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tv   Piers Morgan Live  CNN  February 11, 2014 6:00pm-7:01pm PST

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on always for unmanned trollers carrying puking demon babies for zombies in the subway grates. we're ready for anything on "the ridiculist." that does it for us. we'll see you again one hour from now. another edition of "ac 360." thanks for watching, "piers morgan live" starts now. this is "piers morgan live." welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. breaking news tonight. tom brokaw reveals he's being treated for cancer. i'll talk to his former colleague debra norville and dr. sanjay gupta. at the white house president obama is hosting his first state dinner in almost two years. a scandal plagued french president. meanwhile a -- will hillary clinton's private thoughts about her husband bill and monica liewinski come back to haunt her if she runs. also best actor nominee bruce dern. >> going to "lincoln" is the last thing i do. i don't care what you people
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think. >> you didn't win anything. it's a complete scam. you got to stop this, okay? >> i'm running out of time. >> nebraska winning his first oscar after more than 80 feature films. we begin with break news tonight. tom brokaw's cancer diagnosis. the former nbc news anchor has multiple myeloma that affects the blood cells in bone marrow. doctors are very encouraged with the progress he's making. joining me now our own dr. sanjay gupta and debra norville and tom brokaw's former colleague at nbc news, an honorary member of the board of multiple myeloma. welcome to all of you. let me start with you if i may, sanjay gupta. to get a grasp of what this is. what is multiple myeloma? >> well, it's a type of cancer of cells within the bone marrow. the bone marrow's the area of the body that's responsible for producing all sorts of different cells. your red blood cells, white
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blood cells. this is a type of white blood cell that just starts growing essentially out of control. and as a result, it's a type of cancer that also crowds out the other cells so people don't have enough red blood cells, don't have enough white blood cells. that's really the problem. a lot of times what happens in this is that someone may come and develop back pain that. could be the first thing. that's usually because of what you're looking at there on the screen, those sort of punched out lesions is in somebody's skull that. can develop just about anywhere on the body. that's often what takes people to the hospital in the first place. >> debra norville, tom is obviously a news legend in america and you a colleague of his for a long time. no surprise to you or people who know him well he's carried on working as if nothing's happening. he was diagnosed back in august of last summer. what do you think of the way he's responded to this? >> it's typical brokaw.
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my career wonder have advanced if tom brokaw had not been a champion of mine back in my nbc days. irsend him a love -- i send him a love lot of love and best wishes. i am on the honorary board of the multiple myeloma foundation. i've been a part of it since 1998. my message to tom and to anyone who has a family member or themselves suffering from this particular form of cancer is, if you have to get cancer and if you have to get multiple myeloma, god bless you for getting it today as opposed to ten years ago. when i first got involved with this particular disease, diagnosis to death was estimated at max three years. today, thanks to the research that's been done by this organization, there are now six drugs that are being used to treat myeloma as opposed to zero drugs that were in existence 15 years ago. there is so much reason to believe that tom brokaw will do exactly what he pledged in his statement today, and that is live a long and successful life
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despite having been diagnosed with this disease. >> well, we've got a statement here, tom brokaw said this "with the exceptional support of my family, medical team and friends i'm very optimistic about the future and look forward to continuing my life, my work and adventures still to come. i remain the luckiest man alive. i'm very grateful for the interest of in my condition but i also hope everyone understands i wish to keep this a private matter." >> he has remained very private. is that how you would recommend people getting on with it? >> probably a combination of both, piers. certainly it depends what stage cancer he has here. i mean, there are certainly people who can carry on pretty well especially if it's caught in the early stages as deborah was just alluding. to but the typical sort of symptoms besides the back pain which i mentioned or boney pain,
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people can often feel tired because they don't have enough red blood cells in the body as a result of this cancer. so it's probably a combination of both. he's certainly pretty dogged, he's pretty determined. but this may have been caught at an earlier stage which would be a very good prognosis for him, better prognosis. >> deb remar>> deborah, what ki is he? >> oh, god, he's the best. he's insatiable curious. i'm sure the first thing tom did when his doctor shared this diagnosis with him was to turn into a reporter and learn everything he could about it. i know he reached out to all the right people in the myeloma community and found out the good news that there is a lot going on with regard to treatment of this disease. he's also someone whose, despite the fact that he's been a television anchorman for all these many years, he's not someone who likes to have the spotlight on him. it's one thing to be sitting on the news desk as we all are right now sharing information with other people. it's a service you do to other
