tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN February 3, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm PST
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a brilliant actor onstage and celebrated universally, respected. on wednesday the lights on broadway will be dimmed for one minutes in his memory. later on the program we'll take a moment to honor his life and his career. jason carroll joins us from outside his apartment with the latest in the investigation and what we know about the last 24 hours of his life. >> reporter: investigators are trying to focus on what happened after 8:00 p.m. saturday evening. saturday morning started off like many others. saturday morning, he came here to the chocolate bar in new york's west village for is
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regular order. a shot of espresso over ice with a splash of milk. >> he seemed in good spirits, very happy. chatting with his >> did he come in alone? staff. with his children? >> he came in alone. >> did he stay anything? did he -- i know you say he appeared to be in good spirits, clearly nothing seemed out of the ordinary. >> to my knowledge, he seemed perfectly fine. >> 1:30 p.m., hoffman's assistant speaks to him on the phone. according to investigators, she said nothing seemed out of the ordinary. 2:00, about a half hour later, law enforcement sources say mary mimi o'donnell ex-parter in and the mother of their three children told them she saw hoffman near the west village apartment. he seemed high. >> at some point early saturday evening, hoffman and two of his friends came here to automatic slims, a restaurant bar in the west village, another one of those spots he came to occasionally, he had a light dinner, cranberry and soda.
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>> it wasn't a total shock, but it's a sad thing. he was a great talent. >> o'donnell speaks to hoffman on the phone again. according to a law enforcement official hoffman seemed high. the next day 9:00 a.m., hoffman was expected to pick up his three children at o'donnell's home in the west village, but no shows, concerned, o'donnell calls hoffman's friend david katz. 11:00 a.m., katz checks on him, finding hoffman on the bathroom floor, a needle left in his left arm. his eyeglasses resting on his head. 11:30 a.m. sunday, police arrive, inside the apartment, they also find 20 empty bags, an additional 50 bags believed to be containing heroin. 20 used syringes and several
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bottles of prescription drugs. o'donnell is called immediately. she grabs their son from the local playground and brings him home. word begins to spread through the neighborhood as friends bring flowers and cards to remember hoffman. >> he was just phil down the block, just a decent guy in the neighborhood. i heard what had happened, i was shocked by that. >> it's a very sad, sad story. and it's almost like i'm angry, i want to say to him, what were you thinking, man? >> a lot of people stunned. do we know when the medical examiner is going to announce the cause of death? >> that could come at any time. we know that the medical examiner performed an autopsy, also waiting for toxicology reports to come, in once they come in we'll get a better understanding of exactly what was in his system. >> jason, appreciate the update. drug abuse has always been a
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problem, of course, but there are signs that it's getting worse, at least where heroin is concerned. deaths from drug overdoses increased 200% between 1999 and 2010. more people than ever apparently using heroin. they found a 79% jump, the number of heroin users 12 and older from 2007 to 2012. joining me now is dr. drew pinsky. >> let's talk about that data, first. that's a story of pills. most of those overdoses were pills. and most of the reason that people get to heroin, they start with pills and graduate to heroin, because it's a cheaper, higher high. >> is it the same sort of high that -- >> all opiates and open yoids, really no difference. the fact that people don't understand that is what drives me to distraction every day. >> we all know prescription pill abuse is up. is that what's leading people --
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>> they can't get access to the pills any more, they're too expensive and they graduate over to heroin. i want to point out, you made a great distinction between the man and the disease. his body of work, he's a father, a wonderful human being who had a chronic medical condition that he struggled with. >> he sought treatment before he was 22, 23 years old. before he became famous at 25 in his breakthrough role in "a scent of a woman." >> he described himself as a garbage bag, he would take anything and everything, if he had unlimited money and resources he would have killed himself using, which he knew that, he probably had some sort of near death experience at the age of 22. that's severe addiction. if he had struggled along, i don't know if he was fully clean all those years.
