tv CNN Newsroom CNN February 14, 2014 11:00am-1:01pm PST
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>> that's it for me. i will be back at 5:00 eastern on the situation room. virginia's attorney general will join me to talk about the same-sex marriage ruling in that state. newsroom continues right now with kiera phillips. >> good afternoon. breaking news right now. making money from legal more than just got a whole lot easier thanks to the federal government. the justice and treasury departments announced new rules allowing banks to legally take money from state-licensed marijuana businesses. these new rules let banks do business with legal marijuana shops without being prosecuted. that was the concern. you remember marijuana is still illegal under federal law and some banks are refusing to take money from businesses in places where it's legal like colorado
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and washington state. evan perez, let's talk about how significant this policy change is for more than businesses. this was the number one concern when we were talking about it going legal the day before. >> right. that's right. this is a big deal for the businesses. especially in those two states where marijuana is now legal for recreational use. washington state and colorado. one of the big worries is they can't go to any particular bank to take their deposits. they can't get loans. so their businesses have been cash businesses. that creates a big problem for law enforcement. they are sitting ducks for anybody who wants to rob them. this is a big deal and gives more comfort for those businesses that they will be able to stay in business to bring their deposits to a bank and perhaps the bank won't get in trouble for accepting the business. >> it was a concern for law
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enforcement and the irs as well. if you are not doing business with the bank, there is other pretty big legal issues that remain for the legalized marijuana businesses. >> yes. exactly. as you said it's still illegal under federal law. this is a halfway point for these businesses to comply with the state laws and the federal laws to get some kind of legal reassurance and at the same time the rules of them being announced by the treasury department. the banks have to report transactions with marijuana businesses. they just are required to do it in a particular way. the justice department is not making any legal guarantees as long as the businesses stay away from eight priority areas which is keeping the drugs away from kids and keeping it from being tracked across state lines where it's not legal. those are the area that is the feds say they will concentrate on. there is the possibility they will get in trouble. >> evan perez, we will stay on
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top of that story. the other story is the travel along the eastern seaboard right now. it is crippled. up to its knees by the ice storm that encased cities from atlanta to maine. airports are scrambling to clear the backlog of delayed travelers. unless you are the president, it's wheels up at andrews. for the rest of us, 7,000 commercial flights were canceled and 1300 official flights grounded today. thinking the roads are a better option, think again. this is the pennsylvania turnpike. 100 cars and 18 wheelers piled into each other just outside of philly. spanning several miles. 30 people were injured. here's the big picture. forecasters say this valentine's day system will dump snow on pennsylvania to new york to new
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england. before you meet up with your sweetheart, remember the snow may be delaying those dozen roses or the dozen kisses or however you are going to celebrate. rosa flores is at la guardia celebrating there at new york city with all the other folks that have been delayed and waiting to get on to a flight. what are the terminals like? >> on that note, there was a cupid not too long ago here in one of the terminals. people are keeping their spirits high, but they are not feeling the love on this valentine's day. the number of flights canceled was just up to 1400 and the number of flights that have been delayed up to -- let me check, 3500 at this hour. the delays here at la guardia airport are at an hour. that's down from an hour and 35 minutes just an hour ago. let's look at the misery map. there is a lot of misery around the united states today when it
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comes to flying. take a close look at the top of the list at charlotte international in north carolina followed by chicago o'hare and then you have newark and denver. if you ask me, mother nature is single this valentine's and she is probably, i don't know, feeling her boyfriend is at one of the airports and wants him to be miserable. >> we have to find love somewhere with all of this. there shouldn't be too much concern about the flowers. apparently most of the flowers are delivered through miami. that's good news for folks who are bringing in bouquets through that. on that note of business, let's talk about the cost of these storms on business. it's definitely still making an impact on this friday. >> you are absolutely right. let's talk about passengers. you know if you are stuck at the airport, that means you are also buying more food. if you are canceled, you are
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probably spending money on hotel and the producers here did the math for us. they tallied up like you mentioned. 8400 cancellations between the last two days. if you add up the last month, 75,000 cancellations. hear this for a grand total of $3 billion just for the consumer. this is an extra spending for hotels and meals. a lot of people don't feel sympathy for the airlines, but for the airlines, it lot of revenue of $200 million. it adds up, kiera. >> it can be romantic being holed up somewhere. it's what you make of it, right? >> that's right. you have to make the best of it. even at the airport. you see a cupid here and a rose here. >> whetherman al roker is apologizing to bill deblasio after roker was furious over the mayor's decision to keep schools
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open despite a snowstorm. he said i knew this am the mayor's office would close schools. talk about a bad prediction. long range mayor forecast. term. he had a quick response for roker. >> i respect al roker a lot. i watched him on tv for many, many years. it's a different thing to run a city than to give the weather on tv. i am comfortable with our decision making. >> well today roker tried to make up with the mayor admitting that one tweet was a low blow. >> i will say the one tweet i do regret because i'm passionate about the weather. i made a prediction there would be one term for his administration. i apologize for that. that was below the line, but everything else i still stand by. >> on twitter chat, roker added it's all about safety for new
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york children. >> the son-in-law of a tennessee couple killed by a package bomb is changed with planting the deadly advice just outside their home. the son-in-law is a convicted arsonist. 49-year-old richard parker faces two first-degree murder charges. authorities say he was convicted of arson in 1993 and actually served four years probation. his father in law, 74-year-old retired attorney died when the bomb exploded monday outside their home in rural tennessee about 30 miles from nashville. his wife died of her injuries wednesday night. a sheriff said that the suspect lived next door to his in-laws's home and it was in shambles after the explosion. authorities are not revealing any possible motive at this time. i want to bring in a man who knew the setsers very well.
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the pastor for the late john and marion joining me now. appreciate you being with me. >> sure. >> just to clarify. there has been a lot of different articles written about the family. how many kids did they have and who exactly was the suspect married to? >> john and marion had four children. three girls and a boy. part of their story is that they had another boy who at age 3 was killed in an incident with a dog. i think how they came through that experience made both of them very sensitive, compassionate, very special people. the oldest daughter laura was married to richard and they had a house where they lived with their four boys.
