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tv   New Day Sunday  CNN  March 2, 2014 3:00am-5:31am PST

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>> we will never forget, we'll never know their pain and we only wish we could have stopped this to reduce the number of victims. russia's parliament has approved military force in ukraine and now ukraine is emassing its protests in response. is russia looking for a war? a powerful storm moving east today dumping heavy snow and rain, millions of you are going to be affected. and it's oscar night. ellen degeneres hosting this year in a steep departure from seth mcfarland but sure to deliver a headline. your "new day" starts now.
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so glad to have you with us here on this sunday morning. a lot going on already and it's only 6:00 a.m. getting ready for a day. christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. 6:00 out east and 3:00 in the west. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. this is "new day vaesunday." the breaking news that the ukrainian government has deployed troops across the country as the defense minister says ukraine does not have the military might to resist russia. >> the crisis is becoming more clear here. the u.s. firmly saying it condemns russia's envision and occupation of ukrainian territory. >> violence erupted during a massive protest in eastern ukraine. thousands of protesters rallied and you can see here, look at this. the crowds attacking a pro eu, european union group.
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>> ukrainian officials say 15,000 russian troops are now in the peninsula in ukraine where russia has a base. >> the unmarked men in unmarked uniforms are, indeed, russian troops. russia is not admitting that. >> international tension defying mr. obama's recent warning. >> and russia defended its actions, claiming it's only protecting russian citizens from a threat. >> the head of the united nations called putin and told him it was critical to restore calm. >> it is yucrucial to restore calm. cool heads must prevail and the only tour in ending this crisis.
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>> and, of course, cnn has correspondents spread out across the region this morning, covering this crisis only as cnn can. ian lee in kiev and crimea. >> phil, thanks for being with us. we are hearing that russia blocked three ukrainian bases and demand forces surrender. is that what you're hearing? >> this comes from the ukrainian defense ministry which says russian forces have surrounded three ukrainian bases there demanding that those forces. those ukrainian forces surrender and give up their weapons. so far they're refusing to surrender and currently an ongoing standoff. just another sign russia is seeking to control this region
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of ukraine, christi. >> so, phil, we know that president obama spoke with mr. putin yesterday is there any indication that russia will, indeed, pull back? >> what is notable about the language president putin, the kremlin is using is its breath. when president putin spoke to president obama and spoke to defend its citizens and the russian speaking people, he didn't refer to crimea but eastern ukraine, as well. he went to parliament to use military force, he spoke to military force on ukraine. considering the possibility of expanding this military into other parts of ukraine, as well. >> cnn's phil black in moscow for us. that's what we were talking
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about yesterday. how far do they really want to push these borders and take it. >> let's head to ukraine now where ukrainian military is calling up all its available reserves as it deploys troops across the country and demonstrations as we showed you are turning violent. >> ian is in the capital of kiev and demonstrators marking their territory and raising the russian flag. what can you tell us what is going on there? >> you do have somewhat of a east/west split. in the east, you have a lot of people who feel a close kinship with russia and you are getting the protests and the pro russian demonstrators out in the streets, but it's very hard to gauge how much now under these new circumstances where you do have russian forces on ukrainian territory where that split lies in the east. how many people have feeling
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this nationalist pride and how many are saying they are going to support russia throughout all of this. you do have the violence between the two sides in the east, but you don't see really massive demonstrati demonstrations. we're not seeing tens of thousands of people in the streets waving russian flags. you look at the second largest city of ukraine where we saw some of the violence yesterday roughly 100 people injured in that and, yes, you do have very violent and very vocal people on the streets but we're not seeing massive demonstrations and this is a city that's over 1 million people. >> so, ukraine is deploying troops across the country. but earlier this morning the defense minister said that their forces could not take on russia. one, why make that declaration? i imagine strategically that would be defeatist, but why the disconnect, as well?
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>> well, you're right. it is a bit defeatist but also realistic. the ukrainian military does not have the fire power, not nearly the fire power russia has. hundreds of thousands of troops ukraine has just a bit over 100,000 troops and russia has updated aircraft and tanks and ukraine doesn't have that type of weaponry updated weaponry that russia has. but i think it's one thing that we are hearing and this is significant is that in the crimea a minority population have said that if russian forces were to go in and invade the crimea and fully take over control with military force, that they would pick up weapons and start an insurgency and that's the one thing, that would be difficult for the russians to handle is that there are a lot of nationalists and patriotic ukrainians that said they would
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defend this country. as we saw, they'll start an insurgency if the russians move forward. victor and christi. >> ian lee in the ukrainian capital of kiev. >> from kiev we want to head to the capital of the stronghold and the country's new prime minister is making his first public comments this morning. >> diana is there. what did he say? >> i say he delayed his press conference because of issues between russian troops basically being called here and ukrainian military at the base. but we haven't been able to get more detail of the speaker of the crimea parliament is sotalkg now. the press conference at the beginning here was under control. it doesn't necessarily feel quite like that, victor. there are three ukrainian
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military bases that are now surrounded by these troops. they are unidentified, but they are military troops. one of them told me yesterday it's safe these are russian troops and at the town which is about 25 kilometers southwest where i am there are large numbers of troops surrounding a ukrainian military troops and 20 armored personnel carriers and the local are standing around and extremely worried about the situation and we just drove to a military base and around it there were these troops kind of hanging around. so, their presence is very, very strongly felt at the molt. they are everywhere. yesterday guarding government facilities and seem to have surrounded all military bases. all this at a time when the russian president is debating whether to send russian troops into crimea. >> we have seen men with red arm bands and russia is refusing to
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admit that some of these, these troops still, they're refusing to admit that they're russian. why, at this point when we know that he ordered troops to go in there would they still not admit that some of those men are russian and why is this territory? help us understand why this territory, crimea is so important to ukraine and russia? >> let's start with that first. it is mostly ethnic russians who live here. they feel completely disenfranchised by the process in kiev. they don't feel the new government in kiev understands them and represents their interest and their only language is russian. these are very, very real concerns for them. also what they're very scared about is the idea the ukrainian nationalists may come here and try to push crimea in a direction that would
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disenfranchise. that's why they are so scared and that's why the russian president has said that he will do what it takes to protect the lives and interests of russian-speaking, russian speakers in crimea and eastern ukraine and also let's not forget that russia has this very, very important naval base which is the home of its so important to russia and also this large ethnic russian population here who are very scared about the event in kiev. why he, the president would admit who these troops are, it's difficult to second guess president putin. but what i will say is that from what i've seen on the ground, they are the ones, the military troops dressed in camouflage gear, they are the ones who seem to be keeping the peace. the guys with the red arm bands we saw yesterday a gunfight
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between black clad militias basically wearing white arm bands shooting at we don't know who. these are the ones who, in my opinion, what i'm seeing on the ground, seem to be the ones you should be careful of. you know, that's where the danger lies. where you might get full units taking matters into their own hands and it seems the military troops who are appearing in great numbers around the various cities are trying to keep the situation under control. >> diana magnay thank you so much for the explanation. while we monitor the crisis in ukrainian, we want to give you a heads up on extreme weather moving across the u.s. >> this is severe, as well. one out of three americans could soon get slammed. heavy snow, ice, tornadoes, even. we'll have details next. but after a day spent in the caribbean
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it's a mess. at least 1,000 people out of their homes because of this in california. you know, first, they didn't get any rain at all and now this is what's being seen all over the los angeles area this weekend. just mud, floods there. it's terrible. >> and that's just california. i mean, it doesn't matter where you live at this point today. you are not going to want to leave your house without checking the weather or getting prepared some aspect. like it or not, another doze of extreme weather expected to slam 100 million of you from coast to coast. >> expect more bitter cold, heavy snow and even threats of ice storms and tornadoes. meteorologist karen mcginnis has more. >> i'm not looking to the snow storm coming up. >> reporter: all too familiar for road crews this year an incoming winter storm. snow plows across the country
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are on standby waiting for this latest round of winter weather to hit. people aren't taking any chances with this storm. popular items like milk and bread are in short supply at this st. louis grocery store. snow already on the ground leading to a couple of frightening scenes. this is an avalanche in montana. the snow knocked a home completely off its foundation. rescue crews and neighbors used chain saws, shovels and even their bare hands to try to free the people trapped inside. three people, including an 8-year-old boy were found and rushed to the hospital. and in colorado, chaos on the interstate. more than 100 vehicles caught up in a series of crashes on a stretch of denver highway. all because of the slick conditions. >> everything was fine and we weren't going that fast and then all of a sudden everything just sort of went out of control. >> reporter: the road was closed for hours why crews cleaned up the mess.