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the probability, if you're a chronic relapser is very, very low. if he had been sober all those years and only relapsed in recent years, that's a difficult population to treat. all that knowledge of their sustained sobriety, the disease uses that against them. >> 70 bags found in the apartment, some still had what seemed to be heroin -- >> people are impressed by that, i'm not. it depends what they mean by bags. in terms of on the street, the bags of heroin, my patients use five to ten bags a day. what's interesting is the prescription medication that was not prescribed to him. it was a sophisticated withdrawal to get him off heroin. perhaps he recently detoxed himself and for whatever reason relapsed and gave himself a standard dose, and that was too much, because he was no longer tolerant. >> you said they were not prescribed to him?
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>> right. >> he could have gotten them under an assumed name. >> i suppose that's true, somebody -- either he or somebody was trying to detox. and as a combination that was pretty interesting. >> what is -- i understand drugs that make people more social and want to interact, things like that. i don't understand heroin and drugs like that? >> yeah, it's a -- it's a -- you fall in love with it, you're wrapped in a warm blanket, whatever emotional issues they may have had no longer matter. every day they convince themselves, if i take one more hit i'll figure this out, and they get into this cycle, and the withdrawal is so awful, and they literally can't live without it. >> there have been a number of deaths recently linked to a specific strain of heroin that has -- a particular brand of heroin, and the insidious thing i've read from police is that
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when somebody od's on a particular brand of heroin, that brand becomes popular on the street, because real users think, that's a strong brand, i want to go -- >> it's called stinky thinking. >> whatever the brand was that killed phillip see more hoffman on the streets, that's going to become -- >> i think it would have to come multiple times. fentanyl is tough to dose. he probably got off the heroin, and a customary dose is enough for him to stop breathing. which is how heroin addicts die. >> thanks very much. you can see more of the story coming up at 9:00 p.m. eastern on dr. drew on call on hl there, of course. the director of one rehab center in florida, for the six years he's been there, he cannot remember ever seeing as many
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people coming in addicted to heroin. police in del ray beach seized more heroin this year than the last two years combined. gary tuchman has more. >> reporter: you feel lucky today to be alive? >> yes, yes. >> reporter: 23-year-old phil druisky was a heroin addict for years in wisconsin. over the last few years, hudson has seen an inordinate number of not only heroin use, but heroin overdose deaths. >> how many of your friends have died? >> in this community alone, i've lost seven friends in about a year. >> seven friends in a year? >> he started injecting heroin when he was 16. he was already addicted to meth and cocaine.
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sometimes he would shoot up heroin 15 times a day. >> how scared were you when you put it in your vein for the first time. >> i was petrified. and when you did it, your friend did it for you? what was the feeling you had? >> this rush i had, i can't find the right word to explain it. it was out of this world. >> he was immediately hopelessly addicted, spending up to $1300 a week. eventually dealing heroin so he could get his fix for free. >> did you realize how crazy and dangerous this was getting? >> deep inside i knew, i really did know. >> it didn't mat summer. >> i didn't kash. >> did you think you were going to die? >> it got to a point. i told myself i'd rather die high than sober. >> he ended up in 13 different treatment centers, in st. paul, minnesota he met success.
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the center's medical director said heroin is a national crisis. >> this is the first time in my career, which is over 25 years of working in addiction that i've seen this kind of death rate. >> the latest government figures are startling. between 2002 and 2012, the number of heroin users in the united states more than doubled. at the hazleton center, the belief is the heroin epidemic is directly related to people using drugs like oxycontin and vicodin which are in the same drug family, but cost more than heroin. >> they're seeking a better high at a cheaper price. >> that's driving this whole crisis right now about. >> you think you're vulnerable to the possibility of being addicted to heroin again? >> every day. every day. it's gone through my mind where it just takes that one moment. that one split decision. >> phil has been clean for over two years. he's proud of himself and his family. it's a daily battle. >> do you ever miss the high from the heroin?
