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tv   Piers Morgan Live  CNN  February 13, 2014 6:00pm-7:01pm PST

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sompblgts that does it for us. tune in one hour from now at 10:00 p.m. eastern for another edition of "360." thanks so much for watching. "piers morgan live" starts right now. this is "piers morgan live." welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. tonight the colorado state senator who says, i'm quoting directly here, it might have been a good thing that the aurora massacre shooter had a 100-round magazine. i'll talk to the parent of one of the aurora victims. another tragedy in the making for the second time a giraffe might be marked for death in a danish zoo. that's just days after the copenhagen zoo sparked outrage around the world by killing this giraffe. they say to avoid inbreeding. i'll ask jack hannah what he this. 100 million people at undersiege of a massive winter storm.
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an avalanche strands a colorado snomobiler. his incredible survival story. oscar nominee matthew mcconaughey tells me how much his father influenced him and what he would think about his son's turn in the oscar spotlight. >> organization he'd love it. he'd be hamming it up right now. he'd be hamming it up. he would love it. absolutely. >> i want to begin with our big story, the massive winter storm battering northeast. over 700,000 people without power tonight, 6500 flights in and out of the u.s. are canceled. chad myers, when will this brutal weather end, chad? it seems to be incessant this week and very ferocious. >> it will probably end sometime around 8:00 a.m. tomorrow morning for new york city. and noon for albany, rutland and up toward the green and white mountains of new hampshire. but a lot is still going to happen before now and then. there will be more inches of snow, there'll be blizzard conditions for new york city.
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and some computer models now especially west of new york city up the hudson valley are putting out ten more inches of snow. that's not the forecast for new york city. the forecast is 4 to 8 additional inches of snow. but really? enough is enough, piers. >> i saw that al roker, one of your weathermen colleagues over at nbc got into a bit of a spat on twitter today with mayor deblasio, the new mayor of new york. what did you make of that? did he have a point? >> absolutely. we talked about this last night, piers. it was going to snow hard. all of a sudden in the middle of the day it's going to rain and snow again. we're back to snow hard. we knew yesterday. we said on the show, i said on twitter, that the snow was going to come down hard. two to three inches an hour. and that's what happened. who's not listening? i don't get it. >> i want to play you a clip. this is what the mayor actually said about al roker. it's quite interesting his excuse. >> i respect al roker a lot. watched him on tv for many, many
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years. it's a different thing to run a city than to give the weather on tv. >> yes. a bit of a dig there at tv weathermen, i guess in general. he says he gets all his stuff from the national weather service. is he right as an elected official to stick rigidly to those parameters or not? >> i know what all the buttons of an airplane do, whattal the knobs are for, what all the gauges do. when i walk onto my delta flight i don't ask to fly the plane. i know my place. here's what i do, here's what i know. i'm going to give you the most accurate that i believe truth, and then you make your own decisions. the mayor made the decision. even when i was going to school in buffalo, piers, if we canceled school every time it show snowed i'd be going to school through the fourth of july. you can't cancel it all the time. i think they want to get the schools in. you got to get so many days in then you got to send them home. oh, well. >> well, al roker responded to the mayor tweeting "mr. mayor, i
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could never run nyc, but i know when it's time to keep kids home from school." so that battle will continue to rage. i haven't seen al roker quite this worked up about a politician ever, i don't think. so al, if you're watching, come on tomorrow night. let's talk about all this. you're getting very heated. so we can expect really a cooling down of this chaos in new york tomorrow, chad. and for the wider country, by the weekend is everything beginning to get back to some kind of normality? >> slightly. there's a small storm. this is a two to four inch snowstorm that comes through pennsylvania and hits new york city on saturday morning. it just kind of makes it pretty. saturday's a great day for snow. you don't have to worry about whether the kids go to school or not. but i think everybody at one time we should ring a bell and everybody in new york city and philadelphia and d.c. just yell uncle. maybe the winter will stop. it just doesn't seem to have any end in sight. >> well, chad, as always you've done a terrifc job on this all week. i appreciate your updating us.
