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tv   Early Start  CNN  February 28, 2014 2:00am-3:01am PST

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>> we're not in the business of taking sides in a case, unless the only side we're on is the side of truth. >> kevin would have been very proud. and he just would have been very proud at the way everyone rallied together to get his rallied together to get his family justice. rallied together. to get his family justice. -- captions by vitac -- dangerous, severe weather from coast to coast this morning. thousands in california evacuated for what could be the worst flooding that state has seen in years. and elsewhere, bitter cold temperatures turning deadly. some cities closing their schools, telling people to stay inside. indra petersons is tracking what is headed your way. breaking news overnight in ukraine. officials accusing russia of an armed invasion. russian gunmen now occupying two airports this morning. we are live with developments overnight.
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and are airlines cheating you at the ticket counter, slashing services, raising prices, claiming there just aren't enough pilots? question is, is this really true? what a new report is saying this morning. good morning, everyone! welcome to "early start." i'm john berman. >> and i'm christine romans. it is friday, february 28th. it is 5:00 a.m. in the east. all right, millions facing dangerous weather from coast to coast this morning. it is friday. that's the only good thing i can tell you. >> exactly, still, it's friday. >> communities in the california foothills near los angeles bracing for mud slides. look at these pictures! a major pacific storm moving in there. 1,000 homes now under a mandatory evacuation order. the drought-starved region expected to get more rain in the next 48 hours, more rain in two days, berman, than they've had in the past two years. meantime, bitter cold gripping much of the country, windchill temperatures dipping to 25 below. that's forced public schools to close today in minnesota, where
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there's been, count this, 46 days of subzero temperatures this winter. the cold turned tragic. a 6-year-old girl died from exposure. so sad there. indra petersons tracking the extreme weather from coast to coast. hi, indra. >> yeah, good morning. definitely a lot to talk about this morning. one is the potential record lows we could be seeing this morning. you can actually see the morning lows and what the records are, and we're very close, especially when you look at detroit, the current temperature about 1 degree, the record only being about 1 below. so, we're going to continue to monitor that as these temperatures are still dropping, each at these early hours. let's talk about what the current windchills are. again, very dangerous, not as cold as yesterday, but still 26 below zero out toward the midwest. notice a lot of that cold weather has spread into the northeast today, so we're talking about temperatures a good 6, almost 7 degrees below zero. even as we go into the afternoon, these departures for where they should be, even for this time of year, definitely below normal. look towards the northeast, where the cold air has pushed, now a good 20 below, about 25 below where they should be this
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time of year. new york city only looking for 21. the latest update now, 26% of the state of california in the highest category for drought conditions. so, keep in mind, that makes the soil like concrete. it can't absorb the water. then you have this big massive low currently bringing rain into the area. this is a two-system series here making its way through, expected to cause heavy rain there, a slight risk for severe weather. and this is key no matter where you live, because notice, it could mean heavy snow through the weekend. sunday into monday, there are two models in there. depending where this goes, who gets the snow. something we'll be watching. >> indra, people in my town are saying 6 inches to a foot on monday if it goes the right way? >> i mean, that's exactly the thing. we notice one of the models brings a big chunk to d.c., the other headed farther north. currently, it's affecting california. it's got a long way to go, so we'll watch it? >> and the news in california, watch out for the rain, because it could be dangerous. >> two days of rain equal to the last two years. >> two years of rain. >> they haven't had much rain in two years, but all at once is
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tough. overseas, breaking overnight in ukraine, airports seized by gunmen. the ukrainian official is accusing the russians of what he calls an armed invasion. this sounds like a big deal. you can bet the u.s. is keeping close watch on this combustible situation. the details this morning, they are murky, but an official in the new ukrainian government says gunmen have taken over two airports in ukraine's region two days after they seized government buildings and raised the russian flag. there are about 150,000 russian troops on alert as large-scale military exercises commence along the border with ukraine. and all this as ukraine's fugitive ex-president has emerged, apparently in russia, declaring that he's still ukraine's rightful leader. our phil black is in kiev live this morning. phil, a lot going on. tell us about these airports first, the idea that gunmen have taken them over, the accusation
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by the ukrainians that it's an armed russian invasion. >> reporter: yeah, john, that's right, it is yet another escalation in the crimeer as more people appear to be taking up arms because of the political transformations that have been happening here in the capital. two airports, as you say, now have pro-russian gunmen patrolling their perimeters. more than that, it is the new interior minister of this country that is saying some of those guys are not just pro-russian civilian militia, they are, he says, professional russian soldiers, military personnel that have been deployed from a nearby naval base, and that's why he's talking about it in terms of an invasion and an occupation. just this morning, the ukrainian parliament has passed resolutions calling on russia to stop aggressive behavior that breaches the country's sovereignty and to stop fanning the flames of separatism here, because that's the only key point, this pro-russian government stormed the parliament yesterday, kept everyone out, apart from
