tv CNN Newsroom CNN February 11, 2014 11:00am-1:01pm PST
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somebody else told me she didn't mention the gun. that's different than me mentioning the gun to her. >> you're going stick with the account that you told her about the gun multiple times? >> yes. >> okay. >> and to be sure, you were not injured that night, right? >> correct. >> your car was not damaged? >> not to my knowledge. >> you pulled the trigger ten times, right? >> yes, sir. >> each time you pulled the trigger, i mean, it's 6 1/4 pound of trigger pull, right? >> that's what i heard testified, yes. >> does that sound right? >> i don't know what -- i don't know what it would be. >> well, you had that gun, at that point, for 22 years? >> sure. but i had never had the trigger pull measured. >> but it's not a hair trigger, right? >> correct. >> to expel one bullet, you got
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to pull the trigger one time. >> that should tell you how much of a panic i was in that i was able to pull it ten times without knowing how many times i pulled it. >> did you do it in sheer reflex? >> no, i did it for panic. while aiming into a car that was of moving? >> i was aiming at a door that was stationary and the car moved in front of me. i didn't know it was moving. >> how about when you took the stance and hit it three times? >> again that wasn't fear for my life. it was fear for my life and rhonda's at that point. >> it's just a lucky shotta you hit it three times? >> i pointed it. i didn't aim. i didn't use the sight. it was -- yes, it was panic. >> you have to admit, then, you're pretty luck,y right? gosh, you're not even aiming at a car, and you hit three times. >> i wouldn't call that luck. >> what would you call it?
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>> i wasn't that far away. i don't know what to tell you, but, you know, how a pistol has sights on it, i wasn't using sights. >> each time that you pulled the trigger, it's a conscious decision to fire, right? >> in the situation i was in, i consciously pulled the trigger once. everything after that was just panic. >> so, you weren't conscious when you were pulling the trigger the other times? >> i wasn't like at a target range where you pull the trigger once every second and you're paying attention to where you're aiming and all of that. that wasn't the case here. this was a -- this was a panic moment, where, you know, as i testified, i had a young man threatening to kill me multiple times. getting out of the car, saying he was going to go down now, and
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getting out with a weapon. so, i was in shear sisterer. >> when you got out of the car -- >> i was still? shear terror. >> -- and repositioned yourself and took aim at the car again, that wasn't a conscious decision to fire? >> yes, it was, when i pointed at the car, yes. >> each of those last three times? >> right. and as i recall, it was like to shoot once, but obviously, i did shoot three times. so you could imagine the -- but -- however. >> mr. dunn, you said several times throughout the course of the day that you didn't call the police until the next morning. are you talking about the morning of the 24th? >> yes, sir. >> who was it that you called? could you tell me the name of the officer? >> i don't remember his name. but he was here yesterday. >> and i didn't call him personally. he was called on my behalf. >> okay. >> and is it your testimony that
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you called ken? >> yes. >> wasn't that the law enforcement officer you were talking about? >> well, at 8:30 in the monk, i called him and i went and spoke with him and asked him to contact law enforcement on my behalf. >> your phone number at the time -- >>s it ate 202 phone number that i called at 8:30. >> 202-365-8150. >> it's a washington, d.c. number. >> would it refresh your recollection to explain who called you? you called him, he called you? >> judge, if i can object. improper predicate. can we approach? >> sure.
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all right. quick sidebar. i'm brook baldwin, you're watching what could be the end of this first degree murder trial. he's takingen a stand. right now, a sidebar is happening. this is when we have to take a pause and pull away from this. ashleigh banfield is watching all of the details unfolding today. she joins me from jacksonville, florida. ashleigh banfield, set me up. michael dunn has been back in the hot seethe seat for all of five minutes. continuing cross examination. the voice of that prosecutor, we hear is that of john guy. tell me what we're hearing. >> the reason we're in sidebar right now. and this has been happening in bits and pieces throughout the day. strongly enough. we haven't had a lunch break. but i dare say one of the long sidebars ended up a lunch break
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for this injury. what john guy is trying to do right now is piece by piece break down what it is michael dunn has been saying on the stand. for 2 1/2 hours, michael dunn gave a very clear description of what was going through his head, moment by moment as he pulled into the gas station, as he approached the car with four teenagers with very loud music. he describes an aggressive group of kids, very aggressive. what transpyred. the words that were spoken, the threatening manner that were spoken on his account and why he grabbed a pistol and blindly fired at a vehicle that was retreating and why he was firing at a retreating vehicle. this is critical. most people wonder why on earth if you're afraid for your life and the threat was on its way out, would you keep firing? he said the threat was still
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over. if he had a shotgun. he wanted to make sure their heads were down and not able to fire at them at the convenience store. now john guy is taking issue with the way he behaved after the fact. as we know, a very big headline in this story, perhaps the biggest headline has been, he simply drove away and went to a bed and breakfast with his fiancee, they ordered a pizza, they had a drink. they watched television and they went to bed. >> okay. >> the next day, ultimately they dealt with the police. this is what is being discussed right now, exactly who called who and when getting this story to the authorities. >> they've picked up testimony, let's listen. michael dunn. >> i want you to look at the call. first of all are does that appear to be your phone number? >> yes, that's my phone number.
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>> you see the call high lated at 8:30? >> uh-huh. >> you see the last column on the end where it says, calling party? >> right. >> that's mr. escolet's number, right? . that's the number he called me. >> you didn't call me? >> that's the 904 number. >> i asked you about the number on the right, the calling party. does that refresh your memory as to who called 0 who? >> oh, calling party, gotcha. yes, sir. >> so it was mr. lescolet who called you on the morning of the 24th at 8:30 in the morning. >> apparently so. >> you didn't mention to him that you had a problem that you needed to talk to him about?
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>> i spoke to him at 8:30 in the morning i spoke to him to inquire whether or not he was going to be at home, because i had an important matter to speak with him. i did not got into detail about where it happened. >> isn't it true he called you to see if he and rhonda rouer could go out that night and your answer was no, rhonda wasn't feeling well. >> i don't recall that conversation. >> you never said big about wanting to talk to him? >> yes, i did. i asked if he was going to be home. that i had something i wanted to talk to him about. >> that's all i have. >> judge, can i have just one moment, please? >> yes, your honor. >> very quickly, are you the
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custodian of that call loug? >> no, i'm not. >> is it clear there are other numbers that aren't your number? >> yes. >> is it possible the calling party is the call you actually called? >> objection. >> sustained. >> again, do you know how to read that call log? >> no. >> do you work for the phone company? >> no. >> do you even have a 904 number? >> no. >> is there a 904 number where mr. guy refreshed your recollection? >> yes, there was. >> do you know where that number came from? >> no. >> can you look at the top the page and tell me what it says on that report? >> i don't have in t anywhere. >> if i can approach mr. dunn? >> yes, sir. >> can you look at 904 and tell me what it says at the top of the page. >> dialed digit. >> did you dial a 904 number? >> not at 8:30 in the morning. >> did you have a 904 cell
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phone? >> no. >> not at the time. . do you have any knowledge of why this record was created with the records on it? do you have any knowledge how this was created or why? >> no. >> do you know who created it? >> no. >> judge, if i could have a brief moment, i apologize. >> sure. >> mr. guy, i think your mike is still on. >> thank you, judge. >> you're welcome. >> now, mr. dunn, when mr. guy
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talks about that common area, he kept saying common area in your hotel. do you remember that? >> yes, i do. >> could you explain to the jury where that common area is in the hotel? . it's on the top floor as you exit the elevators. it's like the entrance to the hallway. it has a couch, and a -- seating area. where was your room located? >> down the hall. >> is that op a secure key you can get to without everything a pass key to get in? >> yes, it was. >> do you recall him saying rhonda is a grown woman and can take care of herself? >> i remember. >> was she in position to take care of herself that night. >> not at all. >> was she in condition the next day? >> not at all. >> was she in the condition she was in when she testified the other day? >> very much so.