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but some were able to have fun in the snow. check out this nhl game played outdoors in chicago. the blackhawks hosted the pittsburgh penguins at soldier field where the bears normally play. more than 60,000 fans braved the 17 degree weather, blistering weather and snow to watch the home team win, 5-1. it's not snow, but rain causing havoc in california. check out what the choppy surf did to the boats in the pacific ocean near l.a. high winds and heavy rain led to the powerful waves is. one of those waves powerful enough to crash into this restaurant. sea water soaked the inside of the building, windows were smashed and a patio was flooded. >> goodness, those pictures. >> wow. you know, we're going to talk about what happened in california in just a moment, but winter has been rough enough. >> it has been horrible. >> we're now in march. >> we thought that maybe we had the last gasp of winter, but, no, it looks like across the
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tennessee/ohio valley we have icing and we have snow. beginning across the panhandle of texas, extending into missouri right around cape girardo, into memphis and nashville and extending into cincinnati. cleveland, i think you'll see a little bit of snowfall and then going into the start of the workweek, new york city and washington, d.c. did we mention boston? boston you've had your fair share, you'll pick up a commoup more inches. the mid-atlantic is going to be hammered hard with ice and snow. when we said this affects about 100 million people, we're not exaggerating. it looks like one-third of the united states will be impacted by the ice and snow. if you are traveling on those interstates, be careful. we saw devastating car crashes in toronto last week also right around denver. so, we'll keep you updated on this and bring you updates throughout the morning. back to you guys.
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>> karen, thank you so much. still to come on "new day," the weather is leading to a rescue in malibu. >> how four hikers are doing this morning. i tell you, it was a frightening i tell you, it was a frightening several hours. to talk to you about hotels. all-you-can-eat is a hotel policy that allows you to eat all that you can. the hotel gym is short for gymnasium. the hotel pool is usually filled with water. and the best dot com for booking hotels, is it's on the internet, but you probably knew that. or maybe not, i don't really know you. bellman: welcome back, captain obvious. captain obvious: yes i am. all those words are spelled correctly. but with less energy, moodiness, and a low sex drive, i had to do something. i saw my doctor. a blood test showed it was low testosterone, not age. we talked about axiron the only underarm low t treatment that can restore t levels to normal in about two weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18
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in california's state park a rescue chopper just rescued four hikers. they were trapped there because of all the rain. the wet weather and the creeks around them were swollen. >> mike parker is joining us by phone. mike, thank you so much for being with us.
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as i understand it, this was kind of a dicy rescue, what happened? >> well, yes, it was, it was very, very risky rescue. it was quite a remote area, there's absolutely no lighting there at all. the only lighting that we had was rescuers with flashlights on their helmets and the ones that they were holding. the four people that were stranded were down to the last bit of battery power they had on their cell phones. amazing their cell phone was even working and we were texting and trying to relay their location. but in the pitch black, it's pretty difficult to find them and the creek was swollen and rising and we were very concerned that they would be drowned where they were. >> initially difficulties getting a chopper to plec them off a rock they were stranded on because of the weather. tell us about that. >> yes, since 6:30 tonight, multiple agencies tried to fly
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helicopters in ranging from l.a. county fire, l.a. county sheriff and even the coast guard and it wasn't until just, just now, actually, in the last 20 minutes that the ventura county sheriff's helicopter was able to break through the weather system and has successfully hoisted all four of them out and they are in an ambulance being seen right now. that's all in the last 20 minutes. >> perfect ending to this and we'll see how they turn out after they are checked out by doctors. thank you. >> thanks, mike. still ahead on "new day" major crash found at the bottom of the dam is now cause for real concern in the pacific northwest. we're going to tell you what engineers are doing to thwart a potential disaster. former nfl star sharper adding a job loss to his mounting legal troubles now. we have it details on that when "new day" returns.
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always so glad to have your company. 29 minutes past the hour right now. i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. five things you need to know for your "new day." another winter storm barreling towards the midwest and northeast. bringing more ice, more snow and severe thunderstorms are possible today in parts of texas and also louisiana. across the country, forecasters are telling more than 100
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million people to be on alert for potentially dangerous weather. number two, a 65-foot-long crack is being called serious. divers found this crack which is two inches wide on thursday. tomorrow engineers are due to follow or to lower the water level to further assess that damage. but officials say there's no immediate threat to the public. number three, amid the allegations of rape, the nfl network has former former pro bowl safety darren sharper. the network terminated sharper's contract. he's 38 years old and faces charges of drugging and sexually assaulting women in new orleans and los angeles where he has pleaded not guilty. he's also under investigation in florida and nevada and arizona. number four, the navy now investigating what caused a supersonic combat jet to crash in western nevada. now, the pictures you're looking at here are of the same model
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aircraft that went down. the navy hasn't yet confirmed the status of aircraft nor its crew member. the crisis in ukraine turns violent. look at this, reportedly injured dozens of people here at a pro-russia protest. the ukrainian military is now calling up all available reserves and deploying troops across the country. ukraine claims 15,000 russian troops have descended on crimea. international tensions are rising as the u.s. is speaking out against russia accusing it of breaking international law. >> u.s. secretary of state john kerry issued this statement and here's a quote, the united states condemns the russian federation invasion and occupation of ukrainian territory. this action is a threat to the peace and action of ukraine and the wider region. >> we know president obama spoke to vladimir putin for 90 minutes and obama warned that there would be consequences. let's go to cnn's chief international correspondent
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christiane amanpour via phone. thanks for being with us. we know the white house has said, too, that the u.s. is suspending participation in prep meetings for the g-8 in sochi. so, it sounds like he's kind of setting up the possibility that he would not attend in june when that happens. first of all, how strong a threat is it? go ahead. >> yes, you're absolutely right. they have confirmed that they're suspending measures for that summit which is, as you said, in three months' time. the question is if russia continues with its military mu mo nuvers expel russia from the g-8. that is a very real possibility and many analysts say that should happen. number one, russia is not a democracy and not a first world economy and it was simply invite under to the g-8 as a gesture by president clinton back in the '90s. that is a possibility. in the meantime, the very immediate diplomatic move
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necessary to pull both sides back to the brink. william hague is traveling to kiev today to meet with the interim government there, the new interim prime minister and the russian embassy here in britain has issued a statement saying, again, reiterating what they believe to be their right in what they're doing and also saying that president putin was to resolve this diplomatically. president putin in his call with president obama, as you mentioned, did not say that they would withdraw, but did say they had the right to be there but also said that russia's next move in terms of a full-scale intervention would be based on kiev's move. that is, obviously, very important to watch what the interim ukrainian government does. if it tries to confront russian forces. this would be a complete and other disaster and the kiev forces would be defeated and not nearly as strong as the russian forces. so, very high-level diplomacy continuing, needs to continue to pull russia back from the brink.
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nato ministers our meeting in an emergency session in brussels today and so far canada has done the most punitive diplomatic pressure. it has withdrawn its ambassador from moscow. >> the indications we have from the white house and sources at the pentagon is that there is no military contingency plan for u.s. troops to go into ukraine to go into the crimea peninsula. but if the president says that he supports ukrainian sovereignty and the leaders in kiev have said that they don't have the forces to fight off the russian military, how is it possible that the u.s. will not be involved, even in some u.n.-led delegation of troops to go in and help the ukrainian forces fight off the russian forces, if they continue this advance? >> i think that that is a complete nonstarter. you've heard united states say that there is no plan b of a military sort. this would be a direct confrontation between nato and
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russia and that is completely off the table, as far as nato is saying and the united states is saying. the ukrainian forces do not have the where withal to confront the russian forces. so far russia has a minimal presence in kiev rather in crimea in terms of flexing their muscle. yes, it does have a big base and that is where this number of 15,000 comes from, apparently. but that is a long-standing black sea fleet base. if it does increase and if russia does go forward with what it says is its right, that is to fully militarily intervene this is going to be a major disaster and one i do not believe at this point that the u.s. or nato plans to resist militarily. a major diplomat iic feat to brg russia back from another country if it, indeed, does that. remember what happened in
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georgia back in 2008 when a similar type of crisis happened. russia entered the territory, the then authorities decided to confront. it took a long, long time to put that situation back together. so, there is a president, it's not a happy president and that is why international diplomacy led by the united states and, as i say, nato and other western allies are working very hard to try to pull this back in a diplomatic fashion. and it's going to be key to watch what the ukrainian authorities do. they're already calling it a red alert and they're already saying that this is an unacceptable breach of ukrainian sovereignty and, indeed, it is a violation of the ukrainian or rather the international law that guarantees ukrainian sovereignty and its territorial integrity. the question is, can all sides be pulled back from the brink now before it is too late? >> chief international
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correspondent christiane amanpour, thank you so much. >> thank you. also, this deadly stamping rampage we talk about. this is in southwest china. >> chinese officials say the work of terrorists is what we're looking at here. we'll have details for you just ahead. [ garner ] there's a lot f beautiful makeup out there, but one is so clever that your skin looks better even after you take it off. neutrogena healthy skin liquid makeup. 98% saw improved skin. does your makeup do that? neutrogena® cosmetics. does you♪ makeup do that? they lived. ♪ they lived. ♪ they lived.
