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tv   Crossfire  CNN  February 10, 2014 3:28pm-4:01pm PST

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style hat. i need more of the sage dictionary. >> we got first and foremost, we got spoice. >> what does that mean? >> it pretty much means anything you want it to mean. you can just be like, oh, you're spoice or, oh, that trick was spoicy, man. >> now, wolf, it won't surprise you that so far sage has been compared to sean penn's character jeff spicoli from "fast times at ridgemont high." sage is turning 21 this year. that movie came out 11 years before he was even born. but he's seen the movie, he likes it. he'll start calling these olympics fast times at soap. >> what an excellent young man he is indeed. we'll check back with you tomorrow. thanks very much. >> that's it for me. thanks for watching. "crossfire" starts right now. tonight on "crossfire" --
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baggage versus star power. dramatic new documents reveal hillary clinton's private reactions to scandal. just as questions about 2016 reach a fever pitch. >> i'm not thinking about it. i try to get other people to not think about it. i'll think about it in the future some time. >> on the left, van jones. on the right, kevin madden. in the "crossfire" -- tracy sifle, senior adviser to i'm ready for hillary and tim miller who leads an anti-hillary effort. the politics of the clinton machine. is hillary's past haunting her future? tonight on "crossfire." >> welcome to "crossfire." i'm kevin madden on the right. >> i'm van jones on the left. in the "crossfire" tonight we've got two political strategists who are at war over hillary clinton. while republicans are so excited today they got a new excuse to attack hillary clinton. a conservative website posted some documents revealing her
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private reaction to the scandals of the 1990s. get this, hillary clinton apparently didn't think too highly of monica lewinsky. wow. i guess she's just toast for 2016. i don't know when the republicans are ever going to learn. first of all, we already know this stuff. second, try to convince independent voters that hate the clintons because of stuff in their personal life never works. it didn't even work in the 1990s when this stuff was actually news, but apparently the gop thinks it can deflate the most famous woman in the world by chirping lewinsky in every news cycle. it is not going to work. but take note, senator rand paul. cynical tone deaf attacks on a powerful woman will not help you close the gender gap. stuff like that is what created the gender gap. i'm sure you agree with that, kevin. >> i don't know where you get all the chirping from. this is why this is relevant. in these documents we've seen revealed today, hillary clinton was calling women's groups
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whiners and she was coordinating attacks on women who the only thing they wanted to do was tell the truth about bill clinton's own behavior. this is some relevant stuff. in the "crossfire," senior adviser to ready for hillary and tim miller for america rising, a group focused on opposing a hillary clinton presidential campaign. we learned in these papers today, as i was talking with van here about it, that hillary clinton, then the first lady of the united states, is calling monica lewinsky an intern with whom her husband had an affair with, quote, a narcissistic loon. isn't this precisely hillary clinton's problem that she appears to take anyone down that gets in her way. >> van used the word "new" earlier, let's do a fact check. there's nothing new here. something that's been recycled, rehashed. maybe they put it in a new font for this release. this is old, this is stale.
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this is also, i don't know how many ways you can say irrelevant. but what i love is that the republicans thing that they're on to something. by all means, here's a shovel, keep digging, it is, i agree with van, will not help women feel motivated to move over to the republican party, which is something that certainly the republican party would need. >> calling women's groups whiny and actually a coordinated attack to smear, personally smear some of these women who had substantive truthful claims against bill clinton. that will be hard for her to engender a lot of sympathy from women voters, don't you think? doesn't this take away a veil that hillary clinton has put up? >> again, it's important to remember what you're sourcing here and that is a third person's account -- >> who is a very, very close friend. best friend. >> very good friend. and i'm sure that -- >> so you're not going to coordinate an attack against -- against her, are you?
