none of the documentation that the new jersey legislation has reviewed in their estimation ever mentions jeezty. so the attorney leading the investigation told cnn yesterday so-called evidence and he's his- concerned that its very existence was leaked to the media before the investigatory committee got a chance to see what that purportrd evidence is. the second claim is wildstein contesting accuracy of statements christie made about him and that he could prove those are wrong. but that could prove just their different recollections of their own relationship which dateses back to high school. take a listen to what christie said about his former high
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school classmate. >> david and i were not friends in high school. we were not even aquakwacquaint. i was the class president and athlete. i don't know what david was doing during that period of time. we went 23 years of not seeing each other. still a lot of details to flesh out here. >> thank you. >> while all the christie news was breaking, the new jersey governor made a surprising appearance with the self-described king of media howard stern. he dropped in with him at midtown manhattan, and he made a couple jokes with what he calling the real representative of new jersey. listen to this. >> don't be disappointed i'm not the representative of new jersey you want to see right now. the representative of new jersey you want to see right now, it's
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not bubbabooey. >> no. >> the representative you want to see is one of new jersey's favorite sons one of my good friends and a great artist, ladies and gentlemens are jon bon jovi. >> christie spent about 30 minutes at the birthday bash. sounds like they had a good old time with that crowd. >> yes. >> for a few hours yesterday, super bowl organizers, they really faced kind of a nightmare they were dreading. they're on guard for this. >> envelopes with suspicious powder ahead of the big game entered an office in new york. turns out the powder was harmless. >> it was a jolt, rarldless, for authorities determined to make sure everyone in town for the super bowl is safe and sound. susan candiotti has more for us. hi, susan. >> reporter: christi and victor, good morning.
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it's all quiet now but it was anything but for several hours on friday when letters containing a spifs white powder were received at six hotels around the area of the super bowl site in east rutherford, new jersey. and authorities quickly sprung into action, the joint terror task force, calling it a routine response. but, of course, they had to check these letters pout and they discovered after testing them that all of them were nontoxic, including one letter that was sent to former mayor rudy giuliani at his offices in downtown new york city. however, authorities say on initial tests it proved that this white powder was something that was not hazardous. vast, they'll be conducting more tests to find out exactly what was. in one instance, we're told the substance was cornstarch. the content of the letter sent
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to the former mayor included the phrase "always in my thoughts." obviously, not a threatening phrase. but it just goes to show you the heightened security around the super bowl event. in this case, no problem. christi and victor. >> all right, susan, thank you so much. we appreciate it. >> well, of course, the threat here was not real. but it was a wake-up call for all of us, exposing how vulnerable places like hotels could be. >> first thing i thought of was, it's a good distraction, if somebody wanted to do something. and it's a distraction that police just can't afford to have, what, two days before one of the biggest sporting events of the year. let's bring in cnn law enforcement analyst tom fuentes. good morning to you. >> good morning, christi. >> first of all, let me ask, is something like this serious enough to force officials to postpone kickoff, say, if it
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would happen again today? >> no, i don't think it will. they'll treat is like they already did, security envelopes, send it for testing and then do precautionary tests with anybody who handled the powder. several individuals, postal workers went to the hospital just to be checked as a precaution to be checked to see if they had any evidence of being sick and decontamination. >> just two years ago, in 2011, a new york man was convicted in newark, new jersey, for mailing a powdered -- same type of hoax. mailing powder to a new jersey newspaper and he was convicted under the federal statute for that. after that was investigated by the new jersey joint terrorism task force and other agencies, as well as postal inspection service has a special unit, dangerous mail inspections unit, that also works on these cases. so it's a very serious matter. that individual was convicted. and anybody convicted under a
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couple of statutes that apply to this can do anything from five to ten years in prison. and huge fines as well for doing it. >> you know, i look now at the resources that were diverted to these hotels, and so much has gone into making sure that new jersey, and new york, are safe. i wonder if someone who is pulling off this hoax diverts all of those resores to distract all of the officers, so they can attack. so there can be a real attack. >> i don't think that's the problem, victor. you know, the hundreds and thousands of law enforcement officers that are currently in the new york city/new jersey area, in preparation of the olympics, the command posts that they have established, they have plenty of resources. so in that sense, yes, it's a diversion. but the greater problem is, that the individuals that handled these envelopes and got the powder on them, you know, initially, you don't know what's in those envelopes and even though the field testing has
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said they're safe. they still have to go for additional scientific testing which may take up to a week to actually verify that they're safe. in the interim, going back to 2001 when letters containing anthrax were mailed, people that handled them, some people died. so if you get that powder on you, you're wondering in the days ahead, are you doomed to death. and so, that's a legitimate fear for everybody that handled that material, and that's why this is such a serious matter. >> tom fuentes, we always scompesht your perspective. thank you. >> you're welcome. wall street is saying good-bye to a brutal january. the dow tumbled more than 5% last month, marking its worst january performance since 2009. blue chip stocks finished 150 points. concerns over weak corporate earnings and slowing overseas continue to keep investors on edge. all right. you know what we're talking about now, it is a saturday
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morning that means j.b., justin bieber, a little more trouble for the biebs. >> you're on j.b. terms. >> we're like that. >> yeahs right. big time. officials at a new jersey airport did search his plane. we're going to tell you what they were looking for after the break. so what's better, bigger or smaller? [ all ] bigger! now let's say a friend invites you over and they have a really big, really fun pool. and then another friend invites you over who has a much smaller, less fun pool. which pool would you rather go to? does the big pool have piranhas? i believe so. does it have a dinosaur that can turn into a robot and chop the water like a karate ninja? yeah. wait, what? why would it not? [ male announcer ] it's not complicated. bigger is better. and at&t now covers more than 99% of all americans.
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j.b., although you don't believe we're on those terms, justin bieber, unfortunately, he is in trouble again. this time, because federal officials saw pot on his private
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airplane. >> so they searched. remember, the 19-year-old, pop star, has landed in new jersey, and he was going to watch the super bowl tomorrow. and our nick valencia is following that story for us. >> what a bad couple weeks for this guy. >> to say the least. >> he allegedly had pot on the plane. they called the ground officials to notify them. they searched the plane with two drug dogs but they couldn't find anything. he was let go. the reason he was flagged over is because he has these two pending criminal charges. dui case pending in miami. the assault charge coming, he was in canada, on way to the super bowl. more trouble. >> when you break it down, you've got the street racing the accusations of being under the influence of drugs and alcohol, egging a neighbor's house.
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and you wonder who in the inner circle has any control over this guy. isn't this dad part of his constant entourage. >> yeah, he's on the payroll. he's on the entourage. he's always seeming around bieber. he was in miami. also in toronto. you would think there would be somebody to reel him in, dad, maybe kind of an enabler. he tweeted this week, justin bieber supporting his father. saying he's my superhero, my batman. he's always been there for me since the beginning. >> and we'll leave it at that. >> justin bieber. >> thank you very much. >> hope he gets it together, really do. >> so this has been a huge problem for -- >> poor victor. the of snow and ice that paralyzed parts of the south. he's out there on the side of the road talking about it all week. >> yes, snow bunnies come in brown, too. standing out there in the cold. the warmer temperatures finally coming, on the way.
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but don't hold your breath if you live in the northwest, the northeast. another winter storm is on the way. this is what it looks like in denver. at least they're moving. >> they know how to drive. >> how bad is this next storm expected to be. another storm, really? jennifer gray? >> yeah. it's never ending. i feel your pain, victor, i was one of those people stuck in the car for 12 hours. yeah, people up north, they know how to handle that a little bit better. we do have a winter storm warning in effect for, yes, chicago, you're getting it again. this is going to be a one-two punch. you're getting it today and get it again possibly over the next couple of days. look at the radar. the snow pushing through chicago. we have freezing rain through portions of st. louis and possibly some sleet. what we're looking at as far as snow totals 4 to 8 inches of snow in chicago today. so quite a bit. 4 to 6 in places like detroit.
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some areas around the great lakes seeing 2 to 4. we'll time this out, and see is the snow pushing through, should be leaving chicago for the most part, by the time we get through the late afternoon. and left with rain, some snow for the northeast. sunday, 8:00 a.m., you can see new jersey, completely quiet. and it stays quiet throughout the day. that is why we're forecasting a dry super bowl which is good news for a lot of you. but look at these temperatures, it's going to stay scold. 30 degrees. by monday, 18, your high temperature, guys. cold. >> still warmer than it's been. jennifer, thank you so much. there's this guilty verdict maybe you heard against amanda knox. it could set off a monster extradition battle. italy is trying to bring knox to justice for murder and knox is fighting to stay out of prison. >> i will never willingly go back to the place where i -- i'm going to fight this until the
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well, guilty again. amanda knox is vowing to fight her conviction in the murder of a british student to the very end. >> i will never go willingly back to the place where i -- i'm going to fight this until the very end. >> it's so emotional for her, as you can imagine. this is her speaking out yesterday, one day after a second conviction could send her to prison in italy for more than 28 years if this goes through. i know you're wondering what happens next and should the u.s. extradite her. well, i talked about that case with hln's jane velez-mitchell. >> she says she's going to fight this with everything she has. she will not go willingly back to italy. who can blame her, this is a travesty of justice. i mean, he was acquitted. nowthy they say, oops, never
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mind, let's do it again. and now they convict her. that would be double jeopardy in the united states. this italian justice system the way it's played out anyhow, it seems less of a trial and something of a bizarre stage play. if you go back to the beginning, the prosecutor created out of thin air a theory that this was a satanic orgy gone wrong. he was found guilty of prosecutorial misconduct. that right there should have been enough to throw this out the window. and it goes on and on. amanda knox's family has spent down to their last penny all their money fighting for their daughter. now they got to keep fighting, there's no closure, this cloud of possible extradition down the road hangs over her. even though experts say it's unlikely, it's a nightmare. >> exactly.
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the thing is if the conviction hold up, you know, even after an appeals process, what is your take? should the u.s. extradite her? >> well, i don't certainly think the united states should extradite her, i think that would participate in a farce, in a travesty of justice. most experts say because of the whole double jeopardy issue the fact that she was found innocent, not guilty. and she was actually found innocent is the way they phrase it over there. there's no way she could be found guilty, that violates our constitutional concepts and, therefore, they would not participate in sending her back to serve time. but here's really one of the ago c agonizing things. amanda knox is concerned about her ex-boyfriend sollecito who was stopped near the border and told give us your passport and you cannot leave the country.
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what would happen if this conviction stands, raffaele would have to serve decades behind bars while amanda knox is free in the united states. i know that would anger people in italy and it would seem even more an egregious conduct of justice. they should both be free. >> you can watch jane on hln. still to come on "new day," president obama one-on-one with jake tapper. >> and he was taking tough questions. why is that recent encounters with marijuana don't jibe with his administration's policy. before he got married. it started in his very first apartment. see that overdue bill? it arrived after he moved out. and he never got it. but he's not worried. checking his credit report and score at allowed him to identify and better address the issue...
