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tv   Piers Morgan Live  CNN  February 3, 2014 9:00pm-10:01pm PST

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made from the loser of the puppy bowl. talk about a personal foul. ge jeanne moos, cnn. >> my favorite thing was watching the goldfish relative to that game's performance. thanks for watching, piers morgan is next. this is "piers morgan live." welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. tonight hollywood loses one of its best actors at just 46 years old. graphic details of dylan farrow's accusations of molestation. here's what the governor said tonight about what he knew and when he knew it. >> nobody has said i've known anything about this before it happened.
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>> i'll talk to the man who got an apology from chris christie. what does the mayor of ft. lee think now. police found some 15 envelopes in his manhattan apartment with a syringe in his left arm. joining me now is senior west coast editor of vanity fair. it's an unbelievably sad tragic story and not unexpected given all the rumors that have been swirling around about phillip seymour hoffman in the last few months. >> well, i have to say it was unexpected from where i came from, i mean, i didn't really know that he suffered with addiction so terribly, he talked about it last year that he checked into rehab, it wasn't something that permeated his
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career. you never knew that drugs were interfering with his work. i was really really surprised, having just seen him at sundance. he did look heavy, he looked very unhealthy, but he was never really a thin guy to begin with. i just can't imagine how bad it actually must have been for him. >> i mean, the details of his last few hours from what they found in his apartment are really appalling, it shows a chronic addiction he was suffering from, perhaps hidden from most people that he knew, the word tonight is that he and his wife had split up. he obviously had these three young children who are left behind without their father. i was struck by this, rob lowe tweeted today, phillip seymour hoffman's sad, untimely passing has me angry. i want more great work from him less destruction in drugs and alcohol. you are not smarter than your
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drug. addiction is an equal opportunity killer. phillip seymour hoffman is the late necessity a long and tragic line of great actors who have lost their lives in these kind of circumstances to drugs. what do you think the movie industry reaction is to this? >> it's just tragic. it's tragic all the way around. rob lowe puts it beautifully, it's color-blind it doesn't matter. i think for hollywood and for fans, everybody, it's a real loss. the thing about phil is that he was the greatest actor of this generation. i think he was one of the greatest actors of any generation we've ever had to go by actor. the stuff he had done is incredible. as a director and writer, and the theater work he did. it's a staggering loss. and i think it leaves a lot of
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people wondering why, how did this happen? >> yeah, i was going to say, i saw richard curtis came out tonight with an interview in britain saying, to his mind, phillip seymour hoffman was the greatest character actor of his entire generation. >> i don't think you'll get much argument about that. i mean, if you look at the stuff he did, he could play the most villainous characters, just despicable. and somehow watching him, you were sympathetic with them, you understood them. and that is something that is so hard to do as an actor, and really very rare when you see that, if you look at his body of work, it is amazing, and then you look at his action stuff, he was in mission impossible and currently in the middle of shooting hunger games, he really crossed all genres. >> it's a terrible loss. >> thank you for joining me.
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i want to bring in a man who worked with phillip seymour hoffman on "capote." let's take a look at that role. do we have that clip? no, we don't seem to -- >> i work like mad all day long, and then dash down to the bar, around midnight. humphrey has just about moved into the hotel bar where he and john -- >> john huston. >> michael produced that movie, he joins me now. my condolences to you, you knew phillip well, you produced that movie. it's an awful blow to anyone that appreciates great acting. >> it's a massive shock, we lost one of our greats, and i think today the whole town is in shock.
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>> am i wrong to say that it was not entirely unexpected given the rumor mill that had been swirling now for the last few months? it was even a story which had overdosed two or three weeks ago. i was certainly aware of a growing sense of unease that he had basically been drawn back into his drug addiction in a big way. >> i think the hoax, their taste obviously, i don't know if that was an occasion, but by his own admission, he had spiraled into some problems. still, it's for me it was shocking. i didn't expect anything from it, i think people that work with him, could not expect anything like it, because whenever you work with him, he was the most professional person you could find on the planet. >> this is an interview from 60 minutes, about his past struggles with drugs and alcohol addiction. listen to this.
