tv CNN Newsroom CNN February 3, 2014 11:00am-1:01pm PST
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i think it's working out. >>. >> i don't think he has to worry about baseball. i'm sure he's a great baseball player as well. a fabulous quarterback for seattle. thanks very much for everything you are doing as well. that's it for me. thanks very much. i will be back at 5:00 p.m. eastern in "the situation room." newsroom continues with brooke baldwin. >> wolf blitzer, thank you. hi, everyone. i'm brooke baldwin. not great new fist you are looking at the dow. down 268 points as we are two hours away from the closing bell. why, you ask are we seeing these numbers? a worse than expected report on factories in the u.s. the bad streak continues into this new month. in february after a rough january, we will keep an eye on that for you. but first, phillip seymore hoffman's career was filled with
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awards a awards and recognition and now in his death we are getting a better, fuller picture of the addiction that gripped his life. two law enforcement sources say the apartment where friends found hoffman sunday contained nearly 50 pacts of heroin and much more. cnn's jason carroll is live outside of his apartment. a very snowy manhattan this afternoon. jason, what else did investigators find? >> very sad day in this neighborhood, brooke, as you can imagine. they found a number of things. used syringes and bottles of prescription drugs. i want to explain just briefly how he got to this point. according to investigators, the last time someone saw or spoke to phillip seemor hoffman was 8:00 saturday night. that family member sold law enforcement that he seemed high. earlier saturday at about 2:00, his former partner, mimi o'donnell, the mother of his three children spoke to him and
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said he seemed high then. then sunday he was supposed to pick up his three children. when he missed that appointment, his good friend david katz came here to check on him and found him in the bathroom lying on the bathroom floor. he had a syringe stuck in his left arm. katz immediately called police. by the time police got here, they found a number of things. 50 bags of what they believe to be heroin, branded ace of spades. a popular brand that has gained popularity in the u.s. 20 used syringes in addition that, several bottles of prescription drugs. various types of drugs for addiction treatment, anxiety, another type of drug called metho carb moll, a muscle relax ant. he had a long history of addiction and he had been sober for 20 something years. it was just i think last may that he checked into a 10-day
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drug detox program, a program he successfully completed. i pulled a quote from him. he said it was all that drugs and alcohol. anything i could get my hands on. i liked it all. the quote that obviously some people are reading and listening to as the quote from hoffman's family. that quote saying we are devastated by the loss of our beloved phil and appreciate the out pouring of love and support we received from everyone. when you think about this man, you think about his career, all the films winning the oscar for capote. film that comes to mind is boogie knights. he played in that move we julianne moore about porn and the drug industry. she said i feel so fortunate to have known and worked with the extraordinary phillip seemor
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hoffman and i'm deeply saddened by his passing. >> all the quotes from the a-list actors, people in mourning over such a textured and rich career. in manhattan, phillip seymore hoffman, the father of three and tony winning actor before he hit it big. last year he relapsed after 23 years of sobriety. then put himself in rehab. he talked to cbs in 2011 about his past abuse and how he liked it all as jason referred to. day he knew he had to stop. take a listen. >> i panicked. i was 22 and i got paniced from my life. i would think god, i have so much empathy for these actors who are 19 and they are beautiful and famous and rich. >> you heard jason carroll reporting family members and friends saying he appeared high
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as recently as saturday. i want to go straight to you. a recovering addict and social worker, you wrote this wonderful piece for the atlantic. your lead line not saying it's ever a good time, but a particularly bad time to be injecting heroin user. welcome. >> thank you for having me. >> just to get everyone caught up with what jason carroll was reporting, the drugs that were found in his apartment. take a look at the graphic we have. prescription bottles, addiction treatment drug. for adhd and another for anti-anxiety and another muscle relax ant that he didn't appear to have a prescription for. 50 envelopes with ace of spades, believed to be heroin. several pacts branded ace of hearts. i want to ask you about heroin branding in a second, but when you see the list of drugs, what
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is your first thought? >> sounds to me like he was out on a run as addicts on the street would say. bingeing, loaded up with the various things that he was using. it sounds like he was a little out of control. >> you are in communities where people are buying and selling heroin. you say it is particularly dangerous right now because of this bad batch. it's tainted heroin. tell me about this that. >> it's really bad right now. the street supply of heroin has never been more uncertain than right now. when you get a batch of heroin that has been mixed with fentenal it is difficult to estimate the potency and the habituated habit that noticed what dose they needed to get high. >> do you know what you are getting when you buy heroin?
