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tv   New Day  CNN  March 4, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PST

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he has said during these speaks that this is a wrongful revolution. he is also providing a new potential definition of ukraine as two separate sovereigns, east versus west, and the rights of those who are being victimized there. he is also talking about sanctions that could be levied and that many people could be hurt by sanctions. also important to know, what he says is on the table going forward. >> he really is remaining steadfast. at one point saying that russia reserves the right to reserve all options if there is lawlessness in eastern ukraine. we have to understand where he could be going and moving going forward. >> he says that they are only there to help. they will provide economic
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relief as well. he is entertaining questions. let's dip in now and see if we can get anymore out of it. >> the law followed. there are no violations there. several days ago, group of armed people tried to seize the building of the parliament, among local crimean population, they thought it would start going to the kiev scenario. this is why they have formed self-defense teams and took over the control of military bases. when i saw yesterday what they have taken over, they -- there
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are 22,000 troops and a lot of arms. but as i said, without a single shot, it is now in the hand of the ukrainian people. the people who were blocking -- >> let's get back out of this now and explain what's happened so far. from what we've heard so far, let's just go other the headlines. he's been speaking about 20 minutes now. we believe he's entertaining legitimate questions. he says this is a wrongful coup that has happened, that yanukovych was wrongful ly
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ousted. that the idea of sanctions should be very carefully examined because they will hurt everyone and all options are on the table for him. the first question, it seems that crimea is not the oend, ony the beginning. >> right. seems to me this is availed threat. he's saying unless i have a seat at the table in deciding what's going to happen in the future of the government of ukraine, we reserve the right to go further into russian ukraine. he's really giving no evidence of that. i think what he's really saying is, i don't like the way things have gone in ukraine and if it continues to go this way, we may use further measures in order to
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make sure ukraine doesn't go in an anti-russian direction. >> i want to bring phil black into the conversation as well. you've been listening to this press conference, we'll call it. from the very beginning. what you really here is a steadfast vladimir putin also saying at one point that this is a humanitarian mission on the part of russia. what do you take from it all? >> absolutely not backing down. the other point to take that the actions from here are still quite open-ended. it may not be the end. despite that, it's difficult to quite understand why. he seems to be drawing a distinction between this and actual military action. he says that there hasn't been any need for that yet. without any clear understanding
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of how they can say the occupation is not yet actual military force. they say it may still about tbe case. and as you say, reserves the right to do whatever is necessary in the country if the people start to feel threatened. it was a situation where national is forces were approaching. he made it very clear indeed that if those people in the east of the country request moscow's help, he believes it is legal, appropriate and right. >> is the definition that he's using of ukraine accurate? he keeps talking about the east as if this were east and west germany. but when you look at the map and most recent information, it seems you've become very mixed
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there in terms of who identifies themselves as russian. >> there are a lot of ukrainians that speak russian. >> that doesn't mean they are russian. >> ukraine also has to get back to a constitutional democratic process in terms of figuring out how it's going to have a government that's broad-based and represents people. he goes astray saying sending russian forces in any way can help to improve that situation. the ukrainians have to come together. having russia unilaterally decide it's going to send troops, i don't think most ukrainians want that. >> if they get the signal that folks in eastern ukraine feel threatened, russia will move into help.
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let's be clear. so far all we've heard is russia seems to be the one making up facts on the ground in crimea. there hasn't been evidence yet that there has been a request for assistance where his military has moved in, right? >> there is no real threat to these russian-speaking, cultu l culturalcultura culturalcultura culturally russian areas. that this is being used as a pretext for this military action, which the united states and the west clearly believes is illegal. we've heard from president putin so many times the importance of sovereignty to international law. he's repeated it so many times, particularly in terms of syria. it's a criticism he's made of
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the united states many, many 00 times. in this case, he says there's an exception. he has said that he doesn't believe countries when they say they are acting militarily for human rights. he believes there's usually something else behind it, but in this case, this is the very argument he's using to justify his actions here. >> that's a good point what phil is saying. he's saying the people called out to us, that's why we're there. it does sound uncannily like a u.s. proposition. >> they said it very strongly yesterday when they said you cannot convince us as much as you might want to that black and white and up is down. facts on the ground are what facts on the ground. peter, stick with us.
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one important note we're hearing, he did also say that russia does not want to make crimea part of russia and that only the people of crimea can decide that. let's take a look, though, at the very latest of what's going on inside ukraine. just this morning, a very tense standoff at an air base in crimea unfolding just hours ago. take a listen. 300 unarmed singing ukrainian soldiers ignoring warning shots. they're demanding an end to the occupation. 16,000 russian troops have boots on the ground in crimea right now. they have taken overall key communications and transportation posts.
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>> obviously an image that vladimir putin would say does not exist in terms of being the aggressor in the situation there. again, the ukrainian soldiers had dropped their arms when warning shot was fired. secretary of state john kerry is expected to touchdown in kiev. is he just going to try to show support for ukraine's fledgling government. let's pick up the story there. we are live at that air base in crimea where you saw the altercation. what's the latest? >> reporter: well, what we understand from the commander of this base, which is a military base north of sa vast pole, he
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received an ultimatum that by noon, this base must surrender to russian forces. clearly, the situation here is quite tense. now, right behind me, there are cr ukraiyoukrainian soldiers, some arms at the ready. some of their wives and relatives have come bringing food and refreshment for them. the wives as well saying they are here to stay despite the empation of an ultimate -- implementation of an ultimatum. >> two very different narratives being told here. but there on the ground where ben is, you have crew yan january families saying they feel they are under siege by the
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russians. president obama is holding high-level cabinet talks at the white house. this happened last night. the plan moving forward is to rally world leaders and make russia pay for the crimean incursion. michelle, what do we understand about what direction these talks will take and when? >> we're seen over the last few days the u.s. response to this building in these measured steps. most lately, we've seen the u.s. council trade talks, counsel all joint military exercises. the question being of course is any of this expected to have any affect at all on russia's current course of action. we heard a little bit from vladimir putin just now reinforcing what he says is illegitimate and what he is doing is helping his own interests and russian people in
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crimea. last night president obama met with secretary of state john kerry before he left for ukraine and others with the purpose of looking at other options that might further isolate russia. we know the white house has been preparing possible sanctions. not to say they will be taken. here's what president obama said yesterday. >> we are examining a whole series of steps, economic, diplomatic, that will isolate russia. >> we've heard from a number of members of congress using strong language as well saying that the u.s. needs to do something right now, that members of congress might actually get together on both sides of the aisle and draft legislation that could lead to sanctions. something similar to the act we saw congress do last year, putting restrictions of travel and finances on certain members
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of the russian administration. we could see that happen. obama has called for everyone working together on this. he wants to see you unanimous anymorety among congress. >> we're going to be following up on this. vladimir putin is still speaking right now. i will be dipping in and out of that for you. his main claim is that this is a humanitarian effort, not an invasion. where are the facts to suggest that on the ground? we don't know. in the midst of everything el else, president obama is set to release his 2015 budget plan. also expanding a tax break to help low-income workers without kids. the next fiscal year begins in october. >> so you think your wireless carrier isover charming you, you
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are not alone. the federal government is now suing sprint over the cost of bugging people's phones. they claim they overbilled the agencies $21 million. sprint says it did nothing wrong. >> a phoenix detective was chasing a suspect by car when he crashed and opened fire while fleeing on foot. responding officers shot and killed the suspect. >> new jersey governor chris christie trying to shift focus from bridgegate. he will hold will the townhall today. a report last month blamed the state for miss handling thousands of dollars of recovery money requests. this as attorneys for the former
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campaign manager say he is now being investigated by federal agents for any role he may have had for the shutdown of lanes on the garage washington bridge. we'll keep dipping back to ukraine. but we do also have to follow what's going on here with the extreme cold grip strange link the northeast this morning. these records date back to the 1800s. take a look at the map. how bad can it get? indra petersons knows it all. indra? >> it's actually march now. we're still talking about the jet stream doing all the way doing even into the southeast. this morning, indianapolis, still single digits. burlington without a windchill looking at subzero temperatures. we're talking about temperatures currently below freezing. we have already broke records.
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we continue to see these record-breaking morning lows this morning. unfortunately, this cold air, it's going to be lasting. i still don't have any good news for you. down to the south, about 30 below. memphis only seeing 35. charlotte looking about 11 below where they should be. tomorrow, we'll recover a little bit. still talking about 15 below average instead of 30 below average. in texas, they're currently talking about an icing situation. rain for mardi gras. coming up on "new day," we'll take a break. obviously the developing situations in ukraine to talk to you about. but other stories as well. >> right now, you're looking at the murder trial of blade runner
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oscar pistorius. the neighbor who heard desperate screams before the fatal gunfire. also president obama facing criticism for what some are calling a weak strategy in the ukraine. one former senator says no one berea believes in the united states's force anymore. we'll be right back. ale voice ]? lactaid® is 100% real milk? right. real milk. but it won't cause me discomfort. exactly, because it's milk without the lactose. and it tastes? it's real milk! come on, would i lie about this? [ female announcer ] lactaid. 100% real milk. no discomfort. so i deserve a small business credit card with amazing rewards. with the spark cash card from capital one, i get 2% cash back on every purchase, every day. i break my back around here. finally someone's recognizing me with unlimited rewards!