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that was mind miriam and john. they built their house first, i believe and john and miriam moveed from nashville to the lebanon area to be close to them. >> is the daughter and the son-in-law divorced or are they still married? >> no, they were living as a family. >> okay, how is she doing? has she come to you for counseling or have you talked to her at all? >> john and miriam came to the church in lebanon about the same time i was appointed as pastor. they had been members of another united methodist church in nashville for several years, but the distance of going back to that church led them to begin to attend the church closest to their home. their daughter laura and richard and their family were members of the church of the nazarene in
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nashville. so i don't know that family well. i am not their pastor. kevin who has been much more involved with the family than i have been is their pastor. >> did they ever mention a problem with the son-in-law to you? did you meet with them as a family or counsel possibly just john and marion. >> i did not. my last memory of marion was last sunday morning. she was at our 11:00 service. john has been ill for several months and has been too weak to attend worship, but marion has been a very regular and very active in other ways. in fact she was in worship sunday school on sunday morning and sunday afternoon at a ministries meeting. monday morning before this happened, she was at a women's
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bible study. she came up to me and said i still intend to get with you. she said about a month or so ago i want to set up a time for an appointment to see you. she had not been able to do that. she indicated -- >> she was wanting to see you. she had something on her mind. >> she did. i don't know what it was. of course my mind goes to did she have some sense or was there something going on that she wanted to talk to me about. i will never know and i regret having not been able to get together. >> and now we unfortunately won't know what she wanted to talk to you about. you were there for them. as christians believe, they are resting with the angels. that's the only peace of mind you can take away from this as a pastor with regard to this couple. >> that are is true and the gifts they left us. they were just extraordinary people who touched so many different lives with the grace
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of god. >> pastor mike, appreciate your time today. >> you're welcome. >> high tech suits supposed to give speed skaters an edge in sochi, but there is a big problem. reports the suits may be slowing the skaters down. the company under armor made the suits. we talk live in the vice president. the report into bullying in an nfl locker room is done and there bombshell developments. more players accused and they were not just targeting teammates. that's next. [ male announcer ] leading a multi-faceted life is anything but ordinary. meet the hybrid that matches your drive. ♪ the new 2014 lexus ct hybrid with an epa estimated 42 mpg. ♪ embrace your extraordinary.
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♪ it's been that way emsince the day you met.ry. but your erectile dysfunction - it could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sexual activity. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess with cialis. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than 4 hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or if you have any allergic reactions such as rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use
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. >> ex-nfl star is charmed with drugging and raping two women. in october and the other last month according to the district attorney's office in los angeles. he is expected to be arraigned today. that's not all. the five-time pro-bowler faces rape investigations in new orleans and las vegas. the nfl may never be the same again after a report today about bullying in the locker room. the report by the investigator said jonathan martin was relentlessly harassed by these three men who played on the offensive line with him. a guard who was drafted in 2010 and mike was also a guard and played in the pro bowl last year and richie incognito who was most vilified for the abuse. he wasn't the trio's only victim, but another player and even a trainer was also bullies.
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pretty damning report. >> it was. he was very thorough in this investigation. it took a lot longer. he expected it to come back last week. i tell you, the most damaging part is the harassment was so persistent and so damaging that jonathan martin not only felt like he had to leave, but he contemplated killing himself not once, but twice. that to me -- >> the voice mails were awful. >> they were awful. incognito's side tried to combat that by releasing success messages that showed there was engagement and a friendship. the report said it got so bad for jonathan martin he felt like he had to engage and join in to hopefully lessen the amount of harassment. you know how it is. text book victim versus bully. i will join and be like them.
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another offensive lineman and a trainer and the abuse was on a consistent basis talking about their mother and race and their families. talking about their sexuality. it comes from all angles, hitting them where it hurts most. embarrassment. jonathan martin said they had a history of a lack of self confidence. during junior high and high school, he felt he was lesser of a person. that contributed to not feeling self confidence. we all know that the workplace environment is different than the nfl and cnn. to the point that they felt like they not only had to remove themselves not once, but two different times. >> a lot of things that go on behind closed doors, but it's sfwhag in sports, guys are rough and tough and give each other a hard time. i don't think a lot of people were surprised, but extremely disappointed.
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are we hearing from the dolphins or incognito or the other two? >> we are not hearing from the three players. they released a statement that they want to review this and look if detail before they respond relative to the findings. they asked about this and they felt like it was important to take a step back and research the serious allegations and obviously as an organization they are committed to accountability and help for one another. given his history and heavy handedness order towards anything that goes against rules and policies, you have to think there going to be punishments that will be laid out for the three players. >> there should be certain lines you can't cross. >> it will be surprising. one of the things that jumped out, 300 pounds and 6'3".
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big enough and strong enough felt helpless. he said he felt so helpless by these verbal assaults that he was unable to stop them. it felt like a true push over. maybe i will join them and then they will accept me. they got to the point where he had to leave the team and felt -- >> he's the better person. he wasn't the one doing the pulling. >> 148 pages. it's a lot to go through, but we have some resolution and here to come. >> coming up at 3:00 eastern, a former nfl player. what did he see in the locker room and does he think this is normal behavior? what should be done? the jury is deliberating in the so-called loud music murder trial. trying to determine if michael dunn killed jordan davis in cold blood or definitely sufficiency. while we wait for the verdict, dunn's attorney is speak out, driving home an argument he made in court.
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stay with us. he's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. i was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again. and now i've got to take more pills. ♪ yup. another pill stop. can i get my aleve back yet? ♪ for my pain, i want my aleve. ♪ [ male announcer ] look for the easy-open red arthritis cap. ♪ ♪ ♪ told ya you could do it. (dad vo) i want her to be safe. so, i taught her what i could and got her a subaru. (girl) piece of cake. ♪ (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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with all the good years ahead, look for the experience and commitment to go the distance with you. call now to request your free decision guide. . happening now in a courthouse in jacksonville, florida, a third day of jury deliberations in the loud music murder trial. michael dunn could face in prison. he opened fire on an suv full of teens and three of the bullets struck and killed jordan davis. dunn said he fired in self defense and he said davis and three friends were armed and threadened him.
