tv This Hour CNN February 12, 2014 8:00am-9:01am PST
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heartbreaking for her. however, the other american medal hopefuls are through to the finals. so we will have to see how they do tonight. how warm is it there today? >> reporter: a dreadfully chilling 54 degrees now. >> rachel nichols, many thanks. thank you for joining me today. i'm carol costello. at this hour, john berman and michaela pereira starts now. > a catastrophic ice storm with power outages that could last for a week. as you sit there in the dark, why on earth aren't power lines buried underground to begin with? >> a great question. the second black justice to ever serve on the u.s. supreme court is talking about race and raising some eyebrows. clarence thomas on the jim crow
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era and why he thinks today would be worse. the president going stag to the white house stake dinner. we are going to get robin leach's take on this. hello, everybody. i'm john berman i'm michaela pereira. those stories and much more. our stop story is this rare ice storm in the south knocking out power to tens of thousands. 143,000 as of this minute. it is only just beginning. thousands of flights have been canceled, schools are closed, millions of southerners have been told just stay home. we will show you the damage just ahead. >> also, at this hour, senator rand paul is set to talk about a lawsuit he is going to file against the obama administration. it is over nsa surveillance programs. the kentucky republican is a long-time critic of mass collection of our personal data. he calls it unconstitutional, because it infringes on civil
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liberties. >> at this hour, closing arguments are underway in the loud music murder trial. michael dunn could face life in prison. he is charged with first-degree murder in the shooting death of jordan davis outside a jacksonville gas station. he testified yesterday in his own defense. the jury is expected to get the case this afternoon. >> if you love corvettes, you are going to cringe at this picture. this is quite awful. a huge sinkhole opened up right underneath the national corvette museum in bowling green, kentucky. eight corvettes, eight beautiful corvettes were swallowed whole. >> this happened overnight. fortunately, no one was inside. local media reports one of the cars was a 1962 model. they were supposed to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the museum in september. that's going to slow down their plans back to our top story. that weather. if there was ever a day to stay home from work, this is date for
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the ts the south. a rare storm is dumping ice, sleet, and snow. >> the power outage is growing by the minute as ice brings down trees. it brings down power lines. 143,000 people without power at this minute. you are looking at live pictures from the roads right there. you can see not many people out. that's a good thing, not like the historic traffic jams that we had two weeks ago. most people listened up. they stayed home. thank goodness. >> they had advanced warning and listened to it. this time, at least, they listened to it. joining us from outside the cnn center in atlanta is chad myers. nick valencia joins us from decatur in georgia. chad, this ice sounds really, really bad. how unusual is this down south? >> we typically get ice storms. my son wants it to snow so he can get on his sled. it doesn't really ever get to the snow. we always get sleet or freezing
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rain. this is what we get probably two or three times a year but nothing like this. what we have is a large snow cone. this is the good news. this is what we wanted to happen for atlanta. this stuff bounces off the trees, at least a little. you can stop from the city about five miles and it is not this. it didn't freeze on the way down. it is freezing on the trees. it is liquid coming down. it is mixing here. the mix is the problem. a lot of the trees are going to come down. i know we are 100,000 without power. i am sure it is going to go to 1 billion easy. >> it is not making for snowman making weather. that's the concern. let's go to nick now. thanks for wiping down the lens. you are just outside of atlanta in one of these areas where they have those beautiful old trees. that and a combination of ice is a really bad combo. >> it is a very bad combination, micayla and john. that's what we have been seeing
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out here is freezing rain. it is more snow flurries than freezing rain. the biggest concern here in decatur, which is a suburb, are these power lines. let me step aside and show you, this is an older part of town as you mentioned. lots of old trees. i was talking to a resident a little while ago and asking them if they still had power. he said yes for now. this is an area notorious for power outages. that's a big concern. we did see some kids behind us a little while ago having a snowball fight out on a sled like chad was talking about his son likes to do. for the majority of people that are dealing with this inside, a lot of them don't have power. you mentioned across the southeast. 140,000 people without power here in the state of georgia. that's over 100,000. the majority of that is concentrated in metro atlanta. so it is a bad, bad thing out here, guys. it is very cold. temperatures are freezing, below freezing. that's going to be an issue going forward. >> 143,000 people are without
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power right now. that number is going to grow. this storm is roux el wieally j getting started. >>. >> reporter: this is the first quarter of the super bowl. we are going to get more of this. 13 more hours of this exact weather all day long. it will not stop until well after midnight tonight. what you are seeing as ice on the ground is covered up with snow. we are going to get black ice. it is going to be another mess. i know we talk about atlanta. this is augusta, columbia, south carolina, parts of north carolina and as it turns up to the northeast, a snow event for charlottesville, richmond, washington, d.c., new york city and philadelphia. they are not going to see the ice. it is going to be a snowstorm for you tonight and tomorrow. >> both chad and nick, we appreciate both of you, braving the elements out there, letting us know, at least we know that folks this time heeding the warnings and planning in
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advance. >> the warning up here is 10 inches of snow or more. people up here better pay attention. >> still blue skies. get your shopping done this hour. do mammograms cause more harm than good? does this sound vaguely familiar, ladies? >> a major new study raises disturbing questions about these screening that so many of us dread but depend on for early detection of breast cancer. we are going to talk about our dr. sanjay gupta about the findings. we will try to straighten it out straight ahead.