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pro-russian members of that parliament who were able to get enough of them together to hold the vote to call for a referendum on whether or not the crimea should become a separate, independent state, to split away from the rest of the ukraine. and as you mentioned, we are now expected to hear today from the former ukrainian president, viktor yanukovych, who's been on the run for several days. now confirmation that he is in russia. his intention to hold a press conference in the russian city of rostov later today in which he is expected to declare that he is the rightful, legitimate leader of ukraine. but the key question, what now is he prepared to do about it, john? >> what is he now prepared to do, how far will vladimir putin go, what does the u.s. do? and again, these two airports being occupied by armed gunmen, pro-russian at a minimum. are they russian troops? that remains an open question. phil black, good to see you this morning. we'll be watching this all morning as it develops. all right, airlines have blamed service cuts on a
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shortage of pilots, but according to a report by the government accountability office, there are more than enough pilots, but many aren't willing to work for lower wages being offered by regional carriers. the report on the nation's pilot workforce is being released today. it says pilot salaries fell nearly 10% between 2000 and 2010. on most regional airlines, the average starting pay for a pilot on a regional airline, between $21,000 and $24,000 a year. and the gao report says would-be pilots are noticing. so, after accusations that border patrol agents have a history of using unnecessary deadly force, customs and border protection, it is now under pressure to make its use of force policies public. homeland security secretary jeh johnson said it could happen any day now. a leaked report shows agents shot at rock-throwers and intentionally stepped in front of vehicles as an apparent excuse to shoot fleeing drivers. a bill that would have expanded health care and
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education for veterans getting rejected in the senate. a lack of support from republicans doomed this bill. they said the $24 billion price tag would bust the budget. veterans groups said the bill simply fell victim to washington's partisan politics. so, a lot of free rides for members of congress, according to "usa today," lawmakers taking more than $1.37 million worth of privately funded, free trips last year, the most in a decade. and on over 40% of those trips, family members came along. now, this travel was mostly funded by non-profit, charitable and educational groups that have public policy agendas. new revelations from nsa leaker edward snowden published in "the guardian." the newspaper reports britain's gchq spy agency intercepted 1.8 million video chats during a six-month stretch in 2008, yielding an enormous collection of, shall we say intimate images from unsuspecting users. >> what's that mean? >> it means intimate images,
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berman. services like yahoo! messager were reportedly among those hacks. "the guardian" says the operation "optic nerve" was still in operation in 2012. and just to be clear, you may not have known this was happening, but if you were on a web cam intimately with anyone, the british intelligence saw it. >> disturbing on many levels. all right, here at home, the costing big technology companies billions. many tech firms have cooperated with the spy agency and now businesses like cisco, ibm and microsoft say they're losing revenues because overseas companies are very suspicious and reluctant to work with them. christine romans nodding her head here. one firm estimates potential losses for u.s. companies at $180 billion. >> these ceos have been complaining about this for some time now. all right, score one for the bulls. stocks set to close out a pretty sweet february. wow. we were all so gloomy back in january. heading into the last trading day of the month, major averages up 3% to 5%, enough to make up
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for the particularly weak start to the year. look at that chart. remember january, everybody talking about correction, and now the s&p 500 is sitting back at a record high after days of trying to hit the market ceiling. stocks boosted by janet yellen. she has been preoccupied by the weather, just like the rest of us, and she says the cold snap is what's been hitting the economy so far this year. but this february rally pushes stocks further away from their last correction. it's been more than two years since the s&p 500 has had this pullback of 10% or more, this technical correction. usually that happens every year and a half. stock futures are pulling back a bit this morning. overseas markets are mixed. personally, i'm really watching ukraine, events in china, international events to see if maybe the stock market steps back today. >> the market does not like instability. >> it does not. >> what's happening in ukraine wreaks of instability. >> and a $2 billion-a-year economy, right? except when you're talking about russian involvement and big concerns of what's happening in the crimea, then it becomes a big story again. this morning, a whole lot of
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people talking about what happened at the white house yesterday, really remarkable. president obama launching a public-private partnership designed for more economic opportunity to get more economic opportunity for minority men. nine foundations have pledged some $200 million to the program called my brother's keeper. and in surprisingly personal terms, the president was saying that the challenges facing at-risk youth, he experienced that when he grew up. >> i didn't have a dad in the house, and i was angry about it, even though i didn't necessarily realize it at the time. i made bad choices. i got high without always thinking about the harm that it could do. i didn't always take school as seriously as i should have. i made excuses. sometimes i sold myself short. >> wow. >> you don't hear presidents speak like that very often. he said we all have a responsibility to help young, black men get over these obstacles, but he also said that young, minority men have a responsibility to do it themselves.