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screams before the gunshots. we're following the try. what's the very latest? >> reporter: well, the court has adjourned for lunch. already, this morning's session was fascinating. take a listen to this. >> make way. >> reporter: day two of the trial of the century, oscar pistorius arrived with the same defiant expression as the previous day, the blade runners lawyer launching a full attack during cross-examination. >> you heard that out of a closed toilet in a house 177 meters away. >> reporter: she was granted a small reprieve as the court investigated claims her image has been seen on tv.
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yesterday, they kicked off the trial with the prosecution's first witness. >> just after 3:00, i woke up from a woman's terrible screams. >> reporter: she testified she heard the screams last year on valentine's day. >> it was very dramatic for me. you could hear that it was blood curdlining screams. >> reporter: she described the pause after the first shot, which the prosecution points to as proof pistorius knew he was shooting. >> it was bang, bang, bang. >> do you understand the charges? >> i do, my lady. >> how do you plead? >> not guilty, my lady.
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>> reporter: he's described getting out of bed and aiming at the bathroom door in the dark only later having discovered he had shot his girlfriend. the defense hopes to show the investigation has been riddled with mistakes from the beginning. >> the investigating officer and tasked with preserving the scene, that the scene was contaminated, disturbed and tampered with. >> reporter: when we go back into court, we'll hear more testimony from witness number two, another neighbor, who's testimony for the state so far seems to be backing up oscar
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mi pistorius' rendition of events. going to take another break. breaking news that we are following this morning, russian president vladimir putin breaking his silence on the crisis in ukraine this morning. he says he reserves the right to use military force, if needed. so how will the white house respond to this? people don't have to think about where their electricity comes from. they flip the switch-- and the light comes on. it's our job to make sure that it does. using natural gas this power plant can produce enough energy for about 600,000 homes. generating electricity that's cleaner and reliable, with fewer emissions--
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with the stunts and loud explosions and all the muscles. [ as cosby ] i want to see the comedy programming with the children. [ british accent] watch bravo! yeah, i want to see "the real housewives." rewind! yeah! jimmy? it's been hours. we told you the x1 entertainment operating system show me "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." that's what i'm talking about right there. [ cheers and applause ] [ female announcer ] control your tv with your voice. the x1 entertainment operating system. only from xfinity. they played the role in
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hitler's coming to power. it can all be really unexpected. >> now the line you just heard there from a translator, that is v vladimir putin in moscow. he's been talking for just about an hour was just referencing hitler and what led hitler to power. vladimir putin is telling a very different story than the way the situation in the ukraine has been described to date. he says this is humanitarian, not military. that people are calling out for the help of russia because they are under oppression from a
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coup. and that russia isn't doing nothing that the u.s. hasn't done before, including the right to use military action to help the situation in ukraine. we will be following this throughout the morning whenever there is a significant development. we have people at cnn in every significant case in ukraine, including the crimean peninsula. now, the big question for us here in the united states is what do we do. the president is faces criticism for what many are calling a weak strategy to date. senator john mccain went as far to say that no one believes in america's strength anymore. what happens next in the ukraine, very important. how we got here, perhaps equally so. let's bring in president of the heritage foundation.
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>> good morning. >> also important to note, he's also the author of a new book called, falling in love with america again. i want to talk to you about the book, but let's deal with the pressing matters at hand. two theories on how we got to here. putin is a madman trying to get back to cold war thinking. the other theory is one i believe you hold which he was falsely em bold nd by president obama's weakness and flexibility and we've allowed putin to take this stage. >> there's no question there's an american indecisiveness and weakness. our lack of a concise and clear foreign policy has de stabilized
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parts of the world. russia tested us years ago in georgia. they saw we didn't respond. now they're testing us even further. putin understands strength, not diplomacy. this is just a continuation of what russia has been doing. but they don't think america will act and that is a very destabilizing force, not only in the ukraine, but throughout the world. >> isn't the notion that only might can make right tired? the american people do not have appetite for more military action and everyone is con deeming putin for what he's doing right now? president obama's tactic of let's try to talk may be the way the world wants to proceed. >> well, if you have the biggest muscles, you usually don't have
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to fight. that's what kept us out of war for a long time. we have the ability, but we also have a clear policy. we needed to do much more to help the ukrainians who were fighting for from for years. the mess now has a lot to do with the russians meddling. one of the first things is to get out of the arms treaty called s.t.a.r.t. we are trusting them to do what they say. that is foolish naive notion now. it's encouraging even our allies to get into the nuclear business. >> from a lot of members of the republican party, you hear that the president should have been stronger.
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when you get to the specifics of what else would you have done, you mention the s.t.a.r.t. treaty. are there obvious other actions that should have been taken? >> we have not been supportive of nations struggling for freedom and democracy. they've been beholden to russia to help them. there are things we could have shown signs that we were supportive at looking into how they're integrated into the yup peen union. >> but your brothers in sisters in the republican party were equally critical of the president for wanting to be involved on that level saying it's military or stay out of it. it seems like no matter what he
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does, he gets criticism. >> it's more of a matter of timing. waiting until there's a crisis and then deciding what to do. clearly in syria we drew a red line that turned out to be a pink line and no line at all. that created a victory for putin and showed that the united states is really all talk. that's all we've heard, americans and the yeuropeans ar just going to talk. we begin with what we can control. the s.t.a.r.t. treaty is something we need to say, we cannot trust these guys to deal with us in any reasonable kind of way. we need a clear and definitive foreign policy so folks know where we stand. and generally, we need to be supportive of countries that are
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fighting for freedom. >> we obviously have a very big test right now. hopefully we're able to stabilize the situation. the idea of restarting, rebuilding, great segway to your book. >> yes. >> are you in love -- do you love her, but you're no longer in love? will you explain this to me? >> we're all blessed to be americans, but a lot of us are concerned about the direction of the country. the majority of young americans no longer think the american dream is attainable to them. so we're on a historically bad path. we can change that and relatively quickly if we as a country understand why we were different and exceptional in the first place. it's remembering that we're a ground-up nation. we're built around individuals, families, churches. we're not a top of down country
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like russia is. but we've shifted and we're trying to solve our problems from washington with big federal programs, whether it's a poverty program or a health care program, we can see they're not working. what i'm doing in the book, falling in love with america again, is reminding people that not only do our problems get solved more quickly, but our affinity for our country and fellow man is much greater if we're allowed to make our own decisions. someone walks in the room and says chris, you have to do what we does. then we're mad at each other and mad at the government for telling us to do that. >> what is your message to your party? even since from the time you were there, obstructionism is just the name of the game for the republican party right now.
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obviously, that's not leading to any meaningful progress. what is your message to your own party? >> i would disagree with the obstruction idea. we have mostly in the democratic party now is we're going to solve the problem from washington with a big new health care plan. we have republicans not always united saying no, we can do this better by working with the states and the private sector to solve the problem. sometimes the federal government has to let go of things. it's a matter of the parties are polar rised. what i want to do with this book is unite the country around a core set of ideas that i'm convinced we all support. i talk to people all the time that agree in principle, but they'd never vote for a republican. the important larization in
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politics is not representative of what's in america. they have to be given the freedom to live their lives the way they want. i think the politics will follow if we can unite the country around some central ideas. >> we know people step up when things get done. senator, thank you very much. good luck with the book. >> thanks, chris. coming up, former secretary of state madeline al bright will be here to weigh in on the developing situation in the ukraine. vladimir putin still speaking, laying out a very different story. what does the u.s. do? what does madeline al -- bright think kerry can do when he touches down. >> there could be a global
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impact on russia's actions in the ukraine. we're going to break down how this crisis could have a very real effect on you. much more ahead. [ garner ] there's a lot of beautiful makeup out there,
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with the stunts and loud explosions and all the muscles. [ as cosby ] i want to see the comedy programming
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with the children. [ british accent] watch bravo! yeah, i want to see "the real housewives." rewind! yeah! jimmy? it's been hours. we told you the x1 entertainment operating system show me "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." that's what i'm talking about right there. [ cheers and applause ] [ female announcer ] control your tv with your voice. the x1 entertainment operating system. only from xfinity. . breaking news still this morning, russian president vladimir putin speaking this morning and pulling back troops. it seems it could be also helping to calm markets. as it stood on monday, u.s. stocks took a pretty big hit. world markets have made a small
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rebound today. here to discuss, christine romans, of course. and the assisting managing editor for "time." what we've seen is that global markets were responds, they were dropping and having a hard time. >> yesterday, very ugly. stocks around the world down. russian stocks down big. today, a reversal of that. mostly because putin ended these military exercises that have been going on in russia. so that was a signal that calmed markets. you've got dow futures now up. you could actually see all of yesterday's loss in u.s. stocks recovered. not a reversal completely for the rest of the floglobal marke. there you go.