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>> this was drugs or alcohol or both? >> yes, all that stuff, yeah. >> anything i could get my hands on. yeah, yeah. i liked it all. >> and why did you decide to stop? >> you get panicked. it was -- i was 22 and i got panicked for my life. it was just that, i think god i have so much empathy for these actors that are 19, they're beautiful, famous and rich, my god, i'd be dead. >> very poignant prophetic words, indeed. what was he like as a man? >> they're private men. he remained humble even after all the success, he stayed very humble, he never looked for the limelight, i think. ed limelight found him, but he never looked for it.
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he got into the business for the right reasons, not for fame or money but for the right reasons, to show how great he is at his craft. >> you produced him, and he was brilliant in capote. as an actor, what made him so special? >> he opened up to them, his piers. he really taught them, and i think he set the bar so high. i think if you look at capote, it's a performance of his that sets the bar high for a lot of actors. a think a lot of actors are shocked. we had a relationship, wasn't an easy relationship, it wasn't a fun set to be around, phil
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stayed in character 24/7, and capote was not the nicest person to be around. i find a follow-up project with him and we'd e-mail and see each other. >> he made some of the great movies over the last 30, 40 years. so many of them. i saw people putting up stuff on twitter and facebook, snapshots of his performances. this guy, the range of brilliance is almost unique out there. >> i agree, i think you can watch his entire filmography and you will have a terrific time. that's hard to say about many actors. he selected movie rolls as well. we had to breakthrough it with capote, he was not a leading manning, and i think he proved what a true leading man he is in not just the character actor,
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he's a man that brought his a game every time. he was incredibly dedicated he had incredible will power. ultimately that's the demise he succumbed to. >> incredibly sad for us, movie fans, desperately sad for his family, he has three young children. it's difficult to imagine the pain they're going through. >> my heart goes out to all his family. >> a sad loss, of phillip seymour hoffman. dylan farrow's accusations that woody allen molested her when she was seven years old. a woman who dated woody allen when she was 17 and he was 42. you may be surprised to hear what she says. dear future olympian,
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allen responded sunday night and said, he read the article and found it untrue and disgraceful. at the time, an investigation was conducted by court appointed experts. there was no evidence of molestation. no charges were ever filed. my next guest not only defends woody allen, she dated him when she was 17 and he was 42. you're in a good position many would say, to assess the veracity of woody allen's denials here that he would ever behave in such inappropriate manner. what do you think of these claims and charges from dylan farrow. >> i've known woody for a really long time. since 1977.
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so i knew him before all of this, during all of this, and after. i think these accusations are absolutely abominable and not true. and it saddens me to see him have to go through this again 20 years later. >> you were 17 when you met woody allen, you were cat for a small role in annie hall the movie. you dated him for two years. tell me about the relationship. >> it was a life altering relationship for me. he taught me many, many things he was a father figure to me as you can imagine. it was a wonderful relationship, i was really in love with him and he taught me all kinds of
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things about film and music and about life. he was a wonderful man and we had a great time. >> there are many, and you will have heard this over the years who say it's inappropriate for a man of 42 to have a sexual relationship with a girl of 17. what would you say to that? >> i think situations like that, relationships like that have been going on since time and memorial. except now we have the older woman and younger guy. look at ellen barkin, susan is a ran dan, they both have guys that are 20, 30 years younger than they are. i think situations like this happen if you're looking for a parental figure, perhaps. >> woody allen never publicly acknowledged your relationship but in 1979, the film manhattan came out about a 42-year-old dating a 17-year-old, many believe it was based on your
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romance. >> i'm getting through to you, right? >> yes, yes. you have to excuse me. >> she's gorgeous. >> she's 17. i'm 42 and she's 17. i'm older than her father, can you believe that? >> let me ask you one question, if i may. about the relationship you were 17 when it began, and i believe that woody allen's people would fly you to los angeles and you would see him there and so on, is that right? >> right, mostly in new york, because woody doesn't like l.a. i was in l.a. he would come out to visit me, but he hated it. >> you're aware the legal age of consent was 18? >> i was 18 at that time. >> there was never anything illegal about it?