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we've been watching this weather in the south. we want to alert you of something that's going on in the west as well. we know it is a bad avalanche here already. two snowmobilers in two separate states. one happened in the back country of the mountains in salt lake city. >> these are pictures of his friends digging him out from at least three feet of snow. he was able to stick his hand out of the pile e was under that snow for five minutes. his friends say avalanche vests and rescue beacons are what saved him. >> the other avalanche happened in gun derson, colorado. cody strong was snowmobiling and off trail. we are told a surge of snow threw him off ♪ mobile. we have more.
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>> it honestly felt like i was flying through the air and felt impact on me and everything. >> cody was swept away in an avalanche. he says the snow ripped him off his snowmobile and was taken 100 feet. >> it ended up being like a freight train that took me away. as fast as i said that, it was done and over with. you see it, you can't see anything. you feel your body going through motions and it is done and over with and you stopped. >> reporter: once the panic stopped and he saw all his friends were okay. he took a minute to let everything that happened sink in. >> i literally survived an avalanche. that could have been way worse than it was. >> incredible pictures. that was alyssa chin reporting. strong says he will be more cautious from now on and take an avalanche safety course. >> a lot of the guys that go on the back country and off trail, they are taking avalanche training and taking gear with
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them. there is great new technology. gps, beacons and these little shovels. i would be so scared, that would probably stop my heart. ahead for us at this hour, the french president going stag to a state dinner just weeks after a pretty messy break-up and rumors of an affair. the french don't seem to mind. it is a scandal. ameriprise asked people a simple question: in retirement, will you outlive your money?
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it could grow by a lot as this storm continues to move north. it will shut out the lights, the modem, stoves, everything. >> you can bet that is going to happen. as it moves north, we are going to see it up here in the northern part of the country. it is about to happen. here is the question. it is 2014. haven't power companies figured out how to protect their lines from mother nature? we wanted to discuss this with retired general russell honore. how are you, sir? >> doing great. it looks like everybody has weathered the storm a little bit better this time. >> why is it we can't have the power lines burying the lines. we look at our countries, taking germany. they have buried power lines and inclement weather and they don't
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have the outages we have faced. >> i have lived in germany and in the netherlands in holland, they average maybe two hours a year of power outage because they put the utilities underground. 80% of our power lines are above ground. they discuss these things and it come down to cost. for one mile of power lines in a new subdivision, about $200,000, above grown. if you put it underground, it is double that, nearly $400,000, to put a mile of power underground. it comes down to cost and dollars and whether they warnt o reinvest in existing neighborhoods. it would cost three times the cost of putting it above ground to go back into existing neighborhoods. >> it seems like an investment
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in our future. last year, with sandy, power was out for all these days. won't the power companies pass on the cost to us anyway? >> they do and they normally do and get credit for it. the issue is, how do we build resiliency if the state laws don't require them to do it. they are not going to do it. it is all about profit and loss statements and balance sheets. what we have pushed along with the red cross and alliance for safe homes and many others is to build resiliency in the community by having critical schools, drug stores and gas stations with generators. only florida has a generator law that requires critical infrastructure to have a generator. we know you can lose power. we put a man on the moon. we haven't created a transformer that a squirrel can trip. it can be set at any time and the power will go out.