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people. it wasn't about tom being on the set, being the famous guy that everybody knew from nbc news. so i think in that regard he probably loathes the fact that this has finally become public, all these months after he's been dealing with it privately. but he will do what he always does, which is soldier on, be the graceful, elegant man who lives in gratitude as he express thad inn that statement that you shared. honestly that will be important for him as he goes through this treatment process. there's every reason to believe it tom will be able to beat this. there is so much good work going on right now. in fact, it was a few months ago i was speaking to the head of our scientific committee at the multiple myeloma research foundation who said to me that he believes in the very near future it is quite possible that myeloma will be regarded as a chronic disease much the same way that diabetes is regarded as a chronic disease. so that's certainly something that tom brokaw and anyone else who's facing this disease should
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take heart in hearing. >> sanjay, i had tom on the show not so long ago. he's an indomitable figure. anyone who works in this news business reverse him. stats on multiple myeloma, since 2014 there have been 24,000 new cases, about 11,000 people have died in the last year. i guess one benefit to come out of all of this, tom will be as keenly aware as we are, he will bring huge attention by revealing this to multiple myeloma. that would surely i would think, sanjay, be helpful for other people. >> i think there's no question. you can trace with a line when attention is drawn to a particular disease the type of research funding and the type of awareness that comes as a result of that. and i think certainly he will be no different. as again deborah was just pointing out, even over the last
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few years short of tom brokaw's attention to this there's been a lot of progress with multiple myeloma. the sort of trick to this is to be able to kill those cells, those cancerous cells and recognize that some other cells are going to die as a result of that, the red blood cells, white blood cells you need in your body, then to be able to repopulate your bone marrow. sort of taking out the bad stuff out of your bone marrow and leaving in the good stuff. that's what some these drugs have become much better at. they also do things like stem cell transplants as part of the treatment for multiple myeloma. that may be something that may be an option for him as well if he needs it. >> well, certainly everyone here at this show and every show at cnn wishes tom all the very best for a full recovery. deborah, i want to point out you're an honorary of the board of the multiple myeloma foundation. for more information on this go to toww.vrmm.
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thank you very much indeed for joining me. >> thank you. coming up, hillary papers. will her private thoughts to a friend damage her if she plans to run in 2016? ann coulter is here and has plenty to say about the subject. there she is looking almost normal. after reading all the reviews i know i'm making the right choice. online or on the phone, we help you hire right the first time. with honest reviews on over 720 local services. keeping up with these two is more than a full time job, and i don't have time for unreliable companies. angie's list definitely saves me time and money. for over 18 years we've helped people take care of the things that matter most. join today.
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>> a big night at the white house tonight. a big state dinner in almost two years, for the french president. others at the dinner included bradley cooper, stephen colbert
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and the star of "veep, julia-louis dreyfus. it goes on despite the scandal in the french president's life at home. what will the hillary papers mean in 2016? here to talk about all this is ann coulter "never trust a liberal over 3 especially a republican" which makes me smirk. thanks for being here. >> thanks for having me. >> you're becoming a regular guest. you're not quite as scary to my staff now. hillary clinton, fascinating papers in many ways come out from diane blare, great friend, documents showing a lot about the relationship between hillary and bill at the time of the lewinsky scandal. what did you make of it? >> i was always surprised at liberals being surprised. i mean, it seemed so obvious from the beginning certainly to people like me when she was