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>>. >> you never know what you are getting when you buy any drug off the street. you are getting a little package with powder that contains who knows what. this bad batch of heroin mixed with that has been bouncing around from camden to philadelphia out to lebanon, pennsylvania, and pittsburgh and baltimore. it's hard for people to know what they will be using and when. they can't track or predict when these extra potent batches are going to pop up. >> if you don't know what you are getting, what is the significance of these stamp, the ace of spades and ace of hearts. what is that? >> that is to tell buyers which product on the street is good. it's an east coast thing, not so much in the midwest or the west coast. in the east coast heroin is cold
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in envelopes and they will be stamped with a brand so that you know which corner is selling which kind of heroin. the thing that is really sort of twisted is that when you have a rash of overdoses on the street, a bunch of people die all in one area. people want to know what they were using. >> don't they want it? because it's more potent? >> absolutely. you know you are going to get good product. if it's something that killed a bunch of novice users. if you are a heavy user, that's what you want. it will get you through the day. >> because of the news with this alleged overdose over the weekend withseymore hoffman, people want to get their hands on his heroin? >> i wouldn't be surprised. i haven't seen that brand going around in philadelphia and there different supplies in each city,
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but i wouldn't be surprised. at the same time he had a lot of heroin in his apartment honestly. 50 bags. there were five empty bags. apparently right next to him when he was found dead that means if you are using five dime bags of heroin at once, you are using a considerable amount of heroin. it's very easy for you to overdose regardless of whether there is fentenal in the production or not. that's dangerous. >> i have to let you know. i feel like there is a conversation and talking about safe injection sites. it's so, so key. thank you so much. and here at cnn, totally unrelated story. we have been following this escaped convict. they found a car they believe was driven by michael elliott, the convicted murderer serving four life sentences who escaped from prison sunday and sparked this nationwide manhunt. constructions officials
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discovered he was missing from the correctional facility in center, michigan last night. a short time later, he abducted a woman and her car using a knife or box cutter and when the pair stopped for gas in indiana, that woman, good for her, she was able to escape and locked herself in a bathroom and called police. elliott serving four life sentences for killing four people back in august of 1993. george howell is out of chicago. george, police say they found the car. what else do we know about his whereabouts? >> they found the car east of elk hart. you can see he did not get too far and in fact they know where the car is on state street right now. there is a perimeter set up as they look for evidence. they look for him in that neighborhood. no other cars have been stolen in the neighborhood so there is
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a search for him there. neighbors have been told to be on the look out and the west view schools, we know vest view schools in that area have been put on lockdown as a safety precaution as they continue to look for it. >> what about this woman that was abducted who managed to escape? what did she say? >> there is a story to tell there. from what we understand again as you pointed out. from elk hart, indiana. he went into the gas station to prepay for gas and that is when the owner if she could go to the restroom. the owner said go to the restroom and lock the door and don't come out. when elliott went to knock on the door, she said i need more time. i want you to listen to a bit of the audio.
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>> he didn't say where exactly, he just said somewhere far? >> yeah. occupied. yeah. in a little bit. sorry. taking me longer than i thought. >> is that him? >> yes. >> he's knocking on the bathroom door saying let's go? >> we understand that she is back there. that is good news. the neighborhood being told to stay alert. also we learned that a bolo has been put out in the state of tennessee. we heard earlier he could have contacts in tennessee and a bolo has been placed in that state. we will stay in touch with authorities as they search for elliott. >> the woman is lucky he left her in the car. thank you so much. coming up next, woody allen is denying the round of accusations
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liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? introducing cardioviva: the first probiotic to help maintain healthy cholesterol levels without a prescription. cardioviva. woody allen has been dogged for decades over allegations he sexually molested his adopted daughter. nothing was proven, but 22 years later and all the accusations resurfaced. the person leading the charge is allen's adopted daughter, dylan farrow. she wrote an open letter in the new york times in vivid detail recounts what she said was a life tainted by sexual abuse. we have a report.
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>> dylan farrow, the adopted daughter by the hollywood filmmaker. in an open letter published in a blog, she gives a graphic account of what she said happened in their connecticut home. "when i was seven years old, woody allen took me by the hand and led my into a dim closet-like attic on the could floor of the house. he told me to play on my stomach and play with my brother's train set. he talked to me when i did it, whispering that i was a good girl and said it was our secret. ." mr. allen read the article and found it untree and disgraceful. at the time a thorough investigation was conducted like court-a pointed experts and the
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experts concluded and there was no evidence of molestation. she had an inability to distinguish between fantasy and reality. dylan had likely been coached by her mother. no charges were ever filed. with a letter and recent tweets that put her back in the spotlight and the court of public opinion. mia farrow expressed contempt as she was being honored by his piers, tweeting a woman was public low detailed woody allen's molestation at age 7. golden globe tribute showed contempt for her and all of you survivors. her son followed suit making no effort to the disgust for her father. he publicly confirmed he
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molested her and it's all part of the study that is part of her personal life. the couple separated after 12 years with mia farrow discovered having an affair with her adopted daughter. it's now allen's wife. the same year they said allen touched her inappropriately. allen consistently denied the claims and was never charged. the allegations tainted his image for two decades. now dylan breaking her silence and admonishing those celebrated by name for in her words, turning a blind eye and continuing to work with allen. others are still scared, vulnerable and struggling for the courage to tell the truth. the message hollywood sends matters for them. she goes on to write, woody allen is a living testament to the way our society fails survivors of sexual assault and abuse. >> allen's lawyer responds it is tragic after 20 years a story
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engineered by a vengeful lover resurfaces after it was fully vet and rejected by independent authorities. >> now the timing, the timing of dylan's open letter had woody allen's camp fuming. they said his client will respond and said this. the one to blame is neither. sunny hostin, let's talk about this. what do you think of these claims? also there has to be a statute of limitations. we are talking later. >> it's true that something like this would have run. it's something that i argued against for sometime. when i think of child sex abuse, i don't know that there should be a statute of limitations. having prosecute and interviewed many child victims, i do find her story credible in that she
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describe this is grooming that we often hear of from child victims. he used to put his in her mouth and put his head in her nap while naked and get into bed with her in his underwent wear. when you hear that description, that sounds like we heard a lot about the sandusky case. to say that these are incredible stories, i don't know. it seems to be a classic case of grooming and sexual abuse. i found her letter to be brave and courageous and credible. >> on the flip side, you have the woody allen camp that could be. they sue for defamation. is that possible? >> it is possible, but it would be ill-advised. especially because part of proving a claim is he would have to prove these allegations were
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false. they were untrue and how he put this is entire thing back in a courtroom and again i found her letter to be very, very credible. >> sunny hostin, thank you. now this. ♪ >> the super bowl was a bit of a dud, but at this this rocked. this was hot. the inside story on bruno mars's rise to stardom. they lived. ♪ they lived. ♪ (dad) we lived... thanks to our subaru. ♪ (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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quite catch a break from the snow and the ice. new york city and boston are getting slammed with heavy snowfall today. some areas could get ten inches. the snow missed the super bowl. my goodness. what a difference a couple hours makes. this is the scene at met life stadium in east rutherford, new jersey. this morning after the big game. a lot of fans trying to get out of town. that's not going to be easy. hundreds of flights are canceled so far. many of them as you can guess airports in the new york, new jersey area. chad meyers in the thick of things, what is that? a mini snowman? >> a perier-sized snowman. i don't have coal that small so that's for you. >> very nice. thank you, my friend. how does it feel out there? are. >> it's not cold. i was out in plymouth and it felt like 30 below zero. they are pushing it off the
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streets and pushing it off the sidewalks here and this is a salted area. it was very, very white. i think tonight as soon as we get sunset, we are talking 4:00 or 5:00, the roads will freeze. these ruts will be ice and it it will be slippery to walk o. you can't tell where the slush starts and snow stops. how deep it is. when you go to the curb, some of the splashing is or six inches deep. well over the shoes you wore to work today. the almost 600 flights out of new york city, let's say 120 people. that's 72,000 seats that didn't leave today. people in the super bowl and they are still here from the super bowl. that's not bad if you are a seattle fan. if you are denver, you want to go home and go back to work. >> i think so. not fun. very nice. this is why we love you.