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if there are any developments we'll let people know as they happen. we turn now to the colorado state senator who says "it was maybe a good thing" that accused oth aurora movie theater shooter james holmes had a 100-round magazine. he said if he had smaller magazines he might have killed even more people. joining me now exclusively, sandy alani phillips, mother and stepfather of an aurora victim. when you heard this from a state senator what was your reaction? >> i was actually listening to it here in san antonio through the live feed that they provide. and when he said it i was like -- i must have heard that wrong and realized i hadn't heard it wrong. and this is the stance that this particular senator takes over and over and over again. it was not -- he did not
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misspeak. it was deliberate. >> let's listen to it actually. i want to put it in perspective by playing exactly what he said to there can be no doubt here about the way he said it or what he said. let's watch this. >> perhaps james holmes would not have been able to purchase 100-round magazine. as it turned out, that was maybe a good thing that he had a 100-round magazine because it jammed. if he had instead had four, five, six, 15-round magazines, there's no telling how much damage he could have done until a good guy with a gun showed up". >> lani, when you hear it like that, the kind of logic of this man who's an elected official in america in colorado where this happened, he genuinely thinks it was probably a good thing that this guy had a 100-round magazine. because of course he only hit 70 people with it, didn't he? he only killed 12 and wounded 58.
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lani, one of them was jessica, your girl. what do you feel about this? >> well, it makes my heart pound to hear that. i know what he was talk about. and he was referring to the 100-round magazine is notoriously a weapon attachment that jams. and that's what he was referring to. it's a good thing he had that 100-round magazine because it jammed. if he'd have had five or six 15-clip -- round clips he could have switched out and kept killing people. but that is really stupid logic. it takes at least -- even for a professional to change clips, you have at least a three or four or five-second time period so somebody could take him down. with that 100-round magazine, he intended to use the whole thing and probably would have ended up killing maybe another 50 or 60 people had it not jammed. what he was referring to was that magazine typically has a
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history of jamming. so he's saying it's probably a good thing he had that. >> he could say this, sandy. but the reality is he managed to fire off 70 bullets and struck people. >> yes. >> it's a completely twisted logic. i also want to talk to you sandy generally about where we are with guns. because we've had so many incidents recently. there was another movie shooting, the retired policeman who shot somebody who was texting in front of him while they moved a movie. there have been 44, the "wall street journal," "washington post" i think it was said 44 shootings in schools or colleges in america since sandy hook. a quite statering statistic. i'm going to go on about this again. it's important to show other countries which have brought in strict gun control what happens. in the u.k. it was announced today for 2012 to 2013, march to march, for that calendar year, 29 gun murders in the whole year. the lowest since 1980.
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for 34 years. in australia, they were today they did a big report which re-emphasized they haven't had a massacre, a mass shooting in australia since 1996, since the port arthur massacre which led to them bringing in tuough gun control. when the gun protagonists, i don't mean ordinary law-abiding citizens who have a gun for self-defense at home. i'm talking about the more extreme gun protagonists. when they say the only answer, sandy, to any of these outrages is more guns, what do you think can be done to try and change that mentality? >> oh, of course you know that since we went to work for the brady campaign, we're staunch staunch advocates for the background check. and expanding the background check so that every gun sold has a background check done on it. and in time, of course, that
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would weed out the bad guys with the gun being able to get them so easily. but that's logical. and of course, these people don't deal with the same kind of logic that you and i deal with. they love their guns more than they love human life. i mean, that's the bottom line. they love their guns more than they love human life. >> i mean, lonnie, that is the sad reality, it would seem, in many cases here. the argument is so visceral now on both sides, that both sides are so implaqcable. i try to respect the other view. but i find it very difficult when you hear people like the state senator being so glib about 100-round magazines which to me have no place in civilian hands. >> of course not. >> lonnie, how do we try to move forward? how do we try and get some movement to make america --
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forget the word control -- to just make it safer, to have more gun safety? >> piers, there's already 300,000 guns out there. >> 300 million. >> i'm sorry, 300 million. so the horse is out of the barn. the only thing we can do at this point is the thing that brady is trying to do is get background checks. when we got background checks 20 years ago, we didn't have the internet. there are 70,000 guns for sale on the internet today. and you can go buy them on the internet without any kind of background check. what do you think a criminal is going to go for his gun? also, gun shows. they have proliferated since that time. and now that's the go-to place to get your gun if you're a criminal, if you need a gun. you can go, there are licensed dealers there. and right across the table, next table, there is an unlicensed dealer that you can buy the gun. you're going to pay more for it because they don't require a background check.