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>> mr. guy said you were trying to be zoic, do you recall those questions? >> doicht. >> were you as calm as you are today? >> no. >> were you calm, as you are sitting next to the table next to me? >> no. >> were you as calm as when you were sitting at your son's wedding table? >> no. >> were you as calm -- let me rephrase that. >> what was your mental state that day. the next morning. >> i was -- it was like an out-of-body experience, trying to process what happened. you know, we were upset when it was just a shooting and now that we found out there was a fatality, we were crazy with grief. >> let me ask you this.
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when you testified earlier you found out you went to the bathroom and threw up, is that correct? >> yes. >> did you have any stomach issues and diarrhea, anything like that? >> yes,dy. >> was that through the evening all of the way to 5:00 in the morning. >> yes, it was. >> is that why when you did get up, you needed to shower? >> yes, it was. >> mr. guy also talked about this three-page letter that you wrote. >> uh-huh. >> could you please tell the injury why you wrote that letter? >> i wanted to reassure rhonda. i mean, if she was questioning things, i wanted to set her mind at ease. >> and you also remember writing the letter that was dictated where your brother typed it out and mr. guy questioned you on that? >> yes, i do. >> what was the purpose sending that letter out to your family? >> that's so they would know the truth and get beyond the media
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nonsense that they were putting out. >> and do you know if that letter was then spread out to your family and friends so they knew what happened? >> yes, it was. in fact it was published on justice for mr. guy kept talking about hour and a half, two hour was law enforcement that day with the jacksonville homicide detectives. ever been questioned by police for murder? >> never. >> you ever been accused of murder? >> never. objection, your honor. >> sustained. >> let me ask you this. are you trained in any type of interrogation, or debate? >> no. do you recall detective muster, as mr. guy read from your statement. do you recall mr. guy asking you statements about the video?
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>> yechl do you remember him going back and forth about what you said and what he said? >> yes, i do. >> do you remember him telling you people in jacksonville will get killed for asking to lower the radio. >> he said people in jacksonville will kill you if you ask them to turn the radio down. >> did secretary oliver tell you, if we found a shotgun that would be different. >> yes, he did. >> did he tell you, if we found a bb gun that would be different >> yes, he did. >> did he tell you if we found any gun that would be different? >> yes, he did. >> did he tell you if we saw a water gun painted black that would be different? >> yes, he did. >> were you under the assumption they actually searched the plaza for a gun? >> i was. >> were you under the assumption they actually searched the bushes for a gun? >> i was. >> were you under the assumption they checked dumpsters for a gun that night? >> i was. >> did they ever convey to you during your interrogation nothing was ever checked in the
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area when they told you we never found a gun? >> they did not. >> and that's when they started to ask you about, is it possible it's something else? >> correct. >> objection. >> sustained. >> do you recall them making a comment about possibilityies ye, they said it's impossible. >> when did they make a comment about is it possible it's something else? >> when i told them i saw the weapon. >> mr. guy also talked about it was four teenage boys, and the weight and size of jordan davis? did you find out he is almost six feet tall? >> i did. >> was he fully dressed? >> he was. >> did he speak to you like a child? >> he did not. >> did he act like a child? >> he did not. >> did he threaten your life like a child?
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>> no. he did not. he threatened my life like a man. >> how many men were in that car when your life was threatened. >> four. >> how many were with you? >> nobody, just me. >> do you have any training in boxing? >> i did not. >> did you have training in mma fighting or self-defense? >> no, i do not. >> are you a body builder? >> no. >> do you even weight lift? >> no. >> so, even with your size, it would have been four on one? that's correct. >> now, mr. guy also talked about, did you fire a warning shot. do you recall that? >> i do. >> when you fired the gun, did you believe a warning shot was going to make him go away? >> i did not. >> and mr. guy said he didn't pull the trigger, and you didn't get shot. do you recall those questions?
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>> i do. >> were you going to wait to see if he was going to pull the trigger? >> no. i was convinced he was going to. i wasn't going to wait for him to do it. >> and with your experience, a shotgun, has a much broader neck of pellets than a single bullet? >> yes. a shotgun is devastating. >> and did you hear the forensic expert, miss pagan, testify that a minimum amount of pell lets is nine in a shotgun shell? . that's correct. >> one shotgun shell to one bullet would be nine against one? >> i agree with that. >> now, mr. dunn, you have a concealed weapons permit? >> yes, doicht. >> how long have you had a concealed permit, approximately? >> five years? >> i'm going to object. this is beyond the scope. that was asked and answered. go ahead.
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>> even with your concealed weapons permit. you would ko have had that gun next to your leg. >> objection. beyond the scope. >> sustained. how many steps away was that secured firearm? >> i believe it was three steps. is that based on what you were trained on? >> that, and just being safe. >> and do you have the permit to allow you to keep it one step away? >> i do. >> are you aware if firing a warning shot is illegal in florida? >> i am. >> objection as to relevance, your honor. >> sustained. >> your honor, if i may briefly -- we may not have a
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speaking objection. i ask that he open the door by cross. >> yes, your honor. >> let's come around side. >> yes, your honor. okay. quick break. we have seen michael dunn testifying today there on the stand. he's been examined, they call direct. he's been cross examined. this is what they call redirect answering questions from his defense attorney. quick break. we'll resume coverage right after this.
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the shooting death of 17-year-old jordan davis from november of 2012. also faces three counts of attempted murder because there were three other individuals in that dodge durango in that car at that gas station in florida back in november of 2012. ashleigh banfield is in jacksonville, watching all of the moves from this trial. also mark o'mara, we see you, hopefully you can hear me. this thing is happening quickly. well, yeah. i've been on murder trials that lasted five months. here we are not a week into this, the defense rested. they're on a 15-minute break. one thing that's really important to point out today. today might be the time that the headlines change, that the case may have actually turned, or at least an opinion about it may have turned.
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coming in to today, before michael dunn got on the stand and told his version in his voice, a lot of people have a different impression who this man was and who he was going to show up to be. even under cross examination, which i think at times was blistering, he didn't break and he was pretty darn consistent and his demeanor, i think, was critical. critical, brooke. if there's someone you should ask about that it's mark oh m e o'mara. let's talk to him. >> yeah. yeah. do you agree with ashleigh? >> i think -- i had said that john guy's cross examination has to be surgical and blistering. i disagree with you. i don't think it's vicious or ferocious. >> he was yelling at him at times. >> he was yelling, sarcastic, laughing. that's not surgical. that's not making points.