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so they've shrugged off that terrible day yesterday. >> should people not just pay attention to it and just wait it out? >> it depends. if there's a threat of armed conflict, that's when you see markets get really jittery. that's what markets want to see. that's where i think you're going to see volatility in manager markets and banking. citibank is the largest western bank in russia. so i think that, you know, we're going to have to watch the situation very carefully. it's interesting that the dow wants to keep going higher. >> you have two competing interesting here, right? you have the need for volatility in the market. they'll find any reason. that's a separate game. then you have what you have to watch here in terms of what's volatility and what isn't.
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here's a real problem. sanctions. looks like they're going to happen. v vladimir putin said sanctions can hurt a lot of people. harkens you back to what the leader of germany said about sanctions. they get a ton of their energy from russia, don't they? maybe that's why germany was so aggressive saying let's have fact finder's on the ground. >> first of all, if you look historically, europeans are always interested in creating peace deals because they do get 40% of their energy -- >> let's throw up a map we have created. all of those gas lines go right through ukraine. >> sanctions go -- i'm actually skeptical about the
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effectiveness of sanctions. russians get about 70% of their expert revenues from oil and gas. they want to keep selling. >> they need that revenue from europe. >> yes, there is a heavy russian concentration to the right. you're looking at the roots not just in sourcing. you see the areas where they start. all the roots are there ukraine. however, that line that he wants to draw in the middle of ukraine, that's also where most of the natural resources are. that's not going unnoticed also. >> this is going to be a real problem. i think you're going to have stock records today, maybe tomorrow, as long as you have this tension and you have these dribs and drabs, this is going to be a real risk for the market. >> the conventional wisdom, one
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of the big factors here talking about the oil and gas. that puts the ball in russia's court because they're providing so much energy to europe. but the wall street journal had a very interesting take on it this morning. it could also serve as russia's akill lee's heel. >> 70% of their export revenues comes from natural resources. they can't afford it. >> they're a big export of grain. yesterday, we saw wheat jump 7%. if you have that kind of volume title in grain markets, you'll feel that at the grocery store. >> it's the trickle effect globally. let's take a break here. when we come back, are we facing
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the coldest march ever? we're going to explain why that is not just a question, it may be the truth. i reckon a storm's a brewin'.
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welcome back. much of the eastern half of the u.s. is dealing with cold so brutal some cities could hit lows not seen since the 1800s. i can't believe the words coming out of my mouth. could this be one of the coldest marchs ever. what's the guess? >> we already know december,
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january, february, talking about some of the coldest temperatures ever. but the problem is now it is march, guys, and we're talking about setting records. the reason is we've had this pattern. the jet stream's gone all the way down to the south and ridged out on the west. let me show you what the outlook looks like for march. it's expected to stay with way. for the next two weeks, we're still going to go right back into this pattern. they're setting records in places lies tucson for the warmest winter ever. exact opposite problem on the west coast as well. we're continuing this trend now into spring. >> what is spring? >> we're going a couple weeks and still staying below normal. doesn't look like any good news
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any time soon. >> but it's still early. >> it's still early, but that's the two-week forecast. i tried. coming up next on "new day," russian president vladimir putin defending the ousted ukrainian president and reserving the right to use military force. we're going to get reaction from madeline albright. we're also following this trial. oscar pistorius' attorney is going after a key witness. we're going to check in on the trial live as it's happening. ♪ ♪
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welcome back. a big morning of news. we have breaking news. russian president vladimir putin has broken his silence in a long news conference this morning. he is explaining his take on ukraine. he's saying he reserving the right to take military action, but he says, so far, he's taken none. he says it's a humanitarian, quote, last-resort reaction to a coup in the government. he's comparing it to america's intervention in iraq and afghanistan. he says the u.s. does this all the time, why can't we. remember that because it's about what the real threat is. he's also shrugging off the
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threat of sanctions. >> remarkable confrontation unfolded at an air base in crimea. watch this as singing, unarmed approach the russian troops. ukrainian troops ignored warning shots. right now, 16,000 russian soldiers are in control of the crimean peninsula. >> now, as this is happening, the obama is administration is scrambling diplomatic sanctions in an attempt to punish the russian. trade talks with moscow have now been suspended. they were talking late last night to plan what they call the
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isolation of vladimir putin. john kerry will be touching down this hour in kiev. he will be showing support for the new ukrainian government. and much more on that and we'll be following the developments as the secretary of state will be touching down this coming hour. >> anderson is live in kiev monitoring the situation. what are you standing in front of and what are you finding on the ground? >> reporter: yeah, well, we're just by independent square where more than 80 people were killed more than a week and a half ago. this is basically a shrine now. the protestors say they are going to remain here. thousands of people come to pay their respects. it's really become holy ground,
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if you will. the barricades are still up. barricades basically charred black with soot and smoke because of the fires that took place here. tens of thousands of flowers have been laid. people bring ryly jous items. there's a shield that people use to protect themselves from snipers. often times, bullets would go right through those shields. as you pointed out, vladimir putin is still giving this press conference. and it's really been a remarkable day of events here to hear vladimir putin's version of accounts. the russian forces, he claims they are not russian troops at all. he claims they are local self-defense forces. as you know, they are troops,
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they're not wearing any insignias on their uniform. he says he does reserve the right to acceptsend in forces. he also say the government here, the new prime minister are not legitimate leaders. scare kerry is expected to come directly here in independent scare to pay his respects to the fallen in order to try to figure out help resolve the crisis in crimea and also figure out some sort of economic aid package for this desperately poor country. >> i was watching your show last night. you said people on the ground are talking about joining in. any take on the ground there
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from this premise that putin was laying out that he is only responding to calls fror humanitarian aid? is there any reason to believe vladimir putin when he's saying that? >> reporter: you know, there's no evidence of attacks on russian-speaking people in crimea in eastern parts of ukraine. the reports of attacks into churches which the russian ambassador made yesterday, as the u.n. ambassador said yesterday, if you believe russia, it sounds like there are fashion sits attacking russians all throughout the ukraine. there certainly are elements who were part of the demonstrations here, who were part of the
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uprising here in the square a week and a half ago. they seem to be focusing on the national list elements as a justification and painting the entire movement here which certainly is an unfair portrayal. >> for all the natural resources and ability for farming, it could be a robust economy, but it's in really bad shape now. what do you see on the ground in terms of the condition of people's lives and what direction it's taking? >> reporter: there's a lot of concern about that obviously. as you know, gas comes from russia. pipelines run through ukraine. they supply to much of western europe. so there's a lot of economic ties. a lot of exports go from ukraine to russia. so the need is great. vladimir putin talked about that today, about raising the price
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of gas, the subsidized price of gas which would be yet another blow to the economy here in the ukraine. the new government here has talked about trying to rechannel money to the armed forces which is the last thing they need to be doing in a crisis like this. but they need to bolster their forces as best they can. there are thousands of people who come here throughout the day to pay their respects. you talk to any of the men, they saw they that they are willing to fight. they give their names and phone numbers to local officials here saying call us if you're calling up civilians. we'll go down and fight even if we have no military experience. i spoke to a man yesterday well beyond the age, but he is ready to fight and die to keep ukraine together. it's not a question they say of
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a divided country. they say this is a country of multiple ethnic groups and they want to keep that country together. >> it does seem from the reporting i've been watching from you that they are desperate to control their own fate. check in with you later. kate? >> so that's a viewpoint from the ground. now let's bring in former secretary of state madeline albright on what seems to be another critical day in this crisis. >> good to be with you. >> i want to get your take first off on what russian president vladimir putin said today in his lengthy press conference in part saying russia is on a humanitarian mission in ukraine in response to a coup and he says russia isn't doing anything different than the u.s. has in
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libya and afghanistan. >> i think that either he does not have the facts, he is being fed propaganda or his own propaganda. it doesn't make any sense. there are no calls for assistance. this is not something where as anderson just reported that in fact there is not this kind of a crisis in terms of the way that the russian-speaking people are in some way being harmed. and so this is all made up. and i think it's part of a much longer term plan that putin has had which is to try to recreate some form of relationship between ukraine and moscow. i think that is the tragedy that's going on. putin is in many ways, i think, delusional about this. >> if he is delusional as you say and working not on this world as some are saying, that
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makes the question all the more important, what can the u.s. do? what can secretary of state john kerry do when he touches ground in kiev to stop this? >> well, president obama asked secretary kerry to go. president obama is leading really the planning of how this has worked, which are the tools that can be used. what skair kerry is going to do is go and show american support for the people of ukraine. this is all about what the people of ukraine want. they want to be able to make decisions about their own lives and live in their country piece any in a friendly way both with russia and the europeans. kerry is going to be supportive of the people. he's going to meet with the leaders and talk about a package of immediate assistance, which they need. that you can to them about how they can get ready for elections
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and to be able to run the country. they were elected by the parliament, this leadership. so i think it's very important that secretary kerry is there. he's going to keep pushing having this oeec mission go in. >> seems at this point that there seems to be two very different realities playing out. you have one, the conversation going on in kiev, secretary kerry going in to show u.s. support for the rights of ukrainian people. and then you have what russia is doing or believes they're doing in crimea. when you see these two different realities and also what seems to be very little that the u.s. can do at this point to stop russia, do you think president obama underestimated vladimir putin and his motives?