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or you can go out in the parking lot and buy that gun. we have to get background checks. that's the first step we can get 90% of the american people want them. 74% of the nra wants them. >> we've stopped over 2 million people already through the brady bill already. over 2 million people that should not have been able to buy guns have been stopped. >> i've talked to hundreds of veterans -- gun owners. >> sandy and lonnie, i could talk about this a lot longer with you both. i'm a huge admirer of the work that you do. your know that. we'll continue to try to have this debate in a rational way. i just can't get past that figure, 44 shootings in schools and colleges in america in 14 months. if that doesn't trigger some change, what the hell will? anyway, sandy and lonnie, thank you very much for joining me. i appreciate it. in just a few minutes, the snomobiler who survived this avalanche. the whole thing caught on a helmet cam. when we come back, worldwide outrage over the killing of a
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giraffe in a danish zoo. could it be happening all over again? i'll ask jungle jack hannah. er s the cat that drank the milk... [ meows ] ...and let in the dog that woke the man who drove to the control room [ woman ] driverless mode engaged. find parking space. [ woman ] parking space found. [ male announcer ] ...that secured the data that directed the turbines that powered the farm that made the milk that went to the store that reminded the man to buy the milk that was poured by the girl who loved the cat. [ meows ] the internet of everything is changing everything. cisco. tomorrow starts here. yeah... try new alka seltzer fruit chews. they work fast on heartburn and taste awesome. these are good. told ya! i'm feeling better already. [ male announcer ] new alka seltzer fruits chews. enjoy the relief!
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and prevents gum irritation. fixodent. and forget it. animal lovers around the world are outraged that a giraffe at a danish zoo may be marked for death tonight days after a copenhagen zoo in denmark killed another giraffe saying it would be to avoid inbreeding. jack hanna is the host of the jack hanna's "into the wild" and
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jack hanna's "wild countdown." 9 video we're going to show you is both graphic and disturbing. jack, i've been watching you getting very angry and animated about this all week. we now hear there's a plan for another zoo in denmark to also perform a giraffe cull is another way of putting it. we're showing what they did last time to this giraffe, feeding it to the lions and so on. what is your specific criticism of what they are doing in denmark? >> well, criticism, i couldn't even go beyond criticism. the columbus zoo, the wild, association zoo's aquariums, we don't condone this horrid act that took place over there, number one. number two, there's absolutely no reason for it. some reasons have been as you know, piers, they can't find room for it. it has to be an accredited institution. there are 220 of us over here and quite a few more in your rochlt europe. some european zoo has supported
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it. the columbus zoo will never work with anyone whatsoever that ever does anything like this to a living creature that god put on this earth for us to learn about in the wild certain cultures do that, for example, when i go and film out in the wild. certain people have done this for years. most of our animals, piers, 95% are born in other zoos. the zoo and aquarium association we have here, all of us work together, piers, we control our breeding. we control what we do with our animals. we have breeding loans with each other. we know the value of this animal is utmost important thing we do when we have -- we have the respect for this animal and to make sure its entire life is lived out the best it can in a situation that these habitats cost tens of millions of dollars today unlike in the old days. so there's absolutely no excuse for what happened in copenhagen. i don't know why this is trending along. we have the columbus zoo, other people have already put the money in enough. if we have to take this giraffe six months from now i will personally along with our zoo pay for the transportation and bring it to our country and provide it a home.