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now, prosecutors say it was premeditated murder. we'll hear from his ex-girlfriend. it's going to be something else. we'll keep you posted. let's go to this story. china, tragic. 29 people have been killed and more than 130 wounded in a deadly knife attack. >> yeah, ten men armed with these long knives stormed a railway station. this is what we know in the southwestern part of the country and chinese authorities are calling them terrorists. >> david mackenzie joins us live from kunming, tell us what happened. >> where i'm standing at this train station at least ten people, one appears to be a woman, mostly dressed in black in a coordinated attack according to authorities and witnesses i have spoken to they move through the crowd with the
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two-foot long knives and machetes stabbing people at will. it seems like there were more than 100 injured. i've seen several people with pretty terrible head injuries in hospitals in this area. people in the shops behind me say that there was panic streaming out of the train station. several people on the spot were heavily wounded. one man with a knife still sdtuk in his back. they are blaming this on what they call separatists from northwest china and certainly a shock to china this weekend. >> all right, so, the chinese government, as we said, are calling the attackers terrorists. what was their motive? other than killing, what is it that they want? what is it they're opposing. >> well, from all i can see what they wanted was to strike terror. this didn't seem to have any other point other than getting into a crowd of innocent people
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and killing them. and that's certainly was their aim. now they say these are separa separatists from northwest china. this islamic group in northwest china that has done in attacks in the past. not here in southwest china. this would be very significant because this is outside of the area of stronghold and it would indicate an escalation of the terror threat here in china for a country that is very well known of having a very severe, security at times and they were unable to stop the carnage here at this train station. >> all right, david mackenzie in kunming, china. we have more to come after the break. stay with us. if it doesn't work fast... you're on to the next thing. clinically proven neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair. it targets fine lines and wrinkles with the fastest retinol formula available.
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>> placing $75,000 in this briefcase for carmine poleto. "american hustle" up for a whopping ten oscars at tonight's academy awards. are you ready for hollywood's biggest night? >> i am completely underdressed. >> me, too. >> we will show you why because, well, you know, you have hollywood's glitzes and glamour. it's the 86th annual academy award show just in case you're counting. >> 3d thrillers like "gravity" compete with "wolf of wall street" for the industry's greatest honor, the oscar. >> oscar forecasting is as american as apple pie, people. this is why we are underdressed.
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>> and i thought i looked fancy this morning. i don't know. you can see jimmy's red shoes here under that banner. >> my shoes are nothing compared. >> you don't have to be anywhere special to celebrate the oscars. come on. did you wear those because of what the theme is? >> it's wizard of oz, "75th anniversary of "wizard of oz." >> so, first question here, let's start at the top. best picture. eboni first, what is your choice? >> it is worth waiting. this is the last award at the end of the night "12 years a slave." when a movie moves people and laugh extremely or if you're sad about something or even time or period pieces, i think they do extremely well and we've seen that with the actors being
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nominated in other categories. truth and testament to how good this movie is. i think it will do well. i think it will get best picture. >> the thing about the oscars, it will be the last awards given out and johnny carson said it best, the oscars is two hours of sparkling entertainment spread over a four-hour show. and "12 years a slave" the oscars love giving the award to period pieces about true people and depressing movies and this movie is the hat trick, all about those things. >> great performances. >> no kidding. so, most categories, i know, a lot of times usually don't have a clear winner. clear, clear, clear, but let's talk about what everybody is talking about for best actor, shall we? >> sure. >> who do you say? >> no way matthew mcconaughey is not going to win that oscar, if it does happen someone read the wrong name. >> he put so much into it. if you looked at how he looked
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"dallas buyers club" and a movie that moves people about aids and hiv and he had to go to other countries to get that medicine and bring it back. i think "12 years a slave" just the way he played the movie from beginning to end if you saw the movie and the camera angles and the write up about it. >> i was going to say him, but i couldn't pronounce his name. about a real person, it's sad and had to lose the weight the dinero way. he didn't look like matthew mcconaughey. >> let's get to actress category. already history made, breaking the record for the oldest average among the nominees, we talked about this when they were announced. amy adams, cate blanchett, meryl
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streep. >> who walks away with it? >> i would say cate blanchett. almost someone not quite right in their psyche and you see the movie through their eyes. you were talking about the fact of somebody being the victim or the bad guy. >> not often do you see a movie that main character is not really a likable person, but she is such a great actress that you really do feel sorry for her. it's pretty amazing, pretty amazing portrayal that she did in this film. >> before we get back to best supporting actress. i want to ask about ellen degeneres. you mentioned it. spread out over so many hours. what a job she has. such a different take from seth mcfarland. what headline do you think she's going to make? >> she said she will be in the audience a lot and, think about it, it is going to rain on these actors and actresses so all that it's going to smell like wet dog in there. >> she's not new to this.
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she hosted it seven years ago. second time back and ellen does so well, she already has a following and fans and i love people that do think even though they can't do them well and she talks about how she loves to dance, but she can't dance all night. i think what we're looking forward to is going to be great in what she presents and brings to the table. >> i think she it would be great if she opened the show the way she opens her show. >> she has to run and keep things moving and that is a help to actor and actterouses that don't have the experience. >> we have best supporting actress up here. but who do you think has been snubbed? >> oprah winfrey for "the butler" i was shocked she didn't get nominated for that movie. >> i have to agree with you on that. oprah always surprises us because we think she will change because remember her from "color purple." i think that's a great choice. >> very quickly, just have time for the names.
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>> june squib. if she doesn't win it, i'll cry. >> 84-year-old excellent actress. jimmy, ebony, thank you so much. >> we have a special award. >> we do. there is a new award and it's for the best weekend morning show -- >> congratulations. >> i'm going to fight you for this. >> all the people that said -- >> and my dog. i want to thank my dog. >> play the music, play them out. >> very nice! >> okay, thank you, guys. >> thank you, guys. so, toronto's crack smoking -- >> that's a segue. >> i love when we can start the sentence there. getting a dose of hollywood this weekend. >> what happened when he landed at l.a.x., who he ran into at baggage claim. do you think we could see him at
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the oscars tonight? >> if she brings him on stage, she wins the award for something. ask about the air optix® contacts so breathable they're approved for up to 30 nights of continuous wear. ask your doctor about safety information as serious eye problems may occur. visit for a free one-month trial. but something about spending this time together -- sailing past ancient glaciers in alaska -- makes you realize how old time is and how short life is. she can take all the time she wants. princess cruises. come back new. [ female announcer ] plan your seven-day cruise from just $549. call your travel agent or 1-800-princess. ♪ aflac, aflac, aflac! ♪ [ both sigh ] ♪ ugh!
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[ male announcer ] new glucerna advance. from the brand doctors recommend most. what is this place? where are we? this is where we bring together the fastest internet and the best in entertainment. we call it the x1 entertainment operating system.
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it looks like the future! we must have encountered a temporal vortex. further analytics are necessary. beam us up. ♪ that's my phone. hey. [ female announcer ] the x1 entertainment operating system, only from xfinity. tv and internet together like never before. we are so glad to have you with us. a lot of star gazing at los angeles international airport today. we're not talking oscars. a-list trickling in for that tonight, however, there is another sighting. >> there has been one celebrity sighting at the l.a.x. baggage claim that even the paparazzi didn't expect. >> which celebrity are you most excited to meet? >> how are you, welcome to los
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angeles. you have your luggage? let me take that from you, i'm your driver. >> that probably, that was probably one wild limo ride, don't you think? >> toronto mayor landed in l.a. and was greeted by, of course, you saw it there jimmy kimmel with his luggage cart. due to appear on kimmel's late-night talk show at the host personal invitation. that one we shall not miss. time for an early dose of laughter from last night's "saturday night live." >> the cast took a stab at a chat between ellen degeneres who is hosting tonight's oscar ceremony and figure skater johnny weir. >> time for my guest. he was a commentator for the olympics and he will be covering the oscars for e. please welcome johnny weir.
