tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN February 13, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm PST
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i just remember that moment. >> an all-star show. that's tomorrow. that's all for us tonight. anderson cooper starts right now. good evening again. the breaking news at this hour. weather conditions are once again getting worse up and down the northeast corridor. temperatures dropping. several hours of heavy snow just stopped falling on the washington, d.c. area. now that snow is moving north, which means that tens of millions of people who were dealing with moments like this all day are bracing for more of the same tomorrow. yesterday it was ice. today it's snow, snow, and more snow. coming down faster and harder than plows could handle all along the east coast. drivers stuck spinning their wheels are relying on the kindness of strangers to get free.
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and homeowners are making what feels like their weekly trip out into the cold to clean up. the system, so large it barely fit in this satellite photo. the nation's capital buried under nearly a foot of snow, care rising roadways, shutting down the federal government, and blanketing the national mall. near-record snowfall is crippling baltimore, as well, where the city has already overspent its snow removal budget. and to the north, the storm is making this year's philadelphia's fifth snowiest on record. new york, where up to 14 inches are expected, we saw rates of 2 to 4 inches fall per hour this morning, making what's already a trying commute even worse. but the city schools staid open. new york's new mayor coming under fire for that decision. >> what has it been like trying to get to school today? >> hard, because i almost fell.
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>> cold. a lot of snow. >> in the southeast, north carolina is still reeling, looking more like the aftermath of an apocalypse than a snowstorm yesterday. people returned today to dig out their cars left on the sides of roads after huge traffic jams forced hundreds, possibly thousands, to abandon their vehicles in desperation. some took it in stride. >> my mission today is to try to get home. it's a little cold, but the roads is real bad. so we're just trying to stay focused and get to where we need to. >> others didn't. >> terrible. just back-to-back traffic. >> i would like to be home right now. hopefully i can get there before dark. >> hundreds of thousands are still without power as heavy snow and inch-thick ice brought down trees and power lines. more than 600,000 customers are in the dark from louisiana to massachusetts and could remain that way through next week.
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for most of the evening, the d.c.-baltimore corridor has been getting hammered. brian todd has been out on the roads all day. brian, since we last spoke, which was just a couple hours ago, you helped yet another vehicle which had spun out on the side of the road. we're looking at that car right now and looking at a very strong brian todd helping push it out. explain what happened there. >> either helping or flailing around trying to help. after we spoke to you, we were south on i-95, south of baltimore. conditions deteriorating at that point. a lot of accumulation on i-95. this gentleman had just spun out. we pulled over to the side. our photo journalist and i got out and were pushing, as oliver was risking his life, trying to wave some of the cars that were alongside us on the interstate to move around that section. we were waiting for a break in the action and pushed him out. he was able to get out of there and got out of there safely.
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this was, just as conditions were getting much, much worse, a pretty horrific round two after a treacherous round one of this storm. an overturned tractor trailer on the washington, d.c. beltway. the wheels are in the air. the guard rail is demolished and police closed the highway while they move a tow truck into position. >> they're putting a winch on it right now to pull it out. the driver suffered minor injuries. he told me that the snow and isles here, the slush underneath the truck just lost the steering. the steering just got away from him. most lanes are closed with a highway usually packed. and we see another one, the truck is sprawled across the highway on its side. the driver had minor injuries. someone just slid off the road here on i-95 heading south of d.c., 15 miles south of d.c.
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now we're seeing kind of a worsening of conditions because the temperatures are dropping, the roads like this street on capital hill, full of slush. now the temperatures are dropping. this is all going to turn to isles. >> it's going to freeze and be a treacherous night and early morning out there. everyone needs to be very careful. brian may not be there on the
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roads to save you. brian todd, thank you very much. appreciate it. the cnn weather center just getting in new weather models. let's find out what is in store right now. chad myers, tell us what you've got. >> all the models run about 7:00 at night when it's eastern standard time. now the outputs are there. it looks like the hudson river valley, port jervis up to lake placid, going to get blasted tonight. we just had a report of thunder snow in philadelphia and thunder sleet in new jersey. it's coming down so hard it's almost convective in nature. it's almost a thunderstorm. there's new york city. it's still raining. that changes. this whole shield you see here moves here in about an hour or so. so the snow moves as well. so new york city you will change
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over to snow probably midnight i would say. baltimore seeing the snow, d.c. seeing it finally end. back up here to new york city, here's the rain and heavier rain you saw earlier. and here's boston now, finally getting out of the way of the precip you saw all day long. here's the new model and here's where the heaviest snow will be. here's the thruway. that would be lake placid. ironically, john, 34 years ago today the winter olympics began in lake placid. tonight they get eight inches of new snow. wouldn't sochi like some of that snow? >> i remember it well, thank you very much, chad myers. you're talking about snow shields and thunder sleet. it sounds like some kind of norris battle with thor. but there's snow in 49 of 50 states right now? >> i have to be careful of what i say, because the only state that doesn't have snow is florida. i don't want to jinx florida at this point in time.