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that giraffe will never bleed. we have 10,000 acres with many giraffes for our zoos and theirs. >> i met a big game trophy hunter guy recently. he's paid a lot of money, hundreds of thousands of dollars to go and kill a black rhino. his argument was pretty similar to what these danish zookeeper arguments are. look, they need to get rid of this aging black rhino anyway. they need to kill it for the sake of the herd and so on. is it the same kind of argument? does it have the same lack of any validity as far as you're concerned? is that the only way to try and control groups of animals in the wild or in a zoo? >> no. in the wild, some of the best conservationists are good hunters, by the way. however, this thing with the rhino which i've heard about, that's not only bad timing, not when the rhino is on the vernal of extinction. the poaching of the rhino is beyond out of sight right now. it's beyond uncontrollable. the rhino horn is fetching over
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$200,000. when i first went there 4,000. that's apples and oranges. they're talking about hunting is one thing. he can say what he wants to, your friend there. because some hunters have provided millions, tens of millions of dollars in africa for conservation. that's not the case in some countries today. a lot of african countries are as corrupt as anything you can be. the money that some of these hunters are paying doesn't go one dime to the conservation of any animal over there. the hunters in the right countries where animals have to be kuld that's up to the hunter and the country if it's a legal thing. this thing with the giraffe has nothing to do with that whatsoever. >> the only link i was making, jack, was that it seemed to me a kind of similar argument, which is the reason we have to do this is because the black rhino is redundant to the herd. we can't have two male giraffes and one female giraffe. it's an argument about how you control i guess a group of animals from the same animal type. is there any validity at all from your point of view to any
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of the arguments that the danish are using? i think it was -- everyone agrees it was terrible they cut this giraffe up and fed it to the lions in front of children. i think that's just outrageous. but is there any argument that has any water to you at all about the way you control a group of perhaps predominantly male and female giraffes in that situation? >> yes. you can control breeding in a zoo logical park that knows what they're doing. that's a no-brainer. do giraffe males fight? i've seen them fight -- it's incredible to watch the males in the wild fight when they do that. however, we're talk about animals that had been born in a zoo logical situation. the keepers and staff are very well trained to work with that animal, know when that animal's upset, know when that female is in cycle, know when the males might fight. i've seen mixed groups of giraffes all over the place in zoos throughout this country where we have very few problems like that happen. what they're using is a weak excuse. if they're a good zoo logical park they should monitor their
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animals. they say they want room for whatever they want to breed to come in there. they say they can't find a home for the giraffe because it's not an accredited institution. that's a bunch of garbage. there's plenty of accredited people that would have taken that other giraffe that lost its life last week or this one. it doesn't go any step with me. i've done this for 40 years. >> stay with me, jack. when we come back we'll talk about -- we all like the national zoo's panda cam. when we come back we'll talk about whether zoos are good or bad for animals generally. is it time to change the way we think about animals. ♪
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more light being shed on the treatment of animals in zoos and theme parks. many people are asking are zoos good or bad for animals. joining me is jack hanna and the editor in chief of -- professor of environmental studies at nyu. before we get onto our next guest, animal lovers furious what's happening with giraffes. this guy caught my attention. tom bazen. get off the giraffe story. yosemite national park is looking at killing up to 800 bison. what's the difference between culling bison at yosemite national park and giraffes?