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accusing a vast right wing conspiracy of being behind this whole thing, i kept thinking, doesn't everyone see that she's lying? doesn't everyone see that he's lying? and then enough of this already came out. i don't know that this isis particularly revealing now other than to a few of the last die-hard clinton supporter or people who have forgotten about >> it if she's going to run in 2016 as everyone assumes she will, the big question becomes does any of this stuff involving bill and his indiscretions in the past, 16 years ago or more, does any of that have any real impact on her now politically? rand paul thinks she does. >> if they want to take a position on women's rights by all means do. but you can't do it and take it from a guy who is using his position of authority to take advantage of young women in the workplace. >> now, that's a very deliberate, calculated position that rand paul is taking to say, right, i'm going to muddy the
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waters for hillary clinton now for the next two years by banging on and on and on about bill, monica liewinski and that kind of thing. is it a clever tactic? >> absolutely. i think it's more than limited to just undermining hillary. it's undermining this entire idea of the republican war on women. i mean, it's not just bill clinton, though that was spectacular. there's teddy kennedy, john edwards, the san diego mayor that just gotten rid of. there's eliot spitzer and anthony weiner. it goes on and on. then to turn around and say because you republicans don't support abortion rights you hate women? wait a second. can we look at your cast of characters here? moreover what i think is particularly revealing and thought so at the time about what hillary clinton and a lot of these feminists had to say about bill clinton, at the time gloria steinem wrote an op ed piece in tthe "new york times" defending bill clinton for
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molesting monica liewinski, sorry the paula jones case. when he dropped his pants and said" kiss it" in a hotel room, a smooth carey grant move he took no for an answer. so now the position of the national organization of women is you get one free grope then it doesn't go over well as long as you back off. >> this is very salacious. i'm sure it's what rand paul wants us to think about hillary and bill as a doublette in a sleazy way. i just wonder if the american people want to go over all this. bill clinton's ratings have never been more popular. they all seem to have moved on. could it not backfire for rand paul? come on, don't attack the woman through her husband. >> i don't think so. for one thing, it does show i think the utter aggressive hypocrisy and really tyranny of the feminist movement. so in other words, you have all these rules for sexual
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harassment and workplace behavior. and if it's someone we don't like and he calls his secretary honey we are taking him to the cleaners. if it's someone we olympic because he's protect abortion rights, that isn't a rule. that is just a way of punishing your enemies. i think it's worth pointing that out. the things hillary said about bob packwood who had been molesting girls on the hill, assistants and so on for years and liberals let it slide because they needed his vote. there's a quote in these papers of her saying "oh, i don't care about these whiny women. i need packwood on health care." this is your concern for women? as for is the public tired of this, people claim to be tired of it the same way people claim they're watching the history channel when they're reaching watching "american idol." >> tell me this, how do the right deal with the inarguable fact that abortion levels are falling in america and the primary reason for this is
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increased awareness and use of contraception? >> i don't think that's true. >> it is true. it's awn n undefinal fact. >> it could be happening simultaneously. the more dramatic increase was when a million years ago -- >> talking about now. this is actually happening. incontrovertible fact. >> you're talking about a correlation. >> how do you deal with ideologically. the abortion rate is falling and people in the expert areas around this say it's down to increased awareness and use of contraception. >> they can say whatever they want to. >> how do you on the right handle that situation? >> i'm going to explain why this is not true now. it is not true because when the pill was first introduced, suddenly abortions go through the roof. ill legitimacy goes through the roof. >> decades ago, i'm talking about now. >> some tiny little increase or decrease has also gone up -- >> there is a genuine pattern downwards. >> no. it's gone down with global warming. >> the two things are linked. part of the reason why there is
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a perception of a war on women from the right is the refusal to accept the bleeding obvious. >> it is so not because kids don't know how to put a condom on. oh, if only they had a free condom. to the contrary, it isn't. >> actually it is. where you can statistically prove there is more awareness -- [ overlapping speakers ] >> more contraception being sold and being used. >> right. >> in those areas abortion rights are coming down. it's inarguable. >> no. it can be inarguable the two things are happening at the same time. to claim that one caused the other takes a lot more evidence than what you have. i mean, a lot of things, maybe obama being president has caused women not to have abortions because they're so happy they love the first black president. there's no proof that one leads to the other. >> do you think there's proof more are using contraception? >> there is proof that with the greater availability of contraception and abortion there will be more ill legitimacy, more abortions. look at it over decades as opposed to one or two years.
