tv CNN Newsroom CNN February 16, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PST
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series. he crafted them out of wooden spikes and fake fur. they can be kind of friendly. don, did you know i actually had a hedge hog as a pet when we lived in somalia. we had wild strange pets when we lived in somalia and that was one of them and it was very cute. and it was not even named. it just kind of furried around the house. >> different. bigger than life-sized creatures. >> it didn't have a name. all right. if it did, my sister was conveniently forgotten. >> tweet me. >> good to see you. figure out what we should name
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her hedge hog. >> good-bye. >> very busy evening we have for you today. here on cnn i'm don lemmon it has been a brutally winter. and today we got a reminder of the danger that comes with it. two skiers buried in an avalanche in colorado were found dead. and a warning to skiers. >> the special avalanche advisory posted today says it all. back country conditions are dangerous this weekend we are in the midst of a historic cycle. >> we are going to be concerned and continue those efforts.
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they have come with tragic circumstances. sunday afternoon after a search in the mountains. search and rescue workers found two bodies beneath the snow. >> the two persons that were missing were wearing beacons and the ground crew was able to find signals for them. the first team that went up had to wait for safety clearance and they found one body and the team went to find the path for the second team to go. >> the thrill of the back country is alluring but it can also kill. this weekend's deadly follows a string of sdaaccidents that too lives this week.
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highlighting the three must haves before you head out on the trail. >> officials say unusual conditions in the mountains can lead to surprising avalanches. >> the problem that we have in the state is that we've had a lot of snow this year. it is record snow fall for this time of year. very deep snow. very unstable conditions. >> people are going for deeper and inner tract areas and the snow pact right now is not condco conducive to taking risks like that. >> and don, we have a bit of breaking news for you. we understand that they have recovered the bodies and they are in the pros kcess of bringi them down the mountain. they are concerned for the rescue teams because the terrain
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is so so steep going up and down. and they don't want to have fay tailities because of this. >> they are getting them down and rescues can be more dangerous who can be involved in that. >> appreciate your reporting. parts of new england still shoveling out from a weekend storm. hardest hit was sandwich, massachusetts. more than 1400 people lost power. the forecast for the coming week is looking better for some at least as we hear from cnn's meteorologist jennifer gray. that snow has moved out of the northeast so the focus has been the northwest. we have a front pulling through and that is going to pull through chicago and milwaukee and minneapolis. three to six inches through
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monday. with minneapolis could pick up four to six inches as well. big shift is going to pull in warmer air. for the southeast and mid atlantic. temperatures 64 degrees in atlanta. by monday, tuesday, 66 and a warm up in dc 47 degrees but wednesday's temperatures feeling so nice 61 degrees in dc and 67 in atlanta on wednesday, don. >> thank you, jennifer. appreciate that. >> the country's biggest gay rights add casy group. key note speaker former first daughter chelsea clinton. she co-chairs the foundation that bears her family name. >> and what did she have to say? what message did she bring?