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chad meyers in new york, thank you, chad. now this. ♪ the game was not much of a game, but the biggest star was this guy. bruno mars and his rise. the other hits and misses coming up next. you are watching cnn. peoi go to angie's listt for all kinds of reasons. to gauge whether or not the projects will be done
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>> bottom of the hour. you are watching cnn. bruno mars is on a roll. super bowl halftime show was hot on itunes, especially this morning. three songs and the itunes top 100 and picked up a grammy last month. we have more on the newest superstar to rock the music biz. >> the real super bowl winner, bruno mars. he took the biggest stage in music in front of more than 100 million viewers and saved an otherwise dull game. who is this super bowl sensation? born peter hernandez to a musical family in hawaii, he started as the youngest elvis impersonator. he struggled as a performer and was droped from motown records and changed his plan and wrote and produced for other artists.
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♪ his big break came in 2010 doing vocals for two songs he helped write. nothing on you and billionaire. his newest album was a success. ♪ amazing just the way you are ♪ it landed mars two number one hits. ♪ i'd still catch a grenade for you ♪ >> album number two reached number one. ♪ and the accompanying tour brought in $46 million so far. ♪ i should have bought you flowers and held your hand ♪ >> all together mars sold 115 million singles worldwide. landed five number one singles faster than any since elvis.
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the 28-year-old was billboard's artist of the year last year. >> expect to have some fun with us. >> he landed his second grammy, this for best pop vocal album of the year. outside the studio, he invested in chromatik. he uses njoy to i kick the habit. the business of being bruno mars is indeed super. cnn, new york. >> can't help but be bop along here. let's talk about the hits and misses of super bowl xlviii. richally nichols, host of unguarded and the sports marketer. peter, bruno mars has come a long way from the elvis impersonating of his youth. >> i tweeted out the group looked like the group from the
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enchantment of back to the future. they did a phenomenal job. they have not had a good halftime show in a long time. this was the 10-year anniversary of nickel gate. they shocked at the next level. it saved the super bowl. >> i have to say it was awesome seeing the red hot chili peppers. there have been mixed reviews and are with me on that? >> beyonce last year didn't do it for you. prince singing purple rain in the rain a few years. there were decent super bowl halftime in the last decade, but this was a good one. >> let me start and continue with you. we have to tuck about the monstrosity that was the joe namath coat thing. two different twitter handles. i checked today. is that what got in the way of the coin toss? >> i think look, joe is 70 years old. he went to flip the coin before either called heads or tails.
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if it hits the ground and shows whether it's heads or tails, makes it easier to know what to pick. jump in and get to the coin before it hit the ground and do it all over again. it gives us more time to endure the coat. >> so great. >> this is the kind of coat that hopefully is not the same that he was wearing in the late 60s. maybe it was. it was -- >> it was a nod. >> he was wearing in the late 60s and a famous player. there were a lot of people watching who let's just say weren't around at that time. for them this was a new experience to see broadway joe. for the older set it was a trip down memory lane. >> let's talk about the hit ads. we were talking about this friday. let's watch two commercials that scored starting with the radioshack. >> love it. >> what?
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>> the 80s called. they want their store back. ♪ >> you know, mary lou retton, chuckie, elf. i feel like nostalgia won people over. >> i loved it. that was my favorite commercial of the entire super bowl. any time you get hulk hogan, i thought i saw kid in play back there. that was the theme of the super bowl. my favorite commercial. >> also you had another warm and fuzzy category. budweiser with the puppy love ad. it was interesting watching this year. i wasn't wowed by a lot of the ads, but i saw less suggestive and more nostalgia and sweeter ads. >> they created an ad that
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focussed on making money as opposed to a sexy one. danica patrick is wearing a muscle suit about the spray tan. another thing is the twitter and vine and realtime marketing took the cake here with those responding to the vip about tide gets it out. it turns out they were tweeting with mittens. >> all for free. they were talking on national tv. the final question wasn't much of a game. she knows. post red hot chili peppers and bruno mars, what if you were a company that had the ad in the fourth quarter. are they out of luck all that money? >> absolutely. what i have been told is it's tough. it's $4.5 million. >> for 30 seconds. >> if the game is not within two touchdowns, people turn it off. this one was far beyond two touchdowns. i feel bad.