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>> that might be angry, arrogant but it's not scoring points. dunn did a better junior than i thought he was going to be and two, he came across believable. >> let me jump in. >> can he hear me? . i think we have a little bit of a -- i believe the two of you are sitting closely. >> let me hit time-out. even though we see you in two bocks, you are right next to each other. let be transparent. i think from an outside perspective, looking in. people knew of this trial. they knew this middle-aged white man that shot and kill aid 17-year-old black teenager in florida and they knew this man and fiancee hopped in their car, drove back to the hotel. drove home and as we've seen in the testimony today, ultimately they were up to 5:00 in the morning and we know they ordered pizza and they made drinks. you hear the testimony from michael dunn today, you can relay this to mark, ashleigh.
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i'm curious how he needed to relay remorse. i believe the word was "quaking" when he described the emotions of his fiancee, that he was vomiting when he heard this young man died. do you think those emotions resonated with the jurors? >> i think it got close. if i was his lawyer, my frustration would be this. he teared up when talking about his fiancee, that's good, it's acceptable, and appropriate. he teared up when he was talking about his dog. that's a bit questionable. but what he did not do is tear up by the fact that no matter what the circumstances that led to it. he had to take the life of another person, a 17-year-old person. >> it didn't turn out the way i intended. that's the only reference he made to the death of jordan davis effectively. it just didn't turn out the way he intended. that's pretty harsh language when you're looking at parents in a courtroom with a dead child. >> did you notice, too, either of you, did you notice how when he was answering, he would look
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over, i believe, i'm not in the courtroom, but he would answer and look over at the jury. is that something that the defense attorney would instruct the defendant to do? is that more effective? >> it was apparent to me there had been a certain amount of pre planning of the testimony in a bad way, it's coaching. in a good way it's making sure you come across well. expert witnesses know very well to turn to the jury when you try to relate to them. the fact he had catch phrases like waking nightmare was overused. if the jury believes he's coached or not being honest. it will work against him greatly. the only thing for this jury to consider is whether mr. dunn acted reasonably in his fear. if they don't believe him they'll not believe that. they already had a tough time trying to figure out why -- if they was acting reasonably with the gunshots. why the unreasonable behavior afterwards not calling a cop is
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acceptable. he did a decent job explaining the emotions the next day. but the local law enforcement will resonate well in close and the jury has to get past that. >> there's a reason we look at our children's eyes. look at mommy and tell me if we took that cookie. we want to see how people respond when they tell what their truth is and whether they tell a lie. that's what court is. it's effectively a bit of a show. you start to feel for someone when you look right at them and hear them answer over and over, you feel whether they're telling the truth or not. i have to be honest with you. watching this from the beginning to the end, it's not sound bites. there is a feel that i didn't expect to get given the basis of the stories that have about told coming into this case. i hope everybody watching knows, there's a big difference watching start-to-finish testimony hearing a sound bite
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or reading a headline about it. >> couldn't have said it better myself. we'll stay in contact with you. the defense officially rested in the michael dunn trial. 15-minute break. we'll watch closely to see when this picks up. don't go too far. come up i want to move along and talk about a storm of historic proportions. that's the exact phrase we're getting from the national weather service. look at this map, bracing for a, quote, catastrophic winter storm. but is atlanta ready this time? we'll take you outside to the ground along those interstates that were a mess not too long ago. plus, boiler alert. let me wave my arm, spoiler alert, if you're watching the olympic, hit mute. just in, american snowboarder is not medaled in sochi, hear what went wrong. you're watching cnn. hey kevin...still eating chalk for heartburn?
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yeah... try new alka seltzer fruit chews. they work fast on heartburn and taste awesome. these are good. told ya! i'm feeling better already. [ male announcer ] new alka seltzer fruits chews. enjoy the relief! [poof!] [beep] [clicks mouse] nice office. how you doing? good. automatic discounts the moment you sign up.
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all right. past the bottom of the hour, i'm brooke baldwin, the gloves are off. the city of atlanta geerg up for another monster winter storm. determined not to lose round two. you remember what it looked like. thousands of kids and drivers strand on frozen highways. look at this. can you believe this actually happened? themth time city and other leaders in the area are indeed prepared for the worst. it's just what they might guess. the weather service is warning this ice storm could be catastrophic and reach what they're calling historical
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proportions. anxious southerners, heeding the warning as well. you see empty shelves, at grocery stores, stocking up on food and ice. let me repeat this. no one wants a repeat of last month and this woallop is aroun the corner. we're tracking this storm. but ed lavandera, you're tracking this storm. you saw the total kerr full two weeks ago. is it still raining? how cold is it? >> reporter: it's not that bad, just a light drizzle but the knockout punch that mother nature delivered a couple weeks ago. still left many in the atlanta area dazed and confused. walking around staggering making sure that does not happen again. on the roadways, you can see things moving slowly, a light drizzle. roads are doing fine for now.
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>> the question comes hours ahead when the ice storm and winter storm is headed this way. many people gearing up for that. making runs to the grocery store. you heard reports of bread and all of the basics basically out at many grocery stores across the area. all of this for a storm, what we've predicted could bring about an inch of ice. that's the way life is in the south. just an inch of ice could cause all sorts of drama, headaches and allot of attention. brooke? >> ed, thank you. an inch of ice? when does this officially hit? >> this is a different storm. it officially gets here 6:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. that's when it gets really bad. that will stop so many people from going to school, going to work. >> yeah. they're already cold. they're not going to school. >> that's different than the storm we just had where everybody was at work and it happened at 2:00 p.m. this is an ice storm that knocks
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down a million power lines. we'll not get those up for weeks. there will be millions of people without power. >> not just atlanta, birmingham, augusta, columbia, charlotte, to very big cities all along the southern tier. along i-20, i-85. an inch of ice on a branch of a tree will bring that tree down. augusta may look like a links course with no trees on it by the time we get to play the masters if all of those trees fall down as we think a lot will. >> you are saying a million people without power and people are lispit listening on tv and radio. what is the best advice? >> charge your phones, make sure you have enough prescriptions to deal with it. if you don't have power the pharmacy won't have a power. they can't refill the prescription without a computer. make sure you freeze stuff, and
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all of the stuff in the freezer is good and solid. and turn up the heat a little because that will be off for a long time make sure you find friends if it does go off that they still have heat. there will be people two weeks from today that still don't have power. you knock down that many power lines, no will matter where you bring mutual aid in, you can't bring the power lines up. we like to get mutual aid from south carolina and north carolina. they need their power lines. then a snowstorm. d.c., richmond, philadelphia. d.c. could have a foot of snow by friday night. where are they going put that? >> this is one of those times i hope you're wrong. i hope you're wrong. thank you. we'll talk in a little bit. give us an update. >>. coming up two little girls vanished about 40 years ago, disappeared without a trace. now they have a possible break in the case, the clues that
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could breathe new life into this decade-old mess tri. that's next. e reviews i know i'm making the right choice. online or on the phone, we help you hire right the first time. with honest reviews on over 720 local services. keeping up with these two is more than a full time job, and i don't have time for unreliable companies. angie's list definitely saves me time and money. for over 18 years we've helped people take care of the things that matter most. join today. ...and let in the dog that woke the man who drove to the control room [ woman ] driverless mode engaged. find parking space. [ woman ] parking space found. [ male announcer ] ...that secured the data that directed the turbines that powered the farm that made the milk that went to the store that reminded the man to buy the milk that was poured by the girl who loved the cat. [ meows ] the internet of everything is changing everything. cisco. tomorrow starts here.