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>> no i don't think so. i think president obama has been clear about the fact that the issues in ukraine have to be resolved by the ukrainians. i think that putin, as we know, he and president obama have not had the world's closest relationship, but i think that we have made very clear that this is not the cold war. but that in fact, what putin is doing is not legal and aggression is aggression. so no, i do not think that president obama has in any way misunderstood or any part of this. he is leading the way to try to help to get this solved. >> i assume you support a diplomatic resolution to all of this. economic sanctions is one thing that is being very seriously considered. i do wonder though if you think economic sanctions would be effective here without the support of our european partn s
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partners? >> there are not an awful lot of tools that any country has. diplomacy is the key one. secretary kerry is carrying that out. i think that economic sanctions would obviously be more effective if they're multi lateral with the yup peens. and president obama said this yesterday, president putin can be a part of a international system in which we all cooperate, in which we understand that de stabilizing a country is not useful or he can be isolated. and the economic sanctions are the way to do that. you have already -- it's been reported all morning -- is that russians are having trouble with their currency, with a variety of aspects with their own economy. and they can be isolated. it obviously would be better if this were multi-lateral
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sanctions with the yup peens, but that is one tool. and we also have to think about what nato can be doing. the polls have asked for help in terms of some of the countries that are nato members around the ukraine. i think the economic sanctions done properly are a way to isolate president putin. >> madame secretary, as you look at this from the 30,000-foot view and you say vladimir putin could be delugs l in all this, do you think it's clear at this point that the obama administration's so-called reset policy with russia. do you think that reset policy today is dead? >> i think that it was a very smart policy in terms of trying to figure out how to have a
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different relationship with russia. the united states has been trying to figure out how one works with the new russia. i know that our point, president clinton's, was in fact to try to figure out how to integrate the new russia into europe. it has been part of what the united states has been trying to do. i think there are many aspects to the policy, but this is a very tough time. and i think president putin needs to understand that in using force in some kind of a pretend to -- to respond to pretend provocations, i think is not the way to go about this. we want to be able to figure out how to coop rat with them. but the bottom line is, they have crossed an international line. >> from your perspective and what you're seeing play out in
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realtime, do you envision this getting worse before it gets better or do you think it can be diffused from this point with russia? >> well i think it can be diffus diffused, but i do think this is going to on be a long story. attention has been diverted from what is really needed in ukraine, a strong economic package, trying to help that government get ukraine back on its feet and trying to figure out how to help the people of ukraine. i am a hopeful that maybe have president putin has had this peculiar press conference, that he will be ready to try to figure out how to diffuse this. but the united states by sending secretary kerry there is really showing our support for the ukrainian people. he is bringing economic
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assistance and i think that is the right direction in which to go. >> your voice is always important and critical in this crisis. thank you so much for your time. now in a moment, we're going to go live to crimea. but first, we're going to take a look at some of the other stories making headlines. the epa is taking a stand against fog. they're going to cut the amount of sulfur allowed in dpleen. they say it could prevent 2,000 premajeure deaths a year. the obama administration is taking spribt to court saying the wireless carrier knowingly submitted false claims and overcharged federal agencies some $21 million for wiretaps. phone companies can charge the kbovt. sprint says it has fully complied with the law.
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>> for all of the stress and concern surrounding ukraine, there are big issues at home as well. president obama is set to deliver his 2015 budget today. we are at the white house. >> everybody has been focused on the u.s. response in ukraine, but president obama has still had to remain focused on some of the most purchasing issues here on -- pressing issues here at home like the minimum wage. and areas that have been difficult, helping the working poor, more assistance for workers who don't have children, younger workers, also helping americans afford things like child care. he wants to do this by closing tax loopholes for higher earning workers. he says it would help raise about a half million americans above the poverty line. >> thank you so much.
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we'll look quickly to the republican response today. now a phoenix detective in an intensive care unit this morning after a shootout with a fugitive left another officer dead. they were chasing the suspect by car when he crashed and then began opening fire while fleeing on foot. they killed the suspect. new jersey governor chris christie will try to shift focus away from bridgegate during a town hall today. the report last month blamed the state for miss handling thousands of requests. much och eastern half of the u.s. is waking up to extreme cold this morning. even houston, which it was in the 70s on sunday, is dealing with an icy commute today.
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let's get back over to indra petersons. >> unfortunately, that jet stream is still way down to the south. it's making its way even to places like texas this morning where we're seeing temperatures in the single digits again. temperatures this morning below freezing. so much cold, the potential here to set early morning records, even for march. we're talking about setting records here. temperatures a good almost 30 degrees below average even as far south as the south itself. unfortunately, tomorrow we're not recovering very much. icing conditions, you guys just mentioned this, out towards houston, even austin. we do have mardi gras and yes, more showers. let's take a look at what is happening in the morning papers. analysis of the midterm elections shows that the
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americans trust democrats more but republicans may have the upper hand come november. the out of power party does typically take over. reports that the u.s. would be ill-prepared for an attack on its electrical grid. the judicial reports that attacks could trigger extended blackouts. and in the los angeles times, they're reporting a federal study that isolates interests as the -- doctors as america's primary cause of the prescription drug epidemic. this study concludes that authorities are failing to use the database that can easily identify overprescribing physicians. we're going to take a break here on "new day." a lot of breaking news.
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showdown in crimea. you're looking at a russian soldier pointing a loaded weapon at unarmed ukrainian troops. they were marching toward them asking for peace. we're going to take you there live in a moment. also intense day in court. oscar pistorius, his neighbor on the stand. what she says she heard before she heard warning shots. [ garner ] there's a lot of beautiful makeup out there,
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crimea. this is in ukraine obviously. we had a russian soldier fire a warning shot in the face of unarmed ukrainian soldiers. this as secretary of state john kerry lands in kiev. the question is, what will he be able to accomplish there. vladimir putin spoke for the first time this morning, well over an hour. may still be speaking now. we keep dipping in and out of the press con fres. he says it's not an invasion. he says it's a humanitarian effort. he says there are calls on the ground from the eastern half of ukraine that they are being oppressed. is there any proof? we're not hearing them from reporting. he is also, vladimir putin, thumbing his knows in the face
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of threats from the west. the question is is he right, where is the heavy ra-- leverag. cnn is live at the air bas where the warning shot was fired. please explain what happened and what the reaction has been on the ground. >> reporter: yes. that was earlier today at a base north of sevastopol. a group of ukrainian soldiers approached the men in green, the russians, to try to talk to them. however, the russian soldiers -- and this is footage that we obtained from a local crimean station. the russian soldiers, some of them fired in the air. fortunately, fired only in the air.
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we learned that they did open some sort of dialogue. these soldiers were able to talk to the russians. we understand that there was a 12:00 noon deadline. that deadline has passed. just a few moments ago, we saw that same group of soldiers involved in that almost confrontation parading into this base with the ukrainian flag with their battalion flag as well. they've come back here for an hour, a break, after the negotiations. they say they plan to go back again. clearly trying to diffuse a very tense situation here where they are trying to diffuse a crisis that really has started at the very top with the leaderships of
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the two countries. >> unfortunately, very little will probably get done on the ground. two questions. one seems obvious, the other not so much. these green uniformed men who fired the warning shot, we understand the uniforms aren't traditional russian military. what is the opinion on the ground in terms of whether or not those are russian military members. and also that there are calls for oppressed russian on the ground. have you heard any of that? >> reporter: it does appear most of them are russian soldiers. yesterday we were in another part of crimea where we had a fairly open conversation with a commander from one of those russian units who -- his hat had
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an insignia of the black sea fleet. he said -- he came out of the closet, so to speak. and i think that what you see in situations like this is that there are these men in green, russian military shall we say, but there are also suppose important tors, pro-russian civilians who have come to express their solidarity and support for the russian presence as well. some of them do wear sort of thrown-together military fatigues, uniforms that don't necessarily kaindicate they are part of the russian forces. you do hear that many of the russians -- the ukrainians of russian origin have watched what's going on and are
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concerned, but you don't really get the feeling that there's hysteria, there's panic. there is concern. certainly where we've been where these men in green have been deployed, largely in areas where the local population is sich thet ik to them. yesterday, we drove through a large part of the peninsula here. where an ethnic group makes up about 15% of the population, they're not support tors. >> do me a favor, tell us who's behind you. give us a tour around, if you can do a little walk-and-talk. >> reporter: as far as my cable will go. these are the men who you saw in na video earlier today who were involved in this confrontation. as i said, we saw them streaming
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through with their flag, with their battalion flag as well. they are talking. looks like this case, one of their wives. they want to know where the situation lies. what is going on. is there going to be a force takeover by russian forces of this base or not. it's important to keep in mind that this is a military base but families live here as well. so it's not simply a military confrontation. for these men, they're worried about their families. in a very tense situation caught in a place where until now, the shots have only been fired in the air. it only takes one small incident to change things very dramatically. >> thank you for giving us the latest on the ground. vladimir putin says it's not an invasion, that there is no military action, that the troops
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are being called back on the ground. though you're witnessing a negotiation between them about abandoning their own base. we're going to continue to monitor the situations playing out in ukraine throughout the show of course. also coming up, defense attorneys trying to poke holes in the testimony of the a key witness in the oscar pistorius trial. we're going to talk to cnn legal analyst jeffrey toobin. [ male announcer ] if you have yet to master the quiet sneeze...