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the defense attorney told chris cuomo. they said they saw the teens trying to stash a weapon after that shooting. >> he never raised his voice and never cursed and used racial slurs and a sign of anger. he escalated it and when my client went to react, it got worse. he grabbed a weapon and put it against the door. >> what weapon. what do you mean he grabbed the weapon? what proof was there? >> you are almost asking us to disprove there wasn't. if you watch the trial, the suv drove over 100 yards away. we have independent sentence who is saw them get out. when the witnesses called 911, the exact words are they are trying to stash something from the vehicle. we drove back to call for help.
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they are in a safe plaza apparently with witnesses around them. they had no idea that two people were on the home with 911 watching them. >> let's bring in our legal analyst. sunny, what do you make about the teens having a weapon. could this be why the jury is still deliberating? >> the defense made that argument, but there was overwhelming evidence that there was no shotgun. there was evidence that he was not getting out of the car and he remained in the car, but michael dunn is the only person to say that he saw the kids with the shotgun. i have got to tell you, many of us are surprised that the deliberations are going on. the rule of thumb is usually about one hour of deliberations per day of trial. we are now in the 15th hour of deliberations. >> can we read into this?
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>> the sense is there was friction with the jury room. loud voices were heard coming from the jury room. i think they are certainly struggling as to whether or not michael dunn's testimony was credible. that does make sense. in a first-degree murder case, i don't recall the last time a defendant took the witness stand. he gave his version of events. they were very different of course from all of the testimony that was given by all of the boys in the car as well as the forensic evidence. i think the jury is struggling with his credibility. >> we are on stand by and watching it with you. sunny hostin, thanks so much. as you know, it's valentine's day and a lot of people are looking for love. when it comes to online dating sites, there is more to it than posting a photo and writing a little something something about
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yourself. how to increase your chances of finding the perfect match. u.s. speed skaters struggling to the finish line. reports say it might be because of a design flaw in their suits. we are talking live to the vp of under armor, the company that made those suits. bl jake and i have been best friends for years. one of our favorite things to do is going to the dog park together. sometimes my copd makes it hard to breathe. so my doctor prescribed symbicort. it helps significantly improve my lung function starting within five minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler
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>> per a stream lined uniform pegged as the future of speet skating is causing kopt versy in sochi. have you seen this commercial? take a look. >> the fastest ever built or maybe not. they are not doing so well in sochi. in fact no american speed skater finished better than seventh place. the reason? it could be a design fly in the under armor uniforms. they are reporting that three people familiar with the u.s. team say the vents on the back of the suit are creating drag and slowing the athletes down.
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joining me now, kevin haley, senior vice president for innovation for under armor. first of all, i want to get your reaction to the accusations. in particular, the vents on the back of these suits creating drag is slowing the athletes down. what do you say some. >> thank you so much for having me. i appreciate it. it's great to be able to with you today. the bottom line here is that under armor is all about trying to make athletes better and we put in an enormous amount of time and research and effort and they create the fastest suits that the world has ever seen. we are confident in the suits as confident today as we have been. the notion that the vents in the back of the suit were a problem has been put to rest ever since the women's 1,000. our goal is to give the athletes and the coaches what they want.
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they asked us to make adjustments to the suit and the one performance-related adjustment is can we get rid of that vent. prior to the women's 1,000, all four of the suits in that race were modified and they took out the panel and replaced it with the more rubber-like fabric from the front of the suit. >> was the vent an issue? >> are you saying it was an issue? >> the vent was not an issue. the results are the same without the vent as they were with the vent. >> hold on. you mentioned the 1,000 meters. heather richardson, team u.s. is not blaming the suit, but she does rank number in the 1,000 meters and she finished more than a second slower than the winner. i am seeing her quote. she said i would like to think it's not the suit. that's interesting that she
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didn't win. she is concerned about the suit. >> i think our job is to make the athletes as comfortable and confident as they can be. that's why we made three different suits for the athletes. they used different suits at different times during the training and they have been using the suit that we called the mach 39. on january 31st, we have been making tweaks to those. when athletes were as talented as we have, world class elite athletes like the u.s. team, they are not stepping up on the podium. the question is why not? everybody is left scratching their heads and very professionally looking at every
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possible variable that can go into answering that question to the pillow they slept on the night before to the rest and the blades and the diet and the training and the suits. >> let me ask you. >> we will find a way to make them as comfortable in whatever suit they choose to wear. >> did the athletes test the suits. did they skate before they competed in the olympics? >> of course, of course. >> this started in 2011. we agreed to a schedule in collaboration with u.s. speed skating that said the suits would be delivered on january 1. we had the first athlete skating in november and every step along the way it seems like it has been overwhelmingly positive. this is so fast. get it off of me before our competition see these special features. they all got the suits on january 1st. the team used them at various points along the way, not in
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competition, but in salt lake city and italy they are training in january and obviously again in sochi while training prior to the olympics and all throughout the feedback has been positive and we pushed and pushed. >> let me add to that. >> you just said without a doubt, they tested the suits. we reached out and asked this question directly. did you test these suits prior to the olympics? you are saying yes. here's what's interesting. they did not answer the question directly for me. what they did was released this statement. we are working with our athletes, coaches, trainers and equipment partners to figure out what we can do to produce better results for team usa. bottom line, kevin, do you think it's the athlete and not the suit?
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>> i think it's the athlete or the suit. they will come right out and tell you it's not the suit. the exec ter director is on the record if you think a skater loses because of a suit, you don't know about speed skating. it doesn't matter. we all want the athletes to win. they invested four years of their life and given up everything to get on the podium in sochi and sacrifice in a way that most people cannot comprehend. we want to get them on the podium. whether it's the suits and the skates and the blades and what they slept on the night before, we don't care. we will get them comfortable with whatever suit they put on. if that means powering up the ventilated panel or putting them in a different suit than the they skated in in the last race, that's what we are going to do. we have confidence in the suits that we delivered.
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absolutely astonishing in how expensive it was. >> we all want team usa to bring home the gold. appreciate you calling in. happy valentine's day. speaking of love, it's all about the heart, but the techies that online dating sites and okay cupid did data crunching and there is a science of sorts to finding love online. for example, if a man said his arms and chest are his best features, said he is 10% more likely to meet someone on the site. cnn money tech correspondent joining us to explain this and first, you are in a manhattan flower shop. the pressure is on to make it through the snow. >> i will get to that, i promise. you are right. i'm here at the flower shop in mid-town.