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>> hi, ellen. thank you for having me here. so nice to be here and not in russia. can you believe all this was in russia. >> did you have a hard time there at all? >> no, no, i just sort of blended in. by the end, i looked like a real local. look, this is a photo of me on the streets of sochi. we could barely even see me, right? >> well, now, i love the way you dress and i feel like every time i see you you're wearing something new and crazy. >> no, no not every time. >> are you sure because it kind of feels like every time. >> i think you're exaggerating, ellen. >> jim parsons never ceases to amaze me and even as good as he
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did there -- >> that impersonation of ellen, on point. >> so glad that you're starting your morning with us. >> a lot still ahead on "new day sunday" starts right now. troops moving in, violent protests in the streets, world leaders consulting in a 90-minute phone call. is russia on the brink of starting a war in europe? a powerful storm is pushing east today, folks. it's dumping heavy rain, lots of snow, possible ice. still creating a muddy mess in california. the big night, astronauts versus con artists, power brokers versus pirates as nine films vie for the best picture of the year. your "new day" continues now. listen, you don't even need to get out of bed.
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kick your feet up, grab your coffee, so much to tell you this morning and grateful for your company. i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. welcome to our viewers here in the u.s. and around the world. this is "new day sunday." and, of course, the breaking news we're starting with this hour, ukraine. and ukraine says that russian troops surrounding its military bases amounts to a declaration of war. the ukrainian prime minister is demanding russia pull back its troops. >> deployed troops across the country even as the defense minister said ukraine doesn't have the military might to resirezi resist russia. >> this morning hundreds of people gathered in ukraine's capital for peace and to pray and to tell putin to keep his hands off ukraine. >> now, yesterday, violence erupts during a massive protest. look at these pictures. this was in eastern ukraine. thousands of protesters rallying
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there and crowds attacking there in this piece a pro european union group and dozens of people were reportedly injured. >> the 15,000 russian troops are now on the crimean peninsula in ukraine. >> unmarked men in unmarked uniforms patrolling are, indeed, russian troops. the thing is, russia is still not admitting that. >> russian parliament approved the use of military force in ukraine. that is defying president obama's warning. >> president obama and russian president vladimir putin did speak over the phone yesterday for 90 minutes. this was a long call. in it president obama warned of consequences, but russia defended its actions. >> the head of the u.n. also called putin and told him it was critical to restore calm. >> it is crucial to restore calm and proceed to immediate de-escalation of the situation.
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cool heads must prevail and must be the only tour in ending this crisis. >> cnn has correspondents covering the crisis overseas and here at home. cnn's phil black is in moscow. diana magnay and ian lee is in kiev and michelle kaczynski j n joins the cnn family for the first time this morning from the white house. let's start with phil black. >> let's talk about this alert now from the prime minister in the ukraine saying this is a red alert, this is not a threat, this is actually a declaration of war to my country. any reaction from moscow? >> no, not so far, christi. but, it's no surprise that it made this declaration, i guess, because they've been talking about aggressive russian actions over the last couple of days and why ukraine may interpret this as an act of war, they are not fighting it as one probably
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because of a very simple military reality. they know if they attempt to defend themselves against these forces that are almost certainly russian, that the response from those russian forces will be much greater. and there is no way that the ukrainian military can hold them off, yet alone reverse that course of action. so, it leaves the ukrainian government with just one simple option to appeal to the military community and apply pressure to russia in the hope it that would persuade russia to hold back. so far, that's not really working. >> phil, everyone we have spoken with said every military resolution would be an absolute disaster. do we know what this diplomatic pressure and these sanctions and what would be enough to get putin to pull the russian troops back? >> it's difficult to say what possibly could be done to persuade him to pull back. he knows he's doing this in defiance of international opinion. he know there's will be a response.
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the reality is that there is little that can be done at such a level to persuade him to back off and he believes the president of russia would believe is greater than any domestic political price he would pay for being seen to bow to the west. that's a factor in all of this. there's a reason why president putin likes is to stand up to international community and international demands. and that is because it doesn't, it looks good here in russia playing to a domestic political crowd. that is certainly kind of the motivation, as is the fact that so many russians viewed this ukrainian territory as really part of the russian motherland. >> phil black, thank you so much. we appreciate the insight there. from moscow, let's go to the crimean peninsula, still a part of that country and fiercely loyal to russia. >> diana magnay is in the region's capital of simferopol. let's listen, you'll hear
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english from his translator here. >> translator: this is the red alert. and this is not the threat. this is actually the declaration of war to my country. and we urge president putin to pull back his military and to stick to the international obligations. >> so, diana, let me ask you, what can you tell us about this latest statement? >> well, the people here in simferopol believe there is no real concerns, worries about war. i was just talking to a lady who said why is there so much international concern? we are all calm here. and i said, well, what about these troops, these russian troops. she said, i don't know but they're keeping the peace.
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the fact of the matter is that here in simferopol, certainly in the south, a large majority of russians who feel their rights are not protected by the new kiev government. here, and i'll just actually go pan over a bit. you can see that they are actually now replacing the flags here in the main square, taking away the ukrainian flag so that you just have the russian and the crimean flags flying and there are demonstrations here with plenty of people waving russian flags. i've asked them what would you vote for at the referendum at the end of the month? do you want to stay a part of ukraine or want your own independent state? we want to stay a part of ukraine, but we want more rights. and i think people here, especially the ethnic russians are extremely worried that, for example, they won't be able to continue in a country using the russian language and that kiev has basically forgotten about
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them and acting unilaterally without incorporating the needs of the whole country. that is the big fear here. as phil was saying to these people, to the ethnic russians here, president putin is a strong man. they like the sense that he has their backs and perhaps that's why they're not concerned at all. they feel protected by the presence of this military presence on the streets. >> okay, diana magnay, thank you very much. >> we know the crisis in ukraine is spilling over into another political arena. this upcoming g-8 summit. president obama released a statement yesterday announcing the u.s. will not participate in prep meetings. of course, the g-8 meeting scheduled for june in sochi. >> a boycott of that june summit could be a major blow to the putin administration. russia is hosting it, as he said, in sochi. pro ukrainian protesters lined up outside the white house yesterday demanding that they leave the sovereign nation.
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>> joining our cnn family with the latest white house developments on the crisis is veteran, political and foreign affairs correspondent michelle kaczynski. she's cnn's new white house correspondents. first, welcome, michelle. >> thank you so much. great to be here instead of buckingham palace. just a little similar from this angle but great to be here. thanks so much. president obama and officials coordinating the u.s. response to all this that we've been watching unfold overseas. what should the u.s. do right now and what should be the message that we send not only to russia but to the rest of the world in that response? yesterday a high-level meeting and the president's security team met including the director of cia and director of national intelligence and we could see a similar meeting today. what has been decided, what came out of that, the u.s. would not
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participate in the summit leading up to the g-8 in sochi. they have not boycotted the g-8 at this point but the president said they will not participate in those meetings. canada has decided to do the same thing. also yesterday we saw president obama take a call with russian president vladimir putin. neither side would say who called whom but it lasts 90 minutes. nearly an hour and a half of discussions and the white house put out a summary of what went on. president obama expressed his dip concern over russia's clear violation of and withdrawing its forces back to crimea.
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address them peacefully through direct engagement with the government of ukraine and through the dispatch of international observers. repeatedly we heard president obama call this a violation of ukraine sovereignty. secretary of state john kerry used different language yesterday. calling what russia has been doing an invasion and an occupation. we expect to hear more from him today, as well. back to you guys. >> michelle, do we know if there is any plan for kerry to go speak maybe not, obviously, with anybody from russia, but other, you know, g-8 leaders because if it's not going to be a military response, what is the response going to be? the u.s. has said that there will be a consequence. >> in fact, republican leaders have been calling for the president to really articulate what are those costs and consequences? they're asking for a tougher response. some even calling for immediate
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sa sanctions like the freezing of visas. as for the secretary of straight, yes, we, know military action is off the table. these are policy options that are beginning to be discussed. seems like the white house wanted to do something immediately. what was decided was to say we're fought going to participate in those meetings leading up to the g-8. also yesterday we know that kerry spoke to the acting president of ukraine. we know what was said, they were able to put out a statement saying that kerry has commended ukraine for not responding militarily to russia's incursion. >> michelle kozinsk at the white house. welcome to cnn. >> thank you so much. we monitor the crisis in ukraine. we do want to give you a heads up on some really wicked weather that is moving across the u.s. >> one out of every three americans could be in the storm's path. this thing is huge. every one of those people could see either snow or ice, maybe
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even tornadoes. details, next. ♪ [ female announcer ] most of the time it's easy to know which option is better. other times, not so much. so it's good to know that mazola corn oil has 4 times more cholesterol blocking plant sterols than olive oil. and a recent study found that it can help lower cholesterol 2 times more. take care of those you love and cook deliciously. mazola makes it better. if it doesn't work fast... you're on to the next thing. neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair has the fastest retinol formula to visibly reduce fine lines and wrinkles in just one week. neutrogena®. to visibly reduce fine lines and wrinkles in just one week. hey there, i just got my bill, and i see that it includes my fico® credit score. yup, you get it free each month to help you avoid surprises with your credit. good. i hate surprises. surprise! at discover, we treat you like you'd treat you.