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welcome back. a busy morning at the murder
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trial of south african blade runner oscar mipistorius. testimony that the neighbor heard the girlfriend screaming before she heard gunshots. divorce attorneys tried to make sure to poke holes in that. probably the most important testimony in this trialme. let's bring in our legal analyst. remarkable that you have such huge testimony so early in a case. take a step sideways and tell us who this woman is and why it matters in the scope of this case. >> oscar mi's defense here is t she shot through the bathroom door to protect himself, he
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thought, and his girlfriend. he acknowledges that his girlfriend was in fact in the bathroom and he killed her. his defense is that it was all an accident. why this testimony is to important is that it suggests there was a fight between boyfriend and girlfriend before any shooting took place. that she was upset, she was crying, she was screaming before she was thougts, which of course would damage his defense. >> on the one said you have, she says she heard them and got the number of got shots right. on the other side you have, she's 200 yards away. the defense attorneys at her. what was your take? >> this is still the beginning. i think it's powerful testimony and, you know, yes, it was a year ago, you can't be sure what
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you hear with complete certainty. but i thought her testimony was very impressive. again today, there's another witness testifying that she heard fighting, arguing between two people over the course of the evening. again damaging his defense that this was all just an accident, he had no ill feelings, no -- no reason to shoot his girlfriend that night. >> whether you see it as irony or a coincidence, the case could come down to his legs. if this was premeditated, the proof is in the legs. he put his legs on and followed after her. we're going to be able to prove that in court. he says he didn't have the legs on because it was all so sudden and that's a big reason he was scared. what do you make of that. >> this is going to be one of the interesting things as things
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unfold, how they will prove where -- where his legs were. his claim that he traveled on his stumps to shoot seems, frankly, implausible to me. that needs to be ex-ploerd over the course of the trial. the other thing is the forensic evidence. at what angle did the shots go into the door which may help or hurt his alibi that he was wearing stumps. full height suggests he was wearing his prosthetic legs. >> obviously we're early in the trial. last point i'd like you to make is he's a big celebrity. you think if that will curry favor with the jury. there is no jury abolished in the late 1960s. just a judge. and a black judge, the second ever appointed. >> it's a jury of one.
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it's the judge. and i think it will probably make his celebrity matter somewhat less. i think is judge is less likely to be impressed than a jury. i have to say i'm not entirely clear on which way overall it cuts judge versus jury in a case like this. frankly, i guess i'm hopeful what matters most is the evidence and the judge will make a judgment based on that. i just don't know which way that cuts. >> and you know, we'll talk about it more. we're just at the beginning of the trial. and it gets more complicated because the judge is tied to factual findings made by two fact assessors who are professionals who give the assessments to the judge. it's a different system than ours. thank you for joining us this morning. keep watching the trial. we'll be on this every day. thank you. coming up next on "new day,"
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new statements from russian president vladimir putin this morning threatening military force in ukraine if he thinks it is needed. what is putin's ultimate goal in this crisis? we're going to discuss coming up. all-you-can-eat is a hotel policy that allows you to eat all that you can. the hotel gym is short for gymnasium. the hotel pool is usually filled with water. and the best dot com for booking hotels, is it's on the internet, but you probably knew that. or maybe not, i don't really know you. bellman: welcome back, captain obvious. captain obvious: yes i am. all those words are spelled correctly.
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continue to follow breaking news on the unfolding crisis in ukraine. secretary of state john kerry has just arrived in kiev to offer the u.s.' support of ukraine's new government. and it's just been announced a $1 billion loan to protect its economy from reduced subsidies from russia. vladimir putin in a lengthy press conference threatened
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further military action in ukraine if they see it as necessary. he said he sent troops into crimea in response to a coup. he says ukraine has no legitimate leader right now. joining us is mr. posner. we just heard the press conference. he gives a very different set of circumstances. he says it's not an invasion. it's a response to a need of humanitarian aid. do you believe there is reason to trust vladimir putin's assessment of the situation in the face of different packfacts the ground? >> first of all, i have to tell you i've been around for a long time. and generally speaking, i don't trust politicians.
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he said that the threat of armed conflict in the crimea no longer exists. that's a very flat, open statement. and i think it's an important one. he also said that he understands the people on the square in kiev. he understands why they're demanding not just a change of go government but a radical change. probably eluding also to president -- shall we say president yanukovych. he's basically saying, i understand these people. this is also something we have not heard from him before. what you're getting here is a kind of saying, why don't we all take a deep breath, count to ten and then talk about this without all the passion involved. the billion dollars from the united states is less than the $15 billion offered by russia.
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what worries people here is in this new government which is relatively not legitimate but b putin has said, we will deal with that government. there are very right-wing ultra-national lists and fashion cyst people. they have a very loud voiz. and that worries a lot of people. >> right. but you know what, mr. putin has plenty to deal with in terms of loud, angry voices within his own borders. instead, he made a different choice. he decided to invade the sovereignty of ukraine and describe what you're describing which are these circumstances on the ground that no other reporting supports. so if there is not this coup and
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violent revolution and he's making that up to justify the threat he has created, shunt he be sanctioned and forced to withdraw? >> the problem is -- i haven't come on the air to argue with you. you have that viewpoint and you're welcome to it. i would suggest perhaps going to ukraine, going not just to kiev, but going to the crimea, going to the second largest city in the ukraine, going to odessa, going to places where people have a completely different view of what's going on in ukraine. sadly, ukraine is a split country. there's a very large russian language and ethnic russian part of it. nearly 50%. russians feel that those people are being threatened. what you're saying about putin, well, that's your viewpoint.
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i think you're overdoing it. i think putin bashing is something very much in the context of cold wear. i think america is reacting in that context automatically. and i think they're overdoing it and i don't think sanctions are going to help anybody. certainly not the united states and russia will somehow manage. >> your point about sanctions is well taken. if there is resolve in europe, it's now also interconnected to use the word that vladimir putin used, it's not so sure that there is resolve there. point well taken. by you know very well that this is not about my viewpoint. this is about what we see from reporting on the ground, that we have people in all the key areas. we're not hearing about attacks of people. we're not hearing about russians being victimized except from vladimir putin. that does undermine the
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confidence in his statement that this is not about military. the west's perspective, he did invade the sovereignty of ukraine by going in. that's incontrovertible isn't it? >> no it isn't. he did not go in. he asked the parliament to give him permission to go in. the armed forces have not been sent into ukraine. there is the black sea fleet which is in the city of sevastopol. it's been there for many, many years. this is not new. there has been no -- as far as i know -- the proof positive is something i don't have and i don't think anyone else does. as far as i know, no contingent of russian army has been sent into the ukraine or for that matter into the crimea over the past two weeks. there's been a threat.
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that's absolutely true. but there's been no invasion, no incursion, this is not afghanistan. it's a completely different story. i'd be careful about making those statements. >> thank you very much. who are the men in green pointing the are asking the ukrainians to stand down and abandoned their base. that sounds hostile to me. maybe that's matter of viewpoint as you say. sounds like an objective threat. >> i agree that's hostile actions. i'd like to know who those men are. i'd like to get proof they are members of the russian army. they're greeted with enthusiasm in the crimea. that's a fact no one can argue. they're greeted with enthusiasm being there in eastern ukraine. they're hoping they come. you have to understand this is a
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complex and difficult situation. i'm not at all supporting president putin in this area. i'm not a big fan. i'm asking for objective. i view the attitude negative no matter what. i think that this should call for really -- how should i put this -- objective journalism. i don't see it on either side of the fence. >> you're not impressed by the men in green identifying themselves as military and firing warning shots. that's not evidence of russian intention to you? >> the base has not been abandoned. so what do we really know about this? for instance, do you know about the fact the rabbi of kiev has addressed the jews of kiev to get out of the city ybecause of
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the government there now? each side reports what it thinks it should report. i don't think there's objective journalism. we react the way you and i react. it's a dangerous and complex situation. >> i hope now that putin has given the interview -- >> please finish your point. it's the communication link. there's a delay. finish your point. >> i know that. i think the good news is today's press conference putin had with journalists and residents was positive saying there will not be armed conflict. i think that's an important step which should bring the pressure down a little bit. >> i think that's an important point. i think it's also good we're having this conversation and that cnn and others have dedicated a tremendous amount of resources to be on the ground in
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all places. as things happen on the ground, what you were describing we'll see or not see. that will be a good thing to have. we need full information here. i hope we have you back on as we develop better understanding of the situation. thank you. >> thank you. >> kate? >> coming up next on "new day," a crazy story. an 18-year-old girl is suing her parents for college tuition. her parents say they cut her off because she wasn't following the rules. does she have a case here? so i get invited to quite a few family gatherings. heck, i saved judith here a fortune with discounts like safe driver, multi-car, paperless. you make a mighty fine missus, m'lady. i'm not saying mark's thrifty. let's just say, i saved him $519, and it certainly didn't go toward that ring. am i right? [ laughs ] [ dance music playing ] so visit today. i call this one "the robox."