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management couldn't make that happen. [ male announcer ] introducing fedex one rate. simple, flat rate shipping with the reliability of fedex. hope the coffee is smooth four this morning. it's 6:30 exactly. welcome back. i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. five things you need to know. a former new jersey official is making new claims against governor chris christie. it's all part of a scandal over the george walk bridge. an attorney says in an letter evidence exists to contradict christie's claim that he did not know about the closures until after they happened. number two, police are hunting for the person who dumped garbage bags along full of human body parts along roads
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in burrell, michigan. they are investigating a report of a woman seen dumping the bags out of a light-colored suv. >> three now, an oklahoma teenage are and four of his friends are now charged in the murder of a teen's father and younger brother. police say 18-year-old thorsten gu gunther is charged. authorities are learning more about the powder found at the manhattan office of former mayor rudy giuliani along with a strange letter that included the line, quote, you're being my best friend. no injuries have been reported or illnesses. fans brave enough to go to tomorrow's big games, a break in
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the weather. temperatures expected to be in the 40s. that's your break. if you're heading to the stadium you don't leave home without your hat, your gloves, there's still a chance of snow. let's bring in meteorologist jennifer gray. let's talk about the snow. >> yeah, it's definitely going to be chilly but not as bad as we previously were thinking temperatures in the 40s in areas of new jersey by 6:00, 39 degrees dropping to 37. now as we go through super bowl sunday, temperatures are going to warm up into the mid-40s as we go through the middle part of the day, 44 degrees by 6:00, here's your official super bowl forecast. seahawks and the broncos, kickoff temperature, 39 degrees, feeling like 35. and you could see a couple little snow showers here and there. but we're really thinking it is going to be mainly dry, guys, so it is going to be a nice forecast for the northeast. >> it will be even nicer for those of us sitting in the comfort of our living rooms
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watching. >> yeah. we want to get to you cnn's exclusive interview with president obama. this was his first since this week's state of the union. >> yes. the president sat down with jake tapper from a wide range of interview, everything from immigration reform to security at the sochi mrngs. >> and he went into detail about marijuana policy as well. jake tapper joining us from washington. good morning, jake. >> hi, christi and victor, i sat down with the president exclusively for his first interview after the state of the union address. i asked him about decriminalizing marijuana and if his personal beliefs are lining up with the government stacy stance. >> you gave an interview to the new yorker's david remnick, and you said that smoking pat was a bad habit but you didn't think that it was any worse for a person than drinking that contradicts the obama website on
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drug control policy. along that marijuana is a scheduled narcotic along with heroin and ecstasy, do you think that you were talking too casually by rim neck in the new yorker, or are you considering making marijuana not a schedule one narcotic. >> first of all, what is and what is not a schedule one narcotic is a job for congress. >> i think it's the deo. >> no, there are laws undermining those determinati determinations. i stand by the wider belief, based on scientific evidence that marijuana, for casual users, individual users, is subject to abuse, just like alcohol is. and should be treated as a public health problem. and challenge. but as i said in the interview, my concern is when you end up having very heavy criminal
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penalties for individual universe, that had been applied unevenly. and in some cases, with a racial disparity. i think that is a problem. >> and you can see more of the interview on christi, victor. >> jake tapper, thank you. and again if you want to watch more of this exclusive interview, you can go to the website. or it's on tomorrow morning at "state of the union" with candy crowley. >> let's talk about -- i mean, this has a lot of people just shaking their heads. officials at a utah elementary school, but this is only coming after dozens of students had their lunches literally pulled out of their hands and tossed into the trash. >> here's the reason. the students did not have enough money in their accounts to pay for the food. >> she took the sandwich, she's opening the milk and i'm like, what's going on. she's like, you don't have any
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money in your account so you can't get lunch. >> there were lots of tears and pretty upsetting for them. and embarrassing for kids. school officials said they notified parents that the student has a negative balance. parents are saying they were never told about. but people are thinking you gave the food away. >> so the cafeteria manager and her supervisor are on paid leave. actress sienna miller is with a boyfriend at a club when she called daniel craig to tell him he loved him. >> that's the latest testimony in a court case that is gripping the uk. alright, whenever you get your stuff, run upstairs, get cleaned up for dinner. you leave the house in good shape? yea. yea, of course. ♪ [ sportscaster talking on tv ] last-second field go-- yea, sure ya did. [ male announcer ] introducing at&t digital life.
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good morning to you. thanks for starting your day here at "new day saturday." let's say good evening to the folks in hong kong, bright, active evening there. coming up 20 minutes before 8:00. folks there celebrating the chinese new year. live look right now, very colorful skyline as we said. for much more on the news making headlines around the world, let's head over to christi. >> all right, victor. we want to start in italy which once convicted former american exchange student amanda knox and her ex-boyfriend, what are they saying there. erin mclaughlin is outside the courthouse in florence. good morning. >> it was an absolutely devastating week for amanda knox and raffaele sollecito. convicted again of the murder of
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meredith kercher. courts clearly sided with the prosecution's version of events we won't fully understand until they issue the written decision expected in 90 days. from there, the defense has 90 days to appeal the decision to italy's supreme court. the very supreme court that overturned the 2011 acquittal. things are not looking good for amanda knox and raffaele sollecito. we want to go to london now where a scandalous hollywood encounter is now part of a major court case. the bridge tabloid is charged with hacking to get a scoop. >> the actress, sienna miller testifying here from a video link from new orleans in what has been a particularly salacious chapter in this long-running trial. the last few days are focused on an alleged affair between sienna
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miller and 007 tar daniel krig. he said he got the story by hacking daniel craig's phone and recording an intimate message left by sienna miller, miller saying it was indeed the kind of message she might have left. back to you, christi. relates go to hong kong where a wealthy tycoon is dropping his $65 million offer for a male suitor who can win over the heart of his lesbian daughter. in hong kong with the details. >> christi, it's a personal family matter that's playing out on a public stage. hong kong real estate tycoon cecil chow is offering money for
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a suitor for his daughter. gigi edged her father to accept her sexuality and her partner. the wealthy property developer made headlines in 2012 when he offered $65 million for the man who would ask for his daughter's hand. an offer he recently doubled. the latest twist, cecil says all offers are off the table, for now, anyway. back to you. >> we appreciate it, thank you. we want to stay in hong kong. overnight, thousands of people celebrated the new year. and cnn is there. >> hi, christi. that time of year, the lunar new year, fish and dragon dancing to the streets of hong kong and around east asia has the entire nation celebrates the year of the horse. saying is this the year of the
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wood horse and being combustible expect scandals, conflicts, arguments. so saddle up, it could be a wild ride this new year. >> christi. >> thank you very much. even my identification cans got a note we're celebrating the chinese new year apparently in atlanta. they're supposed to wear red to school on monday. >> it's the year of scandal and -- and the wooden horse? i've got to look it up. i've got to look it up. >> we'll have a lot to talk about apparently. >> we will. seahawks fans swooping in, broncos fans charging into new jersey and new york. it is super bowl time. and andy scholes is live in the middle of it all. andy, good morning. >> hey, good morning, victor. i'm here on super bowl boulevard. this is basically an nfl fan's dream world. we'll have a preview of the big game when "new day saturday" returns. orbiting the moon in 1971.
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♪ good morning. are you in new york city? oh, well, it looks like you are going to thwart any snow that might be heading its way. looks like the temperatures are going to be too warm and your super bowl should be clear. >> very nice. >> cold but clear. we're going to head to knock in just a moment. first, remember that bizarre fiery interview between dennis rodman and chris cuomo on cnn's "new day." i'm sure you remember it, well, now, a sober and calmer rodman sat down with cuomo at his rehab facility. >> remember, he's in treatment, rodman is, after his latest trip
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to north korea. he opened up about his regrets, his battle, with alcohol. chris is joining us now with more on the exclusive interview. >> christi, we came to this rehabilitation facility in new jersey for a simple reason, dennis rodman asked us to. he said he needs to talk about the healing process. he said he wants people to know the real feelings about north korea. and most importantly, perhaps, how he's going to face an issue that's plagued him for 20 years, his addiction to alcohol. >> i've been here, and for me reeshgs has be rehab, i don't have to drink. i came to the realization 15 years ago. i really don't have to drink. i don't need to go in a bar, a restaurant and get alcohol. that's not my job. i do it like recreational
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purposes. that's it. for most people in the world, they go into a bar, 90% of the people in the world they drink. they have a glass of wine. for me, it's for like, i love to have a good time. i love to be around people to have a good time. for me, yes, i've done it soms times that, i drink, people know that. am i an alcoholic, absolutely, i can't deny that. >> there you have it, dennis rodman has a lot to say about a lot of things. he does seem to have regrets about the life he's lived in terms his own sobriety and his own parenting and of course, his statements about north korea and the rule 34. however, it's obvious he still has a long way back to go. >> chris cuomo. >> to sit there, to say, i don't need a drink like most people,
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have one casually. >> yeah, that's not good. >> it will be interesting to see if chris cuomo does get the invite to north korea that he gave him. let's talk here about new york, new jersey, the super bowl. i know you got your big screen tv. you've got your game face on already. it's that close. >> game face is on. it's always one of our favorite wookds here. a favorite sunday for a lot of team, it's a look at metlife stadium. the denver broncos who battled the seattle seahawks. andy scholes is across the hudson in new york on the eventual super bowl boulevard. andy, i know there's a lost excitement there. maybe not this hour, but people are ready? >> yeah, not a lot of action going on right now, guys. but during the day, this is the place to be. they transformed 13 blocks on broadway and times square basically an nfl fan's dream
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world. called super bowl dream world. you can go down there and get pictures with lombardi and much more. we're about 26 hours away from the broncos and seahawks hitting the field. one the hot topics has been marijuana use in the nfl. it's ironic the two teams that made the super bowl come from the two states that have legalized marijuana for recreational use. that's, of course, colorado and washington. during his annual state of the league address yesterday, roger goodell, he spoke about this issue, handy answered a question we all want to ask. >> i am randomly tested and i'm happy to say i am clean. we'll continue to follow the medicine. our experts right now are not indicating we should change our policy in any way. we're not actively considering
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that at this point in time. if it's down the road that's something we would never take off the table if it could benefit our players. >> one of my favorite stories cups from the broncos' mike adams. he says if denver wince the super bowl he said he's not going to disney world, he's going to keep his helmet on and pads and walk home from metlife stadium. it's not too far, about ten miles, but a long way to walk after a football game. according to, sunday's game is on pace to be the biggest football game of all time. one economics grad is going to put $600,000 on this game. but he's going to do it in a funny way. he's betting on the weird prop ads that you can make during the super bowl. his name is rufus peabody, he
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does it the prop bets on this. he said he wants to win about 5% or 10 or on $600,000. you can bet all all kinds of things on the super bowl, what color gatorade can get poured on the winning coach. how long the national anthem is going to be. lots of fun stuff with this game. >> i'm going with orange for the color. rufus peabody is his name. andy scholes there on super bowl boulevard. thank you. >> thanks, andy. like a lot of us, we just want to see the ads. >> yes. >> not to take anything away from the super bowl but come on. >> we're going give you a sneak peek of those all morning long. one right after the break. >> in the meantime, policing the super bowl is much more than a game. up next, one cnn reporter gets a behind-the-scenes look at how police are keeping people safe before kickoff. as $45 a month?
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$45 a month. annual contract. no annual contract. no long-term agreement. no long-term agreement. really? really. ok, so what's the catch? there is no catch. ok, i'm obviously getting nowhere with you. i'm gonna need to speak with the supervisor. i am the supervisor. oh, finally someone i can talk to. [ male announcer ] it's not complicated. new smartphone plans starting at $45 a month, with no annual contract. only from at&t. [ female announcer ] we eased your back pain, you turned up the fun. tylenol® provides strong pain relief while being gentle on your stomach. but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. tylenol®. but with less energy, moodiness, we and a low sex drive,more. i had to do something. i saw my doctor. a blood test showed it was low testosterone, not age. we talked about axiron the only underarm low t treatment that can restore t levels to normal in about two weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18 or men with prostate or breast cancer.