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but every other state, from oregon to washington obviously higher elevations, california, nevada, all the way into the higher elevations in montana. big snows there coming down in the past couple of days. even in the east, we have snow in georgia, carolinas, mississippi, alabama, louisiana, all of those places you don't expect to have isles or snow, 49 out of 50. there's always snow in hawaii in the mountains. >> florida, chad just jinxed you. thanks a lot. this storm has been a deadly one, taking at least 16 lives so far. one death drawing a lot of attention because it's incredibly, incredibly sad. it also appears to have been completely preventable. more now from randi kaye. >> reporter: it happened here at this brooklyn market at 10:40 this morning. the 36-year-old pregnant william and her husband were loading groceries into their car in the back parking lot, when this bobcat tractor, with a plow
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attached to it, suddenly struck her. the victim was 8 months pregnant. she had just finished shopping at the market. in the rush to save her and her baby, she was taken here to the medical center, just about a mile away from the accident scene. she was pronounced dead on arrival. doctors performed an emergency c-section and were able to save her nearly full-term baby boy. the bobcat was not a city vehicle. it was privately owned. the driver, a 42-year-old man who was in the process of plowing snow, and traveling in reverse when he struck the woman. this woman says when he's out driving, she keeping her distance because, she says, he drives on the sidewalk. >> i was watching him this morning, driving back and forth. crazy. then he goes on the sidewalk and in the street and there's a
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school down there and he just comes flying down the street to push the snow out. every year he does that. we live around here, so we know to watch it when he comes out. >> reporter: marvin lopez, who lives across the street, told "the new york post" he saw the same guy operating a plow the day before. that he was driving so erratically and speeding up and down the sidewalks. he also told the paper he almost hit me and my wife yesterday, as we were going across the street. he was thinking too himself that the man was going to kill somebody some day. others at the scene questioned why he was plowing at such a busy time. >> do you think they should be doing it while people are shopping and using the parking lot? >> absolutely not. it's not safe. >> reporter: the plow driver was questioned by police. the investigation is ongoing. >> randi kaye joins us right now. this is just so tragic. awful for the family. this whole event, from the
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accident itself to the rescue or the efforts to help, it all seemed to happen so quickly. >> reporter: it certainly did, john. it took them -- paramedics about ten minutes or so to get that woman from the scene where the accident happened, where she was hit to the hospital, about a mile away. and within one minute of her arriving at that hospital, they performed that emergency c-section to save that baby. we are trying to find out more tonight about the plow driver, as well. we asked inside here at the market behind me where it happened in the parking lot. we tried to talk to the manager there. he wouldn't speak to us. we tried to speak to the people there, as well. nobody would talk about this guy. we wanted to find out more about his driving habits people had been talking about and his erratic behavior. we tried to call police tonight to get an update on the questioning and see if they learned anything from him, tell us whether or not he might be charged with anything.
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police, john, aren't talking either. >> those are good questions. you've been outside most of the day and it was snowing, then raining, and raining very, very, very hard. what are conditions like right now? >> reporter: yeah, it was raining the last time i talked to you in the 8:00 hour. and then it stopped for a little lit. sheets of rain were coming down. people weren't able to walk using their umbrellas. i will say now it's certainly the temperature has dropped and the wind has picked up. but things are returning a little more to normal. we saw the garbage truck out. but i can tell you, the temperature has certainly dropped. >> randi kaye, thank you so much. next, the outlook for air travelers and a unique view from the snow-covered tarmac at one of the nation's busiest airports. and later, more breaking news.