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welcome back to "new day" once again. following the breaking news in ukraine this morning that continues to develop as the hours tick by. let's get you up to date on the other top stories. >> john berman is here. >> thanks kate. temperatures plunging 25 to 50 degrees in parts of the midwest and east. look at this picture. this is amazing, aerial view of the great lakes. they're 90% covered in ice. beautiful. other news. bp must obey the terms of the billion settlement in 2010 with the victim of the giant oil spill. the claims stopped being paid in december because they were claiming those were seeking damages unrelated to the accident. the court ruled bp has to keep making the payments. victims do not have to prove losses were directly linked to the spill.
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the ban on same sex marriage is off to a rough start. one witness was dismissed by the judge as unqualified and they ruled it's too early to make decisions. the suit was brought by two detroit nurses that want to adopt each other's kids. a new study suggests kids are getting better nutrition at school thanks to better nutrition standards. harvard study show what had items students chose and which they threw away. students ate more fruits and vegetables. the school participation during lunch has dropped by more than a million students. >> thanks so much. let's take another break. for the first time since sending troops to ukraine, russian president vladimir putin is speaking out defending the occupation of crimea and saying military force is possible. we're going to talk about putin's next move with chief
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we begin with breaking news this hour. right now secretary of state john kerry is on the ground just landed on the ground in kiev. he arrived a half hour ago delivering a billion aid package to the new ukraine yan government. for the first time since russia invaded ukraine, vladimir putin is speaking out defending the occupation of crimea as a response to coup. he said it was a humanitarian mission. he said they reserve the fact to taking further action if
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necessary. >> he went from silence to a speak that lasted over an hour. this comes on events that change the situation on the ground. overnight remarkable confrontation unfolded at an air base. you'll see unarmed ukraine yan soldiers that roach the line of apparently pro russian troops. they're unarmed. watch what happens. >> all right. now, they were chanting what we believe to be peaceful messages of let's talk, get over what's going on here. men in green fire in the air. why are we calling them men in green? they appear to be russian troops. ukrainian men say they have identified themselves of the black sea fleet, a portion of the russian military stationed in crimea a long time, part of an asset sharing agreement there. so there's a little bit of
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mystery. let's bring in phil black live from moscow to get the understanding. phil, where are we? >> chris, i think after president putin's press conference, there are key points leaders are not going to accept easily. president putin insisted troops on the ground are not russian soldiers. he said they are crimea self-defense teams formed spontaneously by locals on the ground. he was asked a number of times specifically if russian forces are participating in securing the russian. every time he said no. he said they have built up the security at their own military facilities. the other point the international community isn't going to buy easily, we know this because they believe this is bogus excuse, russia's justification for using military force, the alleged threat to russian nationals, people who are russian in that southern and
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eastern region. president putin made it clear he believes that threat exists. great concern to the community is president putin's assertion if he see ace threat to people in the east, he says russia will use necessary means to defend the citizens. he says that would be the right, legitimate thing to do and what russia will do. chris? >> i'm take it phil. thank you. secretary of state john kerry is on the ground in kiev as a show of support for the new government. he's set to meet with the acting government and prime minister today. let's get to michelle live at the white house with much more on this. of course the question is how is the white house going to respond to the continuing crisis and aid package? tell us more. >> the u.s. is going to offer a $1 billion loan guarantee to the ukraine and work internationally to offer other assistance things like helping with elections,
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trying to off set taking away of energy subsidies from russia. dealing with the vast corruption that's said yanukovych left behind when he left the country. in a number of ways wanting to help the ukraine get on its feet. the u.s. has said on no certain terms the u.s. supports the new government there, acting president and actions that have been taken by the ukrainian parliament. before we see the u.s. or anyone enact real sanctions against russia that's been talked about, they want to first take steps of assistance for government there. >> any response this morning from the white house to president putin's press conference especially the assertion phil black left pus with that putin leaves all options on the table if they
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continue to see a continued threat, in their view, in ukraine? >> reporter: putin responded to threats of sanctions against russia saying that would hurt other countries. the white house didn't want to respond directly to putin's press conference. they referred to strong statements given by the u.s. ambassador samantha power at the united nations security council yesterday. she said no, the u.s. cat gore kally resists this saying this is not a human rights protection mission, this is a violation of international law. there's no evidence russians are in danger. she repeatedly said that. the things russia said like churches being burned, people living in fear of violence, she said there's no evidence of that. she says nothing justifies russia's behavior and it must stop.
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she said viktor yanukovych, the former president, packed up and left the country. he was ousted by the democratic elected parliament. she said that was legitimate unlike what russia is now saying. >> thanks so much for the update from the white house. >> let's bring in christy for more. my head is filling up. there's so much being said that's so opposite. just in case you're joining us now. we've had a lot of people on with big ideas. madeline from the white house, secretary of state john kerry now, all say what vladimir putin has said, there's a humanitarian crisis, russians are under attack by the revolutionary as, the i'm here say that's a bunch of untruths. there's nothing to it. we have vladimir posener in
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russia saying you are wrong. there's huge tension. people are worried their going to be attacked. what's what putin is responding to. reporting say there's no attacks on the floor. how do you reconcile the two different ideas? is somebody lying, or is it complex? >> it's complex and there are trumped up allegations of russians being attacked in these areas and reports from our reporters and others that agitators are coming from russia and staging protests in places like east ukraine. this is the dangerous part of what's going on. what i would like to perhaps focus on is some of the positive stuff that came out of putin today at his press conference. he has taken a step to reassure the west, reassure ukraine that they're trying to ease it at least for the moment announcing the end to military games saying those exercises on the border with crimea and eastern ukraine have ended. >> that's good.
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>> very good. >> what about the men in green? >> they're still there. you could look at those as a face saving measure or trouble making measures. he could disassociate with them. then the black sea fleet command could afford them back. it could be a face saving measure or plausible deniabili y deniability. >> ukraine needs according to their own prime minister $35 billion in the next few years. their economy is in dire strain. >> russia has given -- didn't they have guaranteed promises? >> russia promised $15 billion but after this went to hell in the hand basket, they pulled back. maybe they put it back on the table. i'm not sure. secretary kerry has to figure
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out a mediated way the russians can speak to the new authorities. that's going to be very difficult. president putin has acknowledged the legitimacy of the new ukrainian parliament but not the acting president or prime minister. there's a political tension that needs to be resolved. we've seen the united states and europe suggest mechanisms like the ofs in europe and et cetera. organizations russia can be part of to mediate the off ramp. >> why does russia deserve a seat at table? >> it has a seat at the table. what russia is is engaged in obviously the united nations, security council and these various organizations. the point is now, you know to stand up and say we won't tolerate this. the violation of international
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borders but also mechanisms to move this forward. that's eventually going to happen. that's the diplomatic challenge now. >> what do you see as best leverage? >> we've been saying this several days. the united states has been preparing and landfall impose sanctions against targeted russians, against various commercial and economic tie, various individuals perhaps. we'll see. the heaviest leverage in terms of real economy is with europe. that's a two way street. europe also has very big economic impact in russian weather. >> i want your take on that. something happened with germany i think that we glossed over in coverage because there's so much going on immediately. that's one of the reasons we're also not looking at whether the ukrainians can come together. they have to decide their own fate. you're good at articulating that on the air. we talked sanctions, the u.s.
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merkel from germany says let's get fact finding on the ground. does europe specifically, germany, have the will to take the pain that sanctions would impose on them? that's vladimir putin talking in the press conference. he says sanctions are going to hurt a lot of people. >> that's the point. does europe and the west have the will to take it to the degree that will cause pain all around? i personally think so called fact finding missions and thing, if they happen it's a good thing. they assert more mediators. it's an off ramp face saving mechanism if this hasn't gone too far to dial this back and try to say to the russians # that we've investigated your claims and your part of this investigation. thank goodness there's nothing going on and it's okay. i think what vladimir putin said today, we're not trying to rest crimea away.
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that's a positive thing he said. >> appreciate the perspective. a lot is happening so quickly. >> a lot is happening. >> trying to figure out what is and isn't. >> it's the most severe confrontation between the east and west since the cold war. >> that's for sure. we're leaning on you heavily during this. thanks. coming up next, much more on the tense situation obviously playing out in ukraine. first, when will this winter end? a lot of folks are asking and going to keep asking. doesn't look like any time soon. march is shaping up to be one of the coldest. indra petersons will be here to explain. you do your swipe from anywhere thing, we'll be here at lifelock doing our thing: watching out for your identity, data breach or not. get lifelock protection and live life free. abreva can heal a cold sore in as few as 2 1/2 days when used at the first sign. without it, the virus spreads from cell to cell.