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jack, what's the simple answer to that. >> you want me to answer that question, piers? i'm sorry >> yes, jack, you. >> all right. there's a great difference with that. bison aren't necessarily -- they're a wild animal, yes, they are. we even have bison at the plays place called the wilds we have. however, that's fine. culling bison at yellowstone national park, i happened to have a cabin there for ten or 12 years. there's many reasons for that yellowstone is in an eco-center of ranch all over the place. the culling of bison there has to be done because the bison get in an out of that park so easy and get into rangers land and disturb animals. the culling is up to the national park service as ranchers if they're interfering. the doctor can tell me that certain diseases, the elk or the bison carry can affect a lot of cattle. so there are certain reasons. i again think it's apples and oranges. >> lets me bring in dr. jameson. professor of environmental studies and philosophy. it's a debate whether i was
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interviewing the hunter a month ago or seeing this giraffe story, different countries have different rules. we saw the story in japan as well last week. lots of different cultures treat different animals in different ways. why shouldn't the danish frankly be able to treat giraffes the way they wish to if they believe it's the right way to treat them? >> i think you're raising a good point. i think we all here do object to the way that the danes have treated marius. but american zoos have their own problems with surplus animals. even though our breeding is much better controlled than they are in europe, there still is a leakage of animals from zoos into places where we don't want them to go. and there's no american zoo as far as i know that's willing to actually take lifetime responsibility for any animal thought breeds from cradle to grave. so there's a lot of issues here that cross cultural lines. and i think one thing we need to do is to get away from thinking, oh, these are the danes who are behaving badly in this way. these are the japanese.
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the issue that you raised with yosemite national park i think just again brings out the contradictionses and inskins says that we have in our treatment of animals. >> right, cari lawmey carey it' as easy as people in the twitter verse would like it to be. these bad guy danes treating animals badly. it there's killing of animals and culling of animals and eating of sacred animals all over the country isn't there? how do we bring uniformity or consistency when you have different cultures at play? >> i do think we're living in a fantastic moment where these questions are suddenly bubbling to the surface and are being raised more aggressively than they would have been even a year ago, whether it's the dolphin hunt in taiji which was a huge story just a week ago. whether it's these issues around all animals in captivity including seaworld with the success of "black fish" documentary.
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i think these questions are being raised globally. this particular story makes it seem a little bit like the rest of the world is looking at the danish zoo as though it's a cultural divide. in fact, there are plenty of protesters over there as well in copenhagen concerned and distressed at what's going on. so i think the conversation, the fact that the conversation is happening as loudly and as powerfully as it is is a sign that things are about to really change. >> jack thhanna, i went to the santa barbara zoo here in california with my daughter. we had a lovely day. it struck me that certain animals seemed a lot happier there than others. the giraffes for example seemed very happy to my untrained expert's eye. but some of the other animals there just seemed to me to be struggling a bit with captivity if you like or being kept in a zoo environment. from your expertise, is that -- am i right? are certain animals able to deal
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with being in zoos better than others? and should there be restrictions dependent on that? >> i would say in the older days obviously we had our problems. today, 95% of our animals come from other zoos. they adapt very well to our zoological settings. we're spending tens of millions of dollars on habitat for these animals. some of your guests may say i have been in the wild. seen every continent in the world. filmed for 30 years in the wild. that's great that jack hanna gets to do that. what about the 176 million people that went to our zoos and aquariums in this country that are there to understand one thing, to love these creatures and help save these creatures. it's one of our last hopes. cane say this because i've been doing it in the wild stuff for 30 years, zoological stuff for 40 years. i think these men know me well enough, i love animals more than anybody. i would never stand for anybody in our zoological park that doesn't seem happy. i do everything in the world. maybe i don't know what day you
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went there. hot, cold, whatever it was the day you went there. i can tell you now these animals in zoological parks live better than most people throughout the world. with our standards in america we make sure they're that way. if they're not we will take care of that zoo. where these animals go to they were making a statement there that yes, there are some of these animals years ago that went to the wrong places. today we're trying our best to make sure that if we have animals they go to other accredited zoological institutions or breeders that have a great reputation. that's what we try and do. i would never send an animal, i can tell you this, there'll never be an animal coming from the columbus zoo or the zoos i know of talked to in the last few days ever go to the copenhagen zoo or whatever the european union is called that supports this kind of act will never happen with the zoos in this country, i can tell you that right now. >> okay. i've got to leave the debate there. thank you all very much indeed for joining me. it's a debate i hope we'll continue to raise. an important one to be having. coming up it's every snomobiler's worst nightmare
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being trapped in an avalanche. i'll talk to a man who survived and caught everything on his helmet cam. new fast acting with an ultra-thin coating and fast absorbing advil ion core™ technology, it stops pain before it gets worse. nothing works faster. new fast acting advil. look for it in the white box. of fast is good and faster is better. good thing walgreens gets you in and out in no time. so you get the relief you need with new fast acting advil. at the corner of happy and healthy. anybody have occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating? one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues with three types of good bacteria. i should probably take this. live the regular life. phillips'.