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it was really a call to arms for everyone, especially the men standing behind him and all over the country. again, it was a really, really remarkable, remarkable afternoon. i encourage you all to take a look at the entire event, if you can. >> no other president has had the moral authority to be able to make those kind of comments. >> you know, he grew up in a world very different than a lot of americans, and i think he just identified with them. just to hear a president say "i got high" is language you almost never, ever hear. all right, 12 minutes after the hour. coming up, bombs flying, fireballs in the street, protesters tear-gassed, demonstrations in a major south american country. we are live with the very latest this morning. that's next. [ male announcer ] this is the cat that drank the milk... [ meows ] ...and let in the dog that woke the man who drove to the control room [ woman ] driverless mode engaged. find parking space. [ woman ] parking space found. [ male announcer ] ...that secured the data that directed the turbines that powered the farm that made the milk that went to the store
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turn to roc® retinol correxion®. one week, fine lines appear to fade. one month, deep wrinkles look smoother. after one year, skin looks ageless. high performance skincare™ only from roc®. mayo? corn dogs? you are so outta here! aah! [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of great-tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and 9 grams of protein. [ bottle ] ensure®. nutrition in charge™. welcome back to "early start," everyone. united nations officials reporting two attempted attacks on syrian convoys transporting chemical weapons last month. this revelation coming in a monthly report by the group overseeing the removal and
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destruction of syria's chemical arsenal. the government in syria missed a deadline earlier this month for moving all of its nuclear toxic material out of the country. syria has now proposed a new april deadline. now to venezuela with a new round of violent protests in the streets of caracas, security forces using tear gas to disperse student demonstrators in the capital. look, hundreds of protesters demanding the release of fellow students detained during the recent political unrest. our karl penhaul following developments. he's live for us in caracas. what's the latest? >> reporter: christine, those skirmishes overnight between riot police and students were relatively minor. witnesses say that security forces were firing tear gas, students returned fire with rocks, and that after protesters at the tail end of an antigovernment demonstration had tried to block some streets around the square in eastern caracas. as far as the political
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developments go, opposition leaders so far are rejecting the government's calls for what it calls peace talks. they say that those are nothing more than a publicity stunt. the opposition wants the socialist president to quit. the government, for its part, believes that it's confident that it can win this battle of street politics. and of course, next week's anniversary of the death of leftist leader hugo chavez will be an important litmus test. that will be a key opportunity for the government to try and rally the loyalists. now, for the opposition, there is support coming from a somewhat unexpected quarter. dozens of former miss worlds and miss universes, venezuelans and other nationalities, have come together in an online social media initiative called misses for peace. they're sounding what they call is an sos for venezuela, calling for an end to the political turmoil and calling on the socialist government to enter negotiations with the opposition to try and crack down on crime and boost the economy, which is
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suffering from spiraling inflation, and at times, chronic shortages of basic food items, christine. >> all right, karl penhaul in caracas. that, of course, is the core of all this, safety in the streets, lack of security and 56% inflation in venezuela, something the people are feeling acutely. thanks, karl. 18 minutes after the hour right now. this morning we're getting a first look at some previously secret sections of documents in the bridgegate investigation. these now unredacted exchanges between bridget kelly, a former agent of governor chris christie, and david wildstein, whom christie appointed to the port authority. wildstein expresses frustration with a prominent new jersey rabbi. kelly replies, "we cannot cause traffic problems in front of his house, can we?" this comes just six days after kelly's infamous e-mail to wildstein, "time for some traffic problems in ft. lee." the documents also show that wildstein was on the george washington bridge on the first day of those what seem to be politically motivated lane
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closures. all right, today, new documents expected from the clinton presidential library, 5,000 pages of previously unreleased papers, including confidential communications between former president bill clinton and his advisers and possible communications involving former first lady hillary clinton that could play a role if she decides to run in 2016. it's just the beginning, really. 25,000 more pages are expected in the coming weeks. >> people will be poring through these. all right, breaking news overnight out of los angeles. former nfl star darren sharper has turned himself in to the lapd after police in new orleans obtained arrest warrants for him. sharper is facing rape charges in louisiana. he faces similar charges in california. last week in los angeles, he pleaded not guilty to drugging and raping two women. he is also under investigation in arizona and nevada, and miami beach police are investigating a sexual battery complaint against him. all right, kerry kennedy's fate is now in the hands of a new york jury.