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women, especially those who are or who may become pregnant, and children should avoid contact where axiron is applied as unexpected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or increased acne in women may occur. report these symptoms to your doctor. tell your doctor about all medical conditions and medications. serious side effects could include increased risk of prostate cancer, worsening prostate symptoms, decreased sperm count, ankle, feet or body swelling, enlarged or painful breasts, problems breathing while sleeping and blood clots in the legs. common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied, increased red blood cell count, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in psa. ask your doctor about axiron. this is the first power plant in the country to combine solar and natural gas at the same location. during the day, we generate as much electricity as we can using solar. at night and when it's cloudy, we use more natural gas. this ensures we can produce clean electricity
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well, you know the denver broncos and the seattle seahawks are from the only two states that have legalized recreational marijuana. which means fans of one team will be happy, and fans of the other team will be really happy. [ laughter ] >> you go down to times square, it's super bowl boulevard. they turned it into an amusement park. you can have your picture taken with the lomble barddy trophy. what a success, they put it out there two days ago, lasted right around noon it was stolen. up until that time -- >> a zoo in utah said its ape named eli has chosen the seattle seahawks to win the super bowl
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which means peyton manning now has two elis quietly rooting against him. >> just a reminder, this is jay leno's last week. >> jimmy fallon taking the step up in new york. >> interesting what jimmy has to pull himself into the game and how jay leno's going to get himself out of it. >> you mentioned before the break how much folks love the ads. love everything between the play. all morning, we're going to show you some of the ads set to air during the super bowl. >> let's talk about this on the oikos greek yogurt and it's "full house." >> you got something on your -- >> whoops, i did it again. >> uh-huh. oh. >> ooh!
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>> take off your pants, big boy? >> huh? >> you heard the man, take those pants off, it's going to stain. >> fuel your pleasure. no, no, don't leave me alone with them. she wasn't good for us, anyway. >> they look exactly the same. >> i was going say, they look exactly the same. thank you so much for starting your morning with us. next hour of your "new day" starts now. i knew nothing about this, until it started to be reported in the papers. >> will new evidence dispute governor christie's claims? that's what one former appointee is saying in a letter sent by his letter. is this proof or a red herring? while we watch the big game like this, u.s. customs and border protections are watching it like this. our exclusive right-along with the men and women who are
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watching us on the super bowl. gawking, mocking, laughing, it's not a scene from "mean girls," it's what gsa agents are allegedly doing every day. new claim from a former agent on what workers are really doing at security checks. your "new day" continues now. >> yeah, we know you wondered about that, too. >> every time you stand there with your arms up. >> i know it. grab your coffee, your juice, whatever your pleasure is in the morning, sit back and relax. we've got you covered up. >> i don't know whatever your cup of pleasure is. add tea to the list. >> there you go. >> victor blackwell, 7:00, "new day saturday." >> okay. we want to start this hour with the new revelations in the george washington bridge scandal that is threatening new jersey governor chris christie's second term. >> and it centered around this
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man, david wildstein, he's the former new jersey port authority official who carried out a christie staffer's order to close access lanes to the bridge. now, his attorney is suggesting christie knew about the incident as it was unfolding. although christie said in public on several occasions that he did not. >> erin mcpike is live in washington looking at this. erin, what do you know this morning? >> well, christi and victor, there's what you might call tricky wording in one paragraph of a three-page letter that wildstein's attorney sent to the port authority. so here it is "evidence exists as well, tieing mr. christie having nothing to the lane closures during the period when the lanes were closed, contrary to what the governor stated publicly in a two-hour press conference." now, to stretch, this doesn't say christie knew about the underlying alleged reason which is political retribution against the may of ft. lee for not endorsing christie for re-election last year.
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or that he knew about the lane closures ahead of time. so christie's administration responded in a statement saying mr. wildstein's lawyer confirms what the governor has said all along. he had absolutely no prior knowledge of the lane closures before they happened. as the governor said in a december 13th press conference, he only first learned lanes were closed when it was reported by the press and as he said in his january 9th press conference had no indication that this was anything other than a traffic study, until he read otherwise the morning of january 8th." so here's what christie claims he knew and when he says he knew it. >> and i knew nothing about this. and until it started to be reported in the papers about the closure. but even then, i was told this was a traffic study. >> there's still some confusion about whether it was the closures themselves. or the motivation for them that christie was referring to in the later press conference. and that's what makes this
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latest revelation kind of murky, christi and victor. >> erin, take us back. people who are kind of listening from the peripheral here, david wildstein, what was his original role in this scandal? >> okay. well, it was christie's deputy chief of staff who e-mailed time for traffic problems in ft. lee to david wildstein who was a christie appointee at the port authority. and wildstein had that famous reply "got it." i want to tell you the second claim in the letter is wildstein contesting accuracy of statements christie made about him and that he can prove those are wrong. but it could be there are differing recollection of their relationship which goes all the way back to high school. they were high school classmates. take a listen 0 what christie said about him at this press conference. >> david and i were not friends in high school. we were not even acquaintances in high school. we didn't travel in the same
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circles in high school. i was the class president and athlete. i don't know what david was during during that period of time. we went 23 years out seeing each other. >> and let me point out that the whole purpose of this three-page letter from wildstein's attorney in the first place was to the port authority, asking them to reask their initial decision newt pay wildstein's legal bills for this whole fiasco, christi and victor. so make of that what you will. >> we'll talk more about it throughout the morning. erin mcpike, thank you. as the new allegations surfaced, governor christie, he hit the town to help the king of all media celebrate his birthday. he seemed to be upbeat, christie did. dropped by howard stern's star-studded birthday party in midtown manhattan. christie told a few jokes. introduced the man he calls the real representative of new jersey, jon bon jovi, we know he
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spent about 30 minutes there and was able to avoid reporters. if there's any weekend that new jersey can nut afford distractions is this that weekend zblnt state, of course, hosting the super bowl there and in new york city, we should point out police have got their guard up. we'll show you live pictures at times square and super bowl boulevard. yesterday's hoax where suspicious white powder was found at several sites just kind of added to the tension. cnn's alexandra field is live there for us. >> you got an up close look at all the precautions that police are taking. tell us about it. >> reporter: sure, good morning, christi, victor. we know that state police and military aircraft will both be used to help secure the super bowl sunday afternoon. really, on the front of that, you'll find u.s. customs and border agents. they took us up in the air and showed us exactly how they would respond in the case of any kind of threat. protecting metlife stadium and patrolling the spectacular
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airspace around it. it's expected 180 million fans will have their eyes on the field, while u.s. customs and border protection agents take over the skies above it. we took a ride on one of three black hawk helicopters that will form part of super bowl xlviii's defensive line. a ten-mile perimeter, a strict no-try zone. in anyone breaches that perimeter for any reason, they should expect to see a black hawk up close. so a scary experience if you're up there flying and unintentionally breach the perimeter? >> exactly, unless you've been trained in the military, it's highly unlikely you've ever flown in formation with another aircraft, meaning you've never been within 500 feet of another aircraft while flying. >> reporter: some the case of an intruder, a black hawk will intercept and escorting it to the ground where federal agents
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will first be waiting. >> they're going to first be shocked to have a large aircraft like this come up to them. secondly, they're going to come to the realization that something is wrong. >> reporter: on our own tour, we got a surprise but this was a welcome one. a fleet of military helicopter it's heading for metlife stadium where military aircraft will perform ceremonial super bowl duties on sunday. an exception to the no-fly rule and a stunning one. the border agents have told us in past super bowls we actually have had cases of intruders. they say usually it's someone making a simple mistake or even sometimes student pilots. christi, victor. >> alexandra field. good to know. thank you so much, ma'am. let's take a look at "your money" now. wall street is eye saing
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good-bye to january. it was a brutal month. the dow tumbled more than 5% last month and parked the worst january performance since 2009. the blue chip stock index finished down 150 points. there are concerns over weak corporate earnings and the slowing growth overseas. those are continuing to keep investors on edge. >> california is experiencing one of the worst droughts in history. officials are cutting off the tab that it sends to the state's reservoir system to local agencies which means those local agencies are going to have to look elsewhere for water now. we do know that most water districts have local storage and groundwater that they can draw from. the good news, this state produces half of u.s.-grown fruits nuts and vegetables. this drought could mean either shortages, price hikes or both. just so you're prepared. another winter storm is expected to bring some other out of places like chicago, kansas city as well. >> and i happen to be sitting
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next to someone who nose first hand how cold it's been. poor guy was there this week. look at him bundled up. talking about the ice and the snow. but it was nothing to joke about, really, it did paralyze the city. at least here in the south. we know that it's statisticing to warm up. but we hear there's another round of that possibly coming next week as well. enough about us. let's get to chicago, for you folks. we don't want to leave you out in the cold. jennifer? >> yeah, we are looking at another winter storm in chicago. and places in the midwest are seeing some of their top ten snowiest januarys on record. it just will not let up. winter storm warnings in effect for chicago, winter weather advisories out to the surrounding areas. you can see the snow already pushing into chicago. the great lakes, just to the south of you in green bay, des moines, though, kansas city also get something of the snow. we're expecting anywhere from 4 to 8 inches of snow around chicago. and in the next couple of days
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could get even more. so this is going to be a snowy situation for you. detroit, you could see anywhere from 4 to 6 inches but this should be pushing out by later this afternoon. left just a little bit of rain and snow around chicago. it pushes on out, guys doesn't even touch the coastal northeast areas. we're going to see a dry super bowl. and temperatures are going to be a lot warmer than they could be this time of year. >> i'm sure folks there at the game appreciate it. >> yeah. >> jennifer gray, thank you. >> justin beeieber -- what do y think i'm going to say next? -- is in trouble again. >> this time at the new jersey airport. they search his plane. and a guilty verdict against manda knox could set off a monster extradition battle as italy tries to bring her to justice for murder. and knox, she's fighting to stay out of the prison.
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you're saying i can get at&t's network with a data plan and unlimited talk and text for as low as $45 a month? $45 a month. annual contract. no annual contract. no long-term agreement. no long-term agreement. really? really. ok, so what's the catch? there is no catch. ok, i'm obviously getting nowhere with you. i'm gonna need to speak with the supervisor. i am the supervisor. oh, finally someone i can talk to. [ male announcer ] it's not complicated. new smartphone plans starting at $45 a month, with no annual contract. only from at&t.
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jersey, good morning. well, actually, it's a shot of the new york skyline. but it's from the camera in jersey city, so we'll take that. jersey -- new jersey -- sigh should stop calling it jersey. new jersey is home to tomorrow's super bowl. and new jersey is where justin bieber -- oh, please -- got himself in question for quite
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some time last night. that's because a flight crew thought there was pot on the plane. >> they brought in dogs to search the jet. they questioned the 19-year-old singer we understand for several hours. nick valencia is following this story with a big sigh. >> you know, we only talk about justin bieber when he does good stuff, right? it's been a couple of rough likes. he doesn't have a normal life. superstardom is seemingly getting to him. in new jersey, he was there. custom border pulled him over. he was flagged because he had two pending criminal cases, one dui case in miami, the other in toronto. people want him out of the country. they're tired of hearing about him and talking about him. jay carney, the white house spokesman, took a question earlier this week about the petition signed to dpeert the
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biebster. >> the petition that the white house would like to see justin bieber deported -- >> i just want to know if people go back and look at all the questions that nbc is asking of the -- after 100,000, the white house administration is supposed to have -- >> well, that process will occur, as is our commitment. there will be a response when the threshold acrossed, that response will come, i'm sure, relatively soon. i think don't have one now. >> so, they may not have one now. but kind of laughable moment there at the white house, if they're even forced to address something like this. of course, as they said in that sound bite, 100,000 signatures. after that, that's when they're officially posted tow. >> they're mandated to address it. last time i saw it, 170 and something. >> there's a counterpetition, because people -- they're still fans of him.