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now to a story of survival in extreme weather. take a look at what happens when a snomobiler is overpowered by
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mother nature, the whole thing caught on the helmet cam of snomobiler cody strong. cody made it out alive. he joins me exclusively. cody that must be quite a wake-up moment when that happens. what the hell was going through your mind? >> i didn't even know. i thought another snomobiler had hit me at the time. >> i mean, i guess you're doing this for thrill seeking. but when you get a thrill of that magnitude, which could potentially be fatal, i would imagine the pleasure factor diminishes quite quickly, doesn't it? >> oh, i mean, i still enjoy doing it. it's everything fun about it. like you can't beat it. but there's definitely a learning curve to it as i learned there. like there's a lot to it rather than just go try to tear up everything you can see. >> what is the psyche of snowmobilers when there's so much snow around and conditions
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are pretty scary? what makes you guys go out there and risk death? >> well, it's not every day is like that, obviously. but it's just a whole another world. you're just by yourself. i mean, it's just you and the machine and you're trying everything not to get stuck and just keep your thrill way up. >> so when this avalanche of snow smashed on top of you, as we see there, with a mighty thump, did you think you were going to survive it? what happens to you in your head? >> well, like i seen a little bit of like what i thought was a rooster from another snomobile basically. i thought a friend was up above the trees that i was trying to go through. and i thought his track had just thrown a rooster in my face. so i kind of braced for it. and like clearly i was just completely taken away. i didn't even know it was an avalanche until i came to a stop
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and looked behind me and seen that all the snow that had gone. and then my snomobile was upside down and covered up. but i wasn't really scared or anything until i turned around and seen thought was an avalanche and realized that my friend that i thought was up above me was probably buried. in the video you can see me like waving my arms up and down to my friends down below because i was in a little bit of a panic to go find my friend that i thought was buried at the time. and you can see it when i stand up on the snomobile, i'm sitting there waving my hands and then i point. that's when i seen him. then i knew that like we just got extremely extremely lucky. >> now, were you guys at the time in the process of what i believe is called high marking? >> no. i wasn't in the process of a high mark. when the video starts out, i go up through these trees and like -- i knew that that area
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where i was was pretty sketchy as far as like an avalanche. because you can see how it's wide open. it looked like it had slid before. but when i was way off to the left and i was going up the trees, i was just in a thrill basically. like the snow was so deep. you're just wide open the whole time. >> the reason i ask you, cody, is that high markers it says here seek steep slopes covered by fresh powder, and there they play chicken with the laws of gravity, full throttling until they go back down the hill or sleds topple. i wouldn't say it's a dissimilar series of events to what you were involved in. >> definitely. i was just enjoying a nice side hill. but there is no better thrill than trying to high mark. when you get a bunch of your buddies to see who can go the highest. it keeps going and going until you're standing on top. >> they say a successful day of
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high marking is one in which the rider spends no time underneath his sled. the snomobile itself emerges undamaged. and no one's triggered an avalanche. that wasn't a very successful day, was it, because the avalanche happened. >> the avalanche happened, my snomobile got mangled through the trees. it's pretty beat up. and then i don't know how i managed to go through all them trees without even hitting a limb. but my snomobile took a pretty good beating through it. >> i mean, apparently more people die from snomobile deaths from avalanches than any other sport in the last ten years. do you think on a serious point there should be some form of regulation for snowmobiling? >> i mean, there is to a certain extent a form of regulation. like there's areas we can't go. but then at the same point i think if there was more deaths due to snowmobiling i think it's because you have more access to get to them.