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the daughter of robert kennedy on trial for driving under the influence of a sleeping aid. she was charged after a highway crash back in 2012. this week, kennedy took the stand in her own defense, saying she took the sleeping pill accidentally. the six-member jury continues deliberations today. all right, coming up for us next, a brawl on the basketball court. i've got a lot of people tweeting me about this overnight. a big game ends with a massive fight in the stands, on the court. what happened? joe carter explains what you missed, what i missed overnight. that's coming up next. captain obvious: i'm in a hotel. and a hotel is the perfect place to talk to you about hotels. all-you-can-eat is a hotel policy that allows you to eat all that you can. the hotel gym is short for gymnasium.
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the hotel pool is usually filled with water. and the best dot com for booking hotels, is it's on the internet, but you probably knew that. or maybe not, i don't really know you. bellman: welcome back, captain obvious. captain obvious: yes i am. all those words are spelled correctly. but what's even more surprising is that brushing alone isn't enough to keep it clean. fortunately, you've got listerine®. unlike brushing which misses 75% of your mouth, listerine® cleans virtually your entire mouth. so what are you waiting for? it's time to take your mouth to a whole new level of health. listerine®... power to your mouth™. and take the listerine® 21 day challenge. feel the difference, or your money back. ♪
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at [ female announcer ] we eased your back pain, you turned up the fun. tylenol® provides strong pain relief while being gentle on your stomach. but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. tylenol®. (voseeker of the you can separate runway ridiculousness... from fashion that flies off the shelves. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle... and go. and only national is ranked highest in car rental customer satisfaction by j.d. power. (natalie) ooooh, i like your style. (vo) so do we, business pro. so do we. go national. go like a pro.
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all right, i saw so many tweets about this the minute i woke up. a college basketball game between new mexico state and utah valley ending in a brawl. the fight broke out just as fans were rushing the court, celebrating the big win. joe carter has all the details for us in the "bleacher report." hey, joe. >> hey, good morning, guys. yeah, this was a pretty ugly scene at the end of the game that no doubt will reignite the debate on whether or not college sports fans should be able to rush the court after big wins. so, to set it up here, utah valley had just pulled off a thrilling overtime win over new mexico state, and as the buzzer sounded, a frustrated new mexico state player hurls the ball at a utah valley player. that's what starts the brawl. and as you see on the screen, fans start storming the court about the same exact time, and a shoving match then heats up and then turns into some fists flying.
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now, this wasn't just between players. some of the fans also got involved. an ugly, ugly scene. information is still being sorted detailing exactly who did what, but clearly, this is an unfortunate timing here, marring one of the better games ever played between these two schools. hey, trending this morning on, raymond felton was back in court last night with the knicks two days after being charged with felony possession. and lebron james was wearing the carbon fiber black mask to protect the nose he broke last week during a game. and clearly, lebron was not bothered by the mask. he scored a game-high 31 points. and the miami heat cruised to an easy win, beating the knicks by 26. you know, for years, jason collins has worn the number 98. it's a tribute to matthew shepard, who was murdered in 1998 for being gay. and last night was the first time collins wore the jersey in front of matthew shepard's
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parents, who were in attendance. before the game, rachel nichols sat down with collins, the nba's first openly gay player. >> i've grown so much as an individual. i've come across so many great people, great organizations, i've heard so many great stories, inspiring stories, and it's nice to have a positive impact in someone else's life. i feel like with my actions, i've had a positive impact on someone else's life. >> now, you can see the rest of that interview. it airs tonight on "unguarded with rachel nichols." that's 10:30 p.m. eastern on cnn. well, nascar driver jeff gordon is at it again. he's made another pepsi max video where he drives like a mad man. this time, the prank victim is an automotive journalist who thought his first prank video was a fake. >> oh! >> can't go back, man, i'm sorry. >> no!
