tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN February 27, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm PST
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indians today by the film industry -- excuse me. [ applause ] >> i do not think that this academy awards evening was an inappropriate place. but of course, i speak only as an american indian. i cannot answer for the conscience of america. >> you're not going to get me to say anything. this is our only chance to contact the public as an industry. now, don't try to get me to say something against it. go get brando. >> and the oscar goes to -- "bowling for columbine." >> i remember tonya on stage, and it was like i had golom in my heard where this voice is going, precious, be nice, don't
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start any trouble. just thank your agent and your stylist and leave the stage. and the other voice is going, no, no, you have a responsibility. there's a war going on. you must say something. >> i've invited my fellow documentary nominees on the stage, because we like nonfiction. and we live in fictitious times. we live in the time where we have fictitious election results that elects a fictitious president. [ boos ] we live in a time where we have a man sending us to war for fictitious reasons. whether it's the fictitious of orange alerts, we are against this war, mr. bush. shame on you, mr. bush. shame on you. and any time -- ♪
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>> and walk off the stage and one of the stagehands comes right up in my ear, i thought he was going to hit me, he screams -- hole! >> it was so sweet backstage. you could see it. the teamsters are helping michael moore into the trunk of his limo. >> before we begin tonight, ladies and gentlemen, i would like to say for the record that i am in favor of using more american indians and other minorities in motion pictures. i am against polluting the oceans of the world. i am for every nationality having its homeland and i'm for saving the whales. >> the host job is to be really funny in the beginning and hope something happens that you can capitalize on. >> you've got to know what you're doing, you have to be very fluid. you have to be able to deal with live television. and it's not easy. >> this giant of the film business is with us tonight.
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he's 100 years old. please, give a warm welcome to mr. hal roach. [ applause ] >> i introduced him. he was supposed to get up and wave. instead, he started talking. and there was no mike. and from the stage it was -- [ inaudible ] and i remember the lines going through my mind, and then one hit and just stuck. boom. >> i think that's fitting, because mr. roach started in silent films. >> you have to be that good to do this job. you have to be that good. >> from hollywood, rca proudly presents --
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>> isn't it exciting to know that a lot of these glamorous stars are going to be in your homes tonight? all over america, housewives are turning to their husbands and saying, put on your shirt, joan crawford is coming. >> from the academy's beginning, the studios had been footing the bill for hollywood's star studded awards ceremony. but in the 1950s, a new funding source appeared, television. >> television, that's where movies go when they die. >> in 1953, nbc offered $100,000 for broadcast rights, and the academy never looked back. >> i want to say that tonight you regular television watchers will see movie stars you've never seen before. >> it's the one place you can see people like clark gable and doris day and gregory peck and rita hayworth on television. >> will you read the nominees, mr. newman? >> with pleasure, mrs. newman. >> for the best achievement in art direction.
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>> those nominated for the best achievement in film editing are -- >> and now for the black and white cinematography -- >> some of the reasons you love the movies you love are because of those people that you don't know that have photographed it or those people that have done the art direction or the costume designs. or all those other technical things, sound. if you didn't have those things, you wouldn't have the movies that we love. >> i'm steve martin. i'm here to present the award for special visual effects. >> for the best achievement in sound. >> sound. >> sound. >> as you know, this -- have -- are -- >> sound effects create the illusion of pain. >> the term sound design is something that came up in the era right during and after when
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star wars when 1977 came out for the voice of chubaka. if we tease poor little pooh, that was the name of the bear, with toast and milk, the bear would cry out. take the ones that sounded cute and make -- set those aside and take the ones that sound angry and put them this way. you could cut them together and make little sentences together. >> of all the tools an actor has in creating the perfect look for a part, none is more important than the skillful use of makeup. >> makeup artists are the magicians of the movie industry, transforming actors and actresses into gods and goddesses. we would not be who we are without them. ♪
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>> my next door neighbor was a makeup artist. every halloween, i always wanted to be a witch or some horrible thing, and every year he would make me up and i would look and say, oh, i want to do what you do when i grow up. >> daniel, hi. >> could you make me a woman? >> i'm so happy. >> when they go about creating their character, it's very helpful for us to give them the tools to do that. when they look in the mirror, we want them to feel that character. we were absolutely amazed at how well this makeup stood up in person. >> have we met? >> no. >> the category is art direction. >> sit art direction? because i missed a spot. thank you. i'm sorry i woke you. >> art direction, what sit, who
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does it and who are they? art direction, i don't know. >> the art director makes a movie look the way it does. >> picture a professor of art and architecture with the imagination of picasso, the precision of a brain surgeon and the capacity to create an entirely believable new world. >> if given an unlimited budget, rome can be built in a day, at least the front of it. >> freeze, police. >> the production designer and art person take responsibility for the acting space. you need to provide colors and space that mean something, you need to provide an environment that will inspire them to do their best work. ♪ >> a little help from my
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friends. i'm going to present the award for costume design. >> for me to hand out an award for clothes, don't get me wrong, i'm going to do it, but i'm not exactly sure they came up with the right fellow. >> there was a time when every woman wanted to dress like garbo. clark gable took his shirt off in "it happened one night" and it took 18 years for brando to bring the t-shirt back.