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police in maryland are breathing life in a cold case that involves not just one but two little girls from the same family. last time the parents of shiela, the one on the right with glasses, saw their girls was when the last u.s. troops were pulling out of vietnam or about to. march 25th. 1972. shiela, 12 at time. katherine, 10, walked to wheaton plaza, an area strip mall. take a look at easter decorations and those little girls never came home. in 2000, their mother and father, expressed agony over what was taken from them. >> the brides he didn't walk down the aisle. the grandchild drin we didn't have, the sons in laws, we
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didn't have. >> now 39 years later the fbi and local police are asking for information on this man. take a look. lloyd lee welsh jr., a sex offender in prison for unrelated crimes. why? >> investigators have established the fact that welch was at wheaton plaza on march 25th. 1975. we've also established that welch was observed paying attention to the lyons sisters while at wheaton plaza. welch now has multiple convicts for sexual offenses against young girls and has been incarcerated since 1997 in the state of delaware for one of these offenses. >> join me now, john ryan, president and ceo for the national center for missing and exploited children. welcome. i know you know this. so many cold case, unsolved this this country.
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the fact you have chief and montgomery police four decades later, coming out, showing this guy's picture, releasing his name. what does your gut tell you about this? >> first we commend the fbi in baltimore p.d. for continuing this investigation. it will be almost 40 years since these two young girls were abducted. but that's not an aberration anymore. law enforcement, has focused more resource, energies, constantly reviewing these cases of long-term missing children and the good news is we see success in either identifying the suspects many years later, or, more importantly, either recovering the children or counting for their whereabouts. so, we commend them for continuing this effort. >> so, you commend them but sort of back to my question. i know a lot of leads. i can't imagine the leads these parents have faced through the decades, only for it to go cold. do you think the fact police are
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releasing this man's name possibly in connection could really mean something? >> absolutely. they would not have released this information if they did not have every reason to believe that he was a person of interest, based on the eye witness testimony that they revealed during their press conference today. >> and then just finally, the year was 1975, as we mentioned, just reading the story. i think the parents said, hey, kids, come back by 4:00 or so. children, even still today, because they were 10 and 12, wandering around town pretty freely. i know the girl's brother ultimately became a detective. how did this story, this disappearance, impact this community? >> from all accounts, from the moment these two youngsters were abducted, this was a high profile case and the interest in this case never waned. i spoke to some of the investigators in my office who have worked this case for over
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20 years and have been in touch with the family, the lyons' family throughout that time, and people still talk about that day as if it happened within the last few days. it's incredible. i heard some of the, you know, former classmates and friends of the lyons' sisters interviewed the last 24 hours, and their memory is like this happened yesterday. >> i don't think i believe in closure but i hope for this family and community, they are able to find some peace. john ryan from the center of missing and exploited children. thank you so much. >> thank you. all right. olympics time. winter games. if you are watching the halfpipe tonight. massive spoiler alert. turn away. don't turn me off. turn away if you have to. we'll talk about shaun white, the flying tomato, u.s. gold
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medalist hopeful missed out on gold in the halfpipe. in fact, he didn't even medal, falling on his first run, not scoring high enough on his second. this wouldn't have been the snowboarder's third olympic gold. he wanted it. a feat not seen before by any american male olympian. we're all sitting around watching the olympic router on these tvs. oh, for shaun white. what happened? >> it was crushing. no one expected this. he went out in qualifying and he had the top score, just before and in his practice runs, did very well again. he landed tricks. he was nailing tricks. he was proud of himself. he was ready to go. a lot of people say, maybe it was the conditions then, maybe that's what got to him. but, no, because those practice runs were right before, i think because he was chasing history, because possibly his legacy was on the line, because he had
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thrown out the chance to compete in slopestyle, a lot was riding on this. the pressure might have gotten to him. >> he bailed on the slopestyle. wanted to focus, as you said, on the half type. he was criticized for pulling out in slopestyle. i was asking you, why do you think he did? you said to protect himself. if he didn't do well, it would be more of a sting later on. >> athletes all have a mental advantage. when you are the best in whatever sport it is that you compete in. you set the bar. you're the guy that everyone wants to beat. you go out and lose even an event that's not exactly your bred and butter it kind of takes away that mental advantage that you have over your competition. they all of a sudden say, oh, look, i can beat the best. i can beat shaun white. you lose that when you go to compete in halfpipe. but at the same time, i do think he was generally concerned about making sure he was fit and healthy to compete in halfpipe. he is not exactly a young pup. he's 27 years old --
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>> so old, so old. >> for snowboarding, it is. >> that makes me feel ancient. lara, thank you very much. at least he has two gold medals. thank you. coming up, did house speaker john boehner pull a 180 when it comes to the debt ceiling? we'll tell you exactly what he said that has republicans waving the white flag today. plus, president obama hosting a very complicated -- that's quite the right word -- state dinner tonight for the president of france. find out what to expect and the interesting seating chart involved in this one. stay here.
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what is that you say? well, let me tell you. this is terrarium salad with greens from the white house garden. brianna keiler joins me live. our senior political correspondent. and, you know, i guess the pressure is on the white house tonight. is it not? >> i would say bigtime. you talk to white house officials, they'll say it's a big time any time they have a state dinner. this hasn't happened often. this has only happened a couple times in two years that president obama had one. this is a big deal. the french set the bar pretty high when it comes to culture. this one in particular is a big deal. look at the salad. look at entertainment. m marry j. blige. they're pulling out all of the stops. there was a press conference between president obama and french president francois
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hollande. the french have come to president obama's aid, recently, especially on syria. france was backing the u.s. and great britain wasn't. that's the reason why a french reporter asked if france is a better friend of the u.s. than great britain. here's the president's reply. >> i have two daughters. and they are both gorgeous. and wonderful. and i would never choose between them. and that's how i feel about my outstanding european partners. all of them are wonderful in their own ways. >> there you go, brooke. diplomacy in full swing with president obama's answer there. >> well said, mr. president. you mentioned, of course, the french president, president hollande is there.