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>> yeah, if anyone said no, they would be lying. >> gary tuchman, cnn, hudson, wisconsin. >> we'll have more on the life of phillip see more hoffman later on in the program. you can follow me on twitter. coming up, some breaking news, the new jersey radio station has a monthly program called ask the governor, you can be sure plenty of questions for chris christie tonight. the governor answered questions live for the first time since new claims suggest he knew about the lane closures that snarled traffic and set off political scandal. what he's saying tonight next. also ahead, the hunt is over, finally for a convicted four-time murderer who escaped from prison. plus, the dramatic 911 call from the woman who says he took her hostage. [ male announcer ] pain. once you feel it coming,
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he denied any knowledge that lanes were deliberately closed to punish the mayor of ft. lee. evidence exists that christie knew this was happening, here's some of what christie said a short time ago on the radio program. >> i'll be dammed if i'm going to let anything get in the way of me doing my job. i took an oath a couple weeks ago, what the people of new jersey need to know is two things about this, one more time. first, i had nothing to do with this. no knowledge, no authorization, no planning, nothing to do with this before this decision was made to close these lanes by the port authority. secondly, while i am disappointed by what happened here, i am determined to fix it. >> joining me now live is dana
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bash and gloria borgier. the governor was clear he did not know, he left some wiggle room on when he found out. >> what he said was as you just played, he gave his unequivocal answer about not knowing beforehand over and over, and insisting that is the key question, whether or not he was part of anything that could have been political shenanigans as he put it. on the question of david wildstein, the letter we all reported on friday, was whether he gnaw about these lane closures while they were happening in september. on that he did leave himself a little wiggle room saying, if i ever read about it, it wouldn't have been meaningful to me, i know there are problems there, there's always discussion about the traffic at the gw bridge, it's what we live with every day.
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what was most interesting to me, he didn't mention david wildstein, he didn't go after him in a personal way like his staff did talking about his character, bringing up issues, when he was 16 years old, with his social studies teacher, didn't even acknowledge that the man existed, which to me goes to show he's trying to save himself from those sound bites, but also trying to stay above it all. >> let's talk about what his staff is doing over the weekend, was that effective? they made these allegations, as dana just mentioned. they gave out a laundry list of allegations going back to stuff he did in high school social studies class, that one really surprised me, i have to say. >> well, yeah, i mean, i was trying to think back to how tumultuous was the word they used, any of us were in high school or whether your social studies teacher liked you or didn't like you.
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what they were doing last friday in political terms is a classic opposition drop, opposition research, drop it out there, put it in an e-mail to supporters, attack the new york times, attack the credibility of david wildstein, it could come down to a he said he said kind of a situation. tonight on the radio, the governor as dana was pointing out, staying above the fray, i'm just doing my job, i'll be darned if this is going to keep me from doing my job as governor. i'm going to take your questions, i'm going to do it a couple times this month, i'm not going to shy away from it, in the meantime, all the other stuff about wildstein is out there in the ether about how he's not a credible witness against the governor. >> and jeff, let's talk legally, christie confirmed that his own office, not just the office of his campaign has been served a subpoena by the u.s. attorney,
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does that surprise you? >> no. this is how federal investigations work. the is a peens that come and obviously his office is under investigation, now there will probably be some negotiation about how many documents can be produced. it's not a simple thing to decide what's relevant. he'll have to go through e-mails, memos, text messages. and this will undoubtedly take some time. but it's what a competent prosecutor does, and this is what paul fishman is doing in this case. >> we learned also that bridgette kelly is going to be pleading the fifth and not offering up any documents, that doesn't surprise you just as wildstein plead the fifth, right? >> right, they are the two key figures, they are the ones who sent the two key e-mails that set off this whole scandal, time for some traffic in fort lee,
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got it, those were the two e-mails, the two principle figures, they have both taken the fifth, the real key question, and we don't know the answer to it, will the u.s. attorney give those to anyone taking the fifth immunity. he's the only one who can do it, unless and until he gives them immunity, we're not going to hear anywhere story, they do seem like the key figures at least so far in how this all happened. >> jeff, thanks, always been fun. just ahead, breaking news, a dangerous fugitive back in custody, after his alleged hostage kept her cool and called 911 from a gas station bathroom. listen. >> yes, occupied. yeah, in a little bit, sorry. it's taking me longer than i had thought. >> is that him? >> yes, he's knocking on the bathroom door saying, let's go.