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how do we build resiliency in the community? >> that is something we need to do. specially when you look at all the money that is spent on relief after the fact. we want to thank retired general russell honore. thank you so much for your time today, sir. there was another big story that jumped off the pages this morning. it is about mammograms. a giant study that questions whether these mammograms actually save lives. this study says, no. mammograms do not prevent deaths from breast cancer and in some cases could actually do more harm than good. >> it is making me a little crazy right now. researchers tracked 90,000 women over a 25-year period which makes it one of the largest studies done on the procedure of mammography. i have to ask you and you can understand this. i know you can hear the frustration. i'm a woman over 40. i had my mammogram, my yearly exam last week. it is making so many women
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crazy. they are probably shouting at the tv, do we, don't we, do we, don't we? a research paper comes out and muddles the issue further. what do we do? >> i have been reporting on this as long as i have been a medical correspondent. let me cut to the chase, to your question. based on some of the conversations we have already had, get a mammogram, starting at age 40, earlier if you are considered high risk. then, depending on what that shows, you are going to need follow-up mammograms. those are still the recommendations. but this particular study is raising a lot of concerns. as you've said already, it is one of the longest term studies, 25 years. they divided women into two groups. one got self-breast exams and a mammogram. 45,000 ruffle in each group. what they found by the end was
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they had about the same outcome. about the same number were found to have cancer. about the same number died from that cancer. there was no difference at least in this particular study. that's what researchers are going to be looking at. there are all sorts of different studies out there. this is another study that is going to be taken into consideration. >> the part that was really confusing and clairing and startling, was the claim that in some cases, getting a mammogram can do more harm than good. explain to me the reasoning behind that in the study and what you make of that. >> when we talk about screening tests, john, what we're talking about is obviously trying to find cancers and find them early. screening tests can have false positives. they can have false negatives. false negatives is you don't find something that's there and a false positive is you find something that subsequently is not found to be cancer. it is some sort of an anomaly on the mammogram that has a lot of
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anxiety and then possibly a procedure, biopsy and operation all because of a normal variant. that's where the harm part comes in. that's a problem with any screening test. no screening test is going to be perfect in terms of that false positive, false negative thing. with a big study like this, since you asked the question, there are all sorts of different variables. this study was conducted some time ago back in the 1980s. mammography was not as good as it is today. on a more positive note, treatments have gotten better. cancers that have been found later will have as good an outcome as cancers that are found earlier. that may make it sound like mammography is not that useful. finding it early may not make that much difference. the treatments have gotten better. >> my concern, we'll leave it here, dr. gupta, my concern is that we have gotten so much awareness about breast cancer. women are checking themselves, getting checked regularly. i worry this will damage that.
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i don't want us to go backwards. we are taking our health into our own hands. >> it is not saying don't be curious, don't ask questions about breast cancer and the risks, if you are a woman in the age group. it is comparing mammography to self-exams. >> shall we talk a little bit? we haven't yet. i kind of wanted to. >> canada is doing well. we want to warn you if you haven't looked at the coverage or you haven't checked your dvr yet. >> on top, norway leading with 12. canada, leads the world in crack-smoking mayors and number two in the medal count with ten. down in third, the netherlands
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and behind that -- >> the u.s. and host nation of russia are tied, seven medals a piece and germany. they have the most gold. they have five gold medals. >> one of the biggest stories of this olympics so far is a little bit of disappointment for the united states. one of the biggest stars, shaun white, failing to medal. speed skater, shani davis, shocked the world, failing to medal. bode miller didn't do well. a little bit of a mess for the united states. >> however, there is one category where the united states is leading. it is the color pink. bob costas has not one but two pink eyes, a case of pink eye. >> matt lauer filled in for him last night. he is doing it again tonight.
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>> the internet is having a little bit of fun. god bless your soul, bob costas, speedy recovery to you, sir. we're going to take a short break. ahead at this hour. we're going to hit the road or sort of we will. we are going to hit the road to see how the south is dealing with this major ice storm. we will give you a live view from our live, roving vehicle up next. [ phone dings ] [ nephew ] hi, heath. i can't wait to see you win gold! bye. [ male announcer ] there when you need it. at&t. the nation's most reliable 4g lte network.