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like i mean not anybody can just walk up a mountain and get on a snomobile. they're just getting bigger and faster and more power. they can get you to them back country places. honestly it's just coming into -- it's getting more dangerous because of the places it will take you. >> do you basically have to have a screw loose to be doing this snowmobiling lark? >> i mean, there's a lot of different styles of it, i guess. but i guess me and the friends that i go with, we like to push each other. >> so that's a yes, basically, isn't it? >> yes. and there's way crazier people than me. >> really? this is why i've never skied, you see. i've just always imaginedi lurking in these mountains people like you with your mad snomobiles. >> you should go out there sometime. it's fun to watch. some of those guys are crazy what they can do on a snomobile. >> i think anyone that you would
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categorize as crazy must be completely insane. anyway, cody, i know that you guys do this. i know it's not illegal. so i'm sure you'll be back out there doing it again as soon as you want to. and i wish you all the very best with it. and a very lucky escape. thanks for joining me. >> thank you. coming up, the oscar nominated star of "dallas buyers club" matthew mcconaughey on the role that might win him the coveted best actor. hey kevin...still eating chalk for heartburn? yeah... try new alka seltzer fruit chews. they work fast on heartburn and taste awesome. these are good. told ya! i'm feeling better already. [ male announcer ] new alka seltzer fruits chews. enjoy the relief! did you run into traffic? no, just had to stop by the house to grab a few things.
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matthew mcconaughey is on a role. nominated for best actor for "dallas buyers club" and getting a lot of attention from "wolf of wall street." i sat down with him to talk about life in the oscar spotlight. >> matthew, the last time i spoke to you we had a great interview. ended with you playing the bongos. i don't think even you in that moment could ever have imagine quite what has happened to your career in the last year. how do you feel about this
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extraordinary resurgence? >> it doesn't feel surreal. i mean, it feels very real. it's happening. i understand what's happening. i'm aware of what's happening. but i've never really thought about this as a result. part of when i look back about -- part of the reason i know of why i'm sitting here, why i have a nomination is really just put my head down and thought process process process. do the work and enjoying the experience so much that that was reward enough. now let's go to the next job. put your head down. do the work. love the process. the more process-oriented i become, the more results i seem to be getting. >> to be here now as the frontrunner to win an oscar for best actor, is that the culmination of everything you've ever worked for? do you believe it a way it may be the start of something very special? >> i think it's a wonderful moment in my career that is in the middle of its approach. i don't feel -- it doesn't feel
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like a destination. it doesn't. i mean, i'm extremely honored just the gold standard in the industry i'm fortunate enough to work in. but it doesn't feel like it's a resolution. no, i'm still on the approach, on the approach. >> i tweeted the other day, are you on twitter? >> yes. >> you're on twitter. use it a bit. i tweeted i thought pound for pound after watching "wolf of wall street" dallas buyers club." i thought right now pound for pound you were the best actor in the world. >> thank you. >> i meant it. i think many people are saying this now about you. the variety of what you've been doing, risks you've been taking, the commitment you brought to these roles is really something quite special. >> well, thank you. >> that's down to you. where have you found the strength to do that? you were drifting along. on a mission for
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>> well, they exercise different muscles. what you're talking about and the work i've been doing, these characters have -- i was really able to find a clear identity. >> is that the key? >> that's -- yeah. to own your man and to own my own my guy and see him from the inside out, you have to have clear identity. a romantic comedy is not about a character, it's about identity. they're not obsessed with certain things, they can't be. so they float across the top. these have been really singularly focused, obsessed characters, a lot of them live on the fringes of society. but they're islands unto themselves. they make up their own rules and laws. they don't pander to society. there's a freedom i found in that. >> if you win and you're standing there on the oscar
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podium for what would be professionally the greatest moment you've ever had, you'll probably think in that moment about everything in your life, everybody who has contributed to you getting to that moment. of all the people when you look back over the whole time, who are the people that you feel most thankful to? >> well, i've got thanks -- i've got my own personal thanks to god, i've got my own personal thanks to family now, family i came from. i've got another little secret thank you for somebody that i know real well that i might share if i'm so fortunate. >> someone that had a big effect in your life? >> oh, yeah. >> what do you think you'll feel if you get snit >> i'm not there, so i haven't thought about what i would feel. i haven't projected myself to that position. i don't know what i would say.