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they're still releasing music videos even though he said he was retired. >> yeah. >> did they find anything? >> short answer, no, they didn't find anything. >> thank you, nick. >> we'll talk about it soon. >> i'm sure you'll have another reason. you know, look, when we're talking about this, we'll laugh and i know it, and it is kind of serious because this is a 19-year-old kid who has a lot of influence. again, like rodman we were talk about, you hope he gets better. amanda knox's legal nightmare makes this stuff look mild. >> her attorney plans to appeal the murder conviction against her handed down by an italian court. this is the second time knox has been found guilty. but as she explained to abc's "good morning america," she has no attention of going to prison without a fight. >> i will never willingly go back to the place where i -- i'm going to fight this until the
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very end. and it's not right. and it's not fair. and i'm going to do everything i can, granted, i need a lot of help. i can't do this on my own. and i can't help people understand -- >> boy, you can hear her voice cracking. how hard it is for her. remember she and her former boyfriend were previously convicted in 2009 and acquitted on appeal in 2011. we'll keep you posted on that. >> and using the same evidence. she was acquitted of using this evidence. and now convicted. have you ever worried about this tsa screeners making fun of you when you go through that scanner. >> uh-huh. guess what -- apparently they are. a former tsa worker tells all, confirming some people's worst fears about what those screeners are up to when they're looking at you.
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good morning, seattle, rise and shine! just after 4:00 in the morning on the west coast. i guess you could get a little more shut eye if you really wanted to. you know if you're gearing up for the big game, you probably have been ready. seattle's airport getting unwanted attention, victor. >> yeah, seattle had a scare at its international airport earlier this month. and just released video shows how a man was able to walk through a security exit and walk on the tarmac. >> this security breached happened january 9th. baggage handlers tackled the mentally ill man who tried to run from the terminal. airport security is saying very few breaches happen there. >> let's stay at the airport and talk about the article. the title will get your attention. dear, america, i saw you naked. >> i don't like it already. but it appeared in politico. and get this, it was written by
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a former tsa screener. possibly confirming, really, some of our ugliest suspicions about the tsa. and some of our fears, too, that while they're patting us down, you know, looking for weapons, contraband. they're judging us. making fun of our bodies. they're laughing at us. >> not all of the allegations are in any way comical. like the idea that full body scanners don't even work. rene marsh has more. >> christi and victor, a former tsa agent penned an article for politico and it reads like an expose like the agency he once worked for. and these allegations, well, they do nothing to help clean out the agency's image. >> reporter: a former officer calling out the agency he once worked for. jason harrison said the agency juices ineffective anti-terrorism measures at the
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expense of the public's health, privacy and dignity. and he's just getting started officers would pull a passenger's bag or give a pat-down because a flyer was rude. those body scanners that gave fliers a virtual strip search, harrington describes as entertainment. officers gawking at pictures of overweight people. he adds the full-body scanners couldn't even distinguish plastic explosives from body fat. and guns were practically invisible if turned sideways. tsa says many of their procedures and policies referenced in this article are no longer in place or characterized inaccurately. for example, scanners that show graphic images are no longer in airports. >> for them to be saying today the not a big deal because they've been now removed after all the years when they resisted
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removing those from airport, i just think is a little hard to take at this point. >> reporter: when it came to profiling, harrington said until 2010, officer has a list of 12 nations whose passengers automatically received enhanced screening. to that, the tsa said no comment. >> well in a statement, the tsa tells us that they don't tolerate unethical or you unlawful behavior. they take quick action when it is discovered. we should note we did reach out to the author of this article, that former tsa employee, but we got no response. christi, victor. >> rene marsh for us. thank you. >> all right. >> still to come on "new day," let's change it up here, because there are new claims challenging governor chris christie about what he knew regarding the george washington bridge scandal. >> and if you use yahoo! e-mail,
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check your account and change your password now. it's been hacked. we've got more after this. i always say be the man with the plan
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but with less energy, moodiness, and a low sex drive, i had to do something. i saw my doctor. a blood test showed it was low testosterone, not age. we talked about axiron the only underarm low t treatment that can restore t levels to normal in about two weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18 or men with prostate or breast cancer. women, especially those who are or who may become pregnant, and children should avoid contact where axiron is applied as unexpected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or increased acne in women may occur. report these symptoms to your doctor. tell your doctor about all medical conditions and medications. serious side effects could include increased risk of prostate cancer, worsening prostate symptoms, decreased sperm count, ankle, feet or body swelling, enlarged or painful breasts, problems breathing while sleeping and blood clots in the legs. common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied, increased red blood cell count, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in psa. ask your doctor about axiron.
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well, mortgage rates dipped this week. here's your look. [ ambient street noise ] ♪ ♪ ♪ abe! get in! punch it! [ male announcer ] let quicken loans help you save your money with a mortgage that's engineered to amaze. thanks, "g." yeah... try new alka seltzer fruit chews. they work fast on heartburn and taste awesome. these are good. told ya! i'm feeling better already. [ male announcer ] new alka seltzer fruits chews.
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enjoy the relief! is that true? says here that cheerios has whole grain oats that can help remove some cholesterol, and that's heart healthy. ♪ [ dad ] jan? all right. bottom of the hour right now. in case you need help with the clock. i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. five things you need to know for your "new day." number one, a former new jersey official is making new claims against governor chris christie.
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this is all part of a scandal over lane closures at the george washington bridge. david wildstein's attorney said in a letter that, quote, evidence exists to contradict christie's claim that he didn't know about the closures until after they happened. no evidence, though, has tied christie to ordering the lane closures which a lot of people suspect was political retaliation. number two, investors gave stocks the cold shoulder on january. dow tumbled 150 points friday which pushed the index lower by 5% for the month. that makes the dow's worst performance for january since 2009. investors are concerned about falling currencies and emerging markets and disappointing corporate earnings in the u.s. number 3, police are hunting right now for a gunman who allegedly shot two students near michigan state university. one has been treated and released. and the shooting happened at a
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apartment complex. they do not believe it was random. number four, the fbi said white powder found at the site of the super bowl is harmless. powder was also found at the office of former mayor rudy giuliani along with a strain letter that included the line "you're being my best friend." who injuries are reported. number 5, are you counting down yet? yeah, tens of thousands of you are going to pack metlife stadium. and the weather's expected to warm up just in time for kickoff. cnn meteorologist jennifer gray here. do not put your bathing suits on, people. not that warm. >> it's all relative, but considering the winter we've had, it could be much, much worse. let's look at the radar forecasted for sunday morning. just a couple of showers offshore. and not seeing anything as far as onshore. as we go through game time, looks like a dry forecast. we are going to see the
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temperatures warm up just a little bit. in fact, tomorrow, we are going to see the temperatures reach around 47 degrees but right around kickoff, temperatures will be at 43, feeling like 37. so, guys, it will be chilly, but definitely not as bad as it could be this time of year. >> i'm take chilly compared to freezing. that's good. in you use yahoo! e-mail, check your account and reset the password and do it now. yahoo! is the latest now in this growing list of companies that's been hacked. >> we do know they've declined to go into more detail for us. or even say how many user accounts are at risk right now. yahoo! says every user, every one of you, go online to resecure your information immediately. the chief technology officer at bit nine is joining us right now. harry, i've got to ask you, we hear this over and over again, is this the norm? >> unfortunately in the world we
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live in now where everything is interconnected and so many people rely on the internet to do e-commerce, unfortunately, is this going to become more and more common. >> so explain this to us how the systems work. how the criminal system works. it seems like people don't rob banks anymore, they go to a target, walmart, and steal a million people's information. how does it work? >> why rob a bank when you can do this from 6,000 miles away? it's actually a pretty complex ecosystem. they have an entire supply chain. they are people who write the programs used in the attacks often purchased by criminal organizations usually out of eastern europe butless where as well. then those programs are used to steal credit card information. those credit cards are then taken by brokers who sold on the black market and carders actually purchase these cards in bulk and use those for purchases. there's actually allot of people
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involved in the supply chain. >> everybody remember the number $9.48. $9.48 on our debit and credit cards, why is that charge, harry, so important? >> actually, $9.84. but both would probably be suspicious. what happens is there's one of the carders, one of the organizations purchasing cards in bulk based out of the uk, cypress and india are making charges of $9.84, just under $10, racking up millions and millions in charges. so if you see that specific charge on your card. you should call your credit card company and your bank. it's likely your card has been compromised. >> thank you for the correction. $9.84. >> so these criminals, obviously, are getting good at this. and getting better. and more of them are coming on.
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is there any way possible to even catch all of these digit criminals across the world? >> well, there's no way to stop crime in general. you know, as a single swoop-over, that would be really nice. but there are ways to track down different parts of the infrastructure. so we often do here. and there are organized police efforts and international efforts to either track down the people who write the malware code or the organizations that are selling the credit card numbers. or, in this case, the organizations that are actually using the credit cards. unfortunately, there's no one piece that will break the entire organization. there's a lot of money to be made. when there's money to be made. criminals will flock. >> wow, it is amazing we're having this, one, conversation so often, and that so many americans, people around the world, their information is just snatched. remember the number $9.84. look for that one. harry srertlove, chief technology officer at bit9.
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thank you. >> nice to talk to you. still to come on "new day" -- ahh, forget about that super bowl game tomorrow. we'll head to super bowl boulevard to look at a battle brewing off the field. >> yeah, we're talking about the super bowl ad war. for as low as $45 a month? $45 a month. annual contract. no annual contract. no long-term agreement. no long-term agreement. really? really. ok, so what's the catch? there is no catch. ok, i'm obviously getting nowhere with you. i'm gonna need to speak with the supervisor. i am the supervisor. oh, finally someone i can talk to. [ male announcer ] it's not complicated. new smartphone plans starting at $45 a month, with no annual contract. only from at&t.
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with no annual contract. to manage your money.r guy around 2 percent that's not much, you think except it's 2 percent every year. go to e*trade and find out how much our advice and guidance costs. spoiler alert. it's low. it's guidance on your terms not ours. e*trade. less for us, more for you. ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing good for me around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of craving something that i can't have ♪
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♪ turn around, barbara ♪ forever i've been praying for a snack in my life ♪ ♪ and now i have a brownie ending all of my strife ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪
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cheerleader, huh? well, check out this video, broncos and seahawks cheerleaders practicing before their big performance tomorrow. >> they're probably nervous, too. >> yeah. >> don't want to get out of the line. >> they've made it to the super bowl, too. huge stage, 100 million viewers.