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>> you might have heard that the white house threw a big party. >> 350 guests attended the dinner in honor of french president, francois hollandee. >> people in france are shrugging off this whole thing because they are french. >> in the u.s., it is a different story. >> robin leach, from "lifestyles of the rich and famous." robin, let's talk about this. there is this howhole conversatn
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that we americans are prudish and the french are more laissez-faire. >> you pronounced iter perfectl. nobody in europe or canada, nobody pays attention to this kind of thing. although, my only question is, how does he find the time to do this when he is supposed to be running one of the largest countries in europe? >> francois hollande he has girlfriend after girlfriend after girlfriend. have you seen him? it is a disconnect there. there is a poll here. in france, just 47% of people say that affairs are morally unacceptable. in the u.s., the number is 84%. we brought you in. we know you are not french. you are international. you are an international man of intrigue and mystery. as you travel the world, what do
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people think about americans view of morality. >> i think that in europe, they regard americans as parochial and uptight about the affairs of the heart an the affairs of the body. in sex in the united states forever has been sort of cloaked in mystery. where as topless beaches and wild behavior in europe is sort of common place. you have to remember as well in france it is the leading country in the world for cohabitation without marriage. there was a recent pole a couple of weeks ago that say that more than 60% of couples living together in france were not married. i don't know whether that is because of economic tax reasons, you know france is a heavily taxed country. so the only thing they can do, other than paying taxes, is to have affairs.
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>> i am thinking about the state dinner. i am thinking about inside there. we could have been a fly on the wall. he arrives. hollande arrives solo and sits next to the president and first lady. he is there stag. do you think it is more uncomfortable to him or the americans? this is a change in protocol. >> i don't think really anybody really cares about this except our media mobs. he was the pan in the middle last night. i no doubt, the protocol at the white house went into the ultima ultima ultimate tizzy about what they do with a single guy. i would be more concerned about his height. he was towered over by the president and the first lady. the president i was interested in was the number of single
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ladies that happened to be in the white house. >> they just happened to be there. >> i think president obama was playing valentine and trying to fix him up. you had julia luis dreyfus was there and mary j. blige. >> she is married. >> well, it wouldn't matter. >> robin leach, great to have you on. please come back and visit us at this hour any time. i do want to say the american view has changed a little bit. we keep electing politicians, mark sanford, who acknowledged he had an affair. bill clinton, one of the most popular politicians in america, of course, something went on there. >> it is not just politicians. men in position of power have been known to do this in america. we'll leave it at that. there is some big news affecting a huge swath of the country right now. the power outages climbing throughout the south. this is historic, catastrophic
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ice storm hits the regions. tens of thousands of people have no power. 143,000 as of this moment because of ice-covered trees and limbs. >> imagine that. if you are not in one of the areas affected, it is brutally awful. you are in the dark and cold. very few people are trying to get out on these icy roads unlike last time when the snowstorm hit the south. george howell is one that is hitting the road. i'm glad to know he is not in front of the wheel. he is on a highway in atlanta. how is it looking out there? what are conditions like right there? are you even seeing some sun? >> reporter: right. we are driving on a bed of slush. we have seen sleet come in overnight and through the morning. we could switch over and show the camera here. driving here on lang ford ovforo 285 along the perimeter. what you are seeing, no one on the roads. that is great news. think about what we saw two
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weeks ago when so many people got caught by surprise when the storm came in during the rush-hour. this time, the storm came in overnight. there was a lot of preparation and people were told to stay off the roads. that's what they are doing. what we're on the hunt for right now, we're going through one of these areas where the power is out, looking to see if we can find power crews to do their job. keep in mind, so many people are coming from so many different states to basically help restore power. many of these power lines just weren't prepared for. many of the trees were not prepared for all of the ice, all of the snow that will accumulate over the next several days. the big concern right now again, guys, is the power being out. more snow and more sleet coming. >> george howell for us on the roads down south. be careful there. i appreciate it. >> he is only, rather, the second black justice ever to serve on the supreme court. now, clarence thomas, raising all sorts of eyebrows with some
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of his latest comments about race in america. >> thomas said this yesterday at palm beach atlantic university. he said, my sadness is that we are probably today mores and difference-conscious than it was in the 1960s when i went to school. rarely did the issue of race come up. name a day it doesn't come up. differences in race, differences in sex, somebody doesn't look at you right, somebody says something. everybody is sensitive. if i had been as sensitive as that in the 1960s, i would still be in savannah. joining us, jeffrey toobin and mark lamont hill, two gentlemen that i think will have a lot to say. jeffrey, let's start with you. we know you have written extensively in your book, "the oath" about the justices and you have a better as soon as about these people. give a sense of where you think he might be coming from. it is clearly in line with how he has felt before. >> this is very consistent with
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how he has expressed himself about race throughout his enkir career. race is something to be overcome by individual initiative. any problems you might have can be overcome by hard work and not collective action. what's so remarkable about this statement that it neglects the fact that in the mid-60s when he was a kid, you could get killed if you were a black person. people didn't talk about it a lot. in that period, that was the time of martin luther king. a lot of people were talking about race. it isn't like people didn't talk about race. john lewis, that's the name i was thinking of. the idea that race was not a factor in the 60s is pretty hard to that. he is a leader in this country.