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stop! stop! [ sirens ] ♪ >> sir, sir! >> i have to lose him. i can't go back! >> ends the video by driving into a terminal, where they then surprise the guy with pepsi max. oh, that's just what you want after the video. you can see the entire police chase prank at i don't know, guys -- >> is that real? >> i'm calling fake on that. i think it's fake. i think the guy's in on the joke, just like last time. he's in on the joke. there's no way it can be real, no way! >> if it's real, it's the most amazing thing i've ever seen. even if it's fake, it's funny. >> i bet my insurance that's not real. he has to be in on it. what happens if they crash? anyway, good video anyway. >> joe, appreciate it. 26 minutes after the hour now. breaking overnight, armed gunmen storming airports in ukraine. russia's military being blamed. we'll have that and the other major headlines coming up right
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dangerous weather across the country, millions this morning waking up to bitter cold, near record-low temperatures. and out west, thousands evacuated from their homes. they are facing the worst floods they have seen in years. indra petersons tracking what's happening right now. breaking news overnight. gunmen filling airports in ukraine. officials there accusing russia of an armed invasion. we are live with the very latest as this unfolds at this moment. and new video to show you.
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what has two leaders of the free world running this morning? wait until you find out. welcome back to "early start." i'm christine romans. >> and i'm john berman. 31 minutes past the hour right now. and this morning, millions of you waking up to, guess what? >> friday! >> no, that, but another day of bone-chilling cold as well. >> horrible. >> 25 below zero windchills in detroit. that has forced public schools to close today. >> look at that. >> this winter, it is one for the record books in so many places. in minnesota, they've now had 46 days of subzero temperatures. good morning, duluth. and a tragedy in minnesota to tell you about. that extreme cold in minnesota turned deadly. a 6-year-old girl found dead outside the apartment where she lived. her coat, gloves and hat not enough to survive a windchill 40 degrees below zero. >> there's always a concern when temperatures dip like this. and on any given day, you know?
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we live in a climate that can be brutal. >> police are investigating. they believe this little girl might have been locked out of that apartment. >> awful. out west, another major storm's bearing down on california this morning. up to 6 inches of rain predicted. people outside los angeles have been urged to get out. wildfires charred hillsides last month. officials think the deluge could trigger mud slides in those hills. >> we've got a recently burned hillside here with limited vegetation and a very steep slope. it's a recipe for what the experts say is potential for a great deal of damage. >> this could look like niagara falls over the next 2 inches of rain, because this stuff comes down quickly, unexpectedly. >> indra petersons has a look at your forecast. hi, indra. >> yeah, good morning. we're talking about how much rain or how little rain, really, they've seen the entire season. you take a look at los angeles, they've only seen about 2 1/2 inches the entire season. that's a good almost 8, 9 inches below where they should be.
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why does that matter? well, about 26% of the state now is in the highest category of drought. the reason this is so important is it means that the ground is almost like concrete. it is so dry that any rain that comes down completely washes off. so, that's the reason. there is also the concern for the burn areas, very dangerous there, but even just regular areas will really have the threat for a lot of flooding. look at this huge low, too. this is the biggest storm they will have seen in three years affecting the region, and this will affect the entire country, because once it exits california, it will make its way across the country and bring a threat for heavy snow. now, there's two, if not more scenarios. here's two models we're showing you. one brings the snow farther north with heavy snow potentially sunday into monday into the northeast, but the next brings it lower, d.c. getting the punch here. we have to watch the low once it exits, but heads up sunday through monday, the potential for a pretty big snowstorm. also, temperatures, the cold air has pushed to the northeast, so the departures, 20 or 30 degrees below where they should be. by the afternoon, temperatures below freezing. and here's the problem.