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a beautiful shop. it's all hands on deck. the owner himself and his wife peggy are mind me and doing these flowers now. everybody wants to get them out and because of the weather it has been difficult. they are in good shape and has been around for 38 years. we drove with the delivery guy who was delivering the flowers. that's full of flowers. they call this the valentine's day for super bowl. for florists. what is happening here and what happened so far is pretty much just a rush. it's a rush ask a rush. if you look at 1-800-flowers, these guys might have been able to get this out. they might have done a decent job with it. they called this operation love storm because it's so difficult to get through these deliveries. pro flowers stopped taking orders in the northeast.
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we talked about the algo rhythm of love. we go online and we talk about the algo rhythm of love, i spoke to a analyst he was saying a lot goes into it. when people create their profiles, what he said is we don't say what they are interested in. maybe they don't mind what race you are or income you are, but what click on is what they begin to understand and they deliver results on this kind of thing. the fun facts of, men who say their arms and chest are their best features are 10% more likely to find love. the women who say their belly button is their best feature. at the end of the day, that's how it goes. we are going to stay here and have you updated. >> more on the belly button feature with lori. thank you so much. president obama is trying to rev up his base with his new message
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of opportunity for all. is this the big theme that we are going to see in the november elections. we are talking about that straight ahead. and instantly open your nose up to 38% more than cold medicines alone. so you can breathe and sleep. shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right. yeah... try new alka seltzer fruit chews. they work fast on heartburn and taste awesome. these are good. told ya! i'm feeling better already. [ male announcer ] new alka seltzer fruits chews. enjoy the relief! [ male announcer ] new alka seltzer fruits chews. she loves a lot of it's what you love about her. but your erectile dysfunction - that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications,
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and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sexual activity. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess with cialis. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than 4 hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or if you have any allergic reactions such as rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a 30-tablet free trial.
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. president obama rammed home his message of opportunity for all. he is addressing the dems's yearly retreat. >> the single most important thing we are to do not just as a party, but as a country we are focused every day in this town and in washington on making sure if you are willing to work hard, if you are willing to take responsibility, you can get ahead. >> our chief analyst is with us
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from washington. what do you think? will this be the number one theme, going into the election and opportunity for all? >> absolutely. the president used to spend a lot of time about income and equality and now that shifted over because he got criticism for that and to opportunity for all. he is going to talk about that in terms of minimum wage and affordable care act and health coverage for people who could not get it before. in terms of your retirement. they are lumping this all together to give the democrats he was talking to kind of a platform to run on in 2014 without having to directly attach themselves to the president. he hasn't been very popular lately. giving them the democratic agenda without talking about barack obama if they don't want to. >> those dems want to know how to defend against the attacks on
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obamacare as well. >> they absolutely do. what's interesting in talking to senior democrats is that they intend to take on the attacks funneling. they are going to say republicans are going to attack obamacare and say it doesn't work and the risk pool won't work. you heard the president tout the fact that they have 3.3 million people who enrolled, but what the democrats are going to say in the campaign is do you want to take away benefits from people? so you tell all the people with preexisting conditions who now they don't matter and suddenly they will matter again and kids insured under the age of 26 and oops you don't have that anymore. they are taking the gamble. even though there have been problems with obamacare and let's not downplay those because they have been huge, now it may
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be getting back on track. the government will be regarded as more competent and they can start touting the benefits and hopefully people's insurance premiums will not rise so people get sticker shock. that's the big question. they are going to defend. >> hopefully. that's the quote of the day. >> that's the question. >> gm is recalling a million cars and it will be hard to notify owner who is have been impacting. bl f the year. we took care of your cold symptoms. you take him on an adventure. tylenol® has been the number 1 doctor recommended brand of pain reliever for over 20 years. but for everything we do, we know you do so much more.
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it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. ♪ we asked people a question, how much money do you think you'll need when you retire? $500,000. maybe half-million. say a million dollars. [ dan ] then we gave each person a ribbon to show how many years that amount might last. ♪ i was trying to like pull it a little further. you know, i was trying to stretch it a little bit more. [ woman ] got me to 70 years old. i'm going to have to rethink this thing. [ man ] i looked around at everybody else and i was like, "are you kidding me?" [ dan ] it's just human nature to focus on the here and now. so it's hard to imagine how much we'll need for a retirement that could last 30 years or more. so maybe we need to approach things differently, if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. ♪ ♪
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>> general motors has a serious problem. the auto maker issued a recall for a potentially deadly glitch in a lot of cars. 778,000 cars. but these are not new models. they are older cars and could be in the hands of owners who won't find out about the problem until it kills them. which cars are we talking about and what is the problem? >> the recall involves chevy cobalt and pontiac g 5. these are made between 2005 and 2007. they are not being made anymore. they are on the road. you look at the recall. we have seen bigger. the scary part is that six people have died. there two potential problems with this. the imagine can unexpectedly turn off because of a falty
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ignition switch and the air bags don't deploy in the accidents. gm said certain things tend to trigger this and the switch is being jarred in some way. here's something interesting that is causing that to happen. if you have a heavy key ring and tons of key chains and they are causing this jarring action in the switch, that can cause the mall function as well. what gm is saying in the cases of the fatalities, some were not wearing their seatbelts and alcohol may have been a factor. if you have one of the vehicles, gm will replace the ignition switch. >> the cars are up to nine years old. some have been sold more than once. how will the owners find out about the recall? >> some owners would be easy to find. say if they bought the car at the dealer or registered it with the auto maker.
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not everyone does. many have been sold and resold from individuals or people selling them online or in the newspaper. the reality is gm most likely won't be able to find anybody. it's something to think about when you buy a car. used or new, you want to check the recalls with the automakers. you can go to safe take it to the dealer and you will get it fixed. >> thanks so much. >> bombshell report about the locker room culture of one nfl team. the report details alleged abuse by dolphins team members, not just one, but three. at the top of the hour we are talking to a former player who can tell us what he saw and heard in the locker room. blam.