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>> not at all. it was a completely consensual relationship and a wonderful relationship. >> why do you think that mia farrow is helping her daughter and she's being backed by her son why do you think they're going through all this, if they had all invented it? >> well, to me this smacks of pure -- they're looking for a lot of publicity here. it's no secret that ronan has a big show coming out on msnbc. and coincidentally, the vanity fair article about him came out. perhaps he's not woody's son, all of this. and now the letter. the timing is to me quite suspicious. i think this is all trying to help him have a fantastic show, and good press, bad press, it's
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all press, it's all good. >> you are talking about obviously a family that are worlds apart by woody allen's affair by soon-yi. she was 19 and he was 55. and perhaps more pertinently, he had been around her since she was very young, 8, 9, 10. and many people feel that in itself should have precluded him from ever having any relationship with her. you were also very young, when he had the relationship with you. people say, look, there's a patent here of an older guy basically not corrupting, but having relationships with much, much younger women, and in the case of soon-yi, someone who is the adopted daughter of his partner. it's a patent for inappropriateness. >> i don't condone what happened in the relationship with woody and mia, and then with soon-yi,
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but first of all, i was hardly corrupted, i was more than willing and very happy to be with someone who was older. you know, at the time, woody didn't really hang out with mia's kids, he was not into the family thing quite so much. so him being around soon-yi as a young girl, she was -- he was hardly a father figure to her. she had a father, her adopted father was andre, not woody. >> so personally have no issue with what he did? >> oh, no, no, no. not at all. i think it was very inappropriate, and i think mia had every right to be completely enraged, however, there's anger, and being upset, and then there are making accusations against a man and calling him a child
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molester. you know, these accusations came on the heels of a horrible custody battle of mia being extremely upset, hell hajj no fury like a woman scorned, and she was hell bent and determined to destroy something that he lived. woody loved dylan. we were in contact, he would talk about her a lot. he loved the kids they had adopted together, and she took dylan away by creating this whole scenario, and it's very sad. by the way, i would like to say my heart goes out to dylan, i believe she believes this happened. and i believe she's been in a lot of pain for many years, and she really was the unfortunate victim of this horrible scandal. but, you know, child molestation, that is a completely different thing.
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and that's what i would like to talk about, because i do not believe that he did that. i think those accusations are absolutely false. >> you made a claim that mia farrow tried to recruit you to make woody look bad during that custody battle in 1992. what exactly did she ask you to do? >> it wasn't mia herself, someone from her camp called and asked if i would testify and admit that i was 15 when we dated. and i said no, because i was not 15. i was 17, 18 and 19. and to me there's a big distinction between that, and i think they were looking for the fact that, you know, 15 is jail bait. 17 is a very different story. and i would not go along with that, so i think she was trying to create a pattern of this is a man who looks for young girls and seduces them unwittingly, and that's not true.