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>> are you against then more american women using contraception in a responsible manner? >> i don't really care. i just don't want to pay for >> it you don't care? >> i've never really thought about it. >> the single biggest health issue for women in the world. why wouldn't you care? >> because i'm fascinated with the debt ceiling. and i haven't had time to think about contraception. >> i've caught you now. you haven't given this much are you in favor of it or not? >> i am opposed to pro mimiscui. i assume you're talking about married women. >> i'm talking about women in general. is it a good thing in america more women are using contraception in a responsible way? >> it's not that responsible if we have 2 million abortions a year. >> but the abortion rate is
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falling at the same time. >> but it's not connected. i've explained this 8 billion times. >> the experts say it is connected. >> they can explain that whatever they want. the experts say if i use hairspray i'm going to warm up the planet. a lot of experts are idiots. >> so you simply don't believe that there's any link? >> i have told you that the more significant evidence is when the pill was first introduced, that was massive contraception. women went from not being able to reliably prevent pregnancy. when it was produced ill legitimacy rates tripled. that is correlation not causation. >> you don't think any fall is a good thing? >> i don't think what? >> any fall is a good thing in the number of abortions. >> i loathe fall. i prefer spring. i don't know what you mean. >> is a fall in abortions not a good thing? >> of course it is. >> why not congratulate those responsible for bringing the numbers down? >> because you keep assuming facts not in evidence. it is not the case that the
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availability of condoms brought down the rate of abortion. it's not that hard to figure out how to use a condom. >> i am curious about the ideological position that the right wing would take if it is a demonstrable fact. >> i'm going to poll the cameramen. i think they understand what i'm saying. how many times do we have to go through this? you are assuming fapgcts not in evidence. >> you say you've told me 8 million times why. >> you've described correlation not causation. >> i don't understand what you just said. >> it's the cock crowed therefore the sun came up, therefore the cock crowing caused the sun to come up that. does not follow. it means two things happen at the same time. >> you don't think there can be any link between the increased use of contraception in the reduction in the rates of abortion? >> the evidence proofs the exact
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opposite. you are looking at tiny -- >> just to clarify? >> if you look at it over decades as opposed to one year to one year slight decrease. >> it's been lovely to see you again. you don't shake hands, do you? probably quite wise on my part, too. coming up legendary actor and oscar nominee bruce dern is in the green room with my guest tonight, bubba watson. why would you get those two together? oscar legend, golfing superstar. two pretty naughty boys in the green room. these are good. told ya! i'm feeling better already. [ male announcer ] new alka seltzer fruits chews. enjoy the relief! [ male announcer ] new alka seltzer fruits chews. ♪ ♪
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cow. cow. c...o...w... ...e...i...e...i...o. [buzzer] dangnabbit. geico. fifteen minutes could save you...well, you know. "stubborn love" by the lumineers did you i did. email? so what did you think of the house? did you see the school ratings? oh, you're right. hey babe, i got to go. bye daddy! have a good day at school, ok? ...but what about when my parents visit? ok. i just love this one... and it's next to a park. i love it. i love it too. here's our new house... daddy! you're not just looking for a house. you're looking for a place for your life to happen.
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why did you have us? >> because i liked to screw. and your mother's a catholic. so you figure it out. >> so you and mom never actually talked about whether you wanted kids or not? >> well, i figured if we kept on screwing we'd end up with a couple of you. >> legendary actor bruce dern is oscar nominated for the role in" nebraska". it wasn't until 35 years after his first oscar nomination at the age of 77 that bruce landed the role of a lifetime which has earned him oscar recognition and from golden globes as well. there's this great phrase your great friend jack nicholson
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uses, the dersies where you basically steal every moment. >> you don't steal. you try and embroider, to enhance the breadth of the character if you will. >> you steal it. how do you feel? i mean, what a moment for you after 18 movies to finally get nominated for a lead role. >> well, the biggest win i've had in this whole process is that alexander payne invited me to come on down and play the role. >> right. because it was nine years in the making, right? >> yeah. and ten by now. and he didn't want to make two road movies in a row. so he was starting "sideways" so he made that. this is after i got the script. then he went and made "the descendents" in hawaii and then he made this. i think the two problems were basically i was kind of a mid-range problem because not a lot of people wanted bruce from winnetka to be in there. the other one was black and white. a big big problem getting it made in black and white. >> i've got to ask you. in the movie there's a name