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>> alfred wright said he needed someone to pick him up. when his parents called, he was nowhere to be found. they called off after only days. wright's family said he was a victim of foul play saying his throat was cut and other parts of his body were mutilated. the sheriff will not call it a homicide. >> alfred wright's body was found 150 yards from where sheriff's deputies set up the command post. >> how was he so close? we didn't find him. it's not like he was miles away. he was right there. >> saying there was no foul play, sheriff tom maddox called off the search after only four days, reeving family and friends to find the body on their own.
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>> just as the sheriff had foreseen, an autopsy did find drugs. three kinds including that. his family insists they had never seen alfred do any drugs. >> i know and believe whole heartedly that someone did this to my husband. >> i want to bring in deb. where does this investigation in his death stand right now? >> there so many questions surrounding this. the sheriff called off the search after four days. the family believes during his disappearance he was held captive and tortured. an independent pathologist said there was a high possibility of homicidal violence. all we can say is the rangers are looking into this. they have been asked to review the findings out of a local office. the da recused himself.
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the texas attorney general said no. there is a lot of movement and all we know is the family wants answers as to why he disappeared when he needed help. >> deb, i look forward to your special. mysterious deaths. 7:30 eastern and sunday night at 11:30 eastern. deb has been working on this for sometime. bullying in the miami dolphins locker room may be worse than we realized. a new report reveals startling details about the alleged abuse of jonathan martin by teammate richie incognito. he said he was not the only one harassing players and martin was not the only victim. the report names three players as the alleged bullies. you have a guard drafted in 2012. chris draft spent his professional in a number of
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locker rooms and martin was not supposedly targeted by three players. when you look at the numbers, how big this is getting, first of all, does this surprise you? >> it doesn't surprise me. >> me why. do you mess with people? >> it doesn't in terms of a culture. but when you are saying is it just two people, you are talking about bullying, is it isolated to just those two people. the fact that there other people involved does not surprise me. >> so if you say it doesn't surprise you, does this happen in locker rooms across the country. do guys -- we know boys will be boys in the locker room. i have been messed with in the locker room when having to cover football. i won't lie. is it just always just been accepted or now this is a unique situation where we are more politically correct and someone
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is standing up? >> more politically correct means you are more aware of what's going on. you can see what's going on. their back and forth is just crazy. you read what they are saying when they said crazy things in the locker room. >> when you were in the locker room, do you remember nasty foul disgusting brutal racial comments. >> i think there is a line. when you go over that line, you can see that they went over that line. again, you can see from richie and jonathan, they were going back and forth past the line. they were kind of okay. >> they were taught that jonathan was doing that and hoping that richie would leave them alone. if i pretend i can take it, he will back off. >> the key is it's wrong. going back and forth, it's wrong. >> why do you have a different
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attitude? what's the difference between you and guys that have no problem? >> it's basically the culture. what you allow to happen. as a team, the focus is what you do on the field. sometimes off the field as long as it doesn't get in the way of what's happening on the field, they might let it get by a little bit more. you saw at some point what happens off the field is going to come on the field. that's tearing miami apart. they sat back and saw these things happening and they didn't do anything. >> has it happened in the past and teams haven't done anything about it? that's the way it goes. you want to roll in the nfl, you have to put up request being a bully. >> you will have certain teams with a culture that can be crazy. it's hard because before you see what was on the field. we are starting to see the behind the scenes things. >> there has been a little bit of bullying depending on the team. it can be more or less. >> let me ask you this then.
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is the dynamic different depending on who the coach is? it's a leadership thing as well? >> with miami, if you are the miami dolphins in the afc east, what does the coach want? we have to dominate them. we have to run the ball. if they come down here and it's 90 degree weather, we have to dominate them. that mind set is what you are trying to put on your players. if you allow that to go too far with the wrong guys leading, that can turn down. >> take down the opposing team and the teammates. it's disrespectful. we have teammates that are not all together. let me ask you, is this finally going to change things? are we seeing a no effect? >> absolutely. around the league, they will have to internally look at what's going on. this is not interesting that is new that you have to look at how
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your team is being put together. this is something that is just coming to a head because they took it to the another level. if you want a good team, you cannot have players at each other's necks and have them talking craze tow each other. eventually it's coming on the field. the ultimate goal is winning. >> let me know because i can keep talking about this. chris, final question. if incognito said things to you like he said to jonathan, what would you have done. >> the difference is, i played with him in st. louis. when he was saying certain things, i'm saying come on. come on. come on over here. the problem is he's a little bit older and more of a vet. i'm looking for who is that person on the dolphins that will call him over and say that's enough. >> you told him that's enough. >> that worked for you? >> he wasn't saying to the level
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of what we are talking about here in miami, but he's that kind of a guy. if you allowed him to do more, keep going. we know those people. somebody has to say no, slow it down. >> great job. thank you. >> unbelievable video to show you from pennsylvania. take a look at this. the pennsylvania turnpike 100 cars and 18 wheelers piled outside philly. it happened this morning. the wreckage spanning several miles. 30 people injured and police say the melting ice may have caused a glare on the road. one driver who got stuck in all that mess happened to be a teacher. surely her students thought okay, no class, right? nope. lynn actually got on her iphone and hooked up face time and told students to get on their ipads because ladies and gentlemen, class is in session.
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lynn mcnolte joining me now via face time. now doubt you love your job. explain how teaching came to mind awe you were stuck in the turnpike. i knew we had the technology and ability and i knew my students would do it. it was a great opportunity. >> i love it. what was the class? >> it was european history. it's really exciting stuff. >> you are in traffic and you are talking about that with your students and was there a lot of good back and forth? were they really taking this seriously or kind of amazed at what you were doing? >> i think they d were a great bunch of kids and i don't think they are surprised. they use technology all the time. it's really integrated into the
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culture and part of who we are. they picked up the ball and ran with it. it's great. they did have a good discussion. i was impressed. >> what do you think stood out the most. was communication strong? could you hear everything? were you impressed to the way the students really came in. they could have flaked out and said let's just joke around and have fun. does it look like that's what happened. they were serious. >> here took it very seriously. a lot of dedicated students. they knew i meant business. they knew i was serious. our technology coordinator, davis helped make sure everything was running smoothly. i could hear them great and they could hear me. >> for full disclosure here, will you give them extra credit. they came to the plate. don't you think? >> yeah. we brought donuts in on tuesday too. >> we are glad you are safe. we think it's fantastic that you were able to do this. thanks so much for face timing
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with us. you can teach a class and talk live on cnn. it's fantastic. i hope my kids have a teacher like you. coming up, a couple in tennessee killed when a bomb sent to their home exploded. the suspect in the case. their son in law, this is not the first time he has been in trouble with the law. edward snowden said he needed no one's help when he said he had top secret documents. they said not so fast. making money off legal marijuana got a lot easier. we will tell you about it next. can be. n for fast, long lasting relief, use doctor recommended gaviscon®. only gaviscon® forms a protective barrier that helps block stomach acid from splashing up- relieving the pain quickly. try fast, long lasting gaviscon®.