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>> reporter: she is making the rounds now that she has taken over the vice-chairmanship of the clinton foundation. and it was safety and inclusion of the young gay community. she spoke about gay rights and women's rights. >> my mother has of ten said that the issue of women's rights is the unfinished business of the 21st century. but so too are the lgbtq rights. so it is my hope that if we continue to work together. every child whether lgbtq or straight, can go to sleep every night know that go they are safe and secure and can dream about who they want to live, who they
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want to be and love without those dreams being shattered. hillary clinton announced her support for same-sex marriage and chelsea was on stith with her this past week at an event to empower women. she had advice for women like chelsea could. >> one of the best pieces of advice that i have heard from anyone is from eleanore roosevelt who said that women in politics or in public rules -- i think there is some truth to that. >> in recent weeks, there is speculation that another sprengs presidential run she is dressed that in a question and answer session after that speech. >> i'm biased towards oath of
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both of my parents. i'm their daughter and i will support my mother. and my crystal ball is no more clear than yours. >> if she does run you can expect chelsea to be a clear player in that. >> i know our criticli politica commentators have been tweeting since last night. [ male announcer ] if you're taking multiple medications,
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the north korean wearing prisoner 103 he says he has lost ten pounds since being transferred weeks ago. he has been working with his hands a lot and has cuts and -- >> the last few months have been difficult. if they can do something right away. that is the best way to do it. >> his release was covered by the diplomate. he told them he is taking strong mentallyspiritually. >> even though i'm here but i'm
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still, continuing on. with myself and i haven't lost hope or given up anything. >> earlier i spoke with his sister and chung told me that the video both heart warming and hard to watch at the same time. >> that is how kenneth is. he is always trying to reashisu us. >> rightly so because he says he has lost ten pounds in one week since moving from a hospital back to the labor camp. what do you think when you hear that? >> it is a concern, you know he was moved january 20th and in about three week's time he has lost ten pounds and i think he has severe leg and back pain
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that is causing him a lot of pain and while he is doing the 8 hours in labor a day six daying a week we are deeply concerned. and then the not knowing what is going on from day-to-day. does seeing video like this encourage you or make the situation harder to bear? >> my mom has been struggling this week. we thought that things were moving in a certain direction. it is hard to see him in the prison camp. >> what about the kids? >> everybody is just you know really trying to hold on and keep hold on to hope as kenneth is doing. remembering his words. we are glad that he is holding steady. but knowing that he is trying to put up a strong front for us. that is hard to watch. >> there are report that is your
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brother was moved back to a labor camp for retailiation. have you heard anything about that terry? >> i have seen the same reports as well. you know, there are a lot of kind of more complex geopolitical concerns. a lot going on between the united states and north korea and the rest of the world. but you know we can't forget there is an american caught in between and we can't let him get lost in the shuffle. last week on our show. he launched a media campaign and it is called bring bay back. with the support of the bay family. what kind of reaction have you seen? >> hold on, it has been pretty amazing. we were fortunate to launch the campaign on your show. and it has been wonderful. >> i'm sure you would like more
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followers to become interested in this. it was a very good analogy that more people vote more american idol and this is more important than that. it is wild to me. the twitter is active. we need the momentum. to date, i think about 2500, 2600 have started to follow on twitter. he want to continue with that momentum. >> what is next for the campaign? >> at the end of the day, i have had really really really good conversations with people in washington. senators, people that i never thought i would speak to as an agent, basketball. we met congressman wrangle. you were going to meet him but the weather prohibited you from
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doing that. >> you made it to washington. >> but, yes the weather did preclude me from going to dc. but i plan on going on monday, yes, sir. >> terry, where are you getting the main news from your brother. who in forms you? >> the state department keeps us in regular contact with them. they are the ones that are keeping us up-to-date with the latest developments. >> is there anything you would like to say to your brother after this tough week for him and for the family? >> we miss you so very very much. we care and love you very much. and just hang on, hold on. you are not forgotten and so many people are caring about you and supporting you and praying for you. so just hang on. >> as we promised here to the
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family we hear at cnn will stay on this story as long as it takes. and to learn what you can do to help go to twitter. is, # bringbaeback. three men convicted and sent to prison after three years. it ais the 9:00 p.m. eastern today. paradise lost. watch it or set your dvr. social media has been on fire since the verdict of michael dunn last night. our commentators have been sounding off. is the case as simple as black and white?
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>> michael dunn is white and davis black. what happened? here is our panel now. political commentators here. they have been exchanging tweets on the trial. you said this verdict reinforces that black lives don't matter. what needs to change in this country so that we can better protect black men. >> well, a few things. the broad overarching problem is white supremacy. as long as we believe that white lives are worth more this is going to continue to happen. we need to adjust public policy. the fact that we have laws that allow people to stand their ground. that is a problem. we need stay in your car laws,
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mind your own business laws. we need laws that have the backing of the law and we need to shift the way we represent males in education. when people like michael dunn see people like him they are not scared. >> you tweeted last night that my prayers are with the family and the way they spoke shows that they are amazing people in the world. i want to hear from his mother and father last night after the trial. >> we are so grateful for the truth. we are so grateful that the jurors were able to understand the common sense of it all. and we will continue to stand and we will continue to wait for justice for jordan. >> i thank you all for seeing that we as parents were good
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parents to jordan and he was a good kid. he was btn't allowed to be sitting in the courtroom but he was a good kid. >> how would you react if you were in the same position as his parents? >> if your son was shot to death after a kconfrontation over wh music? >> that is the untold story that good can come out of an untold tragedy. the way that they talked was incredible and it was incredible for other parents to look at. these are the type of parents that we should be celebrating in this country. to not be filled with anger but to honor their son in such a way while they are heart broken.