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>> first of all, i'm sure no -- yes, i'm sure no wife has ever tried to stick up for her husband in a tight spot. i want to bring you into this. >> sure. >> i just think this is an amazing moment where the republican party is now scraping the 1990s, the barrel of the 1990s trying to find stuff. this is not just a random thing. i want you to hear rand paul saying something. this shows how desperate republicans are to make this an issue, to get right with women and how badly they just don't get it. listen to rand paul. >> the democrats can't say, oh, we're the great defenders of women's rights in the workplace and we'll defend you against some kind of abusive boss that uses their position of authority to take advantage of a young woman when the leader of their party, the leader -- the leading fund-raising in the country is bill clinton who was a perpetrator of that kind of sexual harassment. you know, so they can't have it both ways. >> i mean, look, first of all, how low can you go? second of all, i'll get you in
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here, but apparently the last woman in the workplace that rand paul cared about was monica lewinsky 15 years ago because he's done nothing in the past 15 years. why don't you guys talk about poll sis and try to help women? >> i think that's a cheap shot. the democrats are trying to set the terms the of the debate here and act like the 1990s are only relevant when you get to talk about the halcyon clinton days. now rand paul brings up one of the many clinton scandals in the '90s that embroiled both bill and hillary, this is out of bounds. i don't think that's appropriate. sure, there will be a ton of other issues that will be central to our case against hillary in 2016 but that doesn't mean this isn't relevant and shouldn't be brought up. >> a couple things here. you guys are trying to cover up for an atrocious record on women's issues and a horrible reputation on women's issues,
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not by talking about your policies but by attacking personalities. do you think that a personality based attack against the clintons is going to cover up this horrible reputation you guys have for taking rights away from women, obama care. >> i think it's a good question. it isn't bill clinton and hillary clinton somewhat compromised here based on the rel vagss we saw out of this? >> hillary clinton's absolutely compromised. from the republican standpoint we have a ton of great women leaders and governors that are coming up in this party. so the idea that we can't criticize hillary without being anti-women, is ridiculous. this is absolutely relevant. it will be relevant in 2016. >> women agree that hillary clinton is a terrible leader, is that it? >> i believe there's a bit of a fantasy world happening here. i also just have to note that it's three guys and me having this conversation. i appreciate being able to speak for all women, i guess. but there is something very
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powerful about going back to the '90s, which i think tim has just acknowledged is an out of bounds attack. but what is important to really be digging up, if we're going to be digging up, it is about policy. it is about the values that drive policy. and it is about the outcomes that we've seen in the course of over decades -- >> how it is out of bounds? you said that the '90s are out of bounds. essentially we're talking about a record here. how is a record out of bounds? >> when we talk about personal lives and the kinds of things that mr. paul and mr. private seemed really gleeful about. >> i disagree with the premise. but let me say, look, another thing in the papers is hillary clinton's support for single parent health care. this is absolutely in the pompoy discussion. when making the case against hillary, you can make the case and talk about the scandals, a number of scandals, both bill's
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and hillary's. >> you got a run on travelgate? >> some voters won't remember that. you talk about both the health care and the scandals, absolutely. >> when you guys impeached bill clinton, the people who were babies, little newborn babies that year will be voting in 2016. they won't care about travelgate? >> i do think it's important to give voters a full view of what happened during the clinton era. while i obviously think you two are going to run on '90s nostalgia and not the specifics -- >> i think we're trying to have only the best parts of the '90s. >> actually, what i'm trying to have is in this moment, what we have right now, which is two things are happening -- actually, let's say three things are happening. one is hillary clinton has not said that she is or is not running. that's point one. point two is that the republicans are futilely desperately looking for things to have a conversation about someone who is not a candidate, and then three, what's happening
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is that there are democrats, independents and former republican voters across the country, millions of them, who are saying, well, if she does decide to run, we're going to stand with her because we know that what she would bring and represent as a potential candidate is what matters. and that's an inspirational moment, one, two, three. >> that provides a good segue. we all remember hillary clinton's 2008 campaign, some of the problems she had there. diane blair wrote this about her in her notes from april 2nd, 1998. mostly she, hillary clinton that is, can't figure out why these people out there are so anxious to destroy them. i told her i thought she was taking it too personally in the sense that it's the media's job to destroy. we know about the level of scrutiny that comes with that. won't this kind of bunker mentality, the same kind of bunker mentaliltality in the 20
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campaign hinder her? >> i think there's experience and lessons that come from that. you and i know that, we can learn from a failed campaign. we can learn from a loss. there are things that we can reassess, take a close look and who it is that you want around your table with you? who is it that you think is going to best represent your interests? i really do believe that she should decide to run and make that very deep lly personal decision -- >> what's the number one thing she learns in 2008 that she would change differently in 2018? you mentioned an inner circle. that's about 50 or 60 people now. >> i think it's been portrayed the as a galaxy, well beyond a circle. i couldn't even begin to answer a question like that. but what i think is worth emphasizing there are millions standing ready to say, okay, we will trust that you will do this if you do it the right way. >> may i throw that out there,
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that among those people are two super pacs and two outside groups that are supporting hillary clinton. for hillary clinton to use this as a shield when you have four super pacs out there supporting you is disinjen yus. >> we'll talk about that when we come back. from one of her closest friends, she is still hillary the inevitable. next i'll explain to you why, if you look at the democratic party's history, it's not on her side. peace of mind is important when you're running a successful business. so we provide it services you can rely on. with centurylink as your trusted it partner, you'll experience reliable uptime for the network and services you depend on. multi-layered security solutions keep your information safe, and secure. and responsive dedicated support meets your needs, and eases your mind.