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and much to do, briana over who he sits next to with the state dinner. we know it won't be his significant other. had the whole recent breakup. do you know the latest on the seating chart? >> that's right. normally what would happen is the spouse, or in this case, france's first lady. not married to hollande. >> recently not here because of allegedly a terrorist between hollande and an actress there in france. normally the spouse would sit next to the president. we're told by people who put on dinners like this and organize seating charts that if there's an easy way around it, it won't get in the way of things. you can put hollande between the first lady and president, they can get creative. it won't be a problem but we're seeing affairs of the heart eclipsing some foreign affairs
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in this visit because this is very recent with president hollande showing up without a partner. >> brianna kielar, thank you my friend. >> and not much drama this time. no threats of financial chaos, threats of market meltdowns, none of that, right? around sundown, the house of representatives is to vote to raise the nation's borrowing limit with zero conditions attached which means the so-called boehner rule goes right on down the drain. house speaker john boehner has done a big 180. he will allow this vote on a measure his republicans loath wouldn't pointing a fight. john king joins me from washington. could you please explain to me why this is so, so significant? this is huge do doings in washington. >> he didn't even ask for a seat at the state dinner in exchange for this vote. if you look at the conservative blog es fire, speaker boehner
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retreats, speaker boehner retreats. speaker boehner should be replaced. why would he do this? he's taking a hit in the short term to do things that benefit republicans in the long term. what did you talk about? potential for market turmoil and for republicans to blame something. what did he do? he couldn't find the votes to say, link this to a medicare fix. couldn't find the votes to link this to something else, maybe military pensions, he decided instead, let the democrats pass this, most house republicans vote no. he will get hammered for a day or two but he believes november, like he did on immigration, he's avoiding a land mine that could hurt the republicans in the long run and willing to take a short-term hit. >> first time i read this mid terms came to my mind as well. meantime. another delay on the obama care calendar. the president had a chance to
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explain that today. what did he say? >> he didn't mention his two daughters when he answered the health care question. >> that was pretty good. yeah, he was ready for that question. that shows a guy that was briefed. those question come, mr. president, he put that on the tee -- >> he was ready. >> on the health care question, he gave a ho-hum answer. the president said, well, we delayed this mandate on a small number of businesses because this is hard to implement. we don't want to hurt anybody. we don't want to finish anybody. they said we need more time. we're giving them more time. sounds easy, sounds nonconfrontational. uh-huh. that's the president's answer. william to the politics of obama care. republicans saying another deadline extended. more proof to them. the slaw too big to succeed. you want to extend that deadline. extend the mandate again. republicans see this as proof this is fundamentally flawed. the president said we'll have a longer transition. what does it do? guarantees the volume is up for
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2014. republicans think this is the biggest issue. why does the speaker not want a debt ceiling fight? so he can focus on obamacare. we fought about it in the last residential election, we'll fight about it again. >> 2016. coming up, more on this winter storm about to hit atlanta? we'll see if they're ready this time. we reward safe driving. add vanishing deductible from nationwide insurance and get $100 off your deductible for every year of safe driving. which means you could save... a lot of benjamins. we put members first, because we don't have shareholders. join the nation. ♪ nationwide is on your side
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all right. top of the next hour, i'm brooke baldwin. thank you so much for being with me here. i want to take you straight to jacksonville, florida. in this rare move the defendant in a high profile murder trial takes the stand. moments ago we saw the defense team rest their case. the man we're talking about here, not this young man, that is the victim here.
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we're talking about michael dunn. he fired into an suv full of teenagers in a gas station parking lot in 2012. here he is. michael dunn, he killed one of the passengers, 17-year-old jordan davis. dunn faces life in prison if he is convicted of murder. for much of the day today, dunn, as you see him, has been on the stand explaining to this jury why he feared for his life the night he shot jordan davis. >> it's painful. i asked for a coming courtesy, hey, could you turn that down, please. if they would have said f-you. we're not doing it, that's basically what they did. they turned it off and turned it back on. i wasn't going to ask them again. i was done. >> i asked them for a common courtesy. they gave it. i said thank you. that was the end of it. even when they turned it back on, that was the end of it. >> it was jordan davis who kept
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escalating this to the point i had no choice but to defend myself. it was life or death. >> i don't remember exactly what it say but it was something about shooting on the south side and showed a fatality. >> if they use the word fatality, you know ha that means? >> yes. >> can you tell the jury how you reacted when you saw that on your phone? >> i ran to the bathroom. >> tell the jury why you ran to the bathroom? >> i vomited. you thought everybody was a thug or gangster. . the way they behave. yes they did. >> the one man in particular, his neighbor. seemed to have been in agreement with them. >> the guy in the front seat turned -- >> you're right, he was the reasonable one. >> the driver, he didn't
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threaten you in any way, did he? >> you're right. >> that was correct, croak. doing due diligence. you're hearing both sides what went on in the courtroom. >> ashleigh banfield and also stand big. jane velez mitchell. ladies, because you're there, i want to begin with you. huge day for the defense. >> putting michael dunn in the stand to testify. you know, he had to show for the jurors, remorse. they had to humanize him. he needed to show emotion. we heard that prosecutor try to pick him apart. >> how successful do you think that went? >> i think he got it all. in fact, every defense attorney has to wrestle with the idea of his or her client testifying. >> it can be a train wreck. it can end a case or save their lives at times as well. >> there's nothing more dramatic in a first-degree murder trial
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than hearing from the defendant's own mouth. i have to say, i think he did a remarkable job. not as ashley banfield, someone who watched thousands of trials and seen a lot of people crater on the witness stand. >> he did not. he did a remarkable job taking us through that perspective. if he's lying, he's a phenomenal actor. what i saw out of this guy is a mild mannered, gentle person recounting what he said was a very frightening event. this is his perspective, let's not forget. >> that's not hard to do from your very friendly attorney facing off against you in the courtroom. i did not see a combative angry person emerge. you can bet your bottom dollar that's exactly what the prosecutor john guy wanted. that's why he hammered away at him. repeated questions over and over again. trying to get the guy to break
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and show true color, ugly colors, colors that the jury could say, i knew there was something else to it. >> i don't know where we got that moment where we said, there's the guy with the headlines we're screaming about. i think he did an amazing job. >> maybe today his testimony saved his life. we have to wait for jane value lez mitchell. i have a question four. he made a drink, to calm his nerves, once he learned the 17-year-old had died. he said he was sick, he was vom et ig. how do you think all of those details sat with the jury today? >> on direct. i think as he was guided by his defense attorney. he was very believable. he made the case for his panic and tunnel vision, how they, in
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an histeric panic, left the scene and how these thugs might be coming to the hotel. they were peering out of the hotel looking for the red suv. then we saw the other side of the story if you're in such fear for your life why didn't you bother to hide the car. it's all in the eye of the beholder. our staff watched this together. about a dozen people. after it was over. there was a huge debate. some people thought him very believable. others thought he was arrogant and smug and really crossed the line into wild exaggeration. when i listened to it, i thought on direct he was believable. on cross. he actually, i think, threw his own girlfriend under the bus by suggesting she was wrong when she said, as they pulled up to the gas station, he said i hate that thug music. he said no, no, she didn't hear that many and also suggested she didn't understand the concept of
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self-defense which i don't think sits well with the majority of injuriers who are women. but he also, i think, crossed the line into imagine aary almo hypothetic hypothetical. suggesting the victim jordan davis could have fired a shot. that's the first time we ever heard that in this entire case. what? the prosecution is saying there's no gun. now he stumbles and suggested maybe not only did this guy have a gun but he fired a shot. you know that leads me to believe? he's a person who likes to maybe exaggerate or whatever comes out of his mouth he starts to believe. we all know people like that. that's not somebody that i think the jury is going to like. i think it cuts both ways. >> as ashley pointed out this guy is a man who knows his life is on the line. and three counts of attempted murder there were three individuals that day, october
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12. when he took that 9 millimeter out of his glove compartment and as we know killed the 17-year-old. we'll keep an eye on this. ashleigh banfield. jane velez-mitchell. thank you both. now to the brunt of what could be a cripples winter storm is on the way. the south, north georgia, is in the path of an ice storm of epic proportions. not my words. keep in mind, context, who could forget two weeks ago, two inches of snow, absolutely paralyzed atlanta georgia. we'll check with chad myers tracking the storm for us in a moment. ed lavandera, i like to begin with you and the visuals, you were standing out, as i mentioned 14 or so days ago, the cars were not moving. school kids were stranded on buses on those highways. now, looking good so far.