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check for tom brokaw. we just discussed the revelation he's come out with that he's got this cancer. what was your reaction when you heard about this? >> he's a prince as far as i'm concerned. always has been. followed two of the legends in the business in huntly and brinkley. and his wife's a marathon runner. and i talk to her a lot of times about what she was going to do with training and everything like that. and tom is kind of like you before you were doing what you're doing. he gets it all, and he sees it all. and that's what you're brilliant at. that's what he's brilliant at. >> well hlisten. >> you guys come into our homes. that's a gift. >> yeah. he is certainly one of the great news broadcasters i've ever seen. there's a strength to him and his personality and his character which i always felt came over not just broadcast but the pieces he would do on location. almost everything he did he has that stamp of authority, which
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is quite a rare thing, isn't it? >> well, the best i ever saw done even though he wasn't really a newscaster when i was young was alistair cook cooke. he just made you think you were in the covered wagons or were wherever you were. he was so graceful. just made us think he was interested in everything and knew about everything. and i never got to meet him but i watched "omnibus" every week it was. >> no surprise to you that tom brokaw's carried on working despite having been diagnosed, carried on as though nothing's happened? >> absolutely. >> tough man. >> he's just -- every now and then you run across a prince. he's one. >> the other very sad news today, for everyone in hollywood and movies, shirley temple died in her 80s. had extraordinary life. obviously a child superstar. then did so much more with her
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life helping people all around the world. did you ever meet shirley? did you know her at all? >> i think i was in a room one time, i don't know why, but when i first came to hollywood ronald reagan was head of the screen actors giluild. during the time that everything was trying to get residuals and there were no residuals. she was very helpful in that era. i didn't meet her then. i think she was an ambassador by then. and shirley temple black, married a guy named black. just the fact she could be an enormous as she was and then go on around the world and share what she could do with everybody and try to bring folks like this. that's cool. >> i saw someone tweeting today that if of the phrase a life well lived was appropriate. shirley temple would be a person that would qualify for that. >> absolutely. >> a sad day but an amazing life. the first line in your imbd biosays "bruce dern established
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himself as the movie's premiere heavy playing sociopath psychotics and just plain criminals." how did you feel about that? >> i'll buy that. i'll just say i'm from winnetka, illinois. went to a high school in chicago. when i became an actor i became kind of persona non grata. my uncle won pulitzer prizes. my father was in roosevelt's first cabinet. >> you have a daughter laura, oscar nominee and fabulous actress. >> yes. >> it runs in the family all this talent. >> it runs in the family in my family. but the family before mine didn't run quite so well. and therefore, when i became -- well, from 7 to 17 at my dinner table i had to raise my hand to
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be called on. >> you also i think in your early acting career, you got a bit peeved that sometimes you weren't even allowed out to do a final curtain call for the audience because you didn't want to kill -- the mixed review being dead on stage. >> first play i was ever in was directed by mr. strasburg. it was called "shadow of a gun" on broadway. the first time the actors studio ever did a play on broadway. and i had begun under contract to mr. kazan. he had five of us. rip torn, pat hengle, i was the kid of the group in play i have a little scene in the play and then i'm not in the second act. the night we were going to open, they said you didn't stage a curtain call. he says okay, you come out. you come out. he went around to everybody. at the end he hadn't said anything to me. and i said, mr. strasburg, you
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didn't call my name. he said, this is correct, bruce. because you die in the play. and when they go home on the subway or in their cars or on the bus, i want they should think that you really die. [ laughter ] >> should you win the oscar will you think of that guy when you didn't get the curtain call then and now you're going to win an oscar? a good moment, right? >> absolutely. >> let's take a short break. when we come back you know everyone in hollywood. jack nicholson's one of your great friends. you work with all greats. i want to talk about movies and hollywood greats with you. >> okay. [ male announcer ] at his current pace,
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>> you miserable wretch. mount up. >> stop, you son of a [ mute ]. >> go to hell. >> turn around. i want you to see this coming! i said stop! >> you're mine, you old [ mute ]. >> bruce dern of a '72 film "the cowboys" where he famously killed john wayne's character.
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he's back and in the carrhair. what a moment for you. is it true john wayne said they're going to hate you for this. >> he said to me about four inches into wild turkey 101 and about 8:00 in the morning, he leaned into me because he never had bullet hits put on him before because no one had shot him. now he had to. and he cleaned into me. he was the only guy ever on the cover of "playboy." they'd just done this huge 18 inch magazine article about him. well, he trashed everything in america. everything he could. so he leaned into me and he said, ooh, how they're going to hate you for this. >> did they? >> i said maybe. but in berkeley i'm a g.d. hero [ laughter ] >> and when you went out on the streets afterwards -- >> still today. even in england. when we went and did "gatsby" we shot a lot of it, the gatsby we were in we shot a lot there.