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all day today, new york city has really been transformed into what's got to be the coolest place on the planet for football fans. >> and andy scholes who is a football fan. he is there living the dream. live on official super bowl boulevard. andy, what's going on over there as people start to trickle in? >> you know what, it was quiet earlier. but it's starting to get crowded. this place was slammed 13 blocks on broadway transformed into super bowl boulevard. there are tons and tons of fun things to do. you know how i know? i've been doing them all week. the best thing all week is the 60-foot toboggan run. the only thing that costs money, it's $5 but well worth it. you can also do tons of other things, guys. you can take a picture with the lombardi trophy. get autographs from nfl stars and much, much more. now this year's super bowl right now is on pace to be the biggest, best super bowl of all
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time. according to, an estimated 1$10 billion, that's right, billion is projected to be bet on sunday's game. now, more than half of adult americans are expected to have some sort of money at risk in the game. 70% of the bets to date have backed the broncos. and, guys, veterans everywhere, they have been waiting everywhere on certain picks to happen. of the check this out. animals around the world have been making their predictions for sunday's game. and at tennessee zoo, lili the panda made this picks. and wrestled with it a while. and at the beach, also going with the broncos. it seems like a theme. yesterday, the manatee went with the broncos. of if you're going to pick a
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team, i'm going broncos. >> when all the animals on the planet are picking the same thing, there might be something going on. >> as lili goes, so goes the game. trust him. andy scholes, thanks. we're in the e-block, this is the time where we talk entertainment, since the big game is tomorrow, we thought we'd do something special, a super bowl edition. for the folks who are not into so much every down and every play, like myself. the ads in between the downs are attractive. and thanks to the web, most of the advertisers have released early versions of their ads. >> you understand, why? what, they spent $4.6 million for a 30-second spot? so, you know, early release, hey, that's more exposure for me. >> it's a money war. so let's take a look at a few of the ads that are really getting buzz so early. starting with newcastle. okay, it posted an ad featuring
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actress and singer anna kendrick on sunday. so far, it has 2.5 million views on youtube alone. all right, watch. >> i was surprised that i even got offered the part, you know, because i don't think of myself as like beer commercial babe hot you know? i mean, i'm hot, but like -- like approachable hot. like the hottest girl -- we were like days away from shooting. and then they called and told me they didn't have any money. it's disappointing, you know because i was really looking forward to the paycheck. so, i'm like back to doing this stuff which is great, but you can't stuff andy down the g-string, you know what i'm saying? >> she is so good. >> it's a great ad. >> but newcastle, would you have
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any idea what she was saying? >> late in the ad she says something about it. you think, oh, my gosh, she spent all this money. the latest research shows 1 out of 5 ads that air in the super bowl actually get consumers to part with their money. >> yeah. because they're great to watch, if i'm not drinking budweiser, you can run as many says as you luke, i'm not going to get it. this is for t-mobile starring unemployed quarterback tim tebow on the benefits of not having a contract. okay. you'll get the irony, watch. >> tim tebow here. still no contract, but it's all good. without a contract, i can do my own stunts. i can save these puppies. >> go! >> and you might want to hold on to those doughnuts. ♪ bottom line -- those contracts hold you back. switch to t-mobile, and we'll
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buy you out of yours. >> well done. that one, i like. >> i'm sure he got paid for that contract, anyway, for the commercial. >> and probably very well. >> yeah. so we wanted to leave you with this ad featuring the little known breed which is dob bis dr. >> you know what i mean? i've never seen a breed like this. nor have i. it's disturbing to look at it directly. how did this dog get past regionals? >> i'm sarah mclachlan, will you help? >> ah! >> i don't like the fact that
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it's looking this way. ♪ >> how does that happen? >> yeah -- >> what's the connection? am i the only one that doesn't get it. >> hopefully, at the end of the line there's a line that connects to -- >> to audi. >> i like it. >> audi's not looking so bad. >> that's true. >> we will continue to show you the-as throughout the day. >> a more serious interview, dennis rodman, you remember that interview with chris cuomo. he opens up again to chris cuomo, this time about alcohol addiction. >> a lot of people saying is he speaking too soon? next next, jane velez-mitchell
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who wrote her own memoirs on overconsumption has something to say about this. [ male announcer ] once it's earned, usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection. and because usaa's commitment to serve current and former military members and their families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve.
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[ female announcer ] we eased your back pain, you turned up the fun. tylenol® provides strong pain relief while being gentle on your stomach. but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. tylenol®. mayo? corn dogs? you are so outta here! aah! [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of great-tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and 9 grams of protein. [ bottle ] ensure®. nutrition in charge™.
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♪ drimusic stopsusic [ bottle ] ensure®. ♪ music resumes ♪ music stops ♪ music resumes ♪ ♪ [announcer] if your dog can dream it, [whistle] purina pro plan can help him achieve it. nutrition that performs. ten minutes until the top of the hour now. officials at utah elementary school are apologizing after dozens of students had their lunches taken away and tossed in the trash. the students did not have enough money in their accounts to pay for the food. >> she took my lunch away and told me to get a milk.
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i said what is going on. she said you don't have money in your account. you can't get lunch. >> lots of tears and it was upsetting for them. >> school officials say they notified parents in advance that the children's accounts had a negative balance, but parents said they never were notified. so former nba star dennis rodman was back on cnn from a new jersey rehab center battling an alcohol addiction. you know rodman flew into a rage with the interview with chris cuomo over the topics of north korea and his relationship with kim jong-un. he held an interview earlier from new jersey from the facility.
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and jane velez-mitchell who wrote her own book on addiction, talked about him. >> dennis rodman, why are you giving interviews? is that part of your grandio grandiocity? i see someone who embarrassed our nation instead of working on himself. he is a chronic relapser. we remember him from "celebrity rehab with dr. drew." i have been an addict for years. it is not bordem. you cannot have one taste. you become a zombie to that drug
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or booze and that rules you. that's what happened with him. >> let me ask you this, because he is famous, because he has money, you are talking about the parties in hollywood. does that fuel the fire for him? is there a sense, do you believe, of invincibility? does the average joe recover better than people who have all that money and fame? >> alcoholics and addicts come in all shapes and sizes. i'm 18 years sober. if i stick with it, i'll get to 19 years in april. the wreckage can be bigger when you are famous. you have a lot of money and you can create bigger wreckage on the world stage. that is precisely what he has
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done. he has used north korea as his night club to create wreckage in. now he is trying to clean it up. the only way to clean it up is going inside. it is an inside job. look inside on why you need to escape drugs and booze. that is the key to any addict's recove recovery. >> congratulations on jane velez-mitchell on almost 19 years strong. she is on our sister station hln. for 22 years, jay leno has been cracking jokes and interviewing stars. >> he will say good-bye next week. what will that be like? hey guys! sorry we're late.
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did you run into traffic? no, just had to stop by the house to grab a few things. you stopped by the house? uh-huh. yea. alright, whenever you get your stuff, run upstairs, get cleaned up for dinner. you leave the house in good shape? yea. yea, of course. ♪ [ sportscaster talking on tv ] last-second field go-- yea, sure ya did. [ male announcer ] introducing at&t digital life. personalized home security and automation. get professionally monitored security for just $29.99 a month. with limited availability in select markets. ♪
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aflac! got 'em. ♪ yeah, he's clean, boss. now listen to me, duck. i have an associate that met with, uh, an unfortunate accident. while he's been incapacitated, somebody's been paying him cash. now, is this your doing? aflac? now, if i met with some such accident, would aflac pay me? ♪ nice. this is your stop. [ male announcer ] find out what aflac can do for you and your family... aflac? [ male announcer ]
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well, sunday, of course, a big day for the state of new jersey. not only hosting the super bowl, it's also groundhog day. groundhog day is different in new jersey. in new jersey, if chris christie sees his shadow, six more weeks of bad traffic. >> oh, my goodness. they are clever. >> it goes on and on and on. we will miss that voice. >> late night is getting a makeover. viewers will have to say good-bye to jay leno. next thursday, he will pass the tonight torch to jimmy fallon. >> punch lines and guests. the departure is bittersweet. we have nischelle turner with more.
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>> reporter: after 22 years, leno is finishing as number one. >> what do you think jay's legacy is? >> two words, a winner. that's jay's legacy. he, against people's expectations, always won. >> if you want to succeed in life, all you have to do is go to jay leno university. he can take a punch. the guy can take a punch. he may go down, but he gets right back up. >> reporter: as for what jay will be up to next? >> whatever happens with jay, i want it to be something he enjoys something and wants to do. >> porn done by people in their 70s and 80s. i'm 63 and i can't continue hosting this show. i'm going to japan and doing porn. >> reporter: still drawing laughs. he just may show up at a club near you. >> we wish him the very left. >> i remember the first guest. billy crystal.
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he said you made me first guest and i didn't want to do it. i didn't want to do it. our thanks to nischelle turner for that. >> thanks for starting your stay with us. >> the next hour of "new day" starts right now. >> i had no knowledge of this. of the planning, the execution or anything about it. >> what did he know and when? that is what many are asking this morning after a new letter challenges the accuracy of governor christie's comments in the two-hour long news conference. the claims and political implications ahead. and one day before the big game. a lot of you may be consumed with party planning, law enforcement has a laser focus on protection. did a white powder scare yesterday show how massive the security and the threat really is? i will never go willingly back. >> amanda knox may not have a
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choice. a u.s. treaty with italy means she could serve 28 years in prison. your "new day" continues now. >> don't start out stressed. i do that sometimes. wake up and i'm like this. take a nice deep breath. you made it to saturday. i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. 8:00 on the east coast. this is "new day saturday." >> let's start with the new jersey allegations. this is threatening christie's second term and future. >> this is surrounding the former port authority official, david wildstein. his attorney is suggesting christie knew about the inciden
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incidents as it was unfolding although christie said he did not. >> we have erin mcpike in washington looking at this closely. >> reporter: there is tricky wording in the three-page letter, wildstein's attorney sent to the port authority. evidence exists tying mr. christie to the lane closures. contrary to what the governor stated publicly in a two-hour press conference. to stress this does not say christie knew about the underlying reason for not endorsing christie last year or christie knew about the lane closures ahead of time. several hours after the letter posted online, the christie administration responded in a statement of their own. mr. wildstein's lawyer confirmed he had absolutely no prior
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knowledge of the lane closures before they happened. as the governor said in the december 13th press conference, he first learned lanes were closed when first reported by the press and in the january 9th press conference, had no indication this was anything other than a traffic study until he read otherwise the morning of january 8th. well, let's rewind to the very moments. here is what christie claims he knew and when. >> and i knew nothing about this until it started to be reported in the papers about the closure. even then, i was told this was a traffic study. >> reporter: there is still confusion about the closures or the motivation behind them christie was referring to in the press conference. that is what makes this murky, christi and victor. >> we talked about the letter from david wildstein and his role in the closure of the lanes of the gwb.
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>> reporter: it was christie's deputy chief of staff, bridget kelly who e-mailed time for some traffic problems in ft. lee. at the time, he was the official at the port authority who carried out the ordinance. what makes wildstein a figure this this, he and christie go way back. christie appointed him to the port authority. the second claim in the letter, he said he can state the claims were wrong. >> david and i were not friends in high school. we were not acquaintances in high school. we did not travel in the same circles in high school. i was class president and athlete. we went 23 years without seeing each other.
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>> on top of all of this, let me point out the purpose of the three-page letter was wildstein's attorney asking the port authority to reconsider their initial decision not to pay wildstein's legal bills for. christi and victor. >> erin mcpike in washington. thank you. >> we want to dig deeper into what this means legally for christie and the former port authority david wildstein. >> joining us now is famed attorney alan dershowitz. i want to talk about the words. he writes evidence exists as well tying mr. christie to the knowledge of the lane closures. if you want to make a strong case to get reimbursement and you say more evidence exists.
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you say my client has evidence. do you believe he actually has the evidence that exists? >> a very simple way to find out. it should be subpoenaed. he has no fifth amendment right not to disclose physical evidence that exists. they can get that without giving him broad immunity. on monday, they should simply subpoena all of his documents. a little common sense is in order here. how can anybody possibly believe that a hands on governor with a long history of taking revenge could go four days of a major traffic jam without once asking his staff, kelly or wildstein, is this really a traffic study or is this another example of revenge against a mayor who did not support me? anybody who believes that, i have a bridge to sell them. there is no way this guy didn't know. the wildstein letter shows the dominos are beginning to fall.