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>> even two weeks later, still kind of hard to imagine that that event actually took place on these interstates. this is coming just out of downtown atlanta. things running smoothly. just a light drizzle we've seen throughout most of the day, traffic running very smoothly as we start approaching the rush hour time here in the atlanta area. so we'll be monitoring that throughout the evening. really, the brunt of this storm won't be happening for several more hours. even despite that, a lot of schools, and businesses, and city government across the region, taking early recautions. many things shut down today as well as already announcing closures for tomorrow as well. so, school districts and businesses and government offices really starting to shut down and prepare. and we're also seeing a run at grocery stores. people buying up bread and all of the staples that they need for the next couple of days as people prepare and anticipate what could be a very devastating
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storm. so, power outages is what we're also taking a much closer look at this time around. this ice forms on the trees, they fall over and knock over power lines. that leaves a lot of people in the cold as well. we'll monitor that over the next 48 hours as well. brooke. >> chad meyer, you raced outside to move your car because of the fear of the story here, ice. you're on the top deck. you have to protect your cars. that's the story. an inch of ice coming? >> easily could be an inch of ice. i finally get out of here friday morning to get a change of clothes, my car will be an igloo. i put it under to get it out of the way. do some of those things with your pets. make sure there's some place they can go. don't think of it tomorrow, think about it now before it's iced over. >> this is a different storm than the one that paralyzed atlanta two weeks ago. this storm starts as ice and ends with ice.
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it started as snow two weeks ago and then turned to ice. this is different. there's another storm coming from texas right now. already saw ice around dallas. moved through schreveport. mississippi and alabama. ha happens for arrival in atlanta. then augusta, columbia, charlotte. wilmington, raleigh durham and finally as a snowstorm into did c. and new york city. but it's the ice that i believe will be the big problem. everywhere you see white, that's eastern atlanta suburbs, all of the way up into piedmont, north carolina, that's about an inch of ice. all you can hope it's froesen before it hits you, that little piece of sleet, because it bounces off. if it's liquid when it hits your house, your power line or trees, it will ice and all of these trees will fall down. i honestly believe there will be millions of people without power. many without power for weeks on end because you can't put all
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those power lines back up. then thursday, friday, new york city, philadelphia, d.c., you get a snowstorm from the same storm. >> i said it before. i'm saying it again. i love you, chad. i hope you're wrong, i really do. chad myers, thank you very much. coming up an international sting takes aim at the mafia and 24 arrests in a raid the feds are causing a lasting blow to the mafia's crime efforts. we'll take you behind the operation new bridge. and we'll tell you of the stunning survival story of this man, many he was adrift on this fishing boat out in the pacific ocean for 13 months, living on raw fish and turtles before he was rescued. well, now he is expected to arrive soon and cnn is live in el salvador as his friends and family are ready to give him a hero's welcome. we're live from that village, next. than the research this man has at his disposal is how he puts it to work for his clients.
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> ♪ animal crackers in my soup ♪ i make themup through the hoop ♪ ♪ animal crackers in my soup that little voice. shirley temple, the darlin of the great depression has died. her family confirming her death at age 85 from natural causes. her legacy is huge. the world's first child star still a household name today some 80 years after she rose to fame. ♪ ♪ he looks just like a walrus
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before he takes a splash ♪ >> her dimpled face. her blond ring lets helped her stardom. she made $3 million before she was a teen. when she became a teen. the job opportunities lessened. then she had a second wind, appointed u.n. delegate by president nixon in 1969 but she never forgot her roots. >> i never really thought of myself as an icon. i always feel that i should be put in a museum or something. but an icon -- i'm delighted that people loved my films, and were loyal to me, and still are. >> sherley temple, a child star who will not soon be forgotten, dead at age 85.
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and he is the man, the so-called cast away who spent more than a year standed at sea, floating by the wind of the waves. now jose salvador is headed in one direction, home. he's expected to reach el salvador tonight. many people doubt his story that he and a companion went out to fish in late 2012 when the winds blew them off course. his friend die d. he stayed alive. he said he ate turtles, fish, and drank his bodily fluids but there's no question his family in el salvador believes every word as loved ones prepare to see him. cnn's rafael joins me from el
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salvador. do we know when he's expected to arrive home rafael? >> yes, brook. we've confirmed that the foreign minist ministry has told us he's arriving here at 7:50 p.m. on a local flight from los angeles. as you said, he ended up in the marshall islands. i've been here since 7:00. there's been a lost activity. you cannot see balloons anymore because the temperatures here is in the 90s and they'll pop. the entrance at the house, the house where he grew up, was nicely decorated. you can probably still see the sign that says "bien casa" you know what that means, welcome home. a while ago his parents left the premises and presumably they left for the airport to reunite with their son, somebody whom they haven't seen in eight years, brooke.
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and hug him for the first time in that long. >> amazing rafael romo. what an assignment you have today. now to washington, just in, the house of representatives voting to repeal a cut to military pensions, move from last year's budget agreement. earlier, house speaker john boehner and republicans dropped their demand to link this repeal to a measure raising the debt ceiling. that vote over the nation's debt scheduled tonight. drug trafficking, money laundering, feds take aim at the mafia, arresting 24 people in new york and italy. next we'll go into new details how this operation dubbed new bridge went down and some of the evidence investigators are collecting, and, this -- oh! >> dramatic takedown caught on camera. we'll tell you what led up to this arrest.
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i want to show you this arrest. this is unlike anything i've really seen. police in sacramento take down this suspect and a photographer with sacramento affiliate kobr caught the whole thing on camera. watch. >> wow. keep watching this play out. some other guys come in, tackle him to the ground. a man was tackled by police after running away from a transit officer at a train station. cut through a neighborhood.