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a lot of advertisers spent a lot of money and people were talking to those next to them and that's what comes with a blowout. >> this is the gamble that you take, right? if it's close like it was last year or the past years, people are dplued to the tv. >> thank you. coming up, the olympic games begin friday and sochi is not ready. have you heard? hotels are not finished. credit cards? can't use them. we'll take you there and explain. and within budget. angie's list members can tell you which provider is the best in town. you'll find reviews on everything from home repair to healthcare. now that we're expecting, i like the fact i can go onto angie's list and look for pediatricians. the service providers that i've found on angie's list
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friday. the athletes are there and tourists are arriving, but things are not going according to planned. the hotels are covered in scaffolding and credit card machines that don't work and reports of stray dogs wandering the streets and even biting kids? we have been talking a lot about the black widow bombers. now women who are suspected of being terrorists are told to stay inside. they are held on house arrest. the senior international correspondent is in sochi with this report on the hotel construction delays. >> the russians built all of this. the ski lift and the high speed train and this alpine city within the last seven years. now four days before the opening of the winter games, it's clear that some of this massive development up in the mountains will not be raeady in time for
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the olympics. >> three out of nine hotels reserved for journalists are not yet ready. even an international hotel operator admits construction is behind schedule. >> well, it was slightly delayed, scheduled for opening last month. it's actually on a short president and a short test. >> the international olympic committee insists everything is okay. >> there are still some issues to be solved. it's always just before the games. they are with contact and we hope that the situation will be solved in the next couple of days. >> russia is gambling even if you don't build it in time, the people will come. cnn, sochi, russia.
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>> again opening ceremony is friday. coming up, what did chris christie know about the bridge scandal. he said nothing, but a former aide suggests that is a lie. have you seen how the governor is responding? the e-mail to supporters is pretty interesting. we will talk about it next. fedex one rate. really makes my life easier. maybe a promotion is in order. good news. i got a new title. and a raise? management couldn't make that happen. [ male announcer ] introducing fedex one rate. simple, flat rate shipping with the reliability of fedex. and this park is the inside of your body. see, the special psyllium fiber in metamucil actually gels. and that gelling helps to lower some cholesterol. metamucil. 3 amazing benefits in 1 super fiber.
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he found himself posting that the super bowl that christie was aware of those closures as they happened as he still contends. that's no small point, but remember you have multiple investigations here and charges of political pay back. have you seen how chris christie responded? it's curious because his office sent supporters an e-mail aimed at crippling this accuser's credibility. he alleges that david wildstein was once accused of deception by a high school social studies teacher and said he sued someone at 16 over a school board election and once published a blog under the pseudohim in wally edge. our chief analyst, you see this e-mail and a lot of folks say that's more than his state of mind than it does about david wildstein. former christie appointee closed
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the toll lanes. >> chris christie is clearly trying to destroy david wildstein's credibility. that's it. this whole case could come down to a he said he said situation. chris christie is clearly not going to leave anything unsaid, even the high school issues. as a political matter, you have to wonder at what point does it cross the line and at what point does it make christie look worse than david wildstein. christie felt the need to let them know he was going to fight back and take no prisoners and defend his own reputation against someone he believes and says has no credibility and had what he called a tumultuous past. >> you have the multiple investigations and bridge gate and they are handling the sandy
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relief funds. they invite it that is a big deal for him. >> it's a very big deal for him on the national stage. you know the old adage my enemy is my friend. it's not as if conservatives have fallen in love with chris christie and pging about him more seriously than months ago. what it does mean is that they believe the mainstream media, the so-called liberal media are attacks chris christie and like the way he is fighting back. if they are given a choice between who to defend, would they rather defend chris christie or defend the media. they are going to open their arms to chris christie and say come and speak with us. again, not an endorsement, but just saying if we have to take sides in this -- >> we pick him. thank you very much. coming up, nearly 50 pacts of
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heroin were found in the apartment where phillip seymour hoffman was found dead. foundation is giving hope to children of families affected by hiv and aids. chris cuomo with today's impact your world. >> this is the face of hope. faith was born hiv negative even though her mother has the virus. she is the ultimate example of the goal of the elizabeth glazer aids foundation, creating an aids-free generation. >> we have the research. we have the medication. people have to be educated around the world. you have to get rid of the discrimination associated with getting tested. >> celebrity photographer nigel barker founded success when he visited tanz ni a. even in a nomadic tribe steeped in tradition. >> i spoke to the woman who had been trained by the foundation in ways that were safe. >> if you can reach this, you
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can treat children anywhere in the world. >> the foundation seems to be doing just that. >> take for example subsaharan africa. 700 babies are born every day hiv positive. the good news is when i first got started in 2008, i was saying 1,000 babies are being born every day hiv positive. they are realizing a generation free is doable in our own lifetime.
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they interviewed a coach as the show debuted a couple of weeks ago and already real life trouble. here is cnn. >> children's football coaches gone too far? >> you have the opportunity today to rip their fricking head off and let them bleed. >> that's the question at the heart of the controversy ofs from the night tykes featuring five football teams with children as young as 8 years old. >> i don't care how much pape you are in. you don't quit! >> is it about discipline through tough love or crossing the line? >> this is where you earn your play time. >> that kid comes across, you put it in his helmet. i don't care if he don't get up. let's go. >> two of the coaches find themselves facing consequences. they were suspended after they
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caught him telling players to hit the other team in the head. >> i have regrets with my actions and behaviors. i lot of a lot. >> the other coaches were suspended reportly for encouraging profanity and apologized saying it's been a learning experience and will definitely make me a better person and mentor moving forward. both the coe of the football association and the league parent are defending the program speaking to cnn's dr. sanjay gupta. >> what are is not being shown is these hits in the show is not being shown what's happening after the fact. the coaches are pulling them to correct their actions to say this is not the proper way to tackle. >> our kids are pushing themselves because they have the potential for that greatness. >> some say the aggressive techniques and hard hittings put kids at risk of suffering serious injuries. >> everything that's wrong with
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youth football and to some degree it's what's wrong with television. >> worry more planned to air, the debate continues about whether the athletes are being pushed to their fullest potential or being pushed past the limit. george howell, cnn, chicago. >> a lot of places to go in terms of talking about the show. i sat down and talked to a former nfl player just a couple of weeks ago. they both saw trouble ahead for the show. this particular youth football league. watch. >> if these coaches and the parents who condone this sort of behavior are not ignorant, they are evil. no question after watching the clips that they are individual who is care more about wins and losses in their own reputation than about the well being of the kids. this needs to stop. this needs to change. >> i was struck by the fact that if they say it's authentic.