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making money from legal marijuana got a lot easier thanks to the federal government. the justice and treasury departments announced new rules allowing banks to take money from state licensed marijuana businesses. they let banks do business with legal marijuana shops without being prosecuted. marijuana is still illegal under federal law. some banks were refusing to take money in places where it's legal like colorado and washington state. they were afraid for repercussions. we are talking to evan perez. let's talk about how significant this policy changes for marijuana businesses. there is a lot of people relieved. >> yeah, it brings a lot of businesses out of the shadows. they don't like this. i talked to the dispensary
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owners and here in washington they had to go around from place to place, trying to get a bank to do their business for them and take deposits and let them open a checking account. until today, that's been essentially illegal for the banks. they can get prosecuted for money laundering. this helps make it at least a little more clear where these banks can accept these deposits and help bring the businesses out of the cash only business which was a big concern for the justice department. >> oh, yeah. law enforcement and you name it. evan perez, thanks so much. >> the nsa said edward snowden did have help obtaining the government secrets that he leaked to the world. it was inside help that apparently unwittingly --. >> who actually helped edward
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snowden? >> according to a memo now sent from the nsa to members of congress obtained by our own show, snowden was able to convince a fellow worker to give us his password. something snowden denied. he said he didn't trick any people into helping him. according to the memo, that is not the case. what the memo told congress is that snowden got somebody to enter their secure password and then he was able to use it. let me read a bit of a memo to you. at mr. snowden's request, a civilian employee entered his password. mr. snowden allowed him even greater access to the classified information. there was not one of snowden's techniques.
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the civilian employee has left the agency and been dismissed of course. he violated security protocols. the memo said that matter has been briefed to the justice department. very tanned liz i very tantalizing. also involved in this, but the memo doesn't give further details. >> the memo doesn't mention james clapper, the director of national intelligence or the outgoing head of the nsa. does that mean they are clear with regard to accountability? >> well, you know, no one has suggested let's take the basic part of it. no one suggested they violated any protocols and they knew anything about it. general alexander, he is scheduled to retire in the next several weeks. long scheduled retirement and his replacement already that nomination on the way to congress. as for director clapper, he served as the pleasure of the
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president. it would be up to president obama to decide if he still has confidence in james clapper to run the intelligence community. >> student. thanks so much. coming up, facebook giving you options. 50 new options, in fact to choose your own gender. some say that's still not enough. what do you think? we will tackle somebody who helped develop this. a couple in tennessee killed when a bomb sent to their home exploded and the suspect in the case is their son-in-law. this is not the first time he has been in trouble with the law. [beep] [clicks mouse] nice office. how you doing? good.
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. we are still waiting for a verdict in the so-called loud music forward trial. it's the 30 day of deliberations. that's michael dunn right there. he could face up to in prison. dunn opened fire on an suv full of teenagers in 2012 during an argument over their blaring rap music. three of the bullets struck and killed this young man, jordan davis. dunn said he fired in self defense and cold the court that davis and three friends were arm and threatened him. our legal expert told me that loud voices were heard from the jury room, hinting of a struggle among jurors. the son-in-law of a tennessee couple killed by a bomb is charged with planting that device that caused their deaths. he is 49-year-old richard parker
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a y accused of murdering his in-laws. he was convicted serving four years of probation. john setser died when a bomb exploded outside his home in rural tennessee about 30 miles from nashville. his wife died of her injuries on wednesday. i had a chance to speak with the setsers's pastor. the suspect is married to their oldest daughter, laura and they live in a house behind theirs. marion setser was pushing for a private meeting with him. >> she was in worship sunday school on sunday morning, sunday afternoon she was at a ministries meeting. before this happened, she was at a women's bible study. on sunday morning she came up to me and said i still intend to get with you.
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she said about a month or so ago, i want to set up a time to come by and see you. she had not been able to do that and indicated -- >> so she was wanting to see you. she had something on her mind. >> she did. i don't know what it was. my mind goes to did she have some sense, was there something going on she wanted to talk to me about. i will regret our not having been able to get together. >> i want to bring in jean casarez. first of all, what do you think about what the pastor said? >> i'm just riveted to the pastors. there is this pastor and a pastor who has been on cnn. the family was deeply religious and they have such an insight. i just got off the phone with the tennessee bureau of investigation. the question i have is why. what could be the motive for this.
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i was told that it's part of the investigation and that's where they are focused to understand the whys. i was told that law enforcement had spoken with richard parker. i asked when, how many times? that corroborates what pastor kevin told us on cnn saying that at the hospital when marion was in critical condition and the family was there, he saw them talk with laura, the daughter and richard the son-in-law. there is a lot we don't know, but we want to see what they have to say about the investigation. >> i'm not going to go into the particulars of the investigation, only to say that obviously the evidence led us to mr. parker. >> we don't want to discuss the make up of the discuss that was a functioning device and killed those two people. >> here are the faxes.
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this is the indictment right here. this is a premeditated double murder case in tennessee. we know the official court appearance for richard parker will be on tuesday at 9:00 in the morning. he is being held on $1 million bail. >> we are finding out more about him. he was a convicted arsonist. we found that out today. >> that's interesting. his state of mind. it was over 20 years ago. i don't think it would come into the trial. >> interesting. what about this note that was attached to the bomb? are you hearing about the contents of that? >> we heard through law enforcement is it doesn't go to motive. it is useful as far as handwriting and it could be attached. i think it will be critical evidence and i think law enforcement is looking through the home that was not bombed. the home of richard parker and his wife and children to see contents of the computer, receipts, anything for bomb
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making materials. >> thanks so much. coming up, scientists say they have found a way to grow lungs in a lab. what it could mean for people in need of a transplant. we will talk about that later. also facebook's new push to help users better express their identities with 50 options to select your gender. we will talk to one of the individuals behind the plan. that's next. [ man ] look how beautiful it is. ♪ honey, we need to talk. we do?