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hopped a fence, grabbed a bike, rode it right into the path of this news forecaster who happened to be there when the officers ambushed him. at least one of the officers were hurt, we're told, in his face. a major hit against a suspected mafia crime syndicate. not only was it big it was involving not just the u.s. but italy. law enforcement of both nations behind this. the italian police and fbi worked in the first of its kind joint operation and they brought mob leaders on both sides of the atlantic. seven members of powerful crime families were arrested in new york and the other 17 handcuffed in italy. jason carroll is live from new york. this is huge mafia group working on three continents. yes? >> absolutely. you saw some of them being arrested there. this alleged crime family in new
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york and europe. and north america. they allegedly used to traffic drug, details how these so-called wise guys would allegedly pack cocaine in fish and freeze it to be exported into the united states. even then, according to recorded conversations, they knew exactly how to defrost the fish and n just the right way to extract the cocaine. you can see some of them there being arrested in new york city. 24 in all alleged mopsters, now detaped or under arrest. italian police along with the fbi working together to target an organized syndicate. which operates in southern italy and gambino family which operates in the united states primarily. the subjects charged with various offenses ranging from trafficking, heroin, cocaine and
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money laundering. the italian police carried out raids in southern italy and ka l slab ria. the operation nicknamed new bridge has been ongoing for two years. authorities tell exactly what they uncovered during their investigation. . using techniques like undercover officers and court authorized wire taps american and italian law enforcement determined that they aimed to move deadly narcotics across boundaries attempting to build a bridge of criminality and destruction to stretch fromi south america to italy and back to new york. what the ndrangheta didn't know a much stronger bridge existed between italy and new york, a bridge of cooperation between american and italian law enforcement and has been built
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over decades and has stood the test of time. >> investigators describe the ndrangheta and so fist tight indicated and insidious organization coming from loretta lynch. they believe this recent bust really dealt a major, major blow to the syndicate's effort to try and gain a foothold here in new york. brooke. >> you mentioned the fishy cocaine, jason carroll. what does canned fruit have to do with this operation? >> yeah. again, once again, when it comes to drug trafficking, brooke, as you imagine, criminals allegedly use any means necessary to try to traffic drugs and according to the criminal complaint that we read through, not only do they try to hide cocaine in fish but also hid cocaine in pineapples, and also in coconut milk. so using any means necessary to try to traffic drugs from point "a" to point "b." >> and now, busted. >> jason carroll.
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thank you very often. coming up one of my cnn colleague, anna navarro, if you're watching, she tweeted this. regarding a 14-year-old niece. this is what she tweets. who is monica lewinsky. how do you explain that? does this generational divide matter sin the scandal is back in the news? our new guest, a certain someone special join me live, plus the dow above 200 points after a rough couple points. find out why, after a quick break. i don't want to think about the alternative. i don't even know how to answer that. i mean, no one knows how long their money is going to last. i try not to worry, but you worry. what happens when your paychecks stop? because everyone has retirement questions. ameriprise created the exclusive confident retirement approach. to get the real answers you need. start building your confident retirement today.
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the new fed chief today testified in washington, d.c. and, as we see, some great green on the big board. the dow up over 200 points, 30 minutes of trading. zain asher is live in the new york stock exchange. what did they have to say that fired up? >> first of all the outlook on the u.s. economy was generally positive. she expects the trends to continue to improve. she did also talk about the fact that even when the unemployment rate dropped below 6.5%. it's the 6.6% right now. even when this t drops below 6 1/2%. doesn't mean the fed will actually raise short-term interest rates. certainly liked hearing that. also she addressed the jobs reports. the last two jobs reports have been relatively disappointing. she said it's not necessarily a trep. obviously cold weather may have
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been a factor in that as well. and then she addressed the turmoil in the emerging mark epts and recent volume title in the u.s. markets. that doesn't mean we're going downhill. a lot of generally positive comments. that's why the market is down right now. >> zain asher, thank you. ever get the feeling no one is listening to you in washington? case in point. new poll. the atlantic council think tank say 56% of americans talk about normalizing relations, including cuba. among all floridians. that goes to 63%. but efforts to change cuba policy go nowhere in d.c. polls have shown american support gun rights and favor director background checks and those go nowhere in congress.
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what about immigration? the majority want a plan for illegal immigrants to become legal citizens. americans are going one direction and washington clearly going in another. michael smerconish is join the family, joining cnn as the host of the weekly program on saturday mornings from new york. welcome, sir. these no-to-meet you, nice to have you on. >> thank you, brooke. thank you for having me. >> you heard all of the items and issues. washington sees issues one way. aren't they supposed to listen to us? we put them in office. know? they are supposed to listen to us. i point to two factors. one is intensity factor. by that i mean you make reference to universal background checks.
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why? the 15% who weren't on board wrote religiously the 85% less so. so, that data. real interesting. but you need to know. where does the passion lie? because that is what the politicians respond to. the second parter, hyper partisan districts. the gerrymandering that resulted in so many safe seats. we look at that data and say, surely when those members of congress go home they have to face the music but they don't. because they're representing such narrow constituencies, that they're doing what many of those constituents want them to do. so, it's real prop attic. it's hard to get out of this. >> okay. let me totally get to monica lou win skirks total change. nons
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nons known sequiter. i want you, michael, to take a look at this tweet. this is something we found from a cnn political commentator, this is what she tweets. not happy, 14-year-old niece called to ask, who is monica lewinsky. really? one, it makes me feel old. and, two, i don't want to explain it to anyone. and i was asking you in a commercial break. you said your four kids, 13 and 26, that tells me, they're all mill len yals, how do you explain that monica lewinsky incident? >> any of the four, maybe the 26-year-old would have no idea who she is. i hate to have to explain it to them although it's a story as old as time. if i did explain it to them they'd all get it short order. i hear the conversation, rand paul continues to beat this drum again. i don't think it would play well with my kids. i don't think it would turn them
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against hillary clinton. it would make her a sympathetic figure. >> how to explain that to a 13-year-old, i don't know. good luck if you have to do that my new friend. let's move along and play a little game on this show. will you play word association? okay. >> nothing good comes from this. >> you got this. let's begin with your home base. tell me the word that comes to your mind when i say philadelphia? >> cheese steak. >> michael vick. >> dogs. >> justin bieber. >> knuckle head. >> best interview. >> wow. i stumped him. >> no one you would have ever heard of. no one you would have ever heard of, because nobody stops me and they say, you interviewed barack obama seven times or you
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interviewed "w" or mitt romney. those aren't the ones that hang with people. it's that every day person who finds themselves suddenly getting their 15 minutes of fame. i'm not sure who would be on the top of that list. it's that type of individual who one day is in the news. >> i agree. for me it's ordinary folks. despite all of the interviews. >> moving along. parenthood? >> steve martin. because i loved the movie. >> it was a great movie. >> and then pick one, radio or tv, michael? >> radio. radio because nobody looks at me and sees how i look that day or any other day. i can say um, and ah. i can cough. i like the nature of radio. but i'll try to adjust to cnn. >> the makeup and hair stuff or the makeup stuff can be annoying. >> all of the hair work, it gets to me. >> finally, michael cnn.