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and i hope that people take that away and realize that there are good parents out there. trying to do something in a positive way and that story should be told. >> that should be the circumstances and she should be angry, and she has a right to be angry. they should be abgrngry. i'm happy to see, modeling the grace and beauty and perspective that black people have been modeling for years but that shouldn't be the only response that is acceptable. we should say we are angry that this child was murdered in cold blood. >> there is that anger and it is obvious in the community. but you have to listen to what the father said he said you noi
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the one thing is this man is going to go to jail based on what we were told 60, 70 years that is a life sentence. are they happy with the first charge? no, they are not. but there are jurors of all races there and there has to be some respect for what they heard and respect their decision of what they had. if we want to change the law by all means then people should be able to fight for that. i wasn't on that jury, there were a lot of men and women on that jury and they saw things that we didn't see. and i appreciated that about our justice system. a lot of people have compared this case to the travon martin shooting and after the break we are going to talk about that. some are asking our conversation
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responsibility. what's your policy? dunn is white and jordan davis unarmed 17-year-old african merge he obviously died in that confrontation. the state of florida is planning to retry one count. >> retrying a case is something that we have all had to do. and we'll give the same full attention. we don't back off having to retry. >> the dunn trial and the zimmerman trial back in the news. >> ben, is it time for corey to go? >> i think the community and most of the community is say that go they have lost faith or
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maybe trust in her abilities on major cases. it doesn't matter what race you are. if you are a victim and you feel like your side is not being represent ared on something that deals with life and death and murder, then i would say if i lived in that community i would now have questions about that. is she overcharging or overreaching sometimes going for first degree or second degree or is she not doing enough? >> those are issues that the community is looking at. >> she talked about that and addressed it. she said there is no such thing as overcharged. the prosecution has the right they can go for stand your ground or there are other facets of the law. >> but i'll say this, though, would you want her representing you? >> i wouldn't hire her?
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>> i would hope that i would never be in the position. >> would you had to choose a lawyer would you pick her? >> i don't know enough about her. >> where do you see the failure in the prosecution presenting it's case? ji think in a few areas. part of it is jury selection and not presenting motive. >> they were constanting chasing the defense's tail which is the opposite of what you want the prosecution to be doing in this case. they were already skeptical to make the case. i never saw the argument or the narrative strong out. the other piece of it is overcharging. it seems to me that she did overcharge. the second degree murder was an easier reach. it is a harder case to move. people aren't compels to lockup
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people like dunn for first degree murder. she isn't somebody that the community has lost the most confidence in. and it is time for her to go. >> should this have been charged as a hate crime charge? >> it is hard to get inside of people's heads. and there is the question of whether we want to punish people more for having hate in them. it was a clear racist crime and i found that disappointing. >> ben? >> i have never understood a hate crime. if you arepulling a trigger at someone you obviously hate them. you are either a murderer or not. if you kill someone you hate them. i went out and shot someone because i love them? i thought the hate crame thing,
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i'll say this. being a victim of a gun crime they said they racially profiled me because i was white. that was enough for me. i don't need to know if they hated me or not while they were doing it. this is a public policy issue. >> when police officers are killed it is because the world believes if we live in a world where police aren't safe, there are times when we do attach different penalties for different types of crimes. >> hate crime is simply to me let's make it clear, did you try to kill someone or not, that should be enough in the law to put someone away without having to add on the caf yacht yacht ve
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decides to go kill somebody. >> that is not true. >> that is not true when you look at the domestic violence, there are crimes of passion. and they love them. so, they do it because -- >> at the moment they didn't, they hated them is my point. >> not really, that is not true. >> that you love. >> i don't believe that. >> i have to run, though. >> quickly. >> i think this is a white person's dilemma. they have not been stalked through lynching and there is a privilege that white men have when it comes to hate crimes. there might be a different citation. >> what would you do then? are you saying that any person that is white that commits any crime against african-american should be charged with a hate crime? >> i started by saying that i