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they are hamming it up for the cameras and this is a reality show. they say this is authentic. he is actually the head of the league. he said this was representative of what's happening there. that was shocking. >> the kids -- >> and we continue on top of the hour, i'm brooke baldwin. the dow taking a dive with an hour to go before the closing bell. down 300 plus points. 60 minutes left of the trading day. why is this? we are told it's a worse than expected report on factories in the u.s. as we watch, a horrible start. awful to look at this. >> it's continuing to sort of run that we saw happen in january. new worries about the economy causing today's sell off. showing that the sector was growing at the slowest pace since may and that stops off
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into this pattern. auto steals coming in disappointing. these reports may not be thuf to cause a drop. there is another full plate of concerns on wall street. number one, fourth quarter. corporate earnings are not wowing wall street. many of those are not optimistic about the road ahead. that z investors worried that they are pulling back too soon. here's good news. some think we could be right in the middle of a correction right now, many also believe the market will turn things around by the end of the year. that means a 10% from the high. looking at the dow, that correction is at the level of 14,930. you see on your screen it's 15,388. you need to see it drop to 14,930 before you know a correction has happened. >> thank you.
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park are police found the car they believe was found by a convicted 34rder and sparked a nationwide manhunt beginning over the weekend. they have not found this man yet. this is michael elliott. police told people to avoid the area where his car has been discovered. i should tell you schools in that area are now on lockdown. correction officials say elliott escaped in michigan last night. then he abducted a woman according to police and took her car. she managed to escape. she locked herself in the gas station bathroom and called police. elliott is serving not one, two, but four life sentences for killing four people in august of 1993. phillip seymour hoffman's career earned an oscar for playing tortured souls. now with his death, we are getting a richer picture of the
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addiction that gripped his life. two different law enforcement sources say the apartment where friends found hoffman sunday contained nearly 50 packets of heroin abled ace of spades and several empty pacts labeled ace of hearts and more than 20 used syringes and more. we have prescription drugs. all in his manhattan apartment. this appears that the 46-year-old father of three may not have had a prescription for all of those meds you see listed on your screen. in terms of his career, talk about a talent. he was in more than 50 films. he leaves ample evidence of why he is called one of the best actors of his generation. you have probably seen him in a film perhaps on the stage. less often hoffman has himself. here are excerpts from press interviews. he laughs and he is humble and in the first clip, he is i a bit in awe about what must have been
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his first interview from sundance back in 2003. >> i never have done this before. i never talked to somebody who is not here before. it's very interesting. it's great. i kind of am enjoying it. >> you know, i researched a guy because it's based on a true story. i had spoken to him and read a lot of stuff about the case and about him. other than that i looked at addiction and how it unfolds and unwinds in a life and destroys a person and relationships. it doesn't get any better than when you go get a job as an actor and when that happens, you think that's it. when you are an actor and somebody givings you a good job, you are more high than you will ever be. when i got scent of a woman when i was 24 years old and they said you got the part, i don't think i have been more joyful since that moment.
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that's the truth. that's what it is. those are the moments. if you have a day at work and you actually act well and you go home and sleep well at night, those are good days. >> where i am now is, you know, a lot of actors don't get the opportunities i get already. i'm pretty happy. i don't think so. i don't think so. i'm glad they are having me. >> phillip seymour hoffman. joining me is a psycho therapist and senior west coast editor for "vanity fair." ladies, welcome. >> hello. >> i want to begin with you because you are one of the last to have interviewed phillip seymour hoffman from many moons ago. you talked to him last month. we will play the clip and he's talking to you about a fan.
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>> she came up and said my friends bet me i couldn't get a selfie with you. i was like you're not. >> the laughter. now the reality. christa, how was he with you? >> just watching all these clips, brooke, it's so sad. he was great. he came into our studio and he arrived a little early. he was exhausted from climbing up the hill in that altitude in utah. it can be a little bit much. he was heavier than i had seen him recently, but he seemed in good spirits. i joked with him about comparing the hysteria to the hunger games. he had a cigarette out on the balcony. he sat down with us. you can see there, he was game. i was asking silly questions about when the last time he took
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a selfie was. in the moment, he came up and did that routine and had us in hysterics obviously. you can see for yourself. he is so tremendous of spirit and it's a tragic loss for anybody that knew him or watched him or saw him in true west or hunger games or savages. the body of work is incredible. he was so accessible. >> i want to come back to you on his career. it's fascinating how he puts himself in these roles. we heard from tmz who is reporting this man was sober for 23 years and had a relapse last year. when you think about that, 20 plus years in recovery and shooting up and found in his apartment apartment over the weekend. do you see that often, that relapse? are. >> there is so much despair and hopelessness and embarrassment.
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i'm not sure he was able to reach out to his community. maybe he entered work too quickly and did not know how to get the help they needed. we see it all the time and it's so sad and heart breaking. i was watching the interviews and he appears to be such a sensitive, humble, grateful, loving, brilliant soul. so often we see that with people who struggle with addiction. that sensitivity made it possibly really difficult for him to reach out. maybe he was just embarrassed and desperate and just did not know where to turn. it's very sad. >> we talk about his sensitivity. truman ka poety and we remember him in boogie knights and scent of a woman. he had such a range. >> it's incredible. he crossed all genres.
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the incredible thing is he could take the most despicable character and make you sympathize with them. very, very few actors are able to do that. he got under the skin and showed you the humanity and who they really were. you couldn't take your eyes off of him on the screen whether he had a big or a little role. i love the way he went in between everything. he was in a small empty movie and years ago i interviewed him for his boating and the debut that start as a play in the theater that turned into a movie with the festivals and big movies like charlie wilts on's war and mission impossible. now "the hunger games." i don't want to judge him and i don't want his memory to be about all these drugs which is heart breaking when you see it. it never permeated his professional work. he always had a great work ethic. every actor who worked with him wanted to work with him again.