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i haven't written anything. i don't plan on writing anything. i want to coup degras it. i'm going to enjoy this, head high and heart high. >> if i could replay for you one moment in your life, outside of marriage and kids -- >> yeah. >> what would you choose? >> replay just any moment? >> the greatest moment. >> oh, the greatest moment? >> the one you would most like to live through again. >> shoot, the most important ones were some of the ones i don't want to relive again at all. >> that can be a great moment. >> yeah, what happens to a man after they lose a father, incredible things happen to a man after they lose their father. >> what impact did that have on you? >> courage, integrity, you know.
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anybody that loses a family member, you lose a father, that's the main crutch in a man's life and it's there for a reason. you know if it ever comes down to it, you got your own father to lean up against. >> what would your father have made of you being oscar nominated? >> he would love it. he would be hamming it up, he would love it. absolutely. and he is. >> he's watching you? can you quite believe where you've got to? >> yeah, i believe it. >> i know you had a plan. i know it's been brilliantly executed. but can you quite believe it? >> yeah. 100% i believe it. like i said earlier, i don't feel like this is a surreal moment. i'm very engaged in what's happening, extremely appreciative. i understand, you know, what the reasons are that someone would be deeming me with the
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nomination and what's been going on with my life. i understand where i'm responsible for that. i understand where a whole lot of other people are understand. >> my wife has a question she wants me to ask you. how can i lose 43 pounds quickly? >> go to mexico and drink the water. >> matthew, best of luck. i really mean that. >> thank you, piers. >> we'll be right back with a preview of my interviews with two other huge oscar contenders. [ male announcer ] winter olympian ted ligety can't take a sick day tomorrow. [ coughs ] [ male announcer ] so he can't let a cold keep him up tonight. vicks nyquil. powerful nighttime 6 symptom cold and flu relief. ♪
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tomorrow, bono and nominated for best song. i asked him what his mother would think if she could see him now. what would your mother have made of you at the oscars? >> she only heard me sing once on a stage, and that was just before she passed away. wow, i don't know. i think she would laugh. she laughed a lot the first time. i would hope she would laugh a lot this time. yeah, look, you talk about people who get you to where you've got. it's always the obstacles, it's
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always the things that define you. that's where you get your defiance from. and defiance is the essence of romance, isn't it, piers? >> it certainly is, bono. also, i'll sit down with pharrell williams. the question i asked him, what is up with the hat? >> the funny thing is, i can't take any credit for it, because it was vivian westwood that you totally knew, you knew exactly what it was. but this was her ode to malcolm mcclarn in the '80s when hip-hop was just showing its face to the world and the way it was penetrating the demographics. she was there early on with the buffalo stance and the buffalo gals. that song was huge and all the neighborhoods across america and around the world. i just remember that moment.
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>> an all-star show. that's tomorrow. that's all for us tonight. anderson cooper starts right now. good evening again. the breaking news at this hour. weather conditions are once again getting worse up and down the northeast corridor. temperatures dropping. several hours of heavy snow just stopped falling on the washington, d.c. area. now that snow is moving north, which means that tens of millions of people who were dealing with moments like this all day are bracing for more of the same tomorrow. yesterday it was ice. today it's snow, snow, and more snow. coming down faster and harder than plows could handle all along the east coast. drivers stuck spinning their wheels are relying on the kindness of strangers to get free. and homeowners are making what feels like their weekly


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