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>> tonight amanda knox's former boyfriend speaking out about his new conviction for the murder of meredith kercher, my interview with him ahead. i need proof of insurance. that's my geico digital insurance id card - gots all my pertinents on it and such. works for me. turn to the camera. ah, actually i think my eyes might ha... next! digital insurance id cards. just a tap away on the geico app. could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know that when a tree falls in the forest and no one's around, it does make a sound? ohhh...ugh. geico. little help here.
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the multistate manhunt is over. authorities captured michael david elliott in indiana, he escaped last night from a michigan prison where he was serving a life sentence for killing four people and burning down a house. authorities say he carjacked a woman's jeep. they stopped to refuel. that's when his hostage made a
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move, calling 911 from a bathroom inside the gas station. george howell joins me with the latest. >> reporter: this was one of elliott's stop today in indiana. authorities tell us they arrested him in la port county indiana, not far from here after a heck of a 24 hours, after escaping prison, stealing two cars and kidnapping a woman who managed to break free. >> is this is an image of michael david elliott on the run since his escape from prison. he prepayed for gas in elkhart, indiana. at the same time outside, the woman elliott carjacked and kidnapped was secretly making a 911 call that may have saved her life. >> when and where did he pick you up? >> in ionia, michigan. >> he forced his way into your vehicle in ionia, michigan? >> yes.
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>> she asked for a break to go to the restroom. both were in the store at one point, the woman kept asking him for information. this lady ask me, what is your address, i need water. i gave her a cup of water, then she asked a second time, i need your address. i gave the address. then that guy and she talk to each other, they act like normal. they are not scared. >> once inside the restroom, the woman locks herself inside and refuses to come out. listen. >> is that him? >> yes. he's knocking on the bathroom door saying, let's go. >> elliott decides to take her jeep and leave her there. eventually ditching the jeep at a residential neighborhood about 20 miles away. his escape from prison started
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late sunday in ionia county, michigan. late monday night, elliott's efforts to outrun the law came to an end. >> the breaking news tonight, authorities arrested elliott in la port county, indiana at a traffic stop. apparently they stopped him, but he did take off. they had to pursue him, and eventually caught up with him. authorities here between michigan and indiana will decide where he will stay in the days ahead. for now, he's here in indiana, anderson. >> thanks. now to two unsolved murders in east oakland california. deadly shootings aren't a new story, the victims are often young. two recent murders have put the epidemic in a stark new light. more than any one mom should have to bear. >> i've had to bury both my kids. >> dinyal new doesn't have the
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strength to finish the sentence, no mother could. >> emotionally it hasn't hit me yet. it hasn't hit me yet, but i know it will, because i keep thinking about them. >> your life changed in 19 days. >> her son lee, just 13 years old was walking home from the boys and girls club, the eighth greater was a few minutes from home, when he was shot 28 times. oakland's first murder of 2014. she buried her youngest. days after the funeral, the flowers of lee's memorial were just beginning to brown when two blocks from home, gunfire, she ran toward it. the suspect still on top of the car and shot into the car multiple times. i see my son shot up, and i just
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broke down crying. >> 19-year-old lamar in his first year of college killed instantly, his body riddled with bullets. in three weeks, she went from a mother of two to a mother of none. samuel mcdonald was their cousin, he's only 11 years old. his mom wanted us to talk to him. >> do you know why this happened? >> the people who did this, they just want to be killing to be killing people. >> in east oakland, there is no childhood. >> everyone that's out here today, god -- >> the family gathered where automatic gunfire killed lamar, broken glass still in the street, as the sun set, they walked down the street to the second memorial where lee died. the children watch, the story so familiar to the mothers gathered
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here. >> i had to bury my first born six years ago. >> her son was shot to death. >> no parent ever, ever, ever should have to bury their kids before them. never. and especially like this. this is crazy. >> i have a 19-year-old who was a victim of gun violence. >> how many mothers in this neighborhood do you think are like you two? >> not even just the neighborhood, the city is full of mourning mothers. >> todd walker is a mortician in east oakland. >> we just buried her 13-year-old son thursday, and wednesday she's right back in here making arrangements for her 19-year-old son. >> how sick are you of having to put children into these caskets? >> i'm tired of it, i'm the one that goes to pick them up. i see them firsthand at the coroner's office.