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>> independent. independent. that's an easy one. that's why i'm here. i'm really fed up with the polarization. it brings the country ound r down and too many elected officials to go back to where we began are taking marching orders to the polarized media and doesn't serve the country well. >> michael smerconish, we'll watch you saturday morning. best of luck to you, thanks for playing along. >> thank you, brooke. >> and now to this. it's complicated. not just the facebook status update. it would describe the white house state dinner tonight hosting the leader of france. [ male announcer ] you've never watched her like this before...
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never taken the time to but something about spending this time together, sailing past ancient glaciers in alaska... talking under a universe billions of years old... makes you realize how old time is and how short life is. she can take all the time she wants. princess cruises, come back new. ♪
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be precise for french president francois hollande. including quail eggs, terrarium salad with greens from the white house. ribeye steak from colorado and chocolate malt cake. jake tapper, makes me hungry. take me through the state dinner with the french, big deal. did you get an invite? >> no. of course not. i won't -- i can't imagine a white house that would ever invite the likes of me to a state dinner. but these are very big deals, brooke. huge, huge deals. this is only the seventh one that president obama has had. previous presidents have had more. president obama has been more selective in who he's had these for. >> we know that, you know, as you and i talked about yesterday. the quick changes behind the scenes because of the -- what would we call this. the terrorist involving the
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leader of france, and who now will be sitting next to president hollande? do we know? . we do not know yet. this is a protocol that we've alluded to, you made it necessary for me to explain crassly, that mr. hollande, the president of france, parted ways with his longtime partner when it was revealed that he had a second girlfriend, so the invitations that the white house put together which were engraved and embossed with a presidential seal. had to be destroyed because they mentioned the former first old lady, or whatever they call it. >> former first old lady? >> in the '70s. they called a woman you didn't marry as old lady. but they had to destroy them. normally it's unclear. as we discussed.
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the first lady does something with the first spouse, takes them to a school. no such event because messier hollande came here stag as they say entran france. it really signifies something important that the united states is trying to convey. when it came out that the nsa was conducting surveillance on the brazilians, the brazilians canceled their state dinner that the president invited them to. and that was a very big deal. they usualry run between 200 thousand and $600,000 these devents. it's very elite to be invited to it. >> elite, mr. tapper. note to you, the whole old lady thing that was okay a couple deck aids ago. that is not okay with
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mrs. tapper. okay? okay? >> you're too young to remember this. there's a movie called "americaon this" starring john ritter as the president of the united states. he was the first president to have an old lady. that's where i got it from. in the banks of pop culture nonsense. >> jake tapper, who would want to miss this guy in 30 minutes. >> thanks, brooke. >> he's one of the most popular olympians, earning the nickname the flying tomato. took to the slopes hoping to earn a gold medal. we're all watching at our desks hear
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. winter game's spoiler alert coming up. if you were hoping to catch the halfpipe tonight, turn away, hit mute. here i go. the news is not so good. this picture, just look at this, and you know this story. this is shaun white defeated. he's missed out on gold in the halfpipe. in fact, he didn't even medal, falling on his first run, not scoring high enough on his second. this would have been his third winter olympic gold. he didn't get it. joining me now is cnn correspondent ian lee in sochi. i know hopes were high. he won the previous two golds in
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this. what happened? >> reporter: yeah, brooke, there's no three-peat here. he wasn't able to make it. he was actually in first place going into the final runs but just had three horrible runs and a lot of this is to be blamed on the weather conditions. there was over 34 crashes, really unheard of amount at the halfpipe today. a lot of the athletes saying that the conditions just weren't right for good, stellar performances. we don't know if that is the cause of shaun white's performance. we'll probably hear about that later, brooke. >> i'm asked about what your finding of shopping in sochi. what's the answer? >> reporter: brooke, we went around sochi to see what they had available. i went into a store and said show me the most expensive thing you have. what is the high-end thing. they gave me this outfit. it's a bit ridiculous.
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>> oh, wow. >> reporter: but the price is more ridiculous. the hat with the jacket, $1700 for that ensemble. later i went to a coin store and they took me upstairs away from everyone else and they showed me a different coin. this is a 3 kilogram 6.6 pound solid gold coin. and are you ready for this? it cost a whopping $200,000. i don't know who is going to have enough money for that. that even makes the czars green with envy. brooke? >> i've got to be honest, kind of like that hat. i like that hat. that's nice around there in russia, although i hear sochi is quite warm. coming up, burger king number two to mcdonald's in the chain wars but they are beating the golden arches in one category. that's next. the day we rescued riley was a truly amazing day.
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he was a matted mess in a small cage. so that was our first task, was getting him to wellness. without angie's list, i don't know if we could have found all the services we needed for our riley. from contractors and doctors to dog sitters and landscapers, you can find it all on angie's list. we found riley at the shelter, and found everything he needed at angie's list. join today at
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new jersey governor chris christie talked about the bridge shut down political scandal a while ago in chicago. this is one of the few times that he's taken questions in public. you know the story, political aides to the governors ordered the bridge shut dluzdown causing the mother of all traffic jams. governor christie has denied knowing anything about the scheme and at this appearance today in chicago, governor christie says he's determined to move forward. >> we're in the midst of an internal review now and whatever that internal review discloses, we're going to release to the public. if there's more action that needs to be taken, i'll take it. but i don't think it will curtail for the long haul a
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second-term agenda because i think the public of new jersey won't tolerate it. the fact is, they expect me in the legislature to do what we did in the first four years, which is to find solutions to new jersey's problems and get things done. while the last six weeks have b been the most enjoyable of my life, i can guarantee you, the fact of the matter is, we need to do our work. >> the state committee investigating the lane closures has issued a dozen new subpoenas in the case. and now to some of the hottest stories in a flash. with call it "rapid fire." roll it. at the white house, they are debating whether to kill an american suspect with a drone. we now know that that suspect is in pakistan. we're told that he's fighting with al qaeda. pakistan is a growing hot spot for terrorists. we have also learned some members of congress are aware of the debate inside the white
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house but that the final decision about whether to strike is up to the president. burger king is not beating mcdonald's when it comes to sales but it's trying to beat the golden arches when it comes to beef. the new sandwich weighs 4 ounces, which is bigger than the big mac and it won't cost you more. kraft foods is removing the popular american singles. it will remove artificial preservatives from its individually wrapped slices. it affects only the american and white american varieties. and the former saturday night live comedian fred armisen has been named the new land leader. fred had his own punk band, sometimes plays his own guitar.
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and, before i let you go, a quick reminder, if you've ever seen an interview on this show you'd like to rewatch or share, go to the brooke blog, stay safe tonight. i'm brooke baldwin. thanks for watching. "the lead with jake tapper" starts now. atlanta. i hope you handled this better than you did last time. i'm jake tapper. this is "the lead." the national lead. remember that storm, the one that crippled the southeast two weeks ago? well, meet its bigger, meaner older brother. a storm of potentially historic proportions about to clobber the region, is it prepared? because it sure wasn't last time. "the politics lead," she is public enemy number one for some republicans. why are others in the gop not happy about these attacks on hillary clinton? is a battle brewing within the republican party?
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