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welcome back. in the "crossfire" tonight tracy sefl, senior adviser to ready for hillary.
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and tim miller who leads the anti-hillary group, america rising. the inimitable hillary clinton is looking less inimitable after allegations about her cold, often ruthless behavior laid out in written documents of one of her best friends became public. here's a thing about inevitability. it's a dangerous asset. ask gary hart in 1998. what have we seen here in the last year in one headline after another about the unstoppable hillary clinton. is this really a good place to be right now? so tracy, if i'm running a hillary clinton super pac, i'm terrified about these expectations and i'm even more terrified about having to manage them for the next two years. you are, too, right? >> two years. any time the word "inevitability" comes up, it seems the most obvious response that i or anyone who supports a
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potential hillary clinton candidacy can say is that if she was inevitable, none of this would be happening. there would be no super pacs, there would be no organizing, there would not be websites and house parties and events and what have you if there was an inevitability about this. it is precisely the lack of inevitability that is fueling all of these efforts. and the innovations and new ways of organizing and capturing that energy doesn't have to happen -- >> i think that was a -- >> did you see how careful she was when she said potential hillary candidacy. >> it's true. >> it was a good effort, but what the voters don't want right now, the last thing they want is somebody anointed on high from washington, d.c. washington, d.c. could not be less popular right now. when you think about inevitability, there are a lot of political process problems that come along with that, but from a messaging standpoint,
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hillary's biggest challenge is going to be how can you be a reform candidate when you've been in washington for 30 years and you've been anointed by john podesta and jim messina. >> you guys seem pretty panicked about this and you have a big effort up yourself. you got a whole organization -- >> it's needed to combat that. >> in some ways this whole attack on hillary clinton from you and folks like you is a facade. i think what's actually going on here is we have a united party and you guys have a circus. and the only thing that's holding you guys together right now is when you hate on obama or now you hate on hillary clinton, though you liked her half an hour ago. isn't this a sign of a very weak republican party that you guys have to spend this much time and energy and the only thing holding you together is not liking hillary clinton. >> i don't think so. it's about making sure that hillary is held accountable and doesn't get tot fly around the country from event to event without anybody challenging her
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message. from our party's standpoint we've got a really deep bench. the democrats are in trouble if hillary doesn't run because who do they turn to? we've got governor walker and o'ryan. >> chris christie. >> we've got rising stars in our party and that's okay. >> you've been criticizing all these other group, but don't you think there's something kind of poisonous here? i bet you if hillary clinton was not rising in the polls you'd be sitting here attacking that democrat or any democrat. why should we take groups like yours so seriously that it seems like no matter democrats do, you attack. >> we learned a lesson from 2012, priorities usa, american bridge and all these groups said kated solely to beating mitt romney going all the way back to the day that president obama was inaugurated. we learned from that this time
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and realize we need to start a group early that was doing the research and making sure hillary clinton's held accountable for her record. >> the biggest lesson i think and i hope that tim and his colleagues would learn is that time and time again there have been attempts to take down hillary clinton. there have been groups before your, sorry. and they haven't worked. and people try and they try again and they pop up sort of whack a mole style and it doesn't work. so i understand and i appreciate the nature of all of this in the democratic process. i've yet to see it work. >> this is where i think 2008 -- that's right. i think this is where the threat possibly comes for hillary clinton that a lot of the energy inside your party is on the left. whereas hillary clinton is seen as the inevitable candidate, seen as poll tested, a lot of folks inside your party right now, they're looking for somebody who is this old visionary, somebody who will take this confrontational approach against the right wing, that's not hillary clinton, right? >> i would really unpack
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everything in your comments there because there is a record of what hillary clinton has stood for and believed and fought for. the values that hold up her efforts throughout her career, and while we don't know, a, if she's going to be a candidate, and, b, what she would say about >> the efforts to sort of churn up something about the left and that there's something happening and there's dismay, i don't know how else that is manifesting
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except in conversations like this. where it gets asserted. i'm not sure it's a truman festation. >> you say it's churned up. this is where your party sat. you've gone to caucuses out in iowa. those are left leaning folks. the ones that show up at primaries. >> they are polling 70% in the party. >> we're talking about a profile right now outside of the political arena. pretty easy to get to 70%, right? >> nobody has before done it. >> once you get in the arena what happens. >> once you get in the arena those numbers come down. if you look at her numbers historically, she's always been the best when she's been seen as nonpolitical. during her time as first lady, during her time as secretary of state. her numbers historically has started to come back down to earth as soon as she enters the political arena. we saw it in the 2008 primary. we saw it during hilary care.