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don't know if dunn was a hate crime. but if we know that it was a hate crime. that creates a policy dilemma it creates a policy. if white men were being stalked and killed there would be all kinds of legislation and protection. >> we'll see you soon. i love talking to you guys every weekend. >> they have only been married a few weeks when a young couple decided to commit a murder together. now the young bride says this isn't the first time she has killed. and save your money. joe doesn't know it yet, but he'll work his way up from busser to waiter to chef before opening a restaurant specializing in fish and game from the great northwest. he'll start investing early, he'll find some good people to help guide him,
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miranda barber, we first told you about her last december. she and her newly wed husband were charged with luring a me i using craig's list to her car and killing him. >> all of this came about because of a jailhouse interview she invited the reporter in. in this interview she says she not only killed the craigslist
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victim but also killed many other people almost 22 but said she stopped counting after that. in alaska, in texas, in california, and in north carolina all where she used to live. >> isn't she claims she was also part of a satanic cult? >> she said that when she was 13 years old. she was with the leader of the satanic cult who helped her kill somebody. >> do police believe all of this? >> are there murders or missing people there? >> these are pretty amazing claims so the police chief tells cnn that he is looking into all of this. he says he is looking into this in other states. a source says quote this appears
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to be the real deal. the police say they will help the local police department if they ask for help. >> did they interview her? >> the local police have not interviewed her about this just yet. right now they have an audio type of what she told the reporter. >> she recorded the audio and they have yet to go in and interview her themselves. >> thank you. >> not over yet. >> that is one thing thank you very much. >> it sounds like high school, but we are talking about nfl players and bullying. new report shows the problem in the dolphins locker room was worse than originally thought. but first, can't get enough of snowboarding at the sochi olympics. you are going to love this story. olympian who works to save lives.
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>> reporter: he has had numerous successes on the snow. but a routine check up when he was only 21 almost ended his career. >> they said you have ffc i said doc, you have the wrong guy. >> reporter: his liver disease was slowly damaging the ducts outside and inside his liver. >> i said i'm going to do everything in my power to bounce back strong from this. >> and he did. his body responded well. >> that has summer i had my best snow board results ever. i was on the world come podium several times. >> he won bronze, and the giant slolum. but he didn't forget how he got
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the olympics medal count the netherlands remains in the lead 17 medals. team usa tied with russian with 16 medals. that is bode miller who you see here. miller tied for tbronze. miller is the older alpine skier at age 36. he was quite emotional after winning the medal. bullying in the miami dolphin's lockerroom might be much worse than initially thought.
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but it also says incognito wasn't the only one harassing players. a guard johnry, mike pouncey and incognito, offensive lineman. terrence moore is in atlanta. sports contributor to and columnist for it is disturbing but is it shocking? >> this is very shocking. i'll tell you why. i've talked to a lot of former nfl players and nfl executives. nobody i've talked to has heard anything close to this there happening. i'll tell you something on a personal level. about 35 years ago i guess when you were a toddler or around that age, i covered the oakland raiders. and this was the wild and crazy oakland raiders. and if something like this happened with that group, it would have lasted about ten
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seconds because some of those iconic leaders like gene upshaw would have thrown somebody up against the wall. if they wouldn't have done it one of the coaches would have or somebody in the management team. the biggest thing nobody's talking about, according to this report, if you believe this report, outside of those three players, the nfl wants us to believe that the only coach, the only management type that knew about this was jim turner, offensive line coach. that is ridiculous. because in the nfl, whether you're talking about going back to vince lombardi and modern times, these guys, coaches, management people, even owners, they know everything about these players on the field and off the field. just like here in atlanta, georgia, falcons owner arthur blank, the head of his security team is a former secret service agent. what does that tell you? >> okay. listen, i want to talk about the nfl. their response. they said we appreciate the work of ted wells and his colleagues and the cooperation of the miami