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♪ >> if you think of "saving private ryan," all the glossy, technically perfect imagery was thrown away for the sake of creating images that would make the audience feel like they're right there on the beach of normandy. >> there were pictures taken by the photo journalist robert kappa. he landed with the first wave at 6:30 the morning on omaha beach and he took hundreds of photographs. only 10 or 11 shots survived. those still photographs said more to me about what it was like to land on those beaches than anything i had ever seen. so i said, i want the whole landing to look like these nine photographs.
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[ gunfire ] >> it wasn't like a series of shot lists. that was a brand of documentary film making which he's down in the thick of this thing, and they are scattering, you know, cameras all over the place. >> we had a great operator. he would chase the soldiers, he would follow the soldiers, he would fall down on the ground, get up, get some blood on the lens, get some dirt on the lens. >> movies are very rarely utter and complete chaos captured by the cameraman. that landing, for me, was sheer and total chaos.
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>> and the oscar goes to "saving private ryan." [ applause ] hey guys! sorry we're late. did you run into traffic? no, just had to stop by the house to grab a few things. you stopped by the house? uh-huh. yea. alright, whenever you get your stuff, run upstairs, get cleaned up for dinner. you leave the house in good shape? yea. yea, of course. ♪ [ sportscaster talking on tv ] last-second field go-- yea, sure ya did. [ male announcer ] introducing at&t digital life. personalized home security and automation. get professionally monitored security for just $29.99 a month. with limited availability in select markets.
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predibut, manufacturings a prettin the united states do. means advanced technology. we learned that technology allows us to be craft oriented. no one's losing their job. there's no beer robot that has suddenly chased them out. the technology is actually creating new jobs. siemens designed and built the right tools and resources to get the job done. so i got the new nokia lumia icon. it's got 1080p video, three times zoom, and a twenty-megapixel sensor. it's got the brightest display, so i can see what i'm shooting -- even outdoors, and 4 mics that capture incredible sound. plus, it has apps like vine -- and free cloud storage. my new lumia icon is so great, even our wipeouts look amazing. ♪ honestly, i want to see you be brave ♪
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♪ there are all kinds of directors. there are spectator directors, dictator directors, directors that are kind and tolerant. they're understanding. there are also directors that are mean and petty and contemptible. >> some directors are short -- [ laughter ] and some are tall. some are old and some are young. there are directors who know everything about human behavior and nothing about the camera. [ laughter ] there are directors who know camera angles, camera lenses, camera sprockets and depth of focus but who are totally ignorant of the human condition.
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[ laughter ] >> we have all of these directors with us tonight. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> the director is the captain of the ship. >> the director is a dictator. >> i prefer it if they're competent. that's always nice. >> there is the writer/director. if he goes on strike, who stays? i don't know. if he fires him, does he have to file a grievance? there's the writer/director/producer, one of the few creatures on earth that can blow smoke up his open ass. >> as a 6-year-old, i thought my father was a magician. i just knew when i showed up at his workplace, incredible things happened. my father is director of "ghostbusters."