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>> you have to admit two things. first of all, no front-runner in any party in history has had the kind of support that she has. that's pretty extraordinary. the other thing too you guys have to be very careful. one of the things that you have been really good at as a party when you started to taking on women and women's issues you usually put your foot in your mouth. your concern republicans will create more problems for themselves, going up against the most famous woman in the world, powerful woman in the world, a presidential candidate who has a resume almost unheard of. >> similar to what obama ran in 2008. >> i don't think so. hillary clinton has myriad vulnerabilities that the candidates can speak to so that's not a concern. >> she's the most vetted candidate in the world, i would venture to guess. >> i would agree with you. i want everybody to stay here. when we come back you'll hear the outrage from me and from him on my outrage, i'm happy to say nearly 100,000 people in north
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carolina already agree with me. now, we also want you at home to weigh in on our fire back question of the day, very simple. should hillary clinton run for president in 2016? tweet yes or no usi using #crossfire. we'll give you the results when we get back after the break. [ male announcer ] this is the cat that drank the milk... [ meows ] ...and let in the dog that woke the man who drove to the control room [ woman ] driverless mode engaged. find parking space. [ woman ] parking space found.
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[ male announcer ] ...that secured the data that directed the turbines that powered the farm that made the milk that went to the store that reminded the man to buy the milk that was poured by the girl who loved the cat. [ meows ] the internet of everything is changing everything. cisco. tomorrow starts here.
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we are back with tracy and tim. now it's time for our outrage of the day. mine is in north carolina republican party. since they took over that state
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in 2010 they have pass ad law making it harder to vote, thrown up barriers between women and doctors, slashed unemployment benefits, they actually raised taxes on the poor an middle class to pay for cutting taxes on the super rich. now that's just a short list. fortunately i'm not the only one who is outraged. this past saturday 80 to 100,000 people joined something called the moral march on raleigh, north carolina. they were black, white, brown, female, gay, straight, every kind of human being you can imagine demanding a government that works for everybody. so as outraged i am i'm inspired and i hope everybody else. >> 100,000 people that's at that lot of people. here's and i temple that should stir up outrage on both sides of the aisle. recent nominees to ambassadorships to norway, argentina and hungary have eater embarrassed themselves during their senate confirmation hearing or demonstrated a startling lack of expertise in
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the country they have been designated to. >> have you gone to argentina? >> senator, i haven't had an opportunity to be there yet. i've traveled extensively around the world but i haven't yet had a chance. >> they are not experts in diplomacy but instead they are experts at raising money for president obama. now this is a practice that both parties have engaged in but whether you're a republican or a democrat, it's troubling nonetheless. >> i really can't defend that one. >> as the future ambassador of ireland i'll say i'll raise no money and take that job happily. >> i want to thank tracy and tim. go facebook or twitter and weigh in on our fire back question should hillary clinton run for president in 2016. 60% of you say yes, 40% say no. this debate will continue online. >> from the right i'm kevin. >> from the left i'm van jones.
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please join us for another edition of "crossfire" tomorrow. erin burn on "outfront" starts right now. next the ceo of aol blamed "distressed babies on quotes to employee benefits." tonight the mother of one of those babies out front. who is hillary clinton blaming for the monica lewinsky scandal. and the production rests in the loud music trial where a white man is charged with shooting and killing a black teenager opinion is it a premeditated murder. we'll tell you who is that teenager? we'll tell you tonight. let's go "outfront".


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