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who would plant a bomb and kill and other wise unassuming retired couple? authorities in tennessee name a suspect and his identity is a real shocker. ♪ [ male announcer ] how could a luminous protein in jellyfish, impact life expectancy in the u.s., real estate in hong kong, and the optics industry in germany? at t. rowe price, we understand the connections of a complex, global economy. it's just one reason over 75% of our mutual funds beat their 10-year lipper average. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. request a prospectus or summary prospectus with investment information, risks, fees and expenses to read and consider carefully before investing.
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we're constantly innovating to advance the front line in the cyber battle, wherever it takes us. that's the value of performance. northrop grumman. breaking news. conditions getting worse don't in parts of the country that have already seen almost all that winter has to offer. this is the approach ramps to the george washington bridge in ft. lee, new jersey. i think the traffic is looking bad in one direction. the other direction, you can see the snow and icy roads right there. awfully hard to get around. the snow is moving north tonight. chad myers just a moment ago predicting another 4 inches of snow in new york. nearly a foot in the surrounding areas. in other words, it will be a big, big mess for commuters. the storm has already brought the nation's capital to a stand still. joe johns is there and joins us now. joe, how is the capital coping tonight? >> reporter: this is the west
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front of the united states' capital. this storm, in large part, has brought large swaths of the nation's capital to a screeching halt. it starts, of course, with transportation. the metro bus, the public transit system, has shut down until 5:00 eastern time because the buses couldn't get up and down the streets. taxi cabs, if you're lucky enough to get one, have been charging up to $15 just to take people on trips due to the snow. the airports have been a huge problem. in particular, national airport, washington national reagan airport, that airport actually the runways were closed down while they tried to get the snow off. all the way up to 5:00 eastern time this evening. finally they got a runway cleared and now another snowfall came here to washington, d.c. to a huge problem in the nation's capital for now. as far as schools go, the region's schools have shut down
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in large part. the bright spot, d.c. public schools had a scheduled day off tomorrow. so the kids already knew they didn't have to go to school. bars, restaurants as we go up and down the street, all closed down around the nation's capital. this city is limping towards valentine's day, which starts in a few hours. john? >> joe johns, thank you very much. not pretty at all if you're hoping to travel, pretty much anywhere. amtrak has canceled a number of long distance trains and cut back on service from boston to virginia. as for airlines, as bad as cancellations were last night, they are literally twice as bad tonight. renee marsh is running the numbers. >> reporter: the numbers are ugly, and that's putting it mildly. nearly 6500 cancellations today, total delays, more than 3500. and the hardest hit airports,
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charlotte, atlanta, philadelphia, and washington, d.c. so if you were at an airport or trying to get into an airport in the northeast, here is a snapshot of what was happening behind the scenes. mountains of thick, heavy snow was enough to completely stop air travel at some northeast airports like reagan national outside of d.c. >> here's my problem right now. these are my two parallel taxiways and you can see the snow. i can get you from the land but i can't get you from the runways to the gate. >> reporter: they've been shut down for several hours as they try to clear the snow from the runways. they are nearly two dozen pieces of equipment like this on the runways trying to make it safe enough for planes to land. this right here is filled with cement, because that is necessary to stabilize this path as it lifts lots of heavy snow.
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once they clear the runways, they have to get rid of the mounds. that would be a problem if a plane's wing or engine clips it. >> we have to get it safe, and i say safe. if there's slush on the runway, you have to get rid of that slush because you don't want an airplane sliding off the runway. >> reporter: this is what airports in the northeast look like at this point as this major storm is moving through. the planes are not going anywhere, and they will not be going anywhere until they clear out all of this. that's what you see happening right there. they're trying to get all of that snow from around these planes so that when the runways are back open, they can actually move. >> we got a lot of snow for this airport, and trying to scoop it up and get it out of here. >> reporter: inside the airport's operation center, heidi simm monitors to determine
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when it's safe to reopen them. at 5:00 eastern time, the op center gave the all-clear. >> it's really interesting to see you out there on the tarmac. i've never seen that perspective before. great report. we know today was a very bad day for cancellations. where does today's rank? >> reporter: i just want to tell you here, john, this picture is a map of the northeast area, and these are all the planes that are in the air right now, as we're speaking. but how does today stack up? it was a really bad day, but when you look at the numbers as far as what it has looked like in the past, it isn't the absolute worst. february 2 in 2011, they had more than 7,000 cancellations. hurricane sandy on one day, october 29, they also had more than 7,000 cancellations. same thing with hurricane irene.