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when you hear a black leader speak like that, what's it mean to you? >> it is severely disturbing. i won't call it disappointing, because i didn't expect anything different from justice thomas. he has had a long history of walking through doors and closing them behind him. he acknowledges no part that affirmative action played in his life but he wants to close the door for others. he suggested race doesn't matter, that race shouldn't matter or be a factor in any decision-making process. this ignores reality of race that persists today. the supreme court justice is more disturbing, because they have the power to make decisions. if they make decisions on color blindness, we don't see or acknowledge or pretend it doesn't matter. it shouldn't be to be post-racial but post racist. for him to admit the fact that they acknowledge difference, we should. it shouldn't be a social
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demerit. in the 1960s, it was a social demerit. to pretend people weren't talking about it is simply not historical. >> i think about this. it makes me crazy. i have so many questions for him. jeffrey, i wonder, we are all guilty of this on occasion, a little revisionist history. we tend to look back and say things were better back then. he knows and the history books tell us things were not good in 1966. >> this is his take. had is a historical divide even within the african-american community. the tradition of booker t. washington, self-help, don't rely on the government or anyone besides yourself versus the broader tradition of web dubois of collective action, martin luther king. the society, not just
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individuals, have to overcome these problems. this is why clarence thomas is such a deeply unpopular figure within the black community. his views are very much out of step with the broader black community. >> he says almost nothing from the bench but off the bench saying a lot. >> it is not just upsetting, because so many people's realities are so very different from what he is saying it is. >> gentlemen, always a pleasure. >> mark lamont hill, good to see you. thanks for joining us. >> ahead, late night wars are intensifying. they are upping their game and stepping up their strategy and it is intensifying now that jay leno has bowed out.
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breaking news. senator rand paul is talking about a lawsuit he is filing against the obama administration over nsa collection. he has been a long-time critic calling it unconstitutional, because it infringes on civil liberties. >> we think it may well be the largest class action lawsuit ever filed on behalf of the bill of rights. we have had 386,026 people show an interest in having their records protected. we believe that this lawsuit could conceivably represent hundreds of millions that have phone lines or cell phones. we don't do this out of disrespect but out of respect to the constitution. these decisions cannot be made in secret by a secret court but
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in open by the supreme court. on to a bit of a bwar growig in late night television. five days from now, jimmy fallon will take over at the late night host. >> i want to thank you, the audience. you folks have been incredibly loyal. this is tricky. we wouldn't be on the air without you people. secondly, this has been the greatest 22 years of my life. >> that was a great moment. now, on to the future. we have some big news this week. seth meyers is taking over the late night franchise. he announced his former snl colleague is going to be the ban leader. he is going to run the band there. that is seth meyers. there is jimmy kimmel, and everything going on on cable.