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that his friends are beginning to abandon him. the first thing the u.s. attorney has to do is subpoena those documents. the second thing is get christie under oath. so far he has had a free pass. he can talk all he wants at press conference. it is not a crime to lie at a press conference. if you lie to an official and under oath, you go to jail. there is no reason the u.s. attorney shouldn't ask christie specific questions. what did you learn? when did you learn it? who did you call? did you have any conversations with kelly? are there any e-mails? why don't you use e-mails? why do you use texts? because texts disappear? you can still subpoena a person's text. the government doesn't have the text or the phone companies don't have the text, but the individual has the text. they should subpoena the texts as well. this investigation is far from over. >> let me ask you in light of
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the allegations coming out of play, would you call christie in and talk to him now or would you do other investigations and see what you have on the table and see what you have later? >> you call him in now so he gets the story out before he knows the evidence. you don't give him the opportunity to listen to the evidence and frame his answers around the physical evidence. right now, he doesn't know what is out there. you call him in now, not later. you get him to tie his story down under oath under law enforcement officials. let's see what he has to say. you don't wait. i know, i'm a criminal defense lawyer. i'm the guy advising christie not to go in now. wait for the evidence and you can make your answers coincide with the physical facts. if you get them in there now before he knows the physical
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evidence, you require him to tie his story now and ask hard questions. >> alan dershowitz, thank you. you will stay with us for a bit and we have other questions for you in amanda knox's new murder conviction. thank you for sticking around with us. >> thank you. new this morning, united airlines flight -- excuse me -- a united airlines flight forced to make a landing at newark airport after smoke was in the plane. >> the plane landed safely at 11:30 last night. all of the flight's 210 passengers were given hotel rooms for the evening. their flight will continue later today. super bowl organizers are taking no chances with security this week. >> especially after yesterday. we will get a look at how they
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plan to keep the game and everybody there safe. plus, convicted of murder, acquitted and convicted again. will amanda knox wind up in an italian prison or stay here free in america.
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♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing good for me around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of craving something that i can't have ♪
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♪ turn around, barbara ♪ forever i've been praying for a snack in my life ♪ ♪ and now i have a brownie ending all of my strife ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ [ all ] bigger! now let's say a friend invites you over and they have a really big, really fun pool. and then another friend invites you over who has a much smaller, less fun pool. which pool would you rather go to? does the big pool have piranhas? i believe so. does it have a dinosaur that can turn into a robot
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and chop the water like a karate ninja? yeah. wait, what? why would it not? [ male announcer ] it's not complicated. bigger is better. and at&t now covers more than 99% of all americans. ♪ denver broncos and seattle' seahawks spent months fighting to make it to the super bowl. >> and new jersey and new york is fighting to protect the biggest sporting event on the plan planet. yesterday's hoax at area hotels proved how tough it is. >> cnn's alexandra field took to the skies to see what they are
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doing. >> reporter: protecting metlife stadium and patrolling the air space around it. it's expected 180 million fans will have their eyes on the field while customs and border agents take over the skies above it. we took a ride on one of three blackhawk helicopters to form super bowl xlviii defensive line. a strict no-fly zone. if anyone breaches that perimeter for any reason, they expect to see a blackhawk up close. scary experience if you fly and breach the perimeter. >> exactly. unless you have been trained in the military, it is highly unlikely you ever flown in formation with another aircraft. you have never been within 500 feet of an aircraft within flying. >> reporter: in the case of an air space intruder. a blackhawk would be first to
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intercept flying next to the aircraft and escorting it to the ground where federal agents are waiting. >> they will be shocked to have an aircraft come up close to them and then secondly, they will come to the realization that something is wrong. >> reporter: on our tour, we got our own surprise, although, this was a welcome one. >> chinook and blackhawks. >> reporter: a fleet of military helicopters in the distance and heading for metlife stadium where they will perform ceremonial super bowl duties on sunday. and exception to the no-fly rule and a stunning one. >> we will hold it here for a few minutes. >> beautiful view and informative one as well. alexandra field over east rutherford, new jersey. still to come on "new day," amanda knox again found guilty of murder. she said she never willingly go
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back to italy. will she have a choice is the question. >> we have more on the to be extradition with our two super lawyers, paul callan and alan dershowitz. hey guys! sorry we're late.
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did you run into traffic? no, just had to stop by the house to grab a few things. you stopped by the house? uh-huh. yea. alright, whenever you get your stuff, run upstairs, get cleaned up for dinner. you leave the house in good shape? yea. yea, of course. ♪ [ sportscaster talking on tv ] last-second field go--
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yea, sure ya did. [ male announcer ] introducing at&t digital life. personalized home security and automation. get professionally monitored security for just $29.99 a month. with limited availability in select markets. ♪
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i will never go willingly back to the place where i -- i'm going to fight this until the very end and it's not right and it's not fair. >> obviously a pretty emotional
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and defiant amanda knox speaking out on the murder of meredith kercher. amanda knox is vowing never to return to italy. the question is does she have a choice and what exactly is the evidence against her? let's bring in paul callan and attorney alan dershowitz. first of all, we have double jeopardy in this country. a lot of people say i don't understand how they can try her twice. what is the plausibility they will send her back? >> those are two questions. double jeopardy is
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misunderstood. the italian court tries it and it goes to an appellate court. it is judges and civilians on the case. the difference between the united states and over there, the appellate court can call witnesses and hear testimony. it is like another trial. it goes to the italian supreme court. they send it back for a second trial. she was acquitted in one of the trials. in the united states, that would be the end of the case. in italy, double jeopardy doesn't apply. on extradition, the courts don't apply the double jeopardy rule to the country we are sending somebody back to because obviously different countries around the world have different rules how they process cases. they look to see for due process
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of law and the defendant was treated fairly. we don't require that foreign systems mimic our systems. from a legal standpoint, she will not avoid extradition based on double dejeopardy. the president may say i'm not sending her back, but on the law, i don't think she will win. >> alan, what do you think? >> i don't know public opinion is supportive of her innocence. there was a compelling case presented against her. resulting in thousands of people put in american jails today. she falsely accused somebody of a crime of which he was innocent. she admitted and denied she was at the crime scene. she created a false alibi which her boyfriend disputed. they found small amounts of her dna on the knife. they found the boyfriend's dna
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on the bra clasp. again, not enough. they found you needed more than one person committing the murder here. who was that one person? this is not a case projected in the media of no evidence at all. it is the case of a kind that would have resulted in a conviction in most courts in america. yet, because she is attractive and she is created a media campaign all over the country, she has become very popular. i don't think we should do justice by popularity or justice by the way a person looks. this is a case for extradition. >> you think she should be extradit extradited? >> if it is held on appeal and no other clear violations of due process and no other compelling evidence coming forward, it should be treated like an
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ordinary case. having said that, think there is a reasonable doubt about her guilt. it is a compelling case, but not an overwhelming circumstantial case. i think that a good lawyer in america might have won this case and a good lawyer in italy might have won this case. it is a reasonable case. >> paul, what about the guy they have convicted right now? >> godet people believe he was one of the killers. godet admitted as much -- he e admitted he was in the apartment. his foot prints are all the place. he incriminates amanda knox in an early statement he gave in the case. he said he heard amanda knox in the room in the apartment that night. he actually brings her into the case himself. you know, just to touch on what
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alan dershowitz had to say. cases like this and forceful advocates who know the case inside and and they go through cases and say this is ridiculous and you cannot base a decision on this dna. what is never mentioned here is, of course, prosecutors in italy had experts on the other side. this is evidence you can rely on. ultimately, the italian courts credited or they now have credited the prosecutor's witnesses. we use the same system here in the united states. expert testimony, we send it to a jury and say which side do you believe? alan is involved in the famous o.j. simpson case. however, the jury decided to believe the witnesses that were called by the defense in the case. >> there is one other point that has to be added.
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that is although there are six or seven pieces of evidence, none of which alone, proves her guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, every piece of evidence points in the direction of her guilt. if you have a dna that is 20% likelihood it is her or 20% likelihood it is the boyfriend. you have a false alibi. if you add those together, you have a compelling circumstantial case. for me, the great concern is the media has presented this case as if there is no evidence and if this is a poor woman who has been falsely accused. never any mention of the victim. the victim has been ignored by the american media. in italy, it is the opposite. she is al capone. she is the worst murderer in history. a little nuance and calibration and little understanding that gray area exists would help both sides of the case. >> paul, what are the options here? she will appeal.
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it is not like this will be over tomorrow. >> you know, it is astounding how long these cases take. the case went to the intermediate court and convicted. then acquitted. then the italian supreme court. they said no, no, no. you ruled improperly on several issues. we want you to look at it and sent it back. they issued a conviction decision the other day. it hasn't been published. they have 90 days to public. they will publish the analysis. that will go back to the italian supreme court. there play be an appeal to an international court on human rights issues. then back to italy and request to extradite. there is a long road for amanda knox, more time for her hair to grow out. she is sporting a new hair do in what i think is a public
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relations effort to humanize amanda knox and keep the high american opinion poll. the american public is very supportive of her. that is the important thing. the president and the state department and justice follow the public opinion. >> i have a couple of seconds. alan. >> we have a hint from italy. they let her go back to the united states although the case was then pending. knowing it would be very difficult to get her back in italy. the italian government may be satisfied with convicting her and letting her spend the rest of her life in the united states and not able to travel to europe or italy. >> i agree with alan on that. true. >> both of you brought great points and important things for us to think about. paul callan and professor alan dershowitz. author of "taking the stand my
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life in the law." thank you for sharing your time with us. we appreciate it. still to come on "new day," florida voters take on pot on the ballot in november. this initiative could have a huge impact on the 2016 presidential vote. that's ahead. first, christine romans has "your money" preview coming up in an hour. >> think there's nothing left to say about the super bowl? think again. counterfeiting to controversy to nfl superstars that are media moguls on the side. i'll take you behind the business of the super bowl. coming up at 9:30 a.m. eastern on "your money." the recent increase in cafeteria prices is not cool. when you vote for flo, we'll have discounts. ice-cream discounts. multi-cookie discounts. pizza loyalty discounts! [ kids chanting "flo!" ]
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i also have some great ideas on car insurance. [ silence ] finding you discounts since back in the day. call or click today. i like her. and it feels like your lifeate revolves around your symptoms, ask your gastroenterologist about humira adalimumab. humira has been proven to work for adults who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief, and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common.
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tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. ask your gastroenterologist about humira today. remission is possible. there's nothing like being your own boss! and my customers are really liking your flat rate shipping. fedex one rate. really makes my life easier. maybe a promotion is in order.