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i was very very much willing to be dating him, i was thrilled. and i believe soon-yi probably was as well. she was 18, 19, 20 when all this happened. >> right. >> i really appreciate you joining me to tell your side of the story. thank you very much. cnn asked mia farrow's managers for comment regarding her claim s. we have not received a call back. coming up, the other side of the story, allen dershowitz was mia farrow's attorney during the custody battle with woody allen. he joins me next. when you order the works you want everything. an expert ford technician knows your car's health depends on a full, complete checkup. the works. because when it comes to feeling safe behind the wheel, going the distance and saving at the pump you want it all. get our multi-point inspection with a a synthetic blend oil change,
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i want to turn to the other side of the dylan farrow/woody allen battle. allen, you know mia farrow well, you know woody allen well, you were directly involved in that custody battle concerning representing mia at the time. >> i wrote about it, i have a chapter in my book taking the stand about the case, and i went back and read all the transcripts in order to prepare for writing the book, it's very fresh in my mind, and the chronology was all wrong. these allegations did not arise in the middle of the custody battle. the battle hadn't begun until after these allegations were made up i can just tell you the story, i was hope one day and mia called me and said, woody is abusing my children. i said you don't joke about
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that. she said no, and she told me the story. my wife and i got into the car and drove to connecticut. we spoke to mia and dylan. we were shown the room where the alleged abuse occurred. we got information about a nanny who had seen something inappropriate. and then i wrote woody allen a letter and i quote the letter in my book. i believe the matter will be resolved without more escalation and damage to the parties. i'm a great admirer of your work, right now, you are on the road to destroying it. i urge that we resolve this thing quietly, and then it was woody allen who filed a lawsuit for custody. and it was woody allen who made a press conference in which he disclosed the fact that he had
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been accused of dylan. and doing that was really what started this whole thing, his press conference and his lawsuit for custody, and so the beast which has an article about this all have the facts wrong, and the facts as i'm related them are matters of record, they're not disputable. >> i think you ought to go back and look at the real facts. >> it's very good you clarified that. the chronology is important. let me ask you this, from your experience, you've dealt with many sensitive cases, did you believe mia farrow when she told you the allegation about dylan? dylan told you about soon-yi turned out to be true. did you believe her at the time when she told you about the abuse allegations involving dylan? >> i had no reason to disbelieve. they were very detailed and very specific. and by the way, what they told
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me 20 years ago is exactly what was written in the letter, there's nothing new, the details about the train set, the details about where the allegation took place in this little closet. i saw the closet, and the state police then dusted the closet for fingerprints, and when they did, apparently woody allen said, oh, yeah maybe i might have been in there. look, i wasn't there. none of us were there. we don't know for sure. the court that awarded mia custody of all the children said that the allegations were inconclusive, and that's the way they remain in many situations like this, and dylan is a serious young woman and ronan a serious young man. i think it's outrageous she said he was doing this for publicity
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and money. it's outrageous. he loves his sister. he believes this happened, she believes it happened, mia believes it happened, and the idea of attributing crass opportunistic idea to this -- >> does possible for woody allen to face charges? or has the statute of limitations expired in. >> it has almost certainly expired. these charges were looked at 20 years ago, everyone should get on with their lives. we have a real victim here. we have a woman who has suffered, gotten on with her life thankfully. ronan has gotten on with his life. this is an old story, we know that people who have been abused have to heal, and the healing process sometimes takes many, many years.
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and so i have no criticism of anybody for bringing this story forward. i don't think it will ever be completely resolved to the satisfaction of every member of the public. and we will probably have to be satisfied with either accepting or not accepting the story. people should look at the facts and arrive at their own conclusions. you have to understand, when people come to this with a real bias and an attack on people like ronan, you have to really look at their credibility and the credibility of their story. >> alan dershowitz, thank you for joining me. >> thank you. my next guest says this whole thing is a pr coup. michael, you wrote a fascinating piece today, very critical of mia farrow and her family, what you believe is basically orchestrating a kind of pr attempt here for self-interest.