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does your makeup do that? neutrogena® cosmetics. strong waves. look at this, tossing around a boat off the coast of california. the state is finally seeing rain and a lot of it after its worst drought in 100 years. way too much rain. >> absolutely. speaking of too much rain. take a look at what's going on in chicago. this is north avenue beach. you can see the ground, obviously, already covered in snow. live pictures here for you. the midwest and northeast waking up there this morning and another blast of winter weather is coming at you. more than 100 million people is who this is going to affect. you could all be shivering in the path of this. they're calling it a raging snow storm. >> karen maginnis joins us from the severe weather center. people a bit further south will see the worst of it. >> they are going to see the worst of it in the form of not
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just snow, not just the cold temperatures and we're expecting a couple inches of snowfall for a lot of these areas, but it is the ice. jefferson city in missouri, they are saying an inch and a half of sleet already on top of a layer of ice. that pushing across southern missouri right now, but the entire state very dangerous travel conditions extending into southern indiana and illinois and through the ohio river valley and you are not left out across the mid-atlantic and portions of the northeast. in new york city, already we're going to start to pick up some icy conditions later on tonight it will change over to snow. also, the same for washington, d.c. washington, d.c., three to six inches of snowfall and here's where all our warnings and watches are. almost 100 million people could be affected. we'll keep you updated. back to you guys. >> karen maginnimaginnis, thank very much. still to come on "new day"
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ukraine on the brink of disaster. dire words coming from the country's prime minister. >> will those words be enough to prompt action from world leaders. people don't have to think about where their electricity comes from. they flip the switch-- the light comes on. it's our job to make sure that it does. using natural gas this power plant can produce enough energy for about 600,000 homes. generating electricity that's cleaner and reliable, with fewer emissions-- it matters. ♪
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this is new video coming in this morning of clashes between pro russia activists and supporters of ukraine's new west leaning interim government. 20,000 people joined this protest and a mostly russian speaking region of eastern ukraine. you can see, clearly, with all the blood dripping down the men's faces how this got out of hand quickly. >> this morning, the ukrainian prime minister said russia's aggression in the crimean peninsula is a declaration of war. international tensions are rising as you saw there and the u.s. now speaking out against russia accusing of breaking law. >> john kerry issued this
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statement this morning saying the united states condemns the russian federation invasion and occupation of ukrainian territory this action is a threat to the peace and security of ukraine and the wider region. >> spoke to president putin for 90 minutes and that is a long phone call and obama warned there would be consequences. on the phone christiane amanpour. christian, thank you so much. now, if there are going to be consequences and they're not going to be military, a lot of people are asking what can we do? what are those consequences going to be? >> well, there's a huge amount of diplomacy in process right now. as you say, there's no question of nato or the u.s. responding militarily, nonetheless, there's an emergency meeting of nato ministers in brussels right now to talk about the situation. the british foreign secretary william hague, a key ally of the united states, is traveling to
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ceavenue to talk to the new authorities there. canada has done so far the stiffest of the penalties and that is recall its ambassador from moscow and meantime the embassy has reiterated the russian position and adding that president putin wants to resolve this politically, if possible. however, contrast that with what the interim ukrainian prime minister has just said at a press conference talking about red alerts and talking about ukraine and russia being on the brink of disaster and saying that what vladimir putin has done is essentially declare war on russia and urging putin to withdraw and de-escalate. meantime, anecdotal evidence reporters suggesting that they're seeing more russian troops, including, according to the ap, russian troops building trenches or digging trenches on the crimea border. we don't know the full details of that. clearly, this is a situation that could escalate beyond the point of control and, therefore, very intense diplomacy is needed
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right now to pull all sides back from the brink. in that phone call that you mentioned between presidents obama and putin, it appears, according to the read out, that president putin, again, restated and reiterated what he believes is russia's right, but also said that russia's move, next military move would depend on those made by the ukrainian interim government in kiev. to that end, i'm sure a lot of persuading going on to make sure that the kiev authorities don't make any military maneuvers. don't try to go on the offensive against russians militarily. >> that leads me to this question, christiane. when we see ukrainian troops going into the eastern part of the country, will they extend all the way to the coast, all the way to sevastopol or simferopol or stop at the edge of an area, we have the map up
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here. those that find an -- >> if they do that, that is escalating it by the ukrainian government and the problem, of course, is that, a, that would be a disaster. they have zero possibility of confronting the russian forces. that's according to all the analysts, ukraine's military is not strong enough to even make a dent into the russian forces, which is, obviously, much, much stronger and there are russian military maneuvers, which are taking place and have been doing so all this week with something like 150,000 troops, hundreds of tanks, dozens of aircraft and other military hardware. ukraine does not have the kind of weaponry or man power to confront those russian forces. ukraine has said that they want to defend their own bases and we'll see where this goes. but, clearly, if ukraine does something that is considered militarily provocative, even though it is defensive, it could
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escalate the situation. many in the ukrainian political have said to me that they believe, this is even before this latest crisis that even after the fleeing of yanukovych they believe russia would see any pretext to intervene. the one thing ukraine does not want to give russia is any further pretext to intervene any further there. >> chief international correspondent, christiane amanpour, thank you. still to come on "new day" the weather is the big story for at least 100 million people in the country. >> you say you haven't seen enough of this yet? well, i'm sorry to tell you, but all you waking up in the northeast and the midwest, get the shovels ready, yet again. and heavy snow and dangerous ice. we'll tell you more. this is the first power plant in the country to combine solar and natural gas at the same location.
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good morning to you, 29 minutes past the hour right now. make sure you're on time. let's talk about ukraine's prime minister because he says the country is on the brink of disaster. facing a declaration of war from russia. these are strong words and just as those dire words were spoken, take a look at what was happening. hundreds of people packing kiev square calling for a peaceful end to the conflict. now, ian lee is there in kiev. what can you tell us about that scene right now? we have seen some recent video where it seemed that things were getting violent. >> well, here in the square what we're seeing right now is a lot of rallies and a lot of support for the ukrainian government and a lot of dignitaries from the
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ukrainian government mose notably but klitschko addressed the crowd saying that they will not be violated and not be able to split up the country. we do have violent clashes in other parts of the country, most notably in the eastern part of the country where you have the pro-russian demonstrators going against demonstrator. but here in the crowd behind me there has just been speeches all day, prayers all day hoping for a peaceful conclusion to this, but also standing very strong saying that they will defend their country and most notably just looking down there you see the georgian flag. now, that is a country that in 2008 had a similar run in with russia. the ukrainians are hoping that this doesn't happen for them and
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they end up losing the crimean. >> the ukraine has just announced that they are closing air space there. do you know anything about that? >> that's right. we're hearing that they're closing air space and not to civilian air traffic but they're monitoring military aircraft of potentially other countries that may be requesting or flying into their air space. they're also saying that they are fortifying or securing their airports, as well, to make sure that those are safe. but, definitely they're ramping up their military measures right now and this comes right after we hear those very strong words from the prime minister, christi. >> ian lee there in kiev, thank you so much for getting us aprized to what's going on right now. victor, boy, we can even hear everything that's going on behind him, as well.
