tv CNN Newsroom CNN February 22, 2014 3:00pm-4:01pm PST
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is now in jail. juan guzman loera also known as e el chapo is behind bars. we will learn how he was brought down. and now no tw to the ukrain the pressure to boot the president. and the cheers of the protesters and could she be the next leader? >> and first to venezuela and hugo chavez's rival. can venz ezuela's socialist government survive this wave of protests? we will take you there live. the man called the most notorious drug lord was p parad in front of cameras.
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joaquin guzman loera also known as el chapo is caught. we want to warn you some that some of the images are tough to see. >> reporter: this is joaquin guzman after he was arrested, but then he escaped. meth and murder and so many crime crimes are in his wake. many assassinations are connected to his wrath. much of the blood is spilled right here in the largest city of sinaloa. >> around here, he is a legend. >> reporter: and that mystique is part of the reason people are p protekting him. he is known to have turned the
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economy around, and the feeling is to leave him and the cartel alone, and you will be left alone. but you drive around, you will see how the cartel is idolized and it is not uncommon to see el chapo printed on the top of licen license plate frames. gary tuchman. >> so what is to come of him? he is wanted in mexico and the united states. and one d.a. says if he is not extradited soon, he will escape aga again. and nick park ser in mexico city. nick, what happened today? >> well, basically, dorngs as you mentioned, there was a raid at 6:40 a.m. this morning in the resort city of mazatlan, and it is a popular tourist destination, but this is where they arrested some key lieutenants of el chapo and they
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got key elements of his whereabouts. and to give you an idea of what was confiscate d here in the condo which is extraordinary, 13 people were arrested with el chat -- el chapo guzman. they found 43 grenade launchers and many cars, and an extraordinary raid, don, that many mexicans will remember for some time. >> could this lead to more cartel leaders, nick, being arrested? >> well, that is really a critical question. i think that, you know, if you look at his own cartel, itself, the sinaloa cartel, that is the first place they will look to try to continue to break open his cartel, because it is run in a semi autonomous way, and there are two or three other leaders still at large and still sort of
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highly senior, including what is presumed to be the second in command, a man known as el myo. and so whether he is going to yield any inmore facing on them is seem iing unlikely frankly. but what might happen is that he may perhaps while he is in custody trying to get information on rival cartels such as the los zetas, but many believe this won't have a significant impact even on his own cartel. don? >> thank you, nick parker. we appreciate that, and to give you an idea of how big the cartels are, and why this is an important arrest for the u.s. 90% of the cocaine that comes to the u.s. goes through mexico. it is also the main supplier of marijuana and meth. and those u.s. sales put anywhere from 19 to $29 billion in the cartel's pockets. unbelievable. the next few hours may be crucial for the future of
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ukraine. we are tracking the developments there. ukraine's defiant president say s he is not resigning, but cnn has confirmed that he tryied to leae the country today and turned back because of security forces. he said he was trying to leave because of a coupe attempt. meanwhile, the protesters attempt to have taken control of the presidential home in kiev. and a former prime minister was also released from prison. she told a crowd of people that ukraine has finished with this dictator, and now we go to nick paton walsh in kiev, and nick, break it down for us. what do you know about the president's whereabouts? >> well, we foe he know he is i east of the country and released a video saying that the laws passed by parliament take him out of power illegal. we don't have a personal guarantee as to where he is
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physically, but there are suggestions in the ukrainian media that he tried to leave the country which could be possible, actually. don, he looks to be out of the picture there. are no security force, and there is only one police car, and protesters are running the streets and with sticks and helmets and running the own local militia here, and the parliament is moving full steam ahead to introduce their new series of leaders here. they have just called for a new elections in may for a new president and said that victor ka nu kanukivich has not done his job. they are using the powers that was signed yesterday that he had
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agreed to, to make a slew of changes here. it is going to be tough for him to come back from this. and the other question is where do we go from here? we have had the former prime minister, as you said, she has been in jail for corruption allegations that america believes were politically motivated. she went on a hunger strike in jail, and frail in a wheelchair and gave an emotional speech. a lot of the people in the crowd remember her long history in the politics and the checkered past and the allegations against her. she is not a saint at all, but she did cast herself as somebody looking for forgiveness and suggest ing th suggesting that a new future ahead, and perhaps taking a claim for herself in the future as well saying that you people in the crowd will get no ukraine, but the ukraine that you want, and i'm the guarantor of that new ukraine, and interesting speech where she was emotional and talked about the blood of those who died and trying to suggest that she,