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i'll always be the son of the guy who directed "ghostbusters." my father said you're making a movie about an important time. there's a recession and there's not going to be many movies that speak to it accurately. you have to find ways to speak that to the film. we put an ad out saying we're making a documentary about job loss. >> what am i supposed to do now? >> how is your family, sleeping well tonight? >> they would get angry, cry, they would start saying real things. >> going to chuck e. cheese this weekend? not me. we're not going to do anything. [ speaking foreign language ] >> it translates, the realizer. >> he tries to get as close to the vision he or she has.
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when they first read the material. >> the best ones i worked with, they shoot with very specific points of view. >> "raging bull" has maybe 10 or 12 scenes with boxing matches in it. martin scorsese shot each one of those scenes differently based upon the meaning of the scene. the scene in which la motta is supposed to throw the fight, for the first time marty puts the camera outside the ring. because he said, jake's heart wasn't in the ring.
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at the moment in the fight when la motta says screw this, i'm going to beat this guy, the camera flies through the ropes into the ring. >> he's got him hurt! >> every one of those scenes is shot differently based upon the meaning of the scene to the story. >> those nominated for best achievement in directing are -- >> the nominees for achievement in directing are -- >> the nominees for achievement in directing are -- >> the nominees for achievement in directing are -- >> here are the nominees for achievement in directing. >> steven spielberg for "close encounters." >> steven spielberg for "raiders of the lost ark." >> steven spielberg for "e.t." >> steven spielberg. >> steven spielberg. >> the winner is woody allen. >> warren beatty.
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>> i wanted to shoot black and white because i did not want to -- any of the images of the holocaust. i would not have made the movie had the studio insisted, and they did for a while, that i shoot the movie in color. there were a few moments of color i wanted to introduce in the film. the shabbat candles in the opening scene, before the holocaust, was full of color. and as the candle burns down, everything turns into black and white except the candle. and i wanted the candle to be just a little bit of red in the wick before it goes down, and then the smoke would rise, almost like the smoke from the crematorium.
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>> you want to say something in spanish? >> i don't speak spanish. >> how do i feel? fine. how are you? >> i don't know what i'm doing here. i didn't win anything. >> oh, yes. >> sorry, yes, yes. >> what is your feeling about oscars and what they mean in this community? >> it's exhilarating. it's good to be recognized by your peers. have you heard that before? >> as the show progresses, the room fills up with losers.
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for everyone who wins, there are four who don't and they are bitter and they sit there and they're not interested in the jokes anymore. >> keep your eyes on the losers tonight as they applaud the winners. you'll see great understanding, great sportsmanship, great acting. [ laughter ] >> the thing that's terrible is that one minute, you're a nominee, the next you're a loser. >> the winner is -- >> the winner is -- may i have the envelope? >> anything memorable from that night >> losing. >> and the winner is "the hurt locker." >> we ducked out and didn't go to the governor's ball and went to in and out instead. this little lady walked up to me and said, didn't you just win an oscar? and i said, no, and i bit into my double-double. >> and the oscar goes to -- >> just the fact that i was
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sitting in that room with those people, wearing that gorgeous dress that had been especially made just for me, i felt i had won. honestly, i didn't feel i needed anymore than that. people go oh, it's just enough to be nominated, which is all well and good. in the beginning. >> and the winner is linda hunt! >> the nominees -- >> ken chase. >> whoopi goldberg. >> margaret avery. >> "the color purple" was given 11 nominations. >> "the color purple." >> and then each time the movie was called, we didn't win. so that's a tough evening to sit through. >> i could feel this, um, hunger and grasping in me that i didn't like.