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so far, as he says, victor, things peaceful there in kiev. joining us to talk about this the foreign ambassador and pentagon correspondent. colonel mcginnis, let's start with you. the question here is, what are the options here for the international community, but especially the u.s. to respond to this russian show of force? >> well, obviously, the president is taking it off the table, at least for now. a number of ambasatorial issues that can be addressed and certainly sanctions will be addressed and putin is vulnerable to a cut in oil price. look what we did in georgia back in '08. we made a lot of red lines and essentially we ended up doing very little other than putting a couple in the black sea area. you know, moving some of the
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georgian troops back from iraq where they were former deployed and sending humanitarian efforts. so, there are some things, but long term i think putin has taken into account what happened there in georgia and therefore he thinks he can get away with it in crimea. i don't think he will invade the eastern part of ukraine at this point. >> ambassador benton back when the ussr fell apart the strongest nuclear power in the world because some of the nuclear weapons were still there. in the trade for giving them up the u.s. and uk and other members of the international community pled support for ukraine's sovereignty. now, that pledge is coming due. does not the u.s., does not the uk and members of the international community have a responsibility to help in ukraine and if the diplomatic options don't work, some military force have to go in?
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>> you're absolutely right. in 1994 when ukraine shed its nuclear weapons the uk, u.s. and others guaranteed uk's sovereignty. need to do our best to deliver on and various things going on. the g-8 summit off the table and lots of action in the u.n. and else where. the unfortunate fact, however, is that russia is visibly so committed to retaining its influence in ukraine and that, i suspect, the diplomatic and other options we have are not strong enough to turn them around. we'll have to talk to the russians and work out a way forward together with them which guarantees what they see is their rights and concerns in ukraine. >> colonel, if the diplomatic efforts don't work or if they don't work quickly enough, who goes in because we know that the defense minister said that they don't have the might and the ukraine does not have the might to fight off the russian forces. what is the option to go in?
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>> the ukrainian military, about 163,000, 80,000 ground troops. they have antiquated equipment. they have been deployed with small numbers, but they really don't have a combat experience. they're not going to stand up against the russians, much like what we saw in georgian in '08. short of war, i don't think this president or any president would proceed to try to stop a military intervention into that country. if we even move troops say, you know, into next door countries from nato, all that's going to do is provoke, perhaps, an activity by the government in kiev which is unstable and we don't even know if the government there has total control over its own military. so, with some of the military siding with the russians and crimeans already, a very tenuous, a tender box situation.
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you know, once again, it looks like it's deja vu with regard to what we saw in the cuban missile crisis and certainly what we saw in poland with the solidarity movement. these are times in which behind the scenes secret negotiations must take place and economic levers can be pulled and let's stop talking about red lines and confrontations with the military forces. >> so, ambassador branten in this region, the crimean peninsula, mostly ethnic russians and the reforms of the military recently have allowed the contract soldiers to serve near their home. you have members of the ukrainian military who are loyal in many ways to russia. is there some possibility that we'll see rogue elements of even the ukrainian military fighting off other members of the ukra e ukrainian military from the west? >> i think there's still a chance of avoiding any
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confrontation. russians at the moment are going to show force in crimean and there are dangerous points there. three military base there's. but i would guess quite quickly and quite peacefully they would be able to control the whole premier. the real task after that is to present spreading to eastern ukraine and by the ukrainian authorities reassuring communities there that they have the interest of the russian-speaking communities in mind. as i say over and above that we the u.s. and we the uk and others need to sit down with the russians and talk about the way forward. the russians don't want the war, they don't want to occupy ukraine. what they want is an assurance that their interests in a neutral, ukraine, a ukraine which pays attention to russian concerns emerge from this mess. >> is there any indication that the new ukrainian, even the interim government would agree
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to that? >> it is a real problem, of course, because the new ukrainian government has little legitimacy and is essentially a government which represents the west of ukraine, which is the most anti-russian part of ukraine. that government has to be persuaded to take the russian point of view and the russian community in its country into account. it's huge amounts of distrust and a key task, pullback element is to get everyone talking to everyone else to the point where a solution begins to emerge. >> retired general bob maginnis and former ambassador to russia tony benton. thank you for helping us understand this from several different perspectives. christi? wicked weather is what we're talking about here. aparnltly the groundhog was right. old man winter does not want to give up his grasp on you. we'll tell you what's happening.
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but what's even more surprising is that brushing alone isn't enough to keep it clean. fortunately, you've got listerine®. unlike brushing which misses 75% of your mouth, listerine® cleans virtually your entire mouth. so what are you waiting for? it's time to take your mouth to a whole new level of health. listerine®... power to your mouth™. and take the listerine® 21 day challenge. feel the difference, or your money back. ♪ . well, they asked for rain, but, of course, not this much. it is creating a huge mess in california. this is what it looks like all across los angeles. you see the mud, it's a flooded mess there. take a look at what happened in denver. slick pavement created a monstrous pileup on interstate 25 north. look at this thing. >> one person killed and more
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than a dozen others sent to hospitals with injuries. the pileup involved more than 100 vehicles here. it shut down the road for hours. >> so, you look at that and you think, with what's coming weather wise, it would be good to hunker down and stay home. karen maginnis, what do you say? >> i think that is absolutely what you need to do. about 100 million people that are going to be affected by this major winter storm. we're not saying snow storm, we're saying winter storm because it could be an icy mix all the way from the panhandle of texas, tending into missouri, illinois, ohio and across the mid-atlantic over the next several days. these are the areas that are looking at very slippery weather conditions. i just took a look at what's happening in missouri. let's go ahead and show you what's going on in st. louis right now. there you see the arch. snow is coming down and you're lucky if you see snow because ice is the huge problem from right around cape girardo
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towards jefferson city, it is ice. they're saying in some areas an inch to an inch and a half of ice. very dangerous driving conditions. but all across central sections of tennessee into kentucky and into the northeast, you're not going to be left out. this is kind of several weather systems, but essentially this core traveling along this cold front, that is going to be the mechanism that will draw in the cold air from the north and the moisture rides right along that frontal system. so, even into northwestern alabama, all across the tricities area of knoxville, tennessee, extending into north carolina and for washington, d.c., it may start out as frozen precipitation, and then change over to snow. but this is kind of the general depiction of the snow a accumulation as we go through tuesday.
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kansas city to st. louis over towards indianapolis and into paducah we're looking at the icy mixture. viewing us from the northeast and saying us, come on, we are tired of winter. when will it all be done? it is not going to be in the next 48 hours because the storm system will plow across the mid-atlantic up towards new jersey. new york city you could see an icy mixture as early as this afternoon and going into your monday. it looks like those airports could be affected, but not just there, also washington, d.c., newark, new jersey and extending over towards st. louis. >> all right, karen, thank you for the heads up. so the advice, stay indoors. if you stay indoors you have something to look forward tonight. the oscars. hollywood is getting ready for its big night. >> a lot of people are wondering why this year's show is being hyped as the grandest of them all? [ park sounds, sound of spray paint ]
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we asked people a question, how much money do you think you'll need when you retire? $500,000. maybe half-million. say a million dollars. [ dan ] then we gave each person a ribbon to show how many years that amount might last. ♪ i was trying to like pull it a little further. you know, i was trying to stretch it a little bit more. [ woman ] got me to 70 years old. i'm going to have to rethink this thing. [ man ] i looked around at everybody else and i was like, "are you kidding me?" [ dan ] it's just human nature to focus on the here and now. so it's hard to imagine how much we'll need for a retirement that could last 30 years or more. so maybe we need to approach things differently, if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. ♪ ♪
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>> how did you and mom end up getting married? >> she wanted to. >> you didn't? oscar-nominated performance in the movie "nebraska." this little black and white film has become so huge. nominated for six oscars, including best picture, which, of course, is a big one. the academy award ceremony, gosh, at this point you can count down hours away. all eyes on who takes that top prize of best picture. >> "american hustle" and
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"gravity." jam packed with star power and some amazing musical guests. cnn entertainment correspondent nischelle turner takes a look ahead. >> the 86th academy awards is set to be hollywood's biggest party with ellen degeneres as ring leader expect nominees like meryl streep and matthew mcconaughey to get their groove on with the talk show queen. hollywood heavyweights like julia roberts and brad pitt are up for some of the night's biggest awards, ensuring it will be no shortage of star power. >> got to be the best we've ever done. >> reporter: 1970 conartists pitted against astronauts for the most trophies. "gravity" and "american hustle" lead the pack with ten nominations apiece. facing off against "12 years a slave" "captain phillips" "dallas buyers club" and "wolf
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of wall street" in one of the tightest races in history. golden globe winner cate blanchett going head-to-head with the likes of sandra bullock, judy dench and with a record 18th nomination, meryl streep. first-time nominee matthew mcconaughey lands in the best actor category against leonardo dec decaprio. but this year could be all about the music. ♪ let it go set to perform the best original song nominees making the oscars one of the biggest concerts of the year. with hot performances and a host like ellen, it may not be the winners that get everybody talking. nischelle turner, cnn, hollywood. >> so, count down to the oscars tonight with cnn.