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herself, was repentant for the decade-plus in politics here sh, and the corruption. and so much the fuel of the protest here behind me the corruption, and looking after themselves and not the people. she may be the person who can possibly take the country forwards. >> nick paton walsh, thank you for the report. and now the south america, where there are no signs of unrest in venezuela. proponents are back in the streets today. in caracas, supporters turned out for this protest in the capital. the unrest was brought about a number of thing, and inflation topped 56% last year, and the crime rates are high, and shortages have left the store shelves bare. we will have much more on the situation in venezuela and a live report later on in the hour. stay tuned. coming up, the fbi is head ing
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to the university of mississippi after a string of racially-charged hate crimes and an american student studying abroad in italy found dead on railroad tracks in rome, and police are trying to figure out how he got there. estion: in retirement, will you outlive your money? uhhh. no, that can't happen. that's the thing, you don't know how long it has to last. everyone has retirement questions. so ameriprise created the exclusive.. confident retirement approach. now you and your ameripise advisor can get the real answers you need. well, knowing gives you confidence. start building your confident retirement today. [ car alarm chirps ] ♪ [ male announcer ] we don't just certify our pre-owned vehicles. we inspect, analyze, and recondition each one, until it's nothing short of a genuine certified pre-owned mercedes-benz for the next new owner.
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and ask about all the ways you could save. liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? a desperate search ends in tragedy if rome. an american student was participating in a semester-long program in rome. police say that his body had been run over by a train, but they are investigating how he died now. three fraternity brothers at the university of mississippi are accused of vandalizing a civil rights monument on campus, and now the fbi is involved. sigma phi epsilon is suspending the chapter over this. the first african-american
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student at the school statute was found with a noose around his neck and another racial emblem on his face. we are learning about another off campus incident. don valencia has more. >> we know that the three suspects are 19 years old from georgia, but enrolled here at the university of mississippi. officials here on campus and the police are looking into the involvement or potential involvement in a case that happened the next day when a third-year student here, african-american student says she was the victim of a racist attack. she had alcohol thrown on her from a moving car and someone shouted the n-word. we interviewed her and she took us back to the scene of the incident and told us what happened. >> when i heard it, i popped my head up, and that is when he threw it, threw it out of the red cup. >> with what did he say.
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>> you bull p[ bleep ], [ bleep >> and she said that she was impacted by this experience and loves the university and thinks it is with one of the best universities in the nation. i posed that question to the chance lor and it was a frank and honest discussion about the historical intolerance here, and how this has been a lightning rod for racial tensions in the past years, and he said that it is not the way the current climate is right here. >> we have systemic racism in the country, and we have it in this state, and we have it in this university, much less so than in years past, but there is systemic racism everywhere in the world. i wish it weren't so. >> reporter: and the university officials say no arrest warrant s have been issued, and we are waiting for that, but the recent update is whether the fbi will level federal hate crimes against the three students. they will eventually go in front of the judicial board to face
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here is a warning for you, because this next story may be hard for you to watch. it is about a report with claims so harrowing and damning that they are likened to crimes that we have not seen since nazi germany and world war ii. this is a u.n. report that is filled with abuses inside of north korea and claims of enslavement, torture, rain, forced abortions, and other sexual violence, and persecutions on gender group, and the forceful transfer of populations and the inhuman act of knowing ly caused prolonged starvation. here is cnn's brian todd. >> reporter: images of skeletal
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starving people eating snakes and rats. emaciated human remains left for rats to eat, and drawings of detainees abused or tortured. this is from a north korean gulag and part of an exhausting report of abuses inside of north korea. an impartial squad said that there was a starving woman giving birth in the camp, and the soldier heard the cries and beat the mother and then forced the mother to drown the child. >> she shook her hands and drowned the baby in the water. >> there is no other place who has the level of abuse that north korea has. >> reporter: systemic starvation, torture and rain and execution were common place witnesses told the u.n.