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♪ president barack obama is said to lay out the 2015 budget including proposals to reduce inequality for incomes. the budget was delayed a month after congress announced the spending plan for this fiscal year that begins in october. the federal government is going head to head with sprint in the lawsuit claiming the wireless carrier overcharged the fbi and other agencies for wiretaps. the suit claims sprint went overboard to the tune of $21 million. sprint says it did nothing
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wrong. a phoenix detective is in the intensive care unit. the two detectives were chasing a suspect by car when he crashed and opened fire fleeing on foot. the responding officer shot and killed the suspect after he exchanged gunfire with them near the crash site. the obama administration says the shutdown last fall at surrounding parks and communities, $414 million with 8 million viewer visitors. california and arizona lost more than $20 million a piece. they do not call him king for nothing. what a performance. lebron james career high 61 points in the miami victory last night over the charlotte bobcats. james converted eight straight three pointers.
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they say he went 22 for 33 on field goal attempts. i don't think he missed any shots based on what i've seechblt this also set a team record for a quarter. after the game james told the reporters the man above gave me unbelievable abilities. i try to take advantage of them. there are times when lebron james can't miss. he can try to miss and can't miss. >> all the greats in the zone. what's impressive about him, i remember when he started. we were at abc. we did his first interview before his first game. the guy didn't shoot from the outside. he worked on his game. he got 61 the easy way, all outside. he wasn't bullying inside. all skill, 61. >> he scares me. >> the mask is new, yes? >> yes, but it's scary. take it off. even if protective of his face. i need protection. >> we're going to move on. extreme cold we're continuing to talk about. the tight grip on the midwest
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and east this morning. take a look at this map. arctic air dipping well into texas and engulfing the deep south. several interstates in louisiana are closed because of ice. let's goet to indra tracking it >> jet stream all the way down to the south. once again temperatures in the single digits. many places setting records for all of march, places like atlantic city, jersey set the record for the month of march for the morning low. indianapolis 9. in the south they're seeing below zero temperatures. memphis 35, 25 degrees lower than they should be. new york city high of 31. tomorrow doesn't feel any better. you mentioned this. it is march. talk about down in texas, threat of icing even through louisiana. not a good thing so close to spring. this is not what we want to see. what is going on?
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we've had this pattern the past several months. the question is, are we going to stay this way now that we're close to spring? the next two weeks say yes. the eastern part of the country is cold and warm for the western half. >> thanks so much. coming up next on "new day," how badly will the relations between the u.s. and russia suffer in the fallout over ukraine? we're joined next to talk about the developments and moving forward. think about growing up everyone has issues with their parents. one new jersey high schooler is taking it to a new level. she's suing. we'll tell you why she's taking her parents to court. you decide if she's got a case. she's kind of special. she makes the whole team better. he's the kind of player that puts the puck, horsehide, bullet. right where it needs to be. coach calls it logistics. he's a great passer.
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inequ . breaking news in morning. secretary of state john kerry is now on the ground in kiev touring independence square. this is of course where the heart of the protests that began months ago, where this all centered. it's a show of support for ukraine as president barack russians for their aggressive actions in crimea. just hours ago, russian president vladimir putin defended the occupation of crimea calling it humanitarian response to a coup. he says he'll take further military action if needed. injoing us to discuss the developments, the host of gps. good morning freed. >> pleasure. >> what do you make of the lengthy putin press conference and what he said? >> i think it was striking. we knew this was the way he saw hit and many russians see it. the russian point of view is there was an elected president of ukraine, street protests
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essentially overturned a democratic elected president. they're intervening now. why they would have to intervene in crimea to sort that situation out doesn't make sense. they went to crimea because they thought if ukraine is slipping out of or orbit we'll keep the crucial part of it. i was struck putin did not seem to suggest he was going to move russian troops further. part of what we're trying to figure out here is what is russia's aim? is it to turn ukraine back to a satellite? or do they want crimea? if ukraine is slipping, do we want to hold crimea? my sense of putin's press conference is that he seemed to be satisfied with crimea. >> i found it surprising at one point he said you can't take it
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at face value, but he said russia is not trying to make crimea part of russia. it should be left up to residents what their future should be. >> my guess is he will want a referendum there. part of the problem there is the ukrainian constitution allows referendum in the whole country. the rest of ukraine would also have to agree to let crimea go. >> we take this into context of who we're dealing with. we heard from the new york times reported that putin seemed to be in another world, not in this reality. i thought it was striking when speaking to former secretary of state madeline. she thinks putin is delusional in all this. >> i don't see it this way. putin is a sharp, smart guy. at his core he's a russian nationalist. he believes the destruction of
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the soviet union was the greatest catastrophe. he sees russia restored in greatness. up to remember where ukraine fits. ukraine was in kiev that i think was called the dutch of russ begins. ukraine was not part of the soviet union put the russian empire 300 years. this is like dismembering a part of russia's body. he's trying his best to maintain control over it. the problem he faces and all dictators face, the people of ukraine don't want that. people of georgia rebelled against him. that's his problem. >> let's talk about u.s. efforts. secretary of state john kerry is on the ground in independence square speaking. the white house announced the
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aid package of $1 billion loan guarantee. it seems like a small drop in the bucket of what they need. we view this as a step in the direction as the imf considers financial assistance. what do you make of steps the u.s. is putting out there and putting john kerry on the ground? >> the u.s. used the right words to isolate russia. u.s. can't do much by itself. this is the world where the united states is an important player. in some ways the crucial player but in other ways you need the european union to come on board, particularly germans for sanctions. u.s. sanctions against russia are meaningless if they do not include european. >> do you think european allies will get on board with the sanctions u.s. wants?
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>> they will not. it seems we can try to get them as far as they're willing to go on suspension from the g 8, nato consultations with ukraine. here's the problem, europe is heavily dependant on russian natural gas. if russian natural gas shut down, i don't know i haven't studied in detail, but you'd have blackouts in europe. they're that dependant. it's difficult to imagine they would be willing to do the only sanctions that would matter which are sanctions on russia's natural resources, oil and gas. >> i want to get your counter intuitive wisdom that clearly it seems russia has the upper hand because they're the source of such massive energy output to europe. i was reading in the wall street journal. they think this could be a i double edged sword for russia.
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russia needs the money. do you think that could work that way? >> absolutely. in broader term ttemperaturhe -f we step back, they're mounting military operations that scared the polls. all borders in russia are on edge. relations with europe have gotten worse. even if sanctions won't cripple the economy, they're going to be negative. any sanctions agreed to. >> that's looking at the long term. the problem is what to do with the shorted term to diffuse the situation? >> exactly. what we're doing, correct, isolate russia, defer from further actions moving to other parts of ukraine. the next step is bring russia in as part of the solution. >> i'm going to cut you off. we have matthew on the ground in kiev in independence square where secretary of state john
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kerry is touring right now. matthew? >> reporter: thanks very much. we're in independence square. a lot of media and personnel here. american officials including the u.s. secretary of state john kerry who's expecting these barricades that have become memorials to the people that decide during the protests, the oust of yanukovych. we're hoping to get words with him. mr. kerry, you're live on cnn. what's your reaction to seeing these things? >> very moving. very, very moving, very disstressing and inspiring. >> do you think the ukrainians paid too high a sacrifice? >> we don't have time today. thank you. >> reporter: there you have it kate. we managed to get a brief word from the secretary of state as he moved there with his entourage. i asked his impressions about the emotional scene with tens of
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thousands of flowers laid in memorial to the people that died during the protest. he said it was very, very moving indeed. of course his press were pushing us away saying they don't have time to speak any longer. most off now to meet with the interim yukrainian administratin to talk concrete ways the allies can help regain the territory in the crimea. >> matthew, fabulous work on the ground. appreciate your work. >> he's saying this is moving and inspiring to be on the ground in independence square. >> this gives courage and support to the ukrainian people. the next step is to figure out how to get crimea back. there you have to get the russians involved. it's not a bad scenario.
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get russians involved and get some kind of political solution, some autonomy for crimea. you cannot get established as principle of relations you can send men in ski masks and unmarked uniforms that that's how you take over a territory. >> thank you for being here. great to have your perspective. thanks. >> thanks. >> rarely is the media more valuable than in a situation like this. cnn has people on the ground in the places things are going on. we'll bring you the best voices we can find throughout the morning. stick with us as the situation in ukraine continues to develop. we're going to take a quick break. when we come back, what a case. or is it a case? a teenager is suing her parents saying they must pay for her education? is it a good law or just a
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spoiled brat? we'll have that when we come back. pay my bill. phone: your account is already paid in full. oh, well in that case, back to vacation mode. ♪boots and pants and boots and pants♪ ♪and boots and pants and boots and pants♪ ♪and boots and pants... voice-enabled bill pay. just a tap away on the geico app. ♪ huh, 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. yup, everybody knows that. well, did you know that some owls aren't that wise. don't forget about i'm having brunch with meagan tomorrow. who? seriously, you met her like three times. who? geico. ♪
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welcome back to "new day." here's the situation. then you judge for yourself. >> she's a 18-year-old cheerleader, lacrosse player, wants to become a bio medical engineer. that's all good right? she wants a court to force her parents to pay for that school. turns out she moved out. she says they kicked her out. they say she left because she doesn't like their rules. is this family politics we've all heard before or actually a legal case?