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we didn't reach the 7,000 mark as yet. we're just over 6,000. so it definitely is the worst that we've seen all winter so far, and it definitely makes the top five when you talk about just worse days for travel. if you want to look ahead to tomorrow, already more than 850 flights canceled. john? >> renee, our thanks to you. we mentioned at the stop the new york mayor has been getting heat for not giving city school students the day off. one father, though, has a bigger voice than many, even by twitter from sochi. al roker tweeting this morning, snow policy is ridiculous. tell people to stay off roads, stay home, but send your kids, teachers, staff in? then he wrote, why are schools all around nyc closed? it's going to take some kid or kids getting hurt before this goof ball policy gets changed.
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finally, he writes, how about all the parents and caregivers who have to scramble to get their kids home. is there no one with any common sense? well, by lunchtime, the mayor had had enough. when asked about it in a news conference, he hit back hard. >> i respect al roker a lot. i watched him on tv for many, many years. it's a different thing to run a city than to give the weather on tv. so i am comfortable with our decision making, and we just got off the phone with the national weather service. i respect all the meteorologists out there, but the one i respect the most is called the national weather service. this did -- and they just affirmed to us on the call before we came out to you that this went faster and heavier than their projections last night. it's weather. none of us controls it. our job is to adjust and respond to it. >> mr. roker, not buying it, though.
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accusing the mayor of throwing the weather service under the bus, saying "i could never run nyc, but i know when it's time to keep kids home from school." up next, breaking news. a couple in tennessee killed by a package bomb that exploded outside their house. this man has been arrested in the case. his relationship to the dead couple will shock you. also ahead, a white man accused of killing a black teen in an argument. a florida jury has the case but no decision yet. will there be a hung jury? that's coming up. [ sniffles, coughs ] shhhh! i have a cold with this annoying runny nose. [ sniffles ] i better take something. [ male announcer ] dayquil cold and flu doesn't treat all that. it doesn't? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus fights your worst cold symptoms plus has a fast-acting antihistamine. oh, what a relief it is!
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because you've always been customers we believe in. your energy plus ours. together, there's no limit to what we can achieve. we have some breaking news right now in the death of a retired lawyer and his wife after a package bomb exploded at their home in rural tennessee. just a short time ago officials announced an arrest in this case. it's really pretty shocking. 360's gary tuchman joins us with the latest. gary? >> reporter: when this happened on monday police described it as a targeted bombing which raised the question, who would target this unassuming retired couple? tonight authorities say they have their answer. they say the answer is a close relative. it took authorities just three days to zero in on the man they believe killed husband and wife john and marion setzer with a package bomb. and now a grand jury has taken action.
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>> after hearing that evidence, they returned a two-count indictment of felony first degree murder, a two-count indictment of premeditated first degree murder on richard parker, age 49, son-in-law of john and marion setzer. >> reporter: richard parker, a man who was apparently married to the couple's daughter. parker is accused of delivering a package bomb on monday to his father-in-law. retired civil attorney john setzer in lebanon, tennessee. the bomb went off inside the house, killing setzer and critically injuring his wife who died two days later. >> it is an ongoing investigation. but we do feel like we have the single person responsible for committing this crime in custody. >> reporter: many people move here to rural tennessee to live quiet, peaceful lives. so news of the bombing was particularly stunning.