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remember that second system expected to come through? that means another blast of cold arctic air is in place for next week, guys. just take a look at monday. notice places like memphis, even dallas a good 20, almost 30 below where they should be. the northeast again, this cold air is not going anywhere, guys. >> it's march next week. that's weather we're going to be getting in march. >> perspective, right? >> thanks, indra. dramatic developments overnight in ukraine to tell you about. russian forces have staged an armed invasion in the southern crimea region. an official says pro-russian gunmen are now patrolling two airports. it comes as russian troops are massed at the border with ukraine for large-scale military exercises. 150,000 taking part. moscow says these drills were planned in advance of the ukraine's government upheaval. and we're expected to hear from the ousted ukrainian president, viktor yanukovych today. cnn's phil black following it all live in kiev. andean yanukovych on the run sa
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he's still in charge? >> reporter: that's what he says, still in charge but from another country. he's now in russia, where he has requested personal protection and the russian government has granted him that. he's expected to hold a press conference in the southern russian city of rostov-on-don where we expect him to repeat that claim to be the legitimate leader of the country, but what's he going to do about it? to what extent will russia support that? meanwhile, here in ukraine, things are really escalating, particularly in the region of crimea, where more people appear to be taking up arms in response to the changes of government here in the capital kiev. the latest development, as you mentioned, two airports now have pro-russian gunmen patrolling a perimeter around them. one is a civilian international facility, the other a duel-use civilian-military airport. it's not clear precisely what their intentions are, but from the ukrainian government, a very strong accusation. it says some of these gunmen are not just civilian militia that want to be close to russia but actual professional russian
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soldiers that have been deployed from a nearby russian naval base. today, ukraine's parliament has passed a resolution calling on russia to stop aggressive behavior, to stop infringing ukraine's sovereignty and to stop fanning the flames of separatism in crimea as well. after gunmen stormed the local crimean parliament yesterday, some pro-russian parliament members of that parliament passed a resolution calling for a referendum to take place on may 25th that will ask the question, should crimea split away from the rest of ukraine? it is another escalating crisis for the new government of this country to deal with. christine. >> certainly is. phil black for us live this morning. meantime in this country, u.s. customs and border protection now being pressured to make its use of force policies public. homeland security secretary jeh johnson telling a house committee it could happen any day now. a leaked report showed agents unnecessarily shot at rock-throwers and intentionally stepped in front of vehicles as an apparent excuse to shoot at
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fleeing drivers. a report by the government accountability office addressing a perceived pilot shortage in this country. the report says there are more than enough pilots but many are just not willing to work for lower wages being offered by regional carriers. pilots' salaries fell nearly 10% between 2000 and 2012. on most regional airlines, the average starting pay is between $21,000 and $24,000 a year. and the gao report says would-be pilots are obviously noting these starting salaries. new revelations about the nsa, courtesy of fugitive leaker edward snowden. "the guardian" newspaper reports britain's spy agency intercepted 1.8 million video chats during a six-month stretch in 2008, yielding an enormous collection of intimate images from unsuspecting users. >> intimate. >> intimate. services like yahoo! messenger were reportedly among those hacked. "the guardian" says the operation dubbed "optative nerve" was still active in 2012.
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>> i think intimate means dirty. >> it does mean dirty. here at home, the nsa surveillance operations are costing tech firms billions. many have cooperated and now cisco and ibm and microsoft say they're losing revenue because overseas companies are very suspicious and reluctant to work with them. one research firm estimates that potential losses for u.s. companies could hit $180 billion. >> yeah, something the ceos of those companies have been complaining about. all right, thank you, janet yellen. the s&p 500 at a record high, only the second time this year after 45 highs last year, in case you're counting. even though stock futures are lower this morning, the new federal reserve chief, she has brought some calm to wall street. she doesn't seem to be too worried about the recent round of weak economic data. job growth has been slow, home sales and consumer spending are both down, but yellen says it might not be the economy. >> part of that softness may reflect adverse weather conditions. but at this point, it's
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difficult to discern exactly how much. >> listening to ben bernanke for the past few years, that's the woman in charge now. >> she makes the economy sound exciting. >> just as exciting as ben bernanke. so, she's not entirely sure, but wall street is focusing on the positive and banking on a spring thaw. stocks are set to end this month with solid gains. all right, new this morning, you have to take a look at this. what has the president and vice president on the run? >> the president's ready to move. >> absolutely. >> let's do this thing. let's move! ♪ >> all right, you can watch the president and vice president run for a disturbingly long time. >> i love the music! >> with this music in the background there. >> this music is so '70s half-hour, you know, action sitcom, isn't it? >> they are action heroes, based on their running styles right there. it's posted on the first lady's let's move youtube page. the first lady had said during her appearance on "the tonight show" that if they got enough responses from people across the country showing how they move
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that she would give a glimpse of how the president and vice president move. >> they work out in a tie, you know, always business in the oval office. >> the vice president looks actually a little bit winded there. my question is -- [ inaudible ] if they're working out together, does there have to be like a designated slacker? does the secretary of agriculture like need to be up on a la-z-boy if they're working out together? secretly recorded inside the supreme court, the first time ever deliberations have been on camera. look, what you're seeing right there, you've never seen it before. when we come back. iwe don't back down. we only know one direction: up so we're up early. up late. thinking up game-changing ideas, like this: dozens of tax free zones across new york state. move here. expand here. or start a new business here... and pay no taxes for 10 years. with new jobs, new opportunities and a new tax free plan. there's only one way for your business to go.