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. >> a big and may be for many of you unfamiliar way. under gender, there is now a custom option and it allows you to choose from 50 terms. here's the examples. cis gender. this is some of the 50. facebook said they made the move to help you better express your own identity. joining me now is vice president of communications. you worked on this project with facebook. whose idea was it and why did it become an issue and an important move for facebook? >> sure. there were many facebook user who is started petitions and online facebook. facebook is a reflection for who you are. we want to tell the world about ourselves.
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some users couldn't do that. facebook helped work with us on this issue. i was happy to work with facebook, but we were happy for the transgender and the gender non-conforming youth who can tell the world who they are in their own words. >> explain how you worked within the process and how glad helped and how you came up with these terms. >> sure. we worked with facebook to make it and inclusive for lgbt unions. what we are seeing here is a trend in corporate america in schools and the media for acceptance of lgbt people. >> you mentioned non-conforming. for people who are unfamiliar with folks who are considered non-conforming, explain what that means and why it's important. >> sure. we are living in a culture where
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the latest report shows half of young people report being bullied online for who they are. i don't think you need to know the meaning of every term to know what it means to feel accepted and included. >> we are talking 50 descriptions. probably to the average person they are going huh? i don't understand? it's either male or female, right? just a couple that our team didn't know. we didn't know cis gender. explain what that is. >> if you can put yourself in the shoes of a young person who identifies this way and recognized that they didn't have the option of sharing who they were with the world on yesterday when facebook made this change, we have a resource where you can learn a little bit more about the gender identities and the young people who identify that way. >> what about two spirit?
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>> that's the term to use that male and female doesn't best describe who they are. >> interesting. what do you say to the folks who say this is way too much to understand and comprehend and why can't we keep it more simple. >> it's not ridiculous to accept young people for who they are. facebook has made a great step forward to telling the young people that you can be who you are on facebook. >> that's a beautiful thing. we all want to be who we are. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> as i speak to you, there more than 130,000 sick patients waiting for an organ. this next story may one day make that list a little smaller. maybe even make it obsolete. scientist in texas hassy have grown a human lung in a lab. senior medical correspondent joining me now, how is this possible. we were all talking about it this morning.
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>> it's amazing. i know i'm a nerd. this is such an amazing thing. they started this when they took two children who unfortunately died in car beings and took one of them and took that line and couldn't be used for transplants. they stripped it and caught what they called a scaffold. think of it as the skeleton of the lung. another child had also died, probably in a car accident. the lung couldn't be used for transplant and they took the cells out that was and put it on top of the scaffold and put it into the shame ber and let it grow for a while and they got a lung. it's a lung was made in a lab. >> how long before doctors can use these in real patients in. >> it will take a long time. it will be 10 or 12 years before we try this out in humans.
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they will try it in pigs first and in humans. they don't know about this gas exchange and exchanging the gasses that need to be done. it's not ready for prime time at all. >> sorry this the beginning of other body parts. >> others are further along. >> really? >> like tracheas. you and i talked about a completely synthetic trachea that was put in in 2011. >> seven patients have been given new tracheas. they have done quite well. this is a new era of engineered body parts and the holy grail is to engineer organs because so many people are waiting for them. >> you think of the individuals with lung cancer. >> or need kidneys or rivers. >> thanks so much. >> next, big problems for the speed skating team. they have been slow to the finish line and reports say it may be because of a design flaw in their suits. hear how the designer of the suits responded to me, next. ♪
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[ cellphones beeping ] ♪ [ cellphone rings ] hello? [ male announcer ] over 12,000 financial advisors. good, good. good. over $700 billion dollars in assets under care. let me just put this away. [ male announcer ] how did edward jones get so big? could you teach our kids that trick? [ male announcer ] by not acting that way. ok, last quarter... [ male announcer ] it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. ♪
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. high tech suits are pegged as the future of speed skating. they may be slowing down team usa. take a look at this ad for the suits in question. >> you know there is a better way. this is faster than anyone could have imagined. this is the under armor mach 39. the fastest speed skating suit ever built. >> the fastest speed skating suit ever built? maybe not. turns out the u.s. team who have
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four medals under the belt from the vancouver games failed to reach the podium. no american speed skater finished person seventh place. why? the "wall street journal" is quoting sources who say the vents on the back of the suits are creating drag. it's slowing the athletes down. earlier i put those allegations to kevin haley, senior vice president of innovation for under armor. >> we are confident in the suits, as confident today as we ever have been. the notion that the vents in the back of the suit were a problem has been put to rest ever since the women's 1,000. our goal is to give the athletes what they want. they asked us to make adjustments to the suit and in particular the one they asked for. require to the women's 1,000, all four of the suits with the
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women in the race were modified. >> the u.s. speed skating association told cnn we are working with the athletes and trainers and come partners to figure out what to do to produce better results for team usa. no word robe malfunction. in sochi russia, the persistent eye infection sidelined long time host bob costas. his red eye was the talk of twitter and the distraction of viewers until they ordered him to stand down. matt lauer talked to him. now it's meredith vieira's turn. she will make history becoming the first woman to anchor prime time. they are the talk of sochi and today it was men's figure
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skating that was the ticket. you might want to close your ears for a minute. from the games with more. so ian, how did the americans do. >> americans didn't get a medal, kyra. there is one figure skater to be looking for. jason brown is a 19-year-old who finished ninth and he was kind of a surprise for team usa. they didn't expect him to do this well. he kind of came into this event nonchalantly. wasn't sure about doing it, but performed quite well. we will watch him closely when the winter games are in south korea. >> president putin had a busy time and made a surprise visit today, right? >> that's right, he visited team uas's house. he went there and the stoic president let his hair down a
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bit drinking wine and chatting with athletes. not about mom ticks, just about sports. it was a cordial event. they are wondering how they were. they responded it couldn't be better. they were happy with the accommodations and with the hospitality of the russians. ly also got a valentine's day gift from team usa while leaving. he got one of the silver nike jackets as well as a valentine's pin from the team. >> thanks so much. this just in to cnn. we are hearing for the first time from richie incognito, the dolphins players accused of bullying a teammate. the new report said he was one of three players who targeted john martin and another player and a trainer. his attorney now writes mr. wells's nfl report is complete with error. the facts do not support a
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conclusion. jonathan martin's mental health or on field performance issues were related to the treatment by his teammates. it is disappointing that mr. wells would have gotten it so wrong, but not surprising the. the truth as reported and is shown by the evidence that jonathan martin was never bullied. by any member of the dolphins's line. we are analyzing the report and will release a thorough analysis as soon as it's ready. coming up, pet 1345r9 stores teaming up with an animal group to offer service groups to vets coming home from combat. a sinkhole opens up at the national corvette museum. got new video shot by a drone from inside the sink hole. stay with us. ♪
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[ female announcer ] most of the time it's easy to know which option is better. other times, not so much. so it's good to know that mazola corn oil has 4 times more cholesterol blocking plant sterols than olive oil. and a recent study found that it can help lower cholesterol 2 times more. take care of those you love and cook deliciously. mazola makes it better.