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friends and neighbors were horrified and puzzled, especially when it was described by authorities as a targeted killing. >> as a couple they were one of the best and the sweetest couples you'd ever meet. >> the last people in the world that you would imagine to be a target of a package bomb like that. >> reporter: investigators said they recovered a note they believe may have been attached to the package the bomb was in but have not released details. however, they say the case is now resolved with the arrest of richard parker who lived very close to the victims. >> he actually resided at the property we was at. there's two different properties there, using the same driveways. >> reporter: police have not yet revealed a possible motive. >> all right. no motive yet, gary. do we have any idea about how the package was delivered? >> reporter: law enforcement sources telling us it wasn't put in the mailbox, the package was put in front of the house. mr. setzer went out and got the package and brought it inside. we're told a few minutes ago
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that the suspect, richard parker, lived with the couple's daughter inside another house on the property. so he lived right there. and we're also told he was convicted of one crime in the past in 1993. he was convicted of an arson. right now he's in jail in lieu of $1 million bond. very tragic, sad story. >> gary tuchman, thank you very much. >> joining us now is the pastor of the first church of the nazarene. he knows the family involved. i understand you were just with the children of john and marion setzer. i can't imagine what they're going through right now. how are they doing? >> thank you, john. i appreciate the opportunity to speak for them tonight. not only was i with the four adult children of john and marion, i was also with the wife and four children of richard parker. and as pastor to many of those, i want to say that they are holding strong in their faith in christ, they are holding strong
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being embraced in the love and care of fellow believers from their churches and their surrounding communities. and they want the message clear that they loved john and marion, as we all want that clear, and not to lose that in the midst of the frenzy over this arrest. to not lose sight of the fact that two very godly and wonderful people have lost their lives. and now a triple part of this tragedy, another family being blown apart. but their faith is strong. and their trust in god is strong. and i want to communicate that for them tonight. >> it's got to be such a loss for that family. again, the wife of richard parker is the daughter of this couple that was killed. >> yes. >> the children of richard parker, they lost their grandparents. talk to me about them right now. how are they doing?
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>> well, this is a shock situation. i mean, we've only had 72 hours, basically, for this entire story to play out. from the first explosion, the realization of one death, 48 hours later the realization of a second death, and then 24 hours more than that, now this confession and arrest. and it's indeed -- it's overwhelming. nobody prepares for this. you don't even prepare for a tragic death. but then when it's somebody in your own family who apparently has done this, it's -- so of course there's a shock factor. but again i was just with them just moments before coming here. and their faith is holding strong. their trust in god is holding strong. their love for each other is holding strong. >> talk to me about the setzers. what kind of people were they?
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>> john and marion, he taught sunday school in both our church and the first methodist church in lebanon. marion was involved in women's bible studies. they were compassionate, loving, godly people. they served other people. they're they were in their 70s. everybody you've talked to including on this program moments ago, this is the most shocking thing that could be imagined is that anyone inside or outside of the family could have had any vendetta against them. these are sweet-spirited people, tender-hearted people, caring, loving people. and their faith in god was the primary light of their lives. and it shined out to everyone who knew them. there are literally hundreds and probably thousands of people in the metropolitan nashville area who their lives touched in some way that are stunned by this development. >> now pastor, you were also pastor to the suspect, richard
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parker. >> yes. >> you know him. tell us what kind of person he is. did you see any signs like something like this might be possible? any sign of a possible motive? >> no. his own wife of more than 20 years did not, nor did his children. and i think that's one of the realities we're all trying to cope with tonight, is you ask all the questions in your own mind. how? why? all of those things. and there's no answers at this point for those questions. and i think that's one of the hard realities of the situation like this. there are no answers. but reality also is that a family moves on. and a wife and mother moves on. and kids move forward. and they have a future. and god has not abandoned them. and i think this is the critical factor is that god has not abandoned them. >> our hearts do go out to that family.
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again, richard parker the suspect is in custody. the police there say this case is now resolved. pastor kevin allman, thanks for being with us tonight. >> thank you so much for the chance to speak for the family. >> for more on this story you can go to we have a lot more up there right now. up next, is there a chance the loud music murder trial in florida will end in a hung jury? the jury has wrapped up after a day and a half deliberations. no verdict yet. and part two of anderson's series on babies and their brains. the question tonight, if they do have an innate sense of right and wrong, what does it take for them to interact with someone they feel is bad? we have some answers. [ male announcer ] this is betsy. her long day of pick ups and drop offs begins with arthritis pain... and a choice. take up to 6 tylenol in a day or just 2 aleve for all day relief. all aboard. ♪