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like carpools... polly wants to know if we can pick her up. yeah, we can make room. yeah. [ male announcer ] space. yes, we're loving this communal seating. oh, it's great. yeah. [ male announcer ] the best thing to share? a data plan. ♪ new at&t mobile share value plans for business. our best value plans ever. for example, you can get 10 gigs of data to share. and 5 lines would be $175 a month. plus you can add a line anytime for $15 a month. sharing's never been better for business. ♪ welcome back to "early start," everyone. new revelations in the new jersey bridgegate investigation, just-released unredacted portions of documents show exchanges between bridget kelly and david wildstein, whom christie appointed to the port authority. wildstein expresses frustration in these unredacted sections
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with a prominent new jersey rabbi. kelly replies, "we cannot cause traffic problems in front of his house, can we?" and this came just six days after kelly's infamous e-mail to wildstein, which said "time for some traffic problems in ft. lee." the documents also show that wildstein was actually on the george washington bridge on the first day of those what seem to be politically motivated lane closures. all right, a treasure trove of documents being released by the clinton presidential library today. 5,000 pages of previously unreleased papers, including confidential communications between the former president, bill clinton, and his advisers, and possible communications involving former first lady hillary clinton. all that, of course, could play a role if she runs for president in 2016. this is just the beginning. 25,000 more pages are expected in the coming weeks. there goes your weekend, berman. i want you to take a look at something you have never seen before. >> wow. >> this is a supreme court first. a video camera inside the supreme court during actual
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arguments. it was somehow smuggled in, the camera was, by an advocacy group that later posted the video to youtube. no cameras, no electronic devices of any kind are permitted during public sessions of the supreme court, and spectators, including journalists, are thoroughly screened before they go in. now, only two photos, still photos of the court in session actually exist at all, and both still shots are from cameras smuggled in in the 1930s. again, this is historic and not at all what the supreme court says should be happening. there are people, however, who say that all these deliberations and arguments should be televised. >> but there are members of the court who say it would change the texture of the process, and they are not for it. david souter, i think, was the one who said over his dead body. he never, ever wanted to see cameras in there. coming up on "new day," chris cuomo joins us now. hey, chris. >> hey, good to see you guys. we've been listening to you about ukraine this morning. we'll follow up on that because there is somewhat of a desperate effort to confirm who these
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armed men are who have allegedly taken control of the ukrainian airport. that's what the ukraine government says, such as it is right now. this is very important to people back here in the u.s. if russia has moved in, what does it mean? it means, certainly, they're ignoring the warning. what will the u.s. do next? this is a situation that could become very u.s.-centric very quickly, so we're going to follow it. also, president obama, you're going to see him in a way that maybe you haven't before, talking about his past in front of an audience of largely young men of color. he was talking about a new initiative called "my brother's keeper," but he was also talking about his own struggles and responsibilities that are on these young, black men to take control of their own lives. it's really raw and real. we're going to have adviser valerie jarrett here this morning giving us a little perspective on this initiative, what it can do, why now. also, it's oscar weekend, so we're going to try to do that right. we sent out michaela pereira. she's out there and she'll give us the scoop on the red carpet, a little buzz, what her plans are, where she's going to dinner, you know. we'll try to mix it up, see how
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much about mickey we can learn as well. >> she works the morning shift. she's not going to l.a. >> i don't know. >> gets the award for best actress all the time. >> i think she's real. >> you get best actor and best cinema fogify. >> i want best makeup, just for the hair. >> sound effects. i don't know how they do that. that's magic. like people with "e.t." do that. chris, see you in a little bit, maybe. breaking news overnight, a former super bowl champ turning himself in to police. this is a long, complicated story you will want to hear. we'll have that story when we come back. [ dr. pyun ] a lot of healthy food choices are still high in acidic content. if your enamel is exposed to acid and you brush it away, you know, then it's gone. i would recommend that they brush with pronamel. they don't need to cut out those foods but you can make some smart choices. why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex.