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he was someone directors saw. i cannot find one act are who didn't want to work with him. they all would cite him as a role model and someone they idolized and wanted that kind of career he had. >> just the e-mails from the a-list celebrities who knew him and worked with him and loved him. it is so heart wrenching to hear what happened to him. thank you both very, very much. >> ♪ >> should america the beautiful always be sung in english? a super bowl ad sparking a debate. a jewelry storeowner. about that. we will talk live to the guy who has to pay his customers a lot of money. stay with us. [ telephone rings ] [ shirley ] edward jones.
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[ male announcer ] with nearly 7 million investors... oh hey, neill, how are you? [ male announcer ]'d expect us to have a highly skilled call center. kevin, neill holley's on line one. ok, great. [ male announcer ] and we do. it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. as he gets dressed... you know the shirt he'll choose... the wine he'll order. you know him. yet now, after exploring vineyards in the hills of italy, he doesn't order the wine he always orders. he asks to be surprised... and for that moment, he's new to you. princess cruises, come back new. ♪ princess cruises, come back new.
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so ally bank really has no hthat's right, no hidden fees.s? it's just that i'm worried about, you know, "hidden things." ok, why's that? well uhhh... surprise!!! um... well, it's true. at ally there are no hidden fees. not one. that's nice. no hidden fees, no worries. ally bank. your money needs an ally. where their electricity comes from. they flip the switch-- and the light comes on. it's our job to make sure that it does. using natural gas this power plant can produce enough energy for about 600,000 homes. generating electricity that's cleaner and reliable, with fewer emissions-- it matters. ♪
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a lot apparently. a lot of nasty, ugly reaction on twitter and coke's facebook page. one example, speak english or go home. another, never again will i use your products. those are the ones i can read on tv. it gets worse than that. ben ferguson and the cohost of dr. drew on call. ben ferguson, you get the first question. isn't this the notion upon which our nation was founded, multiple ethnicities and backgrounds coming together. what is wrong with this ad? >> absolutely, but i think the issue is here a lot of people are coming to america now and they are not assimilating and i think it can hurt them and hold them back. a guy has an italian restaurant and fled kosovo. he mandates they learn english.
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in america to have all of the options and possibilities you need, you need to learn and be a part of america. he takes great pride in this country. i think that's one of the issues. >> do you think he's wrong? >> a commercial that caters to everybody and the melting pot that is the united states doesn't mean that these people are learning the english language. what a beautiful inclusive commercial that is that reflects the constant change and continual inclusion of everyone in our country whether they are here for a short stay or a time. it's wonderful. >> let me jump in. i want you to react to jenny and also to this. i thought this was great in "time" magazine. we come to america and in other words we become americans, but erase everything we were before. that's the message that was shared. it was not a rejection of english, but a celebration with a series of tongues resolving in
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a final line sung in english and the tag america is beautiful. respond to that. >> again, i go back to this. i think people should have pride in wherever they come from and have massive pride in their culture and how they were brought up. i think we are in a serious point in this country where people are comingto this country and unfortunately being held back because they are not truly becomes part of america like so many before them did. that was my only issue. everyone should be able to come here and set up shop and do things and have commerce. you are not going to be successful if you don't understand the words in english. it's going to be an issue with economics for your family. >> that are is not what is going on with this commercial. >> your point is coming to america and speaking english as a language was not the purpose of the ad? >> of course. the purpose of the ad is to include all cultures in the
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united states. it's not about being unable to assimilate, but respecting how everybody is different and what a wonderful thing that is. >> this is what i'm saying. i understand why coke made the ad. coke made the ad because they want to sell their product to everyone of every nationality around the world who may be watching even in america. i get the understanding why they did it. what i'm saying is when you start changing words like this and acting as if you can be in america and not be a part of america as a society and how we work, it's only going to hurt people that don't understand all of these words in english. that is what i'm saying. if you want to be successful in this country, you can't testimony here and not be a part of america. that's all i'm saying. >> you guys are doing this. we have to end it there. i know a lot of people agree with you as you can see on twitter.
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thank you very much. i should mention the 90-second version will be there. coming up here, we are talking being a dispute over loud music ends with a teenager dead and a man charged with his murder and what role could florida's stand your ground law play? nancy grace is next. every day i spend three hours on weights.
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>> police say they found no guns and first-degree murder has pleaded not guilty. ordnance grace joins me now. nice to have you on. >> thank you for inviting me. i'm just sick about this story. it is an echo of a trayvon martin case and i thought that was a huge miscarriage of the justice when zimmerman was not convicted in had the shooting death of an unarmed boy. >> this involves a prosecutor. do you think the seating of a jury will be tough? are. >> i do because the defense will try to throw out george zimmerman and martin's name in the hopes of kicking off jurors they don't want. >> they do. >> yes. that's their job. that's what defense lawyers do.
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they come up with reasons to throw off the jurors they don't like. this is called jury selection. let me tell you about this case. you can't claim stand your ground because you don't like somebody's music because it is too loud. can i point out another thing? he's in a car. leave. drive away. you don't have to stay there and continue to fight. he engaged the verbal fight, claiming he saw a shotgun. those teens did not have a weapon in their car. he innocent took off driving several hours away. they reported it. >> do you think with stand your ground because it is so well-known in the state of florida, do you think someone actually might think about stand your ground right before or
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after pulling a trigger? >> i think that the jurors will be thinking about it. i doubt this guy, 47-year-old michael was thinking about stand your ground. yeah, i can get away with it too like zimmerman. i don't think he thought in that manner. it hasn't been brought up yet, but they had just left a wetting reception. had they been drinking? i would like to find that out? did alcohol play a part in this? >> if he had, how would you play it? >> self defense? he fired eight bullets. he hit a 17-year-old boy twice in the back which is hard to imagine self defense when you shoot someone in the back. and in the groin. it's a very, very difficult case of self defense. i certainly hope this jury
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doesn't fall for it the way they did in zimmerman. >> we will watch it as they seek a zoor. nancy grace, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> we will talk live with the owner of a jewelry store who has to pay his customers after a super bowl bet. why is rudy giuliani becoming chris christie's sur gas amid the bridge scandal. christie just declared a state of emergency as the snow keeps falling across the northeast. we will take you there live. the day we rescued riley was a truly amazing day.