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. pet smart pet stores are offering service dogs to help vets coming home from combat. jake tapper is on the story. jake, it seems like a pretty cool idea. how does it work? >> well, in the next six to 12 months, what veterans can do is go to any petsmart store and find out more about this program. it costs about 45, $50,000 to train one of these dogs. petsmart is teaming up with
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canine come pa cani canine companions. a lot of service members seem to think that these dogs are only for people in wheelchairs or amputees. that's not the case. they can help veterans with back injuries, traumatic brain injuries. it's a way that petsmart is trying to get more people involved in the program a combat veteran is the vp and he's been bringing it into focus for people. >> i tell you what, anything we can do for our combat vets is pretty cool. thanks, jake. >> we'll have more of this coming up on "the lead". >> in just a few minutes. thanks, jake. time for rapid fire. let's roll it, roger. a massive coal spill into a river is the subject of a
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federal investigation. authorities want to know what, if any, violations occurred. duke energy called for company officials to appear before a grand jury next month. a corvette stuck in a sinkhole got a visit from a drone. here's drone video of eight kor vets inside that sinkhole at the national corvette museum in bowling green, kentucky. the sinkhole is 25 feet deep. damaged cars include a 1962 black corvette donated by an indiana man. i know, it's heart wrenching. apparently he baby this corvette so much that he never even drove it in the rain. now his corvette is at the bottom of the sinkhole. she is no question the thinnest and stiffest models ever to be in the ports illustrated swim suit edition. barbie is making a special appearance to commemorate the swim suit anniversary. the campaign is linked with the
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#unapologetic. a spokesperson said "unapologetic" is a rally call to never apologize for who you are. one blogger writes, barbie and s.i. make it is a sex doll. the winter storms that blitzed the east coast is a disaster for florists on valentine's day. shipments from florida delayed while planes just sat on the runways. now florists are scrambling to get those bouquets wherever they've got to go. this is actually the super bowl for florists so with the weather it just adds another element that we have to deal with. >> in virginia, we had a delivery where the snow has covered all of the area and we couldn't identify the street. >> we ask that you cooperate with us. we don't have any control over the weather.
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>> americans usually spend nearly $2 million on valentine's day. it's one of the three busiest times for florists, along with mother's day, of course, and the december holidays. well, coming up, it's valentine's day, as we mentioned, and pope francis is offering his thoughts on love and marriage in an unprecedented event. he met with young couples today at the vatican. you're going to want to hear his advice, next.
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one couple asked the pope advice for living together as a married couple. the pope said, it's an art, a patient art. it's a beautiful art. it's fascinating. we all know there isn't a perfect family. neither a perfect husband nor a perfect wife. after dispensing love advice, pope francis can enjoy a bit of chocolate statue of himself. the huge statue was a recent gift from student chocolateers. here is erin mclaughlin. >> kyra, 10,000 couples showed up for a special audience with pope francis. there was singing, comedy, testimony from married couples. i even saw some smoochinging going on in the crowd of st. peter's square. pope francis arrived after all of that, of course, and answered around three questions from some of the couples in the crowd.
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they were scripted questions. he explained that he wanted to prepare thorough answers. one of the couples asked him about what makes a successful marriage. and he said it comes down to three things. permission, thank you, and forgiveness. he also had this advice for couples who get in fights. take a listen at what he had to say. >> it is often the case that husbands and wives argue but if it was an argument, you got upset, even if you throw a plate or dish, please remember this. never end a single day without being at peace with each other. never, never. >> so some love advice from pope francis. some are saying this is part of his effort to trigger a sort of marriage renaissance within the catholic church. today he had the crowd to show
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for it. kyra? >> thank you, erin. love can find you at any age and at any time. just ask 94-year-old golden henny. she recently got set up on a blind date with this 95-year-old man. well, the two of them hit it off and henny hasn't dated since her husband died 20 years ago but she is floating on cloud nine again. look at that. even gets the door for her, holds her hand, brings her flowers. she and her new come pain john, by the way, went on a date last night. she has some advice for any of you too, looking for love. >> you have one life to live. it's up to you to enjoy that life. life is there to live and if you can't do it for yourself, do it for others. >> oh, look at those. oh! another one. that was so good. >> i love it. happy valentine's day, golden henning and your sweet there.
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that does it for us here. happy valentine's day. "the lead" with jake tapper starts right now. hey, who needs love this valentine's day when you can stream the new season of house of wards that just posted and their juicy delicious hate. i'm jake tapper. this is "the lead." "the national lead," hearts are melting on this day and so is the snow but not fast enough to get travel back on track after the worst travel day of the winter froze air travel. oh, you'll just drive instead? well, maybe that's not a great idea either. "the world lead," 65 prisoners in afghanistan the u.s. military says they killed american troops and innocent afghans. so why did the afghan government give them each coats, 90 bucks and thet them walk out of jail as free men? and "the pop culture lead".
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