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i have to identify them right off the top. it's horrible, in this community, gun violence is a regular every day thing, they shooting every day, all these kids do not have an education, but they have a gun. and there's something wrong with that picture. >> this is lamar and lee's room. >> her sons had separate rooms but they slept together, they were that close. the shoes in the same spots they left them. >> i want the little things back. it makes me mad that these people took that from me. i just want to come home and get lee ready for school. >> reporter: cnn, oakland, california. >> one mother, two sons, it's hard to imagine. up next, raffaele talks to us on allegations he was trying to flee after the verdict. also tonight, woody allen responds to renewed accusations he molested an adopted daughter
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sentenced rapheale to 25 years in court. he tells us he was not attempting to flee, he's appealing the latest verdict, so is amanda knox, vowing to fight until the very end. knox says she will never go willingly back to italy, where she faces 28 and a half years in prison pp the judge who announced verdict is facing criticism for speaking out about the case this weekend. here to talk about it all is rapheale. how are you holding up? >> i'm very close to my family and friends, trying to be as possible in a situation like this. it's very dramatic. but i still have a fight. >> when you first heard this new
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verdict, what did you think? >> i thought it was kind of unreal. what is shocking to me is also the statements from the presidents after the verdict. >> you mean the statement by the judge? >> yes, the president is the judge, of course, sorry. we call him the president. >> to you, what do those statements mean, what do they say to you about the judge? >> he recently did an interview to a newspaper saying that i was silenced, and the reason why he convicted me. i was silent just because nobody asked to question me. >> the judge said to the newspaper that your decision not to test worked against you, that
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you made a statement, but didn't get cross examined, you're saying you were willing to be cross examined, is that what you're saying? >> i would have answered any question, and they never asked any question, so basically if they don't ask, i cannot respond, i cannot reply because they never asked anything. >> let me bring in your attorney here, does it make sense what the judge said to that newspaper? >> not at all, the court had the right to ask rapheale to appear and answer questions, they never gave him that notice, they did indicate he had a right to make a statement, he made the statement. he had a continued presence in court, was willing to answer any and all questions for as long as they wanted regarding the incident. >> you all know the focus was only through amanda, to her behavior, her peculiar behavior,
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whatever it is, i'm not guilty for it. why do they convict me, why do you put me and say i'm guilty, just because in their mind i have to be guilty because i was her boyfriend. it's -- it doesn't make any sense to me. >> do you hold amanda knox responsible for the situation you're in now? >> actually, they focused all their attention on her and i don't -- i cannot understand really why, but on the other side, i'm not responsible for that, so i'm not saying amanda is responsible nor all this situation, they focus on her and accuse her all the time, but i have nothing to do with the
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circumstances and the accusations. >> are you still in touch with amanda at all? >> yeah, sure, not so often, but sometimes i get in touch with her. >> the day of the verdict, you crossed the border into austria, and then you returned to italy. >> i was expecting an exoneration, and i had a happy ending celebration with my girlfriend. i crossed the border, because there are places which are very familiar to my girlfriend and i wanted to go there, but as soon as i understood the verdict, i
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came back to italy. >> at this point, do you believe you can get a fair trial in italy? >> actually, i don't know what to think, objectively, there's nothing against me and nothing very strong against amanda. and in my case, i really did nothing wrong, and i don't want to pay for someone else's peculiar behavior. >> i appreciate you talking to us, and i'm sorry it's under these circumstances. john kelly, as well, thank you very much. the adopted daughter of woody allen and mia farrow makes her first allegations of sexual abuse she suffered when she was 7 years olds.