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good news. i got a new title. and a raise? management couldn't make that happen. [ male announcer ] introducing fedex one rate. simple, flat rate shipping with the reliability of fedex. it is the bottom of the hour. we just want to say hello to all of you as we welcome you back. i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. here are five things you need to know for your "new day." >> a former new jersey official making claims against chris
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christ christie. david wildstein's attorney says there is evidence that christie knew about the lane closures. number two, a shooter is on the loose in or around michigan this morning. police are on the hunt for a man in his 20s who they say shot two college students near michigan state university. police also say the shooting did not appear to be a random act. oe of the victims is still in critical condition. number three, after months of hearings, the state department issued the reports on the keystone pipeline. the verdict? it won't significantly impact the climate. environmentalists worry about the greenhouse gasses. the proposed pipeline would stretch between the u.s. and canada. number four, investors gave
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stocks the cold showulder in january. the dow dropped 150 points on friday. that makes it the dow's worst january performance since 2009. investors are concerned over falling currencies and emerging markets. and number five, justin bieber in trouble again after airport officials smelled pot on his plane. they brought in dogs to search the jet. bieber is in town to be with friends and watch the super bowl tomorrow. well, speaking of pot, marijuana is set to light up the voting booth in florida this november. the florida supreme court this week narrowly, but they did approve a ballot measure that asks voters to legalize pot for medical uses. on the ballot in november. the side effects may be decidedly political. some are concerned that
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medicinal pot is a concern for democratic voters, it may oust rick scott and others. joining me to discuss this is rick gates and maria cardona. a cnn political analyst. let's start with representative gates. you support medicinal marijuana, but at a lower thc level. your young republican supporting medical pot. why? >> the republican party can no longer have a bumper sticker approach to medical marijuana. at this stage, you cannot stage a debate on two people under the age of 40 if there is no appropriate application for cannabis. the issue is to do it in a sa safe way. >> the polls suggest you could not stage a debate with people
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over 40, under 40, black, white, hispanic. i'm looking at the polls from quinnipiac and the latest from florida in november and no group here that is less than 70% who support medical marijuana in the state of florida. maria, is this for the democrats in florida what marriage equality was or let's say the marriage protection was in 2000 for the republicans nationwide? >> i think initially definitely. democrats are on the side of legalizing for medicinal purposes. the change that is happening in the country is going toward that. we are seeing it play out on the state level and now we are seeing it play out in florida. but i commend matt gaetz because he is certainly on to something, not just in terms of the right thing to do medicinally with
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what he is trying to do with katie edwards in florida. by the way, big bipartisan effort there. congratulations on that. it is also a way to start getting the republican party to open up on issues where younger voters, voters of color, women voters need for this party to open up if they ever want a chance to try to get more voters, which they need on a national level. >> the reference was in 2000, karl rove bring out republican voters to vote for george w. bush. are you concerned that will happen in florida, representative gaetz? we know you bring a lot of young people to the polls. we know from the last election, overwhelmi overwhelmingly, they voted for
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barack obama. >> it is usually a recipe for success to put yourself on opposite end of the electorate. i'm no political scientist. democrats, if they wanted to, did the right thing for patients, could actually mute this issue. attorney general eric holder could declassify marijuana as a schedule one narcotic. we could actually do the research in all streams of marijuana in the efficacy. we could prove there is an appropriate medical application without the risk of abuse and eroding the social fabric of our neighborhoods. the attorney general hasn't been able to do that. maybe because of the point you and maria are making. this is a blunt force to use in the upcoming political circles. this is in the bag of republicans. we put marriage equality issues
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or marriage protection issues on the ballot and also put a lot of pro-life issues on the ballot. that brings out more voters to vote conservative. you will not see too many marijuana issues that fail. if you look at what happened in colorado, unexpectedly, many republicans lost because of the voters that turn out for these issues don't vote for the ballot initiative. they vote up and down the ballot. there is a realization that politics will catch up to republicans. i believe in the republican party. i think when we talk about extending people's liberty, we need to mean it. >> i want to be clear about this. i don't know if it can be boiled down to one sentence. you want the republicans to be a national party. can the republicans only be a national party if they support medical marijuana? >> i think there are two issues that are problematic for the republicans if you simply look at demographics.
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marijuana and gay marriage. increasingly, you will see republicans have a pro liberty view on those subjects. >> you can make news here, too. you are always saying the party should support gay marriage? >> i think the party can always support traditional marriage. it is a matter of tone. i don't think most americans in the front of their minds are worried about what others are doing in this bedrooms. they are more worried we have $16 trillion debt and diminishing the country for the next generation. we have the best approach on the economy and how to create jobs. the more we are losing battles on the issues where we have been too dogmatic in the ideology. >> let me get to maria. i have 15 seconds for you. if this works and voters come to the polls, they also vote in
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chris -- not chris christie, governor christ in florida, and you get democrats across the board in many races, what does that mean for 2016? >> i think it will certainly become much more of a central issue. i really don't think at this point although majorities of americans do approve legalization of marijuana, i don't know if by 2016 it is an issue that is front and center with all americans. matt's right. this is not an issue right now from a national level democrats frankly all agree on what needs to be done, which is why we are seeing it played out state by state. but, it could just like equality of marriage, certainly become an issue that will be more front and center in 2016, but i think it will be more of an issue beyond 2016. i would just add one more issue to what republicans need to do
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to open up the possibilities to be a national party. they need to make some action happen on immigration reform. >> all right. representative gaetz -- >> we don't get worried about the politics christ makes because we don't know which party he is a member. >> he is a democrat. >> he may be a wig party by the next election. >> thank you, both. i want to tell you about firefighters in washington. they could be in trouble here after an elderly man died just outside their station. some people saying they did not act. we will tell you exactly what happened. plus, what do blake shelton and craig morgan have in common? members of the nashville grand ole opry. take a look with our country music start craig morgan. ♪
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this old boy ♪ >> i'm craig morgan and nashville is my city. the capital of country music. a v.i.p. tour back stage here. first thing we do when we get in, we have to check in and find out where our dressing room. as a member, you have a mailbox so the fans can send mail to us here. not everybody that plays at the grand ole opry is a member of the opry. to date, over 200 members. this is the list of every member past and present. there's 19 dressing rooms. actually, 18. not a number 13. >> hello, there. >> you never know who you will run into. >> what is your favorite thing about being at the opry? >> porter, roy and standing in the big tall shoes. >> look who we have here. mr. ricky skaggs.
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in 2010, this is how high the water got. this is where the artists stand and perform. thanks for being with me back stage at the grand ole opry. hope to see you soon. >> welcome mr. craig morgan. ♪ outside on the city side ♪ ♪ pretty girl working at the bank and the fellow who knows your name ♪ wow, this hotel is amazing. oh no. who are you? who are you? wrong answer. wait, daddy, this is blair, he booked this room with priceline express deals and saved a ton. yeah, i didn't have to bid i got everything i wanted. oh good i always do. oh good
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he seemed nice. express deals. priceline savings without the bidding. how much money do you think you'll need when you retire? then we gave each person a ribbon to show how many years that amount might last. i was trying to, like, pull it a little further. [ woman ] got me to 70 years old. i'm going to have to rethink this thing. it's hard to imagine how much we'll need for a retirement that could last 30 years or more. so maybe we need to approach things differently, if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. ♪ there's nothing like being your own boss! and my customers are really liking your flat rate shipping. fedex one rate. really makes my life easier. maybe a promotion is in order. good news. i got a new title.
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firefighters are supposed to respond to emergencies, but when a 77-year-old man apparently had a heart attack outside a fire station, no one inside would help. even after repeated pleas from his daughter. >> the thing is, cecil mills later died at the hospital. the lieutenant in charge of the fire station resigned. erin mcpike has the story. >> reporter: the incident happened at this fire station. the investigation is underway to see if it was red tape or just negligent. when 77-year-old cecil mills collapsed at this shopping center, they were just across the street from the fire station. help would be on the way. shockingly, firefighters refused requests from the dying man's daughter and witnesses.
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a firefighter watching did not help. >> i ran to the curb and said are you going to help me or let my dad die? >> reporter: firefighters told people trying to get help they had to call 911 before anyone could respond. >> protocol is heartless. it's heartless. that's how i felt. >> reporter: someone did call 911 later, but to make matters worse, that ambulance went to the wrong location 26 blocks away. cecil died later that day. officials are investigating questioning 15 people, including three firefighters believed to be involved directly. we tried to talk to them, too. >> anybody here today here on saturday? >> reporter: the deputy mayor who oversees the department saying nothing should have prevented mills. >> firefighters routinely go into danger. they don't wait to be called. they respond.
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that's what's troubling about this. this goes against what firefighting is all about. >> reporter: it's still unknown what, if any role, the delayed response played in cecil mills' death, but thursday, two firefighters were placed on paid leave. christi and victor. thank you. >> filmmaker nigel barker shares his passion for helping children with hiv/aids. it is all about making the next generation aids free. >> this is the face of hope. faith was born hiv negative although her mother has the vir virus. she is the example of the goal of the elizabeth glaser pediatric aids foundation. >> we have the medication. people have to be educated around the world. we have to get rid of the stigma of getting tested.
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>> reporter: nigel barker saw the success of the program when he visited tanzania. >> i spoke to the women who had been trained by the foundation in the ways of how to deliver a baby safely. if you can reach a group like this, you can reach children anywhere. >> reporter: the foundation seems to be doing just that. >> take africa. several hundred babies are born every day hiv positive. the good news is, when i first got started in 2008, i was saying, 1,000 babies are born every day hiv positive. we realize a generation free is doable in our lifetime. >> best of luck to him on his efforts. next, we take a look at the other reason millions of you are going to watch the super bowl. imagining,
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david stern's 30-year tenure as nba commissioner is over. >> stern ran the league as it exploded in popularity around
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the world. we can list the superstars, magic johnson and larry bird and michael jordan. so, speaking of another sport, football. super bowl is coming up. we are showing you the ads that are set to air in the super bowl. >> this one for oikos greek yogurt delivers on the "full house" reunion you did not know you wanted. >> you have something right here. >> oops. i did it again. oh! >> take off your pants, greek boy. >> you heard the man. that's going to stain. >> no, no, no. don't leave me alone with them. >> she wasn't good for us anyway. >> who was she? >> i don't know.
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>> tomorrow, i know a lot of you are in super bowl heaven. really? what does it feel like to be playing there? >> you know who we will ask? baltimore. stand up. ravens head coach who won the big game last year john harbaugh. the super bowl champions ravens coach is here after the break. >> this is a man who is not a ravens fan. >> john harbaugh. after the break. 's a stationery and gifts store. anything we purchase for the paper cottage goes on our ink card. so you can manage your business expenses and access them online instantly with the game changing app from ink. we didn't get into business to spend time managing receipts, that's why we have ink. we like being in business because we like being creative, we like interacting with people. so you have time to focus on the things you love. ink from chase. so you can.
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and it feels like your lifeate revolves around your symptoms, ask your gastroenterologist about humira adalimumab. humira has been proven to work for adults who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief, and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. ask your gastroenterologist about humira today. remission is possible.