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dolphins organization in the investigation. after we have had an opportunity to review the report we will have further comment as appropriate. what is the nfl's next move here? >> i'll tell you what they should do. what they need to do, the nfl leads to partner with the players association and get the message down from top to bottom that this has got to stop. this will not be top ralerated. that's number one. the second thing the nfl has to do is take a bountygate approach to this. bountygate is where saints were guilty of putting out bounties on opposing quarterbacks. there were suspensions from the front office to coaches to players. something similar has got to happen here. >> let's talk about derek jeter announcing this week he's retiring after 2014, season 2014. what kind of loss is this for major league baseball? >> oh, i think this is huge. because when you look at derek jeter on the field and off the field for 20 years, he is the closest thing ever to a perfect
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player in the history of major league baseball. you don't replace perfect players. then you look at the team he played for. the yankees. outside of maybe notre dame football is the most visible team in the history of the sport. here's what i like about derek jeter. people talk about the 3,000 hits, the iconic moments in the field in the clutch, his great nickname, mr. november. what i like is every single time you talk to this guy, he will look you straight in the eyes. that's not necessarily a given. >> terernce moore, thank you, sir. good seeing you. >> thank you. straight ahead, an exclusive report from inside the fighting in syria. cnn's arwa damon looks at the battle between islamic fundamentalists and moderate rebels with both sides opposed to the assad regime. olive garden's best 2 for $25 yet is ending soon!
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from syria you'll only see on cnn. the death toll from that country's sefl war keeps rising. more than 100,000 people have died, many of them women and children. but there's also been a war within a war with moderate rebels fighting against islamic fundamentalists. they're all opposed to the assad regime. cnn's arwa damon has an exclusive report now from the killing fields near the syrian turkish border. >> reporter: we cross from turkey into northern syria. escorted by armed rebels. for months, these lands were under the brutal and merciless control of isis. t the islamic state of iraq and syria. as we drive forwards the town of idama, we're told isis came in and took over the area and ca called it their islamic state. this was the main isis check point leading into adana. as part of their terror tactics, eyewitnesses were telling us that they would leave some of the bodies of people they'd
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executed lining the check points so that every single car coming through would be forced to slow down and could not ignore that brutal message. across from it, the courthouse. executions took place out front. freshly dug up date of birth marked the graves of several victims. >> there are two corpse over there. two corpse here. there are some corporation near the northern part. some corpse. >> reporter: anyone who dare defie them pay a price. even smoking was banned. this is another of the isis headquarters. and everything here, all of the walls were painted black. you can see they've just been freshly painted over in white. when isis was under control of adana, it is friday, it is prayer time. none of these people would have been able to be on the street. they would have forced the markets to be closed. many here don't want their identities to be revealed or
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even to be seen talking to us. isis may no longer be in control, but many fear they could come back. arwa damon, cnn, adana, syria. >> thank you, arwa p. you can see more of arwa damon's exclusive reporting from inside syria all day tomorrow right here on cnn. before we go this hour, i have to give you an a cuteness alert. rachel nichols meets up with u.s. slope skier gus kenworthy who's not only coming home with a silver medal at the olympics, but trying to bring home stray dogs off the streets of sochi. hear this remarkable story coming up. look how cute they are. i'm don lemon. top of the hour. you're in the cnn newsroom. today would have been jordan davis's 19th birthday. instead of a party his family and country reacts to a verdict returned by a jury in the case of the man who killed him. tonight the ripple effect.
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how the trial and the verdict will impact the community, the legal system and the country. but we can't begin to look at the week ahead without taking you back to the duval county courthouse in florida. the jury found dunn guilty on three counts of attempted murder and one count of firing into a vehicle but deadlocked on the murder charge against him in the death of 17-year-old jordan davis. here's cnn's alina machado with how it all unfolded. >> reporter: after about 30 hours of dleliberations, the juy in the michael dunn murder trial returned a partial verdict. >> your dunn, your having been convicted of counts two, three and four by a jury -- >> reporter: guilty on four counts, including three of attempted second-degree murder in the 2012 shooting outside a jacksonville gas station that killed 17-year-old jordan davis. but on the murder charge, no verdict. >> based on the jury's inability to reach a verdict as to count one, i will declare that
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