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in "crime and punishment," no verdict yet in the loud music murder trial in florida. everyone asking now, is there a chance of a hung jury? jurors retired for the night after a day and a half of deliberations. they will resume tomorrow morning. they're weighing the fate of michael dunn who was charged with murder in the shooting death of jordan davis at a gas station. dunn claims he acted in self-defense after a confrontation that began when he asked a group of teens to lower the music in their suv. he testified that he saw a shotgun inside the teen's vehicle. dunn grabbed his own weapon, fired off ten rounds, killing a
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17-year-old jordan davis. no shotgun was ever found in the other car. today jurors asked to review a few items. joining us now from the courthouse in jacksonville, martin savidge and cnn legal analyst sunny hostin, a former federal prosecutor. i want to talk about the items the jury wanted to see in just a moment. sunny, first let me ask you this. a day and a half, no verdict yet. i've heard you say, heard a lot of people say this should have been a very quick verdict. and a lot of people thought it would be a guilty verdict. as a prosecutor, what does this tell you now? if this were your case would you be nervous? >> well, i wouldn't be quite nervous yet. because remember, this is a first degree murder case. there are five counts. 41 pages of jury instructions. this jury certainly has a lot to do. but this is a very strong case by the prosecution. if you go back to the zimmerman case, the jury deliberated for over 16 hours for two days. this jury is not there yet. this jury has been out for about ten hours. but i agree the question on everyone's mind, what is taking
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them so long? but you've got to remember, michael dunn did take the witness stand. and i sort of think that what they're doing is taking apart his testimony. if there are a few jurors that find him credible the jurors are going to walk through all the evidence to find the discrepancies. i think that's why they asked for the gray mannequin that shows the bullet hole trajectories. i think that's why they're asking for an easel so that they can sort of take their notes, take their votes. i think that's why they're asking for the letter that michael dunn wrote to his family, which would show some inconsistencies. i think they're just doing some hard work. i would be surprised, however, if they didn't come down with a verdict tomorrow. it is friday. most juries do not go into the weekend, especially when they're sequestered. friday is generally verdict day. >> martin, sunny brought up these pieces of evidence that the jury asked to see, specifically the last thing was that letter that martin dunn wrote himself. explain to us the significance of that letter.
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>> reporter: yeah. this letter they had what they wanted to know is what was the date when this letter was written. it was told to them it was written last june. this letter is according to michael dunn by his own words an accurate account, one he dictated to a family member of what actually happened on november 23rd, that is on the night that he killed jordan davis. and yet when he got on the witness stand, he appeared to tell a different version of the same event. which is why that letter was actually introduced by the prosecution and why they wanted to point out, wait a minute, in the letter you say that jordan davis was diving back into the suv. and yet on the stand you're saying that he was coming at you from the suv when you fired. which is it? it was clear they were trying to impeach his testimony on the stand. >> surveillance video they asked to see. it's longer than the one that was actually played in court. what does that tell you, martin? >> reporter: well, a couple of things. i mean, it's ten minutes before that they didn't show. and it's supposedly about ten minutes after that they didn't show. and there are six different
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camera angles. regardless of how much you look at it, there is no camera that captured the actual event outside in the gas station outdoors. however, what the defense is trying to say is that what is key for the jurors to hear is what did witnesses say immediately after. they say the prosecution stopped the tape before they could hear that. the defense is trying to imply that maybe witnesses said something in the oh, my gosh moment of did you see that young man had a shotgun, or did you see this, or that something that would verify the account that michael dunn gave. >> martin savidge, sunny hostin for us in jacksonville. the jury comes back at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow. keeps on deliberating, as sunny said most juries like to get their stuff finished before the weekend. we will see. let's get caught up on other stories with susan hendricks. >> john against strong objections by the united states, afghanistan today released 65 prisoners from custody claiming there is not enough evidence to hold them. but u.s. officials maintain that some of the men are linked to attacks that killed or wounded americans and coalition members.
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days after the copenhagen zoo killed a healthy giraffe sparking worldwide outrage there is word that a second zoo in denmark may do the same. an official says a male giraffe may have to be euthanized if he is not needed for breeding and a suitable new home cannot be found. and you got to see this. it's incredible. check this out from high up in the sky in a skydiving plane. according to a posting on youtube, a go-pro camera falls out of the plane. you're watching it fall here. it will make you dizzy. it lands in a pig pen of all places, john, and a resident as you see of the pen wanders over to check it out. >> i'm going with not real on this one. >> i'm going with real. >> i think it's awesome, anything involving a hog and a skydiving go pro. >> you have to think it out. >> appreciate it. up next, part two of our series on the incredible power of baby's brains. anderson takes us back to yale university's baby lab.