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fo former detainees and prison officials described grotesque methods of killing the inmates and guards forced them to dig their own graves and then hit them over the head with a hammer. and speak ing ing to amnesty international, another method was to have the inmate come to the office and sit down and two people would be waiting with a rubber rope. >> if you strike someone with it, it will wrap around their neck and then you kill them the by pulling the rope. >> reporter: this north korean defector who testified for the u.n. told paula hancocks how the prison guards killed her brother. >> translator: they tied him to the are truck and dragged him for 45 kilometers and when he fell down, they kept driving. >> reporter: kenneth bae is suspected to be being held in one of those camps. >> so many times in this report, there is no time for action.
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but this is a call for action. >> reporter: will anything change within north e korea? >> well, the north korean government wants to be recognized and have legitimacy, and in every venue where the north korean walks, it is go g ing to stalk them. >> reporter: this is a human right rights violations in the report do not exist in our country, but this is the most detailed account ever of human rights abuses within the kconfines of north korea. >> well, it is hard not to take an action after a report of thax but many analysts remain skeptical of the prospects of change for that. i want to bring in crihristophe hill who is a former ambassador of north korea and served in north korea from 2009 to 2011.
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do you believe that changes are possible? >> well w it is hard to say for me, but this report is very credible. i believe that the judge michael kirby did a great job of categorizing and cataloging the reports of abuse, and having witness after witness corroborating each other, and this is a very important report, and it has not been done before. what more do you do, because north korea is one of the most heavily sanctioned countries on the earth, and so can we get other countries who have leverage namely china to say enough is enough. so nothing changes in the playbook. it is back to china, and to try to make the point to china that if you have aspirations in this world, you cannot be counting this little country as your friend. >> yeah. and this is really about china,
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and china has to step up being the closest ally, but lins, it is important to have you here, and i am glad that you are here tonight, because you have a unique perspective. you are one of the few people who have actually been to north korea. do you see any prospect of change within north korea and did this report actually surprise you? >> the report did not surprise me, because again, michael kirby is extremely respected judge. all of the reports are reports that there have been rumors about these for years and years, and the difference here is how well it was put together. so the issue is how can north korea change? certainly china comes in as a unkited -- unindicted co-conspirator, because the judge said that refugees arrived in china only to be sent back to north korea for a very uncertain
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future, and i hope that china is taking that on board and taking a look at own member state in the u.n. but it is important for north korea to get opened up. the more it is opened up, the more chance there is for change. right now, however, there's no civil society there. there is no opposition. and it is the most repressive regime on the face of the earth as nick everstat said in the setup piece. so the part is to get in there and begin the process of change, and so far, that has been very difficult. >> we have been following the case of kenneth bae, the american who has been jailed in north korea for 15 months, and following that closely, and trying to help with the campaign that wants to bring him back. what are the odds that he is experiencing or seeing first hand the crimes outlined in the u.n. report? >> i suspect he's been kept in some kind of isolation. i doubt that he has seen these
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kinds of reports of torture that have been so vividly described. i doubt that, but i am not sure at all. certainly, he's been in some part of the penal system, but he is apart from other north koreans held. it is unclear what they have in mind for kenneth bae, but one does get the impression at times they are looking to release him, but one also gets the impression that often in the circumstances, you have a disagreement on whether to release him, and they end up not releasing him. that is what is going on, and there is a disagreement about what to do. >> all right. christopher hill, thank you very much, and we appreciate your perspective here on cnn. and once again my promise to the family of kenneth bae, we here at cnn will stay here with this story with the social media to do what it takes. to learn what you can do go to
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bring back bae on twitter. meanwhile, and openly gay nfl player likely to make his nfl debut this fall, and will he be accepted into the league after one team is talking about his experience in another locker room. parking space found. [ male announcer ] ...that secured the data that directed the turbines that powered the farm that made the milk that went to the store that reminded the man to buy the milk that was poured by the girl who loved the cat. [ meows ] the internet of everything is changing everything. cisco. tomorrow starts here.