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why do you believe that? >> let me point out about allen dershowitz, he's a lawyer here, he has to say those things. he's the guy on the payroll also by the way, he's one of the great press hounds of our age. you know, this is a long story and a -- kind of a ghastly story in which i think we should probably feel sorry for everybody. but you know, taking a closer look, a little more scrutiny here, you start to go wait a minute, you know, this begins in november. a piece in vanity fair where mia farrow says frank sinatra might be her son's father. she doesn't say he is, might be. she reveals this in an article in a magazine. now, i know quite a bit before what makes a vanity fair article, and mia farrow who at
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that time, and her son were at a -- mia was a do-gooder, her son was yet to have a paying job, he was a do gooder, and they used this article to effectively launch ronan farrow's career, you do that in vanity fair not by being a do gooder you have to offer something. they offered a rehash of this scandal. this scandal became suddenly a kind of currency for them. and this went on, and then he got his msnbc job. and by the way, i'll contradict mr. dershowitz again, you know, ronan, for everyone who does what i do in new york ronan has been for the last number of months kind of eye opening, a kind of desperate to be a
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celebrity guy around town. and i think this is one of the things that you have to see at the center of this, they get something out of it. >> michael, let me ask you this, he's not on the payroll. >> yeah, but he was. he can't now, he was the defense lawyer, he was her lawyer, he can't say now, no, i don't believe that. >> he's no longer on the payroll? >> yeah, same difference, he was paid for this. >> let me ask you this, you have -- let's talk about the two indisputable facts that no one is correcting. one is that woody allen, aged 55 in a long term relationship with mia farrow, has a secret affair with her 19-year-old adopted daughter. by any yardstick an incredibly inappropriate -- >> let's hold on, hold on. let's go -- >> hang on. >> let's go one at a time. inappropriate, but for 20 years they've been together. they're married, they have two teenaged daughters. >> i understand that. >> mazel tov is what you would say not inappropriate at this
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point. things change. >> mazel tov unless you're mia farrow and it's your adopted daughter. >> mia has every right to say this must have been incredibly hurtful 21 years ago. >> right, i understand that woody allen's gone on to marry soon-yi. the two facts i wanted to put to you. is there anyway of assessing the character of woody allen when you take that fact and you take the fact that i interviewed somebody who's now had an affair with him when he was 42, he found this girl at 17 on the set of one of his movies. >> okay, no, let's -- >> when you put them both together is it inappropriate enough to think there's something wrong -- >> no, but you're doing this wrong, because what you're saying is that this is a man who had a relationship that you
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might call inappropriate not illegal, and, therefore, this is the leap that you're making here, whether you're saying it or not, therefore it's likely he molested a 7-year-old. now -- >> no, i'm not. >> there is no connection there. >> i'm not doing that. >> yes, you are doing that. >> no, i'm not -- >> i'm not saying that. but you absolutely are. >> okay, don't put words in my mouth. 50i78 asking you to assess for me the character of woody allen taking into consideration the two facts of the two affairs of these very young girls, legal age, although -- the reason i asked stacey about the trips to los angeles had she had sex with him here in los angeles when she was 17, that would be a crime. >> no. >> she said she was 18. >> and she was -- that's not what you're doing. >> no, what i'm asking you is -- >> you're trying to split this --
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>> i'm asking you to assess for me the character of woody allen who i don't know at all, really. met him once or twice. the character of woody allen, do you think it has any relevance, if he had those relationships at 42 and 55 with two teenaged girls on the wider and much more serious allegation of him molesting potentially a 7-year-old. >> that's exactly what i just said you were doing, and you denied you were doing, you just connected -- >> i'm asking you if you think there's -- >> i'm telling you, you just connected the fact that the man had perfectly legal relationships with the fact that he had -- with the fact that he's charged with molesting a 7-year-old. now, there are two things that are going on. for one thing, there's not -- there is not even a psychological connection between a 7-year-old and an 18-year-old. that's number one, number two. what we have here is essentially that's what mia farrow has done. because he got involved, however
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inappropriately, however unfortunately with her adopted daughter, very painful, she then turned around and said, so he's involved with my 18-year-old daughter, therefore i can more credibly make the case that he might have been involved with my 7-year-old daughter. this is preposterous. >> hang on. >> not only is it preposterous. but let me add one more thing. >> you're missing -- you said there's no psychological link. let me pick up on that point. there is really, isn't there? he knew soon-yi from the age of 8, he watched this girl grow up from the age of 8 about the same age as he's accused of molesting dylan. >> i respect your expertise here, piers. but let's just deal with what is obvious.