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was a young child. it's the first time she told her story publicly. she called out several actors by name, condemning them for continuing to work with woody allen and bashing hollywood for bestowing awards on him. randi kaye reports. >> six months, are you kidding? >> when woody allen was honored with a lifetime achievement award, his estranged son posted this, missed the woody allen tribute, did they put the part where a woman publicly confirmed he molested her at age 7 before or after annie hall. >> dillon describes in detail the sexual abuse she says she suffered at the hands of woody allen back in 1992. only weeks before he adopted her. she was just 7. dylan farrow wrote, woody allen
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took me by the hand and led me into a dim closet like attic on the second floor of our house. he told me to lay on my stomach and he sexually assaulted me. that this was our secret, promising that we'd go to paris and i'd be a star in his movies. and there's more. she wrote that the abuse was skillfully hidden from a mother that would have protected me, and she thought it was normal that this was how fathers doted on daughters. she also thanks her mother who says she saved them from the chaos of a predator brought into our home. when mia farrow made the allegations public decades ago, it came on the heels of an affair with another of mia farrow's adopted daughter, soon yi. >> a child who is in the process of healing, but that is a child that has to continue to heal.
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and i'm not going to be responsible for setting that child back any further. >> but investigators from yale new haven hospital concluded dylan had not been abused. woody allen spoke out after police dropped the investigation. >> the aren't authorities are dropping this case is purely and simply because they know there's no chance they could possibly win it. >> reporter: 28-year-old dylan farrow is now married and living in florida under a different name. last year she says she was diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorders. on sunday, the day after dylan's letter was published, woody allen's representative responded to the allegations on his behalf saying allen found the article untrue and disgraceful. the experts concluded there was no credible evidence of
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molestation, that dylan farrow had an inability to distinguish between fantasy and reality. and she had likely been coached by her mother. still, in dylan's eyes, woody allen got away with something so horrific, so twisted that she's still haunted by it today. randi kaye, cnn, palm beach, florida. >> we'll have more on the case on ac 360 later at 10:00 tonight. let's check with kim on the 360 bulletin. >> the justice department will investigate the death of alfred wright. he was found in jasper texas nearly three weeks after he disappeared. he was missing and his ear and throat appear to have been cut off. the medical examiner ruled the death accidental due to cocaine and methamphetamines. the family doesn't buy it.
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as you know, as a new yorker, a winter storm is slamming the northeast it could dump more than ten inches of snow in some areas. more than 2,000 flights have already been cancelled, many out of new york, where people are still trying to get home from the super bowl. and a little further south in atlanta after nearly three inches of snow paralyzed the city last week, georgia's governor has set up a task force to figure out how they can better deal with winter storms. a man is back on land after claiming to have been lost at sea for 13 months in the pacific ocean. he lived off turtles, fish, rainwater and even his own urine. authorities are trying to verify his story. >> charming guy, anderson. a look at the life and incredible career of fill inseymour hoffman.
10:54 pm
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he played a spoiled prep schooler in scent of a woman." at a time just a new years before that big break, he won his battle against drugs and alcohol. he spoke about it to "60 minutes." >> in fact, you went into rehab at a fairly early age? >> i did. i went -- i got sober when i was 22 years old. >> i was 22 and got panicked. >> he got sober and for two decades, moviegoers were better for it. nearly all his roles were memorable. >> are you going to be working or -- >> his performance in boogy nights heralded him as an indy film hero. >> this is our concern, dude. >> he landed a supporting role in "the big lebowski." he acted in star studded ensembles. by 2000, hoffman was well on his way to earning a reputation as
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one of the finest character actors of his generation. >> these people are not your friends. >> as the bombastic rock critic in 2002's "25th hour." in 2005, hoffman got his biggest role yet as author truman capote. >> when can we arrange an interview? >> his acceptance speech, he thanked his mom for taking him to his first play. a famously private man, he was known as a doting father to the three children he had with his long time girlfriend. just last year there were warning signs in his fight to stay sober, he revealed to several news outlets he had checked into a rehab facility for prescription drug and heroin use. as we mourn and reflect on his impressive body of work, more than 50 movies and tonys on broadway, it seems like he was just getting started.
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