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he was a matted mess in a small cage. so that was our first task, was getting him to wellness. without angie's list, i don't know if we could have found all the services we needed for our riley. from contractors and doctors to dog sitters and landscapers, you can find it all on angie's list. we found riley at the shelter, and found everything he needed at angie's list. join today at
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. >> i just sat down in my lazy boy recliner and expected to be nervous for a while, but i don't think i got to take a drink of. >> before you saw the two points for the seahawks. what was your first thought? >> it was crazy. first i was nervous because i saw the flag and didn't know who fell on the ball. then once they said it was an offense i offensi offensive penalty, i knew we had sochi. >> why were you running around? isn't this like $70,000 in refunds back into the pockets of your customers? >> it is. 461 customers. i wasn't sure. it's much like the hole in one promotion for the half court shot.
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they might not have been. >> any money to get you paid. does this company get you insurance? >> there is a premium and a percentage. i was going to have to pay that even if they had not been successful. >> they were also doing that dance since they don't have to pay for the jewelry. >> is there word of a refund party? >> we will do that on february 21st from 5:00 to 7:00 and have all kinds of food and security and jewelry. it will be a fun time. this will be a good time to be successful.
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>> we will help the customers. congratulatio congratulations, i guess. best of luck to you. >> thank you very much. >> heavy snow and ice in the eastern united states today and the swaition is so bad in new jersey, we have gotten word that chris christie declared a state of emergency. some areas could see ten plus inches of snow. a lot of of it as you can see around the new york city area, the storm turned into a nightmare as fans leave after the super bowl. this is incredible. you watch last night and decent weather. my, what a difference a couple of hoursic mas. this is met life stadium. many of them understandably so. out in manhattan, this is a big deal from the governor of new jersey. a state of emergency. >> there is enough snow to make a snowball out of the super
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bowl. eight inches of snow right now and still snowing. we have about 6 1/2 inches here in central park and still snowing. at least another hour or hour and a half. an inch an hour and 641 of those flights were out of new york city that were canceled. multiply that out and 100 people were there and that's 65 or 70,000 seats that didn't fly out. they were hoping to go back home. you talk about denver, but a lot of fans were coming from many, many cities. not just from the two that had teams in the super bowl. that caused other flights to not be where they were supposed to be and all downhill from there. by the time it's over, 2,000 flights didn't leave where they were supposed to go. that's 200,000 people not where they thought they would be at this hour. it is still snowing. because it is snowing and the sun is about to set, all of this slush is going to freeze up.
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this is a little bit unlike what we had in atlanta seven days ago. not getting down to 16 or 14 or 13. it's going to be down to 30. there will be some freezing, but not the ice that atlanta had a week ago. brooke? >> let's hope it's not the performance in new york city. thank you. >> speaking of the new jersey governor, chris christie has traded places and is free to defend him on short notice. any idea what i am talking about. this guy keeps popping up on tv. the guy on the right, rudy giuliani, former mayor of new york city out there on friday minutes after an accusation emerged that chris christie was aware of the lane closures and traffic jams long before he said he was. now today on monday coming in
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shortly. is giuliani with the high level republicans? >> it's probably a combination of the two. his business is called a surrogate and he runs for president. you have a number of surrogates who do things that you don't do. especially when it comes to defending you and defending your character. it's good to be as high profile as possible so that people listen to what they have to say. if they attest to their character, there is credibility there. rudy giuliani is well-known and regarded well by republicans. it makes sense for christie to have high profile surrogates defending him in this difficult time. >> late friday, it was a scene
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where christie was aware and not later as you hear from chris christie. he was accused of sdemgz by a high school social studies teacher that he supposedly sued someone at age 16 over a school board election. more. he once published a blog under the pseudohim in wally edge. there those who sound like desperation. what do you make of the e-mail? >> first of all i think we should taung about everything we did when we were 16. >> that would be fun. i would love to dig into your high school life. >> a lot of them have documents that went too far by going back in time to wildstein's time in high school.
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i think that's been done by the way in other scenarios. i recall putting out a document about barack obama trying to challenge his credibility by noting that when he said he had never thought about running for president, here's a story where he said he was pging about uh running for president when she was a child. it always boom rapgs and the point they were trying to make. david wildstein's lawyer was impugning christie's credibility and they were trying to go after his. >> probably a lot of people in the media and christie allies going after what wildstein allegedly did when he was 16 years old.
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>> we will see you in 20 minutes. thank you, sir. coming up here. nearly 50 packets of heroin were found in his apartment when he was discovered dead and that's not all. we will talk about the actorar legacy about the rise of heroin abuse across america. next. liking your flat rate shipping. fedex one rate. really makes my life easier. maybe a promotion is in order. good news. i got a new title. and a raise? management couldn't make that happen. [ male announcer ] introducing fedex one rate. simple, flat rate shipping with the reliability of fedex. so i deserve a small business credit card with amazing rewards. with the spark cash card from capital one,
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>> joining me from los angeles and linda, you write about your encounter with as he was known, phil, a couple years ago. how he was this giant on screen. how do you mean? >> i mean it's sort of a cliche now to think of actors as being much taller than in real life, but this is a man who had such enormous physicality on screen. he was a presence there. you look at the master and he's a physical station of benevolence. he is a 5'10"ish actor and cooperate have been more unassuming. >> foot foot 10, but took on and owned that role of truman capote as 5'3". he was an actor's actor.