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[clicks mouse] nice office. how you doing? good. automatic discounts the moment you sign up. the world of sports is a about to change forever, and one reason is michael sam. a defensive end and former defensive player who recently revealed he is gay. this weekend at the nfl combine where future draft picks go through a battery of tests for nfl team, and a few hours ago, he talked to reporters. >> good afternoon. my name is michael sam, and i play football for the university of missouri, and heck, yeah, i wish you would say, hey, michael
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sam, how is football going and the training going? i would love to answer that question, and it is what it is. i wish you would see me as michael sam the football player, and instead of michael sam the gay football player. i want to do what i love to do and that is to play football. if the miami dolphins draft ed me, i would be excited to be part of that organization, but i am not afraid to go into that environment. i know how to handle myself and communicate with the teammates and communicate with the coaches and other staff and whoever i need to communicate with. i have been in locker rooms where all kinds of slurs have been said, you know, and i don't think that anyone means it. i think that the little naive and uneducated, but, you know, as time goes on, everyone will a adapt. and if someone wants to call me a name, i will have that conversation with that guy and hopefully not lead to anything else. and since i'm not an nfl active roster that is my only thought is to be on that roster, and that is my 100% focus on this.
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i'm not focusing on everything else but to earn my spot an nfl team. i love my fans and i love mizzou, and one of the best schools out in the nation, and after what they did this past weekend was amazing. i wanted to cry, but i am like, i'm a man, but -- [ laughter ] -- so i just, i wanted to thank everyone who support ed me and especially mizzou, and the students, and the coaches, and my coaches and the whole organization and the every missouri fan, and m-i-z-z-o-u, i'm a tiger forever. >> and once drafted, he is going to become the first openly gay athlete in any of the major pro sports leagues, and meantime, the miami dolphins have fired a coach and trainer in the roles they played in the bullying of a
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player. richie incognito has also been singled out for misconduct. if this is the locker room, and this is the past is the past, and gay athletes were accepted and bully is not part of the culture, and so we are joined with marc lamont hill and ben ferguson and terrence as well. terrence, the report showed how bad a locker room can be with richie incognito, a san diego this what michael sam will face? >> well, don, i have been in professional locker rooms and college locker rooms since the mid-1970s and the dirty little secret is or the great not so great secret is that there have been gay players on the major college teams and the pro teams and the teammates have known about it, and the coachs have known about it, and it is not
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that big of a deal. as a matter of fact, just a couple of weeks ago i had lunch with a good friend of mine who s is a former nfl player who played for a prominent nfl team, and he talked about all of the gay players he had through the years and it was not a problem just as long as they won. but here is where the problem is going to come from, everybody else. the media is going to come from the front office and coming from fans, because this will be the mother of all distractions and bigger than a sports story and one thing that the teams don't handle well are distractions. >> and terrence, listen, i have to play the devil's advocate for you here, and in speaking to people who are inside of the locker room as well, they are saying that he is going to face problems when it comes to teams. he is going to be facing problems in the locker room. and that for the most part, especially the nfl, all of the professional sports, but for the most part the nfl very homophobic, and people are concerned about the locker rooms. you say no? >> i would say he is not going
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to have major problems and ri will tell you why, because by my personal observation over 30-something years and talking with the other players, and i am telling you -- >> but are those people open and out or rumored or are they down low? >> well, they are obviously not open, because this is the first openly gay player that we know. >> well, that is a big difference, terrence. >> but, don, that is why i am saying that the problem is going to come from the distraction that is going to be caused by the media attention that is g g going to be given to this, and the focus, and not going to come from the teammates, but it is going to come from mainly the other people that is going to make it a big deal. >> i agree. >> i don't know fi agree with that, but go ahead, marc. >> there is a "don't ask, don't tell" mentality, and i have spent a great deal of time with the nba and i know countless nba players and been in many nba locker room locker rooms and there are rumors and murmurs of the people who are suspected to be gay and