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>> hey, you, you've got a watch on. will you tell me the time? >> that's an academy award winning part. she should have hop an award for that. not my award. >> and the winner is -- ellen bersten. >> you're caught in this terrible squish between, you know, a really heavy dose of vanity and pride and arrogance on one side, and a really heavy dose of humility and insecurity on the other. and you're sort of squished in the middle. >> dustin hoffman. [ applause ] >> i would like to thank my
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parents for not practicing birth control. [ laughter ] i'm up here with mixed feelings. i'm deeply grateful for the opportunity to be able to work. >> it's not a sport. in sports, whoever wins wins. the oscars are not like that. >> i refuse to believe that i beat jack lemon, that i beat al pacino, that i beat sellers. i refuse to believe that robert duvall lost. >> you know in your heart that this is kind of wrong, and i know i shouldn't be saying this because we're talking about the oscars, and on many levels it's fantastic. >> there are people who are giving that artistic part of themself that goes beyond a paycheck, and they are never up here, and many of them are not members of the academy, and we
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never hear of them. >> in the end, we are artists, and art is not about competition or prizes. >> and to that artistic family that strives for excellence, none of you have ever lost. and i am proud to share this with you and i thank you. [ applause ] >> competition, by its very nature, creates winners and losers. ♪ i'm singing in the rain >> but some of these overlooked by oscar have stood the test of time, and are now regarded as classics. ♪ i'm happy again ♪ i'm laughing at clouds >> it's very hard to say one film is better than another. is "the god father" better than "2001 space odyssey?" i don't know. is "annie hall" better than "good fellas?"
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i don't know. every year, the academy announces its nominees and immediately everybody is saying how can they nominate this one? it's very easy. we took a vote. that's how. this is not a tablet handed down from god writ by his finger saying okay, if anybody disagrees, you're wrong, this is the official answer. this is our opinion. >> some people who should have gotten oscars never got an oscar. ♪ ♪ >> for a lifetime of work, or sometimes for work too long
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unrewarded, the academy offers the honorary oscar. >> always a bridesmaid, never a bride. >> our board of governors tonight salutes with a special oscar. >> harold lloyd. >> groucho marks. >> lillian gish. >> deborah clark. >> kirk douglas. >> lauren bacall. >> blake edwards. >> d.a. pennybaker. >> charles chaplain. >> oh, you're wonderful, sweet people. thank you. [ applause ] i have low testosterone. there, i said it.
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>> i feel so happy. i want to thank all the members of the academy who did not vote for me. >> hello, gorgeous. >> i can't tell you how encouraging a thing like this is. >> it's much heavier than i imagined. >> i had something to say, and i can't remember what i was going to say for the life of me. >> i do remember feeling completely overwhelmed by the fact that jack lemmon, peter o'toole, dustin hoffman and paul newman were my fellow nominees. >> five outstanding performances and the winner is -- >> i remember turning to my ex-wife and saying, are you ready to applaud paul? >> ben kingsley.
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>> it is a bit like being in a car crash. everything slows down, everything goes into slow motion and it start of goes, tick, tick, tick. the winner is -- my assistant came with me and she said in the morning, all kids love to get gold stars. and this is the biggest and best gold star i've ever had in my life. i thought that was a lovely idea, that we all do love the gold star, you know. it makes us feel proud, that we've achieved something. >> there's a couple of family members that were skeptical with my acting. when the nomination happened, i don't know, i almost felt like i had gotten a diploma of something. >> benicio del turo.
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thank you. >> the five nominees for best performance by an actor in a leading role are -- >> my father had made some of the greatest movies and he had never won. didn't seem right. or possible. >> you know what this is? the university of pennsylvania finals 1921, second place. >> i was nominated for best supporting actor. dad was nominated for best actor. catherine was nominated for best female actor. i didn't win, and the two of them did. >> the winner is katharine hepburn in "on golden pond." >> henry fonda, "on golden pond." >> he was too sick to get his
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oscar, so he asked me, if he did win, to get it for him. >> oh, dad, i'm so happy and proud for you. [ applause ] >> that was one of the happiest moments of my life. we all went over to his house and presented the oscar to him, and his first words were, i'm so happy for kate. >> the nominees for best performance by an actress in a leading role are -- >> last night never happened and i'm going to marry him and we're going to take this to the oscars. >> i'm in love with you. >> snap out of it! >> as he started doing that, i went deaf. i was very frightened by holly
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hunter. i saw that movie, i thought, oh, my god, she's so great in it. then i thought, glenn close too, and it's dramatic, she did everything, she boiled the rabbit. >> the winner is -- >> and when he opened the envelope, he took a breath, and i thought, i've lost, because it doesn't take a breath to say cher. >> the winner is cher in "moon struck." [ applause ] >> and when he said it, i was so -- my senses were so strange and i had no idea that people stood up. ♪
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>> it was just crazy. i was really kind of not in my right mind. my senses were telling me. >> when i was little, my mother said, i want you to be something. and, uh, and i guess this represents 23 or 24 years of my work and i've never won anything before from my peers. and i also would like to thank mary louise, i did my first movie with her and i was nominated with her and i feel really thankful. [ applause ] ♪ hey guys! sorry we're late.