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he didn't want to have a household name. that would be fair to say? >> that is absolutely fair to say. this is a new york guy. not a hollywood actor. he is extremely hum ball. he thought of himself as a character actor first and foremost who happened to become one of the most respected and biggest stars. in copoety, his oscar-winning role. he would treat into himself to play that role. it's just brilliance. >> he spent four months isolating himself getting into that character. thank you very much. coming up next, bee will talk to someone who struggled with addiction herself and addicted to heroin living on the streets and overdosed. she is a mother of and a job. what is so wrong with this drug.
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♪ we asked people a question, how much money do you think you'll need when you retire? $500,000. maybe half-million. say a million dollars. [ dan ] then we gave each person a ribbon to show how many years that amount might last. ♪ i was trying to like pull it a little further. you know, i was trying to stretch it a little bit more. [ woman ] got me to 70 years old. i'm going to have to rethink this thing. [ man ] i looked around at everybody else and i was like, "are you kidding me?" [ dan ] it's just human nature to focus on the here and now. so it's hard to imagine how much we'll need for a retirement that could last 30 years or more. so maybe we need to approach things differently, if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. ♪ ♪
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tracy helton started the documentary with the best of intentions. >> i don't want to be pregnant and on drugs and i don't want to have a baby on drugs at all. >> but about 40 minutes into the documentary, tracy is shooting up and tracy helton joins me live. you have three kids. you have earned a master's degree. at the end of this month, you will be 16 years heroin-free. congratulations to you and welcome. >> thanks. thanks for having me. >> so, with the story with philip seymour hoffman, reportedly he was 23 years sober when he slipped back into it. in your nearly 16 years recovering, did you ever have a moment or moments when you were tempted? >> oh, multiple moments. that's the common experience that is not talked about in recovery. when a person stops using drugs, there's the stopping drugs and staying stopped and i think one is relatively easy.
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detoxing from drugs. but staying off drugs can be especially difficult when you have stressors in your life and a person like philip seymour hoffman would have had many stressors in his life, especially since he was so open about addiction. >> can you describe that whole temptation, what that feels like? >> i think that you get to a point where using heroin becomes a viable option again, when your emotions are overwhelming you and there's not a lot of support because there's so much stigma being around a heroin addict and you make that decision in a vacuum where you're buy yourself and you find yourself making these poor choices. in his case, using alone is the first thing he could have possibly done because there was no one to save his life, no one there to talk him out of it or support him before he made the decision. >> yi'm curious with you, why heroin? >> well, i got my wisdom teeth
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pulled when i was 17 years old and there was just something about heroin or opiates and then later heroin that pulled me in. i was very self-conscious, i was very anxious as a child and then when i got -- started using opiates, i was addicted before i even realized what was wrong with me. >> the solution, a lot of people say you kick the habit but being real, explain to folks who don't understand what a safe injection site is or having this drug in case you do overdose? >> well, safe injection sites and maloxin are two different things. there are places where addicts can go and inject their heroin and have a nurse and other health professionals present. it's ann dote and there are many people, grandmothers, people
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prescribed educations who accidently overdose on medications. so this has no other real purpose besides for bringing a person back from an overdose and it's something that saves countless lives but still it's not widely available. >> and that's an issue. we had some reporting from sanjay gupta on that recently. congratulations on almost 16 years to you. >> thank you. >> thank you for having me. philip seymour hoffman was in so many films and now that he has died, what happens to those films? more on that, next. plus, we are minutes away from the "closing bell" and the dow is still sinking. we'll tell you why. welcome back. how is everything? there's nothing like being your own boss! and my customers are really liking your flat rate shipping.
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"closing bell." it's down 313 points right now. apparently this is because of weak reports on u.s. factories. we covered them in january. it was a bad january. as we look at all of the bad numbers on your screen, hopefully this is not a harbinger of what is to come. back to philip seymour hoffman, he has several movies yet to be released, some still in production. a.j., what about the highly popular "hunger game" series? >> it's the most lucrative franchise in the entire movie business. not surprisingly, there's an awful lot of interest in what the impact of hoffman's death will be on production and the forthcoming films. there are reports that he had finished up on mocking jay and the studio behind "the hunger
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games" has not specifically said how they may cover his absence if they need to do that in some ways. but the original release dates has not been changed. lionsgate released this statement about philip seymour hoffman saying he was a sin ghoul l gul lar talent. losing him in his prime is a tragedy and we send our deepest condolences to philip's family. we've heard that before, one of the most gifted actors of our generation. it's a simple truth that i think we all knew the very first time any of us saw him on screen, no matter what the role, how big or hau small that role was for philip seymour hoffman. >> you could tick off all of these films, i think it was 50-plus and he was still active in theater and new york.
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this is a man, he was a true -- he was an actor's actor. >> he really was. that's another phrase that we keep hearing over and over. fortunately, he was also an every man. he was a guy, despite the level of career he was at, despite the fact that he was an oscar winner for playing truman capote, he was a guy that was not into hollywood. he was approachable. he just loved his craft and that was what was most important to him. >> tragic, tragic. a.j. hammer, thank you very much for that. and before we go, here's an update. police have found a car they believe was driven by a convicted murderer who escaped from prison. look at this picture. this is 40-year-old michael elliot. police have not found this man yet but they are telling people to avoid the area in indiana where this car has just been found and schools in that area are on lockdown as well as they look for this guy. correction officials say that he
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escaped through a fence from the prison in michigan. he is serving four life sentences for killing four people back in august of 1993. i'm brooke baldwin. thank you for being with me on this monday. now to my colleague, jake tapper. "the lead" starts now. at the end of the day, the much celebrated denver broncos scored only 8 more points than i did and i wasn't even playing. all joke. sorry. the politics lead, on the air and taking your calls. for the first time since e-mails and texts connected his office to bridgegate, chris christie will face questions from the public. we will speak with former new york mayor rudy giuliani. four days left of the winter games, russia is putting several women under house arrest. now for what they have done but for wha
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