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know they are gay, and it is still governed by a "don't ask, don't tell" and they don't have the deal with it if they don't. in the nfl, there are a large number of players who don't want to acknowledge that the gay people belong in the locker rooms and now that it is in their face, they can't deny it. i have spoken to many people off of the record who say it is going to make them uncomfortable, and some people have said they don't want to play next to gay players and the league is going to -- >> but can you look at history? he came out to the entire team, and anybody who said that there is a problem there? and you are dealing with serious, and it is -- hold on one second, because i want to finish. it is not as different as we make it out to be. you are talking about the top levels of the ncaa and the top football conference in america with a lot of players who were go going to go pro or play overseas, and he was embraced by the teammates in a college locker room which is just as vile and competitive as an nfl locker room, and the only
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difference is that a lot of them in the nfl have a lot of money, and a lot of them in college don't. they are just the same. there is many punks and bullies and jerks in the locker rooms, and we are not giving these guys, the teammates enough credit. i think that he probably knows that based on the reaction at his own university when he came out that it is not going to be this incredibly awkward thing in the locker room that otherwise, i don't think that he would have been so bold. he saw what happened in college. >> well, it is not going to be incredibly awkward thing in the locker room, because he has been in the locker room the entire time and as terrence said, he is gay, and have been since professional sports started. >> but he was open at mizzou. >> i can't stress it enough, and i go back to the person i had lunch with, this is a very prominent nfl team. and so if it is not a problem for the team like that where they know that this guy is -- and several guys by the way that were gay and they were winning, and just win, baby, and that is
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the old adage around the nfl, a and it is not going to be a problem, but here is the thing. he has to perform. if he does not perform, that is when the problem will begin. >> absolutely. >> and don, let me say this, too. >> and marc and ben, i will let you continue the thought on the other side, because we have a lot to talk about here, including michael sams says he is ready for the nfl, but is the nfl ready for michael sam? what happens if things go wrong on or off of the field? we will look at the potential risks facing the nfl. back in a moment. across america, people like basketball hall of famer
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and we are talking pro sports and the locker room culture with terrence moore, sports contributor to and marc and ben. i cut you off before, marc, and you said that you talked to a number of people, and i was talking to a former athlete last night who said that especially the nfl, very homophobic, but also, a lot of people on the down low who meaning that they are gay or do things on the side and don't tell people, and those are going to be the most vocal people. do you agree with that? >> well, that often happens. think about eddie long leading marches against gay people, and he had all kinds of things going on inside of his sanctuary, and
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sometimes the people who protestth too much are the activities they are scared of or demonize, and in the nfl, there are many people who are violently anti-gay, and i don't know if they are gay or on the down low or not, but there is some connection between the two, but if they are not gay, they may create a hostile environment. one thing about being in college being the best player on the team, and in the world, and the top banana and you can't say too much to him, but now he is a rookie, and power structures and order and culture and depending upon the team, he can have problems, but i think that he can defeat it or i know he can. >> and terrence, he seems to be stealing your line here. >> well, he did, but that is okay. that is okay. and i wanted to say this, and this might surprise you, the best thing to happen to michael sam this week is the nfl is coming off the worst two weeks in its history. okay. at least off of the field. you have ray rice dragging his
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unconscious girlfriend or fiancee out of the elevator in a casino, and then you have darren sharper who is one of the greatest defensive backs of all time drugging or allegedly drugging women, and raping them across various states, and just a couple of days you had fred davis a tight end for the washington redskins arrested for dui and come to find out this is the 23rd or the 24th arrest involving drive ing ing in the five or six years, and the point is this, the nfl is going to be overly concerned that something bad is going to happen with michael sam, and you have roger goodell who is tauklking about protecting the shield, and he might personally body guard michael sam for the rest of his career in the nfl. >> and that is funny when you put that it way -- and hang on, ben. when you put it in that context, and clean cut kid and very well spoken and appears to be a good student, and i don't imagine the