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do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to your doctor. ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing good around ♪ ♪ turn around, barry ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ [ female announcer ] fiber one. this is mike. his long race day starts with back pain... ...and a choice. take 4 advil in a day which is 2 aleve... ...for all day relief. "start your engines" i'll believe it when i -- [ both ] oooooh... [ female announcer ] as you get older, protein is an important part of staying active and strong.
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breaking news overnight. former nfl star darren sharper surrendering in los angeles after police in new orleans obtained arrest warrants for him. sharper facing rape charges in louisiana. he faces similar charges in
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california. last week in l.a., he pleaded not guilty to drugging and raping two women. he's also under investigation in arizona and nevada and miami beach police are investigating a sexual battery complaint against him. >> some serious issues facing darren sharper right now. >> yeah. attorneys for the son-in-law of osama bin laden who is now awaiting trial in new york says the prosecutors are confusing him with another man. suleman abbi gate faces terrorism charges for conspiring to kill americans. his trial is set for next week, but his attorneys are asking for a delay saying prosecutors put together evidence related to another man, one with a similar man, one being held in guantanamo, charged with similar crimes. a california man charged with trying to blow up a federal bank. the 29-year-old tried to detonate an suv loaded with chemicals. those chemicals were actually provided by an fbi agent. matthew lineza allegedly made
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connection with the undercover agent because he was hoping to connect with the taliban after touching off civil unrest in the u.s. there was a plea agreement taken into account his history of mental illness. a huge settlement could exceed $80 million after a lawsuit claimed it damages graves and dumped human remains. the lawsuit accuses eden memorial park of breaking burial vaults to make room for new graves and trying to maximize profits by squeezing graves in, leaving at most 3 inches of space between them. the cemetery owner in this case denied any wrongdoing. new concerns over a radiation leak at a nuclear dump in new mexico. officials say they're not sure how much radiation workers were exposed to during the february 14th leak. preliminary tests show 13 workers inhaled radioactive particles, but more tests are planned to get a greater understanding of any potential health issues. the dump is located outside of carlsbad in southeastern new mexico. coming up, the price of
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advertising on oscar night hits a record high. "money time," next. captain obvious: i'm in a hotel. and a hotel is the perfect place to talk to you about hotels. all-you-can-eat is a hotel policy that allows you to eat all that you can. the hotel gym is short for gymnasium. the hotel pool is usually filled with water. and the best dot com for booking hotels, is it's on the internet, but you probably knew that. or maybe not, i don't really know you. bellman: welcome back, captain obvious. captain obvious: yes i am. all those words are spelled correctly.
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welcome back to "early start." it's "money time." stock futures pointing lower this morning, a day after the s&p 500 closed at a record high. the fed chief, janet yellen, she's blaming the weather for recent economic weakness, and she says interest rates will stay low for some time. but you know, investors are cautious. we've got a new gdp report later this morning. it could show that fourth-quarter economic growth wasn't as strong as expected. take a look at these stock numbers on this, the last trading day of february. yes, ladies and gentlemen, your 401(k) should probably be positive for the year again. okay, think the super bowl is the only big advertising event? oh, no. oh, no. a 30-second commercial in the oscars goes for $1.8 million, not nearly as much as the $4 million plus that you get for a super bowl commercial, but for the oscars, this is a record high for ad prices. and the types of commercials are a bit different. instead of chips and beer, you know, for the oscars, you're more likely to see ads for retailers and credit cards. a little more upscale, perhaps.
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jcpenney and american express are among the top spenders over the past few years. >> you're watching the oscars sunday night into monday morning? >> no, i'm going to come in and race through it without any commercials before we go to work. happy birthday to my two boys. >> yay! >> i hope you're sleeping. i know you're not. "new day" starts now. i expect russia to be transparent about these activities. >> breaking news. has russia invaded ukraine. they're claiming russian military has taken over a ukrainian airport. if it's true, what will the u.s. do? cost to coast misery. a cold week just got colder. the east coast gets it today. and out west, towns evacuated among flooding fears. and we are live from the red
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carpet in hollywood where they are bracing for rain on this oscar weekend. the performance everyone is talking about? the president and vice president racing through the white house. your "new day" starts right now. good morning. welcome to "new day." it's friday, february 28th, 6:00 in the east. right now, 150,000 russian troops are conducting what's called military exercises here the ukraine border. hundreds of fighter jets and tanks seemingly poised to take action. we keep hearing there's no real chance russia will ignore u.s. calls to stand down, but this looks troubling. military personnel taken up at the ukrainian rp


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