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our oscar special, "hollywood's biggest night the road to gold" airs at 6:00 p.m. eastern. after the oscars beginning at midnight join piersmorgan for our live post show and the winner is. let's check in with john king for a look on what's coming up on "inside politics" this morning. >> coming up now, hillary clinton's calculations about 2016. how will they be affected by the release of the clinton era white house. also looking ahead to the big test for the 2016 republican hopefuls. who controls the republican party, the tea party or the gop establishment? all that plus a glimpse at tomorrow's news today coming up on "inside politics." guys? >> thanks, john. watch "inside politics" coming up 35 minutes from now right here on cnn. toronto's crack mayor is getting -- >> is he ever going to have a
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their way toward the arena, the theater for hollywood's biggest nights. >> does this guy fit into "big stars" category? some people say yes. he is a celebrity.
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sighted at the airport. caught the paparazzi by surprise. >> take a look. >> now which celebrity are you most excited to meet? >> hey, buddy. welcome to los angeles. is this your luggage? >> i got a little bit. >> let me take that from you. i'm your driver. >> okay. toronto mayor rob ford landing in los angeles and into the hands of late night talk show host jimmy kimmel. it is kimmel there. it took me a minute. i didn't realize it was him at first. >> i saw him with the sign but only when he started speakingdy recognize him. >> he's going to be a guest on kimmel's show tomorrow night. here's an "snl" spoof. part of our job this morning is not only to get you informed but to put you off on your day right. >> it is the weekend. you want to have some levity, right? this one involves sir charles barkley and shaquille o'neal at
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last month's all-star weekend in new orleans. >> what's up, guys? >> we were just in new orleans for the all-star game. >> yes, i love new orleans. good town. good food. good jambalaya. >> jump ba ambalaya? >> he trying to say jambalaya but when he say long words his mouth just gives up. shaq was on the dunk contest. he sat on the throne while ben mclam more of the kings jumped over him. >> put the king in the middle. made the king king. >> man, when he jumped over you, he must have kicked you square in the head and knocked all the pronouns out of you. >> there is your little chuckle for the morning. we have a couple more up our sleeves so don't go away. >> we do. stay with us. we'll also continue to cover breaking news and all that's happening tonight for the oscars. so thank you so much for sharing your sunday morning with us.
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>> new day continues though right now. good morning to you. again. sunday, just about 8:00. i'm christi paul. so glad to have your company. >> i'm victor blackwell. it is 5:00 a.m. out west and this is "new day sunday." we're starting with breaking news out of ukraine this morning. the country says that russian troops surrounding its military bases amount to a declaration of war and they're demanding russia pull back its troops. >> ukraine has deployed its own troops across the country now, too, even though the nation's defense minister says his country doesn't have the military might to resist russia. >> yesterday, the violence that erupted during a huge protest there where thousands of pro-russia protesters rallied and crowds clashed with pro-european union groups there. ukrainian officials say 15,000 russian troops are now on the
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crimean peninsula. >> meanwhile, evidence is growing that the armed men in those unmarked uniforms patrolling crimea since friday are indeed russian troops, although russia still is not admitting to that. the u.s. is calling russia's actions a "invasion and occupation." >> cnn's phil black is live in moscow this morning. phil, let's take a look at this. we've talked so much about what's happening in the ukraine but moscow police are now telling cnn that at least 50 people have been detained after protesting russian military action and where did this happen? >> reporter: victor, good morning. this was just outside a ministry of defense building here in the capital, moscow. yes, they say around 50 people were arrested. it would seem these were people who were unanticipate about russian military action in ukraine because they believe that ukraine is a state, one which russia has had long
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standing, and they do not want to see any sort of war between these two countries. interestingly though, that is also the same feeling that probably motivates i think the majority of russians to believe that russia is doing the right thing by intervening militarily in this way. most russians do see this brotherly connection with the russians who live across the border in ukraine, particularly in crimea. there are many people here who really see that region as a natural extension of the russian motherland. they see it as part of the russian federation. in heart, if not in actual fact. so for that reason, it is politically, i think, a much more popular -- the decision for president putin to intervene in this way is certainly more popular. there are some that don't like it but i think the vast majority here are pretty much on his side. >> there are any concerns or indications that crimea is not the only focus here, that perhaps putin wants to push those borders further east into the ukraine or west rather.
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>> we could only use president putin's own words as something of a guide here because they're certainly not telegraphing their intentions but we know in his conversation with president obama when he was defending what he said was russia's right to defend its interests, its people, citizens, and indeed the other cultural and russian-speaking people who live in this region. he didn't just talk about crimea in the south. he also spoke of eastern ukraine, along the russian border where there is a large russian-speaking population. so although they haven't moved into that region yet, it would seem to indicate, at the very least, they're keeping their options open. it is still possible that this russian incursion in to ukraine could extend into that eastern region of the country as well. >> phil black for us in moscow, phil, thank you so much. let's head now to the crimean peninsula. that region is certainly independent from ukraine, fiercely loyal to russia though. >> diana magnate is in the
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region's capital of simferopol. you heard vladimir putin, this is actually a declaration of war. how are people in crimea reacting to that? >> reporter: well, most of the people in crimea are ethnic russian and that's why they are aligning their selves much more with president putin than they do with this government in kiev. the new prime minister had some very, very strong words saying that if president putin wanted war between two friendly countries, then he was just inches away from it. let's take a listen to what he said. >> this is the red alert. this is not the threat. this is actually the declaration of war to my country and we urge
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president putin to pull back his military and to stick to the international obligations. >> reporter: now, crimea is very ethnically culturally mixed. you do have this ethnic russian majority, but you also have tatas and ethnic ukrainians. they're not really particularly visible in the streets at the moment. at the moment the only people i'm managing to talk to are all pro-russian. they all say, look, what happened in kiev has nothing to do with us. they were ultra nationalists there, fascists. they talk about the far right party with fear. they are scared those kind of ultra nationalists will come over to crimea and spread their ideas here and they don't want that. they want to preserve the russian language. they want their rights protected and they are scared that this new government doesn't in any way incorporate their wishes and
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desires, even though, yatsenyuk and his government say they will make amenities on this war on language. the message doesn't really seemed to have trickled down to folks on the ground here. >> diana magnate, thank you so much for bringing us the latest there. the crisis in ukraine could impact the upcoming g-8 summit in sochi in june. president obama announced a statement yesterday saying the u.s. will not participate in prep meetings. not saying he won't go to the g-8 but he's not going to consider even the prep that goes into it at this point. >> over the next several months. russia is hosting the june summit and a potential boycott would not bode well for putin and this administration. our new white house correspondent michelle kosinski joins us. welcome to the family. >> thank you. >> the question here is how are lawmakers responding to the president's decision not to participate in those prep meetings leading up to the g-8?
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>> reporter: well, you know, this is really the initial response. what the white house has been doing that we've seen is coordinating that response. we could see in fact another high-level meeting today, similar to what we saw yesterday of the president's security team. you have to remember for the most part the response so far has been simply words, strong statements that the president has made condemning russia's actions, calling it a violation of ukrainian sovereignty and violation of russia's own agreements. but the president did take that step, as you mentioned, in saying that the u.s. won't participate in those preparatory meetings. so even though this is the initial stage of what the u.s. will do now and what message the u.s. will send, there has been some response from republican lawmakers. one republican congressman saying that your response should be stronger even at this point, that as the white house is looking at its policy options, maybe it is time now to take some sanctions against russia, things like restrictions of certain visas for certain
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officials, limiting travel, limiting financing, things like that. and some are saying that putin's actions are outlaw antics. senator john mccain has been particularly vocal. he put out a statement yesterday that said -- every moment that the united states and our allies fail to respond sends the signal to president putin that he can be even more ambitious and aggressive in his military intervention in ukraine. there is a range of serious options at our disposal at this time without the use of military force. i call on president obama to rally our european and nato allies to make clear what costs russia will face for its aggression and to impose those consequences without further delay. now he doesn't articulate what those responses should be, what he thinks they are, but he calls on president obama to articulate what the costs are because that's what the president said last week, that russia's actions will lead to costs or consequences. mccain says, what are they right now? we should know what those are
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right now in formulating what he believes shareholder be a stronger response to this. back to you. >> i think that's the specifics that so many people are waiting to find out, what are these costs. michelle kosinski, thank you so much. and again, glad to have you at cnn. >> thanks so much. still ahead, the weather in the u.s. is causing problems on the east coast, the west coast. we'll start out west with the heavy downpour in california. so much mud. just really pulling people out of their homes. thousands forced to evacuate. we're going to show you more of these pictures and how life has really become difficult for folks there. >> it is a really dangerous situation across the country this morning. but you know what? we've also got the polar plunge. we'll tell you why funny man jimmy fallon and chicago mayor rahm emanuel are jumping into freezing water in the middle of freezing water in the middle of winter. my fico® credit score. yup, you get it free each month to help you avoid surprises with your credit. good. i hate surprises.