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sunny is here. they say she left which is her right at her age. she says they kicked me out and must pay. what's the law? >> if she's truly outside her parent's spear of influence, they don't have to pay. if she's still legally a kid, they do have to pay for her. new jersey is one of four states that provides a parent in a situation of a divorce would have to pay for college. >> hold on. you're moving too fast for me. is she emancipated? i don't think so. the argument can be made. she's living with her best friend's family -- >> emancipation is a process? >> right. i think that's why she brought the court case. the judge has to make the case, is she living on her own? independent, has to follow her parent's rule?
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>> she seems to have apparently not followed the emancipation process. let's say the judge says she's emancipation. now get to the word divide. this isn't a divorce case. >> it's not a child support case. i think legal nerds like myself think this is really unusual chris. i'm admitted in new jersey and never seen this kind of case in new jersey. this is precedent setting. if i take my legal hat off and put my mommy hat on, i think how dare you. you want me to pay for college, i get to call the shots. her father say former police chief. he says listen to my rules. you've got to come in at 1:30 in the morning, follow my rule, clean up, can't borrow from your sisters without giving things back. those are normal parenting
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requests which she doesn't want to follow. >> this s this reflection of overindulgent perspective. there's no legally defined right to private school. >> i think, you want them miss 18-year-old. it's apparently her best friend's father is a lawyer. she's living with this family. i also find fault with that. they're funding this legal battle. i think they need to stay out of it. >> conflict of interests. >> this is really a family matter. i think when you have children, you get to determine the rules. if she wants to go to public school, her parents don't have to pay for that. i think the judge is really going to be in a difficult position. >> how did it get to there? it's civil so it's different. why wasn't this thrown out? >> well, you know, i think it passes the legal smell test. she's saying there's a fact
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determination. she's saying they kicked me out, abandoned me. they're saying you left. >> let's assume all facts in her favor which is what the law teaches us to do before you kick out a case before you try it. i kicked you out. i'm a bad parent, don't want to take care of you. i'm neglectful. not triggering abuse but i'm lazy and want a new set of golf clubs. what's your legal remedy? >> kids have rights. what's in the best judgment of the child? parents have a responsibility. there's a law in new jersey. it's interesting. >> you don't have to go to private school. >> that's where she was. they put her in private school. all of a sudden, they're saying you're not listening to rules, no more school, no more car, nothing. >> is that something you can sue for? i'm worried about this happening
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to me. i'm trying to see if there's a loophole for me in this. >> i think she's going to be unsuccessful in this. i think it's precedent setting. it's interesting. it's a commentary on this generation. they feel they deserve this kind of thing. folks from our generation are thinking, good luck to you. >> it's school of hard knox needs to be back in session. what a horrible situation for the family to be in. they're at a place where this kid feels this is the only way to deal with her parents. >> her father released a message to the neighbors and community on facebook saying we're a normal family, heartbroken over there. this is the situation we're in. he also took pokes at the family that is behind this legal suit saying you know, come on. you've got to stay out of it. i agree with that position. >> i'm a tough mom. >> you're tough in general.
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>> i am. >> you do cross fit right? thanks for being here. i want to turn from the situation that shows the world is going the wrong way to a situation showing the world is going the right way. pricilla presley is hoping to make dreams come true for termly i terminally ill adults. >> roberts was so thrilled when priscilla came to visit her, she broke into song. presley is a dream foundation ambassad ambassador. the charity grants wishes to adults with terminal illnesses. >> the requests you would think would be crazy things, but they're not. they're simple. they're about getting back with your family, having a reunion. >> like seeing your sister for the first time in four years. that was robert's wish.
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>> we just hugged and hugged and hugged. >> really when you stop and think that a you offer comfort, closure to the recipients and family members, what they go through. to try and grant the last wish when they can't. >> according to the dream foundation, around 20,000 wishes have been fulfilled in two decades. >> as sensitive a journey this is, to see the smiles and appreciation and love, it's unmatched that you're doing something in able to help others. impact is inmeasurable. >> she says it. impact is ir measurable. let's take another break. coming up next on "new day," a look other at one of america's most troubled cities. how people are trying to turn it around. a preview of cnn's new original series chicago land. you won't want to miss it. ♪
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welcome back to "new day." the new cnn original series chicago land takes a look into the lives of several people as they try to bring about change in the city. one of those people is his dozer. a high school principal. watch as she talks about a shooting at the school. >> how many shots were fired.
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>> like three. >> you don't know what direction they were shooting? >> he was like no, i don't know what's going on. were they from a car or walking by? >> just people just like walking i believe. >> they started shooting? >> one person. >> unbelievable but a real life scenario. joining me now to talk about this, mark levin the creator of "chicago land." why did you take on chicago? >> you want to know where america is going, you usually stop in chicago. chicago is the american city. it's really shaped the american experience for much of the 20th century. all issues we're dealing with in this city and every city around the country whether the future of public education, public safety, public employees how we
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run our city governments, all those issues are in play in chicago in a dramatic way with a dramatic cast of characters. >> absolutely. i want to get to those cast of characters. you take a unique approach in filming this. this isn't a traditional documentary. this is broken into a series. why do you think this approach is effective? >> in following the characters like the principal you mentioned you wanted to tune in next week and see what happens. we follow them through a season as you would in a scripted series. the difference is, this is real. we sometimes joke. we want to put the real back in reality. it's structured and edited and styled in a way a viewer doesn't think about i'm watching news or watching something good for me. it's more like wow, this is exciting. this is amazing. i didn't expect this twist or this turn or this to happen in the school. >> you're taking on and talking
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about big themes in this series. talking schools, public education guns, gangs. this isn't just something you made up. this is what's happening in chicago. kids are killing kids on a daily basis in chicago. the big question of course is, do you see or do you find solutions? >> well, i would say most of the characters we follow from city hall from the mayor right on down to school principal or community organizer or ex gang banger, all these characters are trying to make a difference. that's the unifying theme of the series. they're leaders, agents of change, trying to make things happen. in chicago, the murder rate has, over time we were there, has decreased. it's the lowest homicide since something like 1967. they are making progress. that's part of the story. >> what surprised you in filming? >> what surprises you?
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standing outside a high school -- that seems orderly and well behaved now. you're standing on the corner and all of a sudden hear gunshots down the street. nobody flinches or acts if anything unusual is happening. >> it's everyday. >> the most positive thing is look, i've been to chicago many type, worked there many times. in the summer, chicago is one of the most beautiful, spectacular cities in the world. i mean, we have the image now. yesterday the mayor and jimmy fallon jumped in lake michigan. we have the image of the cold frigid windy city, but it's a spectacular beautiful city with so much happening outside. that's one of the great things. also so much of what we know as american, whether the blues, gospel, house music, now this new music acid rap. so much has come out of chicago. >> thank you. the premiere is this week.
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"chicago land" airs this thursday 10:00 eastern, 9:00 central on cnn. >> chris? coming up on the good stuff, a man that gave the gift of life gets a gift for himself. the inspiring story of paying it back. which rewards her for responsibly managing her card balance. before receiving $25 toward her balance each quarter for making more than her minimum payment on time each month. tracey got the bankamericard better balance rewards credit card, which fits nicely with everything else in life she has to balance. that's the benefit of responsibility. apply online or visit a bank of america near you.
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i like when they play imagined drag donsdragons. paying it forward and then paying it back. let me explain. carlos spent two years waiting for a kidney, situation desperate. he took to social media. prayers were answered in the form of 20-year-old sebastion rivera. take a listen. >> without reservations he decided to help somebody who he
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didn't know before. >> i don't reget it at all. helping someone out just because should be a normal thing you know? >> tomorrnormal thing. he gave him a kidney. sebastion crashed in the awful minnesota weather. with recovery became the inability to work to get the car fixed. the man carrying his other kidney decided it was time to step up for sebastion. >> it's no good at all. >> i decided we should do something about that. give him something back for something that i could never pay for. >> so what did he do? carlos is using the fund set up you to get his kidney to get sebastion a new car. isn't that nice and inspiring? wouldn't you like to help? of course you would. donate at any bank branch to the help a hero fund. gave him a kidney, found out he was in need. stepped up to get him a car.
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>> that's not just stepping up. amazing story. >> very nice. there's a lot of news. we leave you with the good stuff. we deliver you over to a good man. the "newsroom" with jake tapper. good morning. thanks for joining me for this special edition of cnn "newsroom." i'm jake tapper in for carol costello. we join with the neighboring dispute in crimea. tensions are ratcheting up. a tense scene, russian forces firing shots as unarmed troop try to approach them. one lead ago peels for the brother nations to hold negotiations.


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