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we all know that babies are great, they're cute, they have squishy little cheeks and smiles that can light up a room. but let's be honest here. they're not so great at the written or spoken word. so it's kind of tough to know what they're actually really thinking. tonight we're continuing our series about researchers at yale who are coming pretty close to answering that question. anderson went to the so-called baby lab at yale where he spoke to the researchers who were using really creative ways to find out if babies are born with an innate moral compass. it's a really important question. bottom line, anderson also got to hang out with a lot of really cute babies. take a look. >> it's hard to believe, but these little babies are helping to answer one of life's biggest questions. are we born knowing right from wrong? researchers here at the infant cognition center at yale university, known as the baby lab, have been studying the minds and behaviors of babies for years. they believe that humans are
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born with an innate sense of moral beliefs, which means babies don't need to be taught the difference between right and wrong, they're born already knowing it. >> up goes the curtain. >> we watched babies as young as three months old as they were presented with a puppet show. here a puppet struggles to open a box. first we see a green bunny who comes along and helps to open the box. good behavior, good bunny. then we see an orange bunny slam the box shut and run away. bad behavior, bad bunny. when given a choice between the two, over 80% of babies chose the good bunny. and with babies that are only three months old, it goes to about 90%. researchers at the baby lab are taking these studies even further. if babies recognize good characters and bad characters, what does it take for them to interact with a bad character? it's an experiment they nicknamed the deal with the devil. karen winn runs the yale baby
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lab and says research shows that babies are predisposed to want to interact with good people and avoid bad people. here's an example. >> up goes the curtain. >> 12-month-old lucy watches the puppet show repeatedly and seems to recognize the good behavior and bad behavior right away. after the show, the good green bunny and the bad orange bunny each offer lucy some graham crackers. the good bunny has just one cracker to offer, but the bad bunny has two. which one will lucy choose? >> lucy, whose do you want? oh, that one? >> she takes the one cracker from the good puppet. it's a baby version of a sacrifice. >> most of them choose the one cracker from the nice guy rather than choosing two crackers from the mean guy. so it shows that babies are really willing to take a cost to avoid interacting with the mean guy.
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>> over 80% of babies will avoid the mean guy, but only it seems when they have just a little bit more to offer than the nice guy. >> how old is jeff? >> 13 months. >> 13 months. so cute. >> so what happens when the mean guy has a lot more to offer than the nice guy? jack is presented with the same puppet show, but a different choice. this time the bad bunny has eight graham crackers to offer, the good bunny still just one cracker. >> whose do you want? >> jack goes for the eight crackers from the bad bunny. >> so if someone may be unpleasant to deal with but if there's a reason to deal with them if they have more stuff or more things that we want or need we'll do it. >> it's interesting. i've tended to think of it the flip version of it, which is the positive that it exhibits not only that we have an aversion to interacting with the negative people but also that there really is a cost to being a negative person. and that is you have to have
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more -- there's a cost and you have to work to overcome it in some way or another. >> interesting. i tend to see the negative. >> although most babies end up taking crackers from the bad guy, one-third will still choose to take the cracker from the nice guy. this is a good sign to karen winn who says babies as young as 12 months old can override their selfish instincts, full-grown adults should be able to also. >> we're creatures that are conducting cost benefit analyses on all aspects of our actions. >> you mean babies are weighing these considerations. >> even very, very young ages are weighing these competing considerations and deciding where their own threshold is. >> for baby jack, his threshold was just hunger. and the choice perhaps too tempting. >> you got to do what you got to do. >> you got to do what you got to do. >> anderson cooper, cnn, new haven, connecticut. >> i never trusted the bad bunny. this is incredible research. we'll wrap up our special series
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tomorrow night. don't miss anderson's interview with paul blum of yale university's baby lab and author of "just babies the origins of good and evil." he'll dig deeper into these issues of morality and what babies are really thinking. we'll also learn what else might be going on inside those cute little heads. tune into 360 tomorrow night for that. there's also more online at and cnn's mobile app in the feature section. it's all fantastic stuff. we'll be right back. [ phone dings ] [ nephew ] hi, heath. i can't wait to see you win gold! bye. [ male announcer ] there when you need it. at&t. the nation's most reliable 4g lte network.
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that does it for this edition of "360." thanks for watching. death had medical experts baffled. >> at the end of the autopsy, i didn't find anything slightly wrong whatsoever. >> each new clue raises more and more questions. >> the trail is getting warmer and warmer. >> until a microscopic clue reveals the ultimate betrayal. >> no one would ever suspect anyone would do this to another human being. fall means football at the university of florida. it's also time for thousands of students to get back to their studies. 24-year-old michelle herndon was entering her senior year.
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