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did you run into traffic? no, just had to stop by the house to grab a few things. you stopped by the house? uh-huh. yea. alright, whenever you get your stuff, run upstairs, get cleaned up for dinner. you leave the house in good shape? yea. yea, of course. ♪ [ sportscaster talking on tv ] last-second field go-- yea, sure ya did. [ male announcer ] introducing at&t digital life. personalized home security and automation. get professionally monitored security for just $29.99 a month. with limited availability in select markets. ♪ [ male announcer ] she won't remember this, being carried in your arms. but after a day spent in the caribbean exploring mayan ruins and playing pirates with you in secret coves, she won't exactly be short on memories. princess cruises. come back new. [ female announcer ] plan your seven-day cruise from just $549.
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>> it was an amazing night. and i got home, it was probably 3:00 or 4:00 in the morning. i got up at 7:00, threw on a pair of jeans, sneakers and went back to work. i'm sitting on this sound stage with stale coffee and bad donuts and thought, this is hollywood. last night was not hollywood. that's the one night of the year that we all get dressed up and put on a show. this, the sitting in this dusty old stage, doing the drudgery of film maker is hollywood. it's a lot of people working very hard and very unglamorous things for a long time with a tremendous risk of failure. and that's hollywood. ♪
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>> the glamour and all that is fun, but i just think about the work. >> where do you keep your oscar? >> right here. ♪ >> for the winners, there will be a giant victory celebration in the grand ballroom in the hilton hotel. the rest of us will gather at the price water garage. >> when i was waiting in london to get my luggage in the luggage
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room, someone recognized me and started applauding. and the words that went around the luggage hall, and the whole luggage hall, everyone waiting for the luggage and the luggage handlers and all applauded me. so i got the oscar out. that was lovely. >> ain't that pretty? >> the nominations are -- do i get an envelope? oh, thank you. the nominations are -- right there. >> some more of the nominees -- oh, wrong glasses.
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sorry. >> story and screenplay by eric -- rommer. >> the problem is, i forgot my glasses, but -- okay. >> and the winner is -- >> indiana, 8668. >> before i came, i went to visit jane austin's grave to pay my respects, you know, and tell her about the grosses. >> roberto, you understanding my jokes, man? you're not understanding not a thing i'm saying, are you? all right. you think i'm funny? >> before my mom passed away about 18 months ago she predicted this was going to happen for me on this film. she also made that prediction on
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every movie i've directed since 1983. >> i have wondered for 26 years what this would feel like. thank you so much for terminating the suspense. >> i should tell you if you are a winner and your speech goes on too long, first you'll see flashing lights and then the band will start to play and then you'll feel something stick in your neck. and i would suggest that you walk toward the light. >> turn that clock off, it's making me nervous. >> 29 seconds, 27 seconds. that's really intimidating. >> let's get out of here. >> yeah, thank you. thank you. >> ladies and gentlemen, there
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11:00 pm
a beautiful mail-order bride, her millionaire husband, and the gardener. an unusual love triangle as you will ever find, until one of them died in a suspicious car crash. was this truly an accident or something more sinister? jonathan nyce, a 53-year-old pharmaceutical executive, entrepreneur, and millionaire, met his beautiful, young filipino wife, michelle, through a classified ad.
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