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grades are not great, and you have a guy who is gay, and so what, who cares? >> well, you have teammates who protecting him as soon as he makes friends with him. that is what happens in the lock locker room, you will get many groups of friends who eat dinner together and go out. but the other thing is that the nfl is not going to be stupid with this. and the owners of the team, and the game, and whoever is in charge, the gm or the coach are going to make it very clear whoever drafts sam are going to have a blunt team meeting that if anybody uses any of these words or slurs or gay slurs, you are going to be an incredibly in hot water and maybe off of the team if not indefinitely off of the team, and the nfl will send that message as well. so you are going to come in with a p.r. saspect that is no team that is going to be want to be known as the team that is anti-gay team because of one athlete or two athletes comes out, and says, i am stupid about
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a teammate. they are going to do everything they can to make sure it duds not happen. >> and don't say comes out, because people will get the wrong impression. i wanted to jump in there. that is a terrible joke, and everybody in the newsroom is going, oh. >> wow, wow. >> i needed to move on to the next item. that is bad. sorry. my apologies. and the miami dolphin, and a real mess there in the locker ro room, and the jonathan martin investigation is leading to the firing of the assistant team coach and trainer, and that means that the abuse went beyond martin's teammates, and terrence, how does a locker room get so toxic that a player quits in the mid-season and a team member is fired. >> well, the nfl did not do any favors because they threw jim turner the offensive line coach under the bus. as i told you last week, don, he was not the only coach who knew about this, and he is not the only person in the front office who knew about it, and in the nfl environment these people know everything about all of these players so et get out of
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the way. the other thing is that this is a unique situation. i nknow that from personal observation, and just from doing the report, and this is so beyond anything that anybody has seen before, and people talk about the hazing in the nfl, and like this is a historical thing, and it has been to the certain extent, but in the 1970s, i knew paul broun very well who found ed the two teams very well, and the browns and the bengals and he goes back to the 1940s and bill walsh never allowed hazing and this is a recent phenomena and this particular situation is beyond anything that we have see seen. >> all right. i have to get ben n because we may lose ben's satellite and we have let it go on for a long time, but this is what i want to ask, and it is odd to me, and listen -- it is odd to me that the players have 1,000 texts between each other, and people that i'm dating, i don't text a thousand times and there is something odd go g ing on here i am not exactly sure. go ahead. >> i don't know if it is odd, but you are dealing with a
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couple of guys here who are aof of the reservation, and they had obviously, a unique friendship, and with a lot of ups and downs and a lot of testosterone and anger issues. i don't know if we will figure it out any time soon, but it is definitely outside of the norm of a normal locker room, and guys i know who play at the highest level, this is not the normal and the nfl is not going to probably let this happen again, because the p.r. war for them is just too bad. i mean, you look at this and you look at the saints with the money on people for getting them hurt, and they don't need anything else for the next five years to get back to even. >> and ben, you will disappear, so hurry up. mark marc, quick response. >> i am not against people carrying bags or stupid errands, but this is an outlier and extreme and extreme nard -- and
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extraordinary, because you had bad guys involved. >> and this is -- >> go ahead. thank you, guys. we should do a whole show with you three. >> let's do it. >> we will do it. >> all right. we will be right back. my dad has aor afib.brillation, he has the most common kind...'s not caused by a heart valve problem. dad, it says your afib puts you at 5 times greater risk of a stroke. that's why i take my warfarin every day. but it looks like maybe we should ask your doctor about pradaxa. in a clinical trial, pradaxa® (dabigatran etexilate mesylate)... ...was proven superior to warfarin at reducing the risk of stroke. and unlike warfarin, with no regular blood tests or dietary restrictions. hey thanks for calling my doctor. sure.