5:10 am
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5:11 am
ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a 30-tablet free trial. how much money do you think you'll need when you retire? then we gave each person a ribbon to show how many years that amount might last. i was trying to, like, pull it a little further. [ woman ] got me to 70 years old. i'm going to have to rethink this thing. it's hard to imagine how much we'll need for a retirement that could last 30 years or more. so maybe we need to approach things differently, if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. ♪
5:12 am
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well, they wanted rain, but not this, not this much. this downpour has left behind a flooded, muddy mess there in california and this is what it looks like across los angeles. >> in fact, a tv reporter got more than he expected while he was reporting on the mudslides. miguel almagar with nbc news
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waded into deep -- waist-deep mud. then he got stuck and rescuers had to use a shovel to get him out. glad he's okay. but after that police ordered all news media and residents to get out of the area. >> the things we do for a good live shot. it was good though. >> it was good. like i said, glad he made it out. >> that damn groundhog was right. >> how do you really feel! >> that's how i feel! it's march. i was hoping that we'd get some sunshine and some warmth, but punxsutawney did it to us. >> yeah. blame him. that's it, blame him. not old man winter. the thing is, this is actually a very dangerous storm, we should point out, right karen maginnis? >> it really is. you are looking at some pictures there. let's put up st. louis. since we looked at it just about 45 minutes ago, the visibility has gone way down in st. louis. you are getting snow right now but don't be fooled. the snow will be mixed with ice
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or some sleet as we go through the evening hours. your temperature right now in st. louis is 17. it looks like it's all downhill for the afternoon. those temperatures will be dropping. a very messy, very dangerous weather situation developing. all the way from the panhandle of texas, in through oklahoma, northern arkansas. much of missouri, in cape girardeau, they are reporting an inch to inch and a half of ice. we zoom in across this region where you see the pink shaded area, that's where we've got some snow, a little bit further to the south it changes over to ice. nonetheless across the ohio river valley, extending into the central alleghenies, and the mid-atlantic -- and the mid-atlantic in this situation does also apply to new york city. now new york city for later on this afternoon you are looking at some ice. looks like a few inches of snow. maybe not quite as much as we were anticipating yesterday, but the roads are going to be extremely hazardous.
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temperaturewise, it doesn't even feel like march. doesn't look like march. double-digit below zero readings. not windchill factors. it's minus 19 in minot. minus 3 in omaha. minneapolis is minus 4. it is so cold. be careful out there. roads are very dangerous. back to you guys. >> thank you for the red light warning there. brutal. speaking of the snow, check out the ceremonial kickoff of the world famous iditarod dog race in alaska. the real race starts in about six hours but this was fun to watch. 69 brave men and women and their dogs raced nearly 1,000 miles across some of the most extreme terrain on earth. >> they are such beautiful dogs. >> i would love one day just to watch that race or visit, at least. it is on the list. >> you don't want the cold. and you're going to talk about -- i'd go there to see that. >> here's the thing though. i'll visit it on my terms. don't come to me. i'll he come to you.
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speaking of that, toronto's crack-smoking mayor is getting a dose of hollywood this weekend. i'm wondering if we should say hollywood is getting a dose of him. >> i don't know if we should use the word "dose." >> true. >> but he's coming to los angeles. we'll show you what happened when he landed at lax and who ran into baggage claim to help. mine was earned in korea in 1953. afghanistan, in 2009. orbiting the moon in 1971. [ male announcer ] once it's earned, usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection. and because usaa's commitment to serve current and former military members and their families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. it's how i look at life. especially now that i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat
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which celebrity are you most excited to meet? >> there he is. >> jimmy kimmelle. >> how are you? welcome to los angeles. >> thanks so much. >> you have luggage? >> i have a little bit, yeah. >> well let me take that from you. i'm your driver. >> that's toronto mayor rob ford. what a surprise. what would you do, if you got into baggage claim at los angeles international airport and your chauffeur was none other than jimmy kimmel? >> it's just go with him. ford is set to appear monday night at kimmel's personal invitation. rahm emanuel and funny man jimmy fallon. good luck to them. >> it is a great start when you have those two. >> they are taking the polar plunge. yes, both of them. they're in chicago, jumping into the really chilly water there obviously. >> you know what's going on with the weather in chicago. there's already snow on the ground. this all started as a twitter challenge to get the mayor to
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visit the "tonight show" but now they're actually going through with this. organizers of the special olympics fund-raiser credit fallon and rahm emanuel feud for the big jump in sign-ups. >> i'm wondering what they're going to wear, too, if we see people like that. 700 more people registered this year. >> jimmy said online he's going to wear his full suit, coat and tie. i don't know if he's going to do that but that's at least what he suggested. >> be careful what you say on twitter, people, because this is what happens. chicago's high temperature today -- by the way, 20 degrees. yikes! you're going to learn a lot more about mayor rahm emanuel and how he is changing the city. in a cnn original series "chicagoland." premiers thursday, 10:00 p.m. eastern, 9:00 central, right here on cnn. back to the situation in ukraine. world power, including the u.s., are suspended preparations for the upcoming g-8 summit in
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sochi, russia. >> state of the union host candy crowley is in washington this morning. candy, how influential might this leverage be? >> probably not a lot. i mean the fact of the matter is that crimea is much more valuable to putin than a summit. so if it comes to that, certainly the importance of the region to him, which is right next to russia. russia has always seen crimea as the place that belongs to them -- although obviously treaties say differently. but nonetheless, as you all have been reporting, majority of russian speaking folks in the crimea. this is much more important to him than a summit is. certainly it is a big statement of unity. if they all agree not to go. on the other hand, it is not a statement that is likely to change putin's mind about an area in the world which he is very attached and to which russians are very attached.
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>> candy, thanks. see new about 35 minutes. stay here for "state of the union." it starts at the top of the hour, 9:00 a.m. eastern right here on cnn. we'll be right back. [ ostad ] most people have never even heard of acid erosion. there's a lot of fruits and drinks that have acids in them that you might not know about. salad dressings, raspberries, strawberries... they all have acid in them, and it's working at your enamel. once the enamel is gone, it's gone. you can't get it back. i would recommend using pronamel as your regular toothpaste. pronamel will help to re-harden the enamel
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hi, ellen, thank you for having me here. it is so nice to be here and not in russia. i mean can you believe all this was in russia? >> did you have a hard time there at all? >> oh, no, no, no. i just sort of blended in. by the end i actually looked like a real local. look here. this is a photo of me on the streets of sochi. you can barely even see me. right? it was like gay wears waldo. >> well, now i love the way you dress. i feel like every time i sigh, you're wearing something new and crazy. >> no, not every of time. >> are you sure? because it kind of feels like every time? >> i think you're exaggerating, ellen. >> even as great as they did, i still see sheldon in there. >> it is sheldon, "big bang theory." they took a stab at ellen
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degeneres and johnny weir. ellen is hosting the big show tonight. >> big show being the oscars, just hours away. hollywood's getting ready. i'm sure we're going to see what she has up her sleeve. >> the awards program is being billed as one of the biggest shows ever. these toes are typically big. for the very first time it will be streamed live online. >> all eyes are going to be on who wins best picture. nine films vying for the top prize. "gravity" and "american hustle" lead with ten nominations a piece. >> the oscars coverage begins tonight at 6:00. it is a good night to hunker down because this weather is so nas nasty. >> thanks for starting your
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sunday morning with us. inside politics with john king starts right now. president obama isn't getting many campaign 2014 invites, but insists he still helps democrats more than he hurts. >> we won't just win in november. we'll win for america! hillary clinton is on the road. sounding more and more like a 2016 candidate. >> no one can or should sit on the sidelines. >> but will newly released documents from the bill clinton presidency hurt her chances? and don't forget joe biden. well, how could we? plus, the tea party throws itself a birthday party and sends the republican establishment a message. >> liberty is never safer than when politicians


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