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well, good morning to you and hearty hello! if you recognize that, i'm a "seinfeld" fan. i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. 9:00 on the east coast. 6:00 on the west coast. this is "new day saturday." >> we have to start this hour with revelations in the george washington bridge scandal that has plagued chris christie's administration. >> this centers around david wildstein. the former port authority official who carried out the staffer's order to close the access to the bridge. he is claiming that christie knew about the incident and christie claims he did not know. >> let's go to eric mcpike in washington and looking into this. hi, erin. >> reporter: christi and victor, careful wording in the last
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paragraph of a three-page letter that wildstein's lawyer sent. evidence exists tying mr. christie of knowledge of the lane closures during the period when the lanes were closed. contrary to what the governor stated in the two-hour press conference. this does not say christie knew about the reason about retribution of the mayor of ft. lee not endorsing christie last year. several hours after the letter posted online, the christie administration responded in their own statement. mr. wildstein's lawyer confirms what the governor knew all along. he had no prior knowledge of the lane closures before it happened. as he said in the press conference december 13th, he only efficiencies lend lanes were closed when it was reported by the press and he said in his
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january 9th press conference. here is what christie claims he knew and when. >> and i knew nothing about this. and until it started to be reported in the papers about the closure. even then, i was told this was a traffic study. >> reporter: there is still confusion about whether it was the closures or the motivation behind them that christie was referring to in the press conference. that makes the latest revelation murky, christi and victor. >> we talked about this chapter is about david wildstein. why is his name so important and central to the scandal? >> reporter: it was christie's deputy chief of staff bridget kelly who e-mailed time for traffic problems in ft. lee to david wildstein and wildstein
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replied, got it. what makes wildstein such an interesting figure in the story is he and christie go back to high school in 1977. then christie later appointed him to the port authority. he says they were never close. so the attorney's second claim in the letter is he can prove some of the statements made about wildstein are wrong. take a listen to what he may be referring to. >> david and i were not friends in high school, we were not acquaintances in high school. we did not travel in the same circles in high school. i was the class president and athlete. i don't know what david was doing during that period of time. we went 23 years without seeing each other. >> reporter: let me point out on top of that, the whole purpose of the three-page letter in the first place was wildstein's attorney asking the port authority to reconsider the decision not to pay wildstein's legal bills for the debacle. christi and victor. >> let's see if that happens and
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if he gets the immunity he is looking for. erin mcpike, thank you. california officials are taking drastic steps as the state is dealing with the worst drought in history. this spring, the water will be cut off. this is an unprecedented move to affect drinking water for 25 million people and thousands of acres of farm land. >> this is not an evolving crisis. this is a current crisis. we have 17 water agencies across the state in danger of running out of drinking water in the next 60 to 100 days. >> local agencies will have to turn to other sources for water such as local reservoirs. the midwest is bracing for more winter weather as if they
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have not had enough. >> what is a little more? a live picture for our friends in chicago. a winter weather advisory is in effect. >> when it snow there iss there continue to drive on the interstate. who thought of that? >> poor victor this week out in your hat. my kids go outside and say mom, i can see my breath. >> yes. here is the thing with speaking in the snow. i really on tuesday night, you thought i had a couple of shots of something. i could not get the word "government" out. my face was so cold and tight. i made it. >> yes, you did. you looked good and sounded good. it was all good. >> i made it. let's bring in meteorologist jennifer gray who was out in traffic how many hours? >> 12. happy 12 hours and walked last two miles. it is all better now.
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we had a snowy scene in atlanta and snowy conditions across much of the midwest. chicago, you are getting it again. there is now a winter storm warning in effect for you. winter weather advisories elsewhere. you can see chicago, the snow already coming down. even some thunderstorms popping up on the outside of indianapolis and those are pushing to the east. we will be watching this. chicago could get anywhere from 4 to 6 or up to 8 inches of snow because of this. places like detroit could get 4 to 6 and around the great lakes anywhere from 2 to 5 inches of snow. cold high temperatures today. chicago at 30 degrees. you have been much colder in the last couple of weeks. as we go through tomorrow, the high temperature only at 20 degrees. then 18 by monday. so very cold stays for you. on the other hand, the south is pleasant. atlanta's high tomorrow is 66 degrees, guys. it will feel so good.
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>> it will. 66 degrees. i'm waiting for this. jennifer gray, thank you. here is a simple rule for pilots on super bowl sunday. do not think about flying near the stadium. >> not unless you want a visit from the blackhawk helicopter. >> we have alexandra field joining us with latest on game day. >> reporter: good morning, christi and victor, this is a big job for u.s. customs and border proptection acts. they will have eight aircraft in the air tomorrow and enforcing a ten-mile perimeter around the stadium. a strict no-fly zone. blackhawk helicopters part of the team in the air. they say it is their job to intercept should anyone, any pilot, intercept that perimeter
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area. the pilots say this does happen on occasion. it is typically a pilot making a mistake and not aware of the no-fly zone. the blackhawks would pull up along the pilot and use physical signs the pilot is in the wrong place and communicate by radio and escort the pilot back to the ground where a team of federal agents would be waiting and christi and victor, you can be assured that the pilot would have some explaining to do. >> speaking of security, we were all over that hoax yesterday with the powder. from a security standpoint, did those guys feel they handled it well or was it a good wake-up call for them? >> reporter: law enforcement sources tell us these hoaxes, the things we saw unfold yesterday are not entirely uncommon leading up to big events. sometimes you will see hoaxes in the days leading up to an event.
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this is the thing they have been practicing. they spent two years preparing to host the super bowl. in the past few months, they have done a number of drills to test the possibility of any kind of threat. they have gone through scenarios here in times square at super bowl boulevard and metlife stadium. this is something they anticipated. sure, they were put to the test yesterday. law enforcement sources continue to tell us they prepare for all of the possibilities. >> alexandra field, stay warm, my friend. thank you so much. so who will win the big game? any prediction? >> nope. >> okay. no prediction. i won't predict either. >> the animals say denver. >> lei lei says denver. >> lei lei the panda. >> yes. we will get insight on how to win from coach john harbaugh. baltimore ravens, charm city, the current nfl world champions,
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at least for another few hours. coach harbaugh, we will talk to you in a few minutes. >> can you tell he is from there, people? >> stay with us. he? oh, hey, f you want to see something cool? snapshot, from progressive. my insurance company told me not to talk to people like you. you always do what they tell you? no... try it, and see what your good driving can save you. you don't even have to switch. unless you're scared. i'm not scared, it's... you know we can still see you. no, you can't. pretty sure we can... try snapshot today -- no pressure. [ male announcer ] what kind of energy is so abundant, it can help provide the power for all this? natural gas. ♪ more than ever before, america's electricity is generated by it. exxonmobil uses advanced visualization and drilling technologies to produce natural gas... powering our lives...
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stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a 30-tablet free trial. tomorrow, all eyes will be on the denver broncos and seattle seahawks for the biggest game of the year. for players and coaches, the super bowl is the biggest game of a liefetimlifetime. one team will have a shot at history. >> someone knows what that feels like. coach john harbaugh. he led his team and faced off his brother, jim. we were talking about that. he is joining us. john harbaugh live from new york. thank you, sir, for being with us. >> great being with you. >> what do you as a coach say to your players before the super bowl as opposed to any other big
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game? >> you know, the least said, the better. one thing we did tell our guy g if we find a way to win this game, we will walk together forev forever. >> going into halftime, ravens were up last year. beyonce comes on, knocks half the lights out in the stadium. i'm blaming her and it wasn't her fault. >> she knocked them out. it was a powerful performance. >> the 49ers were coming back and it was getting close. what do you say during halftime? let's flip it, if your team is down? >> i'm sure what jim said, here is a chance to regroup and get ourselves together and play a second game. we said when the blackout happened, no matter what, we were going to win the game no matter what happened. i didn't really think at the time it would turn out to be that close. to a goal line stand at the end.
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you know, that is the way football is played out. that is the way super bowls and big games are. it is what makes the nfl so great. >> let me, if you will, let me switch gears here for a second. we really would love to get your perspective of something else going on in the nfl. all the talk about long-term concussions and injuries and the organization is taking a hit from people. saying you are not doing enough for these players. what is your take on that? >> my take is they are doing everything they possibly can. we are learning about this medically. i know every precaution is taken. we were told and we are taught with a concussion, players are out. they are out until they are cleared to come back. i think the nfl is doing the best they can. sometimes the players are so competitive, they want to get back in the game as fast as they can. we have to protect each other
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from o from ourselves. >> coach, we will hold you for a few seconds and talk about predictions and marijuana in the nfl. we will have that after the break. >> can't wait. and my customers are really liking your flat rate shipping. fedex one rate. really makes my life easier. maybe a promotion is in order. good news. i got a new title. and a raise? management couldn't make that happen. [ male announcer ] introducing fedex one rate. simple, flat rate shipping with the reliability of fedex.
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welcome back. we have coach of the baltimore ravens, the nfl world champion baltimore ravens. >> he is getting it in there every time. >> a few more hours. >> you are strong for the ravens. >> coach john harbaugh. we have a question about the kids who play football. >> nbc wall street journal poll
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say 40% of their parents would not have their kids play football. you are a parent. would you do the same thing? >> no, way. my daughter is in lacrosse and basketball and everything else. if she could play football, she would. football is a tough sport. fortitude. it is part of the fabric of america. put your kids in football. they will be fine. there are efforts ongoing. it is not a dangerous sport. it is a great sport. it is part of what we are about as americans. >> let's talk about one other thing making headlines. former ravens player amedejeau. his teammates before the super
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bowl used marijuana. what do you think about ravens players smoking weed before the game? >> it would have been good if ayanbadejo, be clear cut. we want to know details. no way. the way our team was focused. we had security. it is not what our guys are about. i don't believe any of that. i'm disappointed he brought it up. i talked to him since. i know he feels it was pointless. that is not really what the game is all about. >> he did bring it up. yesterday, commissioner roger goodell talked about the legalization in light of colorado and washington. he said looking at the forecast, no. he doesn't think they will do it. what is your take? should they be able to take it from a medical perspective if they are suffering? >> i'm not a doctor. i'm not looking at marijuana as
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a performance enhancer. it doesn't make you better at your job or sharper. we will not encourage that with our players. not as a coach, i'm not for that. >> one more thing, you won the salute to service awards presented by the usaa recognized by individuals serving members of the military. tell us how you serve members of the military. >> thanks, victor, for bringing that up. that is a big thing. the usaa and nfl have an effort to help military families. when they are overseas and when they come back. salute to service. we have players and service members to practice. we bring former members to games. we get a chance to go overseas to turkey and afghanistan to visit troops. anything we can do to support
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and encourage and say thanks to those who serve our country. >> ten seconds left. who will win tomorrow? >> i will have to go with the afc. the broncos. support the conference on this side a bit. peyton manning and all that. broncos. >> good luck with your travels. thank you for all you are doing and thank you for taking time to be with us. >> thanks for having me with you. >> thank you, coach. >> go ravens, victor! >> go ravens! our pleasure to have coach harbaugh on with us today. we'll take a quick break. we'll be back. he wasn't just the first african-american male to win the u.s. open, but the first american period to win the u.s. open because the u.s. open didn't begin until 1968. i think it is really important for us to keep the inclusive content of his win and the importance of that win not just
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african-americans, but to all americans. >> it's been 20 years since hall of famer arthur ashe died at 49 after complications of surgery and aids. his wife hopes this will deliver a long lasting message. >> not just today's generation, but generations to come understand him as more than just an athlete and patient and as more than just a student and a coach. you might not be a great champion, but if you are well rounded, you can do just about anything to succeed in life. >> "open court" is sponsored by rado. bulldog: oh boy!
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bulldog: mattress discounters presidents day sale! what's this? a queen-size sealy gel memory foam mattress for just $497? mattress discounters has the largest selection of memory foam mattresses under one roof! comforpedic, icomfort, optimum... and wow! four years interest-free financing on the entire tempur-pedic cloud collection. [yawns] don't miss the presidents day sale. ♪ mattress discounters
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well, justin bieber is in trouble again. this after officials smelled pot on the plane when it landed. "seinfeld" fans, dust off that festivus pole and get ready to celebrate. >> sounds a little provocative. >> larry david and jerry seinfeld are working on a project. the show's co- creators are working on something. it is not a super bowl commercial and not part of his web series. >> i can't wait. whatever it is. next thursday, jay leno will say good night to his audience.
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taking his place is jimmy fallon. >> we will talk to a man who helped shape leno's voice on the tonight show. that is coming up in the next hour. be sure to stay with us. we are back at the top of the hour. >> we have "your money" next. behind the scenes of the business of being peyton manning. from high atop super bowl boulevard in times square right now. big game, big business. welcome to a special edition of "your money" from a cold and windy super bowl boulevard in the heart of times square. nothing is stopping the fans. i'm christine romans. think there is nothing left to say about the super bowl? from counterfeiting to controversy and media moguls on th


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