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i would run every day and go over and run at the police barracks there where bannister and chataway -- a guy would come after me and he says, worse than america, you killed our buddy. i said hey, bud, it's a movie. get over it. he died of cancer from smoking too many cigarettes. they didn't want to get over it. >> you're friends with jack nicholson, you have never had an alcoholic drink or coffee in your life. is that true? >> never had a cigarette. never had a cup of coffee. never had a drink. however, i did miss a decade to vicodin. >> to vicodin. >> i missed the 90s. >> you were the dr. house. >> i had two shoulders that were torn rotator cuffs. i'm not going to throw 100 miles per hour ever so i didn't ever have them fixed.
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and it hurt. so i built up to a really insane amount of vicodin a day for a decade. >> proper addiction. >> at the end i stopped. >> did you watch "house" the tv show with the doctor addicted to vicodin? >> no. >> the one with hugh laurie? >> i know who it is. the guy with a cane. >> he was addicted to vicodin. kirk douglas, robert redford, charlton heston, clint eastwood, walter matthieu, ryan o'neal. who was the greatest actor the one you personally thought -- >> jack nicholson. >> he's mai my favorite. why from your perspective? >> the immediacy of his response time. and i have always felt one thing that i insist on, and if the actors won't do it you just find a way to get them to do it by the way you talk to them and deal with them in the scene. immediately an actor's got to look me in the eye. jack looked me in the eye like
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that. and we've got a bond. and he just -- i have a little coin in my pocket that he gave me last tuesday for good luck for this year. that i carry around with me. it's a solid gold coin. >> amazing. >> and he's cool. and he just -- we always got it. we've done i don't know now, 53 years together or something like that. and i got him one day on something. i had just come back from "gatsby" and going back to england. it was the year that sunderland won the cup. >> i love the fact you know so much about soccer. >> weren't they a fourth division team? >> second division but they should never have won the cup. >> but they did. and he said, i was looking at you you watch soccer all the time. you're a chelsea fan. he says, i've been to london. he says, and i've stayed in the chelsea hotel in the village. it's a hippy fleabag. is chelsea like that? was the town named after that hotel? and i said no. and he wondered where sunderland was. and i said, well, it's way in
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west iowa. >> when you're with your daughter, who's a fabulous actress. >> she's terrific. >> do you talk movies, the craft of making movies, the technique? >> since she was nine years old. actually her mother diane ladd and myself and laura are the only family in the history of the business that all have stars on hollywood boulevard that mother, father, child. other families but not mother, father, child. and so laura was brought up. and my wife andrea is a fabulous movie buff from 1928 to 1950. she'll give you -- we start playing trivia, not just her but folks that really know how to do it, and she starts out give me three edna may oliver movies. my god. >> you were married the first time for two years, second time for nine years, third marriage 43 years. so you would say from the law of statistics you slowly worked it out. >> well, let's put it this way.
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my wife is from north dakota. i went over one time to meet a guy in your country named john phelp because i ran long long distances. john fells was a sheep herder that lived in the light district. and he used to run all day long. so i went over to meet him and talk to him and something like that. he was crazy. i mean, and i'm crazy. we start running long stuff. and i went over 1968 to run in brighton. somebody said it's a pretty flat course. >> 60 miles. >> you startle fan t elephant cd run all the way down. they said it's a flat course. it wasn't flat. david lee's first assistant, as we approached brighton we went around past a garage.
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and on the garage is the worst graffiti i've ever seen in my life. and when david rode the course with me later on i said what is up with this? this is the worst ooii've ever seen. he said look at the garage. benetti's garage? he said he let three goals in against germany. >> open you anly you and i are still enjoying this. because we're football fans. >> you know why? the world cup is opera. it's opera because the first round is -- >> we should watch a game. we'll watch a game together. i'll watch the world cup with you. how about that? i could talk to you all night. you're a fascinating guy. i'm so thrilled you've got this great accolade. i wish you all the best at the oscars. i'm doing the red carpet for cnn so i'll see you on the day. come have a chat. >> thank you, piers. you're wonderful at what you're doing. >> great honor for me, thank
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you. coming up one of today's greatest golfers. never know quite what bubba watson will say. he's a pretty naughty boy and he's here next. there he is trying to behave himself. it won't last. [ male announcer ] the new new york is open.