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pradaxa is not for people with artificial heart valves. don't stop taking pradaxa without talking to your doctor. stopping increases your risk of stroke. ask your doctor if you need to stop pradaxa before surgery or a medical or dental procedure. pradaxa can cause serious, sometimes fatal, bleeding. don't take pradaxa if you have abnormal bleeding or have had a heart valve replaced. seek immediate medical care for unexpected signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. pradaxa may increase your bleeding risk if you're 75 or older, have a bleeding condition or stomach ulcer, take aspirin, nsaids, or blood thinners... ...or if you have kidney problems, especially if you take certain medicines. tell your doctors about all medicines you take. pradaxa side effects include indigestion, stomach pain, upset, or burning. if you or someone you love has afib not caused by a heart valve problem... ...ask your doctor about reducing the risk of stroke with pradaxa.
3:52 pm
there are no signs that the violent protests in venezuela will stop any time soon. against the socialist government. we have two reports from caracas. rafael, i want to start with you. describe what you have seen today. >> reporter: well, just a few moments ago, don, we witnessed the explosions in the area where we are in the district of
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caracas, and there was an effort by the part of police trying to disperse a protest not far from here, and they are trying to blockade many of the streets here, and this is at the end of f a day where the government and the protesters had dualing protesters throwing threats against each other, and increasing the tone of the rhetoric. so it has been a day that especially a few moments ago that definitely makes you, makes you believe that the violence is not going to end up any time soon, don. >> carl, a lot of people are wondering if this is the beginning of the end for venezuela's socialist government. any thoughts on that from you? >> well, i think that what the opposition has tried to do is to take the politics on to the street, and at the same time what the government is warning is that this is the start of a
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slow moving coup attempt to a democratically elected government, but that may have however been a miscalculation by the opposition. at the end of the day, the opposition draw the most part of the support from the wealthier, the middle-classes, and they are not used to being out on the street where as the pro government loyaltists, and the guys born on the streets and grown up on the streets, and for the last 16 years that venezuela has been going through the socialist experiment, most of the politics has been played out on the street. and so the opposition may not be on the even footing with the pro government forces here, but of course, there is a wild card in all of this, because the government is accusing the united states of funding and helping orchestrate some of the protests. that would also be a decisive fac to, and we have to see if the opposition forces have the stamina to keep p pushi ipushin
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government and the holding of the reins here in this government, and they are also accusing them of trying to bring the economy to a strangle hold and to its knees. >> thank you, rafael and carl, we appreciate it very much. coming up -- >> in is the difference of when he tries to break into the car, and i try to break into the car. let e let's find out. >> well, that should be interesting. we le show you how this plays out. next. that would be my daughter -- hi dad. she's a dietitian. and back when i wasn't eating right, she got me drinking boost. it's got a great taste, and it helps give me the nutrition i was missing. helping me stay more like me. [ female announcer ] boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. all with a delicious taste. grandpa! [ female announcer ] stay strong, stay active with boost.
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at&t. the nation's most reliable 4g lte network. well, with one day left at the winter olympics, the u.s. team has dropped out of the lead in the medal race. the usa olympians now trail russia by two medals and norway is just one behind the u.s. men's hockey didn't help the u.s. cause, and well, because the men lost their chance at gold or silver after falling to canada yesterday. then the team missed out on the medal completely by losing to finland today, 5-0. -- captions by vitac --
4:00 pm
hello, everyone. i'm don lemon and top of the hour. you are in the "cnn newsroom" and one week ago tonight on the show, there was a lot of outrage and debate over the michael dunn verdicts in the death of jordan davis, and now a prank posted on youtube has expose d the uglines of race relations in the country again. specifically how black men and white men raise suspicion in certain situations or not raise suspicion in certain situations. many say it is 2014, and we have elected a black president twice, so things must be better, right? i want to have you check out this prank posted on simple misfits. >> now we want the show you the difference of the i try to break into a car, and he tries to break into a car. let's find out. [ car horn honking ]
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