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on the one hand we have a -- we have adults. on the other hand we have children. now, let's make the connection here, piers. what would it be psychologically? you go. let me ask you. the connection between a 7-year-old girl and a woman, an 18-year-old woman. make the connection for me. >> let me ask you -- have you ever been attracted to an 18-year-old woman -- >> michael, i'm asking you -- >> have you ever been? >> i'm having a problem having to jump in and ask a question on my own show. >> perhaps we should switch roles. >> when it comes to a psychological connection, woody allen was around soon-yi from around the age of 8 to 18 when he began to have a sexual relationship. some would say that is a
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psychological link potentially, possibly -- >> well, some would say a lot of things -- >> of a man who is watching a young girl grow up. >> now, you've made a subtle other linkage here that he was around her at 8, he was involved with her at 18, therefore something else might have gone on. we don't know that. we don't know that, nobody has even -- >> no, i don't know that at all. >> no one has made that accusation except you sort of now. what we have here is we have two -- we have a very complicated story, which begins with the fact that woody did something that he shouldn't have done, perhaps shun the have done. certainly was going to be unpopular for doing, and was going to incur the mighty wrath. and no one knew how mighty of mia farrow. he goes on, he does this. he gets involved with soon-yi. and from there a cascade of things happen that are not
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necessarily related to the fact that he got involved with soon-yi. >> yeah, listen, i don't disagree with that, and i don't have the answers to these questions nor do you, it may be as alan dershowitz said, we never find out. >> there's also something else that dershowitz said that isn't true. you know, there was a -- and this was in the christophe piece, this all gets launched because mia farrow has a friend who writes a column for the new york times, she calls him, he prints dylan farrow's letter all again. this whole series, this whole story is essentially based on mia farrow's friendships with people in the media. >> okay, well, look, michael i have to leave it there. what i would say is you don't know that it didn't happen either? >> i don't know that you haven't molested someone.
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i mean, this is not the way you're supposed to look at any story. of course i don't know, nor do you know. but the suggestion that we don't know, do you beat your wife is a suggestion that is going to leave the impression that we might know or someone might know, or that it might have happened. >> okay. michael, it's always good to talk to you, thank you very much for joining me. coming up next, lisa bloom believes in dylan farrow's accusations against woody allen are true. the day we rescued riley was a truly amazing day.
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more on dylan farrow's accusations, they show no thoughts of slowing down. it's a very heated animated debate that's been raging for a long time, i don't know the answers to all this, and i don't want to unfairly den great woody allen, nor do i want to unfairly den great mia farrow, when she went through a horrendous time when she discovered that her adopted daughter had a secret affair with her husband for years. >> i am a trial attorney who has represented many victims of child sexual abuse, i say her story is highly credible.
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anything is possible here, but it's highly credible. she's not selling anything, a book or a movie, she's not suing him, she doesn't have an open litigation against him, she has everything to lose and nothing to gain by coming forward now, what i see in her, what i see in so many victims is, decades go by, you get stronger, centered, she's in a happy place in her life, living 1,000 miles away from her mother. now is her time to speak her truth. woody allen back in 1992 issued a statement that was almost sociopathic at the time, he said he had done nothing immoral, that it was not important, the fact that soon yi was his long term girlfriend's daughter was not important. not understanding the pain he caused to this family. probably why he's hiding behind his publicist and lawyers right now. we're going to come back after break and talk more about this with lisa.
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what to think. people think he was inappropriate but many don't want to make the jump to that he may be capable of molestation. >> in this case the courts dropped the ball. the prosecutor didn't want to give the girl the support to get her to testify. there are too many children who are told you cannot testify. yes they are nervous but after they feel empowered and predators don't get away with this. you have to prosecute. >> you must have come across cases where young children of this age have, perhaps fantasized about this kind of thing or been led to think a certain way by a parent. >> the latter, not the former.
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seven-years-old do not fantasize about having sex with their father or any adult. seven-years-old find sex to be disgusting. she could have been lying or egged on by someone. but she told a babysitter first and the babysitter told first. if mom orchestrated this, it was crafty and devious to get the child to tell the babysitter first. any mother would be angry and might behave inappropriately. >> i have interviewed mia farrow and liked her very much. the one thing i would say is i don't think she would put her family through this for publicity. >> thank god dylan has her mother and brother standing by her. >> we'll be right back. back card from capital one.
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new jersey governor chris christie took the air waves blasting his critics. i asked the man at the center of the scandal what he thinks of the take to put the whole thing to rest. >> i think a sworn statement from the governor would be very helpful. that would start as a foundation to rebuild trust in the state of
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new jersey. no spin doctor, absolute unconditional statement he had no knowledge and folks would rely on that. in ft. lee we would rebuild that trust too. >> that's all for us tonight. >> good evening, everyone, welcome to "ac360 later." chris christie fights back again.


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