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>> chelsea. it is a busy, busy hour of the night. let's bring in our senior media correspondent, brian stelter, host of cnn's reliable sources. jimmy fallon is the news right now. the new "tonight show," what are we going to see? >> michelle obama, justin timberlake. and he is moving the show to new york. "the tonight show" has been in los angeles for years. leno was number one for so many years. i don't think fallon, at least as first, will be able to be as dominant as that. >> we talked ai lot about how the whole tv land escape is changing because of the deviews we are watching things on. is it what it used to be? is the game what it used to be? is the field too crowded? >> it is. it is not too crowded. viewers have all these shows they get to choose from. viewers have all these they get
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to choose from. i think kimmel will fight for his audience and letterman for his audience. jon stewart will fight for his audience and leno will come back at some other channel in some other point and compete with all of these guys too, which will make it more interesting. what's really important werks are able to watch this the next morning on line. your not staying up for the late night shows, are you. >> fallon is the next generation comic made for youtube. we are in the sort of young ish time. you have jimmy kimmel and fallon. are they going to split the young people out there? they always do a big reveal. this year, they are going over to the jimmy kimmel show. it just goes to show you that celebrities and brands are going
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to have lots of shows to choose from. they will aim for fallon and kimmel if they are aiming to a younger one. jon stewart owns that 18-34. we are going to see seth meyers act like jon stewart and take panels from the daley show as well as his own weekend update. >> the younger demo loves this hour. >> a great time to be a tv viewer. there is so much to watch. >> we should point out if you are a fan of the late night laughs, piers morgan has quite a great guest, arsenio hall and he gets ready for the battle of late night tv. all coming up on 9:00 p.m. eastern. >> arsenio has been through this. it would be very interesting to get his perspective. ahead at this hour, westminster. the shame, the shame of the dog show. this was the winner. a
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>> this guy is gorgeous. >> we'll have that ahead. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that parker. well, did you know auctioneers make bad grocery store clerks? that'll be $23.50. now .75, 23.75, hold 'em. hey now do i hear 23.75? 24! hey 24 dollar, 24 and a quarter, quarter, now half, 24 and a half and .75! 25! now a quarter, hey 26 and a quarter, do you wanna pay now, you wanna do it, 25 and a quarter - sold to the man in the khaki jacket! geico. fifteen minutes could save you... well, you know. ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing good around ♪ ♪ turn around, barry ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪
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>> thousands of competitors were primped, preened and paraded on the iconic green carpet at the westminster kennel club in new york city. in the end, only one ferocious victor nabbed best in show at america's most famous pooch pageant. >> there is a look at our best in show for 2014, sky. >> crowd favorite and veteran show dog, sky, a female wire fox terrier, deemed worthy of the show's prestigious top award. terriers have taken 46 of the 105 best in show ribbons. most recently in 2010. betty regina let inger handed out the honor. >> it's overwhelming. so proud of her. and i can't say -- there's no words to describe this. >> sky, the best of the terrier
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group, beat out canine contenders in the other six categories. including ally, a standard poodle named runner up in what would be her retirement show. while some wear their hearts on their sleeve, oh others in their cumber bun, in the end, it was this terrier who stole the judges' heart. the champions don't win a cash prize. best in show dogs are awarded a ribbon and a pup-size silver-plated bowl, perfect for holding a celebratory steak dinner. >> that's the terrier. 46 terriers have won at westminster. zero labs. i want to know what you think about this. especially if you agree with me. really, you're compelled to agree with me. tweet us at our new twitter handle @thishour. >> plenty people ging on twitte right now. time for our final thought at this hour. rethinking what luke skywalker said about his dad in "return of
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the jedi." >> here is the situation. this happened in hollywood on the street there. a guy breaks into a police car. we have some video of this. i want you to see this. >> broad daylight. >> this is in broad daylight, right? a guy walks over, smashes the window of a police car, he pulls out some stuff inside. this is a robbery in broad daylight. but look who is on the screen there. it's darth vader and he's armed. luke said there is still good in him. if there is still good in him, would he not step in to try to help here? he does nothing. superman was there too. superman did not help either. luckily, there was an arrest made. the guy is being held on $20,000 bond, held for felony vandalism and burglary from a motor vehicle. no thanks to darth vader or superman. >> susan lucci's star was unharmed. >> susan lucci looked great. >> that's it for us at this hour. so glad you could join us.
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>> "legal view" with ashleigh banfield starts right after this. let in the dog that woke the man who drove to the control room [ woman ] driverless mode engaged. find parking space. [ woman ] parking space found. [ male announcer ] ...that secured the data that directed the turbines that powered the farm that made the milk that went to the store that reminded the man to buy the milk that was poured by the girl who loved the cat. [ meows ] the internet of everything is changing everything. cisco. tomorrow starts here. you want everything.orks the internet of everything is changing everything. an expert ford technician knows your car's health depends on a full, complete checkup. the works. because when it comes to feeling safe behind the wheel, going the distance and saving at the pump you want it all. get our multi-point inspection with a a synthetic blend oil change, tire rotation, brake inspection and more for $29.95 or less.
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9:00 am
power lines out, cars spinning, flights grounded. treacherous conditions right now from texas to north carolina. and trouble on the way from virginia up through the north east. also ahead, did michael dunn convince the jury that he truly feared for his life? closing arguments this hour in the loud music murder trial after a day of riveting testimony and excruciating cross-examination. and you're being spied on. that is
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