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2012 masters champion bubba watson is with me now. you're not here to plug anything. you're just here because you want to be here. >> i'm just a huge fan of yours. >> the other great thing about you is that you've been sitting in that green room for about half an hour earlier with bruce dern. he's one of the most famous movie stars in history. you're one of most famous golfers in america. you both sat there for 30 minutes without having a clue who each of you were. and in fact, bruce as he left and saw you walking he went, not that bubba watson.
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he just said you were called bubba, right? you had no idea it was bruce dern. how do you feel now you're next to this ledge ♪ >> now i feel great. i got to meet him. >> the action movies keep me focused. >> how has being the masters champion changed your life? >> it's wild. >> does it change everything? >> changes everything. when you step on a golf course
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now, people expect you to play good. there's bigger crowds around your group. but the charity dollars you can raise is really what changes your platform. goes up a level or a couple levels. you can raise some charity dollars if you really put your mind to >> it any down sides to the fame that's come with it for you? >> everybody expects you to play good. >> so there's like an extra pressure. >> you can go both ways. if you're playing good you're always in the press. when you're playing bad you're always in the press, too. you expect more out of yourself. you want to be up there around the lead going into sunday and all the tournaments now. so you have to learn that it's not going to happen every week. you have to learn to deal with that a little bit. >> now, no wins since the masters in 2012. >> thank you. >> just want to remind you of that. so close to super bowl, phoenix waste management open. one of the great titles in sports. how do you feel when you tee off at the waste management open? >> it's like i have a chance if everybody else is getting
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wasted. >> you lost to kevin stoddard. the fact that he won he and craig stadler will be the first father-son to play in the open. >> i've been around them a lot. getting to be a part of that, getting to watch that. and the rumor is that his dad's going to step away from the masters after this event because it's them two playing together. >> amazing moment. >> that would be an amazing thing to see. talking fathers and sons, we've got a bit of footage here of young caleb watson who wasn't even born when i first introduced you. will be two next week. here he is. >> nice! yes! is that swing better than yours? >> i'm slightly worried he's got a more natural rit tomorrow his swing, yeah. he looks like he can hold a club, though. >> yeah. for just watching me on tv and stuff. i never said anything to him. he just grabs a club and swings it. i started with a broom in the house. now he's moved to a golf club.
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it's fun. >> do you ever wish you'd done anything else in life? or do you just still love getting up and playing golf all day? >> i love playing golf. because it's always different. it's always something new. and i just won my club championship last week. in scottsdale. so i still play on the club tournaments at home. it's just fun for me. i just love it. >> take a short break. when we come back i want to know if you're making room in your closet for a second green jacket. and if so how are you going to win it? ♪ ♪ ♪ where you think you're gonna go ♪
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i'm back with the 2012 masters champion, bubba watson, playing this weekend in southern california. when are you going to win again? i've invested all my support in you. i imagine you were going to be the great new tiger woods threat that's just going to charge around winning every major. >> i want other people to have a chance to see what it feels like. i want everybody to put that green jacket on. >> are you into the sochi stuff at the moment? >> i've watched a few things, but it's so political. it used to be about athletes and great athletes. i don't care what race or background. just let it be about sports. now it's about politics. it's just sad. >> what do you make of the debate over the young college football player who has come out
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as gay and already the reaction from many people in the nfl has been quite, oh, dear, don't want to have to be having a shower with him nonsense. what do you think of that? >> it's sad that somebody has to feel they have to come out. like be who you are. if that's what you want to do, be who you are. why do you have to be a stage and come out? but i've never been gay, i don't know -- >> boy george felt the same, that people should if they want to. but if they don't want to, no one should feel compelled to come out. >> i've never had that feeling so i don't know what it feels like. i don't see why we're putting them on a pedestal when they're people like us trying to make a living. >> unfortunately, you're making
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more dollars than me. >> i wouldn't be as nervous in your chair as i am making a three-put putt. >> best of luck in the masters. great that you just popped in. >> thank you for having me. >> bubba watson, great to have him. that's all for us tonight. anderson cooper starts right now. good evening. get ready, breaking news tonight. millions of americans facing what could be the worst winter storm in a decade and a half. we'll show you who is in harm's way tonight. also, why did this man pump shot after shot into an suv full of teenagers? hear from the defendant himself in the loud music murder trial and decide whether to believe his story of self-defense. later, some kids covered their eyes because they could not bear to see a giraffe killed, cut up and fed to the lions?


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